Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20111219 : comparemel

Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20111219

>>reporter: he followed his father's footsteps of total control on nearly all aspects of north korean life. >> for in the world history of lease and the 21st century. >>reporter: it took more than two days for his death to become public. then how to the last month that he died sunday morning careened times from a massive heart attack. >>reporter: tears were shed over his death. but in south korea which is often under threat from the north the military was put on high alert. according to the white house at deny president obama call south korea's president and reaffirmed ravine and if the commitment to the south's security. should we had men armed with a mean and tensions over the nuclear program. some pressure his fund is expected to face the >> his son is very young and quite inexperienced. not very much is known about him the are a lot of questions about what he will be able to do it will be able to consolidate his power. >>reporter: his funeral will be held next wednesday. >>james: it was a heartfelt return, nearly one dozen national guard troops returned to california over the weekend there are a handful of u.s. service members that have left afghanistan. we join family members for the emotional homecoming at oakland international airport. >>reporter: they waited months for this homecoming. >> i am just excited like seeing setup. >>reporter: it sent some people and jumping for joy. to >>reporter: close to one dozen national guards and by the oakland national airport. and a wasted no time and ran for her husband timothy noble. >> i am not let him go for a long time. >> i did i have to spend another christmas overseas. >>reporter: the soldiers spent 10 months in afghanistan and that meant a lot of sleepless nights for the families back home. roger estrada is it pittsburg police officer he read employed after dunn/11. month holinshed to raise the kids and pay the bills being debated. the last time i left, she was not party train and now she is. she's my little princess. it is not just a soldier does the family is that sacrifice as well. >>reporter: for this proud soldiers they say there is no place like home. >> it is like nervousness, it is like christmas i cannot explain it is overwhelming to be home again. >>justine: the war in afghanistan will be the military's focus just for the time being. the u. s has completed its combat mission in iraq pilastered u.s. mission crossed into kuwait . we spend time with mothers of army veterans and soldiers and the talk about what their future hold for servicemen and women coming home. >>reporter: the four women that you see here are mothers of soldiers that have fought in afghanistan, or iraq or both. a few have front and back through all of them have mixed emotions about this soldiers clear out clearly what none of them consider >> for me was an anticlimactic. our men and women are the best in the world.-thank god for all of them every day. i have a lot of sun and--i have a lot of friends who have lost sons and daughters. i deplore all little reserved decent is over because a lot of us do not feel like it is over yet. i have a feeling that a lot of the mortgage and other places like afghanistan. i can't there is any contingency in kuwait. her we have the whole world and i hope people remember that. there are concerns that things will fall apart even the iraqi people are concerned about that. is it that once all of the american troops leave, things happen and our concern as a parent is that our kids will have to turn around and go back and clean it all up. >> i thought all our country have lost as far as to military personnel to have lost their lives, or have lost limbs, or are suffering. not only am i concerned about those of-- reserving it am very concerned about the veterans. they have already and overwhelmed and we have hundreds of thousands of injured soldiers coming back. i do not think we have the resources that will be sufficient to handle all their needs. >> hope the american people never viewed the lives that were lost, the hamlet that suffered and the troops that have given so much. >>justine: the nine year war to control on americans at our rocky 4487 u.s. service members were killed. at least to death in 97 u.s. government contractors were killed, and at least 103,00007 under and 75 iraqis were killed and also 174 journalists died covering this war. >>james: and let us take a look at the weather. >>erica: we have a pretty could start to morning live patchy fog along the coast side of the to the north bay valley. i the good news is that the temperatures are running must live with a mixture of them and upper '30's, when to and from low 50's at this hour.-him to the afternoon until the but a cloud coverage mostly sunny conditions it temperatures slightly warmer compared to yesterday. and as we head into the overnight hours will to clear conditions in a little bit of patchy frost developing. here's a look at the satellite imagery. you can see exactly where the fog is around bay area stretching along the coastline to portions of santa rosa and can't look. edition clear i are here as we get closer to the 10:00 hour. for the most part we some 40, even 50 degrees out a member of view. we have 43 degrees up of several to come off with it in a bottle and taking it opened in half moon bay. as we take the stand is into the afternoon and you'll see him in trouble upper 50s and those seeking some around the bay. indicating 60 degrees for those in oakland, from the in hayward, he had 55 at half moon bay and my contention, we'll see a lot of sunshine up there with barry calm wind and a lot of sixties up into the north bay as well. it is just in a little bit cooler than that through downtown san francisco. here is your seven day around the bay forecast. let afternoon highs will manage to get in the low 60s but will have to content and some chilly mornings especially in the inland areas for the most part we will begin when near freezing temperatures cleared fall when the hot spot south and 2 and 0-no action actually occurred at 1:00 p.m., and off when it is shut down out of the phone chp and looks like will people that i ask it probably take it off ramp because i have contracted it back into a look who is actually stretch in a couple of miles. all the yellow on your screen in the top gun direction indicate to you average in 30 miles per hour. we have a live crew headed to deceive and we are pretty quiet around the bay area. the sent to bridge is a problem for the in both directions and as we head over to the golden gate bridge we are problem free. this ride is caught him in under 23 minutes out of the model toward san francisco. >>justine: we will take a quick break on this monday morning but we will be back with much more. hey, your high speed internet here, at home... ...and on the go... ...with some really big news. it's b-i-g -- big. high speed internet from at&t at home... ...includes wi-fi access on the go. 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[ female announcer ] go to the website below and get high speed internet for just 14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. that's all the speed you need at a great price. it's an unbelievable deal. so why wait? act now, act now! like he said... ♪ the >>james: of we have a lot of kids starting holiday vacation we will get a full look at the forecast for today in the week ahead coming up. >>erica:. a london we are back, let us take a look at the fault in your area. it is hugging portion of the inland valleys. and the temperatures in the killing of the freezing mark today. we are on the war aside from the '40's. we have 43 degrees in santa rosa, 42 for napa, it looks like fairfield has brought down to the upper 32. 48 is the correct temperature not only in >> tub san francisco but it redwood city in half to bay.--redwood city and have to make. we will see some light green on our screen for about 2:00 p.m., that does indicate for the most part temperatures getting into the low 60s. at the break down the numbers neighborhood by neighborhood we anticipate 60 degrees for oakland, and for the most part we will see some low sixties in the south bay. we have 55 for those at half moon bay and to the north they will see a lot of sunshine. paris satellite and radar showed clear conditions for the most part are of the bay area. we do have some cloud coverage moving in. when your seven day around the bay forecast you will see a lot of sunshine not much to talk about is the stream of dry weather. temperatures will top out in the low sixties to see a mixture of 3744 your coast they end in and then--coast, bay and in locations. we have chp and emergency crews conducting an investigation at fort hill boulevard due to a fatal accident. i have been talking with the chp and i have no estimated time on land will be open. over to our bridges, the approach to the bay bridge toll plaza is nice in line with normal during like to deal with. the san mateo bridge right has been a problem for in both directions of highway 92. here is a live look at the golden gate bridge south bound. 101 shows a lot of space in between cars in traffic certainly moving at the limit. >>james: thank you erica. holiday helpful is simple fact, parking lot are packed all the bay area. this week will be one of the biggest shopping tons of the year. the national retail federation expects that holiday sales will reach more than $469 billion this year. meanwhile, authorities are well aware of the holiday hustle their cracking down on drunk drivers. in san mateo county, 21 people were arrested for driving under the influence over the weekend. in santa clara county police said that 36 people were taken into custody. >>justine: an amtrak train collided with a tractor- trailer near austin tx the train was blowing a whistle but the truck continued to cross the tracks and was hit. the driver of the tractor-trailer was drawn from his vehicle and is now in critical condition. two passengers suffered minor injuries. >>james: we are going to take a quick break and we have more headlines ahead. so far, we have traffic moving well on this crisp and cool morning out there. >>justine: this cannonball shot into homes before slamming into a parked car in a dublin neighborhood. >>reporter: this is candescent a cannon ball to the dublin neighborhood on december 6th that ripped through one home >> off the roof of another and ended up in this car. it was the result of an experiment at the nearby american bombings that was conducted by the members of the television show meant busters. saturday morning lme the county sheriff and members of the television show met with concerned members of the community. >> i want to reassure you that you'll be safe in your neighborhood and these type of things would happen. >>reporter: residents want to know why a film crew was able to conduct these experiments. >> my concern is that it is done safely. >>reporter: myth busters and the owners of the facility hope to continue their relationship. >> they are very generous with us, they facilitate us in helping us build things for our farm range for our training people and have a great partnership with them. >>reporter: residents questioned the financial arrangements. >> i cannot the enormous the financing to be something that it would determine if they continue. >>reporter: the sheriff wanted one thing to be clear. >> we will never allow icahn to be fired off of this base again. >>reporter: the show producers have learned one thing there is no limit to what a cannonball could reap on a community. >>james: we will be following that story and another look outside at this time. this is a picture of the new span of the bay bridge will be back with more in just a minute. and gm--the >>james: people will with a front of their leader had died of heart failure saturday at the age of 69 were carrying out duties on a train trip. indications are clear that kim jon un the third son of kim jong ill will follow in his succession. >>james: careened americans had plenty to say about the death of kim jong ill and was run by his son will follow in his dictatorship. your recruiter >> it is really dangerous, this is a very difficult time right now. >> he does much will but the older generation he is a very in generation. they want to protect their power. >> i am not sure if he will be as tyrant as his dad. >>james: a national name lasted after his death. >>justine: we have a look now at the end of line in a rock.--in iraq. >>reporter: this was a historic moment and the soldiers would never forget. in light of our trucks headed down the road out of the combat zone an army official had one word to describe how i felt. >> i can tell you, pride in what all of us before us have done and pride in my soldiers as they complete their mission of a yearlong ordeal and preparing for that moment we can say mission complete. >>reporter: another official says it is good to see hard work pay off. >> there has been planning for more than one year now. >>reporter: with the u.s. officially ended his position in the rock with a flag casing philharmonic on thursday. some lawmakers are split on the troop pullout. >> i am concerned about a very quick and rapid withdrawal rapidiraq we have sacrificed a lot of lives in a lot of soldiers were injured. >>reporter: this led to believe withdrawing was the right decision. >> i believe we got a lot done absolutely. >>reporter: the military called it the final tactical road mark. >>justine: a religious display along the main driving to travis air force base is causing controversy. but it is staying put despite some objections. >>reporter: this modest nativity display along travis' boulevard on base will stay in displayed along with the monaural put up by the air base chapel. >> i think it should stay, everyone has freedom of speech. >> people coming in, the war is over people want to see good cheer why would you make the move that? >>reporter: they have decided that this could not violate the u.s. constitution. a national organization, the military religious freedom foundation and demanded the base remove or relocate the display. it believes that it endorses the order to calm monotheistic religions. after review, the military now says the statues of joseph, mary and jesus will not be evicted. >>james: will switch you to talk about the weather erica is standing by to look at the forecast for this week as well as the holiday weekend. good morning to erica. her >>erica: good morning james, it is a pretty good start today. we see the patchy fog only along the coastline before the inland valleys as well. we have no big delays on the freeway. temperatures are on the malecite and that will continue into the afternoon where we will see mostly sunny conditions in the but of cloud coverage in temperatures in the upper 50s and low 60s. as we head to the overnight hours we will continue to see critical condition. for the most part we forties' around the bay area, up 34 places like fairfield protect in the peseta rose in the content with the freezing mark.--now contending with a free market. as it check out the forecast to see exactly where the temperature of local and the rest of the day by endicott you will see some purple along your screen into places like santa rosa and petaluma. for the most part, are around the bay area we will see a mixture of '40's and 50's. the green on your screen is up in the north bay we could see felicities. here's the breakdown neighborhood by neighborhood this is exactly what the temperatures will rocked the bay area. not only will see some sunshine but we will see some 64. oakland to get up to about 60 degrees. the same for los gatos and morgan hill. as we slide through, we will see a mixture of upper 50s in the '60s. >>erica: your seven day around the bay forecast shows a lot of sunshine and very few clouds and temperatures victim--mixing in the upper 50s and 60s. temperatures are hovering above the freezing mark as the head into the weekend. as for traffic, south bound 280 we are tracking a hot spot there, there is a big accident that occurred at the 1:00 hour. the chp remain on this team conducting an investigation. the off rep is currently shut down. the yellow on your screen indicates speed are averaging 30 miles per hour. it looks like the chp says the lanes could open shortly regardless we have it live crew headed to the scene. or people to the bay bridge toll plaza traffic is moving smoothly with a drive time of 8 minutes from the foot of the means to fremont street this morning. the san mateo bridge has no access to reports here. traffic is built in the westbound direction outports foster city. a live look at the golden gate bridge shows a lot of space in between cars and clear visibility. >>justine: we have much more ahead on the kron4 morning news we will take a break on this monday morning. this is our camera that usually shows the james lick freeway but initially left the city skyline, stay with us. >>stanley: every year glad memorial church does a good thing, they give out food to needy this year they even had a new set up to speed up the process and left people with hon.--it left the people less than honorable intentions to get involved. the mint brownshirt has set up shop to sell the food from the giveaway. he's just outside the hilton hotel that wants him to go elsewhere. then he appears to go back into business until... >> occupy should be . they are not in line. >> they just gave it to me they do not eat this stuff. >>stanley: the san francisco police showed up but he swears that he is not selling anything. >> i sold one thing i got $2. >>stanley: so you said you were not selling and now you are. for the groceries to be free, it was a lot of cash exchanging hands for the food. >> and those people that leave here with the next couple hours there will be on market street selling this food. i'd like it is fair. >>stanley: he is right in with even worse the free food is left on the curb or even thrown away. volunteers at the church did the best they could do to discourage the sale of free food but that was all they could do. i hate it when a good cause gets tarnished because of people behaving badly. in san francisco i am stanley roberts with kron4 news. >>louisa: >>justine: if you know of anyone behaving badly you could always e-mail stanley gary will take a break with a live look outside right now from our camera on top of our roof. it is monday and we have a lot look to get to so stay with us. >>justine: park charles clifford top the fire chief in hercules about why certain cuts are necessary. >>reporter: at hercules city hall the fire chief hilton's sixth and final repairing about the rodeo fire district. earlier in the day i spoke with him and he said the situation is not good. >> we are near bottom. >>reporter: for 2012 the fire district is facing a $2.2 million budget shortfall. we already cash strapped fire district faces some tough choices. to make ends meet, hanley says that he has to eliminate six positions enclosed fire station 75 in rodeo. isabel police station 76 in her to lose to serve a community of 37,000 people and to answer about 2000 calls for help per year. >> that means that if there is an emergency will take us longer to get there. >>reporter: crew run the district can call for mutual aid assistance from other giffords but it will take time for those firefighters to arrive. rock would work >> we will do our best to serve the community we are at a point where we do not note with or not we will be able to continue this service. krug hope it requires >>james: to a petition to recall oakland mayor jean quan is circulating a to the city. thousands of still images must be collected and order for the recall to be placed on the ballot. one of the organizers tells us that the recall campaign is off to a good start. >>reporter: do recall how you can't move into it? >> i think we know that there aren't 20,000 people out there that want to recall mayor jean quan as is the question of the road through roof flew it is finding them one by one. we have the petitions all printed now, and we started canvassing yester day and we have up to 160 days to get those 20,000 zero and a trustee. it would just keep adding volunteers every day >>reporter: who he talks about why he believes mayor quan must go. >> just in the first 11 months we have seen so many disasters. she drove out popular police chief anthony bass. she had the occupy disaster, she asked us for more money to and would not tell us what was for. the partial tax was defeated rep by a record of 62% to 38% annual who has been called drama and no progress cannot >>reporter: hot of whom wrote to a perceived hostile although mayor jean quan is handl satellite radar. as a check out the temperatures we're seeing pretty much everything out there but for the most part everyone is sitting in the 40's. we're not content with any freezing temperatures yet. places like santa rosa are checking in at 43 degrees. we have 46 that half moon bay and as a hint to the afternoons we will see conditions slightly warmer compared to what they were yesterday and a bit more sunshine said it was to places like and be up to about 50 degrees and. the same for los gatos, morgan hill and it touched cooler than that to half moon bay. 57 is a member for antioch in livermore. for the most horrible scene upper 50s and 60s in the north bay. 58 for those in vallejo and two degrees cooler than that in through downtown san francisco. and turning our attention to the satellite and radar you can see that we are high and dry run the bay area. we do have some cloud coverage heading our wake. and that will not result in any more sure. you'll see that on your seven day around the bay forecast. the upper 50s and low 60s as we finish up the work week. there will be a lot of sunshine in in in the low will be sitting near the freezing mark. in the traffic the party we have better news. the investigation is now over in the fatal accident so the off ramp is now openly disease a residual delays look who is averaging to 35 miles per hour. over at the bridges there are no problems to tell you about. a handful cars making their way out of open source san francisco. the san mateo bridge right is nice and easy in both directions. here is a live but at the golden gate rich south bound 101 shows a lot of faith in between cars in the cabinet drive time of under 24 minutes out of the bottled or san francisco. it on record what it will meet you monday night football this on the steelers. they're hoping that quarterback been rocked this burger will be able to come back. the teams have not faced each other since 2007 will watching closely to see what happens tonight. >>justine: keep the raiders to a 13 point lead with 7 minutes to go in the fourth quarter losing to the detroit lions' 28 to 27. matt you live in that-=--- present a 98 yd gain. the quarterback threw for 367 yds and a touchdown but the oakland raiders of their comeback the fall short. this 65 yd field goal attempt was blocked. her >>james: we will take a break now and back with more in a minute. we have a live look at the roof camera this morning we see cloudy conditions of the bay right now but we will see some good sunshine this afternoon. >>justine: will lead slickest a claim between now and then he learned, check out. hmm villard what did the gap was visibly leading luke and had made by lee crawled into the hot holiday in to get out as the item that is sold out everywhere. a lot of parents are desperate and try to fight it. it is like the cabbage patch doll lewis passed. recalls $100 in regular retail price but it is going for a double and to pull back on ebay. on amazon more than 100 and if it resellers are price gouging and selling it for double the price. but this is basically a simplified tablet portrait gained at kids ages 4 through 9. and it comes with a stylus, it is a touch screen. it has a lot of her good learning applications. him, you can download a lot application devices targeted towards kids. there is a camera that you can do some fun things would. isn't one of the reasons why this is so hot it is a good learning tool for kids and they know the reason is there is a phenomenon across the households in america that only parents know about. what if a parent has an ipad, they did not really have when they're not yet have the ipad and the kids love the ipad of all ages. i hear from here is all the time i haven't ipad, i never to use it because my kid is always on a lot of parents are hoping that if they get there kidney leap pad bey can hit their ipad back. we would most leapfrogged to me they have a country of stock of the leap pad and they are shipping them to retailers every database did you continue to check the stores you can't score one before christmas. they say friday is the best way to check at the stores because that is when the shipment arrives. >>justine: playboy made a good bet on the left hand it was a big kick in for a brief film franchise is at the box office. we have more in our hollywood minute. >>reporter: playboy fans apparently cannot enough of the two go hand. you have a tweeted at the january issue in which the actress bears all is breaking sales workers--a record. it is official, britney spears has updated her facebook status to engage. her fiancee pop the question on a thursday heard 30 it referred a. the two have been an item since 2009. this will be the third marriage for her. they say the rain is a platinum with a round diamond and 90 small diamond circling the ban. the sherlock holmes see who came of chattels top the weekend's box office. the film with robert downey, jr. and to also $40 million worth of tickets and other franchise, album and it chipmunks shipped red pulled in 23 1/2 million dollars. mission impossible made $13 million over the weekend. for hollywood minute, i am show right. >>justine: her to take a quick break and be back with our top stories, weather and traffic right after this. [music] >> darya: good morning thank you for joining us we are reporting on the death of a longtime leader, kim jong ill. that is our top story as we head into this monday morning. the world been and stabilized by this. there are viewing his death in north korea with possible optimism however. a possibly destabilizing moment for the region as power passes to his son, but also an opportunity for a new diplomatic start for this foreign minister, the foreign secretary expressed his condolences. he says that this could be a turning point for north korea as his fund takes over as the supreme leader. they're calling north korea to take the necessary steps to resume national talks aimed at ending his nuclear weapons program. >> darya: we will be reporting on that through the morning that the north korean leader has died. >> mark: we see stocks sliding overseas with the death of kim jong ill. back here in the united states we see dell futures on the rise right now, we saw the dow jones industrial average finished down two. at 11,866. the futures is up over 40 ahead of the opening bell. we will bring you that in an hour and a half. >> darya: other news that we are following this morning is the philanthropist who will rent--the philanthropist warren hellman died at 77 years old. he died yesterday evening. now i want to get a look at the weather how was it going? >>james: so far so good. temperatures are not nearly as cold as they have been. let us walk you through what we are expecting were otherwise throughout the day. first off i will tell you that it is cloudy out there. this afternoon we should see things looking pretty good. we have some fall out there it is not terrible. we will be watching for this to develop drug the morning but we are not looking for too much in the way of fog will have to see what happens with that right now i temperatures on the michelle side, we're looking at 43 in santa rosa, 42 and napa, 45 in a bottle and pretty much upper 40's through out the rest of the bay even to the low 50s and mel of you coming in about 52 degrees. all in all is not bad. now this afternoon, we are also looking for a spare the ear of alert. the day your quality management district has issued a condition where there should be no wood burning stoves, keep it clean as possible as we continue to wait for conditions to improve. we have 60 degrees but we are expecting in oakland. we have 59 for san jose we have the mild afternoon with the upper 50s and 60s. very similar to the afternoon that we have been seen for dave. if you are in downtown san fiscal today you are looking at about 56 degrees and again sunny skies. we are actually looking for the forecast is a rather stable over the course of the next several days. of course wright through the holiday weekend we are looking for nothing but sunshine and very mild weather. be a little bit breezy tomorrow. we have some frost each one for the next several days. as for the afternoon we are looking good with plenty of sunshine really mild and dry wright through your holiday week. now want to traffic at three minutes after 5:00 p.m., good morning george. >> george: good morning james. first i want to start with a look at traffic at the bridges for you and taking a look at the ride on interstate 680. excuse me, on interstate 80, you'll see that it is a good ride with light traffic in the westbound direction. you will see that all the approaches look good with no problem for your ride as you head down on 80 west bound all of the approaches look good and so the wright coming across the upper deck of the bay bridge. checking your ride to the san mateo bridge and the commute on 92 we are trouble-free here with a 30 minute drive time in both directions with no problems. your commute to the golden gate bridge 101 south bound is still very light this morning with no problems in either direction or through marin county. we mentioned earlier the problems on the peninsula, a field accident here has tied up traffic. it has close to the exit of the exit has been reopened. the traffic is still sluggish in the southbound direction but expected to recover fairly quickly. >> mark: new this morning a major milestone for the new eastern's suspension span of the bay bridge. let us go to jackie sizzle for the details. >>reporter: good morning it seems like the milestones are coming fast and furious, the biggest one is starting this week. that is the main cable to the single suspension bridge. they will start wiring this week. is a huge deal, the cable is almost 1 mi. long. it will be one of the longest cables of any bridge ever. it will be 2 1/2 feet wide and how you get there? you wrap the wires over and over again there at least 5 mm. there will be over 17,000 of those steel wires to make up this single cable. if you put all the cables together and put the end to end, that will be almost 14,000 mi. of cable that the steel wires will make. it will make over 5,000 t when it is all said and done. the bridges over one year away from being completed. there are hoping for 2013 in the push that up just a little bit they say there may be some wiggle room there. in all, the whole project will cost over $6 billion when everything is said and done. >> mark: don't forget the closure plan making your way west bound in february on president state. >> darya: we will be back with more in just a couple of minutes, let us get a live look at the james lick freeway all is very quiet here, we will be right back. [ monica ] i'm away on a movie shoot and it hasn't been going exactly as planned. cut. cut! [ monica ] i thought we'd be on location for 3 days -- it's been 3 weeks. so i had to pick up some more things. good thing i've got the citi simplicity card. i don't get hit with a fee if i'm late with a payment... which is good because on this job, no! bigger! [ monica ] i may not be home for a while. [ male announcer ] the new citi simplicity card. no late fees. no penalty rate. no worries. no late fees. no penalty rate. >> darya: car developing story, the tension is lifting--the shifting. kim jong ill and died saturday at the age of 69 who died of heart failure while carrying out of official duties on a train trip last saturday. will it create is urgent people to rally behind his son who is in his late 20s. for he said to be a political novice because of his age and lack of experience. last year he was promoted to a four-star general that is seen as a steppingstone to take over for his father. a southern correa news agency and out that north korea conducted a short range missile test on the very day that kim jong ill's death was announced that record cannot be confirmed. there is an emergency cabinet meeting today to discuss the government's response to the death of kim jong ill south korea put its military on high alert. there remain in a state of war more than 50 years after the cold war ended. >> mark: nearly 700 victims were swept to their death by this flood. mcpherson burial of about 50 unclaimed bodies will be taking place today. many people are demanding that the body to be held until relatives can claim them. with the death toll nearing 700, there are hundreds more missing. at least three protesters have been killed in clashes with army soldiers. there are three more in the death toll at 14. it said the latest killed were killed by gunshot wounds. you can see the scene in central cairo. the clashes have been raging since friday. this serves as the epicenter of the popular uprising. the heavy-handed crackdown on these protesters are demanding that the military council step down and hand over power to the civilian government immediately. >> darya: san francisco philanthropist warren hel lmen has died. he died from complications of leukemia. for many he is best known as the founder of the hugely popular hardly strict bluegrass music festival at golden gate park. san francisco city officials renamed speedway metal and gold gate park the site of the bluegrass festival. the time now is 5:12 a.m. we will be back with more in just a couple of minutes. in >>james: the forecast will be chilly this morning, but not as cold as it will be tomorrow morning thrift temperatures will remain in the forties series '50s and '60s is afternoon with a lot of sunshine. this evening, clear and cold. cold enough that we will see valley frost. right now, the fog is out there. it is not terrible just yet. as a switch to the visibility map, if you'll see how near knapp of the civility is reduced to the most. visibility is down to under a half mile in so hot spot. we have low cloud cover. edison appealed on the mile side. here are your current temperatures. baja near fairfield is where we have really cold weather. concord is not too bad zurich otherwise, the rest of the area will see better weather. as for this afternoon, upper 50s and low 60s. here is what the expected highs look like. in much of the north bay, no vital and napa coming in at 60. tomorrow, things will be chilly in the morning. we have breezy conditions for tuesday, otherwise the rest of the week is looking mild with plenty of sunshine and 60 degree weather. >>darya: occupy protesters are speaking out against what they are calling for continued harassment. organizers say religious leaders in the movement were cited by police for setting their umbrellas on the ground in frank ogawa half of. that plaza is the side of the occupy movement encampment where today's protest will take place. we have new details this morning, san francisco plays are looking to discuss last wednesday's fatal officer involved shooting. the man was shot and killed on wednesday. officers say that he fired at them after a traffic stop as he was running away. the officers were not heard. the community meeting is being held at the northern police station at 4:00 p.m.. >>mark: still trying to get that 2 percent tax that back into americans' paychecks. house republican leaders are rejecting a bipartisan federal bill. the senate is still in washington. their bill would cut the payroll tax as well and extend jobless benefits, but the bill in the senate is only for two months. that is well short of the yearlong version. if nothing is done by the end of the year, everyone's taxes go up 2% in their paychecks. >>mark: for members of the house of representatives received discounted loans from a financial corporation. officials said that countrywide used a discount program to build relationships with public officials. countrywide is now owned by bank of america. >>darya: the pretrial hearing of the army press accused of selling u.s. secrets is continuing today. qcould >>mark: who will be right back as the kron4 news continues. here is a quick bridge check as we go to break. here is a live look at the bay bridge. light traffic this monday morning. on the san mateo bridge we have no delays or problems. here is live look at the golden gate bridge. all quiet. >>mark: the san francisco 49ers played tonight taking on the fix for steelers in a matchup of playoff teams. the 49ers are trying to compete for the by week. this dealers are hoping that roethlisberger will be able to come back from sixth cookhouse >>mark: plan on some big delays to candlestick park. there are some pre-game festivities over at candlestick park to try and get people to the game. their raiders did not help their playoff chances yesterday. they blew off a lead losing to the lions 28- 27. carson palmer threw for three and 67 yds and a touchdown. oakland fell short. they needed to midfield with time running out. here is sebastian jankowski going for a 65 yd field goal that was blocked. the raiders remain a game out of the playoffs. >>darya: episodes of the television show smith busters will not be taped at its alanine a county facility until there is a review of the show's safety measures. this comes after the crew misfired a 30 lb. cannon ball. it shot through to homes and then slammed into a car to car. the county and the crew met with people from the committee to talk about this. jeff pierce was there. >> this is the canon that sends a cannon ball through a neighborhood there roof through one home, bounced off the roof of another 10th hit this car. the zero was conducted by members of the television show smith busters. >> my concern is not that it was done safely, my concern was that it is done at all. >> we rent out our bomb range to mythbusters to generate revenue in reduced tariffs implications for the citizens. they are very generous with us, they facilitate in helping us to build things and we have a great partnership with them. >> i do not think anyone wants the financing to be the reason to continue. >>host: whether or not the television show continues using the facility-share of made one thing could carry it off as a >> we will not allow it can't be fired. >>darya: we are back with more in just a couple of minutes. here is a live look outside of san francisco harry if it is dark in clear and it will stay that way for some time. we will be right back. >>darya: detention is now shifting to the next leader of north korea now that the former leader of north korea has died. he died at the age of 69. now, the focus is on his son. north korea is urging its people to rally behind the son who is in his late 20s. he is said to be hit a political novice. many north koreans are awaiting the future of their country. i funeral is expected to be held on wednesday. in the meantime, world governments are viewing the death with a wary optimism and a possible destabilizing moment for the region but also an opportunity for a new diplomatic start. a south korean news agency announced that north korea if conducted a short-range missile tests on the debt his--on the day his death was announced. the south korean president convened an emergency cabinet meeting to discuss a response following the death. south korea is on high alert. >>mark: to read americans had fled seat tuesday. >> i am happy. i think maybe career will have new things. >> it is really dangerous how. even for the last couple of decades. this is a difficult time right now. >> we do not know about all of the generations. finny generations want to protect the power. call off debt family have heard that his son might be yes much of a tyrant. fog cahow how >>darya: a developing story out of san jose where detectives could be back on the trail of a hell's angels member accused of killing another hell's angel member. this took place while members of the motorcycle club were attending a funeral for a san jose leader that was killed in a brawl at a nevada casino. that is one police claimed steve ruiz opened fire killing stephen tausan. >>will: san jose police have been searching for him since october 15th. here is his picture. stephen ruiz. at one point they thought he could be as far away as new york or arizona. the even surrounded a home in stockton hoping that he would be inside. there could be a break in the case. there is credible evidence that he is back in the bay area but they will not go into details. >>mark: headed into christmas week, let's get an update on the forecast. call a look at the 7 day forecast. >>james: i think you'll like what you see. this is a view from the roof camera this morning. it is cloudy and mild. that will not last. tomorrow and for the next few days we're looking for valley frost. mild with afternoon sunshine. this holiday week and we're looking to be dry and mild first, let's talk about what is happening right now. temperatures are mild. this will also have some of beginning to develop our. other this is in the areas of yellow and orange, that is where half a man who mild or left mild facility. temperatures deceptive look like this year it offered 505 low 60s. possibly 60 degrees in oakland today. a lot 60s across the north bay. call here is a quick look at your 7 day around the bay. mid-upper 60s for the weekend. more on that to come. >>george: it is still a good ride around the bay area with so many people we're gone to see lighter than usual traffic. currently, we are not tracking and the hot spots. there are no major problems or delays. and about half of the place hundreds of. on the mateo bridge, highway 92, a good ride eastbound and westbound with a 13 minute drive time. the golden gate bridge, 101 northbound anise south very easy if you. the muncie as much in the northbound lanes as we had. a smooth commute in voting directions to the track on the east bay point in south bay. green on the runway sensors as well as the 580 commute. verizon on 580 looks good and in the south the internal problems. there is green on 85 through the west valley. >>mark: another milestone in the works to get the new eastern span of the bay bridge opened. jackie sissel is live with details. >>jackie: those milestones are coming fast and furious. they're going to start running the main cable for the suspension bridge this week. all and all that will have to do this for weeks and months. this thing is going to be almost a mile long. 2.5 ft. wide of the war have steel wires and it will weigh over 5,000 t when everything is said and done. if you lay all of those 17,000 cables from can shell that would be 60 percent of the earth's surface with are still looking at 2013, they may be able to push that up a little bit, but this project will cost over $6 billion when everything is said and done. >>mark: we will be right back as the kron4 news continues. >>justine: years will just crossing wires into the kron4 news room. an investment company could are investing $300 million into it twitter. this comes after months of negotiations. that company will now have a strategic stake in the sand francisco- based social media company. it is not sure how much of twitter the krenz will control or how many changes are in store. we will be right back. thank >>mark: it is 545 a and. let's talk live. this is the view from mt. tam. more pettifog and cool, but not freezing cold what we have seen in recent. how this afternoon, the clouds will give way to more sunshine. here's a look at the '50s in the '60s. this evening will cleared out and cool it down. we're looking for the possibility of frost. temperatures in the north bay are particularly mild. we have 43 in oakland, 48 in san jose. concord is coming in at 37. we have mainly 40 degree weather in the inland valleys. fairfield is the only trace close to freezing, otherwise we're doing okies. the fall is heavy in the napa valley with visibility reduced down to a quarter of a mile. mostly a half mile-1 mi. visibility with general haziness off along the delta of highway 4, towards pot pinole, 2-5 mi. visibility. otherwise we're mainly deals low clouds cover. it will give way to a lot of sun shines felt it temperatures often into the upper 50s and low 60s this afternoon. the 57-1/8 redwood city her behalf and jose area her hot >>mark: can or how >>george: nice for the much describes the can be so far this morning. we are looking at lighter than usual traffic around the bay., certainly here at the bay bridge. the westbound lot listed on the approach and across the upper deck. there are no one instructed. on this detail bridge, highway 92, a smooth and easy ride in both directions. for ride on a one-to-one out of marin county still looks good with light traffic southbound. a foot survey of traffic around of the areas starting in the east bay, we have a look at your ride on the east the freeways, we are problem free. in the south and a a well, a pretty good ride. rain county called the little ones southbound, is an easy ride from highway 37 into central santa felt. >>mark: from holiday hustled is in the full effect. this is the parking lot in emeryville. it is packed. this is one of the biggest shopping periods of the year. estimates are for the entire holiday season, sales are up could to more than $469 billion. authorities are well aware of a holocaust. they're cracking down on drivers as a part of a statewide trend driving campaigns to. in the bay area over the weekend, in san mateo county there were 21 arrests. in santa how cleared, the six people were taken into store killed and 54 injured in three separate shootings of the weekend in oakland for the of the latest half the deaths afternoon for a 2300 block of high street. on saturday night there were two people shot in the fall under the block of seventh street. fifth felice have no suspects in the shootings. >>darya: a homicide on the friday if was found inside of a home on waterbury lane. police were unable to determine if half of the death. investigators responded to the crime scene. after several hours they concluded that the man had been killed. that is foster's city's first homicide since january of 2006. >>mark: shots were fired at officers yesterday at 1:15 a.m., police arrived after receiving a tip of gunfire in the area. the approached six men. one of them all fire and police are able to rest all the suspects were covering 55. both >>mark: half will be right high as the kron4 news continues very the countdown is on to 2012 with the kron4 news light-hearted beginning at 11:30 a.m. on new year's eve. frankfurt is the only local new year's show off with gary radnich and catherine heenan. faugh fifth >>erica: it was not a good weekend for celebrity marriages. and deion sanders announced that he is divorcing his wife. it to mary back in 1999 and have to its show. the wife of kobe bryant filed for divorce on grounds that he cheated on her multiple times. the couple does not have a prenup. to read more i have a link on our facebook fan page. >>darya: sherlock holmes is facing his crowds at the box office the myriad out an image of months event at no. 2 pick. mission impossible was the no. 3 movie at the box office. >>mark: here is a live look on the favorite. we will have more coming up. >>darya: attention is shifting to a new leader in north korea. the former leader of north korea died of heart failure while carrying out duties on an official trip. now, north korea is urging people to gather and rallied behind the son who is in his late 20s. fact last year he was promoted to four-star general which was seen as a

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