Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6pm 20131220 : compareme

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6pm 20131220

contract. >> reporter: but keller hopes a strong no strike vote would persuade the legislature to enact a ban. >> next change for giving up the right to strike, they would be given the authority to go to factfinding and some sort of binding arbitration. >> reporter: keller says that would be just as good as the strike perhaps with less grief. live in north berkeley, don knapp, kpix 5. the death of two workers on bart tracks in october has prompted new safety recommendations from the national transportation safety board. ntsb wants all rail workers to have a warning device called a shunt that they could attach to the tracks. also it is suggesting trains have a monitoring system called positive train control. bart's board doesn't see any problem with the idea. >> anything that moves us in the direction of providing a more safe work environment, i have no problems with. we'll be prepared to support it. >> a report last week said that the two men killed on bart tracks did not follow safety rules. those rules required at least one person to serve as a lookout. new at 6:00 in a case that brings back memories of the andy lopez shooting, hercules police spotted boys carrying a fake gun that looked very real. officers recovered this airsoft pistol this week. it is similar to a weapon used during operation desert storm. police say four boys were pointing that fake gun at passing cars on willow avenue tuesday. the 12- and 13-year-olds were cited and released to their parents. this comes less than two months after 13-year-old andy lopez was shot and killed by a sonoma county sheriff's deputy in santa rosa while carrying a fake gun. that case prompted several protests. also new tonight, the 415 area code is about to get phased out for new numbers. right now 415 is issued to any new phone numbers in san francisco or marin counties. and in just more than a year, 628 will take over for new numbers. california regulators approved the new area code today. 628 as i say that new code will only be begin to new numbers existing numbers are not going to have to change. this tour bus was headed to a casino in southern california when it overturned this afternoon. chp says 30 people were hurt but not seriously. the crash happened on i-15 in corona an hour east of l.a. it was raining at the time but it's unclear if the weather is to blame for the crash. there is a big shortage of toys for one san jose agency that helps thousands of families during the holidays. len ramirez shows us the scramble to make sure kids don't go without. >> reporter: the elves are busy sorting gifts and books for low income children but even though they have made their lists and checked them twice these bins that should be full of toy donations are still coming up empty. >> at this point in time we are about 7,000 toys short. >> reporter: he says toy drives got off to a slow start this year due to the late thanksgiving. but the biggest impact was an increase in need. more than 6,000 families signed up to receive gifts this season. about 1,000 more than last year. ramon's family is one of them. >> i just found out in my job i'm going to get a 20% salary cut so now we are having five children it's a struggle for my family. >> reporter: sacred heart provides food for low-income families all year long. >> we need more help. >> reporter: but the toy giveaway is a special treat for families who might not have money for gifts. parents can shop for free in the room pick out two toys and a book for each of their kids and have them wrapped. >> the thing we don't want to have happen is for a family to have no hope for next year. >> we know that the christmas program for them is going to give a moment of hope which we want to translate into a hope for the next year overall which they can turn into opportunities to make for a better life for themselves. >> that's neat. a good one. >> reporter: the toys are trickling in. >> i had a closet of toys we didn't give our kids over the years. >> reporter: but many more are needed to brighten christmas for families going through hard times. >> it doesn't really matter the value of the present. it just is very inspiring once you see your own kid smile and say, oh, i got a present for christmas. >> reporter: in san jose, len ramirez, kpix 5. >> now, if you would like to donate any new toys deliver them to sacred heart or donate money through the website that's posted at we have heard it a lot smartphone thefts skyrocketing especially in the bay area. now there is a plan that would make them worthless. state senator mark leno and george gascon are introducing a bill that would require such devices to have kill switch technology. so if a phone is stolen, it makes it useless. they will take up the bill next month. in other bay area headlines talk about crash and burn. oakland police say a suspected drunk driver caused this at a gas station this morning. right after he ran through a dui checkpoint he led officers on a brief chase. police pulled him out of his burning car and put him in handcuffs. a woman facing vehicular manslaughter and reckless driving charges for this deadly san francisco crash is free on bail. the judge says she is not allowed to drive. police say 58-year-old jennie zhu was driving 80 miles an hour near pine street when she rear-ended a minivan back in september. one teenager died, several were injured. zhu pleaded not guilty to the charges and faces 7 years in prison if convicted. large dark plaques bear the names of many home list people who died in the past year on the streets of santa clara county. today homelessness advocates ehc life builders head a memorial in san jose for those lives lost. the group hopes it raises awareness about homelessness and the need to get people out of the cold into permanent housing. we told you last night about a little girl in vallejo who was going to try to save her city as her favorite superhero. today she got the chance. as kpix 5's john ramos tells us, she might do it. >> reporter: when the morning celebration began in vallejo there were plenty of superheros on hand. so why did the surprise guest of honor seem so -- well, terrified? is the real heroine was wonder woman -- actually wonder girl cleverly disguised as monika romo a mild-mannered 10-year- old who has been battling leukemia since april. >> she is pretty legendary because if had it, i couldn't go through it. >> reporter: times have been pretty tough in vallejo lately and there's been a lot of crime. so a community group called vallejo together asked monika to write an essay about making vallejo a safer place to live. >> burglaries and robberies began occurring all over the town. >> reporter: she wrote a story about wonder woman arriving to help vallejo and taking a page from the batkid's saga, monika was sent on a citywide tour to read the essay to the high school and city hall, everywhere she went, met with cheers from superheros supporters. but in the story wonder woman doesn't save vallejo. she teaches the citizens to save themselves by working together and not being afraid. >> we should not give up. we should have hope that things will change and that we can win. if we don't try, we won't know what could happen. >> reporter: it's a message this town needed to hear. >> she wants the whole community to come together and to treat each other better than we have. >> we are not giving up no more as of today. as of today, we are not scared no more. >> reporter: back at school, those who know monika says she always wanted to be a teacher. she got that wish today. she taught an entire city that no matter how serious your problems might be, you have a better chance if you fight them together. in vallejo, john ramos, kpix 5. >> monika's leukemia by the way is in remission but she will have to have chemotherapy treatments for a year and a half. california homeowners who have been foreclosed upon may be eligible for a little cash. california will get nearly $23 million from a mortgage lawsuit with a financial corporation over illegal foreclosures. that money from a federal settlement will be directed to homeowners who were foreclosed upon and to people who are under water. >> it benefits those who have already been foreclosed upon through cash payments but the benefit to people who are in their homes is that they will be entitled if they meet the criteria to principal reductions. >> those principal reductions will be linked to what the homeowner can afford to pay or the value of the home. the average homeowner foreclosed upon will be entitled to $2,000. >> he would cry the entire ride home on the school bus. >> the terrible things police say happened to some special needs students that's now led to a multi-million dollar settlement. >> i'm ryan takeo. 4700 feet up in the sierra. normally they don't have to deal with dirt instead of snow this time of year and the ski resorts are scrambling. >> good evening to you, meteorologist paul deanno university avenue palo alto. five shopping days until christmas. i think you'll be pleased with the forecast. i'll have it coming up. and an olympic veteran from the bay area says he is gay. why the timing of his announcement is everything. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, big deal because he's headeo the winter olympics in russia.. part of an openl on a famous bay area figure skater came out today. it's a big deal because he is headed to the winter olympics in russia. as part of and openly gay delegation of athletes. kpix 5's brian webb with how u.s. athletes are making a statement about antidiscrimination. >> reporter: kids can't get enough of ice skating at the rink along embarcadero. but the sport itself is taking on a bigger meaning in the discussion on discrimination. >> good for us to stand up for that and fight for human rights throughout sports and things that bring the world together like sports and music. >> not necessarily see the olympics so much as a forum for social statement. >> reporter: president obama is skipping this year's olympics in sochi. instead, uc-berkeley chairwoman janet napolitano will lead and openly gay delegation including tennis great billie jean king, ice hockey medalist caitlin cahow and now gold medal figure skater brian boitano. it's being seen as a way to denounce russia's anti-gay propaganda laws. >> one of the things i'm looking forward to is maybe some gay and lesbian athletes bringing home the gold or silver or bronze, uhm, which i think would go a long way in rejecting it the kind of attitudes that we're seeing. >> reporter: boitano has always kept his private life private. he is currently in italy but sent out a statement today that includes the announcement that he is gay. quote, first and foremost, i'm an american athlete and i am proud to live in a country that encourages diversity openness and tolerance. as an athlete, i hope we can remain focused on the olympic spirit which celebrates achievement in sport and by peoples of all nations." >> reporter: so ice skating is now part of a bigger message on diversity that is spinning around the globe. back here at the rink on embarcadero, skating is still just about having fun. russian laws have raised questions about what could happen to athletes who wear badges or carry flags supporting gay rights. russian president vladimir putin promises gay athletes will not face discrimination in sochi. liz? >> thank you. every winter thousands of skiers and snowboarders flock to the sierra for their fix. this year, ryan takeo shows us things are different. >> reporter: this canyon view is hardly ever this green this time of year. >> yeah, there's no snow out right now, huh? >> reporter: if you're expecting fresh sierra snow, you probably are disappointed. the central sierra has only had one quarter the average snowpack this time of year. at sugar bowl only five lifts will be open this weekend. eight others will be closed. >> not a good sign for them. >> and we have about 2" out of that system that moved through last night so that definitely helped. we'll take what we can. >> reporter: in truckee the city's plow driver had to search for snow. >> last few years, it's been slow. it's been -- we need some snow. >> reporter: he knows how vital it is to truckee's economy. >> if it doesn't snow, it's going to be tough for everybody. >> reporter: while all the rentals are taken at this property management company, out-of-towners have one question on their minds. >> everybody wants to know if there's snow. >> reporter: what do you say? >> there's a little bit. you know, they're blowing it at the resorts. >> the snow guns are going, 24- 7. >> reporter: these snow machines might as well be making money. the ski resorts are having to adapt. >> it's still snow. it's just manmade. if anything, it offers a more secure base for when mother name dumps is on the pow on top. >> reporter: that pow, powder, can come in a flurry. that's what the resorts hope. and the area is ready that will make more work for you. >> yes. bring it on. >> many here are waiting for just a couple of days of that sierra snow that is heavy and wet. in blue canyon, ryan takeo, kpix 5. >> dump some pow. all right, those ski resorts say they are thankful that it's been cold enough to even make snow during the day, too. they claim you won't be able to tell the manmade stuff from the fresh powder. better than nothing, i guess. >> fresh pow. all right. paul, live on the streets of palo alto tonight with our mobile weather lab and turns out it's going to be a perfect night to do a little last- minute shopping. >> reporter: all those last- minute shoppers a lot of other parts of the country dealing with cold, 10, 15 degrees, they are dealing with snow, they are dealing with chevy rainfall, our weather for all those last- minute shoppers it is just about perfect. we have so many choices around here in the bay area. you have oakland. you've got san jose. you've got santana row. you have a place like university avenue in palo alto. great spot, a lot of folks out tonight and the weather for this time of year simply couldn't be more perfect. take a look at what's going on now. 51 concord, oakland 51. san jose 52. san francisco coming in at 52 degrees. it will be a chilly night tonight. there was a front that moved through today. can't get any rainfall from it but we'll get some cooler air. had a breezy day today. overnight tonight 38. concord 35. vallejo 39. san francisco 42. satellite shows the departing run with low pressure off to the east. the difference between low pressure and high pressure causes the winds. that's a pressure gradient. it's a strong one today as we have a big ridge of high pressure building in from the west and that low pressure departing to our east. now, as that low moves farther away, the win will relax, breezy in the higher elevations. then that big ridge of high pressure builds back in and will hang out for a week. that means dry weather. we have been talking about needing rainfall but this will be great weather to get outside for each of the next seven days. these are your highs tomorrow. san rafael and fairfield 62. redwood city 59. sunshiny day up in napa county, the city of napa checking in at 64 degrees for your friday. saturday and sunday, good stuff to get outside. mid-60s inland. and low 60s near the bay. and weather winning streak continues. really last-minute shoppers on monday and christmas eve, still sunny, still dry, mid-60s, and christmas day if the kids want to try the new toys they got from santa outside, the weather will cooperate once again. each of the next seven days dry. beautiful university avenue in palo alto like many main streets in the bay area, they do it up nicely for christmas. and a beautiful night to the go outside and shop, maybe hit your favorite restaurant. meteorologist paul deanno, back to you. >> sounds good. >> absolutely. thank you. >> reporter: smells good, too. >> we'll take your word for it. [ laughter ] still ahead, what police say happened to several special needs students that led to an $8 million payout. >> why the concern over a massive target security breach is now followed boy a lot of confusion. >> we are counting down to the 49ers' last regular season game candlestick park. you can see it here on kpix 5 monday night followed by the "5th quarter" and "bye-bye baby" our special look back at the stick. that put you on their gift list? free with activation. free android phone?!?! yes please. plus, aio has a reliable nationwide network and no annual contracts. it's like the presents just keep coming! a wireless company that puts me at the top of their list? i'm in! stop by your neighborhood aio store or visit mc-math has one christmas w they're asking oakland children's hospital to keepr alive during the holidays. also want the hos the family of 13-year-old jahi mcmath has one christmas wish. they are asking oakland children's hospital to keep her alive during the holidays. they also want the hospital to provide a feeding tube and give them at least 48 hours' notice before she is taken off life support. doctors declared mcmath brain- dead this week. it was after she suffered a heart attack following a routine tonsillectomy. the families of 8 special education students are going to share an $8 million settlement. it stems from allegations that a teacher at an antioch school hit, slapped and verbally abused the children. da lin spoke to the parents of one of the victims. >> reporter: this tearful father feels guilty for the abuse of his autistic son at this antioch school. >> i failed miserably at recognizing some signs that my son was giving me. >> reporter: one of those signs was the 6-year-old would be scared to go to school. >> we attempted to take him out of a car and him not speaking but grabbing the door and i forced him and i dragged him. >> reporter: larry and meaghan evans' son doesn't speak. they couldn't get him to say what was happening. they noticed he would cry every day leaving school. his behavior also changed. >> my son now thinks that being aggressive and being violent is the way to get anything. >> reporter: the evans eventually took their son out of mno grant elementary. two months later police told them their special ed. teacher teresa allen-caulboy abused 8 special education children last fall. >> he had been backhanded several occasions in the face. that she had put him down on the ground face first and put her knee in his back. >> reporter: police gave more examples of alleged physical, verbal and mental abuse. the eight families sued and accused the antioch school district of covering up the abuse. the district agreed to an $8 million settlement. the superintendent said in a statement, we must continue to learn from this case and work to ensure that every child entrusted to our schools is educated in a safe environment. >> the superintendent went on to say the district has retrained all of its employees to report any kind of suspected abuse to police right away. the evans family will receive $1 million but says no amount of money can give them back their son's innocence. >> this is a life changing event to where we have to adjust our lives and realize that some of the littlest things that you wanted to do on a regular basis have been cut. >> reporter: in antioch, i'm da lin, kpix 5. >> the evans family shared a photo of their son with us but we decided not to identify him given the nature of the case and his age. as for the teacher, she resigned and faces six counts of child abuse. the wildfire burning near big sur has now burned more than 900 acres. 22 buildings are destroyed including 13 homes. right now the fire is nearly 80% contained. they expect full containment tomorrow. coming up in our next half hour, what you should do if you think you're a victim of the target breach. and how the problem is also causing a lot of confusion. >> and why victims of a theater collapse initially had no idea that they were in trouble even after the ceiling started to fall. >> and how your christmas decorations could be making you sick. ,,,,,,,, get 3 years interest-free financing on brand name mattress sets. plus, get free delivery and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. sleep train's interest-free for 3 event ends sunday! ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ victims of a massive securi breach. your realtime captioner is mrs. linda m. macdonald. now at 6:30, tens of millions of target shoppers are victims of a massive security breach. personal information stolen during the busiest shopping season of the year. the massive data breach started over thanksgiving and lasted up until a few days ago. kpix 5 consumerwatch reporter julie watts with what to do if you are a victim. >> reporter: in spite of the breach, liz, take a look at the parking lot behind me, it's packed here at target partly because many still don't know that they are one of the 40 million christmas shoppers who are now victims of one of the -- the second largest retail credit card breach in history! and the timing could not be worse for target. so have you heard about the target credit card breach? >> no, i haven't actually. >> no, i haven't. >> reporter: it's taking some time for word to spread but many target shoppers are having the same reaction. >> i was about to go there right now and buy my little sister a present for christmas. but now -- >> it will make me look at target in a different way now. >> reporter: not good news for the retailer whose stock dropped more than 2% today and already lowered its profit forecast for the year and confusing calls like these making matters worse. >> an alert from mastercard saying your card information may have been compromised therefore it was discontinued. >> reporter: following target's breach, some card issues are automatically sending out new ones while others like american express say there's no need. so what is a compromise consumer to do in the middle of a holiday shopping season? >> you have nothing to worry about. >> reporter: bankrate's greg mcbryde says under california law you're not responsible for fraudulent credit card transactions. so just closely monitor your statement. he warns don't just lack for big items and don't let your guard down. >> they run of a bunch of small transactions first to see which accounts are open and active setting the table for a bigger shopping spree at some point down the road. >> reporter: so consider requesting a new credit card after the holiday rush. but if you used a debit card at target, that's a different story. >> it's a little like getting toothpaste back in the tube. if somebody drains money out of your account, even if you have no liability for that, now you have to get the money back into the account. >> reporter: debit card transactions don't have the same legal protections as credit cards and even if your bank agrees to put the money back in your account, it could take days or weeks. adding insult to injury for some target shoppers while others are a bit more understanding. >> probably right now target is probably the safest place to shop because it already happened to them. >> reporter: now, target says it is now safe to use your card here. security experts say it's not probably enough to worry about identity theft but if you are concerned about the cards, request a new one. if you get a new card, hang on to the old one. you may need to to make returns after the holiday season especially if you didn't keep your receipt. >> when in doubt, check the statements. crime such as drug possession petty theft those may go from felonies down to misdemeanors in california. san francisco d.a. george gascon wants to put the idea of reclassifying some crimes to a vote. says the money saved by not locking up people could be used on crime prevention. the measure was filed today but needs 500,000 signatures to get on the ballot next november. oakland police busted a pot operation running out of a gift shop. this is what they found on 55th street. 28 pounds of marijuana illegal firearms and a pound of hash. police arrested 3 adults on suspicion of possession for sale of pot and hash. one of the suspects also faces a felony charge of having a loaded gun. the public utilities commission is forcing pg&e to pay a fine for a pipeline problem on the peninsula. sound familiar? puc says pg&e has to pay $14.3 million because of poor recordkeeping. pg&e says that a gas pipeline in san carlos was seamless but leaks revealed the line has welds. in london, at least 80 people are injured after the theater they were in collapsed mid show. alfonso van marsh on the chaos and why some patrons waited to get out. >> reporter: emergency crews he is scored wounded people out of london's apollo theater thursday night. dozens were hurt after part of the building collapsed on theater-goers during a performance. >> the ceiling came down, dust, chandelier, wood, landed on five or six row. >> ornate plastering typical in a west end theater. >> reporter: several pay tons were taken away on stretch -- several patrons were taken away on stretchers. >> one lady had oxygen. and then i overheard one of the paramedics saying, i think it's suspected broken leg and they were bringing more and more people out, some bleeding from the head. >> reporter: the accident happened during the performance of a play. some thought it was part of the show. >> one said watch out, it's part of the play. >> he was saying, oh, we thought it was sound effects. we looked around and then obviously saw chunks of stuff falling. >> reporter: the apollo theater is located in london's soho neighborhood. it was built more than a century ago and was last renovated in 1932. its third tier balcony is the steepest in london. alfonso van marsh, cbs news, london. >> now, police say it's still too soon to say what caused the partial collapse of the receiving. more than 700 people were in the theater at the time. >> still ahead, the cars that performed the best and the worst in a crash. >> within a minute or two i was sneezing and coughing. >> how your christmas decorations might make you sick. ,,,,,,,,,, [ female announcer ] here's to a whole world of happier holidays. time to enchant, delight and amaze. safeway will help you gather everyone 'round. a smoked, shank half ham is only 99 cents a pound. starbucks is just $6.99, that's a cup of good cheer. get sweet clementines for $4.99, enough for everyone here. turns out this season less is really so much more. so make your holiday merrier than ever before. safeway. ingredients for life. try a lamborghini. as for a *safe car-- marlie hall says: you may k with a honda. all right. you want to drive a fast car, try the lamborghini. as for a safe car, marlie hall says you might want to stick with a honda. >> reporter: the institute for highway safety crashed cars at 40 miles per hour to find out which ones performed best in an accident. this year the research group went a step further and found out which cars were best at preventing a crash using warning systems or automatic braking. >> we think that as important as it is for our vehicle to protect you in a crash, if it can prevent that crash in the first place, that's even better. >> reporter: to get a top cranking they had to get a good or acceptable grade in the small overlap crash test which shows how a car holds up when part of the vehicle hits an object. >> a lot of the protection strategy built into the vehicle located in the middle is bypassed and so manufacturers have had to change their designs to do well in this scenario. >> reporter: only 39 cars received top ratings compared to 130 last year. 22 earned the highest rank, 17 the next ranking. honda which also owns the acura brand had the most winners of any automaker. eight of its vehicles made the list with half including the honda accord earning the highest ranking. marlie hall for cbs news. >> this annual ranking is often used by car shoppers. there are eight newcomers to the list told highlander and the chevy spark mini car. palo alto showing off its brand-new emergency operations center. the city's fire chief calling it the brain of the city in the event of an emergency. city leaders and emergency personnel can meet at that location and see what the city is facing exactly. and it has the technology to track and map just about anything in the area and allows the city to give people advance warning. no anyone who is feeling a little under the weather? how holiday decorations could make you sick. >> all right. there are a few places better to be on a nice evening outside than university in palo alto. that's where we took mobile weather. we'll talk about your forecast life outside all the way through christmas coming up. and i'm dennis o'donnell. coming up, just who came up with this jim harbaugh detectives rumor? >> beware of unnamed sources. >> can stanford make it two straight rose bowl victories? where do you shop for christmas? >> >> we'll unwrap this forecast coming up. ,, these are the hands a pediatrician. these are pioneering advances in heart surgery. and these are developing groundbreaking treatments for cancer. they're the hands of the nation's top doctors. kaiser permanente doctors. and though they are all different, they work together on a single mission: saving lives. discover how we are advancing medicine at join us, and thrive. sneezing. porter susan koeppen christmas is supposed to be a time to be merry but for some, 'tis the season for coughing and sneezing. >> yeah. cbs reporter susan coppin explains house your holiday decorations could be making you sick. >> reporter: for kevin christmas brings more than just presents and good cheer. >> almost immediate going up into the attic to get out the christmas decorations, it was within a minute or two i was sneezing and coughing. >> reporter: the holidays kick his allergies into high gear. dan howard is a home inspector who specializes in testing homes for allergens. he has been hired by kevin and his wife tammy to let them know what's making them cough and sneeze. >> it doesn't sound like a good plan. >> reporter: howard says how you store your decorations is important. >> we have a lot of decorations in cardboard boxes and we have some that were not in any boxes. >> reporter: these wreaths and garlands can be filled with dust and mold. >> i go to even pick these up, and i'm going to shake it loose and drag it all the way through the house. >> reporter: howard says storing decorations in cardboard boxes is a bad idea because cardboard holds the moisture and is a food source for mold. >> these plastic bins. >> reporter: instead, put your decorations in plastic bins and plastic bags. >> these in a contained area even with garbage bags are going to be pretty important to not having this happen again next year. >> one suggestion when you unpack the decorations take them outside or into the garage and unpack them. shake them out, clean them off so you don't bring up the allergens into your home. time to go to paul deanno now and he is in palo alto and, man, looking behind you, it looks kind of winteredy but that's just the lights -- wintry but that's just the rates on the tree. there's nothing winter about it. >> reporter: they paint a wintry picture. you want people to think it's christmastime. mother nature is painting a different picture. we are so spoiled when it comes to weather. we are less than a week before christmas and we are talking about highs in the 60s with sunshine. if you were to do kind. main street walk into phoenix tonight it would be raining. if you were to do the main street walk in minneapolis you wouldn't do it it's like 10 degrees below zero for a wind chill, many parts of the country this is not how you shop. you have to go inside to the mall and you really can't play outside. here in the palo alto and the entire bay area all your last- minute shopping can be done outdoors pleasurably, as well. temperatures highs today we are looking at some 60s, some of you hit 60 including livermore at 61. oakland hit 63. napa 60. san jose and san francisco at 58 degrees. it will be a chilly night tonight. we have drier air that's moved in. our winds are coming out of the northwest. then dropping down to 36 in fremont, napa 34, redwood city 35, livermore down to 34 degrees overnight tonight. satellite review, we had a front move through not much rainfall again but we had some wind today. that wind advisory for the north and east bay hills expired at 6:00. but it will still be breezy in some spots overnight tonight. we are beginning a transition from lower pressure to higher pressure. when we're caught in between the two we have a strong pressure gradient. that's the reason why we had the strong wind today but as high pressure builds in, low pressure moves out, the gradient is relaxed and tomorrow will be less breezy. clear skies, chilly in spots. 30s away from the water. sunshine tomorrow. much warmer. highs in the 60s for many of you. low to mid-60s and speaking of dry and mild, it's not only tomorrow, not only the weekend, it will be all the way through christmas we will be completely dry and also quite mild for this time of year. great shopping weather. get outside and enjoy. weather for tomorrow, high temperatures 60 for you in san jose. couple of degrees warmer than today. beautiful palo alto along university avenue, high of 60. hayward 57. concord, vallejo, 61. san ramon 59. alameda tomorrow 61 degrees. san francisco 58. san rafael 62. ukiah, mendocino county, high of 65 degrees. here's your extended forecast. very few places in the united states will have a forecast this nice this dry this sunny for the days leading up to christmas. saturday and sunday, mid-60s away from the water. low 60s near the bay. and we'll keep with that theme. monday, tuesday, christmas day, highs in the 60s. upper 50s near the coast. and we will be dry on thursday. next week, as well. back out live in palo alto, the weather is perfect. the crowds are picking up. it's a nice knit to be outside whether it's shopping or doing anything fun outdoors. the weather will be dry through the weekend. that is your kpix 5 forecast. i'm paul deanno. back inside that nice climate controlled studio with liz. >> thank you. every year kpix 5 teams up with local food banks and whole foods to recognize local companies who give back to those in need this holiday season. tonight we are joined by ben drew and diana camacho from john muir health and, of course, larry sly from the food bank of contra costa and slap no counties. thank you for joining -- solano counties. thank you for joining us. ben and diana, $25,000. john muir health has such a wonderful history of giving to "food for bay area families." where is this money going towards? >> this is actually going to the community produce program which is a new program that the food bank has that supplies real fruits, fresh fruits and vegetables to the community and it's a really great program that we're thrilled to be able to support. >> certainly ties into the idea of health during the holiday season. >> absolutely. certainly in keeping with our mission to improve the health of the communities we serve with quality and compassion, absolutely. >> larry, during the holidays, donations like this make a huge difference. tell us about it. >> it's phenomenal. the support they are providing, they are committed to health and they are helping us get fresh fruits and vegetables to low income people in the community meaning that people have a chance to be healthy because they are getting the right kind of food to eat. >> definitely keeping in the holiday spirit. thank you so much for joining us. if you would like to contribute to "food for bay area families," you can donate at your local whole foods market or help online at sports is next. , ,, jim harbaugh would probablye to death valley if it meant dennis is here with sports and the rumor that won't die. >> it won't go away. >> is it true? >> the head coach will be here for as long as he wants to be. he hold all the cards. jim harbaugh would probably move to death valley if it meant winning a super bowl. but moving to texas to win the sugar bowl? hardly likely. the 49ers coach gave his latest update on that rumor today. >> well, in judge judy's court, hearsay is not admissible evidence. >> that's what's happening! >> beware of unnamed sources. [ laughter ] >> beware of unnamed sources. beware of unnamed sources. they speak with forked tongue. [ laughter ] >> now, while harbaugh referenced judge judy this morning with the local media, the coach used a different legal strategy when i asked him about his future this afternoon the fifth amendment. >> you don't look like you should be wearing a stetson in texas to me. the look doesn't work. does it? >> aha. >> i'm referring to -- >> is there a question? > are you interested -- is there any truth to the texas thing? blow it off for me. >> yes, i do not talk about any job other than the job that i have, dennis. that's a principle of mine. and they are going to go this way! and -- he's got it! he did it! [ applause and cheers ] >> what a way to break it. >> after my career is over when i have time to really reflect on what i have done, maybe i can assess being the greatest of all time. >> jerry rice's record setting touchdown just one of candlestick memories. you can see them all saturday night at 7:30. this is our farewell to candlestick show and itch seen most of the production elements and it's a really good show. tape it. i think you'll appreciate a lot of history at candlestick park. the warriors will host the spurs tonight. but it won't exactly feel like a playoff rematch. tony parker, tim duncan, ginobili will sit out for old man river. could be worse, it could be kobe bryant. kobe spent 8 months rehabbing from a torn achilles but his return is on hold after just six games. bryant is expected to miss six weeks after fracturing his tibia in his left knee tuesday against the grizzlies. >> we're going drinking, yeah! stanford has continued its streak of making it to a bcs bowl. the cardinal will face michigan state in the 100th rose bowl on new year's day their fourth straight bcs game making this group of seniors the most successful in the program's history. >> this is something we talked about. you know, we wanted to really help turn the program around. we had talked about, you know, why not shoot for four straight, you know, rose bowl games? why can't we do it? who can tell us now? obviously we didn't accomplish four in a row but this is our second in a row, you know, our fourth bcs game in a row and it's something really special. >> new year's day coming up of time for stanford. december is coming up of time in the nfl. so players and coaches don't have a lot of time to spread holiday cheer. patriots quarterback tom brady can't even go out and shop for gifts. >> have you done any christmas shopping? >> uhm, i'm probably keeping them in business. [ indiscernible ] your wife -- [ laughter ] as you would expect, his head coach bill belichick isn't much better at getting into the christmas spirit. >> can you just talk about your strategy and how you effectively execute your holiday shopping? >> poorly. poorly. [ laughter ] meanwhile, the dallas media firmly believes in the saying that its better to give than to receive. they came up with a perfect gift for cowboys head coach jason garrett following the team's two-game losing streak to fall out of first place in the nfc east. >> that's fantastic. >> are you going to open that? >> this is tiger baum right here. solves any ailments that you might have. put that right there. >> it was rough going for jason garrett and tony romo complete collapse last weekend. that defense has given up almost 6,000 yards which is a franchise record. they play washington this weekend so they are going to be right there at the end of the season. >> so 9ers have two games left regular season games. >> yeah. but okay, monday night, right, but they will likely clinch a play-off spot come monday night because arizona travels to seattle on sunday. they have to beat seattle to stay alive. >> that's tough. >> not going to happen. >> guaranteed. >> this is not any given sunday, okay? >> so monday we got the game, you're going to be there. i'll be there at the candlestick. we are saying good-bye. >> exactly. we are on air from 4:30 to 10:00 at night football. >> football it is! we are counting down to the 49ers last regular season game at the stick. you can watch the game here on kpix 5 monday night followed by the "5th quarter" and "bye-bye baby." >> we resurrected the countdown clock just for this. just for you, dennis. so our look back at the stick following the game. >> it is kind of funny because everybody has done nothing but complain about that stadium ever since it opened. now the tears are flowing. >> tears for the stick. >> there you go. i like it. >> you'll miss it a little, don't you this i? >> i'll miss the memories definitely but will not miss the facility. >> and the weather. >> wasn't great. >> chilly. >> for news throughout the evening, the latest news and weather are always on our website, >> enjoy your evening. captions by: caption colorado [email protected] ,,,,,, sleep train's interest-free for 3 event ends sunday! it's your last chance to get 3 years interest-free financing on beautyrest black, stearns & foster, serta icomfort, even tempur-pedic. plus, get free delivery and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. but hurry, sleep train's interest-free for 3 event ends sunday! superior service, best selection, lowest price, guaranteed! ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: welcome to the show. everybody, how you folks doing today? thank you very much. thank you, everybody. hey, welcome to "family feud." i'm your man, steve harvey. and boy, we got a real good one for you today, folks. we got a family here returning for the 5th and final day, with a total of 22,440 bucks. from nashville, tennessee, it's the stevenson family. [cheering and applause] and from batesville, indiana, it's the struewing family. [cheering and applause] well, everybody's here trying to win theyself a lot of cash today. but remember today, if the stevenson family wins the game, they're gonna drive out of here in a brand-new, stylish fordio

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6pm 20131220 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6pm 20131220

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contract. >> reporter: but keller hopes a strong no strike vote would persuade the legislature to enact a ban. >> next change for giving up the right to strike, they would be given the authority to go to factfinding and some sort of binding arbitration. >> reporter: keller says that would be just as good as the strike perhaps with less grief. live in north berkeley, don knapp, kpix 5. the death of two workers on bart tracks in october has prompted new safety recommendations from the national transportation safety board. ntsb wants all rail workers to have a warning device called a shunt that they could attach to the tracks. also it is suggesting trains have a monitoring system called positive train control. bart's board doesn't see any problem with the idea. >> anything that moves us in the direction of providing a more safe work environment, i have no problems with. we'll be prepared to support it. >> a report last week said that the two men killed on bart tracks did not follow safety rules. those rules required at least one person to serve as a lookout. new at 6:00 in a case that brings back memories of the andy lopez shooting, hercules police spotted boys carrying a fake gun that looked very real. officers recovered this airsoft pistol this week. it is similar to a weapon used during operation desert storm. police say four boys were pointing that fake gun at passing cars on willow avenue tuesday. the 12- and 13-year-olds were cited and released to their parents. this comes less than two months after 13-year-old andy lopez was shot and killed by a sonoma county sheriff's deputy in santa rosa while carrying a fake gun. that case prompted several protests. also new tonight, the 415 area code is about to get phased out for new numbers. right now 415 is issued to any new phone numbers in san francisco or marin counties. and in just more than a year, 628 will take over for new numbers. california regulators approved the new area code today. 628 as i say that new code will only be begin to new numbers existing numbers are not going to have to change. this tour bus was headed to a casino in southern california when it overturned this afternoon. chp says 30 people were hurt but not seriously. the crash happened on i-15 in corona an hour east of l.a. it was raining at the time but it's unclear if the weather is to blame for the crash. there is a big shortage of toys for one san jose agency that helps thousands of families during the holidays. len ramirez shows us the scramble to make sure kids don't go without. >> reporter: the elves are busy sorting gifts and books for low income children but even though they have made their lists and checked them twice these bins that should be full of toy donations are still coming up empty. >> at this point in time we are about 7,000 toys short. >> reporter: he says toy drives got off to a slow start this year due to the late thanksgiving. but the biggest impact was an increase in need. more than 6,000 families signed up to receive gifts this season. about 1,000 more than last year. ramon's family is one of them. >> i just found out in my job i'm going to get a 20% salary cut so now we are having five children it's a struggle for my family. >> reporter: sacred heart provides food for low-income families all year long. >> we need more help. >> reporter: but the toy giveaway is a special treat for families who might not have money for gifts. parents can shop for free in the room pick out two toys and a book for each of their kids and have them wrapped. >> the thing we don't want to have happen is for a family to have no hope for next year. >> we know that the christmas program for them is going to give a moment of hope which we want to translate into a hope for the next year overall which they can turn into opportunities to make for a better life for themselves. >> that's neat. a good one. >> reporter: the toys are trickling in. >> i had a closet of toys we didn't give our kids over the years. >> reporter: but many more are needed to brighten christmas for families going through hard times. >> it doesn't really matter the value of the present. it just is very inspiring once you see your own kid smile and say, oh, i got a present for christmas. >> reporter: in san jose, len ramirez, kpix 5. >> now, if you would like to donate any new toys deliver them to sacred heart or donate money through the website that's posted at we have heard it a lot smartphone thefts skyrocketing especially in the bay area. now there is a plan that would make them worthless. state senator mark leno and george gascon are introducing a bill that would require such devices to have kill switch technology. so if a phone is stolen, it makes it useless. they will take up the bill next month. in other bay area headlines talk about crash and burn. oakland police say a suspected drunk driver caused this at a gas station this morning. right after he ran through a dui checkpoint he led officers on a brief chase. police pulled him out of his burning car and put him in handcuffs. a woman facing vehicular manslaughter and reckless driving charges for this deadly san francisco crash is free on bail. the judge says she is not allowed to drive. police say 58-year-old jennie zhu was driving 80 miles an hour near pine street when she rear-ended a minivan back in september. one teenager died, several were injured. zhu pleaded not guilty to the charges and faces 7 years in prison if convicted. large dark plaques bear the names of many home list people who died in the past year on the streets of santa clara county. today homelessness advocates ehc life builders head a memorial in san jose for those lives lost. the group hopes it raises awareness about homelessness and the need to get people out of the cold into permanent housing. we told you last night about a little girl in vallejo who was going to try to save her city as her favorite superhero. today she got the chance. as kpix 5's john ramos tells us, she might do it. >> reporter: when the morning celebration began in vallejo there were plenty of superheros on hand. so why did the surprise guest of honor seem so -- well, terrified? is the real heroine was wonder woman -- actually wonder girl cleverly disguised as monika romo a mild-mannered 10-year- old who has been battling leukemia since april. >> she is pretty legendary because if had it, i couldn't go through it. >> reporter: times have been pretty tough in vallejo lately and there's been a lot of crime. so a community group called vallejo together asked monika to write an essay about making vallejo a safer place to live. >> burglaries and robberies began occurring all over the town. >> reporter: she wrote a story about wonder woman arriving to help vallejo and taking a page from the batkid's saga, monika was sent on a citywide tour to read the essay to the high school and city hall, everywhere she went, met with cheers from superheros supporters. but in the story wonder woman doesn't save vallejo. she teaches the citizens to save themselves by working together and not being afraid. >> we should not give up. we should have hope that things will change and that we can win. if we don't try, we won't know what could happen. >> reporter: it's a message this town needed to hear. >> she wants the whole community to come together and to treat each other better than we have. >> we are not giving up no more as of today. as of today, we are not scared no more. >> reporter: back at school, those who know monika says she always wanted to be a teacher. she got that wish today. she taught an entire city that no matter how serious your problems might be, you have a better chance if you fight them together. in vallejo, john ramos, kpix 5. >> monika's leukemia by the way is in remission but she will have to have chemotherapy treatments for a year and a half. california homeowners who have been foreclosed upon may be eligible for a little cash. california will get nearly $23 million from a mortgage lawsuit with a financial corporation over illegal foreclosures. that money from a federal settlement will be directed to homeowners who were foreclosed upon and to people who are under water. >> it benefits those who have already been foreclosed upon through cash payments but the benefit to people who are in their homes is that they will be entitled if they meet the criteria to principal reductions. >> those principal reductions will be linked to what the homeowner can afford to pay or the value of the home. the average homeowner foreclosed upon will be entitled to $2,000. >> he would cry the entire ride home on the school bus. >> the terrible things police say happened to some special needs students that's now led to a multi-million dollar settlement. >> i'm ryan takeo. 4700 feet up in the sierra. normally they don't have to deal with dirt instead of snow this time of year and the ski resorts are scrambling. >> good evening to you, meteorologist paul deanno university avenue palo alto. five shopping days until christmas. i think you'll be pleased with the forecast. i'll have it coming up. and an olympic veteran from the bay area says he is gay. why the timing of his announcement is everything. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, big deal because he's headeo the winter olympics in russia.. part of an openl on a famous bay area figure skater came out today. it's a big deal because he is headed to the winter olympics in russia. as part of and openly gay delegation of athletes. kpix 5's brian webb with how u.s. athletes are making a statement about antidiscrimination. >> reporter: kids can't get enough of ice skating at the rink along embarcadero. but the sport itself is taking on a bigger meaning in the discussion on discrimination. >> good for us to stand up for that and fight for human rights throughout sports and things that bring the world together like sports and music. >> not necessarily see the olympics so much as a forum for social statement. >> reporter: president obama is skipping this year's olympics in sochi. instead, uc-berkeley chairwoman janet napolitano will lead and openly gay delegation including tennis great billie jean king, ice hockey medalist caitlin cahow and now gold medal figure skater brian boitano. it's being seen as a way to denounce russia's anti-gay propaganda laws. >> one of the things i'm looking forward to is maybe some gay and lesbian athletes bringing home the gold or silver or bronze, uhm, which i think would go a long way in rejecting it the kind of attitudes that we're seeing. >> reporter: boitano has always kept his private life private. he is currently in italy but sent out a statement today that includes the announcement that he is gay. quote, first and foremost, i'm an american athlete and i am proud to live in a country that encourages diversity openness and tolerance. as an athlete, i hope we can remain focused on the olympic spirit which celebrates achievement in sport and by peoples of all nations." >> reporter: so ice skating is now part of a bigger message on diversity that is spinning around the globe. back here at the rink on embarcadero, skating is still just about having fun. russian laws have raised questions about what could happen to athletes who wear badges or carry flags supporting gay rights. russian president vladimir putin promises gay athletes will not face discrimination in sochi. liz? >> thank you. every winter thousands of skiers and snowboarders flock to the sierra for their fix. this year, ryan takeo shows us things are different. >> reporter: this canyon view is hardly ever this green this time of year. >> yeah, there's no snow out right now, huh? >> reporter: if you're expecting fresh sierra snow, you probably are disappointed. the central sierra has only had one quarter the average snowpack this time of year. at sugar bowl only five lifts will be open this weekend. eight others will be closed. >> not a good sign for them. >> and we have about 2" out of that system that moved through last night so that definitely helped. we'll take what we can. >> reporter: in truckee the city's plow driver had to search for snow. >> last few years, it's been slow. it's been -- we need some snow. >> reporter: he knows how vital it is to truckee's economy. >> if it doesn't snow, it's going to be tough for everybody. >> reporter: while all the rentals are taken at this property management company, out-of-towners have one question on their minds. >> everybody wants to know if there's snow. >> reporter: what do you say? >> there's a little bit. you know, they're blowing it at the resorts. >> the snow guns are going, 24- 7. >> reporter: these snow machines might as well be making money. the ski resorts are having to adapt. >> it's still snow. it's just manmade. if anything, it offers a more secure base for when mother name dumps is on the pow on top. >> reporter: that pow, powder, can come in a flurry. that's what the resorts hope. and the area is ready that will make more work for you. >> yes. bring it on. >> many here are waiting for just a couple of days of that sierra snow that is heavy and wet. in blue canyon, ryan takeo, kpix 5. >> dump some pow. all right, those ski resorts say they are thankful that it's been cold enough to even make snow during the day, too. they claim you won't be able to tell the manmade stuff from the fresh powder. better than nothing, i guess. >> fresh pow. all right. paul, live on the streets of palo alto tonight with our mobile weather lab and turns out it's going to be a perfect night to do a little last- minute shopping. >> reporter: all those last- minute shoppers a lot of other parts of the country dealing with cold, 10, 15 degrees, they are dealing with snow, they are dealing with chevy rainfall, our weather for all those last- minute shoppers it is just about perfect. we have so many choices around here in the bay area. you have oakland. you've got san jose. you've got santana row. you have a place like university avenue in palo alto. great spot, a lot of folks out tonight and the weather for this time of year simply couldn't be more perfect. take a look at what's going on now. 51 concord, oakland 51. san jose 52. san francisco coming in at 52 degrees. it will be a chilly night tonight. there was a front that moved through today. can't get any rainfall from it but we'll get some cooler air. had a breezy day today. overnight tonight 38. concord 35. vallejo 39. san francisco 42. satellite shows the departing run with low pressure off to the east. the difference between low pressure and high pressure causes the winds. that's a pressure gradient. it's a strong one today as we have a big ridge of high pressure building in from the west and that low pressure departing to our east. now, as that low moves farther away, the win will relax, breezy in the higher elevations. then that big ridge of high pressure builds back in and will hang out for a week. that means dry weather. we have been talking about needing rainfall but this will be great weather to get outside for each of the next seven days. these are your highs tomorrow. san rafael and fairfield 62. redwood city 59. sunshiny day up in napa county, the city of napa checking in at 64 degrees for your friday. saturday and sunday, good stuff to get outside. mid-60s inland. and low 60s near the bay. and weather winning streak continues. really last-minute shoppers on monday and christmas eve, still sunny, still dry, mid-60s, and christmas day if the kids want to try the new toys they got from santa outside, the weather will cooperate once again. each of the next seven days dry. beautiful university avenue in palo alto like many main streets in the bay area, they do it up nicely for christmas. and a beautiful night to the go outside and shop, maybe hit your favorite restaurant. meteorologist paul deanno, back to you. >> sounds good. >> absolutely. thank you. >> reporter: smells good, too. >> we'll take your word for it. [ laughter ] still ahead, what police say happened to several special needs students that led to an $8 million payout. >> why the concern over a massive target security breach is now followed boy a lot of confusion. >> we are counting down to the 49ers' last regular season game candlestick park. you can see it here on kpix 5 monday night followed by the "5th quarter" and "bye-bye baby" our special look back at the stick. that put you on their gift list? free with activation. free android phone?!?! yes please. plus, aio has a reliable nationwide network and no annual contracts. it's like the presents just keep coming! a wireless company that puts me at the top of their list? i'm in! stop by your neighborhood aio store or visit mc-math has one christmas w they're asking oakland children's hospital to keepr alive during the holidays. also want the hos the family of 13-year-old jahi mcmath has one christmas wish. they are asking oakland children's hospital to keep her alive during the holidays. they also want the hospital to provide a feeding tube and give them at least 48 hours' notice before she is taken off life support. doctors declared mcmath brain- dead this week. it was after she suffered a heart attack following a routine tonsillectomy. the families of 8 special education students are going to share an $8 million settlement. it stems from allegations that a teacher at an antioch school hit, slapped and verbally abused the children. da lin spoke to the parents of one of the victims. >> reporter: this tearful father feels guilty for the abuse of his autistic son at this antioch school. >> i failed miserably at recognizing some signs that my son was giving me. >> reporter: one of those signs was the 6-year-old would be scared to go to school. >> we attempted to take him out of a car and him not speaking but grabbing the door and i forced him and i dragged him. >> reporter: larry and meaghan evans' son doesn't speak. they couldn't get him to say what was happening. they noticed he would cry every day leaving school. his behavior also changed. >> my son now thinks that being aggressive and being violent is the way to get anything. >> reporter: the evans eventually took their son out of mno grant elementary. two months later police told them their special ed. teacher teresa allen-caulboy abused 8 special education children last fall. >> he had been backhanded several occasions in the face. that she had put him down on the ground face first and put her knee in his back. >> reporter: police gave more examples of alleged physical, verbal and mental abuse. the eight families sued and accused the antioch school district of covering up the abuse. the district agreed to an $8 million settlement. the superintendent said in a statement, we must continue to learn from this case and work to ensure that every child entrusted to our schools is educated in a safe environment. >> the superintendent went on to say the district has retrained all of its employees to report any kind of suspected abuse to police right away. the evans family will receive $1 million but says no amount of money can give them back their son's innocence. >> this is a life changing event to where we have to adjust our lives and realize that some of the littlest things that you wanted to do on a regular basis have been cut. >> reporter: in antioch, i'm da lin, kpix 5. >> the evans family shared a photo of their son with us but we decided not to identify him given the nature of the case and his age. as for the teacher, she resigned and faces six counts of child abuse. the wildfire burning near big sur has now burned more than 900 acres. 22 buildings are destroyed including 13 homes. right now the fire is nearly 80% contained. they expect full containment tomorrow. coming up in our next half hour, what you should do if you think you're a victim of the target breach. and how the problem is also causing a lot of confusion. >> and why victims of a theater collapse initially had no idea that they were in trouble even after the ceiling started to fall. >> and how your christmas decorations could be making you sick. ,,,,,,,, get 3 years interest-free financing on brand name mattress sets. plus, get free delivery and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. sleep train's interest-free for 3 event ends sunday! ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ victims of a massive securi breach. your realtime captioner is mrs. linda m. macdonald. now at 6:30, tens of millions of target shoppers are victims of a massive security breach. personal information stolen during the busiest shopping season of the year. the massive data breach started over thanksgiving and lasted up until a few days ago. kpix 5 consumerwatch reporter julie watts with what to do if you are a victim. >> reporter: in spite of the breach, liz, take a look at the parking lot behind me, it's packed here at target partly because many still don't know that they are one of the 40 million christmas shoppers who are now victims of one of the -- the second largest retail credit card breach in history! and the timing could not be worse for target. so have you heard about the target credit card breach? >> no, i haven't actually. >> no, i haven't. >> reporter: it's taking some time for word to spread but many target shoppers are having the same reaction. >> i was about to go there right now and buy my little sister a present for christmas. but now -- >> it will make me look at target in a different way now. >> reporter: not good news for the retailer whose stock dropped more than 2% today and already lowered its profit forecast for the year and confusing calls like these making matters worse. >> an alert from mastercard saying your card information may have been compromised therefore it was discontinued. >> reporter: following target's breach, some card issues are automatically sending out new ones while others like american express say there's no need. so what is a compromise consumer to do in the middle of a holiday shopping season? >> you have nothing to worry about. >> reporter: bankrate's greg mcbryde says under california law you're not responsible for fraudulent credit card transactions. so just closely monitor your statement. he warns don't just lack for big items and don't let your guard down. >> they run of a bunch of small transactions first to see which accounts are open and active setting the table for a bigger shopping spree at some point down the road. >> reporter: so consider requesting a new credit card after the holiday rush. but if you used a debit card at target, that's a different story. >> it's a little like getting toothpaste back in the tube. if somebody drains money out of your account, even if you have no liability for that, now you have to get the money back into the account. >> reporter: debit card transactions don't have the same legal protections as credit cards and even if your bank agrees to put the money back in your account, it could take days or weeks. adding insult to injury for some target shoppers while others are a bit more understanding. >> probably right now target is probably the safest place to shop because it already happened to them. >> reporter: now, target says it is now safe to use your card here. security experts say it's not probably enough to worry about identity theft but if you are concerned about the cards, request a new one. if you get a new card, hang on to the old one. you may need to to make returns after the holiday season especially if you didn't keep your receipt. >> when in doubt, check the statements. crime such as drug possession petty theft those may go from felonies down to misdemeanors in california. san francisco d.a. george gascon wants to put the idea of reclassifying some crimes to a vote. says the money saved by not locking up people could be used on crime prevention. the measure was filed today but needs 500,000 signatures to get on the ballot next november. oakland police busted a pot operation running out of a gift shop. this is what they found on 55th street. 28 pounds of marijuana illegal firearms and a pound of hash. police arrested 3 adults on suspicion of possession for sale of pot and hash. one of the suspects also faces a felony charge of having a loaded gun. the public utilities commission is forcing pg&e to pay a fine for a pipeline problem on the peninsula. sound familiar? puc says pg&e has to pay $14.3 million because of poor recordkeeping. pg&e says that a gas pipeline in san carlos was seamless but leaks revealed the line has welds. in london, at least 80 people are injured after the theater they were in collapsed mid show. alfonso van marsh on the chaos and why some patrons waited to get out. >> reporter: emergency crews he is scored wounded people out of london's apollo theater thursday night. dozens were hurt after part of the building collapsed on theater-goers during a performance. >> the ceiling came down, dust, chandelier, wood, landed on five or six row. >> ornate plastering typical in a west end theater. >> reporter: several pay tons were taken away on stretch -- several patrons were taken away on stretchers. >> one lady had oxygen. and then i overheard one of the paramedics saying, i think it's suspected broken leg and they were bringing more and more people out, some bleeding from the head. >> reporter: the accident happened during the performance of a play. some thought it was part of the show. >> one said watch out, it's part of the play. >> he was saying, oh, we thought it was sound effects. we looked around and then obviously saw chunks of stuff falling. >> reporter: the apollo theater is located in london's soho neighborhood. it was built more than a century ago and was last renovated in 1932. its third tier balcony is the steepest in london. alfonso van marsh, cbs news, london. >> now, police say it's still too soon to say what caused the partial collapse of the receiving. more than 700 people were in the theater at the time. >> still ahead, the cars that performed the best and the worst in a crash. >> within a minute or two i was sneezing and coughing. >> how your christmas decorations might make you sick. ,,,,,,,,,, [ female announcer ] here's to a whole world of happier holidays. time to enchant, delight and amaze. safeway will help you gather everyone 'round. a smoked, shank half ham is only 99 cents a pound. starbucks is just $6.99, that's a cup of good cheer. get sweet clementines for $4.99, enough for everyone here. turns out this season less is really so much more. so make your holiday merrier than ever before. safeway. ingredients for life. try a lamborghini. as for a *safe car-- marlie hall says: you may k with a honda. all right. you want to drive a fast car, try the lamborghini. as for a safe car, marlie hall says you might want to stick with a honda. >> reporter: the institute for highway safety crashed cars at 40 miles per hour to find out which ones performed best in an accident. this year the research group went a step further and found out which cars were best at preventing a crash using warning systems or automatic braking. >> we think that as important as it is for our vehicle to protect you in a crash, if it can prevent that crash in the first place, that's even better. >> reporter: to get a top cranking they had to get a good or acceptable grade in the small overlap crash test which shows how a car holds up when part of the vehicle hits an object. >> a lot of the protection strategy built into the vehicle located in the middle is bypassed and so manufacturers have had to change their designs to do well in this scenario. >> reporter: only 39 cars received top ratings compared to 130 last year. 22 earned the highest rank, 17 the next ranking. honda which also owns the acura brand had the most winners of any automaker. eight of its vehicles made the list with half including the honda accord earning the highest ranking. marlie hall for cbs news. >> this annual ranking is often used by car shoppers. there are eight newcomers to the list told highlander and the chevy spark mini car. palo alto showing off its brand-new emergency operations center. the city's fire chief calling it the brain of the city in the event of an emergency. city leaders and emergency personnel can meet at that location and see what the city is facing exactly. and it has the technology to track and map just about anything in the area and allows the city to give people advance warning. no anyone who is feeling a little under the weather? how holiday decorations could make you sick. >> all right. there are a few places better to be on a nice evening outside than university in palo alto. that's where we took mobile weather. we'll talk about your forecast life outside all the way through christmas coming up. and i'm dennis o'donnell. coming up, just who came up with this jim harbaugh detectives rumor? >> beware of unnamed sources. >> can stanford make it two straight rose bowl victories? where do you shop for christmas? >> >> we'll unwrap this forecast coming up. ,, these are the hands a pediatrician. these are pioneering advances in heart surgery. and these are developing groundbreaking treatments for cancer. they're the hands of the nation's top doctors. kaiser permanente doctors. and though they are all different, they work together on a single mission: saving lives. discover how we are advancing medicine at join us, and thrive. sneezing. porter susan koeppen christmas is supposed to be a time to be merry but for some, 'tis the season for coughing and sneezing. >> yeah. cbs reporter susan coppin explains house your holiday decorations could be making you sick. >> reporter: for kevin christmas brings more than just presents and good cheer. >> almost immediate going up into the attic to get out the christmas decorations, it was within a minute or two i was sneezing and coughing. >> reporter: the holidays kick his allergies into high gear. dan howard is a home inspector who specializes in testing homes for allergens. he has been hired by kevin and his wife tammy to let them know what's making them cough and sneeze. >> it doesn't sound like a good plan. >> reporter: howard says how you store your decorations is important. >> we have a lot of decorations in cardboard boxes and we have some that were not in any boxes. >> reporter: these wreaths and garlands can be filled with dust and mold. >> i go to even pick these up, and i'm going to shake it loose and drag it all the way through the house. >> reporter: howard says storing decorations in cardboard boxes is a bad idea because cardboard holds the moisture and is a food source for mold. >> these plastic bins. >> reporter: instead, put your decorations in plastic bins and plastic bags. >> these in a contained area even with garbage bags are going to be pretty important to not having this happen again next year. >> one suggestion when you unpack the decorations take them outside or into the garage and unpack them. shake them out, clean them off so you don't bring up the allergens into your home. time to go to paul deanno now and he is in palo alto and, man, looking behind you, it looks kind of winteredy but that's just the lights -- wintry but that's just the rates on the tree. there's nothing winter about it. >> reporter: they paint a wintry picture. you want people to think it's christmastime. mother nature is painting a different picture. we are so spoiled when it comes to weather. we are less than a week before christmas and we are talking about highs in the 60s with sunshine. if you were to do kind. main street walk into phoenix tonight it would be raining. if you were to do the main street walk in minneapolis you wouldn't do it it's like 10 degrees below zero for a wind chill, many parts of the country this is not how you shop. you have to go inside to the mall and you really can't play outside. here in the palo alto and the entire bay area all your last- minute shopping can be done outdoors pleasurably, as well. temperatures highs today we are looking at some 60s, some of you hit 60 including livermore at 61. oakland hit 63. napa 60. san jose and san francisco at 58 degrees. it will be a chilly night tonight. we have drier air that's moved in. our winds are coming out of the northwest. then dropping down to 36 in fremont, napa 34, redwood city 35, livermore down to 34 degrees overnight tonight. satellite review, we had a front move through not much rainfall again but we had some wind today. that wind advisory for the north and east bay hills expired at 6:00. but it will still be breezy in some spots overnight tonight. we are beginning a transition from lower pressure to higher pressure. when we're caught in between the two we have a strong pressure gradient. that's the reason why we had the strong wind today but as high pressure builds in, low pressure moves out, the gradient is relaxed and tomorrow will be less breezy. clear skies, chilly in spots. 30s away from the water. sunshine tomorrow. much warmer. highs in the 60s for many of you. low to mid-60s and speaking of dry and mild, it's not only tomorrow, not only the weekend, it will be all the way through christmas we will be completely dry and also quite mild for this time of year. great shopping weather. get outside and enjoy. weather for tomorrow, high temperatures 60 for you in san jose. couple of degrees warmer than today. beautiful palo alto along university avenue, high of 60. hayward 57. concord, vallejo, 61. san ramon 59. alameda tomorrow 61 degrees. san francisco 58. san rafael 62. ukiah, mendocino county, high of 65 degrees. here's your extended forecast. very few places in the united states will have a forecast this nice this dry this sunny for the days leading up to christmas. saturday and sunday, mid-60s away from the water. low 60s near the bay. and we'll keep with that theme. monday, tuesday, christmas day, highs in the 60s. upper 50s near the coast. and we will be dry on thursday. next week, as well. back out live in palo alto, the weather is perfect. the crowds are picking up. it's a nice knit to be outside whether it's shopping or doing anything fun outdoors. the weather will be dry through the weekend. that is your kpix 5 forecast. i'm paul deanno. back inside that nice climate controlled studio with liz. >> thank you. every year kpix 5 teams up with local food banks and whole foods to recognize local companies who give back to those in need this holiday season. tonight we are joined by ben drew and diana camacho from john muir health and, of course, larry sly from the food bank of contra costa and slap no counties. thank you for joining -- solano counties. thank you for joining us. ben and diana, $25,000. john muir health has such a wonderful history of giving to "food for bay area families." where is this money going towards? >> this is actually going to the community produce program which is a new program that the food bank has that supplies real fruits, fresh fruits and vegetables to the community and it's a really great program that we're thrilled to be able to support. >> certainly ties into the idea of health during the holiday season. >> absolutely. certainly in keeping with our mission to improve the health of the communities we serve with quality and compassion, absolutely. >> larry, during the holidays, donations like this make a huge difference. tell us about it. >> it's phenomenal. the support they are providing, they are committed to health and they are helping us get fresh fruits and vegetables to low income people in the community meaning that people have a chance to be healthy because they are getting the right kind of food to eat. >> definitely keeping in the holiday spirit. thank you so much for joining us. if you would like to contribute to "food for bay area families," you can donate at your local whole foods market or help online at sports is next. , ,, jim harbaugh would probablye to death valley if it meant dennis is here with sports and the rumor that won't die. >> it won't go away. >> is it true? >> the head coach will be here for as long as he wants to be. he hold all the cards. jim harbaugh would probably move to death valley if it meant winning a super bowl. but moving to texas to win the sugar bowl? hardly likely. the 49ers coach gave his latest update on that rumor today. >> well, in judge judy's court, hearsay is not admissible evidence. >> that's what's happening! >> beware of unnamed sources. [ laughter ] >> beware of unnamed sources. beware of unnamed sources. they speak with forked tongue. [ laughter ] >> now, while harbaugh referenced judge judy this morning with the local media, the coach used a different legal strategy when i asked him about his future this afternoon the fifth amendment. >> you don't look like you should be wearing a stetson in texas to me. the look doesn't work. does it? >> aha. >> i'm referring to -- >> is there a question? > are you interested -- is there any truth to the texas thing? blow it off for me. >> yes, i do not talk about any job other than the job that i have, dennis. that's a principle of mine. and they are going to go this way! and -- he's got it! he did it! [ applause and cheers ] >> what a way to break it. >> after my career is over when i have time to really reflect on what i have done, maybe i can assess being the greatest of all time. >> jerry rice's record setting touchdown just one of candlestick memories. you can see them all saturday night at 7:30. this is our farewell to candlestick show and itch seen most of the production elements and it's a really good show. tape it. i think you'll appreciate a lot of history at candlestick park. the warriors will host the spurs tonight. but it won't exactly feel like a playoff rematch. tony parker, tim duncan, ginobili will sit out for old man river. could be worse, it could be kobe bryant. kobe spent 8 months rehabbing from a torn achilles but his return is on hold after just six games. bryant is expected to miss six weeks after fracturing his tibia in his left knee tuesday against the grizzlies. >> we're going drinking, yeah! stanford has continued its streak of making it to a bcs bowl. the cardinal will face michigan state in the 100th rose bowl on new year's day their fourth straight bcs game making this group of seniors the most successful in the program's history. >> this is something we talked about. you know, we wanted to really help turn the program around. we had talked about, you know, why not shoot for four straight, you know, rose bowl games? why can't we do it? who can tell us now? obviously we didn't accomplish four in a row but this is our second in a row, you know, our fourth bcs game in a row and it's something really special. >> new year's day coming up of time for stanford. december is coming up of time in the nfl. so players and coaches don't have a lot of time to spread holiday cheer. patriots quarterback tom brady can't even go out and shop for gifts. >> have you done any christmas shopping? >> uhm, i'm probably keeping them in business. [ indiscernible ] your wife -- [ laughter ] as you would expect, his head coach bill belichick isn't much better at getting into the christmas spirit. >> can you just talk about your strategy and how you effectively execute your holiday shopping? >> poorly. poorly. [ laughter ] meanwhile, the dallas media firmly believes in the saying that its better to give than to receive. they came up with a perfect gift for cowboys head coach jason garrett following the team's two-game losing streak to fall out of first place in the nfc east. >> that's fantastic. >> are you going to open that? >> this is tiger baum right here. solves any ailments that you might have. put that right there. >> it was rough going for jason garrett and tony romo complete collapse last weekend. that defense has given up almost 6,000 yards which is a franchise record. they play washington this weekend so they are going to be right there at the end of the season. >> so 9ers have two games left regular season games. >> yeah. but okay, monday night, right, but they will likely clinch a play-off spot come monday night because arizona travels to seattle on sunday. they have to beat seattle to stay alive. >> that's tough. >> not going to happen. >> guaranteed. >> this is not any given sunday, okay? >> so monday we got the game, you're going to be there. i'll be there at the candlestick. we are saying good-bye. >> exactly. we are on air from 4:30 to 10:00 at night football. >> football it is! we are counting down to the 49ers last regular season game at the stick. you can watch the game here on kpix 5 monday night followed by the "5th quarter" and "bye-bye baby." >> we resurrected the countdown clock just for this. just for you, dennis. so our look back at the stick following the game. >> it is kind of funny because everybody has done nothing but complain about that stadium ever since it opened. now the tears are flowing. >> tears for the stick. >> there you go. i like it. >> you'll miss it a little, don't you this i? >> i'll miss the memories definitely but will not miss the facility. >> and the weather. >> wasn't great. >> chilly. >> for news throughout the evening, the latest news and weather are always on our website, >> enjoy your evening. captions by: caption colorado ,,,,,, sleep train's interest-free for 3 event ends sunday! it's your last chance to get 3 years interest-free financing on beautyrest black, stearns & foster, serta icomfort, even tempur-pedic. plus, get free delivery and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. but hurry, sleep train's interest-free for 3 event ends sunday! superior service, best selection, lowest price, guaranteed! ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: welcome to the show. everybody, how you folks doing today? thank you very much. thank you, everybody. hey, welcome to "family feud." i'm your man, steve harvey. and boy, we got a real good one for you today, folks. we got a family here returning for the 5th and final day, with a total of 22,440 bucks. from nashville, tennessee, it's the stevenson family. [cheering and applause] and from batesville, indiana, it's the struewing family. [cheering and applause] well, everybody's here trying to win theyself a lot of cash today. but remember today, if the stevenson family wins the game, they're gonna drive out of here in a brand-new, stylish fordio

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