Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6AM 20171108 : compareme

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6AM 20171108

morning. the coolest temperature is livermore 45. 49 in concord. 46 santa rosa. 53 right now in san jose. after a cloudy mild start today, rain returns by midday up north and the rest of us tonight seeing unsettled thursday and -- staying unsettled thursday and friday. we are tracking our second crash along highway 37 for the morning commute. and this one coming in right near wilson avenue so if you are heading in that westbound direction, be prepared for delays. we are looking at 42 minutes making your way from 80 to 101. here's a live look. this is highway 37 right at lakeville highway. you can see the headlights moving westbound and definitely showing those slowdowns. an accident southbound 680 at treat boulevard one lane blocked traffic backing up into concord, 7 minutes on down towards highway 24 and the bay bridge toll plaza. the metering lights are on. the backup is on. it's in the red 26 minutes into san francisco. michelle? or kenny, excuse me. right now two escaped inmates from the bay area still on the run but two people accused of helping them are now in custody. kpix 5's anne makovec is live in palo alto with the latest on the search and the new arrests. anne. you kind of want to see it the other way around, maybe the accomplices still on the lam, the actual alleged armed robbers in jail who escaped jail but it is not the case. those two suspects are still on the loose right now. let's show you their pictures. tramel mcclough and john bevins escaped a palo alto courthouse yesterday around with a restraint key and two getaway vehicles were waiting for them, indicating they had help from the outside. detectives say marquita kirk and rene hunt were their accomplices. kirk was arrested yesterday morning in sunnyvale. she rented the second escape vehicle a u-haul van in east palo alto for the fugitives, detectives say. rene hunt charged with conspiracy and accessory after the fact. to make their getaway, mcclough and bivins unlocked the restraint with the key and rammed through an emergency door into a waiting unregistered toyota sedan and then that u-haul. >> the court is understaffed significantly as well as the rest of the sheriff's office. it's just not a surprise that it happened. we are very happy that no one was hurt in the circumstances. >> reporter: so he is from the sheriff's officers union and raising concerns about the county's other lockup facilities. the undersheriff here in santa clara county says the understaffing assertation is untrue, that the court detail was overstaffed on the day of the escape, which obviously leads to more questions about the security of jails and courthouses here in the county. live in palo alto, anne makevoc, kpix 5. for many people in the north bay, it's been a month of heartache and loss but also one of gratitude and hope as clean- up efforts begin to restore parts of wine country. kpix 5's jessica flores is live in napa this morning on the deadline for residents to remove debris. jessica. >> reporter: hey, good morning, michelle. the big push from napa and sonoma counties this week is actually trying to get some folks to sign up for the government sponsored program to haul away hazardous debris here in napa. the deadline to fill out those right of entry forms is tomorrow. so far in napa county, about 200 homeowners already filed paperwork for that government clean-up program. it doesn't cost homeowners. still, a handful of residents got permission to clean up themselves. in sonoma county the fire burned down more than 5,000 homes. 5% of the county's entire housing stock was destroyed. at a counting meeting yesterday, officials say the hazardous waste clean-up is ahead of schedule. two-thirds of toxic waste have already been removed. >> the second phase is removing the debris, all the ash and fire debris, to get the lots certified clean so rebuilding begins. >> reporter: in sonoma county there are 4,000 homeowners who have to decide if they will participate in the government clean-up. the deadline to decide and fill out the right of entry forms in sonoma county is november 13th. here in napa county, the deadline is tomorrow. and county officials in both napa and sonoma counties estimate the clean-up could cost about $250 million. reporting live in napa, i'm jessica flores, kpix 5. tomorrow night a benefit concert is planned for the north bay fire victims. twitter says it plans to help out by live streaming the event so you can watch at home. the november 9th concert at san francisco's at&t park is being organized by a coalition of community leaders and businesses called band together bay area. metallica is one of the big names expected to perform. other performers include oakland rapper g easy, dave matthews and guitarist tim reynolds. 7 people directly involved in the rescue efforts will introduce each act during the five-hour concert. president trump continues his overseas trip this morning where he is expected to talk trade and north korea with chinese leaders. before leaving south korea earlier in the days, the president had a message for north korean leader kim jong- un. >> history is filled with discarded regimes that have foolishly tested america's resolve. >> that was mr. trump addressing the north korean situation while wrapping up his visit to south korea. he spoke at the national assembly in seoul urging kim jong-un to abandon his quest for nuclear arms. >> the weapons you are acquiring are not making you safer. they are putting your regime in grave danger request. >> the president though did dial back the fiery rhetoric he has used in the past and insisted there's a peaceful resolution to the conflict. >> it begins with an end to the aggression of your regime, a stop to your development of ballistic missiles, and complete verifiable and total denuclearization. >> the president's day got off to an abrupt start. he was going to make a visit to the border with the north was aborted because of fog in the dmz. the president and first lady will leave china for vietnam tomorrow night. today governor brown will speak in the european parliament about climate change. this comes just a day after union leaders agreed to work with brown to discuss the possibility of creating a common carbon market. the goal of the proposal is to cut greenhouse gas emissions. brown's international push comes after the trump administration withdrew from a climate accord. syria joins the agreement which leaves the u.s. as the only country in the world not to have signed the deal. today is day 11 in the murder trial around a highly publicized fatal shooting in san francisco. jose inez garcia zarate is accused of killing kate steinle in 2015. in court this week, his defense showed surveillance video claiming it supports the illegal immigrant's story that the gun went off accidentally. a video enhancement expert testified about the video. the prosecutor will testify about the video today. in court this afternoon, yvette felarca is facing assault charges after this video surfaced of her punching a man at a protest. she is a member of the activist group "by any means necessary." in the days following the riot there were calls to berkeley's martin luther king, jr. middle school for her to be fired. when the new year arrives, california law will start allowing marijuana for recreational use but many cities and counties are scrambling to find ways to keep the new industry in check. more now from kpix 5's jackie ward from the newsroom. >> reporter: san francisco has not come up with a legal framework for selling marijuana. later this morning, state senator scott weiner and david campos will urge the san francisco board of supervisors to pass regulation allowing for adult use of cannabis. the board has disagreed on a lot of pot issues including the locations of dispensaries. but a handful supervisors is proved a few amendments last night. they hope the committee will pass them before going to the board for approval. on the state level regulations for marijuana are more organized. the bureau of cannabis control says it's confident california will be ready to issue legal cannabis operating licenses on january 1st. it claims that legislators have covered nearly every aspect of the industry from cultivation and dispensaries to testing facilities and manufacturing. still, it's up to each local entity to figure out its own rules. >> your community license is more important than the state license. >> the local control is always something that we're interested in. it reflects more of the will of the community. >> reporter: 58 counties and more than 480 cities in california have the power to make up their own minds and impose their own regulations on cannabis. that's when it may get confusing to consumers. there are controls built into proposition 64 that allows for patchwork of laws across the state. coming up, how much more you can soon expect to pay to ride vta buses. >> increasing travel times heading through oakland, 580, traffic backed up beyond highway 24. we'll take a closer look at some of the other delays and your travel times coming up. >> and increasing chance of showers starting in the north and heading south throughout the day. we are timing out the rain in just a bit. >> plus, in our tech report, the new feature google is rolling out to help you avoid wait times at restaurants. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ wow! nice outfit. when i grow up, i'm going to mars. we're working on that. some people know how far they want to go. a personalized financial strategy can help you get them there. see how access to j.p. morgan investment expertise can help you. chase. make more of what's yours. the berkeley pier. the aging pier's been closed for more than two years, because ructurally s story people in berkeley may soon be able to weigh in on the future of the pier. it's been closed for years because it's unsound. a million dollars has been pledged toward renovating it. options will be considered in january. looks like pot users may be able to smoke the drug at cannabis businesses in san francisco. that's according to plans from city leaders. those against recommendations from the public health department which has advised against more indoor smoking. san francisco already allows smoking on site at 8 pot dispensaries. this new year all santa clara vta riders will see changes. starting on january 1st, the vta will be implementing new fares and expanding hours of service. according to the vta, their new fare policy will change adult fare from $2 to $2.25 per ride. youth fares will drop 75 cents. day passes increase from $6 to $7. and monthly passes will be $80 now which is an increase of $10. train service will increase as well from 30 minutes to every 15 minutes during the week. everything costs more. >> that's reality. >> moving back to san francisco was a shock to me after five years. there was a big price increase. >> and lots of traffic. >> lots of traffic. yes. definitely more. and we are seeing a lot of traffic this morning all due to crashes. you may want to use mass transit as an alternate but san francisco bay ferries will be operating by bus today from their island to san francisco and the vallejo to san francisco and the return. this evening, the 5:30 p.m. from san francisco to vallejo will be bus bridge. bart running on time if you would like to use that. that's an excellent choice this morning. things are looking good. not so much for the roads. antioch to 680 your ride in the red, 30 minutes. travel time in the red 10 minutes down towards highway 24. 680, seeing the usual delays. and 880 trying to recover from that earlier crash near industrial. so just keep in mind, the morning commute is dry. but it is slow. we may have rain for the evening commute. let's check in with julie. we are start offering with a little bit of snow, not falling from the sky no. but it is opening day of ski season today as boreal opens this morning. a few more will open over the next week or so, so there will be plenty of options for thanksgiving skiing as you make your way through the month. making your way through the day, we'll be seeing more of this hi-def doppler showing showers still north of us for now. they will be moving south though and increasing over the course of the day. right now, clouds outside over the bay bridge. and keeping us mild for today. temperatures staying in the 40s and 50s for the most part today. 46 santa rosa. san jose at 53. 45 livermore. 49 in concord. futurecast showing those showers moving in and spreading south and east throughout the day so here we are around 7:00, still seeing the front to the north and, in fact, still north of santa rosa. but some showers up ahead of the front could bring us some scattered showers during the evening commute. and then the front passes through the bay area overnight tonight. here we are about midnight, early tomorrow morning, the heavy rain passes through the bay area and lingering showers for thursday through friday and tapering off into your weekend. how much rain will we see? we are looking at as much as 2 inches maybe a little bit more for the north bay mountains at the highest elevations. most of us though seeing much less in the way of about a half inch for the east bay and up to a quarter inch in the south bay maybe an inch for the santa cruz mountains. not a huge rainmaker. what to remember this morning out the door? cloudy start with mild temperatures to start. topping out in the 60s later today. rain moving through the north bay spreading south this evening. and then remaining unsettled thursday and friday, as well. high temperatures today in the mid- to upper 60s for the warmest spots inland. low 60s along the coast and around the bay. sunrise today 6:42. sunset 5:03. the extended forecast shows showers in the forecast today, tomorrow, friday could see some lingering showers for the first part of the day then dry on saturday. but sunday into monday, our next round of rain. and we'll be talking about that possibly on snapchat. michelle? >> everything is talked about on snapchat, julie. snapchat is looking to redesign its app to make it easier to use. the social media giant's ceo says the company is hoping the change will grow its user base beyond 13 to 34-year-olds. this week shares in snap plunged more than 16% after the company posted another quarter of slow growth. >> twitter is doubling how many characters you can tweet. it's been 140 since the social network launched in 2006 but now tweets should be at 280. the new length won't apply to japanese, korean on the chinese tweets. google will post wait times in a million restaurants and grocery store lines. the tech giant says users can already try the feature by typing a restaurant's name in google, clicking on the wait time and then the hours. google hopes to have the feature on its map and search apps by thanksgiving. colin kaepernick has reportedly been advised to meet with juliette goodrich roger goodell. giants reasons have a reason to smile. what player has won a major award for the third year? look at the highlights next. you can e-mail your nominaton to us at: cool schools at kpix- dot-com. we may come and feature your school on the show. >> and what's cool about your school? email your nomination to us at cools [email protected], and we may feature your school on the thursday morning show. give your boring old breakfast a wake up call. jack's two dollar breakfast pockets get a grilled pocket filled with your choice of ham or sausage, freshly cracked eggs and two melty cheeses. but if you snooze, you'll lose out on this deal. jack's $2 breakfast pockets. new from jack in the box. for just two bucks, get a forgrilled pocketh. filled with your choice of ham, or sausage, freshly cracked eggs, and two melted cheeses. jack's breakfast pockets, each for just two bucks. only from jack in the box. it was a bad year for bay area baseball but last night one giant had a reason to celebrate. brandon crawford won his third consecutive gold glove award. he is the first giant to do that since j.t. snow. crawford made only 11 errors last year. by the way, buster posey was edged out by surprise winner tucker barnhart. after the raiders victory over the dolphins, the raiders are headed to the bye week with a 4- 5 record but their season is hanging in the balance and the head coach didn't hold back any punches when speaking about the nfl's choice to have the raiders play in mexico city for the second year in a row. >> i think i have already spent enough time talking about the number of road games that we're going to play. it's a competitive disadvantage in my opinion one that we faced last couple of years and will face the next few years. a block party against the hornets at the garden last night with the knicks. haven't seen this many rejections since my high school prom. final seconds. game, and knicks up 1. kristaps porzingis dropped in 28. he drove the lane and got the floater. knicks win 118-113. not only is porzingis a budding superstar, he knows how to deal with the hard hitting new york media. >> is there ever a point at which you don't think you can come back and what's your mindset? >> no. >> tell me about that. >> thank you. >> all right, guys. >> warriors fans, don't you love draymond green? he is in action with his teammates tonight. warriors trying to make it 5 in a row. i'm dennis o'donnell. see you tonight. here's the play of the day from the nba . this time milwaukee at cleveland. >> oh, my goodness! >> oh!! >> look at the ole elevation. >> the bucks with the impressive jam but the team lost to cleveland 124-119. time now 6:25. october was a busy fire season in northern california. next, why insurance companies hired private firefighters to fight the flames. >> plus, new information about the mental health of the texas church shooter before he killed 26 people over the weekend. the questions now being raised on just how he was able to get a firearm. right now, the search for two bay area inmates is under way as the vp of the deputy sheriffs association explains why an escape was bound to happen. >> it was bound to happen. >> a california lawmaker addresses why he left the house chamber during a moment of silence for the victims of a church shooting in texas. >> i can't do this again. >> the gun control push he is now making. >> the bottom line is we're on track for january 1st. >> while the state is ready for recreational marijuana to become legal, one bay area city is struggling to prepare. today is a month since the deadly wine country wildfires started. it is wednesday, november 8th. i'm kenny choi. >> and i'm michelle griego. clean-up is under way. as jessica flores explains, victims are facing a deadline. >> reporter: good morning. that's right. residents to have give the government permission to haul away hazardous waste here in napa. that deadline is tomorrow to submit right of entry forms for the federal government. 200 residents have already signed up for the program. it doesn't cost homeowners. a handful of residents have received permission to clean up themselves. in sonoma county 5% of the county's entire housing stock was burned down, 5,000 homes. at a county meeting yesterday, officials say the hazardous waste clean-up is ahead of schedule. two-thirds of toxic waste has already been removed. >> i don't know if any community can be prepared for the firestorm that blew through our community and literally destroyed thousands of homes. in the matter of a few hours due to the weather conditions. but i do know that a lot of people had very little time to get out and it was terrifying. >> reporter: in sonoma county there's still about 4,000 homeowners that have to decide if they will participate in the government clean-up. the deadline in sonoma county is november 13th. again, here in napa county, the deadline to fill out those forms is tomorrow. and they are hoping the government officials here are hoping that all the clean-up is done by early next year. reporting live in napa, i'm jessica flores, kpix 5. residents displaced by the wildfires may get a little help dealing with their monthly utility bills if state regulators approve a consumer protection package tomorrow. it would order electric companies to discontinue building at homes and waive deposits for service at a new address. the legislation would also direct telecommunications companies to provide refunds to customers for services such as a home phone or internet connection. all right. this area of -- this morning, some areas in the north bay fire zone are preparing for more rain as we take a live look outside, the mount vaca cam the sun peeking through the clouds this morning. and a look at hi-def doppler on the right. i think i mispronounced it last time. that's why i don't do the weather. julie is here with the weather. [ laughter ] hi-def doppler is active this morning although north of our region so for most of us we are dry to start the day. it's the evening commute that will start to see some of the showers increasing in intensity in the north bay and scattered showers ahead of the front of the here we are right now throughout the day. again we'll see that front slowly move south and east. we are waking up to cloud cover though for most of the bay area that's keeping us mild to start the day. temperatures in the low 50s for many locations. oakland, san francisco, san jose 49 in concord. 50 in oakland. santa rosa at 56 right now. cool in livermore. the rain turns slowly moving south staying unsettled through thursday and friday. we'll talk more about that coming up. but first, a check of your morning commute with jaclyn. >> a slow morning commute for drivers heading into walnut creek all due to an earlier crash southbound 680 right near treat boulevard. it's cleared to the shoulder. an accident westbound 37 near wilson and that's going keeping your westbound direction ride in the red. to use richmond/san rafael bridge as an alternate route this morning, that's getting pretty slow this morning, as well. 13 minutes from marina bay parkway to sir francis drake. 46 minutes along the eastshore freeway. and your ride heading into san francisco 33 minutes from the maze to 101. i break in the case of the two escaped inmates. two people are now behind bars but the inmates are still on the loose. anne makovec has the latest from palo alto. >> reporter: the escaped inmates are considered dangerous according to the sheriff's department. two armed robbery suspects on the lam this morning. they escaped the palo alto courthouse yesterday. they were armed with a restraint key and two getaway vehicles were waiting for them indicating they had help from the outside. detectives with the sheriff's office say marquita kirk and rene hunt were their accomplices. marquita was arrested at 5:00 yesterday morning at her home in sunnyvale. detectives satisfy she rend the second escape vehicle a u-haul van in east palo alto for the fugitives. rene hunt charged with conspiracy and accessory after the fact. to make their getaway, tramel mcclough and john bivins unlocked their restraints and fled in an unregistered toyota sedan and then a u-haul. >> on the day of the escape, the normal contingent of deputies was 13 and one sergeant. and they actually had two additional deputies assigned. so they were actually overstaffed. >> reporter: but the sheriff's deputies union is raising concerns saying that's not true, that security was understaffed and is now raising questions about the county's other lockup facilities. live at the palo alto jail, anne makovec, kpix 5. today vice president mike pence travelses to sutherland springs, texas, in the wake of the town's church massacre. the visit comes amid revelations that the gunman, devin patrick kelley, escaped from a mental health facility in new mexico during his time in the air force. and the air force has already admitted that it failed to flag the 26-year-old to the fbi a mistake that possibly allowed him to buy the assault rifle he used to kill 26 people on sunday. a woman said her 16-year-old daughter haley was killed. she said haley wanted to be a nurse working in the neonatal intensive care unit because she loved babies. >> i wish i didn't take her that day. i wish for some reason i would have slept through the alarm and she would still be with me. >> investigators say that the fbi is trying to get into the shooter's cell phone but has yet to access it. they won't say what type of phone it is. and this morning, a california lawmaker is speaking out about why he walked out of the house chamber on monday night when speaker paul ryan called for a moment of silence for the victims. >> i will not be silenced. what we need is we need action. we need to pass gun legislation now. behind me is the house of representatives chamber. i urge us to pass reasonable gun safety legislation. >> representative ted lieu is among many lawmakers calling for gun control. democrats are claiming victory after winning a few key races in yesterday's off year elections. in new jersey, voters elected democrat phil murphy as governor. he is a former goldman sachs executive. murphy will replace republican chris christie, who will be termed out. in virginia, democrat ralph northam defeated ed gillespie to win the governor's race. he is a physician and currently lieutenant governor of the commonwealth. president trump tweeted about the race writing, ed gillespie worked hard but didn't embrace me or what i stand for. don't forget, republicans won four out of four house seats and with the economy doing record numbers, we will continue to win even bigger than before. a lot of city and county governments are in a rush to find ways to control the marijuana industry as recreational pot will soon be legal under california law. jackie ward joins us live from the newsroom to explain what's happening in san francisco a place long associated with marijuana. >> reporter: it seems to me like the state is ready for the january 1st deadline but local governments like san francisco are disagreeing on too many things to come up with decisive rules right now. that's part of the reason state senator scott weiner and democratic party chair david campos will be in san francisco today. they want the city and county to be ready the first day of the year when recreational use of marijuana becomes legal. the board of supervisors is still trying to figure things out, like how far dispensaries from from schools and daycare. last night some supervisors made slight progress approving amendments that will soon be presented to committee. marijuana regulations are falling into place at the state level. it's expected that california will be ready to issue legal cannabis operating licenses the very first day this law takes effect. the bureau of cannabis control says your community license is more important than the state license. consumers are being told to pay close attention to what's happening at the local levels. >> they might allow for retail sale and not cultivation orr vice versa or manufacturer or a combination. >> reporter: 58 counties and more than 480 cities in california have the power to make up their own minds and impose their own regulations on cannabis but it's confusing for consumers. prop 64 is the reason local governments maintain a lot of control to regulate recreational marijuana. in the newsroom, jackie ward, kpix 5. a teacher from mountain view high school is in hot water accused of sending inappropriate text messages to a female student. evan smith was arrested yesterday on charges of sending harmful matter to a minor. police have not gone into detail about those text messages. the school has put him on paid administrative leave. a vigil is planned today for the three teens killed when their car crashed and plunged down a steep hillside in san mateo county. it happened last wednesday along skyline boulevard south of bear gulch road. since the crash, friends of matthew cruz, ricky torres and andrew gonzales left candles and flowers where it went off the the road. the vigil is at 6 p.m. at the church of the nativity in menlo park. a plane caught fire and landed in seattle. coming up. >> plus a new deal with tesla and the impact on the company's stock. >> the market just opened up. let's check the big board. the dow is down 33 points. coming up, we'll get an update from kcbs radio's financial reporter jason brooks. heavy, labored breathing heavy, labored breathing heavy, labored breathing coughing breathing through oxygen mask breathing through oxygen mask breathing through oxygen mask breathing through oxygen mask covered california. it's more than just health care. it's life care. the engine of a hawaiian airlines plane bursting into flames... after landing at seattle airport. passengers waiting to a a video on social media showing the engine of a hawaiian airlines engine bursting into flames upon landing at seattle airport. passengers caught it on camera. the fire was out by the time for a crews arrived at the aircraft. since it was a ferry flight, only the cabin crew was on board. no reports of injuries. time for a look at what's coming up later on "cbs this morning." norah o'donnell has more from new york. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. ahead, president trump's sharp warning to north korea after his attempted visit to the dmz. plus our conversation with veterans affairs secretary david shul kin. the changes he is making to the nation's largest healthcare system and his response to the texas shooter and whether more could have been done to help the veteran. only on "cbs this morning" the cofounders of lularoe respond to a lawsuit that claims the clothing company is a pyramid scheme! all that plus the eye-opener, your world in 90 seconds. we'll see you at 7:00. >> thank you. palo alto-based tesla has announced it is buying one of its suppliers. the electric carmaker says it's acquiring a machine company. it's an automated equipment manufacturer. tesla not disclosing any financial details of the deal. the company behind snapchat getting a disappointing earnings report and bad news for a couple of retail giants. with details here is kcbs radio's financial reporter jason brooks. >> reporter: good morning. snapchat was the most highly hyped ipo of 20 but it's been a stream of bad news from its parent firm since then. 3rd quarter earnings missed expectations because its user growth was weaker than expected. totaling 178 million, up 17% from a year ago. that's not the kind of growth that snapchat needs if it's going to compete with facebook. and that's the key for investors. snap's ceo told investors during the earnings call that the snapchat site is going through a major redesign that may even hurt its business in the short term. >> and a couple of big box chains are in the news. sears says its same-store sales fell 15% in the 3rd quarter between its flagship locations and kmart. it had fewer pharmacies in kmarts and weaker inventory in consumer electronics in both chains. target is closing a dozen locations in florida, illinois, michigan and texas by the end of the year. although target is going to open more of its smaller format stores, it's opened 32 of those this year, plans to open 35 more next year. the smaller format stores are more profitable than the big box locations. stock market got off to a flat start today. let's check it. the dow is starting to head lower down about 30 points, nasdaq down 4, s&p down 3. snap stock down by over 10%. kenny and michelle, back to you. thank you. >> the inaugural car in muni's new fleet received clearance from regulators to hit the tracks so next week you can catch the new ride. service begins a week from today. sfmta says an additional five trains may be certified by december. the new cars feature benches that sit along the car lengthwise as opposed to the pair of horizontal seats on muni currently. let's check the roads with jaclyn. >> i rode muni light rail yesterday for the first time since i have been back in the bay area. it's changed. different way to get tickets. i felt like a total newbie rookie. it was on time. service was great. there was a space for sit. [ laughter ] >> right now, we are tracking an earlier problem still causing delays for drivers along 37. we are tracking speeds that drop down below 5 miles per hour. this is westbound 37 right near wilson. once you get past that things start to pick up but you're still in the yellow and it's a sluggish ride making your way towards sears point. cruising speeds 20 miles per hour. 101, this is as you head through novato and right near ignacio, you can see that from roland to 580 it's 15 minutes. richmond/san rafael bridge a lot of folks using this as an alternate route this morning compared to 37. that's in the red about 18 minutes from marina bay parkway to sir francis drake. this crash has been cleared from the lanes. southbound 680. it's continuing to keep your wednesday morning commute heavy as you head into walnut creek there. it's about 10 minutes from willow pass to highway 24. 880 southbound just south of 238, avoid the area, you are in the red 37 minutes down to highway 84. no, thank you! your ride along the eastshore freeway is another problem. it continues to be very heavy getting down towards the bay bridge toll plaza. your 580 approach in oakland highway 24 very slow. bay bridge toll plaza keeping it real, keeping it in the red, 34 minutes into san francisco. julie, i hope you have some better news than i do. we're dry for now and we're keeping it real here, too. in fact, we are in the green here on hi-def doppler. showers staying north of our region for now. it's going to -- this front slowly spreading south throughout the morning and into the afternoon hours likely going to see some showers farther south come evening commute. for now, gray skies, cloud cover there for you over the bay bridge. and that's helping to insulate us this morning keeping us mild. we are at 49 degrees in concord, 53 san jose. 46 in santa rosa. livermore at 45 right now. so we will stay mild throughout the day temperature-wise and most of us staying dry for the better part of the day. futurecast shows mostly cloud cover the story starting today. that front though rolls into the north bay late morning early afternoon. we'll start to see showers ahead of the front. then here we are at 7 p.m. so the latter half of the evening commute and you can see some scattered showers throughout -- farther south throughout the day but heavier rain santa rosa to north of the golden gate. overnight, that front does sink south. here we are at 1:00 a.m. when the heaviest rain passes through the bay area. lingering showers for thursday through the first part of friday and we dry out. here we are friday evening. looking dry for saturday now and then more showers for the latter half of the weekend. how much rain are we going to see? we're looking at a possible two inches for the north bay mountains at the higher elevations, of course. most of us going to see likely below a quarter inch for the south bay and half inch for the east bay, maybe an inch for the santa cruz mountains. overall not a huge rainmaker but it will create slick roads especially for the latter half of the day. so this morning, a cloudy start. mild temperatures. rain in the north bay spreading south by this evening. unsettled for thursday and for friday. drying saturday. and then more rain on the way. temperatures in the mid- to upper 60s today. and the extended forecast shows again rain in the forecast through thursday. likely lingering into the first half of friday, a few remaining showers, drying out saturday, next chance of showers, that is sunday into monday. back to you. two members of congress are calling for a closer look at the oroville damage. the tallest dam in the united states had major problems during heavy rain last winter when a large portion of the spillway crumbled and failed. some lawmakers are calling for further environmental review by the federal government. they want to see a review completed before the dam is relicensed. new reports show many insurance companies hired private firefighters to protect wealthy clients during last month's wildfires across northern california. cal fire officials say these private firefighters aren't necessarily holding a hose. many of them are hired to prepare a defensible space. the private groups have to arrive before mandatory evacuations are in place. they clear away flammables such as brush and patio furniture and occasionally use fire retardant around the homes. >> they are hired by the insurance companies to protect that property. >> cal fire says while some may have private insurance, the 11,000 firefighters deployed during the fires by the state fought for every home equally. and one month after those wine country fires, now the focus is on the clean-up. we'll have important information on how to sign up for the government sponsored clean-up coming up. >> plus, the president pointing fingers again at north korea. the new warning he issued during his overseas trip. napa county says about 200 i'm jessica flores live in napa where it's now one month since the wine country wildfires and the big focus is on the clean-up and getting residents to sign those right of entry forms allowing the government to go on properties and begin to haul away that toxic debris. here in napa 200 residents have signed up for the program. it is free to homeowners. still, a handful of residents have received permission to do the clean-up themselves. over in sonoma county, 4,000 residents still need to decide if they will take part in the clean-up. in sonoma county fire burned down 5% of the housing stock there and at a county meeting yesterday officials say the hazardous waste clean-up is ahead of schedule. two-thirds of the toxic waste has been removed. and the deadline over in sonoma county to submit that right of entry form is november 13th. in napa county the deadline to submit the forms is tomorrow. the county wants people to do that. many people need to decide if they will do that. in sonoma and napa counties they estimate it will cost $250 million for the clean-up. live in napa, i'm jessica flores, kpix 5. time now 6:57. president trump is in china following his two-day visit to south korea. in an address before south korea's national assembly, the president warned north korean dictator kim jong-un not to underestimate the u.s. with its ongoing nuclear weapons program. mr. trump was forced to abandon the surprise trim to the dmz because of bad weather. >> vice president mike pence went to sutherland springs, texas, in the wake of the deadly shooting at the local church. it's amid revelations the gunman devin patrick kelley escaped from a mental health facility in new mexico when he was in the air force. two inmates who escaped from the palo alto courthouse are still on the lam but two accomplices are in custody. oakland is preparing for recreational marijuana. last night the city council approved a measure to allow temporary permits for recreational pot sales. bart's new train cars failed a key safety inspection raising questions whether commuters will be riding the new trains betraying. bart has 59 trains in service this morning. you may want to use it as an alternate means of getting to work this morning. we are tracking slowdowns on the dumbarton bridge. a new accident on the shoulder, we have 22 minutes from 880 to 101. san mateo bridge not looking any better. 30 minutes into foster city. eastshore freeway over an hour commute for drivers from 4 to the maze. and an additional 39 minutes into san francisco. julie? all right. well, we are dry for now. we have mild temperatures to start off the day. hi-def doppler showing showers still well to our north, slowly moving south throughout the day, most of us seeing it by tonight. temperatures are mild in the 40s and 50s out the door with plenty of cloud cover. showers continuing to move south. here we are just in time for the evening commute most of us starting to see those showers up north though that's when we see the front pass through santa rosa. a look at the high temperatures for today. temperatures topping out in the 60s. the extended forecast shows showers tomorrow through friday and then we get a little break for saturday before the next rain comes in sunday into monday. >> all right. thank you. >> thank you for watching kpix 5 news this morning. your next local update is 7:26. >> remember, "cbs this morning" is coming up next. have a great day, everyone! ♪[ music ] ♪ good morning to our viewers in the west. it is wednesday, november 8, 2017. welcome to "cbs this morning." president trump lands in china hours after sharply criticizing its support for north korea. the president calls on every nation to act against the hermit kingdom, labeling it a hell that no person deserves. plus, why a surprise visit to the dmz was scrapped at the last minute. one year after president trump's election, voters in virginia and new jersey go big for democrats. their candidates for governor win easy victories and lift a damaged party's spirit. three ucla basketball players including one of the famous ball brothers couldac

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