Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 10 20170316 : comparemel

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 10 20170316

that suspect was taken into custody within the last hour.very scary evening here in berkely.we can go straight to the video where you can see the suspect in handcuffs before being taken off to jail.the chase all started in oakland around 7 - o clock tonight near 14th nd harrison.during the pursuit police say the suspect rammed his vehice into an officer's car.the suspect kept going and ended up in berkeleywhere he crashed into 2 other vehicles at the college and ashby intersection.the suspect then got out, ran inside a building and made his way to the roof. during that encounter police urged people in the area to stay away from the intersection.just before 9- oclock he was apprehended. people in the area have been on edge all woman who was involved in the crash is still frazzled. we spoke with her husband.sotsotsot tag it's not clear what caused the initial pursuit, but the officer whose car was damaged suffered minor injuries. reporting live from berkeley (pam) new tonight at ten: a vigil just wrapped up for a teen girl ... shot and killed by police yesterday in hayward.(steve) family members identified her as 16-year-old elena mondragon from antioch. the deadly police shooting happened yesterday.... fremont detectives --- working in hayward --- opened fire last night while trying to stop a wanted armed robbery suspect.. (pam) the shooting happened, after police say, the driver of the car the teen was riding in... rammed the detective's car. tonight, kron 4's j-r stone talked to friends and family ... who are mourning the death of elena mondragon.. sot you'll always be with us no matter whattears for elena mondragon known to her friends and family as ebby. the 16 year old girl was shot and killed by undercover officers with the fremont police department. her friends say she wasn't a criminal and didn't deserve to die.sot that's not ebby the ebby i know is loving kind and wouldn't put herself in harms wayebby just did what she had to do for the family.wednesday night ebby's mother could barely stand at her daughter's vigil. broken up over the loss of ebby.sot no ebby no mom ebbyhayward police say undercover officers with the fremont police department identified a car tuesday that was believed to have been used in several recent armed robberies. they tried to make a stop, and the driver rammed into the detectives unmarked car. officers then fired shots. ariana cabrera says she was in the backseat of that car, was origionally arrested, and watched as ebby was shot.sot she just started screaming and crying and she said i can't i can't take it and then her head just like falls to the dashboardofficers are still looking for the driver of the car. as they do soebby's family is in mourning.sot she's always here no matter what ebby is always here for all of uscryingin antioch.j.r. stone, kron 4 news. (pam ) the other young woman in that car, who you just heard from, says, that she didn't know it was officers shooting at them. to see her full interview you can go to our web site. kron 4 dot com. (steve) there have been three deadly police shootings in the bay area in the last week. on thursday -- santa clara police shot and killed this man.... now identified as jesus alberto geney montes. tonight -- people who know him say -- this should have never happened. kron4's lydia pantazes is live in santa clara -- lydia you talked to his family? (lydia)i spoke with the family of jesus geney montes who are very upset about what happened..but their lawyer advised them not to speak with the media on camera but we did speak with a woman who is a close family friend who is in disbelief.(pkg)a memorial grows outside the home of jesus geney montes... as people bring candles, pictures and flowers to his grieving parents...jesus geney montes was killed by police last thursday in santa clara. attorneys advised parents not to talk with media...but marina hayes, a close friend of the family says they are in shock."i still, we can not beleive that why did this happen. when i came here his mom told me, i called the police for help not for them to kill my son."police were called to his apartments on deborah drive after a report that geney montes had cut himself in the chest with a knife.when officers arrived they said he fled out of a bedroom window.officers say geney threatened to shoot the officers and himself and refuse medical aid.officers say they used a stun gun but they say it was ineffective. police then say geney montes refused to show his hands and moved toward and that when they shot and killed him."we are devastated, this is something that should not have happened."jesus immigrated to the united states from colombia 12-years ago... and dreamed of becoming a surgeon. hayes says the death of geney montes isn't just difficult for his family but for their close knit colombian community. "jesus was a happy helpful loving adorable person, he helped everyone. anything you asked him, he would do anything for you." a memorial grows outside the home of jesus geney montes... as people bring candles, pictures and flowers to his grieving parents...jesus geney montes was killed by police last thursday in santa clara. attorneys advised parents not to talk with media...but marina hayes, a close friend of the family says they are in shock."i still, we can not beleive that why did this happen. when i came here his mom told me, i called help not for them to kill my son." police were called to his apartments on deborah drive after a report that geney montes had cut himself in the chest with a knife.when officers arrived they said he fled out of a (pam) tomorrow.. the family of a man who was killed by two napa police officers.. will be speaking out... they have concerns about what really happened in the shooting. it happened on monday... two officers shot and killed a man across, the street from a home depot store... napa police say... 23-year-old noel russell was armed with a large knife... and was acting irratically when the officers got there. both officers fired their guns and russell died at the scene. the two police officers are on paid administrative leave, and their names have not been released at this time. ( steve) national news now...and another big story we're yet another block of president trump's travel ban.(pam) this is the white house's revised travel ban... which was scheduled to take effect at midnight tonight. grant lodes is here with what we need to know. (grant) a federal judge in hawaii made the ruling today...stopping this latest travel ban. he indicated the new travel the original...discriminates against muslim people...and he says anti-muslim comments presdient trump made during his campaign are evidence supporting this position. for his part...presdient trump came out firing tonight at a rally in nashville...calling it a judicial over- reach...saying it was bad, sad news. for the second time -- president trump's travel ban is halted.president trump: "a judge has just blocked our executive order on travel and refugees coming into our country from certain countries."president trump: "this ruling makes us look weak."a federal judge in hawaii issued a nationwide ruling allowing people from six muslim majority countries -- and refugees -- to continue traveling to the united states. gov. david ige/ -d- hawaii: "discrimination on the basis of national origin or religion is really, cannot be tolerated."after the ban's initial defeat -- the trump administration took more than a month to rewrite the current executive order.among the changes -- it left iraq off the list of banned countries -- allowed people with green cards and visas to enter the united states -- and removed a provision that gives priorities to certain religions.president trump: "the order he blocked was a watered down version of the first order."bob ferguson/washington attorney general: "the revised executive order is unconstitutional and unlawful and the judge in hawaii agreed."the trump administration argued the ban is necessary to protect the nation's national security. president trump: "we're talking about the safety of our nation and the safety and security of our people."a federal judge didn't agree. president trump: "we're going to fight this terrible ruling, we're going to take this case as far as it needs to go, including all the way up to the supreme court."president trump: "we're going to win, we are going to keep our citizens safe." (grant) california is one of 13 states that have said they support hawaii's decision to file suit to block the travel ban. and tonight's news comes as several other issues are heating up in washington. among them... healthcare... a growing chorus of republican leaders in congress are joining democrats...bashing the new bill. lindsey graham says it has no chance of passing in the senate. and house speaker paul ryan...the most high profile supporter of the bill...wouldn't answer today when asked if it would pass in the house if the vote was today. ryan called that a goofy question. there's also the wire-tapping matter. the presdient and his team have been unable to prove mister trump's tweet claim that former president obama wiretapped trump towe last year. today, the republican chairman of the house intelligence committee, california republican devin nunes, said there's no evidence he's seen to support a wire-tapping claim, he thingk it happened. speaker ryan says he hasn't seen any evidence. attorney general jeff sessions today said the same. fbi director sean comey is due to testify publicly nex monday. (steve) coming up:the vallejo officer recorded making this violent arrest has been identified... tonight only on kron4 -- hear from the wife of a man who filed a lawsuit against the same officer. (pam) then: new at ten: a pregnant teenager hit and killed by a train.... why the aspiring model was on the tracks to begin with. (steve) and next:the anti-semtiic vandalism at a bay area school... that has some students on the college is responding tonight. ( pam ) an investigation is underway into an act of vandalism at u-c hastings college of the law in san francisco.(steve) it left students on edge... tonight - kron4's hermela aregawi spoke to campus officials about what they are doing to make students feel safe. a message of hatea uc hastings student came back from spring break monday to find the mezuzah - a jewish symbol on his door -- had been burned off.tonight - campus police are looking for the person responsible for the vandalism.. and are investigating the incident as a possible hate crime.students and faculty say they're surprised that this would happen here.sot alex a.g. shapiro, spokesman, uc hastings college of law surprising because uc hastings is diverse and inclusive and those are big values for us as a school.i did speak to the student whose mezuzah was burned and he was also shocked, applaed and disgusted that this would happenstudents we talked to agree.sot matthew tratosit's really surpring. hastings as a school has always been very very accepting and open to everything. this is the first incident of anything like this ive heard of while ive been here and also before coming here. i don't feel less safe or super concerned but it is surprising and kind of worrying.sot courdel smithi think that's completely outrageous. i hope the people are brought to justice because this is san francisco, peace love that's not what i came here for. the school's dean sent a strongly worded statement to students and staff wedensday.. calling the act cowardly..and in part writing.. gfx dean statement david faigman, dean, uc hastings college of the lawi'm deeply troubled by the possible implications of such an act on our campus. we will not tolerate hateful actions of any aort against members of our community."standupcampus officials tell me right now they're focusing on the investigation.. but once it's complete.. they will talk about whether there are additional steps they can take to prevent something liek this from happening again.reporting in san francsico, ha k4 news. (pam) new at 10 -- a warning for parents.... albany police say, a man tried to lure a 9th grade boy into his caras the student was walking home from school. it happened yesterday on washington street near albany high school. officers say, a brown four- door, older model car approached the teen. the driver tried to engage the boy in conversation by asking questions. and when the suspect asked if the boy needed a ride homethe teen ran away... before calling police. the suspect is described as a white, middle -aged man, with a european accent... a medium build, with balding gray hair. (steve)in the east bay. . . a stomach flu outbreak sickens dozens of children at an elementary school. one of those cases is now being confirmed to be norovirus. . . which is an even more severe version of the stomach all began friday. . . when a bunch of 5th graders at dublin elementary started getting sick at school.a troop of custodial workers swept through the school over the weekend. . . cleaning as many surfaces as possible.the department of health has been checking on their progress. . . today. . .more desks were wiped down. . . and floors were deep cleaned.but monday proved to be a rough start to the week. trt:16 monday we had 70 absences and about half of those were attributed to stomach flu symptoms on a typical day we usually have 35 to 40 absences yesterday we had 47 today we had 46 we don't have tracking numbers yet on how many of those are directly attributable to stomach flu symptoms mcdonald says if parents see their children experiencing flu-like symptoms. . .keep them at home.she asks that parents have their students stay home for 48-hours after symptoms subside. . .before returning to school. ( pam ) a live look outside at san francisco... cloudy skies around parts of the bay area today... and now some rain in the forecast. (steve) kron4 chief meteorologist brittney shipp is tracking what's ahead. big cool down across the bay area due to onshore flow, cloud cover and a weak system moving through norcal. the biggest temperature drops were across the north bay and monterey peninsula. napa airport had a 24 hour change of 14 degrees colder today and salinas airport was 15 degrees colder. in addition, radar imagery continues to show returns over the north bay, but still struggling to find some ground truth. did find two coop sites that tipped a 0.01" and 0.02". we also had one report via social media that a brief shower occurred near santa rosa. a few showers will lingering across the north bay this afternoon and into early this evening. (pam) happening now in vacaville. a sea lion dubbed "mr.leisure" is making his way out of a canal and back toward the sacramento river. marine mammal experts were working to rescue the young sea lion from the canal... but say, he may free himself. the male sea lion was first spotted swimming near the irrigation canal yesterday morning. crews believe the mammal traveled up the sacramento river, took a wrong turn and followed a series of waterways to reach the canal. they are now monitoring the sea lion's progress. officials say "mr leisure" is in good health, and appears to be enjoying his adventure. a local 14 year old boy helped with the naming... he said he saw the mammal appearing to enjoy a leisurely stroll down the creek...stopping to sun bathe at times. the sea lion was also found near leisure town road. (steve) still ahead:the video has gone viral -- a violent arrest in vallejo.. tonight -- we ask a longtime police trainer if the tactics used here were justified. (pam) and next: a teacher, convicted of molesting young girls ... isolating them in a classroom and trading hugs for candy... the changes a bay area school district is now being forced to make.. in response. nobody told me to expect it. intercourse that's painful due to menopausal changes. it's not likely to go away on its own. it took my most honest friend to help me do something about it. she told me premarin vaginal cream can help. it provides estrogens to help rebuild vaginal tissue and make intercourse more comfortable. premarin vaginal cream treats vaginal changes due to menopause and moderate-to-severe painful intercourse caused by these changes. don't use it if you've had unusual vaginal bleeding, breast or uterine cancer, blood clots, liver problems, stroke or heart attack, are allergic to any of its ingredients or think you're pregnant. side effects may include headache, pelvic pain, breast pain, vaginal bleeding and vaginitis. estrogens may increase your chances of getting cancer of the uterus, strokes, blood clots, or dementia so use it for the shortest time based on goals and risks. estrogens should not be used to prevent heart disease, heart attack, stroke or dementia. ♪ ask your doctor about premarin vaginal cream. (pam) teachers and staff in a south bay school district ... are being required to undergo training to identify sexual predators. (steve) the training was ordered as part of a civil suit judgement .... handed down this week against the morgan hill unified school district. the civil suit follows the arrest in 2014 of this man, 53 year old john arthur loyd, of hollister, who is now in state prison. loyd was convicted of molesting three young girls here at paradise elementary school in morgan hill, where he taught the 5th grade. (sot) < the essence of the case is to make the system better to protect children from predators. i wouldn't say there was any balking by the district on this per se except that this is a unique case, it goes beyond the money and to our clients it was very important that tis be made clear to the district...'> (steve) loyd is now serving a 40 year sentence in state prison. in the monetary part of the suit, the plaintiffs were award $8.25 million dollars. (pam) new at 10. a pregnant texas woman was killed... after she was hit by a train. investigators say, the 19-year-old was taking part in a photo shoot police say, zanie thompson was modeling for a friend in navasota.. when two trains approached the railroad crossing from opposite directions. and when the teen tried to cross the tracks, to dodge one train... she was hit by the one coming from the other direction. those closest to thompson ... gathered for a vigil to honor the mother-to-be. (sot) "she was always happy, never upset. she would give you her last if she could." "she was always trying to be the helper. that's what i use to call her, because she was always trying to help people." (pam) her friend who was taking photos for shoot... was unharmed. monday, thompson would have been 20 years old. (steve) coming up:it was the largest data breach in history... half a million yahoo accounts breached. tonight -- the connection it all has the russia. (pam) then: a sex and bribery scandal rocking the u-s navy.what high ranking navy officers are accused of trading ... for lavish gifts and prostitutes. (steve) and next:as some question the use of force seen in this video..... only on kron4 -- we talk to a woman who says her husband also had a violent encounter with the same vallejo officer. (pam) tonight -- video of a vallejo police officer ... punching and hitting a suspect during an arrest.. has some questioning the use of force. (steve) today the officer involved was identified.... and on only four -- kron4's dan kerman talked to the wife of a man who says he too was roughed up by the same police officer.(pam) as kron4's dan kerman reports -- that man has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit. vallejo police say the officer seen in this video is spencer bottomley a former marine, who the city's website says has been on the force since 2015 bottomley's use of force to take suspect dejuan hall into custody on friday has been called into question since the video went viral.sot they are given badges, with the authority to protect and serve not with the authority to beat and bullythis is the wife of derrick shields.. she preferred not to show her face in october her husband filed this federal civil rights lawsuit against the city of vallejo alleging officer bottomley and 4 other officers used excessive force against him on april 11th of last year. sotthey broke his tooth , gave him bruises and bloody head , just uncalled for among the allegations in the lawsuit , "defendant spencer bottomley struck plaintiff with his flashlight all over plaintiff's body" that is similar to what you see in the video of hall's arrest friday. sotthey feel they have the authority and power, that's not right and these only seem to be targeted at the minorities and you know us black peopleshields wife says she's glad there is now video of a similar incident to her husbandssoti just think it's wrong and hopefully they'll receive justice and the police will get whats due to them, which is get off the force standup dan kerman/vallejo 133-143the shields lawsuit is just in its beginning stage, as for the bottomley incident it is being investigated by vallejo police. bottomley remains on the job. in vallejo, dan kerman kron 4 news.144/std (grant) continuing our team coverage... tonight some people are questioning the amount of forced used to arrest dejuan hall. now... the viral video recorded last friday has caught the attention of a couple notable names. don cameron is a long time trainer of bay area officers. and civil rights attorney john burris has made a career defending people who thought officers went too far. here now...burris explains why he thinks dejuan hall's civil rights were violated. and cameron says the officer's conduct was completely justified. rights attorney: "in essence this officer is going to beat this man into submission. i saw no real effort to try and calm this situation down, to de-escalate it. the use of the baton where there were a number of assaulted conduct that should not have taken place">(grant) on tuesday hall pleaded ánotá guilty to 4 counts of resisting an officer and one count of battery on an officer... (pam)sheriff's deputies identify a man ... killed after being involved in a violent fight. 41-year-old don castillo was killed inside his home, in unincorporated san leandro monday afternoon. deputies responded to reports of a fight on selborne drive.upon arriving .. they neared the front door of the home... where they found a pool of blood. they entered and found castillo.. he appeared to have suffered gun and knife injuries and was pronounced dead at the scene. the suspect remains at large. a motive for the incident is still unclear. (pam) in the north bay. . . a bank teller is behind bars. . . after police say, he helped a robber pull off a heist.the robbery happened on friday at the westamerica bank in san rafael. investigators say, phone logs showed that the teller and the robbery suspect. . . had numerous conversations, in the days leading up to the robbery. as for the suspected robber... police say, he was arrested the next day during a sting operation. an officer spotted the man making what appeared to be a drug deal. . . and took him into custody. (steve)the justice department says two russian intelligence officers have been indicted -- along with two other people -- in what it calls one of the largest data breaches in history.(pam) the cyberattack on yahoo -- compromised at least half-a- billion accounts. the f-b-i says, it was directed by a russian officer -- using "criminal cyber- mercenaries. " jessica schneider has details. the fbi says these two men are russian spies... and tonight they're wanted for pulling off one of the largest cyber thefts in us history.... accused of stealing personal and financial information from more than 500 million yahoo users... the russian intelligence officers -- dmitry dokuchaev and igor sushchin -- were indicted today for a breach the us government says stretched over two both the us and russia... mary b. mccord, acting assistant attorney general: the doj continuing to send a powerful message that we will not allow individuals, groups, nation-states, or a combination to comprise the privacy of our citizens.the fbi says - some of the hacked yahoo! accounts belonged to u.s. government officials as well as to employees of a u.s. -- which has more than a billion users worldwide --- cooperated with investigation...and in a statement today, praised the fbi... and pointed to russian involvement... writing... "the indictment unequivocally shows the attacks on yahoo were state-sponsored."the scheme, allegedly directed and paid for by the two russian spies, was allegedly carried out by two criminal hackers.... including this man... karim baratov.baratov was arrested tuesday morning in canada. his facebook and instagram feeds show a passion for partying, fast cars and a love of computers - this picture of one of his tattoos is written in binary code.last month, he posted he was suspended from school four years ago. and he cashed in saying"i was well off in high school to be able to afford driving a bmw 7 series and pay off a mortgage on... my first house"the other man allegedly hired by the russian spies-- alexsey belan has evaded law enforcement around the world since 2012. belan is listed as one of the fbi's "most wanted" hackershe's indicted twice in the u-s for computer fraud and is the subject of an outstanding interpol red notice. still u-s investigators say he somehow he made it back to russia in 2013 despite being arrested by police in europe. jack bennett: "the fsb knew this. there was red notices up on him and they've known that he's been in their country, yet they still allowed him to operate unfettered there." tonight in a strange twist one of the allegedly masterminds of the hacking, fsb officer dokuchaev is in custody in russia according to a defense lawyer. he's charged with treason, according to a defense lawyer. he's charged with treason allegedly for working on behalf of the united states. (pam) still ahead.parties and prostitutes.. what high ranking navy officials are accused of trading for lavish gifts. gary radnich"coming up a little bit later in this broadcast... it is ncaa tournament time... if it affects the bay area we'll give you a hit... and my new favorite guy... my new favorite guy lavar ball... he's the dad who's talking loud... and saying something... people sure want to interview him... we'll tell you the latest on lavar ball... nba people wanna get in his face... later in this broadcast" danon: people spending money in the month of february. we saw retail sales on the rise. that's good for the u.s. economy. rob: little french lesson. .. just a little bit of money. not much, just a little bit. uh, where spending increased about one tenth of a percent in the month of february. january was revised a little bit higher. the numbers were a little bit weaker because of gasoline sales were a little bit lower. consumers are still positioned to drive retail but this was a weak number. this wasn't a good number. but because we have jobs and because there's income growth, record home and stock prices, we should have a good year of spending. but so far, it's not really materializing. also, tax refunds are looking like they're delayed for 2017 so the spending will come if you give them cash and you refund them taxes. the spenders will come is the thought and that is good for the economy and that's good for the stock market.danon: alright, watching business inventories and they're up and it's mainly because of cars so is now a good time to buy a car, you think? rob: soon. last year was one of those record years for cars. the whole car industry is going through a crazy shift. we're getting more cars on the road because of lyft drivers and uber drivers, not fewer cars. down the road there should be fewer cars. but business inventories came out today and inside of it was the number of autos. . . basically sitting on the auto dealer lots and the inventories arose two percent. that's not a lot, but you put a couple months in a row of this and we should probably have a pretty good june/ july selling season in cars. also, the bad news inside this good news is the tie towards jobs. if we have inventories building, you don't have to hire jim back into the factory to fire it up and make more cars. so that's bad for the economy down the road, but millions of americans who held on to aging cars in the wake of the great recession have upgraded to newer vehicles the last few years.danon: post your questions on rob's facebook page and w'e'll try to answer them on the air here on kron4. (brittney) i'm chief meteorologist brittney shipp... coming up -- the seven day forecast. ♪ [one is the loneliest number that you'll ever do] ♪ nobody likes a dog with bad breath. that's why there's oravet dental hygiene chews. oravet's dual action approach cleans teeth and gets to the underlying cause of bad breath by blocking bacteria to help prevent plaque and tartar. for a cleaner mouth everyone can love. ask your vet about oravet chews. serious oral care made simple it's just a date. i can stay. i'm good. i won't be late hey mom. yeah. no kissing on the first date, alright? life doesn't always stick to a plan, but with our investment expertise we'll help you handle what's next. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can. (pam)a grand jury indictment is shedding new light on a bribery and sex scandal.(steve) the case allegedly involves senior u-s navy officers and a defense contractor known as "fat leonard."brian todd has the story. the seventh fleet... the navy's largest.its motto: 'ready power for peace'.but according to a new indictment, some of the fleet's commanders were also ready for parties and prostitutes.prosecutors say retired rear-admiral bruce loveless and eight other officers accepted luxury travel, expensive dinners and prostitutes.. and in return, gave a civilian contractor classified information about their ships' movements.cmdr. kirk lippold (ret.) / former commander, uss cole: "this is beyond the pale. when you look at the ranks and the level of officers that are involved in this scandal, it is something the navy has not dealt with literally in decades." according to the indictment just un-sealed... when some of the officers docked in manila in 2007, they went to a party at the macarthur suite in the manila hotel.quote: "during the party, historical memorabilia related to general douglas macarthur were used by the participants in sexual acts."cmdr. kirk lippold (ret.) / former commander, uss cole: "totally disgusting. there is absolutely-- when you look at that, that is the history of the united states of america. and to take those artifacts and embarrass general macarthur and his family in that manner.. being used in what is purported to be those sexual acts, it's just, be- i, i - there's no words that can describe it." the contractor who allegedly supplied the lavish gifts and parties was this man: leonard glenn francis, also known as "fat leonard"... a wealthy, flamboyant executive who ran a marine contracting agency which provided dockside services to u-s navy ships. "fat leonard" francis has pleaded guilty in the case...and is awaiting sentencing. but until now, many of the details of what happened were not may, 2008, according to prosecutors-- francis allegedly paid for admiral loveless and five other navy men to stay at the shangri-la hotel in the indictment, prosecutors write: "francis hosted a raging multi- day party, with a rotating carousel of prostitutes in attendance, during which the conspirators drank all of the dom perignon available at the shangri-la"... to the tune of more than 50-thousand dollars. for some officers, in 2006, there was a dinner in singapore- with a "foi gras terrine"... "duck leg confit".. "roasted chilean sea bass".. followed by expensive drinks and "cohiba cigars --- $2,000 per box."prosecutors say in return, the officers helped steer navy ships to ports operated by francis- where he overbilled the navy, tens of millions of dollars. experts say admiral loveless- who was a top intelligence officer- and the others charged, took massive risks that could have exposed american secrets. john altenburg / former army jag officer: "they're susceptible to being blackmailed by foreign intelligence agencies, by other corporations, by this person himself, who they've been involved with." an attorney for admiral loveless said neither he, nor his client, would comment. big cool down across the bay area due to onshore flow, cloud cover and a weak system moving through norcal. the biggest temperature drops were across the north bay and monterey peninsula. napa airport had a 24 hour change of 14 degrees colder today and salinas airport was 15 degrees colder. in addition, radar imagery continues to show returns over the north bay, but still struggling to find some ground truth. did find two coop sites that tipped a 0.01" and 0.02". we also had one report via social media that a brief shower occurred near santa rosa. a few showers will lingering across the north bay this afternoon and into early this evening. just a couple on mnths ago cal was looking for a new football coach now they will need to news basketball coach too cuonzo martin has left cal to become the new coach at missouri agreeing to a 7- year, $21 million contract martin coached at cal for 3 seasons leading the bears to the ncaa tournament last season but the team made a dissapointing 1st round exit then missed the tournamrent this season losing in the 1st round of the nit to cal state bakersfield last nightmissouri made the announcement this afternoon and scheduled a "campus celebration" for monday martin is an east st. louis, missouri native they were out on the floor for a little less than an hour today to get used to shooting in the arena and kind of get acclimated to the atmosphere. now all that's left to do is a get a good night's sleep and get ready for mary's will face virginia commonwealth university out of richmond virginia.the rams and gaels are pretty similar in how they finished the season.both came in second in their conference in the regular season and lost in their conference tournament championship fan i spoke with who lives here in salt lake city says he's excited to see the gaels play in his town and he thinks they'll win.(take sot) joe rabon"you kind of just enjoy the moment when your name gets called and you see your name pop up on the screen and you kind of just... one of the happier moments you've had as a player and then you find out who you're playing and you enjoy the moment probably for the rest of sunday and then monday you kind of focus in and see how... try to figure out how you're going to beat your opponent... and for us it's vcu." the us davis aggies in the first four game playing for a spot in the final field of 64 jim les uc davis head coach 2nd halfchima monek (mo-neck-ee) the bispectacled one hits the bank shot he had 18 points and 12 rebounds second left davis up 3nc central instead of the quick two tries to tie it with a three they miss twice and that's it!u.c. davis moves on to face #1 seeded kansas friday in tulsa, oklahoma final: 67-63 u.c. davis lavar ball the outspoken father of lonzo ball said a couple of days ago he'd destroy michael jordan in a game of one-on-onejordan hasn't responded but charles barkley hascharles barkley "i'm too old and fat to play basketball... but i'll challenge mr. ball to a one-on- one... but ain;t no guy who averaged two points a game can beat me one-on-one... i'm positive of that."lavar ball "he want to play one-on-one and all this... and he say i averaged two points... who cares?... i no he don;t want to play no one-on-onwe 'cause he too big... he better stay behind in tnt and eat them doughnuts... i'll send him some krispy creme doughnuts and he'll be my friend again." giants-angels cactus league playmadison bumgarneron the mound for the giants he was great today giving up only 1 hit over 6 innings striking out 3bottom 8th/ 4-4 tie michael morse hoping to regain some of that magic when he helped the giants to their last world title singles to center field mac williamson has a mac-truck on his back but he makes it around to score 5-4 giants (sparked a 3- run 8th)(morse: 2 hits, 2 rbi.. hitting .304 this spring) final: 7-4 giants thanks gary.. here's what's next... coming upi reserve not to respond and i don't want to be filmed i don't wan't the ahhh don't touch the camera running stop signs, nats: ambiance driving 23 miles over the posted speed nats: ambiance they all sound like a job for step what is step i'll explain in the next edition of people behaving badly this is the silverado special edition. this is one gorgeous truck. oh, did i say there's only one special edition? because, actually there's five. ooohh!! aaaahh!! uh! hooooly mackerel. wow. nice. strength and style. it's truck month. get 0% financing for 60 months plus find your tag and get $5500 on select chevy silverado pick-ups when you finance with gm financial. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. if you noticed a lot of motorcycle cops on the peninsula on wednesday but you didn't get stopped, good job that means you made it through a huge crackdown by traffic officers ..our stanley roberts explains.. some people wish there could be a cop on every corner with all the bad drivers on the road and once a month for the last 5 years their wish comes true this is a citation for wearing the duel buds in the state of california you can only wear one earbud in your ear while driving in the form of step also known as saturation traffic enforcement program it's officers from all around san mateo county focusing on problem areas on the peninsula. this time they are in burlingame and hillsborough so when you were stopped at that light back there you were manipulating your cell phonei'm riding with officer rosset from the town of colma police department. this driver appears to be on his on his cell phone, state law requires the phone to be mounted, so holding it is no longer an optionwere you on the cell phone or on the radio ..on the two way if he were on the two way there's good chance he will not be cited, however, it turned out to be a flip phone the flip phone is still a phone during step they also focus on people not stopping for stop signs . yea like that one you didn't stop you went through it pretty quick and this one so you know why i pulled you over whey did i pull you over you didn't stop for the stop signoh and this one when you hit that stop sign at hunt drive you did not stop you rolled right through it ignoring a stop sign is a serious violation and often leads to crashes you have to come to a complete stop .. coming down the hill im approximating your speed at as 50 as well im going to give you a waring on the speed however i'm going to give you a citation for not stopping for the stop sign i tried to talk to this driver good morning sir, morning stanley roberts channel 4 how are you doing good thank you so we were watching you and you rolled right through that this what happened i may be a little distracted maybe am i live im with kron 4 i reserve not to respond and i don't want to be filmedand there was this driver morning, morning, i wity channel 4 how are you im doing fine 58 in a 35 i don't want to don't touch the camera she was caught on lidar by south san francisco police doing 23 miles over the posted speed limit because she was late for a meeting and yes i did talk to some of the driver's, i'll let you hear what they have to say in a future edition of .. repeat after me people behaving badly i bet you just tried to do i in my voice didn't you.. in burlingame stanley roberts kron 4 news (steve)(steve) news (steve) our top story tonight... a vigil held for a teen girl ... shot and killed by undercover police yesterday in hayward. good evening and thanks for joining us on kron4 news at 11... i'm steve aveson...(pam) and i'm pam moore... tonight family members have identified her as 16-year-old elena mondragon from antioch.(steve) kron 4's j-r stone tell us what happened and talked to friends and family ... who are mourning the death of elena mondragon.. sot you'll always be with us no matter whattears for elena mondragon known to her friends and family as ebby. the 16 year old girl was shot and killed by undercover officers with the fremont police department. her friends say she wasn't a criminal and didn't deserve to die.sot that's not ebby the ebby i know is loving kind and wouldn't put herself in harms wayebby just did what she had to do for the family.wednesday night ebby's mother could barely stand at her daughter's vigil. broken up over the loss of ebby.sot no ebby no mom ebbyhayward police say undercover officers with the fremont police department identified a car tuesday that was believed to have been used in several recent armed robberies. they tried to make a stop, and the driver rammed into the detectives unmarked car. officers then fired shots. ariana cabrera

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