Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11pm 20200210 : comparem

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11pm 20200210

>> today high wind knocks down trees across the bay area forcing park district crews to close east bay parks. >> the wind has begun to calm down for many but for other locations the wind advisory has been extended. i will sort all of that out coming right up. a hit-and-run driver now under arrest. the message the mother of the four-year-old child wants to send the public. >> we begin now while the brunt of the wind has moved on we are not in the clear just yet. another round of strong gusty wind is expected, we have team coverage tonight. >> the good news on the wind still to come, it will be focused in the mountains. for those of us in the cities and the bay area we have seen the worst. it's not done completely, there is still a little more to get through so let's take a look at the latest damage. read the top line, it has been extended until 11 am tuesday. that's different than if you were with us for the early evening newscast because it is now longer. that focuses mainly for the mountains. look at the areas on the map shaded in white compared to the areas in blue. if you are in white, all those locations, the wind advisory has expired. it will be a bit breezy tomorrow but it won't be bad. if you are in blue like concord, walnut creek or pleasanton, you still have a windy morning for monday. current windspeed shows they are much more manageable now than they were, in fact only a few locations are registering gusts in the 20s. that will change and the wind will pick up again for parts of monday. i will show you where and just how strong coming up in the complete forecast. the howling wind not only toppled large trees onto cars and homes but forced some bay area parks to close. >> reporter: this regional park in castro valley is one of six the closed earlier this evening, do to potentially dangerous high wind. tonight those high winds also brought out the alameda county fire department and pg and e crews. firefighters say when they showed up they found 15 large eucalyptus trees that collapsed onto the road. ron snapped this photo. >> it fell across the road, it took out the power lines. there was a car that would was hit earlier and i guess he got hit by the second tree also.>> reporter: they are thinking about getting a hotel. >> obviously without power, we are not sure what's going to happen. we can't see anything and we don't know if more trees might fall. that is our biggest concern.>> it was howling pretty bad especially through our backyard. i heard this morning when i first woke up and it got worse throughout the day.>> reporter: katrina snapped these photos of the initial damage. >> i was sitting in the living room and i heard a noise, a tree fell. we went outside in the tree had fallen. >> reporter: what did it sound like? >> just a bank. >> reporter: a tree fell into a home on skyline boulevard. >> i got a call maybe it 8:30, my wife was frantic and said the tree had fallen into the bedroom. she thought the whole roof was coming down. >> reporter: in the north bay a massive oak tree toppled in sonoma valley falling across riverside drive this morning crushing a pair of work vans before hitting a house. the van's owner was standing outside at the time and had to run for his life.>> i saw the shadow, and i turned around, i saw the tree coming down, i ran right away. i was looking around in my two cars are gone. i was more worried for the neighbor.>> reporter: he ran to check on his neighbors. two adults and kids were home at the time, shaken up but unharmed. the red cross is helping them with a place to stay while the structural damage is assessed. in san francisco the strong wind is being blamed for breaking a window from the 41st floor of the millennium tower, sending glass to the street below, luckily no one was injured. large waves pounded this wall drenching anyone who got too close, all trips to alcatraz shutdown because of the high seas. at last check power is still out for close to 30,000 pg&e customers tonight. the vast majority are in east and south bay with smaller outages in the north bay and the peninsula. a section of highway 101 is closed in south san francisco tonight after a man was hit and killed by a car. investigators are on scene now near grand avenue. this is about six miles from the airport. no word on when the highway will reopen. we have new details tonight in a tragic hit-and-run that took the life of a four-year- old boy. police say they have made an arrest. we are in richmond, where we spoke to the boys mother. >> reporter: this sidewalk memorial marks the spot where a four-year-old was run over and killed. police say a hit and run driver is under arrest.>> jaiane carreiro grieve the loss of her four-year-old son hector. >> my heart is broken. my life was hector. >> reporter: the family was unloading groceries friday night outside their home, hector was carrying a box of popsicles, that is when police say a hit and run driver ran over the child and killed him. they put out a statement today crediting the arrest to social media and news media for spreading the word. especially highlighting this photo of the suspects video. jaiane said she is grateful to the public. >> thank you so much, the people helping me, richmond.>> reporter: police are not elaborating on the arrest and say the suspect faces a charge of hit and run resulting in a death.>> just be responsible. >> hector was happy. >> reporter: jaiane tells me hector was a happy child who loved dogs, our conversation was rudely interrupted. >> they go fast. every day. >> neighbors tell us it is way too common for cars to speed down this road and they want the problem solved. >> this is where people walk, even i walk across the street. you can't drive like that. >> reporter: meanwhile hector's family and friends have put together a memorial video raising money to afford to bury their four-year-old child. >> knew at 11, a wild scene on the bus, police say a man threatened the driver saying he was going to take the bus. it doesn't appear he actually drove anywhere but video shows the scene. near the gleneagles golf course on city dale avenue. the driver called police and the man was taken into custody. the fbi tells us one of their agents was involved in a shooting in san francisco. off duty at the time. officers were called to the scene around 11:30 last night near ashbury. it is unclear what led to the shooting. investigators have not yet said if the men knew each other or if the victim was a suspect in an investigation. police radio suggested early it was an unusual scene. >> two shots, someone was shot. he still has the gun brandished into standing over the victim. >> the man shot is recovering in the hospital and the agent was unharmed. right now hundreds of americans remain under a two week quarantine on military bases. among them a palo alto mother and daughter. taken in march air force base in riverside county for the past 12 days, confined to a hotel like setting. she said they have a specialized housekeeping service to clean the rooms. esther was in wuhan visiting family when word got out of the coronavirus. she said the whole experience has been harrowing. >> it was very stressful and even depressing. every minute passing means i am further away from the hope that i might be evacuated. i kept on trying, calling and emailing, nonstop, but i didn't give up. that is as good as it gets. if i had gave up i would still be in china. >> moments ago japan's health ministry says about 60 more people on a cruise ship have tested positive for the virus. health officials previously said there were a total of 70 cases on the ship. the death toll in china now stands at 910 with the number of confirmed cases that over 40,000. stay with kpix 5 for continuing coverage of the coronavirus. you can always get the latest information on our website just go to and a man accused of posing as a rideshare driver. the investigation atlanta this mine man behind bars. and major changes coming tomorrow, what riders need to know before they come out. it huge tax breaks for the rich, while the middle-class continues to struggle. that's what happens when billionaires are able to control the political system. our campaign is funded by the working people of this country, and those are the people that i will represent. no more tax breaks for billionaires. we are going to guarantee health care to all people and create up to 20 million good paying jobs to save this planet. i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message because we need an economy that works for all of us, not just wealthy campaign contributors. fremont police say a 16- year-old driver led them on a wild chase ending in a crash and sent an innocent driver to the hospital. here is a look at the scene it mallory avenue and farwell drive, where the suspect collided with another car this morning causing the other car to flip and knockout power in the area. police say it started when an officer pulled the suspect over for theft, that is when he allegedly rammed the patrol car and took off. fire crews had to use the jaws of life to free the other driver. both the victim and suspect are expected to survive. a central valley man is accused of posing as a uber driver to try to get women into his vehicle. bakersfield police say the 48- year-old man stocked, assaulted and burglarized women. the investigation goes back to 2018. authorities say on at least one occasion he tried to forcibly kiss one of the victims after driving her home. he is now facing several charges including false imprisonment and attempted sexual battery. commuters may notice new riders on bart as the transit agency launches the new ambassador program. community service officers will walk the trains, this pilot program will cost them nearly $700,000. the goal is to identify and address quality of life issues on the trains and that bart stations. this is in response to riders concerns of safety. also tomorrow they will be changing up schedules and routes increased, peak service will be available for concord morning and evening and for those who commute out of san francisco, they will now have later evening direct service available. the agency will offer earlier weekday service on some lines. a lot of people are expected to gather in yosemite to see the annual fire fall. this year rangers want drivers to plan ahead. there will be parking restrictions, starting friday most will have to park at the lot near yosemite falls and yosemite lodge. then walked to the el capitan picnic area. if conditions are right horsetail fall will look like a painting when the light hits the ice, the peak time this year is expected around 5:30 february 22. we weren't the only ones dealing with a storm today, roadways turned into rivers and soil came down in parts of >> reporter: a much better mode of transportation than cars for these people. i spoke to the folks here in north hollywood who will tell you this is nothing new. >> it's usually like this when it rains. >> it's not just the streets that flood, sidewalks to. although andrea found a detour that fit her perfectly. at this studio city farmers market they boast their event goes on every sunday regardless of conditions. >> rain or shine but it's a little too cold out right now.>> reporter: lillian says it was a sunny sunday. >> it was for a split second, and then it all came down.[ laughter ]my shopping trip got cut short. mac she was pleased to make one purchase before getting pelted. saying soggy peanuts just won't sell. they packed up and headed home. many braved the rain, and not so natural waterfalls. business had been booming in this coffee brewing tent. >> it was great this morning when it wasn't raining.>> reporter: even this non-native nose what makes this angelenos run. >> la people do not like the rain.>> reporter: we hate to give you bay area folks more to dislike about us but she might be like right. it is chilly here in pasadena. greg mills.>> back here in the bay area strong wind ripped off part of the marquis at regal theater in santa cruz. you can see a big chunk of the display missing and caution tape around the entrance. downed trees also briefly knocked out power in the area. california had it all?>> this was a unique day for us wind wise. the first thing i want to do is show you the impressive numbers for top gusts in the mountains. look at how fast the wind was. 87 mile an hour gusts recorded this morning. mount diablo hit a 75 mile per hour gusts and 49 on mount tam. still windy enough, let's take a look at some of the cities. gusts up to 59 in oakland. those wins were coming over the east bay hills, really hitting those communities along the east bay pretty that is why we were showing all those pictures of downed trees. here's the good news, the only place showing wind speeds worth mentioning, along the coast for half moon bay and inland for fairfield. that tells us it has calmed down. those are the typical places that should feel strong wind. so let's come in for a closer view and put the numbers on the forecast for the next few days. we will look at the wind gusts through tomorrow morning, notice how we are not done here. those numbers are pretty knowledgeable manageable. tomorrow morning the wind will be gusting in the teens, that is a breezy day. it's still a bit breezy where we live, still windy in the mountains, and on tuesday morning there is another surge that comes through. tuesday the wind will gusts back up to near 25-30. by tuesday afternoon it will turn off. same thing for the north bay. we will notice the wind picking up a little bit going into tomorrow afternoon but not like they were today. this wind event was totally out of place for us, we usually see strong wind events in the fall and they don't hit us as widespread as this one. this one was unique, it was a week storm that came in over the top, it would've been nice to get some rain out of it but this storm went all the way around us and came down off the coast. that is why la got rain and all we felt was the wind wrapping around the top. no rain to work with here. what we did get was a particularly strong offshore flow. it was pretty impressive and unusual. tomorrow morning lows will be in the mid 40s, for the most part, relatively warm and for daytime highs tomorrow we will start to see some of these spots for inland locations climbing to the low 70s. it's a bit breezy and noticeably warmer for the daytime high tomorrow, if you are wondering when e raincome back, looking re r the xt ofive days. the pattern is exaggerated just like the system we were looking at, everything up and over us. until we get towards the end of the seven day forecast, and then at least the clouds increase a bit. see how the temperatures take a dip? keep your fingers crossed, going into sunday there is a 20% chance of rain by the time we get to sunday it just doesn't look impressive enough yet. that is something we will keep a close eye on. we need more rain around here. julia back to you. still ahead we are days away from a crucial presidential primary. democrats in new hampshire tonight making last-minute efforts to sway voters. tom: my mom always told me actions speak louder than words. she was a school teacher. my dad joined the navy and helped prosecute the nazis in nuremberg. their values are why i walked away from my business, took the giving pledge to give my mo and why i spent the last ten years fighting corporate insiders who put profits over people. i'm tom steyer, and i approve this message. because, right now, america needs more than words. we need action. in the race for the white house democratic candidates made last-minute appeals in new hampshire today. two days ahead of tuesday's crucial primary. track record is the key to defeating president trump. pete buttigieg says his main oral experience makes him the candidate. 20% of likely voters say bernie sanders is there choice nominee followed by pete buttigieg with elizabeth warren and joe biden trailing. meanwhile president trump will return to the campaign trail tomorrow in new hampshire. his first rally since his impeachment acquittal. >> a rapidfire series of tweets makes it clear the president is preoccupied with politics. targeting those who voted to convict him and calling democrats crazed and badly wounded.>> this president is only getting more emboldened. >> reporter: while the impeachment inquiry is over, lawmakers have promised investigations will continue.>> the whistleblower episode needs to be investigated but if rudy giuliani has information coming from ukraine he needs to turn it over to the department of justice. >> lindsey graham speaking to face the nation issued a firm warning not only to the president's personal attorney but all u.s. politicians. >> after talking to the attorney general, many documents coming out of the ukraine against any american need to be looked at by the intelligence services that has expertise i don't, because russia is playing us all like a fiddle.>> reporter: he defended the removal of impeachment witnesses, from the national security council but some gop senators discourage the president from taking action against those who testified. >> i am not in favor of any kind of retribution against anyone who came forward with >> obama: he's been a leader throughout the country for the past twelve years, mr. michael bloomberg is here. vo: leadership in action. mayor bloomberg and president obama worked together in the fight for gun safety laws, to improve education, and to develop innovative ways to help teens gain the skills needed to find good jobs. obama: at a time when washington is divided in old ideological battles he shows us what can be achieved when we bring people together to seek pragmatic solutions. bloomberg: i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. firsts at th chris martinez has a wrap up. >> parasite was the big winner in the 92nd academy awards winning best picture, best international film, best original screenplay and best director. he said he did not feel above his fellow nominees. >> the greatest gift it has given me and many of us, the opportunity to use our voice, for the voiceless. >> renie zellweger one bestá actors. >> you are certainly among the heroes who unite and define us.>> brad pitt won his first acting oscar for his performance in once upon a time in hollywood. >> standing here now. >> she also won her first oscar. >> i share this with my acting heroes, my legends, and bruce dern. >> this year's awards were not without controversy. janel monet opened the show with a musical number taking a swipe at the lack of female nominees for best director. >> we celebrate the women. >> natalie portman walked the red carpet wearing a cave bearing the names of snubbed female directors. and former host steve martin and chris rock also called out the academy for this year's lack of diversity among the acting categories. >> in 1929 there were no black acting nominees. >> and now in 2020 we have one.>> growing up in a family that struggled economically powerfully influenced my values. bernie sanders he's fighting to raise wages. and guarantee health care for all. now, our country is at a turning point. hard working people, betrayed by trump, struggling to survive. in this moment, we need a fighter. bernie sanders. we know he'll fight for us as president because he always has. i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message. > thanu for watching, game day is coming up next. >> news and weather updates are always at good night. >> good night. tom steyer: listen, every democrat running for president is better than the criminal in the white house. we all have progressive plans to address the big challenges facing our country. what makes me different, is i've been working for ten years outside of washington, to end the corporate takeover of our democracy, and to return power to the american people. i started need to impeach to hold this lawless president accountable. i'm proposing big reforms like term limits... ...a national referendum... ...and ending corporate money in politics. as president, i'll declare climate change an emergency on day 1. and, use those powers to finally address the climate crisis. and, i've spent 30 years building a successful international business. so, i can take on donald trump on the economy - and beat him. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message - because there is nothing more powerful than the unified voice of the american people. game day at location from one most beautiful places. looking for his sixth win, hello everybody, from pebble beach, what a wonderful four days of glorious weather and a great golf tournament. over the years phil mickelson has had his share of battles, lost to davon taylor here in 2016. last year beat paul casey in a playoff, remember that on monday and today mono e mono with nick taylor. the surf was up here at pebble with the wind blowing pretty hard. mickelson was a wizard out of the bunker yesterday. today he birdied the second hole and pulled even with taylor. anything you can do i can do better. taylor was hoping for a birdie on sixth, instead he went in for an eagle. mickelson made birdie giving taylor a two shot wheels fell off form mickelson on eighth, he hit it low in the fall took off like a rocket over the green, but

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