Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20160502 : comparemel

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20160502

>>reporter: from the golden it its occur number and you get things started san francisco not reporting the daily sitting it is 50 howe over the little more 52 pleasanton 5440 is a conceit of their to the north bank visibility all levels of they are down and spots we do have to lower numbers to be found on the map a lot of tens patchy fog of that will work to get did they started it is usually where there's water as you can see the golden gate bridge. >>reporter: however it will be chilly looks like for the good bit of the tip of the peninsula downtown san francisco these are how they are going to look we may get up to the lower 60s battle was southwest winds and 15 maybe even little cooler 70 by 3:00 than a score than yesterday 65 by 8:00 where they will continue to roll in for the coast locations. >>reporter: give you a wide perspective of the inland valley is not as generous but we will scores to the '80s and meanwhile downtown as the chilly '60s will take a deeper look. >>robin winston: it is in the east bay on south about 680 heading into martinez coming from the benicia bridge heading south it was a major crash involving a driver that at the center divider and around to study this morning in the clearing stages that are packing up the cones of the right lane should be open and. >>robin winston: a major injury act to the south 680 clear all to the right-hand shoulder traffic looks pretty good from the bridge through martinez on out and to convert headed over to the bay bridge chicken the ride into san francisco leaving the east bay if this is the come to the nimitz that is in great shape no major trouble spots for san leandro haywood union sitting. >>james: a cell phone and golden gate park he's a father his family says he was heading out to meet someone and then simply vanished the father has not been seen or heard from since thursday his family is now pleading for his return the family says he is not the type of guy to drop off the radar the 27 your was just a few months away from graduating from culinary school in his two little girls ages 4 and almost two. >>reporter: when it spoke to his mom thursday night everything seemed ok to grab his phone and walked across the street from his apartment to the millbrae pancake house to meet someone he has not been seen since friends and family recalling him like crazy when someone finally answered his phone friday morning a stranger who found his own in the rose garden at golden gate park the from may provide clues to where to keep his men and who has been talking to. >>reporter: the san mateo sheriff's department and the lead on this investigation in with more inflation should give them a call reporting and bill graham. >>james: the solar impulse will be leaving the area of the aircraft is the first plane capable of flying day and night your sole power in a quiet back of the 21st landed a week ago sunday the upcoming flight from san francisco and phoenix marks the continuation of the attempt to achieve the first ever round the world so the flight. >>james: it happen across the federal building at about 930 last night police said one man was shot his injuries are not considered life-threatening there is no information on the issue of the u.s. and is even more information also happen today it marks the fifth anniversary of the death of out by the leader of some of the law and he was killed in u.s. special forces raid on his compound and pakistan to mark the anniversary the cia's line between a military operation as if it were happening the compound in which he was found it would lead to discovering he helped found the terrorist organization of title. >>james: turned its attention to the sports and the golden state warriors' opener of the western conference in oakland and they did it in style with a big win over the portland trail blazers. >>phillipe djegal: for the warriors it was the thing of beauty for the portland trail blazers it was ugly from the start klay thompson electrified the crowd early and it was downhill from there playoff basketball open an experience like none other. >>phillipe djegal: it was not just klay thompson who knocked down and kept adding on the whole team stepped it up the warriors 37 to 17 in the game first 12 minutes quickly taking the drama out of game 1 at one point golden state led by as many as 27 points for the got it down to nine the list and two minutes to go in the first half but that is as close as they will get the victory makes it seven straight wins in game one of the playoff series the warriors also for and won so far against portland this season including three wins and a rental again golden state did it without reining in the peace that can carry--steph curry. golden state is hoping for repeople foremast in game 2 tuesday before hitting the road for portland. >>james: we would take a quick break coming up we are learning new information about prince what his personal chef is saying about his change in eating habits leading up to his death the search is over for missing ease a teenager will table police thing she was trying to go. >>reporter: half and we definitely want to put the jacket around this about all day today the bay bridge respect of . for today most of the scars will open across the bay area we're going in a downward trend into the system did tear which will be by the middle of the week to become the chilean side will be in the '60s territory here come the fifties all over the area of warming back up again tomorrow. >>robin winston: and a lot better in the east that was far from the city of martinez with a look of southbound 6 aiding a live look at the richmond san rafael bridge is wide open no delays for the quiet getting into the north bay for now. >>james: for most of the time or family to get together and have some fun. >>reporter: from family activities to winetasting there was more officers patrolling the festival this year after a deadly crash last april it was quite easy to spot them all over a year to the day of the fatal crash the husband of an of the family members showed up at the memorial with a reminder of the consequences of drinking and driving the family tells of the taba was tucked under the car me while not much change this was the second arrest in last year's crash and blood alcohol level was 0.14% he's pleaded not guilty including two murders. >>james: is already used in other cities across the u.s. including alameda is elected official across the entire stake--state. >>james: a charge when and claims to look at this massive blaze it took over 107 firefighters he was battling sore throat and upset stomach in the final months of his life and this comes as a court hearing about this state is expected to start today over the weekend hundred people gathered on the block where you went to middle school four days of music and memories that host the event it used to be the junior high school when he was attending back in the early '70s the beloved a thin are bidding farewell it is the 11th in the and scoring with was been billed as the british soldier took their final bout last night this marks the end of the 145 your tradition after the show they will retire to the permanent home. . >>james: they know the basis and it brings in another round of the houston to nothing at kron 4 and would finally get on the board for smartest simeon creek home run on his place for that is all coming up the type grows even bigger up for the sequel regrouped preview becomes the most disliked trailer ever. when it's your time to shine. you want to feel good from head to toe. including your nails. introducing the amopé electronic nail care system. the fast way to file. buff and shine. for effortless shiny wow nails! so you can step out with that amopé confidence and shine on! the electronic nail care system from amopé. find it in the footcare aisle. >>robin winston: we're tracking the ride into san francisco is a backup at the bay bridge toll plaza on the far right hand side is backing of toward the end of the lot of the image of problems and oakland on the bridge the average drive time tenement. >>james: a movie is off to a big start at the box tops while another is the protection the late in the third get the dubious distinction. >>reporter: captain america still roar is taught in the box office overseas ahead of its u.s. debut paulo reporter sensible war heading toward the point million-dollar opening this weekend at the overseas box office the movie began opening and 60 percent of the mark about a 27 a with a movie screens and a u.s. china and russia this weekend production on the third runner has been halted indefinitely bride is said to disagree delayed principal photography the desk drawer to allow start build and all grant additional time to heal fallen in on said and during is the fall of 2015 may is one of the scorch trial the upcoming go submersibles is earned a dubious distinction the reporter notes the charley on march 3rd has received more than half a million dislikes from you to the that rocks the ghost was previewed the most disliked with a trailer ever in the 23rd most dislike the overall you to the hit theaters on july 15th. >>reporter: and maybe a couple of isolated thundershowers tsk everyone out for the bulls are checking into the tent is a very localized issue we're looking id number is noticeably different law rescinded and expect early in the northwest wind from the apparent location at about five- to-10. >>reporter: 56 already buy it declined by 3:00 only a modest 61 a bit on the chilly side today and the wide perspective with temperatures all over bay area and naturallyspeaking lower subsidies for the most part. >>robin winston: over to the bayshore freeway connecting into foster sitting it is still moving will now lead to problems in san francisco. >>robin winston: only 21 minutes to the interchange will track in the south may commit hot spot spring. >>james: she was missing since thursday it was about 1030 yesterday morning also received a call from the station a in the works of the pleasant hill workstation said they had recently seen her the tenedos water along near bus stop and appeared to be the health to was considered at risk because she was the the bottom of the disabled and the of the schumer bill would to your boy friend opened to ship packed extra clothes stuff 2016 the primary season is entering the home stretch only a few contest remained nearly 64 percent of all democratic delegates the democratic and republican front- runners are taking aim at each other. >>reporter: after weekend that saw violence the dow trout brolly the presence of a candidate every clinton blamed trump's rhetoric trouble to the country backwards donald trump is ready to face her as well south to bernie sanders in a tight race says he will not quit if to at. >>reporter: 10 cruises travel in indiana but is still fighting much from who had indiana offer to its seven delegates to republicans for. >>james: pg&e are working to figure out what caused an older of natural gas and the alameda and san leandro area residents the reporting that smell at about 715 saturday night shift the shutter the several homes and use special gas leak was still able to locate the source of that smell we're hopeful that they will find a solution to the issue but later on today. >>james: 6 san francisco embarcadero was 300 protesters the police violence in the cities was the rally in crime the organizers hold a second rally across from the ferry building or real selves a latino and black men have been killed by police the power what jackpot is growing even bigger with the winner could take home. >>gabe slate: their adam the ability to pay a deposit with your phone you have to mess with your wallet a bit of the credit- card or touch the dirty and german terminal keypad you consider--authorize. >>gabe slate: the 25 stations now in the bay area offering the mobile pavement when to break down the forecast for this year fire season plus more can the bidding concussions law there at the playground with a table and for safety information a bridge and then to create a functioning whore like it is a must see video of will have that come of the 5:00 hour sphere. >>james: he was killed in the u.s. special forces raid on the compound and pakistan that found it a terrorist organization and orchestrated the september 11th terrell takemura york. >>reporter: the visibility level are down rescind some numbers and the north bank will be quite low there was a bit of improvement once the south here interesting is you it brings to mind this way will we finally get to the man of the week will introduce a couple of those showers and scattered thundershowers down to 69 for high by that point. >>robin winston: if you're on the right hand side and is backing up toward the middle of the parking lot just the of the opposite side heading into north they so far this is a good to milk no problems for 80 know problems for highway 1 at into and out of san rafael. >>james: happen now listen between cuba and the u.s. have taken another step forward for the first time almost 40 years the cruise ship with american tourists on board said sale >>reporter: the process of a car was miami headquarters at the companies said the cuban law prevents a carnival fun accepted the contract and one would kill the cuban government has said it was soon ease restrictions on private boats and not a moment too soon for carnival's it is game over for sports authority sporting goods retailer is closing off 450 of its stores the company filed for chapter 11 indicated that it will close about 140 stores in two distribution centers it is carried just over a billion dollars in debt. >>james: there would they all stores and close down operations in the months ahead the possible jackpot continues to grow no one took home the grand prize this past saturday night in the power of all lottery jackpot is out to $340 million and counting. >>james: the white house announced yesterday that allele will begin their and the fall of 2710 at the taking of the gap here to be a member of the harvard class of 21 president obama said the white house correspondents and his family plans to stay in washington for two years after his presidency ends chilly and the daughter definitize school oakland is above 51 degrees expected to want to lose some of these will get a more complete look at the forecast coming of the top of the our. when it's your time to shine. you want to feel good from head to toe. including your nails. introducing the amopé electronic nail care system. the fast way to file. buff and shine. for effortless shiny wow nails! so you can step out with that amopé confidence and shine on! the electronic nail care system from amopé. find it in the footcare aisle. >>james: the sharks them on friday had unlikely that a strike at branagh ostyaks he was for sen before san was the second one series opener in this is video hovered during his game debut that night the screaming crowds republican like fred and for the cab but it is time on the eyes were short before the staff car with it they say if the and much of this is the cap is of the enormous kron 4 then they will put a for adoption when mom was away from the solid impose taken off to bay area on this first of a kind air crashes and believe the peninsula the warriors opened up the series against trout blazers with a bang klay thompson with the big gain yesterday./ >>male announcer:this is the bay area news station,kron 4 morning news starts now >>mark: the aircraft to the first plane capable of flying than eye on the console power and left while it the 21st in three days later rendered last under the plan is on his way to phoenix and tries to achieve the first ever round the world so if i. >>reporter: down to the south of san jose getting up to the upper 70's and look like a nice win in the northwest about 1015. >>robin winston: about 50 minutes there was a backup in the cache size of the right hand side that is all but its a great ride across the upper deck and to downtown san francisco for a quick to the menace all you need to get from the maze to the skyline. >>darya: will live with the san matell, chef of the the of the of the search effort. >>will tran: there is no word of any foul play is involved they're still searching and now it is also in san francisco here was the reason why the show you pictures can entisols up a thirsted 10:00 p.m. the basically walk across the street to the pancake house he left his car and his wallet at home he is not been seen since then on friday morning some hiker and golden gate park founder a cellphone she turned and then he's 27 years old as the mantle of father of two young girls according to family and friends it is not like him to leave this out of the blue then turned to the media to ask for our health it was what they had to say about the loved one here will makes it harder is far as the search will he left his house no one saw him but don't know what he was wearing the last time he left his home that is like giving up pictures we every stop to the san mateo county sheriff's department at this point they do not believe it is foul play anything fishy at this point with our continuing with the investigation >>mark: of as a response to report of a man would been shot they say is injuries are not considered life-threatening the have not made any room left arrest. >>darya: it was not happy occasion for one family for the morales family did that was a reminder of the dead did you by accident that happened after last year's festival they said he was driving under the influence this year police stepped up efforts to try and avoid another tragic accident the family gathered yesterday at a memorial on that was at the side of the accident they're hoping that the accident will remind everyone the consequences of drinking and driving the mothers against drunk driver group is working with lawmakers on a bill designed to prevent drug driving it will require convicted of drivers to use an ignition interlock device. >>darya: and attorneys are tackling the complicated job of dividing up the stakes for a terrorist act and provide court in minnesota the full system filed papers last week saying that he had no known will and under minnesota law the state will be divided among the surviving siblings the system listed a five half siblings as well on the court papers and he made hundreds of millions of dollars through rapid and counter cell c also owns about $27 million of property in minnesota game two of the best the seven sears's tomorrow night at 730 the democratic republican presidential front runners are taking jabs at each other at the next primary election the push to grab boulders before the indiana primary. p?p?o?gv i smoked a lot, and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. i get out of work and i go to the store, and somebody's, smellin' around, "mmm! i smell cookies." i say, "oh no, you just smell me. i just got out of work. that's honey bunches of oats, that's all." and now in delicious chocolate. >>reporter: looking at the golden gate bridge and couldn't tell from the vantage point this will max out of burma which every like a thug who go to some of the most dishonest eye condition but the pattern is in pretty much stone to go and the general direction for the rest of the week. again the central for is a lot more sunshine and temperatures dropping just about a today you said the seven did not for the east bayshore line lower middle seven is a worker looks like a job and over the east. >>reporter: with cold air will make a couple of questions on the storm to the measure and that should clear up in time for the weekend. >>robin winston: with tracking the ride across the golden gate bridge the ride on 11 nice and smooth at the limit in both directions >>james: howe president obama spoke with the media partners and cnn and said if the u.s. had not launched a raid when it did he may have slipped away he held from the terrorist organization and orchestrated the september 11th to attack and marking five years since his death. >>darya: this photo, showing water flooding the street. >>darya:a broken water main under the highway connector was first reported around 9:40 saturday morning. >>darya:crews were able to get the road back open around 8:30 yesterday >>darya:the cause of the water main break is under investigation. >>darya:a man riding a jet ski was rescued from browns island near pittsburg. it happened saturday morning. >>darya:this is a photo showing the man with his rescuers. >>darya:there were swells of five to six feet and wind gusts of 40 miles an hour. which made it difficult for rescuers to get to the man. >>darya:an army corp of engineers' workboat was nearby, and they were able to get to the island and take the man and his jet ski to shore. >>mark:decision 2016. >>mark:and election primary season is entering the home stretch. only a few contests remain. >>mark:nearly 64-percent of all democratic delegates and 79- percent of all republican delegates are spoken for. >>mark:the democratic and republican frontrunners are now taking aim at each other. >>mark:but as kim hutcherson explains. the other candidates aren't giving up without a fight. >>mark:and the republican presidential candidates spent some time in the bay area over the weekend. >>reporter: gonna try and is ready to face her as well sanders told super delegates committed to clinton that he has a better chance of beating broke trump they're traveling in india and abroad is still fighting but trump who has a wide lead in the state did not turn down the rhetoric. >>mark:presidential hopeful ted cruz spoke at the california republican convention on saturday in burlingame. >>mark:he received an endorsement from former republican governor, pete wilson, which could help cruz win over more moderate republicans. >>mark:cruz spoke about choosing carly fiorina as his running mate and said that trump and clinton support the same policy issues. including massive tax increases. >>mark:the crowds were much friendlier toward cruz than to donald trump. >>mark:protesters filled the streets in burlingame on friday, blocking trump as he tried to arrive at the convention. >>mark:and tens of thousands of immigrants are applying for u-s citizenship in a year where immigration is a hot topic in the race for the white house. >>mark:immigration advocates say longtime immigrants may be motivated to apply for citizenship so they can vote-- because they're afraid they'll be deported if donald trump becomes president. >>mark:trump has even said he would like to build a wall along the border of the u-s and mexico to prevent people from coming into the country illegally. >>darya:to bay area baseball. >>darya:and the giants on the road playing the mets at citi field. san francisco trying to avoid a three-game sweep in new york >>darya:madison bumgarner on the mound for san francisco. and the top of the 4th he gets some help from hunter pence. >>darya:pence takes this one deep. >>darya:giants lead 3-0 >>darya:then top of the 7th. >>darya:angel pagan. gets this ball to drop. a run would score. giants up five - nothing >>darya:after a buster posey solo shot in the 8th. the giants win this one. avoiding a sweep 6-1. >>darya:san francisco now heads to cincinnati for three games starting tonight. >>darya:the a's at home in oakland hosting the houston astros. rich hill on the mound for the a's >>darya:and it didn't take long for the astros to get on the board. jose altuve hits a leadoff home run. houston up 1-0. early. >>darya:top of the third. astros load the bases. and colby rasmus on a sac fly brings in another runner in for houston. 2-0 astros. >>darya:a's would finally get on the board in the 7th. marcus semien brings home a runner on this base hit. >>darya:but that's all the offense the a's could muster. they lose this one 2-1. up next for the athletics. the seattle mariners are in town for three games starting tonight. >>mark:still ahead on the kron four morning news. >>mark:ringling brothers and barnum and bailey circus says goodbye to its famous elephants. >>mark:the reason they're getting rid of the animal performers. plus. a busy weekend at the box office. we'll take a look at the films that came out on top. ♪ ♪ you live life your way. we can help you retire your way, too. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can. financial guidance while you're mastering life. ♪ new fresh step with the power of febreze. odor control worth celebrating. ♪ ♪ the best way to get together, is with the treat you make together. ♪ ♪ hey, we're opening up and we need some new signage. but can't spend a lot. well, we have low prices and a price match guarantee. scout's honor? low prices. pinky swear? low prices. eskimo kisses? how about a handshake? oh, alright... the lowest price. every time. staples. make more happen. >>mark:welcome back. >>mark:before you head out the door this morning here's a look at current temperatures. >>mark:james will have your full forecast in less than 10 minutes. >>darya:in entertainment news. >>darya:disney's "the jungle book" is ahead of the pack at the box office for a third straight weekend. >>darya:jon favreau's live- action adaptation of the movie brought in more than 42-million dollars at the box office over the weekend. >>darya:the film has now made more than 684-million dollars globally. >>darya:"the huntsman: winter's war" came in a distant second place with nine-point-four million dollars. >>darya:that's just ahead of the action comedy "keanu," which raked in just over nine-point- three million dollars. >>darya:the star-packed romantic comedy, "mother's day," opened in fourth with just over eight- million dollars. >>darya:the movie's cast includes julia roberts, jennifer aniston, and kate hudson. >>mark:and "captain america: civil war" is expected to clean up at the box office when it comes out on thursday. >>mark:the movie opened with 200-point-two million dollars over the weekend at the overseas box office. >>mark:it hits movie screens in the u-s, china, and russia this week. do you often consume fruit, fruit juices, coffee or soda? acids in everyday foods and drinks may weaken and erode your tooth enamel over time. damaged or lost enamel can lead to yellow, dull and thinning teeth. that's why there's pronamel and pronamel for kids. designed to strengthen enamel and help protect against acids in your diet. start protecting your enamel, with pronamel. the #1 dentist-recommended brand for strengthening and protecting enamel. >>reporter: temperatures as a whole this discussion is a bit warmer than downtown san francisco northwest winds at about five-to-10 seoul not a major crime control of the day part for us in an invalid to about 78 about 3:61 meanwhile at the coast will be a chilly one at the beach for today. >>robin winston:. >>robin winston: wanted to look at that and the ride on the shore for with coming up. >>darya:in the south bay. >>darya:the san jose police department is moving forward with plans to equip all officers with body cameras. >>darya:city officials chose the company "taser international" to supply officers with the cameras. >>darya:the san jose city council still needs to approve the decision. >>darya:in the meantime, police say they'll keep educating people about the plan to give each officer a body-worn camera. >>darya:the department hopes the cameras will lead to greater trust between police and the community. >>darya:15 officers signed up to wear the cameras as part of a pilot program last year. >>darya:the department hopes all officers will be equipped with the technology by july. >>mark:p-g-and-e crews don't know what caused a natural gas odor in the east bay over the weekend. >>mark:fire officials received several calls from people in alameda, san leandro, oakland, and castro valley reporting the smell of natural gas. >>mark:p-g-and-e crews arrived at the scene, but couldn't find the source of the smell. >>mark:they say there was no indication that there was a natural gas leak. no one was evacuated. >>darya:a 15-year-old girl from pleasant hill is safe after she was reported missing last week. >>darya:officers received a call from a station agent at the pleasant hill bart station yesterday morning, saying they'd seen the missing teen. jenna graves. >>darya:she was spotted alone near a bus stop and appeared to be in good health. graves was considered at-risk because she is developmentally disabled. >>darya:investigators believe she was heading to oakland to meet her boyfriend, because she had packed extra clothes. >>darya:puerto rico's governor says the country will not be able to pay most of its 470- million-dollars in debt payments that are due today. >>mark:he says negotiators for the u-s territory's government failed to reach a last-minute deal to avoid a third default. >>mark:he said in a speech yesterday that he has issued an executive order to withhold payment for most the amount due. >>mark:the government negotiated with creditors through the weekend. >>mark:they managed to reach a deal to postpone some of the payments. but officials say they cannot go further without threatening basic necessities for people who live in puerto rico. >>darya:for the first time in more than 50 years. >>darya:a u-s cruise ship with american tourists on board has set sail for havana, cuba. >>darya:the carnival cruise ship left miami yesterday evening with 700 passengers on board. >>darya:it's the first cruise to visit the communist island nation since the u-s restored diplomatic relations last july. >>darya:the cruise comes after cuba loosened its policy banning cuban-born people from arriving to the country by sea. >>darya:carnival says it will cruise every other week from miami to cuba. >>mark:former penn state assistant football coach jerry sandusky will appear in court today. >>mark:he is appealing his 45- count conviction for child sexual abuse. >>mark:sandusky's attorneys will argue that the 72-year old was wrongly convicted. >>mark:in today's court appearance. they are asking a judge for a trial where they can present evidence that supports their claim. >>mark:sandusky wants his charges thrown out or a new trial. >>mark:he's serving a 30 to 60 year sentence for abuse of 10 boys. >>darya:firefighters are trying to figure out what sparked a fire at a historic new york church. >>darya:take a look at the massive fire at the cathedral of saint sava in manhattan. >>darya:one person had minor injuries in the fire, which started last night. >>darya:it took more than 170 firefighters several hours to get the fire under control. >>darya:the fire sent plumes of smoke billowing into the sky. the roof of the church was destroyed. >>darya:the church was built in the early 1850's and was designated a city landmark in 1968. >>mark:elephants have given their final performance at ringling brothers and barnum and bailey circus. >>james:the last elephants touring with the circus took their final bow in providence, rhode island last night. >>james:elephants have been performing in american circuses for more than 200 years. >>james:ringling brothers decided to stop using elephants in shows after years of complaints from animal rights groups. >>james: >>james:dozens of cities have also banned the use of bull hooks. which are used to train elephants. >>james:the circus elephants will now retire to the ringling's center for elephant conservation in florida. >>robin winston: collapse of stopping the traffic at the bay bridge toll plaza is backed up and catch lyme the fast track and moving to the the better for people with a fast track in stretches beyond was run almost to the foot of the maze >>mark:it's game over for sports authority. the sporting goods retailer is closing all 450 of its stores. the company filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in march. >>mark:it then announced it would close 140 stores and two distribution centers. but now all stores are closing. the company is just over a billion dollars in debt. >>mark:sports authority is liquidating all of its stores, and will end operations in the months ahead. there are currently 24 sports authority stores in the bay area. >>darya:take a look at this. >>darya:an inventor built a fully-working hoverbike that looks like something out of a sci-fi movie. >>darya:the british inventor posted this video of the twin engine craft online. >>darya:each of the motors spin a propeller blade in opposite directions, so the bike doesn't start spinning around in circles. >>darya:the inventor even shared some outtakes of him riding the hover bike, which isn't very stable. >>mark:and here are some of the stories we are working on for the six-o clock hour. >>mark:may day protests turn violent. >>mark:several police officers recovering from injuries this morning. >>mark:jamse fletcher will have the latest developments from the breaking news desk. >>darya:and if you live in the south bay check your powerball tickets. you could be a million dollars richer this morning. >>darya:we'll tell you where the winning ticket was sold. plus. an incredible story of survival. >>darya:a man pulled from the rubble nearly two weeks after a deadly earthquake in ecuador. >>darya:we will show you the newest images from the incredible rescue. >>mark:we're coming up on 5:45. >>mark:here's a quick look at the top stories we're following this morning. from the centers for disease restaurant industry. >>mark: it is the first plane capable of flying the and nine on the sole power to three days to get there from a wide. >>reporter: it is to limit troubles of the airport reported in the problems temperatures fifth is on the board for the most part nv 5648 for livermore and pleasanton 49 and what we have come above the middle of the week you see >>reporter: as the system sometimes of done in the winter the warmer will see some '80s in their parents and the far east and still downtown sentences will stand in the '60s going eight and six campus a court of having the grain sector over there quickly >>robin winston: come on a hat with a storm of the toll plaza the average five times under 20 minutes to get from its hey without 11 to announce any major problems on the continent and saw the one on one for now looking pretty good track in the ride across the golden gate bridge to land at the command and into and out of san francisco south 689 of the problems and, of walnut creek looks good all the way out into san ramon valley 11 of the morgan hill and a son of of just under 30 minutes for the ride and another about one. >>darya: the fire forecaster said why alaska and the southwest are at increased risk the wildfires this summer. >>james: the national fire center said all i could face above average of five potential for may through august that is the one with things to get pretty at the in the south was bills and increased to of wildfires in arizona and mexico early this season led to the stress shift north and west and california and nevada place summer could be again pretty hectic. >>mark: this fire at the vintage car restoration shop and some accounting cause about a million dollars in damage the call here to stock tranche of vintage cars and about 60 percent of the $12 a square foot shot with a short man had a and control nev. but our calls on investigation was injured. >>darya: a considering what the doctors who prescribe pain killer should be required to tech safety training courses, under the current program drug makers on voluntary training for physicians and many experts say the physician training should be mandatory and the fda is on to ask outside safety experts what changes should be made to improve the risk plans. >>mark: there is in which to pay for something very common with just the top of your phone. >>gabe slate: that having the ability to pay at the pump with your phone. >>gabe slate: right here at the front of the terminal is the fast and this is where you with a pullout from sphere disciplines off credit-card types all nfc based payment services so i pray and read a samsung pay and anything else and they want in the future that you liza's nfc. >>darya: that elder daughter is born to go to harvard university then i yes to save that she is one to begin hard in the fall of 2017 after taking the gap year she will be in the class of 2021 president obama said at the white house correspondent and on saturday that his family plans to stay in washington d.c. for two years after his presidency to the his youngest daughter and a can finish high school. ♪ ♪ take any day, and squeeze some magic into it. ♪ ♪ and squeeze some magic into it. imagine if the things you bought every day earned you miles to get to the places you really want to go. with the united mileageplus explorer card, you'll get a free checked bag, 2 united club passes... priority boarding... and 30,000 bonus miles. everything you need for an unforgettable vacation. the united mileageplus explorer card. imagine where it will take you. >>reporter: but you can see from the shock the bay bridge will have some clearing skies is improving forecast temperatures pretty much 50's and 40's will be much will today than yesterday a quick shot of oakland cannot expect lower seven is in the east of michelin the northwest winds continue at around five to 10 today basically on balance the turns most a sunny to this same type of deal with it to ron winston is a different story. >>mark:muhammad ali fans can now check out the place where the boxing legend lived. >>mark:ali's childhood home museum officially opened in louisville, kentucky yesterday. >>mark:it's the house where the boxing champ grew up with his parents and siblings. >>mark:the home later sat abandoned until two business partners bought and restored it. >>mark:one of them said the museum honors ali's accomplishments. >>mark:ali lived in the home from the late 1940's until the early 1960's. >>darya:take a look at this. >>darya:firefighters in fresno saved some lives over the weekend. >>darya:11 ducklings fell into a storm drain on saturday, and their mom was unable to get them out. >>darya:firefighters were called after someone saw the mother duck frantically running around. >>darya:they lifted the cover and pulled the little guys out. >>darya:the mother duck and her babies were later released into a safer area. hey, we're opening up a second shop and we need some new signage. but can't spend a lot. well, we have low prices and a price match guarantee. scout's honor? low prices. pinky swear? low prices. eskimo kisses? how about a handshake? oh, alright... the lowest price. every time. staples. make more happen. poallergies?reather. stuffy nose? can't sleep? take that. a breathe right nasal strip instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicine alone. shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. breathe right. >>male announcer:this is the bay area news station,kron 4 morning news starts now . >>reporter: 54 open 53 for concord and to that come in with a pair of 5 tier is a live look at the bay bridge ride above the sea the clearing happening with the low-level moisture that means some of the visibility levels are low like oakland is at 7:00 at night because it up to the north bank of called low numbers as well much of what when however 1015 here some six down ready for school will have 73 innocent it going on at 3:00 with the beach state in the lower 60s it will be coupled with the breeze we have rain in the seven that will talk about that coming up. >>robin winston: traffic is slow as backing up the bay bridge toll plaza everyone is heading back to work and at a stretch is all the way into the maze right at the foot of the maze will very well across the upper deck the suspension and the eastern spend the sky way all looks good is having on the open side the search on for a missing 27 your man from green bring he has not been seen since last thurston. >>will tran: the investigators at this point they don't believe any foul play let's show you his pictures they say it is not like him to not keep in touch on thursday night he left his house with two of pancake house in some his left his wallet and his car back home than on friday morning some person in the golden gate park in san francisco recovered his self home attendant to the police department they're still investigating the mother told us that leading up to the he did not say anything was wrong with his life when maxim very difficult for the investigator when he left his house on tonight no one saw him so they don't know what he was last wearing when you left off for his destination. >>mark: protest of a worker and and then rise turned violent in seattle. >>james: some people in the crowd threw rocks flares of bricks even molotov cocktail five options would and none of them seriously and is committed marches to to the streets of los angeles yesterday as well send it with a better life for immigrants sentences with images focus on we simply should is and the sitting of the trough and the people run across the bay and oakland. >>darya: the pilot of the soul of impulse to have left to bay area on a historic flight. >>jackie sissel: after liftoff about how 4550 men to come there on the way to phoenix to continue on the second navigating the entire globe in this special solar imposed to is the sole power plane is 17,000 solar cells on this airplane can actually fly at night which makes it extremely special appointed they want to prove the of the renewable the have flown in from japan to wipe it away in to california in of them on to the poet across the united states to pilot this morning there's only one pilot we had a chance to talk to the second pilot. >>jackie sissel: it took off a little after 5 it would take about 12 + hours to get to phoenix which means they get there around 5:00 tonight. >>darya: adding a triple double as the war is when when it and one of six the swiss army knives in game 2 of the best the seven series is to our 9730 at home. >>mark: they now have two games to none lead is the president's and discussed the seven series if you bought a power what is and what we can check the numbers you never know the tickets sold in san jose is worth more than $1.2 million they're taking jabs and a jug and the the next primary the push to grab voters in indiana. ♪ ♪ hush my darling... ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. [snoring.] ♪ hush my darling... [snoring.] ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. [snoring.] take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. ♪ ♪ you live life your way. we can help you retire your way, too. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can. if >>reporter: again will correct and the day progresses here of the bed and hear the numbers for president and five napa at 75 for have more than even hayward and oakland and numbers below 10 even come to our our mind again with some of the time reading upstream of the wicked is when things start to change meanwhile on the peninsula estes and the to listen to this with the rest about 6:00 and it comes to cool down the east and shoreline, the statistics--60s >>reporter: he specializes when we look at 7 is but as a gesture of your by this evening before sunset you do this and back into the '60s and the 74 pesticides but once the thirsting. >>robin winston: the slowdown ostrich's on to five in west and is almost back to my to some problem is getting. >>robin winston: the average guy come under 30 minutes on stops it from the dublin and to change to mention south in fremont. >>mark:the connector from northbound highway 101 to highway one near mill valley is back open. after it was closed for a day because of a water main break. >>mark:the marin county c-h-p tweeted this photo, showing water flooding the street. >>mark:a broken water main under the highway connector was first reported around 9:40 saturday morning. >>mark:crews were able to get the road back open around 8:30 yesterday morning. >>mark:the cause of the water main break is under investigation. >>mark:in the east bay. >>mark:a man riding a jet ski was rescued from browns island near pittsburg. >>mark:it happened saturday morning. >>mark:this is a photo showing the man with his rescuers. >>mark:there were swells of five to six feet and wind gusts of 40 miles an hour. which made it difficult for rescuers to get to the man. >>mark:an army corp of engineers' workboat was nearby, and they were able to get to the island and take the man and his jet ski to shore. >>darya:in the east bay. >>darya:more than 150-thousand people made their way to the livermore "wine country downtown street festival" over the weekend. but it wasn't a happy occasion for one family. >>darya:for the morales family. the event served as a reminder of a deadly d-u-i accident that happened after last year's festival. >>darya:brian jones is behind bars after police say he hit and killed esperanza morales and her 14-month-old daughter after leaving the festival last april. >>darya:investigators say he was driving under the influence. >>darya:this year, police stepped up efforts to try and avoid another tragic accident. >>darya:the morales family gathered yesterday at a memorial at the sight of the accident. >>darya:they are hoping the accident will serve as a reminder of the consequences of drinking and driving. >>darya:and the mother's against drunk driving group is working with lawmakers on a bill designed to prevent drunk driving. >>darya:the bill would require convicted drunk drivers to use an ignition interlocking device in their cars. >>darya:the program is already in place in several cities across the u-s. including alameda. >>darya:the goal is to make it a law across all of california. >>mark:decision 2016. the primary season is winding down with only a few contests remaining. >>mark:and tomorrow voters in indiana will head to the polls. >>mark:james fletcher is here now with a look at the the next primary as hillary clinton and donald trump try to wrap up their party's nomination. james. >>james:so far more than 60 percent of the available delegates in both parties have been allocated and now hillary clinton and donald trump are starting to turn towards the general election by attacking each other. >>james:over the weekend hillary clinton blamed donald trump for the the violence at his rallies. >>james:the democratic frontrunner also saying that electing trump would take the country backwards. >>james:and trump responded with his newest nickname for clinton. >>james:and despite an uphill climb clinton's and trump's competitors are not giving up. >>james:bernie sanders spending the weekend trying to convince democratic super delegates that he has a better chance of beating trump in november. >>james:and ted cruz telling supporters that he can still win the nomination despite the fact that it is mathematically impossible for him to reach the required number of delegates. >>james:back to you. >>mark:and the republican presidential candidates spent some time in the bay area over the weekend. >>mark:presidential hopeful ted cruz spoke at the california republican convention on saturday in burlingame. >>mark:he received an endorsement from former republican governor, pete wilson, which could help cruz win over more moderate republicans. >>mark:cruz spoke about choosing carly fiorina as his running mate and said that trump and clinton support the same policy issues. including massive tax increases. >>mark:the crowds were much friendlier toward cruz than to donald trump. >>mark:protesters filled the streets in burlingame on friday, blocking trump as he tried to arrive at the convention. >>darya:and tens of thousands of immigrants are applying for u-s citizenship in a year where immigration is a hot topic in the race for the white house. >>darya:immigration advocates say longtime immigrants may be motivated to apply for citizenship so they can vote-- because they're afraid they'll be deported if donald trump becomes president. >>darya:trump has even said he would like to build a wall along the border of the u-s and mexico to prevent people from coming into the country illegally. >>mark:attorneys are tackling the complicated job of dividing up prince's estate. >>mark:the first hearing is set today in probate court in minnesota. >>mark:prince's full sister filed papers last week, saying prince had no known will. >>mark:under minnesota law, his estate will be divided among his surviving siblings. >>mark:prince's sister listed five half-siblings in court papers. >>mark:prince made hundreds of millions of dollars through record and concert sales. >>mark:he also owned about 27- million dollars in property in minnesota. >>mark:the legendary singer was found dead at his home on april 21st. investigators are looking into whether prince died from an overdose and whether a doctor was prescribing him drugs in the weeks beforehand. >>mark:new this morning. >>mark:the turkish military says its forces have hit islamic state positions in syria. killing 34 militants. >>mark:according to local media reports. multiple rocket launchers and gun positions were destroyed in the strikes. >>mark:there have been several suicide bombings linked to isis in turkey over the past year. >>darya:a 72-year-old man has survived after being trapped in the rubble after a 7-point-8 earthquake for almost two weeks. >>darya:the quake hit ecuador back on april 16th. >>darya:and on friday crews found a man trapped between the walls where his room had collapsed. >>darya:these are pictures of that man being pulled from the rubble. >>darya:rescuers say he was dehydrated, malnourished and disoriented. >>darya:it still unclear how he survived for 13 days. >>darya:rescuers say they don't know how he was able to get enough air or water to survive. >>darya:more than 600 people were killed in that earthquake. >>darya:a major win for the defense team of the u-s solder traded for five accused terrorists. >>darya:sergeant bow bergdahl's lawyers now have access to hundreds of thousands of pages of classified information. >>darya:the u-s army court of criminal appeals denied an appeal made by the prosecution regarding access to classified information in the case against bergdahl. >>darya:the 30-year-old sergeant is charged with desertion and misbehavior before the enemy. >>darya:in a controversial move-- the white house traded five guantanamo detainees to get bergdahl back. >>mark:to bay area baseball. >>mark:and the giants on the road playing the mets at citi field. >>mark:san francisco trying to avoid a three-game sweep in new york >>mark:madison bumgarner on the mound for san francisco. >>mark:and the top of the 4th he gets some help from hunter pence. >>mark:pence takes this one deep. >>mark:giants lead 3-0 >>mark:then top of the 7th. >>mark:angel pagan. gets this ball to drop. a run would score. giants up five - nothing >>mark:after a buster posey solo shot in the 8th. the giants win this one. avoiding a sweep 6-1. >>mark:san francisco now heads to cincinnati for three games starting tonight. >>mark:the a's at home in oakland hosting the houston astros. >>mark:rich hill on the mound for the a's >>mark:and it didn't take long for the astros to get on the board. >>mark:jose altuve hits a leadoff home run. houston up 1- 0. early. >>mark:top of the third. astros load the bases. and colby rasmus on a sac fly brings in another runner in for houston. 2-0 astros. >>mark:a's would finally get on the board in the 7th. marcus semien brings home a runner on this base hit. >>mark:but that's all the offense the a's could muster. >>mark:they lose this one 2-1. >>mark:up next for the athletics. >>mark:the seattle mariners are in town for three games starting tonight. >>darya:coming up on the kron 4 morning news. >>darya:a selfie gone wrong. how taking this picture turned deadly. >>darya:and an iced coffee with too much ice. >>darya:the lawsuit now facing starbucks. >>mark:a teenage boy in india is dead after he accidentally shot himself while taking a selfie. >>mark:police say the 15-year- old was posing with his father's pistol on friday when he accidentally pulled the trigger. >>mark:the safety was not on. >>mark:the teen was taken to the hospital, but died of his injuries on sunday. >>mark:statistics released earlier this year put india on top of the list for selfie- related deaths. >>mark:india accounted for nineteen-- or nearly 40- percent-- of 49-deaths over three years worldwide. >>darya: he filed a $5 million lawsuit against are boxed in chicago and clams on starbucks advertises the cold drinks by fluid ounce this has advertised as not to sign the customer got for example of the anti cold drink as advertising 24 ounces but you did and for 10 ounces of drink in believe the claim is without merit. >>mark: >>reporter: antioch's 54 there's a live look for yet the golden gate bridge you see a lot more this low-lying clouds a stephen after sunrise where the in the volatile stock to pick up in terms of improving the sky conditions. >>robin winston: the back of the strong the slowdown won't down anytime soon and is all the way through the maze five in his pack almost back from 24 split will take a look at 92 will track the ride in the san mateo branch. >>darya:city officials chose the company "taser international" to supply officers with the cameras. >>darya:the san jose city council still needs to approve the decision. >>darya:in the meantime, police say they'll keep educating people about the plan to give each officer a body-worn camera. >>darya:the department hopes the cameras will lead to greater trust between police and the community. >>darya:15 officers signed up to wear the cameras as part of a pilot program last year. >>darya:the department hopes all officers will be equipped with the technology by july. >>mark:p-g-and-e crews don't know what caused a natural gas odor in the east bay over the weekend. >>mark:fire officials received several calls from people in alameda, san leandro, oakland, and castro valley reporting the smell of natural gas. >>mark:p-g-and-e crews arrived at the scene, but couldn't find the source of the smell. >>mark:they say there was no indication that there was a natural gas leak. no one was evacuated. >>mark:a 15-year-old girl from pleasant hill is safe after she was reported missing last week. >>darya:officers received a call from a station agent at the pleasant hill bart station yesterday morning, saying they'd seen the missing teen. jenna graves. >>darya:she was spotted alone near a bus stop and appeared to be in good health. >>darya:graves was considered at-risk because she is developmentally disabled. >>darya:investigators believe she was heading to oakland to meet her boyfriend, because she had packed extra clothes. >>james: president obama spoke with the media partners and said that if the u.s. had not launched the raid and struck when a dead attacks of the altman the call with him it the help from the tears on this is an orchestrated the september 11th to track and york. >>mark: and suggested the city issued an executive order with all payments for most of the amount due. >>darya: the crucial test miami yesterday with 700 passengers on board and is the first clause of this of the communist island nation since been restored diplomatic relations. >>darya: he's appealing his 45 count conviction for sexual child abusesandusky's attorneys will argue that the 72-year old was wrongly convicted. >>darya:in today's court appearance. they are asking a judge for a trial where they can present evidence that supports their claim. >>darya:sandusky wants his charges thrown out or a new trial. >>darya:he's serving a 30 to 60 year sentence for abuse of 10 boys. >>mark:firefighters are trying to figure out what sparked a fire at a historic new york church. >>mark:take a look at the massive fire at the cathedral of saint sava in manhattan. >>mark:one person had minor injuries in the fire, which started last night. >>mark:it took more than 170 firefighters several hours to get the fire under control. >>mark:the fire sent plumes of smoke billowing into the sky. >>mark:the roof of the church was destroyed. >>mark:the church was built in the early 1850's and was designated a city landmark in 1968. >>mark:firefighters say this fire at a vintage car restoration shop in sonoma county-- caused about one- million dollars in damage. >>mark:firefighters were called to stokes ranch on old redwood highway around nine friday night. >>mark:12 vintage cars and about 60-percent of the 12-thousand square foot shop were destroyed in the fire. >>mark:firefighters had the fire under control about an hour later. >>mark:the cause of the fire is under investigation. >>mark:no one was injured. >>darya:fire forecasters say hawaii, alaska, and the southwest are at an increased threat of wildfires this summer. >>darya:the national interagency fire center released its outlook for the spring and summer yesterday. >>darya:officials say most of the country will face normal or below-normal wildfire problems. >>darya:that's welcome news after last year. when nearly 16- thousand square miles burned nationwide. >>darya:the federal government spent more than one-point-seven billion dollars fighting fires. >>darya:the national fire center says hawaii could face above- average wildfire potential from may through august. >>darya:in the southwest, there's an increased threat of wildfires in arizona and new mexico early this season. >>darya:then later, the threat shifts north and west into california and nevada. >>mark:and here are some of the stories we are working on for the six-o clock hour. >>mark: would take what high- school rallied around one student who have some fall belong to this one although a shipwreck off all the forecasts. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at >>robin winston:. prom night was a big mac to remember for one young high- school man and pennsylvania he was invited by 37 of the senior girls to the prom this is his final year high school he is ready to leave school he was escorted to the big nine of all 37 of his big this including captain to belsky who was the mastermind behind the invite the next big event is graduation on june 4th president obama pokes fun at himself in those wanted to take his position at the final white house correspondents' dinner one and for many sounds that have an air bag safety issues. >>mark: a cell phone in golden gate park made in this is to listen of reform he has not been seen since last thursday his family says it was headed off to meet some he banished someone from the cell phone and called it park on friday and they're hoping it will offer clues as to where he went. >>darya: 1 family have to remember what happened to the loved one last year after the festival. >>reporter: here is the golden gate low-lying clouds will that is an onshore flow and work and you will see more of this public tomorrow and the site into the middle of the week we introduce made some scattered showers and thunderstorms 4:00 a.m. same deal was seen today and and going forward to tomorrow and the slack have to deal with more of the cloud cover again the same pattern is there for a slight cooling is your approach each day to do some land in the forecast. >>robin winston: track in the ride and a san mateo bridge slow-motion heading west it is off the launch with high-rise portion the slow traffic starts back on the nimitz if you have to use a king to get to was 92 and is often offer to 38 to stock of 92 and crowded here heading across the front portion of the british. >>james: the end of an error elephant circus they go together for hundreds of years here in america in fact about to launch years with some of those at the ringling brothers barnum and bailey circus this to the last performance was of problems will island and to define about no elephants and a more vivid form of one to my years with the circus the decided to stop using those elephants. >>darya: played my concussions on the rise of more cars in the swings of those with the two this is coming to us from the centers for disease control 200,000 kids on average treated yearly almost 10 percent had a traumatic brain injuries. >>mark: the drug makers from volunteer training positions in experts said position training should be mandatory that as i said experts what changes should be made to improve the best plan. >>mark: the company is over a billion dollars in that sport supported liquidate all the stores that come with 24 sports authority stores in the bay area. >>darya: and inventor build a fully working hover by in the sun something that'll a sci-fi movie that post to this video of the twin-engine craft that he created. >>darya: she is wont to in the classical to 21 president obama said that the town is one to stay in washington d.c. for two years after his presence in because they want the dollar to the edge to finish the same high-school. -cash sphere >>darya: the movie opened with $200.2 billion of the week and oversees the hits theaters in the u.s. china and russia this week. >>mark: there recall that the sum and saw her frantically running around and lifted the cover of " the mob but the mother and they this letter released into a safer area. passe that they're happy to share these moment i should its older the bridge to the white house meeting of what can the second halves of its other at the next primary what donald trump and hillary clinton are saying about each other thanks man. imagine if the things you bought every day earned you miles to get to the places you really want to go. with the united mileageplus explorer card, you'll get a free checked bag, 2 united club passes... priority boarding... and 30,000 bonus miles. everything you need for an unforgettable vacation. the united mileageplus explorer card. imagine where it will take you. >>male announcer:this is the bay area news station,kron 4 morning news starts now >>reporter: we have a little bit of better clear enough for the east but not so much in the peninsula temperatures hardly have budged since we've been talking pretty much into the fifth is a couple forties' year than the city of 4944 novato 49 for vallejo before it also for pleasantonha

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