Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5PM 20170903 : compareme

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5PM 20170903

as far as the eye can see down this stretch of sand hundreds of people kick off their holiday weekend by spending it at the beach. thomas patrick, a surfer, has seen his share of foggy, cold days here. he says he loves sharing his space and does not mind the crowds. >> there is plenty of space if you need to find it. >> reporter: the parking was a mess all day, even as the day crept into the afternoon parking lots looked more like sloppy games of tetris. she was one of the lucky ones who found a spot. she was so fit up with the heat she came all the way here to escape. >> we go to baker's beach seven times. every time we have got it has been freezing. today is a good day to enjoy the beach. >> reporter: all the fun can become scary if you turn your back on the water or get caught in a rip current. >> i can swim but not that good. i will go too far. >> reporter: the fire department and the coast guard and parks service they swimming is discouraged at ocean beach and pets should be kept on the leash. those agencies are warning people today that if you see someone get hold under the water and start to drown they don't recommend going after them and swimming out to rescue them. they say call 911 and keep an eye on them as best you can. jackie ward, kpix5. fans are selling fast in fact at the hardware store there are you -- they are all sold out. in employee said people were rushing into tried to beat the heat leaving the shelves empty. >> i have emptied my warehouse. the heat continues to steam up the bay area. he it is so hot. >> they have ordered several more but they may not arrive for a couple more days. >> the heat continues, we have a live look at the lake, the visibility shredded by smoke from fires in the sierra. the smoke as well as the heat being pumped towards the coast by that high pressure over the pacific northwest. temperatures will come down a little tomorrow. still it was hot, we will start with the records, three of them in san francisco. 109 in salinas. even now the numbers are way above 100 degrees in much of the bay area. look at santa rosa, up to 111. in concord 105. in san francisco 102. there is good news ahead, i will have your forecast in a few minutes. fire danger in hundreds of communities, dozens of fires are burning as far north as the canadian border to the mexican border. right now in los angeles evacuations are underway as a large fire comes near neighborhoods. 5000 acres have already burned. wendy gillette has the latest from firefighters battling. >> reporter: large flames quickly burned through the brush covered hilltops around los angeles. sending clouds of smoke above the city. saturday afternoon firefighters with dealing with erratic a weather and wind. >> the wind can change directions. >> reporter: the fire is the largest blaze in terms of a great in the history of the city. mandatory evacuations were issued to hundreds of residents at helicopters dropped water. >> all it takes is a little bit of wind. >> reporter: those driving on the freeway saw the fire raging dangerously close to the road before it was shut down. >> it has been 45 years since we have had fire in this area. we having known for a long time there is a lot the fuel in these mountains. >> reporter: firefighters warn people to be ready to leave within minutes. >> have your car positioned appropriately. have all your documents, all the things you want to protect in your car. >> reporter: some of the more than 500 firefighters have been on the job for days straight as they tried to stop the flames from spreading further. >> at last check the fire is 10% contained. also a fire in larry county near the sequoia national forest. it is spreading. 1200 fire personnel are on scene working to contain the flames. the closest thing to the fire is one mile away but more than 1000 people have been event he waited. >> in the bay area firefighters are trying to make sure no fire break out. christin has been tagging along with crews all day. >> reporter: the sign here says it all, extreme fire danger, this kind of heat could turn a small fire into a massive blaze quickly. that has firefighters on their toes tonight. temperatures and dry brush, conditions ripe for fire. >> the conditions are extremely high. extremely hot. >> reporter: the quick danger is greatest in the oakland hills because of the overgrow. this lieutenant says oakland firefighters are bracing for the worst. they are patrolling the hills and searching the skies. >> we are just looking for anything out of the ordinary. any kind of smoke or fire. the idea is to take the necessary steps to stop the fire. >> reporter: that means along with patrols, conducting drills, after drill. today they are practicing deploying a powerful hose within the 60 seconds. >> we will get up to 1250 gallons of water to knock down the fire. >> reporter: berkley fire has been doing the same but the chief says for the first time they are not just looking for fire. >> we want to make sure roads are clear so cars aren't blocking access. >> reporter: back at the fire station firefighters have finished their patrol but there will be more as the heat persists. >> it is days like this that hamper the efforts with the fire prevention. >> reporter: tonight temperatures finally dropping a bit as we move into the evening but firefighters are saying the wind is starting to pick up out here in the way of hills. -- out here in the hills. back to you. president trump and melania trump are now in louisiana to survey damage from the hurricane. earlier today they were in houston where they praised the rescue work by the coast guard and met with victims of the hurricane. danielle nottingham has more on the visit. >> reporter: president trump visited one of the relief centers housing texans displaced by the hurricane. he heaped praise on the government response and promised to help survivors rebuild. >> as tough as it was it has been a wonderful thing, even for the country to watch. >> reporter: trump received criticism for not visiting victims his first trip. today, first lady melania trump and the president comforted children and handed out meals to families. >> it is running smoothly. >> reporter: the floodwater is receiving but not fast enough in some parts of houston. firefighters had trouble battling a fire in a flooded neighborhood. officials say the fire hydrant was underwater. while houston starts its road to recovery a day at the ballpark is giving this community a break as a way to show support. the houston astros gave away thousands of tickets to people in shelters and fans donated supplies it back money. you took out your money right away, why? >> well, it is in my heart. we do things in our heart. >> reporter: fire officials are keeping an eye on six trailers at the chemical plant in crosby. fire there has sent black smoke into the sky raising concerns about the environmental impact of the storm. danielle nottingham, cbs news. >> the president has brought four cabinet secretaries with him to the trip. coming up, ordered to move out, we are there as the russian consulate leaves san francisco. some wineries making changes to keep their workers safe in the heat. how it could also make for better wine. it's time for the biggest sale of the year with the new sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses and automatically adjusts on both sides. the new 360 smart bed is part of our biggest sale of the year where all beds are on sale. and right now save 50% on the labor day limited edition bed. plus 36 month financing. ends monday! walking do slam new video captures the attack in san francisco. a man runs behind a woman walking down the street and pushes her to the ground. when the woman tries to get up he runs back and hits her again. police believe this is one of many similar attacks near the bayview neighborhood. all of the victims have been asian women. 19-year old agustin garc

Related Keywords

Louisiana , United States , Houston , Texas , Baker Beach , California , San Francisco , Danielle Nottingham , Thomas Patrick , Agustin Garc , Wendy Gillette ,

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