Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11PM 20180130 : comparem

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11PM 20180130

this suspect was making multiple threats. right now as you can see feller avenue is still blocked off for this investigation. several hours after this police- involved shooting. on the ground we can see heavily armed officers suit up and pick up their weapons. from the air more officers from the special operation's team. then we see officers kick down a wooden fence. once in a backyard they search around what appears to be a shed. a few minutes later, several officers and a k-9 approached the door at a different house. they wait for a woman to come out and she does with her hands up covered in blood. then they restrained her and walked her to a waiting ambulance. >> as we walked in, one of the kids where somebody said hey there, are cops driving by really fast. and so rather than them coming out with their shot, you are like oh my god, and we all ran outside just checking. there is one call after another call. >> reporter: a neighbor shares this cell phone video of officers crouching behind cars, aiming their guns at the house. san jose police have not said what led up to the officer- involved shooting, but told kpix 5 the suspect was armed with a shotgun. police dispatch recordings suggest the suspect was making threats. >> and it will be a long shotgun. if anyone comes to her door, she says she is going to shoot them. she has a history of mental illness, she is probably not taking her meds. she thinks there is a demon in her bathroom. >> reporter: an officer reports she was also threatening to shoot herself. >> shots fired. the suspect is down. we're not sure if she was hit. >> she is down. the gun is still next to her. she is squirming around. she's still moving. >> i think it is crazy because not a lot of things happen on this street or around here. >> reporter: the suspect is in the hospital tonight with non- life threatening injuries. the san jose police say there are no other outstanding suspects. this is the second police- involved shooting of the year. live in san jose, betty yu, kpix 5. tonight the chp is investigating another possible attack on a tech bus. a report of a bus with a shattered window came in one mile south of i-5. no reports of any injuries. and just two weeks ago several tech buses carrying employees from apple and google also had their windows shattered. the buses all had one thing in common, they were all traveling on 280 in san mateo conto. two teenagers under arrest tonight after a weekend sideshow that injured a richmond police officer. the car plowed into the officer about 1:30 yesterday morning at marina bay parkway and regatta boulevard. the officer was trying to break up the crowd. 18-year-old juan vargas charged with attempted murder. his passenger is charged with conspiracy. a police officer suffered broken bones in the crash, but he is home recovering tonight. and in a separate sideshow, chp pilots were hit with a laser. >> but tonight kpix 5 katie nielsen reports there is a big break in the case. >> reporter: people on the ground at oakland side shows have attacked this chp helicopter with lasers, multiple times over the past few months. and yesterday for the first time, officers were finally able to make an arrest. while cars were spinning out of control at 54th and international in east oakland, a chp helicopter was recording everything from the air. >> and you can see the vehicles, cars going around in circles. you see smoke in the air. nothing, but tires. one man was even hit by a car doing high-speed donuts in the middle of the intersection. the force knocking off his pants. at one point the crowd got aggressive and tried to get the helicopter to go away by shooting handguns and fireworks at the chopper. you can see the fireworks exploding in the air, only a few hundred feet away. another person attacked the helicopter a green laser, which blinded the pilots for a few seconds. >> if you're vision impaired, then this will be extremely dangerous for the crew. the safety of the aircraft and the safety of the flight. >> reporter: it is something that has happened before to the pilot. >> at the absolute minimum, it is extremely distracting at every event. just really dangerous for their crews. >> reporter: the chp pilots used on board cameras to identify the man who they say attacked them with the laser, and followed him as he left the sideshow. >> it's satisfying because we had everything lined up. we had officers on the ground waiting with plenty of fuel in the aircraft. we were able to fly to a safe location to where we could have him arrested. >> reporter: officers arrested paul vorquez from pittsburg, facing multiple state and felony charges for the laser attack. >> it is not a game, but is dangerous. -- but it is dangerous. >> we will continue to watch. >> reporter: he is being held in the alameda county jail on $110,000 bail, scheduled to make his first appearance in court tomorrow morning. in napa, katie nielsen, kpix 5. tonight the faa investigating a deadly plane crash in contra costa county just before noon. a single-engine cessna crashed in concord. it went down on land that was once part of the old naval weapon station. authorities say the pilot who was killed was the only one on board. and now toon alarming discovery in solano county. an 11-year-old finds a possible live grenade. kpix 5 christin ayers has that story from benicia. >> reporter: the boy stumbled across the grenade just off -- off benicia point here. robert deal's 11-year-old son, jake, and a friend found the grenade like this, partially submerged in bud off the strait. not knowing if it was real, the boys pick it had up, took pictures of it, even walked several blocks with it. it wasn't until robert saw it with his own eyes. >> the round pin you would pull. >> reporter: he saw the japanese writing on it and realized it was no toy. >> i looked down at it and shined my light on it and saw what looked real. it had barnacles on it and some rust on it, so i could tell it was metal. at that point i told him to step aside and call the police. >> reporter: benicia police shut down an entire block of first street and ordered nearby businesses to lock up and send their customers home. an explosive division with travis air force base was called in had to safely dispose the grenade. >> i think it washed up there and the currents are strong. bene sha be-- benicia has a military background. >> reporter: roadside work crews found that grenade near 680 last year. robert says his son's discovery was a once in a lifetime find, and for his son, a teachable moment. >> don't touch it, don't handle it, you know, the kids got lucky. >> reporter: in benicia, christin ayers, kpix 5. an uproar in washington tonight over a classified memo about the russia investigation. republicans on the house intelligence committee wrote it. and now they voted along party lines to make it public. it claims to lay out evidence of potential surveillance abuses within the justice department. during the investigation into russian election meddling. the democrats say it is an attempt to undermine special council robert mueller. >> today this committee voted to put the president's personal information, perhaps their own political interest and the ability to hear from the department and the fbi. >> nancy pelosi says the memo contains significant inaccuracies and omissions that misrepresents the underlying intelligence president trump now has up to five days to decide whether to release the memo or keep it a secret. another bomb shell in washington. tonight the deputy director of the fbi is out. andrew mccabe planned to retire in march, but moved up his departure and left immediately today. >> we heard allegations that the president wanted to get rid of mr. mccabe, and now he's gone. we need to find out why. >> mccabe oversaw the hillary clinton clinton e-mail investigations, and his wife received almost $700,000 from democratic party sources in her unsuccessful bid for the virginia senate. now tonight mccabe's former boss fire department fbi director james comey tweeted, "special agent andrew mccabe stood tall over the last eight months when small people were trying to tear down an institution we all depend on." the white house said president trump had nothing to do with today's development. we are less than 19 hours away from president trump's first state of the union address. some democratic lawmakers are going to boycott it. kpix 5 joe vazquez has a preview tonight. joe? >> ken, white house officials say the president will give a speech that is, "optimistic, unifying, and from the heart." that is if he sticks to the script. >> we worked on it hard including our great success with the markets and with the tax cut. >> reporter: in his first state of the union address tomorrow night, president trump says he will focus on the economy. among the highlights, a promise of improved trade dealers, a $1.7 trillion plan to revitalize infrastructure. a request to congress for $25 million to construct a border wall with mexico. in exchange he'll offer to make 1.8 million undocumentedimmigrants citizens. the president will urge the support of democrats on immigration. >> we hope it will be bipartisan. and the republicans really don't have the votes to get it done in any other way, so it has to be bipartisan. >> reporter: his spokesperson says he won't be talking about russia. >> we addressed it every single day we have been here. no one cares about this. some members will boycott the speech including barbara lee of oakland. other who is will attend will take the lead of jackie spears who recently announced she was once the victim of sexual harassment on capitol hill. she is asking others, men and women to wear black in support of the #metoo movement. spears had invited a team of the graves, the founder of the movement. but she declined this evening tweeting, "i cannot attend andreas that will elevate a hate-filled platform. harris has invited joseph, an undocumented daca recipient from southern california. and so tonight the state of the union is misspelled. take a look. these are tickets given to members of congress today. they included a typo. look at that at thened of union, it's uniom with an m at the end. those tickets have since been reprinted just in time for tomorrow night's address. in the newsroom, joe vazquez, kpix 5. well this billionaire democratic donor plans to start airing some new impeachment ads during tomorrow's address. tom stire pledged $40 million to impeach president trump. and tomorrow's state of the union address will begin at 6:00 p.m. right here on kpix 5 and that is followed by the democratic response. >> there is a new front runner in the san francisco's mayor race tonight. london breed was ousted as interim mayor. according to a new chamber of commerce poll, the board of supervisor's president leads with 33%. she is followed by the former state senator mark leno and jane kim. >> when people do those folds, it is the name you most recently heard. therefore london breed would be the name you most recently heard. >> for all of a sudden for her to skip almost 20 points, i don't believe it. it is way too early for any polls to mean anything. >> the special election to replace the late ed lee happens on june 5. new developments on border security. routers is report -- reuters is reporting about putting armed air marshals on cross border flights. no date has been set for that. and the two sides haven't decided which part of the route the marshals would be on. also tonight the pentagon says a russian jet flew within five feet of the naval plane. >> they call the close call a violate of the international law. officials say the russian's jet performed an unsafe intercept of the navy's ep3 surveillance plane. the defense ministry says their jet flew in accordance with international rules. tonight exercise trackers including fit bits could be putting u.s. troops in danger. veronica de la cruz tells us now the military is reviewing their security practices. >> yeah ken, it turns out some service members unknowingly produced a map of their location worldwide, giving them potential targets. the pentagon did not find out about the breach until a 20- year-old australian student discovered it. it showed two years of the tracking data uploaded from fitbit. he tweeted u.s. bases are clearly identifiable and mappable. >> it took us seconds to really gather the information that should not be publicly available. >> mining the gps data can also reveal the pattern of activity at the because down to theindividual soldiers and the route they take. in a statement, the pentagon says the department of defense takes matters like these seriously, reviewing the situation to determine if any additional training or guidance is required. but this breach could go well beyond the military to include intelligence officers. veronica de la cruz, kpix 5. apple stock is thinking after reports it is cutting iphone 10 production. production would go from 40 million to 20 million units for the first quarter. the reason? weaker than expected demand. apple has lost nearly $60 billion in market value in the past 11 days. two and a half years ago they promised changes after a kpix 5 investigation revealed the state was putting millions of people at risk for identity theft. tonight, julie watts reveals little has changed, and lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are furious. >> reporter: don't put your outgoing mail in the mailbox ever. if they see a flag up, it's gone. >> reporter: that is the warning from convicted i.d. thief cheryl thrasher who told us all she needed to empty bank accounts, credit cards, and commit crimes in a victim's name was one piece of mail with a social security number. >> it is easy, it's fast, and it is a fast come up. >> reporter: it's the reason most government agencies, banks, universities stopped using social security numbers as identifiers years ago. in fact in 2010, california passed a law that prohibits prohibiting the number on any materials that are mailed. but as we first reported in 2015, viewers like maxine hines were horrified by states still printing false social security numbers to those collecting benefits for unemployment, disability, maternity leave. when she called the agency to complain about the massic risk. >> she laughed a bit and said yeah, a lot of people complain. >> reporter: i'm surprised. david newman says envelopes like these are known target for crooks. >> anything that is coming from a state agency is likely to be a signal of an identity thief that there might be something useful inside. if it turns out there is something useful inside, then your social security number has been compromised. >> multiple viewers contacted us to say they -- multiple viewers contacted us to say they received their social security numbers in the mail. >> how in the world did this piece of paper get into an envelope? the agency says they have no idea on how often that happens. >> everybody who saw your story would agree it is common sense, don't put a social security number on the piece of correspondent. >> my immediate reaction is we need to fix it. >> after seeing our reports in 2015, members of the protection community demanded the agency stop printing the number and they promised they would pending approval for additional funding. now more than two years later, they got the money they asked for, but we have learned the agency has no immediate plans to stop printing social security numbers. >> what is it going to take to force the largest california state agency to stop putting california's at risk of i.d. theft? >> there is just no excuse to wait that long to remove social security numbers. >> reporter: assemblywoman jackie irwin with a pulse to learn instead of fixing the security risk now, they want to wait for a complete overall of their system. a project that is expect today begin after 2020. in the meantime it's been urging people to enroll in their online services to avoid getting sensitive information in the mail. >> i'm enrolled in online only and i'm still getting the same documents with my social security numbers on the regular basis. >> reporter: it is hard not to laugh when the edd says they cannot stop mailing documents like these from a recent maternity leave. keep in mind, i'm enrolled in their online services and direct deposit, so i am notified of payments in two places online where my social security number is redacted. still the edd says it can't stop, won't stop mailing these duplicates statements with my social security number clearly labeled. we went to the moon over 40 years ago. we have silicon valley in our backyard. trying to redact those social security numbers is not rocket science. they need to be able to get it done. >> reporter: katherine baker was among those who demanded a fix over two years ago. >> clearly this is an agency having a hard time complying with the most basic elements of technology. that's where we have got to step in. >> reporter: they both have meetings scheduled with the agency. meanwhile the postal inspector confirms more mail fraud complaints come from california than any other state. mail theft is on the rise. >> julie reports after three weeks of waiting, the edd just got back to us with a response stating that it has made significant progress in the long-term project, and moved millions of individuals to online services. however it didn't address why those people are still getting their social security numbers in the mail. or when it will stop. >> we won't have to wait much longer for the super blue blood moon. >> and that is tomorrow night, early wednesday morning. actually about 5:00 a.m. on wednesday and the sky wills be a -- skies will be a lot clearer. it's the super morning the second full moon in a month and a total lunar eclipse all wrapped into one. glad we're not doing that tonight. not only do we have cloud cover, but we are getting foggy. napa, a quarter mile visibility. santa rosa a quarter mile visibility. better if you head for oakland. but they may have an issue with fog all night long. with that said tomorrow when the sunshine emerges, anywhere from 7-10 degrees warmer than average. it'll feel a whole lot warmer than your average sunshine tomorrow. concord your average is 57 tomorrow. we are partly cloudy outside tonight. warm spot in san francisco at 54. cool spot santa rosa 42. here is the radar. it's going to look like that for the next two weeks. kpix 5 high-def doppler will be dry far while. i will explain why in a second. redwood city 46, san jose 45 degrees. satellite radar rerue, a ridge of high pressure -- review, a ridge of high pressure down to the south. we had cloud cover, but no rain. rain stays in the northwest. but the storm track is migrating away from us and every single computer model that goes out beyond a week will continue to send the storm track farther away from us, overtime. it's going in the wrong direction. it should be over northern california and maybe over southern california by this time next week giving us virtually zero chance of rainfall. an afternoon sunshine. as you look towards wednesday, more of the same. i guess if you love sunshine, this will be for you, but we need some balance. dry weather will continue for the next 10 days or more. mixture of sun and high cloud cover tomorrow with the partly cloudy sky tonight and areas of fog. san jose 68 degrees tomorrow with sunshine. morgan hill, why not? j70 degrees -- 70 degrees in dublin. 67 with afternoon sunshine in antioch. san francisco you'll hit 65. upper 60s for sonoma, napa, st. helena, and 66 with sunshine in lakeport. it gets warmer. look at the two warmest days on saturday and sunday, close to 70 near the bay. and the first weekend of february will feature highs in the mid-70s away from the water. now we can't come to an immediate conclusion, a week of dry does not make a drought. but that will need to stop after a couple of weeks. we are about 60 degrees above rainfall. we need a change. >> fingers crossed. a bay area woman received this package from amazon. inside? a venomous surprise. tonight, a bay area woman sa have you ever bought something on amazon and received a wrong order? >> sure. well tonight a bay area woman says she got a venomous surprise. in a tweet, megan day says she ordered felt sauna hats from a third party seller named russian bear. instead she says she got this, a package from the ukraine that contained a contraband cancer drug made in cuba. from blue scorpion venom. >> they tweeted an update, i was refunded for the hats without comment. and also the scorpion venom is apparently very valuable. if you have any ideas on how to capitalize on that situation in a legal way, let me know. thanks. and in a statement amazon says this looks like a mixup by the seller. >> it happens. clearly. just a small little tiny mixup. nobody got hurt. >> thank god. >> the super bowl kick off with super controversy. what tom brady said tonight that might have saved somebody's job next. legend has it, the first voyagers arrived on canoes, sailing the seas day and night. they knew where they were going, by watching the clouds move in the sky or the way their boats rocked. that's how the waves and stars would speak to them. guide them. sometimes, you can find your way in the world, by getting lost in it. let your legend begin at aulani, a one-of-a-kind disney resort in hawaii [thinking] mexican spices? ♪ [thinking] nacho cheese sauce? they don't want these coming out. who's they? the burger people. they! they! nacho fries, now serving at a taco bell near you. [bong!] questions.. super powell week kicked off with -- super bowl week kicked off with media night. >> if i were a tree, what tree would i be? i told them a douglas fir. >> yeah, we get it, coach. your name is doug. you get it? doug. the patriots spoke to the media before the eagles. the excitement about it is brady putting on a hat. speaking of head gear, the eagles brought their dogmassing to minneapolis -- their dog mask to minneapolis because they are once again underdogs. >> i feel real good, man, we are underdogs all the time. we will continue to keep proving people wrong. >> that works. the dog in the super bowl right now is the boston radio host who made a prerogative comment about tom brady's 5-year-old daughter at the host watcher in a documentary. now he was suspended by the radio station after brady threatened to quit his weekly radio show. but tonight he expressed understanding. >> and we all have careers and we all, you know, make mistakes. i mean i would hate for somebody to have to change their life over something like that. that was certainly not what he intended. i certainly hope the guy is not fired. i would hate for that to happen. >> yeah, a class act tonight by brady. baseball, best known for the perfect game. and this catch is coming back. he has reportedly agree today a minor deal with the giant. and brandon moss is returning to the other side of the bay, the a's sent jesse hahn to kansas city for moss who hit 76 home runs in three seasons for oakland in 2012-2014. man, 48 hours for the warrior forward, andre iguodala who went down to san diego to hang out with tiger woods yesterday at the golf tournament. he is finding his golf days are harder and harder to come by on the home front. >> it's the wife of mine. it is not as easy. to go out like that. but whatever. >> yeah, he won't be playing 18 until after the season. >> yes, we'll be right back. >> don't do it. don't do it. hi, we're alaska airlines. and we don't just fly lumberjacks to glaciers. we fly all kinds of people all kinds of places. like app developers to mexico city. musically inclined novelists to nashville. and pilates instructors to palm springs. sure, we love a good glacier. but we also like a little cocoa butter. from the west coast to the world. alaska airlines. that's how we fly. from the west coast to the world. at at&t, we believe in access. the opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world. connecting with the things that matter most. and because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet, we've created access from at&t. california households with at least one resident who receives snap or ssi benefits may qualify for home internet at a discounted rate of $10 a month. no commitment, deposit, or installation fee. visit to learn more. we can now repair complex at saortic aneurysmsare, without invasive surgery. if we can do that, imagine what we can do for varicose veins. and if we can precisely treat eye cancer with minimal damage to the rest of the eye, imagine what we can do for glaucoma, even cataracts. if we can use dna to diagnose the rarest of diseases, imagine what we can do for the conditions that affect us all. imagine what we can do for you. tomorrow morning at 4-30. michelle griego and kenny e news you late show with stephen colbert is next. >> kenny choi, all the news you'll need to start your tuesday. good night. captioning sponsored by cbs >> and now another a, the "late show" exclusive, stephen colbert's interview of piers morgan's interview of president trump. >> stephen: president trump, thank you for sitting down with me once again in davos, switzerland. let's move on. i'm going to use your words to make you look like a complete and utter dumb ass. >> i don't care. >> stephen: let's do it. you recently said negative things about the continent of africa. would you like to make amends by saying "i love africa"? >> loves -- i love scotland. >> stephen: close, try again. i -- i love -- iov

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