Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Morning News 20170626 : comparem

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Morning News 20170626

it's mostly cloudy and cool outside with temperatures in the 50s for the most part with a few low 60s in the mix. our 4-zone camera network is showing widespread low clouds. the marine layer is extremely deep, so cooler ocean air is filtering into all our no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( darya ) our top story this morning... police are trying to identify human remains found in the east bay over the weekend.( mark ) this morning they say the remains could be related to the case of a missing san francisco father. kron 4's lydia pantazes is live in san francisco with the details. lydia. ( lydia ) ( darya ) thanks lydia. we will check back with you through out the morning. ( mark ) a police officer is injured after a fight breaks out in a busy bay area mall. this is video of the aftermath of the fight that broke out at westfield mall in san francisco just before 7:00 last night. the fight forced the mall to close early. police say they were responding to calls about some sort of altercation.. when they arrived... people approached officers and began throwing things and assaulting them. police say multiple people were detained. no word yet on what started the fight. the extent of the officer's injuries are not known this morning. ( darya ) happening now. arson investigators are looking for the people who destroyed a popular bay area playground.( mark ) anny hong is here with the details. anny. ( anny ) someone set fire to the koret children's playground in golden gate park late saturday night. it's the playground near the carousel. officials with san francisco recreation and parks described what happened as terrible acts of vandalism. park officials will inspect the damage before determining when the park can reopen. it is estimated that the fire caused more than 1-million dollars in damage. families were saddened to see the destruction. ( anny ) the playground was built in 18-88 and is considered to be the nation's first public playground. it was renovated back in 2007 for nearly 4 million dollars. back to you. (mark) a campaign promise to repeal and replace the affordable care act is hitting some road blocks this morning. members of the g-o-p are divided over the senate's new health care bill. as early as today... the congressional budget office could release its report detailing the impact the bill could have on the american people. health and human services secretary, tom price defended the bill... saying that it will not cause people to lose their health insurance. so far five senate republicans have publicly opposed the bill in its current form. (mark) senate republicans can only afford to lose two votes in order for the bill to pass. no democrat is expected to vote for the bill. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell has said that he wants the senate to vote on the bill by the end of the week. (darya) today is a big day for the supreme court. in just a matter of hours we could learn if the court will hear arguments on president trump's travel ban. the ban would restrict travel for people from six muslim- majority countries. we could also learn if justice anthony kennedy plans to retire. kennedy has served as a consistent swing vote siding with liberals on cases involving gay marriage and abortion. he has also sided with conservatives on issues like gun control and campaign finance. if the 80-year-old justice does retire it would mean a second supreme court appointment for president trump. earlier this year... he appointed justice neil gorsuch to the bench. ( mark ) happening now... wildfires continue to tear through parts of the west including here in california and the dry conditions are making matters worse.( darya ) reid binion has the latest. parts of the west are ravaged by wildfires....erin darboven, fire operations spokeswoman: "we had a lot of calls from the public about what the fire is doing to the area and it's still very, very active." among the states affected, utah.that's where the brian head fire is's the largest active wildfire in the nation, scorching more than 42- thousand acres thus far. sheriff jim perkins: "it is heart wrenching i get it you know there are cabins up there that are generations old." authorities say that fire was likely caused by a weed torch. a number of communities in the area were forced to evacuate, including the entire town of brian head.residents there are keeping their fingers crossed. woman: "i just hope i can go back to rotten food in the freezer and the refrigerator stinks like all get out. (laughs). it'd be nice if those things are still there to have to deal with."more than 11-hundred fire-fighters are in utah with dozens of engines and helicopters.local forecasters say thunderstorms are possible on monday, and that could play a factor with the fires.erin darboven, fire operations spokeswoman:"we are looking at another change in the weather pattern, so a shift in winds, bringing some erratic winds with it, so tactics are changing accordingly."seventeen other fires are also being fought across arizona, california, new mexico, nevada and oregon. i'm reid binion reporting. ( mark ) more than 150 people are dead and dozens of others are injured after an oil tanker exploded in eastern pakistan. investigators say the tanker went off the road in an accident and villagers had gathered to collect the oil--when the truck exploded. more than ( mark ) more than 150 people are dead and dozens of others are injured after an oil tanker exploded in eastern pakistan. investigators say the tanker went off the road in an accident and villagers had gathered to collect the oil- -when the truck exploded. more than 100 others were injured... many of whom are now being treated for extensive burns including women and children. the death toll is expected to rise. police say... people smoking cigarettes near the crash site may have caused the explosion. ( mark ) a rescue operation is under way after a tourist boat sank in colombia. officials say at least six people were killed in sunday's incident. more than 30-others are still missing in the reservoir where the vessel went down. search efforts were suspended overnight because of storms in the area. one survivor says the vessel did ánotá have life vests on board. emergency officials say at least 100 people were rescued... 21 of them had to be treated for injuries. (darya) back here in the bay area... a motorcyclist is behind bars and accused of driving recklessly. c-h-p contra costa posted "slow-motion" video from its helicopter on facebook. it shows the driver on a green motorcycle in orinda on highway 24 by hidden valley road. c-h-p says the rider was kicking, punching and smashing mirrors. the rider led the "air-ops" team and patrol cars to his house where officers for him. he faces charges of reckless driving, vandalism, suspended registration and his motorcycle was impounded. c-h-p says the rider also attacked cars several times last week. (darya) a father accidentally buried a man that he thought was his son in orange county. frank kerrigan says the coroner's office mistakenly identified a man as his homeless, mentally ill son. kerrigan says he was told finger-prints were used to identify him. the family saw the body before the funeral, but it was hard to recognize him. the mistake was realized once the son heard about his own funeral from a family friend. the coroner's office says the case is under investigation. ( mark ) eight people have been injured in southern california after an s-u-v crashed into a swimming pool at a motel. it happened at the vagabond inn in san pedro. police say the driver lost control, slammed into a wall and crashed into the pool. children were inside the pool at the time of the crash. they were not seriously hurt. the crash is being investigated as a possible d-u- i. ( mark ) happening today... the former pharmaceutical executive who raised the price of an aids drug by 5-thousand percent will be in court. martin shkreli is facing charges unrelated to the price hiking controversy. instead shkreli is facing charges of securities fraud and conspiracy. he is accused of cheating investors out of more than 11-million dollars in a ponzi scheme. the 34-year-old faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted. ( darya ) the mother of a man killed last year by a minnesota police officer has reached a settlement in his death. today...attorneys for valerie castile announced she will get three million dollars in the case. her son philando castile was killed after he was pulled over last july. castile's girl-friend live-streamed the aftermath on facebook and it quickly gained attention. the league of minnesota cities insurance trust is expected to cover the settlement. ( mark ) still ahead on the kron four morning news... a violent confrontation all over a cold piece of chicken. we'll show you the entire video and explain what happened.( darya ) and pride weekend is being called a success in san francisco. we have the highlights coming up. plus... a scary scene at a theme park as a girl dangles from a ride. details on how she was eventually rescued. ( james ) and i will check your bay area forecast coming up( robin ) and i am tracking you commute after the break. . . no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. [ indistinct chatter ] [ intense music playing ] it's here, but it's going by fast. the opportunity of the year is back: the mercedes-benz summer event. get to your dealer today for incredible once-a-season offers, and start firing up those grilles. lease the e300 for $569 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. summer skiing is in full swing at lake tahoe. this is video from squaw valley from over the weekend. temperatures were in the 70s and it was sunny. squaw valley will be open this weekend and on the 4th of july. (darya) in the weather center with james tracking the forecast... (james) (james)this week is expected to be much cooler than last week. we're not expecting any 100 degree days. right now, it's mostly cloudy and cool outside with temperatures in the 50s for the most part with a few low 60s in the mix. our 4-zone camera network is showing widespread low clouds. the marine layer is extremely deep, so cooler ocean air is filtering into all our inland valleys this morning. as a result, expect much cooler conditions today and tomorrow compared to last week. inland highs today will max out in the low 80s under sunny skies. expect low 70s along the bay shoreline with low 60s and drizzle at the coast. the extended forecast shows similarly cool conditions for tomorrow with gradual warming beginning on wednesday. inland highs will slowly warm to the upper 80s by this weekend. no major hot spots. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. (darya) scary moments in new york as a teenage girl falls from a ride at an amusement park.(mark) anny hong is here with the video. anny? (anny) the girl is still in the hospital this morning. and the incident was all caught on camera. the girl and her brother were on the sky gondola ride at a six flags park near albany, new york when she slipped out. a father and his daughter saw the girl dangling from the ride, which is about 25 feet in the air and rushed to help. the girl eventually dropped and was caught by people on the ground. (anny) the man that helped catch the girl suffered a minor back injury. park officials say all of the safety features on the ride were checked after the incident and all were working properly. ( mark ) a restaurant owner in georgia and her teenage daughter were beaten up by a couple... and they say the attack all started over cold chicken. this video we are about to show you is disturbing... a couple went to the resturant owner's stand and complained about their food being cold late last week. the owner says she refunded their money, but the couple started cussing and beating down the window. she then went outside to tell them police were on the way, when the woman started punching and slapping her. that's when her teenage daughter got out of the truck to help and the husband punched her. ( mark ) police are continuing their search for the couple who attacked the the restaurant owner and her daughter the victims suffered minor injuries. ( darya ) a warning as we approach the 4th of july holiday... morgan hill police are tripling the fines for fireworks. they say anyone who is found possessing or discharging fireworks between july 2nd and july 8th will face fines up to three times the normal amount. the base fine for fireworks is 100-dollars... and will become 300-dollars. in the bay area, "safe and sane" fireworks are only legal in a handful of cities... including dublin, newark, union city, san bruno and petaluma. ( darya ) and police in san jose are already busting people for fireworks. this is just some of what officers have seized so far. among the items, massive mortars that are considered explosives. they have taken 27-hundred pounds of illegal fireworks off the streets since april. police say they have identified two people as being responsible for selling them and there is a warrant out for one suspect. (mark) it was a successful pride weekend in san francisco. an estimated one million people showed up to honor the l-g-b-t community.(darya) kron four's alecia reid shows us the colorful celebrations. the celebration started early we were like the first ones heresome folks coming to the pride parade for years know they have to plan aheadwe know if we wanna get a good spot and watch the parade and enjoy it and relax, we have to get up here first thing in the morning and reserve the area revelers walking up and down market street were covered with vibrant colors and the pride flag. those here for the first time were in's quite amazing. never seen anything like iti think it's pretty great that san francisco hosts this every year. people come from all over the country all over the world. i heard someone say they came all the way from austriafor those that make this a yearly event, they look forward to what's's always a new experiencepeople can finally express themselves and like, show who they really can be and who they are and not feel pressured or anything about itthere's a big sense of community around everyone, and everyone's excited to be here it's super exciting. i love being in a place where you can be accepted and an amazing atmosphere.we're gonna be here all day enjoying the beautiful weather and fun festivities after watching the parade and all the floats, the culmination is the festivities here at civic center. reporting in san francisco. (darya) our pride celebration coverage continues online. we have more highlights (darya) our pride celebration coverage continues online. we have more highlights from the san francisco pride parade. you can also download the kron4 app and sign up to get alerted when breaking news happens in your neighborhood. (mark) gas prices continue to go down in the bay area. industry analysts say that the drop reflects lower costs for crude oil. and triple-a says prices are expected to fall for the rest of the month. taking a look at prices around the bay area. in san jose it's $3.01 for a gallon of regular. that's compared to $3.20 last month. it will cost you a penny more in oakland. and san francisco is always the most expensive at $3.14 for a gallon of gas. ( darya ) still ahead on the kron four morning news... a man gets stuck in a rushing river in northern california... and his rescue is caught on camera. we'll show you more of the video. plus... hundreds of passengers endure extreme turbulence for hours before a flight makes an emergency landing. details on what the airline says caused the shaking. ♪ introducing the new sleep number 360 smart bed. the only bed smart enough to change sleep as we know it. it senses your every move and automatically adjusts on both sides to keep you comfortable. and snoring... does your bed do that? right now save on sleep number 360 smart beds. plus, it's the lowest prices of the season with savings of $500 on our most popular p5 bed. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. (darya) a man was rescued after he was swept up by water moving down a river in grass valley.(mark) it happened sunday afternoon at the emerald pools. a man was clinging on to a small rock in the middle of the river when he was found by a c-h-p helicopter.(darya) it was right above a 50-foot waterfall. chp lowered a rescue basket from the helicopter to save the man. he only had minor injuries. (mark) his girlfriend was also rescued from the same area a few hours later while she was looking for him. they have been reunited. ( darya ) turbulence shakes passengers for two hours during a flight from australia to malaysia.( mark ) here's a look at video a passenger took on board... this was on an air-asia-x flight. the passenger called the turbulence very scary.( darya ) more than 300 passengers were on board the plane. the turbulence was so bad that the flight had to return to australia.( mark ) passengers say that the pilot actually asked the passengers to pray and that they were told to hold the "brace position" during the landing. investigators say the turbulence was caused by a problem with the engine. the passengers on the plane broke out in applause once the plane was safely on the ground. (james) tracking your morning forecast. details coming up. (darya) and an east bay community is the target of multiple robberies... and neighbors are now speaking out. details on the unusual suspects they caught in the act. welcome back to the kron four morning news... lets start the half hour with a check of weather and traffic... (james)this week is expected to be much cooler than last week. we're not expecting any 100 degree days. right now, it's mostly cloudy and cool outside with temperatures in the 50s for the most part with a few low 60s in the mix. our 4-zone camera network is showing widespread low clouds. the marine layer is extremely deep, so cooler ocean air is filtering into all our inland valleys this morning. as a result, expect much cooler conditions today and tomorrow compared to last week. inland highs today will max out in the low 80s under sunny skies. expect low 70s along the bay shoreline with low 60s and drizzle at the coast. the extended forecast shows similarly cool conditions for tomorrow with gradual warming beginning on wednesday. inland highs will slowly warm to the upper 80s by this weekend. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. ( darya ) people who live in one east bay neighborhood help police catch the people responsible for some recent attempted home invasions.( mark ) kron 4's spencer blake has the details. earlier this month, fremont police arrived on peregrine way after getting reports of the same maroon-colored car that had been on the street in preceding days.the first time it was there, a woman and her elderly husband got attacked by someone trying to steal keys from them as they pulled into their garage.three days later, the same victim family reported the same suspects trying to break into the house - while they were inside.but the young suspects got away again."i saw some people gathering over there, but i didn't see police catching those culprits but i did know that something again happened." then one day after that is when this surveillance video captured the 15-year-old suspected of the earlier crimes.the car he's walking to - which police later found out was stolen - is one that by now, neighbors had been keeping an eye on."yeah, it looks like that we are together and work together." there's an official neighborhood watch group on the street, and neighors were alert enough to recognize the 15-year-old and confront him in the street.another team effort was several surveillance videos like this one that neighbors quickly and willingly turned over to police."we've been talking about that a lot as a neighborhood to have it and i've been meaning to do this for years, and i probably will do it - not just because of this one incident, but i think long term."(standup)that maroon honda, by the way, had two girls inside -a 14-year-old and a ten-year-old. police ordered them out, handcuffed them, and questioned them, but ultimately released them to their parents."i was really surprised to know that there's a 10-year-old involved. i can not even think of, ya know, a 10-year-old."only the 15- year-old was arrested, and confessed to home invasion robbery, elder abuse, and possessing a stolen fremont, spencer blake, kron four news. ( mark ) happening today, the l-a- sherrif's department will release more information about aramazd andressian senior. he's the man accused of killing his 5- year-old son. the father was arrested friday in las vegas. the five-year-old disappeared back in april near los angeles. that is when the dad was found by police, passed out in a car after taking prescription drugs. investigators say the car was covered in gasoline. the boy was supposed to be returned to his mother that day. andressian has denied any wrongdoing. his son's body has not yet been found. (mark) a texas mom is in jail after police say she left her two toddlers in a car as punishment... and they died. police say cynthia marie randolph was angry at her kids for playing in the car, so she left them inside to teach them a lesson. authorities say she went back into her house and smoked pot, before falling asleep for at about two hours. her two-year-old daughter and 16-month-old son both died. the outside temperature reached 96-degrees. deputies also say randolph lied to them and tried to make the deaths look like an accident. she faces multiple felony charges. (darya) several government websites were hacked with a message supporting the islamic state terrorist group. this is what visitors to different websites in ohio saw yesterday morning. this message was posted on ohio governer john kasich's official website making reference to president trump. it said the president would be - quote - "accountable for every drop of blood flowing in muslim countries." the hackers also hit the websites of ohio's first lady and the state department of corrections. all of the servers were taken offline to be investigated. ( mark ) covering california... two possible hate crimes have rocked the muslim community in the sacramento area.( darya ) this comes as the muslim community celebrates the end of the holy month of ramadan. kay recede has the details. the end of ramadan is a celebration for thousands of muslim families in sacramento... (imam azeez, director, tarbiya institute) 'today is a day of joy.'a time of happiness — despite two possible hate crimes that have rocked their community.on saturday the sacramento county sheriffús department says — a burned quran filled with bacon was left hanging on a handcuff near the masjid islamic center in sacramento... (nats cell phone) 'yes, strewn all over the street right in front of the masjid'just 24 hours prior — the council on american-islamic relations or cair — says a driver threw large pieces of the quran at the islamic center of davis... hassan shabbir shared this cell phone footage with us after the attack...(nats cell phone)'and the cops just arrived... unreal.'this is the second time the center has been targeted... last week — lauren kirk-coelho was found guilty of vandalizing the property and leaving bacon on door handles back in january — she was sentenced to five years probation.(basim elkarra, executive director, cair)'it's disappointing, it's sad that people resort to this and try to intimidate a faith community but we're not going to let them win.'muslim community leaders say itús sad that their centers... their faith have been targeted... but they remain united.(nats kids)(imam azeez, director, tarbiya institute)'best statement in the face of evil actions is to stay the course and to stick to your ground and keep moving forward.' ( darya ) that was kay recede reporting for us this morning. so far police have not said if they have any leads on who is responsible. (darya) breaking news... the supreme court has agreed to hear the case around president trump's travel ban. the ban would restrict travel for people from six muslim-majority countries. two lower courts have already ruled the ban unconstitutional. there are also reports that justice anthony kennedy might be planning to retire. kennedy has served as a consistent swing vote siding with liberals on cases involving gay marriage and abortion. he has also sided with conservatives on issues like gun control and campaign finance. if the 80-year-old justice does retire it would mean a second supreme court appointment for president trump. earlier this year... he appointed justice neil gorsuch to the bench. (mark) melting snow is creating safety hazards on one of the main roads at yosemite park. tioga road is shut down for the season. park officials say they will not open the road to the public until the impacted power, communications, water and sewer systems are safe for operation. there is no time estimate for how long that will take. (darya) coming up on the kron four morning news... we'll show you what the the warriors were doing over the weekend. we'll show you who was dabbling in softball and golf. and why klay's toaster trick is not working for the giants. the world according to gary is in a few minutes. and after the break. space-x makes another launch over the weekend.. we''ll tell you the record they tied after their launch. next. and here's a live look outside... golden gate bridge. (robin) no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. ( mark ) space-x made its second successful rocket launch in just three days. it happened sunday at the vandenberg air force base in santa barbara county. the company deployed a group of airplane tracking satellites. this comes after the rocket launch at florida's kennedy space center on friday. space-x used a rocket booster from an earlier mission to reduce the cost of flights. the company has already launched eight rockets this year tying its record from last year. ( darya ) a magazine writer has filed a copyright infringement lawsuit against the creators of the new tupac movie "all eyez on me" kevin powell says that portions of the film are based on his articles about the late rapper in the 1990's for vibe magazine. powell says the film also borrowed from numerous interviews he did with tupac. he claims the producers used his " most intense" moments with the rapper to write the script without his permission. powell is now suing lionsgate entertainment as well as the producers and screen writers. lionsgate has not commented on the lawsuit. (james) tracking your morning forecast... the world (darya) ( darya ) bay area baseball. the giants taking on the mets, hoping to avoid their fifth straight loss. at&t park celebrating gay pride sunday by giving fans 'summer of love' blankets. matt moore on the hill for san francisco, but it just wasn't his day he allowed 7 hits and five runs in less than five innings of work. the mets win 8 to 2. the giants have lost 12 of their last 13. they host the rockies at 7:00 tonight. ( darya ) the toaster did not bring any luck to the giants. ( darya ) the oakland a's are out of town, so the neighboring warriors put on their baseball gear stole the show at the colesum. dubs center javale mcgee held his annual celebrity softball game. fellow warriors kevin durant, andre iguodala, and draymond green were there hitting softballs instead of shooting basketballs. marshawn lynch showed up late, but made it in time to shake a few hands. the event benefited mcgee's charity called ( darya ) klay thompson did ánotá play in the softball game. he was in china promoting his shoe brand "anta", but when he tried to go up for a dunk at the showcase.. he fell flat. check this out: klay gets rejected by the rim. and although the fall looked bad, he is okay. ( darya ) steph curry did not go to the softball game. he was golfing with tom brady. both athletes are endorsed by under armour. ( darya ) super bowl champion tom brady is making the most of his offseason. take a look at this... the five time superbowl champion is taking some time to train with japan's top sumo wrestler's. brady is in tokyo as part of his promotional tour in asia. no word whether -- brady will be adding sumo wresting to his offseason training regime. ( darya ) pga traveler's open championship... this event goes to a sudden death playoff (hole 18th) and jordan spieth amazes with a chip in from the sand bunker to win the championship. ( darya ) spieth and steph both do the chest bump to celebrate. ( darya ) erin andrews gets married over the weekend to an nhl player. ( darya ) i went to disneyland for vacation. here are some of the pictures of the trip. who are these people? the energy conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. ( mark ) the latest installment of the transformers movie franchise made a big splash at the box office.( darya ) david daniel takes a look at the weekend's big winners. "the mummy" is unraveling a bit, falling to fifth place with five-point-eight million dollars. seven-point-four million dollars put the deep-sea thriller "47 meters down" in fourth place. "wonder woman" fell to third place, but stayed strong with 25-point-one million dollars, boosting its domestic total to 318-million. "it's lightning mcqueen!" "he's obviously an imposter." in a photo-finish for second place, "cars three" nosed ahead of "wonder woman," earning 25-point-two million. "without leaders, chaos reigns." the only new movie in wide release, "transformers: the last knight," easily won the weekend, with a three-day debut of 45-point-three million dollars. in hollywood, i'm david daniel. ( mark ) a gorilla has become an internet sensation after showing off his dance moves. this is at the dallas zoo. the video was posted on you-tube and has thousands of views this morning. the gorilla named zola is seen break-dancing in the swimming pool. one person even decided to put the video with the song "maniac" from the movie "flash-dance." ( darya ) coming up on the kron four morning news at eight.. a huge fight at a bay area mall injures an officer... and forces the mall to close early. we'll show you the entire video. plus. a popular bay area playground is burned. the hunt is on for the criminals who torched it down. and. human remains are discovered in the east bay and police believe it may belong to a missing bay area father. kron four's lydia pantazes shows us his wife's emotional plea. (darya) good morning i'm darya folsom..(mark) and i'm mark danon. lets start the morning with a check of weather and traffic... (james) this week is expected to be much cooler than last week. we're not expecting any 100 degree days. right now, it's mostly cloudy and cool outside with temperatures in the 50s for the most part with a few low 60s in the mix. our 4-zone camera network is showing widespread low clouds. the marine layer is extremely deep, so cooler ocean air is filtering into all our inland valleys this morning. as a result, expect much cooler conditions today and tomorrow compared to last week. inland highs today will max out in the low 80s under sunny skies. expect low 70s along the bay shoreline with low 60s and drizzle at the coast. the extended forecast shows similarly cool conditions for tomorrow with gradual warming beginning on wednesday. inland highs will slowly warm to the upper 80s by this weekend. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. ( darya ) ( darya ) breaking news we are following this morning... the supreme court has agreed to hear arguments on president trump's travel ban. annyhong is at the breaking news desk with the latest. anny. (anny) the supreme court is letting the trump administration enforce its 90- day ban on travelers from six mostly muslim countries, overturning lower court orders that blocked it. the action this morning is a victory for president donald trump in the biggest legal controversy of his presidency. mister trump said last week that the ban would take effect 72 hours being cleared by courts. the justices will hear arguments on the case in the fall. back to you. . ( darya ) our top story this morning... police are trying to identify human remains found in the east bay over the weekend.( mark ) this morning they say the remains could be related to the case of a missing san francisco father. kron 4's lydia pantazes is live in san francisco with the details. lydia. ( lydia ) friends and family have been desperately searching for piseth chai, a missing san francisco father. he disappeared on mother's day 48-year-old piseth chhay was last seen leaving his home in san francisco. on saturday morning police received a call about human remains found at a warehouse in hayward. the warehouse belongs to bob tang, who is a family friend and the person of interest in the case. tang's car was found at s-f-o on may 25th... and police say they believe he may have fled the country. kron four spoke with chaay's wife about the discovery of the remains. ( lydia ) again, police have yet to confirm if the remains do in fact belong to piseth chhay. we are expected to get some answers in the coming days. reporting live in san francisco, lydia pantazes kron4 news. ( mark ) thanks lydia. we will check back with you through out the morning. ( mark ) a police officer is injured after a fight breaks out in a busy bay area mall. this is video of the aftermath of the fight that broke out at westfield mall in san francisco just before 7:00 last night. the fight forced the mall to close early. police say they were responding to calls about some sort of altercation.. when they arrived... people approached officers and began throwing things and assaulting them. police say multiple people were detained. no word yet on what started the fight. the extent of the officer's injuries are not known this morning. (darya) happening now. arson investigators are looking for the people who destroyed a popular bay area playground. police say someone set fire to the koret children's playground in golden gate park late saturday night. it's the playground near the carousel. officials say it is an act of vandalism... and they are not sure when the park will reopen. the fire caused more than 1-million dollars in damage. we talked with one parent who takes his daughter to the park often. about what happened to it and why and who did this and if it was an accident. what did you tell her? i told her someone probably did this on purpose that's what it looks like and i don't really know how to explain that fully but.>(darya) the playground was built in 18-88 and is considered to be the nation's first public playground. it was renovated back in 2007 for nearly 4 million dollars. ( mark ) the mother of a man killed last year by a minnesota police officer has reached a settlement in his death. today...attorneys for valerie castile announced she will get three million dollars in the case. her son philando castile was killed after he was pulled over last july. castile's girl-friend live-streamed the aftermath on facebook and it quickly gained attention. the league of minnesota cities insurance trust is expected to cover the settlement. (darya) back here in the bay area... a motorcyclist is behind bars and accused of driving recklessly. c-h-p contra costa posted "slow-motion" video from its helicopter on facebook. it shows the driver on a green motorcycle in orinda on highway 24 by hidden valley road. c-h-p says the rider was kicking, punching and smashing mirrors. the rider led the "air-ops" team and patrol cars to his house where officers were waiting for him. he faces charges of reckless driving, vandalism, suspended registration and his motorcycle was impounded. c-h-p says the rider also attacked cars several times last week. ( mark ) coming up on the kron 4 morning news... republican senators struggling to pass a new healthcare law. hear what president trump is saying about getting the bill passed. and after the break... a scary scene at a theme park as a girl dangles from a ride. details on how she was eventually rescued. and here's a live look outside... san mateo bridge. i don't want to lie down. i refuse to lie down. why suffer? stand up to chronic migraine with botox® botox® is the only treatment for chronic migraine shown to actually prevent headaches and migraines before they even start. botox® is for adults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more. it's injected by a doctor once every 12 weeks. and is covered by most insurance. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't take botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. for a limited time, you can qualify for two treatments at no cost. stand up to chronic migraine. talk to a headache specialist today. spots. wb 580 slow from richmond pkwy to the tolls. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. ( darya ) scary moments in new york as a teenage girl falls from a ride at an amusement park. she is still in the hospital this morning. the incident was all caught on camera. the girl and her brother were on the sky gondola ride at a six flags park near albany, new york when she slipped out. a father and his daughter saw the girl dangling from the ride, which is about 25 feet in the air and rushed to help. the girl eventually dropped and was caught by people on the ground. ( darya ) the man that helped catch the girl suffered a minor back injury. park officials say all of the safety features on checked after the incident and all were working (james) and i'm tracking your morning forecast. a full weather report right after the break. a hurricane is brewing in the tropics. it is called hurricane dora and it is the first one in in the pacific this year. now, winds are up to 80 miles per hour and they are expected to strengthen today. the storm is supposed to get weaker on tuesday. forecasters say the storm will stay near the coast of mexico, but it is expected to cause rip current conditions and life-threatening surf. hurricane dora is not a threat to land. (james)(mark)(darya) welcome back. let's get a check of the weather this morning... (james)this week is expected to be much cooler than last week. we're not expecting any 100 degree days. right now, it's mostly cloudy and cool outside with temperatures in the 50s for the most part with a few low 60s in the mix. our 4-zone camera network is showing widespread low clouds. the marine layer is extremely deep, so cooler ocean air is filtering into all our inland valleys this morning. as a result, expect much cooler conditions today and tomorrow compared to last week. inland highs today will max out in the low 80s under sunny skies. expect low 70s along the bay shoreline with low 60s and drizzle at the coast. the extended forecast shows similarly cool conditions for tomorrow with gradual warming beginning on wednesday. inland highs will slowly warm to the upper 80s by this weekend. no major hot spots.san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. ( darya ) a warning as we approach the 4th of july holiday... morgan hill police are tripling the fines for fireworks. they say anyone who is found possessing or discharging fireworks between july 2nd and july 8th will face fines up to three times the normal amount. the base fine for fireworks is 100-dollars... and will become 300-dollars. in the bay area, "safe and sane" fireworks are only legal in a handful of cities... including dublin, newark, union city, san bruno and petaluma. ( darya ) and police in san jose are already busting people for fireworks. this is just some of what officers have seized so far. among the items, massive mortars that are considered explosives. they have taken 27-hundred pounds of illegal fireworks off the streets since april. police say they have identified two people as being responsible for selling them and there is a warrant out for one suspect. ( mark ) this morning... senate republicans are scrambling to get the votes necessary to pass a new healthcare law that replaces the affordable care act.( darya ) so far 5 g-o-p senators have come out against the bill. suzanne malveaux (mal-vo) has the latest. president trump:"i don't think they're that far off. famous last words, right? i think we're going to get there." president trump expressing confidence as senate g-o-p leaders scramble to secure the 50 votes needed to pass their health care bill.trump:"health care's a very complicated subject from the standpoint that you move it this way and this group doesn't like it. you move it a little bit over here, you have a very narrow path. and, honestly, nobody can be totally happy."with all democrats opposed to the legislation, republicans can only afford to lose two votes. but there are currently five g-o-p senators who say they can't support the bill as drafted.sen. rand paul: "there's no way the republican bill brings down premiums. look, i've been in medicine 20 years. i'm 54 years old. premiums have never gone down. they're not going to go down after the republican bill."tom price:"the plan in its entirety will absolutely bring premiums down."trump senior adviser kellyanne conway says the president is working the phones to try to drum up support.although senate majority whip john cornyn told reporters this weekend ... "we're trying to hold him back a little bit."complicating the president's effort, his acknowledgment that he called the house health care bill mean.trump:"that was my term because i want to see ... i want to see ... and i speak from the heart ... that's what i want to see. i want to see a bill with heart."the president contradicting his own press secretary, sean spicer, and house speaker paul ryan.rep. paul ryan:"i think that was some kind of misinterpretation of a private meeting."a major point of contention -- the 11 million americans insured under obamacare's medicaid expansion, which faces deep cuts under the senate bill. despite the president's promise not to cut the program. trump:"save medicare, medicaid and social security without cuts."gov. john kasich:"over a 10-year period, medicaid funding will be significantly curtailed, and not accompanied at this point with the kind of flexibility we need."kellyanne conway insisting otherwise. kellyanne conway:"these are not cuts to medicaid, george. this slows the rate for the future and it allows governors more flexibility with medicaid dollars." sen. susan collins: "i respectfully disagree with her analysis. i'm very concerned about the cost of insurance for older people with serious chronic illnesses."it's a race against the clock with congress going on recess this friday.will they vote before then?sen. ron johnson:"i would like to delay the thing. there's no way we should be voting on this next week. no way." ( mark ) more than 150 people are dead and dozens of others are injured after an oil tanker exploded in eastern pakistan. investigators say the tanker went off the road in an accident and villagers had gathered to collect the oil--when the truck exploded. more than 100 others were injured... many of whom are now being treated for extensive burns including women and children. the death toll is expected to rise. police say... people smoking cigarettes near the crash site may have caused the explosion. ( darya ) the dry weather causing major problems for firefighters all across the west coast. we will show you the damage from the biggest wildfires burning right now. and pride weekend is being called a success in san francisco. we have the highlights coming up after the break. (mark) it was a successful pride weekend in san francisco. an estimated one million people showed up to honor the l-g-b-t community.(darya) kron four's alecia reid shows us the colorful celebrations. the celebration started early we were like the first ones heresome folks coming to the pride parade for years know they have to plan aheadwe know if we wanna get a good spot and watch the parade and enjoy it and relax, we have to get up here first thing in the morning and reserve the area revelers walking up and down market street were covered with vibrant colors and the pride flag. those here for the first time were in's quite amazing. never seen anything like iti think it's pretty great that san francisco hosts this every year. people come from all over the country all over the world. i heard someone say they came all the way from austriafor those that make this a yearly event, they look forward to what's's always a new experiencepeople can finally express themselves and like, show who they really can be and who they are and not feel pressured or anything about itthere's a big sense of community around everyone, and everyone's excited to be here it's super exciting. i love being in a place where you can be accepted and an amazing atmosphere.we're gonna be here all day enjoying the beautiful weather and fun festivities after watching the parade and all the floats, the culmination is the festivities here at civic center. reporting in san francisco. (james) tracking your morning forecast. details coming up. (darya) and an east bay community is the target of multiple robberies... and neighbors are now speaking out. details on suspects they caught in the act. (mark)(darya) welcome back to the kron four morning news... lets start the half hour with a check of weather and traffic... (james)this week is expected to be much cooler than last week. we're not expecting any 100 degree days. right now, it's mostly cloudy and cool outside with temperatures in the 50s for the most part with a few low 60s in the mix. our 4-zone camera network is showing widespread low clouds. the marine no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( darya ) people who live in one east bay neighborhood help police catch the people responsible for some recent attempted home invasions.( mark ) kron 4's spencer blake has the details. earlier this month, fremont police arrived on peregrine way after getting reports of the same maroon-colored car that had been on the street in preceding days.the first time it was there, a woman and her elderly husband got attacked by someone trying to steal keys from them as they pulled into their garage.three days later, the same victim family reported the same suspects trying to break into the house - while they were inside.but the young suspects got away again."i saw some people gathering over there, but i didn't see police catching those culprits but i did know that something again happened." then one day after that is when this surveillance video captured the 15-year-old suspected of the earlier crimes.the car he's walking to - which police later found out was stolen - is one that by now, neighbors had been keeping an eye on."yeah, it looks like that we are together and work together." there's an official neighborhood watch group on the street, and neighors were alert enough to recognize the 15-year-old and confront him in the street.another team effort was several surveillance videos like this one that neighbors quickly and willingly turned over to police."we've been talking about that a lot as a neighborhood to have it and i've been meaning to do this for years, and i probably will do it - not just because of this one incident, but i think long term."(standup)that maroon honda, by the way, had two girls inside -a 14-year-old and a ten-year-old. police ordered them out, handcuffed them, and questioned them, but ultimately released them to their parents."i was really surprised to know that there's a 10-year-old involved. i can not even think of, ya know, a 10-year-old."only the 15- year-old was arrested, and confessed to home invasion robbery, elder abuse, and possessing a stolen fremont, spencer blake, kron four news. ( darya ) a warning for drivers in the east bay today... traffic signals at a busy intersection in fremont will be down for maintenance. it's happening at fremont boulevard and country drive... that's near washington high school. the signals will be down from 9-am to 4-pm. drivers on country drive will not be able to access fremont boulevard. police say to allow extra time to travel in that area because it will cause heavy traffic. ( mark ) happening today, the l-a- sherrif's department will release more information about aramazd andressian senior. he's the man accused of killing his 5- year-old son. the father was arrested friday in las vegas. the five-year-old disappeared back in april near los angeles. that is when the dad was found by police, passed out in a car after taking prescription drugs. investigators say the car was covered in gasoline. the boy was supposed to be returned to his mother that day. andressian has denied any wrongdoing. his son's body has not yet been found. (mark) a texas mom is in jail after police say she left her two toddlers in a car as punishment... and they died. police say cynthia marie randolph was angry at her kids for playing in the car, so she left them inside to teach them a lesson. authorities say she went back into her house and smoked pot, before falling asleep for at about two hours. her two-year-old daughter and 16-month-old son both died. the outside temperature reached 96-degrees. deputies also say randolph lied to them and tried to make the deaths look like an accident. she faces multiple felony charges. (darya) several government websites were hacked with a message supporting the islamic state terrorist group. this is what visitors to different websites in ohio saw yesterday morning. this message was posted on ohio governer john kasich's official website making reference to president trump. it said the president would be - quote - "accountable for every drop of blood flowing in muslim countries." the hackers also hit the websites of ohio's first lady and the state department of corrections. all of the servers were taken offline to be investigated. ( mark ) happening now... wildfires continue to tear through parts of the west including here in california and the dry conditions are making matters worse.( darya ) reid binion has the latest. parts of the west are ravaged by wildfires....erin darboven, fire operations spokeswoman: "we had a lot of calls from the public about what the fire is doing to the area and it's still very, very active." among the states affected, utah.that's where the brian head fire is's the largest active wildfire in the nation, scorching more than 42- thousand acres thus far. sheriff jim perkins: "it is heart wrenching i get it you know there are cabins up there that are generations old." authorities say that fire was likely caused by a weed torch. a number of communities in the area were forced to evacuate, including the entire town of brian head.residents there are keeping their fingers crossed. woman: "i just hope i can go back to rotten food in the freezer and the refrigerator stinks like all get out. (laughs). it'd be nice if those things are still there to have to deal with."more than 11-hundred fire-fighters are in utah with dozens of engines and helicopters.local forecasters say thunderstorms are possible on monday, and that could play a factor with the fires.erin darboven, fire operations spokeswoman:"we are looking at another change in the weather pattern, so a shift in winds, bringing some erratic winds with it, so tactics are changing accordingly."seventeen other fires are also being fought across arizona, california, new mexico, nevada and oregon. i'm reid binion reporting. (darya) a man was rescued after he was swept up by water moving down a river in grass valley. it happened sunday afternoon at the emerald pools. a man was clinging on to a small rock in the middle of the river when he was found by a c-h-p helicopter. it was right above a 50-foot waterfall. chp lowered a rescue basket from the helicopter to save the man. he only had minor injuries. his girlfriend was also rescued from the same area a few hours later while she was looking for him. they have been reunited. ( mark ) coming up... hundreds of passengers endure extreme turbulence for hours before a flight makes an emergency landing. details on what the airline says caused the shaking. and after the break... gas prices falling across the bay area. how much you can expect to pay at the pump as you head out the door this morning. and here's a live look outside... richmond san rafael bridge. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. (mark) gas prices continue to go down in the bay area. industry analysts say that the drop reflects lower costs for crude oil. and triple-a says prices are expected to fall for the rest of the month. taking a look at prices around the bay area. in san jose it's $3.01 for a gallon of regular. it will cost you a penny more in oakland. and san francisco is always the most expensive at $3.14 for a gallon of gas. ( mark ) space-x made its second successful rocket launch in just three days. it happened sunday at the vandenberg air force base in santa barbara county. the company deployed a group of airplane tracking satellites. this comes after the rocket launch at florida's kennedy space center on friday. space-x used a rocket booster from an earlier mission to reduce the cost of flights. the company has already launched eight rockets this year tying its record from last year. (james) watching the weather this morning. your forecast is right after the break. (darya)(james) in the weather center tracking the forecast with james... (james)this week is expected to be much cooler than last week. we're not expecting any 100 degree days. right now, it's mostly cloudy and cool outside with temperatures in the 50s for the most part with a few low 60s in the mix. our 4-zone camera network is showing widespread low clouds. the marine layer is extremely deep, so cooler ocean air is filtering into all our inland valleys this morning. as a result, expect much cooler no major hot spots. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. ( mark ) covering california... two possible hate crimes have rocked the muslim community in the sacramento area.( darya ) this comes as the muslim community celebrates the end of the holy month of ramadan. kay recede has the details. the end of ramadan is a celebration for thousands of muslim families in sacramento... (imam azeez, director, tarbiya institute) 'today is a day of joy.'a time of happiness — despite two possible hate crimes that have rocked their community.on saturday the sacramento county sheriffús department says — a burned quran filled with bacon was left hanging on a handcuff near the masjid islamic center in sacramento... (nats cell phone) 'yes, strewn all over the street right in front of the masjid'just 24 hours prior — the council on american-islamic relations or cair — says a driver threw large pieces of the quran at the islamic center of davis... hassan shabbir shared this cell phone footage with us after the attack...(nats cell phone)'and the cops just arrived... unreal.'this is the second time the center has been targeted... last week — lauren kirk-coelho was found guilty of vandalizing the property and leaving bacon on door handles back in january — she was sentenced to five years probation.(basim elkarra, executive director, cair)'it's disappointing, it's sad that people resort to this and try to intimidate a faith community but we're not going to let them win.'muslim community leaders say itús sad that their centers... their faith have been targeted... but they remain united.(nats kids)(imam azeez, director, tarbiya institute)'best statement in the face of evil actions is to stay the course and to stick to your ground and keep moving forward.' ( mark ) that was kay recede reporting for us this morning. so far police have not said if they have any leads on who is responsible. (darya) the extreme heat that hit california has farmers scrambling to save their crops. farmers in san joaquin valley are putting in extra hours this week to pick as much fruit as they can. the heat won't totally destroy the fruit, but it can make it harder to sell. farmers say they were expecting this because of the weather predicted by forecasters. officials say that farmers were more prepared after they learned from a heat wave in 2006 that destroyed a lot of crops. ( mark ) passengers got quite the scare on a flight from australia to malaysia.( darya ) an air-asia x jet shook violently for more than an hour causing the pilot to ask the passengers to pray. emily baker has the story. an airasia x flight to malaysia from perth, australia, was forced to turn back sunday after the twin- aisle airbus a330-300 aircraft began shaking due to what the airline called a "technical issue." a spokesman for the perth airport said, "the pilot identified a technical issue with the engine. the plane turned around and safely landed back at perth airport." "we were asleep and heard a loud bang around the 1- hour-and-15-minute mark," passenger damien stevens told cnn. "it shook for the whole ride back, close on two hours." while it's not yet clear what caused the issue with the jet's rolls-royce engines, any imbalance inside a rapidly-spinning jet engine can cause violent vibrations that are felt throughout the aircraft. twin-engine aircraft like the a330 are designed to fly and land safely with only one engine operating. "it was really shaky, very scary," stevens said. stevens and friend mitch jamieson were on their way to myanmar for a holiday. stevens said the pilot asked passengers to pray twice. and passengers were told to hold "the brace position" for about two minutes during the landing, he said, which was smooth. he praised the pilot, who shook hands with everyone after the flight was over. "the plane erupted with applause once we landed." some passengers posted videos on social media showing the shaking inside the cabin. "i thought i might die," wrote @maesaya on instagram, along with a video clip showing the plane's seats rattling. airasia x berhad confirmed in a statement that flight d7237 for kuala lumpur took off at 6:40 a.m. local time with 359 passengers on board and landed back at perth airport shortly before 10 a.m. airasia x is the long-haul arm of low-cost carrier airasia, one of the largest low-cost airlines in the world. "the safety of our guests is our utmost priority," the airline said in a statement. the issue with the jet's rolls-royce trent 700 engine is the second significant incident this month and the third since may. a china eastern airlines a330, also powered by trent 700s, was forced to turn back to sydney just after takeoff for shanghai after part of its engine nacelle broke apart. similar damage was sustained on an egyptair flight in may. sunday's incident, however, appears to have been unrelated to those issues. photos suggest the external structure of the engine nacelle was undamaged. "we are aware of the incident and will be working closely with relevant partners to understand the cause of the issue," said a spokesman for rolls-royce. (darya) eight people have been injured in southern california after an s-u-v crashed into a swimming pool at a motel. it happened at the vagabond inn in san pedro. police say the driver lost control, slammed into a wall and crashed into the pool. children were inside the pool at the time of the crash. they were not seriously hurt. the crash is being investigated as a possible d-u- i. ( mark ) we'll be back as the kron 4 morning news continues... and here's a live look outside... . ( mark ) in entertainment headlines this morning. we have a sneak peak at "pitch perfect three" which won't be out until christmas.( darya ) plus, there are a few record-setting movies out right now... both big and small. here's david daniel with this morning's hollywood minute. "i would do anything to sing with you guys again. anything!" "yeah, i've suddenly got a bunch of free time, so... hell yeah!"they've graduated, but the bellas are back to bring the a-capella one more time in "pitch perfect three," opening in december. here's your first look!(nat-music: "bang bang, bang bang...")let's aca-finish this!" (nat-cheers)"it is our sacred duty to defend th world, and it's what i'm going to do.""wonder woman" has made more money worldwide than any other live-action film by a female director. through the weekend, patty jenkins' super- hero flick had grossed more than 652-million dollars... easily topping phyllida lloyd's "mamma mia!," which made 610-million worldwide nearly a decade ago."i have to tell you something: i've been dating this girl. she's white." "a white girl?""shhh! you can't look like you and yell 'white girl'! it's okay, we hate terrorists.""the big sick" is a big hit -- even in limited release! the romantic comedy, based on co-writer and star kumail nanjiani's real life, made 435-thousand dollars over the weekend... playing in just five theaters. that's 87-thousand dollars a screen, easily the year's best per-theater average. critics certainly love "the big sick" -- its current rating on rotten-tomatoes dot-com is an astounding 97-percent. now that's sick! in hollywood, i'm david daniel. ( mark ) coming up on the kron four morning news at nine... a huge fight at a bay area mall injures an officer... and forces the mall to close early. we'll show you the entire video. plus. a popular bay area playground is burned. the hunt is on for the criminals who torched it down. and. human remains are discovered in the east bay and police believe it may belong to a missing bay area father. kron four's lydia pantazes shows us his emotional plea. (darya) good morning i'm darya folsom..(mark) and i'm mark danon. lets start the morning with a check of weather and traffic... (anny hong): pronounced onshore flow today will lead to cooler conditions today and tuesday compared to sunday. modest warming is expected during the second half of the week, however highs will fall well short of the recent heatwave. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. (mark) breaking news we are breaking (mark) (mark) breaking news we are following this morning... the supreme court has agreed to hear arguments on president trump's travel ban. the supreme court will allow the administration to enforce the president's travel ban on six muslim majority countries. the decision overturns a lower court's ruling the put a temporary stay on the president's executive order. this is a big victory for president trump in the biggest legal battle of his presidency. the president said last week that the ban would take effect 72 hours after being cleared by the courts. the justices will hear arguments on the case in the fall. (mark) and this morning there are reports that justice anthony kennedy might be planning to retire. kennedy has served as a consistent swing vote siding with liberals on cases involving gay marriage and abortion. he has also sided with conservatives on issues like gun control and campaign finance. if the 80-year-old justice does retire it would mean a second supreme court appointment for president trump. earlier this year... he appointed justice neil gorsuch to the bench. ( darya ) our top story this morning... police are trying to identify human remains found in the east bay over the weekend.( mark ) this morning they say the remains could be related to the case of a missing san francisco father. kron 4's lydia pantazes is live in san francisco with the details. lydia. ( lydia ) ( darya ) thanks lydia. we will check back with you through out the morning. ( mark ) a police officer is injured after a fight breaks out in a busy bay area mall. this is video of the aftermath of the fight that broke out at westfield mall in san francisco just before 7:00 last night. the fight forced the mall to close early. police say they were responding to calls about some sort of altercation.. when they arrived... people approached officers and began throwing things and assaulting them. police say multiple people were detained. no word yet on what started the fight. the extent of the officer's injuries are not known this morning. (darya) happening now. arson investigators are looking for the people who destroyed a popular bay area playground. police say someone set fire to the koret children's playground in golden gate park late saturday night. it's the playground near the carousel. officials say it is an act of vandalism... and they are not sure when the park will reopen. the fire caused more than 1-million dollars in damage. we talked with one parent who takes his daughter to the park often. (darya) the playground was built in 18-88 and is considered to be the nation's first public playground. it was renovated back in 2007 million ( mark ) the mother of a man killed last year by a minnesota police officer has reached a settlement in his death. today...attorneys for valerie castile announced she will get three million dollars in the case. her son philando castile was killed after he was pulled over last july. castile's girl-friend live-streamed the aftermath on facebook and it quickly gained attention. the league of minnesota cities insurance trust is expected to cover the settlement. (mark) a campaign promise to repeal and replace the affordable care act is hitting some road blocks this morning. members of the g-o-p are divided over the senate's new health care bill. as early as today... the congressional budget office could release its report detailing the impact the bill could have on the american people. health and human services secretary, tom price defended the bill... saying that it will not cause people to lose their health insurance. so far five senate republicans have publicly opposed the bill in its current form. kind of coverage they want, not that the government forces them to buy.">(mark) senate republicans can only afford to lose two votes in order for the bill to pass. no democrat is expected to vote for the bill. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell has said that he wants the senate to vote on the bill by the end of the week. (darya) back here in the bay area... a motorcyclist is behind bars and accused of driving recklessly. c-h-p contra costa posted "slow-motion" video from its helicopter on facebook. it shows the driver on a green motorcycle in orinda on highway 24 by hidden valley road. c-h-p says the rider was kicking, punching and smashing mirrors. the rider led the "air-ops" team and patrol cars to his house where officers were waiting for him. he faces charges of reckless driving, vandalism, suspended registration and his motorcycle was impounded. c-h-p says the rider also attacked cars several times last week. ( darya ) scary moments in new york as a teenage girl falls from a ride at an amusement park. she is still in the hospital this morning. the incident was all caught on camera. the girl and her brother were on the sky gondola ride at a six flags park near albany, new york when she slipped out. a father and his daughter saw the girl dangling from the ride, which is about 25 feet in the air and rushed to help. the girl eventually dropped and was caught by people on the ground. ( darya ) the man that helped catch the girl suffered a minor back injury. park officials say all of the safety features on the ride were checked after the incident and all were working properly. (mark) coming up on the kron four morning news... if you're having trouble losing weight... doctors say to get more sleep. we'll explain. and the bay area is cracking down on fireworks before the 4th of july holiday. what you need to know... after the break. and here's a live look outside... bay bridge i don't want to lie down. i refuse to lie down. why suffer? stand up to chronic migraine with botox® botox® is the only treatment for chronic migraine shown to actually prevent headaches and migraines before they even start. botox® is for adults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more. it's injected by a doctor once every 12 weeks. and is covered by most insurance. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't take botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. for a limited time, you can qualify for two treatments at no cost. stand up to chronic migraine. talk to a headache specialist today. (robin) no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. ( darya ) a warning as we approach the 4th of july holiday... morgan hill police are tripling the fines for fireworks. they say anyone who is found possessing or discharging fireworks between july 2nd and july 8th will face fines up to three times the normal amount. the base fine for fireworks is 100-dollars... and will become 300-dollars. in the bay area, "safe and sane" fireworks are only legal in a handful of cities... including dublin, newark, union city, san bruno and petaluma. ( darya ) and police in san jose are already busting people for fireworks. this is just some of what officers have seized so far. among the items, massive mortars that are considered explosives. they have taken 27-hundred pounds of illegal fireworks off the streets since april. police say they have identified two people as being responsible for selling them and there is a warrant out for one suspect. (mark) checking the markets this morning... winners and losers is next with our financial expert rob black. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. (anny hong): pronounced onshore flow today will lead to cooler (anny hong): pronounced onshore flow today will lead to cooler conditions today and tuesday compared to sunday. modest warming is expected during the second half of the week, however highs will fall well short of the recent heatwave. (mark) time to talk winners and losers with (mark) time to talk winners and losers with our financial expert rob black loser: federal student loan interest rates to rise saturday . . . starting saturday, interest rates will rise on new federal loans for 2017-2018. college students and their families can expect to pay more as they borrow for the fall semester. interest rates will rise to 4.45 percent for undergrads borrowing after saturday. graduate students aren't spared: their rates go to 6 percent. last year, the average graduate owed $37,172 in student loan debt. winner: your credit score may soon look better . . . .about 12 million people will get a lift in their credit scores next month as the national credit reporting agencies wipe from their records two major sources of negative information about borrowers: tax liens and civil judgments. the change stems from a lengthy crusade by consumer advocates and government officials to force the credit bureaus to improve the accuracy of their reports, which are often speckled with errors and outdated information. loser: pandora media's ceo tim westergren to step down . . . music streaming service pandora media's founder and chief executive, tim westergren, plans to step down, recode reported citing people familiar with the company's plans. the company has not yet selected a replacement for westergren, who is likely to stay on at pandora until a new chief executive is in place. westergren, who co-founded pandora in 2000, served as its chief executive and president from may 2002 to july 2004, before returning to the company as its chief executive last year. (robin) bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. road work in sf nb 280 at mariposa, backed up beyond 101 (darya) if you are trying to lose weight, but struggling to achieve your goals... try getting a better night's sleep. kim hutcherson has more in today's health minute. if you're looking to drop a few pounds...experts say getting enough sleep is the key to successful weight loss. the first reason may seem obvious ...if you're asleep, then you're not eating a cheeseburger or ice cream!but there's more to it than that. according to studies, a lack of sleep can increase the hormone that stimulates that means people who haven't gotten enough zzzz's might feel more hunger than those who did.the national sleep foundation says most adults should get at least seven hours of sleep a night - with some people needing as many as are some tips from experts to help get a good night's rest. get some exercise -- but do it several hours before so you have time to wind avoid late- night alcohol can interfere with sleep and don't look at your devices.they emit can body clock.for today's health minute hutcherson. (mark) summer skiing is in full swing at lake tahoe. this is video from squaw valley from over the weekend. temperatures were in the 70s and it was sunny. squaw valley will be open this weekend and on the 4th of july. (mark) melting snow is creating safety hazards on one of the main roads at yosemite park. tioga road is shut down for the season. park officials say they will not open the road to the public until the impacted power, communications, water and sewer systems are safe for operation. there is no time estimate for how long that will take. (anny) tracking the weather this morning. your forecast is right after the break. (darya) (mark) welcome back to the kron four morning news... lets start the half hour with a check of weather and traffic... (anny hong): pronounced onshore flow today will lead to cooler conditions today and tuesday compared to sunday. modest warming is expected during the second half of the week, however highs will fall well short of the recent heatwave. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 (mark) four people have been displaced this morning from a fire in san francisco's mission district. it happened just before 5-30 on mission street. firefighters found sprinklers activated inside a room on the top floor of the three-story building. it took firefighters about 10 minutes to put out the fire. no one was injured. the cause of the fire is still under investigation. (mark) a san francisco father has been found dead after he went missing when his kayak flipped over. it happened yesterday afternoon at a state park near sacramento. the 40-year- old man was with his 5-year- old daughter when the boat flipped over and went under-water. the two were not wearing life-jackets at the time. the father carried his daughter on his shoulders until a jet skier came by and rescued the girl. the man went underwater again after his daughter was rescued... and died. his identity has not been released. ( darya ) people who live in one east bay neighborhood help police catch the people responsible for some recent attempted home invasions.( mark ) kron 4's spencer blake has the details. earlier this month, fremont police arrived on peregrine way after getting reports of the same maroon-colored car that had been on the street in preceding days.the first time it was there, a woman and her elderly husband got attacked by someone trying to steal keys from them as they pulled into their garage.three days later, the same victim family reported the same suspects trying to break into the house - while they were inside.but the young suspects got away again."i saw some people gathering over there, but i didn't see police catching those culprits but i did know that something again happened." then one day after that is when this surveillance video captured the 15-year-old suspected of the earlier crimes.the car he's walking to - which police later found out was stolen - is one that by now, neighbors had been keeping an eye on."yeah, it looks like that we are together and work together." there's an official neighborhood watch group on the street, and neighors were alert enough to recognize the 15-year-old and confront him in the street.another team effort was several surveillance videos like this one that neighbors quickly and willingly turned over to police."we've been talking about that a lot as a neighborhood to have it and i've been meaning to do this for years, and i probably will do it - not just because of this one incident, but i think long term."(standup)that maroon honda, by the way, had two girls inside -a 14-year-old and a ten-year-old. police ordered them out, handcuffed them, and questioned them, but ultimately released them to their parents."i was really surprised to know that there's a 10-year-old involved. i can not even think of, ya know, a 10-year-old."only the 15- year-old was arrested, and confessed to home invasion robbery, elder abuse, and possessing a stolen fremont, spencer blake, kron four news. (mark) a warning for drivers in the east bay today... traffic signals at a busy intersection in fremont will be down for maintenance. it's happening at fremont boulevard and country drive... that's near washington high school. the signals will be down from 9-am to 4-pm. drivers on country drive will not be able to access fremont boulevard. police say to allow extra time to travel in that area because it will cause heavy traffic. ( mark ) happening today, the l-a- sherrif's department will release more information about aramazd andressian senior. he's the man accused of killing his 5- year-old son. the father was arrested friday in las vegas. the five-year-old disappeared back in april near los angeles. that is when the dad was found by police, passed out in a car after taking prescription drugs. investigators say the car was covered in gasoline. the boy was supposed to be returned to his mother that day. andressian has denied any wrongdoing. his son's body has not yet been found. (mark) a texas mom is in jail after police say she left her two toddlers in a car as punishment... and they died. police say cynthia marie randolph was angry at her kids for playing in the car, so she left them inside to teach them a lesson. authorities say she went back into her house and smoked pot, before falling asleep for at about two hours. her two-year-old daughter and 16-month-old son both died. the outside temperature reached 96-degrees. deputies also say randolph lied to them and tried to make the deaths look like an accident. she faces multiple felony charges. (darya) several government websites were hacked with a message supporting the islamic state terrorist group. this is what visitors to different websites in ohio saw yesterday morning. this message was posted on ohio governer john kasich's official website making reference to president trump. it said the president would be - quote - "accountable for every drop of blood flowing in muslim countries." the hackers also hit the websites of ohio's first lady and the state department of corrections. all of the servers were taken offline to be investigated. (mark) gas prices continue to go down in the bay area. industry analysts say that the drop reflects lower costs for crude oil. and triple-a says prices are expected to fall for the rest of the month. taking a look at prices around the bay area. in san jose it's $3.01 for a gallon of regular. it will cost you a penny more in oakland. and san francisco is always the most expensive at $3.14 for a gallon of gas. (mark) it was a successful pride weekend in san francisco. an estimated one million people showed up to honor the l-g-b-t community.(darya) kron four's alecia reid shows us the colorful celebrations. the celebration started early we were like the first ones heresome folks coming to the pride parade for years know they have to plan aheadwe know if we wanna get a good spot and watch the parade and enjoy it and relax, we have to get up here first thing in the morning and reserve the area revelers walking up and down market street were covered with vibrant colors and the pride flag. those here for the first time were in's quite amazing. never seen anything like iti think it's pretty great that san francisco hosts this every year. people come from all over the country all over the world. i heard someone say they came all the way from austriafor those that make this a yearly event, they look forward to what's's always a new experiencepeople can finally express themselves and like, show who they really can be and who they are and not feel pressured or anything about itthere's a big sense of community around everyone, and everyone's excited to be here it's super exciting. i love being in a place where you can be accepted and an amazing atmosphere.we're gonna be here all day enjoying the beautiful weather and fun festivities after watching the parade and all the floats, the culmination is the festivities here at civic center. reporting in san francisco. (darya) our pride celebration coverage continues online. we have more highlights from the san francisco pride parade. you can also download the kron4 app and sign up to get alerted when breaking news happens in your neighborhood. (darya) we'll show you what the the warriors were doing over the weekend. and who was dabbling in softball and golf. and why klay's toaster trick is not working for the giants. the gary rewind is in a few minutes. and here's a live look outside... san no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. golden gate bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. (mark) an engine problem caused a plane traveling from australia to malaysia to violently shake.(darya) the chilling moment was caught on camera and the plane was able to land safely. dave briggs has more. natsfrightening moments aboard an air-asia x flight - the plane áviolently shakingá mid- flight over the indian ocean. natsthe airbus a-330 carrying over 350 passengers heading to malaysia -- was forced to return to australia after engine trouble.natsabout 90 minutes later -- passengers say they heard a loud bang samad monfard/passenger:"the captain said one of the plates on the left engine was missing."passengers say the plane shuddered for nearly átwo hoursá -- many saying it felt like being inside a washing machine.passenger:"the plane was really, really limping on, it was shuddering, shuddering, shuddering." passenger:"i thought the whole plane was gonna go plummeting down."the pilot telling passengers he was scared and asking them átwiceá to pray. captain:"please pay attention... and also please... uh... listen to everything. our survival depends on your cooperating." some putting on a brave face: nats: "we're having 50 million beers when we get back."others fearing the worst. tim/passenger:"there were lots of people crying, lots of people pulling out the life jackets, pretty much preparing, like we thought there was a good chance that we were gonna go down."marine emergency services... standing by for a water rescue. passengers -- breathing a sigh of relief -- once the plane touched down safely.natsbefore waiting hours for another flight...the low cost airline is investigating what happened, calling the incident a "technical issue" -- adding: "the safety of our guests is our utmost priority." (anny) i'm tracking your forecast. the world according to gary is after the break. (darya) welcome back to the kron 4 morning news... every morning at 7:45 we talk sports with gary radnich. and in case you missed it here's the gary's world rewind. (darya) good morning gary. fresh from vacation and i didn't miss much... a heat wave and some more giants losses. i was in disneyland... and it wasn't as hot in southern california as it was here. and i understand the giants can't get hot... i missed 12 more games they lost. gary says they just got swept by the mets. and the toaster thing isn't working. the fans are trying anything like klay thompson did... and they signed it and it still didn't work. gary says as a sports follower... either be real good or real bad so there's something to talk about. he says the giants are in the latter category. (darya) how about softball. the warriors put on outfits and went out there and did some batting. i love how everyone gets a homerun because they shorten the field... except draymond. he didn't get a home run. gary says he hasn't heard much about the game yet. but look at the stands... wasn't a big turnout. they had team mcgee and team draymond... and team draymond won even though he didn't hit a homer. the final score was 19-15. (darya) klay and steph weren't there. klay is in china practicing his dunking. and he wasn't too successful. gary says it's probably because he is relaxed. so relaxed that he sits on the floor after... and the announcers were cracking up. (darya) and then steph was praciticing his golf. gary says he is going to play in tahoe again. here he is with tom brady... i think this was set up with under armor. and then earlier under armor sent brady in with sumo wrestlers. gary says everything is set up now. he says it started when durant was exploring the bay area and then we found out it was set up by a shoe company. this setup i'll take... but i want under armor to put him in the undies. (darya) the nfl is allowing big celebrations now... so i'm waiting for that. but it's not the same in golf, you can't do it baller style. for jordan speith it was weird. when you see a golfer chest bump is caddy... that's just wrong. like when steph does it it's fun, it's light, that seems more appropriate. gary says but how many times have you made that shot? any shot in the sand i'm good with. (darya) erin andrews got married over the weekend. the best view that i have through the peephole is this. it's the best i could do with the wedding photo. she married a hockey photo. the peephole rocketed her to fame. (darya) i am so cheap when i go to disneyland... i don't buy any photos from the rides... but i take a cell phone shot of them. they used to put the numbers across the picture... trying to stop taking pictures. now they just gave up and they let me get the picture. space mountain was my favorite. the lines were not bad... we got there right at opening and the good rides was a 5-10 minute wait at the most. the new ones though you have to fast pass them. gary wants to know how disneyland compares to disneyworld. i like disneyland better because it's the original and better. driving there is not fun though. gary says i should rent a car. when you're stuck in traffic for 8 hours it's great because your kids can't escape you. gary says he hasn't gone to disneyland in 4 years.... the lines are too long for him though. he says he doesn't want to spend all that time in lines. (darya) transformers topped the box office this weekend not only here in the u-s, but in china as well. this is the fifth transformers film in the franchise. it made about 43 million this weekend, but in china it made 123 million. this was a bigger opening compared its competitors and the very first film. wonder woman and cars three tied for second place. both made 25 million. (darya) a magazine writer has filed a copyright infringement lawsuit against the creators of the new tupac movie "all eyez on me" kevin powell says that portions of the film are based on his articles about the late rapper in the 1990's for vibe magazine. powell says the film also borrowed from numerous interviews he did with tupac. he claims the producers used his " most intense" moments with the rapper to write the script without his permission. powell is now suing lionsgate entertainment as well as the producers and screen writers. lionsgate has not commented on the lawsuit. (mark) a neapolitan mastiff named "martha" is crowned the world's ugliest dog. it happened at the sonoma-marin fair in petaluma over the weekend. martha is 3-years old and from sebastapol... her owners say, she is full of love and a lot of drool. the contestants came from all over the country one of the fourteen participants came all the way from england. martha wins 15-hundred dollars, a trophy, and a trip to new york. ( mark ) a gorilla has become an internet sensation after showing off his dance moves. this is at the dallas zoo. the video was posted on you-tube and has thousands of views this morning. the gorilla named zola is seen break-dancing in the swimming pool. one person even decided to put the video with the song "maniac" from the movie "flash-dance." seven day (darya)that's it for us this morning... our next newscast is at 5 o clock tonight. (mark)don't forget, you can stay connected on our mobile app, kron four dot com and on our facebook and twitter feeds. (man vo) dad forgot how to brush his teeth. (woman vo) my husband didn't recognize our grandson. (woman 2 vo) that's when moderate alzheimer's made me a caregiver. (avo) if their alzheimer's is getting worse, ask about once-a-day namzaric. namzaric is approved for moderate to severe alzheimer's disease in patients taking donepezil. namzaric may improve cognition and overall function, and may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. namzaric does not change the underlying disease progression. don't take if allergic to memantine, donepezil, piperidine, or any of the ingredients in namzaric. tell the doctor about any conditions; including heart, lung, bladder, kidney or liver problems, seizures, stomach ulcers, or procedures with anesthesia. serious side effects may occur, including muscle problems if given anesthesia; slow heartbeat, fainting, more stomach acid which may lead to ulcers and bleeding; nausea, vomiting, difficulty urinating, seizures, and worsening of lung problems. most common side effects are headache, diarrhea, dizziness, loss of appetite, and bruising. (woman 2 vo) i'm caring for someone with moderate alzheimer's. if you are too, ask about namzaric today. >> announcer: today on "dr. phil." >> i believe my wife was trying to kill my by poisoning me. >> she said good luck trying to prove anything. >> announcer: is she plotting? >> dr. phil: are you attempting to murder your husband? >> of course not. i didn't do anything to make you sick. >> announcer: or is he imagining things. >> did you test the urine? >> dr. phil: no, it's days old. >> i flew out here. you're useless. this is a waste of time. >> dr. phil: what is a waste of time is you having a closed mind. >> dr. phil: let's do it! >> have a good show, everybody. >> dr. phil: this is a safe place to talk about hard things. >> stand by, i'll count you down. >> dr. phil: i try to be an emotional compass and point you in the right direction. >> five, four -- >> dr. phil: i'm not giving up on you. [cheers & applause]

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