Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20150415 : comparem

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20150415

from where we are at. there had to beat a dozen or two dozen officers may be some more and the number of what appears to be, at 82 and 90 officers out here keeping a close eye on the group. >> reporter: now we know that a window was broken crack at city hall. as regards to any other damage i do not have any report on that right now. pam we will go back to you at the studio. >> grant:the protests in oakland started peacefully.until several people shut-down northbound 880 near the jackson street on ramp. >> grant:you can see one chp officer here trying to clear the road-way. all lanes of northbound 880 were shutdown for a short time. >> grant:the on-ramp there at jackson was closed a bit longer. but right now.all ramps and freeways are open. >> grant:there were also demonstrations in berkeley. and across the bay. >> grant:kron 4 stanley roberts, on the phone ti onight--tonight. (male announcer): now, here's stanley roberts who found some people behaving badly. >> stanley: we met up with c h p san francisco office will also try to take over. they were on the freeway and it was one of those crazy days that started off one way and went into a totally different direction. . speed >> grant: lee in the police cruiser as that happened? what did you do to make the situation better? >> stanley: hardest part to get to somewhere at a difficult situation if someone was to drive over or get upset things will get he did very seriously and very quickly. no one want to get out of the way. so we are having on the lights and sirens and speeding as quickly with buses and trucks and cars refusing to get over it until we can and should get there we found ourselves stuck. >> grant: stanley roberts up live with us tonight once they hop on to the freeways at other parts of the east bay, especially late last year. it can become dangerous situation. when you see these people here just inches from vehicles passing by. >> grant: demonstrators with a brief time in york and that union square portion of that city. making their way throughout the city with estimates of 1000 people in york out demonstrating today. there were a couple of dozen or rest by most accounts. the protesters and the country are being built by national actions to stop murders by police. udc people are being detained and york trip across the country today nearly 30-referred to as national action to stop murder by police. >> pam: mean time in south bay. san jose city council is debating whether to arm the city police force with body cameras. kron4 charles clifford join us live from san jose tonight. with more on the debate. charles? >> reporter: they tried this before that in 2009 and 2012 however, it did not take hold. with obsessive abuse of a police officer the city and police department think it's a good time to revisit this pilot program to rid their work technical challenges first of what it is expensive. also to manage and store all of the video that officers will shoot. there are also policy questions as to, who was seized the video and who will look at the video. the question will the the video of that encounter should it be released. for public viewing. >> reporter: the public will be protected against officers who would use a sense of force against them. >> want to ensure that we have real accountability on both sides substantially reducing our costs and protect the public. >> reporter: in the south bay charles clifford kron 4 new spirit-- >> pam: later in this newscast east bay mud releases and dropped numbers in a stern warning to customers. and at 530 candidate clinton hit the ground of money and we will tell you where she is is we will tell you where she is in which she is talking about. autism, we would talk to you about the new research. >> reporter: weather coming up! >> pam: there may be a link between autism. and a mother who is diagnosed with diabetes during pregnancy. - that is according to new research. >> pam: the risk was seen in young children, whose mothers were denied were diagnosed by the 26 week of their pregnancy. the shutdown were 40 percent more likely to be diagnosed with optimism than those whose moms did not have diabetes. children whose mother had pre-existing diabetes or who developed it later in pregnancy faced no extra autism risk. the studio--the study was published in the journal of the american medical association. bulldog: you don't need superpowers to help someone. sometimes, all it takes is a warm heart and a cold nose. that's why mattress discounters good deed dogs is raising money to train service dogs for people with disabilities. i would never imagine a life without an assistance dog ever again. i relied on people a lot. he helps me live a more independent life. bulldog: but this drive is ending soon. give at, or any mattress discounters. mattress discounters good deed dogs helping dogs help people >> pam: in the north bay. >> pam: a woman who tried to help two men involved in a car crash. ends up being a victim. the men had stole that car and crashed it. that's when one of the men carjacked the good samaritan. >> pam: kron 4's will tran tells us what happened next. >> reporter:the fairfax police year old suspect but he was not giving up without a fight they chased him for a short distance and at one point even lost sight of him down the dark, small and windy roads. >> reporter:just when they were ready to call off the pursuit. theythe suspect's name is isaias rodas of san rafael. >> reporter:a short time before this crash. authorities say he and another person stole a car in west marin. then slammed into a pole. >> reporter:a female good samaritan comes across the scene. tries to help the suspects. that's when the passenger of the first stolen car jumped into her new car and takesoff.crashing a few miles from the fairfax police department. >> reporter:the chp and fairfax pd say are not actively searching for the second person who took off on foot after the initial crash. >> reporter:they say it's a now an investigation and hope rodas will give them information that will lead them to that person. in fairfax will tran kron 4 news >> pam: if you thought you felt the that's because it did. a small 2-point-7 magnitude earthquake shook contra costa county just after 11:30- this morning. >> pam: the rumble was located two-there are no reports damage. >> pam: 1.3 million customers are in for the drastic water restrictions. and will receive penalty unless they get on board! that all kids of all ages. >> reporter: the board is not kidding all around anymore. they say that we need to restock deserve more water creek and that we are not doing enough. the hapless together a wide range of restrictions and if they do not do this there will be stiffer penalties coming up. >> reporter: serving as a bleak reminder of the east bay mud as to how devastated this truck actually is. >> reporter:--drought >> we cannot get enough rain for the april may and june to make up for our severe shortage. >> reporter: and increased conservation target from 15 to 20%. problem is, those that live in the east bay are not anywhere near that. >> so far we have received 6% from our customers and we really need to step up our game in regards to conservation. >> reporter: >> be the water continue with its natural cycles of rather than being in evaporated. >> reporter: that will serve about 33,000 homes a year water from the government. a monthly drought surcharge would be the method of payment process. >> excessive use for someone that is not practicing water conservation habits will go up towards zero hundred dollars. >> reporter: that is $100 per month. >> reporter: those that are simply not cutting back. it will have a vote on that measure in two weeks. kron4 news. >> reporter: temperatures are still pretty nice, there were very nice earlier on. oakland at 63 kong, concord as 61 currently. and the wind is still hanging on a run and will continue to handle all over the night hours. and will continue to get chilly. we could see temperatures into the mid- 30s but by afternoon we will want right back up again. warmer than what we saw today and there will be another pleasant day that will continue over the next few days. >> reporter: 25 mi. per hour in the best in oakland and 18 in redwood city. we have a giants game tonight that will come into play. it will be a chilly night with the first pitch at 715. we will look at the rest of the forecast in just a little bit! >> grant: a couple years ago, a natural geographic book he 22 on the map. with the hollywood sign in the background. the cat typically lives and griffith park and wandered into the hilly las angeles neighborhood sometimes earlier. spotted by a guy that was installing a security system with the home. he found a himself face-to-face with the big cat. he ran into the home. his face was white says the home owner to rid. >> grant: making the crawlspace its own personal dan. --den >> pam: next a local playground that all kids of all ages even adults. can enjoy. and later. a big revelation about the health of tom hanks wife. rita wilson. the rld fild wi air but r pele wh co sometis brthinair n bediicul if you he co, asyourdoct abo oncdail anorellipta. it hel peoe wi cop brthe tter foa fu 24hrs. anoro liptis t fir fda-prov proct containi twoong-ting brchodatorin o inher. ano isot f asthma. anoro ntai a te ofmecinehat ncrees ri of ath peoe wi asma. it is noknowif ts ri is ineasein cd. anoro n't plac reue ialer fosudd copsympms and ouldot busedore th onca da tell youdoct if u ha a het coitio higbloopresre. tell yr door youave glcomaproste or blaer pblem proems ssinurin as ano mamakeheseprobms wse. call your door rht ay ifyou ve rsen brehing chest painswelng oyour uth tone, proble uritingr ey oble includg vion cngesr eye in wle ting oro. thincan revee co. thworlis fled th a and anoro helng pple th pd bath r beer. get ur first prescptio ee aanorcom. >> pam: opening this weekend and palo alto is a truly magical new playground. so far as we know it is the first of its kind anywhere. kron4 brought fladeboe has a sneak preview of this amazing place, which is open to everyone. >> reporter:you don't need to be a kid to enjoy the grown-up size swings and other cool stuff here >> reporter:at the magical bridge playground in palo alto. jill archer says it's the most innovative, inclusive playground in the country. >> jill archer/magical bridgebuilt with land and seed money from the city and some $4 million dollars in donations, the magical treehouse and other play stations go well beyond what's required by the act. >> jill archer-- i asked archer and project manager nick peterson to demonstrateinnovations. demonstration >> reporter:theres no tan bark, no sand and place wheelchairs can't go. in short, a different kind of playground >> this piece of equipment is for children and adults who are in wheelchairs' can actually get off of the wheelchair and lied on their back and rolled across the road. --rollers. >> reporter: there are waiting for the winter to come down. the go-ahead and slide right over in which for the people to bring the will mature over. --to bring the wheelchair over. >> playgrounds need to be built for children and adults of all abilities. we hope this works a national conversation all over. -- sparks >> reporter:very cool. >> reporter: rob fladeboe, and paulo household kron 4 news. 0-palo alto >> pam: coming up. the reserve deputy sheriff who fatally shot a suspect during a sting. turns himself in. why his attorney says, he should not be facing charges. next at 5:30. >> pam: plus. after her big announcement. hillary clinton hits the campaign trail. what she said at her first presidential campaign event. next. >> pam: the oklahoma reserve deputy sheriff. who fatally shot a 44-year-old man. has turned himself in. 73-year-old robert bates told investigators, he meant to use his taser, but picked up his gun instead. >> pam: from our partnership with c-n-n, stacey cohan has the latest. >> reporter:without a word robert bates walked into the tulsa county jail tuesday morning. he's facing a second-degree manslaughtercharge in connection with the death of eric harris. his attorney vows to fight. >>i feel that they're unwarranted and shouldn't have been brought >> reporter:video released by the tulsa sheriff's office shows what happened during an april second sting operation to catch illegal gun sales. eric harris is conducting what police say is an illegal deal. he runs.but is caught by police. then.a gunshot. >>oh i shot him i'm sorry. oh s*** oh s*** he shot him. >> reporter:harris later died. bates says he mistakenly grabbed his gun instead of his taser. >>with the taser being yellow and on his chest, for him to shoot my brother with a.357 makes no sense to me >> reporter:bates has worked as a reserve sheriff's deputy since 2008. >> reporter:the 73-year-old is a former insurance company c-e-o and frequent financial contributor to the tulsa sheriff's office. he received 300 hours of training and 11-hundred hours of community policing when he volunteered for the reserve deputy position. >>they've taken the fact that the community, and has been benevolent to the community for our town and made it something bad or sinister. >> reporter:the family of eric harris say what's unfortunate is that someone not fully trained as an officer.was still in a position to shoot and kill. >> reporter:stacey cohan kron 4 news. >> pam: we now know the passenger who was in walter scott's car during a traffic stop. before scott fled and was fatally shot by an officer in south carolina. >> pam: in a statement given by his lawyer, pierre fulton says, scott was his dear friend and that he did not deserve to die. >> pam: former north charleston police officer michael slager, is charged with murder in scott's death which happened on april 4th. >> pam: cell phone video shows. slager firing at scott as he ran away. >> pam: a preliminary hearing for within the next two- to three- weeks. an indictment is expected as early as next month. >> reporter: the wendt is what we have been dealing with and what we will continue to deal with. overnight, and you will start to see the wind but die down just a bit. at least in the teens for most of our spot if area and region. >> reporter: so, went is flattening. we will look at the next seven days coming up! >> pam: presidential candidate hillary clinton made her in iowa. kron 4's alecia reid is here with more on her tour. alecia. >> reporter:the democratic candidate stopped at a coffee shop in the town of le claire. >> reporter:hillary clinton ordered a few drinks, met with the owner of the coffee shop, and shook hands with a number of people including the town's mayor. >> reporter:clinton also sat down with students at a roundtable to find out challenges they face in their education. >>we've got to figure out in our country how to get back on the right track. and i'm running because i think that americans and their families need a champion and i want to be that champion. i want to stand up and fight for people so they can not just get by, but they can get ahead and they can stay ahead. >> reporter:clinton is expected to remain in iowa an early caucus state, until wednesday. >> reporter:new jersey governor chris christie hasn't officially announced his run for president, but he is in new hampshire for a tour. >> reporter:christie's first stop this saint an-sel-m college, where he met with students. he talked about short and long term goals, *and* government spending. >>"frankly washington is afraid to have an honest conversation about social security, medicare and medicaid with the people of our country. i am not. washington refuses to acknowledge we have a crisis on our hands. we need to force them to acknowledge this crisis and to take steps towards fixing it. and unless we deal with his crisis, the young people of this country will get poorer, the disparity between young and old, the working middle class and the retired will grow even larger. our economy will grow even weaker and our debt will skyrocket." >> reporter:christie is expected to be in new hampshire for four days. the republican will begin a series of town hall-style meetings in the granite state tomorrow. >> pam: a big diplomatic move in washington announced today. as president obama is removing cuba from the terrorism list. >> pam: it is the latest step in the president's effort to improve relations with the island after more than 50 years of diplomatic isolation. >> pam: the announcement comes days after obama and cuban president raul castro met at a summit in panama. the historic talks marked the first formal meeting between the leaders of their countries in a half-century. >> pam: only iran, sudan and syria remain on the state department's list. >> pam: tom hanks wife. rita wilson. makes a big revelation her battle with cancer. coming up. how early detection helped save her life. >> pam: and next. how you can wear apple's new watch. without buying it. >> pam: on wall street. stocks closed mostly higher, led by gains in energy companies as the price of oil recovers. the dow rose 59 points. it took tennis legend serena williams, fencing champion tim morehouse and the rockettes years to master their craft. but only moments to master paying bills at depositing checks at the atm and transferring funds on the mobile app. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. >> reporter: it will be tough to get one over the wall tonight because the wind will be blowing will be back with more temperatures! >> pam: news tonight on tom hanks' wife rita wilson's breast cancer battle. how early detection ultimately saved her life. >> pam: the insider's louis aguirre is in los angeles with more on this story. >> reporter: and she becomes the new voice of the fight against cancer. >> both want to be married with each other and we know what commitment and communication in been truthful means to the relationship it >> reporter: for medical insider explain diagnosis. >> this is a serious breast cancer because it is and they serve and what is important not only can it is bred to up the breast but throughout other parts of the body. >> reporter: leaving her susceptible to this aggressive cancer. when it showed no cancer a friend and breast cancer survivor urged her to get a second opinion. it was the more she was ultimately diagnosed. >> 6 critical attrition of why testing is required because it saved her life. >> reporter: pam, back to you. >> pam: you can watch all your celebrity news here on kron-4. >> pam: after the insider -- entertainment tonight airs at 7:30. followed by kron 4 news at eight. >> reporter: now moving to get out there. the bay bridge is a different story. a lot of it has to do with the giants game print it continues to beat a chilly night. please bring an extra layer with you for the game. it will get chillier than this doctorate currently at 58 degrees and concord in 66 with livermore at 67. still a pretty nice day but it will call off by night. what to expect? a cool evening and a chilly start for tomorrow morning dripping for the rest of us we are looking at low '40's but the coast in mid 40's by the bay. the afternoon we are looking good all over pruitt stretching well and to most of the bay area with high sixties for the coast corporate --coast. >> reporter: we have a 80 mi. an per hour wind speed at redwood city. very breezy at half moon bay with 20. temperatures would dip quite a bit with 43 in san rafael creek 51 for richmond and 434 vallejo. so certainly chilly up there. do not get too concerned. it will warm up out there! >> reporter: napa and fairfield just getting over 80 degrees and we will get well over 80 degrees, and in to check with what to expect 83 degrees in all the way up to 87 degrees. after friday in a little bit of cooling but not that much. >> reporter: we have very clear and dry conditions in store. indicating that with a whole lot of sunshine for the next seven days. it will go up quite a bit and come down a little but overall to stay nice. >> pam: two sisters have a rich history together when it comes to the cherry blossom festival. >> pam: for many years the san sharing their passion for origami - the japanese technique of folding paper into forms, flowers and a whole lot more. >> pam: kron four's terisa estacio caught up with the siblings as well tried her hand at aancient art. >>vicky - everybody can fold. >> reporter:meet sisters vicky and linda - or as i have come to see them as the dynamic duo of origami. >>vicky mihara avery/origami artist 02 - i consider myself to be a teacher. >>linda mihara/origami artist - i am the designer. >> reporter:coupled with their unique and complimentary styles - for years, these two san francisco natives have been precisely folding a single piece of paper here and simple. >> this is a crane - >>and sublime. >>: i designed this with a 6 foot piece of paper - it won several awards >> reporter:for the sisters, origami has father - right here owned an import business then opened a store to bring japanese goods - including origami - to the city. now the sisters run the business. >>paper was precious, only for the rich. it was not to be wasted. >>--i am folding one of my favorite designs. >> reporter:this time of year is special to the sisters as they get ready for the cherry blossom festival. >>--this will be our 48 festival. we love to get out and share our passion. it is great to see satisfaction of someone making something. >> reporter:remember how the vicky said she could teach anyone i figured i would put her skills to the test. >> reporter:--she gave me the cds, and so now we are going to try our hand. >> reporter:while us novices worked the sisters explained for many it isn't the crafting that can be so challenging but something else. >>-- picking paper can be really tough. >> - frogs. >> reporter:it turns out vicky and her sister were right, anyone can learn. my family made some funny frogs. >>--we really like it. that is how we have stayed with it. >> reporter:in sf, te >> pam: the cherry blossom festival continues in san francisco's japantown next weekend. one of the highlights -- sunday afternoon's parade. >> pam: for a full schedule of events. go to our website. kron 4 dot com. >> reporter:"do you have an old smart phone or tablet sitting in at home? >> reporter:i found this really cool new app camio that let's you turn that unused device into a free home video surveillance system." (male announcer): this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. >>"it's about security and peace of mind" >> reporter:maura took an old android she downloaded the free camio app to it. >> reporter:plugged in ac power to the phone and set it up in her living room and uses it to check in on her mom who has health issues and is home alone during the day. >>"i use it to zoom in and see if she is breathing". >> reporter:camio can turn any smart phone or tablet into a home video surveillance camera >> reporter:you can have multiple feeds enough unused wi-fi gadgets laying around >> reporter:it works through your home you are turning into video current data plans or be activated. it all goes through your home wi-fi. >> reporter:you could even just use your tablet that you leave at home while your at work. put that tablet to work while your at work >> reporter:from anywhere in the world on your current phone and geta live real time look at your camio video feeds. >> reporter:you can also talk through like a two way intercom system >> maura "hey who are you" >> reporter:so this could make for a good cheap free home surveilance system this camio user got to watch as their big screen tv was gave the footage to the police. >> reporter:you could use it to simply see if packages have arrived >> reporter:a lot of people are using it to check in on their pets during the day get a glimpse of their cutie at home being mischievous. >>- dog thing >> reporter:the camio app will also things if you want like someone has entered a room or there is a loud noise things like that >> reporter:they also do this cool summary of the days events. they will email you the people and things that took place in or around your feeds. >> reporter:home wifi based remote viewing video surveillance systems cost at least $200 and go up into the thousands >> reporter:i think camio has figured free using your old gadgets that are just sitting there. >> reporter:gsk4n i can barely fit in these anymore. i hope no one would notice. they hurt my feet. i never had new shoes before. to help, sleep train is collecting new shoes of all sizes. bring your gift to any sleep train, and they'll be given to a local foster child in need. not everyone can be a foster parent... but anyone can help a foster child. (vo) at jennie-o, we heard of a place in iowa where every thursday people ride ten miles for tacos. we thought we'd show up and surprise them with a better kind of taco, made with jennie-o ground turkey, cooked thoroughly to 165. (mom) i'd feed my kids turkey tacos over regular tacos any day. (woman) i think that they're light and they're just fresh tasting. (vo) it's time for a better taco. (kid) the tacos tonight were pretty much perfect. (vo) make the switch. look for jennie-o ground turkey at a store near you. ♪♪ at kaiser permanente everything you need is under one roof. another way care and coverage together makes life easier. okay, a little easier. become a member of kaiser permanente. because together, we thrive. ♪♪ (male announcer): this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. >> pam:good evening, i'm pam moore. we begin with breaking news. >> pam:huge protests on both sides of the bay right now. the issue is police killings nationwide over the past year. >> pam:in san francisco. hundreds of people marched from the mission to civic center calling for a shut down of city hall. >> pam:kron 4's j.r stone is live in san francisco tonight. j.r. where are the protesters now? >> reporter: the have been all over the city. so it is hard to say where they were actually going creek and will lead this step of the way show from the distance the security measures taken place here. specifically at the mission police station creek some of those officers outside the mission police department, and then you look in the parking lot with a couple more there. at this point, there are more that what appears to be then there are protesters. and has not always been like that. >> reporter: here are some earlier shots from city hall. because emotions ran high. black lives matter protest are around 1:00 was one of the people leading brick coming back forcing their way inside city hall. as a board of supervisors' meeting was ongoing. >> reporter: at that point a window was broken creek we do know that much. s to 8 at rest in that situation, we do not know if there had been any arrests made. from that location the want to samain oakland, dozens of protesters also stormed city hall.then made their way to 880.where they breifly blocked the on-ramp near jackson street. >> reporter: as they stood before just to recap day just left the mission police station area directly behind me and what south father into the mission. as of right now. everyone keeping a close eye on them and we will be with him shortly. penn back to in the studio. >> pam: these pictures come from our partnership with abc 7. group from blocking the highway. >> pam: they then made their way to oakland police headquarters. >> pam: the protests take place in >> pam: in the south bay. >> pam: the body camera debate is heating up. >> pam: the san jose city council is weighing weather to move ahead with a controversial pilot program to equip officers with cameras aimed at improving accountability. >> pam: kron 4's charles clifford is live in san jose tonight with more.charles? . >> reporter: the city has tried this before back in 2009 and 2012 and it did not give vide trial face because of the expense. >> reporter: also, there are several policy changes. the biggest being how much video is accessible to the public. in regard to sexual assault interviews, should that be released to the public?. >> san jose has taken a thoughtful approach to body camera with new technology which is smaller. police officers will be using this all round the country. to make the community more confident in our process. it will >> reporter: cost about $1 million to pay for the camera aspirate and to build the system to save all of that storage from the videos. >> reporter: they were to install them on all officer sprit right now charles clifford, kron 4 news. >> reporter:the man charged in the shooting death of eric harris is 73 year old robert bates. >> reporter:he's facing second degree manslaughter charges. >> reporter:this was the video released by tulsa police on friday. >> reporter:harris appears to have sold an illegal 9 millimeter gun to an undercover cop. >> reporter:soon after, a chase ensued. >> reporter:it was bates, a former insurance executive and reserve sheriff deputy that fired his weapon at the unarmed suspect, believing it was a taser. >> reporter:harris' family question why bates was at the scene with a weapon. >>it's awful hard without me getting emotional to really understand how he felt laying there with a knee to your head, people sprawling you out. a 74- year-old man come boom, gun you down. >>i'm going to give the shooter the benefit of the doubt. i think it was an accident, a tragic accident, but why was he using his taser in the first place? that does seem something more likely about someone who wants to play cops and robbers and volunteer for it. >> reporter:bates was a police officer from 1964-65 and a reserve deputy since 2008. >> reporter:he is a frequent financial contributor to the tulsa sheriff's office. bates has made no public comment since the incident. >> reporter:harris's family is demanding investigation. >> pam:breaking news. >> pam:pittsburg police are on the scene of a deadly shooting investigation at a gas station. >> pam:the suspect is still on the loose. >> pam:brand new video from the scene. it happened at this chevron station on california avenue. >> pam:the victim is believed to a bay point man in his early 20's. >> pam:police say the victim was lot when the suspect confronted him and opened fire. >> pam:he was pronounced dead atauthorities have not released an information on a suspect. >> grant:too windy and too choppy. >> grant:crews say they were unable to search for a motorcyclist who fell off the antioch bridge in a traffic accident on sunday. >> grant:once the rough conditions subside.the search will resume. contra costa co.: high winds, rough waterssearch for motorcyclist who fell off antioch bridge >> pam: poor wind and water search for a motorcyclist who fell off the antioch bridge in a traffic collision sunday >> pam: afternoon, a sacramento county sheriff's spokeswomancrews have been searching since the motorcyclist flew over the west side of the bridge after colliding with a honda at about 4:30 p.m. >> pam: sunday, according to thethe motorcycle was found on the bridge but there was nothe rider. the driver of the honda stayed at the scene and was not injured, >> pam: u.s. coast guard and contra district crews searched throughout sunday evening, halting the about 6:30 p.m. as the sun presumed to be the rider's but could find no sign of him, alive or dead. >> reporter: afternoon high will get pretty nice tomorrow we are looking at 78 for oakland 75 per redwood city and 80 and at the end fairfield. close to 80 in a lot of inland location spirit will keep warm me up. in composite 80 degrees and fall off a cut version of a rollercoaster. we will get pretty warm over the next few days. the >> coming up vaccination. a stage for drought emergency. the drastic measures been taken to conserve water. plus, fun for all. >> pam: the new playground on the peninsula that every child can enjoy regardless of their limitations. the first, a big move by president obama and at improving relations between the united states and cuba. it took tennis legend serena williams, fencing champion tim morehouse and the rockettes years to master their craft. but only moments to master paying bills at depositing checks at the atm and transferring funds on the mobile app. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. >> pam: making headlines across the nation tonight. a big step today in improving relations between the united states and cuba. >> pam: alecia reid is back now with the recommendation today by president obama.alecia? >> reporter:the obama administration is moving forward with plans to remove cuba from the state department list of terrorism sponsors. >> reporter:that could have big implications for improving relations between the two nations. >> reporter:for decades, cuba supplied a safe haven to terrorists and supported marx-ist revolutions in countries like colombia, fueling bloody conflicts that cost the lives of thousands of people. >> reporter:u-s officials hope to raise an american flag and reopen the u-s embassy in cuba soon. >> reporter:this will restore full first time in 54 years. >> reporter:cuba was one of four countries on the u-s list of nations, accused of repeatedly supporting global terrorism. >> reporter:the countries that remain on the list are iran sudan >> reporter: terror list will likely result in, increased international financing for the cuban government as well as increased *criticism* of obama's new cuba policy. >> pam: the penalty phase of the trial of convicted boston marathon bomber dzhokhar tsarnaev will begin on april 21st. >> pam: the judge told jurors today that it should last about four weeks. >> pam: the jury convicted tsarnaev on all 30 counts against him last week. >> pam: they will now decide whether tsarnaev should be put to death for his role in the 20-13 bombings. >> pam: a moment of silence will be held tomorrow current unit recalled three people were killed in more than 260 others were injured and that tragedy. >> pam: straight ahead. >> pam: water utility companies.taking drastic measures to deal with california's historic drought. >> pam: we're live in oakland with a look at the big changes on the way for east bay mud >> pam: and a bay area woman is witnessed a continuous flow of water.being wasted. >> pam: gallons of water pouring literally going down the drain, this storm drain that ishere on 98th avenue in east oakland >> reporter: there is no more snow runoff and people are not concerned the enough's about 6% when they should be doing 15%. they're cutting in severe restrictions at the east bay mud >> reporter: ease but said it is not enough and not even close. >> ever see 6 percent conservation this year and we need to 20%. >> reporter: increased is conservation target from 15 to 20% creek agreed, to buy 11 million gal. of sacramento river water from the government. that is about a two months' supply. >> are planning for the worst. every gallon say this year will put out in better shape for next year another dry year. >> reporter: $100 per month for excessive water users. also, today's meeting talk about penalizing those who are excessive users and it will take a final vote on that and two weeks. looking at five between 2000 and possibly $3,000 for those who will simply not cutback. >> pam: new tonight at 6 water running day and night during this drought. it is happening at a commercial location and east oakland. >> my name is at hand and this is my kron4 story. -- anne >>"that's a lot of water that's coming out of there" >> reporter:and she is not happy about it! this oakland resident who asked us not to reveal her identity says an endless amount of water has been here on the corner of 98th avenue and medford street >>"this water continues to run every day 24 hours a day i'm concerned because of the drought that were having right now and the governor talking about us rationing water" >> reporter:she says prior to calling kron4 she contacted problem. eastbaymud says the natural spring from a well under the property >>"why can't eastbaymud try to capture this water?" >>"it's technically not eastbaymud's water" >> reporter:eastbaymud spokesperson utlility company has no right to access water coming from a natural underground source on private property >>"right, so it's technically that property owners waterrather than let it go out" >> reporter:i contacted the real estate broker who represents the owner of the property and he told me that they are aware well causing this problem and that they are in the process of capping that leaksomething that can't happen fast enough for ann >>i'm very upset about it" >> reporter:in oakland haaziq madyun kron4news >> pam:we checked out that last story after a viewer reached out to us. >> pam:if you have a story idea go to kron4-dot-com and click on the "my kron 4 story" submit your story. >> this just in to the kron 4 newsroom. >> grant: this is a total we just received from san francisco. you can see six people there have been are arrested for trying to take over interstate 80 eastbound. against the real holding a sign. thirty demonstrations taken place referred to as national actions to stop murder by police. we saw this earlier afternoon shutting down a northbound 880 creek near the jackson street rat writ in peaceful protest. >> reporter: hopefully the process would not interrupt your right to much. oakland 61 concord 63 and is still pretty nice. it will cool off quite a bit with a chilly start tomorrow and a very warm afternoon creek was meant to high seventies. >> reporter: and may fall a little bit short occurred the giants game is tonight but we do have less street conditions with wind blowing in from left field. it could be tough to get one out at last at at&t park. >> reporter: 39 in sunnyvale, 42 for san jose so yes it is a chilly start captured not a frosty chilly start but chilly no less. >> reporter: giving up to 78 degrees in pleasanton and livermore 47 day forecast you will see sunshine on this board and we are leaping beach hazards there is we will have corporate current and sneaker waves as well that can get pretty big. >> pam: coming up! it is called the magical place a place for everyone. what's that thing? i moved our old security system out here to see if it could monitor the front yard. why don't you switch to xfinity home? i get live video monitoring and 24/7 professional monitoring that i can arm and disarm from anywhere. hear ye! the awkward, teenaged one has arrived. switch to modern security. add xfinity home for $29.95 a month and lock in your rate for 2 years. plus save up to 20% on your home owners insurance. call 1-800-xfinity today. >> pam: six years in the making and the magical bridge playground will make its long awaited debut this weekend in apollo also. >> pam: the colorful new facility here on east meadow drive is not your ordinary playground but rather one of the most innovative, inclusive playgrounds anywhere. built with seed money and land from the city of palo some $4 million dollars in private donations magical bridge' will spark a including those with other challenges. >> those that are physically disabled or vision impaired octave some and more. we have created a very magical place for everyone to feel safe in welcome. >> pam: bridge playground at 600 east meadow street opens for business this saturday at 10 a.m. everybody is welcome. >> pam: hot weather on the way. your april beach forecast, >> pam: a frightening crime in the north bay after a good samaritan is carjacked record who police now have behind bars? >> pam: , you have to see it to believe it as a mass of port tornado bills down on this car. >> reporter: weather coming up! to train service dogs for people with disabilities. i would never imagine a life without an assistance dog ever again. i relied on people a lot. he helps me live a more independent life. bulldog: but this drive is ending soon. give at, or any mattress discounters. mattress discounters good deed dogs helping dogs help people the rld fild wi air but r pele wh co sometis brthinair n bediicul if you he co, asyourdoct abo oncdail anorellipta. it hel peoe wi cop brthe tter foa fu 24hrs. anoro liptis t fir fda-prov proct containi twoong-ting brchodatorin o inher. ano isot f asthma. anoro ntai a te ofmecinehat ncrees ri of ath peoe wi asma. it is noknowif ts ri is ineasein cd. anoro n't plac reue ialer fosudd copsympms and ouldot busedore th onca da tell youdoct if u ha a het coitio higbloopresre. tell yr door youave glcomaproste or blaer pblem proems ssinurin as ano mamakeheseprobms wse. call your door rht ay ifyou ve rsen brehing chest painswelng oyour uth tone, proble uritingr ey oble includg vion cngesr eye in wle ting oro. thincan revee co. thworlis fled th a and anoro helng pple th pd bath r beer. get ur first prescptio ee aanorcom. >> grant: dozens of protesters stormed city hall this evening. if you are across the bay in oakland several people tried to shut down 882 on jackson street their occupancy officers there pushing one of them away. this has been an ongoing situation this afternoon and are run the country. >> grant: national action to stop murder by police day has been ongoing in regards to thirty protest today. and this is grant lotus. >> reporter: the city has tried this program before beckham 2009 and 2012 did it did not go past the pilot phase. it is an expensive and they need to build storage to supply all or to store all of the videos taken by officers. charles clifford >> reporter: and this march address to help to individuals and the car at and the up getting her car stolen pure it received a call rump 11:00 last night and they jumped into action after they shall her car van taking off at the scene of the first crash trip bay are not actively searching for the second suspect hoping that he would give them information that will lead them to the other person. biggest american was just leaving a restaurant and was not injured. >> reporter: the board has determined a stage for dropped a large corporate charge me 20 percent conservation and increasing water restrictions for outdoor water between nine, between six in nine at night through be no more watery part optimally customers will pay for this jury a drought surcharge current. >> reporter: a crown for your talk to us about water pouring out in the street grid-- a kron 4 customer and community has asked why is water poring out- during a drought. >> pam: the federal aviation administration will face a deadline for extending federal aviaiton funding. >> pam: the deadline will come four months after they deal with a similar highway funding bill which is set to expire may 31. >> pam: the faa's last funding measure was a 63- billion bill that was approved in temporary extensions of a measure that was scheduled to have expired in 2009. >> pam: the faa needs to come to a long term deal that establishes stable long-term funding. >> pam: space-x launched a shipment of groceries to the international space station today, including the first espresso maker bound for orbit. >> pam: the unmanned rocket blasted off from cape canaveral florida this afternoon. >> pam: the ship is carring more food, experiments and equipment for six astronauts. >>yesterday's launch attempt was foiled by weather. >> pam: officials say the delivery should arrive at the international space station by friday. >> pam: take a look at this: >> grant:we've seen the damage left by deadly tornadoes in the mid-west last week. >> grant:now.a video.posted on you giving us a front row seat to the terror. >>very close encounter with the tornado that rolled through northern illinois on april 9, 2015. my boss and friend sam smith took the video and sent it to me soon after. sam is not a storm chaser and was on his way to indianapolis from minnesota. he was visiting from north carolina on business and had never had any experience with this type of weather. >> grant: he was terrified and rightly so. --rightfully so >> reporter:pleasant day today, albeit a bit breezy. >> reporter:more of the same tomorrow with temps even slightly warmer. spot >> reporter: >> reporter:that won't come until after a chilly start though with 30's for some of our inland areas. >> reporter:by the afternoon on wednesday though, we'll see highs ranging from the mid 70's inland, and we may even see a stray 80 or two. >> reporter:winds settle over thursday and friday and temperatures will climb with that, peaking by friday well into the 80's for our inland spots and even 70's by the coast. >> reporter:if that does draw you out to the beach, be careful. >> reporter: and waves from eight to eleven feet are exp3ected to hit thursday and friday the nicest days of the week. >> reporter:by the weekend slight cooling, but remaining dry for the next week at least. >> pam: up next.bart is taking action to prevent suicides on its tracks. the campaign aimed at getting people the help they need. of taco, made with jennie-o ground turkey, cooked thoroughly to 165. (mom) i'd feed my kids turkey tacos over regular tacos any day. (woman) i think that they're light and they're just fresh tasting. (vo) it's time for a better taco. (kid) the tacos tonight were pretty much perfect. (vo) make the switch. look for jennie-o ground turkey at a store near you. okay buddy what's your favorite kind of cheerios? honey nut. but... chocolate is my other favorite... but apple cinnamon is my favorite too... and fruity... oh yeah, and frosted! okay, but...what's you're most favorite of all? hmm... the kind i have with you. me too. >> pam: in response to a spike in suicides and suicide attempts on bart tracks since 2013, the agency launched a new suicide intervention campaign today on the downtown berkeley station platform. >> pam: the campaign's stated centerpiece will be signage saying "suicide publicizing the national suicide lifeline's 24-hour support service at 273-8255. >> pam: signs will be rotated between stations throughout bart's system that suicide and suicide attempts are not limited to one particular area, according to bart deputy general manager marcia devaughn. >> pam: the signs will go up in unsold advertising spaces at the various stations, bart officials said. >> pam: good news for drivers.gas prices continue to slide. >> pam: in fact, today triple a northern california said drop as we head into the summer driving season. >> pam: the cause, low crude prices and the resolution of refinery issues in martinez and southern california. >> pam: triple a says u-s oil production and supplies continue to outpace demand.leading to lower prices at the pump. >> pam: here's what it will cost you to fill up here in the bay >> pam: according to triple a.san francisco drivers are paying 3-26 on average for a gallon of regular. >> pam: that's down 20 cents from a month ago. oakland drivers are paying 3-09 on average. >> pam: jose drivers are paying 3-07 at the pump. the statewide average now stands at 3-09. >> pam: gary has reaction to the post-season and all of these forces is next escalation close >> gary: mcclellan was announced that he will coach team canada and as jack republic. also the sharks for burns for the canadian team spirit smith will representing u.s. a pyrrhic he could be relieved of his duties. while being good enough ok to coach john teen canada. >> gary: over the weekend said that he had this to win the masters. five months on the dagger side in 97 was tiger woods. >> gary: this is good news for seven francisco with the hottest guy in the gulf right now on the scene. >> gary: woods with the rating of 27% higher. >> grant: he does not have a dynamic personality but he is such a good guide. he is it that the to get all 4 s tiger is on the weight belt. he is the next superstar on the american side. >> gary: you know more about this than i do. >> grant: that is why we are 18. --a team. >> pam: you are not along gary. >> pam: (laughter) >> gary: next time mountain view has a storage problem and you are doing a story i was the bright on and to talk to you. >> gary: the case have tallied. trying to get well at the ballpark care in center cisco against--right here at the ball park here in san francisco. against colorado >> gary: everyone looks at this differently. this guy is showing off a lot of people say he has fun. it is fun to watch this guy! >> gary: as long as the guide does not do physical harm to someone else. leave him alone! >> gary: the bill appears to show otherwise it looks like he bit his madrid upon it. taking to twitter he says make--taking to twitter, he says grant me make this clear. >> pam: it is boring but it will feel more like some are for much of the bay area. weather is next! >> reporter: >> pam: well, if you are a fan of ice cream and giveaways you are in luck! ben and jerry's are giving up and screamed across the country. by giving away free ice-cream to say thank you to their fans and customers. you have a some to view still have time for your scoop. there are open until 8:00. >> reporter: you notice a lot of sunshine there creek >> pam: stay connected with kron4 and get the latest news to the elements our next newscast is tonight at 8:00 see you then tonight! "the insider" with perspective on today's top trending stories. >> rita willson as undergone a double mastectomy. >> we both understand the meaning of the word commit mmpbt. >> how she's joining the cause to take the stigma out of the big c. then al . >> and "the avengers" assembled and took over hollywood boulevard. >> and i love music's power couple amelio and gloria estefan as they bring their love story to the broadway musical. >> i dreamed an entire broadway musical. >> now the latest celebrity and pop culture news delivered to you 24/7, it's "the insider" together with yahoo. >> and it's rita wilson's cancer battle. this is the best robin williams impersonation you will everybody see, we meet the man behind the video. >> taylor swift's revelation about her mom has stars using their celebrity in the name of prevention and awareness. now it's tom and the hanks family rallying afternoon rita as she begins a new fight against cancer. >> we want to be married to each other and we both understand th

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