Transcripts For KPHO CBS 5 News At 630 20161009 : comparemel

Transcripts For KPHO CBS 5 News At 630 20161009

i am awake in a nightmare right now. >> tonight at 6:30, we continue to follow breaking news out of palm springs, 2 california police officers have been shot and killed. the gunman remains at large. the officers were responding to a domestic disturbance call fire. a third palm springs officer was wounded, his condition, unknown at this hour. >> within the past few mints we learned more about the officers killed today. one of them, 27-year-old leslie zerebny, she was a brand new mother, just returned to the police force after giving birth 4 months ago. the other officer killed today in palm springs, a 35 year veteran of the force named a tragedy no matter how you at it. police squat team-- swat teams, using a robot to go inside homes in the neighborhood. they believe the gunman is hiding somewhere in this community. at this point, no exact motive known for this shooting of several police officers in palm springs late this afternoon. we will have more on this developing story through the night here on cbs 5. i don'tkn what human, you can keep beating somebody like that. i couldn't scream. i couldn't just do anything. he just started beating me. >> that was the suspect several days ago, the victim, i should say, meanwhile the suspect, james prior is behind bars, police arrested him earlier today. >> it has been a week since police say he attacked the woman outside the crackers cafe in tempe. we are hearing from the bus boy saw the attack. cbs 5's chrisa sat down with him. what did he have to say? >> reporter: kirk was busing tables around closing time he looked up and out this window here. he saw a man beating a woman right here in the parking lot. he said the woman is a regular customer, she had just left the restaurant. he says his past experience in the military and working security at the airport caused his instincts to kick in. he ran outside with dishes in hand to put a stop to t >> i threw the glass and missed because it was short, few more steps and through it like a frisbee and hit him with a tray and chased him to where that car is. once he was far gone, he was pretty quick, i said, i came back and helped the lady. >> reporter: the woman told us the suspect asked to use her cell phone and started punching to get staples in her head. james prior, jr. is in jail on $20,000 bond. live in tempe, cbs 5 news. >> thank you, chrisa. caught on camera, a handful of crooks in the valley, the police hope you can help them catch. the first is a man who they say robbed a convenience store. he walked into a shell near 40th and southern, this is video from the store. he pretendd to be a customer asking where to find a certain product. the suspect then pulled gun and demanded money. >> it was 8:00 a.m., broad daylight, and you can see in the video there are people in the background probably heading to work. the fact he brandished a weapon in a well populated area is very concerning. >> kwhen the clerk handed the-- when the clerk handed the cash over, the robber ran away. it took less than 90 seconds. police want to know if you recognize 2 people who they say attacked a woman and stole her police believe this is surveillance video from 40 minutes later. the suspect trying to use one of the credit cards from the victim's purpose at another store. it happened in august near 48th and bell road. the victim was unloading groceries from her cart when the female suspect grabbed her purse. the 2 suspects drove off in a white suv. and there is a reward out tonight if you can help catch this person. police say a man arm ed with a gun hit several check cashing places in august and september. this is surveillance one of the businesses. they say he hit several businesses in phoenix and glendale at the beginning and end of the day. he spoke english and spanish and got away in a white he is 5'9, 170 pounds. if you know, call silent witness. as hurricane matthew moves up the east coast, you may consider donating to help some people affected by this storm. arizona's attorney general. he says crooks are trying to cash in. so the ag's office says only donate to organizations you are familiar with. never give money to people saying they will donate it for you. watch out for charities which have similar names to well known charities, and if someone is asking for your credit card or debt card number for a donation, that should be a major red flag. hurricane matthew also affecting gas prices in arizona. according average unleaded regular is $2.13 a gallon, more than 2 cents higher than last week. national average is $2.24 a gallon. analysts believe gas prices could continue to climb because of refinery maintenance and hurricane activity. here at home, things were nice and dry most of the day, we had a little bit of shower activity early this morning, but noes of it move-- most of it moved out of the valley. 97 was the high. the same temperature we were just last saturday. live doppler showing the activity we have, just to the east of the valley right now, the isolated storm cell is that is just northese of florence is packing winds as far as 50 miles an hour. we are also seeing a lot of lightning in and around show low, through olbrook as well. this-- hol brook as well. this is the pocket of rain, and the one cell east of payson now. most of the moisture moving out into the system is moving out of the area and drier air is moving in. temperature wise, we are 94 in phoenix, 50 in flagstaff, 64 in sedona, 70 in payson and 60 in prescott. we will take a look at tomorrow's temperatures, coming up in your 7-day forecast. >> see you soon, thank you. what is old is new and trendy again, always how it goes. following a resurgence of vinyl records, cassette tapes are making a come back. >> if they survived since the demand, especially today on international cassette store day. we stopped by stink leaves in central phoenix. >> exciting day. >> a lot of people are collecting their favorite bands and music on all formats. including cassettes. >> i like the sound of analogue. >> i like analogue a lot more. you can get a lot of, really stuff on cassette. >> it is kind of weird, cassette, bought it is really exciteing to see music fans come out of the woodworks and get excited about music and that is pretty much what it is, music. >> i don't really key into any of the special cassette store day releases, but i like to come down and i know they have 4 big shelves, i will see what they got. >> i have been collecting because the music has that warbly, hiss to it. i kind of like that for a lot of music. still to come, samsung is cutting a deal with customers offering some new phones for free. find out if you make that cut, next. we pay it forward to a valley woman showing other women going through cancer treatments they are beautiful. >> you made me feel that i could rock this haircut. ? ? ? jon batiste has mastered new ways to play old classics. with chase atms, he can master new ways to deposit checks too. easy to use chase technology for anyone going through cancer treatment, of course losing your hair can be really tough. >> in tonight's pay it forward, wake up arizona's ian is showing how one woman is helping others feel beautiful again. >> i took a shower and haa big handful of hair. >> kathleen's chemo stole hair back spotty, she thought she would wear wigs for a a while and then met julie peace through friends, hair stylist at blush salon in good year. >> own yourself, own it. be proud of your hair. >> that is what julie told kathleen, ditch the wig, keep your hair short and gray. >> i will never go back because it gives me the confidence now to talk to people and say it is okay. you can lose your hair. >> it turns out each year julie chemo and charges them nothing. only asking that she help make them whole again. >> this is $500 for you because, me as a cancer patient, you made me feel that i could rock this haircut. >> you do. >> and what? >> and you do. >> i know. you make me do that. so i just thought i would share it because all you ladies in this salon, never laughed when i came in with my wigs. you just made mel really good. >> i am glad. >> paying it forward isn't a one time thing, it can ripple through a community. julie is a perfect example. why did she give free haircuts when she could make money? because someone paid it forward to her. >> i had a special needs son and i get a world of support and love and so it is nice to be able to, you know, make someone else feel good. >> both women couldn't be happier with kathleen's look and the friendship through a simple in good year, ian swartz, cbs5 news. >> they look nice. >> beautiful. >> if you would like to nominate for next week's pay it forward, head to coming up next, the zika virus has met its match. james p. walsh: to keep our community safe - we need a sheriff who will put fighting violent crime ahead of his own political agenda. paul penzone has been a decorated crime-fighter for over 20 years. a police officer, undercover investigator, paul penzone caught murderers, put drug kingpins behind bars, and created award-winning programs that protect our community. paul penzone... it is still a very serious situation and we are not out of the woods. >> that was a warning from south carolina's governor has hurricane matthew matthew hit the state this morning. it is now moved up to north carolina, it has been downgraded to a category 1 with winds gusting about 60 miles an hour. at this hour, there is more than 800,000 homes without power from florida to north carolina. lets take a look at what we have been seeing w over the last 3 hours. you see the center of it, the eye is still well defined right there, but the heavy, heavy rain as the system is moving towards the north-northeast along north carolina and virginia, moving into maryland and the washington dc area right now. the system is going to continue to trek offshore and become a tropical depression before it becomes a tropical low, heading into monday. we are still expecting it, as of winds will be calming down but we will still see a lot of rain in this area and some of it moving up into pennsylvania, new jersey, and new york with that system. here at home, we have been dry most of the day. i know on the west side of town we had a little shower activity early this morning, but this evening we have just been dealing with the fair skies out there and we have kept the moisture to the east and to the north of us over the past couple of hours. still isolated showers in and around globe, superior, east of payson. we are seeing i east of hol brook but still have lightning strikes in and around the show low area. again, as this moves out and into new mexico. flagstaff you are calm, you had showers throughout the afternoon for you. the center of the system is actually just right over us right now. it will continue to move towards the north-northeast on the back side of this. we have a ridge of high pressure that will push in, which means drier, warmer west winds coming our way as we head into tomorrow and into the start of the week. overnight low in phoenix. 59 in sedona, 38 expected for flagstaff. 45 for show low and 50 for prescott. tomorrow's temperature is 76 prescott. 76 for payson, 84 for globe, and 95 expected for us in phoenix. our temperatures are going to stay in those low to mid 90s as we head through the next week. few fair weather clouds will be coming our way but that is it. no storms in the 7-day forecast. temperatures will remain in the 70s through monday night. they will be back in upper 60s >> thank you, ashley. we have all seen the devastation hurricane matthew has brought to the u.s., but its strong presence might help fight the zika virus, initially after a big storm there is decrease in mosquitos because they can get washed away by the heavy rain. the rains can wash larva away from mosquito breeding sites like tires, birdbaths and flower affect on zika, there have been 141 locally transmitted cases in florida since july. some people in a survey were asked, would you rather pick out health insurance? walk across burning coals? or talk to an ex? >> i am with nearly half of all americans who would do something kind of painful over picking out a brand new health plan. in a new survey from affl insurance 3/4 people said reading about too long, complicated, stressful. 90% of us choose the same plan without spending an hour looking at the other options. experts say you should always compare plans side pie side because it could end-- by side because it could end up saving money. >> walking over hot coals burns character, right? good news for anyone worried about the samsung galaxy note 7 phone. >> verizon and sprint announced they will let customers trade in devices for a completely bless you-- maybe walking over hot coals could cure what ails you. a replacement phone caught fire on a southwest flight. samsung launched the phone 2 months ago. a couple weeks later customers started complaining that their phones were catching fire. the maker of epipen agreed to pay $465 million in fines over charging medica f drug. mylan officials say they didn't do anything wrong, the company could be in trouble for raising the price $500 over 7 years. according to a new study, some americans are willing to take up to a 21% pay cut just to work from home. researchers also found about 9% of u.s. workers already have that option. all right, for most of us, it is pretty easy to spot a boss, the glaring, yelling, bad boss by mapping their brain. as derek stall reports, there might be high-tech hope for employees. >> measuring the brain waves. >> at arizona brain core, they do neuro feedback therapy. >> we have patients thahave attention deaf-- that have attention deficit, focus issue, insomnia, anxiety. >> while a patient watches tv, censors measure their brain waves and a computer program basically coaches them o to promote good brain waves or eliminate bad ones. >> when the brain is not in the ranges that we want, then the screen gets darker, the sound goes down, and the patient and the patient's brain learn what you do and don't want them to do. >> neuro feedback has been around for decades and if it can help with sleep or add, one professor wondered, what else? >> leadership is something i have studied many years. hfs research found abusive supervisors have less connectivity in the executive functioning region of the brain. >> impulse control is associated with poor executive functioning in the brain. so it is not too surprising. >> he is in the process of developing a neuro feedback training program to improve a bad boss-brain. but he says it has to carefully. >> potentially i could train people to beni technology is there doesn't mean it will be used for good. >> so far it is only used for good and experts say after 20 or more sessions, the brain can actually remap itself and stay that way. derek stall, cbs5 news. >> high-tech hope for employees. welcoming fall weather with tumpcon. >> 20,000-- pumpkins. >> 20,000 arrived to give away for free at a church in gilbert, and across the valley, kids of all ages are starting to get ready to carve a pumpkin. here at central christian church in gilbert, they are giving them away for free. >> jesus called us to get to know and love neighbors. without knowing names, we can't love them or care for them. for us, we feel called that this is wattee are supposed to-- what we are supposed to do. >> reporter: the church ordered 20,000 pumpkins to give away with the hope those receiving will invite a neighbor decorate, bake, or simply enjoy each ulther at a time when in society, we hardly do that with our neighbors. >> who doesn't want to have a good neighborhood in the community? such a-- you are living there, as people. it is, you know, to know them better than just waving as they pass by. >> emily says the church's call to action with the pumpkin prompted her to reach out to her neighbor. >> actually, in prep for this, i got to meet my neighbor next excuse to break the uncomfortable feeling and get to know her. >> reporter: the pumpkins are free to whoever wants them and will be handed out today and tomorrow. in gilbert, i am carla carla. >> he said his favorite snack is pumpkin seed. i am like really? i will take a twinkie. >> thanks for joining us, see you book here at 10-- back here man: gin. oh, come on. again? hey, i'm that good. you know, i think sam's cheating at cards again. woman: four hands in a row? no one is that good. sam: you don't have to throw the cards. woman: just deal. man: all right. yeah. well, do you think we should tell meredith? nah. (indistinct conversation over speakers) 20 minutes. (divers sighing, groaning) meredith: let's finish this. sam: hey, you want to move five in a row... (conversation distorts, heartbeat thumps) yo, what the hell you doing, man? he-man, you all right? yo! bro... dude. whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! holy... i need to get out of here right now! whoa! come on... de la rosa, stand down. mugford: d! stand down! come on, man! now, wait, now, wait...! mugford: stand down! what did you do to me? what the hell did you do? no... (grunting) (screaming) man (over speaker): oxygen level compromised. captain, control room. we are code five in chamber. code five. atmosphere alert, sir. we are out of bounds. repeat, out of bounds on the po-2. mark... hey! come on. mark: divers, alternate air source. go to the bibs. flushing the chamber in ten, nine, eight, seven, meredith: get on your bibs! six, five, four, three, two, one. what in god's green earth is going on here? it's de la rosa, captain. something's wrong. real wrong. it isn't meant to be. (indistinct communication over radio) things are calming down now, sir. (alarms stop, computer blips) chamber is secure.

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New York , United States , North Carolina , Washington , Florida , California , Virginia , New Mexico , Arizona , Central Christian Church , Tempe , New Jersey , South Carolina , Sedona , Phoenix , Maryland , Pennsylvania , Spain , Americans , Spanish , Carla , Jon Batiste , James P Walsh , Ian Swartz , Matthew ,

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