Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20140110 : co

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20140110

running medical calls, vehicle accidents, service calls throughout the city. so crews are strung out. >> reporter: crews fought flames that shot through the roof of three townhomes. eight people are displaced, no injuries. >> i heard screaming so i came out our front balcony to see what was going on and looked out to the right and saw flames. >> reporter: hot spots still being put out at a warehouse the length of a city block. it wiped out a man's family business, vintage roof tile, owned it for 10 years. >> devastating. i probably had about a million bucks in there. and i found out i'm pretty much -- it's not insured. you can't really insure old tiles. >> reporter: dave's business was hit the hardest. a strip of nearby homes was saved thanks to firefighters who raced over from a house fire that caused extensive damage. >> for them to come from a third alarm fire and over to this fire and make -- and there are no injuries, no homes destroyed, is quite amazing. >> reporter: betty yu, kpix 5. >> last night's condo complex fire is blamed on a malfunctioning dryer. the cause of the other two fires is under investigation. regional medical center of san jose set up a tent this week to accommodate people with flu-like symptoms and ease overcrowding in the emergency room. now the hospital is already setting up a larger tent. regional says it's seen 50 to 70 more patients per day than normal this season. at least 11 flu-related deaths have been confirmed this season in the bay area and santa cruz county. among the latest victims, a young man from sonoma county. as kpix 5's joe vazquez reports, the 23-year-old apparently had no pre-existing condition. >> reporter: when he posed for this picture in his hospital room on december 26, matte walker of santa rosa thought he had pneumonia serious enough it got worse. turns out he had the h1n1 flu virus. doctors tried to save him but he never recovered. >> a nice guy. >> reporter: folks at the g & g supermarket says he has been coming here since he was a kid helping his dad with the family business of cleaning floors. lately his second job was working for the store in the produce department. >> he was like family. we heard he died, everybody is still in shock. >> 23 years old. >> 23. >> reporter: i talked to his dad, cliff walker of sebastopol. he said his doesn't have any pre-existing conditions but he hadn't been eating or sleeping well or drinking enough fluids lately and he believes that is a contributing factor not fact that he wasn't able to fight off this flu. >> talking about the healthy 20, 30-year-olds who feel they're invisible and so they feel i don't need the flu shot or they will say oh, i got the flu shot once and it made me immune or got sick from it and don't take it again. >> are they the most at risk? >> yes, because they are the ones with a lot of interactions with other people. >> reporter: matt walker lost his battling but isn't the only young person here in sonoma county fighting off the h1n1 virus. his dad tells me there were two other people under 30 in his same ward. in santa rosa, joe vazquez, kpix 5. >> stanford suggests men with higher levels of testosterone saw less benefit from flu vaccinations. it appears testosterone may interact with certain genes adversely affecting the body's response to the vaccine. santa clara university student was home for the holidays up in oregon when he was allegedly targeted and run over by a car. 20-year-old connor mcmahon and a friend were leaving a party early on new year's day up in portland. they were walking to get something to eat when a car stopped, asked if they wanted a ride. when they said no, police said that car made a u-turn and ran down mcmahon from behind. >> runs over my son and continues on down lombard street. hit him from behind. he has a lot to offer and for someone to try to take that away is -- is -- is just beyond words. >> portland police now investigating this as an assault rather than a hit-and- run. mcmahon is badly injured but he is expected to recover. a union city man is telling a disturbing story how he was robbed at gunpoint at his home. as kpix 5's andria borba reports, the man's sister and 2- year-old niece were right there when it happened wednesday night. >> when he shot at me, like, on my face, i thought, i'm gone. >> reporter: this union city man who didn't want to be identified pulled into his driveway on santa susana way with his sister and 2-year-old niece. instantly, there was trouble. >> i see there was a guy running around and he pointed a gun at me and said give me all your money, whatever you got, just give me. i said, okay, keep cool, man, don't shoot anyone. >> reporter: the victim cooperated and then gravity intravenous upsetting the suspect. >> i was right here. i had the money. i put it right here. and the money fell down and he shoot at me. >> reporter: the suspect then chased the victim as sister and niece through the gate -- the victim's sister and niece through the gate. >> the door was locked and she was right here and the baby was next to her. >> reporter: the suspect fired again leaving this in the concrete. >> he shot right there. >> reporter: he grabbed the sister's purse and took off. as quickly as it began, it was over. a union city sergeant tells kpix 5 armed robberies had actually dropped in the city and this one is particularly troubling. >> there's nothing that we have been able to establish as far as a motive that would have made them a target over anybody else that had been out. >> oakland police are seeking the public's help in catching the man who tried to kidnap a woman on 17th street. they released this sketch yesterday. investigators say the 19-year- old woman was able to escape the attacker about 8:30 the night of january 1. there's a $5,000 reward for information leading to an arrest. it is 4:37. mr. friday is here with weather. >> yeah! i'm very happy about it, too, guys. we have an exciting weekend ahead, too. could see some showers. >> okay. >> that's kind of cool. haven't seen much of that lately. so as we head throughout the day today, a lot of clear skies now. we may see some patchy fog begin to mix in along the coastline. otherwise, i think we're looking good into the afternoon. we are going to see a lot of sunshine outside. mostly sunny skies and temperatures going to be warming up today. mid-60s in the bay and the interior valleyses. some patchy fog developing along the coastline and temperatures there mainly in the 50s. out the door we have some clear skies now in most spots, haze his this morning. 43 degrees and cold they are morning in concord. -- colder this morning in concord. 36 santa rosa, 42 san jose. all right, this afternoon 63 degrees in san jose. 64 oakland. patchy fog, 59 degrees in pacifica. let's check your "kcbs traffic" with elizabeth. once again, second straight morning that the northbound lanes of the antioch bridge are shut down just for a little while longer for the next 20 minutes or so, but a heads up. again, all the northbound lanes are closed. they are doing overnight roadwork in that area. the main lines of highway 4 in antioch, though, look good. here's a live look right now at the nimitz freeway northbound and southbound moving right along near the oakland coliseum. northbound there are various lanes blocked two of the right lanes from high street to embarcadero until 5 a.m. and southbound they are doing some striping overnight so various lanes blocked, this time from oak to washington. and a quick check of some of our sensors. if you are crossing the bay bridge, westbound various lanes blocked. this time, past the incline towards the tunnel. that wraps up about 5 crock. eastbound lanes wraps up later at 6:00 but at the bay bridge toll plaza, so far there is no delay. that's a check of your "kcbs traffic." frank and michelle, back to you. >> i will take it, thank you, liz. 4:38 now. a sailor from northern california was killed when a navy helicopter crashed in the atlantic. 25-year-old petty officers third class brian collins of truckee one of two people killed in a crash off the coast of virginia wednesday. the search for the missing pilot has been called off. the crew was training when that helicopter went down. the olympics are just a few weeks away. and there is growing concern about violence in southern russia. the bodies of six shooting victims were found wednesday in four different cars. explosive devices were found near three of the cars but only one of the bombs went off and no one was hurt. the bodies were found about 200 miles away from sochi, the host city for the winter games. more than 30,000 police officers and military members will be working security for the olympics. checkpoints are being set up and vehicles will be screened. it's being touted as the biggest security operation in olympic history. concerns about potential attacks at the games were initially raised last month when two suicide bombings rocked the city of volgograd about 400 miles from sochi. 34 people were killed and dozens more were injured in those attacks. no one has claimed responsibility. there seems to be an air of good feeling in sacramento after years of bitter political fighting. the state is finally in the black and lawmakers are trying to figure out what to do with the surplus. as phil matier reports, the governor's plan for the money is getting support from some state republicans. >> the red ink is far more predominant than the black ink. >> reporter: the governor launched his presentation with a quick review of how california has come from a $26 billion budget deficit to a $3 billion surplus. and when a reporter described that surplus as large -- >> with prop 30 -- [overlapping speakers] >> i just want to look at that. look how little that is! [ laughter ] >> that compared to that! that says it all! >> reporter: and that vintage jerry brown moment complete with a sign held above his head pretty much sums up the governor's budget strategy. the centerpiece of that strategy is tackling california's debt, which now stands at $25 billion. the governor's plan, cut that in nearly in half with $11 billion in debt payments. >> now, some people would say that we should go on a spending spree. i don't agree with that. >> reporter: by some people, the governor is referring to fellow democratic legislators who want to see more of the surplus spent the old-fashioned way on social programs. >> because of the very deep cuts we have made in recent years, there's a lot of need out there right now. >> reporter: listen to the response from the republicans. >> i appreciate what he is trying to do, the attention to debt, the savings, trying to prepare for the future. when governor brown is one of the more conservative democrats in the building, i applaud him on that. >> reporter: phil matier, kpix 5. >> the governor had planned to hold a press conference today but someone leaked the budget early. time now is 4:41. two california mothers are charged with vandalizing an elementary school. why police say they did it. ,,,,,,,,,, vandalizing their children's elementary school. the two moms are charged wi felonies... accused of causg more than 400-dollars in da, two women could face prison time for allegedly vandalizing their children's elementary school. they are charged with felonies accused of causing more than $400 in damage at a school in san bernardino county. the two women were reportedly upset that the school took advantage of a new law that allows parents to force a charter at underperforming schools. >> it's said that they went to extreme -- [ indiscernible ] the adults were fighting. they damaged the children because they delayed the process to start the school. >> the two women are expected to be arraigned on monday. well, it didn't take long for the jokes to be launched at new jersey governor chris christie. check out this double punch from the new york daily news this morning. marlie hall reports the governor denies he had anything to do with stopping traffic last september. >> i come out here today to apologize to the people of new jersey. >> reporter: new jersey governor chris christie apologized dozens of times during a nearly two-hour news conference. he says he is embarrassed some of his most trusted aides allegedly orchestrated a four- day traffic jam on the approach to the george washington bridge in fort lee new jersey. >> a person close it me betrayed me. >> reporter: thursday the governor fired his deputy chief of staff bridget anne kelly, who sent an email to a christie associate at the agency in charge of the bridge saying, time for some traffic problems in fort lee. kelly reportedly targeted fort lee's mayor because he refused to endorse christie during last year's election. the republican governor traveled to fort lee to apologize to mayor mark sokolich in person. >> he has taken we believe to be a big step in regaining the trust of our community and quite frankly this region. >> reporter: but at least 6 new jersey residents have filed a federal lawsuit against the governor and the state claiming the delivered action made them late for work. the new jersey state assembly and the u.s. attorney generals office are investigating the incident. marlie hall for cbs news, fort lee new jersey. san francisco's beach blanket babylon was quick to come up with its own colorful salute to the problems for the new jersey governor. >> i didn't know what was going on but my staff who did fired, gone! ♪[ music ] >> there you go. the musical revue put new words to the song, one day more, from "les miserables." there is a satirical twist to the lyrics as it pokes fun to what's being called "bridge- gate." ♪[ music ] >> beach blanket babylon is known for the outrageous hats its performers sometimes wear as well as satire on current events. they're quick. >> they can turn that around in a day. >> this just happened a few days ago. >> they're great. they get all that stuff in there now and it makes it nice and timely so every time you go, it's like seeing a new show. >> neat. hey, rain? >> rain. how about that. we may get a little rain around the bay area. not today. today is going to be a great day ahead. you will see lots of sunshine and we are going to get a chance of rain as we head into the weekend. out the door we have some clouds that are making their way to the north but look at the buckling around the ridge of high pressure just rolling in bringing a very nice friday to the bay area. outside now we have mostly clear skies, hazy in spots, temperatures colder today just because it's clear out there. 36 degrees in santa rosa, 51 in san francisco. 41 degrees in livermore. i think throughout the day today you will see mostly sunny skies, although a couple of patches of coastal fog likely to move in and then another chance of rain this weekend as we head in toward saturday, this one looks like it's put together a little better than the last system. so high pressure out ahead now but you can see the system developing off the coastline. this is the one that will bring with it a chance of rain into saturday. then it looks like as we head into sunday we dry out and temperatures warm up maybe some record-breaking temperatures next week. 60s in the central valley, 61 sunny in monterey bay. patchy fog at the coastline. then the cold front middle of the day saturday and spreading south. traveling to the high country snow up there, as well. hey, how about this? around the bay today temperatures in the 60s in the south bay, 50s coastside. a lot of 60s in the east bay and some warmer numbers maybe some mid-60s by the afternoon. next couple of days, we are going to see a change in the weather pattern maybe some much- needed rain on saturday. back to sunny and warm maybe some record-breaking heat next week. let's check your "kcbs traffic" with elizabeth. traffic is good. we just checked in with bart as well so traffic on the roads and mass transit at the speed limit on or time. bart has 22 trains and they are all on time including toward sfo and millbrae. a live look at our sensors shows a little bit of slowing this morning shouldn't be there much longer, this is on westbound 80 approaching the tunnel once again, they have various lanes blocked until about 5:00. the lower deck roadwork wraps up at 6:00 but over to the bay bridge toll plaza, no delay and no metering lights. in the south bay right now, which was our problem spot yesterday, with that huge warehouse fire, right now everything looks great coming on 101, the guadalupe parkway, and 280 and highway 85 all moving at the speed limit. you can see those drive times are still all in the clear. we'll take you back outside show you one more live look at a bridge the san mateo bridge no weather-related advisories, no advisories at all in fact. the hayward commute looks good on the flat section and the high-rise part of the span. that's your latest "kcbs traffic." back to you guys. >> thank you. u.s. customs officials made a disturbing discovery at the san francisco airport. five insects that could have posed a significant threat to california crops. here's a look at one of those creatures, a type of stink bug found in a shipment of basil from mexico on new year's eve. this type of bug is only found once before in the u.s. the entire shipment was refused entry into the u.s. and ordered to be sent back. if these bugs had made it into the state, they could have caused an agricultural quarantine. the december jobs report comes out in 45 minutes. cbs moneywatch reporter wendy gillette is on wall street with the details. >> reporter: the unemployment rate is expected to remain at 7%. on wall street yesterday, the dow lost nearly 18 points. the nasdaq fell 9. it was a dismal holiday shopping season for sears. sears holding which operates sears and kmart stores expects a loss of $316 million in the 4th quarter thanks to disappointing christmas sales. sears is facing increasing competition from chains like walmart. president obama has unveiled the new effort to fight poverty. he is creating so-called promise zones in five economically depressed communities, los angeles, san antonio, philadelphia, southeastern kentucky, and the choctaw nation in oklahoma. they will benefit from tax incentives and government grants. a new survey finds your boss is probably happier than you. a pew research center survey finds 69% of supervisors are very satisfied with their positions compared with 48% of workers. 83% of bosses are happy with their family life compared to 74% of workers. that's your moneywatch. for more log on to at the new york stock exchange, i'm wendy gillette. it's 4:51 right now. a deadly flu outbreak continues around the bay area. coming up at 5:00, the drastic steps hospitals are taking to keep it from spreading any further. but first, stunning images as a plane crash survivor captures photos of his doomed flight. coming up. ,,,,,,,,,, announcer: every day across america, excess food is gathered by a network of good people at local food banks, giving hope to millions of children who struggle with hunger. they've earned their wings. and you can, too. together we can solve child hunger. support feeding america and your local food bank at another play-off game this weekend, a big one, san francisco and the panthers. should be great football weather. clear skies, temperatures near 60 degrees. and checking conditions right now, just one more workday to go and right now, the northbound lanes of the antioch bridge are closed but it should be clearing pretty shortly wrapping up around 5:00 this morning. a full look at your "kcbs traffic" about 10 minutes away. a man captured incredible photos as the plane he was on crash-landed into the ocean off the coast of hawaii last month. ken bastida shows us pictures from that horrifying moment! >> physically, i'm fine. emotionally, i'm still a little bit shaken. >> reporter: ferdinand fuentes wanted video of the take-off when the flight lost power and the pilot made an ocean landing. he had his camera in his hands. >> the engine made a noise and i turned it back on to make sure it was on. >> reporter: the most startling images came from when he went into the ocean. he is seen holding on to one of the wings of the airplane. other passengers were holding on, as well. the pilot was struggling to stay afloat and bleeding from a cut to his head. in the background, the cessna grand caravan is starting to sink. >> the water, it was -- it's hard to describe it. >> reporter: he was wearing his working clothes and steel toed shoes. he said they felt like lead weights. he wavered between hope and helplessness. >> so many things happening. you know, is it for real? is this really happening? >> reporter: puentes is a spear fisherman so he is used to being in the ocean. he tried to swim to the molokai coastline. he got within 50 yards of it when exhaustion overwhelmed him. >> a lot of things was just racing but, you know, you can't actually say, oh, i'm going to do this and that. it's pretty much everything is on instinct and, you know, just trying to survive. >> that was ken bastida reporting. the crash killed hawaii's director of health responsible for releasing president obama's birth certificate in 2011 amid his citizenship controversy. 4:56. up next using less water to fight a fire. we are going to go inside the new training that bay area firefighters are getting and why it may save more lives. >> reporter: the flu is causing more deaths in the bay area. we'll tell you why the latest one may shock you! ,, ,,,,,,,,,, after a slow start, flu season has arrived in the bay area and has turned deadly quickly. this map shows all the deaths it's blamed for in our region. four counties reported deadly cases of the virus. >> talking about the healthy 20, 30-year-olds because they are the ones who have a lot of interactions with other people. >> the pentagon is out with a new report this morning on sexual assaults at the military academies. more than half of the reported assaults occurred at the air force academy. >> i am embarrassed and humiliated. >> it didn't take long for the jokes about new jersey governor chris christie to start after the traffic jam controversy. check out this double punch from the new york daily news. >> all i can do is apologize for the conduct of people who work for me. i can't do anything else. i can't reverse time. >> from across the bay to around the world, the stories that matter on "kpix 5 news this morning." captions by: caption colorado [email protected] >> your realtime captioner is mrs. linda marie macdonald. good morning, everyone. it's friday, january 10. i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. nearly 5:00 on your friday. get you out the door a little weather and traffic and perhaps a wee bit of rain over the weekend. >> a little rain coming our way but not today. i think we're going to look very nice as high pressure is building in overhead. that's keeping most of the clouds away except likely seeing a couple of patches of fog developing out toward the beaches. still, we are going to wind up having a warmer day outside as that ridge will strenthen somewhat so the temperatures going to be up in the mid-60s in parts of the bay and also into the valleys. cool with some fog toward the coastline, numbers there mainly in the 50s. out the door we go, mostly clear skies to start you out this morning. and because of that, it's colder outside. 37 degrees in santa rosa. 42 in san jose. and 49 degrees in san francisco. this afternoon, though, we'll enjoy sunny skies away from the immediate coast. 60s inland, a lot of 60s inside the bay, 50s toward the beaches but this weekend there's another chance of rain coming our way. we'll have more on that in a few minutes. right now let's check your "kcbs traffic" with elizabeth. another dry morning commute. no big problems on the road. the peninsula drive looks good if you have to catch an early flight down by sfo. this is what it looks like heading out of san francisco by candlestick and all the way down isa

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Fort Lee , New Jersey , United States , Central Valley , New York , California , San Bernardino County , Russia , Washington , District Of Columbia , San Francisco , Mexico , Santa Clara University , Santa Susana , Sebastopol , Pacifica , Sacramento , Volgograd , Volgogradskaya Oblast , Guadalupe , Nuevo Leóx , Monterey Bay , Stanford , Portland , Oregon , Embarcadero , Oakland , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Kentucky , San Antonio , Texas , Santa Cruz County , Oklahoma , Colorado , Sonoma County , Sochi , Krasnodarskiy Kray , Hawaii , America , Chris Christie , Matt Walker , Joe Vazquez , Andria Borba , Michelle Griego , Cliff Walker , Brian Collins , Los Angeles , Ferdinand Fuentes , Betty Yu , Connor Mcmahon , Linda Marie Macdonald , Anne Kelly , Jerry Brown , Wendy Gillette ,

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20140110 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20140110

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running medical calls, vehicle accidents, service calls throughout the city. so crews are strung out. >> reporter: crews fought flames that shot through the roof of three townhomes. eight people are displaced, no injuries. >> i heard screaming so i came out our front balcony to see what was going on and looked out to the right and saw flames. >> reporter: hot spots still being put out at a warehouse the length of a city block. it wiped out a man's family business, vintage roof tile, owned it for 10 years. >> devastating. i probably had about a million bucks in there. and i found out i'm pretty much -- it's not insured. you can't really insure old tiles. >> reporter: dave's business was hit the hardest. a strip of nearby homes was saved thanks to firefighters who raced over from a house fire that caused extensive damage. >> for them to come from a third alarm fire and over to this fire and make -- and there are no injuries, no homes destroyed, is quite amazing. >> reporter: betty yu, kpix 5. >> last night's condo complex fire is blamed on a malfunctioning dryer. the cause of the other two fires is under investigation. regional medical center of san jose set up a tent this week to accommodate people with flu-like symptoms and ease overcrowding in the emergency room. now the hospital is already setting up a larger tent. regional says it's seen 50 to 70 more patients per day than normal this season. at least 11 flu-related deaths have been confirmed this season in the bay area and santa cruz county. among the latest victims, a young man from sonoma county. as kpix 5's joe vazquez reports, the 23-year-old apparently had no pre-existing condition. >> reporter: when he posed for this picture in his hospital room on december 26, matte walker of santa rosa thought he had pneumonia serious enough it got worse. turns out he had the h1n1 flu virus. doctors tried to save him but he never recovered. >> a nice guy. >> reporter: folks at the g & g supermarket says he has been coming here since he was a kid helping his dad with the family business of cleaning floors. lately his second job was working for the store in the produce department. >> he was like family. we heard he died, everybody is still in shock. >> 23 years old. >> 23. >> reporter: i talked to his dad, cliff walker of sebastopol. he said his doesn't have any pre-existing conditions but he hadn't been eating or sleeping well or drinking enough fluids lately and he believes that is a contributing factor not fact that he wasn't able to fight off this flu. >> talking about the healthy 20, 30-year-olds who feel they're invisible and so they feel i don't need the flu shot or they will say oh, i got the flu shot once and it made me immune or got sick from it and don't take it again. >> are they the most at risk? >> yes, because they are the ones with a lot of interactions with other people. >> reporter: matt walker lost his battling but isn't the only young person here in sonoma county fighting off the h1n1 virus. his dad tells me there were two other people under 30 in his same ward. in santa rosa, joe vazquez, kpix 5. >> stanford suggests men with higher levels of testosterone saw less benefit from flu vaccinations. it appears testosterone may interact with certain genes adversely affecting the body's response to the vaccine. santa clara university student was home for the holidays up in oregon when he was allegedly targeted and run over by a car. 20-year-old connor mcmahon and a friend were leaving a party early on new year's day up in portland. they were walking to get something to eat when a car stopped, asked if they wanted a ride. when they said no, police said that car made a u-turn and ran down mcmahon from behind. >> runs over my son and continues on down lombard street. hit him from behind. he has a lot to offer and for someone to try to take that away is -- is -- is just beyond words. >> portland police now investigating this as an assault rather than a hit-and- run. mcmahon is badly injured but he is expected to recover. a union city man is telling a disturbing story how he was robbed at gunpoint at his home. as kpix 5's andria borba reports, the man's sister and 2- year-old niece were right there when it happened wednesday night. >> when he shot at me, like, on my face, i thought, i'm gone. >> reporter: this union city man who didn't want to be identified pulled into his driveway on santa susana way with his sister and 2-year-old niece. instantly, there was trouble. >> i see there was a guy running around and he pointed a gun at me and said give me all your money, whatever you got, just give me. i said, okay, keep cool, man, don't shoot anyone. >> reporter: the victim cooperated and then gravity intravenous upsetting the suspect. >> i was right here. i had the money. i put it right here. and the money fell down and he shoot at me. >> reporter: the suspect then chased the victim as sister and niece through the gate -- the victim's sister and niece through the gate. >> the door was locked and she was right here and the baby was next to her. >> reporter: the suspect fired again leaving this in the concrete. >> he shot right there. >> reporter: he grabbed the sister's purse and took off. as quickly as it began, it was over. a union city sergeant tells kpix 5 armed robberies had actually dropped in the city and this one is particularly troubling. >> there's nothing that we have been able to establish as far as a motive that would have made them a target over anybody else that had been out. >> oakland police are seeking the public's help in catching the man who tried to kidnap a woman on 17th street. they released this sketch yesterday. investigators say the 19-year- old woman was able to escape the attacker about 8:30 the night of january 1. there's a $5,000 reward for information leading to an arrest. it is 4:37. mr. friday is here with weather. >> yeah! i'm very happy about it, too, guys. we have an exciting weekend ahead, too. could see some showers. >> okay. >> that's kind of cool. haven't seen much of that lately. so as we head throughout the day today, a lot of clear skies now. we may see some patchy fog begin to mix in along the coastline. otherwise, i think we're looking good into the afternoon. we are going to see a lot of sunshine outside. mostly sunny skies and temperatures going to be warming up today. mid-60s in the bay and the interior valleyses. some patchy fog developing along the coastline and temperatures there mainly in the 50s. out the door we have some clear skies now in most spots, haze his this morning. 43 degrees and cold they are morning in concord. -- colder this morning in concord. 36 santa rosa, 42 san jose. all right, this afternoon 63 degrees in san jose. 64 oakland. patchy fog, 59 degrees in pacifica. let's check your "kcbs traffic" with elizabeth. once again, second straight morning that the northbound lanes of the antioch bridge are shut down just for a little while longer for the next 20 minutes or so, but a heads up. again, all the northbound lanes are closed. they are doing overnight roadwork in that area. the main lines of highway 4 in antioch, though, look good. here's a live look right now at the nimitz freeway northbound and southbound moving right along near the oakland coliseum. northbound there are various lanes blocked two of the right lanes from high street to embarcadero until 5 a.m. and southbound they are doing some striping overnight so various lanes blocked, this time from oak to washington. and a quick check of some of our sensors. if you are crossing the bay bridge, westbound various lanes blocked. this time, past the incline towards the tunnel. that wraps up about 5 crock. eastbound lanes wraps up later at 6:00 but at the bay bridge toll plaza, so far there is no delay. that's a check of your "kcbs traffic." frank and michelle, back to you. >> i will take it, thank you, liz. 4:38 now. a sailor from northern california was killed when a navy helicopter crashed in the atlantic. 25-year-old petty officers third class brian collins of truckee one of two people killed in a crash off the coast of virginia wednesday. the search for the missing pilot has been called off. the crew was training when that helicopter went down. the olympics are just a few weeks away. and there is growing concern about violence in southern russia. the bodies of six shooting victims were found wednesday in four different cars. explosive devices were found near three of the cars but only one of the bombs went off and no one was hurt. the bodies were found about 200 miles away from sochi, the host city for the winter games. more than 30,000 police officers and military members will be working security for the olympics. checkpoints are being set up and vehicles will be screened. it's being touted as the biggest security operation in olympic history. concerns about potential attacks at the games were initially raised last month when two suicide bombings rocked the city of volgograd about 400 miles from sochi. 34 people were killed and dozens more were injured in those attacks. no one has claimed responsibility. there seems to be an air of good feeling in sacramento after years of bitter political fighting. the state is finally in the black and lawmakers are trying to figure out what to do with the surplus. as phil matier reports, the governor's plan for the money is getting support from some state republicans. >> the red ink is far more predominant than the black ink. >> reporter: the governor launched his presentation with a quick review of how california has come from a $26 billion budget deficit to a $3 billion surplus. and when a reporter described that surplus as large -- >> with prop 30 -- [overlapping speakers] >> i just want to look at that. look how little that is! [ laughter ] >> that compared to that! that says it all! >> reporter: and that vintage jerry brown moment complete with a sign held above his head pretty much sums up the governor's budget strategy. the centerpiece of that strategy is tackling california's debt, which now stands at $25 billion. the governor's plan, cut that in nearly in half with $11 billion in debt payments. >> now, some people would say that we should go on a spending spree. i don't agree with that. >> reporter: by some people, the governor is referring to fellow democratic legislators who want to see more of the surplus spent the old-fashioned way on social programs. >> because of the very deep cuts we have made in recent years, there's a lot of need out there right now. >> reporter: listen to the response from the republicans. >> i appreciate what he is trying to do, the attention to debt, the savings, trying to prepare for the future. when governor brown is one of the more conservative democrats in the building, i applaud him on that. >> reporter: phil matier, kpix 5. >> the governor had planned to hold a press conference today but someone leaked the budget early. time now is 4:41. two california mothers are charged with vandalizing an elementary school. why police say they did it. ,,,,,,,,,, vandalizing their children's elementary school. the two moms are charged wi felonies... accused of causg more than 400-dollars in da, two women could face prison time for allegedly vandalizing their children's elementary school. they are charged with felonies accused of causing more than $400 in damage at a school in san bernardino county. the two women were reportedly upset that the school took advantage of a new law that allows parents to force a charter at underperforming schools. >> it's said that they went to extreme -- [ indiscernible ] the adults were fighting. they damaged the children because they delayed the process to start the school. >> the two women are expected to be arraigned on monday. well, it didn't take long for the jokes to be launched at new jersey governor chris christie. check out this double punch from the new york daily news this morning. marlie hall reports the governor denies he had anything to do with stopping traffic last september. >> i come out here today to apologize to the people of new jersey. >> reporter: new jersey governor chris christie apologized dozens of times during a nearly two-hour news conference. he says he is embarrassed some of his most trusted aides allegedly orchestrated a four- day traffic jam on the approach to the george washington bridge in fort lee new jersey. >> a person close it me betrayed me. >> reporter: thursday the governor fired his deputy chief of staff bridget anne kelly, who sent an email to a christie associate at the agency in charge of the bridge saying, time for some traffic problems in fort lee. kelly reportedly targeted fort lee's mayor because he refused to endorse christie during last year's election. the republican governor traveled to fort lee to apologize to mayor mark sokolich in person. >> he has taken we believe to be a big step in regaining the trust of our community and quite frankly this region. >> reporter: but at least 6 new jersey residents have filed a federal lawsuit against the governor and the state claiming the delivered action made them late for work. the new jersey state assembly and the u.s. attorney generals office are investigating the incident. marlie hall for cbs news, fort lee new jersey. san francisco's beach blanket babylon was quick to come up with its own colorful salute to the problems for the new jersey governor. >> i didn't know what was going on but my staff who did fired, gone! ♪[ music ] >> there you go. the musical revue put new words to the song, one day more, from "les miserables." there is a satirical twist to the lyrics as it pokes fun to what's being called "bridge- gate." ♪[ music ] >> beach blanket babylon is known for the outrageous hats its performers sometimes wear as well as satire on current events. they're quick. >> they can turn that around in a day. >> this just happened a few days ago. >> they're great. they get all that stuff in there now and it makes it nice and timely so every time you go, it's like seeing a new show. >> neat. hey, rain? >> rain. how about that. we may get a little rain around the bay area. not today. today is going to be a great day ahead. you will see lots of sunshine and we are going to get a chance of rain as we head into the weekend. out the door we have some clouds that are making their way to the north but look at the buckling around the ridge of high pressure just rolling in bringing a very nice friday to the bay area. outside now we have mostly clear skies, hazy in spots, temperatures colder today just because it's clear out there. 36 degrees in santa rosa, 51 in san francisco. 41 degrees in livermore. i think throughout the day today you will see mostly sunny skies, although a couple of patches of coastal fog likely to move in and then another chance of rain this weekend as we head in toward saturday, this one looks like it's put together a little better than the last system. so high pressure out ahead now but you can see the system developing off the coastline. this is the one that will bring with it a chance of rain into saturday. then it looks like as we head into sunday we dry out and temperatures warm up maybe some record-breaking temperatures next week. 60s in the central valley, 61 sunny in monterey bay. patchy fog at the coastline. then the cold front middle of the day saturday and spreading south. traveling to the high country snow up there, as well. hey, how about this? around the bay today temperatures in the 60s in the south bay, 50s coastside. a lot of 60s in the east bay and some warmer numbers maybe some mid-60s by the afternoon. next couple of days, we are going to see a change in the weather pattern maybe some much- needed rain on saturday. back to sunny and warm maybe some record-breaking heat next week. let's check your "kcbs traffic" with elizabeth. traffic is good. we just checked in with bart as well so traffic on the roads and mass transit at the speed limit on or time. bart has 22 trains and they are all on time including toward sfo and millbrae. a live look at our sensors shows a little bit of slowing this morning shouldn't be there much longer, this is on westbound 80 approaching the tunnel once again, they have various lanes blocked until about 5:00. the lower deck roadwork wraps up at 6:00 but over to the bay bridge toll plaza, no delay and no metering lights. in the south bay right now, which was our problem spot yesterday, with that huge warehouse fire, right now everything looks great coming on 101, the guadalupe parkway, and 280 and highway 85 all moving at the speed limit. you can see those drive times are still all in the clear. we'll take you back outside show you one more live look at a bridge the san mateo bridge no weather-related advisories, no advisories at all in fact. the hayward commute looks good on the flat section and the high-rise part of the span. that's your latest "kcbs traffic." back to you guys. >> thank you. u.s. customs officials made a disturbing discovery at the san francisco airport. five insects that could have posed a significant threat to california crops. here's a look at one of those creatures, a type of stink bug found in a shipment of basil from mexico on new year's eve. this type of bug is only found once before in the u.s. the entire shipment was refused entry into the u.s. and ordered to be sent back. if these bugs had made it into the state, they could have caused an agricultural quarantine. the december jobs report comes out in 45 minutes. cbs moneywatch reporter wendy gillette is on wall street with the details. >> reporter: the unemployment rate is expected to remain at 7%. on wall street yesterday, the dow lost nearly 18 points. the nasdaq fell 9. it was a dismal holiday shopping season for sears. sears holding which operates sears and kmart stores expects a loss of $316 million in the 4th quarter thanks to disappointing christmas sales. sears is facing increasing competition from chains like walmart. president obama has unveiled the new effort to fight poverty. he is creating so-called promise zones in five economically depressed communities, los angeles, san antonio, philadelphia, southeastern kentucky, and the choctaw nation in oklahoma. they will benefit from tax incentives and government grants. a new survey finds your boss is probably happier than you. a pew research center survey finds 69% of supervisors are very satisfied with their positions compared with 48% of workers. 83% of bosses are happy with their family life compared to 74% of workers. that's your moneywatch. for more log on to at the new york stock exchange, i'm wendy gillette. it's 4:51 right now. a deadly flu outbreak continues around the bay area. coming up at 5:00, the drastic steps hospitals are taking to keep it from spreading any further. but first, stunning images as a plane crash survivor captures photos of his doomed flight. coming up. ,,,,,,,,,, announcer: every day across america, excess food is gathered by a network of good people at local food banks, giving hope to millions of children who struggle with hunger. they've earned their wings. and you can, too. together we can solve child hunger. support feeding america and your local food bank at another play-off game this weekend, a big one, san francisco and the panthers. should be great football weather. clear skies, temperatures near 60 degrees. and checking conditions right now, just one more workday to go and right now, the northbound lanes of the antioch bridge are closed but it should be clearing pretty shortly wrapping up around 5:00 this morning. a full look at your "kcbs traffic" about 10 minutes away. a man captured incredible photos as the plane he was on crash-landed into the ocean off the coast of hawaii last month. ken bastida shows us pictures from that horrifying moment! >> physically, i'm fine. emotionally, i'm still a little bit shaken. >> reporter: ferdinand fuentes wanted video of the take-off when the flight lost power and the pilot made an ocean landing. he had his camera in his hands. >> the engine made a noise and i turned it back on to make sure it was on. >> reporter: the most startling images came from when he went into the ocean. he is seen holding on to one of the wings of the airplane. other passengers were holding on, as well. the pilot was struggling to stay afloat and bleeding from a cut to his head. in the background, the cessna grand caravan is starting to sink. >> the water, it was -- it's hard to describe it. >> reporter: he was wearing his working clothes and steel toed shoes. he said they felt like lead weights. he wavered between hope and helplessness. >> so many things happening. you know, is it for real? is this really happening? >> reporter: puentes is a spear fisherman so he is used to being in the ocean. he tried to swim to the molokai coastline. he got within 50 yards of it when exhaustion overwhelmed him. >> a lot of things was just racing but, you know, you can't actually say, oh, i'm going to do this and that. it's pretty much everything is on instinct and, you know, just trying to survive. >> that was ken bastida reporting. the crash killed hawaii's director of health responsible for releasing president obama's birth certificate in 2011 amid his citizenship controversy. 4:56. up next using less water to fight a fire. we are going to go inside the new training that bay area firefighters are getting and why it may save more lives. >> reporter: the flu is causing more deaths in the bay area. we'll tell you why the latest one may shock you! ,, ,,,,,,,,,, after a slow start, flu season has arrived in the bay area and has turned deadly quickly. this map shows all the deaths it's blamed for in our region. four counties reported deadly cases of the virus. >> talking about the healthy 20, 30-year-olds because they are the ones who have a lot of interactions with other people. >> the pentagon is out with a new report this morning on sexual assaults at the military academies. more than half of the reported assaults occurred at the air force academy. >> i am embarrassed and humiliated. >> it didn't take long for the jokes about new jersey governor chris christie to start after the traffic jam controversy. check out this double punch from the new york daily news. >> all i can do is apologize for the conduct of people who work for me. i can't do anything else. i can't reverse time. >> from across the bay to around the world, the stories that matter on "kpix 5 news this morning." captions by: caption colorado >> your realtime captioner is mrs. linda marie macdonald. good morning, everyone. it's friday, january 10. i'm michelle griego. >> hi, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. nearly 5:00 on your friday. get you out the door a little weather and traffic and perhaps a wee bit of rain over the weekend. >> a little rain coming our way but not today. i think we're going to look very nice as high pressure is building in overhead. that's keeping most of the clouds away except likely seeing a couple of patches of fog developing out toward the beaches. still, we are going to wind up having a warmer day outside as that ridge will strenthen somewhat so the temperatures going to be up in the mid-60s in parts of the bay and also into the valleys. cool with some fog toward the coastline, numbers there mainly in the 50s. out the door we go, mostly clear skies to start you out this morning. and because of that, it's colder outside. 37 degrees in santa rosa. 42 in san jose. and 49 degrees in san francisco. this afternoon, though, we'll enjoy sunny skies away from the immediate coast. 60s inland, a lot of 60s inside the bay, 50s toward the beaches but this weekend there's another chance of rain coming our way. we'll have more on that in a few minutes. right now let's check your "kcbs traffic" with elizabeth. another dry morning commute. no big problems on the road. the peninsula drive looks good if you have to catch an early flight down by sfo. this is what it looks like heading out of san francisco by candlestick and all the way down isa

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Fort Lee , New Jersey , United States , Central Valley , New York , California , San Bernardino County , Russia , Washington , District Of Columbia , San Francisco , Mexico , Santa Clara University , Santa Susana , Sebastopol , Pacifica , Sacramento , Volgograd , Volgogradskaya Oblast , Guadalupe , Nuevo Leóx , Monterey Bay , Stanford , Portland , Oregon , Embarcadero , Oakland , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Kentucky , San Antonio , Texas , Santa Cruz County , Oklahoma , Colorado , Sonoma County , Sochi , Krasnodarskiy Kray , Hawaii , America , Chris Christie , Matt Walker , Joe Vazquez , Andria Borba , Michelle Griego , Cliff Walker , Brian Collins , Los Angeles , Ferdinand Fuentes , Betty Yu , Connor Mcmahon , Linda Marie Macdonald , Anne Kelly , Jerry Brown , Wendy Gillette ,

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