Transcripts For KPIX CBS News Sunday Morning 20141228 : comp

Transcripts For KPIX CBS News Sunday Morning 20141228

that. susan spencer will be reporting on sunday morning cover story. >> here comes the new year. time for brand new resolutions. sooner or later the same old excuses. >> how something happened, push it aside and move on. >> this is just part of the human condition? >> absolutely. >> so, what's your excuse? ahead on "sunday morning." >> osgood: rock and roll will never guy but mic jones did have doubts a few years back. anthony mason will talk with mick jones for the record. ♪ >> foreigner is one of rock's most successful bands. but just a few years ago founder mick jones feared his career was over. >> you must feel like you've got a second life. >> yeah. i honestly never thought i'd play on stage again. >> the remarkable come back of foreigner's mick jones ahead on "sunday morning." >> osgood: then on to a star on television who is taking a star on broadway in a story about las vegas. >> i'm going to get knocked out. >> tony danza was tv sensation starring in back to back hit sitcoms. now he's one of the stars of new broadway musical, a long way from his youth in brooklyn. >> did you get in fights as a kid. >> like a game. let's go fight. >> should i hold this for you? >> we catch up with tony danza later on "sunday morning." >> that time of year we pay tribute to some of the memorable people who won't join us in to 2015. >> these are the best day of our lives. >> osgood: who blessed us with their tall it. >> you know highway to whistle don't you steve? just put your lips together and blow. >> their beauty and charm. >> osgood: we sing hail and farewell later on "sunday morning." much more. first here are the headlines for this december 28th, last sunday morning of 2014. indonesian airliner carrying 162 people is missing over the sea. details now from london. >> the information board singapore airport announcing routine arrivals and departures advised loved ones 850 to contact the airline. the seemingly innocuous message. the air asia flight departed indonesia after 5:30 a.m. bound for singapore just 40 minutes in to the flight the pilot requested a change of course to avoid clouds. that was the last contact with air traffic control. there were 162 people on board the airbus. seven crew members 17 of them children. severe thunderstorms were reported in the area at the time just before the plane went missing. they have launched search and rescue operations still no word of the plane's whereabouts. friends and family wait for news as each hour passes hope fades. it's hard to escape the feeling this is all too familiar. it's been a rough year for asian air travel. in march the disappearance of malaysian airlines flight 370 remains a perplexing mystery. four months later another malaysian plane was shot down over ukraine. this is debra patta in london c are slowing the rescue of several hundred passengers aboard ferry in greece. thousands of police officers from across the country came to queens new york yesterday for funeral of new york city mom rafael ramos one of two officers killed a week ago. among those paying respects was joe biden. >> i've spoken at too many funerals for too many peace officers. so many funerals for brave women and men who kept us safe. >> every day -- new york city's mayor who has been critical of police shootings also spoke at yesterday's service. as he did some officers turned their backs. doctors treating 90-year-old president george bush who spent at the hospital he's improved and whether he should be allowed to return home. to today's weather warm temperatures but clouds and rain expect snowy conditions and cool conditions in pacific northwest to the plains. the week ahead will bring colder weather to the east, rain for the plains states westward but the south should be sunny. >> my bad. >> excuse us. story about excuses is just ahead. >> the role of excuses in politics? >> central. absolutely central. ♪ >> osgood: a look at ways we remember 2014. >> osgood: all those res luke, what happens to them? some though are a little more excuses, our cover restore refrom susan spencer. >> navy veteran ryan sullivan got the ultimate call to duty in 2012 to introduce president obama at a speech in minnesota. >> the president of the united states of america. >> he was thrilled. his 11-year-old son tyler not so much. >> i didn't think it was going to be that fun. i didn't think it was a big deal. >> nothing boring about what happened after the speech. >> the president went around shaking people's hands he looked at me he was like, aren't you supposed to be in school? i was like yeah. he said, can i write you an execute note? he wrote down "please excuse tyler he was with me, barack obama, the president." >> makes it sound like you wept out to lunch. >> yeah. >> an 11-year-old rochester school was excused to see the president. >> overnight tyler was a star. getting hundreds of thousands of views on youtube. >> i guess i was more popular than kim kardashian was. >> this is where you keep this valuable document? >> yeah. >> really? >> yeah. >> hidden in the basement under lock and key understandably. >> you have to admit this has to be the best excuse anybody could possibly have. >> yeah. >> how many of us can get a presidential pardon and without one, what is the best way to excuse yourselves. when we, forget anniversary or sleep through a meeting or find ourselves enema's when we're supposed to be at work? >> how would you formulate a really good excuse? >> an excuse is not a lie. >> not necessarily a lie. some of the finest ones are. >> lou harry and julia make no excuses for writing their two volume complete excuses handbook. published biff division of cbs simon and shoeser. >> my favorite excuse is on my list of things to do. >> you can't argue with that. >> excuses i think work best when they're vague. on my things of list to do implies that you're working on it. >> sound familiar? excuses just seem to be part of the human condition. >> excuses sometimes try to reduce them to a single thing. try to explain how something happened. push it aside and move on. >> through the ages the most common way to do that finger pointing. something even bible characters may have tried. >> judas' mother said, he was a nice boy just fell win the wrong crowd. always way to blame other people. >> or the weather. the manager of 2011 north korean soccer team says lightning struck several players before their match. of course they played poorly. earlier this year, u.s. olympic speed skater said, it was their new uniforms that slowed them down. >> an excuse is about trying to deny, it's not my fault. don't blame me. >> freethrow fess or of the university of understand actually studies excuse making. is it effective to push blame on to other people? >> it is. a lot of evidence to suggest that it works. >> not always. >> this was a prank committed on me. my system was hacked in to. >> former congressman anthony wiener couldn't save his job. >> today i'm announcing my resignation from congress. >> from washington to hollywood excuses never seem to go out of style. charlie sheen trashed his hotel room in 2010 his publicist blamed allergic reaction to his medication. paris hilton thought the cocaine she had was chewing gum. poor ashlee simpson -- ♪ caught lip syncing on "saturday night live" tried to dance her way out of it. >> i just feel bad my dancers played the wrong song. >> sometimes an attempt to connect to the humanity of another person. to say been there. sometimes that can work. you guys understand what this is like. which doesn't explain why the prostitute was in the hotel room. >> but we're all human says former toronto mayor rob ford. >> am i an addict, no. have i tried it probably in -- >> i wish all politics were like him. >> what was i thinking when we passed that bill, i was drunk and smoking crack. >> it was unique. but politician are masters of this art. political satirist. how would you characterize the role of excuses in politics? >> central. absolutely central. >> back to the nixon administration. >> i have never heard more seen such outrageous vicious reporting. >> they began the great shift from blaming things on powers that are beyond you to blaming things on people who are beneath you, bad staff. never got to my level. >> it never got to my level. >> i like that. >> if that nails there are always those two ever popular words. >> i misspoke. >> i may have misspoken. i did misspeak. did i not mean to impugn -- >> i didn't lie. i didn't say something incredibly stupid. i didn't let my darkest thoughts. but i misspoke. what? >> what do you think makes a good political excuse? >> there are no good political excuses. >> maybe there are no good excuses at all. a cbs news poll found that 85% of us think we use too many of them. professor suggests an alternative approach, something he calls self handicapping. >> preemptive excuse. a high school student scared about a test, teacher is not very good, hasn't been doing good job explaining the material, i don't understand it. when she does badly on the test. >> that horrible teacher. yeah. because she managed expectations. >> if you fail the test or late for your meeting spend your works day shopping plan that excuse before you need it. and watch out for the accident. >> things have gotten increasingly checkable, a traffic problem? i can find out if there was a traffic problem. >> google is your enemy. >> exactly. technology has become the enemy of the excuse. >> not an issue for the lucky sullivan. what have you taught him about making excuses. >> don't make excuses. >> he's holding the best excuse ever. >> make the the best excuse ever. >> he did. >> osgood: next. the headlines of 2014. then those categories change every few months. sometimes it's drug stores, then it's hardware stores. nothing says "happy holidays" like a shovel. fortunately there's the quicksilver card from capital one. with quicksilver you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase every day. tis the season to ask... what's in your wallet? my hygienist told me that less tartar means less scraping. so i'm going pro. [ male announcer ] new crest tartar protection rinse. the only rinse that helps prevent tartar build-up and cavities. a little swishing. less scraping. yes! [ male announcer ] new crest pro-health tartar protection rinse. it helps you escape the scrape. janet? cough if you can hear me. don't even think about it. i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. yeah...but what about mike? (cough!) it works on his cough too. mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs for 12 hours. let's end this. see, we've completely remodeled the kitchen. cozy. ♪ let's go check out the pantry! ♪ it's our dunkin' dream room! amazing! one taste and you'll understand. delicious dunkin' donuts coffee. pick some up where you buy groceries. try new french roast and colombian today. >> osgood: as we come to the end of 12014 here are some of the stories we're remembering. january brought the first deaths in anti-russian protests in ukraine. those protests ultimately led to the russian invasion of crimea. and what some are calling new cold war with the united states. >> it's "the tonight show" with jay leno! >> in february -- the greatest years of my life. >> 15 million viewers watched jay leno end 22 years as host of "the tonight show." >> we are looking in to -- 'll remember march as the month that saw the disappearance of malaysia airlines flight 370 with 239 people traveling from koala lamb tour to beijing. >> in april more than 200 nigerian school girls were kidnapped by boko haram terrorists. most never to be seen again. may brought the release of army sergeant bowe bergdahl who had been held captive in afghanistan for five years. >> came up short. >> in june, house republican leader eric cantor lost his primary race to conservative david brat bringing an apparent tonight can tore's 13-year political career. basketball star lebron james left the heat in miami to return to his home state cleveland cavaliers in july. in august the shooting death of 18-year-old michael brown by a white police officer in ferguson missouri, led to protests that continue to this day. george clean he knee said yes to amal alamuddin in venice in september. while scotland said no to independence in britain. october brought the first death from ebola in the united states when liberian thomas duncan died at a dallas hospital. >> voters have given republicans control of both houses of congress. >> republicans will remember november as the month mid term elections game them control of both the house and the senate. >> today the united states of america is changing its relationship with the people of cuba. >> this is the month president obama announced re-establishment of diplomatic relationw with cuba after more than 50 years. >> osgood: coming up. how sweet it is. especially now that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. i was taking warfarin, but wondered if i kept digging could i come up with something better. my doctor told me about eliquis... for three important reasons. one, in a clinical trial, eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin. two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin. and three, unlike warfarin there's no routine blood testing. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can 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been creating chocolate for almost 20 years. >> i know, i love lucy, they make about ten hill one pieces a year. so this is serious. each piece goes through 25 steps. this is the work of patrick roger. recognized by the french government as one of the finest craftsmen in his trade. actually i hesitate to call it a trade because there's so much passion that goes in to his work >> this is also the work of patrick roger. these are made entirely of chocolate they average almost 200 pounds and they aren't meant to be eaten because even though the life cycle of chocolate can be ephemeral these statutes well -- 23 years. and yet -- >> doesn't seem to have held him back. because every member of his crew is an apprentice hoping to learn the craft from a master. it's exactly how roger began except for the fact this wasn't really what he wanted to do as kid growing up in a small town. >> at 18 he came to paris and since his father was a baker young patrick became an apprentice to a master pastry chef. except that baking didn't hold much interest for this baker's son. so the chef assigned him to create elaborate chocolate center pieces for a-list parties that was the turning point in his life. >> this isn't candy. chocolate is about seduction. they're willing to pay boxes like these range from about 30 to almost $150. even individual pieces. you can see some of his statues around paris and belgium. he draws inspiration for flavors in garden behind his workshop. like this. this is citronella. >> i don't know if i'd go that far. chocolate history probably goes back almost 4,000 years. when it was brought to europe in the 17th century it was thought to have medicinal even nutritional value maybe. also considered aphrodisiac, that one's probably closer to the truth. because for the french, chocolate is always a recipe for romance. ♪ >> osgood: just ahead. name that tune. i've smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. now...i use this. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. ♪ ♪ >> osgood: cold as ice helped to make foreigner one of the hottest bands. anthony mason talks with the man behind the band, guitar wrist mick jones. >> we first heard from foreigner in 1977. kind of came out of no where. >> when mick jones assembled the journey men of musicians three brits and three americans. ♪ and foreigner put out their very first record. >> what did you think with that album took off? >> i mean it was like being at cape canaveral. it was intense. ♪ for the next decade they rained hits down on radio. ♪ selling 80 million records. but before foreigner made mick jones famous the british born guitarist has had whole other career in france. what made you go to france? >> it was partly that attraction of wow what a cool hip place. and their sunglasses are really happening. >> as a teenager he played guitar for french pop star sylvie vartan performing on the same bill with the beatle suns and jimmy hendrix. that got him a gig with rock star johnny hallyday. the french elvis. they reunited recently at a restaurant in new york. >> why did you want him? >> because in france in that time you didn't have good guitar players. >> jones would play with him through the '60s also co-wrote some of his biggest hits. >> something like 40 songs for me. >> i was more industry just than i thought. >> jobs still wanted to proof himself in england and america. he was asked to join gary wright's band spooky tooth. >> he left me for gary wright. >> how did you feel about that? r. >> i was upset. because i liked him as a friend and i loved him as a guitar player. >> i forgive you now. >> jones would play in several bands in the '70s but nothing seemed to catch. until one night he wrote the first chords of "feels like the first time." >> and suddenly i'm thinking, my god, this song's pretty good. >> so did you have the song before you had the band? >> yeah. yeah. >> now you needed the band. >> i needed the band. >> that's how foreigner was born. but as it took off jones and lead singer lou gramm began to fight over the group's direction. did it get too competitive? >> no, it wasn't -- lou considered himself to be just more of a down and out rock sicker. >> jones says gramm thought the band's sound was getting too soft. >> especially when we got to "i wanna know what love is" although he sang it like an angel he sort of disclaimed his affection for the song. >> did that bother you? >> yeah. ♪ >> they would split in 2003. >> you know i look back at it now, i can't have been easy to work with in those days. i knew what i wanted, i was pretty domineering. >> sound like you have some regrets? >> yes i do. i mean we met last year again through the songwriters' hall of fame. >> it is my great honor to honor mick jones and lou gramm in to the songwriters hall of fame. >> jones and gramm performed together for the first time in a decade. ♪ >> we hugged. i think it both dawned on us, we did do something pretty good together. >> it meant something to you? >> oh, big time. >> for the past decade, the guitarist has been leading a new foreigner. they just released a live album. ♪ but a few years ago jones was forced to take a year off. at the time he blamed it on a heart valve problem but now admits it was more than that. >> i'd had a virtual nervous break down brought on by a bad prescribing of medication. >> jones talked about it for the first time. >> it was a very dark time for me. i literally didn't know where i was any more. >> how do you mean? >> i didn't know who i was. i honestly never thought i'd play on stage again. >> really? >> yeah. >> i lost the ability to play chords briefly. only for a couple of months. my brother brought a guitar over for me and said, you play, play guitar. play it. you're a guitarist, play the guitar. >> that must have been terrifying. >> it was tear flying how do you come back from that? >> just somehow try and hold on. >> with the help of his family, his four children and three step children, he did. and mick jones who turned 7-just yesterday, is on the road again. the jukebox hero is back. must feel pretty good to go out on stage now? >> yeah, it does. sometimes i think yeah, wow what a gift to have regained. >> osgood: suffer there's no such thing as a little flu. so why treat it like it's a little cold? there's something that works differently than over-the-counter remedies. attack the flu virus at its source with prescription tamiflu. and call your doctor right away. tamiflu is fda approved to treat the flu in people 2 weeks and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if you're pregnant, nursing, have serious health conditions, or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures confusion or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. ask your doctor about tamiflu and attack the flu virus at its source. huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know you that former pro football player ickey woods will celebrate almost anything? unh-uh. number 44... whoooo! forty-four, that's me! get some cold cuts... get some cold cuts... get some cold cuts! whooo! gimme some! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. whoo! forty-four ladies, that's me! whoo...gonna get some cold cuts today! >> osgood: faith has a pet peeve she'd like to share with us now. >> it's that time again when words that have been over used, abused or otherwise forced themselves in to our national dialogue get rewarded by landing in proper english dictionaries. you know words like chad or tweet. every year a number of groups choose their word of the year. one of them the chamber's dictionary anointed uber share and overjoyed. fact that over share can ex cysts at all is relief. because i'm afraid that our younger generation could grow up having no idea what it even means to overshare. chambers describes as being -- i conducted unscientific survey of three teenagers who may or may not be related to me about meaning of oversharing. my findings revealed nothing which told me nothing. they were hard pressed to think. they don't think they tweet they just saw a squirrel. it's beyond tmi it's not just too much information it's sharing of noninformation, breaking news about your gluten free diet. we all want to feel special. to my knowledge there are pretty much two ways to be interesting. one is to actually do interesting things, achieve the remarkable. other way to be interested. curious about the world about other people. not relentlessly about yourself. as far as i can tell both of those usually involve putting down your smart phone. to be truly curious to be humble and discreet. by the way is a word if you're under 2 look it up. like all oversharing has consequences. recent studies identify malady called text neck, the angle at which we test our phone that can cause serious permanent damage. also someone might club you with yourself fee stick. but the it limits us in our own thoughts. do we do the same favor for everyone else give them a break from our status updates. they don't actually give us status. oversharing was around when i was a youngster occurred in a diary which was a book full of paper which you wrote using a pen. you were the only one who saw it and overshared with yourself through mr. than show characters. new year's bring new hope let's hope we're over oversharing. >> osgood: read all about it. the best selling books of 2014. next. >> osgood: just you a head, hail and farewell. >> osgood: some of them made history. some were footnotes to history. some helped us to pass the time. some defined our time. we remember some of those who left us in the year 2014. robin williams touched down as if from a distant galaxy speaking a language we had never heard before. but which we instantly understood. >> catch you next week. nanu nanu. >> we held up his own fun house mirror for the rest of us, exploring not only comics possibilities but deeper truths. >> you don't know about real loss, because that only occurs when you love something more than you love yourself. >> these are the best days of our lives. >> philip seymour hoffman. >> when you are lost you are not alone. >> in performances so perfectly nuanced they seemed not performances at all. >> hello, my name is truman capote. >> osgood: but visitations and broke our hearts this year when his own fragile soul gave way. ♪ mike nichols won every award there is one in 1959 that doesn't exist. >> no matter what suggestions the sponsor makes i take 'em. >> goodbye to geoffrey holder the elegant pitch man for 7-up. but also singer, dancer, actor painter, choreographer director and costume designer. of gave us broadway's "the wiz." >> osgood: farewell to ruth robinson duccini. and to richard kiel whose enormous size got him past as the bad guy or alien monster or the soviet spy. prowling on gilligan's island. and farewell to russell johnson. >> i don't want to crush your dress. >> osgood: he played the brainy professor on the crazy island of castaways. a round of snaps for ken weatherwax who played pugsley on "the addams family" and alice on the bread bunch. and to efram zimbalist junior, who always got his man. >> i believe life is a mystery a sacred one. >> ralph waite died this year. as patriarch of the walton clan he guided his large brood through the depression days. >> good night children. >> and to you shirley temple. ♪ who buoyed american spirits during the dark depression years with your brilliant smile. then walked away from it all became a successful diplomat. shirley temple black taught us all a thing or two about life. mickey rooney tore through life. >> so nice to bring your camera and awfully nice to talk to you all. >> osgood: he did it all through 9 years. >> good night and good luck. >> same to you, old boy. >> osgood: good night and good luck mickey roone me. rob thomas loved the glitter of the oscars, he reported on them for 66 years. good night to him. to oscar de la rena who dressed hollywood's glittering stars. and in photographs that live on. lauren bacall who fell in love with you right from the start. >> you know how to whistle don't you? just put your lips together and blow. >> osgood: lauren bacall died this year at 89. her charm and her beauty intact. >> i like it here. good idea, jim. >> osgood: james garner, one smooth operator. he didn't take acting too seriously but were got add it. >> you say that every day. >> osgood: farewell to you james garner and to you james rebhorn and meshach taylor and you maximilian schell. >> no more, no less. >> osgood: eli wallach was an actor's actor. over 60 years on the stage and screen. >> i don't want to be dried. >> osgood: good night, sweet prince. >> there's no business ♪ like show business. >> osgood: and elaine stritch unabashed queen of broadway. ♪ >> osgood: polly bergen what a beautiful long run you enjoyed. >> this is my time in life. >> osgood: ruby dee your extraordinary talents on stage were inspirational. off stage husband to ossie davis. thank you for showing us all what it means to stand up for what is right. ♪ franklin mccain took his stand when he sat. >> four college freshmen, all negroes, were refused service at a lunch counter. >> there are many people who will plant the speed but never reap the harvest. and i considered myself and my colleagues those people. >> osgood: boxer rubin "hurricane" carter did not set out to become a folk hero. ♪ he served 19 years in prison for crimes he didn't commit. convictions that were overturned finally in 19 5. rubin carter died this year, a free man. james brady took a bullet meant for president ronald reagan in 1981 and crusaded for gun control the rest of his life. >> damn it don't let the vocal minority dictate your position. morally it's the right thing to do. >> osgood: stephanie kwolek was a dupont chemist who invented a fiber strong enough to stop a bullet. the kevlar vest that she made possible has saved thousands of lives. she made our world a little safer. ralph baer made our world a lot more fun. he invented the popular game, simon. and this the very first video game console which he demonstrated in 1969. you really started something ralph baer. donald stookey devised a kind of glass that could withstand heat and cold. strong enough to be used in making nose cones for missiles and also for this. the corning ware casserole dish. how many millions of dinners have we enjoyed because of that. the people we lost this year left many gifts to remember them by. designer massimo left us maps, signs and logos. elegant, spares and instantly recognizable the world over. >> this is mrs. jerrie mock. >> she left us a gift. she was housewife from columbus, ohio, who became the first woman ever to fly solo around the world in 1964. it was about time a woman did it she said. a cheer for you jerrie mock. and for you eileen ford, your ford modeling agency set the standard for beauty. >> she has to have wide set eyesa long neck, a slender body and good legs that are long, especially in proportion from the knee to the ground. >> >> osgood: alice coachman, you set the bar high. to become the first black woman ever to win olympic gold. she returned to her hometown in georgia the mayor would not shake her hand. it wasn't any problem for me, she said, because i had won the thing. george shuba reached out his hand to welcome teammate jockey robinson home on his first day with the brooklyn dodger's farm team. you has class, george. don zimmer suited up for 66 seasons as player, manager coach and advisor for 14 teams. he loved baseball with a packs that never dimmed. and jean beliveau who led his montreal canada yens to ten stanley cup championships. a great hockey player and true gentleman. tom menino was a great mayor for five consecutive terms in boston. the boston marathon bombing devastated the citizens of his beloved city. tom rose from his sick bed to speak. >> no adversity. no challenge nothing can tear down the resilience in the heart of the city and its people. >> osgood: he had a big heart. >> you're asking the wrong guy. >> osgood: tom magliozzi, had a big laugh. he was one half of click and clack the car talk guys. he left us laughing this year. >> let us turn back to page one of your story. >> sid see car your show of shows set the stage for most of the funny business that was to follow. >> tell us who this lady is. >> osgood: hats off to you. >> then my mother on the phone she says, david we're going to give him a decent burial. >> osgood: hats off to you david brenner. >> what is an indecent burial? >> being single and -- >> osgood: farewell to joan rivers, she was one funnily lady. >> my parents had a sign up on the lawn. last girl before the turnpike. >> osgood: and goodbye to don pardo who introduced us to the world's funniest people every at that time my. one was january hooks. >> and i put my hands up and i said -- >> something very important i forgot to tell you. >> osgood: goodbye to harold ramis. crazy genius behind ghost busters. and bob hoskins best known for playing second banana to a cartoon. ♪ alfred e.neuman became mad magazine ascofer boy during editor al's 0 year reign and phyllis dorothy james white joan as p.d. james. the queen of crime. the greatest mystery of all she said, is the human heart. writer nadine gordimer's books explored the mysteries of the human heart. she won nobel prize for literature in 1991. gabrielle garcia marquez wrote this book. the world he created were full of mystery and magic. his novels sold millions of copies in dozens of language. norman bridwell enchanted generations of children with his tales of clifford the big red dog. mayaing a lieu was a gifted story teller and poe. her voice rang out loud and clear. ,000. >> but if faith with courage need not be lived again. >> goodbye to boris silver who wrote jazz. and ben bradlee crusading editor of the "washington post." he and his reporters the backing to break the story of watergate. he was a great journalist. >> what did the president know and when did he know it. >> osgood: howard baker junior was a great senator who presided over the watergate hearings with integrity and fair mindedness. good friends and good journalists this year they helped us understand the world a little better. emerson stone and richard who served professional with distinction more than 40 years. >> cbs news united nations. >> >> osgood: a fierce fighter and champion of sounds. later years as prime minister, he had second thoughts calling for settlers to withdraw from gaza and for israel to pursue more diplomatic source. he died at 85. maria von trapp died at 99. the last of the skimming siblings who fled nazi-occupied austria during ward war ii. their story inspired "the sound of music." and chester nez one of the original navajo code talkers. the unbreakable military code he and his people devised help to win world war ii. a salute to you chester nez. and to you louis zamperini. he survived a plane crash and parture at the hands of the japanese. after the war he forgave his captors. >> if you mate somebody you're not hurting the person you hate you're hurting yourself. >> osgood: jeremiah denton had the courage to blink the word torture in morse code during a television interview. and thomas young soldier paralyzed in iraq who shared his own agonizing tale in a film. and died this year at 34. ♪ goodbye to pete seeger who sang out for peace for justice and for cleaner water for most of his long life. sail on, pete seeger. martin litton rode the wild rapids of the colorado river well into his '90s. thanks to him the mighty colorado moves through the grand canyon, wild and free. peter matthiessen loved the world's wild places and wrote about them with precision and beauty. joe cocker your voice was raw and beautiful. >> ♪ what would you do if i sang out of tune would you stand up and walk out on me ♪ >> osgood: you helped us get by with a little help from our friends. >> lend me your ears ♪ and i'll sing you a song. >> osgood: goodbye dear friend. ♪ and goodbye to phil everly who rode the waves of sweet harmony with his brother, don. and to dorian "doc" paskowitz who rode the ocean's waves joyfully, for most of his long life. >> so help me god part of the galaxy beyond our galaxy is in them. ♪ >> osgood: jerry goffin, your star burned bright and sweet. >> ♪ you give your love completely ♪ your words full of love and longing stay with us, in the beautiful songs you wrote. the people who left us this year gave us so much love and so much laughter, so many gifts to remember them by that we can scarcely count them all. but we do think of them all and thank them all for gracing us with our presence and making our world a little brighter for their being here. >> ♪ will you still love me tomorrow ♪ my doctor told me about stelara®. it helps keep my skin clearer. with only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses... ... stelara® helps me be in season. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. some serious infections require hospitalization. before starting stelara®... ...your doctor should test for tuberculosis. stelara® may increase your risk of cancer. always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection, have had cancer, or if you develop any new skin growths. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. alert your doctor of 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[coughing] dave, i'm sorry to interrupt... i gotta take a sick day tomorrow. dads don't take sick days, dads take nyquil. the nighttime, sniffling sneezing, coughing aching, fever, best sleep with a cold medicine. patented sonic technology with up to 27% more brush movements. get healthier gums in two weeks. innovation and you philips sonicare save when you give philips sonicare this holiday season. oh, i love game night. ooh, it's a house and a car! so far, you're horrible at this, flo. yeah, no talent for drawing, flo. house! car! oh, raise the roof! no one? remember when we used to raise the roof, diane? oh, quiet, richard i'm trying to make sense of flo's terrible drawing. i'll draw the pants off that thing. oh, oh, hats on hamburgers! dancing! drive-in movie theater! home and auto. lamp! squares. stupid, dumb. lines. [ alarm rings ] no! home and auto bundle from progressive. saves you money. yay, game night, so much fun. >> osgood: tony danza in the hit sitcom "who's the boss" what's he been up to in the decades next. gayle king has our sunday profile. >> throughout the 1980s tony danza was a tv sensation. starring in back to back hit sitcoms, first "taxi". >> picking up total strangers isn't comparablely -- >> then "who's the boss." >> there must be a mistake. i'm mr. good mom. >> but for dan saw his love has been singing and dancing. even taking a spin as max bialystock on broadway. wered him a coveted caricature at new york's legendary theater district restaurant sardi's. >> that is cool. ♪ >> now at 63, danza's one of the stars of broadway's new musical "honeymoon in vegas." >> it gives me a conditions to sing and to dance and to act and to do a little nefarious be funny all in one part. this is incredible. >> based on the 1992 movie about a love triangle starring nicholas cage, sarah jessica parker and james caan. vegas power broker. >> let's see if i can remember it. >> on broadway dan is in the role of tommy who wants to win the heart of jack's fiance. ♪ >> danza says he became sold on the project when he met with the composure. >> he showed me this little bit of a verse of a song called "out of the sun" which is one of my character's song. the verse is when we're young we think that we're invincible. >> danza was born raised anthony slvatore iadanz in brooklyn. did you get in a lot of fights at a kid? were you a bad kid? >> i was a good kid. but i got in a lot of fights. because in the neighborhood i grew up in that was equated with bad behavior. we fought like it was a game. >> his family moved to long island when tony was 14. he performed in theater productions and went on to the university of dubuque in iowa where he earned a degree in history. he also married and had a son. you had mark. >> he was born when i was 19. he grew up great in spite of me. >> still a fighter at heart tony turned to boxing. and with it came a new identity. >> there is tough tony danza. >> i had a manager who suggested that on the poster it would look better if it said tough tony danza in said of tony iadanza. >> murderous puncher. >> he hits the bag every day at the fitness club. >> street that the best you can do? >> that's it. >> in fact danza was discovered in 1977 while boxing at a gym in brooklyn. >> a guy walks in to the gym. he's a producer, asked me if i ever thought about being on tv. i read for him. >> had you thought about being on tv? >> i think everybody thinks about being on tv to some degree. i was going to be champion of the world. i had thought i had discovered what i was supposed to do. >> instead he played an aspiring boxer on "taxi." >> it was originally written for an irish heavy weight. they made italian middle weight. producer came down said, tony, change the name to phil banta to tony banta. i realize the it was reflex of my acting ability they were afraid i wouldn't answer to phil. >> just a tower around my neck. in this corner holiday inn. >> "taxi" ran for five years. afterwards he played tony in "who's the boss" housekeeper and single dad. >> i thought i could be funny doing it. >> how many jobs have you had as a housekeeper? >> one if i get this. >> the show lasted eight years. but danza's career has not always come easily. >> you look at the first 13 years of my career i get everything. i walk in, boom, they give it to me. next 15, what's your name? you have those ups and down. >> he remarried has two daughters. katie and emily. that marriage also ended in divorce. >> i'm really proud that you've never heard a thing about my kids, you know what i mean? >> now says he enjoys his idea of the good life. >> how do you handle the fame? >> the perfect amount of fame in new york city. only two times you want to be celebrity. really, in the world. is a restaurant and a hot. that's really it. a table or a bed. that's it. okay? >> for decades tony danza has been enterry inning us turns out that is really what he wanted all along. you used to want to be the champion of the world. >> yes. >> today what's your dream? >> i've had 'em. you know what it reminds me of. the great line in taxi. >> happiness is hard to come by in this life. you've given me more than my share and i feel like i certainly had more than my share. pretty lucky. >> i'm going to let you have it. >> osgood: next. just the ticket. especially now that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. i was taking warfarin, but wondered if i kept digging could i come up with something better. my doctor told me about eliquis... for three important reasons. one, in a clinical trial, eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin. two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin. and three, unlike warfarin there's no routine blood testing. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. those three important reasons are why eliquis is a better find for me. ask your doctor today if eliquis is right for you. janet? 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(cough!) it works on his cough too. mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs for 12 hours. let's end this. >> six, five, four, three, two -- ♪ we're singin', we're singin' ♪ ♪ i found a happy place ♪ ♪ a rather happy place ♪ ♪ i'm singin', i'm singin' ♪ ♪ ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪ ♪ i found a happy place ♪ [ female announcer ] with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts, skim milk, and cocoa there's a whole lot of happy in every jar of nutella. spread the happy. >> they call themselves the guardians of the galaxy. ♪ >> osgood: on subject of movies sony's controversial movie "the interview" is selling out small number of theaters this weekend. north korea now charging that president obama himself is behind the release of the movie. ben tracy has latest on the film and the flap. >> is that real? >> it was a gift to my grandfather. >> nobody is calling "the interview" a triumph of film making. in fact reeves have been down right rotten. but somehow this past week going to see a low-brow comedy became a high form of pat riotism. an actor named frank cowas being mentioned in the same sentence with a founding father named franklin. >> i just wanted to support freedom of speech, you know, being able to watch a movie in america is one of the things that we enjoy. >> no other country should tell us what to do, that's it. >> hello north korea. >> assumes of us know now now the film's fictional plot involves a plot to assassinate north korea's leader kim jong un. rogen made surprise appearance at a midnight screening christmas eve in los angeles to say thank to you movie goers who brushed off threats of terrorism and didn't seem to mind his colorful vocabulary. >> without theaters like this and people like this this literally would not be [bleep] happening. >> but did it happen at movie houses across the country. the mania over the movie seems to have trumped the larger issue. the fbi blames north korea for the devastating cyber-attack on sony pictures that revealed embarrassing e-mails sent by executives along with salary data. the studio found itself in a new firestorm of negative publicity from no less than the president himself for cancelling the release of the movie. >> i wish they had spoken to me first. i would have told them, do not get in to pattern which you're intimidated by these kinds of criminals. >> andrew is co-editor in chief is hollywood trade publication. >> the leaked e-mails have impacted the relationship with major stars major people behind the camera. and going to take a lot of work new leadership. >> it cost $80 million to make. but now perhaps all the publicity the studio didn't pay for will eventually pay off. >> osgood: ben tracy. now to major garrett in washington for look at what's on tap this morning on "face the nation." good morning major. >> good morning, the latest on what happened air asia flight with our aviation expert, new york city police commissioner will talk about plate tactics and race in that city update on the global ebola czar. >> osgood: we'll be watching. and next week here on "sunday morning." >> that is mayonnaise sandwiches. >> osgood: talks with jennifer aniston. is a really big deal. with aches, fever and chills- there's no such thing as a little flu. so why treat it like it's a little cold? 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don't wait ask your doctor about spiriva handihaler. captioning made possible by johnson & johnson where quality products for the american family have been a tradition for generations captioned by media access group at wgbh and and good morning. it is 7:30 on the last sunday morning of 2014. i didn't think of it that way. >> it is. >> and thanks for joining us today. we begin with a plane full of people missing. we are going on 16 hours since it lost contact with ground control. it is an air asia plane carrying 162 people including 155 passengers and 7 crew members. now just before communication was lost the pilot apparently asked controllers for a new flight plan because of

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