Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11pm 20141009 : comparem

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11pm 20141009

expert. >> reporter: that domestic violence video is short but powerful. they showed it today at a meeting of nfl team owners. put of an education session on domestic violence and sexual assault. eventually, it will be seen bier nfl employee including players. the video shows former nfl player joe ermond. he asks the viewer to imagine a lady in your wife. >> imagine they are in a party and a man there starts to assault them whether that is physically, sexually, or verbally. think about your feelings toward that perpetrator of that violence. >> his voice as a former player is credible. >> reporter: brian o'conner says the video reflects the kind of conversation his group and others like it have been having with the nfl lately. what he is waiting to see is the league take more action. >> think about the roles that you have. >> reporter: right now, it is still all just talk. >> the important piece here is what are the programs and what's the education and what's the training that is going to be in place so we can actually stop the violence and get out ahead of it before it starts? >> i just don't think a video is going to change a culture indoctrinated with that kind of behavior. >> it is not going to change because someone made a commercial. it is not going to change until every single one of us decided to change it. >> we have a responsibility to get back and make a difference. >> reporter: tonight, we learned of another allegation. a massage therapist says a former 49er tried to rip off her pants an rape her last year according to a report in the new york daily news. c.j. spillman says it was not true and it was consensual. joe vasquez, kpix5. a brutal beat down in levi stadium started with a group of men waiting in line in the bathroom. one guy nudged another man on the shoulder to tell him a urinal was open and that is what prosecutors say started it all. tonight, these two men face felony charges. amador rebollero is the one with the struggle tattoo on his face. he is accused of throwing the most damaging blow. prosecutors say his brother dario rebollero also involved in the fight. one of the victims has a severe brain injury. >> he has had some bleeding to the brain. he has had to have a partial skull removal to relieve some of the pressure, and he is currently suffering some paralysis. >> neither the suspects entered a plea today. the fight happened on sunday before the 49er game against the chiefs. afterward, two men ran from the bathroom, but security soon tracked them down. several new wild fires are burning along i-80 tonight. at last count, five separate fires, two homes have burned, dozens more are threatened. thigh are all in the apple gate area of placer county. one lane is closed. helicopters brought in firefighters landing on the freeway. for one woman, the fire spread too quickly and burned her home to the ground. >> what i have now is in the back of my pt cruiser that won't start at the moment. it started when it had to, though. so, you know, we got the people and the animals out and we are thankful for that. >> the fires have burned almost 400 acres. no word tonight on how they started. in yosemite, the dog rock fire is still burning out of control. tonight, we know the pilot of the air tanker that crashed yesterday while fighting the fire is from san jose. andria borba talked to the man who saw the plane go down. >> yeah, they were just trying to keep it from jumping the canyon. >> reporter: on eagle peak road ... >> you can see the scars from the fire. >> reporter: the beating of chopper blades has become the rhythm of this neighborhood. >> it is a little scary, but, we love to hear that sound because it means they are on it. it means they are fighting the fire, protecting us. >> they make such a racket taking water out. >> reporter: yesterday afternoon, neighbors were watching the air attack on the dog walk fire. when they saw pilot craig hunt, a 13 year veteran make his last retardant drop. >> he dropped it and just as he came over, we saw him tilt and there was a missing wing. it clipped a tree or something. we don't know yet. he went straight down and sum somer salted all the way down the canyon. >> reporter: it left a debris trail a quarter mile long before stops on highway 140. >> gut wrenching. >> reporter: from eagle peak road, a reminder of hunt's sacrifice. a line of red retardant scarring the mountain. >> we live in a beautiful area. comes with the territory, but these guys put their lives on the line all the time. everyday. people just don't get that. >> reporter: even last night, the people said before they knew craig hunt's name, they wanted to start a memorial fund for his family. because of his death, they absolutely want to follow through on this. andria borba, kpix5. >> for now, cal fire has grounded all of the s2ts . the kind of plane that crashed. tonight, we spotted this new sign at a bay area hospital. bold red letters. attention all patients, if you have any risk factors that could lead to ebola, tell staff immediately. the sign is at john muir in walnut creek. the hospital tells us it is just a warning. >> purely precautionary. we know ebola is very difficult to transmit from human to human other than bodily fluids. we just want people to be aware so we do take the best care of them. >> the signs posted in the emergency rooms and the urgent care centers. and in texas tonight, a sheriff's deputy is in isolation after possible exposure to ebola. he was in the apartment of thomas eric duncan without any protective gear. duncan died of ebola today making him the first patient to die of it in the u.s. he got the disease in liberia and flew to texas. there are big changes coming to some u.s. airports as jeff shows us. >> reporter: it will start first at jfk and then it will be in new jersey's newark international and chicago o'hare. more than 94% of travelers from ebola infected nations come from those airports so anyone whose travel originated in those west african countries will be pulled to the side, observed for illness, asked a series of health questions and their temperature will be taken with a noncontact thermometer. if they are cleared, the cdc wants the passengers to self- monitor. if a traveler is showing signs of illness and a health questionnaire shows possible exposure to ebola, then the person could be quarantined. already, the west african countries are screening passengers before they depart. the new measures are meant to spot passengers who developed symptoms in flight. jeff pegues, cbs news. things got heated in madrid today. protesters tried to save a nurse's dog from being euthanized. she is being treated for ebola. the health ministry didn't listen and put the dog down. cdc says dogs can carry the virus without showing any symptoms. back in the bay area, cate caugurian shows us a different kind of protest over pets. in contra costa county. >> reporter: as you can see, dozens of people showed up tonight to honor the 4,000 animals this group says are killed at the contra costa animal shelter every year. >> it needs to stop and i wish more people knew about this. >> reporter: lewis spent the day at the shelter trying to get animals adopted before they were put down, but today, she says eight were killed. >> none of them were sick. none of them were vicious. they were all friendly companion animals who didn't need to go and they are all gone now. [ singing ] ♪ [ music ] >> reporter: lou came to the vigil to shed light on what she calls a heart-breaking problem in her hometown. >> i don't want my tax dollars spent on killing these innocent companion animals. >> there are alternatives out there. there are successful no-kill shelters out there. >> a moment of silence for all of the ones we lost. >> reporter: the group is working to make the contra costa county shelter a no-kill one like others in the bay area. mayor martinez says it would take approval from the board of supervisors and a lot of money. >> this organization as i understand it was not just saying you have to do this. they are going to try to find solutions in funding so it can happen. [ singing ] ♪ when all my will is gone, you hold me ♪ >> reporter: and that will take time. time these people say the animals don't have. >> and it has got to stop. they have to be more accountable for what they are doing. >> reporter: cate caugurian, kpix5. >> and the mayor tells cate there are meetings set up so they can find out what it takes to become a no-kill shelter. attacked with a hammer. now this guy could lose his eye. tonight, he describes what happened when he got in an uber. >> and how would you like to see a mountain lion climbing on your car? tonight this cat is the talk of a san jose neighborhood. >> plus apple says it has been way too long. what we are hearing about a new ipad tonight. wants everyone to see. roberto chicas' left eye is swollen shut and his face >> night, it is hard to look at a man who says an uber driver attacked him. roberto chica's eye is damaged. he was bludgeoned in the head. >> we got in, the next thing i remember, i was in the icu and doctors were working on my left eye. he told me i had suffered severe face and head injury caused by a hammer. taxi drivers were out in san francisco today protesting uber. they say it is not fair. the city regulates the taxi industry, but uber operates with much looser guidelines. taxi companies blame uber and other ride sharing services for disseminating their business. neighbors in one part of san jose are looking out their windows tonight after what one man caught on his surveillance camera. no. not a cat burglar. but a cat. a really big one. right betty? >> reporter: oh yeah ken. and if not for that surveillance camera, this homeowner would have never known a mountain lion was just hanging out on the roof of his car in the middle of the night. and remarkably, it left no scratches or paw prints behind. david tang calls this a once in a lifetime surprise. >> it was scary and i did not expect this area because this is still the city of san jose though we are in the mountains. >> reporter: the cat jumped on the roof of his camry at 3:00 a.m. he shared this video hoping to alert his neighbors. they live near a popular hiking trail. >> it is a major concern i have, the safety for the kids and also, single people at 3:00 in the morning walking. >> i run and walk on this street nearly everyday at dusk. so, i'm not too excited about that. >> reporter: the mountain lion spent about 30 seconds on top of david's car and then jumped off and walked across his front yard. after that, it disappeared in his neighbor's backyard. >> i'm a little concerned for my dogs actually. i have a littler dog that would be like a snack. >> reporter: the california department of fish and wildlife believes this cat weighs 125 pounds and the probably two to three years ole. it is unusual for people to run into mountain lions but it is not hard to find their prey around echo ridge dry. >> deer. we knew the cats were around, but we didn't know they were coming so close. >> reporter: and a california department of fish and wildlife says it does not plan to track this animal because it doesn't pose a threat. it didn't do anything wrong, but it is considering putting up posters around the neighborhood to just make people aware and alert them to this mountain lion. ken? >> yeah. some scary pictures there. thanks betty. well this big cat decided to hide under a car in mountain view parking garage instead of standing on top of it. and, uh, officers were able to catch him, haul him back to the wild last may. be careful what you tweet. tonight, reporter sara conje says one passenger got booted off the jet blue flight for what she posted about the pilot. >> reporter: lisa carter is finally heading home. >> i was tweeting about a experience. >> reporter: flight 760 from philly to boston was delayed. as the hours dragged, another passenger made another comment allegedly saying the pilot was intoxicated. >> pilot accuses passenger of sobriety. >> reporter: the pilot came off the plane to address travelers. >> irate pilot accused passengers of questioning his sobriety. >> reporter: once the flight was ready to go. >> i was told not to be on the flight so i requested to be rebooked. he said in fact, we are denying you service. >> reporter: in a statement, jet blue says this is not taken lightly. if we feel a customer is not complying with safety instructions, causes conflict at the gate, the customer will be denied boarding. >> what do you want now? >> i would like to be acknowledged. my civil rights and freedom of speech were taken last night. >> reporter: jet blue gave her a full refund and she booked a flight on a different airline: there is a lot of speculation tonight that apple is about to unveil a new ipad or several ipads. apple just set out some invitations for an event at the cupertino headquarters next thursday. the message? it has been way too long. it is all they said. keep in mind, apple has dominated the tablet market since ipad's debuted in 2010. but sales have declined lately. so what with we expect? >> probably new colors like a gold verse. we are also going to see the finger present sensor and other features that made it into the iphone but not the ipad. we are going to see the new mac operating system called yosemite. >> we will likely hear more about apple pay. the new mobile payment system that is set to launch some time this month. we have a few more clues about tesla's big announcement tomorrow. ceo elon musk says it will have to do with a self-driving car. an all wheel drive model. last week he tweeted that tesla would inveil the d and something else. stay tuned. tonight, google is taking you where you have never gone before. >> you can now explore the amazing do you knows of the arabian desert on top of a camel. this time using google maps. they put the street view cameras on the humps of camels an they captured some pretty amazing pictures. >> that would be gorgeous. some pretty incredible pictures of the moon last night. >> you can be honest. no. >> but the pictures were great. >> there are two more total lunar eclipses coming up next year. if you missed this one, there might be another chance. let's head outside. sfo, numbers are pretty balmy for right now, the numbers in the city are ... i'm just worried the computer almost got stuck. 59 degrees in san francisco. 63 in san jose. and in santa rosa right now, 57 degrees. san bruno, 63. and here is how it looks. high pressure is off the shore, but it has weakened a little bit. as a result, temperatures are going to come down. with readings tomorrow about 10 degrees cooler inland, and as a result, it is going to be mild tomorrow. near seasonal temperatures for the bay area. lit be nice along the shoreline. fog late. mostly sunny in the afternoon. mild temperatures. we have a warming trend coming this weekend. and the next rain chance in the bay area, wednesday. a week from tonight. first in the north bay and it is looking better the closer we get. the closer we get to next wednesday. the models are all converging on things getting wet by next wednesday, we will see. by tomorrow, the numbers will be a couple of degrees cooler than average. oakland it is par for the course at 74. south bay, 75 degrees at hayward. for the east bay, we are looking at numbers mostly in the mid 80s . 87 at brentwood. 86 at fairfield with numbers up in the north bay. 81 petaluma. 83 santa rosa. way up north, ukiah, still warm. 81 degrees. extended forecast, you are looking for the numbers to mellow out. we sort of promised and then saturday, sunday, and monday, we will be back in the 90s as temperatures cool and warm. by wednesday, we will be in the mid 70s inland. and that is a big cooling trend. that will set the stage for the possibility of maybe a little bit of rain seven days from now. >> that would be great. >> that would be great. we will see what happens. is. >> nice. coming up, why the navy wants you to take a selfie with a sailor. ,,,,,,,,,,,, ♪ ♪ first impressions are important. you've got to make every second count. banking designed for the way you live your life. so you can welcome your family home... for the first time. chase. so you can. sailor. >> weather is beautiful, so burg this week, grab your phone and smile big. >> the navy wants you to take a selfie with a sailor. the navy says a selfie will help people get to know the men an women fighting for them. you can post the picture with your hash tag selfie with a sailor. >> you know where the ship is now? >> down the block. >> it is right by the red coffee shack. a burger and a beer, $8. a local kid wrote a story about playing for the giants way back in grade school. well, his story came true, we will find out which giant that was and let the hockey season begin. matchup of the night in tinseltown. sharks an kings next. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ♪shining, shimmering, splendid ♪tell me, princess, now when did♪ ♪you last let your heart decide♪ ♪a whole new world welcome to aulani, travel and leisure winner for top family hotel in the u.s. for special offers, visit or call your travel agent. season end?? how about >> what is worse than blowing a 3-0 series lead and having your season end? how about watching that team raise the championship banner right in your face? sharks drop the puck in the land of the stanley cup. second time in three years the kings have hoisted a banner to the rafters. jeff carter stopped. he had 34 saves. later in the period, san jose's tommy wingels on the break away. nice move on jonathan quick. they cruise over the champs 4- 0. stick that in your trophy cup. while some giants player prepare for their third nlcs in the last five years. andrew sesack is making his first trip. he grew up east of sacramento and wrote a story for the sixth grade paper that he would one day play nor the giants. >> does that article you wrote include going to the national championship series? >> no, i wrote about beating barry bonds' home run record which looks like it is not going to happen, but this is looking great. >> he hit three home runs so he has a little bit to go. saturday and sunday in saint louis. then back to at&t tuesday. game three. vern glenn will be in saint louis all weekend. tony has tried to help his season bury the last four games and made some changes in the locker room and if his players are uncomfortable with the new changes then sperano is happy. >> it has been tough. there is change. they weren't sure what to expect when i got back here. in some situations still not too sure. okay? i haven't let all my secrets owl there with them yet. i kind of like to keep them a little uncomfortable sometimes. comfortable is not good right? uncomfortable is sometimes not a bad thing. >> he's kind of cool. >> got a little chuckie in him. the nba season is right around the corner starting the top five. don't need the regular season when you have a shot like this. philadelphia's casper ware, three quarter shot. sixers beat the hornets 106-92. 104, memo, you are supposed to go over the hurdle, not through it. as brittany spears once said, i did it again. a huge windmill dunk. griffin is six foot ten and golden is five foot two. >> whoa! >> this nine-year-old belgian has been signed by the italian league af roma. at number one, spurs in germany and a shocker. tim duncan's inbound pass stolen by jamel mclean. that is the winner at the buzzer. spurs go down 94-93 and we will be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, newscast is tomorrow mornin 4-30. >> david letterman is next with anderson cooper. >> see you tomorrow at 4:30. ( band playing "late show" theme ) >> from the heart of broadway, broa cross the nation and around the world, it's the "late show" with david letterman. tonight... plus paul shaffer and the cbs orchestra. i'm alan kalter. captioning sponsored by worldwide pants and cbs and now, hand model for lava soap, david letterman. ( band playing "late show" theme )

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New York , United States , Brentwood , California , Germany , Roma , Lazio , Italy , Oakland , Texas , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Mountain View , Madrid , Spain , Boston , Massachusetts , Liberia , San Francisco , San Bruno , Sacramento , Belgium , Chicago , Illinois , Petaluma , Belgian , David Letterman , Jeff Carter , Roberto Chica , Anderson Cooper , Andria Borba , Joe Vasquez , Tim Duncan , John Muir , Lisa Carter , Thomas Eric Duncan , Jamel Mclean , Paul Shaffer , David Tang , Vern Glenn , Jose Tommy ,

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