Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 600PM 20150917 : compare

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 600PM 20150917

lines today. shows your dedication. >> it does. it makes us proud that they are part of our department. >> reporter: thank you, captain. we have been talking about the rain and that certainly helped. help from mother nature. let's take you to some video that we shot earlier and have some pictures from middletown. rain on the roads. this is the town of cobb close to the start of the fire. this is gives you an idea how intense the flames were as they tore through on saturday as the rain fell today, we saw many spots still smoldering. they are keeping a close watch on the weather and also keeping a close watch as our chief meteorologist paul deanno -- paul are they going to continue to get some rain? they need it. >> the rain is tapering off this evening but i'm happy to report, juliette, we received more rainfall than we were expecting. we were hoping to get about a quarter inch to half inch of rainfall in the north bay mountains. some spots got more than an inch of rainfall. it's tapering off but that means it's pushing south to the rest of the bay area. kpix 5 hi-def doppler showing lots of rain in the state of california. lake county, first, middletown, still raining, albeit not as intense as earlier today where it was coming down pretty good. napa, sonoma, west to petaluma, showers in graton, heavy rain toward bay point. to the south steady rainfall from livermore, dublin, west, hayward, castro valley south to fremont. and we are looking outside and talking about rainfall totals that are pretty high for this time of year. this is a decent september storm. graton .4". calistoga nearly half inch. guerneville inch and a half. santa rosa .25". berkeley .02" it just started there. it will be markedly less rain south of the golden gate but everybody will get something. rain tapering off this evening for the "valley fire." tomorrow the sunshine is back. tomorrow warmer temperatures are back. but we'll have lighter winds up to 5 to 10 miles per hour. all in all wonderful news, probably not putting the fire out but it will help out a tremendous amount, the rainfall that we received today, juliette. perfect timing. >> reporter: absolutely. paul, thank you. now, we're at the staging center again where you can see these firefighters are resting to then get themselves fueled up to head back out again. and as we said the rain was a welcome sight. they are tracking every second of it right now to see where their next move is in terms of the firefight. this is really a logistical operation here. we'll take you inside. >> we're looking at pretty much the entire fire under rain same as here. >> reporter: incident meteorologists are tracking for operational planning. >> so i'm concerned currently with how much longer the rain is going to last. after that, we'll start to dry out. so i'll be looking at the extended forecast then. >> any team we get rain it increases humidity so that's always a help and obviously it dampens the fire's behavior. we are not going to make too much on this. we are going to continue to be aggressive on the fireline to increase the percentage of con continuement containment. the firefighters get food and water everything to sustain a 24-hour period on the fireline. >> reporter: welcome to tent city, temporary housing for thousands of firefighters at the lake county fairgrounds. this is normally used as a recreational speedway. >> we're able to take that area, um, and construct tents, put sleeper units in it and now simply something that has a normal day-to-day use is now being used by the fire department to be able to accommodate the firefighters coming off the fireline and sleep in 'em. >> reporter: strategic planning happens inside command central while the firefight continues outside. all of these firefighters aware of the dangers of their jobs and aware that four of them have lost their homes to the "valley fire" but continue on with the firefight. >> it's the job. those are people that have taken a hit and they keep on working because that's what we do. >> reporter: now, right now i'm in lakeport. this is the command center. it's about an hour and a half drive from middletown where we have seen a lot of the destruction. cal fire saying it is rare when they can't find a cause and they say with the magnitude of damage of the "valley fire" they want everyone to know they are making every effort to figure out exactly what happened. we have been here all afternoon and really taking a tour of this huge facility. and i have to tell you, veronica and ken, not a complaint in sight. these firefighters are tired. they have been out on the front lines. some of them have lost their homes. and they are back on this job and they will be out there until this "valley fire" is out. >> yeah. pretty amazing work that cal fire has done plus all the municipal, the city fire departments, the county fire departments, the districts who have all thrown people into this. man, you know, the state would be in bad shape without these dedicated firefighters. >> hats off to them for sure. >> absolutely. thank you. want to show you some before and after shots now of a home northwest of middletown. at least before images from google showing the home along highway 175 where it meets anderson springs. look closely. to the right of your screen, if we scroll over, you can see a fence, there's a white pickup truck and in front of the garage and the beautiful home out there. here's what that same intersection looks like today a shell of fence, the home completely destroyed the pickup truck charred. unbelievable. >> we are keeping an eye on the wildfire in the sierra foothills. today the coroner confirmed a second death in the "butte fire." in both cases, bodies were found inside burned-out homes in calaveras county. that fire now covers 72,000 acres. both the valley and "butte fires" are two of the most damaging on record. the "valley fire" is ninth and the "butte fire" is 14th. another breaking story, a 8.3 earthquake struck off the coast of chile and we want to show you video just coming into our newsroom. it shows people running out of buildings in the capital of santiago. news reports are starting to show images of the damage. you can see there contents of store shelves of course knocked to the ground. the quake's epicenter was off the coast about 34 miles west of [ non-english language ] chile. strong shaking felt 145 miles away in santiago. the national emergency agency there has issued a tsunami alert. they have ordered evacuations of all coastal areas. you might remember a powerful quake in 2010 also triggered a tsunami. and across the pacific tonight the earthquake has led to a tsunami watch in hawaii. u.s. scientists are monitoring the ocean levels there. if there is a tsunami, they estimate that the first wave would hit about 3 a.m. thursday morning. we'll keep you posted on any new developments. three santa clara correctional officers from the county are facing charges after allegedly beating a mentally ill inmate to death. kpix 5's len ramirez on how that's changing jail training. >> reporter: it's changing a lot things around here at the main jail. one of the things is the way that officers coming into the department will be trained. they are getting an extra 40 hours of training when it comes to mentally ill inmates. >> reporter: these correctional cadets were supposed to have lined up to get their badges and be sworn in today. instead, 70 members of the academy class filed into the courtroom of judge stephen manly. >> we don't laugh at people. >> reporter: to get a crash course on how to deal with mentally ill inmates. >> it's not funny. you know? to them it's real. >> this academy class is actually supposed to graduate today. instead we are keeping them in here an extra 40 hours and giving them the crisis intervention training. >> reporter: this immediate extra training was ordered by sheriff smith in the aftermath of the ininn custody death of mentally ill inmate michael tyree. allegedly he was beaten to death in his cell by three correctional deputies who are now standing trial for murder. >> it's just a higher level of dealing with people with mental health issues. >> reporter: sheriff smith said the training normally happens well after the cadets graduate. but she moved it up hoping it will be more effective before they work the jailhouse. >> stay away from slippery people and slippery places. >> reporter: the cadets saw how the judge treatments inmates with respect, is firm, accountable and fair. >> no knives. see if you can make it through the next time without an arrest. >> reporter: they saw something else in action. >> not easy, is it? >> no, it's not. >> but you do it. you make it a month. you make it another move. >> reporter: positive reinforcement. >> so you have a plan. let's give him a hand. this is good. [ applause ] >> what they will be able to do is to really recognize the differences, know better how to handle people that have mental health issues, knowing the signs, the symptoms and kind of the techniques. >> reporter: some of the over things that will be changing around here -- some of the other things that will be changing around here, there's going to be a panel looking at jail practices from top to bottom and the board of supervisors looks like it's ready to approve body-worn cameras for all the correctional deputies now working in the jail. reporting live in san jose, len ramirez, kpix 5. >> tonight, a spike in crime in berkeley is hitting close to home for the city's mayor. the hot spots police are pointing to. >> plus, the top republican presidential candidates battling it out tonight. the high stakes for former bay area tech exec carly fiorina. >> and we are tracking rain over parts of the bay area right now. paul is back with our full forecast coming up. my name is jamir dixon and i'm a locafor pg&e.rk fieldman most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg&e. my truck is something new... it's an 811 truck. when you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you don't hit them when you're digging. 811 is a free service. i'm passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. they're the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then i'll drive it every day of the week. together, we're building a better california. then don't miss sleep train's want youbest rest event.? 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at least for me like my roommates and i always go out like together. >> reporter: this calfresh man says the bad guys have been targeting new students. >> guys pulled over like at gunpoint like on the first week of school. >> reporter: berkeley place say crime is going up. comparing the first six months of this year to last year. robbers are up 53%. home burglaries jumped 86%. rates went up 22%. and auto thefts up 15%. >> two days ago, a robbery occurred right on my street. right across the street from my house. >> reporter: mayor the the mayor said it happened around 5:30 when a lot of people were heading home from work. >> two people jumped out. a person with a gun said give me your purse and so they grabbed the purse. jumped in the car and were gone. >> reporter: city leaders and police are surprised robbers are choosing high traffic areas to mug their victims. they say the bad guys aren't going after cell phones because of the kill switch. instead, they are looking for purses, wallets and jewelry. >> it's hard to say specifically why it may be the current. it seems to be kind of a national trend. >> in berkeley, i'm da lin, kpix 5. >> we continue to follow the "valley fire" and tonight mike sugerman is in middletown and found some crews hard at work starting to clean up. mike, i can see it's raining a little. that's good news. >> reporter: it is good news for the fire. it's not so good for the clean- up crews. we'll get to that in a second. there still is of course a chaotic scene and it's going to be like this for months maybe for years. but it was worse when we got here earlier today. the power lines were in the street. the crews moved them over. these streets and roads are now rather tidy. there were power lines down. there were power poles down. there were trees down. there were branches down. but the clean-up has begun in what is still a ghost town. this may not have the look of an evacuated town. gas pump crowded, dinner being served but look closer everyone here is an emergency worker of some kind. >> free sodas and free coffee in the deli until the fire is over. >> reporter: even the staff here. >> pg&e and cal fire considered the grocery store and our store essential to the -- as part of the infrastructure. >> reporter: chevron station is one of two businesses allowed to be open in this town. the other is a hardware store. open for those who are allowed to be up here. >> food, gas, drinks and so we are just giving them free fountain drinks, just to help out. >> reporter: the workers it's home away in home, really it is. >> i got my kyndell, sound kin le. >> reporter: they can't get back in if they leave the area so they share a closet with a mattress to sleep. >> so we have to keep the pumps open. >> reporter: that gas station is here is one of the miracles of the fire. flames came within a few yards of it and switched direction just in time. >> big explosion. then if this is a big explosion, probably hurt the town. the town would go and the school would go, too. >> so the rain is helping put out the fire. it's helping firefighters but it's making a mess here and, of course, for the emergency workers. it hasn't delayed questions, when, when, when, when, when, when can residents come back to this area? they don't know but they think in the next few days. in middletown, mike sugerman, kpix 5. mike, thank you for that. and paul, it's so good to see rain. one it raises the humidity level but also, there are hot spots there that they can't get to. that rain is going to just tamp it down a little bit. >> you think about it, the places the hardest to get to because of terrain are the places staking up into this front the most and the orographic lift you get by hitting the north bay mountains what is wringing out the moisture. this is a huge help. it's a big help especially in the north bay where we have the heaviest rainfall totals up to 1.5". six-hour time lapse here just poured in sonoma, lake, mendocino county and also napa county today. now it's not going to pour south of the golden gate. i wish we could get high rainfall totals everywhere with you before we were to get them it rained heavily in the perfect spot. evening commute impacts for you. we're talking 580, 680, specifically castro valley. hayward, union city, east to pleasanton, dublin, livermore north to san ramon and danville. >> show you some video taken in calistoga earlier today. now, the evacuees of course not in their house many of them living in tents and, of course, they can get uncomfortable in inclement weather. i don't think people would be complaining though because it means the fire will be out quicker. becker the rain was markedly lighter. but it rained nonetheless and you will likely receive more rainfall in berkeley and emeryville and oakland today. looks like it's raining in san francisco right now right near the pyramid. oakland, fremont today high of 73. san francisco 69. livermore 79 for your high today. low pressure to our north. it will make landfall if you will in far northern california but it drags the front so the rain extends to its south and into the bay area. the unstable air is now here and will be here for an additional 6 to 10 hours. after that, a ridge of high pressure building back in. this evening 8:00 , 9:00, look at the line of showers from the delta through hayward and fremont south and west of palo alto and mountain view encroaching on san jose. you will get your rainfall around midnight, san jose, but quickly in, quickly out. by tomorrow at lunchtime not only is the rain gone, pretty much the cloud cover gone and the big ridge of high pressure will build back in. we'll see several sunny days with temperatures climbing into the 90s away from the water. so that fire danger which drops today because of the rainfall will elevate once again as we head toward the weekend. tomorrow, sunshine in the afternoon, fremont 74. vallejo 79. napa 82. redwood city your high 75 degrees. warmer friday, warmer still saturday and sunday even some 80s near the bay. and we'll stay warm and relatively dry next week so it's a pattern change lasted about three days. we were cooler and cloudier and it's hitting its climax with some rainfall. it's not going to stick around. we are not close to the wet season yes. so i'm really thankful that it rained today but it's not going to persist. >> got it. >> perfect timing. still ahead, arrested over a ,, this is the dawn of an old day. because at&t and directv are offering yesterday's technology, today. tv from space. 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>> we ask kpix 5's john ramos to look into that. >> reporter: the rain that fell around middletown today may have helped keep the fire from spreading but it did little to dampen the desire for answers. >> it's going to be closure for people to know how and why it started. >> reporter: yesterday cal fire investigators revealed that the fire started on this open lot between two houses on cobb mountain about 10 miles above the town. but they are not rushing to say how they think it began as they go through a painstaking of elimination. >> we realize that everybody wants to know. but it ro really be unacceptable for them to just jump to conclusions and make assumptions just because somebody wants to hear an answer. >> investigators understand people want to know what happened here. and they are hoping people will give them the time to get it right. >> these fires can sometimes take months to go ahead and do the final conclusion. this isn't csi and things happen in one hour. >> clearly this isn't a tv show but then again sometimes it's hard to believe that all this could possibly be real. in middletown, john ramos, kpix 5. >> cal fire investigators say it's rare when they can't find a cause they say with the magnitude of damage, the "valley fire," they want everybody to know they are making efforts to figure out exactly what happened. >> with all the fires burning in california there is something that we can learn here. kpix 5's julie watts tells us how a little planning can go a long way in a disaster. >> reporter: a warm embrace goes a long way. jennifer is picking up supplies after her family lost everything. >> i said grab the laptop, run, run, run. >> reporter: the fire overtook the town without warning. the son the only one home didn't have time to grab the fire box. he saved my dog, too, and he is safe. >> reporter: when it comes to loss, it seems many evacuees are less concerned about the structure or the documents, what impacts them the most, irreplaceable photos and heirlooms. >> they lost those precious memories and that is probably the hardest. >> reporter: census status show only half of americans have an emergency evacuation kit. we decided to put an unsuspecting homeowner to the test to demonstrate just how unprepared most of us are. >> so grab whatever you can in the house if you had 10 minutes to get out. we have a challenge for you. >> 10 minutes? >> reporter: she reluctantly agreed. >> i think i grab you. [ laughter ] >> reporter: a short time later we took stock of all that she grabbed. >> my computer with all the, you know, all our account information and everything like that. >> reporter: she realized she éz couldn't grab important documents because she didn't have the combination to the safe. >> i just have these two journals that i write for my daughters. >> reporter: that's when it really hit home for lori. >> i would like to grab a million more things. but, um, the most important, you know, we got each other. >> reporter: that's what most people here will tell you. the loss is tragic but they are just happy they are safe. the one thing most people say they did grab the laptop computers, the one thing they wish they had grabbed priceless memories, photographs, keepsakes that can't be replaced. julie watts, kpix 5. you sit there and you watch and you say to yourself what can i do? um, well, there's a lot you can do. you can help the victims. "valley fire" by calling in a donation, a cash donation, to 1- 800-red cross or going to or text 90999 to the red cross and give them a $10 automatic donation to the disaster relief fund. the 11 top republicans for president are squaring off in southern california. thanks are heated with donald trump at the center of -- things are heated with donald trump at the center of much of it. trump came in as the front- runner and it didn't take long for those fireworks to begin. craig boswell reports. >> reporter: it didn't, veronica. good evening to you. right off the bat, it's about donald trump. the first question was about trump's temperament. the question was, do you feel comfortable the go carly fiorina do you feel comfortable with trump's fingers on the nuclear code. he called him an entertainer and didn't answer. he fired a zinger saying rand paul shouldn't even be on the stage. that went on and the snowball kept going. the question toward jeb bush was a trump question, as well. jeb bush and donald trump are standing right next to each other. exchange back and forth about money supporting jeb bush and casino gambling in florida and trump seemed to be shutting jeb him down, your energy is good, i like it, and getting in those kinds of slams. but carly fiorina has gotten the best kind of answer to donald trump in response to trump's comment about her looks and she said that americans heard you clearly so she kind of kept herself above that fray. and in other words, she didn't have to respond that his comments about her looks were offensive enough. really a fascinating and sometimes little bit nasty debate. >> you know, let's go back to jeb bush. you were just talking about a second ago he definitely has been a target of attack with trump. he got his chance to fire back tonight especially when it came to his wife. what did he say? >> reporter: he asked donald trump to apologize to his wife who is in the audience because the conversation was about speaking spanish. jeb bush's wife is mexican- american. so he asked donald trump to apologize to his wife. donald trump refused to apologize. did he call her a lovely woman but -- he did call her a lovely woman but didn't apologize to her about speaking english in america. so this back and forth between the two really intensified because they are so close together. these two podiums are not far apart. they are in each other's personal space almost. >> quickly, craig, because we're out of time, how did ben carson fare? >> reporter: when you look at the trenning google showing the trending trending very high tonight. very direct answer to the questions. >> reporter: thank you, craig boswell. and we'll have a full wrap- up of the republican debate tonight at 10:00 on bay area nightbeat; come join me at 10:00 on our sister station, kbcw 44/cable 12. ,, female announcer: get sleep train's very best mattresses at the guaranteed lowest price. plus, pay no interest for three years on the best brand name mattress sets. get your best rest ever from sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ ♪ ♪ grow old with me ♪ let us share what we see ♪ just you and i ♪ ♪ grow old with me ♪ let us share what we see ♪ and oh the best it could be ♪ just you and i ♪ new images coming in of the 8.3 quake that struck off the coast of chile here's video of a live newscast in santiago. you can see the earthquake happening live. a look at the traffic cam cars slowing down as the roads are moving right underneath them. 8.3 quake struck off the coast of chile 145 miles northwest of santiago. in other news, reports showed people running out of high-rise office buildings in santiago. other shots showed people in the streets and first images of damage beginning to come in now. collapsed ceiling tiles and other structural damage, this quake has also triggered a tsunami alert for chile. people being cleared out of low- lying areas. >> the quake in chile has also led to a tsunami watch in hawaii as these pictures show it's all quite fret there right now. the concern is obviously energy from that quake could cross the pacific. we have seen it happen before. if a tsunami does hit the hawaiian islands first wave would be seen about 3 a.m. tomorrow morning. meteorologist paul deanno with more on how tsunami waves travel. paul. >> i want to go back one step and talk about how a tsunami wave is created. we actually can come out here on camera. i'm going to use my hands as an example. you have two plates that have an earthquake and they slip by each other. that slip sometimes is under the ocean and it causes the water level to drop on one side and rise on the other and you can sometimes pick that up change by looking at a buoy. these are wave heights right before the earthquake and wave heights right after the earthquake. the actual level of the ocean just offshore of chile rose and then sank 20 meters in 30 seconds. 20 meters is more than 60 feet. that's the displacement of the pacific ocean in that one spot. that's what creates the wave. now, thankfully it doesn't stay 60 feet. it will mitigate itself as it moves throughout the ocean but that's the initial surge of water up that will create this wave that will spread throughout the pacific ocean over the next several hours. a tsunami watch not a tsunami warning for hawaii and, of course, we're on the west coast too, pacific ocean right here. there's no tsunami watch or warning for the west coast of the united states. but a 60-foot water level rise in that portion of the pacific ocean because of that particular earthquake off chile. an 8.3 with 10 aftershocks as strong as a 6-point 4. as strong as the napa earthquake that happened recently. santa rosa about .2" of rain. napa about .16" of rainfall. it just began raining in antioch a little rain in san rafael and some rain in pacifica, as well. let's get back to the weather computer. i want to show you where it's raining now. fremont, union city, milpitas, hayward, livermore, getting rain impacting the commute. heavier showers toward discovery bay wrapping up for antioch and rio vista. i want to show you how much it rained all day long in middletown, lake county, mendocino and sonoma and napa counties some soaking rain some parts of bay area in the north bay mountains receiving 1.5" of much-needed rainfall. it's not going to put out the fire. it's too big and to strong but it will help tremendously and the rain continues lighter in the north bay right now. san rafael tonight 55. concord 58. fremont 57. sunrise getting later and later 6:53. unstable air is here. we have this low pressure area moving into far northern california. draping down from that low is a front that front working its way from the north bay this morning crossing the golden gate for our 5:00 this afternoon. it's pushing to the south this evening. that's why you in san jose, you haven't received the rainfall yet but you feel. futurecast says there's your line and boundary stretching from fairfield and vacaville south and west right across the dumbarton bridge into san mateo county. 8:00, 9:00 tonight you will get some rainfall. some showers around san jose. midnight give or take an hour but watch how quickly things clear out. when the front is gone, the rain is gone, and shortly thereafter, clouds will be gone, too. ridge of high pressure builds back into the bay area we'll be sunny by tomorrow afternoon. we'll be sunny and warm on friday. we'll be sunny and hot coming up this weekend. it's a wonderful pattern change that lasted about three days. it's wrapping up with some rainfall. it's not going to stick. we are going to see sunny and warm weather return. so cloudy with showers tonight especially south of the golden gate. we'll get sunny tomorrow, we'll be heating up this weekend. highs tomorrow, milpitas 74 with rain tonight, sunshine tomorrow afternoon. concord 80. san ramon 76. pittsburg 79. couple of showers still possible for san francisco this evening. 68 will be your high tomorrow. and lakeport and clearlake that ground will be wet and that's a wonderful thing. your highs tomorrow in the upper 70s. extended forecast, we are calling for highs reaching the 90s inland by the weekend, some 80s near the bay and then cooling off next week. the only rain we'll see for the next seven days is what's outside now but let's be thankful for that. that's your forecast. we'll be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,, it was difficult for me but definitely can be tough for young students. >> that's why we're doing tv. >> but as allen martin reports, some in san mateo are getting help from this week's jefferson award winner. >> stow make sure i have kids in the right group. >> reporter: when it comesto variables marlyn bussey wan relate. >> i was an accident student except math. >> reporter: after 25 years as a counseling, she became the pastor of a church in san mateo. and quickly saw a need. >> what was happening is kids why being put in classes to repeat a class in ninth grade when they had already gotten an a or b in 8th grade. >> reporter: it's called misplacement. she saw it happening to blacks and hispanics. >> it's a dream killer when you tell a child that you're good in school but not good enough. you need to prove it to me one more time that you're that good and then i'll let you through the door. do they not have enough barriers. >> reporter: not only were students being misplaced many were falling behind and struggling. both groups needed help. >> i think we can push them. >> reporter: so two years ago, bussey created the st. james community foundation. >> so it's one, two. >> reporter: three afternoons a week about 50 middle school students fill the church's community hall for a hot meal and math. this child struggled. >> he wasi was bad with grades especially matt. >> reporter: now his greats are up along with his confidence. adriana was one of the first students in the program. now a high school junior, she is back tutoring the kids. >> before i wouldn't understand it and then when i started coming here i was like excelling more than my other classmates because of it so every, single test i didn't really have to study. everything i would always get as on. >> reporter: for giving children san mateo a boost in math and for their futures, this week's jefferson award in the wear goes to marly introducing starbucks® small-batch cold brew coffee. in stores now. andre in for dennis tonight. wow! a familiar face coming back. >> barry zito will have a chance to end his baseball career where it started. he has been called up to finish the season in the big leagues with the oakland a's. the 2002 cy young award winner spent the year in the minors with nashville and believes his playing career was over when the season ended more than a week ago. but then, he got a call from billy beane. he will pitch out of the bullpen for now but the team has left open the possibility of him starting against the giants at the end of the month possibly against tim hudson. how wonderful would that be? mark mulled is expected to be there for the bay bridge series mark mulder. the raiders look to bounce back hosting the ravens. derek carr knocked out with a hand injury round to practice today. and he is on track to start. >> went out there and took 99% of the reps. the 1% was to be cautious and just to see how i would react. it's all fun. felt good [ inaudible question ] >> no, i do not plan on it. i don't plan on it. bengals cornerback adam jones was fined $35,000 for slamming amari cooper's head into his health medical on sunday. not only will jones appeal the decision, he also told reporters he couldn't promise that it won't happen again in the heat of the moment. the broncos put peyton manning on their injury report this week. but rather than discuss his ailing back, manning cleverly turned the tapes on the local immediate -- tables on the local media in denver. >> i think the media should have to do an injury report, as well. i think all you guys -- i'd like to create it myself. let me start with cliff. i mean, just, you know, the -- the carpal tunnel from all the texting. sources, d mac the laryngitis ripping me all week. woody is probably the healthiest of y'all. this is not a healthy growth, jones from all the travel to the west coast. [ laughter ] >> you know, so, but like i said you never hear you guys complaining about it so i'm not going to complain about it. so in many wiz you guys inspire me. >> broncos and chiefs right here on kpix 5 tomorrow. in nba news the warriors are adding another mvp to the team. the recently retired steve nash will reportedly be named a part- time player development consultant. stephen curry is on board with the move. he posted this picture of the two of them on instagram and this is what he had to say. finally we get a coach, a decent coach around here. forget that steve kerr. now they have steve mac. >> a sense of humor. >> funny all funny. >> thank you, andrea nakano. for news throughout the evening, the latest news and weather are always on our website, join us at 9:00 ♪ standing by for fun. ♪ announcer: it's time to play "family feud." give it up for steve harvey! [indistinct chatter] steve: how y'all? how's everybody? how y'all? how y'all doing? i appreciate you now. thank y'all. thank y'all very much. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey, and, boy, we got a good one for you today. returning for their second day already with a total of $20,000, from mount prospect, illinois, it's the fabiano family. [captioning made possible by fremantle media] and from monroe, new york, not louisiana, it's the rush family. everybody here trying to win a shot at some cash and a state-of-the-art ford edge. let's get it on. give me clyde. give me joe. let's go. all right, here we go, guys. top 6 answers on the board. besides hay, name something a farmer and his wife might have a romp in. joe. joe: their bed. steve: their bed. clyde. clyde: the barn. steve: the barn. the barn. joe: we're gonna play, steve. steve: they gonna play. all right. anthony, let's go, champ. besides hay, name something a farmer and his wife might have a romp in. anthony: uh, the grass. steve: the grass. angela, besides hay, name something a farmer and his wife might have a romp in. angela: something else that

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