Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 10 20170429 : comparemel

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 10 20170429

opening fire. charles? (charles clifford)according to the california highway patrol, just before 530 friday afternoon, two vehicles may have been involved in a collision along the northbound lanes of highway 101 just past the hillsdale exit in san mateo. three chp officers responded to the scene, each in a separate vehicle. according to the san mateo police department, when the officers arrived they found an adult male armed with a handgun. moments later, all three chp officers fired shots at the suspect.sotthe suspect was fatally wounded in the shooting. the officers are all ok.exactly what prompted the officers to fire at the suspect is still under investigation but law enforcement sources have told kron 4's that this may have started as a road rage incident between the two male drivers of the vehicles involved in the initial accident. sources also say the chp officers tried to convince the suspect holding the gun to put it down but at some point he raised the weapon and that's when the fatal shots were fired. following the shooting, the highway patrol closed down all north bound lanes 101 between hillsdale and the 92 interchange. the southbound lanes remained open. the san mateo county district attorney, the california highway patrol and the san mateo policed department are conducting separate investigations into this shooting. (pam) shooting.into this investigations into this shooting. (pam) tonight we are learning more about the homicide suspect -- arrested after a 19 hour standoff in martinez. the man was wanted the murder of a woman in walnut creek yesterday. here is how the standoff ended late this afternoon. (pam) just seconds later, a man opens car door -- hands raised in surrender. the suspect is gregory proko- powicz... police say, he had a dating relationship with his alleged victim. kron4's lydia pantazes is live tonight... she has details on what else we are learning about the suspect and the victim. lydia? (steve) tonight...we're learning that crime on bart is on the rise this year. and certain stations are hot-spots for criminals.(pam) on the same day bart made that announcement...the transit agency also made the first arrest connected to that mob attack on a train last weekend. grant lodes is here to bring us up to speed. (grant) the first person arrested in this case is not yet 18....and because he's a minor police are only saying he's from somewhere in the bay area. police say they were able to make this arrest because some of the victims were able to identify the suspect from video surveillance cameras. that video...showing at least some of the chaos...when about 50 teenagers swarmed the station...some robbing seven people and punching two others on a dublin bound train saturday night. (grant) bart police have been tracking an increase in crime in general....up roughly 22- percent in the first three months of this year over the same time last year. crooks are mostly after smart phones or other personal electronics. and get this...since march... 19 people have been arrested for committing group robberies. those people arrested range in age from 12-21 years old. three bart stations have been determined to be hotspots for juvenile crime activity....colesium station...where saturday's event took place as well as fruitvale and san leandro's bayfair stop. bart had already started boosting patrols ahead of saturday's melee....but now they are implementing emergency staffing. that means now most bart officers will be working 5... 10 hour shifts instead of 4 each week. also... bart is putting together a regional task force to try and address this crime trend....using investigators from oakland, hayward and san leandro pd as well as alameda county juvenile probation. a frightening scene in fairfield three seprate firebombs set off around town. the first one, in an apartment complex off on north texas street in fairfield. then about an hour later, an explosion when someone threw a firebomb at a car on thames court in fairfield. then around 1am, dispatchers heard a loud noise in front of the fairfield police department. 39-year-old michael scott jones is in custody for attempted murder and hate crimes. they say surveillance video from the cameras near the police department spotted jones. neighbors say the entire ordeal has been alarming. 2:51 it could have been so bad, we have families and children, whole lives could have been ruined. the man who lived in the apartment is african american, jones is white. neighbors say jones had previous fights with the victim allegedly calling him racial slurs. no one was hurt in any of the bombings. police say there are no other outstanding suspects in this case. (pam) a developing story tonight. north korea has conducted a ballistic missle test -- that apparently failed. the missle blew up over land... and never left north korean territory. the launch is seen as a show of defiance.. because it happened just hours after secretary of state rex tillerson addressed the united nations security council ... calling for increased pressure on north korea. president donald trump also responding on twitter just a few hours ago.. saying this : 'north korea disrespected the wishes of china and its highly respected president when it launched.... though unsuccessfully.... a missile today -- bad!' (pam) this latest development comes ... as president trump gets ready to mark 100 days in office tomorrow.(steve) tonight we know a government shutdown will not put a damper on the day. with just hours before the deadline -- the house and senate closed out a temporary deal to keep the government running for the next week. reporter karin caifa (kay-fuh) is on capitol hill with the details of that deal. the white house said friday night president trump signed the short-term spending resolution approved by the house and senate earlier friday that will keep the government open and running for one week - avoiding a government shutdown this weekend that could have clouded the narrative the white house has been promoting this week - of progress and action in the first 100 days. pres donald trump: i dont think anyone has done what we've been able to do in 100 days it is the eve of a major day for president donald trump - day 100 - when the white house, the media, and voters will take stock of where this presidency stands. the commander in chief -- busy giving interviews and touting what he sees as major accomplishments. pres donald trump: for the first time in the modern political era we have confirmed a new justice in the first 100 days .but on capitol hill, the republican-led congress was unable to strike a long-term deal to fund the government - instead, opting for a one-week stop gap to give negotiators more time. nat: the joint resolution has passedand despite a late push from the white house... house republicans were unable to reach a deal to repeal and replace obamacare.rep. adam kinzinger/ -r- illinois: when you're talking about a sixth of the economy, you have to take your time and figure out where to go. so, i'm still there and hopefully will have a decision soon. day 100 will come and go with several executive orders but no major legislative victories - -no tax reform-no health care reform-and no funding for a border wallthe top democrat in the senate sees the first 100 days very differently than the white house. sen. chuck schumer, -d- minority leader: i think its one of the worst 100 days i've ever recalled for a president the president says he's looking well beyond his first weeks.pres donald trump: you came through for me and i am going to come through for you view the president's first 100 days, seems to hinge upon how you view the president. multiple polls released this week point to high approval among republicans -- despite an overall approval rating lower than any modern predecessor at this point. trump plans to mark his 100th day in office with a rally in pennsylvania on saturday night. on capitol hill, i'm karin caifa. (steve) as we get ready to mark president trump's first 100 days in office... today our crews asked people how they would assess the presient's preformance so far.. < i was pretty opened minded for about 12 hours. he talked about brining jobs back, but i haven't seen anything of any signifigance in that direction. pretty much the catasrophe people in berkeley thought it would be. i like to stay optomisitc, it would be good to bring american manufacturing back.> (steve) (steve) tell us if you approve or dissaprove of president trump's first 100 days in office. we have a poll going right now on kron4's twitter and facebook page... log on and vote. at last check -- 24 at last check -- 24 percent approve -- 76 percent disapprove. brittney: .sunny and warmer today and becoming breezy again tonight in the hills under offshore flow and clear skies. winds will ease saturday morning giving way to a clear and warm weekend. another round of offshore winds possible monday morning otherwise continued seasonably warm and dry through wednesday. cooling trend may start by the end of next week. (pam) coming up (pam) coming up new at ten:more than a dozen car break-ins in one bay area city.. the very simple step many of the victims could have taken ... to possibly prevent the crimes. (steve) then: east bay parents shocked when they learn their children's school may have to be shutdown -- for safety reasons. tonight -- why some parents say they're not buying it. (pam) and next: it is a crime making national headlines... what we now know about the sacramento teen accused of sexually assaulting and killing an 86 year old woman.. police say, she is not the only elderly victim he has targetted. (pam) an arrest has been made in the murder of an 86-year-old woman... who was sexually assaulted and beaten .. it happened near sacramento... 18-year-old neven butler was already in jail, suspected of assaulting another 92- year- old woman... now there are a total of three victims he is arrested for, in two separate incidents.. today, he was in court to hear the charges for one case. reporter joe khalil was at the courthouse .. where butler showed little emotion. (pkg)(nats-court)a brief moment in court for 18 year old neven butler--(nats-women walking hallway)his supporters in the courtroom--too distraught to comment.butler-- stands accused of assaulting 3 women wednesday--ages 61--86-- and 92.he's facing 2 felonies so far, but more charges are expected. linda parisi butler's appointed attorney"it would not surprise me if they were to file homicide charges in light of what we've heard." in court friday--butler heard charges for assault with intent to rape--and elder abuse in the case of the 92 year old woman. he was arrested wednesday after sacramento county deputies say he attacked the elderly woman near howe and fair oaks-- caught at the scene. this--just six hours after detectives say sexually assaulted 86 year old fusako petrus and her friend on the highlands highschool track during their routine morning walk. petrus died there on school grounds.richard andrade highlands football announced "when i heard that it was nev, actually i seen his face and it threw me. i wanted to cry." richard andrade says he was a mentor to butler and his football teammates at highlands high. shocked--he says--that his player "nev"-- as he called him--would ever end up in an orange jumpsuit-- behind bars. "no way did i believe one of the players i helped could do something so tragic."butler will remain in jail through the weekend--until his next court date monday. (pam) that was joe khalil reporting... butler is being held without bail. the sheriffs office says it was able to process d-n-a evidence... linking him to the fusako petrus murder. (steve) new at ten: thieves targeted nearly 20 unlocked cars overnight in belmont. laptop comuters were taken from at least two of the cars. the criminals hit several streets in the central neighborhood area. police are still searching for the thieves. police have a reminder for residents. "we want to remind the public if ou have your vehicle if its on the street or in the driveway or carport. you need to lock your car.. if you have anything valueble take it out.. if you cant take it out put it in the trumk. anyone with anyone with information or video that could help investigators are encouraged to contact belmont ( pam ) also new at ten.. store owners in berkeley are trying to figure out a motive... behind their business windows being smashed.. it happened to two different stores on alcatraz avenue in berkeley.. the owner of hercules records says, he and the other stores employees found b-b gun pellets under the windows that was smashed. both stores affected have "black lives matter" signs posted on their businesses... they think that could be the reasoning behind the damage.. < christopher ford/business owner: both of us have black lives matter sign in our window so it's either a strange happening that's not associated, or it's directly related.>(pam) ford says he will be putting up security cameras..but will not be taking any signs down. (steve)a live look outside tonight ... (pam) a gorgeous weekend on tap... our chief meterologist brittne shipp has the sunny forecasthas the sunny brittne shipp meterologist tap... our chief meterologist brittne shipp has the sunny forecast .sunny and warmer today and becoming breezy again tonight in the hills under offshore flow and clear skies. winds will ease saturday morning giving way to a clear and warm weekend. another round of offshore winds possible monday morning otherwise continued seasonably warm and dry through wednesday. cooling trend may start by the end of next week. (steve) coming up -- (steve) (steve) coming up -- the c-e-o of tesla unveils a new idea to make getting through traffic gridlock a breeze. (pam) and next: the city of vallejo explaining why it tooks days to respond to the report... that a dozen dead dogs were found in a park. (steve) the city of vallejo is reviewing its response to a report.... that up to a dozen dead dogs were found near a park. as kron four's philippe djegal reports... the city says, the person who tried to notify animal control about the gruesome discovery -- called the wrong number. (philippe) the city of vallejo is reviewing it's delayed response to a report of up to a dozen dead dogs found off columbus parkway. the city says it appears carine (cuh-reen) peters, who we spoke with on wednesday, called the cellphone of an animal control officer on february 17th... but that officer never received the call or responded to it because he was on leave at the time. city spokesperson joanna altman says it wasn't until peters reached out an animal rescue group... "center of animal rescue and education in solano county" or "cares" on march 20th, which then notified vallejo's animal control five days later... that officers responded to the area.joanna altman/city of vallejo- "march 25th is when we received the phone call. we responded within an hour of the phone call." but by the then, altman says the remains were so badly decomposed, the officers could only identity one, possibly two dogs. not a dozen as originally reported. that has complicated the investigation into the matter. the city of vallejo is working with the solano county sheriff's office and animal control... looking into whether or not this incident is tied to any other recent animal cruelty cases.joanna altman/city of vallejo- "records that we might have for other similar incidents and just to see if there's some synergy or something we can review or be more proactive on in the future." marie chua is the founder of "cares" and says pet owners should take steps now to make their animals are easy to track down if lost or stolen. marie chua/cares- "neuturing, spaying, micro-chipping, you know, registration of your animals." otherwise, like in this case, they may be impossible to identify. in vallejo, philippe djegal, kron four news. (pam) coming up new at ten:it was a heavily hyped music festival by a big name rapper on a remote island... but -- you won't believe what people discovered ... after paying thousands of dollars to get there. (steve) it's not just the president marking one hundred days in office...tonight - we go indepth on new california senator kamala harris' time so far on capitol hill.. including what she is saying about rumors of a presidential run... (pam) but first.. parents in shock after learning their children's school might have to shutdown in a matter of weeks.. why not all parents are buying the reasoning behind the decision. (steve) in the east bay tonight: emotions are running high over the possibility of an elementary school shutting down in alameda.(pam) school officials say, the building is ánotá earthquake safe... but parents are skeptical about that data. kron 4's hermela aregawi has both sides of the story. natsotemotions running high among lum elementary parents. the tightknit community came to this meeting for answers. after being told this week that the school may be shutting down for safety reasons.kate ruggiero, 2nd and 4th grader: shock, disbelief, its a family. it's not just a school. it's a community. its tight knit and to just get this notice basically six weeks essentially and the school is closing. it's heart breaking really.district officials had planned to build to new classrooms and in the process say they found the building to be unsafe in the event of an earthquake.susan davis, spokeswoman, alameda unified school district: before you do any kind of new construction on the school site, the state mandates that we take samples of the soil to check just for this, for seismic safety...we did not know and that's because you really only have to test the soil when you are starting to do some kind of a structural alteration on the site or start new construction.500 students and 50 staff members would be spread out through the district.cassandra bissett/2nd grader: she's very confused and very upset about it. she really wants to keep it open and stay with her friends. she's worried that if she goes to another school she's going to lose most of her friends.jennifer ekman, 1st grader: this is the community that i always thought i would have when i had kids. it's diverse. it's welcoming. it's accepting. at a meeting friday night.. parents were skeptical about the information they were getting.the seismic expert present couldn't answer some of the school board's questions.. saying they weren't in his expertise. making parents sigh and shake their heads.jennifer ekman/concerned parent:there are a lot of engineers whose children attend lum and they've been doing their own research. and they feel a lot of the data is grossly inaccurate and overestimated and so we're hopint that the truth will come out tonight. (hermela aregaw)it's clear that this community is not letting this school be broken up without a fight.but it's the school board that will decide this issue.the school district tells me their vote is expected in the coming weeks.reporting in alameda, hermela aregawi, kron 4 news. (steve)get ready to pay more at the pump.. governor jerry brown signed california's new 12 cent a gallon tax hike into law today. it's aimed at repairing roads and bridges throughout the state. we'll probably see the spike in gas prices in november. but californians will have to wait more than a year before crews begin repaving roads. part of the law will also make it more expensive to register vehicles....and that price hike goes into effect in january. (pam) and gas prices are not the only thing going up... get ready to pay more for guacamole... avocado prices rise to a record high... as the popular fruit is on high demand.... a 22-pound box of hass avocados from mexico... costs nearly 28-dollars... that's according to the u-s governement.... they say, the price has more than doubled from this same time last year.... and it is the highest price ... going back 19 years... people around the bay area are feeling the punch in their wallets... kelly fuller:"when i grocery shop, i do buy it... and i've noticed they are about 2.50 each... sometimes 3 dollars depending where you i miss the 1.50 they used to have on safeway i am buying less. usually, i'll probably get, depending on what i'm making maybe 4 to 6. but i'm eating it regularly now... so like now like 2.shauntie phillips: if i'm going to a restaurant and it's a 1.50 more... i'm like oh, gosh that's outrages."(pam) as of right now.... hass avocados cost about a-dollar- and-27-cents. the u-s department of agriculture says, that is up 98-cents from last year. (steve) a development in the case of that tennessee teacher charged with kidnapping his student. a 10-thousand dollar reward has been handed out to the man who alerted police to the whereabouts of tad cummins. the reward went to griffin barry. he's the man who called police... and reported seeing cummins in a remote cabin in northern california after a nationwide search. barry accepted the award friday in tennessee cummins' former student, 15- year-old elizabeth thomas, was with him when police arrived. she was rescued. court documents say cummins planned to take the girl to mexico. he now faces several federal charges related to the kidnapping. (pam) the mother of a missing 20-year-old yuba college student ... is speaking out for the first time since her daughter's disappearance. it has been nearly a month since aly yeoman went missing. and now, her mother says, she wants aly, and those who know about her whereabouts to know... she's not giving up. paula ede/mother of aly yeoman "i wouldn't put this on the worst enemy to go through this."the last 3 1/2 weeks searching for aly --- a nightmare for her family-- paula ede/mother of aly yeoman "for a while i couldnt eat or sleep, cause i felt if she's not eating or sleeping, it's not fair to do that"paula ede says her and her daughter would stay in close contact-- texting all the time--so she knew when the texting stopped-- something was wrong-- paula ede/mother of aly yeoman "she loved to talk to us every second day, mom what are you doing? mom i miss you...but it wasn't happening."20 year old aly yeoman is a yuba college student-- who was working two jobs--she last seen the night of march 30th-- leaving a friends house on romero street in yuba city.paula ede/mother of aly yeoman"i'm terrified, i don't know if she's hurt, i don't know whose hurting her, i don't know what's happened" aly's truck was found a few days later, down a levee, in an orchard--- stuck in mud. law enforcement found her cell phone and a single pair of footprints walking away from the truckshirin rajaee/reporter:"you've been silent this entire time, what made you want to speak out now?"paula ede/mother of aly yeoman"this is me telling her i love her, telling her i love her, and i just want her home." shirin rajaee/reporter:"do you believe your daughter is alive?"paula ede/mother of aly yeoman"you just have this mothers intuition, you can just feel it, i do believe she's alive"ede wouldn't speak on the details of the investigation but says she's trusting that law enforcement is working dilligently to find aly.her plea is now to the public.paula ede/mother of aly yeoman"i just feel someone knows something, and they need to come forward" (pam) a 50-thousand dollar reward has been offered for information on aly's location. aly's mom says the outpouring of support has kept them strong. a candlelight vigil is being held usnday night in sacramento at the starbucks where aly used to work. (steve) new tonight at ten: a stunning festival faux pas...that people around the world are getting wind of tonight. and the man behind the event that fell flat on its face...rapper ja rule. grant lodes is here with video from the bahamas. (grant) ja rule and a business partner...25 year old tech wiz billy mcfarland put this festival together. it's falled the frye could call it the fialed frye festival. billed as a two weekend luxury music festival featuring models like kendal jenner... big name musical acts and gourmet food. lets just say none of that happened. some people paid more than some people paid more than 12 thousand dollars for the vacation fectival package...which included a flight from miami to the island in the bahamas. tonight...ja rule said he was heartbroken...working trying to get people off the island...apologized...but said it's not my fault. mcfarland admitted they were naive to think they could pull it off with infastructure hurdles...there's reprotedly issues with getting drinking water...and people stuck there are getting robbed. he says people will be refunded and there will be a makeup date in may, 20-18 in the u-s. (pam) still ahead: we sit down with california's newest senator kamala harris... tonight -- we ask her about speculation that a presidential run could be in her future. sot william goldsberry, west springfield"you can work at a job for 5 years and not even knowing you have a 401k or how much money is in your 401k. they more they talk about taxes. a lot of people don't even know what tax free means when it comes to a 401k."but what it means matters...dependi ng on how old you are, you can invest a maximum of between $18,000 and $24,000 annually in your 401k. the money goes in tax free and gets deducted from your adjusted gross taxable income on your w2 during tax season. then the interest you earn earns interest through compounding. an average return of 7% a year will double your money every 10 years.mark teed with raymond james investments told 22news taking away tax free is a disincentive. mark teed, raymond james investments"i think it's a horrible idea. the savings rate in this country is already bad enough. if you discourage people from doing it by not offering some sort of tax deferral, i think you might kill the golden goose."401k's can be especially beneficial if your employer matches a percentage of your contributions.but it's not your only investment can contribute between $5,500 and $6,500 annually to a roth ira depending on your age. it has tax incentives too. the money is taxed before it goes when you withdraw it, it's tax free. angela peters, springfield"you want to be able to retire and feel comfortable. at this point, i can't stop working. it's like we are going to have to work until we literally go into the grave and it's a very sad sad situations for us as americans."americans."for us as sad sad situations and it's a very into the grave we literally go have to work until we literally go into the grave and it's a very sad sad situations for us as americans." stay out front with tempur-pedic. our proprietary material automatically adjusts to your weight, shape and temperature. so you sleep deeply, and wake up feeling powerful. find your exclusive retailer at i got it. i gotcha baby. (vo) it's being there when you're needed most. love is knowing... he's the one. (vo) was meant to be. and love always keeps you safe. we're fine. (vo) love is why we built a car you can trust. now and for a long time to come. the all-new subaru impreza sedan and five-door. a car you can love no matter what road you're on. the subaru impreza. more than a car, it's a subaru. (pam) indepth tonight: there is a rising star in the u.s. senate who has finished her first 100 days in office... and she's from the bay area. some democrats are already talking her up for the white house. chief washington correspondent jim osman... sat down with california's newest senator - kamala harris. kamala harris.only the second african american woman ever in the u.s. senatehas had quite the first 100 days. "i'm not clear do you find the nasa results debatable? cia director mike pompeo found out how tough kamala harris can be when she pressed him on a nasa climate report during his confirmation hearings. "without objection the senator from california "the freshman senator has already given a number of pointed speeches on the senate floor.and she visited iraq and jordan in early april to beef up her foreign relations credentials. sen. harris: "i can tell you there's nothing about it that's boring there's a lot about it that's completely unpredictable. you go to sleep at night and the next morning you find that some other thing is happening raised in berkeley, educated at dc's howard university she ascended to california attorney general and now to the senate. to cap it off: her senate office is the very office where she interned in the mail room of a california senator in 1984. "walking on the senate floor as a senator it was a remarkable experience to come back to this place. " and she's hit the senate jackpot of sorts being appointed to plum committees: budget, intelligence and homeland security. " i think north korea presents the biggest threat to our national security. it is critical the administration and the president of the united states ---that the words that are used should be thoughtful." harris does have her share of critics who pan her time as california a.g. for playing politics with the office, which she denies. and her refusal, as san francisco da, to seek the death penalty against a cop killer in 2004 could haunt her.but in her short time in the senate, she's worked with republicans such as marco rubio and lindsay graham on measures about hate crimes and immigration. longtime colleague congresswoman barbara lee. rep barbara lee (d): "senator harris is very tough she is smart and she is strategic and she is bold and a visionary she is honest and has a lot of integrity."harris is a considered an obama protege and some democrats think could be a fresh face for president in 2020. (laughing)" i think people are starved already for change as far as i'm concerned i have a big job to do right now that's what i am focused on. "which could help her name recognition. 30 percent of californians say they don't know enough about her to form an opinion. jim osman kron4 news washington. (steve ) (steve (steve ) like many of us, tesla c-e-o elon musk hates traffic.... so the billionaire came up with an idea to fix it in los angeles.... digging tunnels beneath l-a to allow drivers to get through the city faster.... space x and musk unveiled this video showing you his plans for his new venture... the red tesla merges into a parking spot... which is then lowered underground.. speeding through the tunnel. earlier this year musk tweeted saying he has made progress on the tunnel idea and he would start digging in february... but as of right now we don't know if musk has already started digging. .sunny and warmer today and becoming breezy again tonight in the hills under offshore flow and clear skies. winds will ease saturday morning giving way to a clear and warm weekend. another round of offshore winds possible monday morning otherwise continued seasonably warm and dry through wednesday. cooling trend may start by the end of next week. a crucial series for the giants. they began a three game series against the padres. the padres.series against three game they began a giants.series for the a crucial a crucial series for the giants. they began a three game series against the padres. we pick this one up in the eight inning -- game tied at 3 giants rookie christian arroyo hits his second home run in his first five games in the majors... san francisco went into the ninth ahead. top 9th -- melancon in -- he gets some help from joe panik he makes the diving catch to get the second out of the inning -- melancon loves the effort cory spangenberg grounds out to second putting this game away giants survive... they win 4-3 the a's down in houston. sonny gray with team... he could back in the a's starting rotation this tuesday. top 1st -- khris davis hits a 3-run bomb giving oakland a three-nothing lead (davis: 2 home runs) bottom 5th -- george springer singles to left field... bringing in the go-ahead run a's lose their fifth straight houston wins 9-4 with the first round in the books the 49ers introduces soloman thomas and reuben foster. they held a introductory press conference this afternoon at 49ers headquarters. both players talked about being very greatful for joining such a great organization. overall the gathering was very positive... foster understands that although he's a first rounder he still has a lot of work ahead of him(sot: foster) reuben foster:"it's all about love and trust, man. what i learned about them, it's love and i love the 49ers. i grew up loving the 49ers from patrick willis, all the greats, and i want to become him, become one of the greats. i know i've got to wait my turn and do it a step at a time, but i'm willing to do that. i'm going to do that." joining solomon and foster is cornerback ahkello witherspoon from colorado and quarterback c-j beathard. the niners were involved in a couple of moves in day two... they traded one of the third rounders for new orleans 2018 second round pick and a seventh rounder in this year draft. but then they make a trade with the vikings to acquire beathard. as for the raiders, they continue to bolster their defense... they drafted safety obi melifonwu and defensive tackle eddie vandedoes finally to the n-b-a playoffs game six between the clippers and jazz the warriors keeping an eye on this one... they'll face the winner of this series in the second round. the jazz trying to finish the clippers tonight we go to the fourth... the clippers were rolling... chris paul works his way to the basket giving los angeles a nine-point lead utah rallied back into the game... joe johnson with a the game... triple98-93 and force a game sundaystate will begin round week possibily wednesday .. (pam) much more news coming up at the top of the hour.we continue to track breaking news... a deadly police shooting shuts down northbound lanes of hwy 101 in san mateo. what authorities think led to the violent confrontation. stay tuned for kron 4 news at eleven... all the day's big stories , and your forecast, in half the time. (steve)but first...stanley roberts takes us to one bay area city where cops are cracking down on drivers not paying attention to pedestrains.people behaving badly is next. (steve) last night we told you about how san jose is dealing with the problem of people being hit by cars. it turns out ---- it's not the only city taking action in recent weeks to protect pedestrians.(pam) another south bay city recently conducted a crackdown... making sure drivers are paying attention to crosswalks. good moring, i know you i'm not behaving badly if you have to start off a conversations with i'm not behaving badly .. there is a good chance you might just be ..he pulled me over and when i went through, ummm this might take a while. in the meantime lets go over exactly why we are herethis man in the red shirt has one job to do and it is to walk back and forth across the el camino real in los altos and not get hit by a car . easier said than done it's sort of a test for drivers, if you yield to the man walking as required by law you get to keep driving if you by chance ignore state law you get to talk a traffic officer so both cars were stopped (yea) why do you think they were stopped) ( i don't know whey they were stopped) did you see the crosswalk (oh yea) do you think that maybe they were stopping for a pedestrian (oooooh)let's see if he's figured out what happened yeti didn't see the car there ... im mean i didn't notice the car stopped then i noticed the pedestrian i was almost already in the crosswalk alright then where was i?state laws requires drivers to yield to a pedestrian in a marked and unmarked crosswalk, the decoy waits until the drivers are at a distance which is safe enough to stop without slamming on the breaks this driver actually went around other cars that were following the law do you know you have to yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk (yes ok) you were in the center lane and then you went around the other traffic to go past it the other cars that were stopped i was distracted so you didn't see the other cars stopped (so) you went around them well you had to see them stopped because you went around them well because i just thought i was going to hit him. just how bad can it be? watch this driver in the black range rover sound of car whizzing by immediately followed by a san clara police motor officer let's check in on our original driver what are the rules for a crosswalk well if you see someone in a crosswalk you gotta stop right and where was he sorta in the middle ( not want was he in) the crosswalk (so i gotta stop (hahaha) but nope no buts now here is a case where no one yielded, not even a vta bus but there was one driver who turned on her flashers and waved at other drivers trying to get them to stop how are you (fine how are you) you are being pulled over for a thank you (alright) so you put the hazards on because what because no one was stopping for the pedestrian come across have a great day too ok this was a case of people behaving nicely in los altos stanley roberts kron 4 news (steve) that breaking news we're following tonight is out of the peninsula where highway 101.. is still shut down tonight after a dealdy officer involved shooting.... i'm steve aveson...(pam) and i'm pam moore.... it's happening on highway 101 near the 92 on- ramp in san mateo... grant lodes is here with the new details.... grant? (grant) 15 minues ago...we leaned the chp hopes to have all lanes open by midnight. but right now, all lanes of northbound highway 101 are still closed after a deadly freeway shooting involving c-h-p officers. the chp says the man who was shot and killed was initially involved in a road rage

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