Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6pm 20140510 : compareme

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6pm 20140510

owners all feeling the pinch for profits, sweeping san francisco property and probably coming soon to a neighborhood near you. brian webb, kpix 5. >> one bay area city is making an evident to create affordable housing. san mateo celebrated the grand opening of delaware pacific. rents are $520 for one bedroom to $1,200 for a three-bedroom unit. san mateo has the most expensive housing in the united states. [ [ inaudible ] >> concentrated in one area. [ inaudible ] >> 20 to 25% -- there's no excuse for that. so we have to [ indiscernible ] >> you have remember that. [ inaudible ] >> the wait lists for these units is now closed. more than 2300 people have already applied for the 60 available units. president obama came to the bay area. he left behind some hard feelings in some cases. especially among those who normally back him the most. in mountain view mr. obama became the first sitting president to visit a walmart store. our len ramirez reports, that triggered a backlash among labor leaders and sparked some pretty tough words from a top bay area democrat. >> reporter: president obama came to walmart in mountain view to praise the company for installing solar panels and finding other ways to be more energy-efficient. >> more and more companies like walmart are realizing that wasting less energy isn't just good for the planet, it's good for business. it's good for the bottom line. [ chanting ] >> reporter: but outside much of the energy turned against the president. workers and labor leaders were sickened by the picture alone. obama inside a walmart, a company repeatedly accused of workerser abuses and paying poverty wages. >> i would probably be in his office in about, oh, under 30 seconds. >> reporter: robert reich is a former secretary of labor under president bill clinton and now a professor at uc-berkeley. on his facebook page he questioned what numskull in the white house arranged this? >> walmart is the poster child for the biggest employer in america keeping wages very low. >> reporter: it puts solid supporters in an unusually unfriendly position against the president. >> i'm very, very disappointed in him today. and really shocked that he would do something like this. >> reporter: a few walmart workers joined in saying they still have to rely on government assistance like food stamps and medicaid to survive. >> they find ways even if you make a little bit more, they still cut your hours so that you still making so much less than it takes to survive. >> reporter: although walmart's efforts to save energy have been significant -- >> you have to keep both messages in mind and you can't step on your -- your message about the minimum wage and low paying jobs by praising walmart. >> reporter: reich says obama missed a chance to leave silicon valley with more than one thing on the agenda. in mountain view, len ramirez, kpix 5. >> the president attended a couple of fundraisers last night in the south bay for the midterm elections coming up this year. investigators think he could be hiding in the santa cruz mountains. now new details about the former cal fire battalion chief suspected of murdering an escort. tonight a series of text messages that suggest a possible motive. the suspect's estranged wife says she got this text message from her husband saying, quote, can we put us and our family back together? she relied, you already hurt me so bad, i'm over it. never going back to a cheater, never. her husband wrote back, come and pick me up. we're supposed to grow old together. then later, after the murder, another text message, from the suspect, you should have come and picked me up. he ended the message with a sad face. meanwhile, the nationwide manhunt continues. as kpix 5's andria borba reports, the suspect may be near the santa cruz mountains. >> our job is to bring those people to justice. >> reporter: for the past week detective brian yu and his team have been trying to track down oroville mo fleming. his girlfriend sarah douglas stabbed and strangled her body found in their home last week. >> there was a big fight a lot of blood everywhere and looks like a sheet wrapped around her neck. >> reporter: fleming is still married. he is also engaged to sarah a former escort he met on >> was chief fleming living a double life? yes. in that he had a family in fresno and was living with sarah here in sacramento. >> reporter: investigators say after the crime, fleming took off in his cal fire truck. he ditched it three miles from the murder scene. his guns still unaccounted for. >> he had a lot to lose. and with that, that gives him motivation to act erratically. >> reporter: fleming has the keys to cal fire facilities around the state. he knows the santa cruz mountains, yosemite and the sierra well and has the skills to survive in the wild for days, even weeks. >> all those things that a survivalist or an outdoorsman type of person like we know he is can actually survive and hide much longer. >> reporter: andria borba, kpix 5. >> the state fired fleming not because he is a fugitive but because he missed work for five days in a row. 18 animals have been found locked inside three small filthy rooms in monterey county. the spca found these dogs in the pacific grove home on wednesday in total the agency rescuing 14 dogs and 2 cats from that house. the home is dangerously cluttered. the stench so bad, humane society officials could barely breathe. so far, no arrests. the spca is pushing the d.a. now to file charges of animal neglect. fremont police are investigating a teacher accused of slapping a student. kpix 5's cate caugiran spoke with the boy today as students and parents joined him in protest. >> i just scared. >> reporter: julian rivera a third-grader at patterson elementary said he sat in his seat crying for 10 minutes as students watched. >> i said that he was going to hit me again and do something bad. >> reporter: fremont police have been investigating for the past couple of weeks after julian claimed his teacher, frederick berg, did this. >> he drummed his fist on my desk and grabbed my face like this and slapped me two times in the face. >> i was in super disbelief. i just couldn't believe that something like that would happen. >> reporter: roberta lee assistant superintendent for fremont unified school district says berg admitted to touching the student. >> he described it as a tapped face. >> reporter: berg told the district he was trying to help julian but it appeared he wasn't paying attention. and berg said he meant no harm by his actions. >> he is remorseful and he wishes he could come back to work and he wishes no harm on the student and hopes that things will return to normalcy. >> reporter: but julian's parents not letting this go. >> we don't put our hands or our kids like that. we don't grab their face. we don't hit them in the face. i'm sure not going to let some man do that to my son. >> i would like to see him never be able to teach again. i would like to see everybody that tried to protect him and brush it under the rug be taken care of accordingly. >> reporter: friday the riveras and other parents showed up with signs letting the district know they are not taking this lightly. >> i will do everything i have to do to make sure he doesn't come back. these my son i'll protect him and do whatever i have to do. >> however long it takes. this is my son. i'm his dad forever, not just today. >> reporter: cate caugiran, kpix 5. >> the teacher has been placed on paid administrative leave pending the investigation. san francisco fire department is being sued by one of its own over the asiana crash. >> they say everybody is off. just don't go in there. anybody in there now is dead. >> the firefighter who you can't see in this video says she is being wrongly blamed for killing one of the victims. the coroner says the 16-year- old girl died when she was run over by one of the fire rigs. suit says it was another vehicle that did it. the san francisco fire department has not commented on the lawsuit. other bay area headlines, flames and smoke covered a hillside along interstate 280 and bird avenue in san jose this afternoon. a grass fire broke out forcing authorities to close bird avenue ramp. smoke was spilling over into traffic lanes while firefighters knocked it down. the ramp is now reopened. is uc-berkeley a dangerous place to work? months after a custodian died there after falling off a 20- foot lift, cal is facing a safety complaint. the union says the worker did not have a spotter when he fell. in its complaint with cal osha, the union says this violates school policy and state law. a car rammed into the front of an apple store in berkeley today and police say it was no accident. the store is draped in black fabric and blocked off with caution tape. officers found the car parked in the middle of the store and products from the store stolen. police are still looking for the burglar. memorial stadium at cal will host one of the world's biggest soccer competitions. the international champions cup will be held there july 26. it will be the first major noncal sports event at the newly renovated stadium. ♪[ music ] teachers who are good people who want to teach our kids and help them be good people, it is so fundamentally wrong. >> how teachers are being told how to live their lives or risk losing their jobs. >> plus, how a piece of the bay area's past is about to set sail into the future. >> mobile weather is live tonight at the beautiful san pablo reservoir. coming up, we'll update you on the status of our drought and i'll update you on the status of your mother's day weekend. that's next. >> why more women from asiana are paying a fortune to come to the bay area to have their babies. bread. but we know you've been thinking about it, too. so we're always trying to make it even better. that's why we added some ingredients and took others out, making this our best bread yet. bread is on the rise at subway. about a morals clause in new contracts for teachers in et bay catholic schools. anger buying over tonight about a morals clause in a new contract for teachers in east bay catholic schools. some fear that it may cost them their jobs. kpix 5's da lin is in oakland with just how many teachers and schools are affected by this. da. >> reporter: ken, here's a copy of that four-page contract and today, it's the last day for teachers to sign this contract. some teachers at bishop o'dowd high school in oakland are extremely up so the about it. they say they will not sign the contract. the oakland diocese is requiring all 1200 teachers at 54 catholic schools in the east bay to sign it if they want to teach. we found plenty of students at bishop o'dell high school voicing their frustration with the diocese. they worry they could lose good teachers over the contract. the contract says educators need to practice church teaches in their personal lives. many of the teachers aren't catholic. and they worry they could lose their jobs for using contraception, having premarital sex or being homosexual. students say the church crossed the line. >> there are a lot of teachers i know who are maybe leaving because of it and it -- yeah, it's sad. >> they should have a right to privacy. and they should have to have their own personal lives without having their jobs depend on it. >> if this goes through and teachers are fired, we will be looking for another school for our daughter. >> reporter: many parents are outraged. they join assemblywoman nancy skinner this morning to ask the church to back off. they say teachers should not have to sign the so-called morality clause to work at a school. now, a spokesman for the oakland diocese says the new bishop who took over last year simply wants to update the contract language. he says the church will not fire people over what they do at home. but i can tell you, a lot of parents, teachers and even students, they are just really upset about it. they don't trust the church. in fact, they even started a petition to try to get the church to back off. live in oakland, i'm da lin, kpix 5. >> despite the pressure, the oakland diocese says the church at this time does not plan to change the language of that contract. teachers were supposed to sign it by may 1. some school administrators decided to give them until today, friday, to turn in the contracts. a piece of history more than a century old is about to be reborn. don ford takes us to the waterfront where a 125-year-old boat is about to set sail again. >> reporter: san francisco boat works is the last remaining small boatyard in the city. tucked between vessels with names like hannah hoe, pandaing an aler and rock sea, is a small curious craft named bali. the boat has -- >> the boat has been a lot of places and seen a lot of things. >> reporter: the owner has carefully restored the 125-year- old wooden boat a boat that was sailing long before ford dreamed of the model t. this isn't just some old boat. this one is special. her lines look strange. but 125 years ago, she was the hottest boat on the race circuit. >> it won. it kicked butt. >> reporter: the ferrari of its day, designed by a renowned america's cup architect of the 1880s built here in san francisco it dominated the bay for years. alan has a bond with the boat. >> they're living. they have a past. they have a present and they hopefully have a future. >> reporter: but wooden boats are a lot of work and it takes a special person to deal with it. are you a compulsive person? >> not usually. but i am now. >> reporter: you are now. >> yes. [ laughter ] >> reporter: after spending 8 years making they are seaworthy, he is leaving the boatyard and friends are saying good-bye. >> great to have you here. >> reporter: yard manager craig page says alan is one of a kind. >> it's a lifestyle. >> it's a lifestyle and it's work. there's not too many things on there that hasn't been fondled, touched and massaged and either replaced or repaired on the boat. >> reporter: what are you going to do with her now that she's done. >> i'm going to race her master mariners. >> reporter: you're going to race her again. >> in her class, master mariners. >> reporter: in san francisco, don ford, kpix 5. >> so beautiful. i love those old boats. >> a lot of history there. paul deanno is in el sobrante tonight. he gets the beautiful san pablo reservoir behind you, what a weekend we have coming up. >> ha ha ha. we have an excellent weekend coming up. moms choice to, right? just make sure she chooses something outside. that's a hint about the forecast. we are going to be 15 to 20 degrees warmer in some spots on sunday. but on this friday evening, the san pablo reservoir is a perfect place to just hear the birds as opposed to hearing the traffic. to look at the lake rather than all the urban wonderland that is the san francisco bay area in many spots. this family right here enjoying a friday night fishing here at the san pablo reservoir. highs today still below normal for most of us. concord 72. your average is 74. notice in the background there the camera shaking a bit the ocean beach shot because it is still windy out there. 30, 40 miles per hour in spots. livermore, san jose, oakland 67, san francisco the high today 63 degrees. let's update you on the drought. since january i have been using this graph comparing it to where we were a few weeks ago. snowpack way down. it's down more than 20% over the past three weeks down to 16% of normal this time of year. reservoirs in the 40s at the beginning of wintertime. now we are up to 67% but still well below normal. rainfall for the water year is down a few percent the past couple of weeks, 54% of average for the bay area. let's talk weather for tonight. a's hosting the washington nationals interleague play, clear, breezy at the coliseum, 63 degrees your first pitch temperature. fast forward to sunday mother's day, it will be warmer less windy, 60s at the beach, 80s inland. what a beautiful day for mom. we had been breezy. we're not going to be. we will be hot but not on mother's day. just perfect for mom. a ridge of high pressure getting closer to us coming up tomorrow. we'll be wedged between the building ridge and the exiting low. that's why we're windy today. we'll be even windier coming up tomorrow. but then that ridge wins out and we'll start warming up on sunday. highs tomorrow low 70s for you in santa rosa and concord and mountain view. low 60s along the coastline, san francisco up to 67. fremont 68 degrees for your saturday. by sunday, we are in the 80s inland. 70s near the bay. that's where we stay with sunshine on monday. then we get hot. tuesday, wednesday, thursday, 90s inland, 80s near the bay. and then the onshore flow returns likely by next friday, dropping us down 10 degrees. a fantastic friday evening out here in san pablo reservoir. we have lots of these treasures all throughout the bay area where you have so many people so much traffic so much stuff, and then you just take one turn and come down to the lake, and all is quiet, all is serene and all is much more relaxing. this is one of the spots here. san pablo reservoir a beautiful friday night warmer weather starting sunday. back to you in the studio. >> thank you. only on 5, we uncover a growing new industry. why women from asiana are paying a fortune to stay at this bay area house and have their babies. >> it's not someplace that comes to mind when you think tourist destinations. tonight it how a bay area city is luring international visitors. s] hey. hey. what's this? it's u-verse live tv. with at&t u-verse... you can watch live tv from your device. hey. hey. anywhere in your home. 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[ non-english language ] >> indeed worried and afraid but the doctor and nurse were all chinese speakers so i could communicate with them in chinese. >> reporter: his parents told us from videophone by taiwan why they wanted their children born here. >> the kid is a u.s. citizen then he can get the education in the u.s. and as well as to get the benefits that a u.s. citizen can get. that's why we decided to do it. >> reporter: they are part of a growing number of expectant couples who come to america to grab that prize, instant u.s. citizenship for their baby. it is a rite guaranteed -- a right guaranteed in the 14th amendment of the constitution but some say it's exploited in what's become a birth tourism industry. dozens of chinese agencies advertise package deals costing upwards of $30,000. >> that's a pretty outrageous fee. those are fees that people pay smugglers along the u.s./mexico border. i think that those folks are being taken advantage of. >> reporter: but chinese couples who can afford it believe they are taking advantage of a better future for their children. by buying a four-month stay in a maternity house, they get a bedroom and a single-family home shared by other pregnant women. all meals and transportation to the doctors and hospitals are included. after birthed, the baby goes -- after birth, the baby goes home to china with an american passport. what's not included, the plane tickets, the tourist visa to the united states, doctors and hospital fees, which could mean thousands of dollars more in cash because foreign visitors don't have medical insurance. maternity boarding homes in southern california drew protests from families who did not want businesses in their neighborhoods. that pushed some homes north to the bay area. here in san jose, one of these women who did not want to be identified said the animosity does not discourage her. >> a lot of reasons for me to give birth in the u.s., one is the environment in china was not so good. >> reporter: they are investing in a future that promises freedom, top schools and success. as one website promises, your child could be the founder of the next high-tech company just like apple. in san francisco, linda yee, kpix 5. >> the businesses are supposed to apply for conditional use permits and that requires public hearings. san jose city councilman chu told linda he was unaware of the homes existed in his city. now he is looking at possible new laws to govern them. coming up in our next half hour, maybe not the place that comes to mind when you first think tourist destination. tonight, how a bay area city is trying to tempt tourists. >> we may be in a drought now. but tonight the clues were headed toward a super soaker of a season. >> there was so much stonewalling that here we are frustrated. >> and frustration that lasted for months. why it was nearly impossible to cancel their cable tv service. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, so what we're looking for is a way to "plus" our accounting firm's mobile plan. and "minus" our expenses. we're offering our best-ever pricing on mobile plans for business. run the numbers on that. well, unlimited talk and text, with ten gigabytes of data for the five of you would be... one-seventy-five a month. with a year of high-speed internet, free. ah, "free" is not deductible! i smell audit! i smell savings... to recover from bankruptcy: tonight a bay area city, not known as a tourist destinat is ramping up its efforts to tempt tourists. now at 6:30 still struggling to recover from bankruptcy tonight a bay area city not known as a tourist destination is ramping up its efforts to tempt tourists. kpix 5 reporter ryan takeo is in vallejo with how it's trying to draw people from all over the world. ryan. >> reporter: and the state is now buying ads across the world right now trying to promote california tourism in 13 countries, and vallejo hopes to ride the wave of visitors coming from san francisco and get them to stay here. it seems like it's starting to work and the city sees an even bigger way to cash in. >> we feed off of the business that comes to san francisco. >> reporter: mike browne of "visit vallejo" isn't shy about it. he wants to tap into san francisco's international travelers. >> how can we get them to use the ferry more to come over here? >> reporter: in another part of the plan, "visit vallejo" goes to international tourism conferences and estimates that brought in $200,000 last year. "visit vallejo" touts landmarks like mare island, thrills at six flags discovery kingdom, and its proximity to wine country. that's why last year, hotel stays were up 36%. locals were shocked. >> it's just not a place where people come to visit. not like that. >> reporter: she says the city is not a vacation destination to her or many others around here. >> when people talk about vallejo, they just doesn't talk about oh, i'm going to go visit vallejo because they have a lot of stuff as to do there. >> it's sad because they are not getting out to really feel what's going on in vallejo. >> reporter: that's what browne says he is up against locally. "visit vallejo" is working on branding itself more consistently to defy the reputation of the city's crime and bankruptcy. >> vallejo is a great place. don't let, you know, past things mar your opinion of vallejo. >> reporter: the tough part is how to get the money to try and get that message out. the "visit vallejo" folks are $75,000 short in their branding budget. it will either try to get a grant or ask to include in a money in this year's city budget. live in vallejo, i'm ryan takeo, kpix 5. >> a hotel tax brought in $1.5 million to vallejo just last year alone. it's blowing into california like a pacific storm. talk of el nino which a lot of people think could bring some drought relief. but as kpix 5 meteorologist paul deanno explains this is probably something you don't want to bet on. paul. >> reporter: yeah. this is not a betting proposition here. here's what we know. we know the last three winters including the one we're wrapping up right now the rainy season hasn't been that rainy and we need a lot more water like the water that's behind me in the san pablo reservoir. you may have heard that there's the chance of a very strong el nino coming this winter. but before you write off the drought. we're going to go el nino myth busting. >> i would love to say el nino is coming, drought is over. >> reporter: but this meteorologist knows it's not that simple. >> there is not a simple answer with el nino. >> reporter: at stanford university, researcher daniel swain explains it another way. >> even if all the cards look like they are aligned in your favor, things can still go wrong. >> reporter: myth number one. we are going to have an el nino winter. well, maybe. >> we are seeing this push of warm water and it's moving eastward. >> reporter: but while there is strong evidence that an el nino is developing, we won't know for sure until it actually happens. >> you know, the odds are better, but they aren't absolute. >> reporter: which brings to us myth no. 2: an el nino guarantees a wet winter. >> there's no guarantee that it's going to be a wet winter nene that instance. >> reporter: it is important to remember that not every el nino is like the monster of '97 and '98. these things come in different shapes and size. >> they get categorized as weak, moderate and strong. >> reporter: and a weak el nino probably means weak rainfall. >> we look at just the weak el ninos, we're below normal for most of northern and central california. >> reporter: truth is, even some of the stronger el nino patterns don't affect our weather. >> we've also had strong el ninos which did not bring heavy rain to california. we had below normal rainfall. >> unless we get a really strong el nino, it's not entirely clear what that means for precipitation in california. >> reporter: and that brings us to the final myth. a wet winter would end the drought. >> our current precipitation deficits are so large, it would probably take a couple of consecutive wet winters to erase those major rainfall deficits that we already have here in california. >> we are just not able to say el nino equals end of drought. >> reporter: paul deanno, kpix 5. >> torrential downpours and winds near 70 miles per hour pounding parts of the country. the storm system stretched from texas to michigan. trees fell on cars, buildings collapsed. and several tornadoes touched down in minnesota. no deaths reported. british security experts have joined the international effort to rescue those 276 schoolgirls being held captive in nigeria. britain says that its aim isn't just to rescue the girls but to also defeat boko haram. and the whole extremist group wipe it out. the girls have been missing for more than 3 weeks. their families have not given up hope. >> in 100 years to come it will be in our minds, in our memories, we'll be thinking that our daughters are still alive and we're eager to see them if possible. >> u.s. officers will assist in hostage negotiations. first lady michelle obama is also expected to talk about the missing girls during the president's weekly address tomorrow. the nba named a new ceo for the clippers today. this comes as the league tries to force owner donald sterling to sell the team. cbs reporter teri okita with the man now in charge of running the franchise. >> reporter: the nba has named richard parsons as interim ceo of the los angeles clippers. the former chairman of citigroup and time warner will oversee the franchise following the lifetime ban of owner donald sterling. the league has forbidden him from participating with the team after being heard making racist comments on a leaked audio recording. >> -- broadcast you're associating with black people. >> reporter: parsons is a long- time corporate executive and was also a member of president obama's economic advisory team. in a statement, nba commissioner adam silver said, parsons will bring extraordinary leadership and immediate stability to the clippers organization. the nba is now trying to force sterling to sell the team which he he could owns with his wife -- coowns with his wife shelley. in a statement she called parsons and ideal choice to run the franchise until the ownership issues are clarified. in los angeles, teri okita, kpix 5. up next, signing up was easy but trying to cancel nearly impossible. coming up on the consumerwatch, why cable subscribers suffered months ofs fromstration just to get unplugged. >> we're all proud to be nerds now. >> how new signs are turning bay area hikers into nerds for nature. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, tillamook sharp cheddar is naturally-aged for nine months for that creamy delicious taste that makes even the most impatient, patient. dude! tillamook sharp cheddar, tastes better because it's made better. it's easy signing up for cae service. but getting out of a contract is another ma. on the consumerwatch, julie ains what happen it's easy signing up for cable service but getting out of a contract is another matter. kpix 5 consumerwatch reporter julie watts explains what happened when one condo association tried to unplug its service. >> you have a bulk account. >> reporter: last december, when ingrid and paschal set out to cancel the group comcast account for the group homeowners association they never imagined it would take months. >> there was so much stonewalling that here we are frustrated. >> reporter: the problem, the comcast contract was signed nearly 30 years ago and no one currently living in the building had a copy or even knew where to find it. and to make matters worse, comcast said it couldn't negotiate with paschal or anyone else currently in the building because it needed the original signer. >> i just didn't know what to say. >> reporter: when comcast finally found the contract, weeks later, the cable provider said the hoa missed the window to cancel and owes nearly $8,000 for the next year. >> they justified it by saying it's what it would cost us for the next 11 months. >> it's very frustrating! this is a communications company, not communicating! it's ironic, isn't it? >> reporter: after getting nowhere with comcast, the hoa contacted consumerwatch and we contacted the telecommunications giant. comcast told us it was already in the process of canceling the service without penalties and said, quote, a dedicated representative has been assigned to ensure smooth transitions. paschal and ingrid are now they are glad to be off the hook for the $8,000 bill and say in spite of the four-month fiasco, many in the building will remain loyal comcast customers. >> most of us will probably continue with comcast but we want to give people the choice. >> reporter: and remember, if you have a consumer problem, give us a call, 888-5-helps-u. or send us an email at consumerwatch at coming up how mount diablo is being watched by nerds. and how you can become one of them. >> mobile weather is at the san pablo reservoir this evening. your seven-day forecast which will get toasty coming up and a quick trivia question for you: when did this lake begin to fill? what year? i'll have the answer for you with your forecast coming up. >> 49ers and raiders first round picks on display today. the raiders may have drafted the face of the franchise for years to come today. wait until you see what 49er royalty had to say about him. >> he has all that stuff that you like to see. >> reeled you in, didn't i? see you in 12 minutes. ,,,,,,,, everywhere i look, i see a country ready to move forward... and a congress standing in the way. their budgets are late; jobs bills are stalled... and special interests run rampant. as an economics teacher at stanford, i know education means good jobs. so here's my plan: i'd start teaching computer coding in public schools right away. open doors for women in science and technology. and prepare young people for middle class manufacturing jobs. i'm ro khanna and i approve this message, nerds will be keeping an ey mount diablo... documenting how the mountain recovers fro massive fire. a group of nerds will be keeping an eye on mount diablo documenting how the mountain recovers from last summer's massive fire. tonight, ann notarangelo shows us how you can be part of the project and count yourself as a nerd for nature. >> reporter: a moment to document the scars from mount diablo's fires in september. but instead of a picture as merely a keep shake what about sharing it in the name of science? >> it would be cool to do photographic monitoring and the public tracking the fire. >> reporter: ken is a self- described nerd. >> we're all proud to be nerds now. >> reporter: his passion, nature and his group, nerds for nature, wants us all to i am brace our inner nerd by -- to embrace our inner nerd by simply taking a picture to document how the fire affected the plants and animals. citizen science cameras stations are on the summit, signs with l-shaped brackets. >> and encourage people to put their camera or cell phone in the bracket and that will allow them basically to take the same picture from the same angle again and again. >> reporter: in just two months, about 100 people have posted their pictures on flicker, twitter or instagram. at some point they will be made in a time last movie. >> you can use all those pictures to monitor how a landscape is responding to change. >> reporter: hiker luke lost the idea. >> we can follow up how nature will change and hopefully it will change to the good. >> we don't have the staff to do studies like this on our own. >> reporter: california state parks is thrilled to be the beneficiary of crowd sourcing. there isn't much data from the 1977 diablo fire. but through this project, environmental scientist cindy shaver can learn a lot. >> when certain plants sprout and start to flower, what species move in, what rates. >> reporter: the project will continue for a year. if not longer. ideally, they would like to see how the mountain responds to a normal winter rainfall. the next time we frown upon technology in the great outdoors, keep in mind, individually these photos capture memories. collectively, they will tell mount diablo's story. on mount diablo, ann notarangelo, kpix 5. >> you can release that inner nerd. get it out there. you can go to for more information about how to get involved with this great project. >> we love nerds. paul deanno is a weather nerd and he is in el sobrante tonight. >> ah, yes. >> that's a good thing. >> that was a segue -- that was a segue waiting to happen. you had to go there. i appreciate it, elizabeth. i am a weather nerd, yes! i am. hey, i asked the question a few minutes ago, when did the san pablo reservoir begin to fill? if you googled it, shame on you. if you were just guessing and guessed 1919, 95 years ago, you are correct! that's when the reservoir began to fill up 320 feet above sea level. san pablo reservoir, i have to tell you it's gorgeous outside. it's 61 degrees out here with the mobile weather lab. the big story this afternoon, the wind at sfo we are still looking at a 37-mile-per-hour wind gust. really anywhere near the water or anywhere that's not sheltered by trees or hills, you're windy right now and we're seeing widespread wind gusts up to 30 miles per hour with sfo being the strongest right now. current temperatures outside are falling. san bruno down to 62. oakland and livermore at 64. san jose still holding on to the mid-60s the warm spot. santa rosa 68. san francisco now down to 58 degrees in the financial district. tonight chilly night. we weren't terribly warm today. we have clear skies good radiational cooling. the blanket of clouds is gone. we'll hit 45 degrees in santa rosa and napa. pacifica, livermore down to 47. and 51 your low tonight in both san francisco and oakland. quickly because we're standing next tow a reservoir here are your three major reservoir levels percentages as related to normal for this time of year. lake shasta 61% of normal. liquor rowville 64% and folsom lake coming in at 75% well below where we should be but much better than where we were before it really started raining in february and march. the ridge of high pressure building in that's why we're sunny today. it will continue to get closer tomorrow. but we have a departing area of low pressure a building strong area of high pressure caught in between. gusty winds perhaps even windier tomorrow. mild and windy especially near the bay and also along the coastline. sunday, that's when we get warmer. that's when the wind relaxes. and that's mother's day. so guys, get the gift now. you're running out of time. palo alto 71 degrees tomorrow. morgan hill, cupertino, 72. your high on a saturday concord 73. benicia 71. alameda 69 degrees. napa 73. ukiah tomorrow high of 70 degrees. your extended forecast, we are warming up on mother's day. but that's just the beginning. we'll get warmer on monday. we'll get hotter on tuesday. and the hottest day will likely be wednesday mid-90s inland and near the bay well into the 80s. back out here live, the san pablo reservoir, i'm expecting come mother's day because of the weather and because of the day, a lot of folks might be out here barbecuing or picnicking and the weather this weekend will be fantastic for mom. that's your live forecast. sports is coming up next. ,, [doorbell rings] hey. hey. what's this? it's u-verse live tv. with at&t u-verse... you can watch live tv from your device. hey. hey. anywhere in your home. [doorbell rings] hey. hey. so you won't miss a minute of the game. call now to get a u-verse bundle for the same great price for 2 years. guaranteed. this afternoon... with the 49ers, who may have found a fella who can really stretce field... ...from fairfield, they traded with buffalo to we'll start with 49ers nfl news who may have found a flail who can really stretch -- fella who can really stretch the field from fairfield but they traded to buffalo to get him. stevie johnson was acquired for a 2015 draft pick coming off a down year caught only three touchdowns. but he is a burner. he can run. in his six seasons in the nfl three times he had over 1,000 yards receiving and he is only 27 years old. >> now, the day after round one draft, that means the teams fly their newbies in to meet the local press. 49ers brought in jimmy ward to santa clara, the defensive back. if he can play as well as he sounds -- >> i was taught this not to miss tackles not to be that guy that misses tackles. slap his hand, hit the ground and -- no, that's a sign of a loser. so i don't like that. >> i think -- >> a corner who hits like a safety? he didn't even watch the start of the draft because he was too busy buying his mom a mother's day gift. which turned out to be a louie vuitton purse. it was the first time he bought his mother a gift over $100. ward also excited to meet his new teammates including the starting quarterback. >> i met kaepernick. i met kaepernick! pretty cool guy. kind of funny, sense of humor. crazy, looks like my cousin, that's what i told him when i first met him, hey, you look my my cousin and his name is nick so what's a coincidence. more like a sense of humor just like funny yeah. crazy on the ceiling i don't think he is crazy in real life. [ laughter ] >> in the second round the 49ers took runningback carlos high from ohio state and traded another one of their picks away. and the raiders so far on paper they have been making all the right moves. today they may have delivered its next great quarterback. fresno state's derek carr younger brother of david now a member of the silver and black. considered by some the best quarterback in the grass including a certain 49er hall of fame quarterback -- >> got everything he does all the right things, he's mobile, yet he stays -- he is a pocket guy. throws the ball with touch has a strong-arm to make the throws and just -- i don't know, he has that -- just by appeal of a quarterback by looking, he has all that stuff that he like to see. linebacker khalil mack at the raiders alameda headquarters today flanked by mom and dad is the first-round draft pick first time in the state of california. what a 24 hours for the fifth overall pick in the draft. >> have you had that moment where you just kind of said to yourself with nobody else around, oh, expletive? has this happened to me? really? >> not yet. man, i haven't had that chance to be by myself and have that moment yet but hopefully i'll have it on the way back when i get back to buffalo. >> been kind of a whirlwind, huh? >> kind of a whirlwind, man. yeah. hopefully i get that moment to myself to really -- >> is it true one of your earliest memories of pro football was seeing these guys getting pasted in the super bowl by the bucs? >> don't tell nobody i said that. don't tell raider nation i said that. that was my first really one of my first football memories but -- it just so happened it was. >> and you're under the employ of that very team that you're expected to bring back. it's been a long time since they have had a winning record around here. >> that's not what you focus on. you focus on the future. the future is now. and it's time to get it, raider nation. >> hey, baseball. the a's are moving forward without dan straily sent to sacramento. his record 11-2. ryan cook was also placed on the dl today. fernando rodriguez and joe savory both called up from aaa. a's host the nationals tonight. giants again at the dodgers. from that to golf. players championship fifth major tpc sawgrass florida. martin kylie following up a 63 with a 69 today here's a 27- footer your leader by two rounds. jordan spieth in second place. >> the draft is still going. second round and third round. more over the weekend. never ending. >> high praise from joe montana for mr. carr. >> they just drafted a center. it never stops. captions by: caption colorado [email protected] ,,,,,,,,,,,, i want you to know stuff i want you to be kind. i want you to be smart. super smart. i want one thing in a doctor. i want you to be handsome. i want you to be awesome. i don't want you to look at the chart before you say hi...david. i want you to return my emails. i want you to keep me doing this for another sixty years. at kaiser permanente, we want you to choose the doctor that's right for you. find your perfect match at and thrive. announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: greatest of all time. how you folks doing? thank you very much. thank you for coming, everybody. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey. we've got a good one for you today. this family returning for the second day. well, i'll tell you what happened. with a total of $20,000. from phoeni arizo, it's the casillas family. [cheering and applause] and from pembroke pines, florida, it's the stanley family. [cheering and applause] everybody's here trying to win themselves a lot of cash and the possibility to driving out of here in a brand-new, head-turning ford fusion. let's get it on. give me brenda. give me luis. [theme music playing]

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