Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20170203 : c

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20170203

showers and we just had some rain move out of the golden gate bridge into the richmond district. all this activity will continue to lift north and east. we'll have scattered showers throughout the day today and look how mild it is. did you feel this coming in this morning? temperatures in the 50s. it's 60 degrees right now in san jose. and our numbers are not going to move that much. it was windy over the bay bridge oakland to san francisco. it's going to be a blustery morning commute with rain. temperatures 50s and 60. full forecast still coming up. first here's roqui. >> thank you. starting with the bay bridge toll plaza, we have some cars backed up in the cash lane. otherwise good on the fast track but we see a lot of rain out there. heavy rain on the roadways so make sure you're driving safely out there and also a high wind advisory across the span into downtown san francisco. from hayward to foster city on the san mateo bridge, 15 minutes. but you see the wet roads. so make sure you're taking it slowly. westbound 24 before acalanes. it's a two-car crash blocking the left and right lanes so moving at 59 miles per hour not too bad just yet but we'll keep an eye on it. i'll send it to you. >> all right, roqui. thank you. in the wake of violence from mass rioters at a uc- berkeley protest, the conversation turned to police and whether they properly handled the chaos. more now from christin ayers. >> shut it down, shut it down! >> reporter: at its peak there were 1500 protestors a band of about 100 masked rioters who authorities say were not students caused most of the chaos breaching barricades, breaking windows and at one point burning a portable light in the middle of sproul plaza. altogether, $100,000 worth of damage. >> unlawful assembly! >> reporter: police held back throughout the protest even as rioters threw objects and fire crackers. >> in the context of the fact that we have had no reports of serious injuries we are satisfied with the police department's performance. >> reporter: the berkeley mayor condemned the violence but also condemned yiannopoulos calling him a prominent white nationalist, a label yiannopoulos has resisted. i consider much of what mr. yiannopoulos says to be hateful, he said. but i regret and apologize for the white national label, the mayor said. on fox news he criticized the mayor and called out police for their handling of the protest. >> the police didn't do much except hiding inside the building. >> reporter: he was ordered to wear a bulletproof vest after being evacuated from the student union and echoed a tweet from donald trump suggesting uc-berkeley's federal funding be pulled. >> seems to me that a lot of that federal money could be repurposed very effectively. >> sure. >> if berkeley refuses to honor its first amendment commitment. >> reporter: christin ayers, kpix 5. >> as for president trump's suggestion that federal funding for uc-berkeley should be pulled, lieutenant governor gavin newsom posted this online: another democrat, congress arbara lee of oakland, also released a statement... "president donald trump cannot bully our university into silence. simply put, president cut >> another democrat congress member barbara lee of oakland said: president trump is expected to sign more executive orders at the white house today and in a surprise statement last night the white house declared that israeli settlement construction in the west bank could be unhelpful in achieving peace in the middle east. this comes as israeli prime minister netanyahu is set to visit the white house later this month. trump's adviser kellyanne conway is justifying the president's travel ban and last night she cited a terror attack in kentucky. the problem is, the attack never happened. here's her interview on msnbc. >> two iraqis came here to this country were radicalized and were masterminds behind the bowling green massacre. >> conway may have been referring to these men right here. the feds arrested them in bowling green back in 2011. the fbi says that they tried to provide material support to terrorists in iraq but there was no attack or plan. an iranian citizen barred from the u.s. after president trump's travel ban is back in southern california [ non- english name ] arrived in los angeles a week ago but was detained by immigration and sent back to iran. the american civil liberties union filed a lawsuit on his behalf and a federal judge overturned the government's decision to ban him. that allowed him back into our country. >> he is just in shock and awe and so grateful and he can't believe the mayor of los angeles is here. >> today isn't just about laws. it's about love. and today isn't just about politics. it's about family. >> los angeles mayor eric garcetti says the man is the first person to return to the u.s. as a result of court action and he won't be the last. at the san francisco airport immigration officials and lawyers have been on site since saturday to help travelers affected by the new travel ban. as kpix 5's andria borba reports, those attorneys don't plan to leave soon. >> let them out, let them oat! >> reporter: saturday's protest after president trump's travel ban has given way to this. [ inaudible ] >> reporter: a rotating group of immigration and civil rights lawyers and interpreters continuing to deal with the fallout over the executive order. they have not left. >> there's still chaos and confusion and different airports have been interpreting the orders differently. >> reporter: there are signs in multiple languages offering legal service and even desks set up next to the starbucks on the arrival level of the international terminal. this person an attorney with the council on american-islamic relations says people getting off international flights are still being detained for up to 30 hours at a time. >> it's very concerning because once someone is pulled into secondary screening, they have no contact with their families. >> reporter: the daily rhythm of the arrivals board and incoming flights has led to a workday rhythm for the attorneys. [ inaudible ] >> reporter: who are sometimes sitting on the airport floor typing up petitions. it's not just attorneys but meal delivery and interpreters, volunteering their time to help scared families. this person is a healthcare worker who speaks farsi. she keeps an eye out for confused faces just outside the security zone. >> it's how i want to spend my off time. i choose to be here. >> reporter: the work continues. >> i expected it to slow down as we got some better understanding. >> reporter: andria borba, kpix 5. >> meanwhile, a public telephone comment line to the white house has been closed. congress member jackie speier has introduced a bill for the trump administration to restore it. >> 4:38. we are on storm watch. >> mm-hm. have you downloaded our cbssf weather app? >> yes. >> it's great. when we first unveiled it probably about five years ago, i wasn't that impressed but we have done so many great modifications it's great to have all weekend long, forever. you get the latest on our hi- def doppler radar but you also get all the very latest watches, warnings, advisories and it will just give you an alert right on your phone. i really like it a lot. i really do. good morning, let's call on our live hi-def doppler radar. we are picking up moderate rainfall at this early hour. that's the yellow there outside the vallejo area. look at that rainfall entering american canyon! when you see the orange, we have to watch that very carefully with the very warm air mass in place. we could see a thunderstorm triggered at any time. antioch, brentwood into discovery bay some moderate rainfall. seeing a break across the south bay now but light rain is exiting the east palo alto area. we are getting hammered this morning in throughout the santa cruz mountains expecting up to 5 inches of rain by saturday morning from boulder creek into san lorenzo park. meanwhile peninsula has moderate to heavy rainfall lifting off the ocean towards south san francisco, sfo and all the way into daly city. san francisco around north beach and the richmond district back through the western addition as well we have light to moderate rainfall. you can see that at the golden gate bridge, as well. definitely slippery when wet. you can see some of the raindrops pass through the illumination of the bright lights of the golden gate bridge. 50 to 60 in san jose. it's mild because of the wind from the south and southeast. 10 in oakland. if you hit the span of the bay bridge going west gusts up to 25. winds currently out of the south at 20 in san francisco. 18 at the coast. pretty breezy to blustery morning 5-mile-per-hour winds however in napa. today with waves of rain, the heaviest this morning, and some breezy conditions, our temperatures in the 50s and 60s. storms will impact your weekend forecast and we have that coming up but right now here's roqui. >> thank you. that storm is impacting your morning commute, as well. it's 4:40. let's take a look at your bay area roads starting with we have a crash here in lafayette westbound 24 before acalanes road. it's a two-car crash blocking the two left lanes and you have a little slowdown in the area our sensor says 60 but expect to drive a little slower there. all right. so if you are heading that way give yourself extra time to get through there. down to the altamont pass is slow across the way and then down to 37 once you hit north flynn road. north tracy boulevard to the altamont pass will take you about 20 minutes or so. moving over now to our bridges here's a live look at the san mateo bridge. a lot of cars heading across the span but they are driving slowly. from the carquinez bridge along the eastshore freeway to the maze 20 minutes no delay across the span. a local lawmaker says state regulators may be to blame for skyrocketing pg&e bills. several pg&e customers are claiming their bills have tripled and even quadrupled in the past month. state senator jerry hill says he plans to investigate the public utilities commission. the puc is supposed to regulate rates and protect consumers from sudden spikes. >> what we're going to do is talk with the puc, find out what the rationale it. look at the examples, was it legal? was the puc advised about it before they allowed that increase? >> hill says his investigation could take one to two weeks to complete. ed to you might spot a lot of people wearing red. >> yes. to spread awareness about the alarming rate of heart disease in american women. every 79 seconds a woman in the u.s. dies from heart disease or stroke. one patient says she had no idea that dripping feeling in her chest was a sign of the disease but she has high blood pressure and diabetes key risk factors for heart disease. now doctors warn women, don't disregard even the tiniest sign. >> the woman might have a little chest discomfort or shortness of breath or nausea, dizziness or fatigue. >> when you know something is not feeling right, you should really be persistent about getting somebody to check it out. >> she is now taking walks and watching her diet to stay healthy. time now 4:42. still ahead, how some psychedelic drugs are helping some patients in the bay area. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, then, reptiles enter the mix! and it doesn't happen quietly. one of the boys shouts: "mommy, there's a snak in texas a home with five boys and chickens and reptiles were added to the mix. >> it doesn't happen quietly. one of the boys shouts, mommy, there's a snake in the toilet! something you never want to hear from your kid. but before cassie could get there the son who discovered the rattler was trying to flush it down the toilet. soon one of his brothers used a ho on the animal. [ indiscernible ] the true number shocked them. >> came out from under the house, 13 from the cellar, 10 under the house and one in the toilet. that's 24 rattlers. >> because they're dangerous, poisonous and we had no idea there were 24 snakes!! >> i mean, one is bad enough. but 24? experts say rattlesnakes look for warm places just like family homes in cold months. ew! >> snakes in the bathroom and in the toilet. i would never go into that bathroom ever again. >> i'm sorry, i'm hobbling up here right now. i'm from the mojave desert and i have never seen 24 snakes altogether at a time. that's a pit. and they were rattlesnakes. dangerous. >> not the kind you want to see. >> do you like snakes? >> no! [ laughter ] >> absolutely not. >> i don't like to see them even from a distance. >> i don't have problems with them but when there's 24, yeah, i think i would have a problem. that's a pit. mommy, that's a snake in the toilet! not what you want to hear! [ laughter ] >> in the toilet! >> good morning, everybody. we are going to go ahead and fire up however live hi-def doppler radar. i would say the forecast is going down the toilet but i thought that would be too abrupt so we won't go there. we have moderate to heavy rainfall at this time. rain in the mill valley area where yesterday you got .75" of rain. we saw up to 2 inches of rain in the sonoma area in the north bay. berkeley hearing some pounding raindrops on the rooftops at this particular time. that you will is sliding towards highway 24. you can see at this particular time around canyon road we see a cell moving in to moraga with light to moderate rainfall park boulevard into piedmont. boulder creek hammered with moderate rainfall at this time could see a thunderstorm throughout the day so we'll keep a watchful eye on that. this is the precipitation coming off the ocean northeast. we'll continuing to see rain coming in off the pacific. linda in fairfield always up bright and early in the morning, our weather watcher. how do you do, linda? .12" of rain just since midnight. thank you for that report. we have rain now about the golden gate bridge. be mindful of the wet conditions out there this morning. it's so mild. we are in the 50s to 60 degrees and not much more movement in the temperatures throughout the day. the winds are out of the south at 20 in san francisco, 26. you better believe there will be delays on some arriving flights at sfo today. 15 around the peninsula. 13 in the east bay in san ramon as well as vallejo, benicia, martinez. today waves on-again, off-again showers. the driest part of the weekend will be 6 p.m. saturday to 6 p.m. sunday. and most of the rain next week will be in the north bay. the front is moving through right now. when this moves through, a lot of instability. sure, we'll have rain but it won't be a rainout all weekend long. here's your futurecast. have a bit of a break towards lunch hour, evening commute we do have some rain showers as people are trying to make tracks towards the high sierra and then tomorrow morning, a little bit of lingering activity just a pop-up shower here or there during the day. dry by about 6:00 in the evening hours until sunday and then there's that front a cold front that will blast through the area sunday night. we'll pick up easily another half inch of rain in the east bay. meanwhile we have a winter storm warning in effect for the high sierra. three feet of snow. you will need the chains, rocky has information on that. 50s, 60s across the board today in and out of the rain each day all the way through tuesday. chances of rain wednesday and thursday. roqui? >> thank you, roberta. if you are heading on 80 or 50 you need your chains heading to the sierra. on the roads, starting with a quick bridge check, here's the golden gate bridge with lane changes going on. otherwise traffic is smooth. life look at the span of the bay bridge, no delays. i suggest you take it slow. a high wind advisory across the span. here's a live look at the nimitz looking good in both directions so far 238 in san leandro across 880 northbound to the maze will take 15 minutes. southbound 880 to highway 92, the san mateo bridge, from hayward to foster city, traffic smooth. to lafayette westbound 24 before acalanes road two-car accident blocking the two left lanes. delaying traffic a bit here moving at about 57 miles per hour. and then heading down to the san ramon area new crash southbound 680 before crow canyon road this just happened so we are not seeing any delays just yet but expect them soon. it's a multi-car crash blocking two left lanes and the altamont pass slow per usual. >> thank you. certain drugs have been illegal for decades but some researchers say those drugs could be a big benefit in therapy. cate caugiran reports. >> reporter: in the shadow of mount tam. >> i went into that first real session and it blew me away. >> reporter: a writer's perch in berkeley. >> i was pleasantly surprised when all i felt was good. >> reporter: even a hospital setting in l.a. >> this is like a miracle. >> reporter: scientists say psychedelics are showing great promise as a therapeutic tool. >> it opens you up to yourself. >> reporter: with permission from the fda california researchers are studying psychedelics in patients with life-threatening conditions such as cancer. >> patients with cancer particularly advanced cancer have significant levels of anxiety, depression. >> reporter: patients like this woman from el cerrito who stopped enjoying life when her ovarian cancer came back. >> it just seemed that it was a nightmare. >> reporter: before she died, annie enrolled in a pilot study at harvard ucla medical center along with 11 other patients she used psilocybin, magic mushrooms. after a single dose, her anxiety and depression disappeared. >> it was like someone had lit up a light bulb in annie's head. she was a totally different person. >> no one had a bad trip. >> reporter: this ucla psychiatrist headed up the trial. while psilocybin wears off in hours the benefit lasted up to six months. >> the positive effects seemed to sustain. >> reporter: in marin in a different trial, a psychiatrist legally administered a moderate dose of mdma to a different group of patients. >> not addictive and we have never had a freak-out. >> reporter: the use of the drug was combined with psychotherapy sessions. all these patients agree they experienced a profound benefit and emerged better able to cope. >> gives you a view into yourself that i just had never had before. >> reporter: as to how psychedelics work these brain scans from healthy volunteers may shed some light. here's one brain on a sugar pill. here's the same brain on a common dose of lsd. with lsd, scientists believe disparate regions of brain communicate with each other when they normally don't do so. psychedelics may indeed free your mind. >> there's a lot of unconscious repressed material and psychedelics bring that to the surface. >> reporter: this man is with the multidiscipline area association for psychedelic study, maps, a nonprofit group in santa cruz. he envisions a time when psychotherapists can legally carry a toolbox full of psychedelics. >> a lot of them with start out with mdma which is the most gentle then move to more classic psychedelics like lsd, psilocybin or mescaline. >> reporter: some individuals are experiencing by self medicating. meet this writer. >> if anyone in this world is going to have a bad trip it's me. i could have a bad trip in a pilates class. >> reporter: she has a moodies order. she fell into terrible depression. her prescription medication stopped working. out of desperation for one month only she took tiny doses of lsd. >> it's possible that what i experienced was sort of the mother of all placebo effects. i had a very good month. >> reporter: she wrote about her experiences in a really good day. now she wants scientists to seriously study micro dosing for mood disorders. >> until we have real research we are not going to understand this drug. >> lsd is not dangerous. >> reporter: 50 years ago timothy leary advocated the use of psychedelics and exhorted people to turn on, tune in and drop out. but now growing evidence is suggesting under a doctor's supervision, you're not dropping out. you may be getting better. in the newsroom, cate caugiran, kpix 5. >> and this year the final fda studies on mdma and psilocybin are set to begin. they could be available for therapy in 2021. 4:54. how ford is it turning high- tech and finding a home in silicon valley. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the indian government offers various benefits to overseas companies.. to set up manufacturing plants. th apple will start manufacturing iphones in india. the indian government offers various benefits to overseas companies to set up manufacturing plants. the government hopes that it will help bring new jobs and develop cities. apple could go to india in the next three to four months. some of the biggest american car companies are now turning to bay area startups. ford is just one famous name to buy a local startup for a competitive edge. it recently acquired san francisco-based chariot a ridesharing app and service that uses cloud sourced routes. it's part of ford's effort to change gears and move into ridesharing, electric cars, bike sharing and self-driving cars. the company says the alliance with tech is a natural fit. >> enables to us differentiate our product in the marketplace. so we look at tech as a way to enhance the ownership experience or the riding experience. >> as ford expands its palo alto research center to two buildings, general motors is also tapping into the tech scene. it recently bought sf based cruise automation self-driving soft every software. new details about an attack outside the louvre in paris. >> and one is in, one is out. silicon valley's contingent in donald trump's economic council is -- has differing opinions on whether or not they should play ball. talk about it next. ,, a live look at the -- [ pause ] >> what are we looking at? >> the ferry building. >> the ferry building, that's right! i don't think i got enough sleep last night. >> i think it's [ indiscernible ] too. >> i thought it was the eiffel tower! [ laughter ] >> we're under storm watch this morning. it's been raining off and on throughout the night and it's not done yet. good morning, it is friday, february 3. i think i need the weekend. >> mm-hm. >> i'm kenny choi. >> i'm michelle griego. we all need the weekend. >> yes. >> but now at least you know. that's the ferry building! [ laughter ] >> it was a little faint. it was a little far. >> i'm going to blame it on the fog. >> there you go. >> except there is no fog. [ laughter ]

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Altamont Pass , California , United States , West Bank , Boulder Creek , Brentwood , Sproul Plaza , Paris , France General , France , Oakland , Texas , Iran , Richmond District , San Leandro , Kentucky , Sonoma , San Lorenzo Park , Benicia , South San Francisco , San Ramon Valley , San Francisco , Bowling Green , American Canyon , Berkeley , Daly City , India , Iraq , Israel , Piedmont , Santa Cruz Mountains , North Beach , Mill Valley , Iraqis , Iranian , Israeli , American , Barbara Lee , Eric Garcetti , Andria Borba , Michelle Griego , Christin Ayers , Gavin Newsom , Los Angeles , Kenny Choi , Jackie Speier , El Cerrito , Timothy Leary , Jerry Hill ,

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