Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5PM 20170424 : compareme

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5PM 20170424

i ig. rent it. enjoy yourselves. don't start. you will suffer the consequences. >> some of the wedding quests tried to restrain others who were fighting. for the first time we are hearing from the suspect accused of going on a shooting spree in fresno. matt mendez with the jailhouse interview. >> reporter: he was accused of taking innocent lives and creating chaos across fresno. >> you shoot at four people tuesday? >> yeah. i had to fight. someone had to fight for all the people who got at the hands of racist white men. >> reporter: police say he terrorized fresno a week ago. he said the first killing happened after karl williams disrespected him and his friend. >> the security guard was arguing with her, being disrespectful, and so i shot him. >> reporter: you shot the security guard? >> yes, sir. >> reporter: a few days later muhammad says he discovered he was wanted by police and his photo and name were in the news. >> i was actually gonna turn myself in. then i started thinking about the missing black women and children. i started thinking about flint, michigan. i started thinking about the crack cocaine epidemic. i started thinking about all the injustice and atrocities that my people go through, and that's when i snapped. >> reporter: he tells us he shot at four white men, killing three of them north of downtown fresno. these three men. >> i wasn't thinking, you know, i'm gonna kill, kill, kill. all i knew was white supremacy had to die and the people who benefit from white supremacy are white men. >> reporter: and he even says he shot at a woman unknowingly. >> that's the only regret i have because in that car was a woman and children. i am glad none of them got hit. i am so good. i probably couldn't live with myself if i had hit a woman and child. >> that was matt mendez reporting. kori muhammad has been ordered to undergo a psychiatric evaluation. investigators say an unattended candle started a two- alarm fire that nearly burned a sunnyvale home to the ground last night. firefighters say solar panels on the roof made it harder to fight the fire but they were able to keep it from spreading next door. everyone got out okay. a woman suffered a minor burn trying to put out the fire herself. a venture capitalist is putting his money behind a campaign to persuade tesla founder elon tusk to sever ties with the trump administration. >> everyone knows elon musk. he is tony stark. he is a hero. him speaking out would make a decision. >> reporter: a mission to get elon musk to resign from president trump's business advisory team and manufacturing jobs initiative. at issue the president's record on the environment. >> we have had scott pruitt appointed as head of the epa. the epa budget, according to trump's budget, he is going to cut epa by 31%, which is a massive cut for any agency. and he issued an executive order telling epa and other federal agencies to eliminate all their climate change programs. >> reporter: musk says he is committed to stopping climate change and his carbon-free tesla cars are popular among the wealthy and environmentally conscious. that's why he says he has to dump trump. first he said it was billboards. >> it started with billboards in fremont, hawthorne, and palo alto. >> reporter: a twitter account, a petition, and today? >> a running newspaper ad, full page ad in "the new york times," "washington post," "san francisco chronicle," and san jose "mercury news." >> reporter: that's not all. >> next week we are going on the air with tv adthat will run in "meet the press," "morning joe" and full frontal. in two weeks a new set of billboards in six cities across the country. >> reporter: tesla issued a statement today saying, mr. derwin believes those who want a more sustainable future should not have a seat at the table. we disagree. he says musk has been at the table for months and it hasn't had any impact. >> my question on musk, at what point do you give up on trying to force these people from the inside, because it's not working? what's working is you are serving as a propaganda tool for donald trump. >> mr. derwin put $150,000 deposit on a tesla for himself. when he learned about musk's involvement with the trump administration he gave up his deposit and donated the full cost of the tesla to the aclu. president trump will mark his 100th day in office this week. first he needs to work with congress to keep the government funded and the issue of who will fund the border wall may be keeping things up. brook silva-braga with more. >> reporter: president trump foreshadowed his next political fight with a tweet sunday afternoon. the democrats don't want money from budget going to border wall despite the fact that it will stop drugs and gang members. government funding runs out saturday unless congress, including some democrats, can reach a deal. mulvaney is the white house budget director. >> will he sign a government funding bill that does not include funding for the border wall? >> we don't know yet. >> reporter: democrats say funding the wall is a deal- breaker. >> the wall is, in my view, immoral, expensive, unwise. >> reporter: with little leverage to force democrat support, some republicans suggested funding border security now while postponing the stand-off over the actual wall. >> i think thhaving and a conve having for 2018. if we can do some of that now, that would be great. we cannot shut down the government right now. >> reporter: president trump has listed other goals before his 100th day in office saturday. he is working to revive health care legislation and roll out tax reform. >> either have a small tax cut that's permanent or a large tax cut that is short term. i don't think we decided yet. you will know more on wednesday. >> reporter: he plans to mark his 100th day with a rally in pennsylvania. california's attorney he general told abc this week having taxpayers foot the bill for the wall was never part of the deal. >> if republicans are going to insist on having this border wall funding in our federal budget, then, one, donald trump is reneging on his promise to have someone else pay. american taxpayers probably are very much aligned with mexico. none of them want to pay for a medieval wall to try to fix our broken immigration system. >> the president insists someone else will pay, tweeting eventually, but at a later date, so we can get started early, mexico will be paying in some form for the badly needed border wall. hundreds of people in france protested against the results of the presidential election. they chanted no marine and no macron. marine le pen and emmanuel macron will go head to head on may 7. emmanuel macron backs economic reforms. le pen is a euro skeptic who wants to restrict immigration. today president trump's chief of staff says he is neutral. >> he is going to support whoever the winner is. we have got a long-term relationship that's historical with the french people and the french government. no matter who wins, that relationship is going to continue. >> mr. trump appeared to support le pen's isolationism when he tweeted that thursday's terror attack in paris would have a big effect on the election. today reince priebus says the president has no preference. north korea has detained a u.s. citizen as he was about to fly out of the country. tony kim had been teaching accounting for a month at the pyongyang university of science and technology. last year two americans were sentenced to prison. north korea's official media has not provided a reason for kim's detention yesterday or even confirmed that it happened. potentially north korea could use him as a bargaining chip. straight ahead, making six figures in the bay area could still be considered low-income. where cost of living is hitting families hardest. and violating air quality rules doesn't come cheap. how much a bay area oil refinery will have to pay up and where that money is going to be used. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, being considered... "low the bay area is becoming so expensive, some households that bring in six figures a year are being considered low-income. according to the u.s. department of housing and urban development francisco is and san mateo counties have the highest limits. a family of four making $105,000 per year qualifies. other bay area counties are not far behind. in alameda and contra costa for the same size family over $80,000 is considered low- income. low-income households have access to some affordable housing programs. these bay area numbers among the highest in the entire country. well, big oil is coughing up big bucks to settle claims that it violated bay area clean air quality rules. valero agreed to pay $340,000 for more than two dozen alleged violations at its refinery. officials say all of the violations were corrected shortly after they were found. the money from the settlement will be used to pay for air quality inspections and enforcement. a priceless piece of bay area history went on display in berkeley after it turned up in texas. this solid gold badge belonged to the city's first police chief back in 1909. he is wearing it in this photo which now hangs at berkeley police headquarters. more than a century later the diamond-studded relic made its way 1700 miles east to austin, texas, where a couple found it tossed in with a $5 box of books at an estate sale. after doing some research, they decided to send it home. the badge is on display at the berkeley historical society. people marked holocaust remembrance day in berkeley today. the point was to keep the memory alive of the more than 6 million jews who died in world war ii. dozens of survivors lit a candle and speakers reflected on a continuing problem of anti- semitism. >> we continue to move forward with our responsibility to fight more than ever against intolerance and hatred. indifference is not an option. >> today's event featured musical performances and poetry readings. still ahead, the sun was out, and so were bay area sailors. how they kicked off boating season with an extra special 100th anniversary of opening day on the bay. >> it was windy and cool out there. as we look towards that, there is more clouds on the way. in fact, there will be some rain. we will talk about the forecast when we come back. boating season. "opening day on the bay" many shapes and sizes marked the day of boating season. boats from 100 yacht clubs were featured. to mark the occasion cruise on historic fire boats and tow boats joined the celebration. people watched on the waterfront all the way to pier 39. brian is standing by with weather. brian, can you pull some strings and tell the good weather to stay? >> i can tell it to my heart's content. it will not make any difference. if i were in charge of production of weather, we would have a completely different climate. chilly. winds out of the west from 25 miles per hour. it was windy enough to fly an iron kite. oakland 64. livermore 62. san francisco 59 degrees. tomorrow morning we are going to start out with a few showers in the north bay. central bay includes and mostly cloudy for the south bay. hard to believe after the nice day we had today, but low pressure that's over british columbia is going to open us up to that moisture stream south of the pacific. so kiss the sun good-bye for a while. between now and wednesday overcast, a few showers from time to time. tomorrow beginning in the north ba so before sunrise we will have a few showers sneak into sonoma county and parts of west marin county. as the day goes on these showers try to make their way south and they will succeed to a certain extent. it's going to be bleak. it will be overcast. we will get sprinkled about from time to time, but we are not going to get much in the way of amounts. tomorrow afternoon a few sprinkles down to the central bay, south bay shouldn't get much at all, and a few showers in the north bay. this is one of those north of the golden gate things for the most part. what to expect. a few monday showers spreading south. no big deal. unsettled through tuesday at least, but by the time we get to next friday and saturday the numbers will be back to the near 80-degree level. heading into the northern part of the state rain tomorrow. sacramento will have scattered showers. mendocino should have a rain symbol. whoever puts these maps together -- i think it was me -- didn't put the rain symbol on. winds 25 miles per hour. a few sprinkles tomorrow afternoon. if you are headed to seattle, guess what? rain. chicago's got sunshine. so does l.a. l.a. and new york both 74 degrees. overnight lows tonight will be looking at the low 50s. sun up at 6:22 a.m. forecast highs tomorrow cooler than it was today. the numbers drop by about 5 degrees. we will get a few drops as well, but probably not in the south bay. mid-60s will do it. 65 for santa clara. in the east bay a few showers by the afternoon. temperatures below the mid-60s. up in marin a better bet for some showers with readings only managing low-to-mid 60s. lots of overcast and some showers developing after midnight. you will get rain for you in clearlake. you will have rain and temperatures only in the 50s. >> all right. well, it's not going to last forever. a few sprinkles tuesday as well. wednesday we dig out of this. thursday partly cloudy and then the numbers skyrocket. we will be at about 80 degrees by next weekend and keep it there. a heat wave is on the way. we just have to exercise a littlebit of patience. could they salvage at least one game in denver? what joe montana did today that touched the hearts of all of these local sports legends next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, last night to take a 3-oh series lead, but the big story right now is if and when steve kerr t with the the warriors beat the blazers last night to take a 3- 0 series lead. the big story is if and when steve kerr will win. he met with the media to update his status. >> tomorrow i will not coach and, you know, hopefully we can find some things to help over the next few days and i'll get back out there. >>e missed 43 games last season followinback surgery and has continued to deal with pain. but it simply became too much to handle in recent days. >> this past week, for whatever reason, things got worse and my symptoms got worse and i was not able to coach the last few days. it's been difficult. you guys saw me at the end of game 2. i was very uncomfortable. i was uncomfortable at practice the other day. with things getting worse, i just made the decision i couldn't coach. to baseball now. the giants are scuffling. the a's were looking to end a six-game win streak. triggs did not allow a run in the first three starts. top of the 3rd. mariners bases loaded. 3-2 pitch to nelson cruz misses inside. he walked in a run. two batters later he puts one in the strike zone. amatt a made him pay with a grand slam. the fifth home run of the year. he gave up six runs in 4 2/3. top of the 7th contra leaves a fastball over the middle to nelson cruz. he hammered it. three-run shot. a five rbi day. the mariners win 11-1. giants at the rockies. keep an eye on the dad who wants the foul ball so bad he smokes his daughter in the back of the head and got the ball and skinned a knee. is it really worth it? a fan injured himself yesterday. brandon belt started in left field. in the 1st inning a good catch. he catches the line drive. can't throw out charlie blackmon. colorado with the early lead. jeff samardzija could not take advantage of the good defense. served up a long ball to parra. the rockies have a 3-0 lead. 4-0 colorado. 6th inning when trevor story to samardzija into the right field. one run scores. pence bobbles the baseball. two runs score. 6-0 colorado. samardzija yanked. kyle freeland in a bit of a jam with runners at the corners. he got nunez to pop up. he picked up his second career win. giants 8-0. they are swept and fall to 6-13 on this young season. on the ice the sharks are minutes away from taking a 3-2 series lead thursday night. 48 hours later they were eliminated by the oilsers. it was a long season for peter deboer's team. >> everyone talked about getting to the finals the year before and how tough the next year is. you always think you can be the team to buck that. you know, it's hard. it's a grind. i'm not prepared to take inventory of what went wrong, but, you know, my get feeling is we ran out of some gas the next month. lebron james and the cavs trying to sweep the pacers. a minute to play. finished with 33 points and 10 rebounds. paul george who was mad he didn't get the last shot in game 1 with a chance to be the hero. it's off the side of the backboard. he will hear about that one. the cavs win 106-102 to advance. lebron james has won 21 straight first-round games. former giants and 49er greats earlier today for a street-naming ceremony. the site where candlestick park stood will become a new housing/retail development. some of the legends will have candlestick streets named after them. joe montana will be one of them. he gave a acceptance speech for dwight clark, who was recently diagnosed with als. >> i would like to share this with a very special person. i would like to change this to montana-clark drive. >> yeah. that received a huge ovation. they will get the street name. someplace near that street will be a mural that will immortalize him. actually, the idea for montana to call it montana-clark came from joe montana's wife. >> good wife. >> he said she is really good about the timing of these things. joe thought about it and did that today. it was a really good gesture. >> yeah. >> wonderful. >> love it. that's it at 5. we will see you back here at 6 with an hour of news. captioning sponsored by cbs >> quijano: a government shutdown looms. congress returns from a two-week break with the clock ticking towards a federal shutdown. meanwhile a new poll shows president trump's approval ratings at record lows. our john dickerson weighs in ahead of his big interview with the president. >> what are you most curious about? >> i'm curious about what the president has truly learned in office. >> quijano: also tonight, france votes; we'll have the latest from paris. more than 100 wildfires continue to burn in florida. thousands forced from their home this weekend. ♪ sunday, monday, happy days >> quijano: and we remember actress erin moran from happy days.

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