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Forecastle this afternoon partly cloudy skies conditions that will be mild. James paulo out the seventh cupertino 7 montague 771 and 72 to clear sunnyvale and campbell a very warm day for this time the year were here with the first week of february and seven to the weather and on the other side of the country to have some zero temperatures and that nodigits for the windshield pushing things down below 00 were expecting a list of the Silicon Valley is bring iran to the Pacific Northwest and by thursday thursday morning were look for their grain to get impacted far northern and invested the entire bay area state some for these cells that is coming of the seven facing. George looking at the conditions out there right now you think we were at the peak of the commute is 7 00 and is really getting jammed of the Eastern Shore free rein in the macarthur maze a motorcycle accident was about 580 that is backed up the traffic now beyond 24 and is added to the delays coming off 24 and trying to get onto the bay bridge toll plaza for the east shore freeway that is the problem and were still delayed here with our early recovery axis and southbound 880 and 98 and theres more or trouble now with the democrats for a 80s out about all ballpark wake in fremont. George babbitt and the traffic lanes and not quickly clearance for the shoulder for the bay bridge is solidly backed up into the maze and for 24 a 30 minute drive times not as much as the san miguel brands take a look that is where practically at a standstill so forget the drive times if you can calculate what it will be over 30 minutes from the nimitz freeway outdoor san mateo and that is probably a little conservative this is a bridge to avoid all the dunbarton and is not great alternate because of the crash and all mott is backed up in the southbound. Mark Police Release pictures of a Sexual Assault suspect that theyre looking for in hayward. Mark officers say the man molested a little girl as she was shopping with her mother. Mark these photos were taken by a surveillance camera in a 99cent store on mission boulevard. Mark police say the man approached the eightyear old girl on sunday while her mother was shopping and they were momentarily separated. The man approached her and he forced his hand down the child stands and sexually assaulting the child. Mark police say the man told the little girl not to tell anyone about what happened. Darya morning. Darya four Home Invasion robberies in just a few days in San Francisco. Darya and police have no suspects in custody. Kron 4s yoli aceves is live with more on what happened. Reporter the first robbery happened last week on friday in the ocean view neighborhood woman says that if the woman in her 30s rang the doorbell and then once and use the knife has forced the residents are from the home where she stole cell phones cash and jewelry the second happened on saturday night and that happened to elderly people were brought over in the Diamond Heights area and then on sunday a woman was tied up and robbed in her lower haight apartment the latest one was last night around 9 00 in this happen in the visitation that the district an armed suspect help to people at gunpoint while four other suspects robin home the victim did i get hurt in a home and visit but they did get one first of fire arms all and all other items now as a man simply does not have any suspects into custody if i try to get a hold of them to see the commodity was any more details on what they think is our rain that is behind all these inventions or is it just a coincidence was hard to believe because it happened every single night for the last four nights would hope to hear from the Police Department later on today. Mark more developing news this morning. Oakland police are investigating a deadly shooting. Mark it happened in the 94hundred block of mcarthur boulevard around 8 15 last night. Mark thats in east oakland. Mark police found a man who had been shot, and he was hospitalized. Where he was later pronounced dead. Mark no other injuries were reported. Mark no arrests have been made and police havent released any suspect information. Mark Jackie Sissel since december and three dogs have died from this the rain blew out the officials believe that the blow started in september called by the Drought Conditions those are not supposed to be in the water here in mexico but some documents have let the dog inside of the water is less the round and alternately became very sick and died soon afterward park officials have posted warning signs around the lake letting visitors know about the potential out jean issue. Algae mark the problems that were first discovered last september were they found both sitting about 2 ft. Of water is seeking and because gratin with don and directly it was not until five months later that the contract started making repairs caltrans domestic a couple of months the bridge is safe to drive on. Mark up prices on the rise and that is good news for investors darya is going to build or today to lead but the weather is going to change in the key chapter when the rain is on to hit in just a minute. Scov broside d diovern excitingcombinatioof ttes. Richdarkhocolate coveng st ceers. Flaved with exot fru juices. Is chocole anfruiflavors li youveeverexperiend bere. Scov broside. George the accident has cleared and macarthur maze the drive times out of the maze and from highway 24 deliver not is up to 36 minutes for the trip time that for downtown San Francisco out of the rest of the traffic coming up you can get traffic in time with the kron 4 mobile application a Free Download are worse on android and apple devices. Darya 2 People Killed and three others injured an explosion and the mall at large and australia that happened at the galleria mall earlier this morning and start the fire and the fire was quickly put out but also theres a bit in the call was a power transformer if that exploded but theyre not exactly sure why they say that the victims or all men who were injured. James still ahead were tracking the weather here is the rent or nor will saw what the timing when will expect to see the showers finally brought the bay. Everyone deserves ooey gooey pillsbury cinnamon rolls. Make the weekend pop release a devastating avalanche of taste on your tongue. Bury yourself in the flavor full of sweet icing and filling. Call off the hounds rescue is unnecessary. Pillsbury toaster strudel, the snow day of breakfasts. With Kaiser Permanente youll connect with your doctor any time anywhere. Another way care and coverage together makes life easier. Become a member of Kaiser Permanente. Because together, we thrive. Yogive. Anyou ve. D th youive me me. T sotimeyou t. Anso y tak tyleno® cd istron oughor y whe chdren tylol® isentlenou forhem. We ge yoreli froyour ld a flu yogivehem everhingouvgot. Tylel® mark a freezing spray warning is in effect along the northeastern coast. With temperatures in the teens and twenties and wind chills below zero from philadelphia to portland maine. And that could make the roads very dangerous for drivers this morning. Mark this is video out of chicago where the snowstorm dropped more than 19 inches of snow and more than a foot on southeastern wisconsin. Mark winter storm warnings were in effect overnight for northeastern maine. Where up to 18 inches of snow is expected to fall. In National News james the recall affects of this the last a lot after the storm has since left which was tested at it is the cold temperatures which in fact the cold temperatures are going to be fairly widespread were talking minneapolis and chicago and all of to your and your new england whatever to below freezing men have the 1726 to talk of 25 and your this data will be expected today with really cold and snow glad were here in california to look to we are seeing a beautiful shot this is a san mateo bridge the summit exit for baxter were looking at the peninsula hills and a currency the low cloud cover at being led by the Early Morning sunshine the court this morning to wake up to temperatures are not even at that hour looking at 53 in San Francisco 50 in oakland wiser or four for the rest of the list by letter on this afternoon were expecting to this is to be nice and warm the fog is a factor in the north bay but as a second of these lands out to you when notice is the ease with this morning that seen the worst of it for mothers billion and the more its hazy but not bad were tracking the temperatures. James for the low seventies and saw the seventh to in fact for sunnyvale and for san jose will have 71 for pleasanton and livermore nice and warm their mid to upper system for the deaths as San Francisco and the majority of the peninsula be in the mid60s and 66 in San Francisco 64 davis said it won a to the upper six is at the head south. James redwood city 69 metaphor task for today at today is the right to our more there was still the headline tomorrow where 25 thursday that the the threat of for us the rain will start in the north back and world pretty much most out very slowly most of thursday best system is want to stick over the lot and dumping rain will have the heaviest amount this could be upwards of 50 m. P. H. Ride along the coast at the higher peaks in the north end is a valid we are looking at future cassette and midnight thursday morning. James as a plus for to know when youll see it still sitting and another in midtown a few less hours at the point is still mainly an of the event on thursday advancing to sit at night and has not move much this is what is it over runnerup for most of the day on thursday even up to midnight friday morning and does wilder spectacle and listens to the high side to join forces of the leg in Sonoma County will be of larry five sentences us with their firstround in the second ring come saturday night into sunday a lot more details as we get closer to and theres still some tweaking to be done more data will come daybyday to petunia will update you as we get closer to the mobile application minute by minute and new information we get was sent to the application and free and available for apple devices now to george with a check of traffic. George for raising the bay bridge you want to summarize sat there is a sunrise shot for you it is a bit from this is our camera looking for our new studio at front street out for the bay bird that is really pretty summarize you cannot hear what comes with a little traffic out the traffic still moving pretty smoothly across the upper deck in the upper San Francisco does get to the slow spots an hour show you here in the east bay 880 southbound the commute to the corridor and in 49 minutes non we have problems in hayward and 98 problems at all mall parkway, the mark and the lands in the longer is 880 read 85 and 280 or you see the slowest traffic live in the come you directions out of a writer and tracking youre ride to the beverage is morning solidly backed up into the macarthur maze were looking at 30 minutes drive times theyre coming from highway 24 the motorcycle crashed in a maze is god and your commute to the san mateo bridge i read 9229 minute drive times where played what intimate sense no slow and goes stop and go traffic here george the commute time in berlin county is about 34 minutes and for youre ride to the Richmond Bridge was down 580 backed up enough at the toll plaza that this all from castro on 580 westbound as to come out or richmond heading toward the bridge. Mark pediatricians and politicians are now joining the discussion about vaccines. Mark this comes after the multistate outbreak and a growing number of mealses cases. Mark and now some doctors have taken a hard stance in regards to their patients. Mark some pediatricians are refusing to see kids who havent had immunizations. Mark they are saying that its not just about protecting your kids but about protecting other people. Mark the cdc says, in january, more than a hundred people through 14 states contracted measles. Mark most of those cases are linked to the outbreak at disneyland in mid december. Darya meantime, bay area Family Doctors are urging parents to vaccinate their children now. Or it will spread. Darya doctors say the measles doesnt have to make a comeback, due to whats called herd immunity. Darya when more people are vaccinated and protected against the disease, fewer people will spread it to each other. Darya a Family Doctor in San Francisco is sounding the alarm to his patients. Darya unlike the flu vaccine, the measles vaccine is extremely effective. Darya if theres an outbreak at a school, unvaccinated children have to stay home for 21 days. Mark randi kaye found one Southern California pediatrician taking extra measures to confront the Measles Outbreak. His inlaws was time these days answering questions about measles reporter i would avoid all day just to get them before the weekend. Children whose parents the doctors are try to convince to reconsider their stand on vaccination about 50 percent of the students here and the durant are on vaccinated south. That helps but still some balance cannot let go of the notion that a vaccine made its altruism involved there no credible medical evidence that the end of our vaccine causes autism. This form of investment on the sun until today and his nine years ago more parents like her are coming around but not enough what have those do vaccinate very worried. Here in california state law requires all parents of his their children vaccinated with the first round of the vaccine, will the children are about 12 months old but still parents can sign was called a personal belief waiver to avoid having to get their children vaccinated for those who are unvaccinated an already sick their second extra precaution this time on the office door tells anyone who has a fever and is on immunize not to come inside reporter 21 child measles in the family car and another showing signs of a fever and arrest is treating the email we decided to keep them out of the offers is securely Exchange Emails including pictures to sign guy knows the child electronically and had help from examine the quarantine area and the result confirmed. James will be bright and sunny in that of regret to enjoy whatever to some of its upper 60s and warm as the head south on the peninsula and and i would drop back down to ms. Of the 40s have low 50s with slow cooling partly cloudy have to prepare for the incoming storm and paris will decide on the satellite rearview would win the tour are talking more details coming up in the fourth check exactly what amount of rain in where it will fall. George the east bay and nimitz freeway southbound or commute occurred earlier caller problems gemmy of the ride and has left this on the approach to the dumbarton bridge south of the freeways are heavy enough this morning as well metal for one ride has the backed up and so of around 85 northbound 280 f and northbound Waddell Creek parkway theres an accident that is backing of the ride toward the summit and ims and the dumb or to raise had been heavy on the approach and and have the at the exit and on the west have an all 1 01 south lawn is already backed up from millipede is heading south into san mateo water down to a hill still fun to pick of the buffalo which is becoming a new pattern and several and 92 on 280 south lawn and a quick look at the bridges for your bay ridge drive solidly backed up into the maze 30 minutes drive times. George renault is the practice of most of the way out for the base of the highrise and that ill show you the richer and richer but as long as were here lets take a look at the Golden Gate Bridge the right plays and the caslons are the ones theyre back the bad as wise only sophomore about castro street for westbound interstate 580 mark he was at his house the night after police made the gruesome discovery he says he did not notice any unusual about his friend. It was not acting different strains or nervous excited he was the same person came and as usual and theyre the same things as normal police say they have enough evidence to say that he is responsible for murder. Darya he has said not guilty of 19 youre blocked turner had pleaded not guilty to five felony counts in court yesterday this other messy if they saw him on top of a woman outside of the Fraternity House on january 18th vote had been at the party that was at the house the woman was not a stanford student with witnesses restrained her as a place that theyre prosecutors say those witnesses are heroes. This has a Sexual Assaults have no campus and are is all or to counter sadly they often go reporter or were not able to proceed on the case. Luckily for the victim and his sister to the sears and tore at the right place at their right time to mourn for and did the right thing and that is the message the need to be sent to the consent darya he voluntarily left stanford and is free on bail and returned home so i of the required to stay 100 yds away from the woman involved in the case. Mark some are warmer weather the record of americanmerit reporter his charge to five felony counts counts one and two are for rape the two witnesses to the alleged assault said they saw them on top of the unconscious victim of forming a sexual act specifically thrusting with his lips but need a witness can say for sure that it was actually penetrating her. In the interview with investigators he stated that he never to his fans often that it was never exposed they said his intention was not to try and break so without the consent he claims the two were engaged in a mutual interaction the victim in this case would mean she had been drinking that night said that does not remember being insulted or ever meeting mr. Turner she also said she does not have any notes with injuries or fill in the pain from the incident would not know all the facts but after reviewing the criminal complaint against him Michael Cardozo said the rate charges could be hard to prove so far by a saint would personally be on record dodgers because they see thrusting that is pretty tough to say all therefore he was raping her i dont think so. A clean blood and the results of those tests have not yet been made public cargoes a said the result could be the deciding factor that will have Scientific Evidence that he actually penetrated her that out of the victim through a call one and two darya he is in charge of murder and attempted murder his accused of striking to man with the spectral class week and Compton Clement one of them who was a friend of jim Prosecutor Says that he intended to run the man down at the argument on the set of a movie a dozen laws as a as has revoked his bell as well as cecil billion dollars but they pulled after Authorities Say that he might be a flight risk or intimidate witnesses. Mark manson and the one below the nine star will not tie the knot before then he is serving a life sentence they said at a corpus they present and it was a clinton visit hours on weekends of the one to get married there will have to apply for licenses mark he sang talking to a University Student is looking a newspaper according to the newspaper that there were a second day were 23rd a newspaper published the follows a people in cuba want to know if hes alive and well these are the first bottles of the 88 yearold had been published in nearly six months. Darya Robin Williams children are fighting with his widow of his state winston and children are from two previous marriages and a court paper the whittle says that some of her personal items were tickled our permission to was those items and couples to brought home to be excluded from the trust that he established. Mark theyre asking callers to make their cells is interested or not have been rescued and all the district and recruit small spot july 50th recall the stranded borders with his classic along the respond to five calls were scores are urging voters to wear proper gear and the tie as a member were the launch from and understand what the condition. Darya president obama said, was a record of four trillion dollar budget that will boost tax credit for families and the working poor but the house or raise taxes on savings is october 1st and presents a 60. 4 increase over estimated spending this year if it costs a good job banner says the president has laid out a plan for more taxes and more spending and more washington. Mark Rising Oil Prices for the third in row the doldrums of the survivors of over 1 percent of 180 for almost 17,00544 reporter contains 1 mi. Commute thousand people have contributed tens of thousand dollars to help with the trip man who says the need to walk with 1 mi. To get to and from work this is the guy here the 56 yearold ride buses are the way to and from the factory job but because there cover the entire run his of walking about 8 mi. At at t leases house to get to a shift in time by 2 00 p. M. After local no clear or the situation much will people started crop farming efforts to help them buy a car and pay for insurance faugh. If south at Kaiser Permanente everything you need is under one roof. Another way care and coverage together makes life easier. Okay, a little easier. Become a member of Kaiser Permanente. Because together, we thrive. Time for the world according to gary presented by hershey darya sad to hear about warren sapp plainness of will and covering the to go with the nfl and now he is fire from the nfl and under these charges. Gary make a mistake in this is the Second Time Around he had another think a few years ago so that is a period of darya that was a domestic battery and did not let him post a to go on that occasion the captain on the nfl this is a couple cross to send that at he roughed them up and they did have injuries he did hire one but did not testify that is where that stands. Gary like i said he had another thing on his record and im sure they want him needless to say your employer said that one will give you a break but then for the second thing that is the end. Darya diamond cell try to turn his lap around before we go too far down the wrong road youre rehab. Gary that probably explains a lot of what happened to him is just his rookie year and im always pretty sympathetic to someone whos from a standpoint if you have a problem yet to fix it. An assistant law and should have done this and them that but if he is a problem. Darya he just turned down because the tech and last week it was offered six figures a host of possible party ride up the alley in vegas and he turned it down. Gary that shows you the you want to keep it quiet this manassas last wednesday and that is the big thing in gary this call the all star weekend also the like that were they get a bunch of awards the opening monologue says that they did not know about his problem service said it Johnny Football cannot be with us tonight and then he goes excuse me Johnny College football cannot. Hopefully its better. If darya a lot of people got water in credit during a suitable the deceit of the tech to theres one guy the got his tattoo to early the sea hawk fan and he says i dont regret it even though its backtoback champions the fad for the backtoback super bowl champions for the sea hawk he got a tattoo in December December gary he is one to put almost darya add to that will make it funny and true gary it looks like a tableau died a hiccup on and what not blush there is a little room for that. Darya katie perry mad attorneys to the rose tattoo on a thing there the issue so side of our big show. Gary its funny how you sit there and should my all Time Favorite but theatrically i know my kids go wow look at this and look at that no was even think about her singing it was the show. Darya rec july and he was at the superbowl and got a tattoo is well he altered his tattoo and did i get a new one but he had to change the grain to blow for the bill. This is his wife and she is the no. 6 jersey and they had suggested to for ever so he takes off the coloring and made blue he did not exit 6 off a no no. 6 on the bill is called the smick from ucdavis san jose with the bills now . Gary that is very good number six darya no. 6 nullity use it and was fined and cut twice to the 49 as last year now hes famously in covering up reclines wife on his arm. Gary ever thought about a tattoo . Darya i have but i do not know look like in 20 of 30 years gary i can only think of maybe what your kids but is the idea is painful right . Darya that the debate is not the pain hes had a wife for 28 years so he cannot change the wife it is painful loss there is a commitment involve gary and sometimes you have to pay the price. Gary that is always my joke and lets say you put a a tattoo or in the youre no longer with that person and then i am now with deal is something about me hugging you and im putting a love you cross. I would just every time hugging year i am looking down someone elses name that would bother me. Darya it has to be less committal of it does not hurt i dont want to do it. Gary what everyone says some good. Darya about now the symbol for it is not going to be today is what to tomorrow because of the blizzard. Gary you to get better tomorrow . Darya it will be really cold out and i dare to care and went to the storm lost and has a chicago has said i want to show you something polite to this is their rosa digging out at his bentley think about that that the bottom gary the cliff and Chicago Bulls but that is it right thereand you have someone to did you out from your badly . Exactly you hired two guys to get out for you. Darya up and see a letter if u wa it go t anget thanks for the ride around norfolk and i just wanted to say geico is proud to have served the military for over 75 years roger that. Captains waiting to give you a tour of the wisconsin now. Couldve parked a little bit closer. Its gonna be dark by the time i get there. Geico. Proudly serving the military for over 75 years. James that is today again to look for highs in the opposite since a low 70s and then tomorrow more the same will be a little cooler that will be the last friday before the rain comes and and finer we have some right to talk about next on one scheduled to comment or to bury tonight is to frighten of the will be intestinal pencils of the day of thursday and has looked as if its from the 27 deny into sunday loss of about it was a quick glimpse of the forecast before the south bay today if you have to be in Santa Clara Valley but for seven to some of the senate from to valley morgan hill right in the midst of a sense injured and 75 week high and youre ride the one this city on the list fifth. George for just occurred at the 92 interchange traffic is already solved the backed up for milpitas on 1 01 south montfort some has broadway and off almost as if of for the south lawn ride to 80 still slowing as well as 22 to three minutes now to achieve it come from interstate 584 still jammed up there was a 30 minutes drive times out of hayward for the westward ride over toward san sale. The man wanted for molesting a little girl who was shopping with her mother in hayward. Officers say the man molested a little girl as mother. Mark these photos were taken by a surveillance camera in a 99cent store on mission mark police say the man approached the eightyear old girl on sunday while her mother was shopping and they mark police say the man told the little girl not to tell anyone about what happened. Darya developing news this darya four Home Invasion robberies in just a few days in San Francisco. Darya and police have no suspects in custody. Kron 4s yoli aceves is live with more on what happened. Reporter 4 days in a row in different locations in San Francisco the first one started on friday night have. A woman was tied up and robbed in the latest was last night in the habit in the visitation valid if district where the suspect basically held up at gunpoint to people that live there if the rest the injury is so high and then did it themselves to her . Fifth shift reporter she did suffer from an abrasion on the hip she denied any medical attention much are some of the suspects it was forced entry in the death of the questions along with no major minor injuries mark more developing news this morning. Bay area rapper Dominic Newton also known as the jacka was shot and killed in oakland last night. Mark police say the shooting happened on mcarthur boulevard near 94th avenue just after eight pm. Mark when officers arrived to the area, they found the rapper suffering at least one gunshot wound he was taken to the hospital where he died. Mark no arrests have been made and police havent released any suspect information. The jacka was 37 years old and started out with the group mob figaz and then went solo in 2001. Darya park Officials Say toxic algae at lake chabot in Castro Valley. May be linked to the drought. Darya the algae has already proven fatal to a number of dogs at the park. Kron 4s Jackie Sissel has details. Jackie sissel they believe the started in september and caused by the drought condition three dogs have died since then there were not supposed to be in the water but some dog owners have let the dog inside of the water splashed around and ultimately became very sick and died soon afterward park officials have posted warning signs along the lake is letting the visitors know about the potential issue this in a continue to monitor the situation and hope that the bloom will go when i was more rain hit the area of. Mark in the middle of rickety the spread would doctors are drawn to try and stop the spread of the measles was about 2000 passengers more popular cruise ship what passes said the crew members were informed of of assiduous of problems Senate Democrats are bill for the department of Homeland Security. Both democrats and republicans agree the us should fight terrorism. But cant seem to decide on how to fund the department. With a dog as a partner, i got to be up on my voice commands. Its why xfinitys new voice remote is perfect for me. Find cop shows. I just say it and i see it. [radio chatter] [dog bark] finding my shows has never been easier. [dog barking] watch top chef. [dog bark] the new x1 voice remote from xfinity is coming soon. Perfect for people who want entertainment the easy way. George the sense to show how badly back of is the motorcycle accident ride at the 92 and to change southbound off and that is backing of the traffic now beyond midriff closer to as a full forelimb not long before we see things slow all san ramon if out the rest of the traffic come offending time in new traffic in a time of the kron 4 move was application is agree with keep upto date with the traffic the weather and news from kron 4 Free Download the works on apple and Android Devices darya democrats want republicans to remove amendments in this spending bill that would ban Homeland Security from carrying out president obamas executive orders on immigrations. Darya republicans still plan to bring the bill up for a key vote today. Darya but if the two sides cant compromise. The agency will run out of funding at the end of the month. James this is a sneak peek fit to cash for giving weathering might look like come third and around new will talk about this in more detail coming up in just a moment. En wgo tthe store i nd my boxof honey bchesof oats, andm ecki tosee if iackad it. He ss ihasa certain deths my line, thiss thdate. Theast letters were22, ats me. Who wants to try a new burger . Thats good its really good. Very juicy. Thats melted garlic herb butter. Its original. I like soft buns. I would buy this. This is amazing could this be from jack in the box . Definitely not jack in the box no. Im not a big fan of jack in the box burgers and. This is really good thanks. I guess. That is my new buttery jack with garlic herb butter melted right on. You can go classic or bacon swiss will they melt in your mouth . You butter believe it. Mark now to the latest on the winter storm hitting the midwest and northeast. Mark a freezing spray warning is in effect along the northeastern coast. With temperatures in the teens and twenties and wind chills below zero from philadelphia to portland maine. And that could make the roads very dangerous for drivers this morning. Mark this is video out of chicago where the snowstorm dropped more than 19 inches of snow and more than a foot on southeastern wisconsin. Mark winter storm warnings were in effect overnight for northeastern maine. Where up to 18 inches of snow is expected to fall. James they had more fall in the last week than they ever had 40. 2 in. Of snow and that goes all the way back to modern day goes back to 89 the one they never had a week with that much snowfall pretty incredible right next to a 60 in. Of snow that is 5 ft. In that letter saying in an art is right now it is fine with you have some snow falling task in upstate new york 17 will be the daytime high acid cold temperatures to lead on this afternoon hard to imagine right now a lot of clouds right there it will part and investing in cds and temperatures which social union and the second it has a quarter mile visibility near santa rosa pretty typical for watching the east bay in the south by a small visibility in san Jose Livermore dropping a little bit 3 mild visibility there. James of the seven upper 60s 70 ross 72 and in the east bay valley for to clear the Livermore Valley that the forecast for today looking at and we have to turn our size of the north rain affecting the Pacific Northwest and saw all the ore to the next couple days to make dips out enough to and acceptance is what that point where from noon to 6 00 at night it really does not loaf and no. There was certainly get the cars front of the systems without as of 56 and estimates near 10 into the rhine for some or reaching not the committees. Will keep you updated as we mature the mobile apple faces a great way to stem that minute by minute as a cousin to the news room. George you will not see all mobile application his the are worked perhaps a little primitive and the sec to look at the right here on highway 1 01 at 880 a new and to the reporting in oakland northbound on an image freeway at 29 a disabled bigarade as it is a big red text of the list one lane and because of its location at 29 is managing to back up the ride all the down toward highway 238 in this is done over 30 minute drive times already out of san leandro getting a toward downtown oakland and it would seem to track the delays on the bayshore freeway where the backed up has grown. George coming out as a foe. Here in the south bay is extremely slow on 101 northbound and sunnyvale we have an accident for a while that is why that ride is not nearly 50 minutes for the Coyote Valley track in the committee at the bridge for you the bay bridge is improving look at this a 80 pros and is not backed up at all i expected these lines may fill in but letter were looking at a much better drive times closer to 20 minutes for the trip to the san mateo bridge is not a lot of improvement still 2 to 29 minute drive times. George as we see things breathing a bit at the bridge it sometimes a slower and have there but is fluctuating this is closing and to cp traffic flow data the grass for toll plazas gonna wear only slow from about the rich and dark wet or castro leading onto the stand. Darya new this morning. Darya a Royal Caribbean cruise ship returned to port one day early. After numerous passengers fell ill. Darya the ship docked yesterday. Darya a Company Spokeswoman says about 10 percent of the nearly two thousand passengers came down with a gastro intestinal illness. Darya one passenger says Royal Caribbean didnt provide much information about what was going on. Darya Royal Caribbean says one passenger was hospitalized after the ship reached port in baltimore. Darya its not clear if the guests medical issue was related to the other illnesses. In National News mark pediatricians and politicians are now joining the discussion about vaccines. Mark this comes after the multistate outbreak and a growing number of mealses cases. Mark and now some doctors have taken a hard stance in regards to their patients. Mark some pediatricians are refusing to see kids who havent had immunizations. We were concerned that there would be a case of measles in our county and we didnt want our practice to be where that case showed up. We didnt want to spread measles in waiting room. Mark doctor jack added that its not just about protecting your kids but about protecting other people out there who are susceptible to measles such as infants and cancer patients. Mark the cdc says, in january, more than a hundred people through 14 states contracted measles. Mark most of those cases are linked to the outbreak at disneyland in mid december. Reporter Hillary Clinton weighed in on vaccinations in a tweet last night. Reporter the former secretary of president ial candidate tweeted this quote the science is clear the earth is round, the sky is blue and hashtag vaccines work. Lets protect all our kids. Reporter clinton wrapped up her tweet with a humorous hashtag grandmothersknow best. Reporter her tweet may be aimed at republican president ial hopefuls Chris Christie and rand paul, who have recently questioned whether vaccinations should be required and whether they are tied to mental disorders. Reporter here is a look at both sides of this person is twitching. Darya superblock now is in the books in the countdown is on to the bay area super ball will be hosting what they would need to get done the discover theowerf ju oneshow. New ve by wa wita eaktoughormu. Just onehowegiveyou ftersmooer sn. My skiis rlly lky ooth nedoveody sh. Softersmooer sn afr ju onehowe i know what yore thinng, t th is neand prov i ct believe itsot bter 0 tte, articia esertive madeith blenof dicio ls purifiedaterandju a pch osalt tw plee. New and impred iantbelie it notutte it timto bieve mark and back here in the bay to find out what organizers are focusing on for super bowl 50. Reporter will come to lead by stadium home of support both 50 next years big game bay Area Representatives were in arizona never ran on average three to 500 million into the region and soul of the lure dollars to the balls or talk about the fifth in that maze superable festivities all over the game in santa clara and nfl Fan Experience the hotels closest to the stadium has been but for almost two years now the preference to the ball much of the basic things word for stuff like electricity the lies not in 2013 at a suitable and borlands and twice in 2011 at a monday night Football Game in Candlestick Park said darman says that will not happen here. Mark still ahead were wanted to you why its taking so long to fix those bad votes on the bay bridge trust a prominent bay. Defense attorney question in the rape charges against the stanford swimmer who was accused of salts and uncounted woman will tell you why he said the charges could be hard to prove and a lilac here at chapter walnut creek and looks like you have company and a lot of sunshine to less about the temperatures. Unlk thpossilits oftorrow. Ift b. Holdhe buty of balance. Crisp akesf berch bn. Answered bthe rfecquanty of s sweenedaisi. And th t subme aition of iccoldilk,he d begs. Sun comout,omorw torrows waing. Own , wi kelggs isinran seyou brefast. And deght temingl ta andweet new keogg® rsinbr witcranrrie 7 waki up tigu ski sleeon ts garniecreas itfirs raclsleeng cam. Figs sis ofatig andwrkleshileou sep. A sleepi cre. That a fst like a lhtweht mk of ntinus hrati wor whi youleep wh skiis mt reptiv and here theealwakep ca. Inust weekake to me reeshe younrloing in. Stop wing to tigu ski sleewithhis. New racl sleeng cam. Fromarni. James is a the kind of cases we are saying in the south bend is a ballet visibility there and some parts of santa rosa. This afternoon were going to be seen their rapid temperature which is nice to enjoy sunny little hazy for you high in the low seventies. It will be bright because apart their cds and sunshine again till we warmer and into the south and then tonight so cooling los attempt to cut down once again to the mens upper 50s that is today a more complete, the f15 is a quick glance and said later it is that what weather to our north of fishermen in paris later on in the week was all about the timing coming up in just a moment. George track and call of a hot spots the 80s ride north brought into oncoming out of san leandro and hayward is backed off for over 35 minutes a stalled bid rigging in the reason for the slowing their and across the bay and the south lawn motorcycle accident and highway 92 that has now succeeded in backing up the traffic past as a fall on one on one southdown also affecting the ride here coming inbound and outbound on highway 92 as a come down to the hillsdale boulevard and track in the commit for you at the bay bridge toll plaza was the bomb continue to improve some saw through the maze would mostly to interstate 80 and youre ride to the bay bridge the san mateo bridge still very badly backed up for the west ride rescue has already released darya the problem for first was discovered last september they said that theyre sitting in about 2 ft. Of water that seeped and because of the gratin was done and correctly it was not until five months later as the concept started making repairs that are now close to 25,000 a day fine until the work is complete cow town officials said there are keeping a close eye on the project the work would take place out of sight and the bridges safe to drive on. Mark the man arrested in it also canceled by case place said that the wrong man in custody. Mark he was booked on suspicion of murder after being interviewed by homicide detectives now martinez says he was at his house and not have the police found that a case of buy cars and that he did not notice any unusual about his Friend Police said have enough evidence to say that he is responsible for murder darya the staffers warmer accuse of the census also a result of the causes woman pleaded not guilty he pleaded not guilty to five accounts here and yes the dead or as you can see students told investigators they saw him on top of a woman outside a Fraternity House the in the one have been a party but she said she does not even know who we is and she does not remember anything but being a party she was not stand for student witnesses restrained turn into the police got there prosecutors say those witnesses are heroes. Mark this socalled from a local defense attorney to get his take. The crew reporter the complaint against mr. Turner hes charged with five felony counts one and two are for or the two witnesses for the two lithosol said they saw him on top of the uncounted victims performance central axis of the Customs Office tips that can say for sore the he was asking havent sex with her but despite being 10 yds away they also cannot say if his pants were down or if they sought a sales they say that he never took his pants saw in that it was never exposed in this is his intent to were not to try and read some of our consent he claims the two were engaged in a mutual interaction the victim and his islamic she had been drinking that night and says this she does not remember being insulted or ever meeting with the tarnished also said she doesnt have any noticeable injuries or feel any pain from the incident. After a go of it, again some defense attorney Michael Cardozo said the rape charges could be hard to prove what a person with beyond original doll because this interesting that for itself to say all therefore he was raping her and i dont think so for is evidence including blood was collected from both turner and the victim the results of those tests have not been made public cardozo said the results could be the deciding factor. The data as Scientific Evidence that the acid penetrated her i dont think they can prove he account were to mark youre from can act differently in those cold temperatures plus the nfl network terminating all hall of famer contract after he was arrested overnight will have more on former raider warren sapp [chris]still smoking up a storm . [tom]yeah. Pathetic,isnt it . [chris] ever try to. [tom] quit . Of course my best time was six days. The worst was. Uh. 23. 4 seconds. [chris] so can i ask you. [chris tom] why are you still smoking . [tom] [sarcastic] its so much fun. [chris]why not call the smokers helpline . The programs free,and. [tom]and theyll tell me. You oughta quit. [chris] not so. Just tell them youre ready to quit. Then,theyll tell you how. [tom] really . You wouldnt have that number on you,would you . So when i was seven and a half, i was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. I remember i told my mom, its okay, as long as i dont have to take shots, and she started bawling. Diabetes is a really expensive disease, and if i werent covered id be spending thousands of dollars a month. Now that i have a health plan through covered california i am able to pursue my career dreams. Im in, and im excited about my future. Open enrollment ends february 15th. Visit coveredca. Com today. Darya sea at chrysler is recalling a to see dangers Software Problems the air back to deploy from the reason the airbag it may be as heavy tilt to one side here is a live look at the ride to the bay bridge this morning were the backed up is diminishing out of the drive time in giving the rest of the traffic when return. Ookse cholate w haa crunch. Brkside cruny clters crpy multigins and sweefruiflaved piecesdied in richark ocolate. Diover brookside cruny clters. George the bay bridge was down but to get to san mateo from San Francisco in december of milpitas sfo will be a much slower ride this out on traffic is still jammed up a motorcycle accident south lawn is gone now but that is one of the reasons why things are still so slow here and there are through the south bank for one on a to ignore the amount especially so given the ride on 680 is having and 011 into chains and we mentioned improve conditions here at the bay bridge it with a 90 minute drive times and last if youre coming from the east or freeway or from the nimitz the heaviest approach is the bridge right now is coming from the macarthur maze for the san mateo bridge ride that is what is drive times to look long 26 minutes were ride to the Golden Gate Bridge and this is the time when we would see the heaviest traffic flows out about and will we do is slow from its plan and for your trip to the Richmond Bridge will have some problems earlier this morning theyre pretty much resolved now were still sluggers from castro street westbound heading out to the toll plaza. George youre clear on the rich west bound as it over to the Weather Center and get update from james. James 680 in san ramon data to our south and a general hays in the air that is the fog is more has to concede that to rubble in the east bay but it is trauma and other parts to average is also pretty good with a 49 in concord 48 in livermore or for his mid 40s for low have for this is the san jose and oakland San Francisco talking low even almost as fifties and some of this is a commanding 54 nice smile start today in the fog seven from seven of them and a quorum of the lotus the center of the three mile visibility got little more than a mile visibility in san joses south bay during just fine time to getting into the seven theres 72 for san jose not as 66 a moser peninsula said temperatures in the mid to upper 60s the we won as a head down for the sow the backed will give that up to about 69¢ an average was sick even have more of a nice and mild was 69 degrees to partly cloudy to most sunny skies after no and no. There is some this is some sign from a letter of today and that changes. James abele little thicker and it would drop litter bin and will set the stage for what is to come thursday that is when the weather to are more to hang on the north and ims for the for the heaviest amount was all said and done to be in the north bay is pressing strong winds the Coastal Range will see those in high elevation lessor step in the strongest when everywhere on the bear should cease and these in the rain of the stores were fall on whether from mark the phones at differently in chilly temperatures that kick to keep from stop to it out somewhat. Reporter spring is just par for many parts of the United States a lot of these marks, from the go outdoors and in the cold weather in may, some difficulties with temperature get chilly first protect the smaller fall from the calder not leave it in a parked car for an extended kurta time for example some smart for user would notice the exposure to coal drains the battery from some unusual or battery appears to have plenty of juice was suddenly a screen or debt or black. Allowed to fall to time to warmer before you try to par in use again asked toward better damage test is also the more system and the caller was is not metal was wearing one to close you consider a stylus or touchscreen glove if you need to do work requires a smaller form or tablet this more from scranton is central to the cold weather if theyre already cracked. Darya such a meeting get a market friendly with vines new just for kids in its use was video that has been filtered for corporate constant runoff is a wasteland the salmon is with the uses daughter thinks he is fighting for our live the to your remains in hospital after she was discovered face down on responsive in the bathtub of her home in georgia over the weekend her husband tried to revive her while a friend called line 114 reports that she is a medically induced, right now with the use was found dead in her Hotel Bathroom exactly three years ago ago mark mr. Nye has been charged with murder and attempted murder accused of striking to metal his pickup truck one of the man that prosecutors say he intended to run the man down the just cause and this is not revoked 2 million bail after Authorities Say he might be a flood crest or could intimidate witnesses. The nfl network has terminated a contract with football hall of famer and former raider warns that it was arrested yesterday on suspicion another is assaulting the two women they say that he is a Downtown Phoenix hotel last i was convicted of 25 under the kidron reckon as adolescents and the film never since 2008. Reporter thousand people have to insure written the thousands of dollars to help a detroit man who says he took the walk 21 mi. Every day to get to and from work his name is James Robinson and is walking in the snow in his part of the way and the factory jobs in the trust of hours because a lot of the entire route he is walking 8 mi. Before i ship in 13 more one is over at 10 00 p. M. Because they do not run overnight the lead house aide in the morning to get their after local news theyre right about the story of a weekend people really got inspire and they started raising money for him and bottom of our course spent on the gulf on the dock, the gold and a 10,000 not to interrupt the Morning Hours in the laws are web site at kron 4 account for more information on this amazing story. Mark roberts when children are siding with his widow over the instead of three children from two previous marriages the corporate offices some personal items were taken without their permission and she wants some items of the couples to run home including torrey and memorabilia excluded from the trust that he established for his children. Mark tech allowed outside the watching conditions around the bay a lot of pays out there is to to renown hayward aware track in the rain this on the way. Pish for man suspected of ooooh. I can hear that sizzle. Getting louder and louder philly cheesesteak and egg sizzling with prime rib and gooey cheese. I better just silence this sizzle the new philly cheesesteak and egg skillet. Dennys. Welcome to americas diner. Darya that envelop the pay would love and promotion during the super bowl customers are picked at random and they get to pay for their food with a random act of loving that indifference checking a selfmade to complimenting someone to doing a dance a marked resemblance to the campaign is a direct way for may down a to engage with his customers and runs through valentines day. Reporter today is one to be a pretty nice day alive but at the bay bridge approach just a few high clouds out there always seem to the to on to the mall today and one for some locations pettifog otherwise expecting more sun sign for the afternoon will be a warm one and into the judge will be the lower 70s they shoreline the upper 60s may get close to a couple records and to sell it. This will be slow in coming through and will see some rain letter and the work week and also for your weekend was up more dr. Rain in the wind coming this way a little bit later refers here is George Clarke tracking your commute. George there is no accident reporting the west about 80 at carlson boulevard such as where were you transition from the upper to the lower east shore freeway for the better part of the morning is a slocum you know conditions are better for youre ride down to the macarthur maze will show you that in a moment the show you a quick look at the Castro Valley on interstate 580 yen to the west about commute right at the split and traffic right in front of it traffic heading out toward to 38 not to the bridges in the bay bridge ride as expected this is filling in here and left hand and right hand lines where completely cleared just about 20 minutes ago but still a good drive times under 20 minutes. George even from the maze into San Francisco still were so different power and as a slow rider getting to the bridge on 92 westbound come over from a 80 and heavy ride to the base of a highrise and then slow again through foster city as it tries to connect up a highway 101. Mark Hayward Police are looking for man suspected of sexually assaulting a little girl while she was out shopping with her mother. Mark police have released these pictures hoping someone will come forward with information. Mark the photos were taken by a surveillance camera in a 99cent store on mission boulevard. Mark police say the man approached the eightyear old girl on sunday while she and her mother were out shopping. Mark they were separated for a few moments and thats when the assault happened in the toy aisle of the store. Developing news this morning. Darya four Home Invasion robberies in just a few days in San Francisco. Darya and police have no suspects in custody. Darya kron 4s yoli aceves is live with more on what happened. Reporter and she basically pulled a knife on her and got her at knifepoint around her throat and led her around the house. Still some cash and jewelry and saturday morning it happened to an elderly couple over in the Diamond Heights area and then on sunday the woman was tied up and brought in her lower net of park the latest one was last night over in the visitation valley unarmed suspects held to people at gunpoint while four other suspects got into the house and ransacked their able to make off with quite a bit of items cash and jewelry and things like that also electronics but also with the residents personal fire arm so at this point i spoke to theyre investigating the individual incidents did not want to send theres any connection there is different ammos on each of these incidents but it is the kind of rare that you have Home Invasions one day right after another that wants to get a hold on this and that may shed does not continue at this one done no suspects in custody. Mark more developing news this morning. Bay area rapper Dominic Newton also known as the jacka was shot and killed in oakland last night. Mark police say the shooting happened on mcarthur boulevard near 94th avenue just after eight pm. Mark when officers arrived to the area, they found the rapper suffering at least one gunshot wound he was taken to the hospital where he died. Mark no arrests have been made, and police havent released any suspect information. Mark the jacka was 37 years old and started out with the group mob figaz and then went solo in 2001. Darya park Officials Say toxic algae at lake chabot in Castro Valley. May be linked to the drought. Darya the algae has already proven fatal to a number of dogs at the park. Kron 4s Jackie Sissel has details. James Jackie Sissel it was caused by the Drought Conditions dog and not supposed to be in the water here at the lake with some of honors have let the dog inside of the water splashing around in all smelly became very sick and died soon afterwards park officials have posted warning signs of a rumble like letting the visitors know about this potential algae edition they said it continues to monitor the situation and hope that the balloon will go way once more rain hit the area mark in the middle of a National Debate on vaccines and a the figure is vaccinated if you can i have a oneyear old and were waiting to have the time will get his shot to rest and in last week in the edge of the vaccinated soon as possible. Mark the measles vaccine is extremely effective on like the flu vaccine and i read at a school on that that children want to stay home for 21 days is into kron 4 just as the country to do with the Measles Outbreak the white house proposing 50 million from in this is the programs and this is president s budget for about 16 under the 317 program for under an uninsured adults the white house says the expansion of Health Insurance will increase access immunizations and the vaccine for Children Program would not be affected but has to get a hundred 28 million increase in a proposed budget. Darya coming up a sign of a man arrested in connection with the to the suitcase that was our body parts and San Francisco is it not about why he thinks police have the wrong man and more trouble for the caribbean cruise line has a new case of passengers getting sick service to tell you what happened tech alive the here and the approach to the paper is not that bad the we have a little weight in some high clouds will ride back. George as we take a quick check lookit traffic looking at the Richmond Bridge which is late to clear up this morning perhaps there was an accident here about an hour ago none the less theyre still back there from castro street coming out of richmond heading toward the toll plaza but where problem free of the Richmond Bridge into moran stay updated on traffic news whether any time with the kron 4 mobile application a Free Download the works on android and apple devices darya a Royal Caribbean cruise ship returned to port one day early. After numerous passengers got sick. The ship docked yesterday. Darya a Company Spokeswoman says about 10 percent of the nearly two thousand passengers came down with a gastro intestinal illness. Darya one passenger says Royal Caribbean didnt provide much information about what was going on. We heard that there are three people the bourse said there were not being very honest with us. Darya Royal Caribbean says one passenger was hospitalized after the ship reached port in baltimore. Its not clear if the guests medical issue was related to the other illnesses. Mark british scientists could soon be allowed to create babies from the dna of three people. Mark lawmakers voted to approve the bill today. Mark this would prevent some children from inheriting deadly diseases from their parents. Mark if the bill is approved in the next vote. It would make britain the first country in the world to allow embryos to be genetically modified. George were on to take a quick check of the writer interstate 580 were we are seen some slowing again trying to get to the dublin and to change out of livermore and there is an accident and because of that is backing of the ride past the every boulevard almost the first street in livermore once again so let delays for this and you for the south bay were still attracting heavy and slow conditions on 1 01 north lawn to the guadalupe parkway theyre still sluggish to downtown on 280 north down with the ride downtown out toward cupertino the to looks better still have the leading up to the loss of the still almost a mad the land for the 280 ride northbound and still slow here in mountain view. George tracking the bridges the vapors rise still looks great the end of the backed up is near the 880 over crossing were under 20 minutes on the drive time the san mateo bridge no improvement here the 26 to 29 minute drive times in a free trip to the goal and that breeds a like an easy ride past the people no real problems now there are no delays southbound. Reporter we have basically a partly cloudy conditions this morning as for really nice day mild to one conditions to get ready for the rain to arrive thursday and friday install to arrive just in time for the week and it will be awash out for saturday and sunday to much is right now 53 in san jose low 50s and livermore 54 in oakland and upper 40s and now for highs to this afternoon on nice day above average 71 your high in oakland and unpleasant and livermore low 70s and san jose semi in sunnyvale 69 in san mateo mid60s in downtown San Francisco opera 50s in santa rosa and 68 degrees is your high and not all need to see most is still more of the golden gate through most of thursday and thursday evening at santa rosa in iran on the sacramento by friday morning that you see that right come through the slowmoving system is enough to pay for the heading for the sow for the rest of the bay area come friday and also saturday. Of reporter will be wet and windy starting thursday and friday another system comes san for saturday and sunday and because its a pretty impressive rainfall totals at a time where said and done the heaviest rain will be in the northern. Mark losers with our financial expert rob black rob black that is not quite sound ride so it is is basically getting some pro growth angles from germany and that as the hero and weakens the dollar the slide is moving higher since world man has a change in the last three days but the oil prices has been added most and is first to drop back down the fort is maybe into the 30s this looks like an artificial quick flip of all the while stocks have been done very well since boosted dollars machen december if you think you want to miss out on a chief cause immense skill into position. Real track was delisted. Mark it may be a savior coming in for them rob black number to save your but stores are staying open for now but not for long greta sex on a way out there once bankrupt some of the stores and a viable properties petitors the Retail Locations your scene spread one complex in selling amazons interesting one is to be good for amazon were given the job of goods and ship them back their fight will be good in the sense that theyre making 510 years ago we did not pay local and to tax our fears a tax on a and we bought from amazon now we do it metal bent hostile local merchant the will to a dropoff the overall ecosystem. It will be a smart move in keep costs low. Global and zero were reserving service as a Ride Sharing Service theyre saying today the next five years there self driver card build kit you will bring it to work. Rob black you to sit down and read the paper in divorce on you need to know because they have their way there by the way invested in it and they have a board member that gnome with them and got all this time. Mark then adds robert is budweiser stopped all winter . Mark i think it is is not cheap stock and in wishing for form this world and no this talk that 52week 5 you by it that is why is a great investment over time short term very expensive but id like it and Say Something positive. Mark also his facebook and payable answered here will bring back. If u wa it go t anget darya many seabirds that had been found in a mystery goo substance earlier this month. Are making a quick recovery. Darya Officials Say they may healthy birds either tomorrow or thursday. Darya the International Bird rescue has already released 86 birds back into the wild. Darya however. Nearly 132 birds still remain in their care. Darya they first started appearing on the shores of the east bay and the peninsula about two weeks ago. Darya scientists are still working to identify the unknown substance. Mark booksharper lee mark new second harper lee novel to be published in july mark new york to kill a mockingbird will not be harper lees only published book after all. Mark publisher harper announced tuesday that go set a watchman, a novel the pulitzer prizewinning author completed in the 1950s and put aside, will be released july 14. Rediscovered last fall go set a watchman is essentially a sequel to to kill a mockingbird, although it was finished earlier. The 304page book will be lees second and the first new work in more than 50 years. The existence of go set a watchman was unknown until recently, and its discovery is an extraordinary gift, harper publisher Jonathan Burnham said in a statement. To kill a mockingbird is among the most beloved novels in history, with worldwide sales topping 40 million copies. Prosecutors have now presented evidence they say proves a San Francisco man was the mastermind behind an underground drug web site. Darya the show today in military pilot being burned alive and find an occasion i since militants seized him after his the jet crash and syria in december the terror groups said the captain laughed he ejected from the as 16 during u. S. Led Coalition Strike in january video messages that he will be killed in jordan did not release 50 nudge the hottest in prison and jordan for our role in the 2005 suicide bombing there appeared to show it is 930 ride now i want to get a look at weather and traffic on this Tuesday Morning lets do that before we get back to the new syrian reporter we have hazy conditions out there that it was a pretty mild start this morning was to temperatures the mile to one this afternoon we may even get close the those record high San Francisco right now at 56 degrees of the 54 san jose come in a 53 concord the morning to you and also in the low fifties as well as the war to images renown of the 40s to images of auntie warming up to the 60s fremont 07 san jose and sunnyvale looking at a high cost of 72 degrees 64 and in the city mid60s in downtown San Francisco center fell warming out to 68 degrees today for watching the storm system come from george and so this should be in a number of areas and one of the places with lingering malaise is here to december sale on the bayshore freeway with a southbound 101 ride still backed up nearly two as the fall it remains heavy even little past highway 92 in their late delays to the dump our timber is mainly at the ride of their bridge at the other early retire problems southbound on 101 just pass University Avenue or past 80 or turnoff and East Palo Alto this while were still the lead coming off the stand in for youre ride to the bay ridge westbound is filled and a little the overall drive times are still well under 20 minutes in the back of the sun even quite a restated 80 over crossing and for youre ride in december sale bridge i was said that after i take it again in 15 minutes when looks as though we might be seen some real improvement as drive times are dropping down between 17 and 19 minutes to the hayward read out of hayward and into san mateo. Darya caltrans says it could take as long as five months for sixth the tension bolts on the bay bridge. Darya the problems were first officers caltrans engineers found bolts sitting in about two feet of water that seeped in because grouting was done incorrectly. Darya but it wasnt until five months later for the contractor to start making repairs. Darya and caltrans is imposing a 25thousand dollars a day until the work is complete. Darya caltrans Officials Say they are keeping a close eye on the project. Darya caltrans says the work will take place out of sight and that the bridge is safe to drive on. Mark a friend of the man arrested in connection with the suitcase full of body parts believes San Francisco police have the wrong man in custody. Mark Police Detained 59 yearold mark andrus late friday night. Mark Law Enforcement officials zeroed in on him after releasing these photos of what they were then calling a person of interest. Mark andrus was then booked on suspicion of murder after being interviewed by homicide detectives. Mark mark keener says andrus was at his house the night after police made the gruesome discovery. Mark he says he didnt notice anything unusual about his friend. He was not acting nervous or excited he did things abnormally. Mark police say they have enough evidence to say andrus is repsonsible for murder. Darya prosecutors have wrapped up their case against a San Francisco man accused in a murder for hire plot and running a billion dollar underground drug web site. Darya they say Ross Ulbricht is the mastermind behind the silk road web site. Where more than 100 thousand customers bought cocaine, heroin and other drugs. Darya yesterday, prosecutors presented evidence claiming ulbricht paid 730thousand dollars to have six People Killed. Darya they were apparently a threat to his business. Darya ulbricht has pleaded not guilty. And is disputing reports that he operated online under the alias dread pirate roberts. Darya his defense team says he was lured back to the web site as a scapegoat just as federal investigators were closing in on the business. Mark the former stanford student accused of sexually assaulting a drunk and unconscious woman has pleaded not guilty in the case. Reporter and they are highly contagious 90 percent of those not vaccinated can contract the disease Public Health officials are going to be talking to us more about how theyre really working with those it vaccinated. Mark will have an update on the nfl hall of famer who was not accusing the tech into one at a Phoenix Hotel a real case of beer between drama widest rep the conrad of the winners had. George the back of has actually started to grow about the last 20 minutes not only has a filled in here but in a letter to my hand has claimed the backed up has also started to push a little farther east beyond 880 of crossing and the drive time has climbed to 22 minutes ill have a look at the rest of the traffic in the meantime you need traffic any time with the kron 4 mobile application for Free Download the works on android and apple devices. Mark is now launching an application just the kids and less use watching till the have been filtered for copper content the application is currently available for apple to license area darya 11 is come up the queen pageant is overturned. She said she did it because she felt that the contest was fixed should not regret her actions and that she wanted to up have a concept that was plain and ims darya hes a to the Oakland Raiders leading the senate ever saw he was arrested yesterday and Early Morning hours at the motel for soliciting a prostitute and then apparently getting in the fight with the couple of the women in the hallway the nfl has fired him he was for oakland 19952007 in a market and an analyst and filled their work since 2008. The music mobil has pleaded not guilty to murdering other charges he is accused of hitting two men of his pickup truck last week in a competent one of them died prosecutors say that he intended to run them down after an argument on a movie set the time running out for convict a murderer charles manson. Mark it expires on thursday and chances are women woman goes water mammal star will not be time and not before them as if in yearold man serving a life sentence in a wooded section is on the weekend during visiting hours. Darya wanted a look at the weather. Reporter will have a Beautiful Day in store for us timber to will be in the warmer side woman in the mid60s to the door seven is across the region and this looks like outside where quantity to see a little more the visibility is down to 4 mi. Were looking across much of the area in the next couple of hours most of this fall will continue to last will see sunshine across most of the reason. When a cynical attempt to afforded agree santa rosa 49 and tim should look good for this afternoon now across the south greta rogers will continue to warm up as a lure seven some of these areas could even see some record temperatures for this time of the year richmond 69 degrees san leandro 69 degrees Castro Valley union city 7 a letter on this afternoon across the peninsula and the northland we have a few bricks from the clouds is off to the north alluded shower activity. Reporter were fast for a couple more days this is what looks like on thursday with the start still a bit of land on 11 of the santa rosa by 5 00 if the continue to stay across the north bay around 9 00 a. M. And for much of the afternoon we can see many showers along i 80, and parts of downtown but for the most are on thursday was a man off to the north of san jose a modesto. And then the storm system of continues to push off to the east. Reporter the temperatures are high into the lower seven is better on for this afternoon mid60s letter this week with some rain into the weekend and a second look at this no bomb. Com ski report we have quite conditions although no new snowfall we do have since on the basis at seven Alpine Meadows and fall ballot. George will part tracking late delays the problem that could turn into a settler and hot sauce on the upper east your freeway in pinole and acted in a way westbound their risk for the truck that over term block into lines of traffic and in the midst of what had been agreed on the road with sensors and to the Richmond Park where now were seeing a lot of red was pretty much tells the cell of the csu for that likely be very accurate also still trapped in the lead for the ride through the Corridor Committee on 580 was about leading out toward dublin thats because the earlier come problems with an accident at hot yard. George for your trip to the bay bridge it there was a report that there might have been an accident last bomb was made that to be why the metering lights will slow but why the back of has grown to over 20 minutes of all have my yet confirm that there is a class here at the san miguel brands conditions are in fact westing the better in the commune is over the drive times the darkened down to between 13 and 15 minutes and at the Golden Gate Bridge would have been a problem for all morning expecting to add a third lane northbound because we needed and for youre ride to the Richmond Bridge light enough that theyre no back allays on 580 westbound. Mark is slated not guilty in the case he to deny guilt to five felony counts of for years to let students told investigators they saw them on top of the one at a southern Fraternity House on james a. Tate the ormuz the stanford student he voluntarily left stanford to return home to ohio. Darya Fire Fighters are still investigating less deadly from fire and sent to cisco Mission District Business Owners and residents are trying to salvage what is left the fire broke out last wednesday your is video of a from a helicopter partnership abc seven new areas that still have not gotten close the guy into the apartment to see what they have the Business Owners were allowed back and for a second time the incident is said theres still no word on how long it would take to repair or rebuild mark he release a new album of Frank Sinatra song is called shadows in the night when you will not find any standards here is proof of the power 73 years old he plucked his first album won the 50 years ago the elses misfortune. If darya will be back within a couple minutes with some top stories and a look at your weather and traffic before we go there is a look at the no backed up on the sunshine approach to the bay bridge. Rshs read brinthe licis tae of hshes ocole anying evythi. Th hshes read the ssibitieare licis. George a late hot spot for the upper east store freeway chp sang our accident here just as happy now block the to righthand lanes a truck is there on that side avoid the area if you can. Darya here are some of the big stores we have been working on Hayward Police are looking for a man who sexually assaulting a little girl who was shopping with her mom at the 99¢ store on mission boulevard the man was and what the to walk she was alone. Mark the bay area rapper was shot and killed in oakland last night at the macarthur boulevard 94 avenue offices found him with a gunshot wound he was taken to the hospital where he died. Darya toxic algae and mexico and Castro Valley may be linked to the drought so far is killed three dogs and the algae bloom will help low water level in the circulation and a rise in temperatures is a problem. Mark the latest news weather and traffic always on our web site at kron 4. Com facebook and twitter and the kron 4 application. Darya have a the day we will see you tomorrow. Announcer today on an allnew dr. Phil. I havent seen my dad for two years. I want to confront him. Announcer her father doesnt suspect can i hug my daughter . No. Announcer the bomb shell shes about to drop. I know you paid someone to kill shannon. What is wrong with you, girl . Dr. Phil did you hire a hit man to kill your daughter . Hell no. Dr. Phil she says you went by the house and shot it up with a gun. I did not do it. Dont ask me anymore. Dr. Phil ill ask you what i want to ask you. Why is it upsetting for you to hear this . Theyre lies. If you were at home, youd be getting your ass kicked. Why would i murder you when i love you

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