Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6AM 20151013 : compareme

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6AM 20151013

yesterday evening after a long drive from portland, oregon. they were taking unmarked vans from the sheriff's department. we have pictures of those aspects that happen identified as 24-year-old sean angold, 23- year-old morrison lampley and 18-year-olds lila alligood. lastly, portland police tracked them down outside a dining hall. the three are charged with murdering two people, 23-year- old audrey carey, a canadian tourist and 67-year-old steve carter, well-known marin county therapist. both were found dead in the woods into different counties, carey's body was found face down and golden gate park and carter was found on a hiking trail in fairfax. investigators say they were murdered days apart with the same gun. the suspects will be arraigned in marin county superior court tomorrow morning at 9:00 and. reporting live in san rafael, cate cauguiran, kpix 5. a grisly find here los gatos, a human skull found in a world area -- rural area, chopper 5 spotted investigators late afternoon, cadaver dogs brought into smith out if there were more possible remains in the area. santa clara sheriff's department says they are not sure if the skull was from a man or woman or how long it has been there. so far investigators haven't found any more remains pretty golden gate bridge officials will take that for a suicide barrier. the marin independent journal reports a contractor could be selected as soon as march and construction could begin within weeks of the announcement. the suicide barrier is expected to take more than three years to build and cost $76 million. 6:02. a check in traffic with gianna. reports of a brand-new action westbound 4, motorcycle involved, no lens plot but we have slow conditions as you can see on our map you are, live sensors shown yellow and red, speeds in some spots dipping as well as 15 miles an hour. give yourself a few extra minutes into pittsburgh on the westbound side. westbound 580 altamont pass to 680, netted 23 minute ride right now. looking at conditions in the south bay, northbound 101, brake lights as you head through san jose, reports of an accident on 280 near lawrence expressway. you might be delays in that area as well. bay bridge metering lights are on, traffic backed up almost to the maze. roberta? at morning, our weather camera looking out toward the bay, clear skies, wind out of the northeast at 3 miles an hour, on the general side, we had a record high of 98 degrees yesterday, that was in gilroy. currently, we are 64 in livermore down from yesterday's high temperature of 95 degrees. look at san francisco, a good 18 degrees above average for the 13th day of october, 70s and 80s at the beaches today, 80s and 90s common across the peninsula, south bay numbers in the 90s, east of the bay topping up at 68 in dental and that [ null ] as well as clayton and panola, hercules, 70s common -- 80s and 90s north bay, 95 degrees at napa, good 16 degrees above average. low 90s common across the cloverdale area. rain, the chances of it and when to expect it coming up shortly. the city of oakland has several a lawsuit with the man who claims he was being by two city workers. the city attorney's office is recommending oakland pay more than $200,000 to joshua daniel. he claims two maintenance workers left him bloodied and unconscious after a confrontation at a plus in 2013. there are questions about a marin county native convicted in an espionage tile in iran. jason razaian is airport for the "the washington post". state run media in iran says a revolutionary court found him guilty. here in the question, the state farm and says it has not seen official confirmation of a verdict in his column for iran to release razaian immediately. >> what i know is jason is innocent. the idea that he should be held in prison because of something that somebody else did here in the united states when he was over in iran doing his job as a journalist is offensive to me and should be offensive to everybody. >> "the washington post" calls a conviction and outrageous injustice and says it's working with razaian's family on an appeal. a high-stakes showdown tonight in las vegas, five democratic candidates for president will hold their first debate at the 2016 campaign. don champion has a preview of the nationally televised event. >> reporter: ahead of tonight's first democratic debate, hillary clinton focused on republican rival donald trump in las vegas. monday, she made an unscheduled visit to join a crowd of mostly latino union workers, trying to unionize at the trump international hotel. >> if you are going to run for president, then you should represent all the people of the united states and that includes hard-working people. >> reporter: clinton will square off against four democratic rivals and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> this is a people's campaign, not a billionaire's campaign. >> reporter: pendant say her top rival, bernie sanders, will try to attract voters beyond his grass-roots base. the vermont senator. has closed the polling clap -- gap on clinton in iowa and overtaken her in new hampshire. >> if elected president, the united states of america will not have more people in jail than any other country on earth. >> reporter: experts say former maryland governor. martin o'malley who has so far flown under the radar is more likely to go after clinton then sanders. >> o'malley is the one most likely to seize on the moment. he's also made a very big deal out of the debates and wanting more of them so he really needs to have a good debate. >> reporter: upon candidates jim webb and lincoln chafee will also take part in the debate. don champion, cbs news. an extra lectern is on standby for vice president joe biden in case he makes a last- minute decision to enter the race. aba league giant peer conglomerate is broken. anheuser-busch announced plans to buy its main rival, sab miller, in a deal that would create the world's largest peer company. it would bring none of the world's 7:20. brands under the same roof, including budweiser, coors and miller. the deal would need approval from regulators. a new york mets fan remains in critical condition after beating outside dodger stadium in los angeles. it happened on friday after a playoff game that the mets won. investigator say a verbal argument between fans escalated into a fight. the victim was found bleeding from the head. police are reviewing surveillance footage now and looking for a tall man with blonde hair. time now, 6:07. dutch investigators released a report this morning on the crash of malaysian airlines jet in eastern ukraine. and, those three jail guards accused of murdering an inmate, they will be back in court today and despite a mountain of evidence against them, how will they played? i'm kiet do. we've got airport coming up. how about rain back in the forecast? i will tell you which day to expected. delays are built in, i'll have the top traffic trouble spots when we come back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, apparently, people think i'm too perky. so now i'm not being perky, telling you that drivers that switch to progressive save an average of $548! whoo! i mean, whoo. good morning. time check for you, 6:11, 11 minutes after the hour of 6:00, taking a look out toward the bay bridge where we have clear skies, wind under 5 miles per hour, temperatures bayside in the mid to high 80s. complete forecast coming up in less than four minutes. 6:11 your time. this afternoon, three jail guards accused of beating an inmate to death in santa clara county will be back in court. they are expected to plead not guilty to charges of murder. kpix 5's kiet do is at the courthouse in downtown san jose with more on the case that has prompted an internal investigation. good morning. >> good morning. another dramatic day in court today, all three men will be there along with legal teams, family and bay area media packed into that small courtroom. we are hoping to hear more about what happened on that fateful night. rafael rodriguez, jereh lubrin and matthew farris will likely plead not guilty today. the each posted their $1.5 million bill and were released late last month. they been charged with murder and face a separate charge of assault under the color of authority for allegedly beating another inmate prior to the death of michael tyree. tyree was found unconscious an hour after surveillance can't the deputies entering his cell. the coroner says he died of massive internal bleeding. the guards failed policy by not immediately reporting the fight. enter today we may hear more about incriminating text messages between the guards were they bragged about various pleadings inside the jail. the sheriff has been in damage control mode and launched a massive internal investigation inviting the feds to do a top to bottom review of operations and procedures. >> our willingness to bring in an outside agency, i hope, really demonstrates the transparency that we have came -- been committed to providing and make sure the public has a high degree of trust in what it is we are doing. >> reporter: today's plea hearing set for 1:30 this afternoon. we are live in downtown san jose, kiet do, kpix 5. investigators in the netherlands state was a missile that brought down malaysian airlines flight 17 over ukraine. the plane crashed in july last year killing all 298 people on board. the dutch safety board says the missile was fired from a surface to air system, the board met with victims families and made the announcement to the public following a 15 monthlong investigation. for people are dead after an attack in jerusalem. investigators say a pair of palestinian men ordered a bus in jerusalem and began shooting and stabbing passengers. about the same time, another man rammed a car into a bus station before stabbing bystanders. three israelis and one attacker were killed. kansas city, missouri, is morning to firefighters killed when part of a burning building collapse. it happened last night at a building that included apartments. there fire chief says firefighters rescued two people from the building and says the department is doing its very best to deal with the tragedy. >> is difficult when you live with somebody for 24 hours a day and you're laughing and joking one minute and then something like this happens in the line of duty. >> two other firefighters are being treated for injuries. breaking this morning, san francisco-based twitter will part ways with 336 people. the new ceo, jack dorsey, making the announcement in a letter released a half hour or so ago. dorsey road, we are doing this with the utmost respect for each and every person. twitter will go to great lengths to take care of each individual by providing generous exit packages and help finding a new job. we will have much more on this with kcbs financial reporter jason brooks in the next half hour. uc davis police are investigating a hate crime. several students woke up yesterday to find tires slashed with religious slurs carved into the lives of their cars but all of the slogans were anti-somatic. it's the second time this year that jews have been targeted on the davis campus. in january, a jewish fraternity had swastikas painted on his house. no arrests have been made in either case. will be unveiled evidence in an infamous alcatraz prison escape. >> the 1962 escape is the greatest mystery of the 20th century. >> convicted bank robbers, clarence england, john england, frank moores broke out of alcatraz, swim across the san francisco bay to escape and have not been seen since. the history channel recently interviewed nephews of the england as they claim they have photo and say the brothers send their mother christmas card years after they escaped. the information was unveiled on the history channel show, "alcatraz: search for the truth". >> they were in their late 20s, they would be in their 80s now. >> i just find it a remarkable story. we talked about this before, there are five different currents in the bay and if you don't know how to swim and did it without a wetsuit it's remarkable. and in the dark. and with six different types of bottom meeting sharks. you know, they are bottom feeders nevertheless. >> is remarkable. if they are out there who knows? maybe they are stuck in traffic. >> maybe they are watching.'s to make some people are from the south bay. trouble and accidents in the south bay. 101 right at montague blocking the number two lane and is causing a bit of a backup. slow on northbound 101 from six 82 trillion. not found 280 at lawrence expressway, reports of the hit and run accident, not seeing any delays, this one is pushed over to the right shoulder. if you want to skip 11 and used to 80 instead, no problems there. westbound highway 4, that accident in the planning stages, damage done away from the antioch bridge, same into pittsburgh, improves once you hit the east shore freeway but you will see delays westbound 80, carquinez bridge as you work your way in. past 238 into hayward if you are cutting across the san mateo bridge, traffic still doing okay, 15 minutes between 880 and 101 but we are seeing more cars on the roadway, expect slow and go conditions at the morning progresses. southbound 11, 582 the toll plaza, 14 minute ride this money. let's look at the forecast, here's roberta. i want to give a big shout out this morning to the students at santa teresa high school in san jose. kids are going back to school after having columbus day off, santa teresa marching band, winners of the band challenge put on by fleet week yesterday and golden gate park. they won $10,000 toward their music program at santa teresa high school. congratulations to you. in san jose in the santa clara valley, clear skies, temperature wise we have been sitting at 63 degrees for the past 90 minutes there. the wings are nonexistent. winds will be very gentle today and we are going to see the hottest day of the workweek today. and yesterday was hot. we had a record high of 98 degrees in gilroy. shattering the old record of 96 back in 1992. we are going to have a pattern change tomorrow because of this right here, an area of low pressure this little low has been sitting off the southern california coast for 10 days. it's going to lift and northerly direction impacting central california with at least a good chance of showers and thunderstorms. he will be the recipient of cloud cover. meanwhile upstream we go on a brand-new area of the pressure to bring us at least a chance of rain saturday. until then, mid 90s throughout the central valley, high 70s in monterey bay. 80 degrees at the south shore, currently 37 degrees. temperatures from 84 in pacifica to 88 in san francisco. that is a good 18 degrees above average. 90 in san jose, mid 90s to the east, 93 degrees santa rosa, it's hot. and unseasonably hot. tomorrow we call down as we caught up in a slight chance of rain showers on saturday. make it a great day, everyone. time now is 6:19. without warning, the first bay area city to raise the minimum smoking aid reverses core, what forced the sudden about-face. coming up, the steelers put the focus on one result last night, coming down to the final play on monday night football. and, cespedes for the rest of us. a 431 foot home run. was it enough to beat la? ,,,, (vo) you can pass down a subaru forester. (dad) she's all yours. (vo) but you get to keep the memories. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. good morning. the roars came cascading down the rafters at citi field, they chanted we want utley. met fans got more than that, ruben tejada waved into the crowd two days after having his leg broken on a slide by chase utley. here's how you extract revenge. travis d'arnaud, two run shot to put the mets in front, and it was yoenis cespedes that hit the shot heard clear to los angeles. somebody said we should forgive our enemies been on before they are hanged. the mets on a 13-7 loss on la. they can eliminate them wednesday. the thrill of victory for carlos correa in houston, astros led 5-2, then, the royals hit and they hit and they hit and they hit. and when morales, the possible inning ending double play booted by correa, tying run scores, royals win 9-6, correa experiencing the agony of defeat. monday night football, steelers go for the win instead of a tie. >> he points to the goal line! he's in for the touchdown! the steelers win! mike tomlin rang the bell and crunch time. >> laveon bell and the wildcat formation, how do you like it? pittsburgh stunned san diego as time expires, 24-20, man, you've got to credit steelers coach mike tomlin, if they don't get that touchdown, they lose the football game and you know how those tuesday morning quarterbacks can be. pittsburgh with the shocker over san diego. i'm dennis o'donnell, see you tonight. when he rolled the nfl guys and when, it's worth a second look. one more time, san diego steelers chargers, five seconds to go, dennis mentioned to kick for the drive, -- kick for the tie, td for the win, bell barely breaks the goal line as he so close to going down. what a finish. pittsburgh stealing one from the chargers in san diego, 24- 20, they grab our play of the day. >> way to go for it. it is 6:26. experts from around the world come together to push for immediate action to fix the bay bridge. three drifters accused of killing two people days apart will be waking up in the bay area this morning. i'm cate cauguiran live in marin county with details on their first court appearance. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, this is the dawn of an old day. because at&t and directv are offering yesterday's technology, today. tv from space. [whispered] space as long as it's not too rainy. [whispered] rainy or windy. [whispered] windy or there isn't a branch in the way. [whispered] branchy welcome to the moment no one's been waiting for. the fastest internet and the best tv experience is already here with x1. only from xfinity. morning for its response to sexual har uc berkeley is taking some heat from its own faculty this morning for its response to sexual harassment claims against a professor. >> and a new crosswalk system causing a whole lot of confusion for some bay area drivers. from the kpix weather center, good morning. chances of rain and when you should expect it. those details straightahead. delays along 101 and 280, two separate accidents. i'll explain. tuesday is here, october 13, i'm frank mallicoat. >> and i'm michelle griego. time now is 6:30. a woman and two men accused of murder in san francisco and marin county due in court tomorrow. kpix 5's cate cauguiran joins us live from san rafael where the trio known as the drifters are in custody. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, frank. the three are charged with a special circumstance allegation, examples of that would be multiple murders. serious charges mean the three could face life in prison without parole or death. yesterday evening unmarked vans from the sheriff departments world up to the marin county jail after a long drive from portland, oregon. inside those bands, three murder suspects. 24-year-old sean angold, 23-year-old morrison lampley and 18-year-old lila alligood. police tracked down and arrested all three last week in portland and brought them back to the bay area yesterday to face the district attorneys charge of first-degree murder. chopper 5 was flying over the jail when deputies led the first suspect, hand in the cups, into jail. the second suspect wearing a red jumpsuit followed shortly thereafter. but for an unexplained reason, nearly an hour passed before deputies took the third suspect out of the van. the trio is charged with murdering two people, 23-year- old audrey carey, a canadian tourist visiting the bay area and 67-year-old steve carter, a well-known marin county therapist. both found dead in the woods. but in two different counties. a hiker found carter's bonnie the first week of october on a trail in fairfax, his dog critically injured and least to his owners body. carey's body was found facedown in golden gate park hours after a music festival wrapped up. in the end, gps on carter's stolen car and this gas station surveillance led police to the suspect outside a dining hall in portland. now, they will only be dining in the marin county jail. really, these drifters won't be going anywhere for quite some time. the three are scheduled to be arraigned in marin county superior court tomorrow 9:00 and. reporting live in san rafael, cate cauguiran, kpix 5. the federal government plans to charge raymond chow -- filings by the u.s. attorney's office, the documents link chow, a fixture in san francisco's chinatown, killings that took place in 2006 and 2013. chow is set to stand trial next month on a series of racketeering charges. a retrofit on the new eastern span of that bay bridge should be done immediately. that's what an international group of bridge maintenance experts have told caltrans. the san francisco chronicle says the panels concerns range from defected rods to a lack of maintenance access. 6:33. let's get another check on our weather. a very hot day. >> what amazes me is that each day we are losing two minutes and about 21 seconds off of our day and we are still going to be harder than yesterday. that shows you it's a really intense dome of high pressure over california. yesterday we had a record high temperature of 98 degrees in gilroy, today, how about 99? true. let's go outside right now, it's very miles, it's clear. i'm not sure if i'm liking that we don't have the sun up yet. to you like that? >> i kind of like it. >> 50s and 60s out the door, very miles. yesterday, boy, we had 87 in san francisco, going with 88, 18 degrees above average 90 in san jose, 84 in pacifica, 90s around the peninsula, no wind to speak up and when we do it will be gentle, 5 miles per hour and variable. temperatures into the bay, low to mid 90s, the play hell, martinez, back into american canada -- been go inland to the high 80s and 90s, sonoma at 90 degrees. in the far reaches of the north bay up to 97 degrees in ukiah, rain, the chances of it and when you can expected coming up at 48 minutes after the hour. gianna? let's jump over to the south bay. a couple of things going on. accident northbound 101 causing a bit of a backup as you work your way through there, when people stuck in the center divide. reports of another vehicle in the carpool lane. we are seeing slow and go conditions 14 miles per hour in some spots. jump over to 280, just a heads up, the accident out lawrence expressway is in the clearing stages and we are seeing delays on the northbound side of 280 as we approach that scene. bay bridge, metering lights are on, backed up into the maze, approach to the maze, scene delays northbound 880, stop and go conditions as you head into oakland, southbound, reports of an overturned vehicle at 880 and a street, also reported on the northbound side, as soon as csp arrives on the single get you the exact direction. we have delays on the southbound side out up a word for the san mateo bridge. into fremont, traffic is low. san mateo bridge itself looks like it's starting to back up out of hayward into foster city. after you guys. let's keep the community in going. drivers on the south side of san jose are trying to adjust to a new crosswalk system that was installed on snow avenue. march sayre shows us how it works. >> reporter: the system is called hiac, or high intensity activated crosswalk, to help people get safely to and from couple part. the white are completely dark when not in use, but when a pedestrian pushes the button, single gal lights on bottom of the lightbox begin to flash and then two solid red lights come on at the top. that's a mandatory stop. after a few seconds, those red lights begin to flash and drivers can continue on as long as the crosswalk in front of them is clear. >> it's a good thing but people don't have enough knowledge about it. people are not sure what to do, because sometimes people stop, and sometimes people just brake and it scares people. >> at the time there's one other like it on the slope boulevard in san francisco so it's not familiar to many bay area drivers. >> drivers will get used to it but no doubt we need to educate folks on the new light. >> reporter: other bay area cities are looking at these signals as well including santa clara, oakland and berkeley. in san jose, i'm mark sayre, kpix 5. it are this one, mayor sam liccardo of san jose will launch the device avenue design designed to prevent child steps in hot cars. iremind send others to parents when accidentally leave a small child alone in a car. a san jose founded the company called sunshine baby producing the alarms. today's event happened at babies r us in san jose. the city of pittsburgh is calling it quits on a groundbreaking law that raised the smoking age. in july, helzberg became the first city in the state to ban merchants from some tobacco products to anyone under 21. the smoking agent -- agent california is 18 and the city is suspending the ordinance to avoid a costly legal battle with the tobacco retailers association. a well-known professor is in the middle of a sexual harassment controversy. at uc berkeley. as kpix 5's betty yu reports, the school is being criticized for its handling of the situation. >> you only feel the work that you feel driven to do. >> reporter: he's one of the biggest names in astronomy. geoffrey marcy is used to publishing research. not apologies. in an open letter, he wrote, while i do not agree with each complained that it was made, it is clear that my behavior was on welcomed by some women. i take full responsibility. those complaints came from four women, his former students. buzzfeed reports that between 2001 and 2010, marcy repeatedly engaged in inappropriate physical behavior with students, including unwanted massages, kisses and groping. a campus investigation found that marcy violated sexual- harassment policy. marcy still has his job. today, cal said in a statement that the university has imposed real consequences on professor. geoff marcy, by establishing a zero tolerance policy regarding future behavior. >> is even worse to have the university say, yeah, he did it, we know he did it, he admits he did it, but, here's how little we care. we are just going to slap him on the wrist and say, you know, don't do it again. >> reporter: today, the attorney faculty agrees. and calls on the administration to reevaluate its response. they don't believe marcy should be on staff. this grad student used to work in his department. >> it's disappointing that the university has not taking any actions on him. >> reporter: marcy declined to do an interview with us and told us he wasn't available via email. his wife also declined. she did say that she fully supports her husband. in berkeley, betty yu, kpix 5. uc berkeley said under existing university policy the administration does not have unilateral authority to impose discipline on members of their faculty. no more nudes for playboy, according to the "new york times" the magazine will launch its new look next march and will no longer include pictures of naked women. playboy has improved circulation plummet but the west side saw an increase in traffic after it stopped publishing naked photos last year. time now is 6:39. google street cars are just mapping the roads anymore. how they could help reduce pollution right here in the bay area. those three jail guards accused of murdering an inmate are due back in court today and despite the mounting evidence against them, how will they played? i'm tuolumne seven, we've got a report coming up. i'm lika small boxer. ring. you don't expect much... and then, wham! i hit 'em with huge creamy goodness! alright round two! bring it, girlfriend! rich, creamy, 100% natural cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. welcome back to kpix morning news. if you thought it was hot yesterday on columbus day, take a look at your tv screen, 18 degrees above average in san francisco today, 84 degrees with sunshine in pacifica. good morning sunnyvale, you can expect 90 degrees and as we head east of the day after the mid-90s throughout the tri- valley, pleasanton at 96, they numbers stacking up for 72 instance and beach to 92 degrees in santa rosa. the far reaches of the northern day, highs in the 90s. san francisco-based twitter finally announced its anticipated layoffs early this morning. >> your now is financial reporter jason brooks with more. good morning. >> good morning. tough news for twitter employees, but the company has been struggling for some time and the cuts not totally unexpected. announcing it will lose 336 employees, that's 8% of twitter's global workforce. ceo jack dorsey in a company email saying that is a tough decision to part with so many coworkers but is the right move to get onto a stronger path. twitter has been stagnant in user growth over the past year, stuck at around 320 million. and unable to keep those users on the stay for longer periods of time especially in comparison to facebook. what are looking to do new things like it's curated newsfeeds and its feature periscope, trying to get more users on board and sticking around longer. investigators like the mood, shares twitter up about 4% in the early going. looks like we could have one big beer maker out there, sab miller accepted anheuser-busch in bevs offer, that would. the world's two biggest beer companies together, they make 1 in 3 of every beer sold. still needs approval from shareholders and regulators. stock market been on a nice role, seven straight winning sessions, looks to give a little bit of that back today, dow falling by 50 points, nasdaq down by 11, s&p is down by five points. >> jason brooks, thank you. three south bay jail guards accused of murder will enter their plea before a judge. kpix 5's kiet do is at the courthouse in downtown san jose with more on the widening investigation. kiet? >> reporter: good morning. judging by how much a fight these men have put up in previous court hearings, you would expect them to plead not guilty later on today. rafael rodriguez, jereh lubrin and matthew farris have each posted $1.5 million bail and were released late last month. they been charged with murder and also facing separate charges of assault under the color of authority for allegedly beating another inmate prior to the death of michael tyree. tyree was not unconscious an hour after surveillance cameras capture the deputies entering the cell. the coroner said he died of massive internal building -- bleeding. the guards violated policy by not immediately reporting the fight with tyree. later at the plea hearing we may hear more on incoming text messages between the guards where they bragged about various beatings in the jail. the sheriff launched a massive internal investigation placing a total eight deputies on leave after reviewing more than 100 use of force complaints that came in after the inmate's death. >> we are held to a higher standard and these complaints are going to be coming in and we investigate those complaints and those complaints take us and the investigation takes is where it needs to. and, to characterize it as a witch hunt i think is, for me, not appropriate. >> reporter: today's plea hearing set for 1:30 this afternoon. we are lve in downtown san jose, kiet do, kpix 5. a traffic alert in san jose. let's check in with gianna. some of the got that information from chp, 101 northbound right at mccain, overturned vehicle has the two left lanes blocked. they are send those lanes will be shut down for 45 minutes. they issued that traffic alert about seven minutes ago, we are seeing maybe around 7:20, 7:30 until we see the lanes open. the two left lanes completely shut down northbound 101 , injuries reported in the accident. also the backup -- past that, you're going to see stop and go conditions, the second accident reported at de la cruz, plan fortaleza south bay 101, 24 minutes ride between 286 all the way up to 237, 280 just as well, and earlier accident now cleared out lawrence expressway. 23 minutes to get to 85. either way packer patience for that portion of the freeway. if you're headed along 880 this morning, heads-up, southbound is a corrected direction, we got back from chp, a big rig and vehicle tangled up blocking lanes of traffic, starting to build on that southbound side as you make your way into hayward out of oakland, stay slow toward the "the washington post" bridge, when you get to the bridge, 26 minutes, westbound 101, a lot of brake light headed into the foster city this money. taking a look at 880 oakland both directions, northbound, a few brake lights as you make your way into the maze, traffic backed up at the bay bridge, metering lights are on. here's roberta. i can tell when it has been a balmy night when it did not cool down because i don't have a whole lot of weather watchers reporting is nobody slept well. one of those nights last night. let's see who's checking in. very few but these are my favorites because they are dedicated. at this particular time, temperatures in the 60s. according to darrell in alameda, stephen los altos, keep in the san leandro and linda in san raphael all saying it never did cool down last night overnight at all. right now as we look out, sun is the beginning to make an appearance, i've been waiting for you. that has been happening later and later. 50s and 60s out the door right now and for the most part what we need to know, this is going to pan out to be the hottest day of this workweek. tomorrow we will have a pattern change, we will turn cloudier and cooler. then we have a chance of rain on saturday. here's the deal. satellite radar indicates this area of low pressure that has been there for 10 days is finally beginning to make movement, lifting up in a northerly direction, producing a chance of showers and thunderstorms along the central coast tomorrow, no impact for us except we will cloud up and will see cooler temperatures. this area of low pressure, out of the gulf of alaska is going to nosedive into a self- direction, near miss saturday, a chance of rain but it will be cooler. 90s meanwhile today and throughout the central valley, upper 70s in monterey bay. 24 hours ago, there was fog, no fog today. 80 degrees in the south shore, sunup, 7:16, losing two minutes and 21 seconds off our day-to- day. 80s and 90s across the microclimates, outside number 99 in gilroy, that is up from yesterday's record high of 98. gang? google streetcars are known for mapping rose by now some are tracking air quality. kpix 5's maria medina shows us the bay area scientist to want to measure pollution one neighborhood at a time. >> reporter: from car exhaust to soot, even a cigarette smoke, soon, google maps will show pollution you are breathing in in your city, neighborhood, even street. >> it's interesting and i think it will increase awareness around the city and hopefully country. >> reporter: it was here at berkeley national laboratory where scientists created this small sensor that measures pollution and will eventually be installed on google cars. >> measure things everywhere in real time. >> reporter: a team of scientists worked on the air pollution sensor for years. lara goodell says the sensors way the smallest particles in the air that find its way into our lungs. >> if they are riding a bicycle or going on a walk someplace, they might want to know how polluted it is outside. >> reporter: san francisco company -- is working with google to put sensors in its cars and eventually post bay area data by next year. >> our hope is that one day this information is as accessible as the weather. >> reporter: the question is, will the data be accurate? san francisco realtor dirk kenley says the information can help potential homeowners or hurt them if the data is wrong. >> the more you know about your purchase the better. this is often times the largest transaction for people personal finances. >> reporter: the bay area air quality management district already measures smog in the area, they say they are working with them to make sure the data comes close to theirs. but they say they would rather sacrifice a little less accuracy for more information on the bay area pollution. >> anytime we can get more data about air quality, the better. >> it's a google map goal for this guy is the limit. >> i think as the individuals living in the world at large, it is an important tool. >> reporter: in san francisco, medina, maria kpix 5. >> aclima says the sensors may be put on buses in the future, the sensors in cars are already collecting data. time now 6:52, the final investigative report is now out on the crash of the malaysia airlines jet in eastern ukraine and is answering lingering questions. the three suspects accused of killing two people will make their first court appearance tomorrow. we have details on what's ahead for the trio. now that was a leap. i was calling in every favor i could, to track down enough lumber to get the job done. and i knew i could rely on american express to help me buy those building materials. there are always going to be unknowns. you just have to be ready for them. another step on the journey... will you be ready when growth presents itself? kind of like this look. i'm calling it the "name your price tool" phase. whatever. vegas tonight...for their f primary debate. at the center - hillary clinton... five things to know at the 55, democratic presidential candidates take place on the stage in their first primary debate, the clinton with top rival bernie sanders to her right, vice president joe biden who is still considering a run is not expected to attend but they will have a left turn available just in case. death investigators say they have confirmed that a russian-made missile took down the malaysia airlines jet in eastern ukraine. the final investigative reports that the shrapnel from the surface to air missile was found inside the bodies of the crew. 298 people were killed when the plane went down last year. most of them dutch. two firefighters are dead, two more injured after a building collapse in kansas city overnight. they were responding to a fire at an apartment complex. part of the roof gave way, firefighters did managed to save two people trapped inside before the collapse. another step forward today in the plan to build suicide barriers on the golden gate bridge. today, bridge officials will start taking bids from construction firms. the marin independent journal reports of dr. could be chosen as soon as march and work could begin weeks after that. the three santa clara county correctional officers accused of beating an inmate to death are all expected to enter pleas today. rafael rodriguez, jereh lubrin and matthew farris are charged with murdering michael tyree. the deputies allegedly became violent when tyree refused to take his medication. i'm cate cauguiran live at the marin county jail where three drifters accused of killing two people will be waking up this morning. we are learning now that those three suspects could face life in prison without parole or the death penalty. the three drifters arrived yesterday after a long drive from portland, oregon. they were taken in an unmarked van from the sheriff's department. the suspects have been identified as 24-year-old sean angold, 23-year-old morrison lampley and 18-year-old lila alligood. last week, portland police tracked them down outside a dining hall. the three are charged with murdering two people, 23-year- old audrey carey, a canadian tourist and 67-year-old steve carter, a well-known marin county therapist. both victims were found dead in the woods into different counties, carey's body was found these goals -- face down and come good park. carter's body was found on hiking track in fairfax. the two were found murdered with the same gun. those suspects will be arraigned in the marin county superior court tomorrow morning at 9:00 entered reporting live, cate cauguiran, kpix 5. traffic alerts continue in san jose, northbound 101 at mckee, overturned vehicles, to left planes are plucked, stay flow and go beyond that, drive times northbound 101, 286 to 80 to 237, 24 minute ride, 280 slow as well, southbound 880 at a street left lane blocked for inaction, delays through the marina, bay bridge stacked, metering lights are on, east shore freeway and sluggish on the san mateo bridge. we are going to head to the east bay where we see the parade of traffic coming out of livermore heading for that 580/680 quarter. above it, nothing but clear sky. the sun is making an appearance and we did not cool down last night, 50s and 60s out the door. later today, temperatures, it was 98 in gilroy yesterday, today, 99. 80s at the beaches, 80s bayside, 80s and 90s peninsula, hot everywhere, up to 99 hottest locations. a cold and begins tomorrow as we cloud up. partly cloudy thursday and friday with a slight chance of rain showers saturday. thanks for watching kpix prime new this morning. the next local update is at 7:26. happy birthday to jerry rice. 53 today. >> wow. >> i love that man. take care, everybody. we will see you at noon time. good morning to our viewers in the west. it is 2015. welcome to "cbs this morning." debate day for the democrats. hillary clinton's rivals target her while she warms up by attacking donald trump. cbs news investigates contamination of bluebell ice cream. workers tell us the company ignored sanitary conditions. playboy looks to the future by turning its back on fully nude photos. we begin with a look at today's eye-opener. your world in 90 seconds. >> these are other three, how hard do they go in attacking bernie sanders and/or hillary

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