Transcripts For KPIX CBS Morning News 20160520 : comparemela

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Morning News 20160520

hundreds of passengers missed their flights. kris van kleave reports. >> reporter: growing flyer frustration made for tense moments at chicago's midway airport. >> you're walking to the back of the line where you belong -- >> reporter: across town at o'hare, passenger sarah king felt differently. >> it can be tedious and bothersome, but i know it's for our safety and protection. >> reporter: with concerns the egyptair crash could be an act of terrorism, the transportation security administration is caught between the need to thoroughly screen passengers and baggage and to get flyers through checkpoints in a timely manner, all while handling a surging number of flyers and staffing shortage. >> it's a difficult balance between efficiency and customer service and security. >> reporter: tsa spokesman mark howell says the agency is monitoring the egyptair investigation. >> there's a reason we do what we do, okay. why do you have to take your shoes off? we've had instances of -- the shoe bomber, okay. liquids, the liquid restriction is based in real-life incidents. so as things happen in the world and as threats evolve, the organization kind of has to evolve with. it. >> reporter: following the metrojet bombings and isis attacks in paris and brussels, the tsa has increased screenings of airport workers, checked luggage, and karg no addition to extra scrutiny of passengers and carry-ons. in chicago, fbi director james comey -- >> the lines are an enormous pain. please know the lines reflect a commitment in this country to make air travel safe. air travel in the united states, as against the terrorist threat is, far, far safer than it was 15 years ago. >> that was kris van kleave reporting. coming up on "cbs this morning," analysis of the egyptair crash from former fbi assistant director john miller. the reactions to the egyptair disaster shows the th. >> reporter: presidential candidates weigh in on the egyptair disaster. donald trump is blaming the crash on terrorists. he tweeted, "when will we get tough, smart, and vigilant? great hate and sickness." hillary clinton said that the egyptair flight shows we need to work with allies to keep america safe. >> with a flight coming from paris, our biggest concern is what's going on in europe. >> reporter: clinton says trump isn't qualified to be president and says his controversial comment hurt america's ability to fight terrorists. >> we have seen how donald trump is being used to essentially be a recruiter for more people to join the cause of terrorism. >> reporter: a new cbs news poll shows clinton with a six-point lead over trump. clinton also says she will be the democratic nominee. she and her supporters are calling on all democrats to unite to defeat trump. >> we've had 13 million votes cast for hillary clinton and ten million for bernie sanders. it's time those 23 million come together and convince the rest of the country to follow suit. >> reporter: tensions between clinton and bernie sanders supporters boiled over last weekend in nevada, and sanders says he'll fight for the nomination until the end. >> if the democrats want the strongest candidate to go out and defeat trump as we must have, i think bernie sanders is that candidate. >> reporter: about half of democratic voters in the cbs news poll say the party is divided. craig boswell, the white house. this morning, skrbs remembering legendary newsman morely safer. morely died thursday of pneumonia, a week after announcing his retirement. the "60 minutes" correspondent spent half a century reporting from around the world from war zones to art shows. morely safer covered the world for over half a century, and he did it in a way that not only touched lives, it actually changed them. his reporting from vietnam helped shift the way america thought about the war. >> just as the medevac came in, the boy died. he was 17. >> reporter: in 1965, he showed u.s. marines burning down a village, sending terrified slichs running from their homes. >> morely safer, cbs news, near the village of camni. >> reporter: it was a new way of covering war -- realistic and marshall mcpe-- and bleak. he joined "60 minutes" in 1970. >> did you ever hold up anyone? >> no, sir. >> reporter: in 1983, his report on lionel jeter became one of the proudest moments. safer and his team uncovered new evidence showing jeter had been wrongly convted of armed robbery in texas. it led to jeter's release from a life sentence. safer also had a flair for the lighter side. he traveled the world covering everything from the tango craze in finland to the british passion for gardening. he documented good food, fine wine, great cars -- >> awful puns. >> reporter: in one of "60 minutes" most popular shows, he interviewed the muppets. >> i thought this was a high-class show. >> reporter: he took on the art world twice. first in the '90s when he questioned the value of modern art. >> it's a white rectangle. >> right. >> reporter: again in 2012. >> the cute, the clumsy, and the incomprehensible. >> reporter: safer was himself an artist. >> room service closes, safer begins. >> reporter: he carried art supplies when he traveled and spent his sleepless hours painting his many hotel rooms. over his many years with "60 minutes," safer picked up the most prestigious awards in journalism. for a man who enjoyed telling stories, he always said there was no better job than the one he had. he did it well. coming up on the "cbs morning news," terror targets. how terrorist groups over the years often look to attack airplanes. later, san francisco's police chief residents amid racial tensions and a string of officer shootings. this is the "cbs morning news." see me. see me. don't stare at me. see me. see me. see me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. i'm not contagious. see me to know that... ...i won't stop until i find what works. discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75% skin clearance at 3 months. while the majority saw 90% clearance. do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur... ...tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms... ...such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. see me. see me. see me. on my way. find clear skin... and a clearer path forward. for a different kind of medicine, ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. msame time tomorrow, fellas!? new dr. scholl's stimulating step insoles. they massage key pressure points with each step, for all day comfort that keeps you feeling more energized. dude's got skills. new dr. scholl's stimulating step insoles. introducing oikos crunch. greek nonfat yogurt with delicious crunchy toppings like chocolate and peanut butter chips. crunched it! new oikos crunch. be unstoppable. britta olsen is my patient. i spend long hours with her checking her heart rate, administering her medication, and just making her comfortable. one night britta told me about a tradition in denmark, "when a person dies," she said, "someone must open the window so the soul can depart." i smiled and squeezed her hand. "not tonight, britta. not tonight." [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson. [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, >> officials note it's too early to rule out any possibility. the leading suspect in the paris terror attacks faces a french judge for the first time today. salah abdeslam was transferred from a high-security prison to a paris courthouse this morning. he was extradited by belgium after he was captured there in march. the attacks in november by islamic militants killed 130 people. confederate flag from flag poles at federal veterans cemeteries. it blocks the displays of stars and bars over mass graves, not individual ones. still to come, patriotic grumble. the nfl pays back hundreds of thousands of dollars in tax money used for mary tributes during football games. sfx: streeeeeetch...thwang! sfx: smack! flock together, and let the fun fly! because angry birds are coming to mcdonald's. how ya doin'? isn't that cool? now you can order, scan and unlock in game rewards based on "the angry birds movie," rated pg only in theaters. ugh! the door, why didn't we think of that? late friday and early saturday... and take 50 to 60% off swimwear for the family... 40 to 60% off sandals for the family... and 50 to 55% off sonoma decor and outdoor furniture. everyone gets kohl's cash too! kohl's. here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. ♪ there is a massive froezen food this morning. it involves millions of packages of fruits and vegetables that may be contaminated with listeria. they were sthoipd stores all -- shipped to stores all over the u.s. from crf frozen foods in washington state and sold under 42 separate brands. the products date back to 2014 and were sold in stores including costco, target, trader joe's, and safeway. on the cbs "money watch" now, the nfl pays back money for so-called paid patriotism, and air bnb is sued for racial discrimination. jill wagner is at the new york wi stock exchange with that and more. >> reporter: good morning. here on wall street it is all about the fed. stocks finished lower on talks that the fed will raise interest rates next months. the dow dropped 91. the s&p lost 7. the nasdaq finished 26 points lower. the national football league is returning more than $700,000 to u.s. taxpayers. the so-called patriotism funds were paid to nfl teams by the pentagon to honor american soldiers at nfl games. the money was mistakenly applied to appreciation events. congress has since stopped the practice. major league baseball, the national hockey league, nba, and major league soccer may also have received funds. air bnb, the website to rent housing is, being sued for racial discrimination. a virginia man who is black claims that his attempt to rent in philadelphia was rejected when he used his real profile which showed his picture. but when he used two fake profiles, he was accepted by the same owner who originally rejected him. he contacted air bnb, but according to him, the company did not respond for months. gap is closing 75 old navy and banana republic stores, most of them in japan. in the first quarter, gap earn good $3.5 billion in revenue. that is in line with what analysts expected. company officials say they still need to streamline operations for long-term growth. and apple stores are getting a makeover. apple's started to roll out its new look. 20% of the new store space is an open forum area where customer learn about new products. anne-marie? >> thanks a lot, jill. coming up, remembering morely safer. "late show" host stephen colbert shares a funny moment with the "60 minutes" legend. [music] no, no, no, no, people are both soft and strong... yey! which is why our products are too. angel soft. think fixing your windshield is a big hassle? not with safelite. this family needed their windshield replaced but they're daughters heart was set on going to the zoo. so guess what, i met them at the zoo. service that fits your schedule. that's another safelite advantage. ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ takes over the san francisco police department. but, wil help ease tension between residents and cops? plus, state lawmakers taking precautions... to make sure drones don't end up in the g place at the wrong time. what that means for drone enthusiasts locally. and wreckage from egyptair flight 804 has been found. security experts weigh in on what may have happened to t plane. join us for kpix 5 news this morning... beginning at 4:3 good morning. it's friday, may 20th. ,,,, here's a look at the forecast in cities around the country. ♪ remembering legendary "60 minutes" correspondent morely safer. and that includes "late show" host stephen colbert who remembered a time when morely stepped in to give "the colbert" report something extra. >> we did guitar-megeddon, a shreddoff. and we needed to make the show importa important. we needed to give it the gravitas it deserved. morely safer did the opening to the show as only morely safer could. >> i'm morely safer. if there's one passion in this country, it is music. the universal language. if there's one man who inspires passion, it is stephen colbert, a sunburst of emotion in a time darkened by reason. in november, 2016, these forces collided sending shock waves through the american public and dividing a nation. it began as a green screen challenge. it evolved into something far more significant -- a guitar solo challenge, a battle of titans. tonight, america's last hero, stephen colbert, faces off against rising indy music outfit the decemberists. who will rock the nation, and who will kneel before the rasputin of riffs? tune in, two chances to show the world who is the socrates of shred. that story and andy rooney coming up. [ applause ] >> the great morely safer, everybody. good night. >> great to see another side of morely safer. coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," more on morely safer and his distinguished career. i'm anne-marie green. this is the "cbs morning news." the world must join in one common goal. to protect our greatest resource. our pancakes. denny's red, white and blue slam is here and so is independence day: resurgence. denny's. welcome to america's diner. in theaters, june 24th. introducing the fusion of exceptional taste with the benefits of our probiotic yogurt. new activia fruit fusion, with the exclusive probiotic bifidus regularis. delicious and good for you. new activia fruit fusion. i'vand i'm doing just fine. allergies. claritin provides 24-hour relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 allergens. yeah, over 200 allergens! with claritin my allergies don't come between me and victory. live claritin clear. a new cbs news poll shows clinton with a six-point lead over trump in a general election match-up. a new government report finds your neighborhood pool may not be as safe as you think. chris martinez has more. >> reporter: it's a common sight in southern california as the weather warms. swimmers packing public pools to cool off. >> when i'm going in, i think, of course, is it clean, is it not clean. >> reporter: turns out that's a very real concern. a new cdc report reveals thousands of public pools, hottubs, and water playgrounds are shut down every year because of serious health and safety violations. the cdc reviewed inspection reports of nearly 50,000 public pools and found one in eight inspections resulted in an immediate closure. the majority of closures were from kiddie pools, with one in five shut down upon inspection. among the most common violations -- bacteria in the water and improper p.h. levels. >> p.h. is important because it determines how effective disineffectants like chlorine and bromine are at killing germs and determines how comfortable swimmers are in the water. >> reporter: officials say swimmers should do their own inspections at public and private pools to avoid common risks. the cdc suggests using test strips to check a pool's p.h. levels, and look for proper safety measures. >> check figure there's a lifeguard, and if there is no lifeguard, if there's safety equipment available to rescue anyone and prevent drowning. >> reporter: experts say a quick self-inspection could help keep "cbs morning news" for this friday. thank you for watching. i'm anne-marie green. have a great day. ,,,, your realtime captioner is linda marie macdonald. good morning, everyone. it is friday, yay, friday. >> whoo! >> may 20. i know, wahoo! and look at that. the flags flying in the wind out there. gosh, it looks very windy, doesn't it? >> windy the last couple of days. >> good morning. i'm michelle griego. >> i'm kenny choi. time now 4:30. roberta, wind, wind and wind, debris all over the place. >> we had winds over 50 miles per hour yesterday afternoon into the evening hours and they continue again this morning. it is a forecast that will blow you away. good morning. rise and shine. currently, temperatures 40s, 50s 61 degrees in san rafael. the story is the winds. winds are now out of the west up to 24 miles an hour in oakland. 17 in fairfield. we'll talk about the winds and how long it will last coming up and how it will affect your weekend. but meanwhile, company temperatures today in the 50s and 60s up to 70 degrees. full forecast in a matter of minutes. but let's bring in, first, elizabeth wenger! >> all right. on a frid

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Vietnam , Republic Of , New York , United States , Japan , Nevada , Paris , France General , France , Oakland , California , Texas , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Washington , Sonoma , Virginia , Brussels , Bruxelles Capitale , Belgium , San Francisco , United Kingdom , Denmark , Finland , Greece , Chicago , Illinois , America , French , British , Greek , American , Stephen Colbert , Lionel Jeter , Chris Martinez , Andy Rooney , Sarah King , Britta Olsen , Michelle Griego , James Comey , Elizabeth Wenger , Kenny Choi , Craig Boswell , Linda Marie Macdonald , John Miller , Hillary Clinton , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Morning News 20160520 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Morning News 20160520

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hundreds of passengers missed their flights. kris van kleave reports. >> reporter: growing flyer frustration made for tense moments at chicago's midway airport. >> you're walking to the back of the line where you belong -- >> reporter: across town at o'hare, passenger sarah king felt differently. >> it can be tedious and bothersome, but i know it's for our safety and protection. >> reporter: with concerns the egyptair crash could be an act of terrorism, the transportation security administration is caught between the need to thoroughly screen passengers and baggage and to get flyers through checkpoints in a timely manner, all while handling a surging number of flyers and staffing shortage. >> it's a difficult balance between efficiency and customer service and security. >> reporter: tsa spokesman mark howell says the agency is monitoring the egyptair investigation. >> there's a reason we do what we do, okay. why do you have to take your shoes off? we've had instances of -- the shoe bomber, okay. liquids, the liquid restriction is based in real-life incidents. so as things happen in the world and as threats evolve, the organization kind of has to evolve with. it. >> reporter: following the metrojet bombings and isis attacks in paris and brussels, the tsa has increased screenings of airport workers, checked luggage, and karg no addition to extra scrutiny of passengers and carry-ons. in chicago, fbi director james comey -- >> the lines are an enormous pain. please know the lines reflect a commitment in this country to make air travel safe. air travel in the united states, as against the terrorist threat is, far, far safer than it was 15 years ago. >> that was kris van kleave reporting. coming up on "cbs this morning," analysis of the egyptair crash from former fbi assistant director john miller. the reactions to the egyptair disaster shows the th. >> reporter: presidential candidates weigh in on the egyptair disaster. donald trump is blaming the crash on terrorists. he tweeted, "when will we get tough, smart, and vigilant? great hate and sickness." hillary clinton said that the egyptair flight shows we need to work with allies to keep america safe. >> with a flight coming from paris, our biggest concern is what's going on in europe. >> reporter: clinton says trump isn't qualified to be president and says his controversial comment hurt america's ability to fight terrorists. >> we have seen how donald trump is being used to essentially be a recruiter for more people to join the cause of terrorism. >> reporter: a new cbs news poll shows clinton with a six-point lead over trump. clinton also says she will be the democratic nominee. she and her supporters are calling on all democrats to unite to defeat trump. >> we've had 13 million votes cast for hillary clinton and ten million for bernie sanders. it's time those 23 million come together and convince the rest of the country to follow suit. >> reporter: tensions between clinton and bernie sanders supporters boiled over last weekend in nevada, and sanders says he'll fight for the nomination until the end. >> if the democrats want the strongest candidate to go out and defeat trump as we must have, i think bernie sanders is that candidate. >> reporter: about half of democratic voters in the cbs news poll say the party is divided. craig boswell, the white house. this morning, skrbs remembering legendary newsman morely safer. morely died thursday of pneumonia, a week after announcing his retirement. the "60 minutes" correspondent spent half a century reporting from around the world from war zones to art shows. morely safer covered the world for over half a century, and he did it in a way that not only touched lives, it actually changed them. his reporting from vietnam helped shift the way america thought about the war. >> just as the medevac came in, the boy died. he was 17. >> reporter: in 1965, he showed u.s. marines burning down a village, sending terrified slichs running from their homes. >> morely safer, cbs news, near the village of camni. >> reporter: it was a new way of covering war -- realistic and marshall mcpe-- and bleak. he joined "60 minutes" in 1970. >> did you ever hold up anyone? >> no, sir. >> reporter: in 1983, his report on lionel jeter became one of the proudest moments. safer and his team uncovered new evidence showing jeter had been wrongly convted of armed robbery in texas. it led to jeter's release from a life sentence. safer also had a flair for the lighter side. he traveled the world covering everything from the tango craze in finland to the british passion for gardening. he documented good food, fine wine, great cars -- >> awful puns. >> reporter: in one of "60 minutes" most popular shows, he interviewed the muppets. >> i thought this was a high-class show. >> reporter: he took on the art world twice. first in the '90s when he questioned the value of modern art. >> it's a white rectangle. >> right. >> reporter: again in 2012. >> the cute, the clumsy, and the incomprehensible. >> reporter: safer was himself an artist. >> room service closes, safer begins. >> reporter: he carried art supplies when he traveled and spent his sleepless hours painting his many hotel rooms. over his many years with "60 minutes," safer picked up the most prestigious awards in journalism. for a man who enjoyed telling stories, he always said there was no better job than the one he had. he did it well. coming up on the "cbs morning news," terror targets. how terrorist groups over the years often look to attack airplanes. later, san francisco's police chief residents amid racial tensions and a string of officer shootings. this is the "cbs morning news." see me. see me. don't stare at me. see me. see me. see me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. i'm not contagious. see me to know that... ...i won't stop until i find what works. discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75% skin clearance at 3 months. while the majority saw 90% clearance. do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur... ...tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms... ...such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. see me. see me. see me. on my way. find clear skin... and a clearer path forward. for a different kind of medicine, ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. msame time tomorrow, fellas!? new dr. scholl's stimulating step insoles. they massage key pressure points with each step, for all day comfort that keeps you feeling more energized. dude's got skills. new dr. scholl's stimulating step insoles. introducing oikos crunch. greek nonfat yogurt with delicious crunchy toppings like chocolate and peanut butter chips. crunched it! new oikos crunch. be unstoppable. britta olsen is my patient. i spend long hours with her checking her heart rate, administering her medication, and just making her comfortable. one night britta told me about a tradition in denmark, "when a person dies," she said, "someone must open the window so the soul can depart." i smiled and squeezed her hand. "not tonight, britta. not tonight." [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson. [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, >> officials note it's too early to rule out any possibility. the leading suspect in the paris terror attacks faces a french judge for the first time today. salah abdeslam was transferred from a high-security prison to a paris courthouse this morning. he was extradited by belgium after he was captured there in march. the attacks in november by islamic militants killed 130 people. confederate flag from flag poles at federal veterans cemeteries. it blocks the displays of stars and bars over mass graves, not individual ones. still to come, patriotic grumble. the nfl pays back hundreds of thousands of dollars in tax money used for mary tributes during football games. sfx: streeeeeetch...thwang! sfx: smack! flock together, and let the fun fly! because angry birds are coming to mcdonald's. how ya doin'? isn't that cool? now you can order, scan and unlock in game rewards based on "the angry birds movie," rated pg only in theaters. ugh! the door, why didn't we think of that? late friday and early saturday... and take 50 to 60% off swimwear for the family... 40 to 60% off sandals for the family... and 50 to 55% off sonoma decor and outdoor furniture. everyone gets kohl's cash too! kohl's. here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. ♪ there is a massive froezen food this morning. it involves millions of packages of fruits and vegetables that may be contaminated with listeria. they were sthoipd stores all -- shipped to stores all over the u.s. from crf frozen foods in washington state and sold under 42 separate brands. the products date back to 2014 and were sold in stores including costco, target, trader joe's, and safeway. on the cbs "money watch" now, the nfl pays back money for so-called paid patriotism, and air bnb is sued for racial discrimination. jill wagner is at the new york wi stock exchange with that and more. >> reporter: good morning. here on wall street it is all about the fed. stocks finished lower on talks that the fed will raise interest rates next months. the dow dropped 91. the s&p lost 7. the nasdaq finished 26 points lower. the national football league is returning more than $700,000 to u.s. taxpayers. the so-called patriotism funds were paid to nfl teams by the pentagon to honor american soldiers at nfl games. the money was mistakenly applied to appreciation events. congress has since stopped the practice. major league baseball, the national hockey league, nba, and major league soccer may also have received funds. air bnb, the website to rent housing is, being sued for racial discrimination. a virginia man who is black claims that his attempt to rent in philadelphia was rejected when he used his real profile which showed his picture. but when he used two fake profiles, he was accepted by the same owner who originally rejected him. he contacted air bnb, but according to him, the company did not respond for months. gap is closing 75 old navy and banana republic stores, most of them in japan. in the first quarter, gap earn good $3.5 billion in revenue. that is in line with what analysts expected. company officials say they still need to streamline operations for long-term growth. and apple stores are getting a makeover. apple's started to roll out its new look. 20% of the new store space is an open forum area where customer learn about new products. anne-marie? >> thanks a lot, jill. coming up, remembering morely safer. "late show" host stephen colbert shares a funny moment with the "60 minutes" legend. [music] no, no, no, no, people are both soft and strong... yey! which is why our products are too. angel soft. think fixing your windshield is a big hassle? not with safelite. this family needed their windshield replaced but they're daughters heart was set on going to the zoo. so guess what, i met them at the zoo. service that fits your schedule. that's another safelite advantage. ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ takes over the san francisco police department. but, wil help ease tension between residents and cops? plus, state lawmakers taking precautions... to make sure drones don't end up in the g place at the wrong time. what that means for drone enthusiasts locally. and wreckage from egyptair flight 804 has been found. security experts weigh in on what may have happened to t plane. join us for kpix 5 news this morning... beginning at 4:3 good morning. it's friday, may 20th. ,,,, here's a look at the forecast in cities around the country. ♪ remembering legendary "60 minutes" correspondent morely safer. and that includes "late show" host stephen colbert who remembered a time when morely stepped in to give "the colbert" report something extra. >> we did guitar-megeddon, a shreddoff. and we needed to make the show importa important. we needed to give it the gravitas it deserved. morely safer did the opening to the show as only morely safer could. >> i'm morely safer. if there's one passion in this country, it is music. the universal language. if there's one man who inspires passion, it is stephen colbert, a sunburst of emotion in a time darkened by reason. in november, 2016, these forces collided sending shock waves through the american public and dividing a nation. it began as a green screen challenge. it evolved into something far more significant -- a guitar solo challenge, a battle of titans. tonight, america's last hero, stephen colbert, faces off against rising indy music outfit the decemberists. who will rock the nation, and who will kneel before the rasputin of riffs? tune in, two chances to show the world who is the socrates of shred. that story and andy rooney coming up. [ applause ] >> the great morely safer, everybody. good night. >> great to see another side of morely safer. coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," more on morely safer and his distinguished career. i'm anne-marie green. this is the "cbs morning news." the world must join in one common goal. to protect our greatest resource. our pancakes. denny's red, white and blue slam is here and so is independence day: resurgence. denny's. welcome to america's diner. in theaters, june 24th. introducing the fusion of exceptional taste with the benefits of our probiotic yogurt. new activia fruit fusion, with the exclusive probiotic bifidus regularis. delicious and good for you. new activia fruit fusion. i'vand i'm doing just fine. allergies. claritin provides 24-hour relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 allergens. yeah, over 200 allergens! with claritin my allergies don't come between me and victory. live claritin clear. a new cbs news poll shows clinton with a six-point lead over trump in a general election match-up. a new government report finds your neighborhood pool may not be as safe as you think. chris martinez has more. >> reporter: it's a common sight in southern california as the weather warms. swimmers packing public pools to cool off. >> when i'm going in, i think, of course, is it clean, is it not clean. >> reporter: turns out that's a very real concern. a new cdc report reveals thousands of public pools, hottubs, and water playgrounds are shut down every year because of serious health and safety violations. the cdc reviewed inspection reports of nearly 50,000 public pools and found one in eight inspections resulted in an immediate closure. the majority of closures were from kiddie pools, with one in five shut down upon inspection. among the most common violations -- bacteria in the water and improper p.h. levels. >> p.h. is important because it determines how effective disineffectants like chlorine and bromine are at killing germs and determines how comfortable swimmers are in the water. >> reporter: officials say swimmers should do their own inspections at public and private pools to avoid common risks. the cdc suggests using test strips to check a pool's p.h. levels, and look for proper safety measures. >> check figure there's a lifeguard, and if there is no lifeguard, if there's safety equipment available to rescue anyone and prevent drowning. >> reporter: experts say a quick self-inspection could help keep "cbs morning news" for this friday. thank you for watching. i'm anne-marie green. have a great day. ,,,, your realtime captioner is linda marie macdonald. good morning, everyone. it is friday, yay, friday. >> whoo! >> may 20. i know, wahoo! and look at that. the flags flying in the wind out there. gosh, it looks very windy, doesn't it? >> windy the last couple of days. >> good morning. i'm michelle griego. >> i'm kenny choi. time now 4:30. roberta, wind, wind and wind, debris all over the place. >> we had winds over 50 miles per hour yesterday afternoon into the evening hours and they continue again this morning. it is a forecast that will blow you away. good morning. rise and shine. currently, temperatures 40s, 50s 61 degrees in san rafael. the story is the winds. winds are now out of the west up to 24 miles an hour in oakland. 17 in fairfield. we'll talk about the winds and how long it will last coming up and how it will affect your weekend. but meanwhile, company temperatures today in the 50s and 60s up to 70 degrees. full forecast in a matter of minutes. but let's bring in, first, elizabeth wenger! >> all right. on a frid

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