Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 600PM 20151029 : compare

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 600PM 20151029

the possibility. >> my experience said you may as well go as big as you can. >> reporter: there is the tug of war about where the extra $125 million a year should go. >> ferries, transit systems, bart. we should stand up and make sure it's spent here, not on other projects in san francisco. >> you have nine counties that you have to plug in. the metropolitan transportation commission is usually the nexus to the legislation. it requires their active engagement. it took us over a year to negotiate the last one so it's nothing you can put together overnight. >> given the failure of sacramento and washington, dc we have no choice. >> reporter: there's a political angle at play here, as well. you see, unlike a gas or sales tax, which everyone pays, only about a third of the voters in the bay area use the bridges regularly. so that means, two out of three voters won't have to pay. >> so it's really a tax or fee that somebody else has paid. >> reporter: next is for the local and state leaders get together and put together a package that includes specific projects that the money goes tong sell it to the community and that could be a tough sell. in oakland, phil matier, kpix 5. it's another black eye for the santa clara county jail. a man tried to turn himself in for killing his girlfriend, but was allowed to walk away. on monday, hugo castro walked into the santa clara county main jail to confess to the murder. he even had a motor with the location of his girl -- he even had a note with the location of his girlfriend's body. we covered the story as it broke and found police tape around the department building. a deputy listened to castro and told him to walk over to the san jose police headquarters. incredibly, the man did just that. once at the san jose police headquarters, he was promptly arrested. now, according to the sheriff's department, the deputy misunderstood castro. she thought he only knew about a body. that deputy by the way has been reassigned. a new law designed to help foster kids appears to be doing more harm than good in sonoma county. the legislation is forcing a facility in santa rosa to close its doors for good. kpix 5's joe vazquez reports. >> reporter: the children's village is a beloved institution. as a matter of fact, there's been a lot of community support recently even money being raised to try to keep it open. but it's not looking like that's going to happen. for years, children's village of sonoma county has been lauded as the model example of a children's group home. kids are treated like family here, taken care of in some cases bike surrogate grandparents. -- by surrogate grandparents. brothers and sisters are allowed to stay together. in 2007 they got the jefferson award from kpix 5. today children's village is closing. >> the four kids remaining after today will leave friday. >> reporter: you guys are shut down as of friday? >> suspended our services as of friday. >> reporter: why are they suspending service? county has stopped referring children here so they can't keep operating. sonoma county tells me they are just going in a different direction trying to make sure children with kept with families instead of group homes. in fact, the governor signed a new law recently that says no more group homes for foster children unless there's a medical issue. >> it's a very sad situation. a the very thing we do this for, um, is happening to our children saving them, um, from being split up again, it's -- it's hard to watch. hard to see. >> reporter: when we asked the state about the situation, they sent us this document saying, the children's village is on probation. among the incidents, one back in 2013 where a child broke a collarbone. in 2014, staff allegedly threw food at a child. and last month, staff members aware of a suspicious incident relating to sexual intercourse between two children but none of the staff reported it. >> facilities have a responsibility to provide appropriate care and supervision and in this case, the state believes that that's a problem with children's village and we are taking action to revoke their license. >> reporter: the children's village says it has rectified the matter and, in fact, they say they have settled this legal matter with the state. and they go on to say that it has nothing to do with the fact that they are shutting down at least temporarily. live in santa rosa, joe vazquez, kpix 5. there are allegations tonight of voter fraud in chinatown. the district attorney's office says it has opened an investigation after a complaint from the asian pacific democratic club. it says it has heard several stories of elderly women having their ballots taken from them by a pair of women. the women allegedly are backing former supervisor aaron peskin who is running against julie christiansen. a prominent san francisco family is under fire tonight. the "washington post" reports that the buick family owners of the tattage grill in san francisco shoved their daughter because of who she -- shunned their daughter because of who she loved. mike sugerman is live with a story and what it means for business. mike. reporter: veronica, this is a bay area institution. and today it's in the soup. not the chepino it's famous for. as you will hear, it is an issue not all see as black and white. a san francisco restaurant has a bit of shakespeare on its menu today and the reviews are not good. >> the story that is the buzz of all of san francisco today and that is the story of about it. adage grill. >> it opened its doors to its long counter cozy rows of booths in 1849. the city's oldest restaurant. >> reporter: often the oldest of family dramas. this "chronicle" columnist read page one today like the rest of us. terry buick married former oakland raiders, a black player. she married him 32 years ago. grandkids never meeting their grandparents. >> i'm so disgusted. i will literally never set foot in that establishment again as long as that family owns it. >> reporter: brian copeland has a similar story of a bi-racial marriage shunned by in-laws. callers to his kgo radio program was as bitter as yelp reviewers today. >> as the story creates more waves, i think it will eventually hurt them if they don't come out and say, no, this is wrong or fess up to it. >> reporter: will you eat there again? >> yes. sure. yeah. i like the food. >> reporter: nolte asks those who boycott to take a deep look into their own families. >> as a private family story, it's too bad it's out there the way it is. every family has that including maybe mine and yours for all i know. >> reporter: we reached out to the buick family. they had no comment. but they did send a statement to the "chronicle" from steve buick, the dad who said, you know, this happened 33 years ago. i retired 20 years ago. i have nothing to do with the restaurant. my son runs it. so please, don't take it out on the restaurant and he said, in his mind, this had nothing to do with the issue of black and white. it had to do with character. now, teri buick told the "chronicle" it definitely did have to do with the fact that her husband was black. in san francisco, mike sugerman, kpix 5. your streets are probably dry now. skies are clearing out now. this is from our dublin cameras. some areas got downpours earlier. this is petaluma. the windshield wiperses working hard. an accident on calistoga road a van spun out hit the hillside and overturned. nobody seriously hurt there. let's check in with paul deanno. >> a lot of folks wondering, that's it? when is it going to start? my answer, that is it. less rainfall than expected and predicted and it's gone. that front has left the bay area. clearing skies and couple of thunderstorms now south of yosemite now about 50 miles east of fresno. that's where the front is that's heading away from us so that rainmaker didn't turn out to be much of a rainmaker and it will make no additional rain. beautiful shot before the sunset. san francisco at ocean beach only .02" of rain. same for fremont. good evening in vallejo, only .04." a little more for sunnyvale, calistoga wetter at .2." so we are hoping for a soaker, didn't turn out that way. so we're up to 204 days since our last half inch or greater rainfall. it has been a very long time. more than half a year. there are additional rain chances coming up in the forecast. we'll tackle that and i'm going to show you some snow in california that's coming up in 7 minutes. ♪[ music ] their views are in for oakland's mayor. coming up the exclusive poll on her job performance as she updates us on the state of the city. >> new leads in a brazen home burglary. police not connecting the suspects to -- now connecting the suspects to multiple crimes in the south bay. ,,,,,, [female announcer] if the most challenging part of your day is the staying awake part, sleep train has your ticket to a better night's sleep. because when brands compete, you save during mattress price wars. save up to $400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. get interest-free financing until 2018 on tempur-pedic. plus, helpful advice from the sleep experts. don't miss mattress price wars at sleep train. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ mayor. an exclusive survey u-s-a kpix 5 poll.. shows oaklanders giving libby schf high marks. at city hall only on "5" the honeymoon period kins with the oakland mayor. an exclusive poll shows oaklanders giving libby schaaf pretty high marks as her honey mood period continues with the oakland mayor. >> reporter: mayor libby schaaf approval rating much higher compared to the previous mayor, jean quan. in fact, the mayor is making her first state of the city address just now. the started about 2, 3 minutes ago in front of a packed house here at city hall. some believe she is the best oakland promoter in years. >> certainly as the mayor she is part of the cheerleader. she does the kind of things that present oakland in a positive light. >> reporter: as mayor libby schaaf prepares to wrap up her first year in office, she is getting high marks from the public and a man who made a living out of suing the oakland police department. >> i'm very happy about the progress that we're making with respect to police reforms and her support of that. >> reporter: in an exclusive kpix 5/surveyusa poll, 48% of oakland residents approve the work libby schaaf is doing. mayor schaaf is doing a lot better compared to former mayor jean quan who had 24% approval rating in 2014. but mayor schaaf has her critics. some business owners say she did a poor job handling the violent protests. >> getting a little more difficult to do business here, you know, taxes go up, services go down in terms of police services. >> reporter: overall, our survey finds people are optimistic about oakland's future. 42% of oakland residents say the city is moving in the right direction. 18 months ago weather we did the same survey, only 25% said oakland was on the right track. >> i see a lot of changes that are positive and i'm both an oakland resident and work in oakland and can kind of feel the sense that it's being renewed and refreshed. >> reporter: yeah. the folks we surveyed, crime is still the number one priority. but now housing is becoming a very close second. a lot of folks are saying that housing here is getting out of hand. they say they need to make sure the city needs to make sure housing becomes affordable for the folks who live here. live at city hall, i'm da lin, kpix 5. san jose police say they are getting leads about a trio of suspects behind a burglary that ended with one man shot. they say they started receiving tips after they released this surveillance video of the suspect allegedly breaking into a home. the men are also accused of shooting the son of a homeowner who came home and interrupted the burglary last thursday. but police say they believe the men were behind multiple break- ins in the area and were getting bolder before that shooting. i think they are scared and it's a matter of time before someone gives them up. >> homes being broken into, cars being vandalized, it's depressing to hear about it in our neighborhood. >> the victim in the home invasion survived. police didn't say how many burglaries they are connected to. a 9-year-old boy is on the mend tonight after being shot while sleeping in his bed. san jose police blame this man, 40-year-old eric smith. we have his picture. there he is. in an upstairs apartment. smith apparently shot himself in the foot with a 30-06 hunting rifle. the bullet went through the floor and hit both him and a child. smith face charges including being a felon in possession of a firearm and ammunition as well as negligence. both are expected to survive. the bay area got an unusual visit today from a head of state. the president of ireland was here to say thank you. michael higgins came to berkeley to meet an express gratitude to emergency crews who responded to a deadly balcony collapse. in june, five irish exchange students and one american died when a balcony at an apartment building collapsed during a birthday party. higgins said it was a day the irish people still mourn. >> the loss of life and the serious injuries visited on young men and women at the cusp of their adult lives is a tragedy that has moved us all very deeply. >> later investigations concluded the balcony collapsed due to severe dry rot. beefing up security ahead of super bowl 50. job fair was held today in salinas where security officer recruits with experience. peninsula security looking for people to work as bag checkers, crowd control, parking tailgate safety. applicants must have the proper credentials and be clean-cut with no tatoos. they have to pass a drug test. application still being accepted. 101 days away from super bowl 50. >> can't wait. >> maybe it will be raining by then. >> maybe. >> that is -- >> let's hope not. not for the super bowl. >> super bowl week is the first week of february which is his storably in the middle of the wettest time of year for us. super bowl planners knew that. they are bringing it here. it's still going to be a party regardless but it probably will be raining by then. it might rain between now and then, too. first snow. snow. 8852 feet in elevation, we have snow in california. i guess we are going to northstar next. this would be snowfall at 8600 feet. so at the higher elevations of our ski resorts, we are seeing some snowfall. that's wonderful news. livermore 77. hayward 71. san francisco 67. we got some rain but the front was disappointing. a couple of thunderstorms in the sierra north and east of fresno, south of yosemite. and a couple of showers to the south of lake tahoe. that is where the front is tonight. overnight lows 40s and 50s are back because of clear skies. vallejo tonight 53. fremont 55. mountain view 54. lots going on this weekend. halloween trick or treat. it's to be a treat, kids will be fine, warm day and halloween night saturday night 50s and 60s. then you get a bonus hour of weeks. this is a 49-hour weekend. sunshine gets kicked back. saturday sunset at 6:12. sunday the sun will set officially in san francisco at 5:11. so the front is gone. if you want to blame anything for the reason why we didn't get much rainfall around here blame the state of oregon because the jet stream is aimed squarely at that. the front made it here. but without jet stream support we don't get much rainfall. why does it matter? if you have that fast rushing air it creates extra lift, meaning more cloud cover and rain and it's to the north. we got the front but not the energy with it. so high pressure building in, sunshine tomorrow and friday and halloween but i'm looking forward to sunday because another front will come through. rainfall totals i'm telling you right now will not be impressive but behind that front it's going to be chilly. some of you in the north bay may see some lows in the 30s as soon as tuesday morning of next week on the other side of the front. tomorrow we're sunny again. the end of october will not 80 in livermore? why not 38 for napa? 77 for oakland. and 75 in redwood city. we are going to be warm for three days right through saturday. the changes sunday cooler cloudier couple of late-day showers. showers linger into monday and look at those highs next week. that's a change nobody hitting 60. afternoon highs in the 60s, overnight lows in the 30s and 40s. so -- may not get the rain but we'll get some cool. >> from the 80s to the socks like that. >> and a big weekend. hello, november. >> right. >> thanks, paul. the teenager's haunted house usually means a treat for a local charity. but this year, a neighbor isn't sweet on the idea. the last-minute fight over what's become a halloween tradition. >> plus, getting you on and off bart faster. the small difference that could have a big impact for commuters. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, a bay area teenager will be fighting city hall tonite. all 'tis the season. a bay area teenager is going to be fighting city hall tonight. all he wants is to put on his annual halloween haunted house. kpix 5's john ramos on how a neighbor and some red tape are standing in his way. >> reporter: you may have heard of sam dubois. at only 15, sam is the creator of the haunt, a homemade haunted house attraction in his albany backyard that he uses to raise funds for the alameda county food bank. >> our haunted houses seem to be bad dreams. that's our theme. >> reporter: there are creepy clowns and scary depthist office but the real nightmare may be coming from city hall when the next-door neighbor complained repeatedly, the city required sam to get a temporary use permit. there was a hearing last month and the permit was approved at a cost of $461. >> but you know, i was going to do it but it didn't seem at that point that i had to do anything other than just paying some money. >> reporter: but the neighbor had a trick of his own. he waited until the last possible moment to file an appeal to the planning commission. so it couldn't be heard any earlier than tonight's meeting. that meant sam couldn't operate last weekend. and now only he has two days to finish construction before halloween if the permit is finalized tonight. so you don't even know what's going to happen after tonight >> i have no idea. i have no idea what's going to happen tonight or after that. i'm pretty much just, you know, living here floating around. >> reporter: sam, who started this when he was 11, has learned a great deal from this project center carpentry to set design to managing a small business. and now he is learning a new lesson about city bureaucracy. but then you actually experience it and you realize, man, like is this all worth it for democracy? like i'm not trying to get into political-ness, but is it worth it?! >> reporter: there's no telling what will happen tonight. there may be even more delays and political-ness. but he says no matter what, the show will go on even if it makes the neighborhood will have a rather spooky thanksgiving this year. in albany, john ramos, kpix 5. >> sam says he regrets losing at least two days worth of donation for the food bank but he says all the publicity means there will be more visitors than ever when he does finally open. bart executives say a small change is coming and will make a big difference for commuters. they say they are adding an extra door to train cars. the third door will reduce crowding, get people on and off the trains quicker. bart execs say they will begin testing those trains this year. they hope for full integration of the new trains by 2016. coming up in our next half- hour, the republican presidential candidates are battling it out. we are monitoring tonight's debate and the fight between the top two contenders. >> much more than a rescue chopper. one bay area department's new multi-million dollar tool that's flying high. >> and a military blimp goes rogue! how it got loose and caused some damage. you can bet we will be follg up on our exclusive report t bay area bridg checking our top stories, you can bet we will be following up on our exclusive report about bay area bridge tolls. our phil matier telling us there's now talk about bumping up the cost to cross the state- owned bridges. no word yet on exactly how much it would go up or how soon an increase would happen. we are also following a big speech in oakland. the city's mayor libby schaaf delivering her first state of the city address. it comes as an exclusive kpix 5/surveyusa poll shows residents have a more optimistic view of the direction oakland is headed. schaaf has a 48% approval rate,double what mayor quan had in 2014. and a story we broke on monday for you, a gruesome murder in san jose, a man tried to confess to killing his girlfriend. he went to the santa clara county jail but was turned away. the deputy he talked to sent him to the san jose police headquarters instead. she is reassigned. the top 10 republican candidates are facing off in boulder, colorado in their third debate. ben carson and donald trump are at the top of the polls. the fireworks though, they got started with jeb bush. >> he is a gifted politician. but marco, when you signed up for this, this was a six-year term. and you should be showing up to work. i mean, literally, the senate, what is it, like a french workweek? you get like three days where you have to show up? you can campaign. or just resign and let someone else take the job. there are a lot of people living paycheck to paycheck in florida, as well. they are looking for a senator who will fight for them each and every day. >> wow. the couple of different things to say to that. kpix 5's political analyst melissa caen joins us. what about carson and trump? why are all the fireworks between bush and rube joe? >> it's something we haven't seen yet and bush knows he has something to prove. what's interesting is that rubio is a bit of a men tee of jeb bush's and these men have known each other in florida politics for a long time but here's what's clear. they are going after the same donors and the same voters and they know they have to start putting daylight between them and substantively there isn't a lot of disagreement between the two so now we have personal attacks. but that clip did not show rubio who gave it as good as he got it, gave an excellent answer so going to be a very, very good matchup between bush and rubio. but having said all that, there were other places where there were fireworks where there actually was not. >> i do, however, believe in reagan's 11th commandment and will not be engaging in awful things about my compatriots. >> so would you say that trump -- has he switched up his strategy? i really thought that the fireworks obviously would come from him. but that sent really what we have been seeing. >> that's right. trump has really been hands off. he has been very friendly. he gave an answer and referred to ben carson as his friend at one point so i think he understands that going after ben carson is not a winning strategy even though ben carson is his biggest rival. next to him it's much more difficult to go after him than at a rally where he has been taking some swipes but the big matchup between carson and trump doesn't seem to be materializing. >> let's talk about the earlier debate. there were some fireworks coming from lindsey graham. >> so great. [ laughter ] >> lindsey graham has just -- you know, he so unburdens it now by the possibility of winning he has actually become a one line wonder just singer sooner after sooner. >> good god look who we're running against, of the number one candidate on the owe side thought she was flat broke after her and her husband were in the white house for eight years. the number two guy went to the soviet union on his honeymoon and i don't think he ever came back! if we don't beat these people, who the hell we gonna beat? >> i mean, you could almost feel the pressure has just been lifted from his shoulders, right? he is just going for it and having a good time obviously. >> he has a reputation as being someone who is really funny but not something that we have seen so far. but now that -- now that there's really no shot he might as well give himself a good billing for the speaker circuit after the election. >> the next debate is november 10, fox debate. >> thank you. and we'll have a full wrap- up of the debate tonight at 10:00 on the nightbeat and kpix 5 news here at 11:00. in washington a new budget and new speaker as expected house republicans nominated paul ryan as the next speaker of the house. the full house votes tomorrow but already ryan is predicting a new era of cooperation. >> we are not going to have a house that looked like it looked the last two years. we are going to move forward. we are going to unify. our party has lost its vision and we are going to replace it with a vision. >> a few hours later the house rushed to pass a budget to prevent a government default. the senate has until tuesday to pass that same measure which again raises the debt limit and allows the government to borrow freely until 2017. the federal reserve announced today it will not raise interest rates keeping them at record lows. and two reasons why. low inflation and a slowdown in job growth. right now, short-term rates are near zero. the fed not saying when an increase would happen but probably not until next year. investors liked that news. stocks were up more than 1%, the dow up nearly 200. nasdaq up more than 65. s&p 500 went up almost 24 definitely not a bird or a plane. a military blimp broke away from its tether and started floating away. cbs reporter weijia jang on how it finally came down. >> reporter: a runaway military blimp has landed in pennsylvania more than 100 miles away from where it broke from its tether this afternoon. it finally landed just before 4:00 in montour county, pennsylvania. >> it gradually deflated and broke into two parts. the tail section came down first and then a quarter mile further on, the main body. >> reporter: the high-tech surveillance blimp that scans the skies over the horizon for potential incoming threats broke away from its ground tether at the aberdeen proving ground in maryland around noon and started drifting over pennsylvania. emergency response officials in pennsylvania say the blimp was dragging a mile-long tether line that snapped powers lines as it went north. >> i saw this thing up in the air and i couldn't believe it when i looked up and it was the blimp. >> reporter: it was floating at 10,000 feet, they can detect missiles, aircraft and even ground targets from boston to north carolina. f-16 fighter jets were tracking the blimp which is part of a $2 billion defense program which some call a waste of taxpayer money. so far no word on the how it broke free. weijia jang, cbs news, washington. still ahead, a new crime- fighting tool in the bay area sky. we get a look at one department's sophisticated helicopter. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, costa county. it is called the "starr 3" and it is not your average chopper. this four and a half m there's a new helicopter patrolling the skies in contra costa county. they call it star 3. not your average chopper. $4.5 million aircraft it can fight fires and conduct air rescues. star 3 equipped with state-of- the-art technology including infrared hi-def video and it can be anywhere in the county in about 10 minutes. >> we can get on scene quickly because it's a fast helicopter and carry cargo and gear and it provides a emergency response that's really unparalleled in the region. >> the helicopter is already on its first mission fighting this fire on bradford island last month. the county by the way selling one of the older helicopters in its fleet to help pay for star three. one of the our reporters just told us a few minutes ago there's about 1,000 people gathered right now in san jose for a store that hasn't opened yet. tonight, what's going on?! we'll have that story and much more on bay area nightbeat; come join me at 10:00 on our sister station, kbcw 44/cable 12. and still ahead, helping needy bay area families fast. how this week's jefferson award winner makes sure that they have the food they need within just a couple of hours. >> it was so promising last night in the south bay. it was raining in san jose about 9:00 at night and it's going to last through the night get through tomorrow morning maybe .25" of rainfall that mother nature taketh away. you didn't see another drop san jose. we'll talk about the next chance of rain and two of them and find out who may see lows in the 30s next week. that's coming up. >> and i'm dennis o'donnell. coming up, the warriors are living on "fantasy island. >> your 2015 champion golden state warriors. >> living on a deserted island. >> and a catch of the day comes from the farralones. is it me or does anybody else need a carona? when contra costa families cannot afford enough food, ,,,,,,,,,, my name is jamir dixon and i'm a locate and mark fieldman for pg&e. most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg&e. my truck is something new... it's an 811 truck. when you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you don't hit them when you're digging. 811 is a free service. i'm passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. they're the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then i'll drive it every day of the week. together, we're building a better california. express." sharon chin introduces when contra costa families cannot afford enough food they often rely on the white pony express. >> sharon chin introduces us to the woman behind the organization in this week's jefferson award winner. >> reporter: dr. carol conner founded the white pony express two years ago making service and speed priorities. the white pony provides free groceries for low-income families. volunteers try to deliver from this walnut creek warehouse within two hours. anna says the people couldn't be more grateful. >> they feel happy. they feel that somebody cares for them. >> reporter: whites phony express helps feed 65,000 people in contra costa county regularly. dr. carol conner founded the group in 2013. as the director of the faith community suism reoriented, she is committed to ending poverty. >> to take the abundance all around us that is distributed unequally and simply redistribute it. >> reporter: in the last two years, the program has delivered 2 million pounds of food thousands of meals. more than 400 volunteers keep white pony express running 7 days a week. they pick up food and flowers from about 100 donors like grocery chains and distribute the items to some 50 charitable organizations which then give the donations to clients like blanca. >> economy is no good. so this helps. >> reporter: they deliver clothes, foods and toys to underserved neighborhoods. they desire to serve the whole person. >> i think that her sole focus for all these programs is about delivering love. >> reporter: dr. conner also founded francis in the schools. the program named afran sis of assisi produces renaissance style faires that bring music, dance and drama to inner city neighborhoods around the nation. >> the guiding principle is that it is the nature of love to give the best you can. >> so for giving her best to serve low-income families through white pony express and francis in the schools, this week's jefferson award in the bay area goes to dr. carol weyland conner. >> reporter: dr. conner founded hospice of the east bay and the contra costa way crisis center. nominate your own local hero for a jefferson award online at checking in with our kpix 5 weather watchers this evening, look to see if there were any decent rainfall totals and the answer was no not much out there aside from .02" of rainfall. up north it's 67. lee gray reported not much. we'll head to petaluma, peggi rodgers checking in with a southwest wind at 6 miles per hour and the skies are now clear and it is 64 degrees. some pictures to show you. first off the king tides from yesterday, robert sanford sending that in. dana had all of her rain buckets ready to collect the rain coming off her roof. she says couple of drips, that's it, not much more nfl and we'll take you to the east bay. bill moon great shot there in mount diablo off in the distance. blue sky this afternoon after a pretty wimpy front moved through the bay area. 60s for livermore, oakland, san bruno. 72 in santa rosa. you are the warm spot. san francisco the cool spot at 62 degrees. the last couple showers and thunderstorms are leaving the sierra as our front pushes south. las vegas may get a few showers. they may get more rain than san francisco. just been one of those years so far. we hope that changes soon. in the city tonight, 58 for a low. fremont 55. napa 52. a lot going on toward the weekend. super fright night. it will be sunny and mild friday and saturday. it will be warm the next couple of days. all those super bowl trophies the five from the 9ers and three from the raiders will be on display in vallejo on friday night. we'll be there doing our weather live. high pressure building in but not yet. our front moved through. there is rainfall in the higher elevation but this front was wimpy because the jet stream played no part in the front making it here. it is stuck up in oregon where some parts of the cascades of oregon and washington may get a foot of rainfall over the next five days. we get a couple of drops. we are the have nots right now. ridge of high pressure the next day, sunshine mild. then the low pressure will dive into and past the bay area sunday much cooler and cloudier sunday couple of showers again but the biggest impact from this front will be the much cooler air behind it. afternoon highs in the 60s. even inland with overnight lows in the north bay as soon as tuesday morning below 40 degrees. a couple of degrees above freezing next week. partly cloudy tonight some fog along the water sunny warmer for everybody tomorrow. we'll stay dry and mild through halloween trick or treating will be a-okay. san jose 75 tomorrow with sunshine. redwood city 75. los gatos 76. hayward 73. san ramon tomorrow sunshine 78. low 80s toward the delta, pittsburg 81. oakland hit 77. napa 83. mill valley 75. low 80s windsor, saint helena and cloverdale. sunny and mild, final three days of october will feel like august. chance of showers on sunday. next week, we'll feel like november with highs only in the 60s. that is your forecast. dennis and sports two minutes away. stick around. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, [female announcer] during mattress price wars at sleep train, save up to $400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. get interest-free financing until 2018 on tempur-pedic. plus, helpful advice from the sleep experts. don't miss mattress price wars at sleep train. future is in question and t 49ers ship is clearl reports of 49er team dissension and locker room infighting are mounting. the quarterback's future is in question and 49er ship is taking on water, clearly. >> what i don't want is all that pent-up, you know, then we start having -- [ sound effect ] >> so i wanted to in front of that. >> just sit right back and you'll hear a tale -- ♪ >> reporter: colin kaepernick may not be the skipper but fox sports is reporting he is on an island inside the 49er locker room. >> i don't know what the agenda is, saying that or what the credibility of that source is. um, i have a great relationship with my teammates. >> losing is tough but it's not dividing the team. kaep isn't on a damn island no matter what anyone says. ♪[ music ] >> reporter: how can san francisco right the ship? aside from winning football games, plugging any leaks in the minnow would be a good place to start. >> i don't know where they come from. there's stuff that comes all over the place that i don't -- i mean, i don't know where people are getting their stuff. i don't believe it's coming from here. >> do you feel in any way that you're being made a escape get to by maybe somebody in the organization? >> i really hope not. for me, i give everything i can to this organization. i give everything i can to my teammates. >> you know, this guy might be enjoying all of this right now. michigan did have its five-game winning streak snapped in heartbreaking fashion a couple of weeks ago but as i might expect jim harbaugh is moving forward. not allowing his team to think what if. he even has his own version of the expression, if, ifs and nuts are candy and nuts every day would be christmas. >> not into if this and if that type of scenarios. if worms had machine guns, then birds wouldn't be scared of them. >> make that up or hear it from someone else? >> sometimes i never know. it's like -- it's like a 95% sure i did think of it but i'm never -- i don't know if i read it in a book or saw it in a movie or i dreamed but it or just came up with it. >> my director -- wayne, take a shot of you right now. >> no. [ laughter ] >> he said no. move along. he is the new yogi berra. absolutely. what if the warriors didn't stay healthy last year? fortunately they did. and what advice did steve kerr have for interim head coach luke walton before last night's season opener? don't worry, we won 67 games last year. i didn't know what it was doing at all. walton's job-made easier thanks to steph curry. how about that guy? mvp scored 24 of 40 points in the 1st quarter and golden state blew out the short handed pelicans. but the biggest takeaway those new championship rings. curry even wore his to bed last night. >> that's a feeling and moment i'll never forget. seeing the ban go up and having that jewelry on your finger. >> it's beautiful. it's special. i'm going to try and take the best care of it as i can and something that i'll be so proud of until the day i leave this earth and pass down for generation. back to that health theme. andrew bogut is out indefinitely with concussion after he collided with pelicans forward dante cunningham. it's been a rough few weeks for bogut. he suffered had a broken nose that required surgery during the preseason. redskins quarterback kurt cousins was named the nfc's offensive player of the week and i imagine his reaction looks something like this. >> what's that? what's that! you like that! >> cousins hoping to cash in on this new catch phrase. he is already selling t-shirts for $23 each with proceeds going to charity. good night, that's a huge fish! >> i do like this. >> look at that. you know? >> is that a small child? [ laughter ] >> oh, my goodness. >> that's funny. >> rockcod? >> close. >> travis woodward is the man holding a lingcod cod at the farralone islands. >> has legs. >> catch of the day, send your pictures to [email protected]. it takes two hours to, 2.5, to get from a boat to out to farralone islands. >> wow. >> great. captions by: caption colorado [email protected] save an average of $548! whoo! i mean, whoo. announcer: it's time to play "family feud." give it up for steve harvey! [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: how's everybody today? thank you very much. i appreciate y'all. thank y'all now. i appreciate it, folks. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey, and hey, we got a good one for you today, folks. returning for their fourth day with a total of 21,700 bucks, from sacramento, california, it's the champs, y'all, it's the neuhart family! audience: [cheering] steve: and from chicago, illinois, it's the duminie family. audience: [cheering] sean: let's go! steve: everybody's here trying to win their self a lot of cash and the possibility of driving out of here in a brand-new, state-of-the-art ford edge. let's go meet the duminie family. now, phyllis, you look like you in charge here. you the older sister. phyllis: i'm the mom of these beautiful children. steve: oh, these are your kids? phyllis: all my children. steve: hail to the queen! hail to the queen. phyllis: thank you. thank you. steve: hey, let's go. hey, let's play "feud." give me danna, give me shayna. ["family feud" theme plays] top 6 answers are on the board, ladies. we asked 100 men, name something specific about a woman's nightie that makes it a good nightie. danna: it's see-through. steve: it's see-through. yes, it is. danna: woo! we're gonna play. steve: they're gonna play.

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 600PM 20151029 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 600PM 20151029

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the possibility. >> my experience said you may as well go as big as you can. >> reporter: there is the tug of war about where the extra $125 million a year should go. >> ferries, transit systems, bart. we should stand up and make sure it's spent here, not on other projects in san francisco. >> you have nine counties that you have to plug in. the metropolitan transportation commission is usually the nexus to the legislation. it requires their active engagement. it took us over a year to negotiate the last one so it's nothing you can put together overnight. >> given the failure of sacramento and washington, dc we have no choice. >> reporter: there's a political angle at play here, as well. you see, unlike a gas or sales tax, which everyone pays, only about a third of the voters in the bay area use the bridges regularly. so that means, two out of three voters won't have to pay. >> so it's really a tax or fee that somebody else has paid. >> reporter: next is for the local and state leaders get together and put together a package that includes specific projects that the money goes tong sell it to the community and that could be a tough sell. in oakland, phil matier, kpix 5. it's another black eye for the santa clara county jail. a man tried to turn himself in for killing his girlfriend, but was allowed to walk away. on monday, hugo castro walked into the santa clara county main jail to confess to the murder. he even had a motor with the location of his girl -- he even had a note with the location of his girlfriend's body. we covered the story as it broke and found police tape around the department building. a deputy listened to castro and told him to walk over to the san jose police headquarters. incredibly, the man did just that. once at the san jose police headquarters, he was promptly arrested. now, according to the sheriff's department, the deputy misunderstood castro. she thought he only knew about a body. that deputy by the way has been reassigned. a new law designed to help foster kids appears to be doing more harm than good in sonoma county. the legislation is forcing a facility in santa rosa to close its doors for good. kpix 5's joe vazquez reports. >> reporter: the children's village is a beloved institution. as a matter of fact, there's been a lot of community support recently even money being raised to try to keep it open. but it's not looking like that's going to happen. for years, children's village of sonoma county has been lauded as the model example of a children's group home. kids are treated like family here, taken care of in some cases bike surrogate grandparents. -- by surrogate grandparents. brothers and sisters are allowed to stay together. in 2007 they got the jefferson award from kpix 5. today children's village is closing. >> the four kids remaining after today will leave friday. >> reporter: you guys are shut down as of friday? >> suspended our services as of friday. >> reporter: why are they suspending service? county has stopped referring children here so they can't keep operating. sonoma county tells me they are just going in a different direction trying to make sure children with kept with families instead of group homes. in fact, the governor signed a new law recently that says no more group homes for foster children unless there's a medical issue. >> it's a very sad situation. a the very thing we do this for, um, is happening to our children saving them, um, from being split up again, it's -- it's hard to watch. hard to see. >> reporter: when we asked the state about the situation, they sent us this document saying, the children's village is on probation. among the incidents, one back in 2013 where a child broke a collarbone. in 2014, staff allegedly threw food at a child. and last month, staff members aware of a suspicious incident relating to sexual intercourse between two children but none of the staff reported it. >> facilities have a responsibility to provide appropriate care and supervision and in this case, the state believes that that's a problem with children's village and we are taking action to revoke their license. >> reporter: the children's village says it has rectified the matter and, in fact, they say they have settled this legal matter with the state. and they go on to say that it has nothing to do with the fact that they are shutting down at least temporarily. live in santa rosa, joe vazquez, kpix 5. there are allegations tonight of voter fraud in chinatown. the district attorney's office says it has opened an investigation after a complaint from the asian pacific democratic club. it says it has heard several stories of elderly women having their ballots taken from them by a pair of women. the women allegedly are backing former supervisor aaron peskin who is running against julie christiansen. a prominent san francisco family is under fire tonight. the "washington post" reports that the buick family owners of the tattage grill in san francisco shoved their daughter because of who she -- shunned their daughter because of who she loved. mike sugerman is live with a story and what it means for business. mike. reporter: veronica, this is a bay area institution. and today it's in the soup. not the chepino it's famous for. as you will hear, it is an issue not all see as black and white. a san francisco restaurant has a bit of shakespeare on its menu today and the reviews are not good. >> the story that is the buzz of all of san francisco today and that is the story of about it. adage grill. >> it opened its doors to its long counter cozy rows of booths in 1849. the city's oldest restaurant. >> reporter: often the oldest of family dramas. this "chronicle" columnist read page one today like the rest of us. terry buick married former oakland raiders, a black player. she married him 32 years ago. grandkids never meeting their grandparents. >> i'm so disgusted. i will literally never set foot in that establishment again as long as that family owns it. >> reporter: brian copeland has a similar story of a bi-racial marriage shunned by in-laws. callers to his kgo radio program was as bitter as yelp reviewers today. >> as the story creates more waves, i think it will eventually hurt them if they don't come out and say, no, this is wrong or fess up to it. >> reporter: will you eat there again? >> yes. sure. yeah. i like the food. >> reporter: nolte asks those who boycott to take a deep look into their own families. >> as a private family story, it's too bad it's out there the way it is. every family has that including maybe mine and yours for all i know. >> reporter: we reached out to the buick family. they had no comment. but they did send a statement to the "chronicle" from steve buick, the dad who said, you know, this happened 33 years ago. i retired 20 years ago. i have nothing to do with the restaurant. my son runs it. so please, don't take it out on the restaurant and he said, in his mind, this had nothing to do with the issue of black and white. it had to do with character. now, teri buick told the "chronicle" it definitely did have to do with the fact that her husband was black. in san francisco, mike sugerman, kpix 5. your streets are probably dry now. skies are clearing out now. this is from our dublin cameras. some areas got downpours earlier. this is petaluma. the windshield wiperses working hard. an accident on calistoga road a van spun out hit the hillside and overturned. nobody seriously hurt there. let's check in with paul deanno. >> a lot of folks wondering, that's it? when is it going to start? my answer, that is it. less rainfall than expected and predicted and it's gone. that front has left the bay area. clearing skies and couple of thunderstorms now south of yosemite now about 50 miles east of fresno. that's where the front is that's heading away from us so that rainmaker didn't turn out to be much of a rainmaker and it will make no additional rain. beautiful shot before the sunset. san francisco at ocean beach only .02" of rain. same for fremont. good evening in vallejo, only .04." a little more for sunnyvale, calistoga wetter at .2." so we are hoping for a soaker, didn't turn out that way. so we're up to 204 days since our last half inch or greater rainfall. it has been a very long time. more than half a year. there are additional rain chances coming up in the forecast. we'll tackle that and i'm going to show you some snow in california that's coming up in 7 minutes. ♪[ music ] their views are in for oakland's mayor. coming up the exclusive poll on her job performance as she updates us on the state of the city. >> new leads in a brazen home burglary. police not connecting the suspects to -- now connecting the suspects to multiple crimes in the south bay. ,,,,,, [female announcer] if the most challenging part of your day is the staying awake part, sleep train has your ticket to a better night's sleep. because when brands compete, you save during mattress price wars. save up to $400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. get interest-free financing until 2018 on tempur-pedic. plus, helpful advice from the sleep experts. don't miss mattress price wars at sleep train. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ mayor. an exclusive survey u-s-a kpix 5 poll.. shows oaklanders giving libby schf high marks. at city hall only on "5" the honeymoon period kins with the oakland mayor. an exclusive poll shows oaklanders giving libby schaaf pretty high marks as her honey mood period continues with the oakland mayor. >> reporter: mayor libby schaaf approval rating much higher compared to the previous mayor, jean quan. in fact, the mayor is making her first state of the city address just now. the started about 2, 3 minutes ago in front of a packed house here at city hall. some believe she is the best oakland promoter in years. >> certainly as the mayor she is part of the cheerleader. she does the kind of things that present oakland in a positive light. >> reporter: as mayor libby schaaf prepares to wrap up her first year in office, she is getting high marks from the public and a man who made a living out of suing the oakland police department. >> i'm very happy about the progress that we're making with respect to police reforms and her support of that. >> reporter: in an exclusive kpix 5/surveyusa poll, 48% of oakland residents approve the work libby schaaf is doing. mayor schaaf is doing a lot better compared to former mayor jean quan who had 24% approval rating in 2014. but mayor schaaf has her critics. some business owners say she did a poor job handling the violent protests. >> getting a little more difficult to do business here, you know, taxes go up, services go down in terms of police services. >> reporter: overall, our survey finds people are optimistic about oakland's future. 42% of oakland residents say the city is moving in the right direction. 18 months ago weather we did the same survey, only 25% said oakland was on the right track. >> i see a lot of changes that are positive and i'm both an oakland resident and work in oakland and can kind of feel the sense that it's being renewed and refreshed. >> reporter: yeah. the folks we surveyed, crime is still the number one priority. but now housing is becoming a very close second. a lot of folks are saying that housing here is getting out of hand. they say they need to make sure the city needs to make sure housing becomes affordable for the folks who live here. live at city hall, i'm da lin, kpix 5. san jose police say they are getting leads about a trio of suspects behind a burglary that ended with one man shot. they say they started receiving tips after they released this surveillance video of the suspect allegedly breaking into a home. the men are also accused of shooting the son of a homeowner who came home and interrupted the burglary last thursday. but police say they believe the men were behind multiple break- ins in the area and were getting bolder before that shooting. i think they are scared and it's a matter of time before someone gives them up. >> homes being broken into, cars being vandalized, it's depressing to hear about it in our neighborhood. >> the victim in the home invasion survived. police didn't say how many burglaries they are connected to. a 9-year-old boy is on the mend tonight after being shot while sleeping in his bed. san jose police blame this man, 40-year-old eric smith. we have his picture. there he is. in an upstairs apartment. smith apparently shot himself in the foot with a 30-06 hunting rifle. the bullet went through the floor and hit both him and a child. smith face charges including being a felon in possession of a firearm and ammunition as well as negligence. both are expected to survive. the bay area got an unusual visit today from a head of state. the president of ireland was here to say thank you. michael higgins came to berkeley to meet an express gratitude to emergency crews who responded to a deadly balcony collapse. in june, five irish exchange students and one american died when a balcony at an apartment building collapsed during a birthday party. higgins said it was a day the irish people still mourn. >> the loss of life and the serious injuries visited on young men and women at the cusp of their adult lives is a tragedy that has moved us all very deeply. >> later investigations concluded the balcony collapsed due to severe dry rot. beefing up security ahead of super bowl 50. job fair was held today in salinas where security officer recruits with experience. peninsula security looking for people to work as bag checkers, crowd control, parking tailgate safety. applicants must have the proper credentials and be clean-cut with no tatoos. they have to pass a drug test. application still being accepted. 101 days away from super bowl 50. >> can't wait. >> maybe it will be raining by then. >> maybe. >> that is -- >> let's hope not. not for the super bowl. >> super bowl week is the first week of february which is his storably in the middle of the wettest time of year for us. super bowl planners knew that. they are bringing it here. it's still going to be a party regardless but it probably will be raining by then. it might rain between now and then, too. first snow. snow. 8852 feet in elevation, we have snow in california. i guess we are going to northstar next. this would be snowfall at 8600 feet. so at the higher elevations of our ski resorts, we are seeing some snowfall. that's wonderful news. livermore 77. hayward 71. san francisco 67. we got some rain but the front was disappointing. a couple of thunderstorms in the sierra north and east of fresno, south of yosemite. and a couple of showers to the south of lake tahoe. that is where the front is tonight. overnight lows 40s and 50s are back because of clear skies. vallejo tonight 53. fremont 55. mountain view 54. lots going on this weekend. halloween trick or treat. it's to be a treat, kids will be fine, warm day and halloween night saturday night 50s and 60s. then you get a bonus hour of weeks. this is a 49-hour weekend. sunshine gets kicked back. saturday sunset at 6:12. sunday the sun will set officially in san francisco at 5:11. so the front is gone. if you want to blame anything for the reason why we didn't get much rainfall around here blame the state of oregon because the jet stream is aimed squarely at that. the front made it here. but without jet stream support we don't get much rainfall. why does it matter? if you have that fast rushing air it creates extra lift, meaning more cloud cover and rain and it's to the north. we got the front but not the energy with it. so high pressure building in, sunshine tomorrow and friday and halloween but i'm looking forward to sunday because another front will come through. rainfall totals i'm telling you right now will not be impressive but behind that front it's going to be chilly. some of you in the north bay may see some lows in the 30s as soon as tuesday morning of next week on the other side of the front. tomorrow we're sunny again. the end of october will not 80 in livermore? why not 38 for napa? 77 for oakland. and 75 in redwood city. we are going to be warm for three days right through saturday. the changes sunday cooler cloudier couple of late-day showers. showers linger into monday and look at those highs next week. that's a change nobody hitting 60. afternoon highs in the 60s, overnight lows in the 30s and 40s. so -- may not get the rain but we'll get some cool. >> from the 80s to the socks like that. >> and a big weekend. hello, november. >> right. >> thanks, paul. the teenager's haunted house usually means a treat for a local charity. but this year, a neighbor isn't sweet on the idea. the last-minute fight over what's become a halloween tradition. >> plus, getting you on and off bart faster. the small difference that could have a big impact for commuters. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, a bay area teenager will be fighting city hall tonite. all 'tis the season. a bay area teenager is going to be fighting city hall tonight. all he wants is to put on his annual halloween haunted house. kpix 5's john ramos on how a neighbor and some red tape are standing in his way. >> reporter: you may have heard of sam dubois. at only 15, sam is the creator of the haunt, a homemade haunted house attraction in his albany backyard that he uses to raise funds for the alameda county food bank. >> our haunted houses seem to be bad dreams. that's our theme. >> reporter: there are creepy clowns and scary depthist office but the real nightmare may be coming from city hall when the next-door neighbor complained repeatedly, the city required sam to get a temporary use permit. there was a hearing last month and the permit was approved at a cost of $461. >> but you know, i was going to do it but it didn't seem at that point that i had to do anything other than just paying some money. >> reporter: but the neighbor had a trick of his own. he waited until the last possible moment to file an appeal to the planning commission. so it couldn't be heard any earlier than tonight's meeting. that meant sam couldn't operate last weekend. and now only he has two days to finish construction before halloween if the permit is finalized tonight. so you don't even know what's going to happen after tonight >> i have no idea. i have no idea what's going to happen tonight or after that. i'm pretty much just, you know, living here floating around. >> reporter: sam, who started this when he was 11, has learned a great deal from this project center carpentry to set design to managing a small business. and now he is learning a new lesson about city bureaucracy. but then you actually experience it and you realize, man, like is this all worth it for democracy? like i'm not trying to get into political-ness, but is it worth it?! >> reporter: there's no telling what will happen tonight. there may be even more delays and political-ness. but he says no matter what, the show will go on even if it makes the neighborhood will have a rather spooky thanksgiving this year. in albany, john ramos, kpix 5. >> sam says he regrets losing at least two days worth of donation for the food bank but he says all the publicity means there will be more visitors than ever when he does finally open. bart executives say a small change is coming and will make a big difference for commuters. they say they are adding an extra door to train cars. the third door will reduce crowding, get people on and off the trains quicker. bart execs say they will begin testing those trains this year. they hope for full integration of the new trains by 2016. coming up in our next half- hour, the republican presidential candidates are battling it out. we are monitoring tonight's debate and the fight between the top two contenders. >> much more than a rescue chopper. one bay area department's new multi-million dollar tool that's flying high. >> and a military blimp goes rogue! how it got loose and caused some damage. you can bet we will be follg up on our exclusive report t bay area bridg checking our top stories, you can bet we will be following up on our exclusive report about bay area bridge tolls. our phil matier telling us there's now talk about bumping up the cost to cross the state- owned bridges. no word yet on exactly how much it would go up or how soon an increase would happen. we are also following a big speech in oakland. the city's mayor libby schaaf delivering her first state of the city address. it comes as an exclusive kpix 5/surveyusa poll shows residents have a more optimistic view of the direction oakland is headed. schaaf has a 48% approval rate,double what mayor quan had in 2014. and a story we broke on monday for you, a gruesome murder in san jose, a man tried to confess to killing his girlfriend. he went to the santa clara county jail but was turned away. the deputy he talked to sent him to the san jose police headquarters instead. she is reassigned. the top 10 republican candidates are facing off in boulder, colorado in their third debate. ben carson and donald trump are at the top of the polls. the fireworks though, they got started with jeb bush. >> he is a gifted politician. but marco, when you signed up for this, this was a six-year term. and you should be showing up to work. i mean, literally, the senate, what is it, like a french workweek? you get like three days where you have to show up? you can campaign. or just resign and let someone else take the job. there are a lot of people living paycheck to paycheck in florida, as well. they are looking for a senator who will fight for them each and every day. >> wow. the couple of different things to say to that. kpix 5's political analyst melissa caen joins us. what about carson and trump? why are all the fireworks between bush and rube joe? >> it's something we haven't seen yet and bush knows he has something to prove. what's interesting is that rubio is a bit of a men tee of jeb bush's and these men have known each other in florida politics for a long time but here's what's clear. they are going after the same donors and the same voters and they know they have to start putting daylight between them and substantively there isn't a lot of disagreement between the two so now we have personal attacks. but that clip did not show rubio who gave it as good as he got it, gave an excellent answer so going to be a very, very good matchup between bush and rubio. but having said all that, there were other places where there were fireworks where there actually was not. >> i do, however, believe in reagan's 11th commandment and will not be engaging in awful things about my compatriots. >> so would you say that trump -- has he switched up his strategy? i really thought that the fireworks obviously would come from him. but that sent really what we have been seeing. >> that's right. trump has really been hands off. he has been very friendly. he gave an answer and referred to ben carson as his friend at one point so i think he understands that going after ben carson is not a winning strategy even though ben carson is his biggest rival. next to him it's much more difficult to go after him than at a rally where he has been taking some swipes but the big matchup between carson and trump doesn't seem to be materializing. >> let's talk about the earlier debate. there were some fireworks coming from lindsey graham. >> so great. [ laughter ] >> lindsey graham has just -- you know, he so unburdens it now by the possibility of winning he has actually become a one line wonder just singer sooner after sooner. >> good god look who we're running against, of the number one candidate on the owe side thought she was flat broke after her and her husband were in the white house for eight years. the number two guy went to the soviet union on his honeymoon and i don't think he ever came back! if we don't beat these people, who the hell we gonna beat? >> i mean, you could almost feel the pressure has just been lifted from his shoulders, right? he is just going for it and having a good time obviously. >> he has a reputation as being someone who is really funny but not something that we have seen so far. but now that -- now that there's really no shot he might as well give himself a good billing for the speaker circuit after the election. >> the next debate is november 10, fox debate. >> thank you. and we'll have a full wrap- up of the debate tonight at 10:00 on the nightbeat and kpix 5 news here at 11:00. in washington a new budget and new speaker as expected house republicans nominated paul ryan as the next speaker of the house. the full house votes tomorrow but already ryan is predicting a new era of cooperation. >> we are not going to have a house that looked like it looked the last two years. we are going to move forward. we are going to unify. our party has lost its vision and we are going to replace it with a vision. >> a few hours later the house rushed to pass a budget to prevent a government default. the senate has until tuesday to pass that same measure which again raises the debt limit and allows the government to borrow freely until 2017. the federal reserve announced today it will not raise interest rates keeping them at record lows. and two reasons why. low inflation and a slowdown in job growth. right now, short-term rates are near zero. the fed not saying when an increase would happen but probably not until next year. investors liked that news. stocks were up more than 1%, the dow up nearly 200. nasdaq up more than 65. s&p 500 went up almost 24 definitely not a bird or a plane. a military blimp broke away from its tether and started floating away. cbs reporter weijia jang on how it finally came down. >> reporter: a runaway military blimp has landed in pennsylvania more than 100 miles away from where it broke from its tether this afternoon. it finally landed just before 4:00 in montour county, pennsylvania. >> it gradually deflated and broke into two parts. the tail section came down first and then a quarter mile further on, the main body. >> reporter: the high-tech surveillance blimp that scans the skies over the horizon for potential incoming threats broke away from its ground tether at the aberdeen proving ground in maryland around noon and started drifting over pennsylvania. emergency response officials in pennsylvania say the blimp was dragging a mile-long tether line that snapped powers lines as it went north. >> i saw this thing up in the air and i couldn't believe it when i looked up and it was the blimp. >> reporter: it was floating at 10,000 feet, they can detect missiles, aircraft and even ground targets from boston to north carolina. f-16 fighter jets were tracking the blimp which is part of a $2 billion defense program which some call a waste of taxpayer money. so far no word on the how it broke free. weijia jang, cbs news, washington. still ahead, a new crime- fighting tool in the bay area sky. we get a look at one department's sophisticated helicopter. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, costa county. it is called the "starr 3" and it is not your average chopper. this four and a half m there's a new helicopter patrolling the skies in contra costa county. they call it star 3. not your average chopper. $4.5 million aircraft it can fight fires and conduct air rescues. star 3 equipped with state-of- the-art technology including infrared hi-def video and it can be anywhere in the county in about 10 minutes. >> we can get on scene quickly because it's a fast helicopter and carry cargo and gear and it provides a emergency response that's really unparalleled in the region. >> the helicopter is already on its first mission fighting this fire on bradford island last month. the county by the way selling one of the older helicopters in its fleet to help pay for star three. one of the our reporters just told us a few minutes ago there's about 1,000 people gathered right now in san jose for a store that hasn't opened yet. tonight, what's going on?! we'll have that story and much more on bay area nightbeat; come join me at 10:00 on our sister station, kbcw 44/cable 12. and still ahead, helping needy bay area families fast. how this week's jefferson award winner makes sure that they have the food they need within just a couple of hours. >> it was so promising last night in the south bay. it was raining in san jose about 9:00 at night and it's going to last through the night get through tomorrow morning maybe .25" of rainfall that mother nature taketh away. you didn't see another drop san jose. we'll talk about the next chance of rain and two of them and find out who may see lows in the 30s next week. that's coming up. >> and i'm dennis o'donnell. coming up, the warriors are living on "fantasy island. >> your 2015 champion golden state warriors. >> living on a deserted island. >> and a catch of the day comes from the farralones. is it me or does anybody else need a carona? when contra costa families cannot afford enough food, ,,,,,,,,,, my name is jamir dixon and i'm a locate and mark fieldman for pg&e. most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg&e. my truck is something new... it's an 811 truck. when you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you don't hit them when you're digging. 811 is a free service. i'm passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. they're the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then i'll drive it every day of the week. together, we're building a better california. express." sharon chin introduces when contra costa families cannot afford enough food they often rely on the white pony express. >> sharon chin introduces us to the woman behind the organization in this week's jefferson award winner. >> reporter: dr. carol conner founded the white pony express two years ago making service and speed priorities. the white pony provides free groceries for low-income families. volunteers try to deliver from this walnut creek warehouse within two hours. anna says the people couldn't be more grateful. >> they feel happy. they feel that somebody cares for them. >> reporter: whites phony express helps feed 65,000 people in contra costa county regularly. dr. carol conner founded the group in 2013. as the director of the faith community suism reoriented, she is committed to ending poverty. >> to take the abundance all around us that is distributed unequally and simply redistribute it. >> reporter: in the last two years, the program has delivered 2 million pounds of food thousands of meals. more than 400 volunteers keep white pony express running 7 days a week. they pick up food and flowers from about 100 donors like grocery chains and distribute the items to some 50 charitable organizations which then give the donations to clients like blanca. >> economy is no good. so this helps. >> reporter: they deliver clothes, foods and toys to underserved neighborhoods. they desire to serve the whole person. >> i think that her sole focus for all these programs is about delivering love. >> reporter: dr. conner also founded francis in the schools. the program named afran sis of assisi produces renaissance style faires that bring music, dance and drama to inner city neighborhoods around the nation. >> the guiding principle is that it is the nature of love to give the best you can. >> so for giving her best to serve low-income families through white pony express and francis in the schools, this week's jefferson award in the bay area goes to dr. carol weyland conner. >> reporter: dr. conner founded hospice of the east bay and the contra costa way crisis center. nominate your own local hero for a jefferson award online at checking in with our kpix 5 weather watchers this evening, look to see if there were any decent rainfall totals and the answer was no not much out there aside from .02" of rainfall. up north it's 67. lee gray reported not much. we'll head to petaluma, peggi rodgers checking in with a southwest wind at 6 miles per hour and the skies are now clear and it is 64 degrees. some pictures to show you. first off the king tides from yesterday, robert sanford sending that in. dana had all of her rain buckets ready to collect the rain coming off her roof. she says couple of drips, that's it, not much more nfl and we'll take you to the east bay. bill moon great shot there in mount diablo off in the distance. blue sky this afternoon after a pretty wimpy front moved through the bay area. 60s for livermore, oakland, san bruno. 72 in santa rosa. you are the warm spot. san francisco the cool spot at 62 degrees. the last couple showers and thunderstorms are leaving the sierra as our front pushes south. las vegas may get a few showers. they may get more rain than san francisco. just been one of those years so far. we hope that changes soon. in the city tonight, 58 for a low. fremont 55. napa 52. a lot going on toward the weekend. super fright night. it will be sunny and mild friday and saturday. it will be warm the next couple of days. all those super bowl trophies the five from the 9ers and three from the raiders will be on display in vallejo on friday night. we'll be there doing our weather live. high pressure building in but not yet. our front moved through. there is rainfall in the higher elevation but this front was wimpy because the jet stream played no part in the front making it here. it is stuck up in oregon where some parts of the cascades of oregon and washington may get a foot of rainfall over the next five days. we get a couple of drops. we are the have nots right now. ridge of high pressure the next day, sunshine mild. then the low pressure will dive into and past the bay area sunday much cooler and cloudier sunday couple of showers again but the biggest impact from this front will be the much cooler air behind it. afternoon highs in the 60s. even inland with overnight lows in the north bay as soon as tuesday morning below 40 degrees. a couple of degrees above freezing next week. partly cloudy tonight some fog along the water sunny warmer for everybody tomorrow. we'll stay dry and mild through halloween trick or treating will be a-okay. san jose 75 tomorrow with sunshine. redwood city 75. los gatos 76. hayward 73. san ramon tomorrow sunshine 78. low 80s toward the delta, pittsburg 81. oakland hit 77. napa 83. mill valley 75. low 80s windsor, saint helena and cloverdale. sunny and mild, final three days of october will feel like august. chance of showers on sunday. next week, we'll feel like november with highs only in the 60s. that is your forecast. dennis and sports two minutes away. stick around. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, [female announcer] during mattress price wars at sleep train, save up to $400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. get interest-free financing until 2018 on tempur-pedic. plus, helpful advice from the sleep experts. don't miss mattress price wars at sleep train. future is in question and t 49ers ship is clearl reports of 49er team dissension and locker room infighting are mounting. the quarterback's future is in question and 49er ship is taking on water, clearly. >> what i don't want is all that pent-up, you know, then we start having -- [ sound effect ] >> so i wanted to in front of that. >> just sit right back and you'll hear a tale -- ♪ >> reporter: colin kaepernick may not be the skipper but fox sports is reporting he is on an island inside the 49er locker room. >> i don't know what the agenda is, saying that or what the credibility of that source is. um, i have a great relationship with my teammates. >> losing is tough but it's not dividing the team. kaep isn't on a damn island no matter what anyone says. ♪[ music ] >> reporter: how can san francisco right the ship? aside from winning football games, plugging any leaks in the minnow would be a good place to start. >> i don't know where they come from. there's stuff that comes all over the place that i don't -- i mean, i don't know where people are getting their stuff. i don't believe it's coming from here. >> do you feel in any way that you're being made a escape get to by maybe somebody in the organization? >> i really hope not. for me, i give everything i can to this organization. i give everything i can to my teammates. >> you know, this guy might be enjoying all of this right now. michigan did have its five-game winning streak snapped in heartbreaking fashion a couple of weeks ago but as i might expect jim harbaugh is moving forward. not allowing his team to think what if. he even has his own version of the expression, if, ifs and nuts are candy and nuts every day would be christmas. >> not into if this and if that type of scenarios. if worms had machine guns, then birds wouldn't be scared of them. >> make that up or hear it from someone else? >> sometimes i never know. it's like -- it's like a 95% sure i did think of it but i'm never -- i don't know if i read it in a book or saw it in a movie or i dreamed but it or just came up with it. >> my director -- wayne, take a shot of you right now. >> no. [ laughter ] >> he said no. move along. he is the new yogi berra. absolutely. what if the warriors didn't stay healthy last year? fortunately they did. and what advice did steve kerr have for interim head coach luke walton before last night's season opener? don't worry, we won 67 games last year. i didn't know what it was doing at all. walton's job-made easier thanks to steph curry. how about that guy? mvp scored 24 of 40 points in the 1st quarter and golden state blew out the short handed pelicans. but the biggest takeaway those new championship rings. curry even wore his to bed last night. >> that's a feeling and moment i'll never forget. seeing the ban go up and having that jewelry on your finger. >> it's beautiful. it's special. i'm going to try and take the best care of it as i can and something that i'll be so proud of until the day i leave this earth and pass down for generation. back to that health theme. andrew bogut is out indefinitely with concussion after he collided with pelicans forward dante cunningham. it's been a rough few weeks for bogut. he suffered had a broken nose that required surgery during the preseason. redskins quarterback kurt cousins was named the nfc's offensive player of the week and i imagine his reaction looks something like this. >> what's that? what's that! you like that! >> cousins hoping to cash in on this new catch phrase. he is already selling t-shirts for $23 each with proceeds going to charity. good night, that's a huge fish! >> i do like this. >> look at that. you know? >> is that a small child? [ laughter ] >> oh, my goodness. >> that's funny. >> rockcod? >> close. >> travis woodward is the man holding a lingcod cod at the farralone islands. >> has legs. >> catch of the day, send your pictures to it takes two hours to, 2.5, to get from a boat to out to farralone islands. >> wow. >> great. captions by: caption colorado save an average of $548! whoo! i mean, whoo. announcer: it's time to play "family feud." give it up for steve harvey! [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: how's everybody today? thank you very much. i appreciate y'all. thank y'all now. i appreciate it, folks. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey, and hey, we got a good one for you today, folks. returning for their fourth day with a total of 21,700 bucks, from sacramento, california, it's the champs, y'all, it's the neuhart family! audience: [cheering] steve: and from chicago, illinois, it's the duminie family. audience: [cheering] sean: let's go! steve: everybody's here trying to win their self a lot of cash and the possibility of driving out of here in a brand-new, state-of-the-art ford edge. let's go meet the duminie family. now, phyllis, you look like you in charge here. you the older sister. phyllis: i'm the mom of these beautiful children. steve: oh, these are your kids? phyllis: all my children. steve: hail to the queen! hail to the queen. phyllis: thank you. thank you. steve: hey, let's go. hey, let's play "feud." give me danna, give me shayna. ["family feud" theme plays] top 6 answers are on the board, ladies. we asked 100 men, name something specific about a woman's nightie that makes it a good nightie. danna: it's see-through. steve: it's see-through. yes, it is. danna: woo! we're gonna play. steve: they're gonna play.

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