Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5PM 20161004 : compareme

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5PM 20161004

kpix 5. police are investigating a rape on the campus of stanford university. veronica is in our newsroom with what we're learning about this so far. >> a third party came to them and said a female student reported she was raped early friday morning by a male she didn't know. she says it happened in a suspect's dorm room on the east side of campus. investigators say at this point, they don't have any other information on the suspect. police say they are waiting to talk to the alleged victim. >> the victim has not come forward to us yet. she's been through a traumatic experience. we're hoping she does come to us with additional details and provide a statement. it's par of the investigation. >> this happened the same day jerry brown signed legislation after the brock turner case. under one of the new laws, a judge is required to sentence sexo fenders to -- sexo fenders to prison. two shootings in two days are sparking protest and calls for calm in los angeles. protesters took over city streets this this weekend. something doing donuts in the middle of an intersection. la police chief says the unidentified man killed in the shooting in south la on sunday pointed what turned out to be a replica handgun at officers. on saturday afternoon, an 18- year-old was shot and killed by police in south la. chief beck says he was carrying a gun in his nd was shot when he turned toward officers. he says the officers were not wearing body cameras, but video from a nearby business appears to show him with a gun in his hand. >> we are doing our absolute best to take guns out of the hands of those that would use them against others. sometimes that leads to circumstances where los angeles police officers are put into peril and have to defend themselves. >> the chief says in both instances, the officers feared for their lives. three men with in custody after a violent attack on a chp cruiser with an officer inside the car in fresno. on september 25th, the officer was trying to get the driver of an suv to pull over after he spotted him doing donuts. that driver took off. as the officer gets back into his car, things begin to escalate. dash cam video shows the car shaking from people kicking and hitting the cruiser. the officer was able to drive off and was not injured. with the relationship between law enforcement and some communities strained right now, emily turner discovered that some bay area officers are turning to social media to try and put their officers in a friendlier light. emily. >> reporter: when polled, more than half the country feels like there's a war against police officers. well, with this, the agencies are fighting back against a negative public opinion. but they aren't winning everyone over. they are high quality thought out campaigns. this local law enforcement hopes to human eyes the people behind the badge rolled out when confidence in police is at a 22 year national low. >> i'm officer jason johnson. i'm doing whatever i can to reverse the cycle and change the trend and get everything moving in a positive direction. >> reporter: san francisco police launched this we are sfpd campaign in august. it the a series of short videos highlighting officers stories. most of them are minorities. then california highway patrol launched their own campaign that will be similar. >> two wheels, we're blood and sweat, tried and true. >> reporter: but an officer- involved shooting regular makes headlines, a positive pr campaign might be timely, but ineffective. >> i think it's a waste of time if you're not going to change policy in how you interact with the community. >> reporter: she is a community activist and spoke for the frisco five, a group that's the biggest critic of san francisco police. she says the intention of these campaigns may be good, but fancy videos aren't the way to change public opinion. >> i appreciate giving the human side of these law enforcement officers, but when they're not interacting properly with the community, when they're using their position of authority to oppress people who are more dis enfranchised than they are, that's what needs to be addressed. that's what we need to work on. >> reporter: we did want to know how much these agencies are spending on the campaigns. chp says most of it is done in house. kpix 5. on the campaign trail, donald trump and hillary clinton both have things to say about the leak of trump's 1995 tax returns. this afternoon, a state attorney general said trump foundation is violating the law. allen martin is here with the latest on the race for the white house. >> the trump foundation was ordered to stop fundraising in the state after finding that the charity is not following state certification laws. trump's campaign responded saying while we remain concerned about the political motives behind ag's investigation, the trump foundation nevertheless intends to cooperate fully with the investigation. donald trump spent the morning slamming clinton over her private e-mail server. >> hillary clinton's only experience in cybersecurity involves her criminal scheme to violate federal law, engineering a massive cover-up and putting the entire nation in arm's way. >> reporter: trump did not address the new york times article showing part of his 1995 tax returns. trump declared more than $900 million in losses, potentially allowing him to avoid paying $50 million each year in taxable income for 18 years. they have not disputed the report and he's been called a genius for his tax strategy. the clinton campaign says it was a bombshell. >> i have brilliantly use used the laws. i have a fiduciary duty to pay no more tax than what is required. >> what kind of genius loses $1 billion in a sippingle year? >> reporter: during a speech in ohio, hillary clinton slammed the billionaire. >> he abuses his power, games the system, puts his own interests ahead of the country's. it's trump first and everyone else last. >> reporter: the clinton campaign has produced a tv ad highlighting his taxes. the nominees for vice president debate for the first and only time tomorrow night. cbs news' live coverage is at 6:00 right here on kpix 5. u.s. state department has broken off talks with russia aimed at implement, a cease- fire in syria. it blames moscow for not living up to the terms of the agreement to stop the violence and allow deliveries of humanitarian aid. the u.s. will withdraw people who are supposed to work with russia to coordinate military cooperation and share intelligence. >> eyeshade stream of showers in the north bay today. the slick roads led to dozens of accidents. a dump truck overturned and downed trees made a mess in east santa rosa. of the same system bringing dusting of snow in the sierra. it looks more like winter than fall. let's get over to liz elizabeth. things changed on us really quickly. >> it did. it was a 180 like that. it was hot just at this time last week. one week ago, super hot. 90s. now we have this we're bringing out. we saw light rain. we can't see a ton especially in the north bay. this is what it looked like this afternoon. we're giving you a loop over the last three hours. scattered light showers. we have rainfall totals for you, mainly in the north bay where that accident was, santa rosa .12 inches. petaluma, oakland, even less in san francisco and hayward. we are going to dry things out quickly as we hit nightfall and then dry really for the remainder of our 7-day forecast. we are ready to heat things up. we'll tell but it coming up in a few minutes. back to you guys. >> sounds good. some 2,000 marines, say legislators, and coast guard members are converging on the city. a 3 day festival happens with air shows by the blue angels. today there was a training exercise with first responders to improve disaster awareness. >> even bigger than that, the giants. it is live after the team sweeps the dodgers, clinching the final wild card spot. this is the 4th time the team has made it to the playoffs in 7 seasons. giants went wild after the 7-1 win, spraying champagne in the clubhouse. it was back to business as they geared up and headed out to new york. the focus now, beat the mets on wednesday. madison will take the mound and pitch against the new york mets right-hander, noah syndergaard. >> he's got good stuff. he throws arrested. he has -- throws hard. knowing this team, we know how to stretch out a few runs. >> game time is 5:00 p.m. on wednesday. if you're planning on going to new york, according to vivid seats, the cost to get in to see game one is $141. median ticket price is $249. high speed chase ends in a fiery crash. >> what investigators say the driver of this burned out suv was running from coming up. plus, a manhunt under way in paris for five robbers who held up kim kardashian west at gunshot. and kids glued to the screen, now a new way to force a tech time-out. how do you get the attention of your kids when they're playing video games? hey, guys, hey, guys. nothing. right? actually, there is something now. they've got an app for that. ,,,,,,,,,,,, leading c-h-p officers on a chase across the east bay.. it all came to an end.. when a . a man is behind bars after leading chp officers on a chase across the east bay. it all came to an end when a spike strip used his tires to metal rims. you can see it fully engulfed in flames. he was arrested on felony hevation, protection -- evasion, possession of meth. another high speed chase in san jose ended with an early morning arrest. deputies shotted a car -- spotted a car they believe was stolen. they chased the driver who went the wrong way at 90 miles per hour. eventually, the driver and a passenger ditched the car on the side of the road and tried to run away. police captured one suspect. the other one got away. kim kardashian west is back in the united states after she was held at gunshot in paris. the reality tv star says she was robbed of nearly $10 million worth of jewelry by men dressed as police officers. we have details on the tear identifying encounter -- terrifying encounter. >> reporter: kim returned to her home in new york city with her husband by her side. kim's mother arrived just moments before. the family is recovering from kim's ordeal in paris during fashion week. police say the reality tv star was robbed at gunshot and tied up at the apartment where she was staying. five robbers reportedly took off with an estimated $10 million in jewels. paris police are still investigating. >> i'm sorry. family emergency. i have to stop the show. >> reporter: kanye west bolted from the show after the word of the attack on his wife. it's the secondent core -- encounter for her. a family spokesperson says she is badly shaken, but physically unharmed. cbs news. in our health watch tonight, a medical break through, a british man with hiv could become the first secured with a pioneering new therapy. tests show the virus has become undetectable in his blood after he was treated with a new therapy researchers call the kick and kill technique. he's the first of 50 people to undergo the treatment. >> there are 37 million people with hiv and only half of them are on treatment. everyone should be under treatment. they use a vaccine that trains the immune system to recognize hidden hiv proteins. facebook is taking on craigslist and ebay with a marketplace. the feature let's them post listings and prices along with exact locations. it is available in the u.s., uk, australia and new zealand. there is a new app called mess en engineer light, a slimmed down version of facebook's popular messaging app for lower end android devices and takes up less space. getting your kids attention when they are sucked into a video or a computer game is no easy task. but joe vasquez checks out a way for parents to call a time- out. >> when my kids play video games with the neighbors, they become zombies. look at these faces, they escape to another universe. bringing them back to earth is a chore. you want to be the cool -- to be the cool dad and say ten minutes, dinnertime. >> i'm a little busy right now. >> you don't want to be the dad yelling and screaming. you come back in five and they're still on. >> now, a device could put that resistance on hold. the primary purpose for the home wireless system by san francisco based hero is to boost the wi-fi signal in your house for hard to reach places. it serves an alternate purpose with family pro profiles -- profiles. >> it allows to you set limits. >> reporter: and get this, you can temporarily pause their video game to get their attention. >> you can pause any device in your home. >> reporter: as long as it's connected to wi-fi. >> anything that connects to the internet. now all i have to do is right here, push pause. no more yelling. >> reporter: it's not ought, sometimes the pause takes longer than a minute to achieve because the game has loud -- loaded so many graphics. of we can't tell the kids this was coming, so they were a bit surprised when their games took an unexpected time-out. >> it cannot establish a secure connection to the server. >> i don't like to because now we can't play and say, just a minute and really take an hour. >> it's good for parents, but not for kids. >> you don't want your parents to be in control of your life. >> they can be in control of my life just not my game. >> reporter: the app only works for games that require wi- fi. so it's a start. a pause for the cause of reconnecting with your children. joe vasquez kpix 5. for the first time, the government is adding bees to the endangered species list. it will free up money for recovery programs for 7 types of bees. they are native to hawaii and they pollinate plans that produce fruit, nuts, and vegetables. residents in the caribbean bracing for matthew tonight. it is packing 130 miles per hour winds and has already flooded the streets in jamaica. drivers believed knee deep water pushing cars down the road to get them out. an evacuation order covers the island. it will hit jamaica and haiti tonight. >> we are expecting there will be landslides and that will mean also damage to agriculture. >> in haiti, the storm is expected to dump 15 to 25 inches of rain before making its way toward cuba tomorrow. and i'm elizabeth winger. here's a live look over san francisco where we're seeing a raindrop or two. how long is it all going to last? we'll have your forecast coming up: coming up at 6:00, whether it's the morning fog or the afternoon grime. a look at the worst bay area hotspots for gridlock and the surprising community that jumped from number 20 to 3. but first, the markets closed a bit down today. here's a look at the closing numbers from wall street. news with scott pelley. elizabeth wenger is in for chief meteorologist paul .. . i'm in memphis, this is not your ordinary police patrol car. state troopers are using it to crack down on a growing problem in tennessee and across the country. they can spot texters and drivers from the road easily from up here. we'll show you the view on the cbs evening news. . it's nice to have you here? >> it rains and they bring in me. >> it's really nice, kind of refreshing. >> we've got a pattern coming. >> usually it's sunshine. it was raining yesterday. a little more rain today. we're in this unsettled pattern. it's not going to last for long. so if you're looking for more pumpkin picking weather, you'll have it in the next few days. let's go ahead and show you the high definition doppler. we had to bring that out today. you can see the scattered showers popping over some parts of the bay area. it's heading farther south. if you're hitting palo alto, you can see some of the rain showers, pop-up showers. still out there, we haven't seen rain in a while, so the roads are slick. it is something to be aware of as far as accidents go with the oils building in the roadway. right now, temperatures 65 in concord. mid-60s in oakland. san francisco coming in at 6 1. your overnight lows mainly in the 50s, sunrise tomorrow is at 7:08. the unsettled weather pattern is because of this low. it's continuing to move east. we have that wave of rain showers we saw today causing that kind of disturbance in the atmosphere, but high pressure is building in. so, yeah, that's going to be with us through the remainder of our 7-day forecast. it looks good as far as sunshine, warmer temperatures. so here are our high temperatures tomorrow. we're on the cooler side even though we'll see the sunshine building back in after some morning clouds. the temperatures are going to be anywhere from 6 to 9 degrees below average for this time of year. so below by 6 degrees in oakland. 9 degrees in concord with a high of only about 72 degrees. so your warmest inland spots are going to reach the low 70s. your headlines, showers taper off tonight. we could see a raindrop or two finally tapering off overnight. sun and cloud mix tomorrow. maybe clouds in the morning and then burning off by the afternoon. then we do have a gradual warming trend for the next several days. could get hot. in fact, your high temperatures tormina low 6 -- from the low 60s. 66 is your high in oakland. then the warmest spots, the inland areas reaching 73, 72 in concord and 73 in livermore. let's take a check of that 7- day forecast. you can see the highs over the next several days continue to build. a gradual warming trend by mid- week. we're getting more seasonal for this time of year and even going to be actually above average by friday, saturday, and sunday. we notice that high on saturday going to be high of 87 in your inland spots. it's going to be a great dry week if you're heading to the pumpkin patch. we'll have more news and weather after this break. ,,,,,,,,,, all of this with the global warming and the - a lot of it's a hoax. it's a hoax. it'll get cooler. it'll get warmer. it's called weather. we need some global warming! we need leaders who get it. so that we can move away from coal and oil to clean energy. i'm tom steyer. if you want to do something about climate change, you can. please. register and vote. nextgen california action committee is responsible for the content of this advertising. employees at the coffee giant just got pay raises - between five and 15-percent. . if your starbucks barista is happier today, there's a good reason. they just got pay raises between 5 and 15%. of course the, the in-- the increases come courtesy of you, the customer. over the summer, they raised the price of drunks as much as -- drinks as much as 30 cents. that's it for us. the evening news with next. allen and very not 0 i can a -- veronica will be here at 6:00. you can always find us at ,, ,,,,,,,,,, ♪ ♪ captioning sponsored by cbs >> pelley: the debate breaks the tie. our first post-debate poll shows clinton taking the lead, as ed tax ret returns give her new ammunition against trump. >> what kind of genius loses $1 billion in a single year? e legally usgally used the tax laws to my benefit, and to the benefit of my companies. >> pelley: also tonight, hurricane matthew batters the caribbean. we'll tell you where it's headed. police give themselves a strategic advantage to catch distracted drivers. >> you have to pay over $100, so don't look at your phone! >> pelley: and, she rose from poverty to the top of her game, one move at a time.

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Haiti , New York , United States , Moscow , Moskva , Russia , Australia , Paris , France General , France , Fresno , California , Oakland , Stanford University , Jamaica , Syria , New Zealand , San Francisco , United Kingdom , Tennessee , Ohio , Memphis , Cuba , Petaluma , Hawaii , British , Allen Martin , Eliz Elizabeth , Emily Turner , Kanye West , Joe Vasquez , Joe Vasquez Kpix , Jason Johnson , Los Angeles , Elizabeth Wenger , Scott Pelley , Brock Turner , Tom Steyer , Hillary Clinton , Jerry Brown ,

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5PM 20161004 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5PM 20161004

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kpix 5. police are investigating a rape on the campus of stanford university. veronica is in our newsroom with what we're learning about this so far. >> a third party came to them and said a female student reported she was raped early friday morning by a male she didn't know. she says it happened in a suspect's dorm room on the east side of campus. investigators say at this point, they don't have any other information on the suspect. police say they are waiting to talk to the alleged victim. >> the victim has not come forward to us yet. she's been through a traumatic experience. we're hoping she does come to us with additional details and provide a statement. it's par of the investigation. >> this happened the same day jerry brown signed legislation after the brock turner case. under one of the new laws, a judge is required to sentence sexo fenders to -- sexo fenders to prison. two shootings in two days are sparking protest and calls for calm in los angeles. protesters took over city streets this this weekend. something doing donuts in the middle of an intersection. la police chief says the unidentified man killed in the shooting in south la on sunday pointed what turned out to be a replica handgun at officers. on saturday afternoon, an 18- year-old was shot and killed by police in south la. chief beck says he was carrying a gun in his nd was shot when he turned toward officers. he says the officers were not wearing body cameras, but video from a nearby business appears to show him with a gun in his hand. >> we are doing our absolute best to take guns out of the hands of those that would use them against others. sometimes that leads to circumstances where los angeles police officers are put into peril and have to defend themselves. >> the chief says in both instances, the officers feared for their lives. three men with in custody after a violent attack on a chp cruiser with an officer inside the car in fresno. on september 25th, the officer was trying to get the driver of an suv to pull over after he spotted him doing donuts. that driver took off. as the officer gets back into his car, things begin to escalate. dash cam video shows the car shaking from people kicking and hitting the cruiser. the officer was able to drive off and was not injured. with the relationship between law enforcement and some communities strained right now, emily turner discovered that some bay area officers are turning to social media to try and put their officers in a friendlier light. emily. >> reporter: when polled, more than half the country feels like there's a war against police officers. well, with this, the agencies are fighting back against a negative public opinion. but they aren't winning everyone over. they are high quality thought out campaigns. this local law enforcement hopes to human eyes the people behind the badge rolled out when confidence in police is at a 22 year national low. >> i'm officer jason johnson. i'm doing whatever i can to reverse the cycle and change the trend and get everything moving in a positive direction. >> reporter: san francisco police launched this we are sfpd campaign in august. it the a series of short videos highlighting officers stories. most of them are minorities. then california highway patrol launched their own campaign that will be similar. >> two wheels, we're blood and sweat, tried and true. >> reporter: but an officer- involved shooting regular makes headlines, a positive pr campaign might be timely, but ineffective. >> i think it's a waste of time if you're not going to change policy in how you interact with the community. >> reporter: she is a community activist and spoke for the frisco five, a group that's the biggest critic of san francisco police. she says the intention of these campaigns may be good, but fancy videos aren't the way to change public opinion. >> i appreciate giving the human side of these law enforcement officers, but when they're not interacting properly with the community, when they're using their position of authority to oppress people who are more dis enfranchised than they are, that's what needs to be addressed. that's what we need to work on. >> reporter: we did want to know how much these agencies are spending on the campaigns. chp says most of it is done in house. kpix 5. on the campaign trail, donald trump and hillary clinton both have things to say about the leak of trump's 1995 tax returns. this afternoon, a state attorney general said trump foundation is violating the law. allen martin is here with the latest on the race for the white house. >> the trump foundation was ordered to stop fundraising in the state after finding that the charity is not following state certification laws. trump's campaign responded saying while we remain concerned about the political motives behind ag's investigation, the trump foundation nevertheless intends to cooperate fully with the investigation. donald trump spent the morning slamming clinton over her private e-mail server. >> hillary clinton's only experience in cybersecurity involves her criminal scheme to violate federal law, engineering a massive cover-up and putting the entire nation in arm's way. >> reporter: trump did not address the new york times article showing part of his 1995 tax returns. trump declared more than $900 million in losses, potentially allowing him to avoid paying $50 million each year in taxable income for 18 years. they have not disputed the report and he's been called a genius for his tax strategy. the clinton campaign says it was a bombshell. >> i have brilliantly use used the laws. i have a fiduciary duty to pay no more tax than what is required. >> what kind of genius loses $1 billion in a sippingle year? >> reporter: during a speech in ohio, hillary clinton slammed the billionaire. >> he abuses his power, games the system, puts his own interests ahead of the country's. it's trump first and everyone else last. >> reporter: the clinton campaign has produced a tv ad highlighting his taxes. the nominees for vice president debate for the first and only time tomorrow night. cbs news' live coverage is at 6:00 right here on kpix 5. u.s. state department has broken off talks with russia aimed at implement, a cease- fire in syria. it blames moscow for not living up to the terms of the agreement to stop the violence and allow deliveries of humanitarian aid. the u.s. will withdraw people who are supposed to work with russia to coordinate military cooperation and share intelligence. >> eyeshade stream of showers in the north bay today. the slick roads led to dozens of accidents. a dump truck overturned and downed trees made a mess in east santa rosa. of the same system bringing dusting of snow in the sierra. it looks more like winter than fall. let's get over to liz elizabeth. things changed on us really quickly. >> it did. it was a 180 like that. it was hot just at this time last week. one week ago, super hot. 90s. now we have this we're bringing out. we saw light rain. we can't see a ton especially in the north bay. this is what it looked like this afternoon. we're giving you a loop over the last three hours. scattered light showers. we have rainfall totals for you, mainly in the north bay where that accident was, santa rosa .12 inches. petaluma, oakland, even less in san francisco and hayward. we are going to dry things out quickly as we hit nightfall and then dry really for the remainder of our 7-day forecast. we are ready to heat things up. we'll tell but it coming up in a few minutes. back to you guys. >> sounds good. some 2,000 marines, say legislators, and coast guard members are converging on the city. a 3 day festival happens with air shows by the blue angels. today there was a training exercise with first responders to improve disaster awareness. >> even bigger than that, the giants. it is live after the team sweeps the dodgers, clinching the final wild card spot. this is the 4th time the team has made it to the playoffs in 7 seasons. giants went wild after the 7-1 win, spraying champagne in the clubhouse. it was back to business as they geared up and headed out to new york. the focus now, beat the mets on wednesday. madison will take the mound and pitch against the new york mets right-hander, noah syndergaard. >> he's got good stuff. he throws arrested. he has -- throws hard. knowing this team, we know how to stretch out a few runs. >> game time is 5:00 p.m. on wednesday. if you're planning on going to new york, according to vivid seats, the cost to get in to see game one is $141. median ticket price is $249. high speed chase ends in a fiery crash. >> what investigators say the driver of this burned out suv was running from coming up. plus, a manhunt under way in paris for five robbers who held up kim kardashian west at gunshot. and kids glued to the screen, now a new way to force a tech time-out. how do you get the attention of your kids when they're playing video games? hey, guys, hey, guys. nothing. right? actually, there is something now. they've got an app for that. ,,,,,,,,,,,, leading c-h-p officers on a chase across the east bay.. it all came to an end.. when a . a man is behind bars after leading chp officers on a chase across the east bay. it all came to an end when a spike strip used his tires to metal rims. you can see it fully engulfed in flames. he was arrested on felony hevation, protection -- evasion, possession of meth. another high speed chase in san jose ended with an early morning arrest. deputies shotted a car -- spotted a car they believe was stolen. they chased the driver who went the wrong way at 90 miles per hour. eventually, the driver and a passenger ditched the car on the side of the road and tried to run away. police captured one suspect. the other one got away. kim kardashian west is back in the united states after she was held at gunshot in paris. the reality tv star says she was robbed of nearly $10 million worth of jewelry by men dressed as police officers. we have details on the tear identifying encounter -- terrifying encounter. >> reporter: kim returned to her home in new york city with her husband by her side. kim's mother arrived just moments before. the family is recovering from kim's ordeal in paris during fashion week. police say the reality tv star was robbed at gunshot and tied up at the apartment where she was staying. five robbers reportedly took off with an estimated $10 million in jewels. paris police are still investigating. >> i'm sorry. family emergency. i have to stop the show. >> reporter: kanye west bolted from the show after the word of the attack on his wife. it's the secondent core -- encounter for her. a family spokesperson says she is badly shaken, but physically unharmed. cbs news. in our health watch tonight, a medical break through, a british man with hiv could become the first secured with a pioneering new therapy. tests show the virus has become undetectable in his blood after he was treated with a new therapy researchers call the kick and kill technique. he's the first of 50 people to undergo the treatment. >> there are 37 million people with hiv and only half of them are on treatment. everyone should be under treatment. they use a vaccine that trains the immune system to recognize hidden hiv proteins. facebook is taking on craigslist and ebay with a marketplace. the feature let's them post listings and prices along with exact locations. it is available in the u.s., uk, australia and new zealand. there is a new app called mess en engineer light, a slimmed down version of facebook's popular messaging app for lower end android devices and takes up less space. getting your kids attention when they are sucked into a video or a computer game is no easy task. but joe vasquez checks out a way for parents to call a time- out. >> when my kids play video games with the neighbors, they become zombies. look at these faces, they escape to another universe. bringing them back to earth is a chore. you want to be the cool -- to be the cool dad and say ten minutes, dinnertime. >> i'm a little busy right now. >> you don't want to be the dad yelling and screaming. you come back in five and they're still on. >> now, a device could put that resistance on hold. the primary purpose for the home wireless system by san francisco based hero is to boost the wi-fi signal in your house for hard to reach places. it serves an alternate purpose with family pro profiles -- profiles. >> it allows to you set limits. >> reporter: and get this, you can temporarily pause their video game to get their attention. >> you can pause any device in your home. >> reporter: as long as it's connected to wi-fi. >> anything that connects to the internet. now all i have to do is right here, push pause. no more yelling. >> reporter: it's not ought, sometimes the pause takes longer than a minute to achieve because the game has loud -- loaded so many graphics. of we can't tell the kids this was coming, so they were a bit surprised when their games took an unexpected time-out. >> it cannot establish a secure connection to the server. >> i don't like to because now we can't play and say, just a minute and really take an hour. >> it's good for parents, but not for kids. >> you don't want your parents to be in control of your life. >> they can be in control of my life just not my game. >> reporter: the app only works for games that require wi- fi. so it's a start. a pause for the cause of reconnecting with your children. joe vasquez kpix 5. for the first time, the government is adding bees to the endangered species list. it will free up money for recovery programs for 7 types of bees. they are native to hawaii and they pollinate plans that produce fruit, nuts, and vegetables. residents in the caribbean bracing for matthew tonight. it is packing 130 miles per hour winds and has already flooded the streets in jamaica. drivers believed knee deep water pushing cars down the road to get them out. an evacuation order covers the island. it will hit jamaica and haiti tonight. >> we are expecting there will be landslides and that will mean also damage to agriculture. >> in haiti, the storm is expected to dump 15 to 25 inches of rain before making its way toward cuba tomorrow. and i'm elizabeth winger. here's a live look over san francisco where we're seeing a raindrop or two. how long is it all going to last? we'll have your forecast coming up: coming up at 6:00, whether it's the morning fog or the afternoon grime. a look at the worst bay area hotspots for gridlock and the surprising community that jumped from number 20 to 3. but first, the markets closed a bit down today. here's a look at the closing numbers from wall street. news with scott pelley. elizabeth wenger is in for chief meteorologist paul .. . i'm in memphis, this is not your ordinary police patrol car. state troopers are using it to crack down on a growing problem in tennessee and across the country. they can spot texters and drivers from the road easily from up here. we'll show you the view on the cbs evening news. . it's nice to have you here? >> it rains and they bring in me. >> it's really nice, kind of refreshing. >> we've got a pattern coming. >> usually it's sunshine. it was raining yesterday. a little more rain today. we're in this unsettled pattern. it's not going to last for long. so if you're looking for more pumpkin picking weather, you'll have it in the next few days. let's go ahead and show you the high definition doppler. we had to bring that out today. you can see the scattered showers popping over some parts of the bay area. it's heading farther south. if you're hitting palo alto, you can see some of the rain showers, pop-up showers. still out there, we haven't seen rain in a while, so the roads are slick. it is something to be aware of as far as accidents go with the oils building in the roadway. right now, temperatures 65 in concord. mid-60s in oakland. san francisco coming in at 6 1. your overnight lows mainly in the 50s, sunrise tomorrow is at 7:08. the unsettled weather pattern is because of this low. it's continuing to move east. we have that wave of rain showers we saw today causing that kind of disturbance in the atmosphere, but high pressure is building in. so, yeah, that's going to be with us through the remainder of our 7-day forecast. it looks good as far as sunshine, warmer temperatures. so here are our high temperatures tomorrow. we're on the cooler side even though we'll see the sunshine building back in after some morning clouds. the temperatures are going to be anywhere from 6 to 9 degrees below average for this time of year. so below by 6 degrees in oakland. 9 degrees in concord with a high of only about 72 degrees. so your warmest inland spots are going to reach the low 70s. your headlines, showers taper off tonight. we could see a raindrop or two finally tapering off overnight. sun and cloud mix tomorrow. maybe clouds in the morning and then burning off by the afternoon. then we do have a gradual warming trend for the next several days. could get hot. in fact, your high temperatures tormina low 6 -- from the low 60s. 66 is your high in oakland. then the warmest spots, the inland areas reaching 73, 72 in concord and 73 in livermore. let's take a check of that 7- day forecast. you can see the highs over the next several days continue to build. a gradual warming trend by mid- week. we're getting more seasonal for this time of year and even going to be actually above average by friday, saturday, and sunday. we notice that high on saturday going to be high of 87 in your inland spots. it's going to be a great dry week if you're heading to the pumpkin patch. we'll have more news and weather after this break. ,,,,,,,,,, all of this with the global warming and the - a lot of it's a hoax. it's a hoax. it'll get cooler. it'll get warmer. it's called weather. we need some global warming! we need leaders who get it. so that we can move away from coal and oil to clean energy. i'm tom steyer. if you want to do something about climate change, you can. please. register and vote. nextgen california action committee is responsible for the content of this advertising. employees at the coffee giant just got pay raises - between five and 15-percent. . if your starbucks barista is happier today, there's a good reason. they just got pay raises between 5 and 15%. of course the, the in-- the increases come courtesy of you, the customer. over the summer, they raised the price of drunks as much as -- drinks as much as 30 cents. that's it for us. the evening news with next. allen and very not 0 i can a -- veronica will be here at 6:00. you can always find us at ,, ,,,,,,,,,, ♪ ♪ captioning sponsored by cbs >> pelley: the debate breaks the tie. our first post-debate poll shows clinton taking the lead, as ed tax ret returns give her new ammunition against trump. >> what kind of genius loses $1 billion in a single year? e legally usgally used the tax laws to my benefit, and to the benefit of my companies. >> pelley: also tonight, hurricane matthew batters the caribbean. we'll tell you where it's headed. police give themselves a strategic advantage to catch distracted drivers. >> you have to pay over $100, so don't look at your phone! >> pelley: and, she rose from poverty to the top of her game, one move at a time.

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