Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Morning News 20130816 : comparem

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Morning News 20130816

this truck is caring about 60,000 piles of mail. that will slide robbers under the truck to push it from underneath. because of the side walls of those trucks are not strong. and the paper is so heavy. >>darya: so they can't even get this thing off the road that quickly. >>george: this will at least allow those cars which have been stuck for two hours. these rigs have been sitting in place for two hours while they work to get at least this much of the roadway open. >>darya: which if you look at the commute direction is sluggish at least they're moving. >>george: take a look at the maps once again. the back upper reaches almost all the way to the dublin interchange on 680 in the southbound direction its jamming up the ride on highway 84. a big mess as they continue to work to clear the land here. and now that there are getting at least the left hand shoulder and the right hand shoulder and the center divider open to clear out some of this traffic. p >>erica: good morning george. we are working up to temperatures warmer than 24 hours ago. 67 of the door in antioch. it is a little money as you head out to work or school of this friday morning for it expects on china into the afternoon. a similar pattern into tomorrow but unsettled weather in the form of thunderstorms as we headed to sunday and monday. i will have full details on what to expect. your 7 day allow the bay coming up at 715. >>james:following developing news out of oakland this morning, where a woman has been killed in a shooting, while another man is recovering in the hospital. the shooting happened last night around 11:30 in the 800 block of 100th avenue. the woman was pronounced dead at the scene. the man has been taken to the hospital. his condition the motive for the shooting is not known at this hour. we now know when the new eastern span of the bay bridge will be completely open to traffic. kron four's mike pelton is live at treasure island with hi mike. during the bay bridge closure during the labor day weekend, commuters have some alternative routes they can >>: the bay bridge shutdown will last for five full days. the news that will be open tuesday september 3rd at 5:00 a.m. in the morning. the news that is opening with just a temporary fix in place for those broken bolt. but engineers say it will get the job done. >>: it is no contest in which one is safer. the old bridge is not--the current bridge is not safe. the shins we are putting in place our way to get that structure open sooner. i think the story is and did well but i think the road to get here and was far too long and far too winding. >>: opening day september 3rd was the golan--all along rig and jitters have come up with a temporary fix. officials say was reviewed and supported by several outside engineering firms. a permanent fix is not expected until december but officials say it is important to open this new span as soon as possible. >>james:the most popular options for drivers to get across san francisco bay will probably as be the richmond san rafael bridge and golden gate bridge to the north and the san mateo bridge to the south. also, transporation officials are asking drivers to take public transportation or adjust commute times. caltrans will open the new eastern span of the bay bridge before the morning commute on tuesday september 3rd no doubt traffic will be a mess while the bay bridge is shut down. even over a holiday weekend. and bart says it will be ice ready to step up service when the bay bridge is closed. that includes running trains around the >>: we have offered 24 hour service in past clotures and we are prepared to do that again. they can take a bart from 14 stations. one of the most important things to think about is if you need to park with the parking regulations are because they will be enforced with a holiday weekend. >>james: all of the updated schedules for bart will be available and stay with kron 4 as we provide continuing coverage of the bay bridge closure, and opening of the new span. you can also get the latest on our 24/7 channel on comcast 193, as well as kron 4 dot com. kahanean update now on a story we first brought you yesterday morning. police are still searching for the four suspects that burglarized a tiffany's store in walnut creek police have released the surveillance photo showing the white chevy trailblazer that thieves used to get away after backing into and buglarizing a tiffany's store in walnut creek. hafour people used a stolen pickup truck and crashed through the front door of the store before six yesterday morning. the thieves were only able to break into one jewelry case and unable to get to the high end merchandise in the overnight safe. officers arrived minutes after the incident happened, but the thieves were still the four thieves were wearing hoodies and covering their faces. >>mark:egyptian military forces are sweeping across cairo. in ongoing efforts to disperse staged sit-in's in support of ousted former president over 630 people have died, thousands more have been injured in recent days in the bloody clashes between protesters and security forces. cairo and several other cities remain under curfew. president obama and several prominent u-s lawmakers have condemned the actions of egypt's interim government. the president canceled joint military exercises with egypt that were scheduled to >>george: we have a big rig on its side on interstate 680 in the northbound direction. just before highway 84 north of. it did for nearly two hours like all lanes and now they have managed to get the right shoulder, the center divider and the west-left-hand lane open in order to clear some of the traffic. it will be hours before the strike is actually cleared from the roadways. we will have more on this incident and the rest of your traffic on the kron4 morning news returns. look at 'em. living on cloud nine with that u-verse wireless receiver. you see in my day, when my mom was repainting the house, you couldn't just set up a tv in the basement. i mean, come on! nope. we could only watch tv in the rooms that had a tv outlet. yeah if we wanted to watch tv someplace else, we'd have to go to my aunt sally's. have you ever sat on a plastic covered couch? [ kids cheering ] you're missing a good game over here. those kids wouldn't have lasted one day in our shoes. [ male announcer ] switch and add a wireless receiver. get u-verse tv for $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles rethink possible. ♪ i got it made ♪ i got it made fresh at subway ♪ ♪ breakfast made the way i say [ male announcer ] nothing better than a subway bacon, egg & cheese with avocado made before your eyes. subway. eat fresh. keeping a watch on wall street here. a little bit of a rebound. the dow up 40.3 yesterday real concerns after wal-mart the nation's largest retailer posted disappointing earnings coming out. that's led to concerns about retail sales and consumer spending which is two-thirds of the u.s. economy. -the dow up 14. >>george: >>darya: we will be back with more developing news. the biggest news is out this hot spot. you could see cars and trucks at least getting by north all 680. south of the commute direction still backed up for miles because of the big rig that you see here. loaded with mail in the middle of the roadway. ñáçwçñ cucut!t! i i hahaveve no idea whats's go. mamaybybe e you're the originalo wiwithth c curly fries and. whwhy y ththe cowboy hat? yoyou'u'rere the barbecue chi babacocon,n, cheese, and barb. yoyou u alalso come with cu9 bububbbbleles! i i hahaveve no idea what's goi. jujustst go with it. thisdidire. >>george: good morning. 715 of a kron4 morning news as we continue to attract a major hot spot. here's a look at interstate 680 in the northbound direction. right before highway 84. this a big rig at that uc and the center of the roadway was until a few moments ago, stretched across the road like completely blocking all of the northbound lanes. now they have the number one lanes, the right hand shoulder and a center divider available for traffic to clear out the back up. kron4's jackie system has been on the scene here for about an hour. let's take a look at some of the video that he shot as they were clearing this truck out of the traffic lanes. i believe we have that available. there it is. you can see they used this a big rig tow truck to cleared that up. then they had to do with this spill. not only of these all but a male. this was coming from the san jose processing center with mail destined for east bay locations. all that mail will be returned to san jose to be restarted at any of this mail that was damaged is going to require special handling. that according to the united states postal service. we did get a chance to speak with them earlier this morning on kron4. so now we are looking live again at the northbound lanes and traffic is still up pretty badly jammed up. kron4's jackie sizzle is with us. jackie, have you learned, i think it took us earlier that the way they're going to move this truck is by putting some inflatable bladders on the downside of the truck. >>: that's exactly right george. i had a chance to talk with chp a couple minutes ago and that's what they're waiting for. they will have to inflate the sides of the truck to boosted up onto its side back up on its wheels because the size of the truck are not meant to carry any load. that's just the sides. the sides will rip and they will be stuck where they began. that when to take some time. what it wanted to do is get some traffic released. that's what it opened up the number one lanes for it the center divider and the shoulder. here's a live shot from the ground level. you can see what they're doing out here. basically the having the pattern set up to get traffic going through. but let's face it, reduced speed. most light trucks and cars are going somewhere between four and 5 mi. an hour. this is a lot better than it was great because i talk to people who were stuck in traffic for two hours. any movement welcome at this point. >>erica: can't help but see the missed out there from here shot of the golden gate bridge. the of low clouds with temperatures on the warmer side so we are still waking up to mid-60s and san jose. 60 of the door in downtown san francisco and upper 50s for the north bay. you will see you're on satellite and radar, not only do we have called cover but we also see it working its way and let so we are seen extensive gray skies this morning. good news is expect sunshine into the afternoon. speaking of the afternoon a blessed with temperatures will bring us. you know this by lunchtime '70s already 80s for the inland spot by 3:00 this afternoon, you will notice '70s and '80s will continue expect mostly sunny skies mid '60s for downtown san francisco. upper 60s over and berkeley. not but today with 80 to the breeze and 80 to o o petuma. the trouble forecast approaching its you're jumping on a plane we do have some active weather in atlanta. afternoon high of 73 degrees. expect partly cloudy skies, low 80s if you're heading to washington d.c. and nothing but sunshine will 90s today for afternoon and denver. >>james: an alabama medical examiner has identified the two crew members who died in the crash of a u-p-s plane this week. 58-year-old captain cerea beal of north carolina was an ex- marine and had been with u-p-s since 1990. first officer shanda franning, 38, of lynchburg tennessee worked with the n-t-s-b investigators say the plane was trying to land on the birmingham airport's pin shorter runway because the longer one was closed for maintenance. the national security agency's director for compliance says he encourages people to report if the agency has made mistakes or broken any rules. the washington post is reporting that the nsa does break rules and overstep its legal authority thousands of times a year, including unintentionally intercepting emails and telephone calls in the u.s. the man wanted by the united states for leaking details of national security agency intelligence gathering says journalists have been misled into printing false claims about his legal situation. edward snowden emailed the huffington post saying his father's legal team does not possess any special knowledge regarding his situation. he continued to say, none of them have been or are involved in the current her >>darya:a second bank worker held hostage in louisiana has died. he was one of three bank employees taken hostage by in the rural town of saint joseph on tuesday. authorities say ahmed held two men and one woman captive. he released the woman but let unharmed. when a swat team eventually stormed the bank. we will take a quick break and return with more headlines along with an update of that big rig that is not currently causing massive traffic on 680. we will be right back. i want you to know stuff i want you to be kind. i want you to be smart. super smart. i want one thing in a doctor. to speak my language. i don't want you to look at the chart before you say hi...david. quiero que me hagas sentir segura. i want you to be awesome. that's the doctor i want. at kaiser permanente, we want you to choose the doctor that's right for you. find your perfect match at and thrive. if you're like me, you've been working you've been working like 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"it's the first day of class for the vacaville unified school district, so what are high school kids doing in students who may not have a sierra mauser wants to be a tuition. that's great." >>darya:back-to-school often means back to germs for millions of school kids. on average, elementary school children get eight to 12 colds or cases of the flu each school year. half that number. to keep your kids healthy. experts say make sure they get plenty of sleep. not enough rest lowers the immune system's ability to not eno[ female announcernc ] is your conditioner r doing the job?jo ♪ ♪ not eno[ female announcernc ] is your conditioner r doing the job?jo ♪ dry hair needs a daily dose e of effective moisturste. new dove daily moisturste has pro moisture complex that goes deep down to hair's cellular levelev. it moisturizes to give you y up to 5 x smoother hai hr in one was wh. dove's most effective conditioner new dove daily moisturste. ♪ in just a few hours from now. the man called a person disappearance will be in court. coke was a federal defense investigator who went missing on august 4th. her body was discovered last week. >>george: welcome back to the kron4 morning news as we continue to monitor our hot spot. the ride on interstate 680 here in the north on direction. ticket live look and you will see it they have split the traffic in between the right and left hand side of the roadway. the big rig up is now in center lane at one time blocked all lanes traffic is backed up for miles in the north of direction. and all the way further back than the center show. the southbound ride is backed up all the way here to the dublin interchange. a real mess the this morning for traffic in and out of some all regardless of the direction there are no self all lanes blocked by this accident. this is strictly a gapers bloc and its resulting in about a 30 minute delay for self on 680 traffic. use 880 instead to avoid the problem. don't even think about using highway 84 mi. canyon road. it will not accommodate commute traffic. erica? >>erica: we are working up to cloud cover fog missed the temperatures on the warm side with most of us in the '60s. for that in one spot, eighties will be the high. but clouds will be held on to the coast one. llama by sunday but also we attack on the potential for some thunderstorms. how about when and where in your 7 day around the bay forecast coming up at 745. ed >>darya: will go before a judge. a celebration of life will be held today for the one- year-old boy killed in an oakland shooting last week. drew jackson was killed the morning of august seventh on drew's father was also killed. the father and son, who liv ed in fresno, were staying at a relative's home for a birthday party drew's mother has requested that no one attending wear black. drew and scholarship fund for drew's 3-year-old sister leshawn has been set up to help the kron4's will ran. the >>darya: the audio >>will: he is going to be an accord 90 minutes from now. this is not related to the standard cold case is because he is under investigation for that but he has not been charged with her death or disappearance. but he will be an court for an unrelated parole violation. here is his picture. 56 years old. he has a long rap sheet. he's been convicted before of involuntary manslaughter, kidnapping and rape. he is a registered sex offender. the reason why he's connected to center coke. they dated briefly 20 years ago. she lived in north oakland bridge she told her 15 year- old daughter that she was heading to the drug store is this event with all her i will be back in about 30 minutes. she never returned. her car was found a couple blocks away a few days later. herself on was found in richmond 3 the search for days for her in years video of the search that was on. for whatever reason investigators never told of completely that they went to a park near vacaville searching all last thursday and that's when they discovered the body. they spent the weekend looking at it identifying it and on tuesday they finally released the identification that unfortunately, yes that was sandra coca. --coca cola. they're not releasing the information on how she died. --sandra coke. back to you james. >>mark:its been a long time coming and the bay bare will finally get a new, state of the art bridge. officials say the broken bolt problem will be fixed and the new bridge will be safe and will soon be ready for the public to drive across. the majority of the work is done and what remains is finish work. some lights need to be hung, some painting needs to get done and the stripes need to be layed onto the roadway. is getting the old connector ramps torn down and the new and stay with kron 4 as we provide continuing coverage of the bay bridge closure, and opening of the new span. you can also get the latest on our 24/7 channel on comcast 193 and kron4 adopt,. >>darya:the historic 'warren hall' at california state uniiversity east bay in hayward, is set come crashing down tomorrow. the building has been a bay area landmark. but it happens to be located on the hayward fault. it is deemed the most seismically vulnerable building in the entire state university system. now a demolition company has installed hundreds of explosive charges. all to for 9 a-m tomorrow depending on the weather. we are going to bring it to you live on the kron4 make sure and tune in at 9- am. you can also watch a live stream of it on our website his >>james:two men have been sentenced for their roles in the gang rape of a 16-year- old girl. outside a richmond high school back in 2009. marcelles peter and jose montano were both convicted of sexual charges. the judge sentenced the men to 27- and 29 -years. to life in prison. a statement from the victim's father. was read during the sentencing. >>: it is good to know that through this trial justice has been served. the crimes were committed were despicable and inhumane and should not have been about to happen. >>james:allowed to happen two other men have already been convicted in the attack. and two other trials are pending. the attack happened outside richmond high school, during a homecoming dance. the teenager was beaten, robbed and sexually abused. while as many as 20 people watched. female announcer: when you see this truck, female announcer: it means another neighbor is going to sleep better tonight because they went to sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic event. choose from a huge selection of tempur-pedic models, including the new tempur-choice with head-to-toe customization. plus, get 36 months interest-free financing, two free pillows, and free same-day delivery. are you next? announcer: make sleep train your ticket to tempur-pedic. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ [ male announcer ] wouldn't it be great if all devices had backup power? the chevrolet volt does. it's ingeniously designed to seamlessly switch from electricity to gas to extend your driving range. no wonder 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the truck and car condition that it is pretty has about $60 a pound of mail. as they tried to all private the sides in the top of this rip apart. right now the process is waiting for the postmaster to send a truck out there and then all of the mill will have to be offloaded. that will have to be secure situation. they want to make sure all this mail is safe. after that is done it will begin specialty tow trucks as we've been talking about with air bags. there will have to up right the truck onto the shoulder of the road and they say at certain times over the next couple of hours they will have to shut down the freeway completely to get that done. they said this may take hours. we are looking closely to manila before we actually see this thing completely out of this area right now the process is waiting to get the postmaster here. we will take a quick break on a kron4 morning news. when we return we will talk with officer ron simmons of the california highway patrol who has details on how this crash occurred early this morning. welcome back. the time now is 745. for approximately two hours and 45 a minute we have been tracking these major problems on interstate 680 and the north bound direction. where a big rig overturned and ended up on its side for a while it blocked all of the northbound lanes. now, some traffic is getting by in the north bound direction. the right hand shoulder the left and center divider. and joining us now the kron4 is officer ron simmons of the california highway patrol. he's with us from the traffic management center in oakland. officer simmons thanks for taking the time to be with us on this busy morning bridge and state and give us some information on how this incident occurred. >>: will star from the beginning at about 501 is one we received a call of the overturned big rig like all lanes. according to the officer investigated, the driver of the big rig stated that there was debris in the roadway and his truck ran that debris over. we do have evidence to substantiate that claim. after he read a compromised the brick and system which cause the brakes to lock up and the driver lost control of the big rig and that's when it overturned. >>george: we heard that once they've managed it clear up some of the back up their going to try to off load the truck of most of its mail and then try to use inflatable bladders to raise up the trailer up on to its wheels. can you give us any sense of a time line involved. >>: the whole process is going to take a couple more hours. we do have to wait for the postmaster to arrive on scene. in order to off load of mail and then we will have a better idea on how long cover up writing it will take. >>george: which should be surprised if this ran into the early hours of deep of the afternoon. but that's very possible. that's officer simmons of the california highway patrol bridge and again, mentioning that the officers on scene were able to confirm based on the evidence they found the driver's story. that it was debris in the lanes that damaged his brakes causing them to lock up and that's why he ended up on his side. one to a truck has dragged the truck to the center of the roadway allowing traffic to it by. traffic is backed up for miles in both directions. your best alternate to avoid is if you use the nimitz freeway which believe under not is still doing fairly well considering some people are using it as an alternate route. its managing to carry the rest of the traffic very quickly. if a tad over to the weather center off with erica for an update. >>erica: we are working to clouds. temperatures on the warmer side. pretty muggy out there and as we have into the afternoon expect sunshine. temperatures will range from the mid-60s coast side to upper 80s inland. your extended forecast shows the potential for a total weather as we head into the weekend. looking like the 10 percent chance for thunderstorms sunday into monday. >>darya: good morning gary. >>gary: all i now is i'm looking at the clock. king grasp you and i will not have a merritt today. it will be unfair. if george really was the king he'd say blessed this accident is it going anywhere. i will cut into my friend garies time. >>darya: its doggy dogg. -- dog eat dog. bin fax >>darya: so the giants and the a's when a. i just want to mention that since we've been talking about losing so much. --when the. --win. the >>james: people are just going crazy. all of that's good because it gives you a good show. give find out who the real fans are prepared are >>gary: the way the giants won yesterday was a relief fund. sanchez hit a two-out to strike home run and the last inning and the wind. >>darya: the replay system they pry change in 2004 to permit these replies will be quicker and reviewed by someone sitting in new york. >>gary: a thing he could do to speed it up and you can have three reply request. >>darya: more for what they've rig-aerators are balking away destines away. preseason. football is what takes the cake. @÷ [ male announcer ] what is performance? 0 to 60? or 60 to 0? 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[ engine revs ] or a quarter-century? is performance about the joy of driving? or the importance... of surviving. to us, performance is not about doing one thing well. it is about doing everything well. because in the end... everything matters. the best or nothing. that is what drives us. the best or nothing. backflipfls and anrtwhrtls.lslei love, wa, the best or nothing. here, retry thy . backflipfls and .mmmmmmok!okslei loveching!g! lotslo of dif erenert stesstoinmmmm!!.ss breakfaskft i'm vem ry imp issedss honey buy nches he oat o this is ia greagrcerece!! i hei ar you an early morning accident has traffic backed up. i live in the traffic center with george raft. and it's not going to get much better. >>george: this happened right at 5:00 when the first call went into the california highway patrol about a big rig overturned. the way we see it now is not the way it first happened. it was first all the way across the roadway completely blocking left- hander to right hand still in the managed to drag it into the center lanes. we learn from the chp that the driver struck some debris compromised his brakes. they locked up the wheels were screeching and he lost control of the vehicle. 60,000 lbs. of mail. some of this bill dollar the roof cracked open. some of it was mixed with oil. we've learned that is going to go back to san jose to restore family. before they can do that they have to bring the postal inspector in to this thing because no one can handle the male prep and then they will have to from time to time showed the wrong way down. sticking a fladeboe bladder underneath it what it's been offloaded to try >>will: what we are hearing now is exactly what you said. they're waiting for the postmaster to show up. they will have to off load of mail. we had a chance to talk to the chp officer out here at the same >>: according to the officer investigation the driver of the mid greg stated there was debris and the roadway. his truck ran that note that over. we have evidence to substantiate that claim. cause the brakes to lock up and the driver lost control of the big rig. that's when it overturned. memo that was not the correct a bite in thrifts traffic on by various low end >>erica: " start out with a live look from the golden gate bridge. we start with drizzle every fog conditions. as a record into the city his aggressive sunshine. have events o relocated. very high temperatures coupled with low clouds some pretty muggy start to your morning. expect low 60s cosine, and into the upper 80s inland. i do have changes to talk about as we head into the weekend. following developing news out of oakland this morning, where a woman has been killed in a shooting, while another man is recovering in the shooting happened last night around 11:30 in the 800 block of 100th avenue. sfaxthe woman was pronounced dead at the scene. the man has been taken to the hospital. his condition remains unknown at this police are still searching the motive for the shooting we now know when the new eastern span of the bay bridge will be completely open to traffic. kron four's mike pelton is hi mike. during the bay bridge closure during the labor day weekend, commuters have some alternative routes they can take. saughthe most popular options for drivers to get across san francisco bay will probably be the richmond san rafael bridge and golden gate bridge to the north and the san mateo bridge to the also, transporation officials are asking drivers to take public transportation or adjust commute times. caltrans will open the new eastern span of the bay bridge before the morning no doubt traffic will be a mess while the bay bridge is shut down. even over a and bart says it will be ready to step up service when the bay bridge is ifs closed. that includes clock all of the updated schedules for bart will be available at bart dot org and stay with kron 4 as we provide continuing coverage of the bay bridge closure, and opening of the new span. histyou can also get the latest on our 24/7 channel on comcast 193, as well as kron 4 dot com. as hot sweeping across cairo. in ongoing efforts to disperse staged sit-in's in support of ousted former president mohamed morsy. his over 630 people have died, thousands more have been injured in recent days in the bloody clashes between protesters and security forces. cairo and several other cities remain under curfew. president obama and several prominent u-s lawmakers have condemned the actions of egypt's interim government. the president canceled joint military exercises with egypt that were scheduled to female narrator: it's posturepedic versus beautyrest it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ [ female announcer ] wherever morning brings you, bring the energy you need. new nature valley soft-baked oatmeal squares. softly-baked, made with hearty oatmeal and a drizzle of cinnamon. they're nature valley's brand new take on a morning classic. because when you keep going, the morning can bring you to brand-new places. ♪ you can find them on sale now at your local safeway store. the day we will find out how joseph and is sold a senior citizen charged with murdering four women at the close at eight trying to convince a jury that he is an innocent man to read this is in a cell and an earlier court appearance. he is representing himself in this case. if he never took the stand during the trial. he called about seven witnesses. he has professed his innocence ever sent been arrested. prosecutors charged naso, chronicled his crimes and a rape a diary. they also presented during the trial of the dozens of photos he reportedly took which documented his crime spree that this is a picture of all four victims. the cause of the photos would taken from nasals home following his arrest. he was arrested in nevada and reprobation follow up in a separate case. if ever cents, nasals are rest he has been here at the morris county jail print in this out is facing a possible death sentence carried if he is convicted. the court hearing starts at 9 am and we will be inside. and marin county, terisa estacio, kron4 nos. 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[ male announcer ] choose at&t and build your bundle. it's whatever works for you. ♪ if you're like me, you've been working you've been working like a dog all year. but you don't need to camp out 'til labor day to reward yourself! mattress discounters' labor day sale is on now! rest those tired bones on a queen size sealy gel memory foam mattress for just $497! get 48 months interest-free financing on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection. but this sale won't last long! ♪ mattress discounters! >>george: i'm looking at what i believe is the worst traffic jam on interstate 680 that i have ever seen. it stretches for miles in both directions from sonoma north on and so on. a big rig on its side and four an hour and 45 minutes, it completely shut down of the northbound lanes. they have for about the last hour and half had this big rig pulled to the center lanes so that some of the traffic could squeak by here. take a look at the extent of the backup rig i will zoom to map out to give you a better off look at it. basically we are backed up here all the way from 680 in the north bound direction back towards millipede is all the way up to signal an assault on traffic is backed up all the way down from the dublin interchange back up at least two stone ridge. 80 as your best route. fact that judge alternate route. avoid 680 at all costs. we will give you all the details on what caused the crash and what is going to take to clean it up coming up in the next report. if you're heading to the bay bridge a great ride coming from the e shore from the nimitz or from the macarthur maze on 580 or 24. the san mateo bridge did have a stall on it earlier out towards the high rise so it's a little sluggish from its stand. drive times about 30 to 40 minutes. but lanes are clear now. in your ride to the golden gate bridge is still a pretty foggy one this morning bridge looks a little dree but i understand things are going to look better later on. let's find out what the weather has in store. here's what error cut and whether separate-erica in the weather center. >>erica: temperatures continued to climb here in concord as 66 degrees. upper 60s out the door in livermore and los 60 out in oakland. satellite and radar shows the cloud cover a little more expensive compared to what we saw in the past couple of days. temperatures will also be slightly cooler as we have into the afternoon. let's take a look at 12:00. sixties hugging the coast line, '70s and said the bay and the warmest already climbing into the 80s. those eighties will relief plan by 3:00 this afternoon for it that includes livermore. for those of you in the south bay and up toward to napa as well. as to put the clock into motion into the evening hours, take a look at 8:00, temperatures pretty mild and '60s and '70s. keep that in mind. as we burn down your afternoon highs, let's start things off in the east bay. i want to show you that 90s are certainly a possibility. pittsburgh with a high of 92 degrees. getting pretty close for walnut creek in danville. '70s on the map for east bay shoreline. downtown's san francisco at 66 degrees your extended forecast highlights cooler weather into tomorrow. a similar pattern of morning fog and afternoon sunshine. as of right now the 10 percent chance of thunderstorms and the activity we do see will be north of the golden gate bridge before the 4 inland spot. >>darya: is58-year-old captain cerea beal of north carolina was first officer shanda franning, 38, of lynchburg tennessee worked with the maintenance. he released the woman barbara, told people this just an. a ferry with nearly 700 passengers has collided with a cargo vessel in the central philippines. the coast guard says the ferry began sinking immediately after the collision which forced the captain to put out the call to abandon ship. the vessels are on their way to the scene now very other nearby vessels are steaming helping to rescue the passengers better and the water. we'll give you an update as shown as we learn more. the >>darya: new video to show you a 6.5 magnitude earthquake strikes new zealand. and you can see what happened. the shaking of the water moving. some buildings and the capital of wellington were evacuated. several homes avi it at the earth quakes epicenter were damaged but no reports of anybody being injured. a new study shows the connection between using facebook and how happy people are permitted the university of michigan study found that facebook users were more connected with their friends and acquaintances than those not of facebook but the more frequently people used facebook the worst they felt immediately afterwards. researchers say the more participants use of facebook over the course of the two weeks, the less satisfied and less happy they were with their lives as a whole. the there may be a shortage of truck prices skyrocketing to an all-time high. white tram prices are nearly $6 a pound curry of 56% from a year ago. thailand the largest tram producer has been let hard by disease. in america we eat 4 lbs. of shrimp per person per year. >>darya: 820 separate we will be back in a couple of minutes. let's take it live look at the approach to the bay bridge, which is an easy ride for your print you know there will be no traffic. labor weekend because the bridge will be closed. we will be right back. >>george: welcome back. we continue to track the big rig that is overturned on 680. there is an accident south of the toll plaza on presidio parkway that has backed up all presidio parkway traffic heading out of san francisco. there was a person trapped inside of one of the vehicles. i spoke with a sergeant office at the golden gate bridge moments ago and they told me they were about to open lanes shortly right now there is only one lane getting by in the northbound direction for it as you know, friday is typically we see more of a northbound traffic leading to the golden gate bridge than we see on other days of the week so this is really jamming things up. you're looking at the bridge past the toll plaza so you're not seen the extent of it. let's go kron4's jack is a salute by watching this accident for hours. >>: pretty much status quo is. you consider trucks to land on its side and the number one and to a desperate right now we do have a tow truck lieutenant describes what's going to happen over the next two hours. >>: wanted offloaded sufficiently weekend drag of the rig out of the roadway so we can open up all the traffic lanes. >>: the big question is when will that happen. it will be awhile before they did this completely cleared out. we're talking hours probably closer to noon. if you're anywhere in this area of voice 688 northbound and southbound >>erica: good news. a lot of people have been calling man. looks like blue skies and sunshine as you head out the door. they will see more of the way of sunshine. temperatures on the climb. most of us and the low 60s to upper 60s inland. . we do have the possibility of an unsettled weather. out pinpoint what you need to know coming up in your extended forecast. >>: his ago before a judge about 25 minutes ago-just 25 minutes from now. he is here on an unrelated probe violation not in connection with a center " coke case. here's a picture thrift he has a long rap street that- sheet. he is a registered sex offender. he was also convicted of involuntary man slaughter rape and kidnapping. investigators say those two were seen on the day she disappeared. here's a picture of san for coke. shares of 15 year-old daughter and she told her daughter on august 4th that she was going to head to the drug store and be back in about 30 minutes. she never returned. investigators found her many could just a few blocks from her home. investigators never told us why there were tipped off to go to a park near vacaville but they searched last thursday all day recover the body and then spent the weekend trying to identify the person. on tuesday, they said the body does all fortunately belong to center " so the investigation continues but they aren't telling us how she died. presumably investigators uncovered a shelter when all that information. is there any update on this case i will right-to-life shot immediately as >>darya: after a two-year- old girl a celebration of life will be held today for the one- year-old boy killed in an oakland shooting last week. drew jackson was killed the morning of august seventh on ghormley avenue. causedrew's father was also killed. the father and son, who liv ed in fresno, were staying at a birthday party drew's mother has requested that no one attending wear black. an "in trust for" burial of drew and scholarship fund cause for drew's 3-year-old sister leshawn has been set up to help the its been a long time coming line the art bridge. cozofficials say the broken bolt problem will be fixed and the new bridge will be safe and will soon be ready for the public to drive across. the majority of the work is done and what remains is och finish work. some lights need to be hung, some painting needs to get done and the stripes need to be layed onto the roadway. the biggest task for workers is getting the old connector ramps torn down and the new ones put into place. provide continuing coverage of the bay bridge closure, and opening of the new span. you can also get the latest on our 24/7 channel on comcast 193, as well as kron 4 dot com. getthe historic 'warren hall' at california state uniiversity east bay in hayward, is set come crashing down tomorrow. the building has been a bay area landmark. but it happens to be located on theit is deemed the most seismically vulnerable building in the entire state university system. now a demolition company has explosive charges. all to the implosion is scheduled for 9 a-m tomorrow depending we are going to bring it to you live on the kron4 morning news. am. you can also watch a live stream of it on our website -- kron-4 dot com. it tomorrow morning at to 9:00 a.m.. did you watch our coverage on the kron4 morning news. look at 'em. living on cloud nine with that u-verse wireless receiver. you see in my day, when my mom was repainting the house, you couldn't just set up a tv in the basement. i mean, come on! nope. we could only watch tv in the rooms that had a tv outlet. yeah if we wanted to watch tv someplace else, we'd have to go to my aunt sally's. have you ever sat on a plastic covered couch? 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cause of death has been announced. she was 43 years old. you don't need to camp out 'til labor day you don't need to camp out to reward yourself! get the queen size sealy gel memory foam mattress for just $497! not to labor the point... but this sale won't last long! ♪ mattress discounters! >> our tech guy had some pretty stunned assignments, but this might be his most exhilarating. rich demuro goes zip lining in today's tech report. >> though former celebrity apprentice is a host. a show that is the schools of from at&t you burst. exclusively frou birduniverse. they convinced me to get in on their adventure. and this is my first time. once you do what once, but you can do it again. the sky jump at the stratosphere hotel. >> how are you feeling? >> i am scared. >> 3, 2, 1. >> ok, she jumped. i will now will take the elevator. >> claudia just did it. congratulations! >> and still invincible. i can do anything. >> this was a fun experience. if you want to check out this entire show, go to the web site. >> welcome back. we are monitoring our big delay on an estate 680. we are talking miles of stop and go traffic. this big red for a while was blocking all the lanes for the last hour and half. it has been resting on the side. kron4 jackie zazsissel is on the scene. >> we have been told a bed this tow truck is not in front of the truck. they will disconnect the big red from a trailer and they will a bright red and tow it. ultimately, they still have to wait for the postmaster to come here they have lost 60 bell compound or the mail. we were told that the topostmaster is in route coming from oakland. at that point that what the shutdown the north bound lanes of 68 so that the postmaster can get through. >> only, the postmaster have to be present to make sure that mail is secure. we are seeing a little bit of progress. they would non tow this out and start work in an arrest. we're still hours away from seeing this resolved. >> when we spoke earlier with the california highway safety patrol we wanted to know if he would be surprised if this was still be time of traffic and afternoon. he stated he would not have been surprised. my guess is that it might not be until 2:00 p.m.. it may be possible that may reach longer than that. >> in the meantime look at what it has done to the traffic. it has jammed up the traffic, a milpitas. i have never seen this much traffic on 680 on both sides of the freeway ever before. this is a major, major title. 880 is still your best commute. it will still be better than using 84 or niles canyon road. >> there was an accident that just cleared from one on one before the golden gate bridge foreve. >> we are in the '60s. livermore is as 67 degrees. there was a muggy, cloudy start for your morning. the sun is starting to peel back you will notice shall cover which is non existent. we will see a few clouds inside of the bay area. overall it will be pretty sunny and the temperatures will be adjusted have been called in yesterday. we are on seasonal. low 70's down the shoreline. the south, the temperatures will be climbing. your extended forecasts shows that it would said cooler day into toman the temperatures will start to climb. we're on the tracking id & chance and the temperatures will go up. >> high-school students from a vacaville unified school district are getting a free leg up on their secondary education. for the first time high school freshmen are able to take college level courses. students get 2 to three years of college done and get transferable credits. school officials said a highly motivated students are willing to forgo some high school activities. >> the giants have a little bit of a magic yesterday pere. vogelsong gives up at two run double. >> sanchez first homer of the year and first career pinch- hit home run. the giants went 4-3. they play can florida today against the marlins the first pitch is that for 4:05 p.m. >> that a's were not supposed up lowe's to lose tow in a row wo a houston. nate frieman and those opposite way down the line. bottom of the third- the score is a 3-0 a spread nine strikeouts for gray, he gives us no runs and four hits over eight innings for the first major-league win. the final score 5 to 0 days. that a's no holes of the indians today the first pitch will be at 7 of 5:00 p.m..:05 p.m. female narrator: the mattress price wars are on the mattress price wars are on at sleep train. we challenged the manufacturers to offer even lower prices. now it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with big savings of up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. plus, free same-day delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save. mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ >> coming up on the kron 4 morning news at 9:00 a.m.. we are following a major hot spot this morning. no. on 680 inorthbound 680 in sunol. a big rig carrying mail has overturned. along traffic will be affected, coming up. >> it is the first felony of its kind and it has happened right here in san francisco. why a bicyclist has been charged with murder. >> we also have people behaving badly coming up. >> top story we are following on this friday august 16th. an early morning accident has the morning commute backed up in the south bay. lets start things off in the >> we are just getting word from caltran about an actual estimated time. they stated that it will be 2:00 p.m.. since 5:00 a.m. this morning, when this started this big rig was across all the lanes. they dragged into the center were you see it now at this truck was carrying 66,000 more to mail they are waiting for the postmaster. they will meet in the middle and they are delayed because they're stuck in the back of of this traffic. >> miles, and miles of traffic. once they get the postal inspector on the scene that will have the offloaded and transfer the mail to one of the truck. they will have to drag the cab out of the way but they are estimating by 2:00 p.m. before that will be able to reopen the lanes. they will have to go back to san jose where they will have to resort to this mail. this happened at 5:01 a.m. just four hours ago. the driver reported that he struck the debris which ruptured his brookline and then his brakes locked up and that is when it overturned. >> we will not get a check of the weather. >> happy friday. we have sunshine. here is a live look at the james lick freeway. the temperatures are in the '60s. we're expecting upper 80s. cooler weather as we head into tomorrow and i will have full details coming up. >> following developing news out of oakland this morning, where a woman has been killed in a shooting, while another man is recovering in the hospital. the shooting happened last night around 11:30 in the 800 block of 100th avenue. the woman was pronounced dead at the scene. the man has been taken to the hospital. his condition remains unknown at this time. police are still searching for a gunman. the motive for the shooting is not known at this hour. >> we now know when the new eastern span of the bay bridge will be completely open to traffic. it will be on september 3rd. kron four's mike pelton is live at treasure island with an update. hi mike. the first crews will have to shut down the entire base of a they can finish other work. the bay bridge will, spent seven days beginning on wednesday august 28th at 8:00 p.m.. that was shutdown the bridge including the easton's ban on tuesday december 3rd at 5:00 a.m..septe. it will open with just a temporary fix. the official stated that this will get the job done. don' >> there's no contest between which one with favor. the old bridge is not safe. we're fixing the problem that we have. in december there were put in place, we're ready to get the structure open. i to the road to get here was far too long. >> the engineers will have a temporary fix in place. the permanent fix is expected in december. i spoke with a representative from the bay bridge and they stated that once they get the traffic transition that will begin the process to take down, and will soon become the old bridge. >> during the bay bridge closure over the labor day weekend, commuters have some alternative routes they can take. the most popular options for drivers to get across san francisco bay will probably be the richmond san rafael bridge and golden gate bridge. the would be your northern alternate. the san mateo bridge would be your best southern route. >> also, transporation officials are asking drivers to take public transportation or adjust commute times. caltrans will open the new bridge before the morning commute on tuesday september 3rd. >> and stay with kron 4 as we provide continuing coverage of the bay bridge closure, and opening of the new span. you can also get the latest on our 24/7 channel on comcast 193, as well as kron 4 dot com. >> a registered sex offender in the north bay, is behind bars this morning once again after residents say that they saw him committing more crimes. kron4 terisa estacio reports on what police said that the 51 year-old did this time. >> police stated that this report came in on thursday morning on 7:00 a.m. when a person saw him exposing himself and touching himself in a parking lot. he left behind his back pack that had his identification and a. by 9:00 a.m. another resident also called then sought him touching them so. he remains in custody. he could have a hearing on friday or monday about the new charges. >> egyptian military forces are sweeping across cairo. in ongoing efforts to disperse staged sit-in's in support of ousted former president mohamed morsy. at last count 638 people have been killed and thousands more have been injured in the bloody clashes between protesters and security forces over the last two days. cairo and several other cities remain under curfew. president obama and several prominent u-s lawmakers have condemned the actions of egypt's interim government. the president canceled joint military exercises with egypt that were scheduled to take place next month. >> we will take a break. we're watching our hot spot on 680. it has been like this for four hours. we will be right back. ♪ [ male announcer ] wouldn't it be great if all devices had backup power? the chevrolet volt does. it's ingeniously designed to seamlessly switch from electricity to gas to extend your driving range. no wonder volt is america's best-selling plug-in. that's american ingenuity to find new roads. right now, get a 2013 chevrolet volt for around $269 per month. and safeway's ten percent back to school program, now there are two ways to earn cash for your kid's school. from august 14 through september 10, look for products marked with the 10% apple tag. and earn even more by signing up for ebox tops at almost tastes like one of jack's cereals. fiber one... ah, forgot jack's cereal! [ son ] what's for breakfast? um... try the...number one. yeah, it's pretty good. [ male announcer ] over a third of a day's fiber. fiber one. >> we have new video to show you this morning of a 6 point 5 magnitude earthquake that hit central new zealand today. some buildings in the capital wellington were evacuated. police say several homes near the quake's epicenter damaged. so far, no serious injuries have been reported. the quake was followed by at least six after-shocks that were of 5-point-0 magnitude or stronger. >> we will be right back as kron 4 morning news continues. here is a live look outside at 680. align welcome back. if we have for the past four hours been tracking a major hot spot on 680. here is a look. it's started out in the 5:00 a.m. hour. it was dragon's the the middle to allow the left in the right to get past. it is still backed up for miles in both directions. kron4 jackie sissel is live on the scene. >> let's check, they were trying to get the capp disconnected from the trailer, is this still the strategy? >> yes. and they will disconnect a trailer from caps. that would try to get this rolled away. they can out of brett the trailer because they have 66,000 lbs. of mail inside. the size of the trailer is just thin aluminum. they stated that if they try to of prided they may be stuck with mail all over the roadway. and thereby try to oppose this and then they will be able the upright the trailer and eventually get it out. >> one i spoke with caltran they stated that it would be by 2:00 p.m. before this roadway will be completely cleared. this is consistent with what they had stated earlier. this truck was traveling and had its brakes on ruptured by some debris and it overturned. >> let's take a look picture ride on in a state 680. southbound traffic is still backed up to dublin. i have been saying all morning long that she should not even been about using niles canyon road as an alternate route. it is a bed rolled under any condition. so it has been over two hours ago and people have been complained about the drive times. we have been talking about you using 880 northbound to 238 to reconnect with an680. a quick check from the bridges. your ride to the bay bridge has been light all morning long. there were earlier recurring problems, san mateo bridge but they are gone. there was an accident on the approach to the golden gate bridge for nearly half an hour. this was blocking lanes and we're still in recovery mode. >> let's head over to the weather center. >> and right now the golden gate bridge is an exception of the norm. most of us are already seeing sunshine and this is one of the very few spots. within the next three to four hours we will see mostly sunny skies and a highway 1 01. the temperatures are on the decline. livermore will be coming in at 70 degrees. it looks like we will continue to see the '70s about lunchtime. 80s out in concord. as will put the clock and emotion, and '90s will be in some areas of the bay. overall, the temperatures will be a tad bit cooler the mossad yesterday. we will focus o\ / \/ \ / \ / \ >> that east bay will have sunshine and low 90's in pittsburg today. concord will have a high of 88 degrees. when we turn to the peninsula, san mattel.o. >> your extended forecasts shows the 7 their round the bay will be a little bit cooler for tomorrow and the temperatures will heat up sunday and monday. we do have potentials of thunderstorms. the temperatures will be cooler as we head into next week. >> the time is 9:19 a.m.. they have just of privatuprighte cap of the truck. they have hours to go before this will be cleared. you should still avoided north bound 680. this is not expected to be cleared until 2:00 p.m.. >> days after being rescued, the teenager who was the subject of a multi-state amber alert makes a public appearance in san diego. hannah anderson's attended a fundraiser near her home. unsealed warrants show long- time family friend james dimaggio kidnapped her after torturing and killing her mother and her eight- year-old brother. their bodies were found in dimaggio's burned-down home. hannah and dimaggio were eventually spotted in the idaho wilderness by a group of people on horseback, whom her father brett anderson thanked over the phone. her grandparents say, right now, she's just trying to get back to being a teenager. >> she has the same beautiful smile that you have seen on tv. she is trying to just be a normal 16 year-old. that is what we would never get through. >> a fund raiser that steps >> this is coming in. an update now to a story just into the kron4 news room in the last hour. a ferry with nearly 700 people on board has sunk near a portrait in the central philippines. the survivor says that he saw bodies in the sea, but there is no official word yet on casualties. the passenger told a radio station that some people were trapped on the ferry. two coast guard vessels are headed there now. other nearby vessels are helping to rescue the survivors. and to the problem is the fact it is evening time in the philippines, meaning daylight is quickly fading. >> >> as you may have to skimp on the shrimp this summer. share prices are skyrocketing to an all-time high. white shrimp prices are nearing $6 a pound. that is up 56% from a year ago. thailand, the world's largest shrimp producer has been hit the hardest of my disease. the country's supplies about 30% of the tropical slump in the united states. >> we will be right shrimp in the united states. we will be right back. linethe steve jobs biographic movie titled "jobs". starring ashton kutcher, officially opens in theaters tomorrow. there have been a lot of mixed reviews. kron 4's tech reporter gabe slate looks at the buzz surrounding this movie. >> so what kind of investment are we talking about? >> this is huge. >> and this begins with jobs as a rebellious entrepreneur or.. it chronicles his ups and downs of his rise to power. >> this movie is possible. some critics love it but there are some of lot that did not like it. currently they give it a 22%. >> this is the new iphone 4. the new steven jobs is so beloved, i give him props for his role. his mannerisms am aware that he walked and talked are so fresh in memory. >> he knew this and he took borrowed seriously. he studied him for months and even tried his a diet to experience what the winter. >> it ended of letting him in the hospital. >> his former partner in apple, as per trade by a josh. the real one has been very vocal about this movie not been accurate. he stated that one scene was courhorrible. he stated that the time line was the right. >> he stated that he is being paid as a consultant on the difference steve jobs mo. that is why that he is slamming this one. >> will be right best the kron 4 morning nils continues. here's a look outside at 680. there are big problems on 680. [ female announcer ] jump-start your day with mcdonald's dollar menu at breakfast. home of the irresistible sausage burrito. ♪ and freshly brewed premium roast coffee you love. plus other amazing tastes for just a dollar each. ♪ every day, as always, there's a lot to love for a little on mcdonald's dollar menu. ♪ ally we have been tracking a major cause spot with a bic delays on 680. this is between milpitas an >> we have been tracking this problem on 680. this is between milpitas and dublin. this was about two hours ago. just recently they shut down the right hand lane in order to accommodate the truck that has been moving in. kron4 and jackie sissel is on the same. >> we finally have good nils. the cap is now in its upright position. the second-biggest bet the postal inspector has arrived and they have started to offload the mail. in effect, when you were on the air they just pulled up. this will be offloaded and this is good nils. i do not know if it will be before noon but that will start off loading the mail. once they get the mail offloaded that is one that can upright the rig, or the tractor parts. that will start making the cleanup. things are starting to happen quickly. >> as jackie indicated it was about 30 minutes ago that caltran anticipated 2:00 p.m. as the clearance time. it is possible and that it might be earlier than that. if 680 is your commute, look at this north bound back up. there reaches from milpitas. highway 84 has been backed up into livermore all morning long. this will not save you a minute or a second. there is no good reason for you to use this period did not even then the values and highway 84 or niles canyon road. this has been jammed for hours. your real only option is to use 880 to 238 and in 58 to reconnect with 680. >> we have seen rapid clearing of the morning fog. the temperatures are on the decline. 78 degrees in concord. it is pretty mild for downtown san francisco. 64 degrees. we will concedes temperatures range from the upper 80s as we head into afternoon. i will have a full detail what to expect coming up. >> in just a few hours from now. the man called a person of interest in sandra coke's disappearance will be in court. coke was a federal defense investigator who went missing on august 4th. her body was discovered last week. kron 4's will tran is live in front of the oakland courthouse where randy alana will go before a judge. thanks, will. >> he is in court right now but it's not related to what happened with sandra. he is in front of the judge because of something else that he did on parole. he has a long criminal history. about 20 years ago him in sandra's dated and france stated that he recently came back into her life because he needed help. they stated that he was apparently seen what are the data she disappeared. here is a picture of her. back on august afford she told her daughter that she was headed to the drug store and that she would be back in 30 minutes. she never came back and her vehicle was found two days later. her cell phone was also recovered in richmond. here is video of the searchers, the day after what happened to her. the family and friends stated that they looked for her and that the investigators did not tell them what led to a park near vacaville. last thursday, there recovered a body and they had to identify. on tuesday, three days ago they came out and stated that it was center " somebody. as far as our cause of death, they have not stated. >> her family has set up a web site to raise money for donations can be made at crowdrise dot com forward slash help sandra coke's family. >> today joseph naso, the former photographer suspected of killing four young women decades ago, is presenting his side of the story about why he thinks the jury should find him not guilty. estacio reports, naso is acting as his own attorney. >> he is trying to convince a jury that he's to be found not guilty. he stated that he is on to represent himself and that he never took the stand on the trial. they called about seven witnesses and he stated that he is innocent. prosecutors stated that--they presented dozens of photos that he tub which documented his crimes. there are thousands of photos that were released. he was arrested and arranged. ever since, he has been here at this coming year. he is facing the possible of a death sentence if he is convicted. >> officials stated that the problem with the bridge will be fixed by the end of the year. there stating that what has been done to the bridge has made it good enough for the public to use correct >> we put structures of their side-by-side and there is no contest between which one set for. we feel that we kemble ford. >> the majority of the work is done, but does have some finishing touches love to do. some of the lights on will still need to be hung, some paintings, as well. most of that will be done before labor day weekend. that will lead workers with their biggest shore, and getting the old connecter rams torn down. >> stay with kron4 as will provide continuing coverage of the bay bridge closure, and opening of the new span. you can also get the latest on our 24/7 channel on comcast 193. >> the historical norm alwarren hall at california state university is set to come down. the building has been a bay area landmark but it happens to be located on the hayward fault. it is deemed most systematically abominable building in the entire state university system.mamvulnerable building ie entire state university system. now a demolition it's great having at&t u-verse high speed internet. walter likes to download fix-it videos... and watch "boardwalk empire." it helps sam with math... 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[ male announcer ] at&t brings it all together. ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing really good around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of living off the taste of the air ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ try new fiber one peanut butter protein bars. linein san francisco, a cyclist has pleaded guilty to felony manslaughter charges for striking and killing a pedestrian last year. kron 4's john fenoglio was at the court house for the sentencing and brings us the latest. >> it will be justice to that for a family. >> the district attorney's, stated that he was sentence of three years probation and 1000 hours of community service. >> you are responsible. >> witnesses stated that it happen here this intersection. they stated that he was traveling at a high rate of speed before he collided with this beckham. >>he victim. >> we hope that the defendant takes this to become a better person. >> some residents reacted harshly. >> they need to obey traffic laws, he killed someone. >> hopefully other people will learn from this. a lot of times they do not follow the law and they did not stop. he was and just run into red signals. >> the family said that they're not interested in him a certain time. >> we're always taught to give people a second chance. that is what makes societe civil. if we all seek revenge for wrong the people have done, and eye for an eye, and what be buyinthen we we blind. >> the time is 9:43 a.m.. here is a live look outside at the accident on northbound 680. you can still see the traffic is sluggish. there stating that this will not clear until about 2:00 p.m.. >> (male annoucer): now here is stanley roberts who found some people behaving badly. >> for the average person to cross the street it should not be this difficult. but unfortunately it is. it happens so often that the castro valley office of the california highway patrol is cracking down on drivers not yielding to pedestrians. >> this driver rolled through the crosswalk of four people were still in it which is an all too common issue so the driver will have a chat with this officer. >> sir, the reason i stopped you is that when the pedestrians are crossing you have to wait to continue until they have made all the way across the street. >> there have been five fatal collisions involving people simply trying to get from one side of the street to the other. >> the driver claimed that he never heard of a law that pedestrians in a market or a marked crosswalk have the right away. >> this letter was caught speeding ambled through a crosswalk that i was on right smack in the middle of. i was inches away from being ran over. note see, is crying she is actually laughing. are you putting me on tv, if yet i am putting you on tv you almost killed me. i would have seen you in the crosswalk, when after you hit me after my self the next line industry. and that seems to be the theme of every driver who stopped including this driver but he gets his very own segment. what's your name? do not have to tell me. i would tell you my name is stanley roberts, and you almost killed me. i am sorry. >> with all these of law- abiding citizens there are sure a lot of people behaving badly. >> and castro valley, stanley roberts kron 4 news. >> source welcome back to our hot spot. this is on the 680 which is still jammed up. in both directions. here is the a big, the can of the stroke has been removed and it is sitting on the right- hand shoulder. the transfer truck for the mail has arrived and a postal inspector is on scene. the transfer has actually started and there in the process of transporting the mail from this truck to this government.. this was a male ths bound to go to east bayail thato the east bay. they stated that they will have to resort this before it gets sent back. >> so, what is the estimated time? currently it is at 2:00 p.m.. it is possible that that may be done a little earlier. this truck needs to be empty or partially up loaded before they can get this right up. look at the back up. it is still stretching for a mile. interstate 680, the northbound ride is backed up into milpitas. do not use of niles canyon road. you should use 88580 to get around. >> and earlier, an accident on 1 01 northbound before the toll plaza has been cleared for several hours. this backed up traffic on highway one all the way to the golden gate park. otherwise, the bridges have been good and the bay bridge had no backups this morning. it is an easy ride as well as the san mattel bridge. it has been problem free. we knew about this problem getting one the bridge and right now there are no problems in either direction. >> here's a look at the weather with erica. >> most of the bay area is going to be in sunshine. here is a live look outside at cathedral hill in san francisco. again, the temperatures were so warm that were off to a monday start. we continue to see these numbers climbed with livermore it's 71 degrees. we're holding on to low 60's for oakland and upper 50s along the coast. as to track these numbers you will notice it will be a mild to one day. the temperatures will be just a few degrees cooler than yesterday. low 70's for san mattel and by later on tonight you can expect more clouds to increase. a quick look at the travel forecast. >> we have active weather in atlanta. plenty of sunshine if you are headed to dallas. unstable weather in the extended forecast. there is a 10% chance for thunderstorms for sunday and monday. >> here is a live look dull side at a hot spot that george has been covering. we want to make sure the to know what you're commute will involve. we will be ♪ [ male announcer ] wouldn't it be great if all devices had backup power? 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[cheers & applause]

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