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Matters would be protected from judicial review. But on the street, thousands gathered in cairo for the funeral of an activist who died during clashes last week. More protests were planned for tuesday. Late today, however, the Muslim Brotherhood decided to postpone its rally saying that it wanted to support the president after an outbreak of violence. Joining me now is a local supporter of the revolution that removed the president in art remove president mubarak from power. M do you mursi is trying to do you i is tryingdent murss to hijack the revolution . He forgets that this is not about the Muslim Brotherhood. If it were not for the power grab, we would have been out on the street saying exactly what we said today. The revolution calls for dignity, liberty and social justice. The revolution does not call for a new dictator in making, which is exactly what Muhammed Mursi is trying to do. What about the argument that he is acting like a strong man to protect the constitutional process from judges that he work, after all, appointed by president mubarak. We do have a corrupt judiciary. We did have an obstructionist prosecutor general. We have had a series of trials that have acquitted of the Police Officers and officials who were responsible for the death of marchers during the revolution. I do not fix a run by another wrong. The revolution did not call on him to be a dictator. It is also important to remember that the young man that was buried today in egypt, he was one of the made many egyptians who do not belong to muhammed m to the breslin do not belong to the Muslim Brotherhood. He wanted mohammad mercy to lead the country. He was shot in the head because of the police force. Muhammed mursi did nothing to reform the police force. The people are looking at now and saying, what are you doing to protect the revolution besides gathering for yourselves incredible power . What about what he is doing trying to do with these incredible power . Do you think he is trying to write an islamic constitution for the country . What did you think he is trying to achieve . Those who do not belong to the Muslim Brotherhood are saying about we like the fact that you will say that you will put on trial all of these officials that have been acquitted. That is good. But we do not like all of the other things you have done, including giving unity to any kind of feel to these new powers. And the cause of incredible disunity among egyptians is the constitution. Doesnt he have to stand up to the people who were in power under president mubarak . But that will not give us the kind of freedom that we want. You cannot be a dictator to gain freedom from dictatorship. What you can do is to say, trust me to do x, y, and that. He cant bring in these forces and he can bring in these forces and say, i need you to be my checks and balances. We do not have a separation of powers. The only checks and balances we have right now is the street. We have a triangle, which is the military. These people on the support have on the street have been pushed aside. The revolution will keep him honest. There will be demonstrations in the streets tomorrow. We will be following that as well. Joining me. Or now to syria where the rebel held area of the baskets claims that he of damascus claims that Government Forces bombed a playground full of children. The shell landed near a refugee camp where nearly 12,000 are living in awful conditions. Atma camp, for 12,000 people this is as far away from the war they can get. It is wet and cold, even before the winter has really set in. Sewage mixes with mud after it rains. For some, the temporary home has become permanent. They are stopped. This place sprung up overnight when people fleeing to turkey arrived at the border fence and could not go any further. The war in syria is binding on. In a typical week the the 1000 people are killed. Many more families are making the same journey only to end up here. In Northern Syria has seen some of the worst atrocities of the war. They have come through a terrible ordeal to reach atma. In this group of tents, we found survivors of one area where 110 people are said to have died there. 145yearold man lost Four Brothers one 45yearold man lost Four Brothers. Where can we go . We are being killed. We ask the world to help for our children. We must prevail. Is law must prevail. Is lamed he must prevail. Many have families in the tents. We have been here for seven months. It is the safest place we can find. But even here we are afraid we will be shelled. Turkey is reluctant to take more refugees, so a little it has got to go further. People cling to what little dignity they can, that they are despairing that anyone will bring this to an end. The misery of life for syria because the refugees as winter comes on, the conditions in camp will only get worse. Less than a week after the end of fighting between cost and israel, egyptian mediators have started talks with both sides to work on details of the ceasefire. With discussions underway, a hamas has been for the first time allowed to control the border area between israel and gaza to control the violence. Our correspondent is there. There is a high chance we would have been killed if we had tried to come here just a couple of weeks back. But the ceasefire means israel has lifted the buffer zone it had inside got up for years. Now we and how moscow and go right to the border and sand now we, and how moscow, can go right to the border and stand. It is amazing that they cant stand so close to the border with the israeli army just can stand so close to the border with the israeli army just on the other side. But that is one of the reasons they have called a victory for them. It is certainly good for the palestinians that have farmland under the watchful eye of the israelis. Suleyman has not been able to farm his land close to the border because of the israeli restrictions. It is my first day here, and i feel safe, he said. The army jeeps have been coming year without doing any harm. Before when they saw a movement here, they used to open fire. Israel wants home loss to keep the peace along the border and stop smuggling weapons into gaza. In truth, it all feels it very unlikely to last long. And still, there is morning here. Mourning here. This man has already lost his baby son and said goodbye to his brother as well it will be hard for many to ever see what happened as a victory. Remembering the dead in gaza. Today, the British Government chose mark conte, the head of central bank of canada, to become mark carney, the head of the central bank of canada to become the chief of the bank of england. Is the first time a nonbritt has become the leader. Britain is not alone in struggling through tough financial crises. Next month, the u. S. Will face another crisis that will test the ability of politicians to get things done. Barring action by congress, americans will be forced through a series of automatic tax increases and spending cuts at the end of this year. It is what is known here as falling off the fiscal cliff. Despite warnings, the global consequences and the global consequences of falling off that cliff, can washington he managed can washington manage it . Thank you for joining me. The markets are looking in america and wondering whether politicians will be able to avoid this fiscal cliff. Are things headed that way . But i think eventually they will. The good news i think eventually they will. The good news is that it is more like a fiscal beach. It is not like the debt ceiling. It is not a sudden that situation. There is a bit more flexibility. But one of the issues emerging is what the attitude of richer americans will be and whether they will accept the need to pay higher taxes. You probably read, as i did today, a very interesting oped by Warren Buffett, who points out that early in his career in the 1950s and 1960s when he was making a lot of money, the tax rate was many times higher than it is today. He is calling on rich americans to pay up. Is Warren Buffett and out liar in this respect, or will he be able to drag with him is Warren Buffett on the outside in this respect, or will he be able to drive with him others . We have seen republican lawmakers start to soften. The key is whether republican donors start to soften, too. We have seen how the rich have a particular ability to lobby for their best interests, and that has been the story in america for the past three decades. This election with a bit of a referendum on that balance of power. We will see if the president has that muscle to push that through. Interesting that you mentioned mark carney. He is a hero, in my book. As one of the governors of the bank of canada, he thought fought the powers there. Sure the discussion that america is having now focus on this issue of inequality that you have written about in your book . And will the Election Results give president obama a mandate to do just that . I think it should be part of the discussion. The argument sometimes from conservatives, and also from not just the 1 , but the 0. 1 , is, does it make sense to focus on the rich if there is not that much revenue there . Actually, i think so much money is concentrated at the top of the income distribution, there is money to be had. But equally important hit a sense of fairness. As Warren Buffett has pointed out, the fact that he pays taxes at an effective rate much lower to that much lower than that of lowerincome americans, makes it hard to look at this as a shared sacrifice. And republicans argue that the wealthy are job creators and they may not be able to stimulate the economy as much as a mite as they might. Absolutely, that is their argument and one buffett argued that this is a great opportunity and Warren Buffett argued that if there is a great opportunity, people will not turn it down because the tax rate is not lower. What we have seen in the last two or three decades is the middle class income is stagnating, even as the very top has grown. Trickledown is not working. Ameriprise to think of something else. Thank you America House to think of something else. Thank you for joining me. Several people were killed when a fire broke out alzawahiri workshop for disabled people. More than 100 firefighters were called broke out when a workshop for disabled people caught on fire. More than 100 firefighters were called to the scene. It happened in a small town in southwest germany. It was a workshop for physically disabled people at a project run by the Catholic Charity caritas. Some people were trapped and contents were made by firefighters in breathing apparatus to rescue them. It seems, the fire may have started in a storeroom. The cause is unknown. The Police Spokesman says in his workshop there are approximately 120 people employed. There are 40 people dead and several injured. The police said they did not expect the death toll to rise above 40. They spoke to the chaos as disabled people struggled to escape, many bewildered by the tragedy. There is now an investigation to discover what caused the blaze and whether it was malicious or accidental. Bbc news, berlin. You are watching bbc world news america. Still to come, breaking down barriers. We show you how science is bringing together some very unlikely law partners. Lab partners put in the spanish region of catalonia, separatists want to have a separate election. Nbc the bbcs tom burch reports. The debate quickly focused on whether this region should or could break away from the rest of spain. Even though mr. Mattes was punished at the polls, possibly for implementing plosser austerity measures here, his quest for independence is still alive. Because other proindependent party picked up more votes. But the headlines in spain today have not been flattering. It is a setback for him and he will have to rethink. Mr. Batts to me that although the catalog president is catalan president is disappointed, he will continue. He might go with a a Pro Independence parti house to be possible. Another source says there is another route no other alternative. The party might share his desire for a new, independent catalan state. But the scandal here is on the left of the politics. His coalition is on the center right. Crucially, his two parties are opposed on how to get the region out of its crisis. Despite the defiant mood of the catalan president last night, his political remover maneuvering has been complicated by these elections. In the and the parties will have a majority after this vote and the road ahead is even less certain. Abc news, barcelona. Bbc news, barcelona. Is released and iranians working side by side. Israelis and iranians working sidebyside. Yes, it may sound impossible. But scientists from across the middle east are working on an accelerator in jordan right now. Our correspondent has been given the exclusive access. A new Research Center in jordon and something almost unimaginable is taking place. A hand of friendship is offered across a violent divide. And he a palestinian side by side with an israeli. He is a scientist these are scientists that have come from across the middle east. Science is achieving what diplomacy has failed to. These researchers from countries openly hostile toward each other, even is a lot iran and israel, are happy to stand together. Theyre working on a bass instrument designed to investigate the bass instrument designed to investigate the tiny stoxx. I think it is remarkable, but it has happened. And it is because the fine to the communities in these countries have pushed for this, ignoring the political barriers. They cant possibly build bridges of trust that will help in other areas can possibly build bridges of trust that will help in other areas. It is a powerful microscope, powerful enough to see adams. There are dozens of these machines around the world. This ob the first in the middle east. And what is extraordinary in this incredibly tense region is how it has brought people together. The scientists who will use this as a dream machine include an israeli and just behind him, an iranian. It is incredible considering iran has threatened to destroy israel and israel has threatened to attack iran because of its Nuclear Program storm clouds of potential war out there between your country and iran. Here you are with an iranian scientist. Iranian scientists are not going to destroy me. Iranians and palestinians and pakistan me scientist pakistanian scientists are my friends. We do not care about the allegiance or color of your skin. The we only care about science. This project is highly sensitive, and many scientists are worried how it will be perceived back home. The iranian agreed to talk to me, provided he is alone. I asked if he was surprised at the progress so far. We have come a long way and we have good scientists and good people. It has inspired hope. We have put a lot of effort into making this machine. The scientists, they like this. The plan is to get the system working in three years time. A lot could still prevent that. Technical trouble or political trouble, but it is bringing hope to the region. It is one more small line of communication to the People Living in this region. This is why it has to work. Beside the salty waters of the dead sea, one of the great fault lines of the middle east, the countries poured in the project meet for talks. On one side iranians supporting the project meet for talks. On one side iranians, the the side israelis. But they are agreeing to be under the same roof. There reaches the arab countries the richest arab countries wont back it because israel is involved. Iran america is reluctant because iran is taking part. But the dream of a shared signs Science Center in the middle east is still alive. So far, the conflict involving israel and got that has not led to anyone pulling out. He and gaza have not led to anyone pulling out. Signs that there may be peace in the middle east. Quite an amazing story. And if you can leave the politics out of it, look at what those scientists are managing to achieve in a very volatile region. He an inspiration to politicians throughout the world. That brings todays program to a close. You can get updates at any time on our website. And if you buy to reach me or the rest of the pc team, you can find the bbc team, you can find as atwitter. Thanks for watching. Make sense of International News at bbc. Com news. Funding for this presentation was made possible by the Freeman Foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, newmans own foundation, and union bank. At union bank, our relationship managers work hard use their expertise in Global Finance to guide you through the Business Strategies and opportunities of international commerce. We put our extended Global Network to work for a wide range of companies, from Small Businesses to major corporations. What can we do for you . Bbc world news was presented by bbc world news was presented hi, neighbour today were going to visit my school for the very first time and then were going to my Doctors Office to see dr. Anna. Will you come with me . Ok, lets go is made possible in part by. The Richard King Mellon foundation. Dedicated for over sixty years to south western pennsylvanias quality of life, and competitive future. And by these pittsburg foundations. Working together to enhance and enrich the lives of children for more than seventyfive years. And by the Arthur Vining Davis foundations. Dedicated to strengthening americas future through education. Adcasting, dedicated to strengthening americas future and contributions to your pbs station, from viewers like you. N the neighbourhood and contributions to your pbs station, a Beautiful Day for a neighbour would you be mine . Could you be mine . Wont you be my neighbour . Its daniel tigers neighborhood a land of makebelieve wont you ride along with me . Ride along its daniel tigers neighborhood so much to do, so much to see wont you ride along with me . Ride along ive got lots of friends for you to meet in this land of makebelieve a friendly face on every street just waiting to greet you its a Beautiful Day in the neighbourhood a Beautiful Day for a neighbour in daniel tigers neighborhood hi neighbour come on in today im going to visit my new school. Do you go to school . Im going to see what my new school will be like. Will you come with me . Im feeling a little nervous. Ugga mugga, daniel tiger. Are you ready to go see your new school . Yes. I mean. No. No . Hmm. You know what i always say when we do something new lets talk about what well do when we do something new

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