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48 degrees in San Francisco. Clouds sweeping out as they do we will have some sunshine, a dry day. Cool in the 50s. Good morning, roberta, good morning, everybody. South bay im talking to you. A lot of closures and flooding from yesterdays storm i need to elyou about. Starting with northbound 101, this is closed from cochran road in morgan hill to Bailey Avenue. We have an alternate for you so its a long one. Monterey highway nine miles north to bernauroad. Highway 101 is closed in both directions between that 286280 interchange. First your northbound alternate, take north 280 to north 87 to north 101 and for southbound, you take southbound 880 to southbound 280 and then to southbound 101. So expect delays today and no estimated time of reopening. Back to you. Thank you. In san jose, as coyote creek continues to rise, officials have told hundreds of people to leave their homes with just their pets and medications. Dozens of residents are waking up at a local high school after the education order was expanded late last night. The mandatory evacuation covers the entire area along Coyote Creek North of 280 and south of 237. A Flood Warning has also been issued. Kpix 5s joe vasquez shows the last minute push to get people out. Reporter just as the sun was setting on san jose. Got to go. Reporter the south bay Mobile Home Park on oakland road slowly began taking on flood water. They made it clear it was urgent for everybody to evacuate for everybodys safety. Reporter City Employees have been going door to door telling people, you know what . Its time to leave. The coyote creek has invade the Mobile Home Park. Right over there along the exterior wall, you can actually see water gushing through a hole in the fence and you can actually hear the water on the other side trying to get in. This is a very dangerous situation. Seems like this has been playing out all day in san jose. At this apartment complex at center, officials told residents the water was contaminated so they should wait to be rescued. Fire boats packed entire families on board. Some decided to walk out on their own prying along bringing along very few belongings. It took a lot of people by surprise. I take my daughter to school and i see all this, whats going on . Reporter horses were trapped in high water and so were cars, which raised a safety concern. Everyone had to be rinsed off. Humans and their pets. They are being deacon tam nated because this is complutd water polluted water. It could be sewer water, gasoline from cars. Reporter at another apartment complex at 12th and keys, more of the same. High water, evacuations. Water started coming in and it came in more and more and more and more and finally the Fire Department showed up, told us everyone had to get out. Reporter these neighborhoods are next too coyote creek, which is downstream from the anderson reservoir. Recent rains have caused runoff to pour over the spillway causing the overflow. Its a situation that has been developing for weeks. Which raises the questions, why were todays floods such a surprise . There will be time for monday morning quarterbacking in the next few days. Reporter the mayor acknowledges mistakes were made. Any time were showing up in boats to get people out, its been a failure. The first time folks are hearing about having to get out of their home is when we show up in a boat. Reporter three Evacuation Centers are opened for those that are displaced. One at the may Fair Community center, another at the shirr waugha Community Center and another at james lake high school. Volunteers have been bringing supplies to help those in a hurry. Theyve dropped off water, diapers and toys. The red cross said its expecting donations for the evacuees. And san jose residents searching for sand bags to protect their properties are available 24 7 at happy hollow park, mayberry Service Yards and the Santa Clara Valley Water District winfield warehouse. A section of 101 in the south bay is closed between cochran road and morgan road and bailey road in san jose. It is not expected to open until late tonight. Authorities say a levee break that was downstream from the anderson dam caused the flooding. A lot of drivers were caught if the gridlock yesterday. I saw the semi trucks were going through the water but then they shut it down completely. Reporter how long have you been waiting here . Almost two hours. The Santa Clara Valley Water District dug a make shift dam to try to divert the water off the highway. Again, the highway could remain closed through at least 11 00 tonight. Also in Santa Clara Sacramento county part of highway 101 is shut down near mckee road. No word when that will open. Through marin county, bright orange cones are cropping up as hill sides become unstable from so many rounds of rain. After several storms, many hills are giving way to gravity. West of fairfax, crews put up k rails to prevent the debris from reaching the road. Some residents tell us the sounds from this kind of sliding have them pretty nervous. Theres a tree down here, a cypress, about 50 feet tall, that fell one night and i thought, its the hill side coming down. And i heard all the wood breaking and thought maybe it was our back deck. Other sausalito locals told us they cant help by stare at the hill since the situation seems so tenuous. The storm caused damage in sew gnoma county sonoma county. The man who lives there said it barely missed him and his dog. In the east bay, niles canyon in fremont remains closed because of flooding and debris from storm. Its not clear yet when the road will open up. Also in free morcht, it could fremont, it could be a lot before drivers will be back on allowed back on Morrison Canyon road because of the mud slides. Crews are working to repair a massive sink hole in livermore. It opened her tesla and crossroads. The hole exposed large sewer line that runs straight into a creek. No word yet when it will be fixed. On the Central Coast, Rushing Waters have left people in big sur cut off from their communities and in a fix, some locals are paying for helicopter rides to get out. Heres a dangerous scene at rocky creek. Highway 1 is closed at the pfeifer canyon bridge. Caltrans says that pfeifer canyon bridge will be tough to repair and those growing concerns theres growing concern that the trouble from the recent storms isnt over yet. Theres maybe four culverts thanked wash out if they clog up and then we would see all welds be all trapped here. For those opting to escape big sur by helicopter, the price tag is 780 per ride to the monterey regional airport. This storm really affected all parts of the bay area with flooding, debris, mud slides. Some breaks now. A little bit of a break. Not only here in the bay area but along the Central Coast as well, those were the targeted area. Its still getting in and out of big sur, which is a destination, right . Very difficult. But today, were going to have a sigh of a relief, a drying trend throughout friday. Good morning, everybody. Lets share with you right now an area of concern immediately within the bay area. Right there, do you see that red sliver from san jose through morgan hill . That is the coyote creek near edenville which has overflowed its banks. Its at 11. 8 this morning. You do have the rod mat flooding at 12 feet and thats what weve experienced in the past 24 hours. Clear skies , looking out at the bright lights of the estuary. Temperaturewise, 55 San Francisco, slightly below average. We should be at 61. 57 degrees in downtown san jose. Meanwhile, east bay numbers stacking up in the mid 50s. 57 degrees a pretty common number today. Full forecast just minutes away but right now, lets bring in rocky. Thank you, roberta. Okay, we are still recovering from yesterdays storms. It is 4 49. Start 4 39. Heading into downtown San Francisco, traffic running smoothly here. No metering lights yet. Those should turn on around 5 30. Moving over now to the Altamont Pass, traffic, you have 30 Miles Per Hour across the way, north tracy boulevard from the Altamont Pass will take you 30 minutes. Ill send it to you michelle. Right now, President Donald Trump is revising the details of his new travel ban, this amid his latest crackdown on undocumented immigrants. As roxanne is a bare reports, he is beefing up. Reporter republican lawmakers across the country clashed with constituents at town halls tuesday night. Many worry about what president trumps revised immigration and travel ban will mean them. I am a person from a muslim country. Who is going to take me here . I dont know whether i can help you but im going to try to help you. Reporter in a tweet, the president dismissed the events calling them planned out by liberal activists. The message came on the same day the department of Homeland Security issued a pair of memos giving federal a little new powers to detain and deport undocumented immigrants. We have to let people come in that are going to be positive for our countries. Reporter authorities will now be able to expedite the deportation of any undocumented immigrant less than two years and any immigrant captured at the mexican border. Those people in the country that pose a threat to Public Safety or committed a crime will be the first to do. Reporter immigration activists are now mobilizing to help those affected avoid deportation. They come knocking at your house, you have a right not to open the door. We tell our community, you do not have to fight anything until you talk to a lawyer. Reporter the new rules dont help the Obama Program for the socalled dreamers. The memo calls for money to be allocated for the wall along the u. S. Mexican border. President trump has insisted that mexico will eventually pay for that border wall. The topic is expected to come up today when secretary of state Rex Tillerson and Homeland Security john kelly meet with mexicos president in mexico city. The same day the new immigration guidelines were announced, activists put a big sign on the statute u of statue of liberty. It said refugees welcome. It was up for about an hour. The National Park service is investigating who put it unand they could face charges. Milo have cost him a job. As a press conference in new york say, the author announced he was resigning from breitbart news. It comes from the discovery of an old podcast where he seems to support pedophilia. The track record of offensive remarks, he wasnt even able to speak at uc berkley last month after protestes resisted his visit. After the podcast visit, he lost his shot to speak at the conservative Political Action conference and hours later, simon and schuster canceled his autobiography. But he promised he would find the publisher for his project and continue giving talks on college campuses. This morning, a suspect is behind bars after a Berkley School principal was stands. Chp arrested this man. It happened at via center on ofth street before 6th street before 2 00 yesterday at the private special education school. The police say the suspect stands the principal and took off on university avenue. The principal suffered injuries that are not lifethreatening. Were learning more about the man accused of shooting a whittier officer to death. Officials say 26yearold Michael Mejia is a known gang member. Theres a growing memorial for the officer. I wanted to show my sons, you know, the importance and the meaning of paying respect and the authorities and what they do for us. Officer keith boyar was shot and killed during a traffic stop on monday. His family is asking governor jerry brown to attend the service so this they can talk about Early Release laws. Time now is 4 44. Deteriorating buy the hour by the hour. The busy Northern California highway thats shut down after the shoulder collapsed. Plus a deal reached. Why verizon is paying a lot less than originally planned for yahoo. ,,,,,,, a storm watch continues in the sierra. Part of highway 50 is closed because of a mud slide. This is what it looks like near bridal veil falls. It started it buckle and crumble at some point yesterday. Basically its the saturation of the soil. Nothing is impacting the highway. The slide itself is pulling the highway down with it. Crews are putting up barriers to protect workers and equipment before they can start on repairs and were told it could take months to complete. Higher up in the sierra snow is making it hard to see anything at all. Whiteout conditions forcing interstate 80 to shut down from colfax to the nevada state line. Yesterday, hundreds of drivers got stranded been awful. The road is closed. We cant get to tahoe. We already paid for our place. Its so slick its difficult to travel even in 4wheel drive. The closure spanned 70 miles and some of the highway is still closed this morning. With powerful storms hitting much of california whats been good for the drought has been bad for the bees. Boxes and boxes of behives in the Central Valley are under water and thats a lot of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Almond trees are suffering. This time of year, bees pollenate the crop and without the bees help, growers are out of luck. Some of these growers are planting a lot of new trees and theyre flooding out. Theyre probably going to lose a lot of trees. And adding to the problem as part of the almond trees bloom season is a short window where bees are key to that process. Thats a lot of money lost. I wonder if thats in the important thing about honey, they say if you eat your own local honey, that helps your allergies. Some people say its a moith but didnt myth but didnt help me. What helped me was one of the cortisone shots. I already have my appointment for next because after all this rain i got to tell you, we are going to have an outrageous allergy season coming up. I already have people emailing me, what allergies are we suffering from already. Have you seen the mustard blooming . Its so beautiful and you see the mustard in full bloom right now. Napa is blooming as well. I feel lucky because i havent had the allergies yet. You told me eventually i would get them. I never had them until i moved here. Same and now i have them for 21 years. Good morning, everybody. We have a beautiful view for you this morning looking out from our mount vaca weather camera. You can actually see the moon because we have the clear skies out there. Temperatures right now, 37 degrees. Its cold in santa rosa. Its 45 in san jose. With the passage of yesterdays system. , he we do have cool air set up in place. You need a jacket heading out the door for joshing or as you get the kids ready for school later this morning. Fairfield, winds also at 7. The winds will pretty much 10 to 15 out of the west later today. That red highlighted area right here in san jose, we do have the Flood Warning still in effect. We do not anticipate any improvement until later on this evening. Right now, the levels at 11. 8 and the moderate flood stage is at 12 feet. Here you have the passage of yesterdays system. A few clouds will drift in and out today. Bottom line what to expect, cool temperatures, brisk day in the 50s. With a drying out period. Dry thursday and in and out of the rain showers over the weekend. Lets explain first off, the drying begins today with the vigorous jet stream. Temperaturewise today, 50s across the board when typically we should be in the lee 60s low 60s in many of our neighborhoods. 65 in San Francisco where we should be 55 degrees. Temperatures in the 50s with that westerly at 15. Well see some increasing clouds on saturday with rain by saturday night. More showers on sunday as the cold front interacts with the Atmospheric River through your monday we dry out again. Rocky is along for the ride this morning. I have good news and then some bad news. Lets take a look, it is 4 50. Into the south bay, northbound 101 was closed between cochran road and Bailey Avenue but now that is open. So thats the good news. The bad news is, highway 101 is still closed in both directions between the 28680 split interchange and 880 in san jose. Your alternate route for this, the northbound side, take north 280 to north 87 to northbound 101. And then for the southbound side, you got to take south 880 to south 280 to south 101 and chexamine. Said theres no estimated time of reopening so expect delays throughout the morning. Now, heres a look at the traffic along the Altamont Pass. Traffic moving slowly at 17 Miles Per Hour and once you get go the fremont area, heres a look at niles canyon road, also known as highway 84. This is closed between fremont due to the rain yesterday. This is a popular alternate route for 680, so expect delays on southbound 680 this morning as people cannot take niles canyon road. Then the good news, more good news, mass transit is all on time and ace train is up and running. Time to see what is trending today. A lot of star wars fans are sharing this on twitter. Its a new picture of the cast of the upcoming movie about hans solo. Alden aaronwright will play the young space muggeler. The crews started filming this week and the movie is set to be released in may of next year. Were also getting our first look at broadways new show war paint. I do think that had they joined forces, that they would have been ruling the world today. I mean, they were really forerunners. This show is a story about how two entrepreneurs, Helena Reuben Stein and Elizabeth Arden built their separate em pires and it kicks off next month. Time now 4 53. How to help you book cheap flights. Plus in our health watch, the simple thing doctors say Breast Cancer survivors can do to prevent recurrence. Us at cool schools at kpix do we may come and whats cool about your school . Email your nominations to us. Tell us about your school, cool schools, you may be on the show. Another deal. This in the wake of two massive happy hugs today. Welcome back to kpix morning news. Time check, 4 55 on this february 22nd. Lets take you for a free ride across the bay area. Sunshine on the coast but a cool, raw day. In the lee 50s. Mid low 50s. Mid50s from san may teeo to mateo to kuper tino. Walnut creek at 57 degrees. Heres rocky. Thank you, roberta. Okay, its 4 56. Highway 101 is closed in both directions between the 28680 split and 880 so make sure you expect delays there. Lets head through the Altamont Pass, 12 Miles Per Hour until you get to north land road. The san mateo bridge, traffic moving smoothly. Verizon and yahoo have cut another deal, this in the wake of two massive cyber attacks. Verizon will buy yahoos Internet Properties for 4. 48 billion. The revised deal is intended to ease investor concerns that the sale would fall through. And united and American Airlines have joined Delta Airlines in selling basic economy fares. The cheap seats come with heavy restrictions. Passengers arent allowed to choose their seats and they can bring only a small carryon that fits underneath a seat. In our health watch, exercising is the most important choice Breast Cancer survivors can make to avoid a recurrence. Canadian where he searchers researchers found gaining weight after Breast Cancer increase the risk of dying from cancer. Doctors recommend 30 minutes of exercise five days a week. Using ultrasound to speed up fracture healing has little or no impact according to the new study that found that the high cost of treatment does not help with pain and Recovery Time for patients. It is 4 57. Stirring controversy. Next, who will decide the further of any outspoken berkley teacher. This after last weeks protests. 36,000 people in morgan hill under a voluntary evacuation order. Why Officials Say there is still a threat even after the rain has stopped. ,,,,,,, good morning, everyone. Its wednesday, february 22nd. Im michelle griego. And im kenny choi. Rush is about to start with drivers hitting the roads heading to work. Were watching what you can expect this morning, including your forecast. Including your forecast and who is here for that . Roberta. [ laughter ] well, thank you. You know and rocky. Hi, rocky. Traffic forecast. Thats true. [ laughter ] i want to say this has gone by past and its because we have been raining. Theres only been 15 days so far this year that we have not had rain in the forecast

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