Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 Noon News 20160707 : comparemela

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 Noon News 20160707

suburb. a black man was shot multiple times in his car. his girlfriend live streamed the aftermath on facebook. reporter ashley roberts has the video. we want to warn you, it is graphic reporter: diamond reynolds demanded justice this morning after a minnesota police officer shot and killed her boyfriend. >> these police are not here to protect you! they are here to assassinate us! we got pulled over for a busted taillight in the back. >> reporter: reynolds live streamed as her boyfriend her boyfriend slumped over in blood. >> he is licensed to carry. he was trying to get out his id and his wallet out his pocket and he let the officer know that he was reaching -- he had a firearm and he was reaching for his wallet. and the officer just shot him in his arm. >> reporter: she remains home as the -- remains calm as the police officer hold him and her at gunpoint. >> you told him to get his id, sir, his driver's license. [ crying ] >> reporter: philando castile died at the hospital where friends and family mourning. >> it's modern-day lynching, killed on camera instead of a tree. >> reporter: he was a cafeteria worker at a nearby school. community members have left balloons, signs and flowers in his honor. >> no justice no peace! >> reporter: the shooting also sparked a protest outside the governor's mansion overnight. >> it's shocking. it's not something that occurs, you know, in this area often. >> reporter: minnesota's bureau of criminal apprehension has taken over the investigation. ashley roberts for cbs news, falcon heights, minnesota. >> outrage is growing after tuesday's deadly police shooting in baton rouge, louisiana. community members met today at wesley united methodist church two days after two officers pinned down and shot and kill alton sterling. they are urging the u.s. justice department to investigate whether state and local laws could have been violated in the incident. a law enforcement official said a gun was taken from sterling after he was killed. the district attorney in baton rouge believes the officers may have acted within their rights. >> we want them to be as transparent as possible. we understand investigating takes time. but we want them to share with the public what that finding is and if they find any state or federal or local laws violated that they recommend charges to the d.a. >> no criminal charges have been filed against the officers involved in the incident. they are now on administrative leave. president obama is reacting to both deadly police shootings. in a facebook post, he says, these incidents are symptoms of broader challenges in the criminal justice system. but he also says the u.s. must show respect and appreciation for police. new at noon a worker took a sharp fall from a cliff near toyota tower. san francisco firefighters were called in for the rescue. the worker was secured by a rope while he was shoring the hill around the tower but it came loose and the man fell about 50 feet. the loss rock made the rescue very difficult. >> when we first got here we had some -- tried to walk up there on some -- some basic ropes and they were losing their footage and they were slipping so that's why we had to secure everybody to make sure that bee can get the best position and the best technique down to bring the victims to safety. >> the victim was conscious for the entire rescue. he is now being treated for multiple traumatic injuries. a massive pot grow operation has been uncovered in rental homes in san jose and today, one of the property managers says that she is shocked about the allegations against the suspected couple. kpix 5's maria medina has more on the multi-million dollar marijuana bust. >> marijuana just stacked up in the garage. >> reporter: when john witnessed the home across the street being raided by san jose police yesterday -- >> well, i was surprised. >> reporter: -- he had no idea until later the grow was part of one of the largest pot busts in san jose. >> that's what we heard on tv later, that -- other than that, i -- we just talked. did you know you were living next door to that? no, no, no. >> reporter: police say this couple masterminded the entire illegal pot grow in 7 san jose homes. hundreds of plants with a street value of up to $5 million. >> well, we were surprised. >> reporter: this man lived across the street from the couple and says although they kept their distance from neighbors, they seemed like a normal working family who had a couple small kids. >> didn't see anything. >> windows closed, everything dark. >> reporter: one of the couple's landlords suspected something wasn't right and tipped off investigators in april. months later this is what they would find. the property manager for this home says she is shocked and had no idea she had been renting to alleged criminals. john, who is just visiting a relative says, if he was living across the street, he believes the couple wouldn't have gotten past his vigilant eye and ears. >> i'm that kind of guy, yeah. i would have noticed something, said something. not in my neighborhood anyway. >> reporter: and police believe this was just a part of a larger pot grow operation. and they plan to talk to the property owners, the couple was renting from. in san jose, maria medina, kpix 5. following campaign 2016 now, hillary clinton is enjoying a sizable lead over donald trump in california. that's according to a new field poll. among likely voters, she leads 58% to his 28%. but only 35% of california democrats say they are enthusiastic to have her as the nominee. 33% of republicans are excited about trump's presidential run. hillary clinton's email investigation is again the hot topic on capitol hill today. fbi director james comey is there to answer questions from house lawmakers. cbs' craig boswell reports they want to know why he is not recommending charges for the former secretary of state. >> reporter: did hillary clinton lie? >> reporter: house republicans grilled fbi director james comey about his decision not to recommend charges against hillary clinton for using a private email server during her time as secretary of state. >> did the fbi investigate her statements under oath on this topic? >> not to my knowledge. i don't think there's been a referral from congress. >> do you need a referral from congress to investigate her -- her statements under oath? >> sure do. >> you'll have one. [ laughter ] >> you'll have one in the next few hours. >> reporter: on tuesday, comey blasted clinton and her aides for being careless but did not recommend criminal charges. yesterday, attorney general loretta lynch accepted those recommendations and closed the case. >> lynch will face questions from the house judiciary committee next week. the investigation may be over but the political fallout for those involved will continue. democrats called the hearing a political investigation and likened it to the recent probe into the attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi. >> i would not be surprised if tomorrow republicans set up a new committee to spend $7 million-plus on why the fbi failed to prosecute hillary clinton. >> reporter: comey repeated his statements that no reasonable prosecutor would bring a case against clinton. craig boswell, cbs news, capitol hill. new at noon the irs is going after facebook. the justice department is suing the social network over a property transfer to an irish subsidiary back in 2010. agents say that accountants for facebook under stayed the value by -- understated the value by billions significantly lower the tax pay. if true, facebook would owe a lot of money in back taxes. potential suitors only have a few more days to offer up their bids to yahoo. final bids are due july 18. that's one day before yahoo is expected to release its 2nd quarter report. the sunnyvale-based internet giant put itself up for sale in february. companies like the "daily mail," microsoft, verizon, google and at&t have all expressed interest in acquiring yahoo. needless to say, it is a big day for bay area basketball fans. >> very big day! in a little more than an hour, kevin durant will be introduced as an official member of the golden state warriors. earlier today, the team rolled out this giant banner at oracle arena to welcome the 7-time all star to his new home. at a news conference at 1:30, fans will get to hear from kd for the first time since he announced his decision to come to the bay area. >> with the addition of durant, it comes at a price. the warriors have lost some key members of last year's record setting 73-win season including center andrew bogut traded to the dallas mavericks for a future draft consideration, bran down rush going to the timberwolves on a one-year deal after starting 25 games last year, and barbosa who is headed back to phoenix where he started his career. ian clark and festus ezeli are also expected to leave. still ahead, using your frequent flyer miles for more than just extra trips. how they can also help you cut down your wait time in the airport security lines. >> plus, california's drought raising the risk for wildfires. the growing effort to get rid of dry and dying trees before they spark. >> good afternoon from the kpix 5 weather center, where it's fuzzy outside! this is a view from our weather window. you can barely see the city of san francisco. we have the fog. we have the low cloth. and we have your weekend forecast as the newscast continues right after this. ,,,,,, (upbeat music) - [voiceover] you are san francisco. we've been with you from the beginning. we've seen each other through good times and bad. sickness and health. we're with you san francisco, and you bring out the best in us. care. zuckerberg san francisco general hospital and trauma center. accounts. the hamburger chain says has got customers fans of wind disold- fashioned hamburgers and frosty's may want to check their bank accounts. wendy's says customers debt and credit card information were hacked at more than 1,000 u.s. restaurants. wendy's first discovered the data breach back in may when it found malware at 300 stores. the chain says it will post a list of affected restaurants on its website later today. frequent flyers can now cash in their miles to cut through airport security faster. the transportation security administration has partnered with airlines like southwest and jetblue to cut down on security lines that can sometimes take hours to get through. now eligible members can cash in their rapid rewards points towards a voucher for tsa precheck and get expedited screening. right now, nearly 5,000 firefighters are battling wildfires around california and the season is just getting started. part of the threat is for millions of trees dying. cbs reporter chris martinez shows us the heavy toll that the drought is taking. >> reporter: the ground is bone dry in california's sequoia national forest. much of what should be green is now brown. >> so this tree is dead. >> reporter: state officials call it a crisis. since the drought began, they have countied 66 million dead trees -- counted 66 million dead trees in six california counties. >> the bark is falling off it. it's been dead for a while. >> reporter: a lack of water killed them. others were left vulnerable to insect infestation. >> one right there. you can see the end of my pen. >> reporter: including attacks from tiny lethal bark beetles. all that dead wood is excellent fuel for wildfires. >> something that's dead is going to burn a lot faster. it's going to burn a lot hotter than something that's healthy. >> reporter: forest service crews are working to remove as many dead trees as they can to minimize that fire threat starting near inhabited areas. they have leveled more than 77,000 so far. the task is so overwhelming, crews from across the u.s. have been sent in to help. >> not something that can just happen overnight. it takes time to be able to get through these trees one at a time. >> reporter: they are trying to get the job done quickly as california's already active wildfire season enters its most dangerous summer months. chris martinez, cbs news, kernville, california. time for a check now of our weather here in the bay area with roberta. >> there is drizzle on the camera lens. we have a bank of low clouds and fog. because of the clouds over sfo we have 5 two-minute delays on some arriving flights. good afternoon, everyone. right now, it's 70 in san jose and the skies have cleared. 69 in livermore. it's a cool start to your afternoon. plus, you factor in the winds at 16 in san francisco, you need a parka at the golden gate bridge! 12-mile-per-hour winds at half moon bay. 13 fremont and vallejo. 20-mile-an-hour winds in the west-southwest in fairfield. variable winds today 10 to 20 with stronger gusts. weather watchers reporting cool afternoon temperatures except well inland. jerry wilcox in antioch reporting 77 degrees. no clearing at the coast today. bright sunshine away from the bay. and early-morning drizzle becoming more intense as each day approaches sliding into the weekend. this is our satellite-radar. notice the deck of low clouds and fog roughly about 2,000 feet deep extend all the way to the california/mexico border so it's quite extensive and expansive and it's causing unusually cool conditions with the water temperature right now off the coast at 52. the cool air rushing onshore. so if you're banking on any clearing at the coast, you -- you won't see it today. tonight clouds march inland even further and localized drizzle inland, as well. numbers today 60s beaches. 76 san jose. 10 degrees below average. should be around 87 in livermore and instead 77. sunset at 8:34. cools down rapidly when the winds pick up. same conditions on friday. additional cooling on saturday. and if you are making your friday night plans, and who isn't? , head to way side park in pleasanton one of my favorite bands in the world, rukatan latin tribe performing dancing outdoors on a friday night. nothing is better than that. >> that looks like you in that picture. [ laughter ] >> looks like fun. thanks. maybe a little chilly out but starting today you can get serenaded by piano music in golden gate park. >> a bay area artist placed a dozen pianos throughout the park's botanical gardens. the public is invite to play on those pianos. there will be some planned performances also through july 18. there's a shake-up at the big brother household. i spoke with host of the cbs show julie chen and asked her about tonight's eviction. >> after last night's episode, i would guess, um, most like victor? but i know before i went to sleep last night there was a little bit of a movement where people were trying to target tiffany. um, and some people are just unsure, like, when do we dump her? do we take advantage of it now or next week? things change constantly. um, you just never know. i -- i would say that [ indiscernible ] is probably safe tonight and it's between victor and tiffany. but, you know, whoever gets evicted tonight might be back in, in a few weeks from now. >> "big brother" airs tonight at 9:00 here on kpix 5. we'll be right back. ,,,,,, ♪ doing a little cleaning i see. sparkle paper towels are great for wiping up fingerprints without wiping out your savings. just right for cleaning up...jelly... ...water... ...refrigerator doors... ...and look at this... security camera lenses. oh, why don't you tell the homeowners how great sparkle works? just right clean. just right price. sparkle. just right. i am sir-can-a-lot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! see what spam can! do... at -lois pricese. [ifrom grocery outlet. - hi, it's... the rest of us! - hey there. - hi! - hey. loifor over 60 years now, grocery outlet has been selling the brands you know and love, for up to 60% less than what you'd pay at traditional grocery stores. - and check this out. lois: we've got meats and produce, naturals and organics, at prices that'll make you wanna sing. - good thing we've got a really catchy theme song. hit it! - ♪ grocery outlet bargain market ♪ - ♪ bargain market ... now it's stuck in my head. raised in a big italian family this week's jefferson award winner says they were always putting on big dinners and fundraisers to help those less fortunate. 40 years after opening her first restaurant in the last 20 in the north bay, she still is feeding the needy because as she says, it's just the right thing to do. allen martin introduces us to this week's jefferson award winer. >> looking good. >> reporter: a lot of college grads know what they want to do. heidi krahling was in the other camp. >> i knew what i didn't want to do. i didn't want to work for a big corporation. we're going to add parsley. >> reporter: but she loved to cook and feed people, so she bought her first restaurant. for the last two decades, heidi has owned insalata's in san anselmo and then marinitas down the street. she pays those who can't afford it as well as paying customers. feed the community, she says, because the community feeds us. >> one puts the roof over my head and, hopefully, one keeps the roof over others. >> reporter: one of the dozens of groups heidi helps is "extrafood." she is on the board of the nonprofit that collects fresh donated food from restaurants, grocery stores and farmer's markets. >> there are 50,000 people here who worry about where their next meal is coming from, one in five people in marin county. >> reporter: one of the programs heidi started specifically for "extrafood" is called "planned giving." restaurants prepare food that's above and beyond what's on the menu that can then be donated. >> every, single week, both of her restaurants make a wonderful dish for 20 people that we pick up and get to those in need. >> reporter: to places like warner creek senior housing in novato. >> so two meals a week, which is great for residents to know it's coming. >> reporter: heidi and her husband, mark, have donated the food and chefs for the annual fundraising barbecue for san anselmo's recreation department. >> a lot of people feel it's their favorite event, and they are the backbone of the events. >> reporter: i asked heidi if food is in her dna. it may be that giving is in her genetics. >> it has to be part of it, how i was raised and how i will continue to thrive. perfect amount of barbecue sauce. [ laughter ] >> reporter: so for years of donating her time, food and culinary skills this week's jefferson award in the bay area goes to heidi krahling. allen martin, kpix 5. >> if you want to volunteer or donate find a link to the nonprofit in our story online at we'll be right back. ,, crumbling away... what's be raph it pay not be along the coast but there's an area that towers over san francisco that's slowly crumbling away. what's being done to shore up telegraph hill. that's coming up later today on kpix 5 news at 5:00. that's it for kpix 5 news at noon. the "the bold and the beautiful" is next. >> ken and liz will see you at 5:00. look at that roberta. looks nice. >> yeah. a little cloudy, a little cool but it's beautiful. captions by: caption colorado [email protected] ♪ >> steffy: [ sighs ] >> wyatt: oh. well done. >> steffy: yeah, you, too. >> wyatt: yeah? what'd you think, thomas? >> thomas: i didn't hear any complaints about the party. >> wyatt: i even had those tofu steaks at the ready in case liam showed up. >> thomas: yeah, why didn't he? >> wyatt: who knows? dad was on top of his game with those speeches, though, huh? >> steffy: yeah, yeah, he said some pretty nice things about katie. >> thomas: what happened to her, by the way? she was here one second and gone the next. >> steffy: yeah, she probably just went home to relieve the babysitter. >> wyatt: maybe. dad did seem a little concerned, though, didn't he? >> bill: w

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