Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20170314 : comparemel

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20170314

a ridge of high pressure over the region will result in continued dry weather conditions today, along with warm temperatures. cooling is expected on wednesday, especially near the coast and across the north bay, as a weak system pushes into northern california. light precipitation may be possible wednesday across the north bay. dry and mild conditions return for late in the week with the upcoming weekend serving as the transition to possible unsettled weather next week. ( robin ) here's a live look outside at our bay area bridges this tuesday morning. ( james ) ( robin ) here's a live look outside at our bay area bridges this tuesday morning. ( james ) violence erupts at a carnival in the east bay and it's all caught on camera. people ransaking carnival booths, a big brawl breaks out and nobody was arrested.( robin ) this all happened in oakland over the weekend. kron four's j-r stone talked to some of the carnival workers who saw it all happen. it's a story you will only see on kron four. nats.cell phone video showing teenagers out of control and on the loosestealing prize after prize at the butler carnival held in east oakland this past saturday night. workers are still scared. roma at roma at queenroma tweetedi felt like i was in the game grand theft auto. had me hopin fences, running from cops, stealing teddy bears.natsyellingworkers tell that most who stole prize items from the carnival then destroyed them. pieces of are still scattered in the dirt lot where the carnival was held. domestic terrorism, domestic terrorism, grand theft, nothing happened.police say the received multiple calls about a large crowd and distrubance. saying there was possible vandalism and two people who were injured. those people were later transferred to the hospital but no arrests were made. those who attended summed everything up in this social media post.sot this is in the aftermath of a mob striking at butler amusement park they just started down here at the end and worked their way up stand by stand grabbing all the stuffed animals they could it's just crazy and they're still going down there this is in oakland california. ( james ) one man is dead this morning following an officer-involved shooting in napa. this is video of the scene, from of our helicopter partnership with abc 7 news. police say they were responding to calls around 6:30 last night at a home depot near highway 121, about a man walking around the parking lot with a knife. police say the suspect was acting erratically. no word on what led up to the shooting.. the man was pronounced dead at the scene. the two officers involved have not been identified. ( robin ) in other bay area headlines. the vallejo police officer caught on camera, violenty arresting a man is not on leave this morning. kron four first broke the story on saturday.( james ) since then, people who live in the area say the trust between the community and police is broken. kron four's alecia reid spoke to a man who says he was also roughed up by the officer in question. the aggressive takedown by vallejo pd has sparked outrage in the man i spoke with tonight says he also had an encounter with the same officer invovled.pkgsot - i was kinda shocked to see the video and see what cop it was, but it didn't surprise meat one point the arresting officer pulled out his weapon and pointed it towards the crowd of onlookers.sot - they use their badge, not just to protect the community, but to put fear in them and shoe that they're not just a police force, they're a gang.this video is the culmination of what started friday afternoon at the valero gas station on fairgrounds drive. the attendant called police after the man being beaten in the video, identified as dejuan hall, was acting strangely. police say the 23 year old refused to comply with officers, and a foot chase ensued. eventually hall stopped runing and sat down on the median in the middle of the street. some in the community are arguing that the officer did not have to use excessive force once catching up to hall.sot - we don't have trust in the law. we don't. because the people that are supposed to be upholding the law aren't held responsible for their actions michael sands recognizes the officer in the video saying the cop was also aggressive when requesting to search him. sot - he was very rough when he detained my arms to pat me down. he was very forceful vallejo police say at least one person from the crowd was arrested for getting in the way of an arrest. hall is being charged with resisting arrest, being under the influence, and vioating probation.vallejo's chief of police who has ordered a full investigation, provided a statement that says in part "i have complete confidence in our internal affairs division and our use of force experts who will conduct this investigation. upon completion, i will thoroughly review the entire investigation and personally make a final determination. i ask for your continued patience as proceed through this process." andrew bidou / vallejo chief of policesot - we have some that don't belong on the force and should probably be in jailstandupthe investigation of this hour, police tell us the officer in the video has not been placed on administrative vallejo ( robin ) happening now. hazmat crews are working to clean a mercury contamination that shutdown a street in antioch.( james ) this is video from our heliciopter partnership with abc 7 news. several contaminated areas were found on manzanita way. kron four's ella sogomonian caught up with the community who is voicing their health concerns. disruption in an antioch neighborhood monday."but even after that is i still going to be safe for us to.yeah we'll make sure to get it out." worried residents ask an epa official for assurance everything will be fine after mercury was found spilled on their block.this is the third time the potentially toxic chemical has been found in the manzanita street is closed between sycamore drive and mahogany way as contra costa haz mat crews work overnight using sulfer to clean up the mess.rusty harris- bishop, enviornmental protection agency project manager"because mercury is a liquid metal it has a tendency to spill all over so the local authorities shut down the road so that we could prevent people from tracking that into their home."sidewalks have been ruled safe for people to walk on.the epa project manager says the only concern are several spots where mercury spilled onto the street which is why it's closed. brian sosnowski, neighbor"just as long as this isn't airborne, ya i feel like i'm fine as long as i do what they say, obviously they are professionals."but not all locals are convinced they're safe. many took to the internet to read up on mercury and found the liquid evaporates at room temperature. with one of the hottest days of the year- they're worried they could be breathing it in.michelle piazza, neighbor "and then when you breathe it, it gets in your blood system and it could cause death. and if there's that much down there, and their allowing people walk down the one guy was saying look it there's mercury right here in front of my house... i said go inside you're not supposed to breathe that stuff."a spokesman for contra costa health services was reported to have said health impacts are unlikely without long-term exposure to the substance. ( robin ) that was kron four's ella sogomonian reporting. it's not yet clear how the mercury ended up in the roadway. ( james ) in the south bay. a shelter in place order in cupertino is lifted this morning. police tell kron four that four suspected home burglars are in custody. they say it happened just before 4:00 yesterday afternoon. this all after multiple home burglaries were reported near bollinger road and miller avenue. police told everyone lviing in the area to stay in their homes at one point. but the area is clear this morning. ( robin ) coming up.. a major snow storm strikes the east coast. we'll give you a closer look on what the extreme weather is impacting.( james ) plus. a teenager faces a judge in the murder of an eldery south bay woman. what lawyers are saying this morning.( robin ) and up next. millions of americans could be affected by the new health care plan. we'll take a look at what democrats are concerned about. ( robin )(james) lets get a check of weather this morning... a ridge of high pressure over the region will result in continued dry weather conditions today, along with warm temperatures. cooling is expected on wednesday, especially near the coast and across the north bay, as a weak system pushes into northern california. light precipitation may be possible wednesday across the north bay. dry and mild conditions return for late in the week with the upcoming weekend serving as the transition to possible unsettled weather next week. ( robin ) here's a live look outside at our bay area bridges this tuesday morning. ( james ) republicans are brushing off unfavorable numbers this morning following the release of a congressional budget office report. those in support of the new g-o-p health care plan say the report does not take the whole bill into consideration. the congressional budget office predicted millions fewer people would have health insurance in 2018. mary maloney explains. "we disagree strenuously with the report that was put out." health and human services secretary, dr. tom price speaking out after the congressional budget office released their report on the new gop bill... the american health care act.according to the report, 14 million more people would be uninsured next year under the new plan compared with the existing plan... and a staggering 24 million by 20-26.secretary price says the report only looked at a portion of the plan that was released a week ago. dr tom price / hhs secretary: "they also ignored completely the other legislative activities that we'll be putting in place that will make certain we have an insurance market that actually works."lawmakers who have criticized the health care act says republicans should pull the bill. rep. nancy pelosi / (d) california: "numbers are important.they see the numbers and they should see how that transfers into people's lives." butt sot sen. chuck schumer / -d- new york: "the head of cbo has confirmed what we democrats have been saying all along. trump care will be a nightmare for the american people." despite the cbo report, supporters of the new bill remain hopeful. dr tom price / hhs secretary "we believe that our plan will cover more individuals at a lower cost and give them the choices they want for the coverage they want for themselves and their families." i'm mary moloney reporting. ( robin ) our coverage of the new health care concerns continues this morning.( james ) kron four's spencer blake spoke with worried people in marin county. and with their congressional representative about potential impacts of 'trumpcare' that could be felt locally. at the marin county civic center, more than two thousand people showed up monday to hear from representative jared huffman about the proposed new healthcare bill."this republican plan is full of holes. when donald trump told the joint session of congress, 'nobody will lose their insurance, the care's gonna be great, it's gonna be affordable.' that can't be reconciled with this plan that they're moving forward."that plan could take away coverage from 14 million americans in just the next yearand even more in years to come.ken burgess has been at the pineride care center in san rafael for a year and a half, after he was diagnosed with several types of cancer.he's on medical right now, but for others, cancer treatments could cost 30 to 50 thousand dollars a month."ya know, it could put anybody under overnight."his main concerns about the new bill is that there doesn't seem to have been any house debate about itand when there is, burgess feels like neither side is willing to give.on top of it all"such a tight lip within what all of these bills actually contain so that nobody gets to see 'em."that's why the assertion from the non- partisan congressional budget office today made so many waves.republicans tout another prediction from the c-b-o - that the american health care act would reduce the federal deficit by 337 billion dollars in ten years.but the potential loss of medicaid expansion means tens of thousands of people - even in ág-o-p congressional districts in california - could lose coverage."we're already seeing some republicans beginning to distance themselves from this bill because they're hearing from real people in their own districts that are gonna be hammered."burgess, who likes the idea of more competition, does think there's such a thing as átoo manyá healthcare options."at which point is it going to be up to me to have say, 'well which one of these 15 plans is best for me?'"in marin county, spencer blake, kron four news. ( james ) the old eastern span of the bay bridge will soon be a distant memory for drivers. a massive section of the old roadway was removed yesterday. the remaining sections could be gone in a matter of weeks. the demolition work however, is delaying the full opening of the popular bike path on the new span. caltrans is currently keeping the bike path closed during weekdays for safety reasons. ( james ) caltrans has not announced when the bike path will officially be open 7 days a week. ( robin ) part of the iconic coastal highway 1 will be closed for up to a year. take a look at these pictures of the crumbling pfeiffer canyon bridge. that bridge was demolished yesterday after caltrans determined it was beyond repair and needed to be replaced. it was closed last month after caltrans noticed fractures in the bridge. engineers say recent rainstorms and landslides are to blame. the closure has stranded about 450 people who live there. officials hope to open a portion of the roadway later this month. ( james ) a major winter storm is bearing down on the the mid-atlantic and northeast this morning ... and is expected to slam the big metropolitan areas of the northeastern seaboard.( robin ) with spring just a week away millions are now preparing for the possibility of record-setting snowfall. chris welch is in new york with the latest. greg slater/sha director: "stay home if you can"that's the message from officials across the northeast ... ahead of a potentially historic winter storm.governor larry hogan/maryland: "take it seriously. when we say you got to stay off the road, you need to stay off the roads so the crews can do their work. we are going to have some significant dangerous conditions out there."amid a raft of blizzard warnings and watches, emergency crews are out in force from northern virginia to maine.forecasters say new york and boston could get well over a foot of snow. mos: "mother nature and old man winter, they get together and look what happens."the storm has already impacted air and ground travel, with both flights and trains canceled. and as usual ... it's impacting grocery stores ... where shoppers found long lines ... and empty shelves. meteorologists say heavy snowfall should be expected throughout the day.authorities warn that the safest bet is to just stay home.adrienne barnes/baltimore city department of transportation: "please stay indoors so that we can try to get through the morning rush hour and get through the day so we can try to address the roadways" ( robin ) that was chris welch reportng. here is a live look at new york this morning.( james ) about 31 million people in the northeast are under a blizzard warning this morning. (james) still ahead on the kron four morning news... a man helps deliver his wife's baby on a busy bay area highway... we'll show you the bizzare story, after the break. it's just a date. i can stay. i'm good. i won't be late hey mom. yeah. no kissing on the first date, alright? life doesn't always stick to a plan, but with our investment expertise we'll help you handle what's next. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can. we need to be ready for my name's scott strenfel and r i'm a meteorologist at pg&e. we make sure that our crews as well as our customers are prepared to how weather may impact their energy. so every single day we're monitoring the weather, and when storm events arise our forecast get crews out ahead of the storm to minimize any outages. during storm season we want our customers to be ready and stay safe. learn how you can be prepared at together, we're building a better california. ( james ) in the east bay.... a man delivered his wife's baby on the side of a highway with a little help. the baby decided to come early as the young antioch couple was racing to the hospital delivery room.( robin ) they had to make an emergency stop on highway 4 and call 9-1-1 kron four's vicki liviakis shows us what happened next. here's some of that dramatic call to a 9-1-1 dispatcher for help. (dispatcher audio) tell me if you see any part of the baby? (groans) i see the head. ok that's good. i'm going to help walk you through it. (groan) contra costa county dispatcher jane cambell came to the rescue - giving step by step instructions by phone - something her boss says comes with the territory. that's her job our dispatchers are complete professionals she's got 22 years worth of experience with our district so she knows what she's doing. this happens all the time, especially first time parents more than anything. they think they have more time and then they don't.(dispatcher audio) try not to lift the baby up too much. that's a good sound it's what we want to hear. (baby cries) be sure the chord is not wrapped around the baby's neck. the paramedics are here. they're there? yeah we're here. congratulations folks. i'm going to go ahead and hang up.(dispatcher boss) the good news is there was a healthy baby and she was born. mom and dad are ok, and so is the baby and it all worked out. ( robin ) that was kron four's vicki liviakis reporting. the husband delivered a healthy baby girl just 6 minutes after pulling over.( james ) both mom and baby are doing fine at john muir hospital this morning. all thanks to the dispatcher. ( robin ) still ahead on the kron four morning news. the deadline passes to prove the president's claim against former president obama... the latest on his claims of wire-tapping. and... a driver beaten up right in the middle of a freeway by a group of bikers... what he's telling kron four this morning. ( james ) and after the break. a teenager in court in connection with the deadly attack of an elderly south bay woman. why prosecuters believe she is guilty. ( robin ) welcome back to the kron four morning news. thanks for joining us this morning. i'm robin winston. ( james ) and i'm james fletcher. we are coming up on 4:30. let's get a check of our big stories this morning. ( james ) two people are injured after violence erupts at the butler carnival in oakland over the weekend. this is video that was all captured at the event. you can see people ransacking carnival booths and stealing prizes. and at one point a fight breaks out, with no security or police in sight. police say they received multiple calls about a large crowd and possible vandalism. they say say nobody was arrested. ( robin ) one man is dead this morning following an officer-involved shooting in napa. this is video of the scene, from of our helicopter partnership with abc 7 news. police say they were responding to calls around 6:30 last night at a home depot near highway 121, about a man walking around the parking lot with a knife. police say the suspect was acting erratically. no word on what led up to the shooting..( james ) hazmat crews are working to cleanup mercury contamination found on a street in antioch. around 6 contamiation sites were reported on manzanita way yesterday morning. health services say health impacts are unlikely without long term exposure to the substance. now let's go to anny hong in the weather center. a ridge of high pressure over the region will result in continued dry weather conditions today, along with warm temperatures. cooling is expected on wednesday, especially near the coast and across the north bay, as a weak system pushes into northern california. light precipitation may be possible wednesday across the north bay. dry and mild conditions return for late in the week with the upcoming weekend serving as the transition to possible unsettled weather next week. ( robin ) here's a live look outside at our bay area bridges this tuesday morning. ( james ) in south bay headlines. the second suspect in connection with the murder of 88-year-old flo douglas makes a court appearance. 19-year-old jennifer jimenez of san jose was arraigned yesrerday on charges of accessory to murder and conspiracy to obstruct justice. prosecutors released a statement of facts that allege jimenez knew about the killing and helped her boyfriend, 19 year-old zachary cuen. ( james ) police say cuen murdered douglas during the course of a home invasion robbery back in september 2016. he is awaiting trial. ( robin ) the justice department missed monday's deadline to give congress evidence of president trump's claim that president obama ordered wiretaps on trump tower last year.( james ) the chairman of the house intelligence committee is giving the d-o-j until march 20th to submit any such evidence... ...saying the committee may resort to a quote "compulsory" process if the new deadline isn't met. reid binion reports. rep. charlie dent / -r- pennsylvania pennsylvania: "presidential words do matter." republican congressman charlie dent -- joining the bipartisan call for president trump to substantiate his claim that former president obama "wire- tapped" trump tower during the campaign.rep. charlie dent / -r- pennsylvania pennsylvania: "it's hard to say that don't pay attention to the words he doesn't, he doesn't always necessarily mean what he says. well that's not a great message."the justice department -- requesting more time after missing a monday deadline to submit any evidence of the claim to the house intelligence committee.sean spicer / white house press secretary: "he doesn't really think that president obama went up and tapped his phone personally."white house press secretary sean spicer -- who said last week that the president's claim quote "speaks for itself," -- appeared more open to interpretation on monday... ...claiming that trump wasn't being literal when he tweeted the accusation.sean spicer / white house press secretary: "the president used the term "wiretap" to mean broadly surveillance and other activities during that."white house counselor kellyanne conway -- also seeking to clarify her comments on the issue......after suggesting that covert methods other than wiretaps could have been used by the obama administration. kellyanne conway: "what i can say is there are many ways to surveil each other. there was an article this week that talked about how you can surveil someone through their phones, through their -- certainly through their television sets."conway later said she was referring to surveillance in general terms - - still offering no evidence to back up the president's claim.kellyanne conway / counselor to president trump: "i'm not inspector gadget. i'm not in the job of having evidence. that's what investigations are for."i'm reid binion reporting. ( robin ) murder charges are filed against one of the three people arrested in connection with the latest deadly shooting along interstate i-80 in richmond. 24-year-old elliott johnson is expected to make his first court appearance today. family members of the victim, demarcus doss are trying to cope with his murder. they say he was in college, volunteered, wanted to be a probation officer and wanted to turn things around in richmond, not be its latest victim. ( robin ) two 17-year old's are currently in custody for doss' murder. ( james ) a bay area man accused of trying to enter the white house fence is out of jail this morning. the order came from a federal judge in washington d-c yesterday. 26-year-old jonathan tran is charged with entering restricted grounds while carrying a dangerous weapon. he was discovered by a secret service agent near the south entrance of the white house friday. he said he was "a friend of the president" and had an appointment. tran was allegedly carrying mace and a hand written letter to president trump about "russian hackers." there were a series of conditions for his release, including that he get fitted with a g-p-s tracking device. ( robin ) six people are without a home this morning after a fire broke out inside a building in san francisco. it happened yesterday on fifth avenue in the city's lake street neighborhood. (ááátriggerááá) heavy smoke was coming from the top floor of the four story building. one person has non-life threatening injuries. firefighters say five adults, one child and two dogs have been displaced. they are being helped by the american red cross and city services. (james) still ahead... confrontation between police and man turn deadly... we'll show you where and what happened.( robin ) plus. a california restaurant owner faces backlash this morning for what he posted on facebook. we'll tell you the group of people he's targetting( james ) and after the break... a driver is beaten up right in the middle of a freeway by a group of bikers... the victim talks to kron4 from his hospital bed. next. and here's a live look outside... embarcadero. it's okay to cry, right? no more! we don't want anymore! [crying] ahhhhhhhhhh! everyday price and no extra monthly fees, unlike cable. speeds up to 45 megs, for $30 a month. jjack: at my place, you gete wthe double jack combo with one jack: of the biggest burgers on my menu. double the beef, double jack: the cheese, plus hot and salty fries and a refreshing drink for jack: just $4.99. yup, i took the combo and made it a bigger jack: deal. like how ben franklin made flying kites a bigger deal. jack: or how astronauts made a sunday drive a bigger deal. jack: or how egyptians made triangles a bigger deal. sfx: back-up warning beep jack: so, if you want to go big, you know where to go. jack: nice ride. jack: my $4.99 double jack combo. jack: only at jack in the box. ( james ) c-h-p investigators this morning are still looking for the bikers who attacked a rideshare driver on highway 101 in san francisco. it happened last week during the evening commute.( robin ) the violent confrontation was caught on camera. kron four's maureen kelly talked to the victim in his hospital bed... just moments after he talked to police. it's important not just to get what happened to me so something doesn't happen to somebody else.35 year old alex quintana wants justice for what happened to him last week. he says he saw the gang of people driving reckelessly on dirt bikes and atv's before this video was taken on southbound 101 in san francisco .it was.near the cesar chavez exit where it appears alex's white car makes contact with one of the riders . i just wanted to get around the guy so i slowly merge when he emerged he thought i was trying to run them over or something. according to alex some of those bikers first vandalized his car and blocked him in. and once they got out 4-5 of them starting beating him. what you don't see on the video....after the beating was over....alex says one of the bikers looked him in the eye and then ran over his leg. it's now broken in three places...he's already had one surgery....and will have to have another. and after that it will take 3 months of rehabilatation before he can walk again. alex drives down from modesto to be a ride share driver....he'd been working for lyft when the incident he's worried about how he's going to support himself and his 3 month old son elijah....who you can see here in this video. alex has a go fund me page to try and raise money to help him recover. because without help.... it would literally put us financially under i wouldn't be able to feed my kid i'd lose the house and i do have and all the bills that i've accumulated just to do uber and lift. the consume me. lyft says they've reached out offering support and assistance as alex's recovery continues.... i heard one response after i sent them a support thing and they just asked for pictures of my car but that was about it. alex says he isn't sure if he's covered by lyft's insurance since since he was on his way to pick up a fare when the attack occurred.maureen kelly kron4 news ( robin ) here is a live look at new york this morning. extreme weather and a snow-storm hitting the area this morning.( james ) about 31 million people in the northeast are under a blizzard warning this morning. we will continue to monitor conditions on the east coast this morning. we'll be right back. áááábreakáááá (james) welcome back to the kron 4 morning news. here is a look at the major headlines before you head out the door this morning.... a new report shows that 14-million americans could lose their health insurance of the g-o-p healthcare plan is passed. this according to the report by the congressional budget office. democrats in congress say this report is evidence that the bill should not be passed. murder charges are filed against one of the three people arrested in connection with the latest deadly shooting along interstate 80 in richmond. 24-year-old elliott johnson is expected to make his first court appearance today. family members of the victim, demarcus doss are trying to cope with his murder. two 17-year old's are also in custody for doss' murder. the remaining sections of the old bay bridge could be gone in a matter of weeks. a massive section of the old roadway was removed yesterday. the demolition work however, is delaying the full opening of the popular bike path on the new span. caltrans is currently keeping the bike path closed during weekdays for safety reasons. (james) here is a live look outside from our golden gate bridge camera.... (james) meteorologist anny hong has what you need to know before heading out the door this morning. a ridge of high pressure over the region will result in continued dry weather conditions today, along with warm temperatures. cooling is expected on wednesday, especially near the coast and across the north bay, as a weak system pushes into northern california. light precipitation may be possible wednesday across the north bay. dry and mild conditions return for late in the week with the upcoming weekend serving as the transition to possible unsettled weather next week. ( robin ) here's a live look outside at our bay area bridges this tuesday morning. ( james ) covering california. a routine traffic stop led to an intense struggle... when the armed driver refused to get out of his van.( robin ) he then treatened to use a can of gasoline and a lighter. and it was all caught on camera in southern california. jasmine viel has the story. smoking a cigarette, this suspect is completely unaware of what's about to happen next. two city of orange police officers catch him by surprise, breaking his passenger side window with a hammer and using a firehose to soak the inside of his vehicle. police say-- he was threatening to use a can of gasoline and a lighter after they pulled him over. lt. fred lopez / orange, ca police dept.: "the officers could smell gas. at some point poured gasoline on to a rag you had to put a plan in motion i've never seen that before // unfortunately worked to get out of car"through a spray of water-- the suspect left the van -- tumbling out the driver's side window. police say he had a knife in his hand and another tucked away in his pants. he struggles with an officer--you can hear the rubber bullets being fired and officers yelling "he's got a knife!" finally --the sound of the single fatal gunshot. max sanchez drove past the chaotic scene last night! he says he's seen the man around town. max sanchez / resident: "i had seen his van parked in parking lots here and there" he was always paranoid that people were after him spying on him really more following him// leo felinga runs the gas station down the street. he says the suspect never had money.. so he would try to trade items in exchange for gas. felinga says- he never witnessed any violence. leo felinga / gas station employee: "he talked about his wife one time"this morning -- many witnesses still in disbelief about what happened witness/ no name: "to me shocking you never thought this would happen here in orange" ( james ) that was jasmine viel reporting.( robin ) authorities say officers were not seriously injured in the incident. the shooting is under investigation this morning. ( james ) a restaurant owner in fresno is getting backlash this morning because of a comment he made about hispanics and tipping on facebook. this is the post in question... saying quote... "my servers are thinking about building a wall around the restaurant. why don't many hispanics tip?" steve wayte, the owner of "roll one for mi" has since taken the post down and has issued a public apology. he claims it was a joke and says he was just standing up for his servers. but former fresno county supervisor, henry perea does not find it funny. ( james ) perea says that servers should handle the tipper, not the race. he is calling for a boycott of the restaurant. the post was shared at least 700 times before being taken down. ( robin ) in national headlines. parents are questioning a new jersey elementary school's lesson plan this morning.( james ) this all after fifth grade students were assigned to created posters of slave auctions. these are some of the drawings. one poster...even listed the names of available slaves, including a 12-year-old girl. south mountain elementary school officials say the project is part of a larger colonial america unit that's been used for 10 years. but parents are outraged...stating the posters disrespect african- americans. those posters have now been removed from the school's hallway. ( robin ) happening now. a judge cuts the bail of former stockton mayor anthony silva. the dramatic drop in his bail... 1 million to 350 thousand dollars. silva's prosecuter repeated the five counts of financial felonies he faces in court yesterday... including stealing from the stockton boys and girls clubs. however, he says the bail should have never reached a million dollars. silva's lawyers are hoping to get him out within the next two days. (james) still ahead on the kron four morning news. steph, klay and draymond are expected to play today.... and it's a special day for one of them. plus some good news for kevin durant fans. we'll explain, after the break. and here's a live look outside...san francisco. áááábreakáááá my name is valerie decker and i'm a troubleman for pg&e. i am a first responder to emergencies 24 hours a day, everyday of the year. my children and my family are on my mind when i'm working all the time. my neighbors are here, my friends and family live here, so it's important for me to respond as quickly as possible and get the power back on. it's an amazing feeling turning those lights back on. be informed about outages in your area. sign up for outage alerts at together, we're building a better california. ( robin ) here's a live look outside at our bay area bridges this tuesday morning. ( james ) steph curry, klay thompson, draymond green and andre iguodala are all expected to play against the 76ers tonight after sitting out in their last game. this is video from the warriors practice yesterday. the big news.. kevin durant no longer sporting a knee brace on his injured leg after spraining his m-c-l. special game for the dubs tonight, as star steph curry is also celebrating his 29th birthday. the warriors will look to put an end to their 3 game losing streak at oracle. tip-off for tonight's game against the 76ers is 7:30. ( robin ) in the east bay.... it was a bit of an unconventional birthday celebration. people who live in morgaga brought signs, baloons and even a cake to celebrate the one year anniversary of the giant sinkhole yesterday. it formed last march at a major intersection in moraga. last may-- the town approved three million dollars fix to the sinkhole. but the repairs were delayed following some red tape in the federal funding process. town staffers say there should be a permanent fix by summer. (james) coming up on the kron four morning news at five. an officer involved shooting turns deadly in the bay area. kron four's will tran is live from the scene with the latest.( robin ) plus. extreme weather on the east coast forces millions of people under a blizzard warning. we have team coverage on what's happening there and how it could impact you locally.( james ) plus... chaos at a carnival in the east bay and it's all caught on camera. we'll give you a closer look at what happened. after the break. ( will ) police shoot and kill a man in the north bay. i am live in napa with more on what led up to the shooting. ( mark ) and a major snow storm on the east coast causes problems at airports across the country including the bay area. we are live at s-f-o with an update on all of the cancellations. ( darya ) and a toxic chemical forces street closures in the east bay and this isn't the first time. see where it keeps on happening. ( darya ) good morning i'm darya folsom..( mark ) and i'm mark danon. lets start the morning with a check of weather and traffic... we're waking up this morning to mostly clear skies and mild 50-degree temperatures bay area-wide. an approaching marine layer may bring some patchy fog to the coast this morning, but it won't push too far inland. the high pressure system overhead that gave us great weather yesterday is still with us, so look for another sunny and dry day with warm temperatures this afternoon. here's your "ready for school" daypart forecast. expect mid 70s by the bay and low 80s inland. not as warm as yesterday but still really nice. looks like shorts and t-shirt weather for the kids today. coming up... a look ahead at the rest of the week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is less then 30 min from the maze to sf. san mateo bridge less then 30 min from 880 to 101. golden gat bridge drive time less than 30 min from 37 to the toll plaza. richmond bridge drive less than 20 min from the toll to 101 ( mark ) our top story this morning... a police shooting turns deadly in napa. ( darya ) one man was shot and killed by police. kron 4's will tran is live in napa with more on what led up to the shooting. will. ( will )it happened just before 6:30 last night in front of a home depot store. this is near highway 121. this is video of the scene, from of our helicopter partnership with abc 7. police say they were responding to calls about a man with a knife walking around the parking lot. when they arrived the man walked across the street. officers approached the man and shortly after that the situation escalated and two officers opened fire killing the man. right now investigators have not said exactly why the officers started shooting. police have not yet released the name of the man who was killed. the napa county sheriff's office is investigating the shooting. ( darya ) thanks will. we will check back with you through out the morning. ( mark ) happening now... a major winter storm is hitting the east coast this morning and it is expected to slam major areas of the north east.( darya ) and that means travel delays all across the country. we have team coverage this morning with kron 4's yoli aceves live at s-f-o looking at the travel impacts this morning.( mark ) but first we want to go to anny hong with a look at just how bad this storm is. anny. ( anny ) the noreaster has strengethened overnight..we're talking one to two feet of snowmillions of people across the east coast are preparing for record setting snow fall. this is a live look from central park this morning. you can see just how much snow has fallen in the overnight hours. new york is expected to get over a foot of snow from this storm. ( anny ) and this was the scene in buffalo new york over night. you can see the snow plows hard at work trying to clear the roads before the morning commute. you can see several inches of snow already on the ground and that can make for dangerous driving condition. ( anny ) this was the scene in chicago where the dangerous weather caused a 30 car pile-up. chicago was hit by this storm before it reached the east coast. this happened late last night. 7 people were injured. fortunately none of the injuries were serious. ( anny ) and the winter weather is causing havoc for airports all across the country and here in the bay area. kron 4's yoli aceves is live at s-f-o where dozens of flights have already been canceled this morning. yoli. ( yoli ) so far more than 80 flights have been cancelled. that includes 38 departing flights and more than 50 arriving flights. most of the flights affected were coming from boston, new york and baltimore. the storms are also causing problems all across the country. country.across the problems all causing are also the storms baltimore.york and boston, new coming from boston, new york and baltimore. the storms are also causing problems all across the country. ( darya ) thanks yoli. we will check back with you through out the morning. ( mark ) in the south bay. a shelter in place order in cupertino is lifted this morning. police told people in the area of bollinger road and miller avenue to stay inside after several home burglaries were reported around 4:00 yesterday afternoon. police searched the area and eventually took 4 people into custody. the area is now clear this morning. ( darya ) happening now in the east bay... hazmat crews are working to clean a mercury contamination that shut down a street in antioch. several contaminated areas were found on manzanita way yesterday. this is the third time the potentially toxic chemical has been found in the area in recent months. contra costa haz-mat crews worked overnight using sulfur to clean up the mess. neighbors say they are worried they could be breathing in the mercury. you're not supposed to breathe that stuff.">( darya ) contra costa health services says health impacts are unlikely without long-term exposure to the substance. it's not yet clear how the mercury ended up in the roadway. ( mark ) murder charges are filed against one of the three people arrested in connection with the latest deadly shooting along interstate 80 in richmond. 24-year-old elliott johnson is expected to make his first court appearance today. family members of the victim, demarcus doss are trying to cope with his murder. they say he was in college, volunteered often, wanted to be a probation officer and wanted to help the city of richmond. two 17-year old's are also in custody for doss' murder. ( mark ) still ahead... new information about the officer seen in this video hitting a man during an arrest. another person is coming forward saying he also had an encounter with that officer. and later... hear why the white house is saying that the president's claim that he was wire tapped by former president obama was taken out of context. and after the break... snow in the sierra causing a lot of problems. why firefighters say the snow is dangerous for people in the area. ( james ) and i will check your bay area forecast coming up( robin ) and i am tracking you commute after the break. . . no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is smotthinto san franci jack: most other combos come with a wimpy, kid-sized burger. jack: at my place, you get the double jack combo with one jack: of the biggest burgers on my menu. double the beef, double jack: the cheese, plus hot and salty fries and a refreshing drink for jack: just $4.99. yup, i took the combo and made it a bigger jack: deal. like how ben franklin made flying kites a bigger deal. jack: or how astronauts made a sunday drive a bigger deal. jack: or how egyptians made triangles a bigger deal. sfx: back-up warning beep jack: so, if you want to go big, you know where to go. jack: nice ride. jack: my $4.99 double jack combo. jack: only at jack in the box. ( mark ) the snow in the sierra is causing problems for at some homes in tahoe. the weight of the snow caused the roof to collapse in one home. fortunately nobody was inside the home at the time. firefighters say the the roof was holding more than 240-thousand pounds of snow when it collapsed. fire officials also say that the snow can cause decks and patios to collapse. they are also warning people that the weight of the snow can damage vents in their houses which increases the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. earlier this month a snow survey showed that the water content in the sierra is 185% of normal for this time of year. ( mark )( darya ) welcome back to the kron 4 morning news. let's get a check of the forecast with james fletcher. we're waking up this morning to mostly clear skies and mild 50-degree temperatures bay area-wide. an approaching marine layer may bring some patchy fog to the coast this morning, but it won't push too far inland. the high pressure system overhead that gave us great weather yesterday is still with us, so look for another sunny and dry day with warm temperatures this afternoon. expect mid 70s by the bay and low 80s inland. not as warm as yesterday but still really nice. temps should cool a little tomorrow as a weak system pushes across the north bay bringing a chance sprinkles. i think rain drops will primarily stay north of the golden gate bridge. after that, dry and mild weather will return for the end of the week and the weekend, too. outdoor plans for saturday and sunday should be safe. next week will be a different story. in your 7-day around the bay forecast, i'm tracking stormy weather on the horizon, so make sure you dig the umbrella out of the closet and keep it handy. i'll keep you posted. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is smooth into san francisco. no problems on the san mateo bridge. no major issues for wb4, wb 580 & nb 101 ( darya ) we are now hearing from a man who says he was also roughed up by the vallejo police officer caught on camera violently arresting someone. we first brought you this story over the weekend. the incident happened friday afternoon near a valero gas station. an employee said a man, 23- year-old dejuan hall, was acting erratically and scaring customers. after a short chase, hall sat down on the median in the middle of the street. the video then shows the officer punching him and hitting him with a flashlight several times. a man who spoke to kron four says he recognized the officer in the video, saying that officer was also aggressive when asking to search him. smoke was coming from the top floor of the four story building. one person suffered minor injuries. firefighters say five adults, one child and two dogs have been displaced. they are being helped by the red cross. ( mark ) a bay area man accused of jumping the white house fence is out of jail this morning. the order came from a federal judge in washington d-c yesterday. 26-year-old jonathan tran is charged with entering restricted grounds while carrying a dangerous weapon. he was discovered by a secret service agent near the south entrance of the white house on friday. he said he was "a friend of the president" and had an appointment. investigators say tran was carrying mace and a hand written letter to president trump about "russian hackers." there were a series of conditions for his release, including that he get fitted with a g-p-s tracking device. ( darya ) the justice department has missed the deadline to give congress evidence of president trump's claim that former president obama ordered wiretaps on trump tower last year. the justice department is requesting more time after missing yesterday's deadline to submit any evidence of the claim to the house intelligence committee. the republican chairman of the house intelligence committee is now giving the d-o-j until march 20th to submit any evidence. white house press secretary sean spicer says president trump wasn't being literal when he tweeted the accusation about wiretapping. sean spicer / white house press secretary: "he doesn't really think that president obama went up and tapped his phone personally."sean spicer / white house press secretary: "the president used the term "wiretap" to mean broadly surveillance and other activities during that."( darya ) spicer also said that president trump was referring to the obama administration broadly -- and not accusing president obama of personal involvement when he tweeted the accusations. ( mark ) still to come... police are still looking for the bikers who attacked a driver on a bay area freeway. the man who was attacked talks to kron 4 and tells us about the moments right before the attack. and next... demolition continues on the old eastern span of the bay bridge. hear from some people who are frustrated with how long it is taking. and here's a live look outside... bay bridge. áááábreakáááá ( robin ) no major hot spots. wb 580 is smooth .bay bridge wb 80 is smooth into san francisco ( darya ) the old eastern span of the bay bridge will soon be a distant memory for drivers.( mark ) a massive section of the old roadway was removed yesterday. the remaining sections could be gone in a matter of weeks.( darya ) the demolition work however, is delaying the full opening of the popular bike path on the new span. caltrans is currently keeping the bike path closed during weekdays for safety reasons. next five to ten years to see a bike path all the way to the city itself.>( mark ) caltrans has not announced when the bike path will officially be open 7 days a week. ( mark ) coming up on the kron 4 morning news... violence erupts at an east bay carnival and it is all caught on camera. it is a story you will see only on kron 4. and there are growing concerns over the republican's new healthcare proposal. see the new report the says millions of americans could lose their insurance. ( james ) and here is a look at your current conditions. your bay area forecast is next. ♪ contrary to ancient wisdom... the sun doesn't rise, we do. yet, the more we travel, the more the world pushes back, coralling us and controlling us. so, we seek a place where we're given a choice... ...not just to get up, but to rise. ♪ yeahashtag "stuffy nose."old. hashtag "no sleep." i got it. hashtag "mouthbreather." yep. we've got a mouthbreather. well, just put on a breathe right strip and ... pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. so you can breathe ... and sleep. shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. breathe right. ( mark )( darya ) welcome back to the kron four morning news... lets start the half hour with a check of weather and traffic... we're waking up this morning to mostly clear skies and mild 50-degree temperatures bay area-wide. an approaching marine layer may bring some patchy fog to the coast this morning, but it won't push too far inland. the high pressure system overhead that gave us great weather yesterday is still with us, so look for another sunny and dry day with warm temperatures this afternoon. here's your daypart forecast. expect mid 70s by the bay and low 80s inland. not as warm as yesterday but still really nice. looks like shorts and t-shirt weather for the kids today. coming up... a look ahead at the rest of the week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is backing up in the cash lanes. concord an accident wb 4 at 242 blocking one lane. ( darya ) now a story you will see only on kron 4... violence erupts at a carnival in the east bay and it's all caught on camera.( mark ) this all happened in oakland over the weekend. kron four's j-r stone talked to some of the carnival workers who saw it all happen. nats.cell phone video showing teenagers out of control and on the loosestealing prize after prize at the butler carnival held in east oakland this past saturday night. workers are still scared.sot one of our guys got hit with a brick and had to go to the hospital because the guy said you didn't win and they threw a brick at him.and that was only some of the violence. this video was posted on twitter. in it a fight breaks out. at one point a young man is just laying on the ground. no security and no police in sight.roma at queenroma tweetedi felt like i was in the game grand theft auto. had me hopin fences, running from cops, stealing teddy bears.natsyellingworkers tell kron 4 news that most who stole prize items from the carnival then destroyed them. pieces of are still scattered in the dirt lot where the carnival was held. domestic terrorism, domestic terrorism, grand theft, nothing happened. police say the received multiple calls about a large crowd and distrubance. saying there was possible vandalism and two people who were injured. those people were later transferred to the hospital but no arrests were made. those who attended summed everything up in this social media post.sot this is in the aftermath of a mob striking at butler amusement park they just started down here at the end and worked their way up stand by stand grabbing all the stuffed animals they could it's just crazy and they're still going down there this is in oakland california. ( darya ) a lyft driver who was brutally attacked last week on southbound 101 in san francisco is talking about what happened. 35-year-old alex quintana says his car made contact with one rider in a group on dirt bikes when he was trying to go around them near the cesar chavez exit. he says the bikers started vandalizing his car and then blocked him in. he says one of the bikers broke his window and that's when he got out of his car. alex says five of the bikers then started beating him up. one of them ran over his leg breaking it in three places. alex says he wants the bikers to be found and arrested: year under the new plan. and according to the report... that number would nearly double by the year 20-26. democrats in congress say this report is evidence that the bill should not be passed. but some republicans argue that the report only focused on part of the healthcare plan and ignored other pieces of legislation that are aimed to help people afford health insurance. ( mark ) and with the new report released yesterday ... people across the bay area are concerned that they could lose their insurance. at the marin county civic center more than 2-thousand people showed up to here from their local congressman about the proposed healthcare bill. ( mark ) people who spoke with kron 4 say that one of their biggest concerns is the loss of medicaid expansion. nut some people we spoke to also said they like the idea of more options for their health ( darya ) california has now joined five other states opposing president trump's revised travel ban. the revised ban restricts travel from six predominantly muslim countries. california's attorney general signed onto the lawsuit yesterday. the lawsuit claims that the order unconstitutionally discriminates against people based on their religion. the new ban goes into effect on thursday and restricts travel from iran, libya, somalia, sudan, syria and yemen for 90 days. ( mark ) a chaotic scene out of orange county when a driver threatens to set two police officers on fire. it happened yesterday morning when the officers pulled over the driver for having a broken tail light. police say he threatened to use a lighter and a can of gasoline. the driver was forced out of the car through the driver's side window when police used a fire hose to push the man out. police say he had a knife in his hand and another in his pants. police say he then struggled with one of the officers and that's when one of the officers fired their gun: áááábreakáááá ( robin ) no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is backing up beyond the 880 overcrossing ( darya ) a 9-1-1 dispatcher comes to the aid of a couple about to have a baby. ( mark ) this happened over the weekend in antioch. a woman was in labor and heading to the hospital when she realized she wasn't going to get there in time.( darya ) so the woman's husband pulled off the road and called 9-1-1 and the dispatcher was able to talk the father through delivering the baby. ( mark ) the dispatcher called an ambulance while telling the husband how to help his wife. he successfully delivered their healthy baby girl just six minutes later. the couple was taken to john muir hospital.. the dispatcher is a 22-year veteran of the contra costa fire district ... and has helped deliver many babies. ( mark ) and here are some of the stories we are working on for the kron four on for the are working the stories we are some of the stories we are working on for the kron four morning news at six... we are learning new information about the officer seen in this video hitting a man during an arrest. hear from another forward saying he also had a violent saying he also forward person coming another hear from another person coming forward saying he also had a violent encounter with that officer.( darya ) plus... a snow storm on the east coast is causing major problems across the country including the bay area. we have team coverage of the cancellations at s-f-o and the storm damage across the country.( mark ) and... police are looking for a woman who abandoned her baby at a california grocery store. we'll show you the video just released by police. (james) your bay area forecast is after the break. áááábreakáááá hershey's miniatures. we pour 'em! we pass 'em! we pick 'em! delicious fun for everyone. hershey's miniatures are mine, yours, our chocolate. two people are injured after violence erupts at the butler carnival in oakland over the weekend. this is video that was all captured at the event. and at one point a fight breaks out, with no security or police in sight. police say they received multiple calls about a large crowd and possible vandalism. they say say nobody was arrested. ( darya ) one man is dead this morning following an officer- involved shooting in napa. this is video of the scene, from of our helicopter partnership with abc 7 news. police say they were responding to calls around 6:30 last night at a home depot near highway 121, about a man walking around the parking lot with a knife. no word on what led up to the shooting..( mark ) hazmat crews are working to cleanup mercury contamination found on a street in antioch. around 6 contamiation sites were reported on manzanita way yesterday morning. health services say health impacts are unlikely without long term exposure to the substance. ( mark )( darya )( robin ) checking bay area roads before you head out the door.. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is smooth into san francisco. traffic is picking up on the san mateo bridge. and the richmond san rafael on wb 580 we're waking up this morning to mostly clear skies and mild 50-degree temperatures bay area-wide. an approaching marine layer may bring some patchy fog to the coast this morning, but it won't push too far inland. the high pressure system overhead that gave us great weather yesterday is still with us, so look for another sunny and dry day with warm temperatures this afternoon. expect mid 70s by the bay and low 80s inland. not as warm as yesterday but still really nice. temps should cool a little tomorrow as a weak system pushes across the north bay bringing a chance sprinkles. i think rain drops will primarily stay north of the golden gate bridge. after that, dry and mild weather will return for the end of the week and the weekend, too. outdoor plans for saturday and sunday should be safe. next week will be a different story. in your 7-day around the bay forecast, i'm tracking stormy weather on the horizon, so make sure you dig the umbrella out of the closet and keep it handy. i'll keep you posted. ( darya ) in south bay headlines. the second suspect in connection with the murder of 88-year-old flo douglas makes her first court appearance. 19-year-old jennifer jimenez of san jose was arraigned yesterday on charges of accessory to murder and conspiracy to obstruct justice. prosecutors claim that jimenez knew about the killing and helped her boyfriend, 19 year-old zachary cuen. ( darya ) police say cuen murdered douglas during a home invasion robbery back in september 2016. he is still awaiting trial. ( mark ) the three girls who were sexually assaulted by a morgan hill teacher... reached a tentative multi- million dollar settlement in court. the lawsuit was against the morgan hill unified school district. an attorney who represents the three girls, confirmed the eight point two million dollar settlement. howeverit has not been finalized because attorney's for both sides are now working out non-finacial details. 53-year-old john lloyd was convicted of sexually abusing the girls at paradise valley elementary -- between 2012 and 2014. ( mark ) a judge sentenced the former morgan hill teacher... to 40 years in prison. ( mark ) part of highway 1 will be closed for up to a year in big sur. take a look at these pictures of the crumbling pfeiffer canyon bridge. that bridge was demolished yesterday after caltrans determined it was beyond repair and needed to be replaced. it was closed last month after caltrans noticed fractures in the bridge. engineers say recent rainstorms and landslides are to blame. the closure has stranded about 450 people who live there. officials hope to open a portion of the roadway later this month. ( darya ) a judge cuts the bail of former stockton mayor anthony silva. his bail was dropped from 1 million to 350 thousand dollars. in court yesterday the prosecutor repeated the five counts of financial felonies he faces... including stealing from the stockton boys and girls clubs. but even the prosecutor says the bail should have never reached a million dollars. silva's lawyers are hoping to get him out within the next two days. ( darya ) a restaurant owner in fresno is getting backlash this morning because of a comment he made about hispanics and tipping on facebook. this is the post in question... saying quote... "my servers are thinking about building a wall around the restaurant. why don't many hispanics tip?" steve wayte, the owner of "roll one for mi" has since taken the post down and has issued a public apology. he claims it was a joke and says he was just standing up for his servers. but former fresno county supervisor, henry perea does not find it funny. ( darya ) perea is calling for a boycott of the restaurant. the post was shared at least 700 times before being taken down. coming up on the kron four morning news...we continue to follow the problems at s-f-o because of the blizzard hitting the east coast. we're live at sfo where cancelations and delays are piling up. that's coming up at six. and after the break...the little dog that comes up a bit short. [crying] ahhhhhhhhhh! the price you see is the price you pay, unlike cable. it's beautiful. was it a hard place to get to? (laughs) it wasn't too bad. with the chase mobile app, jimmy chin can master depositing his hard earned checks in a snap. easy to use chase technology for whatever you're trying to master. no more. we don't want anymore! keep calm. the price you see is the price you pay, unlike cable. at&t internet. speeds up to 45megs for $30 a month. ( mark ) california lawmakers have announced what they call the most ambitious proposal in the country to reduce student loan debt. democrats in the state assembly have proposed a plan that would create a new scholarship for students in the university of california and california state university systems. according to the plan- the scholarship program would cost $1.6 billion and would be phased in over five years. officials say more than half of california college students graduate with student loan debt. democrats say their plan aims to reduce the amount of debt students have to take on to afford college. ( darya ) take a look at this... a little dog has trouble with an obstacle course during a dog show in the u-k. olly the jack russell terrier ran wild around the course... leaping, sprinting, and even face planting a botched jump. he did not score well in competition but the video was one of the top trending video's on youtube. ( darya ) steph curry, klay thompson, draymond green and andre iguodala are all expected to play tonight against the 76ers after sitting out in their last game. this is video from the warriors practice yesterday. the big news.. kevin durant no longer sporting a knee brace on his injured leg after spraining his knee. and it special game for star steph curry because today is also his 29th birthday. tip-off for tonight's game against the 76ers is 7:30. ( mark ) coming up in the next hour on the kron 4 morning news... police shoot and kill a man in the north bay. kron 4's will tran is live in napa with details on what led up to the shooting. and a toxic chemical forces street closures in the east bay and this isn't the first time. see where it keeps on happening. hear why the white house is saying that the president's claim that he was wire tapped by former president obama was taken out of context. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is backing up into the maze ( mark ) our top story this morning... a police shooting turns deadly in napa. ( darya ) one man was shot and killed by police. kron 4's will tran is live in napa with more on what led up to the shooting. will. ( will )it happened just before 6:30 last night in front of a home depot store. this is near highway 121. this is video of the scene, from of our helicopter partnership with abc 7. police say they were responding to calls about a man with a knife walking around the parking lot. when they arrived the man walked across the street. officers approached the man and shortly after that the situation escalated and two officers opened fire killing the man. right now investigators have not said exactly why the officers started shooting. police have not yet released the name of the man who was killed. the napa county sheriff's office is investigating the shooting. ( darya ) thanks will. we will check back with you through out the morning. ( mark ) happening now... a major winter storm is hitting the east coast this morning and it is expected to slam major areas of the north east.( darya ) and that means travel delays all across the country. we have team coverage this morning with kron 4's yoli aceves live at s-f-o looking at the travel impacts this morning.( mark ) but first we want to go to anny hong with a look at just how bad this storm is. anny. ( anny ) the noreaster has strengthened overnight.. with one to two feet of snow expected. right now, millions of people across the east coast are dealing with this historic storm... let's go live to new york city.... this is a live look from central park... where a blizzard warning is in effect. the temperature now is 29 degrees and the wind chill in the teens. new york is expected to get over a foot of snow today from this storm. ( anny ) and this was the scene in buffalo new york over night. you can see the snow plows hard at work trying to clear the roads before the morning commute. you can see several inches of snow already on the ground. ( anny ) and there were similar scenes in connecticut. snow plows out clearing the roads there as well. this storm is expected to drop around a foot of snow in that area as well and that can make for dangerous driving condition. ( anny ) this was the scene in chicago where the dangerous weather caused a 30 car pile-up. chicago was hit by this storm before it reached the east coast. this happened late last night. 7 people were injured. fortunately none of the injuries were serious. ( anny ) and the winter weather is causing havoc for airports all across the country and here in the bay area. kron 4's yoli aceves is live at s-f-o where dozens of flights have already been canceled this morning. yoli. ( yoli ) so far more than 80 flights have been cancelled. that includes 38 departing flights and more than 50 arriving flights. most of the flights affected were coming from boston, new york and baltimore. the storms are also causing problems all across the country. ( darya ) thanks yoli. we will check back with you through out the morning. ( darya ) violence erupts at a carnival in the east bay... and it's all caught on camera. it happened at the butler carnival in east oakland over the weekend. you can see people ransacking carnival booths and stealing prizes. and at one point a fight breaks out, with no security or police in sight. police say they received multiple calls about a large crowd and possible vandalism. people who attended the carnival describe the chaos... ( darya ) two people were injured and treated at the hospital. police say nobody was arrested. ( mark ) murder charges are filed against one of the three people arrested in connection with the latest deadly shooting along interstate 80 in richmond. 24-year-old elliott johnson is expected to make his first court appearance today. family members of the victim, demarcus doss are trying to cope with his murder. they say he was in college, volunteered often, wanted to be a probation officer and wanted to help the city of richmond. two 17-year old's are also in custody for doss' murder. ( mark ) in the south bay. a shelter in place order in cupertino is lifted this morning. police told people in the area of bollinger road and miller avenue to stay inside after several home burglaries were reported around 4:00 yesterday afternoon. police searched the area and eventually took 4 people into custody. the area is now clear this morning. ( darya ) happening now in the east bay... hazmat crews are working to clean a mercury contamination that shut down a street in antioch. several contaminated areas were found on manzanita way yesterday. this is the third time the potentially toxic chemical has been found in the area in recent months. contra costa haz-mat crews worked overnight using sulfur to clean up the mess. neighbors say they are worried they could be breathing in the mercury. ( darya ) contra costa health services says health impacts are unlikely without long-term exposure to the substance. it's not yet clear how the mercury ended up in the roadway. ( mark ) we are now hearing from a man who says he was also roughed up by the vallejo police officer caught on camera violently arresting another man. the incident happened friday afternoon near a valero gas station. an employee said 23-year-old dejuan hall was acting erratically and scaring customers. after a short chase, hall sat down on the median in the middle of the street. the video then shows the officer punching him and hitting him with a flashlight several times. a man who spoke to kron four says he recognized the officer in the video, saying that officer was also aggressive when asking to search him. including resisting arrest. vallejo police ordered a full investigation into the arrest. police say the arresting officer is ánotá on administrative leave this morning. ( darya ) coming up... hear why the white house says the president's claim that he was wire tapped by former president obama was taken out of context. plus... demolition continues on the old eastern span of the bay bridge. hear from some people who are frustrated with how long it is taking.( robin ) tracking your morning commute... ( mark ) the snow in the sierra is causing problems for at some homes in tahoe. the weight of the snow caused the roof to collapse in one home. fortunately nobody was inside the home at the time. firefighters say the the roof was holding more than 240-thousand pounds of snow when it collapsed. fire officials also say that the snow can cause decks and patios to collapse. they are also warning people that the weight of the snow can damage vents in their houses which increases the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. earlier this month a snow survey showed that the water content in the sierra is 185% of normal for this time of year. welcome back. lets get a check of weather and traffic this morning. we're waking up this morning to mostly clear skies and mild 50-degree temperatures bay area-wide. an approaching marine layer may bring some patchy fog to the coast this morning, but it won't push too far inland. the high pressure system overhead that gave us great weather yesterday is still with us, so look for another sunny and dry day with warm temperatures this afternoon. expect mid 70s by the bay and low 80s inland. not as warm as yesterday but still really nice. temps should cool a little tomorrow as a weak system pushes across the north bay bringing a chance sprinkles. i think rain drops will primarily stay north of the golden gate bridge. after that, dry and mild weather will return for the end of the week and the weekend, too. outdoor plans for saturday and sunday should be safe. next week will be a different story. in your 7-day around the bay forecast, i'm tracking stormy weather on the horizon, so make sure you dig the umbrella out of the closet and keep it handy. i'll keep you posted. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is backing up into the maze. san mateo bridge wb 92 is stop and go from industrial to the high rise. drive time are normal for sb 680, wb 24 wb 80 ( mark ) six people are without a home this morning after a fire broke out inside a building in san francisco. it happened last night on fifth avenue in the city's lake street neighborhood. (ááátriggerááá) heavy smoke was coming from the top floor of the four story building. one person suffered minor injuries. firefighters say five adults, one child and two dogs have been displaced. they are being helped by ( mark ) the justice department has missed the deadline to give congress evidence of president trump's claim that former president obama ordered wiretaps on trump tower last year. the justice department is requesting more time after missing yesterday's deadline to submit any evidence of the claim to the house intelligence committee. the republican chairman of the house intelligence committee is now giving the d-o-j until march 20th to submit any evidence. white house press secretary sean spicer says president trump wasn't being literal when he tweeted the accusation about wiretapping. sean spicer / white house press secretary: "he doesn't really think that president obama went up and tapped his phone personally."sean spicer / white house press secretary: "the president used the term "wiretap" to mean broadly surveillance and other activities during that."( mark ) spicer also said that president trump was referring to the obama administration broadly -- and not accusing president obama of personal involvement when he tweeted the accusations. ( darya @ landing ) a bay area man accused of jumping the white house fence is out of jail this morning. the order came from a federal judge in washington d-c yesterday. 26-year-old jonathan tran is charged with entering restricted grounds while carrying a dangerous weapon. he was discovered by a secret service agent near the south entrance of the white house on friday. he said he was "a friend of the president" and had an appointment. investigators say tran was carrying mace and a hand written letter to president trump about "russian hackers." there were a series of conditions for his release, including that he get fitted with a g-p-s tracking device. ( mark ) the maker of oxycontin is facing a lawsuit this morning. a city in washington says the drug maker caused a pain-pill addiction crisis. everett is just north of seattle... and they say "purdue pharma" failed to prevent pills from being distributed into the black market. city officials say this caused a oxycontin and heroin abuse crisis in their city. they now want the drug maker to pay for damages to the community and reimburse them for the millions of dollars spent to combat drug abuse in their city. "purdue pharma" says the lawsuit paints a flawed picture into the events that led to the crisis in everett. ( darya @ land ) the old eastern span of the bay bridge will soon be a distant memory for drivers. a massive section of the old roadway was removed yesterday. the remaining sections could be gone in a matter of weeks. the demolition work however, is delaying the full opening of the popular bike path on the new span. caltrans is currently keeping the bike path closed during weekdays for safety reasons. ( darya ) caltrans has not announced when the bike path will officially be open 7 days a week. ( mark ) still ahead this morning.... the driver beaten by bikers in san francisco talks to kron 4 and tells us what happened just moments before he was attacked. and after this break, police are looking for a woman who abandoned her baby at a california grocery store. see the video just released by and here's a live look outside... san mateo bridge. áááábreakáááá áááábreakáááá mateo bridge. can't see it. can't taste it. but there's so much more to it. here's how benefiber® works. inside us are trillions of good microflora that support digestive health. the prebiotic fiber in benefiber® nourishes them... and what helps them, helps you. clear, taste-free, benefiber®. that's why i use excedrin.n hold because of a headache. it has two pain fighters plus a booster and for some, headache relief starts in just 15 minutes. now moments lost to headaches are moments gained with excedrin. [heartbeat] (robin) no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is backing up into the maze ( mark @ land ) police in riverside are searching for a mother who is accused of leaving her 2-year-old daughter inside a grocery store. the incident was caught on surveillance video. the mother was at a "food for less" store checking out at the cash register. she then leaves the store without her daughter. a good samaritan noticed the girl by herself and brought her back to her mom, but was told "oh just leave her here." the child is even seen in the video identifying her mom. ( mark ) the 2-year-old is now with child protective services. police are still searching for the mother who is described as being in her 20s or 30s with long brown hair and tattoos. ( darya ) disney has shelved the release of "beauty and the beast" in malaysia. the movie is postponed indefinitely despite being approved by a malaysian film censorship board after a gay moment in the movie was cut from the film. malaysia film censors say that scenes promoting homosexuality are forbidden. the film was given a pg-13 rating. and you have to be over 16-years- old to see the movie in russia. and a movie theatre in alabama will not show the film because of the gay character. disney officials did not give a reason for postponing the movie in malaysia. ( darya ) coming up... police shoot and kill a man in the north bay... kron four's will tran is live at the scene with what led up to the shooting. and there are growing concerns over the republican's new healthcare proposal. see the new report the says millions of americanscould lose their insurance. ( james ) your bay area forecast is next. . (mark) (vo) what if this didn't have to happen? i didn't see it. (vo) what if we could go back? what if our car... could stop itself? in iihs front-end crash prevention testing, nobody beats the subaru impreza. not toyota. not honda. not ford. the all-new subaru impreza. more than a car, it's a subaru. áááábreakáááá (mark)international stock markets drifted in slow trading today as investors awaited the outcome of the federal reserve's meeting, and a batch of economic and political events later this week. futures point to a lower opening on wall street. the dollar rose against the yen and the euro. (mark)(darya) lets start the half hour of weather and traffic... we're waking up this morning to mostly clear skies and mild 50-degree temperatures bay area-wide. an approaching marine layer may bring some patchy fog to the coast this morning, but it won't push too far inland. the high pressure system overhead that gave us great weather yesterday is still with us, so look for another sunny and dry day with warm temperatures this afternoon. here's your daypart 70s by the bay inland. not as warm as nice.shorts and t-for the kids a look ahead the week. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is backing up into the maze ( mark ) our top story this morning... a police shooting turns deadly in the north bay. it happened last night in napa.( darya ) one man was shot and killed by police. kron 4's will tran is live in napa with more on what led up to the shooting. will. ( will )it happened just before 6:30 last night in front of a home depot store. this is near highway 121. this is video of the scene, from of our helicopter partnership with abc 7. police say they were responding to calls about a man with a knife walking around the parking lot. when they arrived the man walked across the street. officers approached the man and shortly after that the situation escalated and two officers opened fire killing the man. right now investigators have not said exactly why the officers started shooting. police have not yet released the name of the man who was killed. the napa county sheriff's office is investigating the shooting. ( darya ) thanks will. we will check back with you through out the morning. ( mark ) a lyft driver who was brutally attacked last week on southbound 101 is now speaking out.( darya ) anny hong is here with a look at what he is saying this morning. anny? ( anny @ land ) 35-year-old alex quintana says his car made contact with one person in a group on dirt bikes and a-t-v's near the cesar chavez exit. he says they first started vandalizing his car, which is white, and blocked him in. about four or five of them then started beating him up. one of them ran over his leg, breaking it in three places. alex says he is worried about how he is going to support his 3-month-old son and wants justice for what happened to him. ( anny @ land ) a go fund me page has been set up to help alex pay for his medical expenses. lyft says they have offered support and assistance as alex continues to recover. ( darya ) alameda county sheriff's deputies are investigating a homicide in san leandro.(ááátriggerááá) it happened yesterday afternoon on selborne drive off of interstate 580. officials have not said how the victim was killed. no one has been arrested but deputies say they are searching for the killer. ( mark ) a new report shows that millions of americans could lose their health insurance if the republican healthcare plan is passed. according to the report by the congressional budget office...14 million more people would be uninsured next year under the new plan. and according to the report... that number would nearly double by the year 20-26. democrats in congress say this report is evidence that the bill should not be passed. but some republicans argue that the report only focused on part of the healthcare plan and ignored other pieces of legislation that are aimed to help people afford health insurance. ( mark ) and with the new report released ... people across the bay area are concerned that they could lose their insurance. at the marin county civic center more than 2-thousand people showed up to hear from their local congressman about the proposed healthcare bill. ( mark ) people who spoke with kron 4 say that one fo their biggest concerns is the loss of medicaid expansion. nut some people we spoke to also said they like the idea of more options for their health insurance. ( darya ) california has now joined five other states opposing president trump's revised travel ban. the revised ban restricts travel from six predominantly muslim countries. california's attorney general signed onto the lawsuit yesterday. the lawsuit claims that the order unconstitutionally discriminates against people based on their religion. the new ban goes into effect on thursday and restricts travel from iran, libya, somalia, sudan, syria and yemen for 90 days. ( mark ) in the south bay... the second suspect in connection with the murder of 88-year-old flo douglas makes her first court appearance. 19-year-old jennifer jimenez of san jose was arraigned yesterday on charges of accessory to murder and conspiracy to obstruct justice. prosecutors claim that jimenez knew about the killing and helped her boyfriend, 19 year-old zachary cuen. ( mark ) police say cuen murdered douglas during a home invasion robbery back in september 2016. he is still awaiting trial. ( darya ) a chaotic scene out of orange county when a driver threatens to set two police officers on fire. it happened yesterday morning when the officers pulled over the driver for having a broken tail light. police say he threatened to use a lighter and a can of gasoline. the driver was forced out of the car through the driver's side window when police used a fire hose to push the man out. police say he had a knife in his hand and another in his pants. police say he then struggled with one of the officers and that's when one of the officers fired their gun: gunshot. no officers were seriously hurt. ( mark ) coming up this morning... three girls who were sexually assaulted by a morgan hill teacher reach a settlement. see how much the school district is going to pay up. also ahead, a california restaurant owner is facing criticism over a facebook post he made about hispanics and tipping. we'll show it to you. ( darya ) and after this break, the new mom jeans that are making the internet go crazy. are your allergies holding you back or is it your allergy pills? break through your allergies. introducing flonase sensimist. more complete allergy relief in a gentle mist you may not even notice. using unique mistpro technology, new flonase sensimist delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances that cause your symptoms. most allergy pills only block one. and six is greater than one. break through your allergies. new flonase sensimist. ♪ it's just a date. i can stay. i'm good. i won't be late hey mom. yeah. no kissing on the first date, alright? life doesn't always stick to a plan, but with our investment expertise we'll help you handle what's next. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is backing up into the maze ( darya ) a new pair of jeans are being ripped apart for how ridiculous they look. these are what nordstrom calls "clear knee mom jeans".( mark ) made by topshop, these 95 dollar jeans feature clear plastic kneecap covers sewn in. they're also cropped below the knee and fit high on the waist, making them so-called "mom jeans".( darya ) nordstrom says the jeans have a "futuristic feel". ( mark ) coming up... a man helps deliver his baby on a busy bay area highway. see who is being credited with helping him through the delivery.( james ) tracking your bay area forecast... here are the big stories we are following at 6:45.... two people are injured after violence erupts at the butler carnival in oakland over the weekend. this is video that was all captured at the event. and at one point a fight breaks out, with no security or police in sight. police say they received multiple calls about a large crowd and possible vandalism. they say say nobody was arrested. ( darya ) one man is dead this morning following an officer-involved shooting in napa. this is video of the scene, from of our helicopter partnership with abc 7 news. police say they were responding to calls around 6:30 last night at a home depot near highway 121, about a man walking around the parking lot with a knife. no word on what led up to the shooting..( mark ) hazmat crews are working to cleanup mercury contamination found on a street in antioch. around 6 contamiation sites were reported on manzanita way yesterday morning. health services say health impacts are unlikely without long term exposure to the substance. (mark)(darya) welcome back. lets get a check of weather and traffic... we're waking up this morning to mostly clear skies and mild 50-degree temperatures bay area-wide. an approaching marine layer may bring some patchy fog to the coast this morning, but it won't push too far inland. the high pressure system overhead that gave us great weather yesterday is still with us, so look for another sunny and dry day with warm temperatures this afternoon. expect mid 70s by the bay and low 80s inland. not as warm as yesterday but still really nice. temps should cool a little tomorrow as a weak system pushes across the north bay bringing a chance sprinkles. i think rain drops will primarily stay north of the golden gate bridge. after that, dry and mild weather will return for the end of the week and the weekend, too. outdoor plans for saturday and sunday should be safe. next week will be a different story. in your 7-day around the bay forecast, i'm tracking stormy weather on the horizon, so make sure you dig the umbrella out of the closet and keep it handy. i'll keep you posted. no major hot spots. bay bridge wb 80 is backing up into the maze ( darya ) the three girls who were sexually assaulted by a morgan hill teacher...reach ed a tentative multi-million dollar settlement in court. the lawsuit was against the morgan hill unified school district. an attorney who represents the three girls, confirmed the eight point two million dollar settlement. howeverit has not been finalized because attorney's for both sides are out non-finacial details. 53-year-old john lloyd was convicted of sexually abusing the girls at paradise valley elementary -- between 2012 and 2014. a judge sentenced the former morgan hill teacher to 40 years in prison. ( darya ) a judge cuts the bail of former stockton mayor anthony silva. his bail was dropped from 1 million to 350 thousand dollars. in court yesterday the prosecutor repeated the five counts of financial felonies he faces... including stealing from the stockton boys and girls clubs. but even the prosecutor says the bail should have never reached a million dollars. silva's lawyers are hoping to get him out within the next two days. ( mark ) a 9-1-1 dispatcher comes to the aid of a couple about to have a baby. this happened over the weekend in antioch. a woman was in labor and heading to the hospital when she realized she wasn't going to get there in time. so the woman's husband pulled off the road and called 9-1-1 and the dispatcher was able to talk the father through delivering the baby. ( mark ) the dispatcher called an ambulance while telling the husband how to help his wife. he successfully delivered their healthy baby girl just six minutes later. the couple was taken to john muir hospital.. the dispatcher is a 22-year veteran of the contra costa fire district ... and has helped deliver many babies. ( mark )( mark ) part of highway 1 will be closed for up to a year in big sur. take a look at these pictures of the crumbling pfeiffer canyon bridge. that bridge was demolished yesterday after caltrans determined it was beyond repair and needed to be replaced. it was closed last month after caltrans noticed fractures in the bridge. engineers say recent rainstorms and landslides are to blame. the closure has stranded about 450 people who live there. officials hope to open a portion of the roadway later this month. ( darya ) a restaurant owner in fresno is getting backlash this morning because of a comment he made about hispanics and tipping on facebook. this is the post in question... saying quote... "my servers are thinking about building a wall around the restaurant. why don't many hispanics tip?" steve wayte, the owner of "roll one for mi" has since taken the post down and has issued a public apology. he claims it was a joke and says he was just standing up for his servers. but former fresno county supervisor, henry perea does not find it funny. ( darya ) perea is calling for a boycott of the restaurant. the post was shared at least 700 times before being taken down. (mark) energy stocks are leading an early decline on wall street as the price of oil takes another turn lower. the standard & poor's 500 index fell 7 points, or 0.3 percent, to 2,365. the dow jones industrial average lost 36 points, or 0.2 percent, to 20,846. the nasdaq composite fell 21 points, or 0.4 percent, to 5,854. ( mark ) coming up in the kron four news at seven... thousands of kids are injured each year from baby products. we'll show you which products send the most children to the emergency room. and... the winner of the 10th largest lottery jackpot in u-s history is choosing to remain anonymous. hear how much money the winner is taking home. this. is. everything. honey bunches of oats. it's crispy sweetened flakes, plus crunchy granola clusters, plus a touch of honey. it's like adding up "awesome", plus "awe-yeah". it's the sum of the best of the best in a cereal. honey bunches of oats. ( mark ) the indiana winner of the 435-million dollar powerball jackpot has chosen to remain anonymous. it was the 10th largest lottery jackpot in u-s history. a representative accepted the check on the winner's behalf yesterday. the winner will receive a lump-sum of 189-million dollars, after federal and state taxes (darya) and ahead in gary's world... the warriors are waking up ánotá number one for the first time since the season started. plus, how do you get the non-sport fans to fill out their brackets. i think i have an idea. and a double knockout in the fighting ring, who wins?((advance)) ( mark ) plus... police shoot and kill a man in the north bay... kron four's will tran is live at the scene with what led up to the shooting. ((advance)) and... violence erupts at an east bay carnival and it is all caught on camera. it is a story you will see only on kron 4. ( will ) police shoot and kill a man in the north bay. i am live in napa with more on what led up to the shooting. ( mark ) a major snow storm on the east coast causes problems at airports across the country including the bay area. we are live at s-f-o with an update on all of the cancellations. ( darya ) and a toxic chemical forces street closures in the east bay and this isn't the first time. see where it keeps on happening. (darya) good morning i'm darya folsom..(mark) and i'm mark dano

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