Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6AM 20160226 : compareme

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6AM 20160226

the coalition of homelessness is calling this inhumane and people say they have been through similar clean-up efforts before. >> i understand his decision. and i understand that, yeah, we make a mess and we make trash. but, um, it's not illegal to be homeless, is it? i mean, or is it? >> reporter: pier 80 has been offered as another option for people to go to get shelter and warmth. but pier 80 is being described by these homeless people as not a good place to be. they would rather stay out here with the community that they built for themselves so the police are expected to arrive sometime today. we are not sure what time. people are already gathering ready to protest. we'll have the latest in the next half-hour. in san francisco, jackie ward, kpix 5. happening today an illegal immigrant in court charged wednesday for the murder of his missing girlfriend stacey aguilar. she was last seen february 13 leaving a party in hayward with esmid pedraza five days after her family reported her missing her body was found in a rural part of fremont. police say that she was shot multiple times. that news from i.c.e. came hours after a major change in immigration policy. kpix 5's andria borba on the bay area murder that helped spark that new protocol. >> this is a very significant change and we are deeply grateful to you. i know the country is grateful to hear that you're moving in this direction. >> reporter: with little fanfare and a house subcommittee u.s. attorney general loretta lynch announced a major change in how the doj deals with undocumented immigrants and sanctuary cities. the death of kate steinle on pier 14 this summer put the issue in the national spotlight. the man accused of killing her juan francisco lopez-sanchez had been deported five times. it would have been six with you the city of san francisco requested custody of him on an old drug warrant. when the bureau of prisons handed him over, the sheriff's department released him. change involves chain of custody for undocumented immigrants. cities with known sanctuary policies like san francisco will not gain custody of undocumented immigrants even if they have pending criminal cases. >> i.c.e. will instead have the first detainer and that individual will go into i.c.e. custody and deportation. >> reporter: san francisco's sanctuary policy had stiffened under former sheriff ross mirkarimi who issued a memo last march saying, i.c.e. detainer should not be honored. new sheriff vicki hennessy told me last month, she was looking to amend that policy. >> i still have not decide what that would be. and my changes have to do with limited notification. very limited. so -- and i'm not sure how that's going to work out yet. >> reporter: according to lynch's testimony, the new doj policy would have other consequences including stopping federal grant money to community policing projects for sanctuary cities. andria borba, kpix 5. >> our political analyst melissa caen did the math on that federal grant money. if the doj follows through, it would cost the city of san francisco about $600,000 a year. let's see how we're getting to work this friday morning. if you're heading out for your commute, gianna, how's it looking? >> it's slow especially through the south bay north 101. an accident at oakland 13th street. it's over to the right shoulder. the problem is it's a big rig involved so it's causing spectator slowing. that's the area that gets busy for your morning drive. that's in the heart of the commute. so busy northbound 101. a few extra minutes 15 minutes north 101, 280/680. 101 through the peninsula southbound at ralston in belmont we have a one-car crash clearing out of lanes. no major problems in both directions. the drive times along the peninsula are in the green. so "friday light" 91 to the split. good news heading to sfo. not good at the bay bridge no accidents right now in oakland but again traffic backed up with the metering lights on almost to the maze at this point. that's a look at your "kcbs traffic." surf's up, roberta. >> you would know best. i know you love the coast. >> i do. >> good morning, everybody. heading out the door this morning, this was one thing you need to know heading to the beaches. we have a high surf advisory. it is in effect until tomorrow with some swells lapping onshore up to 14 feet. strong rip currents in the water it temperatures down to 52 degrees in the water. live hi-def doppler radar in search of rain and there you have it offshore. and any rain we see today will be anemic. look at this. i live weather camera looking out from mount vaca this morning. official sun-up is at, boy, 6:00. it's when we set. 6:47 is when we have sunrise and those temperatures are very mild into the 40s and 50s. okay. partly to mostly cloudy skies today. we'll track a system on sunday. back to you guys. a heated debate last night between the republicans in texas. marco rubio and ted cruz took turns attacking front-runner donald trump. omar villafranca reports. >> reporter: republican front- runner donald trump was the target of most of the punches in last night's debate many from marco rubio. this fiery exchange on healthcare was the most we had to moment of the night. >> the biggest thing we have and the reason we have no competition is because we have lines around the state. >> that's the only part of the plan? just the lines? >> you have many different plans. you will have competition. you will have so many different plans. >> now he is repeating himself. >> no, i'm not. >> reporter: the attacks between trump and ted cruz got personal. >> donald, donald, donald, relax. >> go ahead. i'm relaxed. you're a basket case. >> reporter: trump also took hits from people off stage. the billionaire candidate said he hasn't released his tax returns because he is being audited. but former presidential candidate mitt romney questioned the response via twitter. >> he just wants to remain relevant. he is going to support marco rubio. >> reporter: as the top three contenders went head to head, the two lower polling candidates john kasich and ben carson struggled to gain the spotlight. >> can somebody attack me, please? [ laughter ] >> reporter: the former neurosurgeon criticized the tone of the night. >> i think there was no attempt whatsoever to be equitable with the time or the questions. >> reporter: while the ohio governor appeared more optimistic. >> i think i penetrated and sent a message to people around the country about the fact that i'm qualified to be president of the united states. >> reporter: close to 600 delegates are up for grabs in next week's super tuesday contest. omar villafranca, cbs news, houston, texas. >> it just keeps getting more interesting. on the democratic side, hillary clinton around bernie sanders making their last-minute pitches to voters ahead of saturday's primary in south carolina. developing overnight investigators are combing through the scene of a deadly workplace shooting in kansas. three people were killed, 14 others injured, shot by a man who police say opened fire inside a lawnmower products planted. police say 38-year-old cedric ford went on a shooting rampage first hitting passing cars and opened fire at his job. a victim hit by a bullet describes what he saw. >> people were just running and saying, there's somebody was shooting and next thing you know, i felt i got hit in the leg and that's when i turned and he started running. >> ford was killed in a gunfight with police at the scene. the local affiliate in wichita reports he had an extensive criminal record. five of the shooting victims in the hospital were in critical condition. a court hearing today for the woman accused of going on an anti-muslim tirade at a bay area park. check it out. >> the people you tortured are going to be in heaven! you are very deceived by satan. >> the muslim man on the receiving end of that rant says denise slater also threw coffee at him. slater is a corrections department employee. she pled not guilty earlier last month to misdemeanor charges. time 6:09. the gas leak that forced thousands from their homes in southern california is a record- setting disaster. more on the long-term impact coming up. >> good morning, everybody, from the oakland a's. i want you to look at something. sprinklers are on. they are getting this field ready for the first full-squad workout for the green and gold. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ♪ (vo) you can check on them. you can worry about them. you can even choose a car for them. (mom) honey, are you ok? (child) i'm ok. (announcer vo) love. (mom) we're ok. (announcer vo) it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. ♪ i got the discounts that you need ♪ ♪ safe driver ♪ accident-free ♪ everybody put your flaps in the air for me ♪ new information this mornin a good morning. we made it to friday. look at what you will have out the door this morning. turning mostly cloudy today. we have a couple of raindrops in the afternoon forecast. that's about it. but i tell you what. we have your full weekend outlook that's coming up in less than 4 minutes. new information this morning on a double homicide in the north bay. charles will. is accused of -- welch is accused of shooting two men. it happened after a domestic violence incident. police say welch knows the abuser and he shot the victims when they tried to stop the incident. police say witnesses link welch to that murder. a group of scientists says the recent natural gas leak in southern california is the largest known release of methane in u.s. history. that leak at a gas facility near porter ranch lasted for four months. it's a potent greenhouse gas often linked to climate change. the researchers say the amount leaked is similar to what 572,000 cars would release in one year. there is a sense of relief at sonoma county schools where a toxic water scare appears to be over. last fall, tests at the healdsburg elementary school showed excessive levels of lead in their drinking fountains. the fountains were shut down and kids got bottled water. right now the lead levels are low. the plumbing will be fixed over the summer. a california pony was tired of playing unicorn apparently for her five-year-old owner. so with a fake horn still on her head, the little horse galloped away. >> i was afraid and then we had to catch her in the dark. >> that was tatum the owner of the pony named juliette. the horse ran away wednesday after people saw her roaming avenue 12 in madero ranches. it took the chp hours to round her up. but with help from a helicopter, juliette and her horn were spotted and she was returned home safely. >> looks real. can you imagine on the highway? >> what? problems with the oakland a's the past couple season but it's a new year and new season and this morning's spring training report from mesa, arizona vern glenn says the team is optimistic about returning to its winning ways. >> reporter: it's a good morning from mesa, arizona where the 2016 edition of the oakland a's will hold their first full-squad workout later on. after making the play-offs for three straight seasons, the a's lost 94 games in 2015. the worst season since 1997. but without side expectations lowered, the team is just fine sneaking up on the division this season. >> a lot of people don't want to come play us. we never feel like we're out of a game of or there's not a game we can't win. we latched last year happen and we move forward. >> oh we're going to win 80 games, there's expectations too low. 9 games, that's unrealistic. we are going to play hard every day. we are hopefully going to end up with more wins than anybody in ourmore wins than anybody else in our division and hopefully make to the post-season and make a run to the world series. >> according to vegas, the as' odds to win the world series, 100:1! just saying. in mesa, vern glenn, kpix 5. roberta is here saying, it's okay. they will be all right. don't worry about it. >> there's a chance. >> we like being the underdog. it's okay. nobody will see our sneak attack. >> 39 days until opening day. >> we're counting. we have reports of a big accident in the sunol grade a big rig involved south 680. 9 miles per hour per hour at 84. injuries reported blocking one lane through there. chp and emergency crews are on scene. so expect busy conditions on that south 680 commute especially through the sunol grade. traffic backed up because of this wreck. elsewhere if you are at the altamont pass this morning, still seeing some delays out of tracy. but once you get to the top of the pass things are "friday light." looks like 16 minutes from the altamont pass towards 680 the dublin interchange. keep in mind, south of there on 680, that's where things bog down because of the big rig accident. have reports of an accident along 880 near the coliseum. not seeing any delays as a result. in fact, here's a live look at conditions in and around that area. so it must have been cleared quickly or it's over to the right shoulder. either way it's not causing any problems along the nimitz in oakland where you might see some delays though south 880 into hayward. north 101 at oakland that accident clearing out of lanes over to the right shoulder but we're still seeing some slow- and-go conditions coming away from 280/680 with 16 minutes for your drive time if you are headed north 101 at least to 237. use 280 in the meantime as an alternate. as i mentioned you can see here a little yellow on our sensors. southbound 880 sluggish hayward past 92 around industrial as well if you are cutting across the san mateo bridge. things are light. no delays between 880 and 101 so traffic is clear across the span heading towards the peninsula. metering lights are on at the bay bridge. you're backed up to the foot of the maze. take you about an 19, 20-minute ride to go from the foot of the maze into downtown san francisco. about 20 minutes as well off that eastshore freeway carquinez bridge towards the maze. so a little busy there oakland into san francisco. here's roberta. >> one of my favorite weather features in the whole wide world is when you have clouds and sunrise officially this morning at 6:46. looks what's created over our skies now. clouds are rolling in, in advance of an area of low pressure that promises to bring us some raindrops and the clouds are just being illuminated by sunrise at 6:46. we have temperatures very mild. oakland is at 58 degrees at 46 in santa rosa. we fired up our live hi-def doppler in search of rain. not seeing it yet. but look out west. a little bit of light precipitation associated with the leading edge of the frontal boundary today. rain chance on sunday evening. we are forecasting way out over the open waters. more storms next thursday and friday. until then this is our futurecast. you can see where it's turning the onshore push in the form of that marine layer today. also, here is your friday evening a little bit of hit-and- miss scattered showers around the inverness area. but as the system sags to the south it really falls apart very rapidly and any kind of rain we see will be very anemic. here's your saturday with the clearing of the skies and here comes sunday with yet again same scenario with the area of low pressure just falling apart once it bangs up against the north bay. .04" rain in santa rosa barely a trace in san jose .02" rain in pacifica but we'll take it. we have a high surf advisory in place because of the advancement of this area of low pressure. waves up to 14 feet. hearst your extended forecast. cry again on thursdaycloudy again on thursday. 6:20 on this friday. on the heels of multiple sexual assaults near uc-berkeley new reports of female students drugged at campus frat houses. and i'm dennis o'donnell. coming up, what colin kaepernick's agent said that caught 49ers off guard yesterday and a setback for the giants pitching staff. who is out and for how long. straight ahead. ,,,,,,,,,, ♪ we're about to show you an incredibly low fare. like all our fares, you get two free bags and zero change fees. because what's the point of an incredibly low fare if you're just going to stack fees on top of it? our sale fares have nothing up their sleeves. book them now at low fares. nothing to hide. that's transfarency. sfx: clap, clap, ding hi this is conor.usic ) sorry i missed you. i'm either away from my desk or on another call. please leave a message and i'll get back to you just as soon as i'm available. thank you for patience at this busy time. join princess cruises for stargazing with discovery at sea. book now for savings up to $1,000 per stateroom plus up to $600 free onboard spending money. call your travel consultant or visit good morning, everyone. the warriors were in orlando taking on the magic. but the real wand waving is being done by the guy that wares number 30. the introduction was the hardest he had to run all night. with this three coming up he set an nba record for the 128 straight games with a three- pointer but the magic had a potion of their own. 3rd quarter the steal and san jose native aaron gordon. elevation sensation! just like that, this game is tied. but let's get back to captain fantastic. end of the 3rd quarter, this is from midcourt and, of course, warriors win 130-114. curry 51, 10 three-pointers his third 50 point game of the season. first warriors to do that since rick barry over 40 years ago. matt cain was back in san francisco yesterday to have surgery to remove a cyst in his elbow. it's the same elbow that he had surgery on to remove bone chips in august of 2014. cain is expected to resume pitching in 10 days. colin kaepernick's agents have requested a trade from the 49ers. the news came just hours after coach chip kelly met with the media saying that kaepernick wanted to be a 49er. and then one day after gm trent baalke said he expected kaepernick to be on the team. what do you read into this? it's hard to believe that kaepernick will now be on that opening day roster, come september. i'm dennis o'donnell. see you tonight. play of the day, golden state at orlando. we saw it once but steph curry's shot worth another look. the guy is untouchable. we'll give him a bonus because it is the play of the day. on a friday. steph with 51. untouc only gets 3.......but we'll bonus that up with play of e day accolades. stef had 51. play o' the day from the n-b-a... golden state at orlando. we have to give th steph curry shot another lo. closing seconds in the third quarter. curry buried another half courter. he on got three points for that..t we'll give him a bonus, with play o' the day accolades. it's 6-- an out-of- control car barrels into a pedestri an e'll hear f 6:26. coming up an out-of-control car barrels into a pedestrian and then into a house. we are going to hear from a bay area woman who was inside the house with her baby. >> homeless people in soma are packing up and if they are not, mayor ed lee say it will be removed. we'll have a live update in a few minutes. ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, terrorist's cell phone... a the i'm kiet do. we're live in hayward where a murder suspected will be arraigned in court today. it turns out this imagine is in the country illegally. >> apple is responding to a judge's order to hack into a terrorist's cell phone and the company is getting powerful backing in its fight. >> we have fog and clouds. and we have our hi-def doppler radar with the weekend forecast, as well. >> and we have big delays in the sunol grade for a big rig accident. your drive times coming up. >> thank you, gianna. good morning, everyone. it's friday, february 26. i'm frank mallicoat. >> i'm anne makovec in for michelle griego this morning. it is 6:30. the clock is ticking. >> i guess so. a big morning. city officials say the "tent city" under san francisco central freeway is going and those who call it home have to get out today. kpix 5's jackie ward is at "tent city" where a protest is scheduled for this morning. jackie. >> reporter: well, frank, some people here aren't wasting any time. we're long 13th and harrison in front of that best buy in soma and we have seen a lot of homeless people start packing up their stuff wheeling it off trying to get out of this area. but people are just kind of waiting right now to see what the city does and what time this all happens. mayor lee gave a warning this week to the people who live here be out by friday morning or the city will clean up this area without your help so that deadline is up today. but homeless advocates say there's nowhere for them to go. the coalition of homelessness calls it inhumane but that's how the homeless people are describing pier 80 leaving them with no other option in their minds. >> it's a madhouse there. i won't say internment camp. it doesn't look like anything i want to be part of. >> reporter: so pier 80 is that shelter that mayor lee opened up during the super bowl. and that's the alternative in his mind but the city says it's full now. so the homeless people are just looking for another option. there are some heartbreaking stories on the streets for people that we have spoken to. so right now they are preparing for these raids to happen and are unsure about the exact timing of it all. jackie ward, kpix 5. apple has asked a judge to lift the court order forcing it to hack into the san bernardino shooter's iphone. apple says if their engineers write the new code, terrorists would view its a, quote, major prize. and they say first amendment rights are at stake. the fbi director says it is a tough case. >> i'm a huge fan of privacy. [ laughter ] >> i love encryption. right? it's a great thing. but our need for public safety and our need for privacy are crashing into each other and we have to sort that out as a people. >> google and facebook are expected to file legal papers supporting apple's stance with the feds. and several bay area politicians are siding with apple, as well. congressman mike honda and congressman lofgren and nancy pelosi all support apple's views on security. and backing the fbi? senator dianne feinstein a member of the senate intelligence committee. surfers and swimmers, watch out! some big waves pounding the california coastline. a high surf advisory is in effects through saturday afternoon. four people swept into the ocean at redondo beach this week. one of them died. of course they had that billing surf contest in oahu -- -- of course they had that big surf contest in oahu. >> so many people are going to the beach to check it out. it's gorgeous outside. that's a reminder. >> mid-70s yesterday in the santa cruz area, 70 degrees in moss and montera beaches. people flocking to the beach. what do i always say, frank? >> never turn your back on an angry ocean. >> there you go. you heard it. all right. high surf advisory is in place for today in northern california. some waves are lapping onshore up to 15 feet. it's live hi-def doppler radar. we are in search of rain to the west of us. these raindrops are associated with a frontal boundary that promises to fall apart -- wait, i have to stop for a second. look at this! wow! official sunrise at 6:46. increasing cloud cover becoming mostly cloudy, rain in the afternoon forecast or early evening. that's about it. anything we see less than .05" of rain. 40s and 50s out the door. carry an umbrella to be on the safe side. 60s and the low 70s today. the winds rotate to the southwest up to 15 miles per hour. we'll have your weekend forecast. that's coming up at 48 minutes after the hour but right now, it's queen bee! you look gorgeous. love that yellow on. >> you thank you very much, roberta. you know, i wish the freeways were gorgeous this morning. bad news. 680, we have a major accident involving a big rig and it's causing big delays on the southbound side of the 680 through the sunol grade. your drive times are over an hour. 71 minutes south 680 to go from 580 to 101 in san jose. the problem is this big rig accident south 680 at sheridan is blocking all lanes but the left lane so squeezing by will be tough. pleasanton sunol road might be an alternate through there but that's probably busy already. the rest of 680 through walnut creek slight delays there as well but through the sunol grade things are troublesome. metering lights are on at the bay bridge. carquinez bridge to the maze, that's only 22 minutes. once you get to the backup, 20, 22 minutes to head into san francisco. a heated debate last night between the gop candidates for president in texas. >> the biggest thing we have and the reason we have no competition is because we have lines around the state. >> so that's the only part of the plan? >> nice -- you have many different plans. you will have competition. you will have so many different plans. >> also on the stage carson and kasich both staying in the race for the long haul despite a battle to match trump for delegates. the strategy of the night was to attack trump. our melissa caen says that comes as no surprise. >> trump is clearly the front- runner and heading into super tuesday he is leading in a lot of those states that are going to be voting and so they knew they had to attack him and they did. >> on the democratic side, hillary clinton and bernie sanders are making last-minute pitches to minority voters ahead of saturday's primary in south carolina. thousands of democrats heading to san jose over the weekend. the california democrats state convention kicks off today. retiring senator barbara boxer is a keynote speaker. plenty of extra traffic is expected. 3,000 taken december are heading to the convention center. today a court hearing in hayward for the man suspected of killing 22-year-old stacey aguilar of san jose. kpix 5's kiet do live in hayward with why this case could spark a real debate on immigration policy. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. would not be surprised to see society presidential candidates talking about this case on the campaign trail. the feds confirmed the accused killer is illegal. his name is esmid pedraza. he lives in an unincorporated area of hayward and will be arraigned on murder charges this afternoon. pedraza was arrested two days ago in connection with the disappearance and murder of stacey aguilar. 22 years old, from san jose. aguilar was last seen on the night of february 13 leaving a rowdy party in hayward with her boyfriend. shortly after her family reported her missing. her body was found riddled with bullets in a remote area of fremont. i.c.e. says: pedraza will be arraigned today at 2 p.m. here at the hayward hall of justice. live in hayward, kiet do, kpix 5. uc-berkeley police investigating after female students reported being drugged at frat houses. police say they received a report that two girls were drugged at the chi psi fraternity and another, as well. police believe this man is a suspect in at least three sexual assaults in berkeley. past couple of weeks. the first reported case was february 11 near the people's park. the victims are all college aged asian women. fremont police hope this new video brings some theft suspects to justice. the cameras at mission pizza captured these folks on camera stealing a change machine from the restaurant. in just 45 seconds, really quick, they -- these same guys are suspected of robbing a chevron station 15 minutes later and then that same night they also are accuse of breaking into a nail and spa. but the register was empty there. police are trying to figure out what caused a car crash in the meantime that injured three people in san francisco. it happened yesterday an on fulton street near 46th avenue yesterday afternoon. a car hit a pedestrian on a sidewalk and sideswiped wall of a home. a woman and child were inside the home. >> sonia was on the couch right there the one that was pushed out by the collision. and i was sitting here on the laptop and all of a sudden we heard this huge boom. >> the fire department says the pedestrian was taken to the hospital with a broken leg and driver and passenger had minor injuries. time is 6:39. a disturbing attack targeting a bay area family. details on the hate crime that could have turned deadly. >> and facebook ceo mark zuckerberg takes his employees to task for what he calls malicious activity at the company headquarters. ,, how to put your foot lin your mouth.: man, wish my yard looked like yours. hey, the grass is always greener on the other side of the... sorry. now get 20% off sta-green® fertilizer, at lowe's. this is interesting. take a look at our futurecast and this clock. the fog is gathering at the coast. as we advance forward throughout the day today, on shore push with some light rain to the north. let's verify that fog by calling on our live weather camera looking toward the golden gate bridge. it's a foggy start to your friday morning. we have that commute forecast coming up with gianna and your weather in less than four minutes. let's check what's coming up later on this morning on "cbs this morning." >> let's do that with mr. charlie rose on friday. he has a preview. how are you? >> hey, good morning, we're in kansas covering the deadly shooting there plus we'll talk with marco rubio about his relentless attacks on donald trump in last night's debate. tracking donald trump's charity donations. we'll look at the numbers as there are questions about his tax returns. and spike lee is in studio 57. we'll ask him about the diversity at the oscars and his new documentary on michael jackson. the news is back in the morning. see you at 7:00. >> thank you. rubio was on fire last night. thanks, charlie. >> charlie, enjoy your weekend and have a great show. thanks. the same, you, too. >> thank you. the business week meantime is ending with some local companies unveiling their earnings. >> let's chat about that and more with kcbs radio's financial reporter jason brooks. >> reporter: good morning. certainly the economy was not on fire in the 4th quarter. congress department is out revising its original take and bumped it higher to 1% growth. so not as bad as originally reported. but not quite the same growth as the 3rd quarter at about 2%. now, one thing that lifted the economy a little higher in the 4th quarter was increasing business inventories. you look elsewhere consumer spending was weaker. also businesses spent also money on equipment and office space. so economy still not performing very well in the 4th quarter. economists think it will pick up in the current quarter. a lot of bay area firms reporting their earnings results for the 4th quarter. and several are winners. that would two companies in palo alto. they are expecting good years ahead. shares in those companies are higher in the early going. on the other hand, gap saw further losses in the recent quarter. sales at its flagship chain down 7%. banana republic off 10% old navy down 5%. also expecting a slightly weaker year ahead and gap shares are pulling a little lower. stock market off some big gains on thursday dow up more than 200 off to a positive start today. let's look at the big board. looking to figure the week on a positive note. didn't look likely earlier when the mark was down this week. dow now up by ove 50 points. back to you guys. >> thank you. facebook's ceo issued an email to employees about writings on walls at the company's menlo park headquarters. some walls are intended to workers to write comments. but recently someone has scratched out "black lives matter" phrases and replaced them with "all lives matter." zuckerberg's internal memo to workers obtained by gizmodo read in part, i now consider this malicious. the email noted that crossing out a phrase is equivalent to silencing speech. these low gas prices we have been enjoying could be coming to an end. we could see a big spike in a matter of days. that's because refineries are about to switch from a winter blend to that old summer blend which costs more to make. one expert says gas prices will likely spike ten to 15 cents by the end of the month and it is possible they could go up to 30 cents. right now the average price for gas, a gallon of gas in california, is $2.29. >> i got it for a buck 79 the other day filled up for like 20 bucks. >> 1970! >> rock star! >> unfortunately, a lot of -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> pleasant hill! a buck 79. i pulled in, i couldn't believe it. filled it up. >> i'm trying to make a transition, frank. [ laughter ] spending extra money on gas this morning waiting around in traffic, gianna! >> you're right, anne. >> well done. >> they are wasting a lot of gas on the roads especially on 680 sunol grade the scene of this big, big accident. it's completely cleared. all lanes are open. bad news, the damage is done. second problem. that's why you see two icons on the street. a stalled vehicle in the backup. major delays of 75 minutes. over an hour to go from south 680 from 580 down to 101 in san jose. 84 a struggle over the grade. traffic slow on alternates. so try to avoid the area if you can. that's your best bet to get around that mess. bay bridge toll plaza backed up metering lights are on. slight delays off of the eastshore freeway. but overall, it's been okay this morning out of berkeley into oakland into san francisco through there but again, the usual suspects as you work your way westbound. elsewhere southbound 880, out of hayward we have some stop- and-go conditions here. just around 238 sluggish to where the san mateo bridge. 19 minutes crawling along between 880 and 101 across the span. nimitz freeway in oakland near the coliseum, that's been a nice ride so far. everything is clear in both directions through this portion but again, slows down just a bit into downtown oakland. boy those express lanes are really making a difference as you work your way through the altamont pass. we have had some light conditions this week since they have opened up so you can see westbound 580 that's okay towards 680. but i have seen some fog this morning, roberta, especially at the golden gate bridge. it's been a while. let's see what our weather watcher have to say about that good morning, everyone. 6:48. let's look at who is saying what this morning. peggi rodgers says fog in petaluma. she says the fog was thick around 3 a.m. at the moment it's still foggy. heading over towards the san jose area, 48 degrees so says joe and joe, what are you saying this morning? he says clear skies there. and smack in between, the fog to the north the clear skies to the south we have this. it is sunrise over the mount vaca area with increasing cloud cover. temperatures are mild as you step on out to get the kids ready for school. 40s and 50s. it's 58 in oakland. i fired up our live hi-def doppler radar in search of any kind of rain. right now you have to go due west to find that. that's the leading edge of some precipitation that wants to make its way into the bay area. if we see any rain this afternoon or early evening hours, it will be very anemic. dry on saturday. and more rain slated a good chance on sunday night. so next week we are looking ahead to next week perhaps the storms return here to the bay area with increasing clouds by next thursday. we are looking at the return of the fog right here. this is our futurecast accurately predicting the fog moving in surging into the bay. so let's see how your day progresses. there you have it. 8:00 tonight. hit-and-miss scattered showers in the north bay but as this front sags to the south it falls apart leaving us with clear skies for our saturday. and then by sunday increasing clouds with yet again the same scenario. rain moves into the north bay and then quickly disintegrates as it makes tracks over the golden gate bridge leaving us with clear skies as we start a new workweek next week. these are rainfall totals if you even want to allude to them as rainfall totals. splash & dash. 70s in the central valley today. don't forget the sunblock if you are heading to the greater lake tahoe area. there's a chance of some snow on sunday at north star. always my favorite trail, sierra grande. it's a black diamond but it's sure fun. alpine meadows, packed powder 13 lifts available and we have lots of sunshine there on saturday. 60s across the board today low 70s in mountain view. a high surf advisory in place with swells up to 15 feet lapping onshore 14 currently in pacifica area. here's your extended forecast. dry saturday, rain sunday, back in the 70s on monday through wednesday. make it a great friday. a hate crime in a neighborhood in el cerrito is under investigation this morning and the victims say this could have been deadly. christin ayers has the story. >> reporter: the woman was up at 3:00 wednesday morning to feed her newborn when she saw it. >> i saw, um, a flickering light and i saw there was a huge fire under my har. >> reporter: she woke her husband and he went for the hose. his mind racing. >> thinking about is the car going to blow up before i put it out? >> reporter: this they say was no accident. they found two logs under the car. >> the logs went down in between the two tires sitting directly under the gas tank. >> reporter: another was lit under the engine. >> i was wondering why somebody was trying to kill my family. >> reporter: it was while detectives were dusting the car for fingerprints that the wife noticed something more disturbing, a note on a piece of cardboard sitting in the yard scrawled with the "n" word. >> said go away, [ censored ] >> reporter: greg had thought this was merely vandalism. then you see the note. >> it changed the dynamics. >> reporter: police are investigating the incident as a hate crime. they are running extra patrols in the neighborhood. greg's family has lived here for nearly 50 years. his grandmother says in all that time, she has never seen anything like this. and she has no intention of being intimidated. >> you have to stay put and do what you can to protect your home and your family. >> reporter: in el cerrito, christin ayers, kpix 5. >> police say they are following some leads in the case but so far they haven't made any arrests. 6:52 on this friday. investigators are combing true the scene of a workplace rampage in kansas. what we know so far about the shooter. >> reporter: and mayor ed lee has said that he has given the homeless 72 hours to get out in soma. this morning, we are waiting for that to happen. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, shooting spree near wichita, kansas. the gunman opened fire at three separate locas including a lawn care products factory. a so tells cbs news that the shoo led employee at a shooting spree in kansas a gunman opened fire in three locations. a source says that the shooter was a disgruntled employee. republicans focus on super tuesday after last night's debate. marco rubio and ted cruz attacked donald trump on immigration, healthcare and taxes. nearly half the number of delegates required to clinch the nomination are up for grabs on super tuesday. the democrats hillary clinton and bernie sanders making a pitch to voters ahead of tomorrow's primary in south carolina. a recent poll showing clinton leading sanders among black and hispanic voters nearly 2:1. uc-berkeley police are investigating reports of female students being drugged at frat houses. two young women were allegedly drug at the chi phi fraternity last friday and another two students may have been drugged at the phi gamma delta. >> reporter: the man suspected killing a 22-year-old from san jose will be arraigned today. pedraza is accused of killing stacey aguilar after she left a party in hayward on february 13. last night the feds confirmed to kpix 5 that esmid pedraza is an undocumented immigrant. i'm jackie ward in soma where people who are saying that they are agitating for the -- advocating for the homeless are organizing getting ready to march to city hall. the people are still here this morning waiting for the deadline to expire that mayor lisette when he said he would remove all their stuff when mayor lee set the deadline. he told people to get out by friday or the city will clean up the area. that deadline is up. homeless advocates say there's nowhere for them to go. the coast on homelessness is calling this sweep of inhumane. the people say they have been through similar efforts before. >> i understand his decision. and i understand that, yeah, we make a mess and we make trash. but, um, it's not illegal to be homeless, is it? or is it? . >> reporter: pier 80 shelter is full so a lot of people on this street say they wouldn't go there even if it wasn't. they said the conditions just aren't good and they would rather stay here with their community and they feel safer here. so this is clearly a developing story as action gets under way here in san francisco. reporting live, jackie ward, kpix 5. trouble spot southbound 680 as you work your way near sheridan and andrade. it's the scene of a couple of accidents. everything is cleared out of lane. 63 minutes for the drive time so about an hour from 580 to 101. we are dealing with some pretty big delays through the sunol grade. metering lights are on at the bay bridge. >> at the coast a high surf advisory in place until tomorrow. mount vaca official sunrise right now. you got a glimpse of it increasing clouds becoming mostly cloudy today. 40s and 50s as you step on out. a cooler day. under 70 for the most part. mountain view at 70. low 70s to the south towards the morgan hill and gilroy areas. here's your extended forecast. light rain expected today, dry saturday, another shot of rain sunday night and sunny and dry through wednesday. could see a big change next week. >> we need it. >> thank you. have a great weekend. >> thanks for joining us this morning. "cbs this morning" is next. >> enjoy your friday. captions by: caption colorado [email protected] . good morning to our viewers in the west. it is friday, february 26th, 2016. welcome to "cbs this morning." marco rubio and ted cruz tear into donald trump in the final debate before super tuesday. could this be a turning point? a gunman storms a kansas factory killing coworkers. and spike lee is in studio 57. we'll talk about the oscar backlash and creating change in hollywood. your world in 90 seconds. i seen the guy pull up and popped out with

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Altamont Pass , California , United States , Fremont , Porter Ranch , Mount Vaca , Oakland , Texas , Pleasant Hill , Mountain View , Central Valley , Dublin , Ireland , San Bernardino , San Francisco , Berkeley , Redondo Beach , Wichita , Kansas , Arizona , Menlo Park , South Carolina , Pacifica , Healdsburg , Sonoma County , Inverness , Colorado , Hollywood , Houston , Ohio , Morgan Hill , Petaluma , Hayward Hall , Marco Rubio , Ben Carson , Andria Borba , Juan Francisco , Christin Ayers , Michelle Griego , Nancy Pelosi , John Kasich , Dianne Feinstein , Ross Mirkarimi , Cedric Ford , Loretta Lynch , Vicki Hennessy , Vern Glenn , Melissa Caen , Michael Jackson , Stacey Aguilar , Matt Cain , Chi Phi , Rick Barry , Aaron Gordon , Denise Slater , El Cerrito , Hillary Clinton , Ted Cruz , Mike Honda , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6AM 20160226 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6AM 20160226

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the coalition of homelessness is calling this inhumane and people say they have been through similar clean-up efforts before. >> i understand his decision. and i understand that, yeah, we make a mess and we make trash. but, um, it's not illegal to be homeless, is it? i mean, or is it? >> reporter: pier 80 has been offered as another option for people to go to get shelter and warmth. but pier 80 is being described by these homeless people as not a good place to be. they would rather stay out here with the community that they built for themselves so the police are expected to arrive sometime today. we are not sure what time. people are already gathering ready to protest. we'll have the latest in the next half-hour. in san francisco, jackie ward, kpix 5. happening today an illegal immigrant in court charged wednesday for the murder of his missing girlfriend stacey aguilar. she was last seen february 13 leaving a party in hayward with esmid pedraza five days after her family reported her missing her body was found in a rural part of fremont. police say that she was shot multiple times. that news from i.c.e. came hours after a major change in immigration policy. kpix 5's andria borba on the bay area murder that helped spark that new protocol. >> this is a very significant change and we are deeply grateful to you. i know the country is grateful to hear that you're moving in this direction. >> reporter: with little fanfare and a house subcommittee u.s. attorney general loretta lynch announced a major change in how the doj deals with undocumented immigrants and sanctuary cities. the death of kate steinle on pier 14 this summer put the issue in the national spotlight. the man accused of killing her juan francisco lopez-sanchez had been deported five times. it would have been six with you the city of san francisco requested custody of him on an old drug warrant. when the bureau of prisons handed him over, the sheriff's department released him. change involves chain of custody for undocumented immigrants. cities with known sanctuary policies like san francisco will not gain custody of undocumented immigrants even if they have pending criminal cases. >> i.c.e. will instead have the first detainer and that individual will go into i.c.e. custody and deportation. >> reporter: san francisco's sanctuary policy had stiffened under former sheriff ross mirkarimi who issued a memo last march saying, i.c.e. detainer should not be honored. new sheriff vicki hennessy told me last month, she was looking to amend that policy. >> i still have not decide what that would be. and my changes have to do with limited notification. very limited. so -- and i'm not sure how that's going to work out yet. >> reporter: according to lynch's testimony, the new doj policy would have other consequences including stopping federal grant money to community policing projects for sanctuary cities. andria borba, kpix 5. >> our political analyst melissa caen did the math on that federal grant money. if the doj follows through, it would cost the city of san francisco about $600,000 a year. let's see how we're getting to work this friday morning. if you're heading out for your commute, gianna, how's it looking? >> it's slow especially through the south bay north 101. an accident at oakland 13th street. it's over to the right shoulder. the problem is it's a big rig involved so it's causing spectator slowing. that's the area that gets busy for your morning drive. that's in the heart of the commute. so busy northbound 101. a few extra minutes 15 minutes north 101, 280/680. 101 through the peninsula southbound at ralston in belmont we have a one-car crash clearing out of lanes. no major problems in both directions. the drive times along the peninsula are in the green. so "friday light" 91 to the split. good news heading to sfo. not good at the bay bridge no accidents right now in oakland but again traffic backed up with the metering lights on almost to the maze at this point. that's a look at your "kcbs traffic." surf's up, roberta. >> you would know best. i know you love the coast. >> i do. >> good morning, everybody. heading out the door this morning, this was one thing you need to know heading to the beaches. we have a high surf advisory. it is in effect until tomorrow with some swells lapping onshore up to 14 feet. strong rip currents in the water it temperatures down to 52 degrees in the water. live hi-def doppler radar in search of rain and there you have it offshore. and any rain we see today will be anemic. look at this. i live weather camera looking out from mount vaca this morning. official sun-up is at, boy, 6:00. it's when we set. 6:47 is when we have sunrise and those temperatures are very mild into the 40s and 50s. okay. partly to mostly cloudy skies today. we'll track a system on sunday. back to you guys. a heated debate last night between the republicans in texas. marco rubio and ted cruz took turns attacking front-runner donald trump. omar villafranca reports. >> reporter: republican front- runner donald trump was the target of most of the punches in last night's debate many from marco rubio. this fiery exchange on healthcare was the most we had to moment of the night. >> the biggest thing we have and the reason we have no competition is because we have lines around the state. >> that's the only part of the plan? just the lines? >> you have many different plans. you will have competition. you will have so many different plans. >> now he is repeating himself. >> no, i'm not. >> reporter: the attacks between trump and ted cruz got personal. >> donald, donald, donald, relax. >> go ahead. i'm relaxed. you're a basket case. >> reporter: trump also took hits from people off stage. the billionaire candidate said he hasn't released his tax returns because he is being audited. but former presidential candidate mitt romney questioned the response via twitter. >> he just wants to remain relevant. he is going to support marco rubio. >> reporter: as the top three contenders went head to head, the two lower polling candidates john kasich and ben carson struggled to gain the spotlight. >> can somebody attack me, please? [ laughter ] >> reporter: the former neurosurgeon criticized the tone of the night. >> i think there was no attempt whatsoever to be equitable with the time or the questions. >> reporter: while the ohio governor appeared more optimistic. >> i think i penetrated and sent a message to people around the country about the fact that i'm qualified to be president of the united states. >> reporter: close to 600 delegates are up for grabs in next week's super tuesday contest. omar villafranca, cbs news, houston, texas. >> it just keeps getting more interesting. on the democratic side, hillary clinton around bernie sanders making their last-minute pitches to voters ahead of saturday's primary in south carolina. developing overnight investigators are combing through the scene of a deadly workplace shooting in kansas. three people were killed, 14 others injured, shot by a man who police say opened fire inside a lawnmower products planted. police say 38-year-old cedric ford went on a shooting rampage first hitting passing cars and opened fire at his job. a victim hit by a bullet describes what he saw. >> people were just running and saying, there's somebody was shooting and next thing you know, i felt i got hit in the leg and that's when i turned and he started running. >> ford was killed in a gunfight with police at the scene. the local affiliate in wichita reports he had an extensive criminal record. five of the shooting victims in the hospital were in critical condition. a court hearing today for the woman accused of going on an anti-muslim tirade at a bay area park. check it out. >> the people you tortured are going to be in heaven! you are very deceived by satan. >> the muslim man on the receiving end of that rant says denise slater also threw coffee at him. slater is a corrections department employee. she pled not guilty earlier last month to misdemeanor charges. time 6:09. the gas leak that forced thousands from their homes in southern california is a record- setting disaster. more on the long-term impact coming up. >> good morning, everybody, from the oakland a's. i want you to look at something. sprinklers are on. they are getting this field ready for the first full-squad workout for the green and gold. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ♪ (vo) you can check on them. you can worry about them. you can even choose a car for them. (mom) honey, are you ok? (child) i'm ok. (announcer vo) love. (mom) we're ok. (announcer vo) it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. ♪ i got the discounts that you need ♪ ♪ safe driver ♪ accident-free ♪ everybody put your flaps in the air for me ♪ new information this mornin a good morning. we made it to friday. look at what you will have out the door this morning. turning mostly cloudy today. we have a couple of raindrops in the afternoon forecast. that's about it. but i tell you what. we have your full weekend outlook that's coming up in less than 4 minutes. new information this morning on a double homicide in the north bay. charles will. is accused of -- welch is accused of shooting two men. it happened after a domestic violence incident. police say welch knows the abuser and he shot the victims when they tried to stop the incident. police say witnesses link welch to that murder. a group of scientists says the recent natural gas leak in southern california is the largest known release of methane in u.s. history. that leak at a gas facility near porter ranch lasted for four months. it's a potent greenhouse gas often linked to climate change. the researchers say the amount leaked is similar to what 572,000 cars would release in one year. there is a sense of relief at sonoma county schools where a toxic water scare appears to be over. last fall, tests at the healdsburg elementary school showed excessive levels of lead in their drinking fountains. the fountains were shut down and kids got bottled water. right now the lead levels are low. the plumbing will be fixed over the summer. a california pony was tired of playing unicorn apparently for her five-year-old owner. so with a fake horn still on her head, the little horse galloped away. >> i was afraid and then we had to catch her in the dark. >> that was tatum the owner of the pony named juliette. the horse ran away wednesday after people saw her roaming avenue 12 in madero ranches. it took the chp hours to round her up. but with help from a helicopter, juliette and her horn were spotted and she was returned home safely. >> looks real. can you imagine on the highway? >> what? problems with the oakland a's the past couple season but it's a new year and new season and this morning's spring training report from mesa, arizona vern glenn says the team is optimistic about returning to its winning ways. >> reporter: it's a good morning from mesa, arizona where the 2016 edition of the oakland a's will hold their first full-squad workout later on. after making the play-offs for three straight seasons, the a's lost 94 games in 2015. the worst season since 1997. but without side expectations lowered, the team is just fine sneaking up on the division this season. >> a lot of people don't want to come play us. we never feel like we're out of a game of or there's not a game we can't win. we latched last year happen and we move forward. >> oh we're going to win 80 games, there's expectations too low. 9 games, that's unrealistic. we are going to play hard every day. we are hopefully going to end up with more wins than anybody in ourmore wins than anybody else in our division and hopefully make to the post-season and make a run to the world series. >> according to vegas, the as' odds to win the world series, 100:1! just saying. in mesa, vern glenn, kpix 5. roberta is here saying, it's okay. they will be all right. don't worry about it. >> there's a chance. >> we like being the underdog. it's okay. nobody will see our sneak attack. >> 39 days until opening day. >> we're counting. we have reports of a big accident in the sunol grade a big rig involved south 680. 9 miles per hour per hour at 84. injuries reported blocking one lane through there. chp and emergency crews are on scene. so expect busy conditions on that south 680 commute especially through the sunol grade. traffic backed up because of this wreck. elsewhere if you are at the altamont pass this morning, still seeing some delays out of tracy. but once you get to the top of the pass things are "friday light." looks like 16 minutes from the altamont pass towards 680 the dublin interchange. keep in mind, south of there on 680, that's where things bog down because of the big rig accident. have reports of an accident along 880 near the coliseum. not seeing any delays as a result. in fact, here's a live look at conditions in and around that area. so it must have been cleared quickly or it's over to the right shoulder. either way it's not causing any problems along the nimitz in oakland where you might see some delays though south 880 into hayward. north 101 at oakland that accident clearing out of lanes over to the right shoulder but we're still seeing some slow- and-go conditions coming away from 280/680 with 16 minutes for your drive time if you are headed north 101 at least to 237. use 280 in the meantime as an alternate. as i mentioned you can see here a little yellow on our sensors. southbound 880 sluggish hayward past 92 around industrial as well if you are cutting across the san mateo bridge. things are light. no delays between 880 and 101 so traffic is clear across the span heading towards the peninsula. metering lights are on at the bay bridge. you're backed up to the foot of the maze. take you about an 19, 20-minute ride to go from the foot of the maze into downtown san francisco. about 20 minutes as well off that eastshore freeway carquinez bridge towards the maze. so a little busy there oakland into san francisco. here's roberta. >> one of my favorite weather features in the whole wide world is when you have clouds and sunrise officially this morning at 6:46. looks what's created over our skies now. clouds are rolling in, in advance of an area of low pressure that promises to bring us some raindrops and the clouds are just being illuminated by sunrise at 6:46. we have temperatures very mild. oakland is at 58 degrees at 46 in santa rosa. we fired up our live hi-def doppler in search of rain. not seeing it yet. but look out west. a little bit of light precipitation associated with the leading edge of the frontal boundary today. rain chance on sunday evening. we are forecasting way out over the open waters. more storms next thursday and friday. until then this is our futurecast. you can see where it's turning the onshore push in the form of that marine layer today. also, here is your friday evening a little bit of hit-and- miss scattered showers around the inverness area. but as the system sags to the south it really falls apart very rapidly and any kind of rain we see will be very anemic. here's your saturday with the clearing of the skies and here comes sunday with yet again same scenario with the area of low pressure just falling apart once it bangs up against the north bay. .04" rain in santa rosa barely a trace in san jose .02" rain in pacifica but we'll take it. we have a high surf advisory in place because of the advancement of this area of low pressure. waves up to 14 feet. hearst your extended forecast. cry again on thursdaycloudy again on thursday. 6:20 on this friday. on the heels of multiple sexual assaults near uc-berkeley new reports of female students drugged at campus frat houses. and i'm dennis o'donnell. coming up, what colin kaepernick's agent said that caught 49ers off guard yesterday and a setback for the giants pitching staff. who is out and for how long. straight ahead. ,,,,,,,,,, ♪ we're about to show you an incredibly low fare. like all our fares, you get two free bags and zero change fees. because what's the point of an incredibly low fare if you're just going to stack fees on top of it? our sale fares have nothing up their sleeves. book them now at low fares. nothing to hide. that's transfarency. sfx: clap, clap, ding hi this is conor.usic ) sorry i missed you. i'm either away from my desk or on another call. please leave a message and i'll get back to you just as soon as i'm available. thank you for patience at this busy time. join princess cruises for stargazing with discovery at sea. book now for savings up to $1,000 per stateroom plus up to $600 free onboard spending money. call your travel consultant or visit good morning, everyone. the warriors were in orlando taking on the magic. but the real wand waving is being done by the guy that wares number 30. the introduction was the hardest he had to run all night. with this three coming up he set an nba record for the 128 straight games with a three- pointer but the magic had a potion of their own. 3rd quarter the steal and san jose native aaron gordon. elevation sensation! just like that, this game is tied. but let's get back to captain fantastic. end of the 3rd quarter, this is from midcourt and, of course, warriors win 130-114. curry 51, 10 three-pointers his third 50 point game of the season. first warriors to do that since rick barry over 40 years ago. matt cain was back in san francisco yesterday to have surgery to remove a cyst in his elbow. it's the same elbow that he had surgery on to remove bone chips in august of 2014. cain is expected to resume pitching in 10 days. colin kaepernick's agents have requested a trade from the 49ers. the news came just hours after coach chip kelly met with the media saying that kaepernick wanted to be a 49er. and then one day after gm trent baalke said he expected kaepernick to be on the team. what do you read into this? it's hard to believe that kaepernick will now be on that opening day roster, come september. i'm dennis o'donnell. see you tonight. play of the day, golden state at orlando. we saw it once but steph curry's shot worth another look. the guy is untouchable. we'll give him a bonus because it is the play of the day. on a friday. steph with 51. untouc only gets 3.......but we'll bonus that up with play of e day accolades. stef had 51. play o' the day from the n-b-a... golden state at orlando. we have to give th steph curry shot another lo. closing seconds in the third quarter. curry buried another half courter. he on got three points for that..t we'll give him a bonus, with play o' the day accolades. it's 6-- an out-of- control car barrels into a pedestri an e'll hear f 6:26. coming up an out-of-control car barrels into a pedestrian and then into a house. we are going to hear from a bay area woman who was inside the house with her baby. >> homeless people in soma are packing up and if they are not, mayor ed lee say it will be removed. we'll have a live update in a few minutes. ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, terrorist's cell phone... a the i'm kiet do. we're live in hayward where a murder suspected will be arraigned in court today. it turns out this imagine is in the country illegally. >> apple is responding to a judge's order to hack into a terrorist's cell phone and the company is getting powerful backing in its fight. >> we have fog and clouds. and we have our hi-def doppler radar with the weekend forecast, as well. >> and we have big delays in the sunol grade for a big rig accident. your drive times coming up. >> thank you, gianna. good morning, everyone. it's friday, february 26. i'm frank mallicoat. >> i'm anne makovec in for michelle griego this morning. it is 6:30. the clock is ticking. >> i guess so. a big morning. city officials say the "tent city" under san francisco central freeway is going and those who call it home have to get out today. kpix 5's jackie ward is at "tent city" where a protest is scheduled for this morning. jackie. >> reporter: well, frank, some people here aren't wasting any time. we're long 13th and harrison in front of that best buy in soma and we have seen a lot of homeless people start packing up their stuff wheeling it off trying to get out of this area. but people are just kind of waiting right now to see what the city does and what time this all happens. mayor lee gave a warning this week to the people who live here be out by friday morning or the city will clean up this area without your help so that deadline is up today. but homeless advocates say there's nowhere for them to go. the coalition of homelessness calls it inhumane but that's how the homeless people are describing pier 80 leaving them with no other option in their minds. >> it's a madhouse there. i won't say internment camp. it doesn't look like anything i want to be part of. >> reporter: so pier 80 is that shelter that mayor lee opened up during the super bowl. and that's the alternative in his mind but the city says it's full now. so the homeless people are just looking for another option. there are some heartbreaking stories on the streets for people that we have spoken to. so right now they are preparing for these raids to happen and are unsure about the exact timing of it all. jackie ward, kpix 5. apple has asked a judge to lift the court order forcing it to hack into the san bernardino shooter's iphone. apple says if their engineers write the new code, terrorists would view its a, quote, major prize. and they say first amendment rights are at stake. the fbi director says it is a tough case. >> i'm a huge fan of privacy. [ laughter ] >> i love encryption. right? it's a great thing. but our need for public safety and our need for privacy are crashing into each other and we have to sort that out as a people. >> google and facebook are expected to file legal papers supporting apple's stance with the feds. and several bay area politicians are siding with apple, as well. congressman mike honda and congressman lofgren and nancy pelosi all support apple's views on security. and backing the fbi? senator dianne feinstein a member of the senate intelligence committee. surfers and swimmers, watch out! some big waves pounding the california coastline. a high surf advisory is in effects through saturday afternoon. four people swept into the ocean at redondo beach this week. one of them died. of course they had that billing surf contest in oahu -- -- of course they had that big surf contest in oahu. >> so many people are going to the beach to check it out. it's gorgeous outside. that's a reminder. >> mid-70s yesterday in the santa cruz area, 70 degrees in moss and montera beaches. people flocking to the beach. what do i always say, frank? >> never turn your back on an angry ocean. >> there you go. you heard it. all right. high surf advisory is in place for today in northern california. some waves are lapping onshore up to 15 feet. it's live hi-def doppler radar. we are in search of rain to the west of us. these raindrops are associated with a frontal boundary that promises to fall apart -- wait, i have to stop for a second. look at this! wow! official sunrise at 6:46. increasing cloud cover becoming mostly cloudy, rain in the afternoon forecast or early evening. that's about it. anything we see less than .05" of rain. 40s and 50s out the door. carry an umbrella to be on the safe side. 60s and the low 70s today. the winds rotate to the southwest up to 15 miles per hour. we'll have your weekend forecast. that's coming up at 48 minutes after the hour but right now, it's queen bee! you look gorgeous. love that yellow on. >> you thank you very much, roberta. you know, i wish the freeways were gorgeous this morning. bad news. 680, we have a major accident involving a big rig and it's causing big delays on the southbound side of the 680 through the sunol grade. your drive times are over an hour. 71 minutes south 680 to go from 580 to 101 in san jose. the problem is this big rig accident south 680 at sheridan is blocking all lanes but the left lane so squeezing by will be tough. pleasanton sunol road might be an alternate through there but that's probably busy already. the rest of 680 through walnut creek slight delays there as well but through the sunol grade things are troublesome. metering lights are on at the bay bridge. carquinez bridge to the maze, that's only 22 minutes. once you get to the backup, 20, 22 minutes to head into san francisco. a heated debate last night between the gop candidates for president in texas. >> the biggest thing we have and the reason we have no competition is because we have lines around the state. >> so that's the only part of the plan? >> nice -- you have many different plans. you will have competition. you will have so many different plans. >> also on the stage carson and kasich both staying in the race for the long haul despite a battle to match trump for delegates. the strategy of the night was to attack trump. our melissa caen says that comes as no surprise. >> trump is clearly the front- runner and heading into super tuesday he is leading in a lot of those states that are going to be voting and so they knew they had to attack him and they did. >> on the democratic side, hillary clinton and bernie sanders are making last-minute pitches to minority voters ahead of saturday's primary in south carolina. thousands of democrats heading to san jose over the weekend. the california democrats state convention kicks off today. retiring senator barbara boxer is a keynote speaker. plenty of extra traffic is expected. 3,000 taken december are heading to the convention center. today a court hearing in hayward for the man suspected of killing 22-year-old stacey aguilar of san jose. kpix 5's kiet do live in hayward with why this case could spark a real debate on immigration policy. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. would not be surprised to see society presidential candidates talking about this case on the campaign trail. the feds confirmed the accused killer is illegal. his name is esmid pedraza. he lives in an unincorporated area of hayward and will be arraigned on murder charges this afternoon. pedraza was arrested two days ago in connection with the disappearance and murder of stacey aguilar. 22 years old, from san jose. aguilar was last seen on the night of february 13 leaving a rowdy party in hayward with her boyfriend. shortly after her family reported her missing. her body was found riddled with bullets in a remote area of fremont. i.c.e. says: pedraza will be arraigned today at 2 p.m. here at the hayward hall of justice. live in hayward, kiet do, kpix 5. uc-berkeley police investigating after female students reported being drugged at frat houses. police say they received a report that two girls were drugged at the chi psi fraternity and another, as well. police believe this man is a suspect in at least three sexual assaults in berkeley. past couple of weeks. the first reported case was february 11 near the people's park. the victims are all college aged asian women. fremont police hope this new video brings some theft suspects to justice. the cameras at mission pizza captured these folks on camera stealing a change machine from the restaurant. in just 45 seconds, really quick, they -- these same guys are suspected of robbing a chevron station 15 minutes later and then that same night they also are accuse of breaking into a nail and spa. but the register was empty there. police are trying to figure out what caused a car crash in the meantime that injured three people in san francisco. it happened yesterday an on fulton street near 46th avenue yesterday afternoon. a car hit a pedestrian on a sidewalk and sideswiped wall of a home. a woman and child were inside the home. >> sonia was on the couch right there the one that was pushed out by the collision. and i was sitting here on the laptop and all of a sudden we heard this huge boom. >> the fire department says the pedestrian was taken to the hospital with a broken leg and driver and passenger had minor injuries. time is 6:39. a disturbing attack targeting a bay area family. details on the hate crime that could have turned deadly. >> and facebook ceo mark zuckerberg takes his employees to task for what he calls malicious activity at the company headquarters. ,, how to put your foot lin your mouth.: man, wish my yard looked like yours. hey, the grass is always greener on the other side of the... sorry. now get 20% off sta-green® fertilizer, at lowe's. this is interesting. take a look at our futurecast and this clock. the fog is gathering at the coast. as we advance forward throughout the day today, on shore push with some light rain to the north. let's verify that fog by calling on our live weather camera looking toward the golden gate bridge. it's a foggy start to your friday morning. we have that commute forecast coming up with gianna and your weather in less than four minutes. let's check what's coming up later on this morning on "cbs this morning." >> let's do that with mr. charlie rose on friday. he has a preview. how are you? >> hey, good morning, we're in kansas covering the deadly shooting there plus we'll talk with marco rubio about his relentless attacks on donald trump in last night's debate. tracking donald trump's charity donations. we'll look at the numbers as there are questions about his tax returns. and spike lee is in studio 57. we'll ask him about the diversity at the oscars and his new documentary on michael jackson. the news is back in the morning. see you at 7:00. >> thank you. rubio was on fire last night. thanks, charlie. >> charlie, enjoy your weekend and have a great show. thanks. the same, you, too. >> thank you. the business week meantime is ending with some local companies unveiling their earnings. >> let's chat about that and more with kcbs radio's financial reporter jason brooks. >> reporter: good morning. certainly the economy was not on fire in the 4th quarter. congress department is out revising its original take and bumped it higher to 1% growth. so not as bad as originally reported. but not quite the same growth as the 3rd quarter at about 2%. now, one thing that lifted the economy a little higher in the 4th quarter was increasing business inventories. you look elsewhere consumer spending was weaker. also businesses spent also money on equipment and office space. so economy still not performing very well in the 4th quarter. economists think it will pick up in the current quarter. a lot of bay area firms reporting their earnings results for the 4th quarter. and several are winners. that would two companies in palo alto. they are expecting good years ahead. shares in those companies are higher in the early going. on the other hand, gap saw further losses in the recent quarter. sales at its flagship chain down 7%. banana republic off 10% old navy down 5%. also expecting a slightly weaker year ahead and gap shares are pulling a little lower. stock market off some big gains on thursday dow up more than 200 off to a positive start today. let's look at the big board. looking to figure the week on a positive note. didn't look likely earlier when the mark was down this week. dow now up by ove 50 points. back to you guys. >> thank you. facebook's ceo issued an email to employees about writings on walls at the company's menlo park headquarters. some walls are intended to workers to write comments. but recently someone has scratched out "black lives matter" phrases and replaced them with "all lives matter." zuckerberg's internal memo to workers obtained by gizmodo read in part, i now consider this malicious. the email noted that crossing out a phrase is equivalent to silencing speech. these low gas prices we have been enjoying could be coming to an end. we could see a big spike in a matter of days. that's because refineries are about to switch from a winter blend to that old summer blend which costs more to make. one expert says gas prices will likely spike ten to 15 cents by the end of the month and it is possible they could go up to 30 cents. right now the average price for gas, a gallon of gas in california, is $2.29. >> i got it for a buck 79 the other day filled up for like 20 bucks. >> 1970! >> rock star! >> unfortunately, a lot of -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> pleasant hill! a buck 79. i pulled in, i couldn't believe it. filled it up. >> i'm trying to make a transition, frank. [ laughter ] spending extra money on gas this morning waiting around in traffic, gianna! >> you're right, anne. >> well done. >> they are wasting a lot of gas on the roads especially on 680 sunol grade the scene of this big, big accident. it's completely cleared. all lanes are open. bad news, the damage is done. second problem. that's why you see two icons on the street. a stalled vehicle in the backup. major delays of 75 minutes. over an hour to go from south 680 from 580 down to 101 in san jose. 84 a struggle over the grade. traffic slow on alternates. so try to avoid the area if you can. that's your best bet to get around that mess. bay bridge toll plaza backed up metering lights are on. slight delays off of the eastshore freeway. but overall, it's been okay this morning out of berkeley into oakland into san francisco through there but again, the usual suspects as you work your way westbound. elsewhere southbound 880, out of hayward we have some stop- and-go conditions here. just around 238 sluggish to where the san mateo bridge. 19 minutes crawling along between 880 and 101 across the span. nimitz freeway in oakland near the coliseum, that's been a nice ride so far. everything is clear in both directions through this portion but again, slows down just a bit into downtown oakland. boy those express lanes are really making a difference as you work your way through the altamont pass. we have had some light conditions this week since they have opened up so you can see westbound 580 that's okay towards 680. but i have seen some fog this morning, roberta, especially at the golden gate bridge. it's been a while. let's see what our weather watcher have to say about that good morning, everyone. 6:48. let's look at who is saying what this morning. peggi rodgers says fog in petaluma. she says the fog was thick around 3 a.m. at the moment it's still foggy. heading over towards the san jose area, 48 degrees so says joe and joe, what are you saying this morning? he says clear skies there. and smack in between, the fog to the north the clear skies to the south we have this. it is sunrise over the mount vaca area with increasing cloud cover. temperatures are mild as you step on out to get the kids ready for school. 40s and 50s. it's 58 in oakland. i fired up our live hi-def doppler radar in search of any kind of rain. right now you have to go due west to find that. that's the leading edge of some precipitation that wants to make its way into the bay area. if we see any rain this afternoon or early evening hours, it will be very anemic. dry on saturday. and more rain slated a good chance on sunday night. so next week we are looking ahead to next week perhaps the storms return here to the bay area with increasing clouds by next thursday. we are looking at the return of the fog right here. this is our futurecast accurately predicting the fog moving in surging into the bay. so let's see how your day progresses. there you have it. 8:00 tonight. hit-and-miss scattered showers in the north bay but as this front sags to the south it falls apart leaving us with clear skies for our saturday. and then by sunday increasing clouds with yet again the same scenario. rain moves into the north bay and then quickly disintegrates as it makes tracks over the golden gate bridge leaving us with clear skies as we start a new workweek next week. these are rainfall totals if you even want to allude to them as rainfall totals. splash & dash. 70s in the central valley today. don't forget the sunblock if you are heading to the greater lake tahoe area. there's a chance of some snow on sunday at north star. always my favorite trail, sierra grande. it's a black diamond but it's sure fun. alpine meadows, packed powder 13 lifts available and we have lots of sunshine there on saturday. 60s across the board today low 70s in mountain view. a high surf advisory in place with swells up to 15 feet lapping onshore 14 currently in pacifica area. here's your extended forecast. dry saturday, rain sunday, back in the 70s on monday through wednesday. make it a great friday. a hate crime in a neighborhood in el cerrito is under investigation this morning and the victims say this could have been deadly. christin ayers has the story. >> reporter: the woman was up at 3:00 wednesday morning to feed her newborn when she saw it. >> i saw, um, a flickering light and i saw there was a huge fire under my har. >> reporter: she woke her husband and he went for the hose. his mind racing. >> thinking about is the car going to blow up before i put it out? >> reporter: this they say was no accident. they found two logs under the car. >> the logs went down in between the two tires sitting directly under the gas tank. >> reporter: another was lit under the engine. >> i was wondering why somebody was trying to kill my family. >> reporter: it was while detectives were dusting the car for fingerprints that the wife noticed something more disturbing, a note on a piece of cardboard sitting in the yard scrawled with the "n" word. >> said go away, [ censored ] >> reporter: greg had thought this was merely vandalism. then you see the note. >> it changed the dynamics. >> reporter: police are investigating the incident as a hate crime. they are running extra patrols in the neighborhood. greg's family has lived here for nearly 50 years. his grandmother says in all that time, she has never seen anything like this. and she has no intention of being intimidated. >> you have to stay put and do what you can to protect your home and your family. >> reporter: in el cerrito, christin ayers, kpix 5. >> police say they are following some leads in the case but so far they haven't made any arrests. 6:52 on this friday. investigators are combing true the scene of a workplace rampage in kansas. what we know so far about the shooter. >> reporter: and mayor ed lee has said that he has given the homeless 72 hours to get out in soma. this morning, we are waiting for that to happen. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, shooting spree near wichita, kansas. the gunman opened fire at three separate locas including a lawn care products factory. a so tells cbs news that the shoo led employee at a shooting spree in kansas a gunman opened fire in three locations. a source says that the shooter was a disgruntled employee. republicans focus on super tuesday after last night's debate. marco rubio and ted cruz attacked donald trump on immigration, healthcare and taxes. nearly half the number of delegates required to clinch the nomination are up for grabs on super tuesday. the democrats hillary clinton and bernie sanders making a pitch to voters ahead of tomorrow's primary in south carolina. a recent poll showing clinton leading sanders among black and hispanic voters nearly 2:1. uc-berkeley police are investigating reports of female students being drugged at frat houses. two young women were allegedly drug at the chi phi fraternity last friday and another two students may have been drugged at the phi gamma delta. >> reporter: the man suspected killing a 22-year-old from san jose will be arraigned today. pedraza is accused of killing stacey aguilar after she left a party in hayward on february 13. last night the feds confirmed to kpix 5 that esmid pedraza is an undocumented immigrant. i'm jackie ward in soma where people who are saying that they are agitating for the -- advocating for the homeless are organizing getting ready to march to city hall. the people are still here this morning waiting for the deadline to expire that mayor lisette when he said he would remove all their stuff when mayor lee set the deadline. he told people to get out by friday or the city will clean up the area. that deadline is up. homeless advocates say there's nowhere for them to go. the coast on homelessness is calling this sweep of inhumane. the people say they have been through similar efforts before. >> i understand his decision. and i understand that, yeah, we make a mess and we make trash. but, um, it's not illegal to be homeless, is it? or is it? . >> reporter: pier 80 shelter is full so a lot of people on this street say they wouldn't go there even if it wasn't. they said the conditions just aren't good and they would rather stay here with their community and they feel safer here. so this is clearly a developing story as action gets under way here in san francisco. reporting live, jackie ward, kpix 5. trouble spot southbound 680 as you work your way near sheridan and andrade. it's the scene of a couple of accidents. everything is cleared out of lane. 63 minutes for the drive time so about an hour from 580 to 101. we are dealing with some pretty big delays through the sunol grade. metering lights are on at the bay bridge. >> at the coast a high surf advisory in place until tomorrow. mount vaca official sunrise right now. you got a glimpse of it increasing clouds becoming mostly cloudy today. 40s and 50s as you step on out. a cooler day. under 70 for the most part. mountain view at 70. low 70s to the south towards the morgan hill and gilroy areas. here's your extended forecast. light rain expected today, dry saturday, another shot of rain sunday night and sunny and dry through wednesday. could see a big change next week. >> we need it. >> thank you. have a great weekend. >> thanks for joining us this morning. "cbs this morning" is next. >> enjoy your friday. captions by: caption colorado . good morning to our viewers in the west. it is friday, february 26th, 2016. welcome to "cbs this morning." marco rubio and ted cruz tear into donald trump in the final debate before super tuesday. could this be a turning point? a gunman storms a kansas factory killing coworkers. and spike lee is in studio 57. we'll talk about the oscar backlash and creating change in hollywood. your world in 90 seconds. i seen the guy pull up and popped out with

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Altamont Pass , California , United States , Fremont , Porter Ranch , Mount Vaca , Oakland , Texas , Pleasant Hill , Mountain View , Central Valley , Dublin , Ireland , San Bernardino , San Francisco , Berkeley , Redondo Beach , Wichita , Kansas , Arizona , Menlo Park , South Carolina , Pacifica , Healdsburg , Sonoma County , Inverness , Colorado , Hollywood , Houston , Ohio , Morgan Hill , Petaluma , Hayward Hall , Marco Rubio , Ben Carson , Andria Borba , Juan Francisco , Christin Ayers , Michelle Griego , Nancy Pelosi , John Kasich , Dianne Feinstein , Ross Mirkarimi , Cedric Ford , Loretta Lynch , Vicki Hennessy , Vern Glenn , Melissa Caen , Michael Jackson , Stacey Aguilar , Matt Cain , Chi Phi , Rick Barry , Aaron Gordon , Denise Slater , El Cerrito , Hillary Clinton , Ted Cruz , Mike Honda , Bernie Sanders ,

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