Transcripts For KPIX CBS Morning News 20140605 : comparemela

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Morning News 20140605

captioning funded by cbs ng funded by cbs this is the "cbs morning news" for thursday, june 5th, 2014. good morning. good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green. bowe bergdahl's hometown canceled longstanding plans for a welcome home celebration. the former p.o.w.'s release by the taliban has touched off heated debate. the small idaho town has been swamped with hate mail and angry calls blasting the town and labeling bergdahl a traitor. the town says they can't handle the expected crowds. susan mcginnis is in washington. susan, good morning. >> good morning, anne-marie. questions about bowe bergdahl just keep piling up here on capitol hill, and now they have its hometown a changing its plans for his homecoming. yellow ribbons hang on trees alongside posters reading "free at last" in bowe bergdahl's hometown. but plans to celebrate his homecoming this month has been scratched amid a debate whether the army sergeant was a dese deserter. >> something that was very happy has become very mixed. >> in the days following the release, the town has been flooded with angry calls and e-mails threatening to protest his homecoming, some proclaiming that soldiers lost their lives searching for him. >> in my mind he's a hero no matter what. >> the debate rages on at capitol hill. >> we all agree we're not looking at a war hero. we should be look into this more extensively. >> members of congress want more hearings in the obama administration's decision regarding the exchange of five taliban officials in exchange for sergeant bowe bergdahl. they show add video that shows bergdahl reye bergdahl's health required an immediate skparj. >> i don't think from a health standpoint there was any issue that dictated the release of these five nasty killers. >> but democrat dick durbin told cbs news bergdahl did not look like a well person. lawmakers say they should have received 30 days' notice before the swap. defense secretary chuck hagel will appear before a house committee here next week to take questions from lawmakers. anne-marie? >> all right. susan mcginnis in washington. thank you, susan. overseas now, russian president vladimir putin says the west triggered the syrian crisis, but putin said he's ready to meet with obama. the two-day g-7 meeting wraps up today. putin's inveriation to the economic summit was revoked following situations in ukraine. yesterday in warsaw president obama said russia can expect more sanctions following its annexation of crimea. >> we will not accept russia's occupation of crimea or its violation of ukraine's sovereignty. our free nations will stand united so that further russian provocations will only mean more isolation and cost for russia. president obama helps mark the 70th anniversary of d-day tomorrow. putin will also attend, but there are no plans for a formal meeting. overnight now, a powerful storm moved through eastern colorado. it's unclear if a tornado touched down, but power lines, trees, and a barn were destroyed. later today dangerous storms are a possibility for the mississippi and tennessee valleys. a tornado watch is in effect for parts of illinois, missouri, tennessee, north carolina, and virginia. and a military jet crashed into a residential neighborhood in southern california but no one was injured. the single-seat jet assigned to the marine corps air station in yuma, arizona, went down. the jet hit one house and the explosion that followed set at least two others on fire. witnesses said the crash felt like an earthquake. >> it made a loud backfiring noise like a car would. i remember thinking that's odd. i didn't know that planes backfire like that. i looked up and it was coming toward me, toward our house. it backfired again and two seconds later it nose-dived down and that's when i saw a huge explosion. >> the pilot was able to parachute to safety. the cause of the crash is under investigation. overnight authorities in new brunswick, canada, searched for a lone gunman who shot and killed three police officers. he's believed to be somewhere in the city of moncton. two other officers were wounded. the suspect is believed to be a 24-year-old resident wearing military camouflage and carrying two guns. police set up roadblocks and warned residents to stay indoors. the young wisconsin girl stabbed by her friends remains hospitalized in fair condition this morning. the two 12-year-old suspects are being tried as adults. police say they lured their friend into the woods and viciously attacked her. she was able to crawl to the road where she was found by a man on a bike. he called 911. >> are you with this 12-year-old female? >> yes. she said she's having trouble breathing. she said she was stabbed multiple times. >> stabbed multiple times? >> yeah. >> the two girls said they attacked her after visiting a horror website. los angeles clippers owner donald sterling is giving up the fight. sterling says he's ready to move on. he's agreed to sell his team more than a month after he was banned by the nba for making racist remarks. david beg node reports on the reported twist. >> reporter: donald sterling has agreed to sell the clippers to steve ballmer after his wife negotiated last week. he also plans to dismiss his lawsuit against the nba. he comes out after his wife's legal team was going to give her the whole sale on the grounds that he is, quote, mentally incapacitated. sterling's attorney says the couple has worked out their dispute over the team and sterling has also resolved his differences with the nba despite claims last week that the 80-year-old was ready for a fight. the league banned sterling for life after recordings of a rant with his girlfriend surfaced in april. >> broadcast that you're associating with black people. >> reporter: sterling said the report was illegal and sued them for $1 billion. he claims it violated his constitutional rights by forces the sale of a team. if approved it would end his tumultuous 33-year history as a clippers owner, the longest in nba history. david begnaud, cbs news, los angeles. well, coming up on the "morning news," the findings on the general motors recall. and taking the stage in tel aviv, the rolling stones make their first gig in israel despite police from fellow musicians to cancel. this is the "cbs morning news." so do tire swings! this is our ocean spray cran-lemonade. it's good, old-fashioned lemonade. only better! whoa! [ splash! ] ocean spray cran-lemonade. a bold twist on an old favorite. the was a truly amazing day. without angie's list, i don't know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. for over 18 years we've helped people take care of the things that matter most. join today at ♪ [ man ] yo buzz! drop that beat! remix! ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ ♪ clusters, flakes ♪ that medley crunch, crunch! go! ♪ ♪ you've got that medley crunch ♪ ♪ go get that medley crunch! i was so focused on making good food choices, i had no idea that it was damaging the enamel of my teeth. i wanted to fix it. i wanted to fix it right away. my dentist recommended pronamel. he said that pronamel can make my teeth stronger, that it was important, that that is something i could do each day to help protect the enamel of my teeth. pronamel is definitely helping me to lead the life that i want to live. bentaste-free andr, dissolves completely. pronamel is definitely helping me and unlike other fibers, you'll only know you're taking fiber by the way good digestive health makes you look& and feel. benefiber. clearly healthy. jenny from the block was back in the bronx last night. singer and actress jennifer lopez performed for the first time in her home borough of new york. thousands of fans turned out for the concert. and the rolling stones played their first ever concert in israel last night. the group drew more than 40,000 fans after a delayed start because of a jewish holiday, but there was some political controversy. the stones ignored a call from two members of pink floyd to cancel the concert as part of a boycott on israel. on the "cbs moneywatch" now, general motors investigation into the recall and a major merger in the pipeline. jill wagner is at the new york stock exchange with that and more. good morning, jill. >> good morning, ann marie. general motors will release the results of an internal investigation today in the mishandled real of 2.6 million cars. "the wall street journal" says the report is expected to say there was no cover-up. it clears senior management to blame but finds that other managers failed to act on ignition switch problems that are linked to accidents that killed 13 people. asian stocks were mixed ahead of a meeting by the european central bank. tokyo's nikkei added a fraction. hong kong's hang seng dropped a quarter percent. here on wall street investors are reacting to improvements in the economy despite some disappointing jobs data. the dow rose 15 points on wednesday. the nasdaq was up 17 points, and the s&p gained 3 to reach yet another record high. sprint and t-mobile are planned to merge. under the terms of the preliminary $32 billion agreement, sprint would acquire t-mobile in the latest consolidation in the telecommunications industry. talks between the nation's third and fourth largest wireless phone operators aren't complete, though, and the deal could still fall apart. some coffee prices are heading higher. the price of folgers packaged coffees and dunkin' donuts coffees sold in grocery stores are being raised by 9% by j.m. smucker company. the price increase is based on drought and higher bean prices. prices in dunkin' donuts franchises won't be affected. and online tv streaming is surging. viewing tv content on the web in the first quarter of this year grew 246% from 2013. that's according to a new report by adobe. 21% of u.s. households now access content through phones, tablets, and computers. that is up 16% from last year. anne-marie? >> i can understand that, jill. working these crazy hours sometimes you can't watch your show, so you watch the show somewhere else, right? jill wagner at the new york stock exchange. thank you, jill. still to come, how the nfl is changing the super bowl. and the big apple is taking on tinseltown in game one of the stanley cup finals. this is the "cbs morning news." game one of the stanley cup finals. this is the "cbs morning news." >> announcer: "moneywatch" sponsored by just for men mustache and beard, champions of facial hair. he and beard, champions of facial hair. [ woman ] i could see it in their faces. they weren't looking at me. ♪ i can't believe i still have acne at my age. i feel like it's my acne they see...not me. [ female announcer ] acne is a medical condition that can happen at any age. fortunately, a dermatologist can prescribe aczone® (dapsone) gel... fda approved for the topical treatment of acne, and proven in clinical studies with people 12 years and older. talk to your doctor about any medical conditions you have, including g6pd deficiency, and any medications you are using. use of benzoyl peroxide with aczone® gel may cause your skin to temporarily turn yellow or orange at the site of application. the most common side effects with aczone® gel are dryness, redness, oiliness and peeling of treated skin. looked great. [ female announcer ] ask about a free sample size of aczone® gel. aczone® gel. see a dermatologist and see for yourself. a♪zone® gel. fill their bowl with the meaty tastes they're looking for, with friskies grillers. tender meaty pieces and crunchy bites. in delicious chicken, beef, turkey, and garden veggie flavors. friskies grillers. here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. in sports, the los angeles kings draw first blood against the new york rangers in the stanley cup finals. new york gets out to an early 2-0 lead, but l.a. ties the game in the second on a highlight reel goal by defenseman drew doughty. and in overtime justin williams ices it for the kings. l.a. kings takes the game one, 3-2. 66 of don zimmer's years were in a baseball uniform. he played or coached for 14 different big league teams. his career put him alongside players like jackie robinson and derek jeter. he won six world series including four as a coach with the yankees, and one of his most memorable moments came during a postseason brawl with the red sox in 2003. a 72-year-old zimmer going head to head with boston pitcher pedro martinez. don zimmer died yesterday in florida whether he was an adviser to the tampa bay rays, and he was 83. now, the nfl is making a change to the super bowl. the league unveiled the logo for super bowl 50. gone is the roman numeral the nfl has used since super bowl ii. the league is choosing to use the number because logos used for the roman numeral "l" just didn't look right. the roman numeral will resume with 51 though. finally, the trip of president obama didn't stop him from keeping active. someone taped the commander in chief pumping iron at his hotel this week. the secret service says its agents didn't ask anyone to refrain from taking pictures as the president worked out. and tomorrow the president travels to france for the 70th anniversary commemoration of d-day. and when we come back, we'll show you a hero's return to the beaches of normandy. right. valspar reserve. super stain-resistant and scrubbable... and this color! still perfect! yeah, looks great, val. how much coffee have you had? 3 cups. mmhmm. 4. introducing valspar reserve paint + primer with hydrochroma technology. now the colors you love stay the colors you love. exclusively at lowe's. i'm darius... from the broadway musical hair. and i'm allison. if you saw hair in the '60s, you need to know. ♪ peace will guide the planet. wait, wait, wait, we need to tell them that... ♪ let the sun shine ♪ let the sun... this is important. we need to tell them that osteoporosis is preventable. osteo is preventable? others: right on! i'm going to sing to my bones. "easy to be hard." if you dig your bones, protect them. others: cbs cares. ♪ a new crackdown -- on a disturbing new trend. this cell phone video shows fight at dodger stadium... e day of the bryan stow beati. how it's now playing into h case against the team... where a local cop is accuse hiding 20 pounds of pot. join us for kpix 5 news this morning... beginning at 4:3 ,,,, here's look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. here's look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. for this week's 70th anniversary of d-day, mark phillips reports on one veteran's mission to make sure that future generations know the story of his brothers in arms. >> what time of the day was it? >> 6:30. >> reporter: it's been 70 years since charlie wilson was on utah beach where he landed in the first wave with the u.s. fourth division. then the object wasn't to take in the scenery. it was to take france. you didn't spend too much time here. >> that's right. >> the point was not to stay here. >> that's right. get off this dag old beach and get out of here and never look back. >> reporter: he was an 18-year-old kid in a tank then, which makes him 88 now. this is his first trip back. >> i was scared to death and i was shaking and i was wondering are they going to kill us. but we were trained to do it swiftly and surprise them and outsmart them, and we did a good job. >> reporter: it's been 70 years since you've been back. why did you wait so long? >> i couldn't afford it. i was a school principal and when i retired i was only making $19,000. >> reporter: charlie helped the french then, and they've helped him now. the french government paid his way so that he could tell his story here to the grandchildren of those he helped liberate. >> my tank was the first one off of the ship that i saw. >> reporter: to them charlie wilson is history in the flesh. to him their freedom is what he fought for. >> i'm proud to be here to help see what has happened. >> and they, said julie lelou e lelouthe, were proud of him. >> i will always remember his emotion. he was really breathtaking. >> reporter: charlie came here with a group of high school students from his home state, kentucky. you don't get history lessons like this at george rogers clark high in winchester said montana palmer. >> if we can't show this kind of respect for someone who lays down their life for people they don't even know, then i don't know what kind of respect that we can give people. ♪ i wonder if you care >> reporter: charlie wilson got plenty of respect here honored at a commemoration attended by thousands. >> thank you. we will never forget. [ applause ] >> i didn't think i deserved it really. all veterans are my heroes. i'd still go back today if i had to because i -- are there any kids around here? i can still kick butt if i had to. >> reporter: like he did then. mark phillips, cbs news on utah beach. if i had to. >> reporter: like he did then. mark phillips, cbs news on utah beach. you look& and feel. and benefiber is so easy, you can feel free to add it to everything you love. and that's clearly fabulous. benefiber. clearly healthy. see benefiber work and save on facebook. are you about to spend that on paper towels? mom: well, i use bounty... kerri: ooo! use sparkle®... it's just right for cleaning up everyday little messes without cleaning out your piggy bank. sparkle®. the bright way to clean. california chrome has drawn the number two post position for saturday's belmont stakes after running away with the kentucky derby and the preakness. the horse is one win away from a the first triple down in 36 years. as michelle miller reports, that would be a much needed boost for the sport. >> reporter: california chrome may be the only one at belmont park who doesn't understand the pressure on his chestnut shoulders. trainer art sherman does. >> it took me 60 years to find one like him. >> reporter: the sport is hurting. since 2004 betting at tracks has dropped $4.2 billion, and in new york state alone, attendance is down 20%. since affirmed won the last triple crown in 1978, the image of horse racing has been tainted. scandals over steroids and race day medication and competition from casino gambling have left the sport reeling. hall of fame jockey gary stevens says this sport needs a hero. >> right now he is a rock star, but if he doesn't win the triple crown, he's just going to be another statistic. i don't know. i've got fingers crossed. >> reporter: chrome has not been just lucky. he's been remarkable, especially considering his humble back story. owners perry martin and steve coburn are poppers in the sport of kings. martin runs this medical testing company in the suburbs of sacramento. coburn works at a factory that makes magnetic strips for credit cards. it cost $10,000 to breed the mare to fwroom chrome. >> people spend millions and millions of dollars spending money for training and never have done anything that we did our first try. >> reporter: father and son co-trainers art and al sherman are both former jockeys. but the closest they got to winning was when father art was an exercise rider aboard the derby winner swaps. that was in 1955. will he put fans back in the stands? >> i think he already has. >> reporter: many race fans believe california chrome can't be touched. and chrome might agree. chrome is currently the 3-5 favorite here at belmont, but this track is a mile and a half long, the longest of any of the triple crown races, which is why it's often called the graveyard of champions. michelle miller, cbs news, new york. well, coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," more on the white house's decision to negotiate the release of bowe bergdahl. nancy cordes has the latest. plus hgtv stars of "property brothers" take us inside their las vegas dream home, and gayle sits down with the miami pit bull on the charter school he helped create. that's the "cbs morning news" for this thursday. thanks for watching. i'm anne-marie green. have a great day. -- captions by vitac -- your realtime captioner is linda macdonald. good morning, everyone. it is thursday, june 5. i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. for some, it feels like friday. [ laughter ] >> and he is going to be saying that most of the show today. >> it does! it feels very good, guys! >> you're excited. >> a lot of sunshine coming our way today around the bay area. [ laughter ] >> going to get hot in spots but we have some dense fog. we'll talk about that coming up. >> we have some dense fog advisories issued by chp. we'll tell you where coming up. things are looking up. we have better news from muni. >> good time to commute right now. >> we know. one good thing about getting here this early. >> leave right now. >> that's right. >> all right. thank you, elizabeth. we begin at 4:30 with a big contract. $61million guaranteed. kpix 5's andria borba reports that's what san francisco 49er quarterback colin kaepernick has this is new contract. reporter: 9ers fans may call themselves gold bloodied but there's only one man who has cash in his veins. >>i'm the man

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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Morning News 20140605 :

Transcripts For KPIX CBS Morning News 20140605

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captioning funded by cbs ng funded by cbs this is the "cbs morning news" for thursday, june 5th, 2014. good morning. good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green. bowe bergdahl's hometown canceled longstanding plans for a welcome home celebration. the former p.o.w.'s release by the taliban has touched off heated debate. the small idaho town has been swamped with hate mail and angry calls blasting the town and labeling bergdahl a traitor. the town says they can't handle the expected crowds. susan mcginnis is in washington. susan, good morning. >> good morning, anne-marie. questions about bowe bergdahl just keep piling up here on capitol hill, and now they have its hometown a changing its plans for his homecoming. yellow ribbons hang on trees alongside posters reading "free at last" in bowe bergdahl's hometown. but plans to celebrate his homecoming this month has been scratched amid a debate whether the army sergeant was a dese deserter. >> something that was very happy has become very mixed. >> in the days following the release, the town has been flooded with angry calls and e-mails threatening to protest his homecoming, some proclaiming that soldiers lost their lives searching for him. >> in my mind he's a hero no matter what. >> the debate rages on at capitol hill. >> we all agree we're not looking at a war hero. we should be look into this more extensively. >> members of congress want more hearings in the obama administration's decision regarding the exchange of five taliban officials in exchange for sergeant bowe bergdahl. they show add video that shows bergdahl reye bergdahl's health required an immediate skparj. >> i don't think from a health standpoint there was any issue that dictated the release of these five nasty killers. >> but democrat dick durbin told cbs news bergdahl did not look like a well person. lawmakers say they should have received 30 days' notice before the swap. defense secretary chuck hagel will appear before a house committee here next week to take questions from lawmakers. anne-marie? >> all right. susan mcginnis in washington. thank you, susan. overseas now, russian president vladimir putin says the west triggered the syrian crisis, but putin said he's ready to meet with obama. the two-day g-7 meeting wraps up today. putin's inveriation to the economic summit was revoked following situations in ukraine. yesterday in warsaw president obama said russia can expect more sanctions following its annexation of crimea. >> we will not accept russia's occupation of crimea or its violation of ukraine's sovereignty. our free nations will stand united so that further russian provocations will only mean more isolation and cost for russia. president obama helps mark the 70th anniversary of d-day tomorrow. putin will also attend, but there are no plans for a formal meeting. overnight now, a powerful storm moved through eastern colorado. it's unclear if a tornado touched down, but power lines, trees, and a barn were destroyed. later today dangerous storms are a possibility for the mississippi and tennessee valleys. a tornado watch is in effect for parts of illinois, missouri, tennessee, north carolina, and virginia. and a military jet crashed into a residential neighborhood in southern california but no one was injured. the single-seat jet assigned to the marine corps air station in yuma, arizona, went down. the jet hit one house and the explosion that followed set at least two others on fire. witnesses said the crash felt like an earthquake. >> it made a loud backfiring noise like a car would. i remember thinking that's odd. i didn't know that planes backfire like that. i looked up and it was coming toward me, toward our house. it backfired again and two seconds later it nose-dived down and that's when i saw a huge explosion. >> the pilot was able to parachute to safety. the cause of the crash is under investigation. overnight authorities in new brunswick, canada, searched for a lone gunman who shot and killed three police officers. he's believed to be somewhere in the city of moncton. two other officers were wounded. the suspect is believed to be a 24-year-old resident wearing military camouflage and carrying two guns. police set up roadblocks and warned residents to stay indoors. the young wisconsin girl stabbed by her friends remains hospitalized in fair condition this morning. the two 12-year-old suspects are being tried as adults. police say they lured their friend into the woods and viciously attacked her. she was able to crawl to the road where she was found by a man on a bike. he called 911. >> are you with this 12-year-old female? >> yes. she said she's having trouble breathing. she said she was stabbed multiple times. >> stabbed multiple times? >> yeah. >> the two girls said they attacked her after visiting a horror website. los angeles clippers owner donald sterling is giving up the fight. sterling says he's ready to move on. he's agreed to sell his team more than a month after he was banned by the nba for making racist remarks. david beg node reports on the reported twist. >> reporter: donald sterling has agreed to sell the clippers to steve ballmer after his wife negotiated last week. he also plans to dismiss his lawsuit against the nba. he comes out after his wife's legal team was going to give her the whole sale on the grounds that he is, quote, mentally incapacitated. sterling's attorney says the couple has worked out their dispute over the team and sterling has also resolved his differences with the nba despite claims last week that the 80-year-old was ready for a fight. the league banned sterling for life after recordings of a rant with his girlfriend surfaced in april. >> broadcast that you're associating with black people. >> reporter: sterling said the report was illegal and sued them for $1 billion. he claims it violated his constitutional rights by forces the sale of a team. if approved it would end his tumultuous 33-year history as a clippers owner, the longest in nba history. david begnaud, cbs news, los angeles. well, coming up on the "morning news," the findings on the general motors recall. and taking the stage in tel aviv, the rolling stones make their first gig in israel despite police from fellow musicians to cancel. this is the "cbs morning news." so do tire swings! this is our ocean spray cran-lemonade. it's good, old-fashioned lemonade. only better! whoa! [ splash! ] ocean spray cran-lemonade. a bold twist on an old favorite. the was a truly amazing day. without angie's list, i don't know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. for over 18 years we've helped people take care of the things that matter most. join today at ♪ [ man ] yo buzz! drop that beat! remix! ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ ♪ clusters, flakes ♪ that medley crunch, crunch! go! ♪ ♪ you've got that medley crunch ♪ ♪ go get that medley crunch! i was so focused on making good food choices, i had no idea that it was damaging the enamel of my teeth. i wanted to fix it. i wanted to fix it right away. my dentist recommended pronamel. he said that pronamel can make my teeth stronger, that it was important, that that is something i could do each day to help protect the enamel of my teeth. pronamel is definitely helping me to lead the life that i want to live. bentaste-free andr, dissolves completely. pronamel is definitely helping me and unlike other fibers, you'll only know you're taking fiber by the way good digestive health makes you look& and feel. benefiber. clearly healthy. jenny from the block was back in the bronx last night. singer and actress jennifer lopez performed for the first time in her home borough of new york. thousands of fans turned out for the concert. and the rolling stones played their first ever concert in israel last night. the group drew more than 40,000 fans after a delayed start because of a jewish holiday, but there was some political controversy. the stones ignored a call from two members of pink floyd to cancel the concert as part of a boycott on israel. on the "cbs moneywatch" now, general motors investigation into the recall and a major merger in the pipeline. jill wagner is at the new york stock exchange with that and more. good morning, jill. >> good morning, ann marie. general motors will release the results of an internal investigation today in the mishandled real of 2.6 million cars. "the wall street journal" says the report is expected to say there was no cover-up. it clears senior management to blame but finds that other managers failed to act on ignition switch problems that are linked to accidents that killed 13 people. asian stocks were mixed ahead of a meeting by the european central bank. tokyo's nikkei added a fraction. hong kong's hang seng dropped a quarter percent. here on wall street investors are reacting to improvements in the economy despite some disappointing jobs data. the dow rose 15 points on wednesday. the nasdaq was up 17 points, and the s&p gained 3 to reach yet another record high. sprint and t-mobile are planned to merge. under the terms of the preliminary $32 billion agreement, sprint would acquire t-mobile in the latest consolidation in the telecommunications industry. talks between the nation's third and fourth largest wireless phone operators aren't complete, though, and the deal could still fall apart. some coffee prices are heading higher. the price of folgers packaged coffees and dunkin' donuts coffees sold in grocery stores are being raised by 9% by j.m. smucker company. the price increase is based on drought and higher bean prices. prices in dunkin' donuts franchises won't be affected. and online tv streaming is surging. viewing tv content on the web in the first quarter of this year grew 246% from 2013. that's according to a new report by adobe. 21% of u.s. households now access content through phones, tablets, and computers. that is up 16% from last year. anne-marie? >> i can understand that, jill. working these crazy hours sometimes you can't watch your show, so you watch the show somewhere else, right? jill wagner at the new york stock exchange. thank you, jill. still to come, how the nfl is changing the super bowl. and the big apple is taking on tinseltown in game one of the stanley cup finals. this is the "cbs morning news." game one of the stanley cup finals. this is the "cbs morning news." >> announcer: "moneywatch" sponsored by just for men mustache and beard, champions of facial hair. he and beard, champions of facial hair. [ woman ] i could see it in their faces. they weren't looking at me. ♪ i can't believe i still have acne at my age. i feel like it's my acne they see...not me. [ female announcer ] acne is a medical condition that can happen at any age. fortunately, a dermatologist can prescribe aczone® (dapsone) gel... fda approved for the topical treatment of acne, and proven in clinical studies with people 12 years and older. talk to your doctor about any medical conditions you have, including g6pd deficiency, and any medications you are using. use of benzoyl peroxide with aczone® gel may cause your skin to temporarily turn yellow or orange at the site of application. the most common side effects with aczone® gel are dryness, redness, oiliness and peeling of treated skin. looked great. [ female announcer ] ask about a free sample size of aczone® gel. aczone® gel. see a dermatologist and see for yourself. a♪zone® gel. fill their bowl with the meaty tastes they're looking for, with friskies grillers. tender meaty pieces and crunchy bites. in delicious chicken, beef, turkey, and garden veggie flavors. friskies grillers. here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. in sports, the los angeles kings draw first blood against the new york rangers in the stanley cup finals. new york gets out to an early 2-0 lead, but l.a. ties the game in the second on a highlight reel goal by defenseman drew doughty. and in overtime justin williams ices it for the kings. l.a. kings takes the game one, 3-2. 66 of don zimmer's years were in a baseball uniform. he played or coached for 14 different big league teams. his career put him alongside players like jackie robinson and derek jeter. he won six world series including four as a coach with the yankees, and one of his most memorable moments came during a postseason brawl with the red sox in 2003. a 72-year-old zimmer going head to head with boston pitcher pedro martinez. don zimmer died yesterday in florida whether he was an adviser to the tampa bay rays, and he was 83. now, the nfl is making a change to the super bowl. the league unveiled the logo for super bowl 50. gone is the roman numeral the nfl has used since super bowl ii. the league is choosing to use the number because logos used for the roman numeral "l" just didn't look right. the roman numeral will resume with 51 though. finally, the trip of president obama didn't stop him from keeping active. someone taped the commander in chief pumping iron at his hotel this week. the secret service says its agents didn't ask anyone to refrain from taking pictures as the president worked out. and tomorrow the president travels to france for the 70th anniversary commemoration of d-day. and when we come back, we'll show you a hero's return to the beaches of normandy. right. valspar reserve. super stain-resistant and scrubbable... and this color! still perfect! yeah, looks great, val. how much coffee have you had? 3 cups. mmhmm. 4. introducing valspar reserve paint + primer with hydrochroma technology. now the colors you love stay the colors you love. exclusively at lowe's. i'm darius... from the broadway musical hair. and i'm allison. if you saw hair in the '60s, you need to know. ♪ peace will guide the planet. wait, wait, wait, we need to tell them that... ♪ let the sun shine ♪ let the sun... this is important. we need to tell them that osteoporosis is preventable. osteo is preventable? others: right on! i'm going to sing to my bones. "easy to be hard." if you dig your bones, protect them. others: cbs cares. ♪ a new crackdown -- on a disturbing new trend. this cell phone video shows fight at dodger stadium... e day of the bryan stow beati. how it's now playing into h case against the team... where a local cop is accuse hiding 20 pounds of pot. join us for kpix 5 news this morning... beginning at 4:3 ,,,, here's look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. here's look at today's forecast in some cities around the country. for this week's 70th anniversary of d-day, mark phillips reports on one veteran's mission to make sure that future generations know the story of his brothers in arms. >> what time of the day was it? >> 6:30. >> reporter: it's been 70 years since charlie wilson was on utah beach where he landed in the first wave with the u.s. fourth division. then the object wasn't to take in the scenery. it was to take france. you didn't spend too much time here. >> that's right. >> the point was not to stay here. >> that's right. get off this dag old beach and get out of here and never look back. >> reporter: he was an 18-year-old kid in a tank then, which makes him 88 now. this is his first trip back. >> i was scared to death and i was shaking and i was wondering are they going to kill us. but we were trained to do it swiftly and surprise them and outsmart them, and we did a good job. >> reporter: it's been 70 years since you've been back. why did you wait so long? >> i couldn't afford it. i was a school principal and when i retired i was only making $19,000. >> reporter: charlie helped the french then, and they've helped him now. the french government paid his way so that he could tell his story here to the grandchildren of those he helped liberate. >> my tank was the first one off of the ship that i saw. >> reporter: to them charlie wilson is history in the flesh. to him their freedom is what he fought for. >> i'm proud to be here to help see what has happened. >> and they, said julie lelou e lelouthe, were proud of him. >> i will always remember his emotion. he was really breathtaking. >> reporter: charlie came here with a group of high school students from his home state, kentucky. you don't get history lessons like this at george rogers clark high in winchester said montana palmer. >> if we can't show this kind of respect for someone who lays down their life for people they don't even know, then i don't know what kind of respect that we can give people. ♪ i wonder if you care >> reporter: charlie wilson got plenty of respect here honored at a commemoration attended by thousands. >> thank you. we will never forget. [ applause ] >> i didn't think i deserved it really. all veterans are my heroes. i'd still go back today if i had to because i -- are there any kids around here? i can still kick butt if i had to. >> reporter: like he did then. mark phillips, cbs news on utah beach. if i had to. >> reporter: like he did then. mark phillips, cbs news on utah beach. you look& and feel. and benefiber is so easy, you can feel free to add it to everything you love. and that's clearly fabulous. benefiber. clearly healthy. see benefiber work and save on facebook. are you about to spend that on paper towels? mom: well, i use bounty... kerri: ooo! use sparkle®... it's just right for cleaning up everyday little messes without cleaning out your piggy bank. sparkle®. the bright way to clean. california chrome has drawn the number two post position for saturday's belmont stakes after running away with the kentucky derby and the preakness. the horse is one win away from a the first triple down in 36 years. as michelle miller reports, that would be a much needed boost for the sport. >> reporter: california chrome may be the only one at belmont park who doesn't understand the pressure on his chestnut shoulders. trainer art sherman does. >> it took me 60 years to find one like him. >> reporter: the sport is hurting. since 2004 betting at tracks has dropped $4.2 billion, and in new york state alone, attendance is down 20%. since affirmed won the last triple crown in 1978, the image of horse racing has been tainted. scandals over steroids and race day medication and competition from casino gambling have left the sport reeling. hall of fame jockey gary stevens says this sport needs a hero. >> right now he is a rock star, but if he doesn't win the triple crown, he's just going to be another statistic. i don't know. i've got fingers crossed. >> reporter: chrome has not been just lucky. he's been remarkable, especially considering his humble back story. owners perry martin and steve coburn are poppers in the sport of kings. martin runs this medical testing company in the suburbs of sacramento. coburn works at a factory that makes magnetic strips for credit cards. it cost $10,000 to breed the mare to fwroom chrome. >> people spend millions and millions of dollars spending money for training and never have done anything that we did our first try. >> reporter: father and son co-trainers art and al sherman are both former jockeys. but the closest they got to winning was when father art was an exercise rider aboard the derby winner swaps. that was in 1955. will he put fans back in the stands? >> i think he already has. >> reporter: many race fans believe california chrome can't be touched. and chrome might agree. chrome is currently the 3-5 favorite here at belmont, but this track is a mile and a half long, the longest of any of the triple crown races, which is why it's often called the graveyard of champions. michelle miller, cbs news, new york. well, coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," more on the white house's decision to negotiate the release of bowe bergdahl. nancy cordes has the latest. plus hgtv stars of "property brothers" take us inside their las vegas dream home, and gayle sits down with the miami pit bull on the charter school he helped create. that's the "cbs morning news" for this thursday. thanks for watching. i'm anne-marie green. have a great day. -- captions by vitac -- your realtime captioner is linda macdonald. good morning, everyone. it is thursday, june 5. i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. for some, it feels like friday. [ laughter ] >> and he is going to be saying that most of the show today. >> it does! it feels very good, guys! >> you're excited. >> a lot of sunshine coming our way today around the bay area. [ laughter ] >> going to get hot in spots but we have some dense fog. we'll talk about that coming up. >> we have some dense fog advisories issued by chp. we'll tell you where coming up. things are looking up. we have better news from muni. >> good time to commute right now. >> we know. one good thing about getting here this early. >> leave right now. >> that's right. >> all right. thank you, elizabeth. we begin at 4:30 with a big contract. $61million guaranteed. kpix 5's andria borba reports that's what san francisco 49er quarterback colin kaepernick has this is new contract. reporter: 9ers fans may call themselves gold bloodied but there's only one man who has cash in his veins. >>i'm the man

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