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Roberta. And out the door unfortunately we already have a chp Traffic Alert on the lower deck. Countercommute eastbound 80 before Treasure Island, three right lanes are blocked. This is because of a fatal accident. We dont have an estimated time of opening and we also have roadwork approaching the scene so well give you more details plus show you westbound on the bay bridge. Its all coming up. San franciscos former police chief will see a familiar face on todays examiner, his own. The headline makes it clear why he is unhappy. It says no suhr. Mayor lee asked suhr to resign yesterday after Police Fatally shot a black woman who was driving a stolen car. Joe vazquez reports. Greg suhr is a dedicated public survanta who has servant. Reporter mayor ed lee made the announcement in his office just before 5 00 hours after an officer fired into a stolen vehicle in the bayview killing a 27yearold black woman. The latest in a series of Police Shootings that have prompted reform from the mayor and chief. The progress that we have made has been meaningful but it hasnt been fast enough. And thats why i have asked chief suhr for his resignation. He named deputy chief Toney Chaplin as acting police chief. Up until now, the mayor had stood by suhr even as the pressure to fire him increased dramatically over the last few weeks with hunger strikers calling themselves the frisco five rallying to city hall to force his firing. Power to the people reporter the frisco five were among the small crowd who were going to protest but instead celebrated. Its taken too long. The people have spoken too loudly. And its about tomb. He can only implement the reforms effectively and quickly if we have a new leadership about uniting our city. I did not think the current leadership was capable of that even with the best intentions. Im sad to see him go. This is a loss for the department. And i dont think its going to make reform move any more quickly. Reporter joe vazquez, kpix 5. The acting chief Toney Chaplin is also a veteran. Chaplin has been with the department for 26 years. He worked in homicide and most recently has been working on reforms. Last year he spoke at a Law Enforcement conference saying he himself has been on the receiving end of racial bias. And he has explained he wont stand for it. Some people get it right away, not a problem. Some people get it sooner or later. We need to train em. And some people never get it and need to be fired and sent packing. [ applause ] chaplin is the interim chief. There will be a nationwide search now for a permanent replacement. The question, is greg suhrs resignation going to change anything in the Police Department . The we asked our Political Insider phil matier to weigh in. Whether greg suhr being the chief or not is going to make a difference remains to be seen. The fact is for months, even years, San Francisco has debated about what to do with police, everything from tasers to the use of force and no decision has been made. Until the city as a whole decides what to do, whoever takes his place is going to have the same problems. Greg suhrs five years as chief were rough. Multiple shootings two racist texting scandals and more. But the woman who was killed yesterday seemed to have tipped the scales. Andria borba was at a memorial for her. A moment of silence. Reporter with candles lit and anger buying a crowd of nearly 200 honored the life of the 27yearold woman shot and killed by sfpd. Multiple sources have identified her as jessica nelson. Standing at a microphone, greg suhr conducted what would be his last news conference. We want no contact ever to result if ever possible in an officerinvolved shooting let alone a fatal one. Reporter public defender jeff adachi says the tide turned on now former chief suhr on december 2 with the Fatal Shooting of mario woods in the bayview. I think at that moment in time, we needed the police chief to say, thats not the way this should be done. Reporter suhr defended the actions of officers that day even when video of the woods confrontation hit social media. I always believe that chief suhr cringed when he saw what happened in the mario woods shooting, that if he were there at the scene, he would have done Everything Possible to make sure that didnt happen. Yet thats what happened. Reporter then just last month, officers killed transient luis gongora in the mission fatally shooting him 32 seconds after arriving on scene. Shooting of an unarmed woman in a car by the sergeant was the final straw, according to adachi. I think this shooting is endemic of whats wrong with the San Francisco Police Department, that we have a Police Department that is out of control. Reporter in San Francisco, andria borba, kpix 5. The state assembly has approved a bill aimed at protecting the Police Officers who would give officers who are seen in video at least three days notice so they have a chance to fight the videos release. Its to prevent people from harassing, intimidating or harming officers. Groups representing the media and public defenders are concerned that the bill could thwart access to public records. Switching gears now, it is 4 36. We are going to get a check on our weather and traffic. And its windy out there. And yesterday caused a little mess. Yesterday, winds west northwest we are forecasting 20 to 30 Miles Per Hour. We certainly saw that and stronger gusts. If you are heading out on the roads this morning or even cycling around your neighborhood, you will see a lot of downed branches. With rain in the forecast for tomorrow, a lot of gutters could overflow due to the debris out on the roads. We are looking due east at this time. We have our wind. This is the big story of the morning. 21 at sfo. 20 in fremont. Up to 13 and 17 throughout the trivalley. 16 in antioch. Notice berkeley, winds west northwest at 18. You get the feel for it its going to be another windy day here in the bay area. Under partly cloudy skies, cool, 50s and 60s. We are talking 66 in danville down from 95 degrees experienced just two days ago and 60 degrees in stinson beach. Rain is in the forecast. Well time it together. But right now, lets send it over to elizabeth wenger. Thank you. Out the door we still have this Traffic Alert. A pretty serious one in fact eastbound lower deck of the bay bridge. Its still early enough that it is counter commute. We are not seeing a big delay. But a heads up if you are traveling to oakland. Eastbound 80 right before the island. Three right lanes are blocked. We dont have an estimated time of opening. On top of that theres also roadwork from the San Francisco anchorage all the way out to the center anchorage. Roberta mentioned the winds just now. We have a high wind advisory on the bay bridge, the san mateo bridge and one for the altamont pass. If you are going to the city right now, we are not seeing any big backups 4 38 just minor once in a few of the cash lanes but fastrak youre cruising on by. Theres still some roadwork especially until 5 a. M. Both directions of the carquinez bridge. In fact, only one lane is open. I mentioned the wind advisory on the altamont pass. Backups already beginning out of tracy and into livermore in those westbound lanes of 580. Thats your latest kcbs traffic. Back to you guys. Thank you. Happening today, the future home of the warriors will be up for discussion. The Coliseum Authority is meeting this morning. The coliseums lease with the team is on the agenda. The board has to decide what happens when the dubs move to mission bay in San Francisco. A burglary suspect died shortly after walking out of a fremont apartment complex that was tented for fumigation. Police say the man broke into a building on fremont boulevard yesterday as it was being treated for bedbugs. There were signs warning people to stay out. Melissa says that the man broke into her apartment and ransacked the place. Makes me sad. I mean, to lose your life over petty little trinkets. Only a very unusual set of circumstances. Very tragic. A coroner investigation will determine a cause of death. Meanwhile, police say they found the backpack of stolen goods. Developing news in the mediterranean where egyptian Officials Say they found wreckage from egyptair flight 804. Reporter Jonathan Vigliotti is in crete on the clues that may shed light on what happened reporter Authorities Say navy vessels made the discovery which includes passengers belongings, north of the coastal city of alexandria. It comes as crews continue racing against time in search of wreckage of the missing plane. The first 24 hours is really focused on searchandrescue or recovery, trying to really nail down all the perishable evidence. Reporter yesterday, Airline Officials were forced to retract claims that debris including life jackets found near the greek island of karpathos blocked to the doomed flight. A Greek Defense minister said it veered wildly before crashing into the sea. As crews focus their search south of crete, what brought the plane down remains unclear. Egyptian aviation officials believe terrorism may be to blame. Cbs news Senior Security contributor mike morrell says there is no evidence terrorism brought down the aircraft but that nothing can be ruled out. I think theres two possibilities, right . One is a bomb placed on the aircraft somewhere in north africa where the plane had been earlier in the day or it could have been an individual on the plane even a pilot or copilot who became radicalized. Reporter clues as to what caused the crash could come from the planes flight data and cockpit voice recorders which may well be at the bottom of the sea. Jonathan vigliotti, cbs news, crete. Experts from trans, greece and the u. S. Have joined egyptian officials to try to find the plane. We are also learning more about how the planes route took a turn for the worse. All was fine when the plane left paris. Soon, it was at normal cruising altitude over the eastern part of the mediterranean. But around 2 a. M. Local time, greek radar shows it abruptly turned 90 degrees and swung a tight 360 circle in the opposite direction. Soon it fell to 10,000 feet. Local security expert jeff harp has a guess at why. Its possible that there was someone who decided to plant a device on the plane in one of the stopover locations. Harps referring to the planes earlier stops in the previous 24 hours. It flew to eritrea and tunisia before paris. Time now 4 41. Meet mr. Me yogi. He is in california this morning after a very long and involved trip. How he won the heart of a Navy Reservist and a new home. Ut how to end a , rash of freeway shootings. Kpix fives betty yu wenn a ridealong, with a pittsbg police sergeant. Nats 6 Charles Lincoln tom0 9 scanning license plate highway o Sergeant William bay area Police Departments are trying to figure out how to end freeway shootings. Betty yu reports on a ride along. Reporter on a ridealong with Sergeant William hatcher we saw how Pittsburg Police are trying to keep highway 4 from turning into a shooting gallery. Thats what scares me. You know, regardless of a stray bullet which is always a danger but then you will have a car thats careening out of control at 80 miles an hour, its going to hit something. Thats what concerns me. Reporter thats why the pittsburg Police Department is getting tough. There have been two suspected gang shootings this past month. The most recent gunfight killed a pregnant mother of four shanique marie. There is a trend of 20 plus shootings record on freeways in contra costa and alameda counties since november. This week the City Council Unanimously approved spending 100,000 to install a half dozen security cameras. This stretch of highway 4 that were on right now that runs through pittsburg south is seven miles wrong. The new cameras will go up on public and private property and will see both lanes of traffic on both sides of the highway to potentially capture license plates and give 360 views. Do you have an id . Reporter on the streets, hatcher is beefing up his Team Dedicated to gunfights before they spill on the freeway. It also means more enforcement on highway 4. We drive these unmarked cars which allows us to get on the freeway, able to observe people coming and going without them necessarily seeing us and identify behaviors that might be indicative of gang activity. Reporter the cameras are expected to go up in the coming months. In pittsburg, betty yu, kpix 5. A hiker and his dog missing for nearly 4 days in the Tahoe National forest are alive and well this morning. Search crews had been out since monday looking for 23yearold cody michael. He got lost on his way back from hiking when snow covered the trail. Codys phone had died so he knew when he spotted the helicopter in the air he had to get the pilots attention. He carved the word help in a rock so they could spot him. Experience has been crazy to see how many people were out there trying to find me. Its unbelievable. I didnt expect anything like this. I thought maybe a helicopter or two and they didnt find me then thats it. But it took a few days and they just kept going. Cody went to the hospital as a precaution but is expected to be okay. The Chico Fire Department is deploying an Undercover Team to curb intentionally set couch fires near cal state campuses. This is video from a 2014 couch fire that got out of hand and burned down a house near chico state. The fire chief says there were more than 200 intentionally set fires last year creating some close calls. Chico fire investigators will roam the streets educating people and use social media to catch the culprit. A bizarre case of animal cruelty in orange county. Police say they found a dog high on heroin and meth. The dog bubba was in a motel room with his owner when they raided it for drugs. The dog had meth and heroin in his system after tests. Its unclear whether he ingested or breathed in secondhand smoke. This is horrible. This is the first time that we reported that an animal is under the influence. Once the dog is healthy he will go to a rescue organization to find a new home. A lot of people will need extra hairspray this morning with the windy conditions. Yes. Keep both hands on the Steering Wheel over the bay bridge because we have gusty winds in excess of 40 Miles Per Hour overnight. Good morning, everyone. We have at this time thin overcast as we take a peek out towards the embarcadero and also sfo. You know, the winds do cause airport delays. So well keep you posted if anything should come up this morning at sfo, mineta or Oakland International airport. Temperatures this morning are in the 50s but when you factor in the winds that are blowing up to 20 right now santa rosa with the wind gusts up to 23 Miles Per Hour, feels a little raw. You will need a jacket heading out. 19 right now in San Francisco. 16 to 21 around the peninsula. Good morning san jose with winds at 13. Its windy start to the day due to this right here. This is beautiful. Its clearly illustrated. This is the core of the center of the area of low pressure. We have the counterclockwise rotation of the precipitation around that core. You see the rain to the east of us. You see the clouds enhanced over the bay area. Partly cloudy skies today, windy with those west to northwest winds to 30 Miles Per Hour. Rain chances return tomorrow from this area of low pressure thats also pulling down that cooler air mass. Temperatures below average for this time of the year. Inside slider to the east of the bay area, you have there the clouds. Later tomorrow, for your saturday morning, waking up to a few raindrops on the rooftops around the coast, heres your afternoon. I know a lot of you are making plans outdoors for those Little League baseball games and san Jose Morgan Hill a light shower possible. Then i stop this at 4 00 in the afternoon because thats when we have that potential of an isolated thunderstorm that could contain some small hail. Sunday, partly cloudy skies, cool but no rain in the forecast. Wind advisory up for the high sierra. Rain in eureka. Overcast at 5 56. 50s and 60s up to 70 in santa rosa. 65 in fremont. Outside number 70 today. And well have a dry stable weather pattern on monday through thursday. Heres elizabeth, welcome, good to see you. Yeah, thank you. Good to see you, too, roberta. Its been a long time since ive seen roberta. Lets go out the door and on the Traffic Alert. So you just saw that wipe across your screen. It was just canceled minutes ago. Eastbound 80 before Treasure Island sadly it was a fatal accident. It happened more than an hour ago. For a while three right lanes were blocked. They just reopened three lanes. It was never much of a delay because it was countercommute. Northbound 101 a motorcycle crash approaching the Mark West Springs road exit. They are clearing it now hopefully in the next halfhour or so some lanes may reopen. Not much of a backup in both directions including southbound heading into santa rosa. Fog on the san mateo bridge camera. Also a wind advisory definitely in effect the san mateo bridge, bay bridge, and one for the altamont pass. Its hard to see but those taillights right there are heading westbound to the peninsula. And right now youre seeing about a 13 or 14minute drive time from the east bay so not too bad. Commute direction on the bay bridge into San Francisco this morning, its a little too early to call it friday light but its typical for this time of the morning. You can see some slight theres in the cash lanes. Fastrak users still getting by just fine and at 4572 no sign of metering lights. Once again, that chpissued Traffic Alert in the other direction has now been canceled. Also, looks like this roadwork is about to wrap up here any minute. It was in both directions of the carquinez bridge. They only had one lane open overnight. And we are still seeing a little bit of slowdown actually in the eastbound lanes. Altamont pass, wind advisory once again in effect and you can see the delays out of tracy. Already beginning to build. Its not even 5 00. You can see the yellow sensors to about north flynn and it does pick up all frein all the way out to the dublin interchange. Thats your latest kcbs traffic. Back to you guys. Thank you. In baghdad, a tiny orange cat was abandoned by his mother but he would be loved again. A Navy Reservist found mr. Meowgi and grew so fond of him that he flew the cat to america. Heres the tail end of the long journey before returning to the owner. The cat had to make stops in frankfurt and new york after leaving iraq. Spca international helped reunite the pair. They met while van cleve worked as a contractor at baghdads airport. I knew that if i left him there and didnt bring him back the chances of him being alive when i went become were slim. And mr. Meowgi even has a shot at making some animal friends because brad also has another cat and dog at home. Meowgi. Meowgi. There you go. Thats right. [ laughter ] 4 53. We all know homes are not cheap in the bay area but now prices are breaking records. Next, the milestone in the south bay. ,, Million Dollar homes are thw normal in the bay area. For the First Time Ever the median price for a singlefy santa milliondollar homes are the new normal in the bay area. For the First Time Ever, the median price for a Single Family home hit 7 figures in santa clara county. In Alameda County the median is up to 750,000. More than 57 of homes sold in San Francisco are valued at more than a Million Dollars. With passengers stuck in security lines all across the country Oakland Airport has a new plan to get people moving. Its hiring 30 new private security guards to help out. Oakland is the first bay area airport to do this and people we talked to say that they are on board. Anything that can help speed up the process is great. They have good ideas. I know theres been a lot of complaints about the length of time to get through the security. Airport Officials Say that the private security will perform tasks like telling people to take off their shoes or collecting bins. They wont be screening the passengers. A bay area woman is 750,000 richer today. Its all thanks to a California Lottery scratcher she bought at a water store. William pure water in san jose is considered a California Lottery lucky retailer. A store employee that we talked to was surprised and excited about the win. I didnt know until weeks later. I saw on the monitor that somebody win over here so i happy. We are told the woman was a lottery regular at that store. Time now 4 57. Just ahead, republican president ial candidate donald trump has plenty to say about the disappearance of egyptair flight 804. Reporter and theres a new man in charge of the sfpd. Well meet chief chaplin next. ,, phone rings hello . Yeah a new friends coming here to sesame street. If youre looking for freinds. Hi hi everybody cookie allnew its sesame street live make a new friend hello everybodeeeeee no matter where youre from or where youve been. Bakkaaaa count me in sesame street live make a new friend playing the only bay area performances City National civic hello . Yeah a new friends coming here to sesame street. If youre looking for freinds. Hi hi everybody cookie allnew its sesame street live make a new friend hello everybodeeeeee no matter where youre from or where youve been. Bakkaaaa count me in sesame street live make a new friend playing the only bay area performances City National civic this weekend and im michelle griego. Lets get a look at weatherd good morning. It is friday, may 20. Im kenny choi. Im michelle griego. Lets take a live look outside at the beautiful bay bridge. There you go and the embarcadero lights. We never get tired of this shot. And, of course, were saying today those lights are teal for the sharks big win last night. Another shutout. Go sharks. You have to say welcome back. Yeah. Thank you very much. Its so good to see you. Kind of relaxing that long drive into work. Its kind of nice in the middle of the nice. I didnt have anyone screaming in the back, no baby. [ laughter ] just screaming motorists. Thats about it. Theres a real good flow of traffic at 2 45 a. M. [ laughter ] crazy, right . Its the bay area. I believe we are starting to see more and more commuters leave earlier an earlier because people are living farther and farther out for the commute so they will be beginning a little earlier. Good morning, when you get

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