Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20170525 : c

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20170525

10 to 20 miles per hour in fairfield. wind speeds up to 23. air temperatures uniform from the blanket of clouds in the coast to the inland areas. oakland 15-mile-per-hour winds. 13 san francisco, 12 half moon bay. 14 in pleasanton. good morning in fairfield. now what i'm talking about. winds up to 23 miles per hour. clouds over the bay area all associated with a weak disturbance that's been enhancing the marine layer and bringing in the cooler air mass. friday, same. memorial day, warm. back to the mid- to high 80s away from the coast. today's numbers 58 degrees at rockaway beach in pacifica. through half moon bay into daly city and colma. 60s around the peninsula. 68 fremont to the low 70s in the tri-valley low 70s santa clara valley. 68 degrees in santa rosa. hey, michelle, neck time around i'll talk about the memorial holiday forecast. sounds good. thank you. jury deliberations get under way this morning in the case against three san jose jail deputies accused of murdering an inmate two years ago. defense attorneys for the deputies charged with beating michael tyree gave their closing arguments yesterday saying tyree died from falling back on a sharp edge of his jail cell sink while standing on the toilet back in august 2015. the defendants are charged with one count each of felony murder. this morning police in the united kingdom continue to carry out raids in connection to monday's deadly terror attack at manchester arena. this comes as investigators work to figure out whether suspected bomber salman abedi was part of a wider terror network. who could be instructed the bomb used to kill innocent bomb-goers. 8 people have been picked up in raids in england including his brother. another brother of his and ace his father who live in libya have been detained. >> i think it's clear this is a network we are investigating. >> they say this is a video of him at a mall last friday possibly buying a backpack he used to carry the bomb. images from the "new york times" says it was screws, battery an detonator. british prime minister theresa may is in brussels right now for the nato summit. she is expected to speak to president trump about intelligence leaks connected to the manchester attack. this morning, nato's secretary- general said the alliance was preparing a new intelligence control help fight isis. president trump has previously talked about pulling out of the pact. thousands protested president trump's visit. activists plan more protests today. after today's nato meetings, president trump and the first lady head to italy for this year's g7 summit. a vote today in the state senate could bring a single payor healthcare system one step closer to become a reality in california. kpix 5's jackie ward is live in our newsroom with the details. >> reporter: keep in mind single payor systems like this have been shot down twice before. in 2007 and2011. the appropriations committee will vote on the bill today before it heads to a full vote on the senate floor by early june. the healthy california act focuses on costs. it's co-author senator ricardo lara says californians would be required to join this public program and insurance companies would be barred from offering coverage for services already included in the plan. the bill aims to provide healthcare coverage for all 39 million people who live in california. >> we need to get the profit motive out so that people can get the healthcare they need. >> reporter: this is happening as the proposed gop healthcare plan would help the federal deficit but leave millions uninsured. the california pan ethnic network says older americans and those with pre-existing conditions would suffer the most and that 23 million americans would lose healthcare coverage by 2026. the threat of congress repealing the aca is why state senator lara is calling the healthy california act timely. details on how it would be financed are still pending but his office says it would be from taxes. jackie ward, kpix 5. tesla employees are revealing some troubling news. they say the company's growth is costing them their safety. kpix 5's anne makovec is live outside the factory with more on their claims. anne. >> reporter: yeah. publicly we see these shiny new state-of-the-art electric vehicles coming out of this factory here in fremont. but behind closed doors, some employees say that tesla is putting its products over its people and some new numbers by a workplace safety nonprofit appear to back that up. the nonprofit is called work safe. it says that injuries at the fremont factory was 31% higher than the industry average in 2015 and serious injuries double the industry rate. tesla employees say they were worked to exhaustion. >> literally like four of us doing a six man job burned-out everybody in our area burned- out. >> not really reflective of the environment that you see here. and that you'll hear from the rest of our employees. >> reporter: now, we did hear from a current tesla factory worker who wanted to remain anonymous. he says, do i see unsafe practices? yes. however, he says, they aren't tolerating them anymore. the electric car company admits some employees worked significant amounts of overtime so the company could survive but they have now added a third shift to improve safety. further they said, we may have had some challenges in the past. but we now have the lowest injury rate in the industry by far. some of those employees say they have already lost confidence in the management. when they went to complain about concerns for injuries, the management saw them as complainers. in fremont, anne makovec, kpix 5. you can see much more of the >> you can see much more of the interviews with the tesla employees on "cbs this morning." that starts right after our newscast at 7 a.m. bart's board of supervisors is meeting later this morning. some items on the agenda next year's budget and the fare evasion task force. kpix 5's jessica flores is live at the san leandro bart station with more details on today's meeting. jessica. reporter: bart officials continue to tackle the budget and one of the big ticket items is fare evasion. it's a pricy problem. the agency says it cost it about $25 million a year. today at the bart board of directors meeting they will hear an update on the fare evasion task force, tasked with coming up with a way to crack down on cheats. right now the bart director says a new california law is in the way. so if you are under 18, you get a pass because lawmakers don't want juveniles to have a mark on their records for such a petty offense. >> we have had reports anywhere from three to five percent of our riders which could amount to 22,000 riders a day. >> reporter: bart officials are considering following what muni does. they give out tickets to youth offenders and those tickets do not go on the young person's record. bart could spend more than a million dollars on such a plan to beef up enforcement. and bart officials tell us anywhere between 3 and 5% of riders are not paying for tickets. today that meeting is at 9 a.m. in oakland. reporting live in san leandro, i'm jessica flores, kpix 5. time now 6:08. new video captures the moment a tornado touches down. next, the damage left behind in north carolina and the clean-up just getting under way. >> the clouds have pushed onshore. the cooler air mass has moved in. now the big effect this is going to have on your holiday weekend. >> and a few more cars joining the thursday morning ride. we're seeing some delays lots of yellow and red on our screen. we'll take a closer look at the drive times coming up. >> plus, in our tech report it could be one of silicon valley's most valuable projects. how much google's self-driving car project "waymo" is estimated to be worth. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, giving people options based on their budget is pretty edgy... kind of like this look. i'm calling it the "name your price tool" phase. whatever. a group of bay area high school students are gearing up for their careers early with help from pixar and that's just part of what makes oakland tech this week's "cool school." >> you have a little scene here. >> reporter: this is just one project this senior at oakland tech is working on in her animation 2 class. she is learning that animation is all about making choices. >> do i want this person to walk? that's a choice. i want this to person, how fast you want them to walk, how big are the strides and do they drag their feet? and so these are all choices you have to make and you have to be deliberate as an artist. >> reporter: the class is learning the principles of animation, needed on projects like animating a walk cycle. >> figuring out the position of the hips, the position of the knees and the feet and all that stuff and making it seem smooth and natural is really difficult to do. >> reporter: the students have help. not only from their teacher, mr. heckle, but a mentor from world-renowned pixar based in emeryville. >> this awesome studio and everyone wants to work there. so to have, you know, somebody come from pixar to the high school and work with these students is, like, a very kind of unique, um, fantastic opportunity for the students. >> reporter: this year's volunteer kc, who worked on movies like toy story and "up" meets with the students every two weeks. he gives them assignments and then critiques their work. >> when it's done, you get a good sense of completion. if it looks good, it gives you something to be proud of. >> reporter: the studio mentor program was established through project 7, a computer animation project started by a couple of parents and mr. heckel. not only do students learn the skills of the trade but personal stories to help them navigate their own choices in the future. >> having a mentor that can talk about how they got there and how they got to the point that they're at is really helpful to be able to see what it might be. >> kc, which is really good news for the students, he plans to return next year to help more students out. which is awesome. oakland tech, it's not the only school in the bay area with this program. claremont middle school also takes part. >> pixar nothing better than that, right? >> cream of the crop. >> what's cool about you r school? email your nomination to us at [email protected] and we may feature your school on the show. >> pretty soon we're going to have to do cool camps. >> summer is starting. >> school is ending pretty solar impulse. >> i went to some cool camps growing up. >> tell us about some of them later on after the break. [ laughter ] some folks camping out in their cars over at the bay bridge toll plaza. that's because it looks like a parking lot over there. but we'll start with the positive. take a look at the richmond/san rafael bridge toll plaza there. traffic is light. it's in the green. just about a 15-minute commute across the span connecting with 101. all right. here's your ride along the eastshore freeway. this is in san pablo -- at mcbryde avenue definitely getting busy westbound which is on the right side of your screen. we are tracking delays over at the bay bridge toll plaza in the yellows across the top. about 20 minutes from the maze to downtown. and here's 580 as you approach 680. smooth, looking okay right there. we are dealing with speeds in the yellow just about a 33- minute ride. wind advisory for the altamont pass. hat's a check of your traffic; over to you. thank you. new video out of north carolina shows the moment a tornado touched down in davey county. a state of emergency has been declared there after nearly 25 homes were damaged in that storm. at least three people were hurt in davie county. several roofs were also ripped off of buildings and schools. today a damage assessment team will survey the areas impacted by the storm. closer to home the bay area is seeing a cooldown. roberta, what's happening in our forecast? >> so you could be cool today into friday with a deepening natural continues to "pushhhh" onshore right now. we are taking a live look at our weather camera from the embarcadero past pier 9 where the flag on the fly, a breezy start to your day. here you have the port of oakland and over there, you have the estuary over in the oakland area, as well. here's another view. this time around, looking out from the cliff house, ocean beach, we have low tide this morning at 5:02. high tide will be right before noon at 11:59. look at that camera bounce around. current air temperature in the 50s. darryl yee our faithful weather watcher in alameda with winds up to 12 this morning with a drop in the barometer. thanks. the winds now 15 in the oakland area. 13 in san francisco. sfo, at 9. we have airport delays on some arriving flights under an hour. 12 at the coast and san ramon valley up to 20 at the delta. the winds will be consistent during the day 10 to 20. clouds will linger at the shore. that right there, see that slicing through? that's a weak disturbance from the north to the south keeping us pretty much under partly cloudy skies throughout the day today. kick-starting your thursday, may gray. continuation of this on friday with cool conditions. and then memorial day lots of sunshine away from the seashore. here's our satellite and radar there's that weak disturbance as it slices through from the north to the south. and as it does so it's pulling the cooler air mass. here's your afternoon today. we'll have filtered sunshine around the bay socked in around the peninsula. friday' deepening marine layer towards the delta for the morning hours and we wake up with cloudy skies on saturday morning. then during the day, bam, we clear out. high pressure begins to build in. as that happens, through memorial day, it strengthens, we'll see warmer conditions away from the bay. today jaclyn was saying this is a big travel day a lot of people getting away for the holiday. 73 degrees state capital. 65 degrees in the high sierra where currently it's 33. 62 in monterey bay back through pebble beach. official sunrise 5:53 not going to see it. we have gray skies from the coast through our inland areas. temperatures coming down to seasonal levels. 58 to 74 cooler friday and saturday pretty seasonal then we warm just in time for the holiday. make it a great day. thank you. google's self-driving car project "waymo" could be worth more than detroit's big three automakers and electric carmaker tesla. that's according to morgan stanley which estimates the company to be worth $70 billion. "waymo" recently launched the first public trial of its self- driving cars. facebook is making some changes to its trending topics. the new feature will give users a handful of stories from different news sources. you can also see what friends and public figures are saying about different topics. the social network is also testing a feature on phones. it would put three trending topics in your newsfeed. a real prototype of the iphone 8 has yet to appear. but we may just have gotten the next best thing. a short video of an unofficial prototype. the device includes several of the features we have been hearing about. the edge-to-edge screen vertical dual cameras and a virtual fingerprint sensor. this is just a rendering and it doesn't turn on so we can't see the screen just yet. good morning, everybody. a good news/bad news day for the locals. the giants muscle up in the 9th inning and a game that ends in controversy. we're up next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, good morning, everybody. chicago cubs's manager says that baseball should use an automated strike zone. good thing for him they weren't using it last night against the giants. wind blowing out meant that long ball city at wrigley field. four in the game. anthony rizzo has five hits in his last four games. four of those are home runs. he hit two last night both off matt moore. top of the ninth, giants with the tying run at second base. on a 3-2 pitch, wade davis got a gift from the umpire. joe panik can't believe it. the game ends, bochy said it was a shame to end the game on that call. cubs win 5-4. bleacher creatures trying to put the curse on the marlins in oakland. a's leading 2-1. 5th inning lowry doubles home joyce. lowry 4 for 4 with two doubles in the game. plenty of support for sonny gray. he went 7 innings allowing just one run on three hits with 11 strikeouts. that is one off his career high. and the a's win, 4-1. tj ford left the texas basketball team after just two years in college. in 2003, for his shot at the nba. but his coach rick barnes made sure that ford would one day finish school. and after 14 years, that dream finally came true last week. >> proud is an understatement but he deserves it more than anybody. when he called me, what, about a month and a half ago and said, coach, may 19th, i'm walking and he said, you better be there and i said i wouldn't miss it for anything. i love him. i love him. you know? >> that's a great story. we need a little bit more of that in newscasts and social media than all the hate going on right now. tj ford's nba career ended with the warriors. they cut him in 2012. i'm dennis o'donnell. see you tonight. as we take a live look at the oracle arena, the warriors are gearing up for the nba finals. golden state will have home- court advantage for game one on june 1. the team will play the eastern conference winners either boston or cleveland. the cavs are leading the series 3 games to 1. the big news today, ticket sales start for games one and two. presales tickets for warriors insider members go on sale at 10 a.m. time is 6:26. as the gop repealed obamacare, state lawmakers are coming up with their own plan called the healthy california act and it's being voted on today. >> reporter: new accusations that tesla could be putting its products before its people. we will hear from some of the workers next. >> closed captioning for this newscast is sponsored by "living spaces." did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's over 6 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 250 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. (man) hmm. ♪hat do you think? (stranger) good mornin'! ♪ (store p.a.) attention shoppers, there's a lost couple in the men's department. (vo) there's a great big un-khaki world out there. explore it in a subaru crosstrek. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. ♪[ music ] [ bell tolls ] church bells ring out as a moment of silence is taken for the victims in a deadly concert bombing. this as manchester police make more arrests in connection to the attack. plus -- >> sick and tired of this. the last time you came here did you the same thing! >> an interview between a montana congressional candidate and reporter ends in a wrestling match. the charges the lawmaker is facing as voters head to the polls. >> but first, tesla employees are revealing some troubling news. good morning, it is thursday, may 25. i'm kenny choi. >> i'm michelle griego. time now is 6:30. they say the company's growth is costing them their safety. kpix 5's anne makovec is live outside the factory with more on their claims. anne. >> reporter: tesla as a company has grown by leaps and bounds over the past decade. but now we're hearing from some employees who say that that growth might have come at their expense. now, this report from the nonprofit is from a group called work space. it's a health and safety advocacy group. and it says that injuries here at the fremont factory are 31% higher than the industry average. that was in 2015. this rate of serious injuries about double the industry rate. tesla employees said they basically worked to exhaustion. >> everybody is burned-out. we're trying to run as hard as we can. we are working they underbody at the time. we were like four of us doing a six-man job nonstop running a marathon. >> now, the electric car company says some employees worked overtime for survival but now they have added a third shift to improve safety. furthermore, tesla wrote in a statement: >> in the meantime, a lot of the workers here at the factory are in the process of trying to unionize. right now live in fremont, anne makevoc, kpix 5. >> you can see more of the interviews with the tesla employees on "cbs this morning" after our newscast at 7 a.m. we are expected to get an update this morning from bart officials on next year's budget and the fare evasion task force. kpix 5's jessica flores is live at the san leandro bart station with more. >> reporter: bart officials continue to tackle next year's budgets and one of the big ticket items costing them $25 million a year. fare a vegas. about 22,000 riders a day don't pay for tickets. that's according to bart. today at the bart meeting board of directors will hear an update on the fare a vegas task force that's tasked with coming up with a way to crack down on cheats. right now the bart director says the agency is having trouble penalizing anyone under 18. if you are under 18 you get a pass because lawmakers don't want juveniles to have a mark on their record for such a petty offense. >> we need help through the legislature for that to happen. if there aren't consequences, whether they are good kids or not they are likely to find that attractive to do. >> reporter: bart officials are considering following what muni does. muni gives out tickets to youth offenders and the tickets do not go on the person's record. bart could spend more than a million dollars on such a plan to beef up enforcement and bart officials say that anywhere between 3 and 5% of riders are not paying for their tickets. the meeting is today at 9 a.m. in oakland. hotel also be swearing-in the new police chief carlos rojas and he comes from the santa ana police department. the meeting is in oakland at 9 a.m. reporting live in san leandro, i'm jessica flores, kpix 5. let's get a live look outside right now as we take a live look at the bay bridge. and 880 in oakland. we're monitoring what to expect including your forecast for today. >> doesn't look too bad, roberta. >> it's a little cool. definitely breezy. a day in which you want to put on both socks but instead have you gone to your dryer and only found one sock? this is one of my favorite socks from the san jose giants just love it. nice and warm but i can't find the other sock. it's missing. i keep holding on to it thinking it's going to surface but it doesn't. today is rock one sock day for the month of missing children's month. the month of may. what we would like to you do is bring awareness and solidarity with the families of missing children. there are a lot of missing kids out there. go to your social media site rock one sock one word. let's unite on throbbing one sock day and bring light to all the missing kids around the world. one-hour delays at sfo on some arriving flights. we have gusty winds especially the rim of the bay up to 15 miles per hour but at the delta through fairfield some of these winds up to 24. winds will continue today 10 to 20 miles per hour. it is a may gray day all the way through friday with only partial clearing. temperatures 50s, 60s and 70s. seasonal spring-like conditions but summer-like temperatures returning to the bay area. we'll talk about that coming up. right now we are tracking some delays if you are making your way over to the toll plaza. that's the richmond/san rafael bridge toll plaza. we are seeing speeds in the yellow now. about 12 minutes from marina bay parkway to the west end of the bridge. across the golden gate bridge, we are getting reports of a truck that hit the toll plaza. it's blocking lane number 4 over there. i did see emergency crews and flashing lights heading in the southbound direction but it's not causing a backup. 25 minutes from the carquinez bridge to the maze and from the maze into downtown, 17 minutes. that's a check of your traffic. kenny. this morning a moment of silence was held across the united kingdom for the victim of monday night's suicide bombing at the manchester arena. [ bell tolls ] hundreds of mourners gathered at st. ann's square in manchester where there is a growing memorial. at least 22 people died and dozens more injured. names of those who died continue to be revealed. this morning the queen made a stop at royal manchester children's hospital to visit some of the survivors. right now, investigators are working to figure out whether suspected bomber salman abedi was part of a wider terror network. at least eight people have been picked up in raids in northern and central england including abedi's brother. another brother of his and his father, both libyans, have been detained. former president barack obama and german chancellor angela merkel spoke about the attack this morning in front of people in berlin. >> and it's a reminder that there's great danger and, terrorism and people who would do great harm to others just because they're different. >> later today the german chancellor will also meet with president trump at the nato summit in brussels. this will be his first nato summit as his 9 day foreign trip nears its end. nato's' chief announced this morning the alliance will join a fight against the isis a move the u.s. has been urging. house and senate investigators set last night as a deadline for the fbi to turn over memos by former fbi director james comey on his conversations with president trump. some documents allegedly include details about the president asking comey to go easy on the fired national security adviser michael flynn. and according to a new poll, 55% of voters believe president trump fired comey to disrupt the investigation of alleged ties to russia. another 36% say president trump lost confidence in comey's ability to lead the fbi and 54% say the president is abusing the powers of his office. today a single payor healthcare system could be one step closer to become a reality in california. kpix 5's jackie ward is live in the newsroom with more. >> reporter: this vote comes at a time when at the federal level the gop is trying to dismantle the affordable care act. senator lara is putting forward the healthy california act what the appropriations committee will vote on today. it goes to the senate next month. this plan would allow californians to choose their doctor from a list of providers and it would cover californians while traveling, as well. senator lara believes this bill is timely given the threat the aca is under. dismantling that would allegedly cause older americans and those with pre-existing conditions to suffer the most financially. >> health plans would now be able to charge based on your health status. >> reporter: details on how the single payor system would be financed are still being discussed and right now they are vague. all we know is what we have heard from senator lara that taxes would pay for it somehow. in has been proposed this has been shot down in 2007 and 2011. jackie ward, kpix 5. a lawmaker in montana is facing charges for reportedly attacking a reporter last night during a house election rally for candidate greg gianforte. there is no video. here's audio. [ discussion and fighting ] >> the reporter says that gianforte body slammed him when he was trying to get an interview. he was taken to the hospital for x-rays. in a statement, gianforte's campaign says that greg attempted to grab the phone that was pushed in his face. the reporter grabbed greg's wrist and spun away from him pushing them both to the ground. this morning, witness testimony continues in the trial of antolin garcia-torres. he was found guilty of killing sierra lamar. defense attorneys are expected to grill the lead detective in the case in a push to question his credibility. santa clara county sheriff's sergeant herman leon gave false statistics in a separate homicide case according to a bay area judge. time now 6:40. working to make repairs. next, the construction under way at the damaged oroville dam. >> plus, tsa is making some major changes. what you'll need to know before your next flight. >> and the market just opened up about 10 minutes ago. let's get a quick look at the big board here. the dow is up 51. coming up, we'll get an update from kcbs radio's financial reporter jason brooks. ,,,,,,,,,, what if there was a paint... ...where each drop was formulated to be smarter... ...even smarter than that... if a color didn't go on evenly, it would balance itself out to reveal its truest, richest state. if a paint could realize the fullest potential of any color... have to wonder... is it still paint? aura interior from benjamin moo®e . only available at independently owned paint and hardware stores. time for a look at what's coming up later on "cbs this morning." charlie rose joins us from new york. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. ahead, the latest on the republican congressional candidate accused of body slamming a journalist. it happened hours before today's special election in montana. plus we'll take you inside tesla's factory in fremont where some employees say that the company's rapid growth is costing them their safety. and former football player and astronaut leland melvin is in studio 57 with his unlikely path from the gridiron to space. that plus the eye opener, your world in 90 seconds. see you as 7:00. >> thank you. next time you fly could take you longer to get through security. tsa is changing its screening process at 10 airports at these test locations passengers will be asked to take out all electronics larger than a cell phone from the carry-ons an place them in a separate bin for x-ray screening. for now it's only being tested at 10 airports. l.a.x. is the only location in california. a couple of bay area firms are celebrating some strong earnings in the 1st quarter. >> for more on that plus the morning's new jobs report, let's check in with kcbs radio's financial reporter jason brooks. >> reporter: good morning. hp is proving that pc sales are alive and kicking. the palo alto firm reported that its pc sales rose mainly from very strong notebook sales. desktops were still down a bit. consumer sales were stronger than business sales. also, printer sales were up and it was the first time since 2010 that pc printer sales rose in the same quarter for hp and stock is up on that news. san francisco-based williams- sonoma also reporting strong sales. its revenue up 1% to $1.1 billion. strong demand for its flagship chain and west elm brand although pottery barn declined in sales. shares up 4% early going. jobless claims rose this week. 234,000. continuing claims which were up a little bit remain below two million for six straight weeks that's the first time that's happened since 1974. stock market off to a positive start that. means record highs for the nasdaq and the s&p. investors looking for a sixth straight winning session. right now dow is up by 57 points. nasdaq up 16. s&p up higher by 5 points. back to you. >> thank you. it is 6:46 right know. out let's check traffic. what's it like out there? >> right now, it's the calm before the storm. we are dealing with the normal crowds for your morning commute. but likely to get much worse throughout the day today. it's estimated to be the busiest travel day not tomorrow for the memorial day weekend. and then monday of course will be very, very slow as everyone heads home from the weekend plans. right now typical delays if you make your way through the south bay. but we are tracking some more delays along the san mateo bridge. that just shot up over 20 minutes now out of hayward to foster city. earlier reports of a crash of a truck that hit one of the toll plazas there. looks like it's blocking one of the lanes. we are not seeing any backup but you can see some of those cars avoiding those center lanes looks like they are all funneling to the left or the right and at the bay bridge toll plaza, we continue to see "slow, stop, go" that's the way it goes heading into the city in the red just over 20 minutes across the span. we are tracking drive times in the yellow and red for all of our "bay area majors." roberta? >> it's going. thank you so much. it's going pretty quickly. clipping along at 15 miles per hour right now. we have a container ship from stockton. can you see it there? that is the global serenity and it may track from stockton into the port of oakland just bypassing the bay bridge right now right there. hey, later today small craft advisory for bay waters mostly cloudy skies. look at the camera just bobbling along from the cliff house looking to ocean beach this morning. we have overcast skies and marine layer from the coast to the bay into our inland areas. temperatures are uniform due it the blank of the clouds. it's weather watcher time. bill in orinda darrell in alameda. ron in concord. keeps me honest this morning by check in with me. letting me know what's going on in their neighborhoods in the 40s right now in the north bay with the clouds 50s from the bay into our inland areas. wind speeds this morning, 13 in san francisco, sfo now with delays up to 44 minutes on some arriving flights. due to the clouds 15 miles per hour in oakland 124 in fairfield. we a breezy to blustery day on tap for today. these winds consistent 10 to 20. it's back to may gray tomorrow. blue skies away from the bay. lots of sunshine away from the coast for the holiday. so there's that weak disturbance i was alluding to. it's traversing from the north to the south. and pulling down that cooler air mass with it. here we go in the afternoon barely any bay clearing partial at best same around the peninsula. friday, we have intrusion of the deck of low clouds and fog we wake one gray clouds and then it dials back. lots of sunshine as this big ridge of high pressure is forecast to build into the bay area and strengthen and encouraging our temperatures to climb back into the mid-80s by the holiday inland. 70s today for a big getaway day. stockton, davis, sacramento. 65 degrees and blustery around the greater lake tahoe area. we have a flood warning in effect for the merced river that's anticipated to overflow its banks around half dome today. 60s with barely any clearing. monterey bay back through pebble beach numbers in the 50s through the 60s. 60s, 70s peninsula into the low 70s away from the bay again those blustery winds to 20. extended forecast does call for cooler conditions on friday. climbing slightly over the weekend. high temperatures 90 inland. so for your memorial day, coastal cloudiness, 60 to 85 degrees. that will be our temperature span. and look what's taking place tomorrow through sunday. it's time for bottlerock in napa valley. 69 degrees tomorrow. climbing to nearly 80 by sunday. if you want more information, who is going to be performing, all do you have is visit us online at crews are using jackhammers and explosives to break down the faulty concrete chute at the oroville dam following damage this winters spark, thousands of evacuations. explosives are ripping apart rocks and jackhammers destroy the choose and it may be noisy. >> they are anticipating blasting to occur pretty much daily for the near term just to keep going on the demolition of the spillway. >> by the middle of the summer some 500 employees are expected to be working on repairs at the spillway. >> reporter: could bart finally be cracking down on fare cheats? the board takes up the pricy problem today. i'm jessica flores live with an update coming up. ♪ i'm jessica flores at bart. they are talking about fare a vegas today in a meeting. 22,000 riders beat the fares. that's cost the agency about $25 million a year. today the board will hear an update from a fare evasion task force on ideas on how to stop this problem. bart director joel keller says the agency is having trouble pebblizing people under the age of 18 -- penalizing people under the age of 18. under a new law if you are under 18, you get away with it because lawmakers don't want juveniles to have a record for this offense. >> without accountability and consequences, it's going to be difficult to reduce this fare a vegas problem. the problems continue and gets worse. >> reporter: bart officials are considering following what muni does. muni gives out tickets to youth offenders and they don't go on the person's record. bart could end up spending more than a million dollars on such a plan to beef up enforcement. now, in addition to talking about their budget today and fare a vegas they will be swearing-in their new police chief. that's carlos rojas, and he comes from santa ana. the meeting today is at 9 a.m. in oakland. in san leandro, i'm jessica flores, kpix 5. this morning a moment of silence across the uk was held for the victims of monday night's suicide bombing at the manchester arena. police swept up 8 people in a series of raids across the region as they search for accomplices of 22-year-old salman abedi. 22 people died in the attack that left dozens wounded. this morning, president donald trump is in brussels for a foreign summit. nato will join the fight against isis. breaking news out of san francisco this morning! a body was found in bernal heights park. police say they were called to the park around 5:30 and found a man dead with what appears to be multiple stab wounds. a vote in sacramento on a plan for single payor healthcare. the healthy california act would supposedly eliminate copays and insurance deductibles. >> a live look at the oracle arena where the warriors are gearing up for the nba finals. game one is at home on june 1. presales tickets for warriors insider members go on sale at 10 a.m. and right along 880 that is definitely getting slow in that northbound direction. we are take leaving look at 680 at north main street. and you can see that traffic in the southbound direction definitely getting slower out there approaching towards highway 24. delays at the bay bridge toll plaza in the red across the span 25 minutes into downtown san francisco. we are in the red and yellow for all our "bay area majors" give yourself some extra time. roberta? >> i have received a couple of photographs from the delta where we have blue skies there but it is gray in the city of san francisco looking in the direction of the peninsula where we have delays at sfo up to 44 minutes on some arriving flights. good morning, everybody! 52 degrees, cloud cover in san jose. it's cloudy in san jose at 57 degrees. it's now 54 degrees in san francisco with decks of cloudiness. three things to take way from this broadcast today. widespread fog and low clouds along the coast and next to the bay today. afternoon sunshine, cooler today and tomorrow. inland temperatures rebound back to the 80s by memorial day away from the bayside. 50s beaches, 60s around the lip of the bay. 70 at the peninsula today. outside number high 60s, low 70s inland wow yes you can turn off the air-conditioning. winds up to 20 miles per hour. additional cooling on friday. this is actually seasonal weather. and then we rebound and we start to flirt with nearly 90 on tuesday. your memorial day your barbecuing weather away from the beaches. >> that's the best place to be. thank you for watching kpix 5 news this morning. your next local home next local update is 7:26. >> on "cbs this morning" they are at a tesla factory in fremont where a small number of employees are talking about safety concerns. don't miss it. >> you see the cars around town and say those are such cool cars and you find out what is alleged to be going on inside. stick around. have a great day. captioning funded by cbs good morning to our viewers in the west. thursday, may 25th, 2017. welcome to "cbs this morning." new arrests in britain overnight as the search intensifies for the suspect behind the manchester terror attack. much of the country paused this morning to pay tribute to the victims. a republican congressional ndidate is accused of body slamming a reporter just hours before montana's special election. an audio recording captured the confrontation. this morning, he is charged with assault. tesla claims to have the car factory of the future but some employees tell us it's behind the times when it comes to safety. we'll take you inside the california plant to see the company's response to a new rert

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