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>>reporter: they are happy for the men and women coming home, especially for their families. none of them feel 100 percent relieved. men and women are the best in the world. i thank god for all of them every day, for what they do, i have a lot of friends who lost sons and daughters. to say they are coming home is awesome! i think that we all a little reserved to say that it is over. i think many of us feel is not over. i have a feeling many of them will get sent to other places like afghanistan. i think there is a big contingency in kuwait. i think there is concern that things will fall apart. even the iraqi people are concerned about that. our concerns as parents are that our kids will have to go back. >> i thought about how much our country has lost in terms of military personnel who have lost their lives and limbs or are suffering. not only am i concerned about those who are serving, i am concerned about the veterans. the veterans administration is putting on a strong push, but they have already been overwhelmed. here, we have hundreds of thousands of injured soldiers coming back. i do not think we have the resources that are going to be sufficient to handle all of their needs. >> i hope the american people never forget the lives lost and families that have suffered in the the troops that have given so much. >>vicki: the nine year war to its toll on americans and iraqis. over 4000 service members were killed. at least 2097 contractors were killed and at least 103,000 iraqis were killed. 174 journalists died while covering the war. investigators believe smoke inhalation killed a man during a fire in oakland this morning. it was reported at 7:30 a.m. at a house on are first-rate. three people made it out alive. the man who died was sleeping. investigators say the fire started in the garage but they are unsure of what caused it. >>vicki: dozens of residents remained without a home. investigators estimate the cost of the damage at 1.5 million. no one was hurt although a dog did died from smoke inhalation. nichole shanafelt shows us how some of the displaced residents are coping. >> people were running and carrying their heads without shoes. kids were screaming, trying to find their parents. >>nichole: she and her mother's day at a nearby hotel because their apartment was destroyed. >> our preparations for christmas are pretty much gone. we're going to be spending christmas in a hotel. >>nichole: all tenants in the complex are required have renter's insurance as a live here fan ever sanchez was hoping the insurance to cover her hotel stay up front. hoax >>brian: for tonight, more of the same weather, valley fall will be forming in the north bay and east bay. for tomorrow morning, that could be an issue. temperatures are not as cool. san francisco, oakland and san jose, look for thirties. we will have to deal with the fog and clouds until just before noon. temperatures in the mid-upper 50s and low 60s. more on the forecast coming up. >>vicki: the holiday hustle is in full effect. the parking lot was packed. this was one of the biggest shopping days of the year. the national retail federation estimates holiday sales will reach more than four to 69 billion. that is 3.8% higher than last year's sales. >>vicki: officers in oakland >>vicki: it all came down to the last few plays. if the lions drove 98 yds to score a touchdown. sebastian jankowski tried for an nfl record 65 yd field goal but he was blocked. it they will now face the pittsburgh steelers. >>vicki: coming up, what led to a violent clash between protesters and police in egypt. why did this holiday display spark controversy? we will find out if lindsay lohan helped playboys struggling sales and we will show of sony's new hand-held gearing device with features ever offered in the hand- held system before. >>vicki: protesters in egypt are facing off against police. >>reporter: these are guns wrenching images of the egyptian army seemingly gone wild. military police are mercilessly beating and stomping on a female protester, half naked and helpless. since friday, security forces have been battling protesters in central cairo. at least 10 people have been killed, more than 500 wounded. saturday, military police descended on the square a burning protesters tents. they have been occupying this square for weeks, demanding that the military hand over control to the country civilians. the prime minister denied violence was used against protesters, but pictures contradict his version of the events. another victim of the violence was the over 200 year old scientific institute. the latest clashes have sent shock waves through egypt. the economy is fast approaching a crisis. hard-currency reserves have been depleted. foreign investment is the dried up and tourists have been scared away. egyptians are divided between those who want the military to go now and a greater number who are simply desperate for peace and quiet. for now, it appears in either of those two groups are going to get what they want. >>brian: at temperatures are pretty gillian. upper 30s in santa rosa, forties around the bay. >>brian: here is a live look outside from mt. tam. there is the trans america here. we have mainly clear skies. the clouds are increasing for tonight. low clouds moving in all of the ocean. in the valleys, pretty much the same story, low visibility into tomorrow morning. temperatures right now are in the '30's, 40's and '50's. here is the satellite view. we have a weather system spinning across southern california but dry weather over northern california. the storm track remains to the north in will stay here for a while. the could be into the middle of next week before we get rain. it does not look like wet weather is coming our way any time soon. look for a spare the air night tonight. the air is very stable, when smoke goes into the air, it could become trapped off causing poor air quality. burning is prohibited. low clouds and fall tomorrow. sunny skies as we go into tomorrow afternoon. here is a lake tahoe today. you can see clouds across the lake this afternoon. a beautiful sight. there is no snow in the forecast but i heard from the people at north star who said the temperatures have been really cold and they have been making a lot of snow over the past several weeks. looking at fog tracker 4 tonight, we have fog moving. we have a fall forming in the east bay and north bay valleys, we also have clouds coming in of of the ocean. for the afternoon, look for highs in the upper 50s and if you temperatures reaching 60 degrees. here is a look at your 7 day around the bay. dry weather through the week with a lot of sunshine and fog in the morning. as we start out the first week of wonder, officially starting wednesday night, it will flight we will warm things up as we move towards next weekend, christmas eve and christmas day.--we're starting the first week of winter. >>gabe: this is the leak had made by a leap frog. it is a tablet designed for kids. it is in this year's hot holiday tech gift item. it is sold out everywhere. a lot of parents are desperately trying to find one. it is like the derby or cabbage patch dolls of years past. it is going for double and triple the price on ebay and on amazon over 150 retailers are price gouging, selling this for over double the price. it is a dumbed down ipod aimed at kids 4-9. it is touchscreen and comes with a stylus. yet house hall will a zero- and all this jur it appears that that is a vehicle appears to be abandoned. this to occur from the city confirms it has been sitting for at least 72 hours serious at least the registration is current. a few blocks away there is a police barricade with not one, not to, but three bikes attached. they are all rested with flat tires. one person's trash is another person's treasure. in some cases is simple garbage being dumped on the street and simple furniture. how do you know if they don't count has been sitting for too long? check on the back for the graffiti tag. you can find just about anything from microwaves to shoes and everything in between. a lot of the trash can be found in the smaller alleys. see this cardboard box? if you look inside, it contains used coffee mugs. i spoke to some neighbors who told me it has actually gotten better. from what i can see, some areas look really bad. i guess for some people i call it a lack of civic pride which can be contagious, not in a good way. >>vicki: it might be away in a manger at one military base. coming up we will find out why this holiday display is sparking controversy and we will hear president obama and his pledge to jewish voters. lucy lindsay lohan and hurtful those bread is giving a boost to playboy's sales. home in time for the holidays. barbara hall looks at the end of the line and iraq. barbara >> a lot of hugging and cheers of joy and relief as the last u.s. soldiers pulled out of a rock. a historic moment they will never forget. a line of armored trucks headed down the road, out of the combat zone. one word to describe that this official felt. >> pride in what those who have gone before us have done and pride in my soldiers as they complete their mission. >>reporter: another official says it is good to see hard work paid off. >> a tremendous amount of coordination and synchronization. >>reporter: the u.s. and its mission with a flag casing ceremony on thursday. some lawmakers are split on the pullout. >> i am concerned about our rapid withdrawal. >>vicki: one christmas display is staying put despite objections. >> this modest nativity displayed on the base will stay in place along with bits of menorah. >> i agree, i think that it should state. everyone has the freedom of speech. >> people want to see good cheer. moved it for what? >>reporter: the judge advocate general's office decided that these symbols do not violate the constitution. >> these soldiers fight for usa. i agree with them. >>reporter: is an organization demanded the base removed or relocated to sleep. they believe it endorses the beliefs of two monotheistic religions. the foundation says it exists to protect service members on religious attacks and profits rising but after review the military says the statues of justice--joseph, mary and jesus will not be evicted. >>brian: here is a live view from the presidio looking out over san francisco at the palace of fine arts and the trans america. we have low clouds pushing into the bay right now. this is a shot from the roof looking over this city. there is the embarcadero. for tonight, low clouds and the areas of fog in the north bay in the east bay valleys. already in santa rosa, the visibility is beginning to worsen. for >>reporter: the situation here is not good. >> we are near bottom. >>reporter: for 2012, the fire district is facing a $2.2 million budget shortfall serious declining tax revenue in the diversion of funds to education every development means that the cash struck fire just faces tough choices. hanley says he has to eliminate six physicians and a close first asian 75 in rodale leaving only station 76 and hercules to serve a community of 37,000 people in this to answer about two dozen calls for year. >> i am very concerned. i am concerned for the community and the firefighters. >>haaziq: in the first day of circulation, several hundred oakland residents signed a petition to recall oakland mayor jean quan. >> we have the petitions open, we started canvassing yesterday and have up to 160 days to get those 20 else's signatures. we just keep adding volunteers every day. in the first 11 months, we have seen so many disasters. she drove out the police chief, she had the occupy disaster, she asked for more money and it would not tell us what it was for. it has been on drama and no progress. >>haaziq: although the handling of the occupy oakland protests have received national attention, he says it did not start the recall effort. >> we filed the recall application before the first major events at occupy oakland. this was just the last straw. >>haaziq: mayor quan calls a divisive it is something that may take away from some of our initiatives. it's >>vicki: there is a new way to pay for parking in san francisco. the city launched a program that would keep it with your phone. jeff bush explains. jeff >> and you can still pay for parking with coins, but it is hard to keep them around when you need them. now, you can pay for parking with your phone. the smart phone application is available for android, iphone and blackberry. just register your phone number and give a credit card or debit card number. if, for some reason, you get a ticket by mistake, use your data from the application to dispute the charge. >> every time you make a transaction, you have received said to you or did you can store somewhere else. you'll have a record you have 80 and you can use that to dispute. there is a 455 transaction fee every time you make a transaction. in this case, it goes directly to the vendor. we feel it is better to pay 455 then a $65 ticket. >>reporter: the meters will be citywide by the end of april. >>vicki: the president is courting the jewish community. will find out how. we will see lindsay lohan bearing a dollar monthly dues of playboy and why hugh hefner is talking about it. >>vicki: in decision 2012, president obama was in full campaign mode on friday reaching out to an important voting bloc, and jewish voters. >>reporter: for jewish ed minutes--for jewish voters, >>president obama: no u.s. administration has done more in support of israel's security than ours. none. do not let anyone else to argue otherwise. it is a fact. >>reporter: this is just a piece of the president's strategy to accumulate support among jewish voters. >> there needs to be no- space between the united states and israel. this administration has absolutely swamped. >>reporter: this advertisement accused the obama administration of treating israelite a punching bag. at the obama administration does have its defenders. both the white house and the campaign have a point person to handle jewish outreach. why this aggressive effort to target the small fraction of the overall population? >> on voting day, rain or shine, the voter turnout is much higher and registration among jews is much higher than other americans. jews tend to concentrate in certain states. some of those states are particularly important, like the state of florida. if >>vicki: president obama is the first president to speak at that conference. lindsay lohan decided to bear it all. coming up will see what playboy fans cannot get enough of. >>brian: we have a lot of clouds and fog. the temperatures in the low-mid- 50s. i will let you know what the weather is going to be like for tomorrow. >>gabe: in the san francisco's south of market area, it is hot with tech companies. a report stresses that housing preferences are changing into that young professionals want to live near where they work. they want a 24 hour global city model with public transit. you have bart ended muni on market street. they also want shops and restaurants in close proximity. generation white, young professionals are driving up the demand for apartments and driving up rent which makes investing in apartments a safe bet. >>brian: here is a live shot looking out toward san francisco. we have low clouds moving into the bay. they're going to make for credit conditions as we go into tomorrow morning. we also have fog to contend with. it is beginning to sink in. the temperatures are currently in the '40's and '50's. >>brian: will have the clout to start tomorrow but it will be sunny by the afternoon with temperatures making it up into the mid fifties. at midnight tonight looking at the fog situation we have two areas of cloudiness. we have coastal low clouds pushing into the bay. that is what we have to deal with. these clouds generally do not cause visibility problems. we do have a valid fog of the north bay and east bay. unheard- >>vicki: it was a big weekend for three film franchise is at the box office. here is today's hollywood minute period of privilege >> playboy fans cannot get enough of lindsay lohan. hugh hefner tweet did that the january/february issue of his breaking sales records. newsstands in major cities say that the issue is selling well and some are selling out. it is official, brady spears has updated her facebook status to engage. her longtime agent popped the question on thursday. it was his 40th birthday. they have been an item since 2009. this will be the third marriage for birdie spears. neil lane is telling people that her ring is platina with around the diamond and 90 small diamonds circling the band. the sherlock holmes sepal was the top draw at the weekend box office. the film reunites robert downey jr. ended june block. it sold $40 million worth of tickets. another franchise, out and and the chipmunks cold and 23.5 million. mission impossible if goes protocol made $13 million of the weekend. >>vicki: coming up, a new gaming device with features never before offered in a hand-held system. the countdown to 2012 into the kron4 new year's live party is under way. this is the bay area's favorite way to bring in the new year. new year's live brings home a spectacular fireworks show and takes you to the best and biggest artists around. the party starts new year's eve at 11:30 p.m.. >>gabe: the the dow has a big 5 in. screen. yoli the technology is the best on the market for sharp, bright images. it is like holding a miniature police station three. it brings augmented reality to gaming blending the real world around you with the game you're playing in real time. it does this using a front and rear camera. it is touchscreen. he can play games that way and it has doled joysticks. it is the first hand-held dimming system to offer 3d cell phone service from at&t. your device can always be connected when you are on the go. you cannot use it on the phone, we will always be connected to the web and give the community. it is on a pre order and comes out in february. it will cost between 300-3 under $49. >>marty: can you believe christmas is only a week away? the cold weather gets in the christmas spirit. >>vicki: we are back at 11:00 p.m.. we will see that. but i can't stay warm. 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United States , Cairo , Al Qahirah , Egypt , Iraq , Israel , Afghanistan , Embarcadero , California , Florida , Hollywood , Kuwait , San Francisco , Americans , America , Egyptians , Iraqi , Iraqis , American , Egyptian , Sherlock Holmes , Lindsay Lohan , Lucy Lindsay Lohan , Barbara Hall , Jean Quan , Oakland Vicki , Jeff Bush , Robert Downey Jr , Hugh Hefner , Sebastian Jankowski ,

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