Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20140721 : comparemela

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20140721

> > i cannot understand why israel is bombarding gaza. > > thousands of palestinian supporters marched down market street protest in what they call in on just attack on gaza. > > they should not bombed innocent people in. in it is a zionist, racist israelis that are out of line. > > supporters of israel pack in front of the temple saying that they believe israel has the right to protect itself and has been given no choice. not choice > > can you imagine seeing the bombs and rockets land on your house? d want the police to come? the israeli army is obligated. are a country, we were declared a country. we have the right to exist and they have the obligation to protect and defend their civilians. > > so many protests from both countries speaking out today. i hear they are planning more rallies on other weekends like this. both sides did have in common that they want peace. >>western leaders are now accusing pro-russian rebels of tampering with malaysia airlines crash site in ukraine. the plane went down last week. killing all 298 people on board. officials say rebels have piled nearly two-hundred bodies into four refrigerated boxcars. while cranes have been moving chunks of the plane. those bodies remain at a train station in the town of torez. until the arrival of an international aviation delegation. > > today we have reports of a shrunken separatists hireling the remains of people into trucks in and on ceremonial fashion, removing them from the location. they have removed, we understand, some airplane parts. > >a separatist leader says rebels have recovered the black boxes for the downed plane. he said the devices would be handed over to the international civil aviation organization for further investigation. two people in sausalito found dead in a home early this morning. the case has not been ruled a homicide. but as kron four's philippe djegal reports. police say the deaths are considered suspicious. >>"we're all shocked." >>shocked that two people were found dead in this home. and, shocked that this happened in this normally uneventful neighborhood. >>"we're reeling." >>sherrie faber says she and her husband woke up to gunfire at around 2-30 in this morning. >> "it was multiple shots." >>she lives nextdoor, and says she immediately called police. >> "we were apparently the only 9-11 call. we were the only one of our neighbors that heard it." >>faber says she knows the man who owns this two-story home on san carlos avenue. a man in his early 50s that lives with his girlfriend. she says the two were having a late-night party saturday night that apparently got out of hand. when police arrived two people were found dead inside the home. >>"we have had no service calls here in the past." >>police chief jennifer tejada says the cause of deaths is still under investigation. this case has not been labeled a homicide. she will only say that the deaths are suspicious and that there are no outstanding suspects or threat to the community. >> "there's really no cause for concern." >>still, neighbors are not pleased living near a crime scene. >> "its a shame that even a community like this is having such trouble." >> "police are not saying who was found dead inside there, but have you seen you neighbor since you heard the gunshots? no. have you seen his girlfriend? no." >>and, putting things into perspective on just how rare this scene is here. the chief says this city has not yet had a homicide this year. in sausalito, philippe djegal, kron four news. >>a woman is dead and a suspected drunk driver arrested after car crash in santa rosa early this morning. 22-year-old sarai torres-nunez was the passenger in a honda s- u-v. that overturned and crashed into a tree near highway 12. officials say the car sped through a red light at the intersection near the dutton avenue off-ramp. the driver. 21-year-old antonio moreno-murillo. was arrested on suspicion of d-u-i. driving with a suspended license. and violating probation. oakland police say they're stepping up patrols after a series of shootings injured 4 ----including a 9-year-old girl. police say she was shot when a group of armed men started shooting at each other near lowell park around five last night. three others were injured in shootings that happened between saturday night and this morning. all victims are expected to survive. so far, police have not made any arrests. officials say at least six prominent aids researchers died in the malaysia air plane crash. their deaths being felt right here in the bay area. kron 4's mike pelton was at the 29th annual aids walk san francisco and shows us the impact the deaths are having on the h-i-v and aids communites. > >with a big crowd, wearing a lot of red. for many at aids wlk san francisco this journey hits cloe to home >>my brother passed away 20 years ago from hiv and it's important we fight the cause >>ken woods is among those walking to raise both awareness and money for dozens of bay area hiv and aids organizations. sundays walk saw more than 20- thousand runners and more than 2-point-2 million dollars raised. >>it's important for us as a family to support those in this community >>this year's walk turned slightly more somber. with heavy hearts and minds thinking of the group of aids researchers killed in the malaysian plane crash earlier in the week. the aids agencies and organizers say it's a big blow >>what a bitter irony that people working to do such good woud be lost tie it actually takes us one step backwords >>but the fight moves on against h-i-v and aids organizers say we are getting closer to a cure awareness and treatments are better thanks to the money raised from all the miles walked >>because you walk 3xwe have a chance to have a generation without hiv >>sundays walk through golden gate park spanned 6.2 miles but for many like ken their hope goes way further than that find a cure, keep fighting the fight > > if you miss today's walked you can still go online and donate or do so through our web site. > > very cloudy and muggy out there with scattered showers for the bay area with heavy rain into the sierras. we also have this a red box over the it yosemite park with a flash flood warning. closer to the bay area we see in northern--new were showers. i looked outside shows a cloudy scene. you can see some rain falling from a high clouds here but it is evaporating before it gets close to the surface. tonight still has a few showers of looking at a foggy morning 10 morrow, clearing very slowly. >>in santa rosa, a teenage boy is trying to pick up where a world war two veteran is leaving off. kron four's dan rubin says a grassroots effort is underway to prevent an iconic memorial from becoming overgrown. >> this light house has been shining over santa rosa for 20 > > this was created as a peace symbol because there is a lot of. hate in this of > > a local residents, the owner of the property, is concerned world war two veteran can hurt himself while climbing a round that memorial. > > one and make sure it is updated and safe. > > his plans are to allow the grass to grow over the cross of, allowing it to fade away. > > he is counting the payments to help his cause and knocking on doors getting people nearby to help sign his petition. > > not everyone shares his opinion that many people do. his hope is that the property owner will allow people access to the cross so they can care for it if. he does not care about lawsuits and will gladly signed a lot--waiver if that is what it takes. >>for the 20th straight year, a number of bay area children are going to camp for free. kron 4's alecia reid tells us about the camp where kids of all ages get a chance to connect with others that share similar medical histories. >>rolling their suitcases.loading up the tour bus with all their luggage.and being cheered on as they head off to camp. these youngters all have something in common. >> being able to be with people who've had transplants like you. >> this is my first time seeing anyone with a transplant. i have a kidney transplant, and so does he. it's gonna be so much fun swimming and hiking. i cant wait. >>saint dorothy's camp will include a talent show, swimming, and more. these kids got a taste of it before heading off. all this fun brings campers back each year. >>this is my 2nd time going to camp. >> and i've been here for a long time. > > everybody is just really nice and it is cool. it's lots of fun. > > it's very diverse > > it's just really fun. you get to make new friends. >>counselors also see the change in the campers as they mingle with other children. >> the friendships they create, it's kind of a magical experience every year. >>parents wave goodbye, and in one week, their children will come back with stories that'll last a lifetime. in menlo park alecia reid kron 4 news. coming up at 8 the supreme court officially ends the death penalty in california. a controversy old billboard has popped up in san francisco about raising minimum wage and. the message that is turning heads. and next news about one of the robbers in a deadly shootout with police and how he is connected to another crime at the same bank >>police say they've confirmed that a bank robber killed in a recent police shootout in stockton. was among those suspected in an earlier heist at the same bank branch. detectives linked alex gregory martinez to both robberies based on surveillance video and eye witness accounts. martinez died wednesday in a shootout that also killed a hostage. officials say the robbers were dropped off. and made their getaway by stealing a car. however. police are still searching for the driver who took the robbers to the bank. > > lots of clouds out here at the golden gate bridge. the cocool thing is that we have to layers of clouds the. low clouds from the ocean, and high clouds going the other way from the east to the west. we will see that once again tomorrow. gray skies and temperatures remaining in the '60s and '70s with a few areas in the '80s. this is still well below the average which is normally in the '90s. the mild conditions will stick around for tomorrow and tuesday before things began to. to. tuesday night shows the cloudy skies with the tropical weather and some possibilities for showers. tomorrow morning we have widespread low clouds that will take a long time to close or--clear. it may take into the afternoon. we will have the high clouds in the afternoon with a chance of showers into the north bay. here is the satellite view. much of the heavy rains in the sierras but some lighter rains in the north bay with the clouds. that will stay in place with the monsoon that comes in from the desert. that coming in from the northwest will help keep the fog but firmly in place, which will make for. mild for around midnight we see the fog coming back in with a few scattered showers left over. we look at another cloudy day as we go into tomorrow with widespread fog in the morning and high clouds mixed with sunshine throughout the afternoon. another day in the '60s for san francisco and seventies in the north pay. > > a federal judge says. the death penalty in california is unconstituational. this comes after a decision eight - years ago. suspended executions in the state. kron 4's j.r. stone talked with family members of victims. who are left shaking their heads. > > three death row inmates who will not eating their last meal. any time soon wednesday a l0--a california judge ruled the law unconstitutional. families of the victims are outraged. > > think it is a slap in the face to every crime victim in the state of california. > > this really upsets me in a lot of ways. should not the victim's rights proceed the rights of those individuals that in the worst way possible took our loved ones rights? i certainly think that we at least deserve equity in the system. > > 29 page decision, the judge described that the system is unconstitutional. putting the blame on a system that his executed just 13 people since 1998. whereas families the of the victims say is about justice for him and other families of victims were left without loved ones. > > it d values to a crime against victims by allowing these people to it live instead of executing them. > > this can be overturned by the governor or the state officials office in. they are currently reviewing the rule. >>the battle to raise the minimum wage is heating up in san francisco. a controversial billboard has popped up. criticizing a proposed minimum wage hike. it shows an i-pad as a replacement for a waiter -- saying "hello, may i take your order." the people behind the billboard are against the idea of raising the minimum wage to 15-dollars an hour in san francisco. arguing that workers will soon be replaced by technology. coming up. they made a long journey from north dakota to california. rescued these "mini" horses.and how they're helping them find new homes. > > coming up the there are many ways to ride your bike and > > coming up the there are many ways to ride your bike and oakland. i will tell you the wrong [ heart beating ] oakland. i will tell you the [ female announcer ] the internet gets more exciting the faster it goes. that's why, coming soon, xfinity will double the internet speed on two of our most popular plans. xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet, period. 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[ heart beats ] double the speed. for the freshest produce you want to be close to the people who are close to the land. that's why safeway works with over 150 local growers. the folks whose hands are in the soil. planting and nurturing the kind of delicious produce that gets delivered daily to safeway. so there's more local produce to love. like this week, locally grown g&s farms sweet corn is just 8 for $2.00. safeway, ingredients for life. >>there are many ways to ride your motorcycle, dirt bike or atv but with the help of youtube and riders in oakland i'm going to show you what not to do first off there is so many things wrong about riding your bike on city sidewalks, but apparently in some sections of oakland it's kind of normal i guess it simply amazes me how people can brazenly break the law and then upload it on the internet for the word to see then people will send me nasty grams for showing it. showing stuff like riders on the opposite side of the road and let's not forget riding without a helmet after a crash with no helmet. it more like look mom no brains literally! red lights an option for these riders where you can see them rolling through then often without a care in the world except watch this. this is international blvd and fruitvale a very busy intersection and the rider know it so they stop and wait for the light to change, you already broken every law in the books why stop now these are called dirt bike take over where unlike its cousin the sideshow riders do whatever they want without even the slightest fear of getting caught since oakland police have a no pursuit policy often the riders if the see the police they just speed away this is not the first time nor will it be the last time you will see people on all terraine vehicles and dirt bilkes often without licence plates or helmets not to mention there is another name for them, some riders call them squids since none are wearing the proper riding attire if you are on a bike and no flip flops and a wife beater dies not qualify as proper riding material in oakland stanley roberts kron 4 news coming up at 8:30. frightening moments for people on a hot air it catches fire and causes an explosion. we have the details. and a group of cuban sommeliers visit the united states for the first time! still ahead. a pleasant ride turns into a scary situation when a hot air balloon catches fire.with six people on-board. they're surprised anyone survived. clashes between israel and gaza escalate to the deadliest level yet. the action the u-s is taking to try to stop the violence. and a east bay charity rescues more than dozen mini horses. how you can help them find a new home. next. > >this is just one of 19 miniature horses rescued by an east bay charity. the horses come from north dakota.and now need new homes. kron-4's jeff bush has their story. >>miniture horses were bread to work in the coal mines of europe at the peak of the industrial revolution but over the years they have become popular as pets in the united states. unfortunatly, many people who get them as pets soon realize that, even though they are small, they are still horsesand, horses are expensive to care for. mary stewart >> even though the mini horses don't cost as much as big horses, they are still horses, ther is still a cost factor and, so, many of these people are being proactive and say, i can't take care of my horse anymore. would you take my horse? and, we get a lot of that. to date, in a year and a half, we have placed 193 horses already. the group angels for mini's finds new homes for the mini horses here in the bay area, so, when they heard of a woman in north dakota who does the same thing there but has to stop because of health reasons, they got their trailers and headed there to take 19 mini horses off her hands to find them a good home. mary >> she is now in a cancer treatment center and some of these horses she didn't get to to get everything done that she wanted to so we are taking care of some of the vet bills ourselves right now to pick up the horses. this is also our dream to. there are only three miniature horse rescues in the country the, we have been told. so we will go to north dakota to help out. > >those who are interested in helping out can visit the kron 4 website for more information. >>a heart-stopping moment for witnesses watching a fiery hot air balloon crash. this happened in clinton, massachusetts on saturday. amazingly, the six people on board survived, although five suffered burns.some seriously. investigators say the balloon was attempting to land when it hit power lines, causing at least two explosions. witnesses at the scene were pretty shook up from the terrifying sight. >>"a big flash of red right in front of you and then another one. i've never seen anything like it and i'm still shaking from it." >>"we thought they were gone, we thought they were gone. everybody was calling 911." no super for second guy >>the f-a-a said it will investigate the crash. the owners of the hot air balloon company had no comment. >>the widow of a man who died of lung cancer has won a major lawsuit against r-j reynolds tobacco company. a florida jury awarded cynthia robinson 23-point-six-billion- dollars in punitive damages. she sued the company claiming it didn't warn people about the dangers of smoking. her husband started smoking when he was 13-years-old and died of lung cancer when he was 36. r-j reynolds, the makers of camel and pall mall, calls it a "runaway verdict" and will appeal. today marks the two-year anniversary of the deadly shooting at an aurora, colorado movie theater. 12 people died and 58 others were hurt when a gunman opened fire on a packed midnight showing of "the dark knight rises" on july 20-th, 2012. here are some of the police dispatch recordings from that chaotic night. police arrested james holmes in the attack. he is facing dozens of charges and has pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. this month, the judge in his case delayed his trial so an additional sanity exam could be completed. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is calling for a cease-fire and a demilitarized gaza this morning, even as israel steps up its ground offensive. 20 israelis and more than four- hundred palestinians have been killed in the continued fighting. scott thompson reports. >>"the important thing is to end the hostilities and then get into a situation where we have a sustainable cease-fire. that means beginning to discuss the demilitarization of gaza." >> hundreds of palestinians poured into gaza city following warnings israel defense forces would target a nearby town. the strikes killed at least 60 and wounded 300 palestinians. a hamas spokesman called the attack, "a crime against humanity." >>"we're sad for every civilian casualty. they're not intended. this is the difference between us. the hamas deliberately targets civilians and deliberately hides behind civilians." >>overnight, 13 israeli troops were killed in gaza. hamas claims it lured israeli tanks into a field planted with i-e-ds and destroyed the force completely. u.s. secretary of state john kerry may travel to the region to try to advance negotiations between the two sides. >>"we're in constant conversations, and i believe the president is asking me to go other there in very short order to work on the issue of a cease-fire." >>u.s. leaders continue to emphasize israel's right to defend itself against rocket attacks from hamas. during the ground incursion into gaza, israel says it discovered 13 tunnels used for smuggling militants and weapons. >>"these people are the worst terrorists, genocidal terrorists, they call for the destruction of israel and they call for the killing of every jew wherever they can find them." >>i'm scott thompson reporting. >>it's a first and it's happening in san francisco. 20 cubans have just touched down. and they're here to try our wine. these are 20 sommeliers from havanna, cuba. wine experts who can't get california wine in their country.because of politics. but they're tipping a glass right here at the wine merchant in san francisco's ferry building. >>it's amazing, welcome! welcome. > > for me is a dream come true. > > you ever had california wine before? > > back home we wait for your wine to get to the islands a. ended is just impossible to get to. >>former mayor willie brown is there to toast to wine diplomacy. the cubans are now on their way to the wine country in sonoma to sample some of the best california has to offer. 45 years ago today.american astronauts became the first humans to set foot on the moon. we have a special look at one of america's most historic milestones. > > football is back. join me and bip tonight right after the news as we welcome the raiders back to be vice stadium. we have all your sports needs tonight at 9. today marks the 45th anniversary of the lunar landing. here's a look back at the sights and sounds from that milestone day in u-s history. > 15 seconds from the lunar landing. (countdown) we have a liftoff! more forward to, drifting to the right a little. come back right.. engine. the eagle has landed. > > that's one small step for man. one giant leap for mankind. > > 0 it's a beautiful view appear. > > tomorrow nasa will honor neil armstrong who died in 2012 with a new building at. kennedy space at > > the summer monsoon which normally affects the southwest and occasionally drifts that appear to. northern to the biggest impact is ours and thunderstorms in the sierras. the heaviest thunderstorms are in the northern sierra is erupting just around now with, if you like some showers here in the bay area. we still have a few light showers going on now. for tonight, look for the cloudiness and the humidity to stick around in. has been kind of muggy and you see a lot of low clouds from our mountain view. we have to layers of clouds below, clouds and high clouds will. see that again tomorrow very similar to day. the fog will be slow clearing and afterwards we will still have high clouds with some chance of showers mixed with the sunshine. towards the end of the week we will have more sunshine and a warming trend. tomorrow is still lower temperatures than average. '60s and '70s by the bay. berkeley in the '60s and for richmond and oakland. looking ahead, tuesday and wednesday has lobbied, gray warnings but we will have faster clearing and more sunshine thursday friday into the weekend getting up into the '90s. lyle > > when ryan block made this call, he had already signed on with a new provider. > > i and declining to state why we're switching, is our choice. please proceed in disconnecting our service. please cancel our service. > > after 10 minutes of the comcast agent refusing pick cancel, he put his own on speaker and recorded the call. everything we see here is after the initial 10 minutes. > > is this a joke,? are you pumping me? > > i am trying to figure out what it is about comcast that you don't like? > > through the entire call, the customer is in system that he wants to cancel but the agent just won't do it. > > why is it you don't faster speed? help me understand why. > > help me understand why you won't just disconnect s. > 5 > oleaster 18 minutes, the agent agrees to disconnect. > > comcast apologize to the company and said they are sorry, and embarrassed and, that is not how they train their come--please. they are launching an investigation to figure out how this happened and how i can improve. > > cancelling your cable service is rarely a walk in the park. experts have a few tips available for your. check out the competition. become empowered by the rates that others offer. and when speaking with the cable company, be polite, the firm, and keep good records. police arrested a woman they say posted selfies on facebook wearing clothes she stole. accoridng to authorities in kentucky, danielle saxton shoptlifted several items from a boutique last week. the owner says he saw her leaving with clothes. after checking the security footage, he posted about the theft on the store's facebook. users saw saxton's pictures on her facebook and helped police identify who and where she was. officers aren't surpised by the help from social media. >>when the social media aspect played into it, we were able to identify who it was. and by looking at the background of the photograph we were able to pinpoint where she was at"when you put something out there, it's a matter of minutes before it can go viral, and it can go to the world." > >the boutique installed security cameras just six months ago---the owner says the purchase was worth it. >>a routine traffic stop leads to a dramatic rescue. an ohio police officer is being hailed a hero after dragging a drunken driver from the middle of a busy interstate. patrolman matt beck stopped this driver for going 82 miles per hour along a highway. but shortly after pulling him over. the man stumbled into oncoming traffic. beck ran after him. and dragged the man back across the interstate. > > i don't think there is any guy on the apartment that would not be the same thing. we have a lot of great guys here and when it's time egis spring into action. > >the man was convicted of driving under the influence. officers say this is his first offense. take a look at this. at one hundred and five years young, agness mckee became the oldest person to toss the ceremonial first pitch at a padres game. the oceanside woman was chosen to throw the pitch today in honor of her big birthday. she's condisered one of the oldest resident of san diego and as you can see, she's showing no signs of slowing down. sorry ladies ---- it's official.maroon 5 singer adam levine is off the market. levine and victoria secret model behati prinsloo married saturday after a year-long engagement. according to the magazine, the two married at flora farms in los cabos, mexico, surrounded by nearly 300 friends and family members. holly wood is mourning the loss of james garner. he died last night at his home in brentwood, california. police say the 86-year old actor died of natural causes. nischelle turner has a look at his career. >>acting never came easy for james garner. born james baumgarner, the actor described himself as a painfully shy introvert masking the condition only with effort. >>"mind over matter. i literally had to do it, saying, you can't have this attitude and be an actor and i had to change." >>garner pursued acting after dropping out of school to join the merchant marine. later, in the army, he earned two purple hearts fighting in the korean war. he got his big acting break in 1957 as the lead in the offbeat western series "maverick." >>"at that time there were like 16 westerns on television and we stuck our tongue in our cheek and made em smile and laugh a little bit and i think that was the difference." >>garner moved easily between television and film roles even before that became the rule for actors. the 1966 film 'grand prix' provided a glimpse into one of garner's long time fascinations: auto racing. the versatile actor landed the role of "jim rockford" in the detective series "the rockford files" in 1974. he won an emmy award in 1977 for his iconic role, and continued to work after the show ended its six year run. he shined in films like 'victor victoria' and 'murphy's romance' which brought garner a nomination for a best actor oscar. >>"i am not a lifeguard, i don't put up bail and i am not your dutch uncle." >>his career came full circle in the early '90s when he took a supporting role in a movie based on 'maverick,' playing the father of his original character. >>"i remember my first run away stage." >>and in an hbo production of the satirical 'barbarians at the gate.' in 2000, garner was back on the big screen in the action film "space cowboys." >>"why the hell not?" >>the easy going actor returned to television in the comedy "8 simple rules" in 2003. the following year he co-starred in "the notebook." the romantic drama was an instant hit and endeared garner to a new audience. >>"i read to her and then she remembers." >>garner's ability to excel in both television and film made him an easy choice to be honored by the screen actor's guild with a lifetime achievement award in 2004. the father of two who remained married to his wife lois for nearly sixty years, won't be soon forgotten. > > james garner was 86. >>the old saying "birds of a feather flock together" may be scientifically true. changes in pill shape may bring about problems. and there's even more reason to get up and exercise! holly firfer has the details in today's health minute. >>a new study shows we all may be genetically linked to our friends. the research, published in the "proceedings of the national academy of science," found that we share more common d-n-a with friends than we do with strangers. we share about one-percent of d-n-a with our friends. that's about the same as our 4-th cousins. new research shows appearance does matter, at least when it comes to taking prescription medication. a study in the "annals of internal medicine" looked at ten thousand post- heart attack patients. they found many patients were more likely to *not refill their medication if there was a change in the shape or color of the pill, when going from the original pill to a generic version. researchers say doctors need to re-assure patients that all generics work equally well. we've heard time and time again how sitting too much is bad for our health. but now a study in the journal mayo clinic proceedings shows exercisemay buffer some of those negative effects of sedentary behavior. for today's health minute, i'm holly firfer > > stay tuned for sports night live coming up in just a couple of minutes with jason. >>that's it for the kron 4 news at 8. get latest news developments at mobile apps. no rush, andy. come on. with the chase mobile app you can get a lot done in a little amount of time from transferring funds wait a minute. you've got to be kidding. did you guys see that? that ball was out. to paying your coach for adding five miles per hour to your serve. that ball wasn't in. get your eyes checked. help me out here. 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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20140721 :

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20140721

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> > i cannot understand why israel is bombarding gaza. > > thousands of palestinian supporters marched down market street protest in what they call in on just attack on gaza. > > they should not bombed innocent people in. in it is a zionist, racist israelis that are out of line. > > supporters of israel pack in front of the temple saying that they believe israel has the right to protect itself and has been given no choice. not choice > > can you imagine seeing the bombs and rockets land on your house? d want the police to come? the israeli army is obligated. are a country, we were declared a country. we have the right to exist and they have the obligation to protect and defend their civilians. > > so many protests from both countries speaking out today. i hear they are planning more rallies on other weekends like this. both sides did have in common that they want peace. >>western leaders are now accusing pro-russian rebels of tampering with malaysia airlines crash site in ukraine. the plane went down last week. killing all 298 people on board. officials say rebels have piled nearly two-hundred bodies into four refrigerated boxcars. while cranes have been moving chunks of the plane. those bodies remain at a train station in the town of torez. until the arrival of an international aviation delegation. > > today we have reports of a shrunken separatists hireling the remains of people into trucks in and on ceremonial fashion, removing them from the location. they have removed, we understand, some airplane parts. > >a separatist leader says rebels have recovered the black boxes for the downed plane. he said the devices would be handed over to the international civil aviation organization for further investigation. two people in sausalito found dead in a home early this morning. the case has not been ruled a homicide. but as kron four's philippe djegal reports. police say the deaths are considered suspicious. >>"we're all shocked." >>shocked that two people were found dead in this home. and, shocked that this happened in this normally uneventful neighborhood. >>"we're reeling." >>sherrie faber says she and her husband woke up to gunfire at around 2-30 in this morning. >> "it was multiple shots." >>she lives nextdoor, and says she immediately called police. >> "we were apparently the only 9-11 call. we were the only one of our neighbors that heard it." >>faber says she knows the man who owns this two-story home on san carlos avenue. a man in his early 50s that lives with his girlfriend. she says the two were having a late-night party saturday night that apparently got out of hand. when police arrived two people were found dead inside the home. >>"we have had no service calls here in the past." >>police chief jennifer tejada says the cause of deaths is still under investigation. this case has not been labeled a homicide. she will only say that the deaths are suspicious and that there are no outstanding suspects or threat to the community. >> "there's really no cause for concern." >>still, neighbors are not pleased living near a crime scene. >> "its a shame that even a community like this is having such trouble." >> "police are not saying who was found dead inside there, but have you seen you neighbor since you heard the gunshots? no. have you seen his girlfriend? no." >>and, putting things into perspective on just how rare this scene is here. the chief says this city has not yet had a homicide this year. in sausalito, philippe djegal, kron four news. >>a woman is dead and a suspected drunk driver arrested after car crash in santa rosa early this morning. 22-year-old sarai torres-nunez was the passenger in a honda s- u-v. that overturned and crashed into a tree near highway 12. officials say the car sped through a red light at the intersection near the dutton avenue off-ramp. the driver. 21-year-old antonio moreno-murillo. was arrested on suspicion of d-u-i. driving with a suspended license. and violating probation. oakland police say they're stepping up patrols after a series of shootings injured 4 ----including a 9-year-old girl. police say she was shot when a group of armed men started shooting at each other near lowell park around five last night. three others were injured in shootings that happened between saturday night and this morning. all victims are expected to survive. so far, police have not made any arrests. officials say at least six prominent aids researchers died in the malaysia air plane crash. their deaths being felt right here in the bay area. kron 4's mike pelton was at the 29th annual aids walk san francisco and shows us the impact the deaths are having on the h-i-v and aids communites. > >with a big crowd, wearing a lot of red. for many at aids wlk san francisco this journey hits cloe to home >>my brother passed away 20 years ago from hiv and it's important we fight the cause >>ken woods is among those walking to raise both awareness and money for dozens of bay area hiv and aids organizations. sundays walk saw more than 20- thousand runners and more than 2-point-2 million dollars raised. >>it's important for us as a family to support those in this community >>this year's walk turned slightly more somber. with heavy hearts and minds thinking of the group of aids researchers killed in the malaysian plane crash earlier in the week. the aids agencies and organizers say it's a big blow >>what a bitter irony that people working to do such good woud be lost tie it actually takes us one step backwords >>but the fight moves on against h-i-v and aids organizers say we are getting closer to a cure awareness and treatments are better thanks to the money raised from all the miles walked >>because you walk 3xwe have a chance to have a generation without hiv >>sundays walk through golden gate park spanned 6.2 miles but for many like ken their hope goes way further than that find a cure, keep fighting the fight > > if you miss today's walked you can still go online and donate or do so through our web site. > > very cloudy and muggy out there with scattered showers for the bay area with heavy rain into the sierras. we also have this a red box over the it yosemite park with a flash flood warning. closer to the bay area we see in northern--new were showers. i looked outside shows a cloudy scene. you can see some rain falling from a high clouds here but it is evaporating before it gets close to the surface. tonight still has a few showers of looking at a foggy morning 10 morrow, clearing very slowly. >>in santa rosa, a teenage boy is trying to pick up where a world war two veteran is leaving off. kron four's dan rubin says a grassroots effort is underway to prevent an iconic memorial from becoming overgrown. >> this light house has been shining over santa rosa for 20 > > this was created as a peace symbol because there is a lot of. hate in this of > > a local residents, the owner of the property, is concerned world war two veteran can hurt himself while climbing a round that memorial. > > one and make sure it is updated and safe. > > his plans are to allow the grass to grow over the cross of, allowing it to fade away. > > he is counting the payments to help his cause and knocking on doors getting people nearby to help sign his petition. > > not everyone shares his opinion that many people do. his hope is that the property owner will allow people access to the cross so they can care for it if. he does not care about lawsuits and will gladly signed a lot--waiver if that is what it takes. >>for the 20th straight year, a number of bay area children are going to camp for free. kron 4's alecia reid tells us about the camp where kids of all ages get a chance to connect with others that share similar medical histories. >>rolling their suitcases.loading up the tour bus with all their luggage.and being cheered on as they head off to camp. these youngters all have something in common. >> being able to be with people who've had transplants like you. >> this is my first time seeing anyone with a transplant. i have a kidney transplant, and so does he. it's gonna be so much fun swimming and hiking. i cant wait. >>saint dorothy's camp will include a talent show, swimming, and more. these kids got a taste of it before heading off. all this fun brings campers back each year. >>this is my 2nd time going to camp. >> and i've been here for a long time. > > everybody is just really nice and it is cool. it's lots of fun. > > it's very diverse > > it's just really fun. you get to make new friends. >>counselors also see the change in the campers as they mingle with other children. >> the friendships they create, it's kind of a magical experience every year. >>parents wave goodbye, and in one week, their children will come back with stories that'll last a lifetime. in menlo park alecia reid kron 4 news. coming up at 8 the supreme court officially ends the death penalty in california. a controversy old billboard has popped up in san francisco about raising minimum wage and. the message that is turning heads. and next news about one of the robbers in a deadly shootout with police and how he is connected to another crime at the same bank >>police say they've confirmed that a bank robber killed in a recent police shootout in stockton. was among those suspected in an earlier heist at the same bank branch. detectives linked alex gregory martinez to both robberies based on surveillance video and eye witness accounts. martinez died wednesday in a shootout that also killed a hostage. officials say the robbers were dropped off. and made their getaway by stealing a car. however. police are still searching for the driver who took the robbers to the bank. > > lots of clouds out here at the golden gate bridge. the cocool thing is that we have to layers of clouds the. low clouds from the ocean, and high clouds going the other way from the east to the west. we will see that once again tomorrow. gray skies and temperatures remaining in the '60s and '70s with a few areas in the '80s. this is still well below the average which is normally in the '90s. the mild conditions will stick around for tomorrow and tuesday before things began to. to. tuesday night shows the cloudy skies with the tropical weather and some possibilities for showers. tomorrow morning we have widespread low clouds that will take a long time to close or--clear. it may take into the afternoon. we will have the high clouds in the afternoon with a chance of showers into the north bay. here is the satellite view. much of the heavy rains in the sierras but some lighter rains in the north bay with the clouds. that will stay in place with the monsoon that comes in from the desert. that coming in from the northwest will help keep the fog but firmly in place, which will make for. mild for around midnight we see the fog coming back in with a few scattered showers left over. we look at another cloudy day as we go into tomorrow with widespread fog in the morning and high clouds mixed with sunshine throughout the afternoon. another day in the '60s for san francisco and seventies in the north pay. > > a federal judge says. the death penalty in california is unconstituational. this comes after a decision eight - years ago. suspended executions in the state. kron 4's j.r. stone talked with family members of victims. who are left shaking their heads. > > three death row inmates who will not eating their last meal. any time soon wednesday a l0--a california judge ruled the law unconstitutional. families of the victims are outraged. > > think it is a slap in the face to every crime victim in the state of california. > > this really upsets me in a lot of ways. should not the victim's rights proceed the rights of those individuals that in the worst way possible took our loved ones rights? i certainly think that we at least deserve equity in the system. > > 29 page decision, the judge described that the system is unconstitutional. putting the blame on a system that his executed just 13 people since 1998. whereas families the of the victims say is about justice for him and other families of victims were left without loved ones. > > it d values to a crime against victims by allowing these people to it live instead of executing them. > > this can be overturned by the governor or the state officials office in. they are currently reviewing the rule. >>the battle to raise the minimum wage is heating up in san francisco. a controversial billboard has popped up. criticizing a proposed minimum wage hike. it shows an i-pad as a replacement for a waiter -- saying "hello, may i take your order." the people behind the billboard are against the idea of raising the minimum wage to 15-dollars an hour in san francisco. arguing that workers will soon be replaced by technology. coming up. they made a long journey from north dakota to california. rescued these "mini" horses.and how they're helping them find new homes. > > coming up the there are many ways to ride your bike and > > coming up the there are many ways to ride your bike and oakland. i will tell you the wrong [ heart beating ] oakland. i will tell you the [ female announcer ] the internet gets more exciting the faster it goes. that's why, coming soon, xfinity will double the internet speed on two of our most popular plans. xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet, period. [ heart beating ] xfinity internet from comcast. double the speed. [ heart beats ] double the speed. for the freshest produce you want to be close to the people who are close to the land. that's why safeway works with over 150 local growers. the folks whose hands are in the soil. planting and nurturing the kind of delicious produce that gets delivered daily to safeway. so there's more local produce to love. like this week, locally grown g&s farms sweet corn is just 8 for $2.00. safeway, ingredients for life. >>there are many ways to ride your motorcycle, dirt bike or atv but with the help of youtube and riders in oakland i'm going to show you what not to do first off there is so many things wrong about riding your bike on city sidewalks, but apparently in some sections of oakland it's kind of normal i guess it simply amazes me how people can brazenly break the law and then upload it on the internet for the word to see then people will send me nasty grams for showing it. showing stuff like riders on the opposite side of the road and let's not forget riding without a helmet after a crash with no helmet. it more like look mom no brains literally! red lights an option for these riders where you can see them rolling through then often without a care in the world except watch this. this is international blvd and fruitvale a very busy intersection and the rider know it so they stop and wait for the light to change, you already broken every law in the books why stop now these are called dirt bike take over where unlike its cousin the sideshow riders do whatever they want without even the slightest fear of getting caught since oakland police have a no pursuit policy often the riders if the see the police they just speed away this is not the first time nor will it be the last time you will see people on all terraine vehicles and dirt bilkes often without licence plates or helmets not to mention there is another name for them, some riders call them squids since none are wearing the proper riding attire if you are on a bike and no flip flops and a wife beater dies not qualify as proper riding material in oakland stanley roberts kron 4 news coming up at 8:30. frightening moments for people on a hot air it catches fire and causes an explosion. we have the details. and a group of cuban sommeliers visit the united states for the first time! still ahead. a pleasant ride turns into a scary situation when a hot air balloon catches fire.with six people on-board. they're surprised anyone survived. clashes between israel and gaza escalate to the deadliest level yet. the action the u-s is taking to try to stop the violence. and a east bay charity rescues more than dozen mini horses. how you can help them find a new home. next. > >this is just one of 19 miniature horses rescued by an east bay charity. the horses come from north dakota.and now need new homes. kron-4's jeff bush has their story. >>miniture horses were bread to work in the coal mines of europe at the peak of the industrial revolution but over the years they have become popular as pets in the united states. unfortunatly, many people who get them as pets soon realize that, even though they are small, they are still horsesand, horses are expensive to care for. mary stewart >> even though the mini horses don't cost as much as big horses, they are still horses, ther is still a cost factor and, so, many of these people are being proactive and say, i can't take care of my horse anymore. would you take my horse? and, we get a lot of that. to date, in a year and a half, we have placed 193 horses already. the group angels for mini's finds new homes for the mini horses here in the bay area, so, when they heard of a woman in north dakota who does the same thing there but has to stop because of health reasons, they got their trailers and headed there to take 19 mini horses off her hands to find them a good home. mary >> she is now in a cancer treatment center and some of these horses she didn't get to to get everything done that she wanted to so we are taking care of some of the vet bills ourselves right now to pick up the horses. this is also our dream to. there are only three miniature horse rescues in the country the, we have been told. so we will go to north dakota to help out. > >those who are interested in helping out can visit the kron 4 website for more information. >>a heart-stopping moment for witnesses watching a fiery hot air balloon crash. this happened in clinton, massachusetts on saturday. amazingly, the six people on board survived, although five suffered burns.some seriously. investigators say the balloon was attempting to land when it hit power lines, causing at least two explosions. witnesses at the scene were pretty shook up from the terrifying sight. >>"a big flash of red right in front of you and then another one. i've never seen anything like it and i'm still shaking from it." >>"we thought they were gone, we thought they were gone. everybody was calling 911." no super for second guy >>the f-a-a said it will investigate the crash. the owners of the hot air balloon company had no comment. >>the widow of a man who died of lung cancer has won a major lawsuit against r-j reynolds tobacco company. a florida jury awarded cynthia robinson 23-point-six-billion- dollars in punitive damages. she sued the company claiming it didn't warn people about the dangers of smoking. her husband started smoking when he was 13-years-old and died of lung cancer when he was 36. r-j reynolds, the makers of camel and pall mall, calls it a "runaway verdict" and will appeal. today marks the two-year anniversary of the deadly shooting at an aurora, colorado movie theater. 12 people died and 58 others were hurt when a gunman opened fire on a packed midnight showing of "the dark knight rises" on july 20-th, 2012. here are some of the police dispatch recordings from that chaotic night. police arrested james holmes in the attack. he is facing dozens of charges and has pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. this month, the judge in his case delayed his trial so an additional sanity exam could be completed. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is calling for a cease-fire and a demilitarized gaza this morning, even as israel steps up its ground offensive. 20 israelis and more than four- hundred palestinians have been killed in the continued fighting. scott thompson reports. >>"the important thing is to end the hostilities and then get into a situation where we have a sustainable cease-fire. that means beginning to discuss the demilitarization of gaza." >> hundreds of palestinians poured into gaza city following warnings israel defense forces would target a nearby town. the strikes killed at least 60 and wounded 300 palestinians. a hamas spokesman called the attack, "a crime against humanity." >>"we're sad for every civilian casualty. they're not intended. this is the difference between us. the hamas deliberately targets civilians and deliberately hides behind civilians." >>overnight, 13 israeli troops were killed in gaza. hamas claims it lured israeli tanks into a field planted with i-e-ds and destroyed the force completely. u.s. secretary of state john kerry may travel to the region to try to advance negotiations between the two sides. >>"we're in constant conversations, and i believe the president is asking me to go other there in very short order to work on the issue of a cease-fire." >>u.s. leaders continue to emphasize israel's right to defend itself against rocket attacks from hamas. during the ground incursion into gaza, israel says it discovered 13 tunnels used for smuggling militants and weapons. >>"these people are the worst terrorists, genocidal terrorists, they call for the destruction of israel and they call for the killing of every jew wherever they can find them." >>i'm scott thompson reporting. >>it's a first and it's happening in san francisco. 20 cubans have just touched down. and they're here to try our wine. these are 20 sommeliers from havanna, cuba. wine experts who can't get california wine in their country.because of politics. but they're tipping a glass right here at the wine merchant in san francisco's ferry building. >>it's amazing, welcome! welcome. > > for me is a dream come true. > > you ever had california wine before? > > back home we wait for your wine to get to the islands a. ended is just impossible to get to. >>former mayor willie brown is there to toast to wine diplomacy. the cubans are now on their way to the wine country in sonoma to sample some of the best california has to offer. 45 years ago today.american astronauts became the first humans to set foot on the moon. we have a special look at one of america's most historic milestones. > > football is back. join me and bip tonight right after the news as we welcome the raiders back to be vice stadium. we have all your sports needs tonight at 9. today marks the 45th anniversary of the lunar landing. here's a look back at the sights and sounds from that milestone day in u-s history. > 15 seconds from the lunar landing. (countdown) we have a liftoff! more forward to, drifting to the right a little. come back right.. engine. the eagle has landed. > > that's one small step for man. one giant leap for mankind. > > 0 it's a beautiful view appear. > > tomorrow nasa will honor neil armstrong who died in 2012 with a new building at. kennedy space at > > the summer monsoon which normally affects the southwest and occasionally drifts that appear to. northern to the biggest impact is ours and thunderstorms in the sierras. the heaviest thunderstorms are in the northern sierra is erupting just around now with, if you like some showers here in the bay area. we still have a few light showers going on now. for tonight, look for the cloudiness and the humidity to stick around in. has been kind of muggy and you see a lot of low clouds from our mountain view. we have to layers of clouds below, clouds and high clouds will. see that again tomorrow very similar to day. the fog will be slow clearing and afterwards we will still have high clouds with some chance of showers mixed with the sunshine. towards the end of the week we will have more sunshine and a warming trend. tomorrow is still lower temperatures than average. '60s and '70s by the bay. berkeley in the '60s and for richmond and oakland. looking ahead, tuesday and wednesday has lobbied, gray warnings but we will have faster clearing and more sunshine thursday friday into the weekend getting up into the '90s. lyle > > when ryan block made this call, he had already signed on with a new provider. > > i and declining to state why we're switching, is our choice. please proceed in disconnecting our service. please cancel our service. > > after 10 minutes of the comcast agent refusing pick cancel, he put his own on speaker and recorded the call. everything we see here is after the initial 10 minutes. > > is this a joke,? are you pumping me? > > i am trying to figure out what it is about comcast that you don't like? > > through the entire call, the customer is in system that he wants to cancel but the agent just won't do it. > > why is it you don't faster speed? help me understand why. > > help me understand why you won't just disconnect s. > 5 > oleaster 18 minutes, the agent agrees to disconnect. > > comcast apologize to the company and said they are sorry, and embarrassed and, that is not how they train their come--please. they are launching an investigation to figure out how this happened and how i can improve. > > cancelling your cable service is rarely a walk in the park. experts have a few tips available for your. check out the competition. become empowered by the rates that others offer. and when speaking with the cable company, be polite, the firm, and keep good records. police arrested a woman they say posted selfies on facebook wearing clothes she stole. accoridng to authorities in kentucky, danielle saxton shoptlifted several items from a boutique last week. the owner says he saw her leaving with clothes. after checking the security footage, he posted about the theft on the store's facebook. users saw saxton's pictures on her facebook and helped police identify who and where she was. officers aren't surpised by the help from social media. >>when the social media aspect played into it, we were able to identify who it was. and by looking at the background of the photograph we were able to pinpoint where she was at"when you put something out there, it's a matter of minutes before it can go viral, and it can go to the world." > >the boutique installed security cameras just six months ago---the owner says the purchase was worth it. >>a routine traffic stop leads to a dramatic rescue. an ohio police officer is being hailed a hero after dragging a drunken driver from the middle of a busy interstate. patrolman matt beck stopped this driver for going 82 miles per hour along a highway. but shortly after pulling him over. the man stumbled into oncoming traffic. beck ran after him. and dragged the man back across the interstate. > > i don't think there is any guy on the apartment that would not be the same thing. we have a lot of great guys here and when it's time egis spring into action. > >the man was convicted of driving under the influence. officers say this is his first offense. take a look at this. at one hundred and five years young, agness mckee became the oldest person to toss the ceremonial first pitch at a padres game. the oceanside woman was chosen to throw the pitch today in honor of her big birthday. she's condisered one of the oldest resident of san diego and as you can see, she's showing no signs of slowing down. sorry ladies ---- it's official.maroon 5 singer adam levine is off the market. levine and victoria secret model behati prinsloo married saturday after a year-long engagement. according to the magazine, the two married at flora farms in los cabos, mexico, surrounded by nearly 300 friends and family members. holly wood is mourning the loss of james garner. he died last night at his home in brentwood, california. police say the 86-year old actor died of natural causes. nischelle turner has a look at his career. >>acting never came easy for james garner. born james baumgarner, the actor described himself as a painfully shy introvert masking the condition only with effort. >>"mind over matter. i literally had to do it, saying, you can't have this attitude and be an actor and i had to change." >>garner pursued acting after dropping out of school to join the merchant marine. later, in the army, he earned two purple hearts fighting in the korean war. he got his big acting break in 1957 as the lead in the offbeat western series "maverick." >>"at that time there were like 16 westerns on television and we stuck our tongue in our cheek and made em smile and laugh a little bit and i think that was the difference." >>garner moved easily between television and film roles even before that became the rule for actors. the 1966 film 'grand prix' provided a glimpse into one of garner's long time fascinations: auto racing. the versatile actor landed the role of "jim rockford" in the detective series "the rockford files" in 1974. he won an emmy award in 1977 for his iconic role, and continued to work after the show ended its six year run. he shined in films like 'victor victoria' and 'murphy's romance' which brought garner a nomination for a best actor oscar. >>"i am not a lifeguard, i don't put up bail and i am not your dutch uncle." >>his career came full circle in the early '90s when he took a supporting role in a movie based on 'maverick,' playing the father of his original character. >>"i remember my first run away stage." >>and in an hbo production of the satirical 'barbarians at the gate.' in 2000, garner was back on the big screen in the action film "space cowboys." >>"why the hell not?" >>the easy going actor returned to television in the comedy "8 simple rules" in 2003. the following year he co-starred in "the notebook." the romantic drama was an instant hit and endeared garner to a new audience. >>"i read to her and then she remembers." >>garner's ability to excel in both television and film made him an easy choice to be honored by the screen actor's guild with a lifetime achievement award in 2004. the father of two who remained married to his wife lois for nearly sixty years, won't be soon forgotten. > > james garner was 86. >>the old saying "birds of a feather flock together" may be scientifically true. changes in pill shape may bring about problems. and there's even more reason to get up and exercise! holly firfer has the details in today's health minute. >>a new study shows we all may be genetically linked to our friends. the research, published in the "proceedings of the national academy of science," found that we share more common d-n-a with friends than we do with strangers. we share about one-percent of d-n-a with our friends. that's about the same as our 4-th cousins. new research shows appearance does matter, at least when it comes to taking prescription medication. a study in the "annals of internal medicine" looked at ten thousand post- heart attack patients. they found many patients were more likely to *not refill their medication if there was a change in the shape or color of the pill, when going from the original pill to a generic version. researchers say doctors need to re-assure patients that all generics work equally well. we've heard time and time again how sitting too much is bad for our health. but now a study in the journal mayo clinic proceedings shows exercisemay buffer some of those negative effects of sedentary behavior. for today's health minute, i'm holly firfer > > stay tuned for sports night live coming up in just a couple of minutes with jason. >>that's it for the kron 4 news at 8. get latest news developments at mobile apps. no rush, andy. come on. with the chase mobile app you can get a lot done in a little amount of time from transferring funds wait a minute. you've got to be kidding. did you guys see that? that ball was out. to paying your coach for adding five miles per hour to your serve. that ball wasn't in. get your eyes checked. help me out here. 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