Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20170428 : comparemel

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20170428

morning giving way to a clear and warm weekend. another round of offshore winds possible monday morning otherwise continued seasonably warm and dry through wednesday. cooling trend may start around thursday. no major hot spots. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. min from 880 less then 30 at park ( james ) an hours long standoff with a murder suspect in the east bay continues this morning. it's happening right now in martinez. an armed man is holed up in a car near the corner of howe and old orchard roads. swat teams surrounded him yesterday evening... and they're still there. police say he's suspected of shooting and killing a woman in walnut creek. that shooting happened yesterday afternoon near larkey park and the lindsey wildlife museum. investigators say the gunman and the victim knew each other. we will continue to monitor this situation and bring you updates as soon as they come into the newsroom. kron4's avery harper is on the way and will bring us a live report as soon as she gets there. ( james ) another big story we are following this morning.... on the day that ann coulter was scheduled to deliver a speech at u-c berkeley but didn't, people for and against the conservative commentator showed up anyway to make their voices heard.. but unlike similar protests in the past these protests were mostly peaceful.. part of the reason may have had to do with a new approach by police. more on that ahead.. first a total of five people were taken into custody. kron4's charles clifford has the latest. natsthursday afternoon hundreds of supporters of president donald trump and conservative pundit ann coulter rallied in berkeley's civic center plaza. nats coulter backed out of the event several days ago, but her supporters came anyway.sot respect for her no matter what decision she made. but i don't think it was completely her decision to make.>sotnatssot across the street, a small group of liberal protestors voiced their displeasure with a conservative rally being held in traditionally left leaning berkeley. that led to a tense standoff along allston way for several hours. acting as peace keepers, the berkeley police department deloyed officers in full riot gear along allston between the two least three people, two men and one woman, were arrested near civic center but for the most part the protest and rallies remained very peaceful. the standoff along allston came to an end around 530finally, campus police at cal also reported that they have made two arrests berkeley, charles clifford kron 4 news. ( james ) as you just saw, police in berkeley appeared to use different tactics compared to recent demonstrations. which appeared to help keep the peace. rebecca strom is here now for more on that and who was protesting. rebecca? (rebecca @ landing) that's right james. it appears that the show of force by police may have contributed to the mostly peaceful nature of the protests. no violence was reported during yesterday's protest by police. the group of protesters, was mostly students. some of which were part of the international socialist organization. defending the rights of immigrants and the right to free speech. after the coulter speech was cancelled they made their voices heard. listen to what they had to say. (rebecca) and campus police announced it was also cracking down on what people can bring into the sproul plaza area. things like knives, guns, bats, metal chains with pad locks were banned from the area. (rebecca) but also some different things that made the ban list: here is a list of a few of them. they are...7 hard or frozen fruit or vegetables7 laser pointers7 artificial noise-making devices 7 balloons (rebecca @ landing) back to you james. ( james ) a crime warning in contra costa county. police are looking for at least four criminals behind burglaries in hercules. kron 4's hermela aregawi spoke to one of the victims who not only lost a lot of money, but irreplaceable heirlooms. this is the toyota avalon that police say the suspects were driving while commiting their crime.two homes burglarized in two hours.police say tuesday morning - the suspects broke into a home on the 100 block of newbury street.while police were investigating that incident - fermin reyes came home to find his stuff turned inside out.fermin reyes /burglarly victim:when i opened the garage door, it's kind of suspicious because the side door is open, the light in the garage is on and my little table for cooking the door is out. the first thing is its kind of scary. you should not go inside right away. you never know maybe those burglars are still upstairs.fortunately the suspects were gone. but they left behind chaos.fermin reyes /burglarly victim:the three bedrooms is all messed up. the drawer all scattered around. credit card, my checkreyes lost tens of thousands of dollars in jewelry.some herilooms from his deceased parents.and a firearm that was in this safe.detective connie van-putten/spokeswoman, hercules police deptwe believe at this time that the cases are related. the cars appear to be very similar in description. we are concerned about the loss of a firearm. the citizen did have it secure in his home. we are also concerned that they hit two houses in very quick succession.crimes like these, auto thefts and break-ins are growing concern in this historically peaceful neighbhorhood.(hermela aregaw) police say they're speaking with several other people that live in the neighbhorhood with surveillance cameras.they're hoping there's more information in that footage that will help them catch the suspects. ( james ) a san mateo elementary school teacher has been arrested after police say they found lewd pictures of children on his phone. 33-year-old anthony satriano was arrestd at his home in san frnacisco last week.. the investigation started when a student at saint mathew's episcopal day school told police satriano asked her to wear tight clothing to school.. after further investigation police found pictures of children on his phone that they says he used for sexual purposes. satriano has been booked for possession of inappropriate pictures of children and annoying a child. he is expected to be in court may third. ( james ) united airlines has reached a settlement with the passenger who was dragged from one of its flights this is the viral video where doctor david dao was ordered off an overbooked united flight earlier this month. when he refused to leave he was dragged off. bruised and bloodied in the process. other passengers couldn't believe what they were seeing. dao's attorneys did ánotá disclose financial terms of the agreement. but say the united c-e-o "did the right thing". (james) coming up.. several dogs found dead along a trail in vallejo. the new effort to try and find out who is responsible. and... just before his first 100 days in office the threat of a possible government shutdown is looming. what congress must do today to avoid that from happening. (anny) a warm weekend ahead. your forecast next. welcome back. checking in on your morning forecast. (anny hong): locally breezy this morning coast and hills otherwise sunny and warmer today. becoming breezy again tonight in the hills under offshore flow and clear skies. winds will ease saturday morning giving way to a clear and warm weekend. another round of offshore winds possible monday morning otherwise continued seasonably warm and dry through wednesday. cooling trend may start around thursday. no major hot no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. . richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( james ) a horrific crime in the sacramento area. an 86-year-old woman sexually assaulted and killed, while out for a walk. now investigators have tracked down a person of interest in the case. ali wolf is tracking the latest developments. (pkg)those who knew fusako petrus best say she was kind yet tough...eldery yet fit.. small yet had a big presence... especially on her block in north highlands....(no name neighbor)"i dont think she had an enemy in the world, until yesterday"and on the track at highlands high school...(vicki butler - close friend)"she walked six days a week"vicki butler says the 86 year old was like an aunt to her.she shared this photo which was taken a few weeks before petrus was killed...(vicki butler - close friend)"even though tiny in stature she was a big woman in her heart im proud that she remained tough to the end. "investigators with the sacramento county sheriff's department say petrus and a 61 year old friend were walking the track early wednesday morning, as they were known to do... when a man started beating the 61 year old woman, petrus bravely stepped in an attempt to save her friend, says sgt tony turnbull..(sgt tony turnbull - sacramento county sheriffs pio) "when she started to scream and fight, the 86 year old went back to her friends aid and assaulted her" investigators say both women were sexually assaulted and beaten..their attacker ran off. (stand up)"investigators found the person of interest after they arrested him here on fair oaks blvd and howe ave for a similar attack on an elderly woman"(tony turnbull - sacramento county sheriffs pio) "matches the description, secondly lives in the area so youre talking about opportunity"the 18 year old person of interest is behind bars for the second assault... as investigators piece together and candles sit at the highlands high school track -- and petrus' home...honoring a woman whose life end brutally -- in place she felt safe. (lindsey roush)"its huge loss and i wish she passed a different way, but we'll remember her, she's amazing" ( james ) close friends say the victim is a widow. she has no living family in the u-s and no children. investigators have not yet released the identity of the person of interest. ( james ) it's day 99 of the trump presidency and the threat of a possible government shutdown is growing. right now, under a microscope is the health care reform. karin caifa is on capitol hill where the drama continues to unfold. we know now that it will come down to the final day here on capitol hill, for that vote on a measure to avoid a government shutdown.but will republicans also bring up health care plan? democrats say if they do - they'll oppose the bill that keeps the government funded and running. on wednesday night, a short- term deal to avoid a government shutdown, appeared to be on the move.but today... democratic leaders say they'll oppose it -- áifá republicans schedule a health care vote on friday or saturday. rep. paul ryan/-r- house speaker: i would be shocked that they'd want to see a government shutdownthe house freedom caucus -- which refused to support the first gop health care plan in march -- has agreed to a new amendment that would give states broader ability to opt out of certain obamacare regulations, like protections for people with pre-existing conditions. rep. paul ryan/-r- house speaker: i think we're making very good progress. don't have- we're going to go when we have the vote. but there's no deal yet -- as many house moderates are voicing their displeasure.rep. leonard lance, -r- new jersey: i think we need to lower premiums in this country, and i don't think this bill does thatthe back-and-forth -- as the white house engages in a flurry of activity leading up to president trump's 100th day in office. from executive orders... to meeting with world leaders...pres donald trump: it's a great great honor to have them here..the president -- keeping an eye on capitol hill - sending a series of tweets going after democrats, hoping to put the blame squarely on them. sean spicer/white house press secy: the democrats at the last minute have come in and thrown monkey wrench into the ability of this to get done despite the president doing everything he can to show good faith to keep this going. negotiations on the funding bill had been moving along until these final days really. now, some last-minute maneuvering happening here on the hill - democrats knowing republicans need some support, to get things done. the likely scenario - expected to be a one-week continuing resolution, that will allow both sides more time to hammer things out, for a long-term plan.on capitol hill, im karin caifa. ( james ) president trump's former national security advisor michael flynn is facing more problems after new documents reveal he was already warned about accepting foreign payments. new information obtained by the house oversight committee shows flynn was given a warning in 20-14 while he was retiring from the military. house leaders also say flynn might have broken the law by not disclosing payments from a russina t-v station. flynn resigned as national security advisor in february after it was revealed he withheld information on talks he had with a russian ambassador. ( james ) 49ers fans are rejoicing over san francisco's first pick in this year's nfl draft. and the team didn't even have to leave the bay area to find their guy. check it out. draft the san francisco 49ers select soloman thomas. defensive end, stanford. >( james ) solomon thomas and new general manager john lynch are both formal stanford cardinal. the 49ers had the second pick but traded it to the bears for the third pick. the team also traded backinto the first round and selected alabama linebacker reuben foster. ( james ) and with the 24th overall pick the oakland raiders selceted cornerback gareon conley out of ohio state. but the silver and black's selection is rasing more questions than answers he is currently facing rape allegations. ( james ) to baseball.. the giants trying to take three out of four against the dodgers at a-t and t park kevin durant was at the ballpark enjoying some afternoon baseball. let's go to the bottom of the 6th. that's when christian arroyo singles one down the middle. brandon belt scores the tying run this one would go to extras. top 10th -- the giants bullpen fell apart. cody gerrin loads the bases than andrew toles brings in the game winning run. dodgers win 5-1. they split the series the padres will be in town to begin a weekend series today. ( james ) as for the a's... kendall gravemann up on the mound trying to avoid getting swept by the angels. and it didn't start off well. as the angels would put up 2 quick runs to give them a two to nothing lead. and those two runs would turn out to be enough. oakland only scored once in this one. final: 2-1 angels today oakland will continue their ten-game road trip in houston. they'll play a three game series against (james) three police officers who shot and killed a knife-wielding man will not face charges. hear why the district attorney says the officers had no other choice. (robin) and after the break.. would you go back to school for the game of thrones? we'll explain why fans are heading back to class. that and more on the h-t-l daily wrap, and here's a live look outside... toll plaza who are these people? the energy conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. (robin) welcome back to the kron four morning news. i'm tracking your entertainment headlines today... and..johnny depp surprises fans at disneyland dressed as captain jack sparrow. and how much do you love "game of thrones"? enough to go back to school for it? all that and more on this morning's h-t-l daily wrap. i'm tanner thomason from hollywood today live, this is the htl dailywrap. imagine you're with your family, spending a fun day at disneyland inanaheim. what could make it even more magical? how about if johnny deppshowed up? err, i should say captain jack sparrow. yep, captain jackreally showed up yesterday, getting the word out for the next pirates of the caribbean movie, "dead men tell no tales," which opens next month. he evenwent inside the ride and surprised riders. talk about method much do you love game of thrones? enough to take a collegecourse based on game of thrones languages? this summer, uc berkeleyis offering a six-week class inspired by the fictional tongues of the hit hboseries. i'm totally in for this. the show returns for season seven this july. that's it for the htl daily wrap. on behalf of the entire htl family, it's been a real pleasure bringing you the news each and every day. thank you. (james) coming up... it's been a year since a pregnant woman survived being shot in the head. and now she's speaking out about it. it's a story you'll see only on kron 4 just ahead.(anny) a warm weekend ahead. your forecast next. and here's a live look outside...san mateo mes ) we're coming up on 4-30... here are the big stories we're working on for you this morning... conservative commentator ann coulter is addressing what she would have talked about during her speech at u-c berkeley before canceling the event. coulter says she was going say that federal immigration law should be enforced. hundreds of people gathered in berkeley's civic center plaza yesterday. five people were arrested during the prtoest. compared to the last few protests on campus, yesterday's was mostly peaceful. coulter backed out of the event several days ago, but her supporters came anyway. and... president trump's former national security advisor michael flynn is facing more problems after new documents reveal he was already warned about accepting foreign payments. new information obtained by the house oversight committee shows flynn was given a warning in 20-14 while he was retiring from the military. house leaders also say flynn might have broken the law by not disclosing payments from a russina t-v station. flynn resigned as national security advisor in february after it was revealed he withheld information on talks he had with a russian ambassador. united airlines has reached a settlement with the passenger who was dragged from one of its flights. dao's attorneys did ánotá disclose financial terms of the agreement. but say the united c-e-o "did the right thing". (james) now lets get a check of weather and traffic. (anny hong): locally breezy this morning coast and hills otherwise sunny and warmer today. becoming breezy again tonight in the hills under offshore flow and clear skies. winds will ease saturday morning giving way to a clear and warm weekend. another round of offshore winds possible monday morning otherwise continued seasonably warm and dry through wednesday. cooling trend may start around thursday. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. ( james ) breaking news we are following this morning... police in morning... following this news we are breaking ( james ) to 101. ( james ) breaking news we are following this morning... police in martinez are in the middle of an 11 hour standoff with a man suspected of killing a woman in walnut creek. this standoff has been going on since last night. kron 4's averi harper is live on the scene right now with the latest. averi. ( averi ) an hours long standoff with a murder suspect in the east bay continues this morning. it's happening in martinez as an armed man sits in a car near the corner of howe and old orchard roads. swat teams have been surrounding the armed man since yesterday evening. police say the he is accused of shooting and killing a woman in walnut creek. it happened yesterday afternoon near larkey park and the lindsey wildlife museum. investigators say the gunman and the victim did know each other. we will continue to monitor this situation and bring you updates as soon as they come into the newsroom. thanks, ( james ) three sunnyvale three ( james ) ( james ) three sunnyvale public safety officers, who shot and killed a 300-pound, knife- wielding man in 20-15 will not face charges. for more on why they won't be facing any chargers, here is rebecca strom. (rebecca @ landing) the reason james the santa clara county district attorney's office said the officers will not be charged is this. they say they had no other reasonable option but to fire their weapons. resulting in the death of moises nerio. officers responded to a report that nerio had tried to rape his half- sister. when they arrived, they found him extremely intoxicated and threatening police with a 13-inch kitchen knife. in newly released police body audio recording officers are heard directing nerio to stand down before firing their weapons. take a listen. hamilton! keep watching the kron4 morning news and we will give you the secret word of the day. then go to and enter the word for a chance to win a pair of the hottest tickets in town! keep watching every day for a new word and another opportunity to win! today's secret word of the day will be revealed in our 7 o'clock hour so keep watching and you could win hamilton tickets! ( james ) when new traffic signs are installed there is a 30 day grace period to let drivers get used to it. but as kron 4's stanely roberts shows us, that doesn't mean you can ignore other traffic laws. check it out on this edition of people behaving badly. one ran the stop sign yesterday and made a u-turn cut in front of me that two tickets right there right u- turn and going through the stop sign. i love the stop sign on every intersection i almost died on this street people like fly through think it's great i was here on a stop sign and he had a stop sign it was my turn to turn left and the car just ent throughok here the deal on laurel street in the city of san carlos four stop signs have been installed .. one-two at cherry and the other two at olive some people say adding a new stop sign is something drivers should be permitted to get use to after all it is new the stop signs have orange flags that are visible from a block away although one person thought they were pedestrian flags to assist in crossing nats ambiance the entire area also has no u-turn signs; they are not new .and for the most part many of the drivers have adjusted to the change nats: ambiance well, some have not because it wasn't tough to find drivers running the stop signs orange flags and all . nats: ambiance this driver not only ran the stop sign he made the illegal u-turn all in one fell swoop but i have a feeling he'll be back i'm an attorney man i'm trying to figure out what's going on (you're an attorney) well i'm telling you wants going on you made a u-turn in a no you u-turn zone and i video taped it, that pretty much cut and dry it appears he was so worried about getting a ticket he calls sheriff if i'm going to get a ticket, i would rather deal with it right now, i told you i'm from channel 4 not the police (ok) for the record last time i checked the police sont stand on corners with camera to record violations to mail to the driver because if they did all the illegal u- turns and stop sign runners would be drowning in fines stupid people huh? (sounds of laughter) the fact remains when a new traffic control device ie a stop sin is installed there is often a 30 day grace period . however, if you blatantly run the stop sign you will get a ticket .so keep in mind that often new traffic signals are installed. it's up to you as a driver to pay attention . but there are no grace periods in a crash in san carlos stanley roberts kron 4 news and here's a live look outside. and here's a live look outside... bay bridge (james) meteorologist anny hong has what you need to know before heading out the door this morning. (anny hong): locally breezy this morning coast and hills otherwise sunny and warmer today. becoming breezy again tonight in the hills under offshore flow and clear skies. winds will ease saturday morning giving way to a clear and warm weekend. another round of offshore winds possible monday morning otherwise continued seasonably warm and dry through wednesday. cooling trend may start around thursday. no major hot spots. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. in san francisco the geat hwy is closed bwtn lincoln and sloat use sunset instead ( james ) now to a story you will see only on kron 4... one year after a pregnant woman survived being shot in the head in pacifica ... she is breaking her silence. the young mother has been in hiding.... because her attacker is still on the loose. marissa johnson still has a scar on the back of her head and a fragment of the bullet that hit her is still there. it was one year ago that marissa showed up to work at the casa pacifica apartments and she says her ex-boyfriend tried to kidnap her at gunpoint. she was eight months pregnant at the time. < i said i'm not leaving with you leaving with you and then he put the gun to the back of my head and shot me.i honestly didn't think you were doing and he would walk off but i was wrong.>( james ) 27 year old ricardo colindres has not been seen since that day. he's on the u-s marshalls northern california most wanted list. a 10 thousand dollar reward is being offered for information leading to his arrest. he faces two counts of attempted murder. ( james ) in the bay area's busiest cities it can be dangerous getting around especially if you are walking. a recent ranking of metropolitan cities across the country shows not san francisco but san jose is the bay area's most dangerous area for pedestrians. kron 4's rob fladeboe goes in depth and shows us what is being done to slow down the growing problem. (sjpd traffic enforcement unit conducts sting operation in downtown san jose)sgt. michael trudeau/san jose police "harley davidson, lane one, 160 feet.'san jose police are cracking down on drivers who don't stop for pedestrians in crosswalks, but that's not the only problem says sergeant michael trudeau.sgt. michael trudeau/san jose police"a lot of our victims are struck at night, they're wearing dark clothing, they're not moving very well, maybe they're sick, maybe they're drunk or on drugs or are mentally ill and not able to take care of themselves'(file/recent pedestrian fatality)in the bay area, san jose-sunnyvale-santa clara ranks the highest on the pedestrian danger index.. calculated by the non profit group smart growth america. in this grim example, back on april 1st, a 71 year old man, whom police say was not in the crosswalk, was struck and killed near the intersection of chynoweth avenue and monterey road. (graphic)that was the 12th fatal traffic accident in san jose in the first three months of the year and the 10th involving a pedestrian, a sharp increase from 2016. (forum on pedestrian safety) jaime fearer/california walks "hitting someone at 40 miles per hour is like throwing them from a 4-story building" regardless of who might have been at fault, jaime fearer, of the group 'california walks,' says excessive speed is often the difference between life and death in these cases.jaime fearer/california walks""the faster we're driving the more likely we are to be severely injured or killed so reducing our speed and having safer behavior behind the wheel is the only way to bring these injuries down" rob fladeboe/san jose"elijah and those with him were in the crosswalk when they were hit but it turns out that pedestrians themselves are often at fault. in 2016, investigators found that in half of all fatality cases, pedestrians were either illegally in the roadway or outside of the crosswalks."it can happen anywhere but the accidents most often occurr on streets already identified as priority safety corrodors like monterey road and capitol expressway which joseph vega must cross every day on his way to school.joseph vega/pedestrian"people don't know how to merge, people are speeding, it doesn't matter if you're in the crosswalk, people are threatening someone else's life for a couple of extra seconds just to get where they're going"sgt. michael trudeau/san jose police "you see people crossing intersections all over town and they're buried in their cell phones, but it's not just a cell phone problem, it's a social problem.."jaywalking is rampant in san jose and the homeless are among the victims. strategies for dealing with the problem include asking the state to allow the use of automated cameras to reduce speed, along with stepped up enforcement but 10 pedestrian fatalities, in a city whose policy goal is called 'vision zero,' 10 fatalities is ten too many. jaime fearer/california walks "why we're seeing a spike this year, i just don't know, i don't have an answer, we're seeing a spike nationally as well and i think we need to see this as a call to improve our traffic safety and save lives"in san jose rob fladeboe kron 4 newssan jose ranked number 48 on the nationwide that pedestrian danger index. san francisco came in lower.. at 85. stockton, modesto and sacramento each ranked higher on the index.. but the city with the worst ranking for pedestrian deaths per population was the cape coral- fort myers area in florida. (james) here is a live look outside from our golden gate bridge camera.... coming up... protests at the berkeley campus against conservative commentator ann coulter. what police did to keep the demonstration peaceful. and... police are in the middle of an hours long standoff with a man suspected of killing a woman in walnut creek. kron 4's averi harper will have the details. and... congress is set to vote on a short term spending bill to avoid a government shutdown on the eve of president trump's first 100 days in office. details next hour. who are these people? the environmentally aware. the ones with their eyes on the sky and our air. they say our climate's in need of repair. why do they worry? why do they care? the energy conscious people among us say small actions could add up to something... humongous. a little thing here a little thing there starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. limiting showers to only five minutes. turning off lights in a room unless they're in it. air filter changing, solar installing unplugging, dial-turning, thermostat-lowering off-peak-time users all joining forces. to help get our power from renewable sources. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? the celebrated lead-by-example crew. turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. (and yeah, it's him too) don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. ( averi ) breaking news.... police in the middle of an hours long standoff with a murder suspect in the east bay. i am live at the scene with the details. ( anny ) and breaking news from overnight... several police officers are injured. i will tell you where it happened and how the officers are doing this morning. ( rebecca ) hundreds of protestors showed up in berkeley after ann coulter's speech was canceled. i'll show you how the protests turned out and if there was any violence. ( darya ) good morning i'm darya folsom..( mark ) and i'm mark danon. lets start the morning with a check of weather and traffic... (james)today will be a nice way to end the work week. sunny and breezy is the short version of the forecast. let's go outside and check our 4- zone forecast camera network. it's clear and cold. in fact temperatures in the valleys this morning have dropped into the 40s. here's your "ready 4 school" daypart forecast. at 8:00 when school begins, we're expecting upper 50s inland, so kids will definitely need a jacket. by lunchtime, we should be enjoying sunny skies and low 70s. then by no major hot spots. bart delay sin oakland due to a stalled train at lake merritt. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. ( darya ) breaking news we are following this morning... police in martinez are in the middle of an 11 hours long standoff with a man suspected of killing a woman in walnut creek.( mark ) this standoff has been going on since last night. kron 4's averi harper is live on the scene right now with the latest. averi. ( averi ) an hours long standoff with a murder suspect in the east bay continues this morning. it's happening in martinez as an armed man sits in a car near the corner of howe and old orchard roads. swat teams have been surrounding the armed man since yesterday evening. police say the he is accused of shooting and killing a woman in walnut creek. it happened yesterday afternoon near larkey park and the lindsey wildlife museum. investigators say the gunman and the victim did know each other. we will continue to monitor this situation and bring you updates as soon as they come into the newsroom. thanks averi. we will check back with you through out the morning. ( mark ) breaking overnight... three officers are injured after two police cars crash in san francisco. anny hong is following the latest from the breaking news desk. anny. (anny) the crash involving two police cars happened just before 11:00 last night . the officers were responding to a call for backup when they collided at 15th and mission streets. one of the cars hit a fire hydrant. all three were taken to the hospital. they are expected to be okay. the initial incident that they were responding to was handled by other officers. there is no word yet on what that incident was. we have reached out to police and will bring you any updates as soon as they come into the news room. back to you. (anny) toss back to anchors. ( darya ) a san mateo elementary school teacher is in jail after police say they found lewd pictures of children on his phone. 33-year-old anthony satriano was arrested at his home in san francisco. the investigation started when a student at saint mathew's episcopal day school told police that satriano asked her to wear tight clothing to school. police say they found pictures of children on his phone that he says he used for sexual purposes. satriano is facing multiple child pornography charges. ( mark ) several people arrested during protests at u-c berkeley but police say the protests remained mostly peaceful.( darya ) rebecca strom is here with the details. rebecca. ( rebecca ) groups that supported and opposed conservative commentator ann coulter gathered and despite threats of violence it was relatively peaceful.. hundreds of people also gathered in berkeley's civic center plaza yesterday. five people were arrested during the protest. coulter backed out of a planned speech she was going to deliver because of security concerns but her supporters came anyway. appreciated how opposite sides could gather without violence: ( rebecca ) police took heavy precautionary measures to prevent any violence. there were barricades set up and police were in riot gear. back to you. ( mark ) police in the east bay are looking for at least four people behind a series of burglaries in hercules. two homes were burglarized in two hours on new bury street. while police were investigating the first burglary... another man in the area says his house had also been broken into. that man says the thieves stole tens of thousands of dollars worth of jewelry and a gun that was in his safe. suspicious because the side door is open, the light in the garage is on and my little table for cooking the door is out. the first thing is its kind of scary.>( mark ) police say the thieves got away in this toyota avalon. investigators are talking to neighbors to see if they have any surveillance video that can help them track down the thieves. ( darya ) a reward is now being offered for information about the person who left dozens of dead dogs in trash bags at a bay area park. a woman found the decomposing dogs while she was walking near the blue rock springs park and golf club in vallejo. the city's animal control agency says they are looking into the incident. an animal rescue group called "cares" in solano county is offering a two-thousand dollar reward for information that leads to an arrest of the person responsible for dumping the animals. ( darya ) people in a vallejo neighborhood are voicing their concerns over side shows on their streets. they have been happening at the intersection of cabrillo and wilshire avenues...behind the beverly hills elementary school. one man reached out to kron 4 this week saying this is the second time in one month a side show has broken out right in front of his home. the man says the only response he is getting from the city is for him to start a neighborhood watch program. neighbors are hoping the city will take on a more head- on approach. ( mark ) still ahead... an 86-year-old california woman beaten and killed while going for a walk. now there's been a break in the case. the big development is coming up. and later... the man accused of a racially- motivated shooting spree in freso won't be answering to the charges any time soon. we'll tell you why there's a hold up. and after the break... it has been one year since a pregnant woman was shot in the head... and she is now talking about the shooting for the first time. hear her emotional story in an interview you will see only on kron 4. ( james ) and i will check your bay area forecast coming up ( robin ) and i am tracking you commute after the break. . . major bart delay from oakland in all directions due to a stallked train at lake merritt you brush your teeth diligently... two times a day right? but 80% of bacteria aren't even on teeth. eughty purschunt?! colgate total's different. it fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums. protecting 100% of your mouth's surfaces. colgate total for whole mouth health. ( mark )( darya ) welcome back to the kron 4 morning news. let's get a check of the forecast with james fletcher. major bart delay from oakland in all directions due to a stallked train at lake merritt. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. (james)today will be a nice way to end the work week. sunny and breezy is the short version of the forecast. let's go outside and check our 4- zone forecast camera network. it's clear and cold. right now temperatures are in the 40s and low 50s, so you'll definitely need a jacket. by lunchtime, we should be enjoying sunny skies and low 70s. then by 3:00 this afternoon, we'll hit our peak temperatures which should range from the mid 60s at the coast to mid 70s inland. bayshore communities will enjoy low 70s. winds will be blowing once again today, especially at the coast and in the hills. that's today's weather. your 3-day outlook shows continued sunshine tomorrow and through the weekend with temperatures warming to the low 80s. i'll have your 7-day forecast coming up later in the hour. ( mark ) now to a story you will see only on kron 4... one year after a pregnant woman survived being shot in the head in pacifica ... she is silence.( darya ) rebecca strom is here with her story. rebecca. ( rebecca ) the young mother has been in hiding.... because her attacker is still on the loose. marissa johnson still has a scar on the back of her head and a fragment of the bullet that hit her is still there. it was one year ago that marissa showed up to work at the casa pacifica apartments and she says her ex-boyfriend tried to kidnap her at gunpoint. she was eight months pregnant at the time. < i said i'm not leaving with you leaving with you and then he put the gun to the back of my head and shot me.i honestly didn't think you were doing and he would walk off but i was wrong.>( rebecca ) 27 year old ricardo colindres has not been seen since that day. he's on the u-s marshalls northern california most wanted list. a 10 thousand dollar reward is being offered for information leading to his arrest. he faces two counts of attempted murder. back to you. ( darya ) people at a shopping center in santa cruz got quite the scare when they spotted a mountain lion perched in a tree. residents and nearby businesses were told to shelter- in- place during the ordeal yesterday afternoon. animal control was called out to tranquilize it and return the mountain lion to the wild. officials say it was a male and may be a juvenile. no one was hurt. the santa cruz puma project placed a tracking collar on the animal before it was released. ( mark ) happening today... congress is set to vote on a short term spending bill to avoid a government shutdown on the eve of president trump's first 100 days in office. today the president will spend part of the day at an n-r-a convention in atlanta. he is also expected to sign an executive order aimed at opening offshore drilling in places like the western gulf of mexico. over his first 100 days, the president has taken military action in syria and afghanistan and put a new justice on the supreme court. but the president is being criticized for not yet being able to come through on repealing the affordable care act. congress is currently working on a new healthcare proposal that could be voted on soon. ( darya ) president trump is admitting that being president is not as easy as he thought. in an interview with reuters... the president said he is working harder as president than he did as a businessman. he went on to say that he misses the freedom he had before becoming president. one of the things the president says he misses the most -- is driving. ( mark ) police now have a person of interest in the case of a 86-year-old woman who was killed while walking with a friend in the sacramento area. 86-year-old fusako petreus was walking with a friend wednesday morning on a high school track. a man approached them and started beating petreus' friend. when petreus tried to stop him....he started beating her. the attacker then ran off but didn't get away for long. police say they found him hiding a few blocks away. family and friends are now remembering the victim for being a sweet woman: ( mark ) the suspect is an 18-year-old man who is now behind bars. police have not released his name because he has not yet been formally charged. ( darya ) a ten-month-old puppy that almost died after being badly abused -- has made a full recovery and is now available for adoption in oakland. workers at oakland animal services named her "ali" after muhaammad ali. the little terrier mix was found with a vacuum cord wrapped around her neck.. and there were bows glued to her ears. donations helped pay for her care. if you're interested in adopting her -- contact oakland animal services. ( darya ) still ahead... no charges against the officers who killed a man in the south bay. see why prosecutors say the officers were forced to fire their guns. and next... the raiders and 49ers make their picks in the n-f-l draft. we will tell you why the raiders pick left some fans in disbelief. and here's a live look at crowne plaza we know business travel isn't just business. there's this. 'a bit of this. why not? your hotel should make it easy to do all the things you do. which is what we do. crowne plaza. we're all business, mostly. you brush your teeth diligently... two times a day right? but 80% of bacteria aren't even on teeth. eughty purschunt?! colgate total's different. it fights bacteria on teeth, tongue, cheeks and gums. protecting 100% of your mouth's surfaces. colgate total for whole mouth health. major bart delay from oakland in all directions due to a stalled train at lake merritt. bay bridge minor delay at the toll plaza. wb 580 at the richomd bridge no major slow downs. ( darya ) 49ers fans are rejoicing over san francisco's first pick in this year's nfl draft.( mark ) the team didn't even have to leave the bay area to find their guy. check it out.( mark ) solomon thomas and new general manager john lynch are both former stanford cardinals. the 49ers had the second pick in the draft but traded it to the bears for the third pick. the team also traded to get a second pick in the first round and selected alabama linebacker reuben foster. ( darya ) and with the 24th overall pick the oakland raiders selected cornerback gareon conley out of ohio state. but the silver and black's selection is rasing a lot of questions. he is currently facing rape allegations. ( mark ) now to baseball and the a's taking on the angels. kendall gravemann up on the mound trying to avoid the sweep and it didn't start off well. as the angels would put up 2 quick runs to give them a two to nothing lead. and those two runs would turn out to be enough. angels win 2 to 1. today oakland will continue their ten-game road trip in houston. ( darya ) and it was a tough loss for the giants against the dodgers. the game went to extra innings and the giants gave up 4 runs in the 10th. dodgers win 5 to 1. the teams split the 4 game series the padres will be in town to begin a weekend series tonight. ( averi ) breaking news.... police in the middle of an hours long standoff with a murder suspect in the east bay. i am live at the scene with the details.( mark ) plus... one bay area city is among the worst in the country for pedestrians. see what"s being done to solve the problem.( james ) your bay area forecast is next. ( mark )( darya ) welcome back to the kron four morning news... ( mark )( darya ) welcome back to the kron four morning news... lets start the half hour with a check of weather and traffic... major bart delay from oakland in all directions due to a stallked train at lake merritt. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. (james)today will be a nice way to end the work week. sunny and breezy is the short version of the forecast. let's go outside and check our 4- (james)today will be a nice way to end the work week. sunny and breezy is the short version of the forecast. let's go outside and check our 4- zone forecast camera network. it's clear and cold. in fact temperatures in the valleys this morning have dropped into the 40s. here's your daypart forecast, mapping out the next 8 hours. right now temperatures are in the 40s and low 50s, so you'll definitely need a jacket. by lunchtime, we should be enjoying sunny skies and low 70s. then by this afternoon, we'll hit our temperatures which should range from the mid 60s at the coast and low 70s by the bay, to mid 70s inland. winds will be again today, especially at the coast and in the hills. weather. i'll have your 7-coming up in 15 minutes. ( darya ) breaking news we are following this morning... police in martinez are in the middle of an 11 hours long standoff with a man suspected of killing a woman in walnut creek.( mark ) this standoff has been going on since last night. kron 4's averi harper is live on the scene right now with the latest. averi. ( averi ) an hours long standoff with a murder suspect in the east bay continues this morning. it's happening in martinez as an armed man sits in a car near the corner of howe and old orchard roads. swat teams have been surrounding the armed man since yesterday evening. police say the he is accused of shooting and killing a woman in walnut creek. it happened yesterday afternoon near larkey park and the lindsey wildlife museum. investigators say the gunman and the victim did know each other. we will continue to monitor this situation and bring you updates as soon as they come into the newsroom. ( darya ) thanks averi. we will check back with you the morning. ( mark ) san jose is the bay area's most dangerous area for pedestrians. that's according to a new government report.( darya ) rebecca strom is here with a look at how police are trying to protect pedestrians. rebecca. ( rebecca ) san jose police are cracking down on drivers who don't stop for people in crosswalks. police say that a lot of the victims are hit at night and they are wearing dark clothing. earlier this month, san jose saw it's 12th deadly accident and the 10th involving a pedestrian this year. the group 'california walks" says speed is often the difference between life and death in these accidents. ( rebecca ) police say jaywalking is also a big problem in san jose. police have asked the state to allow the use of automated cameras to try and force drivers to slow down. nationwide...san jose came in as number 48 on the list of the worst cities for pedestrians. back to you. ( darya ) three sunnyvale public safety officers who shot and killed a man in 20-15 will not face charges. the santa clara county district attorney's office announced that the officers had no other reasonable option but to fire their weapons resulting in the death of moises nerio. officers responded to a report that nerio had tried to rape his half- sister. police say when they arrived, they found him intoxicated and threatening police with a 13-inch kitchen knife. in police recordings, officers can be heard directing nerio to stand down before firing their weapons. investigators believe nerio wanted to by a cop'. ( mark ) daly city police have arrested a man accused of indecent exposure. investigators sent out this suspect sketch...after a young girl and two adults reported the man for indecent exposure in public areas in march. last week investigators identified the suspect as 53- year-old anthony merino. merino was taken into custody yesterday. he's facing five felony charges. ( mark ) police are looking for the person who robbed two passengers on a muni train at gunpoint in san francisco's bayview district. the robberies happened on wednesday. a young man and woman had their jewelry, cell phones and wallet taken from them. they were not injured. investigators say the man who pulled the gun ran off with two other men. there is no description of the thief this morning. ( darya ) a judge has ordered a mental evaluation for the man accused of killing three people in a racially- motivated shooting rampage in fresno. the judge suspended the criminal case of kori ali muhammad until he can be evaluated by doctors. he's charged with killing four men, including an earlier shooting of a motel security guard. investigators say muhammad told them he wanted to kill as many white people as possible and was even laughing as he talked about the shootings. it could be several months before doctors determine if muhammad is competent to stand trial. ( darya ) president trump's former national security advisor michael flynn is facing more problems after new documents reveal he was already warned about accepting foreign payments. new information obtained by the house oversight committee shows flynn was given a warning in 20-14 while he was retiring from the military. house leaders also say flynn might have broken the law by not disclosing payments from a russina t-v station. flynn resigned as national security advisor in february after it was revealed he withheld information on talks he had with a russian ambassador prior to president trump being sworn into office. ( mark ) employers in california can now legally pay women less than men for the same work... based on their previous salaries. the ninth u-s circuit court in san francisco had overturned a lower-court ruling that said basing pay off ápriorá salary was discriminatory. this ruling came from a lawsuit filed by a fresno school district employee in 20-12.. the appeals court says employers can use past salary information as long as it is within reason and as long as the business has a policy that justifies the pay. ( mark ) united airlines has reached a settlement with the passenger who was violently dragged from one of its flights in chicago. doctor david dao was ordered off an overbooked united flight earlier this month. when he refused to leave he was dragged off. he suffered a concussion and a broken jaw. dao's attorneys did not say how much money he was getting from united but legal experts say it was likely in the millions of dollars. the kron4 morning news wants to send you and a guest to see hamilton! keep watching the kron4 morning news and we will give you the secret word of the day. then go to and enter the word for a chance to win a pair of the hottest tickets in town! keep watching every day for a new word and another opportunity to win! today's secret word of the day will be revealed in our 7 o'clock hour so keep watching and you could win hamilton tickets! ( darya ) coming up ... new video of an arrest in california has some saying the officer used excessive force. what a mother says the officer did to her son when he was in handcuffs. and later... plans to bring an in-n-out restaurant to the east bay have been scrapped. we'll tell you why. and after the break...why college students are taking classes so they can talk like the game of thrones. mone hundredts thousand times a day, sending oxygen to my muscles. again! so i can lift even the most demanding weight. take care of all your most important parts with centrum. now verified non gmo and gluten free. nosy neighbor with a glad bag, full of trash. what happens next? nothing. only glad has febreze to neutralize odors for 5 days. guaranteed. even the most perceptive noses won't notice the trash. be happy. it's glad. taste the many sides of brookside. smooth dark chocolate outside. exotic fruit flavor inside. brookside. for all your sides. ( robin ) major bart delay from oakland in all directions due to a stalled train at lake merritt ( mark ) if you drive a toyota... there may be a problem with the car that could cause you to lose control while driving. more than 200-thousand toyota tacoma pick up trucks could leak oil and are being recalled this morning. the recall affects certain 2016 and 2017 tacoma trucks. the company is already sending notices to owners about the problem. ( darya ) u-c berkeley is now offering a six week course inspired by all of the fictional languages used in the t-v show game of thrones. the class will be taught by a linguist who created two of the languages for the show. the class is titled "the linguistics of game of thrones and the art of language invention." as for the show itself... it is set to return in the middle of july. ( mark ) and here are some of the stories we are working on for the kron four morning news at six... we are following breaking news out of san francisco.... three officers are injured overnight in a car crash. we'll have an update on their conditions. ( darya ) plus... we are hearing from the mother of a missing california college student for the first time. hear the emotional message she has to her missing daughter.( mark ) and... a warning to pet owners. an organic dog food tests positive for having samples of a euthanasia drug. that story is coming up. (james) your bay area forecast is after the break. who are these people? the energy conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. ( mark ) we're coming up on 5:45... here's a quick look at the top stories we're following this morning... an hours long standoff with a murder suspect in the east bay continues this morning. it's happening in martinez as an armed man sits in a car near the corner of howe and old orchard roads. police say the he is accused of shooting and killing a woman in walnut creek. ( darya ) groups that supported and opposed conservative commentator ann coulter gathered in berkeley. and despite threats of violence it was relatively peaceful demonstration. five people were arrested during the protest. coulter backed out of a planned speech she was going to deliver because of security concerns but her supporters showed up anyway.( mark ) police in the east bay are looking for at least four people behind a series of burglaries in hercules. two homes were burglarized in two hours on new bury street. while police were investigating the first burglary... another man in the area says his house had also been broken into. ( mark )( darya )( robin ) checking bay area roads before you head out the door.. major bart delay from downtown oakland in all directions due to a stalled train at lake merritt. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. (james)today will be a nice way to end the work week. sunny and breezy is the short version of the forecast. let's go outside and check our 4- zone forecast camera network. it's clear and cold. right now temperatures are in the 40s and low 50s, so you'll definitely need a jacket. by lunchtime, we should be enjoying sunny skies and low 70s. then by 3:00 this afternoon, we'll hit our peak temperatures which should range from the mid 60s at the coast to mid 70s inland. bayshore communities will enjoy low 70s. winds will be blowing once again ( mark ) a los angeles police officer is accused of using excessive force when he arrested a man.( darya ) rebecca strom joins us now with the details.rebecca? (rebecca @ landing) let's go straight to the video that has launched the investigation. it starts with the man named tajj williams in handcuffs standing up. as williams walks behind a wall with a police officer...he somehow ends up on the ground. williams' mom says the officer threw him so hard that he was knocked unconscious. (rebecca) l-a-p-d says it is looking into the excessive force allegations. (rebecca @ landing) back to you james. ( mark ) the developer of a proposed in-n-out restaurant has pulled out of the walnut creek project. hall equities group withdrew it's application with the city of walnut creek. an in-n-out restaurant was scheduled to be built at the corner of second avenue and north main street. but neighbors objected to the proposal because of concerns about increased traffic in the area. ( darya ) the fourth execution in seven days in arkansas has prompted calls for an investigation after the inmate lurched while he was strapped to the gurney. kenneth williams was put to death last night. an associated press reporter says three minutes after williams received the lethal injection...his body jerked fifteen times. the reporter says williams lurched violently against the chest restraint. a spokesman for the governor says it was an involuntary muscle reaction but williams' attorneys claims there were problems during the proceedure. williams was executed at the same prison where he escaped from in 1999 before he killed a man. ( darya ) williams is one of eight inmates arkansas wanted to put to death before its supply of sedatives expired at the end of this month. ( mark ) this morning we are hearing from some of the women who were the target of a nude photo scandal in the united states marines. naked pictures of female service members circulated online without their consent. the web page that distributed the pictures has been shut down. the victims say hundreds of women have seen their pictures and now they are wondering why the people responsible are not being held accountable. they now want to see laws changed to protect women in similar situations. photo without someone's consent, without their permission is a federal law. that's my top goal.">( mark ) 14 active duty marines and one active duty sailor have been identified by investigators as the men who may be responsible for sharing the naked pictures. ( mark ) coming up on the kron four morning news after the break... several new movies hitting theaters this morning. see if any of them can knock fast and furious from the top spot at the box office. mone hundredts thousand times a day, sending oxygen to my muscles. again! so i can lift even the most demanding weight. take care of all your most important parts with centrum. now verified non gmo and gluten free. itthe power of nexium 24hr protection from frequent heartburn. all day, and all night. now packed into a pill so small, we call it mini. new clearminis from nexium 24hr. see heartburn differently. honey bunches of oats. it's crispy sweetened flakes, plus crunchy granola clusters, plus a touch of honey. it is 'mmmm', is good! it all adds up to a mouthful of joy. honey bunches of oats. have you tried it yet? ( mark )"the fate of the furious" is ready to race past the one-billion-dollar mark in worldwide ticket sales this weekend. even as three new movies are revving up to try to top it.( darya ) david daniel has a look at the new releases, and how they're expected to fare at the box office. "at the circle, we can finally reach our potential. when we are our best selves, there isn't a problem that we cannot solve.""the circle" stars emma watson and tom hanks in a thriller about an internet giant prompting privacy concerns with its massive reach. despite the real-world resonance and the a-list cast, analysts are looking for a debut between 10- and 15- million dollars -- easily the weekend's top new movie, but not nearly enough to top "fate of the furious.""you cheated on me with a car salesman?" "no! a little."eugenio derbez (ay-oh-hayn-yoh der-bez) leads another strong cast in "how to be a latin lover." the comedy, about a man aging out of his career of seducing rich older women, opens in moderate release -- about a thousand theaters -- and box office watchers estimate it'll make up to seven-million dollars this weekend.i've been hearing there's a new supplier in the area. homie moves into our backyard and starts selling like i don't exist! we gonna pay him a little visit -- talk to him about etiquette."then there's "sleight" (slight), an indie drama with a supernatural twist about a young man trying to support his kid sister between performing and working for the local drug boss. it's opening in theaters, where it's expected to to two-million dollars. in david daniel. ( mark ) coming up in the next hour on the kron 4 morning news... we are following two big breaking news stories this morning. first three police officers inured when their police cars collide. anny hong is following the latest form the breaking news desk. and a standoff with a murder suspect in the east bay is entering it's 12th hour. averi harper is live on the scene with the latest. and police stepping up efforts to catch the person who dumped dozens of dead dogs in a bay area park. the new reward being offered this morning. whoa! you're not taking these. hey, hey, hey! you're not taking those. whoa, whoa! you're not taking that. come with me. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. mom, i'm taking the subaru. don't be late. even when we're not there to keep them safe, our subaru outback will be. (vo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. ( averi ) breaking news.... police in the middle of an hours long standoff with a murder suspect in the east bay. i am live at the scene with the details. ( anny ) and breaking news from overnight... several police officers are injured. i will tell you where it happened and how the officers are doing this morning. ( rebecca ) hundreds of protestors showed up in berkeley after ann coulter's speech was canceled. i'll show you how the protests turned out and if there was any violence. (darya) good morning i'm darya folsom..(mark) and i'm mark danon. lets start the morning with a check of weather and traffic... major bart delay from oakland in all directions due to a stalled train at lake merritt. wb 80 slow from west grand (james)today will be a nice way to end the work week. sunny and breezy is the short version of the forecast. let's go outside and check our 4- zone forecast camera network. it's clear and cold. in fact temperatures in the valleys this morning have dropped into the 40s. here's your "ready 4 school" daypart forecast. at 8:00 when school begins, we're expecting upper 50s inland, so kids will definitely need a jacket. by lunchtime, we should be enjoying sunny skies and low 70s. then by 3pm, as kids get out of hit our peak which should the mid 60s at low 70s by the bay, to mid 70s will be again today, the coast and in the hills. weather. i'll day outlook coming up in 15 ( darya ) breaking news we are following this morning... police in martinez are in the middle of an 12 hours long standoff with a man suspected of killing a woman in walnut creek.( mark ) the suspect is refusing to get out of his car. kron 4's averi harper is live on the scene right now with the latest. averi. ( averi ) an hours long standoff with a murder suspect in the east bay continues this morning. it's happening in martinez as an armed man sits in a car near the corner of howe and old orchard roads. swat teams have been surrounding the armed man since yesterday evening. police say the he is accused of shooting and killing a woman in walnut creek. it happened yesterday afternoon near larkey park and the lindsey wildlife museum. investigators say the gunman and the victim did know each other. we will continue to monitor this situation and bring you updates as soon as they come into the newsroom. ( darya ) thanks averi. we will check back with you through out the morning. ( mark ) breaking overnight... three officers are injured after two police cars crash in san francisco. anny hong is following the latest from the breaking news desk. anny. (anny) the crash involving two police cars happened just before 11:00 last night . the officers were responding to a call for backup when they collided at 15th and mission streets. one of the cars hit a fire hydrant. all three were taken to the hospital. they are expected to be okay. the initial incident that they were responding to was handled by other officers. there is no word yet on what that incident was. we have reached out to police and will bring you any updates as soon as they come into the news room. back to you. (anny) toss back to anchors. ( darya ) a san mateo elementary school teacher is in jail after police say they found lewd pictures of children on his phone. 33-year-old anthony satriano was arrested at his home in san francisco. the investigation started when a student at saint mathew's episcopal day school told police that satriano asked her to wear tight clothing to school. police say they found pictures of children on his phone that he says he used for sexual purposes. satriano is facing multiple child pornography charges. ( mark ) several people arrested during protests at u-c berkeley but police say the protests remained mostly peaceful.( darya ) rebecca strom is here with the details. ( rebecca ) groups that supported and opposed conservative commentator ann coulter gathered and despite threats of violence it was relatively peaceful.. hundreds of people also gathered in berkeley's civic center plaza yesterday. five people were arrested during the protest. coulter backed out of a planned speech she was going to deliver because of security concerns but her supporters came anyway. i think its good for democracy.>( rebecca @ land ) police took heavy precautionary measures to prevent any violence. there were barricades set up and police were in riot gear. back to you. ( mark ) police in the east bay are looking for at least four people behind a series of burglaries in hercules. two homes were burglarized in two hours on new bury street. while police were investigating the first burglary... another man in the area says his house had also been broken into. that man says the thieves stole tens of thousands of dollars worth of jewelry and a gun that was in his safe. to neighbors to see if they have any surveillance video that can help them track down the thieves. ( darya ) a reward is now being offered for information about the person who left dozens of dead dogs in trash bags at a bay area park. a woman found the decomposing dogs while she was walking near the blue rock springs park and golf club in vallejo. the city's animal control agency says they are looking into the incident. an animal rescue group called "cares" in solano county is offering a two-thousand dollar reward for information that leads to an arrest of the person responsible for dumping the animals. ( mark ) now to a story you will see only on kron 4... one year after a pregnant woman survived being shot in the head in pacifica ... she is breaking her silence. the young mother has been in hiding.... because her attacker is still on the loose. marissa johnson still has a scar on the back of her head and a fragment of the bullet that hit her is still there. it was one year ago that marissa showed up to work at the casa pacifica apartments and she says her ex-boyfriend tried to kidnap her at gunpoint. she was eight months pregnant at < i said i'm not leaving with you leaving with you and then he put the gun to the back of my head and shot me.i honestly didn't think you were doing and he would walk off but i was wrong.>( mark ) 27 year old ricardo colindres has not been seen since that day. he's on the u-s marshalls northern california most wanted list. a 10 thousand dollar reward is being offered for information leading to his arrest. he faces two counts of attempted murder. ( darya ) people in a vallejo neighborhood are voicing their concerns over side shows on their streets. they have been happening at the intersection of cabrillo and wilshire avenues...behind the beverly hills elementary school. one man reached out to kron 4 this week saying this is the second time in one month a side show has broken out right in front of his home. the man says the only response he is getting from the city is for him to start a neighborhood watch program. neighbors are hoping the city will take on a more head- on approach. ( mark ) coming up... police announce a big development in the case of the 86 year old california woman who was beaten to death. the update is ahead. plus... the mother of a missing college student is speaking out for the first time. hear her plea for help after the break.( robin ) i'm tracking your morning commute. . major bart delay from oakland in all directions due to a stalled train at lake merritt i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo is specifically designed to open up airways to improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. learn more about better breathing at áááábreakáááá welcome back. lets get a check of weather and traffic this morning. bart delay 10 to 15 min systemwide duw to an earlier stall in oakland at lake merritt. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. wb 580 is light into the north bay (james)today will be a nice way to end the work week. sunny and breezy is the short version of the forecast. let's go outside and check our 4- zone forecast camera network. it's clear and cold. right now temperatures are in the 40s and low 50s, so you'll (james)today will be a nice way to end the work week. sunny and breezy is the short version of the forecast. let's go outside and check our 4- zone forecast camera network. it's clear and cold. right now temperatures are in the 40s and low 50s, so you'll definitely need a jacket. by lunchtime, we should be enjoying sunny skies and low 70s. then by 3:00 this afternoon, we'll hit our peak temperatures which should range from the mid 60s at the coast to mid 70s inland. bayshore communities will enjoy low 70s. winds will be blowing once again today, especially at the coast and in the hills. that's today's weather. your 3-day outlook shows continued sunshine tomorrow and through the weekend with temperatures warming to the low 80s. i'll have your 7-day forecast coming up later in the hour. ( mark ) we are now hearing from the mother of a missing yuba city college student for the first time. ( darya ) rebecca strom has more on the search for 20- year-old aly yeoman who has been missing for over three weeks. ( rebecca @ land ) aly's mother is now pleaing for the public to help bring her home. paula ede says searching for her daughter has been a nightmare. she says her and aly would text each other all the time and when the texting stopped...paula knew something was wrong. aly was last seen on march 30th leaving a friend's house in yuba city. her truck was found a few days later in an orchard. authorities also found her cell phone and foot-prints walking away from her truck. ( rebecca @ land )( rebecca @ land ) a 50-thousand dollar reward is now being offered for information leading to aly's whereabouts. paula says outpouring support has kept their family strong. ( darya ) police now have a person of interest in the case of a 86-year-old woman who was killed while walking with a friend in the sacramento area. 86-year-old fusako petreus was walking with a friend wednesday morning on a high school track. a man approached them and started beating petreus' friend. when petreus tried to stop him....he started beating her. the attacker then ran off but didn't get away for long. police say they found him hiding a few blocks away. family and friends are now remembering the victim for being a sweet woman: ( darya ) the suspect is an 18-year-old man who is now behind bars. police have not released his name because he has not yet been formally charged. ( mark ) happening today... congress is set to vote on a short term spending bill to avoid a government shutdown on the eve of president trump's first 100 days in office. today the president will spend part of the day at an n-r-a convention in atlanta. he is also expected to sign an executive order aimed at opening offshore drilling in places like the western gulf of mexico. over his first 100 days, the president has taken military action in syria and afghanistan and put a new justice on the supreme court. but the president is being criticized for not yet being able to come through on repealing the affordable care act. congress is currently working on a new healthcare proposal that could be voted on soon. ( mark ) president trump is admitting that being president is not as easy as he thought. in an interview with reuters... the president said he is working harder as president than he did as a businessman. he went on to say that he misses the freedom he had before becoming president. one of the things the president says he misses the most -- is driving. ( darya ) a huge windstorm is hitting parts of southern california... knocking over fences, trees and traffic lights leaving thousands without power. take a look at this... the windy weather knocked down a tree in santa clarita. the national weather service says winds could reach about 40 miles-per-hour in los angeles today. high winds are expected to stay in the region until tomorrow. ( darya ) and take a look at this... strong winds brought down a tree on a busy interstate in washington state. it was all recorded on a drivers dash cam. it happened wednesday on interstate five. the tree hit one car, injuring the woman behind the wheel and crushing the car's roof. that woman is expected to be okay. ( mark ) the executive running uber's self-driving car division is stepping aside while the company defends itself against a google lawsuit. the lawsuit claims that anthony levandowski provided the project with technology stolen from google's self driving project called, "waymo." levandowski left google last year. uber denies its self-driving cars are using waymo's technology. levandowski will remain at uber, but is no longer overseeing the self-driving car project. ( darya ) united airlines has reached a settlement with the passenger who was violently dragged from one of its flights in chicago. doctor david dao was ordered off an overbooked united flight earlier this month. when he refused to leave he was dragged off. he suffered a concussion and a broken jaw. dao's attorneys did not say how much money he was getting from united but legal experts say it was likely in the millions of dollars. ( darya )(áááboxesááá) southwest will no longer overbook flights.... ending an industry-wide practice that leaves people who paid for a flight without a place to sit. the c-e-o says the last thing the airline wants is to deny a customer their flight. last year...southwest bumped 15-thousand passengers from its flights which is more than any other airlines. south-west now joins jet-blue in not over-booking flights. ( rebecca @ land ) coming up... no charges against the officers who killed a man in the south bay. see why prosecutors say the officers were forced to fire their guns. ( darya ) and... a warning to pet owners. an organic dog food tests positive for having samples of a euthanasia drug. we'll tell you which dog food could be toxic. and here's a live look outside... san mateo bridge. hey allergy muddlers are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? try zyrtec® it's starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. (robin) no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. ( darya ) an organic dog food tested positive for having samples of a pet euthanasia drug.( mark ) "party animal" is recalling its "cocolicious beef and turkey dog food" and "cocolicious chicken and beef dog food." this comes after multiple reports of dogs getting sick after eating the food.( darya ) party animal says the food was manufactured in 20-15 and is working with retailers to take all the recalled products of the shelves. for more information on the recall go to our website at kron four dot com. ( mark ) people at a shopping center in santa cruz got quite the scare when they spotted a mountain lion perched in a tree.( darya ) residents and nearby businesses were told to shelter- in- place during the ordeal yesterday afternoon. animal control was called out to tranquilize it and return the mountain lion to the wild. ( mark ) officials say it was a male and may be a juvenile. no one was hurt. the santa cruz puma project placed a tracking collar on the animal before it was ( mark ) the kron4 morning news wants to send you and a guest to see hamilton!( darya ) keep watching the kron4 morning news and we will give you the secret word of the day. then go to and enter the word for a chance to win a pair of the hottest tickets in town! ( mark ) keep watching every day for a new word and another opportunity to win! today's of the day will be revealed in hour so keep watching and hamilton tickets! ( james ) your bay area forecast is next. ( averi ) breaking news.... police in the middle of an hours long standoff with a murder suspect in the east bay. i am live at the scene with the details.( mark ) plus... one bay area city is among the worst in the country for pedestrians. see what"s being done to solve the problem. . (mark) u.s. stock indexes fluttered up and down, then ended the day a hair above where they started. the dow jones industrial average added 6.24 points, less than 0.1 percent, to 20,981.33. (mark)(darya) lets start the half hour with a check of weather and traffic... (james)today will be a nice way to end the work week. sunny and breezy is the short version of the forecast. let's go outside and check our 4- zone forecast camera network. it's clear and cold. in fact temperatures in the valleys this morning have dropped into the 40s. here's your daypart forecast, mapping out no major hot spots. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. ( darya ) we continue to follow breaking news... police in martinez are in the middle of an 12 hours long standoff with a man suspected of killing a woman in walnut creek.( mark ) the suspect is refusing to get out of his car near a gas station. kron 4's averi harper is live on the scene right now with the latest. averi. ( averi ) an hours long standoff with a murder suspect in the east bay continues this morning. it's happening in martinez as an armed man sits in a car near the corner of howe and old orchard roads. swat teams have been surrounding the armed man since yesterday evening. police say the he is accused of shooting and killing a woman in walnut creek. it happened yesterday afternoon near larkey park and the lindsey wildlife museum. investigators say the gunman and the victim did know each other. we will continue to monitor this situation and bring you updates as soon as they come into the newsroom. . ( darya ) thanks averi. we will check back with you through out the morning. ( mark ) san jose is the bay area's most dangerous area for pedestrians. that's according to a new government report. anny hong is at the breaking news desk with what police are doing to address the problem. anny. ( anny @ flash ) san jose police are cracking down on drivers who don't stop for people in crosswalks. police say that a lot of the victims are hit at night and they are wearing dark clothing. earlier this month, san jose saw it's 12th deadly accident and the 10th involving a pedestrian this year. the group 'california walks" says speed is often the difference between life and death in these accidents. ( anny @ flash ) police say jaywalking is also a big problem in san jose. police have asked the state to allow the use of automated cameras to try and force drivers to slow down. nationwide...san jose came in as number 48 on the list of the worst cities for pedestrians. ( mark ) three sunnyvale public safety officers who shot and killed a man in 20-15 will not face charges.( darya ) rebecca strom is here with police recordings of the deadly shooting. rebecca? ( rebecca @ land ) the santa clara county district attorney's office announced that the officers had no other reasonable option but to fire their weapons resulting in the death of moises nerio. officers responded to a report that nerio had tried to rape his half- sister. police say when they arrived, they found him intoxicated and threatening police with a 13-inch kitchen knife. in police recordings, officers can be heard directing nerio to stand down before firing their weapons. looking for the person who robbed two passengers on a muni train at gunpoint in san francisco's bayview district. the robberies happened on wednesday. a young man and woman had their jewelry, cell phones and wallet taken from them. they were not injured. investigators say the man who pulled the gun ran off with two other men. there is no description of the thief this morning. ( darya ) a judge has ordered a mental evaluation for the man accused of killing four people in a racially- motivated shooting rampage in fresno. the judge suspended the criminal case of kori ali muhammad until he can be evaluated by doctors. he's charged with killing four men, including an earlier shooting of a motel security guard. investigators say muhammad told them he wanted to kill as many white people as possible and was even laughing as he talked about the shootings. it could be several months before doctors determine if muhammad is competent to stand trial. ( mark ) president trump's former national security advisor michael flynn is facing more problems after new documents reveal he was already warned about accepting foreign payments. new information obtained by the house oversight committee shows flynn was given a warning in 20-14 while he was retiring from the military. house leaders also say flynn might have broken the law by not disclosing payments from a russina t-v station. flynn resigned as national security advisor in february after it was revealed he withheld information on talks he had with a russian ambassador prior to president trump being sworn into office. ( mark ) employers in california can now legally pay women less than men for the same work... based on their previous salaries. the ninth u-s circuit court in san francisco had overturned a lower-court ruling that said basing pay off ápriorá salary was discriminatory. this ruling came from a lawsuit filed by a fresno school district employee in 20-12.. the appeals court says employers can use past salary information as long as it is within reason and as long as the business has a policy that justifies the pay. ( darya ) the fourth execution in seven days in arkansas has prompted calls for an investigation after the inmate lurched while he was strapped to the gurney. kenneth williams was put to death last night. an associated press reporter says three minutes after williams received the lethal injection...his body jerked fifteen times. the reporter says williams lurched violently against the chest restraint. a spokesman for the governor says it was an involuntary muscle reaction but williams' attorneys claims there were problems during the proceedure. williams was executed at the same prison where he escaped from in 1999 before he killed a man. ( darya ) williams is one of eight inmates arkansas wanted to put to death before its supply of sedatives expired at the end of this month. ( mark ) coming up... a 14-year-old cancer survivor gets his wish granted during the n-f-l draft. we'll explain up ahead. and after the break... new video of an arrest in california has some saying the officer used excessive force. what a mother says the officer did to her son when he was in handcuffs. break through your allergies. try new flonase sensimist instead of allergy pills. it delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances. most allergy pills only block one. new flonase sensimist. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. no major prblems on wb 80 wb 24 ( darya ) a los angeles police officer is accused of using excessive force when he arrested a man. this is the video that has launched an investigation. it starts with the man named tajj williams in handcuffs standing up. as williams walks behind a wall with a police officer...he somehow ends up on the ground. williams' mom says the officer threw him so hard that he was knocked unconscious. calling his name.">( darya ) williams' mother says her son now has a black eye. an officer with the department says it takes all allegations seriously and has launched a personal investigation. ( rebecca @ land ) coming up.... some of the women who were the target of a nude photo scandal in the u-s marines are speaking out this morning. hear the laws they want changed to protect others in similar situations. (james) and i'm tracking your morning forecast. what to expect as you head out the door right after the break. . coming up on 6:45... here's a quick look at the top stories we're following this morning... an hours long standoff with a murder suspect in the east bay continues this morning. it's happening in martinez as an armed man sits in a car near the corner of howe and old orchard roads. police say the he is accused of shooting and killing a woman in walnut creek. ( darya ) groups that supported and opposed conservative commentator ann coulter gathered in berkeley. and despite threats of violence it was relatively peaceful demonstration. five people were arrested during the protest.backed out of speech she was going to deliver because of concerns but her supporters anyway.( mark ) police in the east bay are looking for at least four people behind a series of burglaries in hercules. two homes were burglarized in two hours on new bury street. while police were investigating the first burglary... another man in the area says his house had also been broken into. (mark)(darya) welcome back. lets get a check of weather and traffic... (james)today will be a nice way to end the work week. sunny and breezy is the short version of the forecast. let's go outside and check our 4- zone forecast camera network. it's clear and cold. right now temperatures are in the 40s and low 50s, so you'll definitely need a jacket. by lunchtime, we should be enjoying sunny skies and low 70s. then by 3:00 this afternoon, we'll hit our peak temperatures which should range from the mid 60s at the coast to mid 70s inland. bayshore communities will enjoy low 70s. winds will be blowing once again today, especially at the coast and in the hills. that's today's weather. your 7-day outlook shows continued sunshine tomorrow and through the weekend with temperatures warming to the low 80s. and that warm weather will continue into the first half no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( mark ) this morning we are hearing from some of the women who were the target of a nude photo scandal in the united states marines.( darya ) rebecca strom is here with the laws they want changed. rebecca. ( rebecca @ land ) naked pictures of female service members circulated online without their consent. the web page that distributed the pictures has been shut down. the victims say hundreds of women have seen their pictures and now they are wondering why the people responsible are not being held accountable. they now want to see laws changed to protect women in similar situations. ( rebecca @ land ) 14 active duty marines and one active duty sailor have been identified by investigators as the men who may be responsible for sharing the naked pictures. ( darya ) 49ers fans are rejoicing over san francisco's first pick in this year's nfl draft.( mark ) the team didn't even have to leave the bay area to find their guy. check it out.( mark ) solomon thomas and new general manager john lynch are both former stanford cardinals. the 49ers had the second pick in the draft but traded it to the bears for the third pick. the team also traded to get a second pick in the first round and selected alabama linebacker reuben foster. ( darya ) and with the 24th overall pick the oakland raiders selected cornerback gareon conley out of ohio state. but the silver and black's selection is rasing a lot of questions. he is currently facing rape allegations. ( mark ) an 8th grader with a rare form of brain cancer got a chance to live out his dream and announce a draft pick for his favorite team, the baltimore ravens. ( darya ) the 14-year-old found out he was making the pick last week in a video message from head coach john harbaugh. there was one player he wanted the ravens to pick. check out what happened the moment he saw who the pick was.< with the 16th pick in the 2017 nfl draft. the baltimore ravens select marlon humphrey defensive back from alabama>( darya ) he had wanted the ravens to draft a corner because of "great recievers in the ravens division." he recently learned that his cancer is now in remission. ( mark ) a quick look at your bay area baseball scores... the a's got swept on the road against their division rivals the l-a angeles...losing 2-1. today they continue their road trip in houston against the astros. first pitch at 5:10. and... the giants lost at home in extras against their division rivals the l-a dodgers. the giants bullpen fell apart in the tenth inning. giants lose 5-1. the giants take on the padres at home tonight at 7:15. ( darya ) the kron4 morning news wants to send you and a guest to see hamilton! keep watching the kron4 morning news and we will give you the secret word of the day. then go to and enter the word for a chance to win a pair of the hottest tickets in town! keep watching every day for a new word and another opportunity to win! today's secret word of the day will be revealed in our 7 o'clock hour so keep watching and you could win hamilton tickets! (mark) major u.s. stock indexes are off to a mixed start on wall street, while several big technology companies score gains after reporting solid earnings. the dow jones industrial average slipped 21 points, or 0.1 percent, to 20,960. ( mark ) coming up in kron four news at seven. we are following breaking news out of san francisco. three officers are injured overnight in a car crash. we'll have an update on their conditions. and before we head to break... taking a live look outside.... . . have assembled. spider-man... black widow... captain america... and eddie? so, what's the plan? breaking out the guardians, pal. come celebrate the all-new guardians of the galaxy-mission: breakout! during the summer of heroes, only at disneyland resort. hero up! enamel is the strong, wof your tooth surface. the thing that's really important to dentists is to make sure that that enamel stays strong and resilient for a lifetime. the more that we can strengthen and re-harden that tooth surface, the whiter their patients' teeth are going to be. dentists are going to really want to recommend the new pronamel strong and bright. it helps to strengthen and re-harden the enamel. it also has stain lifting action. it's going to give their patients the protection that they need and the whiter teeth that they want. ♪ the energy conscious whopeople among usle? say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. ( mark ) "seaworld san diego" is caring for a sea lion that was unexpectedly born to a sick mother. the park says the pup was discovered wednesday when a team went to check the health of her mother. the black- furred newborn is being nursed with a special milk formula through a feeding tube because the mother is too sick to care for her. the park hopes the mother will feel better in a day or so and will take over caring for her pup. (darya) and ahead in gary's world... we told you about the 49er's draft pick, but with gary we are going to talk about how the niners duped the bears in the draft. the epic speech by an east bay native at the draft that got a lot of attention, but also got him kicked off the stage. plus the peanut guy at the giants game says gary owes him money. ( mark ) plus... we are following breaking news out of the east bay. a standoff with a murder suspect is entering it's 13th hour. averi harper is live on the scene with the latest. also in the east bay... police are looking for at least four people behind a series of burglaries. hear what the burglars got away with up ahead. ( averi ) breaking ( averi )( averi )news.... police in the middle long standoff suspect in the east bay.the scene with ( anny ) and breaking news from overnight... several police officers are injured. i just got the scene.for you coming up. ( rebecca ) hundreds of protestors showed up in berkeley after ann coulter's speech was canceled. i'll show you how the protests turned out and if there was any violence. (darya) good morning i'm darya folsom..(mark) and i'm mark danon. don't forget... we are announcing the word of the day to win hamilton tickets during this hour. lets start the morning with a check of weather and traffic... (james)today will be a nice way to end the work week. sunny and breezy is the short version of the forecast. let's go outside and check our 4-

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