Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6pm 20131130 : compareme

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6pm 20131130

smartphone. >> reporter: many robberies take place at transit hubs like muni and bart stations. >> cell phone robberies on muni are at an all-time high. >> reporter: some criminals get into the city to look for easy targets on bart. >> good people take bart and it allows criminals easy access in a speedy way. >> i'll be more careful and i'm going to, like, be more aware of my surroundings. >> reporter: san francisco police are hoping education and prevention will help them in cutting down in this type of crime. live in san francisco, i'm da lin, kpix 5. >> despite the rise in other crimes, both san francisco and oakland are seeing a drop in homicides compared to last year. new at 6:00, just in time for the holidays, most state lawmakers will have more money to buy their christmas gifts. they are getting pay raises of more than 5% beginning sunday. so are statewide elected officials including governor brown. his salary will increase to $174,000. the state approved those increases back in june. but at least 12 lawmakers say they won't accept the pay hike even though the increase would still put them below what they made before cuts were made in 2007. while some people were busy shopping today, others launched a wage war on one of the biggest retailers. in some case their black friday ended with them in handcuffs. linda yee explains the fight over what walmart pays its employees. >> reporter: the demonstration was on hesperian boulevard where some protestors blocked traffic for a while but police moved in, arrested five of those demonstrators. they are protesting what they call underpaid workers here at walmart. several dozen demonstrators protested, some walmart workers, many supporters at other minimum wage jobs accusing the retail giant of paying what they call poverty wages. walmart employee derek sanders says he needs two jobs to survive. most workers he says barely make over the minimum wage of $8 an hour. >> we are trying to bring awareness to all the customers and management as well to let them know that the pay is really low and it's hard to make a living in california in the bay area. >> reporter: walmart employs 1.3 million people in the united states. they tell a different story in a nationwide ad campaign. >> i get bonuses even working part time. >> reporter: its average employee gets paid $13 an hour including manager wages. >> we pay in the top half of retail. our industry offers the opportunity for people to enter at really any life stage from 16 to 76 if they would like to. and then they work hard and can build a career. >> reporter: family [ indiscernible ] offer three- year employee to talk to us. she says she is happy with her salary. >> i believe that, you know, to be able to reach your goal to have to work hard to be dedicated and walmart is supporting all those goals. >> reporter: workers say some full-time workers are also on government assistance. pam days of was fired last sum -- pam davis was fired last summer from the hilltop walmart after complaining about low wages. why not just work somewhere else? >> no. i tucked my tail and ran a lot of times. this time i'm taking a stance and i'm speaking up for the people that are afraid to speak up. >> reporter: rally organizers say they are also asking for fair work schedules as well as affordable healthcare. live in san leandro, linda yee, kpix 5. now to the walmart protest in roseville. about 100 people marched to the store and blocked an intersection. roseville police say they arrested 15 protestors for failing to disperse. a walmart spokesman says business at the store was not affected. another protest today this one at the port of oakland where picketing truck drivers blocked an entrance to the port this morning. they are demanding better pay and are upset over changes they need to be made to their trucks. the upgrades are to make trucks "greener" but would cost up to $80,000. many say they don't have the money to cover it. this is the second protest this week. and breaking news out of southern california. police are outside of a store in la crescenta. an armed suspect barricaded himself inside. this all happened at around 4:00 this afternoon. the shopping center and neighboring businesses are being evacuated. we'll keep an eye on this story near los angeles. we'll bring you updates as we get them. here's a live look at the black friday crowds in milpitas. the parking lot at the great mall packed. shoppers have been taking advantage of deals since 8:00 last night. you're better off on foot. kpix 5's brian webb live in emeryville where bay street has been busy all day. >> reporter: oh, yeah, allen. we have seen 40, 50, 60% off signs everywhere sucking in shoppers and it seemed to be working. we have seen busy streets, crowded sidewalks and long lines with shoppers willing to wait for a good deal. at big bag stores like old navy big sales draw big crowds. the goal, separating customer from cash. >> got up this morning, got ready and jumped in the car and came down. >> we intended to come down here for one sale and we ended up going to several. >> reporter: with six fewer shopping days this season, retailers are bending over backwards to beat average expectations employing deeper discounts and longer store hours. >> it's exciting that we're getting such a great crowd in today and to get them to come to the stores. >> reporter: customers not only walk out with clothes but a handful of coupons promising more good deals to come. but as always, buyer beware. >> they have really been marketing like crazy. >> reporter: this financial expert says retailers need consumers to spend more than we have. and they know how to get it. >> and it just takes the holiday season like this where everybody gets emotional and they overspend. >> reporter: but between a still struggling economy, internet sales on the rise and shoppers avoiding the crowds, black friday sales are far from a sure success. >> about the same as last year. if i can find a great deal, yes, i'll get it. >> reporter: but the sea of shoppers at old navy seem willing to trade long lines for good deals. the credit card bill, they will worry about next year. >> still have money in my pocket. >> reporter: that's a good sign. >> that's a good sign. >> reporter: experts say expect even better deals as we creep closer to christmas. but you risk missing out on that special gift if you wait too long. live in emeryville, brian webb, kpix 5. >> and the first official black friday shopping numbers should be released tomorrow. it's crazy. >> that's right. the south bay people braved long lines at valley fair to get their shopping done. many of the shoppers we found said they were getting up early and it was worth it. santa clara mall opened at midnight with numerous deals to entice black friday hunters. one woman came after she got off work and says after a long day on the job, it was definitely worth it. >> like a hundred something dollars which was really good because otherwise if it wasn't for the sale it would have been like $400. >> for those who decided to sleep in, getting to the mall was a bit of a challenge. if they made it through the heavy traffic, the next task was finding a parking spot in a packed parking lot. here's one what to beat the crowds and not worry about parking. take the ferry. the lines were long there, too. this is oakland's jack london square where looking like something you would expect to see during a morning commute, right? some people were heading to san francisco to get shopping done. others just wanted to enjoy the nice weather and visit the city. >> i imagine most people want to go to the city to shop but i'm here at break. we just wanted to go to the city. >> welcome! the ferries are offering expanded service tonight. so what about you? did you go shopping today? did you score any great deals? or was it just a waste of time? let me know. send me a tweet or post a message on my facebook page. coming up not for eating how millions of oysters could save the san francisco bay. >> a warning if you're buying gift cards for christmas. a sneaky way crooks are making them worthless. >> we had temperatures above normal. and now we have a big time change coming and we'll talk about it coming up. >> and the biggest names in the auto industry are flocking to the bay area. they are in pursuit of the driverless car. ,, ,,,,,, female announcer: through sunday, through sunday, thanksgiving weekend, save hundreds on beautyrest and posturepedic. choose $300 in free gifts with tempur-pedic. even choose 48 months interest-free financing on the new tempur-choice. the triple choice sale ends sunday, thanksgiving weekend. after someone caught a burgr snooping in their bedroom. here's a surv a fremont neighborhood is on high alert after someone caught a burglar snooping in their bedroom. here's surveillance photo of the suspect. police say he entered the backyard of the home in the warm springs district on tuesday and broke through a sliding glass door. what he did not know is that a home security system was recording him inside the house. >> this is a kind of a calm neighborhood i would say. i mean, it's very shocking to hear such a thing here. >> now police say the homeowner was notified that his home video surveillance system had been triggered. as of tonight, detectives have not released the video. checking bay area headlines, san jose police identified the police officer who shot and killed a carjacking suspect yesterday. 37-year-old kevin peters opened fire on the suspect after that man allegedly stabbed three people, led police on a high- speed chase and rammed a patrol car. peters is a 12-year veteran of the police department. a woman hit by a truck on i- 80 in san francisco today has died. highway patrol says she was walking in the eastbound lanes near 7th street about 5:30 this morning but it's unclear what she was doing on the freeway. and adult party store in san jose is damaged after an early-morning fire. crews knocked down that fire at party time on san carlos street and meridien avenue in about 30 minutes. the cause of the fire remains under investigation. a small marine creature could have a huge impact on the san francisco bay. two billion oysters have settled on new reefs, but our don ford says, they are not for eating. >> reporter: at low tide here along the san rafael shoreline, scientists walk a quarter mile offshore to their latest experiment. a manmade oyster reef. >> it's a project to restore native oysters and eel grass on a larger scale than elsewhere. >> reporter: the water is shallow, mud deep, sticky and stinks. oysters love it. >> we have wall-to-wall oysters out there. over 2 million. >> reporter: experimenting with various structures it seems the oysters grow on other oysters best. this creates a lump that just keeps growing. but there's a catch. >> so why can't we eat the oysters here? well, unfortunately, this is an urban estuary and with that comes a number of contaminants and pathogens. >> reporter: pollution! some of it from hundreds of years ago. some of it legacy from gold mining days. but there's good news here too. >> the water quality of the bay has improved dramatically. the stories from the '60s were that the bay absolutely just smell badly so we really made significant progress. >> reporter: the sight of people this far out is quite an attraction. these two boys couldn't believe their eyes. >> i see them! they're walking in the water! >> reporter: monica stopped to watch but she is not into oysters. do you like oysters? >> uhm, well, i'm vegan now. so -- [ laughter ] >> reporter: frank is visiting from florida. he has seen this stuff before. >> we have a lot of success doing this in florida. it's created a whole new environment for the fish and wildlife. >> reporter: scientists hope this pilot program will be used all over the bay. when asked if we will ever be able to eat the oysters, scientists say that from this location, probably not in our lifetimes. in san rafael, don ford, kpix 5. >> the five-year, $2 million effort is led by the california coastal conservancy. here's a live look at union square in san francisco, there's a lot of people out there for tonight's tree lighting ceremony. the 83-foot-tall tree will be lit in about 20 minutes or so. we'll check back in as we get closer to the big event. and this snow has arrived in san rafael. kids are having a blast on this manmade sledding hill that has more than 40 tons of snow. you can find it on "a" street between fourth and fifth avenues. it's part of the city's 34th annual parade of lights and winterland celebration. sledding ends tomorrow at noon. it's a christmas miracle! >> amazing! >> in san rafael. >> came home with all the sunburn, right. it was 67 degrees there in san rafael. >> beautiful. >> with all that snow. it was a christmas miracle. [ laughter ] >> what a great night for all the activities going on in san francisco. the city is just bloated with activity and people. let's head out where we have clear skies at coit tower and the numbers have been falling off quite rapidly now that the sun has officially set at 4:51. highs are in the 50s to 60 degrees in mountain view. so if you are heading to san francisco, make sure you have a light jacket and a scarf would be nice, as well. temperatures today across the board 62 degrees in pacifica. upper 60s in oakland. also in fremont. 70 degrees with the outside number in santa rosa also in fairfield and livermore. san jose 71. morgan hill reported 73 degrees. according to the national weather service, gilroy topped off at 77 degrees. wow! for this last friday of the month of november. tonight overnight into the 40s. 43 degrees in redwood city. low 50s in the city by the bay. okay. here's what you need to know as we head towards the last day of november. that would be saturday. we will have a repeat performance from what we experienced today so if you enjoyed the weather today, you'll love it tomorrow and ditto on sunday but then, the bottom falls out. we have rain chances, very minimal changes, but very cold air mass worked its way into our forecast. first off, this is the area of low pressure that continues to just spin off the point point conception coast. an area of low pressure will bring us cooler air by midweek. saturday 70 degrees. 70 in ukiah, 50 in lake tahoe after recovering after an overnight low of 22 degrees. average high for this time of the year in oakland, 59 degrees. we're forecasting temperatures 10 degrees above normal for this time of the year at 69 in oakland, through alameda into berkeley. mid-60s in concord and also san jose. so the numbers in the 60s and the low 70s for your saturday but no wind at all. so therefore, it will be the fourth "spare the air" day of the winter season primarily a bit of a haze in the atmosphere in throughout the north bay which means again no indoor or outdoor burning for 24 hours on saturday. here's the five-day forecast. again, sunshine saturday and sunday. monday's a transition day. that introduces more clouds on tuesday with a slight chance of rain showers on tuesday through thursday. but most notably will be the cooler air mass that works its way into the bay area and in fact by wednesday night, cover those outdoor plants. watch the pets. temperatures will be freezing in many of our areas. and it looks like a ditto repeat performance on thursday through friday night. so when you have a cold front move in like this its basically precipitation-free but it has a lot of cold air with it. we could see a little bit of a light dusting in higher elevations by wednesday night. >> good news for skiers. driver less cars aren't just for google. coming up how you could own one in just a few years. >> and how criminals are getting crafty in making a lot of gift cards sold at stores worthless. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the crowds have gathered for the 24th annual tree lighting ceremony in union square. thousands of l.e.d.s will twinkle the night sky at 6:40. we'll bring it to you when it happens. gift cards seem like the perfect present if you don't know what to get someone, but buyer beware. julie watts on the consumerwatch with a warning before you pick up and buy a worthless piece of plastic. julie. >> reporter: yeah. that's right, liz. you know, they are the single most popular holiday gift but each year crooks find new and creative ways to turn your gift cards into a worthless piece of plastic. >> she said there's zero balance on this card. >> kind of accused me of stealing. >> reporter: whether they're trying to redeem a christmas gift card or give one as a gift. >> two of them went through the supervisor and were embarrassed to bring it up and the other one went to me and said it didn't work. >> reporter: we hear stories every year about gift cards purchased here. >> i was surprised that the card was there hanging on a rack without any security. >> reporter: a few years ago, the problem was scammers copying down the p.i.n. number and registering the card so once it was purchased they could use the money before the person who purchased it. >> attention, service desk. >> reporter: so manufacturers changed the card adding the silver security panel. and scammers changed their m.o. >> this card was stolen, compromised and placed back in the store by the unknown suspect. >> reporter: earlier this year foster city police captain explained there's a new form of gift card fraud that's occurring across the country. crooks are removing then replacing the silver security panel on the back of the card so you have no way to it's been stolen when you buy it. as soon as you activate it they spend the money via mobile app or online. >> we would love the retail stores to remove the cards from public access. >> reporter: but manufacturers say they won't move the cards behind the counter because customers like the easy access. >> it's embarrassing. >> reporter: whether they're giving or receiving. >> kind of embarrassing. >> reporter: customers don't like dealing with worthless gift cards. now, the safest way to buy one is from behind the counter from the retailers themselves. if you do buy one from a kiosk, check the back carefully to make sure there are no signs of tampering. and always keep both the receipt and the activation receipt. it's a good idea to give the person you're giving the card to the receipt, as well. but i have to tell you, everybody who has contacted me about this over the years has kept the receipt and not a single person was able to get anywhere with the retailer until we stepped in. >> just be careful. they are a great gift. very easy. you can never go wrong with a gift card. just make sure they're worth something. >> reporter: i always like to follow up with people i give gift cards to. >> good idea. thank you, julie. it wasn't just a busy day for shoppers in retail stores this black friday. plumbers say it's one of the busiest days of the year the day after thanksgiving and profitable. the biggest problem kitchen sinks. people clog the pipes with cooking grease and food scraps. >> keep your disposal in good working condition. if it's working well you have less food scrap problems. eliminate the grease even if you have to get yourself a jar and put your grease in a jar. just never introduce it to the drain system. it can cause a problem. >> and they say if you have a double sink, fill one side with cold water to flush the drain at the end, they say cold water keeps food and oil from melting or congealing on the pipes. coming up in the next half hour, we'll take you inside a huge bay area facility that's paving wait for you to own your very own driverless car. >> how demand for one single product ignited this black friday chaos. >> and the new green technology for bay area hybrid car owners so they will never have to buy another battery. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, now at 6:30, high-tech super connected super smart cars are coming soon to a road near you. but the new motor city not detroit try silicon valley. tonight paul deanno takes us inside for an exclusive look for a huge bay area facility that's driving the progress. >> reporter: nico is a professional race car driver. so what drives him crazy? traffic. >> it's a pain. terrible. i don't think anybody likes traffic. >> reporter: but don't blame the cars. >> if people were paying attention traffic would be much better. >> reporter: too many drivers are driven to distraction. >> hey, i mean, how many times have you been stuck behind a driver who seems a lot more focused on this? but what if you could update your facebook status, send a text, even do some online shopping without getting into a traffic jam without causing a crash and without getting a ticket? hand over the wheel. driverless cars are racing your way. the automotive revolution is revving up and all the roads are leading not to detroit but to silicon valley. volkswagen, ford, gm, tesla, bmw, google, mercedes-benz, honda and toyota are all fueling the ride with r&d facilities set up in the valley. also on board, nissan. >> it will be revolutionary. >> reporter: here in sunnyvale, the world's sixth largest car manufacturer just opened up a huge research have. the goal? to put an affordable driverless car into your garage in just seven years. >> it will definitely see a big leap from between what we have today to what we will have by 2020. >> reporter: at the helm a former nasa scientist who wants to do for earth what nasa did for outer space, take us to a new frontier where cars do all the thinking and deliver us safely to the destination. >> when the car can decide where to get off itself, make the lane change itself, decide where to park and how to park, at that point, you start to have a car that drives itself like a human drives. >> reporter: so where does that leave drivers? >> a lot of free time to do other things that they would typically do at home or on their phones when they're not driving. >> reporter: alex byian is a professor of electrical engineering at cal. he says driverless cars are the ultimate mobile device and marketers know it. >> time spent in the car is one of the few pieces of time that is still free for the private sector to grab. >> reporter: the google cars have already logged hundreds of thousands of miles without incident. california dmv is currently investigating how to regulate driverless cars. for now he is glad he is behind the wheel. >> if i could find a driverless car that will take me there safely, i kind of would like it, i think. >> reporter: paul deanno, kpix 5. >> now, that car nissan is testing in sunnyvale is amazing. it will drive, change lanes, slow down, exit freeways, avoid collisions and, of course, stop and go with the traffic lights all by itself. nissan wants that car to be affordable but the actual cost is yet to be determined. we are continuing to follow breaking news out of southern california. police are outside a verizon store in la crescenta. an armed suspect is barricaded inside. police don't believe there's anyone else in the store with him. the employees, the customers, apparently all made it out. not clear what the man was after. the shopping center and neighboring businesses are being evacuated. live to milpitas now where the great mall is filled with black friday shoppers. the mall has been crowded since it opened more than 22 hours ago. our julie watts told us it took her an hour this afternoon just to navigate the parking lot. shoppers still have a couple more hours to take advantage of those deals tonight. seems like we have seen this every year shoppers getting into fights on black friday. this one goes to an extreme. it broke out about 2:30 a.m. at a mall in a philadelphia suburb. during all this fighting, one shopper decided to use a stun gun, taser, as people traded punches. no worth if anyone was arrested for that. and at a texas walmart it was a deal for tvs that touched off a fight. you can already see the huge crowds that gathered. one witness says people started pushing one another and that's when things got out of control. police then stepped in to break up the fight. at a walmart in georgia, the workers got swarmed and stampeded by shoppers trying to get their hands on tablet computers. you see the employees were trying to keep people away warning of the wait. once those tablets were wheeled out, the shoppers ignored instructions and chaos set in. this crowd is over televisions at a north carolina walmart. a crowd of about 50 people were pushing, shoving and swearing at one another. police were there but a witness says they didn't step in. it was a walmart employee who broke up the fight. >> that's why i sleep in. we are happy to say nothing as bad as all that here in the bay area. but people were out very early trying to score those deals. kpix 5 reporter ryan takeo profiled some of the die-hard shoppers. >> reporter: there were two main groups of black friday shoppers. the bargain-obsessed and those who like rest.cynthia king started at 7 a.m. >> i got christmas gifts and stuff for me. that's how you have to shop. one for you, one for me, one for you, one for me. [ laughter ] >> reporter: denise was another late arrival at 5 a.m. > i bet there was and i probably didn't get any. but i'm going to go look and see if my logic worked or might not. it was a point i had to make for myself. >> reporter: she said she put her foot down for family. >> family. only family. >> reporter: jennifer knew the deals at target well. >> yes. we came back for a second trip. >> reporter: she waited through this line last night and filled two cars full then and came back four hours later. even with rest, there are still sales to be had. king saved almost 70% at kohl's. >> i'm actually grateful that they opened up the night before so that it's not so bad for me this morning. >> reporter: by the time this store closes at midnight tonight, the store will have been open for 28 straight hours. in fremont, ryan takeo, kpix 5. >> still ahead, the new green alternative for hybrid car owners so they can keep their batteries forever. >> it can be done in the park, office, home. >> how technology is making it easier than ever to get a customized online workout anytime anywhere. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, alone a hybrid... you know w expensive it is to replace a battery wh es. if you own a regular car let alone a hybrid you know how expensive it is to replace the battery when it dies. but kpix 5's don knapp tells us there's a new service that can save hybrid owners thousands of dollars. >> reporter: hybrid vehicles get much of their good mileage from electricity stored in efficient batteries. but what happens when those batteries die? denise was facing a $3,500 repair when her battery began to go. she said she was lucky to drive into one of the very few shops that recondition hybrid batteries. >> but with reconditioning, it would be between 1750 and $1,800. so that was a really nice savings for me to come in and have that done. >> reporter: technicians in this hybrid shop repair rather than replace. it's a delicate balancing act, says tool. >> the process of discharge and charge. there's a specific process amps versus time to develop the proper dendrite breakup. >> reporter: it's the crystal that forms inside battery cells with repeated charging and reduces capacity. >> we are able to identify what if any of those node always within that battery are faulty replace them and put it back into a 95% of new condition. >> reporter: with the reconditioned battery this toyota is ready to try for another 200,000 miles. so if this process works so well, why aren't all the shops doing it? eventually they may but for now hybrid shops hold the secret recipe that promises a hybrid battery fix that gives the same or more power at half the cost. in san carlos, don knapp, kpix 5. >> besides saving hybrid owners money toole says his reconditioning helps save the environment by keeping old batteries out of landfills. back live to union square and let's listen in as the singing is still going on. crowds have gathered for the christmas tree lighting. it's 83-foot tree courtesy of macy's right there on union square. it will be lit up tonight. there are 33,000 lights. 1100 ornaments and that is set to be fired up here any minute. >> it's definitely the centerpiece of the shopping season. >> it is. well, giving you one less excuse to skip your cardio. how technology is making it easier than ever to get a personal workout anytime anywhere you want. >> from the kpix 5 weather center, good evening, everybody. today's highs up to 10 degrees above normal. but then we are going to dip by a good 10 degrees. we'll pinpoint that day still straight ahead. >> i'm kim coyle. why sharks fans may need to stock up on headwear this black friday. >> where was the d at spartan stadium? >> he will score! >> the oakland city championship was up for grabs. grab your pom poms! sports is coming up. where's my room? we had to take just a little bit for the kitchen. because your kitchen dreams can be big. woah, this kitchen is beautiful! give him the tour. let me show you! soft-close drawers, farm sink! where's my room? we had to take just a little bit for the kitchen. because your kitchen dreams can be big. ikea has it all. here's another live look at union square in san francisco where the 83-foot- tall tree will be lit any second now. a lot of folks out there anxiously anticipating the lighting and shopping on the first official day of the holiday season and enjoying being out there with the crowds. >> a little behind schedule but it's going to be so pretty. it used to be our tradition to go into fao schwarz when it was on the corner. have you started thinking about your new year's resolutions yet? you're promising you're going to exercise more, right? >> of course. imagine having a real live personal trainer ready to motivated you through a customized workout anytime in the comfort of your own home? as jericka duncan shows us, for a growing number of people this type of exercise is a reality. >> reporter: personal trainer ryan george is meeting one of his busiest clients in new york city. just not the way you moot expect. >> all right. so are you ready to work out? >> yeah. >> so start with the warmup. get up, start jogging in place. >> reporter: this business consultant is in his apartment on the other side of town watching george in realtime on his smartphone. [ buzzer ] >> again straight down straight back upkeep moving bend both knees. >> reporter: this new kind of virtual workout lets trainers connect with people without time or don't like the gym. >> can be done in the park, office, at home. >> reporter: online workouts aren't new but advances in technology including skype and facetime are making it easier and convenient for more people. >> so mountain climbers hands under the shoulders back straight. >> reporter: trainers don't have to rent space or travel. so many make it more affordable for clients. george charges $35 for a 30- minute session. >> it's a lot more convenient for everybody involved. >> reporter: george admits not being with his clients in person can make it harder to see and correct manslaughter stakes. >> straighten out the legs more. >> reporter: but zogby says it's far better than an exercise video to or app. >> you don't know if you're doing something wrong or right with an app. >> reporter: zogby travels a lot for work and says the best thing is he can bring his online trainer wherever he goes. jericka duncan, cbs news, new york. >> group exercise instructors are also using the web in realtime to teach classes to many students all at once. we have a producer who is determined that we are going to see this tree in union square light up live on the air! everything is stopped, the crowd is hushed with anticipation or at least we are. [ laughter ] >> this is union square in san francisco. >> here's the countdown, 3, 2, 1. >> there you go! >> wasn't that worth the wait? >> absolutely. >> that is fantastic! really is nicer than the ice skating rink right under it, really is a great holiday tradition. >> merry christmas, everyone! just gorgeous. it was a perfect night to see that ceremony. just gorgeous. >> you couldn't ask for a better weather night. i have been out there before for the lighting. the 24th annual, i think i have been out there 15 times and you can never leave there, not just because it's so glorious but there's thousands and thousands and thousands of people. it's only a couple of miles away from here and i think it took me two hours to get back to the tv station not that i was really trying to get back. here's another beautiful sight a very recognizable sight in the city by the bay. the embarcadero center all lit in l.e.d. lights. these lights will be lit all the way until the beginning of the new year. just glorious out there under clear skies. temperature in san francisco currently 55 degrees. in fact, everybody is sporting 50s except mountain view sticking out like a sore thumb and 60 degrees. the winds are nonexistent at this time. speaking of the embarcadero center we have the holiday eyes ring open for business. your skating pleasure. temperature over the weekend into the 60s with no precipitation. lace up the skates at the holiday ice rink! average high in oakland 59, today 69. san jose in the low 70s. livermore low 70s. 70 santa rosa. but the national weather service reports mountain view 68 degrees. but it was morgan hill at 73. and gilroy at 77 degrees. wow, tonight we'll bottom out into the 40s. 51 san francisco. upper 40s around pacifica, moss and mortera beaches. a little hint of stratus near the coast. patchy fog early tomorrow. if you enjoyed today's temperatures pretty much a carbon copy for the weekend. but changes in the forecast. we'll get to that seven-day forecast. an area of low pressure off the southern california coast had rain bands spill onshore across the l.a. basin today. upstream that area of low pressure is going to cause a huge dent in our forecast but right now we are still under the influence of a stagnant ridge of high pressure. livermore tomorrow and sunday into the 70s. upper 60s by monday. then drop 10 degrees by tuesday, and at tops by wednesday 52 and even cooler conditions wednesday. but okay let's back up a bit. let's talk about saturday. across the state 56 in eureka. 60s in the central valley with haze. 50 in the greater lake tahoe area after recovering after an overnight low anticipated near 20. there you have 67 tomorrow in concord. 70 san jose up from the average high of 64. playing out your neighborhood forecast like this. 60s along the coast. 60s bayside. 60s to the low 70s in our inland areas. but tomorrow will be the fourth "spare the air" day of the winter season. so be mindful no indoor or outdoor burning for 24 hours. there you have it on tuesday, we have a slight chance of rain showers and in fact, we could even see a light dusting of snow but this cold front really is precipitation-free. you will notice the cooler air mass much more than that slight chance of rain showers. that's a look at the seven-day forecast. kim coyle on deck with sports next. ,, female announcer: sunday's your last chance sunday's your last chance to save big during sleep train's triple choice sale. through sunday, thanksgiving weekend, save hundreds on beautyrest and posturepedic. or choose $300 in free gifts with sleep train's most popular tempur-pedic mattresses. you can even choose 48 months interest-free financing on the new tempur-choice with head-to-toe customization. the triple choice sale ends sunday, thanksgiving weekend. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ san jose state had one final chance to become bowl eligible.... all the a couple of state schools playing good football. >> a little passing clinic going on down there. the bulldogs and spartans nearly 1400 yards of offense. stay state had one final -- san jose state had one final chance to become bowl eligible. they just had to beat fresno state. san jose state dropped 21 straight games to ranked opponents. spartans down 6 in the first half. 75-yard touchdown pass. one of failed 6 touchdown passes in the first half. 21-20 san jose state. 2nd quarter derek carr throws for the 21-yard touchdown pass. the bulldogs 6 point lead with under a minute to go in the half. plenty of time for fales to jones, three touchdowns for jones. fales'37 of 45 for a school record 547 passing yards. 42-21 at the half. 4th quarter san jose state up 6. fales hits the game away with a quarterback sneak. san jose state upsets wins. the bulldogs are out of the running for a bcs bowl game. city championship in oakland. my clymonds in the silver bowl. the 8-yard touchdown run 8-3 after the two-point conversion. mc30-9 warriors. still in the third, marcel jackson is gone. 30-7 in the second half. 44-16 for the fourth straight title last night, the ravens moved one step ahead of the steelers for the second wild card spot in pittsburg head coach mike tomlin didn't put his best foot forward and interfered with jones on a kick return. >> did they credit him with a tackle on that? >> i took some flak i think for kind of joking around in the super bowl and saying that maybe you should run on the field and tackle somebody if this guy breaks it and i kind of took flak for that. that's what he did. he was looking at the big screen. he knew where he was and he knew where jacoby was. he pulled my move. >> coaches are smart nowadays. you got to do what you got to do. it's hard to get a win out here in these streets. >> the last time the sharks and blues played dan boyle was carried out on a stretcher following a vicious hit from vincent lapierre. boyle missed 7 games. san jose welcomed st. louis into town and you can bet that hit was still on their minds. >> it was one of the scariest things i ever saw in my life. he was faking it. his eyes were up in the roof. he wasn't responding. i have never seen anything like that. it's just gutless. [ indiscernible ] >> lapierre has tried to apologize but boyle has not taken his calls. the sharks scored the first minute for the 6th time this season. logan couture sets up burns one of the goals for the sharks. 4-0 after one. but the blues score three unanswered and made it 4-3. things got tense at the tank. a minute later the sharks respond. brent burns rips one in to give them a little cushion. the third goal of the game for burns. sharks fans know what to do. yeah. toss the hats. san jose wins their fourth straight and beats st. louis 6- 3. ryan vogelsong will continue to eat his enchiladas before starts in san francisco. vogelsong agreed to a one-year deal with the giants worth $5 million. in 2013, vogelsong battled injuries and went 4-6 with an e.r.a. over 5 and with the winter meetings just a little over a week away, the giants should be shopping for an outfield bat. among other things. >> anything else on the christmas list? >> maybe a couple of relievers, maybe another starter. [ laughter ] >> the a's don't have as many. we'll see. >> good deal. all right. for news throughout the evening, the latest news and weather are always on our website, >> guess what we're going to show you one more time. yes. that tree is spectacular in union square. enjoy your weekend. captions by: caption colorado [email protected] ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, joey fatone: it's time to play "family feud." give it up for steve harvey! [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: how are you folks? how are you folks doing? how you doing? how you folks? thank you very much. ha ha! thank you very much. thank you. hey, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey! and boy, do we have a good one for you today, folks. returning for the second day from leicester, mass., it's the brown family. >> ah hoo! ha ha ha! yeah! steve: that's some serious business over there. well, from right here in hotlanta, georgia, it's the lawson family. >> [cheering] steve: everybody's here trying to win their self a lot of cash and a possibility of driving out of here a

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