Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Morning News 20150205 : comparem

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Morning News 20150205

>>erica: last if you have any thing you need to do any errors yet been done now because later on tonight in the north bank that is when the rain as winter arrived phenacite the heaviest rain is all day friday that will be a complete washout with periods of heavy down for and will catch another break this one for saturday afternoon and sunday evenings before around to arrive the satellite and radar shows most of the activity path to our north this is actually brain that was down and hawaii is move north and is one for is once the slide into the back is once installed on a threat that's when we talk about the heaviest downpour will begin later on tonight in fact we do have a flash flood watch and the fact is is a to early saturday morning. >>erica: 7 will be effective for the rest of the bay. but not as intense for talk about talk storm drains and upper half would also be a factor with this system test of the 60 mi. per hour sustained winds between 20 and 30 mi. from our in the entire bay area we could see up to 10 in. of rainfall in this is all said and done all have to look get rainfall totals and you're never coming up and 15 minutes. >>darya: as you talk about it is time to prepare and you and have many hours left to get the sandbags out the public works they're all making sure that the trees are trend in the powers for one to go out sometime pg&e is standing by jackie is live in san affected in a look at what you can do for the storm. >>jackie sissel: is not only residents would is tommy is an officials and another that is a loss and because of where is the familiar is what to start to blow and the level of today into library in his heart in the north gate starting tomorrow morning because of the they're already started to put out the sandbag and dozens of to places around the north bay and you could see one of the locations here i am in san rafael and the fire station to have sandbags and the sand and the shovels and other locations does have the bay if you have to go fifth and second out will a link to our web site features some of the locations but not as a time to do you hurt arab and talking about it you know what the standing out here in the rain turned to a shovel sand backed that basis of limited amount a lot of businesses run more like they did and december--december >>jackie sissel: their trimming trees i was up in navato i thought at least five different crews trimming trees along those are lines of high winds are expected to blow and power could be an issue if you're someone that obviously has that issue now is the sign should do if you not wait because the storm is coming and is coming quickly. >>darya: thank you for the information you can get the same information the moment by moment and on the go with the kron 4 mobile application it is free to download you have the mobile device that is the best way to get all the weather and traffic information you need but right now you have george. >>george: if it is pretty slow on 880 southbound out looking for something clever to say but its is did not come quickly enough 880 southbound we have been tracking the leas with the early recurring accident and here in fremont boulevard a motorcycle crash on the shoulder and back of the ride were already at a 50 minute drive times not typically will be about 3940 minutes there's still a 10 minutes ahead but this is a bad start and is very much like the conditions the set of the nightmare commit the we have experienced serious and 680 south of bonn is heavy the ride was found 580 shown some slow between livermore and dublin there was a stall was bound up the bay bridge and it was passed the metering lights so it was where the roadway began to narrow and that did create problems because they slow the meter and light in the back of what was already into the maze. >>george: 880, our approach is backed up over the freeway for your trip to the san mateo bridge is backed a much earlier than usual about half an hour ago or a little more is already looking into to + minute drive times here if a free trip to the golden gate bridge like traffic still delays on 101 southbound at the stand-still a pretty good commute through marin county in from navato to the toll plaza. >>james: the developing story to share with you san francisco police are looking for three men who is a raft of tiffany store in the city for. >>reporter: talk about a pretty brazen robbery that happened in broad daylight in a very busy mocks the tiffany store is just inside those doors behind me and take a look inside the mall with from the store clotheslines drop down just after their roberts if this 83 people into the store made yesterday afternoon a store selling the rock and they told everyone to tell everyone a job down to the ground as it sold and employees to open the case the jury they stole jewelry and in one of the mall through bloomingdale's on to the mission street side never say this is something you see in a movie and not at the mall. >>: the fact that it was inside and was a store that is heavily guarded that was not a complete shock but it was adding another level of having men to guard. >>reporter: and they're looking to renovate a civic and identified three robbers involved with that maybe hot little easier said than done because witnesses reporting the three robbers were dressed as construction workers and wearing this mass at this point. >>james: will see what happened after this investigation and this is not the first highest ever tiffany store here at the bay area back in 2013 the high interest door was the target price of a smashed ferrari and walled creek this is video of the south main street location where it happened bird use of a pickup truck ride through the front door this menagerie cases with a hammer and made off an undisclosed amount of story. >>darya: the latest in a july plane crash caught on camera will have more on the search effort to after the plane went down and lawmakers taking a stand on vaccination requirements in california will tell you what they're proposing and right after the break into a second of the menu and california once again. sleep train's presidents' day sale is on now! save up to $300 on beautyrest and posturepedic. even get three years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. plus, free delivery, set up, and removal of your old set. and sleep train's 100 day money back guarantee. keep more presidents in your wallet. sleep train's presidents' day sale is on now! ...guaranteed! ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ ookse cholate w haa crunch.brkside cruny clters - crpy multi-gins and sweefruiflaved piecesdied in richark ocolate. diover brookside cruny clters. i love my shows, but i can't just sit around all day. that's why i have xfinity. their cloud based dvr lets me take everything i recorded, anywhere i go. which is perfect for me, [whisperin ilities. ...i mean that's really interesting, then how do you explain these 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and the ultimate sleep number event, going on now. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. you like the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! now we can all choose amazing sleep only at a sleep number store. right now save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed. know better sleep with sleep number. 18 t meanwhile says fcc will lose the battle. --80 and see. --at &t. >> reporter: a major security breach this time at the nation's second large hospital. i will have the details later. en wgo tthe store i nd my boxof honey bchesof oats, and'm ecki tosee if iackad it. he ss "ihasa certain deth's my line, thiss thdate." theast letters were22, at's me. >> reporter: here is what we can expect the concerns of flooding and that iran and sonoma county. 1 in. of rain in some spots in the russian river. not only is whether or the wet weather is concerned but the wind as well. 20 mi. an hour with gusts up to 60 mi. per hour. some isolette hard outages of the 8 in. is expected in the north bay will have all said and done. we're not talking about even coverage much more rain expected north of the golden gate bridge. air-traffic--here is traffic. >> reporter: coming from the nimitz freeway look at this ride 880 north, is backed up the eastbound of the toll plaza. back up on 580 yawps 2080. a new problem and staffer says bonior southbound to 80 is back in the upper right leading out of the city. this is not also the wake of another problem. it stalled truck of the lord that. you're right to the san mateo bridge is already slow their flashlights on the shorter here the chp our call trans. 22 minutes are they were in your right to the richmond bridge is slow now it is very slow at the seoul--toll plaza. james. >> reporter: and stumble across tens of millions of people. we have been following the kron 4 story now. we're talking hundreds people now? >> reporter: 80 people or even more were talking about we're john muir medical center on. it happened on wednesday with what actually happened we're not exactly sure. things taken like your social security numbers your e- mail. and that leaves something open for people to take your credit card information as close your medical mystery. although it is not imported about your medical history because who cares about if you have to have your appended sticking out. we're more concerned about your so security number or bank account things like this. the medical center will reach out to you to let gennaro with it would do for you in the meantime. you better believe this is so huge that they're calling this the biggest security breach in history. the reactions are very sure some very nervous patients. >> reporter: think you will for that update this morning we have all read about it reaches says that he is one with target in 2013. ebay was hit, home depot and also michaels. you might be a victim to keep an ira account. --and i. >> reporter: a woman named carol said her neighbor ran outside san ended--two men just broke into her home in to occur during adams and other items karos said her neighbors' trees from-jays- sundown with a broom--chased them down with a broom. then get into our car and chased them down. >>: i know i'm not physically fit but i chase them down and to diminish-- it took me a minute. something in my mind was saying don't confront don't confront. >> reporter: but it did work out for you just seen and the upshot of the man from east palo alto. they think there is a third guy who got away and agree expedition. >> reporter: 9 9¢ door molest case. a man approached a group of such terror and appropriately the grout was temporarily away from her mother at the time. these photos of the man held lead to his arrest. >> reporter: the warriors show no signs of slowing down will be back with your greenwich. female announcer: when you see this truck, it means another neighbor is going to sleep better tonight because they went to sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic event. find the tempur-pedic that's right for you and see why they're the most highly recommended bed in america. plus, get three years interest-free financing. sleep risk-free with sleep train's 100 day money back guarantee. and of course, free same-day delivery. are you next? announcer: but don't wait! sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic is ending soon! ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ the accident we are tracking down. >> reporter: kron 4 mobile at a good way to get information we needed works on apple an android. >> reporter: watching and waiting for the big storms were arrived. this weekend storm that residents are all too familiar with. in sonoma county its start at 10:00 p.m. tonight last saturday. last december you can see how deep the water got. >>: it's just like what when is a gun and--when is it going to end. yet i was pretty bad--that >> reporter: was a mass hopefully people are better prepared this time. >> reporter: releasing this map this morning the darker color their is a more--the worst drought. three- quarters of the state extreme drought conditions now including most of the bay area. that's unchanged a little bit there cup. -- erica. >> reporter: i will be transformed when we return. --tracking the storm. >> reporter: this morning. so coach went nuts. cestus laid it on and they want. --and they want. --won. >>: 27 in the third. >> reporter: allow this i love coach car he can appreciate talking to the medium--media. i'm gonna say marks when she. he hates them. >>: he's going to say he hates the interviews and he's want to show them he is not want to fake it. >>: didn't go on all i think it would look in your soup. --suit. >> reporter: of the got the 20 seconds it was thinking why are they making me do this? >>: an older male guy if you're doing this if you're a young guy or younger rocks you're gonna be looked at as being a bully. >> reporter: he makes the interviewers look stupid he is taught to make some look stupid. it is part of the job is for the fans your suppose to do it. >>: has won five championships and he is a motorman. --eight older man. so he has been throwing a lot and he is no one--he knows what he is doing. >> reporter: he told the truth he said he's doing this because he does not want to define. >>: yes he was telling the truth. >> reporter: i got on my face up to see what the patriots did..--facebook. >> reporter: domino i honestly thought to tell you and i know you won't go to my face look but just call their. >>: tell me again about popovic. so what did they penalize them or their triumphs by him? >> reporter: he called it a little. of idiocy. and that shows why he does what he does. >>: and i'm not going to try to excuse it once again you get paid enough to your life is just made a pretty nice from basketball you do it and get off. is it somebody who comes back u.s. miles at your own size physically. your one to laugh at somebody last night at the news. both my sweater and seeded ninth lady and petaluma set me up three nastiest things because something was what i was teasing dan emitter look like all my gosh. >> reporter: on one to the sports illustrated that i hate is a guy did this he would be charged for at of this growth--grout. -- jeeters girlfriend. says that was years ago and i was my girlfriend with proper you can't go around exposing yourself like that. >> reporter: that that was cheaters latest. i think she's fabulous she was the one and at lane bryant and commercial they thought it was racy. adding it was too much for her size. >>: if you do not want to see it turn the tv off if it's on a magazine don't read it. ♪ ♪ if u wa it go t anget ♪ female announcer: save up to $300 on beautyrest and posturepedic. even get three years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. keep more presidents in your wallet. sleep train's presidents' day sale is on now! ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ ♪♪ at kaiser permanente everything you need is under one roof. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. okay, a little easier. become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪♪ 7 >> reporter: we are tracking to systems that could bring more rainfall in the next couple of days then we predictably see entire month. we will see some snow and a higher elevation. 25 in. and diamond peak. air- traffic. >> reporter: the bay bridge was gone back up. and a macarthur mays a little backed up this wall. a slower rise in most direction and san mateo bridge this welcome you but not the worst we've seen yet. 20 minutes and it worked. if you're having to vote richmond british back up on the left and right-- lange. >> reporter: will take a look quick break in kron 4 morning news will be back. bulldog: what's this? mattress discounters presidents day sale ending? but mattress discounters has the largest selection of memory foam mattresses under one roof! comforpedic... icomfort... posturepedic hybrid... and wow! get up to four years interest-free financing on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection! and, get a queen size serta mattress and box spring set for just $397. the presidents day sale is ending soon! ♪ mattress discounters ♪ >> reporter: residents prepare for a in a huge winter storm i will tell you what they are doing to be prepared. >> reporter: you concede rain and north bay. >> reporter: story coming up and you would not guess what they dressed up as. >> reporter: think for drawn dozens more in a top story debate area and preparing for a storm. >> reporter: can and sexy but perhaps more rain typically what we have experience in months. >> reporter: this is a tropical system that originated in hawaii. not too much smoke expected and followed. flooding concerns later on foreign and sorrow among connecticut--napa valley. >> reporter: wind gusts up to 60 mi. an hour down trees and downed power lies --lines. no. a six and a and gen. not compared to the east bay. future cast minute by minute hour by hour. >> reporter: the storm is really want to hammer the no. 8. --no. today. --north bay. >> reporter: in the north a we usually get pretty hard .--north bay. >> reporter: its face it door talking about 10 in. of rain. in january they only got seven of an inch here in marin county. if you're someone lives in the north bay i suggest you get here and the next couple of hours this sandbag station has shovels as well. >> reporter: they're going into high gear prepping they started earlier in the week people clearing out the storm drains. ocelot's the tree trimmers out there they're talking about 50 mi. an hour when. we tried to warn people were a couple of hours away now the time to appear--repair. --prepare. there was a line of cars and no stand. caught in this its common and it's coming soon. >> reporter: state-owned 14 coverage. --stay tooned for our team coverage. >> reporter: north bound 80 as you can see it is up on the eastbound lanes of the freeway. things are jammed for they they bridge right. --ride. >> reporter: other rough day for the san ramon valley northbound accident which slows the right and both directions leading to the scene of that crash. histwe're looking over our drive the 880. 20 minutes of a drive time: hayward and san mateo. 11 south ride--101 south ride. >> reporter: the police are looking for three men who robbed the tiffany store. in march it was behind you when it's all went down. >> reporter: will look at the surveillance of videos to see what these guys look like and the war masklike this happen around 3:00 yesterday. a bit forced one employee to open cases a jury. some of the employees told us this happen pretty fast. >>: out of the dislike oceans the last 11--oceans eleven. i'll figure was well planned out like that. >> reporter: we talked a few people all of these people say they were amazed that they pulled this off. we're on to see if they have any updates or any pictures of these robbers. >> reporter: on sure places like this at tiffany's where they had cameras in place. the highs at the tiffany's is not the first situation back in january there was another robbery. the burglars broke a big right from the front door this mass--they smashed the jury counters with hammers. >> reporter: take a stand with vaccinations for children. for the million-- measles. coming at--up. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ great rates for great rides. geico motorcycle see how much you could save. xñ >> reporter: welcome back to the kron 4 morning news. not as bad as yesterday's a one- hour drive to 38 to down to 237. you keep yourself updated as hot spots when you're not watching kron 4 with your kron 4 mobile at. and it's a free download with apple or an android. >> reporter: keith jackson attended to cashed three checks. the new indictment says those checks were $11,000 in cash. an illegal weapons deal. as a federal building in san francisco. >> reporter: we're on to talk about law enforcement there will be meeting with police officers response to protests the shooting of michael brown and ferguson. >> reporter: future castro is wanted--is one to be rain. 7 >>erica: the timer now is 18 years and look at traffic. >>george: we're still back the heading into san francisco it's still a hot spots try to get to and from the northern peninsula at the south san francisco spearpoint into downtown there was an accident or about has been clear from the lines here and alemannic but nevertheless the traffic is still sluggish it will start to improve but it may be awhile before we actually get back to normal flow. >>george: we're jammed the from the went to the san ramon valid northbound crash nearly this level location is still valid rolled the other courses back of the ride into both directions not that the south lawn ride is any help in order to slow down. >>george: >>james good as a 80 approached the back of over the keys to our line of the toll plaza where backed up on 580 on 24 backed up through the macarthur maze and san mateo bridge ride maybe getting a little better butter out of the lasting for the next third 40 minutes or so will still see these high drive times and it will be wrong to conditions improve for the golden gate bridge no delays here in the southbound direction yet as we approach the peak of the next 20 minutes or so and for your trip to the richmond bridge and into marin county. >>george: not is that the presence of a slow from its wing castro and the richmond are quite pleading here to the toll plaza. >>james: know this morning jordan has blossomed as track against art isis' air strikes and syria. >>james: the danish government has promised and earthshaking retaliation for death of that pilot that was burned alive. their promise more airstrikes and executed by isis prisoners >>darya: they're looking for 11 people still listed as missing the-camera video that we brought you yesterday from the town is broadcast tv b.s. that sharply banks' ride over the roadway and close a taxing goes into the water 32 people are confirmed dead investigators are analyzing flights and air-traffic control was hurled was heard saying made a mayday flammable for the crash. new york to try to figure out how a woman as you be ended up on the tracks just before a commuter train struck and killed her also killing five train passengers they're examining the tracks an interview on the train crew made time the driver of she's been identified as 49 year-old ms. brodie. >>darya: she was caring and safety to she was armhole for work to the night when accident happened a witness says that she saw the one get out of her car after the guard room came down on the return to her car and drove onto the track. >>james: there are 99 cases of measles in california 14 of those right here in the bay area and that just this past monday and this the seventh cases of measles have been diagnosed in the state that is close of 13¢ sale a false alarm a first case occurs the law cannot out of vaccinating their children by giving an exemption from a health professional or by claiming that a violent religious beliefs the lawmakers in sacramento are proposing the position is based on personal beliefs. >>: now we're able to spread the disease to others we should not wait for more of children to second or died before we act >>james: 4 districts are trying to stay ahead of the outbreak the specific school district of any started died of measles had all children was not been vaccinated will have to stay home for a least one day's >> >>darya: the attorney general's office is trying to stop it from being served and appeals from yesterday against a ruling that blocked the state ban on selling the fatty do delicacy out of our state it is still in the of the california of how the delicacy is produce a restaurant says from all of one's challenging the california man. >>james: we are waiting for the rain to arrive here is a glimpse at how much we may get between now and monday night back with more in a minute. if ookse cholate w haa crunch.brkside cruny clters - crpy multi-gins and sweefruiflaved piecesdied in richark ocolate. diover brookside cruny clters. >>james: we're watching and waiting for the big storms in the bay area to a matter of fact residence in the north and in particular getting ready for the rain and strong winds flash someone goes into effect tonight to some town in starts at 10:00 and it comes entire north they will be the way for li's 24 hours this video from the last big storm that hit the park and back in december there were not ready for a ban but hopefully it will be a little more prepared for the storm. >>darya: they show you how bad it is in california how badly need iran the u.s. job monitor released this map the darker the color of the worst drought conditions take a look at that the darkest read more than three-quarters of our state covers an extreme drought conditions including most of the bay area. waki up tigu ski sleeon ts! garniecreas itfirs raclsleeng cam. figs sis ofatig andwrkleshileou sep. a sleepi cre...that a fst! like a lhtweht mk of ntinus hrati wor whi youleep wh skiis mt reptiv and here theealwakep ca... inust weekake to me reeshe younr-loing in. stop wing to tigu ski sleewithhis. new racl sleeng cam. fromarni. female announcer: don't wait for presidents' day to save on a new mattress. sleep train's presidents' day sale is on now! save up to $300 on beautyrest and posturepedic. even get three years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. plus, free delivery, set up, and removal of your old set. and sleep train's 100 day money back guarantee. keep more presidents in your wallet. sleep train's presidents' day sale is on now! ...guaranteed! ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ >>erica: when this is all said and done a to be up to six to 8 in. high rent can lead in the north bay but check out the east bay by comparison a lot less and that just two to 3 in. and and maybe our to in the south really depends on the location when i want to see even covers with the system because some rubble to stall over north about. 12 hours a full look interest in the forecast and 15 minutes. >>george: we're still a second hot spots like the ride to the san ramon valley and is in the northbound direction and acid has been clear to the shoulder as storm valley road is still back of our san ramon and backed up into walnut creek in fact taking a look you say is still solvent and helicopter on 680 into 42 in heavy round the corner through lafayette and out toward the caldecott tunnel you're ride to run all 24 western room and you're ride to the bay bridge still backed up solidly into the macarthur maze try to figure out why no one is using these less and castellanus over here and set with the folks on caltrans 8 hackamore the get answer. >>george: despite the fact these lines are open and the backups to reach all the way through the maze and the 880 approach is still backed up over the eastbound lanes of freeway. tajo which is in the heaviest traffic flow at the golden gate bridge is still moving quite smoothly on 101 southbound. >>james: back to the nose are developing story this morning has the major security breach at anthem blue cross were talking tens of millions of people with answers and no compromise. >>will tran: 5 in front of the medical center i went down the road to try and get a reaction from people and they are shaking their heads like what? how could this happen we saw last year with a high profile case of targets and in this case we need of some 80 million and the customers who go here in many of a hostile force struck the country and that is called a security risk on wednesday when it happened they're not exactly sure was why and for in the fbi to get ride to the bottom of this in the meantime they're encouraging people to stay on top refinances because of the information taken in close as a security number. the good news is a medical history would not have the bad news is who knows what is going to happen in the future. >>will tran: which is why they're sending out letters to their customers speaking of customers with track down some of the people this morning here is what they had to say about another security breach. >>: i am wondering when you look at all the of this year received on the computers and it will use to be secured how did things like this keep happening over and over. >>will tran: she says not again because last year she was a victim of the target hack and of course that involve millions of people as well where want to have get more people when it come in here i cannot believe it in some people are still covered by income. >>james: he mentioned are your member that was when the data breach became friends of mine for a lot of people that happened back in 2013 he was a lookism the biggest tax of last year if he bay that was hit home depot for j.p. morgan chase and michael's this is some of the biggest breach investing to do if you think might be a victim is keep an eye on your account activity nbc anything suspicious or out of the order never take action. >>darya: a quick second neighbor help put to burglars behind bars to happen yesterday morning in the north where oaks neighborhood in san mateo county the woman named carol says her neighbor ran outside st. to manage is broken into the home they're leaving the home on the avenue of the jury know electronics and other items they said her neighbor then chased them down with a broom so she then jumped into her car and all the systems down the street where the police on the way. >>: the edge of all of the truck and then i started chasing them there to fashion a which is surprising because i am passing really physically fit i cannot catch up with a big jump to fences into the never start and then the fire man was down in the block and jackson heard him saying a couple time new not come from them i got a to slow down the scramble the firemen were there and i sit within about a man of the end of an offense the police were there and that worked out to the quiz were able to catch them. for >>darya: recover her look clearly is no competition is nothing that you should do what they do have the two suspects as 120 year-old intensity and the other is a 15 year-old boy from east palo and investigators do believe there is a third man who got away and agree for expedition and tinted windows. >>james: alameda shares of the men arrested in a no-nonsense sort of molestation case the suspect into court today will follow the story for you here on the kron 4 when do i remember a talking about yesterday because about a man who approached a young girl who had to be separated from her mother briefly he took the opportunity to touch her and a properly this was sunday at the hayward store these are surveillance pictures and the police use alternately add to find the suspect and bring him into custody. >>darya: dramatic rise in car bird the reasons and was the airport police are looking for this man in connection with 26 wrote kevin jordan and there is a mug shot a 14/and crafts style car break-ins early wednesday police thought they had him cornered an apartment complex they got away this is the jordan may belong to approve of sea its response will for several of the 53 reported all burglaries on the airport from san jose mineta police say in this half of burglaries' happened in broad daylight and is looking for briefcases and electronics and other valuables in plain sight. >>james: still ahead the warriors show no signs of slowing down we have more on staff perry big night was also a friend or get involved in a lawsuit to stop the oakland a's moved to san jose. bulldog: what's this? mattress discounters presidents day sale ending? but mattress discounters has the largest selection of memory foam mattresses under one roof! comforpedic... icomfort... posturepedic hybrid... and wow! get up to four years interest-free financing on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection! and, get a queen size serta mattress and box spring set for just $397. the presidents day sale is ending soon! ♪ mattress discounters ♪ >>darya: the san jose city council to u.s. supreme court to take a lawsuit that aims to stop major league baseball from blocking over athletics-to pay the council unanimously voted to pursue the appeal is unclear whether the high court of law to choose your the case of they're appealing the such accord and roy unanimously last month the antitrust claims there are baseball the sellers are supreme court in 1920 stood >>erica: and only have a five minute drive but when it is raining it gets bad. is not here yet so the morning commute evening commute find in the bay area but tomorrow boy isn't going to be a problem of the georges was it is with hot spots. and the sled with ecstasy rainfall raise of about an inch per hour this is what's been called the event and heading out right now mild and this is to purchase in the fifties the big concern is iran in a flash flood watch the goes into effect later on tonight that's where want to say the system and the next was all said and done with the killing of a is for as many of your of the golden gate bridge the wind is whatever credit impact with the best of the six amounts for our to live somewhere whatever strong when he bent down trees and downed power lines isolated power outages and if you want to the edge of the trust on coverage and tutors and e-mail to reckon news and kron 4 khan. >>erica: we want to maintain track in this with the exception of santa rosa in secaucus emotionless post impose running ways of the north bay and to we had to about the middle of the nine on friday to appeal will start this is a rental for the central bank and then another out of fear will see north of the golden day and sell at o'clock friday morning and then beyond that the second impulse it will make an impact bay area wide and then have year reign of the darker green on the screen and then the rain as the lining of a bid for those of the of what parliament center fell it is an all-day event were talking here is a heavy downpour and is one to come down what feels like 6:00 friday. evening commute home to look like heavy rain when this entire bay area of the you have anything to do outdoors get it done saturday afternoon and to the is it will catch a break and the sideline will for sits across as an insert early monday morning warmer and drier weather in the sunshine into the middle of next week rollercoaster forecastle 42 if you're heading up to talk of your mother snow >>erica: 24 into diamond the all-time metals has a base off 35 in. here is traffic. >>george: we are still attracting hot spots one of them the right of 680 north about respecting betterton this is not the accident is novella road is clear with the traffic is still slow leading up from san ramon still heavy was on 24 as well and also a heavy air through the corridor on a southbound for looking at about a 57 minute drive times that is a little higher than usual but not nearly as bad as yesterday. >>george: here is the ride through the south 85 not awful neither is 280 is slow enough but 101 is looking at a 46 minute drive time from the coyote valley to the montague expressway in the north they ride is still just under 40 minutes of out of navato. >>george: bay bridge was bothersome backed up into the maze the we are less than 30 minutes now for the drive time for the san mateo bridge still hovering around 19 to switch to- and occasionally jump to 29 when the risk comes to a stop for the golden gate bridge and this is the heaviest. of the they typically at is a little slow for medicine and softball and for the richmond bridge there was a look at the ride was now we're still sluggish. >>george: come off 58 it was bound in the toll plaza for the right hand side lanes are wide open. >>james: this book with the district attorney about the case and the suspect was forced to release because of lack of evidence there are more questions than answers and kids alike are stuffed in a suitcase. >>reporter: question to who that person is is a 58 year-old all martial law was a missing since before the suitcase was found how did the person get there and is the man police say they have on video with the suitcase the man who allegedly a former roommate of him is all question san francisco district attorney would like to know. we are very disturbed he was arrested last friday and released after 48 hours woman the a reviewed the case off and then there is not enough evidence to charge him the public defender says the case has been dismissed and that his client is a free man. >>reporter: police chief says his department or press on with the investigation because of that i composers question to the public defender that the video evidence that he was in possession of the body parts ideas when the fact that he was on video with the suitcase. >>: i have not seen that and i have now seen anything other than the photographs that was published in some of the newspapers. >>reporter: your that he might take off and leave town. >>: i don't want to speculate >>james: he was reporting since the body was found dismembered medical examiners are forced to have to wait for the dna results before the composite identified the victim in this case. >>darya: net neutrality the head of the fcc is proposing an expansion of federal power to ensure an and the providers don't block or slow down web traffic for americans the worm is a major companies like comcast could create a fast or slow lanes on the internet and saints conte coming in different prices for faster delivery support and that the trawler this is an and espy's should be in the same for everyone was used to be the case until recently when the federal rule otherwise. >>james: at&t is not happy with a sissy maidu today they will sue if the sec goes for all this neutrality they say they would lose to a sentence of a to propose rule would not hurl hold up the core american broadband a public utility they argued the fcc would far more oversight to the kind of nebraska's the internet providers met with content providers like ned flicks it will six out. >>james: that story coming up. ookse cholate w haa crunch.brkside cruny clters - crpy multi-gins and sweefruiflaved piecesdied in richark ocolate. diover brookside cruny clters. >>darya: the idea is that you humiliate them or make a miserable enough that they will be paid for you. still ahead >>james: blue and some is had to sort out what these stories and more financial expert rob black we're tracking the storm is headed to the bay area this it would amend look like an 4:00 a.m. would widespread line 46 straight ahead. female announcer: save up to $300 on beautyrest and posturepedic. even get three years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. keep more presidents in your wallet. sleep train's presidents' day sale is on now! ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ >>darya:and as this big storm moves into wind gusts of up to 60 miles an hour. >>darya: good morning and what you want to know is when the rain is going to start. >>erica: this system not quite here yet here is a look at satellite and radar is a we are dealing with a chuckle the associated with the storm heading out to dry conditions for now flooding is a concern led on tonight napa and marin and sonoma counties under a flash flood was heaviest rain is expected to fall all day friday with several and is expected to will see when the conditions when the dust up to 60 mi. from our bay area wide which for the hell higher elevations. >>erica: santa clara valley not anticipating much will we could see more rain for a couple of days compared to what we've seen for some communities the full details on that coming up in just a few minutes. >>darya:kron 4's jackie sissel is live with more on how residents are getting ready. jackie? >>jackie sissel: ivan out there since 430 this morning and this and that location in downtown san befell another and some people now the time to get not a single person is come out here to get a san back i want to reiterate the warning now is the time to get it because the storm is on the way there are dozens of these sandbags locations set up around the north bay in the north bay is really expected to seek the brunt of the storm and is a lausanne letter tonight and into tomorrow in fact some estimates are six to 10 in. which is the drastic difference from january in fact it was the second driest january ever in marin county < a to the bench rain fell in marin county. >>jackie sissel: are starting to get ready beverage and for this, i can tell you i've been out all morning long also in the clouds of dark and the when has picked up in the wind is going to be an issue that's allowed of those agencies have said the crews to trim the trees from power lines in all around for less couple of days and the business the people he the one in and know what is coming and prepare for them now is time to do it. >>darya: that is why have the back of all arm think about you have the backup alarm you wanted your eye on the fourth has the best way to do is the kron 4 mobile application in of the traffic there to although george's want to give us an update right now of the mobile application is agree with to get the information as well. >>george: the hot spots the we have been tracking are starting to diminish a little bit. the much improved year still sore from about candlestick point along the causeway those on the back of as late word of a stall here on carlson boulevard 8 west is doing pretty well if i 80 adjutancy still backed up into the maze as it is highway 24. but >>george: we are still mourning the delays even northbound is less of law through the san ramon valley and backing croquet and wrote an accident that occurred as the on valley road and much better for westbound 24 with some recent arrivals in walnut creek, and more random. >>george: off the bay ridge is the mission is still backed up into the macarthur maze 880 is backed up and there are no great ways to the bridge this morning and the san mateo bridge ride is still at about 19 minutes westbound that is hay were to san mateo. if you're heading to the golden gate bridge to arrive here for 101, and southbound is still a little crowded is to come in from iran and will to show you the richmond center felber is that we still have the backed up there but that is gone now for the westbound ride coming off richmond. if >>darya: 905 right now the developing story we are far less san francisco police are looking for three men who robbed a tiffany and company store in san francisco in broad daylight with shoppers at the shoppers >>reporter: everyone this morning pretty amazed that they could at this point get away with all of this item they're in the process of 4 to submit this video try to identify the roberts although witnesses told us they was just as construction workers possibly wearing masks like this one and a tiffany store inside the mall just a few feet behind me it's just three are more receptive to the store yesterday in the afternoon ordered everyone down on the ground force one employee to open cases of jewelry is unclear how much this sobel witnesses told us it happened very fast or robberies then left and an aide on a mission streetside happened this morning never say this law made for the movie. >>: we really did do something about this. >>reporter: back out here live on market street as the police investigation continues with headed chance to speak with quite a few evidence in the consents from everyone as to her they're really amazes someone to get away with this or group of people can get away with this in broad daylight and a very brazen hussy as the afternoon. >>darya: is expected to be walking around during the day and you don't think twice. and then who knows exactly where they came from or if they were construction workers walesa's afforded february since apple vest possibly bring dust mask like this one off the man you heard from earlier said is not quite 0711 but it is close. >>darya: is not the first on the bay area backed a 2013 high in your store tiffany's was the target of a smash and grab and walnut creek remember that? tear the bill the south main street location or happen they drove a pickup truck right through the front door and this message driver cases with a hammer and got away with a small amount of jewelry. >>darya: her son a general is meeting with leaders and committee members and oakland today as part of a series of round tables and six cities will tell you why oakland made the list and we are tracking the biggest along with a live tv coverage here was a look at a future cast for tonight at 6:00. on the rain starts to roll in. >>george: 14 to 15 minutes longer time that should otherwise be at this hour 37 minutes instead of the 51 to get from to 38, the 237 not forget the kron 4 mobile application you are not watching kron 4 is a great way to keep up-to-the- minute what what we're covering here is pursue the storm coming agree with to keep on ron closures and other problems associated with the bad weather is a free download in the works on apple and and you're devices. >>darya:developing news this morning. >>darya:san francisco police are looking for three men. >>darya: he is was in oakland talk about law enforcement community relations he is met with local police officers and community activist president obama asked him to organize a round table discussions in six cities following the massacre to us to saw nationwide against police this is video from the helicopter partnership with abc seven news. over some of the violent protests and riots that happen in oakland demonstrators was in opposition to the police shooting and killing an unarmed black man and ferguson missouri and also in new york oakland is the last city on holders list to visit one of just six this shows. >>erica: is to take a look sla and rare still will to the north star was expected later on tonight i'm track in the store where talking rainfall totals will return. >>george: with the back of with the least slow traffic from about mid span and closer to the north tower of leading south to the toll plaza across much better conditions of the richmond bridge run along the backed up to the toll plaza know the leinster richmond on 580 westbound trying to reach the bridge. >>erica: your one to be busy tomorrow because it looks like the rain will will pick up in intensity this for your morning commute stretching into the rest of the day for that matter satellite and radar shows the rain still well to the north expected to arrive in north bay later on this evening and in the sister was once the stock of the golden gate bridge is the answer early friday morning right now we are dried dill was some tropical clouds also shared with the system and the biggest concern probably the flooding for napa and marin and sonoma counties. >>erica: getting into a car to my searcher since early saturday morning we're talking if that is 40 in. of rain with the system alone flash flooding definitely a possibility and desolate keep my the russian river could rise an additional 20 ft. as we into friday early saturday. like >>erica: that is, trying we are talking about the worst of it in the north with the entire bay area will be impacted by the strong gusty wind is beginning friday morning stretching into saturday where talking about sustained winds is within 30 mi. per hour with gusts to higher elevations of to 60 would be surprised when, down trees power lines and probably down as well and we could run into some isolated power outages so we always have of back along just in case your power goes off overnight. >>erica: the windy conditions will be the strongest rain really on everyone's minds to cash shows 6:00 tonight will maintain a will to dry conditions santa rosa will start since the rain falling highway 101 there as with the clock as a motion the first impulse is really going to bring waves of grain to the northwest bid to tomorrow morning for a and this will we start our broadcasting you see red cross and the golden gate is heading into san francisco and sfo and the lower peninsula ride. >>erica: second in four slated for the afternoon that will be the strong is heaviest rain falling 2:00 heavy rain by the darker green on your screen this really presence of even talking about the difficult driver conditions for your evening commute home here was a look at 6:00 friday night the good news is if you need to be outside it will get things done and you see a break saturday in the into sunday that will allow us to recover a little bit before the second system rose through son and my answer early monday morning this next system is one to bring widespread rent is now going to be as intense as the first high-pressure back the forecast to them was the with temperatures in the '70s. >>james: with a financial expert rob black the fine day on wall street we have some list of what the reports came out this one specifically anthem the big story today we have had intensive maze of people with the data now out there with a chapter that are talking about? rob black-your e-mail address your employee data has a security birthday's in names a lot of data was stolen from the second-largest and health insurance industry that are restarted senate out e-mail's and contacting people who did has been compromised in this a pretty big bridge in the health- care sector so we have people scared this was a recurring issue that the debtors want to be still in this is the second health-care company a couple years of committee of system was set for a half million people pass hospital did have this kind of scary. rob black: second credit record you open up applications like credit-card will to notify you of accounts have been open in a crowded we're slowly getting the company caught fire does come as a bill security threats. the >>james: the one on your list today the jobless applications for jobless benefits it will slightly in december and if you look overall the average at a level of the economy is at what they like. rob black: the run-up to the man from the services that when an unemployment check if the gays who we are loosely were to hire people on a regular basis so gauging the opposite by that we're creating more jobs than we are letting go to more than 92,000 now last week any number on a to her and 50 is great and income under 400 is constructive. it will not reflect these numbers but of our labor system in the united states is threatening with the better economy. >>james: is a reaction >>james: nucellus she is a nothing is growing. for people who've been done and that neutrality is gained in terms of price and speed and delivery and information to us and our homes. at&t of rising comcast and sprint service providers and isp if they want to bill was the get rid of net flicks in you to butt. rob black: on the other hand is going to be at&t vries and comcast frontier global not have much incentive to go out and say to upgrade their equipment there is fears of their country as a texas along to a $60 per year is like fear of why have all hundred mb speed what to do 55 for get the consumer. net flics was to step up and help with this problem. it seems to be good for the consumer. >>james: and you think in general more pluses than minuses? rob black: is far from over a is trending toward consumers favor of >>james: we have apple at the date get together the story apple for going to make an application for android. rob black: they're required last august for $3 billion the big his own company that also has a musician service this summer to spot fire real and go was music and what they're doing is getting in the music industry him by making an application for a global the primary a said they will put the application on the phone 39 million phones sold last quarter system offering system between march and june 7th 90 month's service would this cheaper than spot fire. good for apple this a $10 billion moved will people jump to the service they did not jump to the stream music service that they currently have but this will be embedded on the operating system on the front screen and maybe you tried. >>james: the the forgive you have a question for robert you always. see mel rojas always. com >>darya: 90 percent of americans is just distress as we were this time last year the numbers are surprising since the economy is improving but you still stressed out yes the american psychological association commission study part of an annual assessment stress and america 72 percent of americans say they're stressed about money that was last month storm of loan that is a big problem as well as the rising cost of health care still i had argued to stress what about the rain is going to move and still is alive and feature cast for and what it shows 4:04 a.m. tomorrow morning when you can see most of the north may dipping down into san francisco and oakland concord covered by rain. >>erica: is not quite yet and still the next tribeca about saturday the heavenly heirs to run the now. the heaviest rain is expected for the bay area flooding is a concern for napa and marin and sonoma county you to see before for a into just the system alone. the heaviest rain for five more international where talk about pretty windy conditions does up to 60 up into higher elevations some locations will see more and was just as we can compare to the typically a certain amount of the into to the north bank it's been not a lot by comparison just two to three answers and deftly tech will weaken again south bay expecting hardly any rain to one tools the 3 in. per hour. >>erica: with the sea raids since early next week for details coming up in 15 minutes. >>george: terrell looking at improving conditions will no longer tracking any hot spots and one of the ways we are improving is here on 101 leading into san francisco where traffic had been badly backed up for all went through south san francisco because of much early retirement problems that have cleared up now but still a little cloud of the 281 01 interchange and still slow from cesar chavez. >>george: otherwise we're looking much better here at the bay bridge while we are still backed up in the main and the toll plaza were no longer jammed through the macarthur maze and drive times are down around 19 to 21 minutes although this 80 approach which had been improving was like it is slowing of bed again and will check to see if there been any late break-ins problems on the bridge as though none of them reportedly you're ride to the cemetery ridge drive times are definitely dropping now down from 19 to 17 minutes from the toll plaza out to one all oneto >>darya: the primenews a major security breach at anthem blue cross that affects tens of millions they're affected by the security breach that started with an emerald cross. >>will tran: she was aboard about that it turns out she is ok and chris veto our producer will say there with kaiser but there are some crown employees that was worried about myself i'm not sure of time and time but i could be because if they cover 80 million customers and assure people heading into john muir medical center the course hospital throughout the country are fearful this morning is because the heck was discovered and it was sold on wednesday which is why have them is working with the fbi to find out how it happened why it happened and when it happened. >>will tran: the people who took off with the information made off with social security numbers the e-mail address in the street address the place of employment possibly the income as well all the things that you need as you will identity theft. they cannot believe it especially when all the security breaches we saw last year there is one man's reaction to another security >>: i'm just wondering when you look at all the updates you received your computers and everything and they wanted to be secure why does this keep happening. >>will tran: i have no idea of what ought to twitter and as a local politician and he was out of san mateo he is wondering why if he will like the national government to work with these private health insurance companies to come up with one plant to see if they could upgrade the security system as well i can say you and some set up a web site to the explain what happened what they're doing for the customer one thing they're doing half isn't there was e-mail and send out notices to you on what they could possibly do including credit line train services that has been done before in europe and the customer look for that. >>darya: we all heard lot of the debris to the huge target hacked back in 2013 here is a list of some of the biggest tax of last year. the bay was hit home depot j.p. morgan chase and michaels. those are just some of the biggest bridges that were said investing you can do is keep an eye on the account activity and make sure there's nothing going on you can catch it that way you can stop the bigger problem down the road. >>darya: the woman was shot and she was first detained outside of home depot for shoplifting night they said she got away from the security prison and a gun and is she attempted several carjackings and that is when she encountered the police in oakland. >>: of was a scam of the car and confronted her again fervor row commands to drop the weapon dropped the weapon and at that point she came up came the weapon had our officers and that is when they fired. >>darya: of was involved in the shooting happened with the department with more than seven years comes in there on administrative leave during the investigation. >>darya: coming up the space center could be facing more charges and what a federal grand jury claims he did now and will continue our team coverage of the storm that is on the way this is was on to look like at 6:00 tomorrow night on your way home the bay area covered and heavy rain. .. >>reporter: that is causing some anxiety for the residents that live out here and here is why this is what the area look like an december so much rain fell so fast that this is what happened flooding and some residents had to flee from their homes now with more rain coming resins are trying to get prepared his business was really hit hard it is important if you have to get somewhere. >>darya: today looks like you'll be find less than an offer we're expecting some rain to fall for santa rosa and palo the system was once all over north bay if as a cancer early tomorrow morning the biggest concern public friday now to resolve about the heaviest downpour but this is going to be an all-day events. >>erica: it will be a complete washout of you have any of your plans the rain is not here quite yet here was a look at satellite and radar the system is well to the north where does bill was an cloud cover tropical cloud. costs associated with this system mild weather on top for today rain arrives not of the golden sabers a letter on this evening if the biggest concern will be the flooding for napa and sonoma as marin county passed the flights has been issued from 10:00 to my answer early saturday morning with the system along you can see for a answers of and and your vet if less flooding is definitely a possibility and probably its parent would roadway >>erica: wind also a factor in addition to the rain fall strong winds bay area wide the rain come from the south which was 30 mi. per hour gusts cash in the 60 mi. hour range it is likely that we will experience down trees and downed power lines even some isolated power outages in a case like this is pressing for the rain began overnight expect to have a backup alarm clock just in case. >>erica: the wendy's conditions from to to 3 tomorrow afternoon a tractor rain because the future cash to the timing of it this track of our by hour and minute by minute is one to start in santa rosa 6:00 this evening and then you see waves of grain really at the north bay and the tens of the overnight our check of four toddlers when the broadcast service to our morning close the sfo in respect of the lower peninsula you will continue to see the imposes stronger ones as a head answers friday afternoon widespread bring dispensing on top there as a blanket the entire bay area 7 i into money will see widespread like rhyme not want to be as strong as the first system to keep your umbrella handy that's a look at bay area whether less taken of the tahoe was just no ski report shows no new snow for now. >>george: conditions are much improved as we move on with the morning ride in the south bay where very little snow. where only about six or seven men is higher than a typical of new day for the southbound at the bay bridge westbound trust me when i tell you it is better that this looks while it is crowded here right at the heart of the toll plaza the back of a lottery to the macarthur maze of a result traffic in the maze is heading to the store and not to the bay bridge heading to the san mateo bridge conditions almost back to normal we're looking at a 12 to 13 minute commute times over san san mateo from hayward on the golden gate bridge if it has been an easy ride most of the morning and you consider already changing the line is back. >>george: your trip is to iran via the richmond where no longer backed up at the toll plaza or on 580 westbound. it will be a wet one tomorrow so you want to be sure to tune then to see higher commuters defective >>darya: jordan has launched new air strikes against ice is hard disk and syria this comes after video was released showing ices burning a jordanian pilot alive. person in retaliation happen for the death of that island out there with were executed to ices prisoners and thomas more air strikes. >>darya: menace is a lot to decide on new measure the response of the crisis forces accused of sending the weapon they denied the allegations and says that is a peaceful resolution to ukrainian >>darya: they have decided the chance a share anti-war looking for a 11 people still on icon to for take a look at the-camera video we for the board yesterday on the kron 4 morning news clips attacking goes right into the roadway the wings clipped and a highway bridge and before they went into the river 32 people are confirmed dead and investigators are analyzing for informational air-traffic control recording says that you could hear on that somebody same mayday engine flameout. just before it crashed >>darya: this is in new york are trying to figure of the crash or a woman's as you week ended up on the tracks just before commuter trains stopping killing her and killing five train passengers off the antaeus looking at the tracks and the train crew and the driver de france issued a mother of three caring sitcom of justice she was driving home from work to the nights when this happened with this and she got out of the car after the guard rail came down on the car and then he should return to the car and drove right onto the track. >>darya: coming up on the kron 4 morning news to take a look of the top stores you need to know before you get out the door this morning including was up with the big storm when it is coming in with you need to be ready for second live the care as you're getting ready to hit the bay bridge is the back of an illiterate of the weight you have. >>darya: starting in the north they and their one to be particularly hit hard by a flash flood warning going ineffective o'clock tonight in sonoma county wins could be 60 mi. an hour passed sentence is always looking for three men dressed as construction workers and rock as tiffany jewelry store the west field mall in broad daylight yesterday afternoon the mall full of customers and no one really thought twice about the guys dresses construction workers but they had guns when into the store for everyone down grant and michael duran took off. >>darya: to is amazing people may be in jeopardy this morning after a major bridge anthem. the hacker so named in such a credit numbers and addresses and employment information more than 37 million people are enrolled in have come if the company says so far no credit card information had to compromise but if you use or connect with anthem keep an eye on your and information. before we wrap up george is heading to broadway the star trek star is going to play the main road in a show about japanese american and war world to he is in this project. >>darya: the previous began in october on broadway taking a look at the seven a round of a forecast and head out with a deadline to move and if the next newscast at 5:00 tonight also are mobile application is one to be the best way for you to track the storm and between news as we will see you later. >> announcer: today on an all-new "dr. phil." she claims she's dying. >> i don't believe my daughter has cancer. >> announcer: but mom says she's lying. >> dr. phil: did you put up a go fund me page? >> for my children. >> dr. phil: you think she's ripping people off? >> announcer: who is telling the truth. >> dr. phil: you tell the doctor you had a hysterectomy two weeks ago. >> i never had one. >> dr. phil: why did you tell them you did? you say you have stomach cancer and a heart problem and haven't seen a doctor in a year. >> announcer: is she hiding something? >> dr. phil: you refuse to give us any medical records at all. >> i didn't refuse. >> dr. phil: there was a biopsy done. they said no malignancy. do you believe you have cancer? >> i'm trying to think of an answer. >> dr. phil: how about the truth? >> dr. phil: let's do it! >> have a good show, everybody. >> dr. phil: this is a safe place to talk about hard things.

Related Keywords

Sonoma , California , United States , Syria , Dublin , Ireland , Richmond Center , New York , North Gate , Ukraine , San Francisco , Sacramento , March It , Az Arbayjan E Sharqi , Iran , San Mateo County , Switzerland , Petaluma , Texas , Oakland , Russian River , Santa Clara Valley , Bay Ridge , South San Francisco , Bonn , Nordrhein Westfalen , Germany , San Ramon Valley , Jordan , Cemetery Ridge , United Kingdom , Marin County , Denmark , Nebraska , Sonoma County , France , Hawaii , Americans , America , Ukrainian , Danish , British , Swiss , Jordanian , American , Keith Jackson , Cesar Chavez , Michael Duran , Michael Brown , Leinster Richmond , Emel Rojas , Kaiser Permanente , Jose Mineta , Macarthur Mays ,

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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Morning News 20150205 :

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Morning News 20150205

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>>erica: last if you have any thing you need to do any errors yet been done now because later on tonight in the north bank that is when the rain as winter arrived phenacite the heaviest rain is all day friday that will be a complete washout with periods of heavy down for and will catch another break this one for saturday afternoon and sunday evenings before around to arrive the satellite and radar shows most of the activity path to our north this is actually brain that was down and hawaii is move north and is one for is once the slide into the back is once installed on a threat that's when we talk about the heaviest downpour will begin later on tonight in fact we do have a flash flood watch and the fact is is a to early saturday morning. >>erica: 7 will be effective for the rest of the bay. but not as intense for talk about talk storm drains and upper half would also be a factor with this system test of the 60 mi. per hour sustained winds between 20 and 30 mi. from our in the entire bay area we could see up to 10 in. of rainfall in this is all said and done all have to look get rainfall totals and you're never coming up and 15 minutes. >>darya: as you talk about it is time to prepare and you and have many hours left to get the sandbags out the public works they're all making sure that the trees are trend in the powers for one to go out sometime pg&e is standing by jackie is live in san affected in a look at what you can do for the storm. >>jackie sissel: is not only residents would is tommy is an officials and another that is a loss and because of where is the familiar is what to start to blow and the level of today into library in his heart in the north gate starting tomorrow morning because of the they're already started to put out the sandbag and dozens of to places around the north bay and you could see one of the locations here i am in san rafael and the fire station to have sandbags and the sand and the shovels and other locations does have the bay if you have to go fifth and second out will a link to our web site features some of the locations but not as a time to do you hurt arab and talking about it you know what the standing out here in the rain turned to a shovel sand backed that basis of limited amount a lot of businesses run more like they did and december--december >>jackie sissel: their trimming trees i was up in navato i thought at least five different crews trimming trees along those are lines of high winds are expected to blow and power could be an issue if you're someone that obviously has that issue now is the sign should do if you not wait because the storm is coming and is coming quickly. >>darya: thank you for the information you can get the same information the moment by moment and on the go with the kron 4 mobile application it is free to download you have the mobile device that is the best way to get all the weather and traffic information you need but right now you have george. >>george: if it is pretty slow on 880 southbound out looking for something clever to say but its is did not come quickly enough 880 southbound we have been tracking the leas with the early recurring accident and here in fremont boulevard a motorcycle crash on the shoulder and back of the ride were already at a 50 minute drive times not typically will be about 3940 minutes there's still a 10 minutes ahead but this is a bad start and is very much like the conditions the set of the nightmare commit the we have experienced serious and 680 south of bonn is heavy the ride was found 580 shown some slow between livermore and dublin there was a stall was bound up the bay bridge and it was passed the metering lights so it was where the roadway began to narrow and that did create problems because they slow the meter and light in the back of what was already into the maze. >>george: 880, our approach is backed up over the freeway for your trip to the san mateo bridge is backed a much earlier than usual about half an hour ago or a little more is already looking into to + minute drive times here if a free trip to the golden gate bridge like traffic still delays on 101 southbound at the stand-still a pretty good commute through marin county in from navato to the toll plaza. >>james: the developing story to share with you san francisco police are looking for three men who is a raft of tiffany store in the city for. >>reporter: talk about a pretty brazen robbery that happened in broad daylight in a very busy mocks the tiffany store is just inside those doors behind me and take a look inside the mall with from the store clotheslines drop down just after their roberts if this 83 people into the store made yesterday afternoon a store selling the rock and they told everyone to tell everyone a job down to the ground as it sold and employees to open the case the jury they stole jewelry and in one of the mall through bloomingdale's on to the mission street side never say this is something you see in a movie and not at the mall. >>: the fact that it was inside and was a store that is heavily guarded that was not a complete shock but it was adding another level of having men to guard. >>reporter: and they're looking to renovate a civic and identified three robbers involved with that maybe hot little easier said than done because witnesses reporting the three robbers were dressed as construction workers and wearing this mass at this point. >>james: will see what happened after this investigation and this is not the first highest ever tiffany store here at the bay area back in 2013 the high interest door was the target price of a smashed ferrari and walled creek this is video of the south main street location where it happened bird use of a pickup truck ride through the front door this menagerie cases with a hammer and made off an undisclosed amount of story. >>darya: the latest in a july plane crash caught on camera will have more on the search effort to after the plane went down and lawmakers taking a stand on vaccination requirements in california will tell you what they're proposing and right after the break into a second of the menu and california once again. sleep train's presidents' day sale is on now! save up to $300 on beautyrest and posturepedic. even get three years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. plus, free delivery, set up, and removal of your old set. and sleep train's 100 day money back guarantee. keep more presidents in your wallet. sleep train's presidents' day sale is on now! ...guaranteed! ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ ookse cholate w haa crunch.brkside cruny clters - crpy multi-gins and sweefruiflaved piecesdied in richark ocolate. diover brookside cruny clters. i love my shows, but i can't just sit around all day. that's why i have xfinity. their cloud based dvr lets me take everything i recorded, anywhere i go. which is perfect for me, [whisperin ilities. ...i mean that's really interesting, then how do you explain these 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and the ultimate sleep number event, going on now. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. you like the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! now we can all choose amazing sleep only at a sleep number store. right now save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed. know better sleep with sleep number. 18 t meanwhile says fcc will lose the battle. --80 and see. --at &t. >> reporter: a major security breach this time at the nation's second large hospital. i will have the details later. en wgo tthe store i nd my boxof honey bchesof oats, and'm ecki tosee if iackad it. he ss "ihasa certain deth's my line, thiss thdate." theast letters were22, at's me. >> reporter: here is what we can expect the concerns of flooding and that iran and sonoma county. 1 in. of rain in some spots in the russian river. not only is whether or the wet weather is concerned but the wind as well. 20 mi. an hour with gusts up to 60 mi. per hour. some isolette hard outages of the 8 in. is expected in the north bay will have all said and done. we're not talking about even coverage much more rain expected north of the golden gate bridge. air-traffic--here is traffic. >> reporter: coming from the nimitz freeway look at this ride 880 north, is backed up the eastbound of the toll plaza. back up on 580 yawps 2080. a new problem and staffer says bonior southbound to 80 is back in the upper right leading out of the city. this is not also the wake of another problem. it stalled truck of the lord that. you're right to the san mateo bridge is already slow their flashlights on the shorter here the chp our call trans. 22 minutes are they were in your right to the richmond bridge is slow now it is very slow at the seoul--toll plaza. james. >> reporter: and stumble across tens of millions of people. we have been following the kron 4 story now. we're talking hundreds people now? >> reporter: 80 people or even more were talking about we're john muir medical center on. it happened on wednesday with what actually happened we're not exactly sure. things taken like your social security numbers your e- mail. and that leaves something open for people to take your credit card information as close your medical mystery. although it is not imported about your medical history because who cares about if you have to have your appended sticking out. we're more concerned about your so security number or bank account things like this. the medical center will reach out to you to let gennaro with it would do for you in the meantime. you better believe this is so huge that they're calling this the biggest security breach in history. the reactions are very sure some very nervous patients. >> reporter: think you will for that update this morning we have all read about it reaches says that he is one with target in 2013. ebay was hit, home depot and also michaels. you might be a victim to keep an ira account. --and i. >> reporter: a woman named carol said her neighbor ran outside san ended--two men just broke into her home in to occur during adams and other items karos said her neighbors' trees from-jays- sundown with a broom--chased them down with a broom. then get into our car and chased them down. >>: i know i'm not physically fit but i chase them down and to diminish-- it took me a minute. something in my mind was saying don't confront don't confront. >> reporter: but it did work out for you just seen and the upshot of the man from east palo alto. they think there is a third guy who got away and agree expedition. >> reporter: 9 9¢ door molest case. a man approached a group of such terror and appropriately the grout was temporarily away from her mother at the time. these photos of the man held lead to his arrest. >> reporter: the warriors show no signs of slowing down will be back with your greenwich. female announcer: when you see this truck, it means another neighbor is going to sleep better tonight because they went to sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic event. find the tempur-pedic that's right for you and see why they're the most highly recommended bed in america. plus, get three years interest-free financing. sleep risk-free with sleep train's 100 day money back guarantee. and of course, free same-day delivery. are you next? announcer: but don't wait! sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic is ending soon! ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ the accident we are tracking down. >> reporter: kron 4 mobile at a good way to get information we needed works on apple an android. >> reporter: watching and waiting for the big storms were arrived. this weekend storm that residents are all too familiar with. in sonoma county its start at 10:00 p.m. tonight last saturday. last december you can see how deep the water got. >>: it's just like what when is a gun and--when is it going to end. yet i was pretty bad--that >> reporter: was a mass hopefully people are better prepared this time. >> reporter: releasing this map this morning the darker color their is a more--the worst drought. three- quarters of the state extreme drought conditions now including most of the bay area. that's unchanged a little bit there cup. -- erica. >> reporter: i will be transformed when we return. --tracking the storm. >> reporter: this morning. so coach went nuts. cestus laid it on and they want. --and they want. --won. >>: 27 in the third. >> reporter: allow this i love coach car he can appreciate talking to the medium--media. i'm gonna say marks when she. he hates them. >>: he's going to say he hates the interviews and he's want to show them he is not want to fake it. >>: didn't go on all i think it would look in your soup. --suit. >> reporter: of the got the 20 seconds it was thinking why are they making me do this? >>: an older male guy if you're doing this if you're a young guy or younger rocks you're gonna be looked at as being a bully. >> reporter: he makes the interviewers look stupid he is taught to make some look stupid. it is part of the job is for the fans your suppose to do it. >>: has won five championships and he is a motorman. --eight older man. so he has been throwing a lot and he is no one--he knows what he is doing. >> reporter: he told the truth he said he's doing this because he does not want to define. >>: yes he was telling the truth. >> reporter: i got on my face up to see what the patriots did..--facebook. >> reporter: domino i honestly thought to tell you and i know you won't go to my face look but just call their. >>: tell me again about popovic. so what did they penalize them or their triumphs by him? >> reporter: he called it a little. of idiocy. and that shows why he does what he does. >>: and i'm not going to try to excuse it once again you get paid enough to your life is just made a pretty nice from basketball you do it and get off. is it somebody who comes back u.s. miles at your own size physically. your one to laugh at somebody last night at the news. both my sweater and seeded ninth lady and petaluma set me up three nastiest things because something was what i was teasing dan emitter look like all my gosh. >> reporter: on one to the sports illustrated that i hate is a guy did this he would be charged for at of this growth--grout. -- jeeters girlfriend. says that was years ago and i was my girlfriend with proper you can't go around exposing yourself like that. >> reporter: that that was cheaters latest. i think she's fabulous she was the one and at lane bryant and commercial they thought it was racy. adding it was too much for her size. >>: if you do not want to see it turn the tv off if it's on a magazine don't read it. ♪ ♪ if u wa it go t anget ♪ female announcer: save up to $300 on beautyrest and posturepedic. even get three years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. keep more presidents in your wallet. sleep train's presidents' day sale is on now! ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ ♪♪ at kaiser permanente everything you need is under one roof. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. okay, a little easier. become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪♪ 7 >> reporter: we are tracking to systems that could bring more rainfall in the next couple of days then we predictably see entire month. we will see some snow and a higher elevation. 25 in. and diamond peak. air- traffic. >> reporter: the bay bridge was gone back up. and a macarthur mays a little backed up this wall. a slower rise in most direction and san mateo bridge this welcome you but not the worst we've seen yet. 20 minutes and it worked. if you're having to vote richmond british back up on the left and right-- lange. >> reporter: will take a look quick break in kron 4 morning news will be back. bulldog: what's this? mattress discounters presidents day sale ending? but mattress discounters has the largest selection of memory foam mattresses under one roof! comforpedic... icomfort... posturepedic hybrid... and wow! get up to four years interest-free financing on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection! and, get a queen size serta mattress and box spring set for just $397. the presidents day sale is ending soon! ♪ mattress discounters ♪ >> reporter: residents prepare for a in a huge winter storm i will tell you what they are doing to be prepared. >> reporter: you concede rain and north bay. >> reporter: story coming up and you would not guess what they dressed up as. >> reporter: think for drawn dozens more in a top story debate area and preparing for a storm. >> reporter: can and sexy but perhaps more rain typically what we have experience in months. >> reporter: this is a tropical system that originated in hawaii. not too much smoke expected and followed. flooding concerns later on foreign and sorrow among connecticut--napa valley. >> reporter: wind gusts up to 60 mi. an hour down trees and downed power lies --lines. no. a six and a and gen. not compared to the east bay. future cast minute by minute hour by hour. >> reporter: the storm is really want to hammer the no. 8. --no. today. --north bay. >> reporter: in the north a we usually get pretty hard .--north bay. >> reporter: its face it door talking about 10 in. of rain. in january they only got seven of an inch here in marin county. if you're someone lives in the north bay i suggest you get here and the next couple of hours this sandbag station has shovels as well. >> reporter: they're going into high gear prepping they started earlier in the week people clearing out the storm drains. ocelot's the tree trimmers out there they're talking about 50 mi. an hour when. we tried to warn people were a couple of hours away now the time to appear--repair. --prepare. there was a line of cars and no stand. caught in this its common and it's coming soon. >> reporter: state-owned 14 coverage. --stay tooned for our team coverage. >> reporter: north bound 80 as you can see it is up on the eastbound lanes of the freeway. things are jammed for they they bridge right. --ride. >> reporter: other rough day for the san ramon valley northbound accident which slows the right and both directions leading to the scene of that crash. histwe're looking over our drive the 880. 20 minutes of a drive time: hayward and san mateo. 11 south ride--101 south ride. >> reporter: the police are looking for three men who robbed the tiffany store. in march it was behind you when it's all went down. >> reporter: will look at the surveillance of videos to see what these guys look like and the war masklike this happen around 3:00 yesterday. a bit forced one employee to open cases a jury. some of the employees told us this happen pretty fast. >>: out of the dislike oceans the last 11--oceans eleven. i'll figure was well planned out like that. >> reporter: we talked a few people all of these people say they were amazed that they pulled this off. we're on to see if they have any updates or any pictures of these robbers. >> reporter: on sure places like this at tiffany's where they had cameras in place. the highs at the tiffany's is not the first situation back in january there was another robbery. the burglars broke a big right from the front door this mass--they smashed the jury counters with hammers. >> reporter: take a stand with vaccinations for children. for the million-- measles. coming at--up. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ great rates for great rides. geico motorcycle see how much you could save. xñ >> reporter: welcome back to the kron 4 morning news. not as bad as yesterday's a one- hour drive to 38 to down to 237. you keep yourself updated as hot spots when you're not watching kron 4 with your kron 4 mobile at. and it's a free download with apple or an android. >> reporter: keith jackson attended to cashed three checks. the new indictment says those checks were $11,000 in cash. an illegal weapons deal. as a federal building in san francisco. >> reporter: we're on to talk about law enforcement there will be meeting with police officers response to protests the shooting of michael brown and ferguson. >> reporter: future castro is wanted--is one to be rain. 7 >>erica: the timer now is 18 years and look at traffic. >>george: we're still back the heading into san francisco it's still a hot spots try to get to and from the northern peninsula at the south san francisco spearpoint into downtown there was an accident or about has been clear from the lines here and alemannic but nevertheless the traffic is still sluggish it will start to improve but it may be awhile before we actually get back to normal flow. >>george: we're jammed the from the went to the san ramon valid northbound crash nearly this level location is still valid rolled the other courses back of the ride into both directions not that the south lawn ride is any help in order to slow down. >>george: >>james good as a 80 approached the back of over the keys to our line of the toll plaza where backed up on 580 on 24 backed up through the macarthur maze and san mateo bridge ride maybe getting a little better butter out of the lasting for the next third 40 minutes or so will still see these high drive times and it will be wrong to conditions improve for the golden gate bridge no delays here in the southbound direction yet as we approach the peak of the next 20 minutes or so and for your trip to the richmond bridge and into marin county. >>george: not is that the presence of a slow from its wing castro and the richmond are quite pleading here to the toll plaza. >>james: know this morning jordan has blossomed as track against art isis' air strikes and syria. >>james: the danish government has promised and earthshaking retaliation for death of that pilot that was burned alive. their promise more airstrikes and executed by isis prisoners >>darya: they're looking for 11 people still listed as missing the-camera video that we brought you yesterday from the town is broadcast tv b.s. that sharply banks' ride over the roadway and close a taxing goes into the water 32 people are confirmed dead investigators are analyzing flights and air-traffic control was hurled was heard saying made a mayday flammable for the crash. new york to try to figure out how a woman as you be ended up on the tracks just before a commuter train struck and killed her also killing five train passengers they're examining the tracks an interview on the train crew made time the driver of she's been identified as 49 year-old ms. brodie. >>darya: she was caring and safety to she was armhole for work to the night when accident happened a witness says that she saw the one get out of her car after the guard room came down on the return to her car and drove onto the track. >>james: there are 99 cases of measles in california 14 of those right here in the bay area and that just this past monday and this the seventh cases of measles have been diagnosed in the state that is close of 13¢ sale a false alarm a first case occurs the law cannot out of vaccinating their children by giving an exemption from a health professional or by claiming that a violent religious beliefs the lawmakers in sacramento are proposing the position is based on personal beliefs. >>: now we're able to spread the disease to others we should not wait for more of children to second or died before we act >>james: 4 districts are trying to stay ahead of the outbreak the specific school district of any started died of measles had all children was not been vaccinated will have to stay home for a least one day's >> >>darya: the attorney general's office is trying to stop it from being served and appeals from yesterday against a ruling that blocked the state ban on selling the fatty do delicacy out of our state it is still in the of the california of how the delicacy is produce a restaurant says from all of one's challenging the california man. >>james: we are waiting for the rain to arrive here is a glimpse at how much we may get between now and monday night back with more in a minute. if ookse cholate w haa crunch.brkside cruny clters - crpy multi-gins and sweefruiflaved piecesdied in richark ocolate. diover brookside cruny clters. >>james: we're watching and waiting for the big storms in the bay area to a matter of fact residence in the north and in particular getting ready for the rain and strong winds flash someone goes into effect tonight to some town in starts at 10:00 and it comes entire north they will be the way for li's 24 hours this video from the last big storm that hit the park and back in december there were not ready for a ban but hopefully it will be a little more prepared for the storm. >>darya: they show you how bad it is in california how badly need iran the u.s. job monitor released this map the darker the color of the worst drought conditions take a look at that the darkest read more than three-quarters of our state covers an extreme drought conditions including most of the bay area. waki up tigu ski sleeon ts! garniecreas itfirs raclsleeng cam. figs sis ofatig andwrkleshileou sep. a sleepi cre...that a fst! like a lhtweht mk of ntinus hrati wor whi youleep wh skiis mt reptiv and here theealwakep ca... inust weekake to me reeshe younr-loing in. stop wing to tigu ski sleewithhis. new racl sleeng cam. fromarni. female announcer: don't wait for presidents' day to save on a new mattress. sleep train's presidents' day sale is on now! save up to $300 on beautyrest and posturepedic. even get three years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. plus, free delivery, set up, and removal of your old set. and sleep train's 100 day money back guarantee. keep more presidents in your wallet. sleep train's presidents' day sale is on now! ...guaranteed! ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ >>erica: when this is all said and done a to be up to six to 8 in. high rent can lead in the north bay but check out the east bay by comparison a lot less and that just two to 3 in. and and maybe our to in the south really depends on the location when i want to see even covers with the system because some rubble to stall over north about. 12 hours a full look interest in the forecast and 15 minutes. >>george: we're still a second hot spots like the ride to the san ramon valley and is in the northbound direction and acid has been clear to the shoulder as storm valley road is still back of our san ramon and backed up into walnut creek in fact taking a look you say is still solvent and helicopter on 680 into 42 in heavy round the corner through lafayette and out toward the caldecott tunnel you're ride to run all 24 western room and you're ride to the bay bridge still backed up solidly into the macarthur maze try to figure out why no one is using these less and castellanus over here and set with the folks on caltrans 8 hackamore the get answer. >>george: despite the fact these lines are open and the backups to reach all the way through the maze and the 880 approach is still backed up over the eastbound lanes of freeway. tajo which is in the heaviest traffic flow at the golden gate bridge is still moving quite smoothly on 101 southbound. >>james: back to the nose are developing story this morning has the major security breach at anthem blue cross were talking tens of millions of people with answers and no compromise. >>will tran: 5 in front of the medical center i went down the road to try and get a reaction from people and they are shaking their heads like what? how could this happen we saw last year with a high profile case of targets and in this case we need of some 80 million and the customers who go here in many of a hostile force struck the country and that is called a security risk on wednesday when it happened they're not exactly sure was why and for in the fbi to get ride to the bottom of this in the meantime they're encouraging people to stay on top refinances because of the information taken in close as a security number. the good news is a medical history would not have the bad news is who knows what is going to happen in the future. >>will tran: which is why they're sending out letters to their customers speaking of customers with track down some of the people this morning here is what they had to say about another security breach. >>: i am wondering when you look at all the of this year received on the computers and it will use to be secured how did things like this keep happening over and over. >>will tran: she says not again because last year she was a victim of the target hack and of course that involve millions of people as well where want to have get more people when it come in here i cannot believe it in some people are still covered by income. >>james: he mentioned are your member that was when the data breach became friends of mine for a lot of people that happened back in 2013 he was a lookism the biggest tax of last year if he bay that was hit home depot for j.p. morgan chase and michael's this is some of the biggest breach investing to do if you think might be a victim is keep an eye on your account activity nbc anything suspicious or out of the order never take action. >>darya: a quick second neighbor help put to burglars behind bars to happen yesterday morning in the north where oaks neighborhood in san mateo county the woman named carol says her neighbor ran outside st. to manage is broken into the home they're leaving the home on the avenue of the jury know electronics and other items they said her neighbor then chased them down with a broom so she then jumped into her car and all the systems down the street where the police on the way. >>: the edge of all of the truck and then i started chasing them there to fashion a which is surprising because i am passing really physically fit i cannot catch up with a big jump to fences into the never start and then the fire man was down in the block and jackson heard him saying a couple time new not come from them i got a to slow down the scramble the firemen were there and i sit within about a man of the end of an offense the police were there and that worked out to the quiz were able to catch them. for >>darya: recover her look clearly is no competition is nothing that you should do what they do have the two suspects as 120 year-old intensity and the other is a 15 year-old boy from east palo and investigators do believe there is a third man who got away and agree for expedition and tinted windows. >>james: alameda shares of the men arrested in a no-nonsense sort of molestation case the suspect into court today will follow the story for you here on the kron 4 when do i remember a talking about yesterday because about a man who approached a young girl who had to be separated from her mother briefly he took the opportunity to touch her and a properly this was sunday at the hayward store these are surveillance pictures and the police use alternately add to find the suspect and bring him into custody. >>darya: dramatic rise in car bird the reasons and was the airport police are looking for this man in connection with 26 wrote kevin jordan and there is a mug shot a 14/and crafts style car break-ins early wednesday police thought they had him cornered an apartment complex they got away this is the jordan may belong to approve of sea its response will for several of the 53 reported all burglaries on the airport from san jose mineta police say in this half of burglaries' happened in broad daylight and is looking for briefcases and electronics and other valuables in plain sight. >>james: still ahead the warriors show no signs of slowing down we have more on staff perry big night was also a friend or get involved in a lawsuit to stop the oakland a's moved to san jose. bulldog: what's this? mattress discounters presidents day sale ending? but mattress discounters has the largest selection of memory foam mattresses under one roof! comforpedic... icomfort... posturepedic hybrid... and wow! get up to four years interest-free financing on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection! and, get a queen size serta mattress and box spring set for just $397. the presidents day sale is ending soon! ♪ mattress discounters ♪ >>darya: the san jose city council to u.s. supreme court to take a lawsuit that aims to stop major league baseball from blocking over athletics-to pay the council unanimously voted to pursue the appeal is unclear whether the high court of law to choose your the case of they're appealing the such accord and roy unanimously last month the antitrust claims there are baseball the sellers are supreme court in 1920 stood >>erica: and only have a five minute drive but when it is raining it gets bad. is not here yet so the morning commute evening commute find in the bay area but tomorrow boy isn't going to be a problem of the georges was it is with hot spots. and the sled with ecstasy rainfall raise of about an inch per hour this is what's been called the event and heading out right now mild and this is to purchase in the fifties the big concern is iran in a flash flood watch the goes into effect later on tonight that's where want to say the system and the next was all said and done with the killing of a is for as many of your of the golden gate bridge the wind is whatever credit impact with the best of the six amounts for our to live somewhere whatever strong when he bent down trees and downed power lines isolated power outages and if you want to the edge of the trust on coverage and tutors and e-mail to reckon news and kron 4 khan. >>erica: we want to maintain track in this with the exception of santa rosa in secaucus emotionless post impose running ways of the north bay and to we had to about the middle of the nine on friday to appeal will start this is a rental for the central bank and then another out of fear will see north of the golden day and sell at o'clock friday morning and then beyond that the second impulse it will make an impact bay area wide and then have year reign of the darker green on the screen and then the rain as the lining of a bid for those of the of what parliament center fell it is an all-day event were talking here is a heavy downpour and is one to come down what feels like 6:00 friday. evening commute home to look like heavy rain when this entire bay area of the you have anything to do outdoors get it done saturday afternoon and to the is it will catch a break and the sideline will for sits across as an insert early monday morning warmer and drier weather in the sunshine into the middle of next week rollercoaster forecastle 42 if you're heading up to talk of your mother snow >>erica: 24 into diamond the all-time metals has a base off 35 in. here is traffic. >>george: we are still attracting hot spots one of them the right of 680 north about respecting betterton this is not the accident is novella road is clear with the traffic is still slow leading up from san ramon still heavy was on 24 as well and also a heavy air through the corridor on a southbound for looking at about a 57 minute drive times that is a little higher than usual but not nearly as bad as yesterday. >>george: here is the ride through the south 85 not awful neither is 280 is slow enough but 101 is looking at a 46 minute drive time from the coyote valley to the montague expressway in the north they ride is still just under 40 minutes of out of navato. >>george: bay bridge was bothersome backed up into the maze the we are less than 30 minutes now for the drive time for the san mateo bridge still hovering around 19 to switch to- and occasionally jump to 29 when the risk comes to a stop for the golden gate bridge and this is the heaviest. of the they typically at is a little slow for medicine and softball and for the richmond bridge there was a look at the ride was now we're still sluggish. >>george: come off 58 it was bound in the toll plaza for the right hand side lanes are wide open. >>james: this book with the district attorney about the case and the suspect was forced to release because of lack of evidence there are more questions than answers and kids alike are stuffed in a suitcase. >>reporter: question to who that person is is a 58 year-old all martial law was a missing since before the suitcase was found how did the person get there and is the man police say they have on video with the suitcase the man who allegedly a former roommate of him is all question san francisco district attorney would like to know. we are very disturbed he was arrested last friday and released after 48 hours woman the a reviewed the case off and then there is not enough evidence to charge him the public defender says the case has been dismissed and that his client is a free man. >>reporter: police chief says his department or press on with the investigation because of that i composers question to the public defender that the video evidence that he was in possession of the body parts ideas when the fact that he was on video with the suitcase. >>: i have not seen that and i have now seen anything other than the photographs that was published in some of the newspapers. >>reporter: your that he might take off and leave town. >>: i don't want to speculate >>james: he was reporting since the body was found dismembered medical examiners are forced to have to wait for the dna results before the composite identified the victim in this case. >>darya: net neutrality the head of the fcc is proposing an expansion of federal power to ensure an and the providers don't block or slow down web traffic for americans the worm is a major companies like comcast could create a fast or slow lanes on the internet and saints conte coming in different prices for faster delivery support and that the trawler this is an and espy's should be in the same for everyone was used to be the case until recently when the federal rule otherwise. >>james: at&t is not happy with a sissy maidu today they will sue if the sec goes for all this neutrality they say they would lose to a sentence of a to propose rule would not hurl hold up the core american broadband a public utility they argued the fcc would far more oversight to the kind of nebraska's the internet providers met with content providers like ned flicks it will six out. >>james: that story coming up. ookse cholate w haa crunch.brkside cruny clters - crpy multi-gins and sweefruiflaved piecesdied in richark ocolate. diover brookside cruny clters. >>darya: the idea is that you humiliate them or make a miserable enough that they will be paid for you. still ahead >>james: blue and some is had to sort out what these stories and more financial expert rob black we're tracking the storm is headed to the bay area this it would amend look like an 4:00 a.m. would widespread line 46 straight ahead. female announcer: save up to $300 on beautyrest and posturepedic. even get three years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. keep more presidents in your wallet. sleep train's presidents' day sale is on now! ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ >>darya:and as this big storm moves into wind gusts of up to 60 miles an hour. >>darya: good morning and what you want to know is when the rain is going to start. >>erica: this system not quite here yet here is a look at satellite and radar is a we are dealing with a chuckle the associated with the storm heading out to dry conditions for now flooding is a concern led on tonight napa and marin and sonoma counties under a flash flood was heaviest rain is expected to fall all day friday with several and is expected to will see when the conditions when the dust up to 60 mi. from our bay area wide which for the hell higher elevations. >>erica: santa clara valley not anticipating much will we could see more rain for a couple of days compared to what we've seen for some communities the full details on that coming up in just a few minutes. >>darya:kron 4's jackie sissel is live with more on how residents are getting ready. jackie? >>jackie sissel: ivan out there since 430 this morning and this and that location in downtown san befell another and some people now the time to get not a single person is come out here to get a san back i want to reiterate the warning now is the time to get it because the storm is on the way there are dozens of these sandbags locations set up around the north bay in the north bay is really expected to seek the brunt of the storm and is a lausanne letter tonight and into tomorrow in fact some estimates are six to 10 in. which is the drastic difference from january in fact it was the second driest january ever in marin county < a to the bench rain fell in marin county. >>jackie sissel: are starting to get ready beverage and for this, i can tell you i've been out all morning long also in the clouds of dark and the when has picked up in the wind is going to be an issue that's allowed of those agencies have said the crews to trim the trees from power lines in all around for less couple of days and the business the people he the one in and know what is coming and prepare for them now is time to do it. >>darya: that is why have the back of all arm think about you have the backup alarm you wanted your eye on the fourth has the best way to do is the kron 4 mobile application in of the traffic there to although george's want to give us an update right now of the mobile application is agree with to get the information as well. >>george: the hot spots the we have been tracking are starting to diminish a little bit. the much improved year still sore from about candlestick point along the causeway those on the back of as late word of a stall here on carlson boulevard 8 west is doing pretty well if i 80 adjutancy still backed up into the maze as it is highway 24. but >>george: we are still mourning the delays even northbound is less of law through the san ramon valley and backing croquet and wrote an accident that occurred as the on valley road and much better for westbound 24 with some recent arrivals in walnut creek, and more random. >>george: off the bay ridge is the mission is still backed up into the macarthur maze 880 is backed up and there are no great ways to the bridge this morning and the san mateo bridge ride is still at about 19 minutes westbound that is hay were to san mateo. if you're heading to the golden gate bridge to arrive here for 101, and southbound is still a little crowded is to come in from iran and will to show you the richmond center felber is that we still have the backed up there but that is gone now for the westbound ride coming off richmond. if >>darya: 905 right now the developing story we are far less san francisco police are looking for three men who robbed a tiffany and company store in san francisco in broad daylight with shoppers at the shoppers >>reporter: everyone this morning pretty amazed that they could at this point get away with all of this item they're in the process of 4 to submit this video try to identify the roberts although witnesses told us they was just as construction workers possibly wearing masks like this one and a tiffany store inside the mall just a few feet behind me it's just three are more receptive to the store yesterday in the afternoon ordered everyone down on the ground force one employee to open cases of jewelry is unclear how much this sobel witnesses told us it happened very fast or robberies then left and an aide on a mission streetside happened this morning never say this law made for the movie. >>: we really did do something about this. >>reporter: back out here live on market street as the police investigation continues with headed chance to speak with quite a few evidence in the consents from everyone as to her they're really amazes someone to get away with this or group of people can get away with this in broad daylight and a very brazen hussy as the afternoon. >>darya: is expected to be walking around during the day and you don't think twice. and then who knows exactly where they came from or if they were construction workers walesa's afforded february since apple vest possibly bring dust mask like this one off the man you heard from earlier said is not quite 0711 but it is close. >>darya: is not the first on the bay area backed a 2013 high in your store tiffany's was the target of a smash and grab and walnut creek remember that? tear the bill the south main street location or happen they drove a pickup truck right through the front door and this message driver cases with a hammer and got away with a small amount of jewelry. >>darya: her son a general is meeting with leaders and committee members and oakland today as part of a series of round tables and six cities will tell you why oakland made the list and we are tracking the biggest along with a live tv coverage here was a look at a future cast for tonight at 6:00. on the rain starts to roll in. >>george: 14 to 15 minutes longer time that should otherwise be at this hour 37 minutes instead of the 51 to get from to 38, the 237 not forget the kron 4 mobile application you are not watching kron 4 is a great way to keep up-to-the- minute what what we're covering here is pursue the storm coming agree with to keep on ron closures and other problems associated with the bad weather is a free download in the works on apple and and you're devices. >>darya:developing news this morning. >>darya:san francisco police are looking for three men. >>darya: he is was in oakland talk about law enforcement community relations he is met with local police officers and community activist president obama asked him to organize a round table discussions in six cities following the massacre to us to saw nationwide against police this is video from the helicopter partnership with abc seven news. over some of the violent protests and riots that happen in oakland demonstrators was in opposition to the police shooting and killing an unarmed black man and ferguson missouri and also in new york oakland is the last city on holders list to visit one of just six this shows. >>erica: is to take a look sla and rare still will to the north star was expected later on tonight i'm track in the store where talking rainfall totals will return. >>george: with the back of with the least slow traffic from about mid span and closer to the north tower of leading south to the toll plaza across much better conditions of the richmond bridge run along the backed up to the toll plaza know the leinster richmond on 580 westbound trying to reach the bridge. >>erica: your one to be busy tomorrow because it looks like the rain will will pick up in intensity this for your morning commute stretching into the rest of the day for that matter satellite and radar shows the rain still well to the north expected to arrive in north bay later on this evening and in the sister was once the stock of the golden gate bridge is the answer early friday morning right now we are dried dill was some tropical clouds also shared with the system and the biggest concern probably the flooding for napa and marin and sonoma counties. >>erica: getting into a car to my searcher since early saturday morning we're talking if that is 40 in. of rain with the system alone flash flooding definitely a possibility and desolate keep my the russian river could rise an additional 20 ft. as we into friday early saturday. like >>erica: that is, trying we are talking about the worst of it in the north with the entire bay area will be impacted by the strong gusty wind is beginning friday morning stretching into saturday where talking about sustained winds is within 30 mi. per hour with gusts to higher elevations of to 60 would be surprised when, down trees power lines and probably down as well and we could run into some isolated power outages so we always have of back along just in case your power goes off overnight. >>erica: the windy conditions will be the strongest rain really on everyone's minds to cash shows 6:00 tonight will maintain a will to dry conditions santa rosa will start since the rain falling highway 101 there as with the clock as a motion the first impulse is really going to bring waves of grain to the northwest bid to tomorrow morning for a and this will we start our broadcasting you see red cross and the golden gate is heading into san francisco and sfo and the lower peninsula ride. >>erica: second in four slated for the afternoon that will be the strong is heaviest rain falling 2:00 heavy rain by the darker green on your screen this really presence of even talking about the difficult driver conditions for your evening commute home here was a look at 6:00 friday night the good news is if you need to be outside it will get things done and you see a break saturday in the into sunday that will allow us to recover a little bit before the second system rose through son and my answer early monday morning this next system is one to bring widespread rent is now going to be as intense as the first high-pressure back the forecast to them was the with temperatures in the '70s. >>james: with a financial expert rob black the fine day on wall street we have some list of what the reports came out this one specifically anthem the big story today we have had intensive maze of people with the data now out there with a chapter that are talking about? rob black-your e-mail address your employee data has a security birthday's in names a lot of data was stolen from the second-largest and health insurance industry that are restarted senate out e-mail's and contacting people who did has been compromised in this a pretty big bridge in the health- care sector so we have people scared this was a recurring issue that the debtors want to be still in this is the second health-care company a couple years of committee of system was set for a half million people pass hospital did have this kind of scary. rob black: second credit record you open up applications like credit-card will to notify you of accounts have been open in a crowded we're slowly getting the company caught fire does come as a bill security threats. the >>james: the one on your list today the jobless applications for jobless benefits it will slightly in december and if you look overall the average at a level of the economy is at what they like. rob black: the run-up to the man from the services that when an unemployment check if the gays who we are loosely were to hire people on a regular basis so gauging the opposite by that we're creating more jobs than we are letting go to more than 92,000 now last week any number on a to her and 50 is great and income under 400 is constructive. it will not reflect these numbers but of our labor system in the united states is threatening with the better economy. >>james: is a reaction >>james: nucellus she is a nothing is growing. for people who've been done and that neutrality is gained in terms of price and speed and delivery and information to us and our homes. at&t of rising comcast and sprint service providers and isp if they want to bill was the get rid of net flicks in you to butt. rob black: on the other hand is going to be at&t vries and comcast frontier global not have much incentive to go out and say to upgrade their equipment there is fears of their country as a texas along to a $60 per year is like fear of why have all hundred mb speed what to do 55 for get the consumer. net flics was to step up and help with this problem. it seems to be good for the consumer. >>james: and you think in general more pluses than minuses? rob black: is far from over a is trending toward consumers favor of >>james: we have apple at the date get together the story apple for going to make an application for android. rob black: they're required last august for $3 billion the big his own company that also has a musician service this summer to spot fire real and go was music and what they're doing is getting in the music industry him by making an application for a global the primary a said they will put the application on the phone 39 million phones sold last quarter system offering system between march and june 7th 90 month's service would this cheaper than spot fire. good for apple this a $10 billion moved will people jump to the service they did not jump to the stream music service that they currently have but this will be embedded on the operating system on the front screen and maybe you tried. >>james: the the forgive you have a question for robert you always. see mel rojas always. com >>darya: 90 percent of americans is just distress as we were this time last year the numbers are surprising since the economy is improving but you still stressed out yes the american psychological association commission study part of an annual assessment stress and america 72 percent of americans say they're stressed about money that was last month storm of loan that is a big problem as well as the rising cost of health care still i had argued to stress what about the rain is going to move and still is alive and feature cast for and what it shows 4:04 a.m. tomorrow morning when you can see most of the north may dipping down into san francisco and oakland concord covered by rain. >>erica: is not quite yet and still the next tribeca about saturday the heavenly heirs to run the now. the heaviest rain is expected for the bay area flooding is a concern for napa and marin and sonoma county you to see before for a into just the system alone. the heaviest rain for five more international where talk about pretty windy conditions does up to 60 up into higher elevations some locations will see more and was just as we can compare to the typically a certain amount of the into to the north bank it's been not a lot by comparison just two to three answers and deftly tech will weaken again south bay expecting hardly any rain to one tools the 3 in. per hour. >>erica: with the sea raids since early next week for details coming up in 15 minutes. >>george: terrell looking at improving conditions will no longer tracking any hot spots and one of the ways we are improving is here on 101 leading into san francisco where traffic had been badly backed up for all went through south san francisco because of much early retirement problems that have cleared up now but still a little cloud of the 281 01 interchange and still slow from cesar chavez. >>george: otherwise we're looking much better here at the bay bridge while we are still backed up in the main and the toll plaza were no longer jammed through the macarthur maze and drive times are down around 19 to 21 minutes although this 80 approach which had been improving was like it is slowing of bed again and will check to see if there been any late break-ins problems on the bridge as though none of them reportedly you're ride to the cemetery ridge drive times are definitely dropping now down from 19 to 17 minutes from the toll plaza out to one all oneto >>darya: the primenews a major security breach at anthem blue cross that affects tens of millions they're affected by the security breach that started with an emerald cross. >>will tran: she was aboard about that it turns out she is ok and chris veto our producer will say there with kaiser but there are some crown employees that was worried about myself i'm not sure of time and time but i could be because if they cover 80 million customers and assure people heading into john muir medical center the course hospital throughout the country are fearful this morning is because the heck was discovered and it was sold on wednesday which is why have them is working with the fbi to find out how it happened why it happened and when it happened. >>will tran: the people who took off with the information made off with social security numbers the e-mail address in the street address the place of employment possibly the income as well all the things that you need as you will identity theft. they cannot believe it especially when all the security breaches we saw last year there is one man's reaction to another security >>: i'm just wondering when you look at all the updates you received your computers and everything and they wanted to be secure why does this keep happening. >>will tran: i have no idea of what ought to twitter and as a local politician and he was out of san mateo he is wondering why if he will like the national government to work with these private health insurance companies to come up with one plant to see if they could upgrade the security system as well i can say you and some set up a web site to the explain what happened what they're doing for the customer one thing they're doing half isn't there was e-mail and send out notices to you on what they could possibly do including credit line train services that has been done before in europe and the customer look for that. >>darya: we all heard lot of the debris to the huge target hacked back in 2013 here is a list of some of the biggest tax of last year. the bay was hit home depot j.p. morgan chase and michaels. those are just some of the biggest bridges that were said investing you can do is keep an eye on the account activity and make sure there's nothing going on you can catch it that way you can stop the bigger problem down the road. >>darya: the woman was shot and she was first detained outside of home depot for shoplifting night they said she got away from the security prison and a gun and is she attempted several carjackings and that is when she encountered the police in oakland. >>: of was a scam of the car and confronted her again fervor row commands to drop the weapon dropped the weapon and at that point she came up came the weapon had our officers and that is when they fired. >>darya: of was involved in the shooting happened with the department with more than seven years comes in there on administrative leave during the investigation. >>darya: coming up the space center could be facing more charges and what a federal grand jury claims he did now and will continue our team coverage of the storm that is on the way this is was on to look like at 6:00 tomorrow night on your way home the bay area covered and heavy rain. .. >>reporter: that is causing some anxiety for the residents that live out here and here is why this is what the area look like an december so much rain fell so fast that this is what happened flooding and some residents had to flee from their homes now with more rain coming resins are trying to get prepared his business was really hit hard it is important if you have to get somewhere. >>darya: today looks like you'll be find less than an offer we're expecting some rain to fall for santa rosa and palo the system was once all over north bay if as a cancer early tomorrow morning the biggest concern public friday now to resolve about the heaviest downpour but this is going to be an all-day events. >>erica: it will be a complete washout of you have any of your plans the rain is not here quite yet here was a look at satellite and radar the system is well to the north where does bill was an cloud cover tropical cloud. costs associated with this system mild weather on top for today rain arrives not of the golden sabers a letter on this evening if the biggest concern will be the flooding for napa and sonoma as marin county passed the flights has been issued from 10:00 to my answer early saturday morning with the system along you can see for a answers of and and your vet if less flooding is definitely a possibility and probably its parent would roadway >>erica: wind also a factor in addition to the rain fall strong winds bay area wide the rain come from the south which was 30 mi. per hour gusts cash in the 60 mi. hour range it is likely that we will experience down trees and downed power lines even some isolated power outages in a case like this is pressing for the rain began overnight expect to have a backup alarm clock just in case. >>erica: the wendy's conditions from to to 3 tomorrow afternoon a tractor rain because the future cash to the timing of it this track of our by hour and minute by minute is one to start in santa rosa 6:00 this evening and then you see waves of grain really at the north bay and the tens of the overnight our check of four toddlers when the broadcast service to our morning close the sfo in respect of the lower peninsula you will continue to see the imposes stronger ones as a head answers friday afternoon widespread bring dispensing on top there as a blanket the entire bay area 7 i into money will see widespread like rhyme not want to be as strong as the first system to keep your umbrella handy that's a look at bay area whether less taken of the tahoe was just no ski report shows no new snow for now. >>george: conditions are much improved as we move on with the morning ride in the south bay where very little snow. where only about six or seven men is higher than a typical of new day for the southbound at the bay bridge westbound trust me when i tell you it is better that this looks while it is crowded here right at the heart of the toll plaza the back of a lottery to the macarthur maze of a result traffic in the maze is heading to the store and not to the bay bridge heading to the san mateo bridge conditions almost back to normal we're looking at a 12 to 13 minute commute times over san san mateo from hayward on the golden gate bridge if it has been an easy ride most of the morning and you consider already changing the line is back. >>george: your trip is to iran via the richmond where no longer backed up at the toll plaza or on 580 westbound. it will be a wet one tomorrow so you want to be sure to tune then to see higher commuters defective >>darya: jordan has launched new air strikes against ice is hard disk and syria this comes after video was released showing ices burning a jordanian pilot alive. person in retaliation happen for the death of that island out there with were executed to ices prisoners and thomas more air strikes. >>darya: menace is a lot to decide on new measure the response of the crisis forces accused of sending the weapon they denied the allegations and says that is a peaceful resolution to ukrainian >>darya: they have decided the chance a share anti-war looking for a 11 people still on icon to for take a look at the-camera video we for the board yesterday on the kron 4 morning news clips attacking goes right into the roadway the wings clipped and a highway bridge and before they went into the river 32 people are confirmed dead and investigators are analyzing for informational air-traffic control recording says that you could hear on that somebody same mayday engine flameout. just before it crashed >>darya: this is in new york are trying to figure of the crash or a woman's as you week ended up on the tracks just before commuter trains stopping killing her and killing five train passengers off the antaeus looking at the tracks and the train crew and the driver de france issued a mother of three caring sitcom of justice she was driving home from work to the nights when this happened with this and she got out of the car after the guard rail came down on the car and then he should return to the car and drove right onto the track. >>darya: coming up on the kron 4 morning news to take a look of the top stores you need to know before you get out the door this morning including was up with the big storm when it is coming in with you need to be ready for second live the care as you're getting ready to hit the bay bridge is the back of an illiterate of the weight you have. >>darya: starting in the north they and their one to be particularly hit hard by a flash flood warning going ineffective o'clock tonight in sonoma county wins could be 60 mi. an hour passed sentence is always looking for three men dressed as construction workers and rock as tiffany jewelry store the west field mall in broad daylight yesterday afternoon the mall full of customers and no one really thought twice about the guys dresses construction workers but they had guns when into the store for everyone down grant and michael duran took off. >>darya: to is amazing people may be in jeopardy this morning after a major bridge anthem. the hacker so named in such a credit numbers and addresses and employment information more than 37 million people are enrolled in have come if the company says so far no credit card information had to compromise but if you use or connect with anthem keep an eye on your and information. before we wrap up george is heading to broadway the star trek star is going to play the main road in a show about japanese american and war world to he is in this project. >>darya: the previous began in october on broadway taking a look at the seven a round of a forecast and head out with a deadline to move and if the next newscast at 5:00 tonight also are mobile application is one to be the best way for you to track the storm and between news as we will see you later. >> announcer: today on an all-new "dr. phil." she claims she's dying. >> i don't believe my daughter has cancer. >> announcer: but mom says she's lying. >> dr. phil: did you put up a go fund me page? >> for my children. >> dr. phil: you think she's ripping people off? >> announcer: who is telling the truth. >> dr. phil: you tell the doctor you had a hysterectomy two weeks ago. >> i never had one. >> dr. phil: why did you tell them you did? you say you have stomach cancer and a heart problem and haven't seen a doctor in a year. >> announcer: is she hiding something? >> dr. phil: you refuse to give us any medical records at all. >> i didn't refuse. >> dr. phil: there was a biopsy done. they said no malignancy. do you believe you have cancer? >> i'm trying to think of an answer. >> dr. phil: how about the truth? >> dr. phil: let's do it! >> have a good show, everybody. >> dr. phil: this is a safe place to talk about hard things.

Related Keywords

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