Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 Noon News 20160310 : comparemela

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 Noon News 20160310

heavy rainstorms. first, though, jackie ward in soggy santa rosa. jackie? >> reporter: well, frank, this roof collapse goes to show you just how powerful rainfall can be, especially as it adds up quickly over the course of a few days. check out the damage behind me here in santa rosa. no one was hurt when this happened around 7:30 this morning. take these storms seriously, officials say. it started off as light to moderate rain rainfall in rohnert park, no matter where you were on 101 in the north bay driving conditions weren't great water flying off the roads from everyone's tires making visibility poor forcing drivers go slow. people here are willing to put up with the slower commute as more rain dumps down. >> everybody talks about how they need the rain. it's a good thing. >> wetter than usual, don't mind? >> i love the rain, the more the better. >> reporter: public works in santa rosa have been gearing up for the storms for days. >> weekends spend a good portion of this week cleaning up and preparing for this storm. >> reporter: what doesen that tail? >> removing debris and making sure that our system is open. >> reporter: not enough work was done ahead of time. contract stores have been working on dry rot and were concerned about this week's forecast and the stability of this roof. turns out they had good reason to be worried. >> this is different. this isn't normal. but it can happen. so we want to make people aware of it that it's not just trees and power lines, but there's a reason we are telling people to clear your gutters. >> reporter: that's why the santa rosa fire department continues to emphasize the same thing they have been saying since the beginning of this winter. >> we are pushing the messaging that hey, be aware of water rising quickly. if you play in the creek, keep the kids out during this weather. >> reporter: so as you are, the outdoor garden center got most of the damage. some of the inside of this store received some as well because water got into the dry rot and weighed that roof down so right now the fire department is working with the building inspectors to make sure the building is safe for people to shop and work. in santa rosa, jackie ward, kpix 5. san francisco is also getting wet this afternoon. drivers are dealing with slick roads on the golden gate bridge. >> but other parts of the bay area are still dry. we caught blue skies in san jose earlier today. roberta gonzales tracking the rain. >> reporter: began, everybody from our kpix 5 weather center. -- good afternoon, everybody, from our kpix 5 weather center. we have been monitoring this frontal boundary stalled across the north bay causing a lot of rainfall in a short amount of time. in fact, we have already seen 3 1/2 inches of venado. santa rosa and mill valley both over 1.5" of rain. this amount of rain on already saturated soil lead to flooding in the bay area. petaluma and napa with lesser amounts. now it's raining in san francisco. as you can see, those raindrops on our camera lens. it's live, it's our hi-def doppler radar. when you see the shades of yellow, that's a more moderate rainfall. and then when you see the shades of orange that's heavy rainfall east of rohnert park and petaluma. golden gate bridge wet. we see rain showers streaming onshore from the coast across half moon bay, 280 into san mateo and also south san francisco where we have delays two hours 17 minutes on some arriving flights at sfo. flash flood watch in effect for all that highlighted yellow area which encompasses 8 million people living near in the bay area. we'll see flooding and ponding and downed trees and we will see another storm moving into the bay area. we'll track that one as well coming up later in this newscast. in the east bay, stormy weather may have led to a major hazard on the roadways. a 30-foot oak tree was uprooted and came crashing down in sunol. drivers couldn't get through for three hours this morning. the hills in the area are soaked from storms. as the rain continues crews urge drives to be looking out for falling trees. in san francisco, a quick fix for a long-term problem. 400 feet of plastic flood barriers up around the mission district. the neighborhood is situated in a flood zone. some barriers are filled with recycled water to anchor them down. the city's public utilities commission says it is the very first time they have used this method to prevent flooding. >> this area used to be a creek. so this is where the water naturally comes. so when the sewer system fills that water has no place to go. it comes on to the streets. it jumps the curb and then flows into these garages and low-lying properties here. so these barriers will keep that water out. >> those barriers alone cost $165,000. they will be up until the rain stops. we'll continue to track the latest storm bringing you the updates on any rain-related problems as they come in. breaking news in san jose. major police activity. this is in the willow glen neighborhood. it's happening at a home along doniphan avenue. it looks like a standoff may be going on with police. people living there have been told to "shelter in place." and we are just hearing now that two elementary schools are sheltering in place just as a precaution. this is a live picture from the scene right now. those schools that are -- were ordered locked down are galarza and hammer schools. we have a crew on the scene and will have more information as we get it. mid staffing problems. the san jose police department announced changes. the department will implement mandatory overtime for police officers as recruiting numbers remain low. official also announced a measure b settlement between the police officers union and the city. the 2012 measure curtailed pensions for public safety workers. the new agreement reached is expected to save $3 billion over the next 30 years. >> we have the foundation and expertise to rebuild this department and to make san jose the safest large city once again. >> san jose currently has over 800 officers that protect the city of more than 1 million. three people are in jail on the peninsula after a confrontation with deputies and a chase. the suspects are alexander reyes, myra ochoa and a woman named sandoval. they were in an suv overnight in redwood city when san mateo county deputies approached. reyes allegedly rammed a patrol car and headed to 280 before hitting a second patrol car on the street in san bruno. eventually the suspects were caught on foot. a drug bust at uc-santa cruz prompted a college fraternity's governing office to tell its chapter to stop normal activity. six undergraduates are accused of operating an illegal drug ring and putting thousands of pulse -- importing thousands of pills of ecstasy from overseas. now lambda phi epsilon fraternity is telling the santa cruz chapter to cease and desist. that means it must stop all functions and activities for the time being. on tuesday a fraternity member angrily denied the allegations to our reporter. today bart's directors are considering a crackdown on seat hogs. they could fine passengers to take up more than one seat on crowded trains. first offense will cost you $100. problem of passengers using extra seats with their belongings or while sleeping is getting more serious as ridership grows with bart. today the school board discussing the fines -- today the board is discussing the fines and will vote at a future meeting. the senate voted to raise the legal smoking age from 18 to 21. if bill is signed by the governor california would be the second straight after hawaii to have that age limit. it's meant to make it harder for older teens to buy cigarettes for underaged friends. san francisco's board of supervisors approved a city ordinance along those lines just last week. >> when someone starts smoking as a young person, he or she is much more likely to be hooked for life than if you start later on in life. so the more we can delay people starting to smoke, the healthier people are going to be. another bill approved today would place ecigarettes under the same restrictions as traditional tobacco products. kaiser permanente just revealed the location of its new medical school. the oakland-based healthcare giant has selected pasadena. officials from the hospital say they chose the southern california city because it's near major freeways, public transit and affordable housing. groundbreaking is next year. the first class of students is expected in 2019. campaign 2016. the republicans taking the debate stage tonight. cbs reporter craig boswell has the very latest. >> reporter: hillary clinton was all smiles as she greete voters in miami beach. >> florida is big football country. >> reporter: bernie sanders targeted young voters at the university of florida. [ applause and cheers ] >> reporter: but things are very different wednesday night as sanders and clinton squared off in a contentious debate. >> excuse me! >> did you ask me to speak? >> reporter: immigration was a big focus for the univision- sponsored event. >> i voted for that bill. senator sanders voted against. it just think, imagine where we would be today if we had achieved comprehensive immigration reform nine years ago. >> children came from honduras and i said, welcome those children into this country. secretary clinton said, send them back. >> reporter: republicans debate tonight and it could be even more bitter than the democrats. but at least one candidate says he won't go back to the personal attacks he used in the last debate. >> i would do it different. i really would and the reason -- my kids were embarrassed by it. my wife didn't like t i don't think it reflects good. that's not who i am. >> reporter: marco rubio insists he won't drop out before tuesday's election despite lagging poll numbers. he even had problems drawing a crowd in his hometown of miami. >> i need your support and help. >> reporter: governor john kasich is doing much better in his home of ohio. a fox news poll shows he is beating donald trump in the buckeye state. craig boswell, cbs news, the white house. good afternoon, everybody. this just in. we have been talking about the flash flood watch in effect for most of the bay area for a lot of rain that's been falling a short amount of time. now you see that red highlighted area the one closest to the coast the navarro river in mendocino county, as we get closer that little speck of read, sonoma red. we anticipate flooding in that area. downtown trees a possibility. that flood warning, warning, which means flooding is imminent, is in effect until 4:00 this afternoon. still ahead, a midflight fight. how music led to a brawl on a plane. >> floods deadly in parts of the south. >> a live look into santa rosa. a roof collapsed there. we have our "eye on the storm" and we'll be right back. we're tracking rain this afternoon. a look at hi-def doppler shows... roberta's back ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, afternoon. roberta just mentioned a flash flood war for parts of southeastern sonoma county until 4pm. we are tracking the rain this afternoon. roberta just mentioned a flash flood warning for parts of sonoma county until 4 p.m. roberta will have the full forecast in just a moment. other parts of the country are dealing with flooding. heavy rain shut down several roads in the houston area and in north louisiana, officials have evacuated 3500 homes as the red shoe bioapproaches the top of its levee. three deaths have been caused by the storm. all was well on a spirit airlines flight that left from baltimore yesterday. that is until two drunk women cranked the music on a boom box. other passengers approached them and then they got into an argument. then there was some hair pulling and quite a bit of shoving. flight attendants broke it up. when the plane landed in los angeles, one person was cited. no one was seriously hurt. back to our top story now. it's all about the weather and all the rain. roberta, this is when i find our weather watcher program extremely advantageous here to us at kpix 5 because i can take a look at all these numbers and not only see what the temperature is but i can take a look at rainfall amount around the bay area. so far in novato frank has reported half inch. just about .7" novato. vallejo .02." napa closing in on a full inch. and it continues to pour, especially around portions of the north bay. good afternoon, everybody. this is our live hi-def doppler radar. and that front has been stalled over the north bay for hours! and that's why we have seen over 3" of rain in many locations prompting that flash flood warning in effect for southeastern sonoma county. in san francisco we have .07" of rain. it's muggy in the 60s. 14-mile- per-hour winds in pleasanton. 2-hour 17-minute delays at sfo on arriving flights. this tiny speck right there, that is southeastern sonoma county, flash flood warning until 4:00 today meaning flooding is imminent. you can anticipate flooding on the roadways and the possibility of mud slides. over here, that's the navarro river with a flash flood warning in effect in mendocino county. we have a flash flood watch in the bay area until sunday. we have storms stacked up. this is a plume of moisture that's tracking into the atmospheric river which means we have a whole lot of rain coming in a short amount of time. these the core of the center of the area of low pressure. that will pound the area on friday. here you go for your evening commute. it will be wet. then we more rain after midnight on friday. brief periods of heavy downpours for your friday. and we will see gusty winds up to 40 miles per hour. and occasional thunderstorms a possibility. saturday, more rain queued up. look at that right there. the north bay just going to be incredibly saturated by monday. we're talking about a foot of rain by monday easily in the highest mountains of the north bay. here's your thursday totals: i believe we'll exceed these numbers. 52 degrees in the high sierra. tahoe report, snow and more snow coming. sunset 6:13. a wet evening commute. temperatures pushing near 70 in the warmest locations. it is muggy, subtropical feeling and wet. we will all be very mindful of the flash flood watch and flash flood warning in sonoma county. we turn the clocks an hour ahead on sunday as daylight saving begins. do we lose an hour of rain? >> we lose an hour of sleep, roberta. an hour of sleep. >> we'll be ready to that sun on tuesday. >> we will. >> thank you. coming up, teaching convicts to code. how this week's jefferson award winner is giving inmates the tools to succeed in the job force. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, own a computer. and even if they did, they can't get one internet. well, imagine teaching someone to write computer code without a computer and even if you did, you can't get on the internet. >> allen martin reports, this week's jefferson award winner isn't letting those challenges stop her if it means helping inmates get the training they need. >> i like that. >> reporter: beverly parenti and her husband would drive by san quentin all the time. >> on the ferry you pass san quentin, you drive by san quentin, but you never really know what's going on inside the prison walls. >> reporter: five years ago, chris was asked to speak to inmates at the prison about how to start a business after they get out. he got beverly to join him and what she heard from an inmate changed everything. >> he said, i can no longer let 12 minutes of one day of my life define who i am as a person. >> reporter: that inspired them to create the last mile. because the couple has spent years in high-tech, it made sense that their nonprofit would teach inmates the science of computer coding. beverly had seen the research. 75% of the people released from prison are unemployed within the first year. 60% get out, commit another crime and go back in. >> our mission is to provide marketable skills that will result in gainful employment because we believe that having a job is truly the key to successful re-entry could i'm the manager of campus services here at rocket space. >> reporter: one of the first greats of last mile is this man. >> what the last mile did is just introduced us to the idea of how technology has change the way that businesses operate. >> become part of the recovery revolution of the fifthness. >> reporter: 12 graduates are successfully employed. the last mile chose to focus on computer coding because that's where the jobs are and the chances of success >> computer coding is one business area where you would be judged by the quality of your work, not the stigma of your past. >> reporter: but no computers or internet in prison. >> so we had to create a simulated program that would feel like an internet environment but not be. >> reporter: last mile recently received funding to expand that program to 6 more prisons. besides learning the code warnings do they get from the last mile? >> i would say the number one thing they receive is hope for the future. >> today i have a future. >> reporter: so for giving inmates the tools for a job and a better life after prison, this week's jefferson award winner goes to beverly parenti. allen martin, kpix 5. >> you can nominate your own local hero for a jefferson award at we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, a hostage situation at a hon san jose. investigator ar-old girl was ju we continue to follow breaking news from the south bay. a hostage situation at a home in san jose. investigators say a 3-year-old girl was just released. the suspect still barricaded though inside that home. we are going to have the very latest this afternoon coming up on kpix 5 news at 5:00. and according to our live hi-def doppler radar, we still have lots of rain over the northern portion of the bay area. we have seen over 3" of rain so far in some spots so the national weather service has issued a flash flood warning in effect for southeastern portions of sonoma county which means flooding is imminent. >> travel with caution. >> captions by: caption colorado [email protected] ,, ,,,, >> caroline: it's so surreal, isn't it? is it crazy if i just never want to put him down again, ever? >> ridge: that's not crazy. you don't have to. >> caroline: his little perfect little baby fingernails. [ both chuckle ] >> ridge: it's a miracle. >> caroline: our miracle. our son. >> thomas: [ sighs ] >> steffy: you can relax. our baby brother is here. >> thomas: what's he like? >> steffy: like? what? >> thomas: you've seen him.

Related Keywords

Miami , Florida , United States , Willow Glen , California , Mission District , Honduras , Louisiana , Sonoma , Texas , Rohnert Park , Oakland , Redwood City , Navarro River , South San Francisco , San Francisco , San Bruno , Miami Beach , Sonoma County , Houston , Ohio , San Quentin , San Mateo County , Hawaii , Mill Valley , Petaluma , Allen Martin , Roberta Gonzales , Marco Rubio , Michelle Griego , Alexander Reyes , Beverly Parenti , John Kasich , Los Angeles , Craig Boswell , Novato Frank , Myra Ochoa , Kaiser Permanente , Hillary Clinton , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 Noon News 20160310 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 Noon News 20160310

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heavy rainstorms. first, though, jackie ward in soggy santa rosa. jackie? >> reporter: well, frank, this roof collapse goes to show you just how powerful rainfall can be, especially as it adds up quickly over the course of a few days. check out the damage behind me here in santa rosa. no one was hurt when this happened around 7:30 this morning. take these storms seriously, officials say. it started off as light to moderate rain rainfall in rohnert park, no matter where you were on 101 in the north bay driving conditions weren't great water flying off the roads from everyone's tires making visibility poor forcing drivers go slow. people here are willing to put up with the slower commute as more rain dumps down. >> everybody talks about how they need the rain. it's a good thing. >> wetter than usual, don't mind? >> i love the rain, the more the better. >> reporter: public works in santa rosa have been gearing up for the storms for days. >> weekends spend a good portion of this week cleaning up and preparing for this storm. >> reporter: what doesen that tail? >> removing debris and making sure that our system is open. >> reporter: not enough work was done ahead of time. contract stores have been working on dry rot and were concerned about this week's forecast and the stability of this roof. turns out they had good reason to be worried. >> this is different. this isn't normal. but it can happen. so we want to make people aware of it that it's not just trees and power lines, but there's a reason we are telling people to clear your gutters. >> reporter: that's why the santa rosa fire department continues to emphasize the same thing they have been saying since the beginning of this winter. >> we are pushing the messaging that hey, be aware of water rising quickly. if you play in the creek, keep the kids out during this weather. >> reporter: so as you are, the outdoor garden center got most of the damage. some of the inside of this store received some as well because water got into the dry rot and weighed that roof down so right now the fire department is working with the building inspectors to make sure the building is safe for people to shop and work. in santa rosa, jackie ward, kpix 5. san francisco is also getting wet this afternoon. drivers are dealing with slick roads on the golden gate bridge. >> but other parts of the bay area are still dry. we caught blue skies in san jose earlier today. roberta gonzales tracking the rain. >> reporter: began, everybody from our kpix 5 weather center. -- good afternoon, everybody, from our kpix 5 weather center. we have been monitoring this frontal boundary stalled across the north bay causing a lot of rainfall in a short amount of time. in fact, we have already seen 3 1/2 inches of venado. santa rosa and mill valley both over 1.5" of rain. this amount of rain on already saturated soil lead to flooding in the bay area. petaluma and napa with lesser amounts. now it's raining in san francisco. as you can see, those raindrops on our camera lens. it's live, it's our hi-def doppler radar. when you see the shades of yellow, that's a more moderate rainfall. and then when you see the shades of orange that's heavy rainfall east of rohnert park and petaluma. golden gate bridge wet. we see rain showers streaming onshore from the coast across half moon bay, 280 into san mateo and also south san francisco where we have delays two hours 17 minutes on some arriving flights at sfo. flash flood watch in effect for all that highlighted yellow area which encompasses 8 million people living near in the bay area. we'll see flooding and ponding and downed trees and we will see another storm moving into the bay area. we'll track that one as well coming up later in this newscast. in the east bay, stormy weather may have led to a major hazard on the roadways. a 30-foot oak tree was uprooted and came crashing down in sunol. drivers couldn't get through for three hours this morning. the hills in the area are soaked from storms. as the rain continues crews urge drives to be looking out for falling trees. in san francisco, a quick fix for a long-term problem. 400 feet of plastic flood barriers up around the mission district. the neighborhood is situated in a flood zone. some barriers are filled with recycled water to anchor them down. the city's public utilities commission says it is the very first time they have used this method to prevent flooding. >> this area used to be a creek. so this is where the water naturally comes. so when the sewer system fills that water has no place to go. it comes on to the streets. it jumps the curb and then flows into these garages and low-lying properties here. so these barriers will keep that water out. >> those barriers alone cost $165,000. they will be up until the rain stops. we'll continue to track the latest storm bringing you the updates on any rain-related problems as they come in. breaking news in san jose. major police activity. this is in the willow glen neighborhood. it's happening at a home along doniphan avenue. it looks like a standoff may be going on with police. people living there have been told to "shelter in place." and we are just hearing now that two elementary schools are sheltering in place just as a precaution. this is a live picture from the scene right now. those schools that are -- were ordered locked down are galarza and hammer schools. we have a crew on the scene and will have more information as we get it. mid staffing problems. the san jose police department announced changes. the department will implement mandatory overtime for police officers as recruiting numbers remain low. official also announced a measure b settlement between the police officers union and the city. the 2012 measure curtailed pensions for public safety workers. the new agreement reached is expected to save $3 billion over the next 30 years. >> we have the foundation and expertise to rebuild this department and to make san jose the safest large city once again. >> san jose currently has over 800 officers that protect the city of more than 1 million. three people are in jail on the peninsula after a confrontation with deputies and a chase. the suspects are alexander reyes, myra ochoa and a woman named sandoval. they were in an suv overnight in redwood city when san mateo county deputies approached. reyes allegedly rammed a patrol car and headed to 280 before hitting a second patrol car on the street in san bruno. eventually the suspects were caught on foot. a drug bust at uc-santa cruz prompted a college fraternity's governing office to tell its chapter to stop normal activity. six undergraduates are accused of operating an illegal drug ring and putting thousands of pulse -- importing thousands of pills of ecstasy from overseas. now lambda phi epsilon fraternity is telling the santa cruz chapter to cease and desist. that means it must stop all functions and activities for the time being. on tuesday a fraternity member angrily denied the allegations to our reporter. today bart's directors are considering a crackdown on seat hogs. they could fine passengers to take up more than one seat on crowded trains. first offense will cost you $100. problem of passengers using extra seats with their belongings or while sleeping is getting more serious as ridership grows with bart. today the school board discussing the fines -- today the board is discussing the fines and will vote at a future meeting. the senate voted to raise the legal smoking age from 18 to 21. if bill is signed by the governor california would be the second straight after hawaii to have that age limit. it's meant to make it harder for older teens to buy cigarettes for underaged friends. san francisco's board of supervisors approved a city ordinance along those lines just last week. >> when someone starts smoking as a young person, he or she is much more likely to be hooked for life than if you start later on in life. so the more we can delay people starting to smoke, the healthier people are going to be. another bill approved today would place ecigarettes under the same restrictions as traditional tobacco products. kaiser permanente just revealed the location of its new medical school. the oakland-based healthcare giant has selected pasadena. officials from the hospital say they chose the southern california city because it's near major freeways, public transit and affordable housing. groundbreaking is next year. the first class of students is expected in 2019. campaign 2016. the republicans taking the debate stage tonight. cbs reporter craig boswell has the very latest. >> reporter: hillary clinton was all smiles as she greete voters in miami beach. >> florida is big football country. >> reporter: bernie sanders targeted young voters at the university of florida. [ applause and cheers ] >> reporter: but things are very different wednesday night as sanders and clinton squared off in a contentious debate. >> excuse me! >> did you ask me to speak? >> reporter: immigration was a big focus for the univision- sponsored event. >> i voted for that bill. senator sanders voted against. it just think, imagine where we would be today if we had achieved comprehensive immigration reform nine years ago. >> children came from honduras and i said, welcome those children into this country. secretary clinton said, send them back. >> reporter: republicans debate tonight and it could be even more bitter than the democrats. but at least one candidate says he won't go back to the personal attacks he used in the last debate. >> i would do it different. i really would and the reason -- my kids were embarrassed by it. my wife didn't like t i don't think it reflects good. that's not who i am. >> reporter: marco rubio insists he won't drop out before tuesday's election despite lagging poll numbers. he even had problems drawing a crowd in his hometown of miami. >> i need your support and help. >> reporter: governor john kasich is doing much better in his home of ohio. a fox news poll shows he is beating donald trump in the buckeye state. craig boswell, cbs news, the white house. good afternoon, everybody. this just in. we have been talking about the flash flood watch in effect for most of the bay area for a lot of rain that's been falling a short amount of time. now you see that red highlighted area the one closest to the coast the navarro river in mendocino county, as we get closer that little speck of read, sonoma red. we anticipate flooding in that area. downtown trees a possibility. that flood warning, warning, which means flooding is imminent, is in effect until 4:00 this afternoon. still ahead, a midflight fight. how music led to a brawl on a plane. >> floods deadly in parts of the south. >> a live look into santa rosa. a roof collapsed there. we have our "eye on the storm" and we'll be right back. we're tracking rain this afternoon. a look at hi-def doppler shows... roberta's back ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, afternoon. roberta just mentioned a flash flood war for parts of southeastern sonoma county until 4pm. we are tracking the rain this afternoon. roberta just mentioned a flash flood warning for parts of sonoma county until 4 p.m. roberta will have the full forecast in just a moment. other parts of the country are dealing with flooding. heavy rain shut down several roads in the houston area and in north louisiana, officials have evacuated 3500 homes as the red shoe bioapproaches the top of its levee. three deaths have been caused by the storm. all was well on a spirit airlines flight that left from baltimore yesterday. that is until two drunk women cranked the music on a boom box. other passengers approached them and then they got into an argument. then there was some hair pulling and quite a bit of shoving. flight attendants broke it up. when the plane landed in los angeles, one person was cited. no one was seriously hurt. back to our top story now. it's all about the weather and all the rain. roberta, this is when i find our weather watcher program extremely advantageous here to us at kpix 5 because i can take a look at all these numbers and not only see what the temperature is but i can take a look at rainfall amount around the bay area. so far in novato frank has reported half inch. just about .7" novato. vallejo .02." napa closing in on a full inch. and it continues to pour, especially around portions of the north bay. good afternoon, everybody. this is our live hi-def doppler radar. and that front has been stalled over the north bay for hours! and that's why we have seen over 3" of rain in many locations prompting that flash flood warning in effect for southeastern sonoma county. in san francisco we have .07" of rain. it's muggy in the 60s. 14-mile- per-hour winds in pleasanton. 2-hour 17-minute delays at sfo on arriving flights. this tiny speck right there, that is southeastern sonoma county, flash flood warning until 4:00 today meaning flooding is imminent. you can anticipate flooding on the roadways and the possibility of mud slides. over here, that's the navarro river with a flash flood warning in effect in mendocino county. we have a flash flood watch in the bay area until sunday. we have storms stacked up. this is a plume of moisture that's tracking into the atmospheric river which means we have a whole lot of rain coming in a short amount of time. these the core of the center of the area of low pressure. that will pound the area on friday. here you go for your evening commute. it will be wet. then we more rain after midnight on friday. brief periods of heavy downpours for your friday. and we will see gusty winds up to 40 miles per hour. and occasional thunderstorms a possibility. saturday, more rain queued up. look at that right there. the north bay just going to be incredibly saturated by monday. we're talking about a foot of rain by monday easily in the highest mountains of the north bay. here's your thursday totals: i believe we'll exceed these numbers. 52 degrees in the high sierra. tahoe report, snow and more snow coming. sunset 6:13. a wet evening commute. temperatures pushing near 70 in the warmest locations. it is muggy, subtropical feeling and wet. we will all be very mindful of the flash flood watch and flash flood warning in sonoma county. we turn the clocks an hour ahead on sunday as daylight saving begins. do we lose an hour of rain? >> we lose an hour of sleep, roberta. an hour of sleep. >> we'll be ready to that sun on tuesday. >> we will. >> thank you. coming up, teaching convicts to code. how this week's jefferson award winner is giving inmates the tools to succeed in the job force. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, own a computer. and even if they did, they can't get one internet. well, imagine teaching someone to write computer code without a computer and even if you did, you can't get on the internet. >> allen martin reports, this week's jefferson award winner isn't letting those challenges stop her if it means helping inmates get the training they need. >> i like that. >> reporter: beverly parenti and her husband would drive by san quentin all the time. >> on the ferry you pass san quentin, you drive by san quentin, but you never really know what's going on inside the prison walls. >> reporter: five years ago, chris was asked to speak to inmates at the prison about how to start a business after they get out. he got beverly to join him and what she heard from an inmate changed everything. >> he said, i can no longer let 12 minutes of one day of my life define who i am as a person. >> reporter: that inspired them to create the last mile. because the couple has spent years in high-tech, it made sense that their nonprofit would teach inmates the science of computer coding. beverly had seen the research. 75% of the people released from prison are unemployed within the first year. 60% get out, commit another crime and go back in. >> our mission is to provide marketable skills that will result in gainful employment because we believe that having a job is truly the key to successful re-entry could i'm the manager of campus services here at rocket space. >> reporter: one of the first greats of last mile is this man. >> what the last mile did is just introduced us to the idea of how technology has change the way that businesses operate. >> become part of the recovery revolution of the fifthness. >> reporter: 12 graduates are successfully employed. the last mile chose to focus on computer coding because that's where the jobs are and the chances of success >> computer coding is one business area where you would be judged by the quality of your work, not the stigma of your past. >> reporter: but no computers or internet in prison. >> so we had to create a simulated program that would feel like an internet environment but not be. >> reporter: last mile recently received funding to expand that program to 6 more prisons. besides learning the code warnings do they get from the last mile? >> i would say the number one thing they receive is hope for the future. >> today i have a future. >> reporter: so for giving inmates the tools for a job and a better life after prison, this week's jefferson award winner goes to beverly parenti. allen martin, kpix 5. >> you can nominate your own local hero for a jefferson award at we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, a hostage situation at a hon san jose. investigator ar-old girl was ju we continue to follow breaking news from the south bay. a hostage situation at a home in san jose. investigators say a 3-year-old girl was just released. the suspect still barricaded though inside that home. we are going to have the very latest this afternoon coming up on kpix 5 news at 5:00. and according to our live hi-def doppler radar, we still have lots of rain over the northern portion of the bay area. we have seen over 3" of rain so far in some spots so the national weather service has issued a flash flood warning in effect for southeastern portions of sonoma county which means flooding is imminent. >> travel with caution. >> captions by: caption colorado ,, ,,,, >> caroline: it's so surreal, isn't it? is it crazy if i just never want to put him down again, ever? >> ridge: that's not crazy. you don't have to. >> caroline: his little perfect little baby fingernails. [ both chuckle ] >> ridge: it's a miracle. >> caroline: our miracle. our son. >> thomas: [ sighs ] >> steffy: you can relax. our baby brother is here. >> thomas: what's he like? >> steffy: like? what? >> thomas: you've seen him.

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