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Francisco. Temperatures right now in the 50s and 60s 7 cisco 67 for oakland. 54 degrees and santa rosa thats what led chile it chilly areas this morning and into the afternoon low 60s today notice temperatures come down quite a bit and the last couple days. You notice increasing cloud cover. This is associated with the system that brings rain to our area of litter on slight i going to see where sunshine pleasanton 6765 in hayward. The 60s today and we city max and out at 65 degrees and heres a system of satellites radar. Bergen on the notice and increasing cloud cover throughout the afternoon but we will certainly see some rain and to tonight and for the most part will be ok for your evening commute home past that looks like rain will arrive in the north bay. Keep in mind the heaviest rain will publish fall overnight most what are sleeping. In the once again war of a quarter of the mission half an inch of rain has that looks like dry conditions and to weekends with another what round of what was their lives arrives late summer and into monday and perhaps rain tuesday as well continue to want to the situation and now in terms of traffic we a few accidents chp is following retinol really not causing any delays for back up because traffic is still light on the bay area we do not start this off the bridge check. heading out right now very rare conditions chevrons nine minutes from the maze is ahead in the seven cisco. San mateo bridge looks good now, they approach. Very like conditions at 92. date bridge from 3 less space between car and working your way out of rent county. And to live with a large incentive eldridge preconditions for the west on trip that the driver and all the deadly hitandrun your san leandro. The boy was hit by a car until then at east 14th street last night. Release yuri shows us now with the say that the car hit the boy may of been involved in a highspeed chase with police to an end right there about 10 ft. Is pretty bad has had looked like a roseand theres blood all over the place where his body was lying at the time of not preposition witnesses tell me that tom was crossing the street or on 630 in the evening when the vehicle came barreling down the road. With a slew of police cars trailing behind it immediately ran over to him stood next to his friends came back they tend to go touch him. But some research you know and i took a person weather hurt the white get injured even more before the collision the driver was being reckless and appease try connecting at a traffic stop but the person kept going as a second set of police cars went down the street she waved them down to let them know someone was struck on a consciousness totally out of it. Deputies involves the have a place of the minister of leaves. the deadly new action in the san jose 24 rolled woman hit by car killed walking home from a laundromat a stray near bari lane south king road. Shortly before 430 in the afternoon. When kron stood at the scene cost plus up to complain about chest pains and later arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence. In happening today of a potential rally. However from city hall and a member of the rich 60 year old Rodney Frazier was shot down in front of the your home. Contra costa Sheriffs Office as frazier was in a wrong place the wrong time feud between rival gangs was heating up in the area and that some of human blood other reason shootings that injured four other Richmond High School students sphere if you tune up in response to 04 1 3 to shootings that weve had in many of the other shootings can be related to northridge and central gang feud significant portion of the money will go to things like you effectively job training which are important particularly for young people likely to be a perpetrator victim todays vigil rally will begin at 5 this evening the are Sick Children to the upper west is spreading as no other cause several accidents and wisconsin to it looked this video currently on its roof as much as 25 in. Snow has fallen on parts of michigan already or is expected before the storm ends today its angeles snow fell in northern wisconsin parts of Central Minnesota. Was 16 in. And if you find yourself a little worries out and throw bricks for the skimming as a traveler on the country remember to stay warm and as many letters on as you can try a limited time outside temperatures could plunge 11 degrees below zero cnn gary tuchman astray with encore presentation season pass using couple watter in billings once had us into the tundra and a 12 degree in the air turned immediately into snow where caution if you plan on trying but to do this experiment have to be very careful never to the hot water into the wind will blow right back on to war chest before us a chance to cool off the land search continues for missing tech engineer dan hall missing is an francisco and later some of the search efforts oneman drama is that approach one step closer now to lend us surface of a comment by now when i could make that historical and fall this morning. What look outside said retail bridge yesterday wasnt that all nice holiday it competitive. Millers office still is now done for the body pulled from San Francisco bay yesterday morning earlier reports command about a body floating in the bay near alcatraz. Coast guard Officials Say it appears a person had been dead for about a week meanwhile another developing story we are following the latest research but continues as one for missing tech engineer dan hot. Friends family have pot have the southmark and a brother and 3ยข about him. As concorde and from reports one of the businesses in the area might have captured video of pop and on the night that he despaired dealing hightech worker dan hall has been missing since halloween night Family Member is not leading the search just maligned and the for backfires a stick and Family Members went to stores near his straight home and a surveillance the deal may shed some light on the disappearance onestop this whole foods and forth in paris and the friends tell Surveillance Video for halloween night the night he was last seen as showing someone and read hardy coming into the store quickly leaving in damages from the rear so little confirmation it is hot. However he was wearing a red hood sweatshirt when he was last seen and the family met with police on tuesday and given us significant day in the case airline however im ready to release any details at this point in mind happening right now European Space agency says is a man rosetta probe successfully released a lender toward the surface of a comment as several hours to reach icy surface if successful it should land around it oclock this morning and does land it will be the first time the spacecraft has ever landed on, Mission Controllers clapton how does it learned about the lender separation today and following the latest as they get the story continues throughout the morning and the space center in oakland by the way as close in Early Morning ally of the wing of the rosetta landing starting at 6 00 this morning in the viewing is happening in the planetary and live stream from European Space Station Mission control centers will speak to the audience members there after the landing and the staff of astronomers there will also be on hand for q a session before after the landing. Should be a lot of fun states in the kron 4 live updates up the morning and oclock hour we should get confirmation that will limit contact with the surface and quick will take a quick break live another cetera take a look of the storm headed our way expect to bring up to half an inch rain talk about when and where no rain when the kron 4 more news returns hey welcome home hey mom woah, this kitchen looks beautiful. Its bigger its great, right . Give him the tour. Let me show you quartz countertop, softclose drawers, farm sink, under cabinet lighting, look at this spice rack. Um. Wheres my room . Right there where its always been we had to take just a little bit for the kitchen. Just slide right in ranked highest in customer satisfaction. Ikea kitchens. Trickled in at less effort today and some interesting weather for the days to come less up the only storm tracking purchasing more rain on to early next week as well. Right now heading up a mild conditions and so oclock cover not as cold heading up amid upper 50s by lunchtime the ceiling during fog across the coastline and associate the state system. This morning looking address condition temperatures on the cooler side will see temperatures range from low 60s coze said the upper 60s inland. Closely to those numbers for you. Vallejos 6567 degrees and oakland. Redwood city sit with 66 and a bigger story of a storm on the waiting on you conceive to bring out in the pacific and where to reach land as we had until later on tonight the contest for walking through the evening by 6 00 may be of use body showers just us a cerros not anticipating some rainfall. And looks like will see heavier rain through the open hours stretching into morning commute 5 00 since a rate of the peninsula coastline. And even up to American Canyon in fairfield. And the hazards driving conditions possibility of what roadway. Certainly looks like we have this out in the latter half of the morning. when the system is all said and done were talking about anywhere from about a quarter of vanished have finished a penny of where you are especially high elevation were anticipating more rain and we will see most of the fall in the centers bonds but are talking about seven to the south bay east bay and a quarter of an inch for places like oakland San Francisco and seven there on the bay forecast cold conditions cloudy weather is in to that is ahead of weekend and the storm arriving late sunday night monday and tuesday as well the looks like several day is the leader umbrella to keep the mind of the next several is done more details on the upcoming storms right now take a look at traffic on the bay area bay bridge still very light right now and doesnt allow your approaches using at this time of the hour san mateo bridge looking pretty good dried thyme 1213 minutes gate bridge rides looks good south of 01 laps of the spaces for cars and centerfold bridge required conditions for the west roundtrip overall traffic maps would tracking one problem has a seen battle is just the associated with this accident in a big rig overturned soft on 680 and the center on valuable part in it round acosta. It is blocking the entire off ramp so keep that in mind is the statler and has not cruise on the scene and said this could be up there for the next couple hours this is not affecting freeway traffic but and packaging offering appeal have to take an alternative off ramp that is what youre planning on doing this morning is bay looking for a pretty good silver like conditions was on 584 out of tracy over all to one passed back to the news now Police Investigative officer involved shooting and the park. Of a suspected burglar shot kill Charles Crawford more now on will please say led them to should suspect 1230 tuesday afternoon menlo park please vareses are getting call a suspicious person here on willow road officers arrived on scene allegedly found one man involved apostlebird will possible burglary. Suspect tried to flee on foot officers pursued one officer apparently tried these details from man then according to police the suspect pulled out a gun concern officers then shot and killed in on the this is a place where your traffic moments after shots were fired out farm fired at us to hand on when this is an area heard three gunshots beyond also learning this may not be the first time the suspect has been seen in the area according to employees at nearby businesses fire distributed warning people someone had been burglarizing nearby offices beyond patrolmen who matched the description of a suspect in tuesdays shooting but it also streator co workers will to call them what after this but the suspect to set the building the garlic pre distinctive and receptionist in front rim back and says his in the office as of tuesday evening not yet identified the suspect in this case fifth it to the massive nurse strike in california thousands of nurses walked off the job yesterday if the ticket from of kaiser facilities the having again today was the son oclock tomorrow morning sources say standards of patient care at kaiser diminishing for months and also concerned about kaiser safeguards against the boy as a says the eloquent and number of reality nurses run those equipment every day and we have everything we need we do not and when you spend time looking itll have what you need to extend away from the picture Hospital Association spokesperson says theyre working with federal stay local agencies to assure the public widespread precautions are placed at the screen identify Infectious Diseases raleigh it and board of supervisors hearing on the retail workers pelorus today and workers labor communique groups and government officials all be their meeting at 930 this morning to rally on polk street and the some subset of city hall. Committee hearings are set time that outside city hall and workers advocates have for scheduling policies not to a story only on kron 4 bittersweet veterans day and the north bay as pearl harbor one of the celebrated vetches and the committee got up yesterday morning kron military uniform and then died right before the big parade in petaluma his name was her loudon just turns 97 stars but the man who run like a brother nuance her was a celebrity icon in the petaluma veterans day parade did today. And to live in a different however sadly this morning to the parade would have to go on without its only pearl harbor survivor her blood and woke up Tuesday Morning he did what he had done for cal was mentioned day in the past return to ride in a limo veterans day parade and a car driven by his son but louden World War Two that justin uniform one may get inside is a died are before the parade to nose loudly might say they were close considered brothers not and that is about as friend just minutes before the parade step off a please came and told steve i said enough you kidding me bring us to go on the uss soulless and north bay last remaining pearl harbor survivors has ceded all male and a hospital ship the guys that were burning in the water in like to talk watter too much west friday celebrated 97 for the period and had gone to was going to back back to pearl harbor dec. Some of the American Legion 28 say the never forget the man who they call a true American Hero all miss him and us is for the American Legion obviously said the loss of their friends also say it somewhat fitting that the 97 yearold died on veterans day coming up on the morning news columns day warriors taking on San Antonio Spurs highlights results for you in just a minute tony parker 28 points and seventh six to white letters scored 19 centennial first goal sit warriors 13100 less likely thomson sold 29 s and playsuits. Us lawyers two straight after an approach new coach. Steve kerr and played their aging big three parker the new general polio. Tim duncan to and the second as a poll of california was difficult backtoback and the spurs rallied less the clippers 8985 monday los angeles for cooling off period when the leagues hottest teams and and finally clear the nine day suspension all this mess now back at the teams facility first time on the field yesterday and the first time to all season we heard from the allpro take a listen improve the lot of the past everything ive worked on got better at putting on the preseason is team expected the be ready to play at the jazz came in new york next up on the morning news. More than 200 ft. Down a cliff near big bay still in serious condition at an update from the childs father and a group of bay area soon sent home this morning after detained in russia and by the recall their the system francisco just getting all thisith back Patrick Willis apparently done for the season title happens live look outside a Cemetery Ridge camera so far so good here on monday to ask readers make their way to hear word of the foster see on 430 look at the big stories following this morning a boy was killed after hit by car in san leandro us tonight near ashland avenue east 18th street. I car that hit them involve than some assorted chairs of the authorities and the child was crossing the street as 630 when a vehicle came barreling down the road, but please cars. Deputies told the driver was a reckless and trim the conduct of a traffic stop in the driver to go in visual rally calling for an end to violence seller from city hall today. In response to the best average in High School Basketball player. 16 yearold rugby frazier. Shot until that of the home. Under this year said it was a random act of violence and believe it was related to some sort of being viewed in the area. And i believe that since you may have fled led to another reason shooting. Several as a matter of fact endured for the students in the visual rally today will begin a five and leaving an arctic blast as across parsley was the snowy weather causing several lessons and wisconsin as much as 3 5 in. Of snow falling apart to michigan was expected before the storm and screen another 18 in. Fell in northern wisconsin and parts of Central Minnesota to buy more than 16 in. Trip of snow sticking of the weather find out about our own forecasts and stability of rhondas talk about we you will see rates rain later on tonight session in north bay. Ok for evening commute home. And rain will certainly be widespread and to 10 00 to idealize the strain and overnight. Us dry out there so far along the coastline. And temperatures are now in the 50s and 60s center rose 01 the course of the 52. 60 degrees and houses of the cisco kid and the afternoon watter 60s conditions today increasing cloud cover. In a lot away list with such on 66 and at all. A person sees the center one valleys 64 your highest in half moon bay. Still might not tracking out on the Pacific Green cloud cover the brain. To look at the task force him the 6 00 tonight perhaps a few sprinkles and just listen rose up. And oclock in the motion to oclock tonight rain really dominating the north bay here crossing the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco approximately oakland and continues to widespread showers and to the overnight hour. And take a look at what happens 5 00 a. M. Tomorrow what conditions for your commute and not what road with for the coastline peninsula up for american and pecking livermore. And as the extent of it and the latter half of the morning and all said and done talking anywhere between a quarter of an inch and half inch for a Higher Elevation talk and santa cruz mounds however for the most expected dry weather for the most part friday the saturday and ran a let rise once again light sunday night and showers activity will continue monday and tuesday following traffic from the bay area right now heres a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza still pretty quiet conditions for that westbound traffic heading the cemetery bridge right now no proms a 80 no backups of the toll plaza. Colgate bridge drive time 25 minutes and some of on on the city the line heading west on into marin. Calling the sexes of the 680 across the offering. This affects traffic turning on the San Ramon Valley boulevard. The signal was affects of has the cruise nebulous sane and overturned big rig. Although not affecting the freeway itself planning on taking the off ramp and the slow start vex you up alternate routes and all look like this could be out there for the next couple hours once again freeway traffic right now pre light. Mike powell is on the scene and lets get out their lives over the big rig a big issue for a lot of parties bay commuters as said. Live on these pictures and lime receive the cabinet on the side so far croces chp fired it has the team also here to working to clean up the 40s it to 50 gal. Of spilled diesel from the big rig. Overturned a on the offer of his office on 680 and the cells are grown to 30 this morning fire battalion chiefs as the big rig exited the freeway overturned surrounding the corner fire crews had rescued two people in the red of the driver passenger one of them did suffer minor head injury and saw him bleed from had this morning and was Walking Around and telling people just fine a line heading south along 680 they thought their rather different exit than they were. When i get off the freeway here to the turn was much sharper than expected in the red to cover the carrying turkeys on the word costco fared process of the offload all the food before the tow trucks to come and put the big rig back onto its wheels and what out here will be here for a while and no less red time for when this intersection and southbound off ramp will reopen the continued up to it you want to the mornings it to incur kron 4 as we keep us uptodate on the scene and other headlines for rural boy more than to defeat on a cliff endured the database in serious condition j. R. Stone got an update from the childs father yesterday this looks like monday night and the big bay. Crews rescued four yearold sebastian johnson. Boy who fall often tortured 30 ft. Cliff sebastian was with his family. And reportedly dry rot sets his mother when he fell in line with that our rescue crews on the boy at the bottom of the cliff to the water crews used ropes to lift the got him up off the cliff and helicopter was not used on sebastian taken in an ambulance to a hospital the lead then taken oakland Childrens Hospital in his father tells me as aggression was up as a fighter proud of how strong he is his father daryl also says he is very painful for a one sprayers concerned for bay area soon as back home after being detained in russia. 18 yearold sterling winter and three other bay area since then the International Airport yesterday afternoon in the reunited with their families. This is have the wrong visas and theyre supposed to attend the Leadership Conference covering on tourist visas but needed business visas their 510 each minute gold once the resume. Todays goes to acquire District Attorneys Office declined file charges against stemming from august arrest for the latest Domestic Violence is the cut guy that put pressure on like that to me its not my friends know everyone knows that within the get past this u. S. After spending weeks of providing as a tension with Football Development surrounding his case and slopes with folks of the ball and let me time Patrick Wallace is done for the season 49ers linebacker underrated the toe injury as it was not and will require surgery us as the final 10 games over season last year with problems that he had only been placed radically this season willis on the decision being over unfortunately something i feel that i really need to do for myself and for my own city. But im still here still mentally be ready for this football teams. well rookie Chris Rowland has filed filled in for willis and the spectacular so far 18 tackles revs two weeks ago 70 more tackles overtime win over new orleans sunday. Allpro linebacker also cleared of practices this week as well as the decision is made will let you down and still ahead on morning news man accused of kidnapping a woman off philadelphias streak schedules and make his first appearance in a find out what else is accused of and to Law Enforcement officers that find themselves in a middle the accident and responding to a maximum of the caught on camera and tell you happen to one in tech reporter. And its very neat to show you detectives car phone develops right here the bay area and see what you can do is tune thats coming up the lines cant say thank you enough. You have made my life special by being apart of it. everyone cheers glad you made it buddy. Thanks for inviting me. Thanks again my friends. For everything, for all your help. Through all lifes milestones, our trusted advisors are with you every step of the way. Congratulations thanks for helping me plan for my retirement. You should Come Celebrate with us. Id be honored. Plan for your goals with advisors you know and trust. So you can celebrate today and feel confident about tomorrow. Chase. So you can. Saw this thing really cool show unit to a small phone call greg now here in the bay area. And the sec worlds getting a lot of buzz the this to be this more for the future their portals for phone were bullet wait a bendable flexible scratch proof at shatterproof water resistant and the concept product us special effects video this is real could be on the market within one year are china push the envelope and do things that are Different Things that are quite honestly 0 lot simple and designed and featured a line used like any other smaller font holding it in your hand or offer for armtek transfer people with active lifestyles curious more fun you have to have a second were people like a small watch or that this tracker and offers quite a bit more durability taurus peoples lifestyles and its not shatterproof flexible. The loss cut along the line existing big star phone companies could probably make our phones more durable flexible like the one theyre creating but they dont know what is really challenging them less the problem. Not even with just business as but society in general people taking less and less risks and as unfortunate part model but this is in place now and the mental upgrade this more funds each year. Because more phones making a ton of money people are buying them and promoting the zero have a choice time will tell if their portal smart phone will revolutionize the mobile Industry Services go based technology in back the local veterans giving free train the vets looking to find work in the Tech Industry and its largest rent on land cutting boot camp offering free mentor what courses through than the year and they will volunteer time and veterans through the curriculum overcoating design web at development coming up on the morning news to tell you what happens in your hotel room when youre not around in viral video captures some of those worries footage will show you for over 60,000 california foster children, the holidays can be an especially difficult time. Everythings different now. Sometimes i feel all alone. Christmas used to be my favorite. I just dont expect anything. What if santa cant find me . To help, sleep train is holding a secret santa toy drive. Bring your gift to any sleep train, and help keep the spirit of the holidays alive. Not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child. The morning we do have well weather little instability on the way however dry conditions for wednesday morning commute pretty mild out there because the cloud cover a lot fifties. In london d low 50s reynaud and saw the bay mid50s and folkloric some lingering fog cosi. Then dry conditions persist in the afternoon by 3 00 pop up to the cheers from local sixties coesite to the upper 60s and lens close look at your house for today nappa 6667 degrees and oaklands hiller said a high 65. And the bay area weather story door and on the plane on the way the system in the pacific right now making a beeline to the bay area. Grins cloud cover first and later on some nights we are talking about possibility of showers will be ok for evening commute but take a look at what happens at 6 00 . The future costs for 10 clocks not talking about rain delays getting the entire the the the Golden Gate Bridge. Pre light and the more widespread and it intensely and the overnight hours. Then as we take a look and early tomorrow morning. Looks like cosigned buildings arraigned but looks like it could potentially be hazardous driving conditions along highway 101 interstate 280 a port American Canyon and rain on Livermore Valley keep that in mind definitely need to get your windshield wipers for the latter half of the morning once this is all said and done were talking about a 10th of an inch to maybe halfinch for the sectors mounds. Not really anticipating all that much rain and the system dry conditions for this friday and saturday and another storm heading our way. I could bring rain late sunday night sorting and monday tuesday and then open your role as a way just yet because more details on that coming up in the next report and out we to get traffic from the bay area. They bridge rise still pretty good and havent seen any backups at the toll plaza on the middle its a lot. The volume is increasing on the righthand side of the screen traffic out for foster city Golden Gate Bridge between cars drive time 25 minutes out of nevada when the city no incidents to report for the Richmond Center fell bridge. You wont take over the traffic map however similar in effect at 6 found 80 off from blocks right now not affecting freeway traffic and messing any delays especially it is so late in the area expected to make that turn off the center moaned a valuable part. Potentially a problem and the we keep that in mind public also of the bristol bay area of a pretty good and no problems in the south bay and green on the road with sensors for 47 out to my kron 4 story that concerns couple in oakland caring for their neighbors pit bull when they claim the order abandon the dog to the and i love for dogs annoyance and victorious suitor her husband moved oakland a little over a year ago than expected find themselves as doing dogs but thats exactly what happened when they noticed their neighbor rarely home to care for his dog had lived here consistently but one thing always here was his to tipples. And dogs often run down backyard for long periods of time very little human contact starting to take its toll relent the trouble had a growth on his underbelly and just getting larger and larger applies to take into that and victoria her husband said to do something and took on the task of taking care of these dogs and there will it lead to with medical leaves trade and some degree for the home victorious as the of the to the dogs of the party have to rescue tipples of their own a cat and a new edition of the family coming soon for a half months pregnant. A big surprise but where super excited so trendy get your life in order for this huge surprise. Overwhelming have the responsibility of sending these dogs home and finding the glove is too hard to turn your cheeks on the credit is to pay for the dogs and hoping someone will be able to step up and help trouble lulu help find a home is of your to the softer the story of jooss story and you would like us it would and to visit us at kron4dot com and click on my store, forced or taps and this your idea other headlines this morning antioch mothered campaigning to get disney to represent should it will trim with us a tremendous sums campaign dubs attempt elses of signatures. Attention of disney headquarters christian and launched a petition last month on the website care to. An inspired her to have her young daughter was down syndrome to finally receive a response from disneys sing it are continuing to create characters accessible relatable all children by not residents issue plan to deliver the petition in person at disney headquarters in burbank on december 26th a lot of the world as a sporting president obama chinese president are playing down points of tension between their two nations and unveiling a flurry of agreements on Climate Change military cooperation trade. A rare joint News Conference of chinese leader the president said i believe president and i have come understanding on how the real issue between our two countries should move forward. Let out of some nationally is the man accused of kidnapping a woman in philadelphia scheduled make his First Court Appearance today. Several prosecutors will try to get all the bonds and the philadelphia based case before hes turned over to authorities in virginia where is accused of kidnapping a teenager Surveillance Video shows a man kidnapping 22 yearold woman from philadelphia Street Police searching for the zero men found bonds the victim and his car in maryland to texas popular tv sitcom Big Bang Theory that carol sue c. The snow for voicing character of mrs. Well as its it operations she died tuesday after losing the battle and cancel although the character never seen on camera producers of a show called her love member of the shows cast 62 years old arrested a hotel people and its service what happens in your room when youre not there the keet has a look at Surveillance Video of my surprise even upset to a new viral video shows what happens in a moment you leave the room are got a million 300,000 hits plenty of comments hotel guests by the name of the districts left his video camera running all out on the room now he wants to our hotel that its a wellknown chain here in the west housekeeping as it does see rummages through this stuff leaving the cover of piece of mail the got trent gain access to his laptop shaving is pretty close finally goes to make the bed but cancer is just looking into the contents of a suitcase before shutting the door presumably going on to the next coming up on the morning news telecom is a feeble free certificate creating controversy looks all like nurse casey and what the maker of the doll is saying this morning is to to make reference county and San Francisco 55 state trooper in minnesota were hit by semi trucks helping people involved in another access and all whole thing caught on camera officers responding to a semi the had jackknifed in their patrol cars and other truck lost control and then there goes and then slams into home. One of cost was expected to survive grows extremely i say at the time of the crash and that big arctic blast were talking about officers spotted and hundreds of similar excellent and mayors who treated bull patient and africa refused to be quarantined in maine not an action figure called case even as some people think looks ala like maris casey pickups. The company of mexico assess its us suppose to be tasty. But the hair color facial features everything dissembles the close but with a bowl of free Health Certificate and that fought against a man day quarantine in court ruled in her favor quantity listed allied some releases and that along with the new single prolific actress is receiving unexpected reward. The stories today in hollywood minute killers left debuted new estriol who made the cut public. As she plays insane version herself revenge on her boyfriends also released an application so they can person the cells. Essentially get to play around and l street will play another award for her but her crossover is made. And the actress says 19 people and received this year Stevie Wonder and espresso kennedy made the cut in the middle Freedom Award november 24th through plain Johnson Kevin hart top star in the coming Action Committee central intelligence. Emhart will play a High School Sports star caught turned down with johnson as a cia contract killer bullets before people stop and actors began seizing their testing social medial the weekends coming up place looking for the driver vaulted run the kill the boy near san leandro during a police chase will travel have the latest from the scene and also the rosetta probe clustered a landing on, and should happen this morning during our broadcast weskedomense de r fo7 da witno mrors on t sevth y beauful in ireveed. Withne qrteroistizin crm it hps sn fe morfirm anelasc. Takehe de 7 y te. St fds a holay ltove beco irristiy crmy turk casrole re delious bestoods brinout e be foo. Brinout e be. Overturned big richard reporter south reporter 680 off ramp and coming up talk about what happened i officials said cleanup will take was the morning and Police Investigating deadly hitandrun yourself leandro may be connected to police chase. At a live look here and meet at the Golden Gate Bridge looking for rain here coming the bay area as for running us on this was a morning star and weather forecasts wandering coming our way and it will be wednesday night into thursday morning and that seems to be the time later on a talking probably after homeland you could be in bed with the rain beginning fall live look outside know what weather yet relatively clear out there in terms of visibility the clouds are over head and look for the morning fog to kick in at some point watching for that another day of mild weather talking temperatures in the 60s once again tomorrow and a what morning commute this we expect like up to as we look ahead for the week of a chance of rain possibly over the weekend another shot next week. That one could be a pretty good and were keeping an eye on that quickly here with this looks like a touch as where they are right now lopper fifties to low 60s with 68 oakland got was bay area 55 to 50 degrees right now. Coming up the 15 level forecast for you coming up with that rain in detail the lead at a traffic the morning with the San Ramon Valley near dublin interstate 680 southbound truck overturned early this morning. Spelling part of its load. Mostly creating problems for running the truck on the scene with us kron for mike helm warning this assault on 680 a costa boulevard offer and vacancy rates here marking the transfer diesel fuel from the truck into an empty container before they can write this big rig here the turnover early this morning all happened around 230 the chp says the drugs and its off but 680 of possible large thats when the wreck tipped over and its carrying turkeys on their way across go tracy buffaloed and fire vareses 40 gal. Of diesel fuel leak from the truck possibly some of them entered the storm drains which then had to flesh out Officials Say it is the process of like until the struck out here that feel this be offloaded in a separate container and the drivers left the havent done a pretender crews also have 4,000 lbs. Of turkeys for the economic that right on its wheels to let the people inside when the sec said occurred in the Fire Department had these letters to pull some of them out evidence is ahead injury. In the driver that tells me that he is ok and it also tells me and actually were as having southbound ends up there somewhere else and there is a sharp turn in the red overturns understand we heard in addition offloading they you do have to offload but most of all of those turkeys before theyre able to get that regretted that the stock this years crop officer or a hassle for them to write the red but the turkish on board because you talk about 4,000 lbs. Of turkey and the chp says of they did try direct that writ with them on board your vest that splitting in half made the determination to bring up another truck taking all goes off and before the check clear the scene he told me or the gas but told me 34 hours minimum for the senates action will reopen to four hours from now so original estimate 630 looks like it could be 89 00 not be able to use Bollinger Canyon which is the exit north of this exit here or you could take this route and then take the door the road exit and get off interstate 580. In order to get into the area a quick look at the bay bridge ride west bounce now back up bordelaise there and the rest to me looks pretty good 5041 this morning for driver involved in a hit andrun attacks crash happened killing a boy on a scooter as he was the driver being chased by police will trend following this story hes at the scene with the latest in San Leandro Bay line pursued only last a few miles ended the life of a boy here in 1214 years old are here in this intersection of 14th ashlands one inc. San leandro is see Police Officers left the scene a couple hours ago but here for several hours conducting their investigation and will show you video out happening are on 630 last night and started a few miles from this location the place officers spotted a car driving erratically try and get the car pool over driver pullover fees are one point was not going around the grounds in this neighborhood and up to this location the Center Section are reports that the boy was on his scooter at the time the car slammed him kept going Police Officers apparently initially did not know the boy was even had then circled back realized there was a boy on the ground the call the ambulance the lowest in the hospital where he later died allies witnesses at the scene at the time when theres a lot of people still walking about drivers on the road and got a chance to talk with one witness is what she does say about the accident slippery high in the air about cynthia immediately ran over to him i stood next to his friends came by they attempted to go test him and told him dont touch on casino was some research you dont know if such a person in their hurt you might you the injured even more back live tonight conceive of video roadside memorial we did stars that to grow because he goes to local school here the plan over at the to talk to a friends and export to the grief counselors also up the school as far as the speed of the pursuit not hearing and contact me on it and terrace apartment to find out at how fast the officers were going up some weather not been backed up and realize there is what people on the roadway officers involved in this seventh place i administrative leave pending investigation also happening survey this to the net messenger is a striking california thousands of nurses walked off the job yesterday to take in from kaiser of an editing and say the strike firmed 7 00 a. M. Tomorrow morning nurses say the standard of patient care at kaisernourishing for months and also concerned about the safeguards for ebola still had a big loss for the 49ers players and come back from their injury and then enters losing to surgery to some calls in tampa neighborhood very worried this morning in what the problem is theyre watching the weather here in the bay area as we are going to be waiting for the rain i lo theaconn th sub loveacono mu, im lachina li of conjewey. Awiveeen ose line buthaveou er se bac brs . Whatas tt . Eryo lov bac at bwayinishingtour try itn a con g eese subw. Eafres y zyrtecdยฎ to powerfully clear your block nos and relieve your other allergyympts. So you can breathe easier l d. Zyecdยฎ. Find it at the pharmacy coter recognize the learn dublin and not berkeley just yet south boston city right across the off ramp remains blocked by a truck that overturned on what had is the be removed this is where the erie opened a 630 it could be at least a couple of hours later fell 11 happening today official rally calling for an end to violence and how the Richmond City a memory of the Richmond High School basketball player killed last friday 16 yearold Rodney Frazier shot in from his own home contra costa Sheriffs Office us an official in the wrong place at the wrong time. During a few between rival gang heating up in the area here shot bridgman and met new mayor planned for the problem says hugh was gonna get a huge chunk of the 90 benefit agreement between the chevron fund after school or activity and job training the analysis of lava, new line still had on the morning news family of a ball victim Thomas Duncan reaching a resolution of the dallas hospital treating him the story coming up and for the first time for hours away the from approach landing on, and lettuce and the story after the break in the live look here are the storm heading our direction and the rankle rise tonight on the timing and how much rain to female narrator the mattress price wars are on the mattress price wars are on at sleep train. We challenged the manufacturers to offer even lower prices. Now its posturepedic versus beautyrest with big savings of up to 400 off. Serta icomfort and tempurpedic go headtohead with three years interestfree financing. Plus, free sameday delivery, setup, and removal of your old set. When brands compete, you save. Mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. Your ticket to a better nights sleep happening live stream European Space agency on members of a probe has successfully released a lander toward the surface of a comet and about seven hours total reach a common icy service and if the successful in oclock our time if it does lend the first time a spacecraft has ever landed on a comment. Mission controllers clapton this morning hugging as it learned about the wider separation earlier today new line and a satellite launch 10 years ago and now finally reaching the surface of the comment just three hours from now the back here on earth winter blahs expect to leave more than half the country is really Cool Temperatures of the we can the yacht of Northern Michigan those in the middle of january temperatures aires of the rockies complains expected be 24 degrees below normal the vest as far south as oklahoma and rich east coast by small lower just by tonight or what weve been watching waiting for quite frankly we need rain. Level outsider rv. Camera shows cloud conditions out there right now. The mild threat to the day in the morning commute evening commute will be just fine and this happened light tonight temperatures at the moment of refusal sixties once again off 2 mi. Star like we did yesterday and this afternoon expect more the same with a high sidling up in it may be some parts of a 60s mostly mid60s and 76 u six and nappa. 656667 livermore you get the idea mid60s to up the base today mostly cloudy skies crusade of the what weather South Pacific right now heading our way for the timing cushion all cluster here future calves for secaucus so this evening you need me will be find a wet weather than about may be tough for Personnel Officer to see some light rain with a spreading the spade south pointe. And marched through the overnight hours can ease pass on 3 00 in the morning and the bulk of it should be exiting the left with lots scattered showers behind it by about five in the morning it really begins to break up at that point still looking for just scattered showers to the morning commute thursday could very well be what if not damp one. And conditions melo just a little bit in clouds begin apart by later in the day thursday we start to dry out friday night that saturday ok looks now sunday night and monday other chance of sprinkles coming through the next tuesday unsettled here for just a little bit in the storm tuesday could be a nice little rainmaker for us talk more about that when get closer to it out of traffic with some new information on kron for mike helm on the scene for us just spoke with the chp in charge of trading estimated time for opening now saying likely to several more hours sit between 9 10 00 this morning for their bold open up the top of ramp 6 a southbound direction now the on ramp their non impacted at this reduced and bones are canyon to the north still considerable distance away is euphoria, on the corner caps san ramon pool bar here little bit west 680 Interchange East on 580 story road north and the my help you get closer to your location destination not far away another accident happening on the impact on the ride and will bring closer x and south 680 and actually having an impact here on 580 south on the to the 84 interchange looking at the bridges for the next they tried buffalo have an easy ride this week and see yesterday but still looking at all of a minute commute time. Some retail bridge highway 92 are find no problems here over salmon sale and trip from Orange County looks grim for the Golden Gate Bridge. Light traffic now rumbles directions in Richmond Bridge into the run county. And no delays by the u. S. On the Liner Services go all this mess practic willis is done for the season and will require surgery smith the file send them on the final season last year and wants this radically this season and rookie chris has stolen for wilson spectacular 18 tackles and sliced 2 leeks, timor in the overtime when sunday allpro linebacker could also be cleared to be apart this week sinkhole ponds and florida neighborhood to the day after the first one swallowed a car news sinkhole opened yesterday and eroding the tampa bay area grew 10 ft. Wide and lends some people actually forced to leave their homes because of this works out on nearby store live station pumping of groundwater the first hole formed monday swallowing air car. That is about 1015 y and 15 ft. Deep and a mobile home was condemned five others were evacuated Health Workers on farm lendable crisis going to congress for help in Lawmakers Congress considers president obama met a 15. 2 billion emergency request for a to a deadly disease spare parts of a number of infections long s arising in other areas crusade thousand healthcare workers are needed over the next two months in san the Committee Also plans a question Obama Administration but the u. S. Response to a ball of brick and we should learn more details morning watter resolution reached between the family of a bullet and thomas r. Thompson Texas Health Resources us a hospital or duncan went for treatment twice an september letter died at a News Conference this morning on the matter on to the rtexas healthvest restrain hospital in dallas september 25th sent home with a hundred three degree fever. Came back for treatment by ambulance died october 8th about the degree martinon divide that survive marathon bombing with all airlines after more than 15 operations in a decision to amputate her left leg below the knee tx mom had remarkable up the attitude about the future but tongueincheek break up watter the soon to become lead on this page and rope let them youre holding me back my full potential of the really do but i think the need to start on the next leg of my next turn in our long surgerys success and it will run on Facebook Page afterward so grateful all love and support received in trying to get that full letter on our face up fan page on kron 4 kron 4 news website tag sooner or later, Everyone Needs a helping hand, or a helping paw so mattress discounters good deed dogs is raising money to help train Assistance Dogs for wounded veterans. Veteran i live independently because of what all it provides for me. And its huge theres a lot of wounded, ill, and injured out there just like myself, who just maybe need a little bit of help. Tag you can lend a helping paw too. Give at mattressdiscountersdogs. Com or any mattress discounters. Mattress discounters good deed dogs helping dogs help people. I was t awe ofow mhacity s in. Thatt wadamang t enal. Want to x itightway. My dtistecomndedronal. Heaid onam can ma my eth rong. Pramels heing lea e li thai wa to ve. Ours is not enough juanita has been a camp outside best buy and sell mons since wednesday. Thats 22 days before the deals are unleashed and thats why. Theyve been doing this for years and this year the of the best deal on a new tv and they think theyre gonna get it when the average in when it costs them. have that than days avoiding Everything Else to to mix a reallife go ahead here on morning news the big hot spot several of the grateful turkeys overturns on the city offer of all reported that had a sense a high paying for parking at another bar station thick tell you what bart station is coming up a lot report what it will look like to tell oclock tell oclock i tell them aveenoยฎ. Because Beautiful Skin goes with everything. [ female announcer ] aveenoยฎ daily moisturizing lotion has active naturalsยฎ oat with five vital nutrients naturally found in healthy skin. Where do i wear aveenoยฎ . Everywhere. Aveenoยฎ daily moisturizing lotion. And try the body wash too. Aveenoยฎ. Naturally beautiful resultsโ„ข. Aveenoยฎ. St fds a holay ltove beco irristiy crmy turk casrole re delious bestoods brinout e be foo. Brinout e be. Neand prov i ct believe itsot bter 0 tte, articia esertive madeith blenof dicio ls, purifiedaterand ju a pch t tw plee. New and impred iantbelie ie it timto bieve check in with james and get a look at whether traffic on this wednesday morning that the school for a lot of people and absolutely had up this Early Morning just no nice and dry for out tomorrow morning and from story to their sets. Warding afternoon commute for that matter is look outside we have Clear Conditions seven to a bridge and temperatures very similar to a will to yesterday in the upper 57 cisco rv 60 degree mark and also that is the current condition take a look at later on today temperatures warmup low mid 60s for about of the bay area of europe 60s livermore could perhaps upper 60s and make in your 70s down near evergreen south san jose for the most partisan conceive anything from 6466 will be the majority of the temperatures later on today and send i were watching for the rain off shore and finally made its appearance here in the bay area with you with the shot come back a 545 with a little more time given a complete look at the rain when it arrives in the bay area how long a lesson not only that but when the next system this is round one looks to be maybe three rounds of then today over the weekend and early next week and full details coming up in 15 minutes a lot well or watch increase serious problem unfolding here San Ramon Valley and dublin. Arrested six itself bound all possible barred where truck overturned early this morning. We talk right now is con 4 mike whos on the scene just talking a few moments ago with james to was in this area uses the off ramp. No surprise that if this was not the intended on upper off ramp and the drivers could have some trouble because is preceded sharp driver told me that they felt there transitioning on 580 accidently got off that the caught all possible our offer up going to faster followed in just overturned. Tow trucks on the scene transferred over the fuel those still on the overturned reckon 20 container the office you behind the structure cruzan the process of cleaning up the spill fuel 40 gal. Worth overturned red oak on the southbound ramp some of it could go on the storage rain all that gets cleaned up this morning chp says this will likely take tel 9 10 00 in south on offer about possible are reopens and as mentioned the travers said that he thought use going to 588 across boulevard off ramp in this truck carrying 40,000 lbs. Of turkey is meant to go to a costco and tracy. Around and stuck their an overturned reg also causing a big problem because had almost all goes into an empty rig to a life size way here to the scene and hold up there behind your turn recusancy that. They have almost all those turkeys at that point they need the tow truck put man and put back on its wheels and towed on here talking 9 10 00 according to chp is going to be every pair of hands and knees to get those turkeys transferred. And heres the location of the problem. You can get continued southbound exit here heading west on 580 and then take the san ramon boulevard exit in order to get back in that direction heading to the side of the freeway and comes self and interstate 580 as it a dory and turn north and lime look at the rest of that and the area 580 commute heaviest in the less west on direction be read the bay bridge this morning building up as usual likely about 50 minutes away from seeing the metering lights are adding a Parking Charge to another station this time north compensation jackie live to explain the suns are ready and people scrambling to get to a parking paid for before they can catch the but bart trains early this morning and my party starting to form at the a machine pay for the parking this is the second part station here in concord than less than a positions will come board later this time and determine the real problem old what people are caught by surprise in long lines form at these machines people scrambling to catch the bart train and ness said pete get your 430 this morning halfdozen people worried it waiting in line to pick apart and at that point starting to see the coming pick up out here someone who would normally use of copper bar and bill in a couple extra lot of lives a longer period can pay by cash paid by clipper card had a chance to talk with one or writer earlier this morning and discount shrugged part of doing business another ding wallet and bay area called russia. Has to give us for something somewhere. The better than sitting in the traffic only dollar another 5 a week other scissions charging for parking all cell and the Oakland Coliseum bart also pay you hayward going to Institute Parking at the station in those times are to be determined as i said those of a scramble this morning for some writers if youre riding North Concord at but this morning should build at least a couple more minutes into commute and the four yearold boy fell to a trustee down a cliff near the database is in stable condition this morning. Kron header as an update from the father yesterday Darrell Johnson who says his son needs pins as if it is his arm has a cast as like as surgery is done hes a fighter and proud of how strong his son is a delightful for everyones prayers he wishes for some the get well cant wait for him and hold again and wife being strong as well waiting for the sun yoga alliant said yet the debate monday night when the accident happened crews had to rescue the four yearold mr. Basham. He was with his family throwing rocks standing next was mom we felt tortured feet down police arresting a mother for punching a woman of several coming call for a guard said a permanent home to realize the arts of the store just before the assault will lead and are as started when the woman complained about the current tariff arrested by police and of suspicion of battery are inserted before going in the parking lot the mother punched a woman twice the face coming up on the morning is several break out from hawaii lava flow. And show you the latest we have slow steady moving to tipples abandon the state show you how couple is helping the dogs find a new home but have a problem and then coming up 6 00 mess a honebuncs of oats is got. Likehe ltlebunches oats. At iike is tual the flakes. got unch, whici love. Mm its. Yay of for more news and tracking of look at the truck bomb rocked costa off ramps south on interstate 680. Truck overturned carrying thousands of calls of frozen turkeys will take several hours to clear this mess up. They even have to flush a storm drain on of concern for diesel fuel spill. Expected to be closed for several hours be used Bollinger Canyon or come down 680 to 580 take right hand turn and exit at san ramon apple are as your alternate and on and why they kerrigan to you the look at low flow. A slow flow flaw. Igniting everything on fire its path and this morning break up currently offer an immediate threat to area residents one referred closely this break out destroying a home monday will let continued to move to the area and the main floor flaw book concerned that can remain stalled very little activity has an advanced. Add evacuations for Residents Council of low of lotus continue to sell ahead on morning years following weather on the bay. We have rain on top and talk about when she arrived a much for should get in just a little bit a won whlovetoy share her ssio. Grana ma hastriafibrlati, an iegul heabeat not causedy a het vae. That puts r at grter sk ostro. Rome su before xelto, maryook rfar, which quir monly tps to g herloodeste t ths htory ba to e muum . Nothisime now that h docr swchedheto oe, mary caneavehose mohly ipd mest flit . T toy li warrin,xalto is oven effecte toeduc ibratedtrokrisk but xalto is e fit and ly oeay prescripon bod tnner fopatits wf not causedy a het vae m that doesn reqre rularbld mot so mary freof tt moniringouti. For patien curntlyellmaged w, there isimit formion how xarelto andarfan coarein rucin. Xalto is just one pill a y takewithhe eningeal. Inac azie plus, th nknow etarrestctio, mary canat t heahy ods e lis. Dont st takg xareoยฎrivaxaba unlessour ctor tes yoto. While kingarelยฎ, you y brse me ealy and it m taklong forbldingo st. Xareltoยฎay ireas ur rk ofleedg if y tak rtaimedines. Xarelto canauseseous eedi, and inare ses, mabe fal. Gehelpightway ifou delop unpect ble, unusl brsingor tglin if you he haspin esthia wle oxareoยฎ wah fobackpa or y nee or mcle late gns symoms. Do n takxareoยฎ if youave tifial hrt vve orbnorl blding tell your door bore alplanl or dtal ocedes. Bere srtinxareoยฎ tell your ctor abt ancos such akidn, lir, o eedi proems. Switchg toarelยฎ w the rit mo f. Ask youroctoabou ceaay xelto. Noegul blo nitong; no kno diery restctio. For formion d vingoptis downloadhe xelto tiencent app call888arel, vis goxeltoom Police Looking for a driver involved in a deadly hit andrun in san leandro boy hit by car that police were chasing. He is killed in this happened in his 14th less night. Officers say they hit the boy being chased by officers thing dog waiting on the boy is 1214 years old oscar new line the time and struck and killed in day two of the inner messner is a strike in california thousands of nurses often off the job yesterday picketing in front of other permanent State Facility out again today and that runs through 7 00 a. M. Tomorrow morning early velasco winter and some very cold temperatures idiotic Northern Michigan heavy snowfall in there. Talking temperatures down near freezing in kansas city to chicago is to is the appetizer the teaser tonight really but another system and another one next week early like to stage. And we have some really nice weather does talk about. The only for the bay area for this year to some it more got nothing and that won the mens giving opening and if parts of their fingers crossed hoping that this materializes what it looks like it will and lets all hope so whats the kron satellite radar those claws out there. And quickly as is in closer and explore more detail about the rain when it will ride the line again for the rain to arrive tonight and probably after your bed and we feel sponsor along the north bay coastline north they portions the space and severance discussing some light rain past midnight hour to the overnight and we see the front continues to move on through widespread light rain falling green is see here a moderate so heavy it in much of accumulation of this may be core of an inch here in airline of the widespread make Everyone Wants wet pavement wet roads but for your morning commute and beginning 5 00 a. M. For a lot of early rides will be what one outside and those damn plane stalled the plan for some of the cisco to insulate and the north bay some portions of these bay as well. Then oclock or so wont to say for workers will rainshowers will lend and looking for things easily begin to clear as we head into the later portion of the thursday. Thus the system today hemorrhages up mid50s and will be cloudy all day long that light rain starting tonight once represses rounds and frederica break saturday it must part with a bright sunday night monday sicken on comes through not so much rain without one but tuesday of next week looks to be a fairly decent storm. Everything continues unweighed is right now could be looking at a decent rain totals with that system we get an update on the traffic on 680 keep up costa wrote off from closed until 10 00 at the end of morning and crews to get this wrapped reopened. And a big rig overturns carrying felons of frozen turkeys spilled sunday stole all that had to be cleaned up and thats why the ramp will remain closed pekingese Boulder Canyon before continuing soft turn on the five the westbound exit at san ramon bull bart boulevard to the right no. And you get back to where you were. But slow traffic 580 westbound. Not having any impact on all on your ride new the accident and the ride on 580 heading in dublin. South bay freeway also looking at right conditions right now. Of course i will change and trip to the north bay no delay for 37th down the Golden Gate Bridge metering lights have been activated already it very quickly backing up toward Macarthur Mays and drive time tomorrow pushing up to seven minutes to lead and should san mateo bridge many to delay three. Golden gate bridge ride won a one softbound and take a look that. In the trip is an easy one. Not much in the way of traffic there Richmond Bridge and westbound ride just a slight back up in the right and cash and and that will clear out in the next 10 minutes and that with the west of the toll takers by 48 by kron 4 story concerned a couple oakland caring for other couples pit bulls because owner just left the dogs and his neighbor was really home to take care the two dogs. And then the tate have less on the back running around for long. The time alone very little human contact when victorias said it is something we noticed but trouble he had grown as underbelly and getting larger larger. There was no offense taken the lead editorial stewart which cut demo care groups to get help from the tumor removal and medical needs and the cost however the baby on the way she are as husband can afford to keep the dog and greed of this page for the pebble and hoping someone will adopt them gillis story would like us a check in to plead you can go story tab on the website as of this your idea until Police Warning against of the email to about Child Predator residents and civic permission from the recipient can entrust seller about research called predator clicking on a blank and then that lincoln contains mullet where do not send information via email about sex offenders living in neighborhoods and yak mother campaigning disney to get children with down syndrome once and in the movies and perhaps tens of thousands of signatures and attention of disney headquarters. Tisch this last night inspired by the young daughter the her daughter has downs a trim. Family received a response from disney the studio is committed to us having characters accessible labeled all children. But any of president say she plans to deliver the petition and person to disney headquarters in burbank november 26th the not and well fortune so sir david saw puzzle with just one letter after 33 years of hosting pat sajak was as his he storms offset for some reason intestines thought had riding with different colored horse is the correct answer was watching a buddy movie. Traveller curious about what is there a hotel room and the maids are there are not taxes their on camera and might surprise you to believe its real but dont think this happens all the time helicopter whirring roars siren wails pop music playing when youre ready ready, ready, ready come and get it get it, get it when youre ready, come and get it na na na na na na na na na na na when youre ready, come and get it na na na na. Female announcer its a great big world and it can all be yours. Here and only here. Come and get it. Hey john,whoa k it out. Yeah, i was testing to see if we really can turn any device in your house into a tv. And the tablet worked just fine. But i wanted to see if the phone would work as well. So i shrunk sharon. Every channel is live just like on tv. But its my phone. Its genius. Shh im watching tv. Tiny sharon is mean. Im right here. Watch any channel live on any device around your home. Download the xfinity tv app today. Loveacono mu, th sub im lachina li of conjewey. Awiveeen ose line buthaveou er se bac brs . Whatas tt . Eryo lov bac at bwayinishingtour try itn a con g eese subw. Eafres taking a live look at the satellite radar view and but the system watter were bringing rain and the new hours tomorrow morning exactly how much rain thats why explore this brief and looks like were will of the third half an inch and the north bay. Not so much for the east bay south bay. Tens of an inch at best possibly quarter of a nation San Francisco said accrues quarter of vanished half inch and most of the system the continuing to push on through to the senate cruse hills and jobs little more rain there. Thats where sticking in the system are huge rainmaker but at least a decent one and make for a what thursday morning the video show video to video going viral this morning hotel maid caught on camera rummaging through a dyestuff reading his mail fraud again to his laptop the lead and left the video camera rolling and then says this is what he caught on camera made king up the tabloid the interest of anyone this suitcase before she left the room the lead at a shot the video didnt identify the hotel says a wellknown chain. Developing stories and live the news top of our big rig telling thousands of pounds of turkey is overturned some assault weapons san ramon major closures here and offer a live report coming up European Space agency manners that approach has sent successfully of lettered for the circus of a comet a few hours away from, landing at a big loss for 40 niners team is losing to a season ending surgery live look at the cemetery bridge traffic moving smoothly so far and tracking rain coming our way and will be back in tunis amecasext p mol. I haveodere toever aquesoriis. So tald toy door abt myondion d myreatnt oions he tolme aut slara in aedic stu, 7 ouof 1stelaยฎaties saw lea 75 lear ski 12 eks. And out 10 tien hatheiplaq psoasisated as caredr mimalat2 we. [ ma annncer stara mayowerour ilit fig inftion and crea yo risof iectis so serus iectis quirhospalizion befo staing elarยฎ ur dtor ouldest fotubeulos. Stelaยฎay ireas ur rk ofance waysell ur dtor yohaveny sn ofnfecon, ve h canr, oif y veloany w sk grohs. Alt yo docr ofew or wseni proems, inudinheadhes,eizus, andisiopr. Thesmay sig of aare,otenallyatal brn coitio seous lerg reaions caoccu te youdoct if u anye inour use eds haseceny reived a ccin afte2 stter ses, i ke slara, d mykin cleer. He talk tyouroctoto s steraยฎs rit foyou. Thank you thank you dedicated bankers born to go the extra mile. Youve been such a big help. Its what i like to do. So you can choose a bank where helping people comes first. Chase. So you can. To turn the bigger gets close to a 688 south bond and then coming up is giving food has on board was causing a big clear up this morning to age boy killed in a hit andrun east bay. And the driver is on those lots in the forecast from low roof rain on the way talk about when weather traffic check right now fletcher started us off a storm coming and watching at the timing over had to lights and light today in find a after increate balls well. Theyll be cloudy mile out there and talk got headlines here going for today and morning fog definitely some clubs out there and will look for another unseasonably mild they damages in the sixties mar what one commit

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