Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Morning News 20150127 : comparem

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Morning News 20150127

during was sort of sidewalks fire hydrants lens. did see very high winds and continue to see high winds and will see the more the course of the day. and many parts of massachusetts will continue to see snow falling throughout the day and leaving. >> reporter: year to travel ban has been lifted and bands place of origin living streets deserted x of for so close. >> reporter: did what was necessary to keep people safe by rate getting everyone off the road seven- compartment was able clear the way and now amount back to normal wear but she quickly. 4200 flights canceled hundreds more expected be canceled wednesday. >> reporter: the storm will continue for quite a while in boston perhaps another eight to 12 hours of heavy conditions. snow stopped falling till sometime tomorrow morning. >>mark: that's the thing meth to get through today and all of tonight before the system: begins exit to the north as amises way into canada. all lots of talk about with this storm system as is saw those dishes free bet heavy snow falling looking for totals anywhere from 1 to 3 ft. to new england. applies there is even more than then then there's a strong wind that is kicking up the service of my potential for a potential flooding waves now cresting over the banks of the coastline. from new jersey all led to maim. it's freezing spray as well so as soon as the water sprays up friezes twitter breadsticks to cause damage reserves are so cold. thousands of flights canceled monday thousands more to bed. good number tomorrow. >> reporter: all totals of the house of flights in total and how large is the store in the next several days and to the next few communities tens of thousands people could be without power and a blizzard warning area of. good news for those and potentially without power as the storm rolled on through today. to the tune in the kron 4 lets the country adjust find a bad weather really out into the northeast. liver on rain to our software tracking back here for a whole check coming up at 74015. >> reporter: looking at potential hot spots now on the nimitz freeway 80 northbound at high street. jackson has been reported blocking the wind it may turn out to be only install but already slowing ride from near the colosseum heading north toward high street. all the eggs are to so the delay right now is not minor and they could be building here. still slow on 680 softbound crash a pleasanton no longer the big factor that was. was the has slowed the ride coming out from the dublin interchange and in many respects this has become a new normal. the bay bridge we are backed up and the macarthur maze even though we've been without incident at the toll plaza. were already looking at 2426 minute drive coming from the maze and less of a coming from the nimitz freeway. tracking arrive from the golden gate bridge fluoride but no delays are incensed assault on commute on one no one is still a problem free ride to marin county on 11 southbound. >>mark: a early-morning special grab robbery was a mess you the inside the wells fargo museum in san francisco. the 7 of section of california street. >> reporter: since then they've been able to take out the suvs that crash in the museum. the a lot of curators arrived here right now trying to collect whatever other artifacts this been spreader on the floor and try an eclectic as to what kind of condition the red. you video one of the bad car was inside the museum. >> reporter: been a lot to 30 in the morning when the crash this i cv and the front door. the three men in ski masks jump out held up the security guard and basically smashed one of the display cases and took historical gold nuggets back from although gold rush days. off and another car. >> reporter: people police investigators are still around and tried to investigate and find out where exactly the check that and i car. in the meantime they are cleaning up and maybe give you example of some of those nuggets. i did get a picture of one of the curator's picking up a nugget will show the picture now. it to see a very raw form of the old right they're basically in the palm of her hand right there. more last that might be what we think was solemn. there were in the display case in that case was broken into they likely dig away with all with come back out here live basically still here having arab off. people cannot go in norcross on the part of a sidewalk to have to go round. still under investigation and have looked to some the cameras ahead through. those three suspects are still on los. >>darya: developing news following this morning young woman died and two men in police custody after egressions the san jose. but at the scene from video hookup a partnership with abc seven news. the cars involved in this crash which you can see is a woman they hit. right up right on the sidewalk 23 year-old karen pot low walking near even would drive noon yesterday when the two cars drive crash into each other and shoe is crushed against a tree. the two drivers of these two vehicles 19 all 23 year-old man were arrested and neighbors say that it's dangerous and like to see more police presence there in that area or south installed. >>mark: of the soon-to-be part in getting medical treatment hard ec soon plan and what got all 10 campuses and on the picket lines. doctors the and contract talks in a universe in california since 2013. university leaders refuse to give racial could help some bargain for the very first liberal government and given this school enough enough time for the stricken port services could be offered. >>darya: a up on the moat kron 4 news as a teenager causes havoc on the plan saw leading police on a chase and the spier tell you how all played out. scary moments for chp officer as driving along at the polo trocars are smoking catches fire. only on for a tv motorcycle is takeover bait area streets for music videos should that spins. out of spins. let me get this straight... [ female voice ] yes? lactaid® is 100% real milk? right. real milk but it won't cause me discomfor exactly, no discomfort because it's milk without the lactose. and it tastes? it's real mil come on, would i lie about this [ female announcer ] lactaid®. 100% real milk. no discomfort and for more 100% real dairy treats you'll 100% enjo look for lactaid® ice cre and lactai® cottage cheese. >> reporter: try to commit this morning ride out of pittsburgh heading over toward concord this morning a little slower than usual west end of the ride 680 assault on an to 42 all starting to back up and walnut creek for soft on ride for the 68024 and a change. the traffic any time with the kron 4 mobile app free download that works on an dried apple devices. >>darya:a 16-year-old girl is behind bars. after crashing her parents' car into a san bruno pizza parlor during a police chase. the crash sparked a fire at the building. prompting nearby residents to evacuate their homes. officials say the girl was driving erratically. and failed to stop at several stop signs near san anselmo and santa inez avenues yesterday morning. she eventually drove into the parking lot next to seniore's pizza restaurant. and crashed into the gas line. both the car and the pizza joint went up in flames. >>mark:the debate over of the keystone x-l pipeline will continue in the senate. despite an effort to end it. on monday, senate democrats blocked a call from the bill. discussion on the bill's amendments. the legislation would allow for the construction of a pipeline that would bring canadian oil to the gulf of mexico for refining. 60 votes were needed to end a democratic filibuster, but republicans could only get 53 votes on their side. this is a setback for g-o-p leaders who need a handful of democrats to support the project in order to get it approved. >>mark: dow industrial average down 1 1/2% and the one at ellen said the drop durable goods like cars watchers triers airplanes and also quarterly earnings company advisor prompter gamble and nestle beverage down to under 84 points.. back as a the kron 4 news continues. to check out life reimagined for tools, suppor and connections. if you don't thin "i've still got it" when you think aarp, then you don't know "aarp." find more surprising possibilitie and get to know us at [chris]still smoking up a storm? [tom]yeah.pathetic,isn't it? [chris] ever try to... [tom] quit?of course! my best time was six days. the worst was ...uh...23.4 seconds. [chris] so can i ask you... [chris & tom] why are you still smoking? [tom] [sarcastic] "it's so much fun." [chris]why not call the smokers' helpline? the program's free,and... [tom]and they'll tell me..."you oughta quit." [chris] not so. just tell them you're ready to quit. then,they'll tell you how. 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north and begins to travel up in the direction. the effects are felt rather strongly implies like boston especially the coastal communities. boston up through man they have not got just opposite of coming down but also real strong winds blowing off the ocean and 40 mi. an hour sustained winds impacting a whole nother set of complications frizzing sprague the swells crushing up over the bank's low-lying area as coastal flooding today because high tide letter on this afternoon combined with the strong swells. those bans imports the bay area with king tied mentioned those freezing twice as bad as what they're dealing with some parts of new england. keep a tear and here we have to cover on that following the rain to our south slowly tried to make its way to the bay area. at the moment not much success most of the weather were seeing on the satellite perspective and higher atmosphere as these which the storm tracker for really does disappear when tossing a lot of action reached the ground. if you do happen this season the pavement outside the door patching naturalism sprinkles coming down. snap pictures milli to us breaking news at kron 4 kron-4-dot-com. give us the complete picture what the weather looks like. those cuts are headed is dark. >> reporter: of the embarcadero here in the before grunted what it temperatures were in now or on a mild side. clods keeping us relatively mild especially unpleasant santa rosa 47 looks cold is a done year's cold as it was yesterday when temperatures of the sorrows 39. those caught are helping a little bit of insulation blanket this. nine san francisco 56 in oakland south bay san jose coming in at 59 and later numbers of ceaseless thoughts like oakland and some parts of the bay i could get in the upper 60s. 73 weather hang time is coming our way high- pressure by a letter athlete and by sunday will be back low seventies once again. with this weather changed cupid to and in the kron $4 mobile app greatest the updated with latest changes wrought the day. we send out a large if any bad weather comes our way. three available for an dried apple devices to traffic. >> reporter: want tracking and the hotspots that's fairly typical slow ride around was the bay was star with a trip to the east bay and up to to drive times for you like hercules aboard the commuter at 24 minutes right now. if you had gone toward university avenue south 680 is running at about 80 minutes and san ramon valley. conditions must on 580 fairly typical cell 680. >> reporter: normal down to settle a this a bit heavy early in the corridor. for the stretch between 238 down 84. loaded up on the centel bridge for westbound driver in south the ride to jump to the north bay or but to quickly back up won a one northbound it's running now 1921 minutes heading north up toward montague expressway. 85 is already heavy in the saratoga coming out of all and valet. now the no. they're writing music is a pretty good commune as yet softbound sowing begins a little bit of 37 for the ride into the bottle. >> reporter: the bay bridge backed up and the macarthur maze even though we've been incident for a some. mattel bridge mentioned are very heavy 1922 minute drive times now. the golden gate bridge problem free southbound. >> reporter: dish from about the self tower and righted the marin back up and the toll plaza the base of a u.s. onslaught the richmond. just before the richmond parkway heading toward the toll plaza. >>darya: detectives funds to a half-million dollars' worth of pot ever grow operation anthony shot the sheriff of the stairs from 30 lbs. of processed marijuana. a hundred 25 marijuana plants. that's about possible drug activity in their area and the tip also said that power was being stolen. church officials said the bedrooms three rooms and the building designed to grow marijuana and different stages of fourth room just for drying. >>mark: man woman arrested for shoulder surfing the texas of a sting operation and part of his shoulder surfing investigation. people look over your shoulder credit your private information in its tampa number. these surveillance images as her bay and the suspect in several thefts at atms in november december. facing charges of identity theft elder abuse. >>darya: chp officer recovering this morning after kharkov fire about driving. although rare treasure island off ramp. first reports that this car was on fire 73 less light east mount interstate direction highway off ramp there chp officer. driving east on the bridge the officer he first of his patrol car is driving the smoking and smoke was coming from what he. pullover another officer showed up to help chp officer in the trocar was injured from flying debris was the car became engulfed in flames. trading for minor injuries at the hospital but will be ok investigating the cause the fire. >> reporter: enough social media this morning plus size model east coast now snow storm the blizzard prompted a lot of people to post fargo's sure the month social media. cure what some people i've been posting coming out of new york area all of us now on the sidewalks the cars manhattan. crews are working in preparation for the blizzard that came through. there is near city yellow taxicabs also going through the snow storm we have more pictures on kron 4 kron-4- dot-com check that out con 4 more news continues such as brick. 7 >> reporter: video + u2 to unnamed young trout peak the stake behind oakland. >> reporter: more subtle writers from oakland's of liberty disappear in a video music grosse isle they did not have any permanence to license the issue of the diablo city's streets are highways. as for anyone who's not afraid to put down a message to all the drivers and riders told there would be filming as sideshow portion of the video doing some bike light stuff for those new to the game like life as one motorcyclists squatters illustrates a message to all drivers and riders the bikes and cars were to stay separate as started to beat. instagram poses stay off the highway or them a hundred cars to over interstate 880 chp managed to cadge a few issues tickets a search for a video from early morning and was unsuccessful once again for agreeing as the drivers because the. so far the answer is that zero the can for many of fremont and points beyond. this according to how a patrol. oakland police vehicles kicked. wearing that. but these guys on the video state. sally roberts, ford is kron 4 >>darya:we're continuing to follow the latest on the northeast blizzard. this is a live picture from massachusetts coast has been battered from heavy whence snow blizzards that make for what are driving in a travel they did lift the travel ban in new york and massachusetts looking at no mass-transit till tomorrow night cancels' to hear from the bay area check in with fortran was falling apart the store for sfomon.rem some >> reporter: 0 because of a text message e-mail's sending out to the passengers. they're not even coming here to fight another flight. latest numbers test along to you from the duty manager and they stay on top of that as far as cancellation arrivals as of 7:00 in the morning. this is the departures aboard 49 of rivals' impacted from places like europe city. jfk specifically. york and boston philadelphia. i come and sfo here's the arrival board move up to as well. i cancel cancel and arrivals 49 arrivals 36 departures. lots of numbers of think about it will probably stay steady for quite some time this being the morning rush. the lifeblood of the numbers again late this morning does see about the late afternoon or early evening flight. in see just how slow it is at this time. of course everyone comes here even if they're going for warm weather destination. still looking at the board because those plans don't take off from york or philadelphia revived as a francisco international. that means your flight might not be picked up the san diego on time. this man here i feel so bad for him to try and offer him any think you want to get families as. his and stranded here looking gordon york been here for 24 hours now on a cookie on behalf of kron. >>darya: for the morning shot you get the i wholemeal fallen on this expense i mean it. >>mark: agonist armed and the middle of the east and the roadway. >> reporter: focus attention on the northeast where the weather as we're talking about. intense although snow storms are with all the blue really in callusing everything from new york all the way up to maine. there really is a part of a country will be dealing with the worst of this blizzard. our warnings in effect for all the coastal regions from as agency long island all live up to maine. still falling hard to 4 in. per our accumulating fast. could be one of 2 ft. and simulation all said and done for some parts new england. >> reporter: on wins one and a 50 mi. an hour sustained winds reports of the 50 maybe even 7 mi. per hour. an intense storm with those lands and very well bring the tree branches a plump car lines. power on his were looking for comply the story is a continued fall of four real. and the travel late as the ripple effect being built across the country. of 47,000 more flights being expected to cancel and as the total adding monday today and flights already cancelled for tomorrow. major impact on air travel and a lawyer for the storm passes for start to see that the undercover. why you would really is in the northeast dealing with all really seriously bad weather out there right now most of the u.s. is enjoying mild weather some parts called ellis is not storming like it is across england. is that the forecast i come back some 45 well talk about local forecast at some rain potentially to ourselves and explore the more detail in just a minute. tracking >> reporter: >> : cent reported of the dublin interchange. some in the westbound direction in the midst of what are the been slowed traffic out of livermore. then only the commute is an easier ride one. see get past the heavy traffic from the all to my duties as a lot to double in hollister assault on 680. that's not the case this morning still slow here and sex cells slows self on due to earlier curring accident averell and pleasanton. we saw not completely recovered from that. free ride through the south bay traffic here on highway a 80 in the northbound direction but get that started backing up now before the 280 interchange. the '85 is extremely slow from all in valley out toward saratoga. any arrive the bridges this morning the first bay bridge westbound back up in the macarthur maes and now that 880 approach is starting to slow its over 22 minutes experience did a across the upper deck of the bridge. on 92 san mateo bridge traffic still jammed up here from well before the toll plaza for the west on ride try and get out toward san mateo. dried thyme 2224 minutes now. if you get traffic any time the kron 4 mobile app free download works on io was enjoyed devices to. i agree with the heat up with traffic weather news. >>mark: it is on a measles outbreak in california's state health officials confirmed number of cases 73. 64 of those are tied to a of brigham disneyland southern california. no. break down by county no new cases reported the bay area. touse amytal county center clara county 5 in alameda. health department issuing a warning about possible exposure to measles a milpitas. a man affected but microsystems it isn't given busters restaurant. same man also went shopping a day earlier of the tosco wal-mart stores in gilroy health officials say people these litigious us we continue our trees and limbs for measles flex to reach. >> reporter: san jose police officer is looking for iras teenager there watter help. 15 year-old the not local law ran away from his home on thursday. he was last seen for 30 on thursday and evans land area near highway 87. police as family are concerned because he as type 1 diabetes. these insolent twice a diabetes 15 year-old boy is 5 ft. 11 in. tall. waste was 35 lbs. and why its pursuers had and black sweatshirt. >>mark: traits non arizona button and the sports world's sole all taught to care about what is violence with the flight deck. >> reporter: would put a traffic in the self they point to slow for the ride on 1 01 north on drive time now 36 minutes. highway 85 giving up my new expressway 85 continues to be very slow from all men ballet out toward saratoga. >> reporter: orders coming from the blizzard posted on social media on the twitter facebook instagram. look at what people are tossing out of the boston area of. i have very hard and even some taken to your head look all the photos here this one showing a snow falling you can see the cars also. the snow everywhere people using #snow apocalypse no surprise surging by these as a very tough day as a more snow falling for parts of maine and massachusetts more details coming for a sports after this >>darya: was the position climbing? >> gary: saying up with the palmtop behind your browser and other trip the tupelo's. >>darya: i have not seen dow jones. >> gary: my word. >>darya: will could you do in the bathrooms to as a balls and 90 seconds that the video of all boy going and with birdies balls will football's could do deflate them and why would he. >>darya: >> grant: 90 seconds >>darya: science teachers to some extent the men's show what could happen under pressure the ball on: the the dearest friends about getting kids to of football's tie-in on mythic and of little. a cuban the saline. >> gary: 80 days in a few hours and patriots owner. to my aug. this is ahead and extend apologies from people. >>darya: tondo done nothing wrong on apologist amazing this march because a number of the visit. >> gary: words will he have said that. as he thought there adults awere guilty. >>darya: at this onslaught of fields and no video what happened in their. as you are ever to admit something or a ball boy who did because it felt like it if? >> gary: of your >>:reporter chart and the brady and robert craft that to you at all boy has to go. >>darya: the sky was being set up for in the meantime all the whole media thing. >>darya: was does >> gary: the dissent on players and coaches then they really get to the good stuff the really good teams and. these guys train up to say anything. marjolaine fundus see if he can run and. i'm maybe tens of rules. use veliger myself almost a drug because too many people there. first several will cover their maybe a thousand guys they're not as 5000 media people bumping and media people. >>darya: the our beckham system and with the romance and adjust to the polls. >> gary: a boy. >>darya: customer city itself for a dollar tickets . >> gary: to assist us for $40? >>darya: the sellout you basically gaunt's in the stands watch the circus. what charges spoken. the wish to feel twice as long. a stick with a hundred yards. >> catherine: he talked more two years ago. >>darya: thing we should you for one. ounces a ton out of the fall although are shown everything else that picture put back up as a collage fl is officially selling hundred $50 to close caught by the media a couple days ago. shows this crotch grabs. >> gary: your target must rubles and either in the '90s michael jackson board will. so little performers best lawyers have tried to. >> gary: easy thing to say can you please not grabbing her crotch or offended in sports and one of the especially in baseball. larger and reasons and that might be happening. is that a commercial. spoof just putting and i need to be cute. fans are getting in the spirit. >>darya: the shot asked was a large 25 tyrannosaurus rex is or seahawks fans. california is often not the the top house and arizona like this guy was among the next or check that out. trevor the media day hitting everybody. >>:developing story >>mark: the blizzard continues to slam the northeast. let's take a look at this video our massachusett which you have to assume the worst of it here to see the strong winds and a lot of snow fell as a white out massachusetts. >>darya: to right now maybe until tomorrow 7000 flights canceled in the past 48 hours and snow keeps coming. >> reporter: 80 into the snow have fallen in this area that in addition to the costs trouble storm winds and also taught visibility and the worst of the storm is still yet to come. are here is a message to jacoby of the 3 ft. of snow off before it is all over wind gusts nearing hurricane 44 cause widespread power outages the mess the 58 million people in the storms pass to stay home his face is. >> reporter: concedes the high winds and of course of the day across the massachusetts will concede a seasonal fall throughout the day into the evening the travel ban is a place across the region with of this dessert is of the snowplows. air travel north the sestos 43 of the flights are canceled hundreds more are expected to be cancelled on when some the snowman and as a early tomorrow morning. >>darya: co it just keeps coming down >> james: she's there's is a 10 hour window the rose art caprice give has all but the soul is in the high. as a live look at the cellaret our perspective agency is widespread all the way to maine and other heavy snow falling in and spots is getting pretty as edmonton and boston is needy or my sister lives of the part of massachusetts for a foot to 2 ft. and at this time will we're expecting for the storm total paris where we're looking at was the one in this area and part or on the new england coast line of toy up to maine they're saints of the was 2 ft. of snow strong winds when the tools at his estate was with gusts up to seven is on the were spots caused the flooding of being recorded as you're looking at the winds really kicking in and what the high side letter of this afternoon we're looking at some localized flooding was of the low-lying areas along the coast travel delays women talk and laugh as the other big and go for this story. thousands of flights cancelled around the country and power outages that made the big story on for. you're expecting this was a knock down some trees and that in turn is reno will bring down those car lines or watching and expecting that to intensify over the course of the day today says this is a sure sign it for sell thru in over nine hours into tomorrow morning stay with us is to concede to follow the latest on this note is visible above the rest of the newscast this is was on the web site kron 4, and a mobile application. >>george: can something of a grind ride now we're looking at a lot of so traffic from the bay area without any major incidents to account for like the stressfree ride which is up over 30 minutes now from hercules to berkeley in the san ramon valley writer getting slower and slower. >>george: was 580 heavier than the center shows for the ride is a dublin, a livermore what the press and the dublin and to change and no accidents to account for the very heavy traffic through the corridor this morning and one on one lot from believe it or not is down nearly a 50 minute drive times now during non commit hours does a 14 to 16 minute trip from here the capitol expressway to the montague expressway but this morning 85 a to a similar question over 50 minute drive 85 is extremely slow. >>george: so is 280 northbound we're looking at the new normal for the south bay ride and 101 backed up to the north of 37. for the trip out of the apostle to the bridge the bay bridge back to the into the macarthur maze with a 30 minute commute time for coming out of the maze lessen the east shore and the nimitz but still pretty slow you're ride to the san mateo bridge and the come here on westbound 92 still back there from before the so pleasant hill and over 20 minutes of time. >>mark: concerns about the u.s. economy was weaker this, and seasoned the procter and gamble and pfizer and in a surprisingly weak number for durable goods orders like airplanes cars washers and dryers is leading to a big plunge today the dow knobs 354 points for the to get the 2% drop for the dow jones industrial average now down to 7324. another story we're following that happened this morning in san francisco 3 suspect driving and as you begin to the wells fargo museum building in the rocket. for >>mark: in california street. >> reporter: they're roping off the street in the sidewalk tried to board up trying to make it safe but it was a relief bold move by criminals. she is holding a one of those nuggets there. yoli? >> reporter: and some did survive if you want to come back alive they did get a letter from wells fargo sayingthey said quote, "we are cooperating with the san francisco police department's investigation. we're disturbed this happened to the wells fargo grateful no team member was >>darya: would you what happened at their restaurant and of the on the brush fire that will allow the people of of the civil guest today morning live on the kron 4 morning news. >>mark: with corporate earnings open the market the dow down almost 2%. >>mark: no one was injured in the fire. >> james: is this is what is happening of the new england we come back will have the latest for you lost and will bring back. major: ok fitns cls!he's o newrain surectivhearheal. crd: yyyy! heart:'m gng tfocuon the art. i minimizey soum a fat. gottkeept le andean. pe: uhh. heart: i maxize od sff ke mpotaium. and phostels, ich y lp ler clestol. major: i'meeli ergid alady. nedelicious ensu acte art althuppos yo hea and bo, soou stayctivand rong ensu. ke le in >>darya:you can see just how fast the snow comes down. this was over a span of five hours yesterday afternoon. >>darya:more than 7 thousand flights cancelled. over 4 thousand of those flights grounded today alone >> james: she lives in boston as a take a look at the national map our support of the country i am talking about. but all this other is coming down right now. >>: a load don--a low >> james: fit as a second is some of these photos i guess the storm rolled in yes today >>: 7 drop the whole day most of became overnight when i will come there was so the 13 in.. you have a lot of selling you have to do is pretty deep out there. >> james: market is in los angeles >>darya: what is the worst he's ever done to you? >>: i don't know had to lay out something he's never done anything wrong i got away with a lot of things. >>mark: i was always applies to my sister. thank you so much >> james: as we are continuing to track the lead to the storm it is pretty deep out there right now we will continue to get deeper root for all 1 2 ft. of snow the question is that a tire of that is why we have not seen any of our estimates out their measuring when it's a cut above this and we're getting something out of the system right now just clouds resting outside the golden gate bridge to riches in the upper 50s now the low 60s we have 64 in san francisco and will keep the low sixties to mid 60 range for most of the bay area paris and seven they're on the bay for task >>george: we're still track is a slow spots like the ride on interstate 580 in the westbound direction which is backing of still out of livermore and to the dublin interchange with an accident was 580 ride at 680 the corridor from you still slow one hour drive times to 38 down to 237 this morning and south bay freeways are still jammed 101 northbound over 50 minutes, are the coyote valley and fact nearly 01 hours drive times for 85 of the 23785 the golden gate bridge ride fairly nice red now we're still gonna see much of the way of delays in the richmond bridge was loss 580 the back of the toll plaza starting to ease just a little bit in that sense a little pressure off was law 580. >>mark:developing news. an attack at a hotel in libya this morning. just after a car bomb went off in the parking lot. two gunmen shoot their way into the corinthia hotel. >>mark:officials say the gunmen then moved to a top floor. hotel guests and staff have been evacuated. >>mark:it is not clear if anyone has died in the attack. we will update the situation as new details come in. >>darya:president obama and the first lady are in saudi arabia to pay respects to the royal family. following king abdullah's death. >>darya:they arrived earlier this morning and the new king met them on a red carpet for a ceremonial welcome. >>darya:the president says the u-s has to balance its advocacy for human rights in saudi arabia with the need to cooperate with saudi arabia on counter-terrorism and security. 7 what's that thing? i moved our old security system out here to see if it could monitor the front yard. why don't you switch to xfinity home? i get live video monitoring and 24/7 professional monitoring that i can arm and disarm from anywhere. hear ye! the awkward teenage one has arrived!!!! don't be old fashioned. xfinity customers add xfinity home for $29.95 a month for 12 months. plus for a limited time, get a free security camera call 1800 xfinity or visit >>mark: bay area pizza parlor destroyed after a teenager ever crashes into the building of police are chasing her hair is video showing more on the girl was behind the wheel. >> reporter: but total mercedes-benz and charred piece design that is now rendered unsafe you can see sparks flying all been moving in different directions. this is what is left after the 16 year-old crash into the pieces gas line. authorities say just before the accident the teenager was driving erratically running through a number of stop signs and ignoring pleas of efforts to stop her. she drove a to the store's parking lot with edge with the dead and but they crassus of a gas line of both the car and for the pc giant went up in flames. salk, hour and have to put us will have to sit there and watch the building burned it was terrible that the genocide wobbled out about 3 4 ft. when they found the to its main city. >> reporter: when a minor cause damage the pair will be held is also for the wreckage look linalool the store at the time the incident happened about a half-hour before it opened. happy that none of the employees and customers were inside it would of been a tragedy. was the girl was cornered and got out of the burning car she surrendered without incident >>mark: the team has been charged with out of adolescence and evading police. >>will tran: come about all give you a very this the more common in france or impacted and a live interview with the man was been here for nearly 24 hours and counting. for over 60,000 california foster children nights can feel long and lonely. i miss my sister. i miss my old school. i miss my room. i don't want special treatment. i just wanna feel normal. to help, sleep train is collecting pajamas for foster children, big and small. bring your gift to any sleep train and help make a foster child's night a little cozier. not everyone can be a foster parent but anyone can help a foster child. you used to sleep like a champ. then 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canceled a the sea the board behind me everyone is stopping by here for just checking it out which of the little bit earlier campbell can you come over here tell us your story for those of the last year earlier loss like that canceled and that is it. >>: keeping hydrated eating a bag of doritos even moving in that direction have to call an to see if patmos like a closely nothing from have to stay for another day i went out and i bought him reckless as you said it has to end of the man is violence. we uncover for breakfast. >>darya: i am one to get into rubble for expense and lack of this summer with a decimal facebook thing some also given more room for the night. you guys like this. i am one to facebook if someone is on to respond. >> james: here is will we are sale maps lead not lot of snow coming down across new england is coming down at a pretty good clip as to take a look to some of the latest data really strong winds and those like cancellations ever was schedule is giving up turn sat down. is just enough is right now is missing in the for whole lot of people on the forecast, the betty 45 mi. of locally if i look kind whether we're getting for the rest of the week. >>george: our fried to the south bay this morning now for the problems for interstate for 280 in the drive from downtown san jose out for cupertino there's an accident here at saratoga avenue and that is one of the reasons why is solidly backed up both to and beyond the 281 into change in speaking of 1 01 a southbound crass not in menlo park, also of southbound near the oregon expressway is starting to back of the ride come out of redwood city southbound you're ride to the bay ridge was still jammed into the macarthur maze for 24 means there's still a 30 minute drive times and for years trip to the san mateo bridge is jam the westbound and again we're looking at about 29 to 32 minutes depending on where you get all 92 to get over to san mateo. >>mark: 27 cell come to the measles outbreak and five of alameda county and help the party is issuing a warning about possible exposure with milpitas a man who was infected with measles but not showing any symptoms is that dave and buster's restaurant at 3 mall last monday night the same man was shot in a day earlier after costco and wal-mart and gilroy officials say the whole at this the case is less we should continue to watch for and its symptoms of the illness for the next two weeks >>darya: 15 year old at swiss teenager ran away from his home on thursday will show you his bottle so you can be on the look out he was last seen around 430 in the afternoon in the evans lane area and highway 87 last thursday and police are concerned about his health he has tacked on diabetes in these incidents was a day the 15 year-old is 5 ft. 11 weighs about two dozen of 35 lbs. and wearing the pins were still in had in the black sweatshirt. >>mark: if it ever harder time getting medical treatment to the aba house of the 50 doctors and you see this city university refused to give information for bargaining san jose is expanding its a recycle waste program. >>darya: it will be used a commercial and civic uses over the years they claim water has been used keep down construction dust commercial businesses also use industrial cooling towers and for fishing to the syrian >>mark: one bay area politician was to keep sideshow's going but in a controlled setting. >>darya: he is not apparent proposal that would allow sideshows to illegally take place in a controlled setting. >>george: camilla's as a worse than what it looks and how will give you the rest of the traffic on the kron 4 morning news returns. >>mark: because of the storm of rhode island right now they're telling residents the roles are simply not said to be out right now i'm not going to consider that the petitions vastly improved will come back later this afternoon with an update that is what the travel is firmly in place would not think about living in silicic and this is improving we see in europe and in southern connecticut the sun shining there and things the better and that is was come our way then written about lifting the travel ban. call 211 for power outage. of emergency call 911 will c'mon take care of you. >> james: because the wind is blowing and pile up the snow which makes it hard to. out of their houses the accumulation was 2 ft. of snow over the course of just a couple of days that a lot coming down a to take a life look at some of the bill said this become again the concedes some snow is coming down it will take awhile to dig out from this but with the downed power lines which is going to happen with the winds distraught it will be power outages this is the store will be shut in for a few days after the storm is done and got what should happen to my into tomorrow morning here is a live you for satellite greater if you see is how widespread that is where talk for new york new jersey are the lead up to maine. >> james: is this is the coastal regions those awful cold temperatures where ceram the coast of sizzle with the oceans for is so ice is a big issue for them as well here in california our side of the country were looking at what would as well most of the off to ourselves and for selling it as a liquid to muzzle is lacking is went to the bay area with season grin on the radar for most of the disappeared there is a little bit sewing up ride around the golden gate but a lot of that is evaporated in the air is not really coming down this is a live look at the golden gate bridge shut you see the clouds are there but throw deck looks drive. >> james: were amassing his sentence is the 64 the clouds keeping is on the one side of 57 we have 50 in concord. --san francisco >> james: >>george: this morning where st. upper '40's mid-60's for some raw warmer spots also faces and the low 60s the oakland area will be on the exception to the road they will bid up the 6068 this afternoon also suited to the upper 60s letter on this week. high pressure to keep in the clouds away from saturday and sunday given his last conditions outside is yet to headed to the sierra health with the storm system bring a list a few inches to the higher elevations if you love to to cover the fee to see it. hawker >>george: as we are monitoring the reference up there with an early recovery accident and saratoga a new crash on 280 northbound at winchester to was added to the delay is coming out of downtown and a new crash for the bay shore commute southbound 101 at woodside road added to the back of after early return problems down and around the oregon expressway the bay bridge is still looking at about a 28 to 28-29 minute drive times. >>george: is still solidly backed up on 580 and to enter the macarthur maze and the rise to the san mateo bridge we're still looking at some slow and go sometimes stop and go conditions on the stand that is why the drive times are still over 20 minutes at the golden gate bridge the ride southbound is also signed free to see a piquant traffic flow. >>george: much getting into marin county at the original bridge is no longer backed up and the toll plaza and that means is no longer delays on 580 westbound heading out of richmond. >> reporter: here is what is stranded on social media this morning of course the bay is coastal storms and also of plus size model the biggest plus size of a major loss of proven everyone is beautiful. she the first of her size and hides to the size of a major agency her real name is to on a 5 ft. 5 after traveling to enough for us session as teenager she was told the she was too short and too heavy to be successful but that is not the case she just assigned to look model management after they saw her on social and networking. their of their support for and here's a look as some of the conversation this coming up and talk this morning she deserves a repressive of the city coming her way strong for as beautiful as a winning combination another person their supports the same i love you so much techie for your messages and for being a role model this started that movement to encourage other women to celebrate their modest number of essays in a matter of the size. >> gabe slate: is a popular map have owned by google to let people say real-time traffic in this sense it is a back of a accidence is a user generated application then is the report where the police are and let other users know where they should not speak or read of a lost some seven firms across the country in the los angeles police department are asking ways to remove that feature because they feel is a way to track police officers and put them in danger. police across the country are on edge after december execution-style murder of two nypd officers the cop killer behind that as mayor bradley posted on this is a gram a screen shot from were some police officers work. >> gabe slate: areas in the police reporting they feature however not every loss for the agency is worried about this feature is kind of hard not to see more officers are his emphasis go so we drive mark units where and for the informed very easily identifiable their cameras everywhere their cameras in the streets and the public carrousel forms with cameras hot on them so basically people know you are at all times was so-so media we look at it has possibly in a positive way where it can be used where people know that an officer and is on the streets if be used for her reasons people slowed down. >> gabe slate: and be more cost is because they know all this isn't a specific location or someone needs help and another officer is there a victim stopped for assistance or whatever it could be with that being said we do understand the concern that they have that could be used for finding out where an officer is enduring something that to them. thank yofor ing sail d myaddy ank u mo forroteingmy fure. thanyou r beg myeroand dad militaryamils arthanul r ma this. the gacyf us aut inranc could onef th. our worlclasserve eaed aa t toppot in a sdy othe st commded large mpans inmeri. if you'rcurrt orform milary, or theiramil seef yore igib to get anuto surae que. ♪ what's that thing? i moved our old security system out here to see if it could monitor the front yard. why don't you switch to xfinity home? i get live video monitoring and 24/7 professional monitoring that i can arm and disarm from anywhere. hear ye! the awkward teenage one has arrived!!!! don't be old fashioned. xfinity customers add xfinity home for $29.95 a month for 12 months. plus for a limited time, get a free security camera call 1800 xfinity or visit >>:developing story good morning, i'm darya folsom. and i'm mark danon. our big story this morning is the winter storm hitting the northeast. >>mark:parts of new england are still feeling the full force of a blizzard that's expected to leave two feet of snow in most of massachusetts. >>mark:that's the video on the left side of your screen. >>mark:and on the right. a satellite image of the storm from space. >>mark:and new this morning. three suspects drive into a wells fargo building. and rob it. >> reporter: this nor'easter still bring in lots of snow to 3 ft. for some spots across new england today new york city getting some snow they would not be at all that hard to date we are talking parts of maine and connecticut and massachusetts bill get hammered and will have to worry about the storm surge the blizzard warning is still in effect this will be impacting the coastline in new england. once we get through today things will start to come down in our neck of the wood and as i will get maybe just a speck or two for most was generally south of san francisco a lot of emotion not even hitting the ground a lot of it this looks a little more impressive than it is what everyone is recording this crowded conditions storm track before picking up some of the moisture in the atmosphere but it is so july is not living hitting the ground rules of war but the chancellor star coming up a little bit later. download the full year apple from an android is free to contract the weather and your traffic. >>george: we are still looking at some so traffic around the bay not any hot spots per say we have not had any in the west is is is when will we have our share of slow traffic in persists on the east shore freeway for was my interstate 80 is still heavy on walnut creek for the highway 24 ride westmont the nimitz corridor commitment is still heavy here in the southbound direction coming out of union city down to the milpitas. >>george: southwestern u.s. are still quite heavy is just 101 and a no. one direction and 85 out of the thompson valley not out corp. of cupertino and you're ride to the bay bridge is the backed up into the macarthur maze and even the 880 approach is backed up over the westbound lane of the toll plaza and on 90 to the san mateo bridge a single thing there the possibility will see some more congestion and the was what direction remember at 9:00 the issue of the metering lights on 9210 the nimitz and the toll plaza and that often means a second was here at the westbound bridge. >>mark: 23 year-old was walking along your route when the world around noon yesterday as into cars crashed into each other and interest on the sidewalk hitting in crushing her against a tree. the two drivers, a 19 year old and 24 year old man were arrested. neighbors say yerba buena road is dangerous. and that they'd like to see more police in the area or a stoplight installed. >>darya:unemployment rates continue to fall throughout the country. >>darya:according to a new report released today. jobless rates fell in 42 states last month. >>darya:california's rate dipped to 7 percent. the lowest its been since the great recession. >>darya:rates rose in just four states. and were unchanged in four others. >>darya:nationwide. nearly 3 million more americans are earning paychecks now compared to a year ago. >>mark: will lead the largest snowfall in this is his trade the sec alleged that of the big storms in the past. >> reporter: they called it the storm of the century in 1993 if the entire eastern the united states a year whether in villages in the north for the first time in history all major eastern air force will shut down at the same time the storm caused more than 300 deaths. in jane ray's 1996 the eastern seaboard was hit by another water on the heels of the government shut down that was most of all employees on leave. heavy snowfall in a blizzard conditions his its losses and to new york to boston 9¢ were declared disaster areas. >> reporter: 64 died in that storm the great blizzard of 2003 cold temperatures and strong winds 1 2 ft. of snow cover parts of maryland all in north the southern new england 42 people were killed in the storm the biggest one to storm in new york city history was separate 2006 from virginia to maine 26.9 in. of snow recording an essential part by the end of the storm the largest amount of snowfall today. thomas webb resisted the nazis in february 2010 its from bringing a series of heavy snowfall by the end of the last 168 percent of the country was covered in snow. sphere >>darya: it happened at wells fargo bank in sacramento and san francisco yuli has the details and the message they have to clean up. >> reporter: happened at the wells fargo bank museum official the incredible video-unbelievable video it happened around 230 in the morning when the as you be when crashing right in through the glass doors three suspects jumped out with their face covered one of them has a handgun it was wise has quite unbelievable in fact a lot of your modem the one of those-probably the speculation from just people who are working in and out of the building say it will be more valuable as a historical preservation. there will have a museum open later on today. will be back with more in a couple of minutes. >>george: still a very slow ride this morning for your trip to the especially from its fan out to the base of the high-rise though here at the toll plazas these are improving the drive times are improving as well we're looking at a 10 to 2 minutes out of hayward heading over to senate sale remember you can get trapped in a sign of the kron 4 mobile application a free download from both android and apple devices a great way to take kron 4 with you. >>mark:five people have been killed in an attack at a hotel in libya. >>mark:earlier today five masked gunmen wearing bullet proof vests stormed the corinthia hotel. just after a car bomb went off in the parking lot. >>mark:the gunmen killed three security guards and took hostages. >>mark:officials say the situation is now under control. and there are no more hostages. >>mark:but they have not said where the gunmen are. >>mark:we will update the situation as new details come in. >>darya:president obama and the first lady are in saudi arabia to pay respects to the royal family. following king abdullah's death. >>darya:they arrived earlier this morning and the new king met them on a red carpet for a ceremonial welcome. >>darya:the president says the u-s has to balance its advocacy for human rights in saudi arabia with the need to cooperate with saudi arabia on counter-terrorism and security. >> reporter: check out the storms search for the democrats have been done because of all of the snow in the women's fashion water over onto the ceremony more details will continue after the break. >>: my deepest apologies to so many men lives of the general public we made a lot of tough decisions expecting us to get it right and we did not once again i am sorry >>mark:that was philadelphia's mayor reading a tweet from a national weather service meteorologist who is now apologizing for the storm that didn't bring as much of a punch as expected to parts of the northeast. >>mark:massachusetts still got hit pretty hard but pennsylvania, new york city and new jersey, where more than a foot or more of snow had been forecast, ended up being about 3 to 5 inches of snow. >>mark:and back to massachusetts. new video coming in of all the snow being removed. this is out of worcester. there are still concerns today about the possibility of flooding and beach erosion along the coast there. >>darya:a state of emergency is in effect in maine and new hampshire. and government offices in both states are closed today. >>mark:despite the national weather service's forecast not living up to the hype. the east coast is no stranger to severe winter weather. >> reporter: tech out the fall of this is the toll both and completely and the at the rose seven sat down people are not going out because they're still doing a lot of snow and blizzard conditions this morning out in the boston area web not with four of the sow and the winds and the storms are expected to come 5:00 eastern time this evening with are missing some flooding federal coastal locations so there was or the flooding letter on today and tomorrow will be as tough couple of days the is a warning for new england a lot of slow-snow still falling. and our net debt was we're watching storm systems tear over there going to be it this is moisture out of this contractor is trying to pick up some of that and the redder researchers at the nasty is hitting the ground if you look at a live pictures of the golden gate bridge for have called in this is no rain falling onto the roads here right now. >> reporter: 3 was all across the bay area which is still systems the ghost may be generally south bay south of san jose down to the central coast. >> reporter: low 50s and santa rosa is a little monitor as the a can of the door this one was saw little bit of fog not a whole lot but maybe a little bit in napa a concord otherwise it is really not an issue this morning. >> reporter: will cicada condition this morning and will stick around for most of the day today will see a little snow falling and saw all not a lot of snow level of maybe 7,500 ft. maybe one to 3 in.. maybe we can get a little slick was a shower activity generally south of san jose out toward monterey but is not picking up any greater returns for most of today and by 6:00 tonight we should be dry cloudy in the middle class expecting to clear on out and then we will see clear skies for tomorrow by for today mostly cloudy in its six is for san jose and milpitas. >> reporter: 65 in palo alto and in redwood city over in the east bay low 60s and walnut creek and the lay of richmond and for high of 66 and 64 in union city and for the oakland area high of 68 and 63 in berkeley and in downtown san francisco petaluma and about to look for high of 61. >> reporter: here is a kron 47 they're on the bay forecast january is looking to be very drive all the into february. if we it is today will be really lucky as to the rest of the week plenty of sunshine especially on sunday in fact looking at the long-range model and the sea in the rain for february 7th it will be a dry couple of weeks. >>george: as we are still tracking of very slow ride here for interstate 880. in the south lawn direction is the right to the corridor and san leandro down to milpitas to 38 down 2 to 37 look at this still in over one hour drive time our recent accident our and our role and the boulevard perhaps ride in this latest suit is part of what is adding to a long drive times for the southbound trip and for you're ride to the bridge is the bay bridge still backed up into the macarthur maze despite the opening scare off on the left side of the toll plaza drive times are still 28 to two of the 30 minutes the can it on your approach point. and highway 92 we are starting to seize some lasting improvement now. >>george: improve 15 to 18 minutes you're to return from hayward out to san mateo and on 92 on 101 the golden gate bridge in the southbound ride no delays not across the stand although there still some slowing in moran but getting to moran they're no delays with the sole cause of the richmond bridge and that means no delays on 580 westbound. >>mark:firefighters are still trying to figure out what sparked an early morning brush fire in pacifica. >>mark:it started just after 3:30 a-m yesterday. >>mark:the fire spread about 10 acres before firefighters got the flames under control. >>mark: iffirefighters say about 90 relocated to a shelter at the pacifica community center. >>mark:there have been no reports of injuries. >>darya:in walnut creek. an old fashioned way of stealing your identity lands a woman in jail. >>darya:ayana bastain of pittsburg was arrested sunday at a bank of america. >>darya:she's accused of "shoulder surfing" >>darya:that's where people look at someone else's private information, like their banking pin, by looking over their shoulder. >>darya:police set up a sting operation and used surveillance images to identify bastain as a suspect in several thefts november and december of last year. >>darya:bastain faces charges of identity theft and elder abuse. >>stanley: i will explain in the next edition of people behaving badly. an all hands on deck call went out for all muscle car drivers and motorcycle riders to invade oakland for so they could participate in a music video shoot >>stanley:it was shot gorilla style meaning they had no permits or licenses to shoot videos on oakland city streets or highways and the call was for any one who is not afraid to put down >>stanley:in the message to all the drivers and riders they were told that they would be filming the sideshow portion o >>stanley:for those new to the game bike life is when quad runners and motorcyclist take over the streets >>stanley:in the message to all drivers and riders the bikes and the cars were to stay separate and they were instructed via instagrampos to stay off the highway >>stanley:however more than 100 cars took over interstate 880 which the chp manages to catch a few and issues ticket for the recored i searched for any video from the early morning 880 takeover and was unsussesful >>stanley:but once again oakland residents were inconvienced by drivers taking over the streets, but listen to this according to the california highway patrol >>stanley:and is you are wondering how many were actually from oakland well so far the answer is zip zero they came from antioch fremont and points beyond >>stanley:oakland police vehicles were kicked as they drove by showing total disregard for law enforcement. but we already knew that >>stanley:but like these guys on the video state >>:homie hahahahah you this is how we do it in the town >>stanley:in oakland stanley roberts kron 4 news >>darya:a bay area politician wants to change the way sideshows are put on. by holding them in a controlled setting. >>darya:oakland councilmember noel gallo is addressing the rise in illegal sideshows like this one in east oakland over the weekend. >>darya:the video obtained by kron four. >>darya:gallo is now preparing a proposal to present to city leaders. >>mark: will tell you about someone who was infected that visited several cases are on the bay. >>will tran: the north is is the cause of all types of problems to of the country include your sfo i will tell you the numbers of cancellations and departures and arrivals and speech is that right behind me will go live to be with him and of that on this story in just a few less. what's that thing? i moved our old security system out here to see if it could monitor the front yard. why don't you switch to xfinity home? i get live video monitoring and 24/7 professional monitoring that i can arm and disarm from anywhere. hear ye! the awkward teenage one has arrived!!!! don't be old fashioned. xfinity customers add xfinity home for $29.95 a month for 12 months. plus for a limited time, get a free security camera call 1800 xfinity or visit >>darya: new york and new jersey if you get a break from the was the right now massachusetts has been really hammered with lots of snow and wind gusts topping 75 mi. from our domestic alive look at boston. >> reporter: that the good guess i was looking at the twitter from boston city and boston globe and that adds to have the same fiscal is cancelled for another day tomorrow with his cancer would you do you have fun in the snow this is in boston and you can see the kids having fun there sledding down the stairs and covered by all that snow we're still tracking the nor'easter and boston is in the bull's-eye of the storm is not over yet we're still looking at quite a bit of snow and high winds and that storm surge we already seen some flooding along with lower coastal areas of through the new england area who have to worry about that the storm is the surge is really going to high since 05 o'clock this 05 >> reporter: flooding is a huge concern for the new england coast line storm track four we do see a few radars really not saying in iran at all it is so dry is all basically the drive before it hits the grumman's the sole we're going to be lucky if we can squeeze that moisture that came of some southern california now trying to bring some moisture to the bay area is one to be a little bit of snow from the top zero area and not a whole lot will be high crime was 3 in. will get a little bit of moisture is the best chance will bid south of us right now temperatures and san francisco 65 open 58 san jose good morning to you for your and the low 60s up in vallejo off the same deal and at the upper 50s in the city. >> reporter: potentially early this afternoon we are looking in very light amount more details coming up. >>darya: the impact of the blizzard fell right here in the bay area were a lot of people are stranded including, n.y. 0 cannot get a flight of sfo but in the sea is getting a little help. >>will tran: he has the best you're so far we have all bought him breakfast he the stranded here for 24 hours and counting and because we have such loyal viewers of woman an anonymous woman called end and offer to get this done man just 24 years old a hotel room house that working out. --? >>: there are no words to be honest with you. if >>will tran: tell us your story you can call here to try to work something out with your girlfriend. if >> reporter: address or things out with my ex- girlfriend free must i was moved evidence on the york even my luggage right now trying to move in with her to see it we're going to go out things and not follow its plan >>will tran: headed back to the airport and you found out that the flight was canceled and now you're stuck >>darya: would amend will. >>will tran: she is raging. >>darya: here is the same because i had heard that this was not an old girlfriend this was like an ax from my high school you told me the story but i felt bad so he gets dumped by the girl and then he dumped in san francisco and can i get back to new york? >>will tran: it was an ex- girlfriend notice to reckon with you here? >>: we had a long distance relationship out from new york and she's from spain with been doing this for four years and >>will tran: will look with that. >>will tran: will you pick this woman up in no tome and get a flight to get a little bit closer to your home >>will tran: if it is cancelled i would take your offer. >>will tran: you got him breakfast you get a motel room is there anything else you want to spend on him. >>darya: times saying is the worst you get stranded in the airport he's been here since noon yesterday so the ifc had spent the night as the fall and how was same plays someone give the guy a hotel room on glad and is working out. >>will tran: here is the sun story this guy is a teddy bear armored people have come by airport workers security guards construction workers one man came up and said keep hope alive keep your head of brother i am with you and coming at this guy is so popular right now i suggest that he should leave and go on to another place i read the seventh time in the year than in here. >>: acid like it here. >>will tran: i would like to people balmy breakfast will be in a hotel room. >>darya: here is what i now want nextel will be done at 10:00 this morning i wanted to take a picture of him and posted on my facebook page and maybe you get a date in new york where he lives seeking get back to new york added he could have a new relationship in new york. >>will tran: it will be harmed a seaside to work something out for you surf. >>: i love you for that thank him >>darya: thanks a lot and that is one story of thousands of people affected by these thousands of flights that have been cancelled between yesterday and today of sfo try to give back east. >>george: the teraflop of love and heartache. who would do such a sweet guy? let's sit with him talk about the late delays for the ride on 880 in the southbound direction we are still backed the but finally starting to see the drive times fall instead of continuing to climb through the corridor 64 minutes now to 10 minutes less than our last july of time which is crept up over an hour and most of its traffic in here for highway 237 in a turnoff for 1 01 in mountain view at the bay bridge where we're still backed up into the macarthur maze but it is a better approach of the nimitz and from the east shore freeway and over at the richmond bridge we have seen improving conditions here if no longer backed up for the westbound ride. >>george: will take a quick grin for the kron 4 morning news it will be back with more right after this. >>darya: was in your soul of official said that if you did not have the vaccination and you worked at any of the slow pace of the wal-mart or the costco last sunday january 18th or the david busters few should monitor your health for at least a couple of weeks 2 weeks to make sure that you did not come down with the measles coming up on the kron 4 morning news was the one adopters far walking off the job to there will have live report and explain why domestic ally of the tear the dow suffering this morning down three runs and four points right now. >>darya: into and the potential for the they aren't interested in waiting out the bad weather and they could do it together see now that is something that we could offer the guide as a fog thickened go back and find a blizzard buddy ax will to post a picture of our excess of stranded blizzard died at the airport at sfo and maybe we will have some sort of blizzard but even he could find a girlfriend that dumped him and stranded him he is one guide their styles of different stories of people who were stranded because of a blizzard >> reporter: to have lost a single friends in new york. this one here showing the streets flooded is a coastal town in massachusetts there's ice and debris and things going on we have some flooding this morning for the coastal locations along with new england along with the high ties and storm surge more flooding is expected over the next couple of days so not good news for people over the northeast the nor'easter is basically the eye of it is east of nantucket off on the shore boston is in the bull's-eye of a is a lot of strong winds for some locations in the message is an area were not getting anything we can try and squeeze out some moisture the saleratus shows us the storm came from southern california a as a line before us. >> reporter: renown is as dry cloud conditions this is like a high elevations for the summit there is a feature cast not going to give much of anything is crowded conditions for this morning and for this afternoon maybe you'll get a sprinkled with this model thing will be dry and then will see the clouds crop overnight to tomorrow temperatures for not as 60 in san francisco and los '60s in san jose 59 in livermore 58 and open 54 napa. >> reporter: 14-53 in the city. most of us will be looking in mostly cloudy conditions for the rest of today of the six is in oakland 64 degrees for our friends up in the wine country here is the kron 47 they armed of a forecast no rain in sight of and a chance for some struggles today. will see drive convinces and sunshine even one on sunday and it looks like will not get a chance for some ride until february 9th or 10th and in the south it will be a very dry as a worm may be the driest on record for some relocations. >> reporter: their board to take what they can get because we have not had a whole lot of snow here is a look at our small >> reporter: 25 into sonora star and 36 in. of kirkwood i am fine for some more snow that way we can get a good storm system over the next several weeks will keep you posted. >>george: there is lingering slow traffic this morning on the nimitz freeway 880 through the corridor the southbound from the leading from fremont to millipede is not a san leandro to milpitas the heaviest traffic you can say on the bottom portion of the ride and the drive times are still of near 40 minutes for that total trips south bay freeways are still showing some heavy traffic especially here on the stretch in the saratoga out of the allman valley and 85 north and, as to interchanges on 1012 down time again in the northbound direction. >>george: the bay bridge is still holding on to heavy traffic out of the macarthur maze by now even the nimitz freeway is back of a lease on the westbound lane so this has been a tough warning in the rights of the san mateo bridge did break up earlier this unusual and these are lasting good of sex now i think we have seen the end of the commute here as well as the golden gate bridge where traffic is pretty light now and the southbound direction expect to see that zipper truck out pretty quickly configuring the lanes and heading into marin while there had been heavy traffic this morning. >>george: is not here any longer for the west about 580. ride the richness and discovers doria half. >>darya: it is 949 doctors and other medical personnel are marching in the east bay if there are having a one day strike kron 4 is taking a look at what they're upset about. >> reporter: the morning i am out here at the uc- berkeley paying sensor that is a student health services center for students here at the uc-berkeley and i'm joined by one of the people that are protesting explain to me what is important about being out here on this one day strike? >>: we have been negotiating contracts and try to negotiate conscious of you see for over a year now we are trying to get you see to it was financial information as to why they are defunding stood and held off and thereby giving that to us and that is unfair labor practice. we saw that it is essential to the negotiation to have students held better funded them when you're struggling with depression or anxiety in a criminal was a lesser is really difficult to not ever see a psychiatrist with thing is a bad thing. >> reporter: how long have you been adapted here for uc-berkeley. >>: since 199915 years. >> reporter: you as a planning on being out all day long for some are >>: yes >> reporter: thank you very much i'll appreciate that >>darya: 16 year-old girl is behind bars today after being behind the will and crashing her parents mercedes-benz and to san blas fees of as a leading police on a chase the class starts a fire in the building and nearby residents had to evacuate the very was driving erratically when the cops aren't she failed to stop and cab going she eventually drove into the parking lot next to the peace a restaurant chrysler into the building fit into a gas line was sparked the fire. >>darya: also notice warning detectives found $2.5 million worth of marijuana at a corporation and in the nation that investigators found 30 lbs. of processed airline and a hundred 25 marijuana plants they got a tip about possible drug activity in the area it also said power was being stolen they said that it was three rooms in the building designed to grow marijuana at different stages in the fourth room just for drawing up plans the sea its officer is recovering this morning after his car caught fire while he was driving to a treasure island ramp which is where he round of the fire that engulfed his car this is around 730 last night it was eastbound on highway 80. >>darya: he was originally jiving over east on the bridge when he noticed the patrol car was started to smoke and then another officer showed up and he was asked injured by flying debris from the car and a blown up into flames like that also was treated for minor injuries at the hospital. >>darya: will be back with more news weather and traffic in just a couple of minutes, taking a look if we come back and look tear out our window of the station and i have the forestry of the bay bridge will be right back. >>darya: a smash and grab robbery with and as you the right into the front of the wells are museum the financial district of san francisco and sacramento california street is where it happened around 3:00 yesterday morning after people wearing ski masks drove the as you read into the museum and they made off with some gold nuggets. if ms. of people are on the east coast concord down and still writing out a blizzard is alive of our boston with you conceit not very many cars on a road they're asking people not to drive mass. one of the worst hit state there was a tree feet of snow the storm is cause a loss of cancellations of live back into the bay area >>darya: will keep you posted people right here on kron 4 for the very latest. outro music: what's that thing? i moved our old security system out here to see if it could monitor the front yard. why don't you switch to xfinity home? i get live video monitoring and 24/7 professional monitoring that i can arm and disarm from anywhere. hear ye! the awkward teenage one has arrived!!!! don't be old fashioned. xfinity customers add xfinity home for $29.95 a month for 12 months. plus for a limited time, get a free security camera call 1800 xfinity or visit >> announcer: today on an all-new "dr. phil." his two youngest daughters went missing. then his ex-wife. >> dr. phil: the girls disappeared but they have videos. >> we want our dad to stop trying to control us. >> i believe my ex-wife and my daughters know where the girls are. >> dr. phil: do you know where they are? >> announcer: what does the brother-in-law know? >> dr. phil: your sister has gone missing and don't report it. >> correct. >> dr. phil: i believe the girl didn't disappear on their own. >> dr. phil: let's do it! >> have a good show, everybody. >> dr. phil: this is a safe place to talk about hard things. >> stand by, dr. phil. >> dr. phil: i try to be an emotional compass and point you in the right direction. >> five, four -- >> dr. phil: i'm not giving up on you. >> dr. phil: it's every parent's worst

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