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Pam, i talked with former bart chief gary gee and former fbi special agent rick smith. Together they have around 60 years of experience. Bart mob attack last saturday in oakland. Safeway mob burglary grab last month in San Francisco. Carnival mob attack last month in oakland. Former fbi special agent rick smith says we are seeing a change. Rick smithsot i dont think its a good sign of the times i think a lot of this stuff happens because i think there is no consequence. It needs to be a multifaceted approach to a real problem and that is an increase in low level crime. If it is allowed to happen more serious things are going to happen. In the bart mob attack on saturday 6 out of the 9 train cars had working cameras. There were also multiple working cameras at the coliseum station. Bart says state law doesnt allow them to release the video because the suspects appear to be juveniles. Former bart police chief gary gee says the fact that they arent or are unable to release video or pictures is certainly out of the ordinary. Gary geesot i know you dont release photos of minors of who you have identified and are in custody but if you have a crime in progressand you see this all the time where gangs of juveniles will attack a store in the mall and gang up on innocent customers and all thatthose videos become public and no faces are hidden there so i was surprised that bart would be hesitant to release those videos because minors might be involved. Gee says the bart mob attack is the first of its kind on a Public Transit system on the west coast. Smith, who is now a private investigator after his fbi days, believes there is a sense of lawlessness out there and believes these crimes will continue to happen until prop 47 is thrown out and low level crime offenders are punished. As for the criminals involved in the mob attacks. Rick smithsot punks, they are just punks. I mean look what type of courage does it take to be one of 60 kids to rob somebody of their phone . That takes courage . I dont think so. Former chief gee says while more officers would help its just not feasible to have one officer in every train car. Smith doesnt believe the number of officers is the problem. He says these theives know that even if they are caught theyll only get a slap on the wrist. Live in San Francisco, j. R. Stone kron 4 news. pam kron 4 asked barts leadership team. About last weekends attack. steve among the issues a Transit Police force thats not even close to fully staffed. And concerns about where officers that are working. Are positioned. Grant lodes is here with that part of the story. grant for instance there were two bart officers on the coliseum station grounds. But they were far away from the crimes. Off patrolling the parking lot. So strategically positioning officers in prominent places. To deter criminals and also comfort riders. Is something at least one bart board member is talking about tonight. Because if you take bart. You want to feel like there is a Police Presence. Joel keller bartthe thing thats disappointment to me is we dont have enough officers to be on the trains , be in the stations and be in the parking lots. Rebecca saltzman bart board president they can be off in a corner of a parking lot and you never see them even though they are there the same time as you so i think we need to better communicate with riders that they are there. grant bart says there are currently 38 vacancies on the force, which is about 20percent of the department. Bart Board Director joel keller says its time to make filling those positions a priority. steve today kron4s Haaziq Madyun traveled the bart system to see just what kind of Police Presence there is on bart. And we talked to riders about just how safe they feel. Bart is a Transit Agency that has its own Police Department with 187sworn officers and 47 Community Service officers who patrol bart parking lots. In light of the recent incident involving bart passengers being attacked by a mob teenagers at the coliseum station. I had 40 kids board my train and beat up someone. I decided to take a look to see how visable bart officers are at few stations. The first bart Police Officer i saw today was here in the parking lot of petes coffee in jack london square. From there i moved onto the lake merritt station, which also houses bart police headquarters. I saw a bart patrol car parked on the street. Inside the station there was no sign of any Police Officers at the faregate or on the platform the next bart officer i saw was here in the parking lot of the coliseum stationhere in orinda there was no sign of bart officers in the parking lot, faregate or on the platformno officers at the gates or on the platforms here in concord or North Concord martinez stations. A bart spokesperson told me that officers are not stationary outside of their 46stations. That explains why passengers dont see them at the fare gates but should officers be stationed at the gates . Some bart passengers i spoke to said yesgood idea to have officers at the gate huh . Shawn penniall bart passenger yeah i think it would be a good idea, um, people going in out and out of there without paying their farein fact while i was recording video for this story a fareevader walked right through this emegency gate. That mob of teenagers did the same thing but an officer at the gate may have deterred themshawn penniall bart passenger stuff happens at bart so it would be a good ideaon bart in the east bay Haaziq Madyun kron4news pam breaking news out of the east bay. Hayward police are investigating a double shooting. This is happening on meekland avenue and medford avenue. Police say, calls came in around 730 tonight. Of shots fired. No word on the condition of the two victims. So far, police have not made any arrests. And no word on the motive for the shooting. pam a man was injured in a shooting near the eastridge Shopping Mall in east san jose. Police say, the shooting happened just before 4 this afternoon on quimby road. When officers got there, they found a man with a gunshot wound. This is a photograph from the scene. He was taken to a hospital and is expected to recover. Officers say, no suspects have yet been identified. steve one of two Student Groups behind ann coulters uc berkeley speech for thursday is now backing out. The Young Americas Foundation says they are not participating amid safety concerns. The group says the university has not ensured protection from violent protesters. The Berkeley College republicans invited coulter. But the university wanted to move the speech to may 2nd. To what it called a secure location. The Student Group responded by filing a lawsuit yesterday to try to keep the thursday date. All this comes several violent demonstrations in berkeley. One happening when former breitbart editor Milo Yiannapolous was set to speak on campus. Ann coulter has been adamant she would show up anyway. Reportedly saying, she would speak outdoors at sproul plaza. But tonight she seems to be backing off just a little tweeting in response to a Washington Post article correction i havent spoken to any Berkeley Students about when and where i will speak because im still waiting for berkeley to tell me. She added she still expects berkeley to provide a room. pam a federal judge handed the trump adminstration its latest court defeat. Right here in the bay area today. The historic ruling affects all 600 sanctuary cities in the nation. steve the city of San Francisco and Santa Clara County lead the fight. Pushing back in court against president donalds trump executive order to cut off federal dollars to sanctuary cities. Those are places that limit their cooperation with the feds to help people who are in the country illegally avoid deportation. Kron 4s Justine Waldman tells us the winning side called this a satisfying and gratifying day. Nat sot this is a joyful day clapping. A huge win for those defending sanctuary cities Santa Clara County along with the city of San Francisco received a preliminary injunction in their case against president Donald Trumps executive order threatening to cut federal funding from sanctuary cities and counties. Santa clara had 1. 7 billion dollars at stake. San francisco about 2 billion dollars. Dave cortese president Santa Clara County board supervisorssot this is a day we are going to celebrate today, but it does not mean the fight is overin his 49 page ruling, judge William Orrick determined the president has no authority to attach new conditions on federal spending. Writing the constitution vests the spending powers in congress, not the president. City attorney Dennis Herrera sot this is why we have courts to halt the over reach of a president and attorney general who either dont understand the constitution or chose to ignore itthe decision stretches far beyond the bay area and impacts every sanctuary city in the nation. Sot this should dispense the cloud of coercive rhetoric that has been spewing from the white house all this bluster of using federal funding as a weapon against our local communitiesfor the immigrant community, this ruling helps some fears fade away. Priya murthy siren sot knowing that local policies can stay intact is of great comfort to the immigrant communityjustine tag the injunction stays in place while the lawsuits work through the courts. The legal team here also said today they are ready for the response from the White Houseand are confident they would win this case even if appealed. In Santa Clara County Justine Waldman kron 4 news steve if the case is appealed, it will go before the 9th Circuit Court in San Francisco. The same court that upheld a nationwide block on President Trumps first controversial travel ban. Seasonably Cool Temperatures will persist into wednesday as a weak system passes inland to the north. This will result in a slight chance of light precipitation, mainly from the Santa Cruz Mountains northward into wednesday. A warming and drying trend will then get underway beginning thursday and likely continuing into the upcoming weekend as High Pressure builds over the eastern pacific. Breezy northerly winds are also possible from thursday into friday, especially in the hills. steve coming up first it was derogatory posts. Then nazi gestures. What an East Bay High School is doing to address racial tension on campus. pam then the deadly nationwide opiod epidemic hits the bay area. Hard. Find out where five people have died from heroin overdoses in the last ten days. steve and next new at ten. A car torched and vandalized. Where police are investigating a possible hate crime tonight. pam new at ten. Police are investigating what could be ruled a hate crime. They responded to a car fire near downtown vacaville. Officers say, prior to the fire, someone spray painted kkk on the side of the car. The owner of the car does not know why the car was targeted. Police are working to determine whether this is a hate crime. steve after a series of racist, sexist, and anti semitic events at albany high school, the Albany Unified School board held a special meeting tonight to talk about the next steps going forward. pam the focus tonight improving communication. The meeting went over the recent problems at albany high school. Including students using nazi saulutes and an Instagram Account targetting black and minority students with racist images. Since the instagram incident, the district has already implemented a new protocol for getting any incidents reported up the chain of command. To the superintendents office. Apparently it took two weeks last time. Plus they will teach what slurs mean, what hate speech is. And include cultural histories in social studies. These incidents would be less likeley to occur a task force was created to gather ideas and suggestions, and bring them to district staff. And officials put out a call for volunteers four days ago. 40 people are already interested. The district says. It wants to help students feel like they can come forward to report these types of incidents. steve new at ten we have the mug shot of a man accused of trying to kidnap a woman in San Francisco. Police say it happened saturday night just before nine. The suspect darrin bravo is accused of trying to grab a woman and get her into his car on steiner street. Wintesses intervened and the suspect got away. He was caught the next day in Sonoma County. Where Police Spotted the suspect driving. They say he tried to take off and hit a car in petaluma. The suspect was taken into custody and faces attempted kidnapping charges. steve two men accused of attacking a sikh resident in richmond were ordered to stand trial after a preliminary hearing that finished up this morning. Chase little and Colton Leblanc face hate crime charges. The september attack against 41year old Maan Singh Khalsa left him with lasting injuries. During the attack, the men allegedly forced khalsas head down, knocked off his turban and cut his hair. Khalsa lost a pinky finger in the attack. The District Attorney determined. His race or religion was a factor in the vicious assault. pam in San Francisco. City officials now probing pg ande on emergency preparedness. Following fridays massive power outage. pam officials sent a letter to the company. Asking for more information about the condition of its aging infrastructure. The letter also included. Questions on whether pgande plans to repair and upgrade its larkin street substation. And a review of backup recovery plans. The substation caught fire on friday. Effecting 88 thousand people. The outage caused a mess in the city. Three hundred traffic lights and the montgomery bart station were shutdown. People were stuck in traffic for hours. A number of businesses and schools also shut down. pam the head of californias water agency says, the emergency spillway at the oroville dam worked. Despite the extreme erosion. Today water resource officials met with state legislators. To talk about the february emergency. Which led to the evacuation of 200 thousand people. Water flowed over the emergency spillway for the first time. After damage to the main spillway forced it to be shutdown. At least one assemblyman says, the unexpected erosion revealed a design flaw. There is a 275 Million Dollar contract aimed at fixing the erosion damage. steve a live look outside on this tuesday night. pam brittney has the forecast. That includes some showers seasonably Cool Temperatures will persist into wednesday as a weak system passes inland to the north. This will result in a slight chance of light precipitation, mainly from the Santa Cruz Mountains northward into wednesday. A warming and drying trend will then get underway beginning thursday and likely continuing into the upcoming weekend as High Pressure builds over the eastern pacific. Breezy northerly winds are also possible from thursday into friday, especially in the hills. steve coming up how a fitbit ended up becoming a crucial piece of evidence in a murder case. You might be stunned at just how much data the device collects. pam and next another Bay Area Apple store hit by thieves. Just how easily the criminals are pulling off these high value crimes. Stay out front with tempurpedic. Our proprietary material automatically adjusts to your weight, shape and temperature. So you sleep deeply, and wake up feeling powerful. Find your exclusive retailer at tempurpedic. Com weve been telling you about recent mob thefts. Police are on the hunt for a group of thieves, who they say, rushed into an apple store in marin county. And made off with an estimated 24 thousand dollars in electronics. Investigators say, five men, described as being in their teens, came in just before closing time. They got away with 17 iphones. Two laptop computers. And three ipads. Surveillance cameras are installed in the mall. But investigators are not yet sure if these suspects were caught on video. Customers we talked to say, they are surprised to hear about this crime happening in this usually quiet commmunity. customer surprising actually. Especially here in marin. We typically dont have anything like that going on here. And i was just at the apple store. terisa did you see any security . customer no. No security. No broken windows. Nothing different. I didnt see any merchandise gone. It was surprising actually. pam this is not the first time a Bay Area Apple store has been hit like this. Back in november, the apple store in San Francisco on chesnut street was robbed twice. And earlier this month. The apple store in walnut creek was hit by thieves. steve five men were wounded in three unreleated shootings in east oakland last night. The first happened on e street just before 6pm. That shooting injured three men, one of them remains in critical condition. The second shooting happened on avenal avenue just before 9 30. That shooting injured one man, he remains in the hospital with life threatening injuries. The third shooting happened on sunnymere avenue just after midnight. One man was shot and remains hospitalized. Police say no one has been arrested for any of the three shootings. pam coming up. New details on the search for a 5 yearold california boy. Missing since last week. Why his father. Arrested on suspicion of child abduction. Is now out of jail. steve then ivanka trump on her First International trip in an official white house role. Gets booed. Find out why. pam and next heroin overdoes spiking in one bay area city. Well tell you where a potent batch is blamed for the deaths of five people. Days all suspected of overdosing on heroin in santa rosa. pam this is just the latest tragedy in a nationwide opiod epidemic that we have seen take lives across the country. steve kron4s Charles Clifford has what we know about the toxic heroin that could now be circulating in the bay area. Over the past ten days, 5 people in santa rosa have died from apparent drug overdoses. 3 men and 2 women, ages 2766. The Sonoma County Sheriffs Office says that 3 of the victims died in public places. Sot toxicology tests on the victims showed they all had heroin in their systems but its highly unusual for so many people to die from overdoses in such a short period of time in the same area. Authorities suspect the victims may have gotten the heroin from the same source and that the drugs may have been tainted. Sotthe concern now is that more people may use heroin from that tainted batch and authorities are hoping to warn the public before its too late. Sot pile up just after Fire Fighters put out the massive fire. Chp investigators are working to determine the cause of the crash. But believe a box truck lost control and crossed the center divider. Triggering a Chain Reaction of crashes involving another semi and four other cars. A dog was also killed in the wreck. grant happening now. Fears are growing as the chilling search for a missing fiveyearold boy will resume at first light tomorrow in Santa Barbara county. As the boys father. Has been released from custody. He had been held since saturday on 10 Million Dollars bail. Crews have been in the water at lake cachuma and searching by air where the father of the boy was found passed out. Outside his car on saturday. Aramaz andresian. Told police he doesnt know how he got there. He was supposed to drop off aramazd junior. With his estranged wife saturday. But never he showed. Investigators say Surveillance Video shows the dad was at the lake friday. But tonight. Detectives just released the father from jail saying thereus not evidence at this point. To show his son was with him. There is also no evidence saying the boy has been harmed. And thus do not have a strong case to present to the District Attorney. Detectives continue to look for leads at the lake. And back at the fathers home for more clues. pam the clock is ticking for congress to pass a funding bill in order to avoid a government shutdown. The deadline is friday. But the white house is sending mixed messages on one of the biggest hurdles to passing that bill. steve karin caifa is in washington with more on what to expect for the rest of this chaotic week. Theres been a flood the zone approach by the white house this week trying to show action and motion on a number of fronts. But perhaps the most important motion in washington this week will be avoiding a government shutdown. A congressional source says Congressional Republicans have privately proposed a funding bill that does not have funding for the president s border wall showing theyre not worried about bucking the president to get a deal done. With just days left for congress to pass a funding bill and avoid a government shutdown. The white house sending mixed messages on what could be a major Sticking Point. Funding for trumps longpromised border wall. President donald trump the wall will get built, folks, in case anybody has any questions. The wall is going to get built. Monday night there were signs the president may be willing to back off the idea of funding for the wall in this particular bill which skeptical lawmakers on both sides agree would be a smart move. Sen. Chuck schumer D Senate Minority Leader it would remove the prospect of a needless fight over a poison pill proposal that members of both parties dont support. Sen. Lindsey graham R South Carolina im for a wall where it makes sense but a 2,200 mile wall doesnt make a whole lot of sense, theres not a big appetite to that. Tuesday morning. The president took to twitter to say hes not reversing course. Meanwhile some white house sources are signaling the president wants some type of funding for the wall this week. But wont shut the government down over it. Sean Spicer White House press secy we feel very confident the governments not going to shut down. While the budget battle could be winding down President Trump is aiming to deliver on another key campaign promise. Slashing the Corporate Tax rate from 35 to 15 percent. Hes expected to unveil details on that plan wednesday. But some republicans say that could be dead on arrival if it adds to the national debt. Sen. Mitch mcconnell r majority leader tax reform is a big subject, lots of moving parts. Were still discussing the way forward on that. First things first though that spending bill isnt done yet. Even if the border wall isnt a Sticking Point there are signs that another hurdle could involve obamacare subsidies crucial to keeping insurers in the program. On capitol hill, im karin caifa. steve President Trumps daughter ivanka. Got a very mixed reaction from an audience in berlin. Earlier today. She appeared on a highpowered panel at a conference to push for more support for women in business. Several audience members booed and hissed. As ivanka defended her fathers attitude towards women. Trt 12 hes been a tremendous champion of supporting families and enabling them to thrive and the new reality. Moderator you hear the reaction from the audience ivanka later brushed it off as politics. she says shes still trying to define her place in her fathers administration. pam it was a heated Shareholder Meeting today for San Francisco based wells fargo. It was the first one held since the massive fake account scandal. Members. Over what some deemed was a culture of dishonesty. But at the end of the day. The entire board of directors was approved. pam the outgoing ceo of bay area based yahoo. Will get a big payout when she steps aside. Marissa mayer is projected to walk out the door with 186 Million Dollars. Thats the amount she would receive from fourand ahalf million shares of yahoo stock and options, plus, she will get a three Million Dollar cash severance. Golden parachute. Verizon is buying the Internet Company for four and ahalf billion dollars, with the deal expected to close in june. Mayer will not be part of yahoos new management. Yahoo has suffered missteps, including fallout from hackers. Who last year compromised a billion of its user accounts. steve still ahead we have a new report that says the newly approved california to fix the roads. Might not actually be enough to get the job done. ecoming up there is a not that old of a saying, if you build it they will come. I know this is legally not a taxi zone but we parked here for many many years it would seem the author of that phrase has never been to berekley. Ill explain in the next edtion of people behaving badly vo love. I got it. I gotcha baby. vo its being there when youre needed most. Love is knowing. Hes the one. vo . It was meant to be. And love always keeps you safe. Were fine. vo love is why we built a car you can trust. Now and for a long time to come. The allnew Subaru Impreza sedan and fivedoor. A car you can love no matter what road youre on. The Subaru Impreza. More than a car, its a subaru. For music lovers theres Something Special about listening to vinyl. Michael kurtz cofounder Record Store Day you drop the needle on the record, you get the warm pop and crackle, its sort of like a fireplace. Its very comforting. And profitable. This year deloitte an audit and Consulting Firm expects about 40 million Vinyl Records to be sold. Which comes out to about 900 Million Dollars in sales. Record players and other accessories brings the business of vinyl to the billion dollar mark. Michael kurtz cofounder Record Store Day which was unthinkable 10 years ago. Companies like disney and fisher price are jumping on the vinyl train and releasing records aimed at kids. Like this one from thomas and friends called steam, rattle roll thomaskevin mcmahon content producer for fisherprice similar to reading a book, when you are listening to just the record, you are left to your own imagination to really paint the picture. Kevin mcmahon content producer for fisherprice we saw just these kids immediately become captivated with the rotating record, the speed dials, reversing, things like that. And just having something that they can touch really kind of captivated them right away. For consumer watch im Mary Moloney Gary coming up in sports. brittney the seven day forecast is ahead. pam a popular gadget many people use to keep track of their workouts. Has turned into a crucial piece of evidence in a murder case. steve fitbits. You might be surprised at how much information they are storing even when you are not excerising. pam Catherine Heenan show us how police used one. To identify a murder suspect. In december, 2015, Police Responded to a frantic 911 call from this home in ellington, connectictut. Richard dabate said a stocky, masked intruder with a voice like vin diesel had murdered his wife. Connie dabate was found shot to death in the couples basement,her husband suffered only minor cuts on his legs, partially tied to a chairlast week, sixteen months after the killing, he was arrested and charged with her murder. The fifty page arrest warrant describes dabates secret life a credit card account unknown to his wife. Used to pay for visits to a strip club he also used it for meetings at a motel six with another woman, who was seven months pregnant with his child at the time of the murder. They uncovered a text message to her from the night before the murder saying see you tomorrow my little love nugget. Burrowing down, police found more digital evidence in Connie Dabates fitbit bracelet it showed that she was alive and Walking Around her home for an entire hour after her husband said she had been shot by the intruder. Dabate is charged with murder, tampering with evidence and lying to police. pam an audit of the university of california system has resulted in a troubling accusation against its administrators that they hid millions of dollars from the public. Californias auditor says, top administrators hid 175 Million Dollars from thepublic and lawmakers. In a secret reserve fund. And they did it, according to the report, even while raising tuition and asking the state for more money. The scathing report was released today. Saying, that uc president Janet Napolitanos office created the undisclosed budget over four years so the money could be spent with little or no oversight. Napolitano denies the claim. She argues. The true amount of money in reserve is 38 million. And she says that is a modest amount to stash away for unexpected expenses. Meantime, lt. Governor gavin newsom who is also a u. C. Regent is angry about the revelation. He says it is quote outrageous to force tuition hikes on students while hiding secret funds of money. Newsom now wants recent tuition hikes to be reconsidered. steve lots of californians are still reeling from news of a big fat tax hike on gasoline. Now a report suggests that wont be good enough. A Nonprofit Group called next 10 says that while Senate Bill One means billions more for california roads the money wont be enough to maintain the roads long term. Theyre calling the legislation a very good first step. the report argues that the state needs nearly 10billion dollars more each year. And the options include toll roads or charging drivers for the number of miles they drive. Senate bill one passed the legislature april 6th. The governor has not yet signed it into law. Assuming he does it will raise about 52billion dollars over 10 years. Seasonably Cool Temperatures will persist into wednesday as a weak system passes inland to the north. This will result in a slight chance of light precipitation, mainly from the Santa Cruz Mountains northward into wednesday. A warming and drying trend will then get underway beginning thursday and likely continuing into the upcoming weekend as High Pressure builds over the eastern pacific. Breezy northerly winds are also possible from thursday into friday, especially in the hills. Giantsdodgersgame 2 from the ball park in San Francisco bottom 3rd scorelessclayton kershaw gives up the rbi single to buster posey 10 giants kershaw 7 ip, 6 hits, 1 run, 7 ks top 4th 10 giantsyasiel puig rbi single off ty blach starting for the injured Madison Bumgarner 11 tietwo pitches lateradrian gonzalez grounds one to first posey goes to crawford for one out but crawfords throw home gets away from nick hundley 21 dodgers block 5 ip, 4 hits, 2 runs bottom 8th 21 dodgers giants have runners at the cornerskenley jansen strikes out pinchhotter brandon belt to end the inning final 21 dodgers giants 714 as at the l. A. Angeles in anaheim. Bottom 10th 10 as mike trout solo home run off santiago casilla. Hooking it just inside the right field foul pole 11 tiebottom 11th 11 tiekole calhoun singles to center off Ryan Madsen Danny espinose scores on the walkoff singlefinal 21 angelsjesse hahn 8 ip, 1 hit, no runs for the as jazzclippers game 5 in Los Angeles Blake griffin out for the playoffs4th quarterchris paul hits the 2nd of 2 stright 3 pointers to tie the game 6969 paul but too muchgordon hayward hits the 3pointer to beat the shot clock 7769 jazz back in controlfinal 9692 jazzjzz lead series 32 turning to cal basketball we now know where star point guard Charlie Moore is transferring. The freshman willl become a kansas jayhawk. Moore. Announced last week that hes leaving berkeley to be closer to his family in chicago. He leaves the program on a high note. With a solid debut season. Averaging 12points a game and 120 assists. And the 49ers will be honoring one of their franchise greats. The Team Announced today that tom rathman will be inducted into the Eddie Debartolo 49ers hall of fame. The fullback spent 23years with the organization, as both a player and a coach wining two super bowlsin the coaching ranks. His list of pupils includes charlie garner, frank gore and hearst. His induction tomorrow. After that its philadelphia where hell announce the teams 2nd round draft pick. The Michigan Football team is on a trip to italyand that of course means jim harbaugh walking the streets with his selfie sticktrying a little soccer drinking out of a fountain on the spanish steps playing catch in a Shopping Mall and even trying a little paintball he obviously doesnt want to get his khakis dirtythe team will be in rome for 8 days. Much more news coming up at the top of the hour. Two retired Law Enforcement officials weigh in on the bart mob attack. One is calling for video of the crime to be released. The other says we should brace for more incidents like this. Stay tuned for kron 4 news at eleven. All the days big stories, in half the time. But first. Stanley catches some taxi drivers behaving badly. Right after the break. Yes, the toyota mirai runs on hydrogen. Yes, the fuel is complimentary for up to three years. Yes, it has an epaestimated range of 312 miles. Yes, you will probably have to answer lots of silly questions from strangers. Yes, this is a mindblowing marvel of technology. And, yes, you can buy it today because the future doesnt start next week, next month or next year. The future starts now. In the hydrogenfueled toyota mirai. pam parking in the bay area is pretty much restricted to certain zones. The red zone is no parking, a yellow zone means commercial loading. And the white zone is loading and unloading of passengers only steve but have you ever seen a white yellow green zone. Its for certain type of vehicle but even the people its set up for wont use it. If you build it they will come. Thats a not so old phrase and its not necessarily true nats ambiance case in point. North berkeley where a viewer email asked me to take a look at a problem notice all the taxis drivers waiting patiently for their next fare at first glance it appears to be a taxi stand. Except notice its a white zonenats ambiance you see about 80 feet away is this yellow, white, green, curb. This is the actual taxi zone and according to the bart taxi rules, this is where taxis are required to park. However, they have overtaken the passenger loading zone which is for immediate loading and unloading of private vehicles. Including uber and lyfton any given day you will see cabs lined up and maybe even see cabbies playing cards we park like that for many years i know this is legally not a taxi zone but we parked here for many, many years according to almost all the cabbies, they have been parking in the passenger loading. Aka the while zone for the last 15 years despite having an actual taxi zone so now here is the rub if a nontaxi were to park in the taxi zone they could be subject to a parking fine. Something the cabbies denythere are exceptions cabs designed for picking up disabled passengers can use the white zone but only one at a time. According to the emailer, if a private driver were to park in the makeshift taxi zone they are often verbally abused. However, after talking to some cabbies they also deny that happens too but they admit then need a better place for cabbies to set up we said give us there maybe 4 or 5 taxis like people come in the rain over there they can get in now they come all the walk over here or they can walk al the way back there there are other rules related to taxi drivers. Cabs cannot be left unattended for more than 5 minutes this cab has been parked unattended for 20 minutes to be honest im not even sure its a bonified cab. It has a tcp number but not much more in the grand scheme of things it could be an easy fix by simply making the make shift taxi stand a permanate taxi zone then remove the almost abandoned taxi stand but in the bay area. Nothing is as simple as it seems at the North Berkeley bart station Stanley Roberts kron 4 news steve now at eleven. Bart says it has video of a mob. Robbing passengers, but its not releasing it. Im steve aveson. pam and im pam moore. So far no arrests from saturdays attack. Which left two people injured. steve now were hearing from a former bart police chief who says the agency should show the public what happened. pam as kron 4s jr stone reports. This is just the latest in a string of Crimes Involving mobs. Pam, i talked with former bart chief gary gee and former fbi special agent rick smith. Together they have around 60 years of experience. Bart mob attack last saturday in oakland. Safeway mob burglary grab last month in San Francisco. Carnival mob attack last month in oakland. Former fbi special agent rick smith says we are seeing a change. Rick smithsot i dont think its a good sign of the times i think a lot of this stuff happens because i think there is no consequence. It needs to be a multifaceted approach to a real problem and that is an increase in low level crime. If it is allowed to happen more serious things are going to happen. In the bart mob attack on saturday 6 out of the 9 train cars had working cameras. There were also multiple working cameras at the coliseum station. Bart says state law doesnt allow them to release the video because the suspects appear to be juveniles. Former bart police chief gary gee says the fact that they arent or are unable to release video or pictures is certainly out of the ordinary. Gary geesot i know you dont release photos of minors of who you have identified and are in custody but if you have a crime in progressand you see this all the time where gangs of juveniles will attack a store in the mall and gang up on innocent customers and all thatthose videos become public and no faces are hidden there so i was surprised that ba

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