Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20150905 : comparemela

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20150905

she saw security guard of salt and even smother another shopper. kate is level wholefood store tonight with how the store is responding to all of us >> reporter: good evening a spokesperson fall " for all food market says that security guard herman lear moved although guards to remain inside the store to buy. >> reporter: is taken unsaddle wholefoods place last night hard to look at. lies face down on the pavement a pool of blood. lloyd's says it was a one-sided assault the hands of the whole food security guard. "hours so were overwhelmingly power to limit them no actual fight. >> reporter: that 930 a disagreement between the man and a cashier. "or was being uncooperative and guess." >> reporter: marks was nearby but cannot give argument. "shouting now threatening" fen >> reporter: the security guard stephan. "the security guard termagants a concrete wall. secure"the guard at first again faubus a concrete wall on ellis of the door." >> reporter: city arts of the kid then by the time to shop for was the analyst your. he was unconscious and bloodied. essentially customers call for help. paramedics treated the man play. sticker for its. wholefood says there misstating what happens if. marx who shared far as a social media appalled. "but let the security for the"wealthier the the >> reporter: food said the statement the graphic images circulating and face but twitter disturbing the silliest move swiftly to gather the facts we want to make it clear whole foods market takes zero tolerance of approach to violence at this point we do not know the identity of the man in the photo. >> grant: bahut crime trends in the last hour learn about another finance was slashing incident of the victims. 10 year-old girls paul latta police say this afternoon 315 if the guy in this neighborhood without hands on in a car near intersection of ross perot defames avenue for a. girls walking fans and they saw him in the driver's seat of a navy blue honda fifth met i contact never gestured to them or try to get them to come closer if. girls ran home.. but the time police came the guy was gone. third time since school started kids have seen a naked guy as schooler letting l. police marked and unmarked vehicles patrolling roads and schools tariff relief to suspect sketch soon. >> pam: on ventilators struck out on-site bay area hours away from another closure of art this translates to second time in five weeks of bard is shutting the tubes connecting san francisco oakland's core rate flat at the embarcadero station tonight and the bar is just telling people with an arm of the cameras began. barr >> reporter: sang at the sort of complete passengers noticed a much smoother ride to the chair as bait to get that will be closing tonight at midnight. >> reporter: will not be an option midnight saturday morning traffic to will be shut down. there'll be no service between oakland sentences sofa the second scheduled closure for the two crews replaced half mile section of track for its advice for people this weekend to stay on your sunday a few of the travel office between east the city for years of extra time. >> reporter: are will be earning free travel bus service 19th street station oakland fan temporary transfer terminal during work most writers don't seem to be bothered by the closure. remember"lesser holidays the ditch about after. time for construction we have half a million passengers riding our everyday definitely have to improve wonderful let the defendant. >> reporter: people getting the message bart will be closed on that transmits to this weekend are hopes to have all this work completed tuesday morning for clock. >> grant: transit officials say it several bay area bridges like william more congested because the two closure's bay bridge golden gate bridge richmond center fell 7 tel you name it a lot of people driving instead of the gunfire and other big shot down over labor day weekend at&t part for thinking street closed as the city's transit agency working on central subway project closure will start at 10:00 tonight at placidyl five tuesday morning meeting will be impacted illegal concert at at&t part toman night our web site has he covered alternate routes which translates to mean the closure had to kron4news-dot- com glad all out there. >> pam: 35 million americans expected to take to the roads to the skies this labor day weekend fascinated driver sped and average to under $70 a long weekend road trip california highway patrol laws provide everyone falloff according to chp 27 people killed traffic collisions across california during the 2014 labour holiday three of them killer i hear the bay area than the getaway also affecting bay area airports will travel to sf over the weekend u.s. travel association estimates people spend under $1,100 on weekend flights sunday expected to be the busiest travel day people returning home from the intelligence. >> reporter: steering hill taught a week and it the weather will be a spectacular warming up lots of sunshine hi claus right now see them here on the 70 abridge the very tail end of a hotel system this of the northwest generating some small wins lot with " amateurs those lines producing temperatures fully taken the upper 60s low '70's by the bay of for 77 valets these number below average forming starting to take place in the north face of things to come winds start to shift night instead of coming in off the ocean they will come out of the no. 4 tomorrow and keep the fog away for this weekend really cause things to warm up 5 to 10 degrees warmer tomorrow were still for sunday by the time labor day rolls around temperatures approaching 100 degrees more about the labor day weekend forecast coming off. >> pam: its effort suffered life-threatening injuries after a strong wind blew him and oncoming traffic along the great highway 7 system that believe the strong wind gusts pushed the kite's server from the ocean towards the land police say the man was hit by car near slothful are taken to san francisco general hospital condition is believed to be critical life- threatening injuries traffic was stopped for hours after police investigated charges tonight chronic abuse at the santa clara county jail following the arrest of three jail guards yesterday charges of beating a mentally ill inmate to death relatives of jail inmates in san jose rally aid to draw attention to abuse by guards and jailed ability to deal with mentally ill inmates among the demonstrators william mendoza says his son began. "they handcuffed him beat him handless but open for treated and that grammatical. >> pam: 4 after learning the three guards charged yesterday brutal murder of 31 year-old michael tyree he was mentally ill allegedly beaten by the guards for floor refusing to take his medicine. and the >> pam: documented immigrants will be charged with murder today ruled there is enough evidence to charge francisco lopez for second- degree murder and felony possession public defense attorney called stanley's death of frank accident claims his client pick up the gun wrapped in cloth looking for something of value because he is homeless however prosecutors say the shooting was no accident they told police he intentionally fired the gun at a seal and the bullet hit stallions that lopez sanchez deported five times before the shooting. has become the center of a national debate on immigration kron 4 reached out to a family after the murder trials for announced that text message to his brother brad said yes we heard that is the last night because anxious about the outcome in fact may remember earlier this week tossups the severances the city hall family family announced that they are filing wrongful death lawsuit against the share of bureau of land management and federal immigration authorities by connection with kate stanley's staff. >> pam: a minor police lab for tubercular appeared have a taste for booze and for smokes surveillance video the to seeing here of the delhi of its cash register and higher stock of cigarettes high-priced liquor they got in by having one robber squeeze through a very small opening they made off with ed garvey. >> pam: details about sexual assault at napa valley college. two releases sketched a of a mad was in the attack please will you take a look at this he tackled minnesota restroom monday afternoon hiding and one of the stalls of them came out and sexually assaulted the woman described as a white male between 56 and 68-we be light brown hair light-colored eyes last seen wearing blue jeans carrying a black hoodies switcher. >> pam: ahead tonight no joke of a group suing bay area cities in an effort to combat the housing prices plus awarding five propellers dangerous algae killed a dog river officials say keep their pets away from next local teenager been praised for what he did and found $2,300 on the ground local >> pam: teenager i honored by his school district doing the right thing in a very big way family turner has the story. "what. with >> reporter: 30 has will did with that while at extraordinary especially with the heroes and side tommy took the wallet to his teacher make sure it got back to the person who read lost. there was no idea what school resource officer use social security card and an effort to find the man to return it with all its contents. what turned out to blunt the veteran and another student at times has will rent money he saved in doing so became a little bit of a hero himself. >> pam: affordable housing advocates and the tactic in an effort to try to create more housing for those who live and work in the day the answer filing lawsuits against suburban cities and sherman explains a group called see the suburbs sides sat on the city of lafayette. >> reporter: tests like these and a lack of affordable housing a new approach to the suburbs a joke not by a long shot ryan of the california renters legal advocacy and education fund. heinemann approves plans to various bay area cities to vote build more housing and city of lafayette sent this letter to the city about this far sell-off here on the road version like call for more the three injured moderate-income units for outcry caused the developer agrees to treat the product of 44 single family homes and fm the park. >> reporter: manager agrees to the house that the housing shortage in this city but says the location just as important as the as themselves. "it should be out next to for what mrs. of the bar stationed outside where. the proud >> reporter: economic construction and the steps from lafayette bart station downtown 50 percent of the units will be considered affordable. >> reporter: officials expected to give final reproval for the housing development on your fill road/ >> pam: less holiday of the summer season is here whether or about a warm-up just a tiny brand is and whether such a tight with the beat of a holiday weekend. >> reporter: we are looking at warm weather brought lots of sunshine for our holiday right now of the golden gate bridge clear skies alive you leave when still pretty gusty tonight up and over 20 mi. per hour from places over 30 as a weather system is spinning around currently in the pacific northwest as nothing pulls out things change quite a bit while mourning the fog free start with temperatures run around 60 degrees of the '70s by at a noon and most thought that the '80s than war places afternoon hours livermore concord redwood city san jose low 80s tablatures of about five to 10 degrees tomorrow and then whether a system of the pacific northwest are unusually strong cold system this time of year producing the temperature here in the bay area and the site tomorrow behind it as the villains come in off the oceans when comes out of the north above the sea breeze to close down things oh foulup in the '70s oakland will '80s and the south bay east bay mid-80s for sunday and then hot tech ventures east bay valid mid-90s '80s and the south today close to 90 degrees san jose sap francisco almost 80 degrees at really nice weather at the beaches sunshine no fog highs amid a for seven days although some recurrence at the coast this weekend something to be careful about or state all around the bay area latino how long this warm weather will stick around >> pam: merit shaft made the announcement during launch of a new law enforcement. academy and she wants more homegrown offices compassionate defective guardians of the community 30 students enrolled at the tree of heaven news program education program yes means yes becoming that california high-school california lawmaker discovered jerry brown a bill for the curriculum to make california the first state to cars roll districts to teach sexual violence prevention. of what to tell the education is required for the students to graduate from the operas of the bill say it would teach younger students how to develop healthy relationships. i have >> pam: boy suffers brain damage after his family says their home fumigated. healthiest and threatened to ruin east bay apple festival. >> gary: dieter's cut a big name have to cough up $2 billion to get him out all so have had anything left of that a little bit later this broadcast >> pam: that will pit written to choose a route to a set for the apple festival in hayward festival people sampled the apples during sadder and to the orchard this year happily brought an artificial state beat of the offense to snatch the fruit of wrath the branches. >> reporter: of the century's nine of them gave a sample this year of those nine burglarized only a. entry of apple's. however apple festival go on >> pam: takes place september 12th at the regional park officials say that enough apples for tasting not enough for people with take-home. >> pam: high-tech pat harmon the things detect whether your hat is in pain and a study showing millennial still like other millennial not so nice words they used to describe their peers. [female announcer] through labor day at sleep train's mattress price wars, save up to $400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. get interest-free financing until 2019 on tempur-pedic. but this special financing offer ends labor day at sleep train. >> grant: news tonight millennial largest living generation in the u.s. already more millennial < generation x and make up the largest percentage of the work force new study colonials more likely than older generations to describe themselves and their peers as self-absorbed to wasteful greedy. they also note the themselves more excepting of homosexuality interracial marriage more environmentally friendly have positive views when it comes to immigration. >> pam: >> pam: keep your animals and their children away from one california river plus a grand mother gives birth to her daughter's baby on usual will tell you about the complicated per one family that's disturbing charges leveled and faces allegedly being an international share of pornography ring leader. >> pam: the repulse the videos of of pornography found the severed his poems computer hard drive showing children engaged in sex acts. monthlong investigation carried out by the difference is the police department fbi resulted to rest please send this the case stands international lines fleet is live tonight at police headquarters with disturbing details on the story. >> reporter: on pornography involving a child as young as a one-year-old engage in sex acts of adults skin crawl in case that makes your blood boil at heart sank. >> reporter: year-old so coloring later r.i. said malt will child porn charges in april sampras's the police and fbi served out a search warrant at her home in south bass avenue chalone for the 600 files of child porn on her computer fund drive officers carlos says conversed children in chat rooms to send her sexually explicit photos of themselves the victims from all across the united states even the united kingdom in may fbi raided a married couple's house placed five kids in the same hellman to protective care please. say that all of the last couple of the sexually molested child and they did. investigators later found to 29 year-old nevada out some point that face-to-face with alice to view in train child porn harvey was arrested taken into federal custody he remains today. "it's human to often it's pretty rare but if you're engaged in this will get caught you leave a trail. >> reporter: spas issue was indicted federal court partly due in court later on the attorney says expects him enter a plea of not guilty. >> grant: news one of those popular places to go labor day weekend in dallas county officials are urging people to keep their kids and pets out of the russian river. the experts news of the was wrong with real golden retriever died within minutes of swimming and the river last saturday testing not confirm the dog died from a toxic blue-green algae dog had seizures from at the mouth health officials are not sure exactly what part the river for is the problem they say this happened at some point on a floating chuffed north of the wall overage woesome partly what keep kids and pets from drinking river water clean any fish to catch really well ageism river they open to the public. >> pam: 6 mersenne up over and kentucky county catherine shows us the happened after a row of the county clerk said the jail. >> catherine: 6 time for james and william smith jr. walked in the clerk's office hoping to get married denied five times a row. a morning, officials of the name. the money certified their marriage process. the deputy clerk brian mason boss kim davis found in contempt of court sent to jail., murder for religious right kentucky libertarian senator backing their defiance of federal government. >> reporter: will remain behind bars as long as the tapes.. >> catherine: 7 says that they're ready to start their lives of a married couple >> pam: let california rescue team the help untangle line from a giant blue whale video taken earlier today the wealth estimated 75 ft. long plus a lot of the city bus spouting. diving appears to be in it have to free itself from believed to be a fishing net. worth of the we net in the water several miles off of. firmans for dallas verdict that team from national oceanic spirit of ministrations there'd help this untangle the majestic memo. what shall >> pam: foreign a unique bond between mother her daughter. >> reporter: mandaean jamie stevens dream of a moment like this for years the couple had their share struggles try to become pregnant all that would change that he was blessed with the gulf the gift... did not"seen real the best thing ever. midway gulf and this is a real. reality >> reporter: of conception is complicated they knew her husband and door the loss of a new born premature son considered turning to a surrogate for gulf. >> reporter: with adoption agency and of them so badly numbers came forward said pay a levy a surrogate at first the attack crazy l.a. reid of the vote. aphorists countless tests and his mother chosen as the best candidate. carrying the level of benefits for sherry. multiple sherry and then via 66 i fell with it at as an afterthought after the big decision for many describes as a waiting game finely the moment the family had hoped for. we were"all hogging. family welcomes her into the world july 31st a gift brought them together on unbreakable bond." >> pam: new high-tech fact heller could help lower incidence of lost pets and not really think it can do. cub born people news number of sentences close to family chicken coop crossed the bridge this fearless as gained fame fast. it took serena williams years to master the two handed backhand. but only one shot to master the chase mobile app. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. >> pam: and in the east bay " the celebrity thises chef named by to chp officers rescued her off the bay bridge to the other day in the heart of the morning commute now officials of the battle services try and find her real home proving to be challenging the shelter has had a lot of people showing up claiming the chicken belongs to them fell officials asking for proof. as custody battle old. this and people said chickens are pictures of the chicken in their backyard? : come forth with pictures of the chicken in their backyard of fleshy still here. hopefully we will be able to reunite her with. her with prior chicken pictures fortune if it seems her father's are not ruffled by any of this. content enough and occasionally an egg. fifth of >> pam: and other real owner the shelter will find a foster home for the confederate. th chicken >> reporter: few high clouds this evening the weather system pushing over the bay area straw. and winds in some spots especially at the coast. as we go into the day tomorrow. things will warmouth left of pitchers in the '50s and '60s around the bay area. 63 currently san jose. tomorrow look for lots of sunshine offshore winds developing. keeps the far away reing is going up 5 to 10 degrees. upper 80s inland valley. even worse still sunday another day with fog preconditions. these inland '80s by the fate nice beach weather with sunshine in the '70s. the coasts is going to be absolutely gorgeous this labor day weekend. the temperatures peak monday with five close to 100 degrees and winds. lots of babies absentees bayside. and really no change in sight we go through next week all the way through friday. highest in the '90s. fe valais 855 they '70s sunshine of the cuts. >> pam: florida family fema gives their home for termites and. expose them to dangerous chemicals nearly killed their son left him with brain damage. stories have half. filet of the sports talk radio free silence over the deflate the ruling. giant stride rally angel to beat the rockies in colorado of. >> pam: will florida boy who says that the boy nearly died there plan data file suit the defendant to speak not as well. >> reporter: has rolling legs could not pulled himself up as a painless dealing with hours after he and russell family exposed to dangerous chemicals lost his sister lay husband carl payne and his younger sister moved out of their city hall on the weekend while the cuddy treated for termites their toll is safe to go back and sunday after a monday morning they were all sick peyton was the worst local doctor diagnosed him with chemical poisoning paid and rushed the miami children's hospital remains today the family says that the active boy who loved sports lost more than 90 percent of his motor skills cannot speak for stand. he"has so frustrated he does what usa analyst the do he just can't do it very hard to watch. >> reporter: the family attorney who will file suit along with the scandal services turtlenecks contract of the treat the house. german accent the saying we are saddened to learn of this and heartfelt with the family carefully reviewing the matter. >> pam: stop cat can become a thing of the past links to new colors checkered past the gps to companies release that tepe technology and colors high-tech the only track your pet's blood checked for fever modern pulse and tell if your pet is in pain when from the company called voice and the prices of hundred $50 to $200 a thing of the great idea >> gary: giants have anything left they better start showing it fans and attendance tonight will birds and the bees business marlon bird in a slump for over week chris hanson got racked early back-to-back home runs for the rockies to nothing walking go wrong house seat boeing of his ankle hangs in there middlemen they're about to lose seven in a row does bring home jan's turn of the night severances go in one before you mention to one giants now six and a halfback ray is a monitoring wide the dogged camp with a look like over there rockies in the fourth inning seattle 95 when your $2 million and we'd rather give me the money and put under uniformed means you're finished for the team thinks you are abide the darnell bottom and the forty- niners 7 1/2 million dollar contract in the world of pro football hall which is guaranteed $2 million coming off a torrent a cl place entire career in arizona of ideas something left apparently not the $2 million for in-state bank you very much ever heard an apology from him deflate it started now it's time to apologize year ago they spoke all of these to be held life sirach league had to endure this dumping good for our sport we of all lost. >> grant: of appealing you could argue this could still be used against him. >> gary: your good young guy pam and i would prefer their apologize if everyone a big apology alicea gloat understand by fang apologize before you wind that i take more value of what i like the szigeti what one more time. >> gary: be into banner show circassia the warriors everything they do their the champs and then on vail the banner today their facility in the east today the championship lawyers circassia williams sang haitians only human second match in a row that as a lisa and into doesn't want any attention enjoys himself tiger was hanging out enjoying it as a sensory enough last match floss the first set he rego today did not go her way fans the opponent for the first set was she gets rolling here she comes circassia williams wins six love and the third set 6 sister venus winner taking on belinda 53 first set goes to the u.s. and second set venous would win as well be as when 6364 moves on round of 16 and have talked about the flawed when the most incredible story in sports to young women started out without a passport within miles and now a whole sport is following them. >> pam: coming up next news edition of the san francisco zoo [female announcer] through labor day at sleep train's mattress price wars, save up to $400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. get interest-free financing until 2019 on tempur-pedic. but this special financing offer ends labor day at sleep train. new >> grant: lion cubs have francisco's to their appearance wait for going to see. knowledge and there won't know for about three weeks according to the staff lion cub now passes 72 hours critical the survivor survival born sunday to lionesses mother is not binding with the baby does the staff says given those to a wide for i was keeping an eye on them faced a video camera in the den with that will fly or girl. we do not know. grill >> reporter: weekend weather wise 85 by the bay '90s and land looks fantastic we live in a pick and choose world. choose, choose, choose. but at bedtime? ...why settle for this? enter sleep number... right now all beds are on sale. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. you like the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! only at a sleep number store. right now save 50% on the labor day limited edition bed, plus 24-month special financing. hurry ends monday! know better sleep with sleep number. so, what did you guys they think of the test drive? i love the jetta. but what about a deal? terry, stop! it's quite alright... you know what? we want to make a deal with you. we're twins, so could you give us two for the price of one? come on, give us a deal. look at how old i am. do you come here often? he works here, terry! you work here, right? yes... ok let's get to the point. we're going to take the deal. the volkswagen model year end sales event ends on labor day. so hurry in to your local volkswagen dealer today. weather guys are like psychics, man. they don't know squat. i went to a psychic once, talked to my mother. mom even bothered me dead. all of the bridges? all of 'em. okay. fill me up. (clanging) (heavy thud) what's up? something in the salt. (gasps) what is it? you know that bible story about the woman who turns into salt? lot's wife? i think maybe we found her. yes, it's cold. what's your procedure when the road freezes up? booth: so, the, uh, weather's been warm for the past six weeks-- wow-- so they haven't had to use rock salt. whoa! the dermis is extremely desiccated. the salt quick-dried the tissues. looks like a really big apple doll.

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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20150905 :

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20150905

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she saw security guard of salt and even smother another shopper. kate is level wholefood store tonight with how the store is responding to all of us >> reporter: good evening a spokesperson fall " for all food market says that security guard herman lear moved although guards to remain inside the store to buy. >> reporter: is taken unsaddle wholefoods place last night hard to look at. lies face down on the pavement a pool of blood. lloyd's says it was a one-sided assault the hands of the whole food security guard. "hours so were overwhelmingly power to limit them no actual fight. >> reporter: that 930 a disagreement between the man and a cashier. "or was being uncooperative and guess." >> reporter: marks was nearby but cannot give argument. "shouting now threatening" fen >> reporter: the security guard stephan. "the security guard termagants a concrete wall. secure"the guard at first again faubus a concrete wall on ellis of the door." >> reporter: city arts of the kid then by the time to shop for was the analyst your. he was unconscious and bloodied. essentially customers call for help. paramedics treated the man play. sticker for its. wholefood says there misstating what happens if. marx who shared far as a social media appalled. "but let the security for the"wealthier the the >> reporter: food said the statement the graphic images circulating and face but twitter disturbing the silliest move swiftly to gather the facts we want to make it clear whole foods market takes zero tolerance of approach to violence at this point we do not know the identity of the man in the photo. >> grant: bahut crime trends in the last hour learn about another finance was slashing incident of the victims. 10 year-old girls paul latta police say this afternoon 315 if the guy in this neighborhood without hands on in a car near intersection of ross perot defames avenue for a. girls walking fans and they saw him in the driver's seat of a navy blue honda fifth met i contact never gestured to them or try to get them to come closer if. girls ran home.. but the time police came the guy was gone. third time since school started kids have seen a naked guy as schooler letting l. police marked and unmarked vehicles patrolling roads and schools tariff relief to suspect sketch soon. >> pam: on ventilators struck out on-site bay area hours away from another closure of art this translates to second time in five weeks of bard is shutting the tubes connecting san francisco oakland's core rate flat at the embarcadero station tonight and the bar is just telling people with an arm of the cameras began. barr >> reporter: sang at the sort of complete passengers noticed a much smoother ride to the chair as bait to get that will be closing tonight at midnight. >> reporter: will not be an option midnight saturday morning traffic to will be shut down. there'll be no service between oakland sentences sofa the second scheduled closure for the two crews replaced half mile section of track for its advice for people this weekend to stay on your sunday a few of the travel office between east the city for years of extra time. >> reporter: are will be earning free travel bus service 19th street station oakland fan temporary transfer terminal during work most writers don't seem to be bothered by the closure. remember"lesser holidays the ditch about after. time for construction we have half a million passengers riding our everyday definitely have to improve wonderful let the defendant. >> reporter: people getting the message bart will be closed on that transmits to this weekend are hopes to have all this work completed tuesday morning for clock. >> grant: transit officials say it several bay area bridges like william more congested because the two closure's bay bridge golden gate bridge richmond center fell 7 tel you name it a lot of people driving instead of the gunfire and other big shot down over labor day weekend at&t part for thinking street closed as the city's transit agency working on central subway project closure will start at 10:00 tonight at placidyl five tuesday morning meeting will be impacted illegal concert at at&t part toman night our web site has he covered alternate routes which translates to mean the closure had to kron4news-dot- com glad all out there. >> pam: 35 million americans expected to take to the roads to the skies this labor day weekend fascinated driver sped and average to under $70 a long weekend road trip california highway patrol laws provide everyone falloff according to chp 27 people killed traffic collisions across california during the 2014 labour holiday three of them killer i hear the bay area than the getaway also affecting bay area airports will travel to sf over the weekend u.s. travel association estimates people spend under $1,100 on weekend flights sunday expected to be the busiest travel day people returning home from the intelligence. >> reporter: steering hill taught a week and it the weather will be a spectacular warming up lots of sunshine hi claus right now see them here on the 70 abridge the very tail end of a hotel system this of the northwest generating some small wins lot with " amateurs those lines producing temperatures fully taken the upper 60s low '70's by the bay of for 77 valets these number below average forming starting to take place in the north face of things to come winds start to shift night instead of coming in off the ocean they will come out of the no. 4 tomorrow and keep the fog away for this weekend really cause things to warm up 5 to 10 degrees warmer tomorrow were still for sunday by the time labor day rolls around temperatures approaching 100 degrees more about the labor day weekend forecast coming off. >> pam: its effort suffered life-threatening injuries after a strong wind blew him and oncoming traffic along the great highway 7 system that believe the strong wind gusts pushed the kite's server from the ocean towards the land police say the man was hit by car near slothful are taken to san francisco general hospital condition is believed to be critical life- threatening injuries traffic was stopped for hours after police investigated charges tonight chronic abuse at the santa clara county jail following the arrest of three jail guards yesterday charges of beating a mentally ill inmate to death relatives of jail inmates in san jose rally aid to draw attention to abuse by guards and jailed ability to deal with mentally ill inmates among the demonstrators william mendoza says his son began. "they handcuffed him beat him handless but open for treated and that grammatical. >> pam: 4 after learning the three guards charged yesterday brutal murder of 31 year-old michael tyree he was mentally ill allegedly beaten by the guards for floor refusing to take his medicine. and the >> pam: documented immigrants will be charged with murder today ruled there is enough evidence to charge francisco lopez for second- degree murder and felony possession public defense attorney called stanley's death of frank accident claims his client pick up the gun wrapped in cloth looking for something of value because he is homeless however prosecutors say the shooting was no accident they told police he intentionally fired the gun at a seal and the bullet hit stallions that lopez sanchez deported five times before the shooting. has become the center of a national debate on immigration kron 4 reached out to a family after the murder trials for announced that text message to his brother brad said yes we heard that is the last night because anxious about the outcome in fact may remember earlier this week tossups the severances the city hall family family announced that they are filing wrongful death lawsuit against the share of bureau of land management and federal immigration authorities by connection with kate stanley's staff. >> pam: a minor police lab for tubercular appeared have a taste for booze and for smokes surveillance video the to seeing here of the delhi of its cash register and higher stock of cigarettes high-priced liquor they got in by having one robber squeeze through a very small opening they made off with ed garvey. >> pam: details about sexual assault at napa valley college. two releases sketched a of a mad was in the attack please will you take a look at this he tackled minnesota restroom monday afternoon hiding and one of the stalls of them came out and sexually assaulted the woman described as a white male between 56 and 68-we be light brown hair light-colored eyes last seen wearing blue jeans carrying a black hoodies switcher. >> pam: ahead tonight no joke of a group suing bay area cities in an effort to combat the housing prices plus awarding five propellers dangerous algae killed a dog river officials say keep their pets away from next local teenager been praised for what he did and found $2,300 on the ground local >> pam: teenager i honored by his school district doing the right thing in a very big way family turner has the story. "what. with >> reporter: 30 has will did with that while at extraordinary especially with the heroes and side tommy took the wallet to his teacher make sure it got back to the person who read lost. there was no idea what school resource officer use social security card and an effort to find the man to return it with all its contents. what turned out to blunt the veteran and another student at times has will rent money he saved in doing so became a little bit of a hero himself. >> pam: affordable housing advocates and the tactic in an effort to try to create more housing for those who live and work in the day the answer filing lawsuits against suburban cities and sherman explains a group called see the suburbs sides sat on the city of lafayette. >> reporter: tests like these and a lack of affordable housing a new approach to the suburbs a joke not by a long shot ryan of the california renters legal advocacy and education fund. heinemann approves plans to various bay area cities to vote build more housing and city of lafayette sent this letter to the city about this far sell-off here on the road version like call for more the three injured moderate-income units for outcry caused the developer agrees to treat the product of 44 single family homes and fm the park. >> reporter: manager agrees to the house that the housing shortage in this city but says the location just as important as the as themselves. "it should be out next to for what mrs. of the bar stationed outside where. the proud >> reporter: economic construction and the steps from lafayette bart station downtown 50 percent of the units will be considered affordable. >> reporter: officials expected to give final reproval for the housing development on your fill road/ >> pam: less holiday of the summer season is here whether or about a warm-up just a tiny brand is and whether such a tight with the beat of a holiday weekend. >> reporter: we are looking at warm weather brought lots of sunshine for our holiday right now of the golden gate bridge clear skies alive you leave when still pretty gusty tonight up and over 20 mi. per hour from places over 30 as a weather system is spinning around currently in the pacific northwest as nothing pulls out things change quite a bit while mourning the fog free start with temperatures run around 60 degrees of the '70s by at a noon and most thought that the '80s than war places afternoon hours livermore concord redwood city san jose low 80s tablatures of about five to 10 degrees tomorrow and then whether a system of the pacific northwest are unusually strong cold system this time of year producing the temperature here in the bay area and the site tomorrow behind it as the villains come in off the oceans when comes out of the north above the sea breeze to close down things oh foulup in the '70s oakland will '80s and the south bay east bay mid-80s for sunday and then hot tech ventures east bay valid mid-90s '80s and the south today close to 90 degrees san jose sap francisco almost 80 degrees at really nice weather at the beaches sunshine no fog highs amid a for seven days although some recurrence at the coast this weekend something to be careful about or state all around the bay area latino how long this warm weather will stick around >> pam: merit shaft made the announcement during launch of a new law enforcement. academy and she wants more homegrown offices compassionate defective guardians of the community 30 students enrolled at the tree of heaven news program education program yes means yes becoming that california high-school california lawmaker discovered jerry brown a bill for the curriculum to make california the first state to cars roll districts to teach sexual violence prevention. of what to tell the education is required for the students to graduate from the operas of the bill say it would teach younger students how to develop healthy relationships. i have >> pam: boy suffers brain damage after his family says their home fumigated. healthiest and threatened to ruin east bay apple festival. >> gary: dieter's cut a big name have to cough up $2 billion to get him out all so have had anything left of that a little bit later this broadcast >> pam: that will pit written to choose a route to a set for the apple festival in hayward festival people sampled the apples during sadder and to the orchard this year happily brought an artificial state beat of the offense to snatch the fruit of wrath the branches. >> reporter: of the century's nine of them gave a sample this year of those nine burglarized only a. entry of apple's. however apple festival go on >> pam: takes place september 12th at the regional park officials say that enough apples for tasting not enough for people with take-home. >> pam: high-tech pat harmon the things detect whether your hat is in pain and a study showing millennial still like other millennial not so nice words they used to describe their peers. [female announcer] through labor day at sleep train's mattress price wars, save up to $400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. get interest-free financing until 2019 on tempur-pedic. but this special financing offer ends labor day at sleep train. >> grant: news tonight millennial largest living generation in the u.s. already more millennial < generation x and make up the largest percentage of the work force new study colonials more likely than older generations to describe themselves and their peers as self-absorbed to wasteful greedy. they also note the themselves more excepting of homosexuality interracial marriage more environmentally friendly have positive views when it comes to immigration. >> pam: >> pam: keep your animals and their children away from one california river plus a grand mother gives birth to her daughter's baby on usual will tell you about the complicated per one family that's disturbing charges leveled and faces allegedly being an international share of pornography ring leader. >> pam: the repulse the videos of of pornography found the severed his poems computer hard drive showing children engaged in sex acts. monthlong investigation carried out by the difference is the police department fbi resulted to rest please send this the case stands international lines fleet is live tonight at police headquarters with disturbing details on the story. >> reporter: on pornography involving a child as young as a one-year-old engage in sex acts of adults skin crawl in case that makes your blood boil at heart sank. >> reporter: year-old so coloring later r.i. said malt will child porn charges in april sampras's the police and fbi served out a search warrant at her home in south bass avenue chalone for the 600 files of child porn on her computer fund drive officers carlos says conversed children in chat rooms to send her sexually explicit photos of themselves the victims from all across the united states even the united kingdom in may fbi raided a married couple's house placed five kids in the same hellman to protective care please. say that all of the last couple of the sexually molested child and they did. investigators later found to 29 year-old nevada out some point that face-to-face with alice to view in train child porn harvey was arrested taken into federal custody he remains today. "it's human to often it's pretty rare but if you're engaged in this will get caught you leave a trail. >> reporter: spas issue was indicted federal court partly due in court later on the attorney says expects him enter a plea of not guilty. >> grant: news one of those popular places to go labor day weekend in dallas county officials are urging people to keep their kids and pets out of the russian river. the experts news of the was wrong with real golden retriever died within minutes of swimming and the river last saturday testing not confirm the dog died from a toxic blue-green algae dog had seizures from at the mouth health officials are not sure exactly what part the river for is the problem they say this happened at some point on a floating chuffed north of the wall overage woesome partly what keep kids and pets from drinking river water clean any fish to catch really well ageism river they open to the public. >> pam: 6 mersenne up over and kentucky county catherine shows us the happened after a row of the county clerk said the jail. >> catherine: 6 time for james and william smith jr. walked in the clerk's office hoping to get married denied five times a row. a morning, officials of the name. the money certified their marriage process. the deputy clerk brian mason boss kim davis found in contempt of court sent to jail., murder for religious right kentucky libertarian senator backing their defiance of federal government. >> reporter: will remain behind bars as long as the tapes.. >> catherine: 7 says that they're ready to start their lives of a married couple >> pam: let california rescue team the help untangle line from a giant blue whale video taken earlier today the wealth estimated 75 ft. long plus a lot of the city bus spouting. diving appears to be in it have to free itself from believed to be a fishing net. worth of the we net in the water several miles off of. firmans for dallas verdict that team from national oceanic spirit of ministrations there'd help this untangle the majestic memo. what shall >> pam: foreign a unique bond between mother her daughter. >> reporter: mandaean jamie stevens dream of a moment like this for years the couple had their share struggles try to become pregnant all that would change that he was blessed with the gulf the gift... did not"seen real the best thing ever. midway gulf and this is a real. reality >> reporter: of conception is complicated they knew her husband and door the loss of a new born premature son considered turning to a surrogate for gulf. >> reporter: with adoption agency and of them so badly numbers came forward said pay a levy a surrogate at first the attack crazy l.a. reid of the vote. aphorists countless tests and his mother chosen as the best candidate. carrying the level of benefits for sherry. multiple sherry and then via 66 i fell with it at as an afterthought after the big decision for many describes as a waiting game finely the moment the family had hoped for. we were"all hogging. family welcomes her into the world july 31st a gift brought them together on unbreakable bond." >> pam: new high-tech fact heller could help lower incidence of lost pets and not really think it can do. cub born people news number of sentences close to family chicken coop crossed the bridge this fearless as gained fame fast. it took serena williams years to master the two handed backhand. but only one shot to master the chase mobile app. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. >> pam: and in the east bay " the celebrity thises chef named by to chp officers rescued her off the bay bridge to the other day in the heart of the morning commute now officials of the battle services try and find her real home proving to be challenging the shelter has had a lot of people showing up claiming the chicken belongs to them fell officials asking for proof. as custody battle old. this and people said chickens are pictures of the chicken in their backyard? : come forth with pictures of the chicken in their backyard of fleshy still here. hopefully we will be able to reunite her with. her with prior chicken pictures fortune if it seems her father's are not ruffled by any of this. content enough and occasionally an egg. fifth of >> pam: and other real owner the shelter will find a foster home for the confederate. th chicken >> reporter: few high clouds this evening the weather system pushing over the bay area straw. and winds in some spots especially at the coast. as we go into the day tomorrow. things will warmouth left of pitchers in the '50s and '60s around the bay area. 63 currently san jose. tomorrow look for lots of sunshine offshore winds developing. keeps the far away reing is going up 5 to 10 degrees. upper 80s inland valley. even worse still sunday another day with fog preconditions. these inland '80s by the fate nice beach weather with sunshine in the '70s. the coasts is going to be absolutely gorgeous this labor day weekend. the temperatures peak monday with five close to 100 degrees and winds. lots of babies absentees bayside. and really no change in sight we go through next week all the way through friday. highest in the '90s. fe valais 855 they '70s sunshine of the cuts. >> pam: florida family fema gives their home for termites and. expose them to dangerous chemicals nearly killed their son left him with brain damage. stories have half. filet of the sports talk radio free silence over the deflate the ruling. giant stride rally angel to beat the rockies in colorado of. >> pam: will florida boy who says that the boy nearly died there plan data file suit the defendant to speak not as well. >> reporter: has rolling legs could not pulled himself up as a painless dealing with hours after he and russell family exposed to dangerous chemicals lost his sister lay husband carl payne and his younger sister moved out of their city hall on the weekend while the cuddy treated for termites their toll is safe to go back and sunday after a monday morning they were all sick peyton was the worst local doctor diagnosed him with chemical poisoning paid and rushed the miami children's hospital remains today the family says that the active boy who loved sports lost more than 90 percent of his motor skills cannot speak for stand. he"has so frustrated he does what usa analyst the do he just can't do it very hard to watch. >> reporter: the family attorney who will file suit along with the scandal services turtlenecks contract of the treat the house. german accent the saying we are saddened to learn of this and heartfelt with the family carefully reviewing the matter. >> pam: stop cat can become a thing of the past links to new colors checkered past the gps to companies release that tepe technology and colors high-tech the only track your pet's blood checked for fever modern pulse and tell if your pet is in pain when from the company called voice and the prices of hundred $50 to $200 a thing of the great idea >> gary: giants have anything left they better start showing it fans and attendance tonight will birds and the bees business marlon bird in a slump for over week chris hanson got racked early back-to-back home runs for the rockies to nothing walking go wrong house seat boeing of his ankle hangs in there middlemen they're about to lose seven in a row does bring home jan's turn of the night severances go in one before you mention to one giants now six and a halfback ray is a monitoring wide the dogged camp with a look like over there rockies in the fourth inning seattle 95 when your $2 million and we'd rather give me the money and put under uniformed means you're finished for the team thinks you are abide the darnell bottom and the forty- niners 7 1/2 million dollar contract in the world of pro football hall which is guaranteed $2 million coming off a torrent a cl place entire career in arizona of ideas something left apparently not the $2 million for in-state bank you very much ever heard an apology from him deflate it started now it's time to apologize year ago they spoke all of these to be held life sirach league had to endure this dumping good for our sport we of all lost. >> grant: of appealing you could argue this could still be used against him. >> gary: your good young guy pam and i would prefer their apologize if everyone a big apology alicea gloat understand by fang apologize before you wind that i take more value of what i like the szigeti what one more time. >> gary: be into banner show circassia the warriors everything they do their the champs and then on vail the banner today their facility in the east today the championship lawyers circassia williams sang haitians only human second match in a row that as a lisa and into doesn't want any attention enjoys himself tiger was hanging out enjoying it as a sensory enough last match floss the first set he rego today did not go her way fans the opponent for the first set was she gets rolling here she comes circassia williams wins six love and the third set 6 sister venus winner taking on belinda 53 first set goes to the u.s. and second set venous would win as well be as when 6364 moves on round of 16 and have talked about the flawed when the most incredible story in sports to young women started out without a passport within miles and now a whole sport is following them. >> pam: coming up next news edition of the san francisco zoo [female announcer] through labor day at sleep train's mattress price wars, save up to $400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. get interest-free financing until 2019 on tempur-pedic. but this special financing offer ends labor day at sleep train. new >> grant: lion cubs have francisco's to their appearance wait for going to see. knowledge and there won't know for about three weeks according to the staff lion cub now passes 72 hours critical the survivor survival born sunday to lionesses mother is not binding with the baby does the staff says given those to a wide for i was keeping an eye on them faced a video camera in the den with that will fly or girl. we do not know. grill >> reporter: weekend weather wise 85 by the bay '90s and land looks fantastic we live in a pick and choose world. choose, choose, choose. but at bedtime? ...why settle for this? enter sleep number... right now all beds are on sale. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. you like the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! only at a sleep number store. right now save 50% on the labor day limited edition bed, plus 24-month special financing. hurry ends monday! know better sleep with sleep number. so, what did you guys they think of the test drive? i love the jetta. but what about a deal? terry, stop! it's quite alright... you know what? we want to make a deal with you. we're twins, so could you give us two for the price of one? come on, give us a deal. look at how old i am. do you come here often? he works here, terry! you work here, right? yes... ok let's get to the point. we're going to take the deal. the volkswagen model year end sales event ends on labor day. so hurry in to your local volkswagen dealer today. weather guys are like psychics, man. they don't know squat. i went to a psychic once, talked to my mother. mom even bothered me dead. all of the bridges? all of 'em. okay. fill me up. (clanging) (heavy thud) what's up? something in the salt. (gasps) what is it? you know that bible story about the woman who turns into salt? lot's wife? i think maybe we found her. yes, it's cold. what's your procedure when the road freezes up? booth: so, the, uh, weather's been warm for the past six weeks-- wow-- so they haven't had to use rock salt. whoa! the dermis is extremely desiccated. the salt quick-dried the tissues. looks like a really big apple doll.

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