Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20160408 : c

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20160408

later today expect showers mainly in the south with caller cooler weather coming. >> no major issues on the roads. here's a live look out the door at 880 if you are hopping an early-morning flight over by oakland airport. this is near that exit 880, 16 minutes between 238 and the maze. we'll break down mass transit coming up in a few minutes. video just released shows a bay area sheriff's deputy taking down a teenaged girl. >> leave her alone! >> no! [ screaming ] >> now she is suing for excessive force. the full video is 35 minutes long and this is what 19-year- old gabrielle lemos looked like after the confrontation. the footage comes from the night of her high school graduation party in june last year. andria borba walks us through it reporter: the body cam video begins here as deputy marcus holton investigates why a truck is stopped and running in the middle of a rural road in petaluma. and why there was yelling. in the truck is carly and according to sonoma county, the deputy was concerned about a possible domestic violence case. that's carly's mother and sisters including gabrielle. she is in the braids. the yelling in the family goes on for several minutes. >> everybody calm down, calm down right now! >> reporter: as another deputy arrives, the verbal confrontation continues for several more minutes with the family demanding a female officer. >> there's nothing -- [ screaming ] >> if i want a woman cop here, i can have a woman cop here. >> reporter: 8 minutes and 40 seconds in deputy holton takes down gabrielle as she walks away ignoring his orders to stop. >> leave her alone. >> no. no. >> leave her alone! [ screaming ] >> you [ censored ] ! >> reporter: that's deputy holton right there. his body cam fell off during the confrontation. and as gabrielle is loaded into the back of the cruiser, you can see the blood on her face. deputy holton can be heard panting and explaining what he thought happened to another deputy. >> what? >> i don't know. i mean, i'm driving down the road, this car stopped right there. i heard some yelling. mom's yelling. >> mm-hm. >> and saying that, um, there's some type of a fight. >> reporter: andria borba, kpix 5 >> the video was released after it became public record. early on in the clip, some of the women yelled, you cannot touch me. and now the physical contact that followed has this video in the spotlight. on facebook, her lawyer, wrote, here's the video of a sonoma county sheriff's assault on an innocent girl. share far and wide. it has been just about a day since the san francisco police commission talk about arming all of its officers with tasers. and now another deadly police shooting is under investigation. this time, officers shot and killed a homeless man who had been living in a tent in the mission. when police tried to move him off the sidewalk they say he pulled out a knife. arriving officers tried to subdue him with a beanbag gun. they say he charged and then they fired. it happened on shotwell street around 10 a.m. thursday. a witness saw it happen out of her window. >> as soon as the rifle shot, i feel that the second gun then shot. they were shooting simultaneously. >> she says she saw the homeless man on the ground the entire time and he never appeared to threaten officers. esteban nunez could be released for killing a college student. he was sentenced 16 years for the slaying of a san diego state student but political ties helped him. nunez's father is former assembly speaker fabian nunez a political ally of then governor arnold schwarzenegger. on his last day in office, schwarzenegger commuted nunez's sentence to 7 years. >> our son luis was stabbed in the heart and killed. but after his death, fabian nunez and arnold schwarzenegger stabbed luis in the back. >> he was cheated out of life by a group of thugs and he was cheated out of justice due to some well connected killers. >> nunez pleaded guilty to volunteer manslaughter for santos' death. a sacramento judge says schwarzenegger's decision was distasteful but not illegal. if you get caught driving under the influence you could have to go through a lot more than just roadside sobriety tests. mark sayre on the new way cops could soon be testing for a lot more than just alcohol reporter: right now, if an officer sees you driving erratically you can be given a sobriety test. fail it and you get a test for drugs and alcohol. now a state senator wants to take the ability to detect drugs in a driver's system out on the roads of california. >> sadly, we have become a nation of self-medicating careless people. >> reporter: the test would use a saliva swab and hand-held machine like this one to check for six common abused drugs including marijuana, cocaine and pain medications. >> what this legislation is seeking to do is give the police an additional tool and ascertain whether someone is impaired by a drug, which at this point there is no field test for. >> reporter: but legal analyst steven clark says such a test could be problematic. the accuracy could be challenged and people with prescribed medications could hauled away to jail. >> the question for many people is, is this test going to cause too many people to be arrested that weren't doing anything illegal? >> reporter: the proposed legislation will only allow officers to use the swab after a driver has first failed the standard field sobriety test. the legislation will get its first hearing at the state capital on april 19. reporting in san jose, i'm mark sayre, kpix 5. >> according to a study by the national highway traffic safety administration, in the past five years, drug driving arrests rose more than 20% nationwide. it is 4:37 right now. let's check weather. yesterday was a nice day. it was cooler but it was still nice. >> yeah. perfect. >> today cooler still. finally back to average temperatures. we have scattered showers. primary rain season is over so this is bonus rain. we are not going to see heavy downpours but unsettled through the weekend. starting off with a look at hi- def doppler, you can see right now most of the rain is south of us. this is thanks to a low off the baja coast. showers in the central valley and monterey, santa cruz, some of the coastal mountain ranges there. futurecast shows that we stay dry with a couple of stray showers through much of the day today. here we are though for our evening commute and that's when we start to see some of the showers move back into our region just in time for the evening commute. again, not heavy widespread rain. we do see more widespread rain move in overnight. here we are at 1 a.m. saturday. some of that will linger on into tomorrow. temperatures take a look, we peaked below 90 in san francisco midweek. today we are back down close to average, which should be around 63 degrees. right now the out the door 50s and 60s. we'll talk more about what's to come in just a bit. but first a check of the roads. >> thank you, julie. out the door it is quiet. it's still spring break for some folks. i'm surprised at how quiet it is considering we have a little bit of light rain impacting it out there. so all good so far for the start of the morning commute. we'll show you a live look right now over at the bay bridge. and everything is pretty good on all the approaches. maybe some slight backups a few of them in some of the cash lanes trying to get past the toll plaza. but once you get on the bridge itself it's smooth sailing in both directions between the oakland area and san francisco. obviously along the peninsula all quiet on 101. if you on the san mateo bridge this is what it looks like right now. it's about a 1-minute drive time between the peninsula and the east bay. and speaking of the east bay, here's a live look through the altamont pass. we are just beginning to see our first bit of brake lights now making your way into livermore. not too bad so far though out of the tracy area. this is the time to go. 1 hines between the altamont pass and the dublin interchange. we can show you this live look right now. and there it is all those headlights that's the commute direction. continues to move well all the way through the dublin grade as you get past six six. mass transit also off to a very nice start. bart has no delays. we like that. ace train number one looks good. cal-train and muni metro no problems at 4:39. frank and michelle, back to you guys. >> thank you. president obama is in california this morning and will be back in the bay area for a pair of democratic fundraisers later today. currently, he is in l.a., where he plans to attend a fundraiser for senate democrats. he will then head to san francisco, where he will spend the night before returning to washington saturday. in politics, new york's critical primary, ted cruz trying to defeat donald trump. the war of words between democrats bernie sanders and hillary clinton is heating up in new york. don champion has more reporter: with the contested convention looming, donald trump is preparing for a fight. thursday, he put veteran republican strategist paul manifort in charge of convention preparations and organizing delegates. he also picked up the support of former new york city mayor rudy giuliani. >> cruz, cruz! >> reporter: on the campaign trail, rival ted cruz tried building support in brooklyn and again clarified comments about so-called "new york values." >> what that means is the policies of liberal democratic politicians that is hurting the people of new york for a long time. >> reporter: running second in new york, john kasich said he is swaying support from trump and cruz. >> we are going to pick up delegates here and all over the northeast and down in maryland and, um, and we're going to go to a convention. >> reporter: ahead of the new york primary, the democratic race is going even more heated. in an interview with cbs' charlie rose thursday, bernie sanders was unapologetic about safely rival hillary clinton is not fit to be president. >> if we are getting attacked every, single day by the clinton campaign, i want them to know, we are going to respond in kind. >> reporter: clinton who leads sanders by 10 points in the state fired back. >> i'm going to trust the voters of new york to know me and have voted for me three times. >> reporter: wyoming will hold a democratic caucus tomorrow. don champion, cbs news, new york. >> while there are only 14 delegates on the line for democrats in wyoming, 247 are at stake in new york. 4:41. when you go to the doctor you typically feel safe. but today a dental assistant is facing charges of molesting children. what they found on his cell phone. ,,,, the assistant basketball coh has resigned. u-c berkeley says they inte to an alleged sexual harassment scandal at cal. the assistant basketball coach resigned. uc-berkeley says they intended to fire yann hufnagel after an investigation determined he tried to lure a female reporter to his apartment for sex. the investigation also found that hufnagel sent the reporter sexual texts for a number of months. quite a homecoming as a stolen scooter signed by hunter pence was returned to the make- a-wish foundation in san francisco. giants mascot lou seal was there as officers escorted the motorized vehicle into at&t park. the video shows at least swiping the scooter from the charity san francisco office over the weekend. it's the second time the scooter has been stolen. >> i was hearing a little bit about it and i got to catch up, now that we got back, and, you know, it's the mona lisa of scooters. >> police say all three of the suspect are in custody. they are all facing felony and misdemeanor theft charges. in the east bay, a dental assistant is behind bars. he is charged with some very sickening behavior in the exam room. kpix 5's emily turner on the man accused of molesting children while they were unconscious. >> it's vest disturbing. when you go to the dentist -- it's very disturbing. when you go to the dentist your child is already scared. this is frightening. >> reporter: the clinic is open for business. but one of the employees alejandro saro is behind bars charged with multiple counts of child molestation by force. concord police say it all happened in the dentist's chair. >> the clinic takes the safety of the patients seriously and is fully cooperating with the officials investigating. >> reporter: police got the case after an 8-year-old patient came forward saturday saying, saro inappropriately touched her. the police investigation then revealed several videos on his phone of other little girls' private parts taken into the exam room while they were recovering from a procedure done under nitrous oxide. saro was a dental assistant charged with taking care of them. but he no longer has a job. >> we strongly believe that there are multiple victims out there. >> reporter: because of the videos, they believe there are multiple victims associated with the videos and they need to get in touch with them. so they are asking parents of children who have either been here or any of the two clinics that saro worked at previously to talk to their children about what may have happened and then to call the tip line. we have that number on our website, in concord, emily turner, kpix 5. new details as crews work to crush the fire. firefighters say the blaze is now 60% contained. it started wednesday on the western edge of arizona. strong winds forced it across a river into california where two rv parks were evacuated. at its peak the topock expanded to hundreds of acres. but there was no visible smoke by 6 p.m. last night. firefighters have given a bear a touching nickname. after the brown cub escaped from flames, firefighters dubbed him smoky junior and you can see smokey was a little restless after he rushed out of the woods to avoid the brush fire. crews say the blaze started at 25 acres. it was in florida. at the end of one road they scooped him up. >> he has minor burns on his feet and maybe lips, but certainly survivable if cared for [ bear crying ]. >> smoky is in the hands of wildlife officials. the cub's mom was not in sight when smokey wandered from the woods. >> he is going to be a big smoky in about six months. >> cute now. >> glad he is going to be okay now. >> a cutie. rain is out of us and we won't see much of anything here until later this afternoon. best shower chances beginning around the evening commute and then continuing through the weekend unsettled. let take a look outside right now at hi-def doppler where you can see, much of those showers over the central valley right now along the central coast over southern california, santa cruz, monterey getting some showers this morning, as well. right now though in the bay area, temperatures are mild. mostly dry in the 50s, hovering near 60 for most folks out the door this morning. satellite perspective shows what's going on. we have this area of low pressure off the baja coast and that is spinning those showers our way. also, keep in mind, we saw those 90-degree temperatures earlier this week. that was thanks in part to an offshore flow -- excuse me -- yes, to an offshore flow. we now have more of appear on shore flow and that's -- more of an onshore flow and that will cool temperatures down due to the area of low pressure system. the second low pressure system is going to help to increase shower chances into the evening and into the weekend. so right now, we are waiting for the showers from this system. futurecast times it out. here we are around 7:00 your evening commute and as you can see, we do start to see just light scattered showers not a total rainout, not a drencher. some of the best rain will come through overnight. scattered showers and thunderstorms saturday remain remaining unsettled through sunday. as we advance over the next seven days, take a look at this. this little bits of showers here and there could amount to over an inch more rainfall over the next seven days. so not all at once. scattered showers off and on. but the totals will add to the rain bucket. showers this afternoon, mostly for the south bay. more widespread overnight. and then scattered showers heading into the weekend. temperatures topping out in the mid- to upper 60s peaking near 70 for the warmest spots today. unsettled through the weekend with temperatures in the 60s. we get a dry break early in the week and then our next round of rain moves in wednesday into thursday. how are the roads? great right now but we could see a little bit of a tie- up this afternoon. the president arrives at sfo around 1:30 this afternoon. you could see rolling delays between here and san francisco. he is in town for fundraisers. out the door right now we are doing well. no major hot spots. here's the bay bridge. slight delays in the far left cash lanes. we'll let you know when they turn on the metering lights. here's a live look near oakland airport. everything is pretty quiet in the northbound direction. those taillights heading up towards downtown and not seeing much of a problem no major overnight roadwork it slow you down. southbound is also moving fine right now heading into san leandro as you can see. that travel time at the bottom of your screen, it should be 16 minutes between 238 and the maze. your other travel times are also clear. i continue to check these speed reports and sometimes we see even something pop up like a minor fender-bender here and there but there's nothing so it's a great time to head outside and hop in your car and head to work. if that's where you're going this early in the morning. here's a live look at the south bay now. our sensors are all green coming up from 101 even from morgan hill. san jose is clear and if you are continuing on into sunnyvale, palo alto, everything is at the limit. 280 also looks great. that's your latest "kcbs drive to work." back to you guys. >> thank you. in los angeles, a new cafe offers a bit of a twist on the classic first date. >> i guess. it's a place where you can sip some coffee and find an adoptable dog who might be your perfect match. the dog cafe opened yesterday. it lets people mingle with rescue dogs in a pressure-free setting. most of the animals are older, have behavior issues. but the venue proves rescue dogs are more than just weak points on paper. >> looking for forever homes. having this environment gives the dogs the opportunity to have their small little spotlight to the showcase their true personalities. >> if you have commitment problems, cafe also lets customers pay $10 an hour to relax and play with pets and hang out, i guess. >> probably fun. time now 4:52. still need to get your taxes done? how about stopping by 7-eleven? the new program being offered at the convenience store. ,,,,,,,,,, gated community... after mo than a good morning. welcome back. time now 4:55. here's a live look at the city and the bay bridge from treasure island courtesy of photo journalist extraordinaire joseph cousins. showers later today, details coming up. >> and the giants play over at at&t park later on this evening. so again we could see some more traffic heading into san francisco around that area. first pitch i at 7:15. they play the dodgers. more traffic coming up. 4:55. crews in nevada county have closed off parts of a park in a gated community after more than 1,000 gallons of sewage leaked into the lake there. investigators say the leak was caused by a pipeline rupture. crews are now removing contaminated soil around lake wildwood. >> you look at the amount of gallons or effluent that went into the lake, it ends up being about three 10,000ths of one percent. extremely small amount. >> environmental health official says staff will monitor the spill site to make sure the residents are safe. uber is paying big for some dishonest dealing. as part of a settlement, it's giving san francisco and l.a. $10 million. the lawsuit found that uber was less than forthright about its driver background checks and airport fees. the rideshare company has been asked to change gears by altering its advertising and clearing up airport-related issues. if "occupy oakland" doesn't make good on those orders, it had have to pay an additional $15 million. this is scary. bart's fleet of trains is so old the transit agency is reportedly using ebay to find some replacement parts. bart has used the online auction site to replace parts of the train that have failed. the system has been plagued as now with breakdowns and electrical problems lately but new train cars are now being tested and will eventually replace some of the aging fleet. according to a new poll, 46% of bart passengers still rate the overall quality as excellent or good. as for the $3.5 billion bond issue that could be on the november ballot, 50% say they would support it but not enough to pass it as it would require 66%. the irs is joining forces with 7-eleven to make it more convenient for people to pay taxes. about 7,000 stores will take part including many in california. only cash payments will be allowed and there's a service fee of 3.99. there's a daily payment limit of $1,000. time now 4:57. in our next half-hour, it's an engagement story one couple won't soon forget. why emergency crews were called to rescue a man as he proposed to his girlfriend coming your way. >> reporter: and the once high and mighty yahoo now up for sale. the company is taking bids starting on monday. and i'm frank mallicoa good morning. it is friday, april 8. take a look at this shot. this is from our photographer joseph cousins from treasure island. a beautiful shot of the san francisco skyline. >> it's beautiful. what a view. good morning, i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. time now is 5:00 on your friday. and new this morning, after a long struggle for a comeback, yahoo may be up for grabs at last. some of the biggest names in tech are reportedly placing their bids, as well. kpix 5's kiet do is live outside yahoo's sunnyvale headquarters on who is ready to buy. get in line, i guess, right, kiet? >> reporter: topping the list of potential buyers is verizon. verizon has reportedly hired several banks which means they are serious

Related Keywords

Altamont Pass , California , United States , New York , Nevada County , Lake Wildwood , Brooklyn , Oakland , San Leandro , Central Valley , Florida , San Diego , Dublin , Ireland , San Francisco , Arizona , Berkeley , Wyoming , Sonoma County , Monterey , Sacramento , Maryland , Morgan Hill , Petaluma , Mona Lisa , Emily Turner , Arnold Schwarzenegger , Andria Borba , Michelle Griego , John Kasich , Steven Clark , Los Angeles , Alejandro Saro , Fabian Nunez , Esteban Nunez , Gabrielle Lemos , Marcus Holton , Elizabeth Wenger , Rudy Giuliani , Hillary Clinton , Ted Cruz , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20160408 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20160408

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later today expect showers mainly in the south with caller cooler weather coming. >> no major issues on the roads. here's a live look out the door at 880 if you are hopping an early-morning flight over by oakland airport. this is near that exit 880, 16 minutes between 238 and the maze. we'll break down mass transit coming up in a few minutes. video just released shows a bay area sheriff's deputy taking down a teenaged girl. >> leave her alone! >> no! [ screaming ] >> now she is suing for excessive force. the full video is 35 minutes long and this is what 19-year- old gabrielle lemos looked like after the confrontation. the footage comes from the night of her high school graduation party in june last year. andria borba walks us through it reporter: the body cam video begins here as deputy marcus holton investigates why a truck is stopped and running in the middle of a rural road in petaluma. and why there was yelling. in the truck is carly and according to sonoma county, the deputy was concerned about a possible domestic violence case. that's carly's mother and sisters including gabrielle. she is in the braids. the yelling in the family goes on for several minutes. >> everybody calm down, calm down right now! >> reporter: as another deputy arrives, the verbal confrontation continues for several more minutes with the family demanding a female officer. >> there's nothing -- [ screaming ] >> if i want a woman cop here, i can have a woman cop here. >> reporter: 8 minutes and 40 seconds in deputy holton takes down gabrielle as she walks away ignoring his orders to stop. >> leave her alone. >> no. no. >> leave her alone! [ screaming ] >> you [ censored ] ! >> reporter: that's deputy holton right there. his body cam fell off during the confrontation. and as gabrielle is loaded into the back of the cruiser, you can see the blood on her face. deputy holton can be heard panting and explaining what he thought happened to another deputy. >> what? >> i don't know. i mean, i'm driving down the road, this car stopped right there. i heard some yelling. mom's yelling. >> mm-hm. >> and saying that, um, there's some type of a fight. >> reporter: andria borba, kpix 5 >> the video was released after it became public record. early on in the clip, some of the women yelled, you cannot touch me. and now the physical contact that followed has this video in the spotlight. on facebook, her lawyer, wrote, here's the video of a sonoma county sheriff's assault on an innocent girl. share far and wide. it has been just about a day since the san francisco police commission talk about arming all of its officers with tasers. and now another deadly police shooting is under investigation. this time, officers shot and killed a homeless man who had been living in a tent in the mission. when police tried to move him off the sidewalk they say he pulled out a knife. arriving officers tried to subdue him with a beanbag gun. they say he charged and then they fired. it happened on shotwell street around 10 a.m. thursday. a witness saw it happen out of her window. >> as soon as the rifle shot, i feel that the second gun then shot. they were shooting simultaneously. >> she says she saw the homeless man on the ground the entire time and he never appeared to threaten officers. esteban nunez could be released for killing a college student. he was sentenced 16 years for the slaying of a san diego state student but political ties helped him. nunez's father is former assembly speaker fabian nunez a political ally of then governor arnold schwarzenegger. on his last day in office, schwarzenegger commuted nunez's sentence to 7 years. >> our son luis was stabbed in the heart and killed. but after his death, fabian nunez and arnold schwarzenegger stabbed luis in the back. >> he was cheated out of life by a group of thugs and he was cheated out of justice due to some well connected killers. >> nunez pleaded guilty to volunteer manslaughter for santos' death. a sacramento judge says schwarzenegger's decision was distasteful but not illegal. if you get caught driving under the influence you could have to go through a lot more than just roadside sobriety tests. mark sayre on the new way cops could soon be testing for a lot more than just alcohol reporter: right now, if an officer sees you driving erratically you can be given a sobriety test. fail it and you get a test for drugs and alcohol. now a state senator wants to take the ability to detect drugs in a driver's system out on the roads of california. >> sadly, we have become a nation of self-medicating careless people. >> reporter: the test would use a saliva swab and hand-held machine like this one to check for six common abused drugs including marijuana, cocaine and pain medications. >> what this legislation is seeking to do is give the police an additional tool and ascertain whether someone is impaired by a drug, which at this point there is no field test for. >> reporter: but legal analyst steven clark says such a test could be problematic. the accuracy could be challenged and people with prescribed medications could hauled away to jail. >> the question for many people is, is this test going to cause too many people to be arrested that weren't doing anything illegal? >> reporter: the proposed legislation will only allow officers to use the swab after a driver has first failed the standard field sobriety test. the legislation will get its first hearing at the state capital on april 19. reporting in san jose, i'm mark sayre, kpix 5. >> according to a study by the national highway traffic safety administration, in the past five years, drug driving arrests rose more than 20% nationwide. it is 4:37 right now. let's check weather. yesterday was a nice day. it was cooler but it was still nice. >> yeah. perfect. >> today cooler still. finally back to average temperatures. we have scattered showers. primary rain season is over so this is bonus rain. we are not going to see heavy downpours but unsettled through the weekend. starting off with a look at hi- def doppler, you can see right now most of the rain is south of us. this is thanks to a low off the baja coast. showers in the central valley and monterey, santa cruz, some of the coastal mountain ranges there. futurecast shows that we stay dry with a couple of stray showers through much of the day today. here we are though for our evening commute and that's when we start to see some of the showers move back into our region just in time for the evening commute. again, not heavy widespread rain. we do see more widespread rain move in overnight. here we are at 1 a.m. saturday. some of that will linger on into tomorrow. temperatures take a look, we peaked below 90 in san francisco midweek. today we are back down close to average, which should be around 63 degrees. right now the out the door 50s and 60s. we'll talk more about what's to come in just a bit. but first a check of the roads. >> thank you, julie. out the door it is quiet. it's still spring break for some folks. i'm surprised at how quiet it is considering we have a little bit of light rain impacting it out there. so all good so far for the start of the morning commute. we'll show you a live look right now over at the bay bridge. and everything is pretty good on all the approaches. maybe some slight backups a few of them in some of the cash lanes trying to get past the toll plaza. but once you get on the bridge itself it's smooth sailing in both directions between the oakland area and san francisco. obviously along the peninsula all quiet on 101. if you on the san mateo bridge this is what it looks like right now. it's about a 1-minute drive time between the peninsula and the east bay. and speaking of the east bay, here's a live look through the altamont pass. we are just beginning to see our first bit of brake lights now making your way into livermore. not too bad so far though out of the tracy area. this is the time to go. 1 hines between the altamont pass and the dublin interchange. we can show you this live look right now. and there it is all those headlights that's the commute direction. continues to move well all the way through the dublin grade as you get past six six. mass transit also off to a very nice start. bart has no delays. we like that. ace train number one looks good. cal-train and muni metro no problems at 4:39. frank and michelle, back to you guys. >> thank you. president obama is in california this morning and will be back in the bay area for a pair of democratic fundraisers later today. currently, he is in l.a., where he plans to attend a fundraiser for senate democrats. he will then head to san francisco, where he will spend the night before returning to washington saturday. in politics, new york's critical primary, ted cruz trying to defeat donald trump. the war of words between democrats bernie sanders and hillary clinton is heating up in new york. don champion has more reporter: with the contested convention looming, donald trump is preparing for a fight. thursday, he put veteran republican strategist paul manifort in charge of convention preparations and organizing delegates. he also picked up the support of former new york city mayor rudy giuliani. >> cruz, cruz! >> reporter: on the campaign trail, rival ted cruz tried building support in brooklyn and again clarified comments about so-called "new york values." >> what that means is the policies of liberal democratic politicians that is hurting the people of new york for a long time. >> reporter: running second in new york, john kasich said he is swaying support from trump and cruz. >> we are going to pick up delegates here and all over the northeast and down in maryland and, um, and we're going to go to a convention. >> reporter: ahead of the new york primary, the democratic race is going even more heated. in an interview with cbs' charlie rose thursday, bernie sanders was unapologetic about safely rival hillary clinton is not fit to be president. >> if we are getting attacked every, single day by the clinton campaign, i want them to know, we are going to respond in kind. >> reporter: clinton who leads sanders by 10 points in the state fired back. >> i'm going to trust the voters of new york to know me and have voted for me three times. >> reporter: wyoming will hold a democratic caucus tomorrow. don champion, cbs news, new york. >> while there are only 14 delegates on the line for democrats in wyoming, 247 are at stake in new york. 4:41. when you go to the doctor you typically feel safe. but today a dental assistant is facing charges of molesting children. what they found on his cell phone. ,,,, the assistant basketball coh has resigned. u-c berkeley says they inte to an alleged sexual harassment scandal at cal. the assistant basketball coach resigned. uc-berkeley says they intended to fire yann hufnagel after an investigation determined he tried to lure a female reporter to his apartment for sex. the investigation also found that hufnagel sent the reporter sexual texts for a number of months. quite a homecoming as a stolen scooter signed by hunter pence was returned to the make- a-wish foundation in san francisco. giants mascot lou seal was there as officers escorted the motorized vehicle into at&t park. the video shows at least swiping the scooter from the charity san francisco office over the weekend. it's the second time the scooter has been stolen. >> i was hearing a little bit about it and i got to catch up, now that we got back, and, you know, it's the mona lisa of scooters. >> police say all three of the suspect are in custody. they are all facing felony and misdemeanor theft charges. in the east bay, a dental assistant is behind bars. he is charged with some very sickening behavior in the exam room. kpix 5's emily turner on the man accused of molesting children while they were unconscious. >> it's vest disturbing. when you go to the dentist -- it's very disturbing. when you go to the dentist your child is already scared. this is frightening. >> reporter: the clinic is open for business. but one of the employees alejandro saro is behind bars charged with multiple counts of child molestation by force. concord police say it all happened in the dentist's chair. >> the clinic takes the safety of the patients seriously and is fully cooperating with the officials investigating. >> reporter: police got the case after an 8-year-old patient came forward saturday saying, saro inappropriately touched her. the police investigation then revealed several videos on his phone of other little girls' private parts taken into the exam room while they were recovering from a procedure done under nitrous oxide. saro was a dental assistant charged with taking care of them. but he no longer has a job. >> we strongly believe that there are multiple victims out there. >> reporter: because of the videos, they believe there are multiple victims associated with the videos and they need to get in touch with them. so they are asking parents of children who have either been here or any of the two clinics that saro worked at previously to talk to their children about what may have happened and then to call the tip line. we have that number on our website, in concord, emily turner, kpix 5. new details as crews work to crush the fire. firefighters say the blaze is now 60% contained. it started wednesday on the western edge of arizona. strong winds forced it across a river into california where two rv parks were evacuated. at its peak the topock expanded to hundreds of acres. but there was no visible smoke by 6 p.m. last night. firefighters have given a bear a touching nickname. after the brown cub escaped from flames, firefighters dubbed him smoky junior and you can see smokey was a little restless after he rushed out of the woods to avoid the brush fire. crews say the blaze started at 25 acres. it was in florida. at the end of one road they scooped him up. >> he has minor burns on his feet and maybe lips, but certainly survivable if cared for [ bear crying ]. >> smoky is in the hands of wildlife officials. the cub's mom was not in sight when smokey wandered from the woods. >> he is going to be a big smoky in about six months. >> cute now. >> glad he is going to be okay now. >> a cutie. rain is out of us and we won't see much of anything here until later this afternoon. best shower chances beginning around the evening commute and then continuing through the weekend unsettled. let take a look outside right now at hi-def doppler where you can see, much of those showers over the central valley right now along the central coast over southern california, santa cruz, monterey getting some showers this morning, as well. right now though in the bay area, temperatures are mild. mostly dry in the 50s, hovering near 60 for most folks out the door this morning. satellite perspective shows what's going on. we have this area of low pressure off the baja coast and that is spinning those showers our way. also, keep in mind, we saw those 90-degree temperatures earlier this week. that was thanks in part to an offshore flow -- excuse me -- yes, to an offshore flow. we now have more of appear on shore flow and that's -- more of an onshore flow and that will cool temperatures down due to the area of low pressure system. the second low pressure system is going to help to increase shower chances into the evening and into the weekend. so right now, we are waiting for the showers from this system. futurecast times it out. here we are around 7:00 your evening commute and as you can see, we do start to see just light scattered showers not a total rainout, not a drencher. some of the best rain will come through overnight. scattered showers and thunderstorms saturday remain remaining unsettled through sunday. as we advance over the next seven days, take a look at this. this little bits of showers here and there could amount to over an inch more rainfall over the next seven days. so not all at once. scattered showers off and on. but the totals will add to the rain bucket. showers this afternoon, mostly for the south bay. more widespread overnight. and then scattered showers heading into the weekend. temperatures topping out in the mid- to upper 60s peaking near 70 for the warmest spots today. unsettled through the weekend with temperatures in the 60s. we get a dry break early in the week and then our next round of rain moves in wednesday into thursday. how are the roads? great right now but we could see a little bit of a tie- up this afternoon. the president arrives at sfo around 1:30 this afternoon. you could see rolling delays between here and san francisco. he is in town for fundraisers. out the door right now we are doing well. no major hot spots. here's the bay bridge. slight delays in the far left cash lanes. we'll let you know when they turn on the metering lights. here's a live look near oakland airport. everything is pretty quiet in the northbound direction. those taillights heading up towards downtown and not seeing much of a problem no major overnight roadwork it slow you down. southbound is also moving fine right now heading into san leandro as you can see. that travel time at the bottom of your screen, it should be 16 minutes between 238 and the maze. your other travel times are also clear. i continue to check these speed reports and sometimes we see even something pop up like a minor fender-bender here and there but there's nothing so it's a great time to head outside and hop in your car and head to work. if that's where you're going this early in the morning. here's a live look at the south bay now. our sensors are all green coming up from 101 even from morgan hill. san jose is clear and if you are continuing on into sunnyvale, palo alto, everything is at the limit. 280 also looks great. that's your latest "kcbs drive to work." back to you guys. >> thank you. in los angeles, a new cafe offers a bit of a twist on the classic first date. >> i guess. it's a place where you can sip some coffee and find an adoptable dog who might be your perfect match. the dog cafe opened yesterday. it lets people mingle with rescue dogs in a pressure-free setting. most of the animals are older, have behavior issues. but the venue proves rescue dogs are more than just weak points on paper. >> looking for forever homes. having this environment gives the dogs the opportunity to have their small little spotlight to the showcase their true personalities. >> if you have commitment problems, cafe also lets customers pay $10 an hour to relax and play with pets and hang out, i guess. >> probably fun. time now 4:52. still need to get your taxes done? how about stopping by 7-eleven? the new program being offered at the convenience store. ,,,,,,,,,, gated community... after mo than a good morning. welcome back. time now 4:55. here's a live look at the city and the bay bridge from treasure island courtesy of photo journalist extraordinaire joseph cousins. showers later today, details coming up. >> and the giants play over at at&t park later on this evening. so again we could see some more traffic heading into san francisco around that area. first pitch i at 7:15. they play the dodgers. more traffic coming up. 4:55. crews in nevada county have closed off parts of a park in a gated community after more than 1,000 gallons of sewage leaked into the lake there. investigators say the leak was caused by a pipeline rupture. crews are now removing contaminated soil around lake wildwood. >> you look at the amount of gallons or effluent that went into the lake, it ends up being about three 10,000ths of one percent. extremely small amount. >> environmental health official says staff will monitor the spill site to make sure the residents are safe. uber is paying big for some dishonest dealing. as part of a settlement, it's giving san francisco and l.a. $10 million. the lawsuit found that uber was less than forthright about its driver background checks and airport fees. the rideshare company has been asked to change gears by altering its advertising and clearing up airport-related issues. if "occupy oakland" doesn't make good on those orders, it had have to pay an additional $15 million. this is scary. bart's fleet of trains is so old the transit agency is reportedly using ebay to find some replacement parts. bart has used the online auction site to replace parts of the train that have failed. the system has been plagued as now with breakdowns and electrical problems lately but new train cars are now being tested and will eventually replace some of the aging fleet. according to a new poll, 46% of bart passengers still rate the overall quality as excellent or good. as for the $3.5 billion bond issue that could be on the november ballot, 50% say they would support it but not enough to pass it as it would require 66%. the irs is joining forces with 7-eleven to make it more convenient for people to pay taxes. about 7,000 stores will take part including many in california. only cash payments will be allowed and there's a service fee of 3.99. there's a daily payment limit of $1,000. time now 4:57. in our next half-hour, it's an engagement story one couple won't soon forget. why emergency crews were called to rescue a man as he proposed to his girlfriend coming your way. >> reporter: and the once high and mighty yahoo now up for sale. the company is taking bids starting on monday. and i'm frank mallicoa good morning. it is friday, april 8. take a look at this shot. this is from our photographer joseph cousins from treasure island. a beautiful shot of the san francisco skyline. >> it's beautiful. what a view. good morning, i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. time now is 5:00 on your friday. and new this morning, after a long struggle for a comeback, yahoo may be up for grabs at last. some of the biggest names in tech are reportedly placing their bids, as well. kpix 5's kiet do is live outside yahoo's sunnyvale headquarters on who is ready to buy. get in line, i guess, right, kiet? >> reporter: topping the list of potential buyers is verizon. verizon has reportedly hired several banks which means they are serious

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