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This trip back home tough for many. We have more coming up. The latest on that battle for the Supreme Court. Youre looking live right now at the Supreme Court building in washington, d. C. The flag there at halfstaff to honor Justice Antonin Scalia. His body arriving in virginia overnight. Scalia, the longest serving member of the court. Such a powerful impact. The fight over his replacement so much is at stake. Team coverage this morning. Justice scalias final hours at that texas ranch. Jim avila has the latest. Good morning, jim. Reporter good morning, george. This luxury hunting ranch is now virtually empty. The jets have taken off carrying with them the memories of a trip interrupted by the death of its guest of honor. This morning, Justice Antonin Scalias body is heading to rest at the Supreme Court after being flown to Dallas International airport overnight from texas. This as Good Morning America hours from the man who discovered his body behind the drawn curtains of this 500 a night room at a luxury Hunting Lodge in west texas. He was totally peaceful, a man who went to sleep and just didnt wake up. Reporter the judge who loved to hunt was scheduled to shoot birds saturday with an exclusive group of mostly texan couples who flew in by private jets to hunt, dine and hike this 30,000 acre property adjacent to Big Bend National park. Justice scalia was the only famous guest, a friend of a friend. He arrived friday about noon, toured the property, didnt join that days hunt, but did have dinner with the group overlooking the scenic lake. Excusing himself early citing fatigue. At 9 00 he said its been a very long day. Reporter in the morning, he missed breakfast and lunch. The owner knocked loudly, when he entered. Was there any sign of foul play or anything like that. Oh, no, no. Nor the sheets werent even disturbed. The county judge who pronounced him dead over the phone told abc news the scalia family objected to an autopsy. After talking with Sheriff Deputies and u. S. Marshals on the ground, she agreed one was not necessary. They assured me they did not see any signs of foul play. The texas judge says that she talked to scalias doctor who told her he was in poor health. He visited the office twice last week. The judge says shell write on his death certificate, natural causes, heart attack. Justice scalia was the longest serving member of the current Supreme Court with three decades on the bench. His death has huge implications for big cases the court is hearing right now. Terry moran has covered the Supreme Court for us. Reporter Antonin Scalia, rare justices who was the leader of a movement on the court and in the country. But some highlights, no question, the Second Amendment the case that guaranteed the individual right to bear arms. He was part of bush versus gore and in dissent, he did as much really when he was winning. The real question, theyre shorthanded. Huge cases right before the court right now. On Public Sector employees and the mandatory fees they pay right now. Can they get out of that . The conservatives had that one lined up. Liberals will likely win that now. Other cases that president obamas actions on immigration, so controversial likely to come before the court. That and so many others, an abortion case, his voice and his vote, if youre going to be conservative, are going to be very sorely missed. Amy and george. Understandable why that political battle is heating up. The fight to replace judge scalia, its shaping up to be a monumental fight. Both in washington and on the campaign trail. Jon karl is at the white house with that side of the story. Reporter good morning, george, this is a battle thats likely to extend throughout this president ial campaign and into the first months of the next presidency. The battle over replacing Justice Antonin Scalia came fast and furious. Less than an hour after the Supreme Court announced his death on saturday, Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell declared the vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president. Senator marco rubio told george, the senate shouldnt start the process no matter who president obama nominates. Within the last few months of the president s term we shouldnt be appointing Supreme Court justices. Now the president can nominate whoever he wants. The senate shouldnt move forward until after the election. Reporter president obama called scalia a brilliant legal i plan to fulfill my Constitutional Responsibilities to nominate a successor in due time. Reporter theyre vowing to run out the clock until obama leaves the white house. That has democrats up in arms. The kind of obstructionism that Mitch Mcconnells talking about. He doesnt know who the president is going to propose and he says no, were not having hearings. Reporter Supreme Court vacancies during an Election Year are extremely rare. While its still early, the short list of president ial obama nominees. Is forming. It includes merrick garland, a chief judge of the Dc Circuit Court of appeals, a moderate whos won praise from Circuit Court judge jane kelly has won praise from senator grassley. Just so happens to be the republican chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee. And sri srinavasan confirmed as a circuit judge 970 just three years ago. He would be the first justice of asian descent. When the president would make this nomination. But senior white house officials point out in his two previous Supreme Court nominations he took about 30 days. I expect well see a similar timeline here. Okay, jon, thanks very much. Lets talk to senator Lindsey Graham. Hes a member of the judiciary committee. Which would consider a nominee from the president. Senator graham, thanks for joining us this morning. Your leader Mitch Mcconnell said flatly, president obama should not have a chance to fill this vacancy, does that mean the choice wont get a hearing . I dont know how that plays out. Theres two things going on at the same time. Very rare that you get a nomination and a selection in an Election Year. I dont think thats happened very much. But the well has been poisoned by our democratic colleague since 2013, changed the rules to confirm appellate judges and those two things make it highly unlikely that anybody will be confirmed until the next election. You said you could get behind what does that mean . Somebody, i just threw out orrin hatch a republican senator, thats not going to happen. I dont know who he could pick to bring the whole body together. I voted for sotomayor and kagan. Because i thought they were qualified. Heres the Lindsey Graham approach. When an election is over, the president wins, they have a chance to send qualified nominees of their philosophy to the senate and i will vote for them if theyre qualified even if i would not have chose them. This president has abused power. The democratic colleagues that i worked with decided to change the rules in historic fashion to pack the court and that power will have a consequence with me. But two conservatives. If Hillary Clinton wins the white house in 2017 and she sends over a qualified person whos liberal, ill intend to vote for them if theyre qualified. So this election does have consequence. Whats the odds of this vacancy is going to get filled . Very little. Zero . You are also state of South Carolina, a big primary coming up this weekend saturday. Youre behind governor bush, jeb bush and his candidacy. You been leading the charge with him against donald trump. He still has a pretty big lead in your state, can he be stopped in South Carolina . Hes become the Michael Moore candidate of the Republican Party. At the end of the day, i dont know whats going to happen here. Jeb is definitely surging. Donald trump will not win the nomination. If you want to get a replacement for justice scalia, nominate a conservative nominate someone can win. Donald trump cannot get 270 electoral votes. What he said about george w. Bush being a liar and the cause of 9 11 is Michael Moore stuff. I think that will bite him here. The united states. If we nominate donald trump were giving not only the Supreme Court nominations to the democrats but control of the government. You would still support him . I got to really reevaluate after what he said about george w. Bush. The kooky people in the world. The Mainstream Democratic Party opposition of george w. Bush, didnt go where donald trump went. Ill have to think about what it means to have somebody running as the nominee of the Republican Party to accuse the past president of willfully lying about the facts and circumstances of iraq and being responsible for 9 11 thats something that comes from the kook part of america. Were just five days away from South Carolina primary, which could be a critical moment for many of the campaigns and this morning the battle over the Supreme Court is shaping up to be a key issue and abcs tom llamas is here with that. Good morning, tom. Primary, so important for candidates like jeb bush and even senator marco rubio, who need a victory, a boost, anything positive as we get closer and closer to super tuesday and at this weekends debate was any indication what this primary will look like, candidates better be ready to fight. This morning the gop candidates agreeing on one thing. The senate should block any nominee president obama puts forth to replace Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Its called delay, delay, the senate needs to stand strong. Were not going to give up the u. S. Supreme court. Reporter some still recovering from what many are calling the nastiest debate yet. While donald trump was building a reality tv show, my brother was building a Security Apparatus to keep us safe. Im proud of what he did. Your brothers reign. Remember that. Reporter more than once, the crowd booing donald trump saturday night as he and jeb bush locked horns throughout the debate. They lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction. There were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction. Reporter in battle between senators cruz and rubio, started on immigration and ended in a different language. Marco went on univision in spanish and said he would not rescind president obamas illegal amnesty. On his first day in office. First of all, i dont know how he knows what i said on univision because he doesnt speak spanish. And the other point i would make reporter cruz later tangling with trump. In what trumped into a verbal cage match. He supports federal taxpayers funding for planned parenthood. Youre the single biggest liar. Youre probably worst than jeb youre the single biggest liar. Reporter on that point, donald trump up early, tweeting, quote, funny that jeb didnt want help from his family in his failed campaign and didnt even want to use his last name. Then mommy, now brother. A clear shot at the president s appearance with jeb later today. Amy. All right, tom, thank you for that. To reaction from the Democratic Candidates. Hillary clinton and Bernie Sanders voicing outrage at the republicans and backing president obama all the way. Abcs cecilia vega has the latest from miami, florida. Good morning to you. Reporter amy, good morning to you. For Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders this became a fight against republicans in congress and here on the campaign trail. Bernie sanders said even though he disagreed with Antonin Scalia on every issue, it clears the president makes a nomination, the Senate Confirms it. He wants to see this process get under way as soon as possible. And Hillary Clinton. Take a listen. Republicans in the senate and on the campaign trail have already pledged to block any replacement that president obama nominates. Reporter and she says these republicans vowing to block this nomination are dishonoring the constitution, amy. Cecilia, thanks so much. Now to ryan smith with the other headlines starting with a scare on a flight to new york. Good morning, guys. Virgin atlantic flight to new york had to return to london after a laser beam hit one of the pilots in the eye. Police are trying to determine where it came from. Surge of laser attacks recently. A pilots eyesight was damaged when a military strength laser targeted a plane at heathrow. Doctors without borders says a makeshift hospital has been destroyed and russian air strikes leaving dozens of People Killed or wounded. Syria. U. S. Has called on turkey to stop shelling kurdish fighters. And Eliot Spitzer is denying allegations that he assaulted a woman. Sources say 25yearold woman claims that spitzer choked her inside the plaza hotel. They apparently had a romantic relationship before she tried to break it off. No charges have been filed. Spitzer resigned during a prostitution scandal in 2008. Ever think about swimming with the sharks . No . How about this . Maybe you will now. Off the coast of south florida. Tens of thousands of sharks are making their annual migration to warmer waters, these are blacktipped sharks, only about six feet long. Only . Yeah, its nothing. Their teeth are too small to do any real damage to humans. What do you think . They wont do any damage. Whats the definition of real . Just a little nip. No big deal. A thousand nicks. No worries. We move on now to that recordbreaking cold and a tram. Trapped 50 feet above ground. Gio benitez has the latest. There was screaming. Reporter horror and harrowing rescues in new hampshire. There was an 8 monthold baby. Reporter 48 people trapped in subzero temperatures hanged over 40 feet off the ground. Terrified. We knew that there was a problem. For nearly three hours, skiers and sight seers left dangling in the air. Two trams breaking down. Rescuers able to get people to rappel down cables to get down safely. Roads littered with wreckage. In indianapolis, multiple pileups. Leaving at least 10 injured. This morning in pennsylvania, the popular i78 is back open after this massive pileup on saturday. Killing three and sending dozens to the hospital. In philadelphia, a 150 firefighters battling this fire, water meant to put out flames leaving this car completely covered in ice. Wicked cold temperatures breaking a near 60yearold 9 degrees below zero but feeling like negative 36. The freezing temperatures shattering rails and disrupting service for bostonians and just outside Good Morning Americas window, a valentines day tradition i now pronounce you husband and wife. Weddings taking place in times square despite the lowest temperature in 53 years. And back here at the ski lodge, some good news, no reports of frostbite. Everyone seems to be okay. Theres a travel mess across the country right now, were talking about nearly 600 flights canceled. 2,000 delayed. By the way, this spot right here tomorrow, 32 degrees. Compared to this it will feel like summer george. Lets go right to rob for more on that storm. Winter weather advisories and warnings. Snow in d. C. , up to new york just after lunchtime. Snow changing to rain as we go through the day. Shouldnt pile up for the late day hours. The south. You by amazon echo. And coming up on gma Peyton Manning fresh off his super bowl win is facing some pretty startling allegations this morning. Named in a Sexual Harassment lawsuit. Well have all the details next. Then, new developments in the socalled diamond diva case. The aspiring model accused of a string of Jewelry Store robberies. Why she had training and who they think helped her prepare. I accept im not 22. I accept i do a shorter set these days. I even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. But i wont play anything less than my best. So if theres Something Better than warfarin, im going for it. Eliquis. Eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus it had significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. Eliquis had both. Thats what i wanted to hear. Dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. 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I dont want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. Or wonder whether i should seek treatment. I am ready. A revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. Harvoni is proven to cure up to 99 of patients whove had no prior treatment. Its the one and only cure thats one pill, once a day for 12 weeks. Certain patients. Can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. With harvoni, theres no interferon and there are no complex regimens. Tell your doctor if you have other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. Taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. Common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. I am ready to put hep c behind me. I am ready to be cured. Are you ready . Ask your hep c specialist im amanda sanchez. And im dave lawrence. Its 7 26. Quite a site yesterday morning near idlewild park. After a man lost control and drove his suv into the truckee river. He was taken to the hospital with minor injuries. No word yet on what triggered the crash. As Washoe County looks for ways to pay for repairs and construction at Washoe County schools. A proposed sales tax will be on the november ballot. The proposal askes that the sales tax be raised to 8 point 265 percent in Washoe County. Currently our sales tax is 7 point 725 percent. According to the rgj. This would make Washoe Countys sales tax the highest in the state. The increase is expected to raise 781 Million Dollars over the next nine years. The forecast. High pressure near the west coast will keep above average temperatures and generally light winds into tuesday. A fast moving storm will bring a return of wintry conditions wednesday and thursday with gusty winds. Rain. And mountain snow. Short term. Few changes made to through tuesday as the ridge remains near the west coast. Temperatures will remain well above seasonal averages and winds overall will be fairly light aside from some gusty northeast ridge winds this evening. The main focus turns to wednesday and thursday for the next pacific storm. Winds will increase ahead of it with gusty winds possible in the valleys. At this point, with good mixing in the welcome back to gma. Youre looking live at richmond, virginia, where so many are facing a snowy commute this morning as a new winter storm moves across the midwest, headed to the east, a lot of snow, sleet and rain expected. Tough travel ahead. Also right now battle brewing over the Supreme Court to fill Justice Antonin Scalias seat this weekend after he passed away. President obama will name make a nomination. Republicans vow to block it. Also right now, state of hawaii declaring a state of emergency over zika and other mosquitoborne illnesses. Its a preventative measure. And they would like to keep it that way. And also this morning the hottest superstars in music are getting ready for the grammys. Could there be a best new artist curse . Adele said hello to that award, shes an exception. She went on to a huge career. That is not always the case however. The one hit wonders who took home the honor and where are they now . Coming up. Nomination. Wasnt taylor swift best artist . There were some exceptions. One of the biggest stars ever. Were going to begin, though, with new scrutiny for Peyton Manning. Fresh off a super bowl win. Hes named now in a new Sexual Harassment lawsuit against his Alma Mater University of tennessee. Abcs linsey davis is here with the details. Reporter this new lawsuit is giving some old allegations some new life and calling into questions Peyton Mannings squeaky clean image. Question the way its handled reports of sexual assaults against studentathletes. In the case of Peyton Manning, he said he simply mooned a teammate. When she complained to her supervisor, it was dismissed as merely a prank. On the field. Manning hits the pass. Reporter off the field. Im Peyton Manning. Reporter super bowl champ Peyton Manning is known for his goodguy image. But this morning, questions about his college days are challenging that image. Touchdown reporter the allegations resurfaced from a 20yearold incident. On tuesday, six women filed a new lawsuit alleging the university of tennessee violated title ix. By acting with indifference in its response to incidents with sexual assault. Especially with respect to major sports athletes, among those major athletes mentioned, Peyton Manning. One of the incidents described in the suit involves highlyregarded trainer jamie naughright. Assault Crisis Center at the university of tennessee for allegedly placed his bear bottom on her while she examined his foot in 2006. Christine brennan wrote about the allegations at the time. Even if its 20 years old, even if he was in college, i think it resonates in large part because of the image he has created for himself. Reporter according to Court Records manning denied assaulting naughright. She included the allegations in a sexual lawsuit against the school eventually settling with them and agreeing to leave her job. Back in 2001, the incident surfaced again. This time, from mannings point of view in his book manning. A father, his sons and a football legacy. Manning described the incident as a crude, but harmless locker room exchange. Naughright simply catching him mooning a fellow teammate. The books account suggests she was eager to sue the school and described her as a vulgar mouth. Naughright seen in this video manning and his father archie ghost writer John Underwood and harper collins. Claimed the characterizations in the book claimed her to lose her job at florida southern college. We reached out to Peyton Manning and university of tennessee, but did not hear back. This has been around for a long time. But hasnt gotten the traction for whatever reason. Okay, thanks, linsey. Now to new developments in that massive jewelry crime spree bust. A young woman caught on camera swiping millions of dollars in jewels. May have had help from a pair of brothers. Who may have trained her to be a part of their crime team. Abcs reena ninan has more. Reporter that training included maneuvering a handgun, and zip tying workers. Speaking with code words and whats the old saying . Bring in a woman. This job can now mean a lot of jail time. This highstakes crime spree thats earned this aspiring model fame. If not fortune. This newly released Court Documents according the fbi investigators the woman allegedly seen in these Surveillance Video one of four bling ban dits accused of swiping 4 million worth of precious stones. From at least six Stores Across 5 southern states. They were tied up. I went to them and starting removing the ties from them. Reporter the alleged master minds behind these heists brothers, larry and Michael Gilmore arrested and hauled into federal court friday. Accusing the duo along with lewis jones iii training this alleged young female protege in this shop. According to the fbi they reviewed layouts of targeted shops, taught her the proper way the employees with zip ties and cluing her in on code words. Their allege strategy, split into pairs with the gilmore brothers acting as her lookouts outside. The documents claiming in this case, the cell phone pings were the dead giveaway. Law enforcement has the ability to look at what cell phones were pinging in proximity of each robbery. They pled not guilty. All four suspects now facing up to 20 years in jail. This was an elaborate operation. In 100 bills after the all behind bars now. Reena, thank you so much. Coming up next here, a terrifying ice rescue caught on camera as so many face a new winter storm. What to do if you get stuck in the ice. To do if you get stuck in the ice. My doctor said joint pain from ra can be a sign of existing joint damage that could only get worse. He prescribed enbrel to help relieve pain and help stop further damage. Enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. Serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and Blood Disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. Tell your doctor if youve been someplace where fungal infections are common, or if youre prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. Dont start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. Joint pain and damage. Can go side by side. Ask how enbrel can help relieve joint pain and help stop joint damage. 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The whole team is in charge of rescuing me. Pretty serious operation. The Indiana State Police and Fire Department giving me a lifesaving demonstration. But first, the checkup. Open your mouth up. Side to side. Bite down. Hes good to go. Good to freeze. Reporter my teacher dr. Gordon, aka dr. Popsicle, the expert on hypothermia. And ice rescues. It would take a half hour before he became hypothermic. Good information. But some consolation on a balmy 15degree day. Gordon said the first thing to know when you hit the water is that you have time. Then get control of your breathing and dont panic. Two words kick and pull. Kick and pull. Try and pull yourself along the ice. Reporter like swimming on top of the ice. With no special wet or dry suits, i take the plunge. Just walking along and mindnumbing cold. Okay. But i acclimate, i adjust my breathing and remember my instructions. I kick and pull my way to but as this thermal imagery camera shows, my extremities were blue and cold. Just from the original exposure to the freezing water. My core is fine. Im not hypothermic. But no warmth for the weary. Oh, yes. I love it. This is like getting in an ice tub. Yep, back in the water, this time, i was given a nifty tool to help extracting myself easier. These are called ice picks. Most people who go ice fishing have these around your neck. Okay. Reporter easier indeed. Same rules apply kick and pull. For Good Morning America, matt gutman, abc news, los angeles. Ooh, matt gutman. The fact you have 30 minutes is incredible so you dont panic. Important advice. Hopefully having those things. Thanks, matt. Thank you so much. Grammys tonight. So many superstars going head to head on stage. One grammy award more of a curse than a blessing . And Sports Illustrated cover making history. The model whos breaking living with chronic migraine feels like each day is a game of chance. I wanted to put the odds in my favor. So my doctor told me about botox , an fdaapproved reduces headache days for adults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more. Its shown to prevent headaches and migraines before they start. And its injected by my doctor once every 12 weeks. Effects of botox may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. Alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a lifethreatening condition. Side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue and headache. Dont take botox if theres a skin infection. Tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. Put the odds on your side. Visit botoxchronicmigraine. Com to learn how to save on your treatment. Were back now with the excitement for the grammys. Youre hearing cant feel my face by the weekend. The artists up for multiple awards tonight. All eyes are on the superstars getting ready to take the stage, but theres one category that could be a blessing or a curse. Its best new artist and jesse is here with more on that. Jesse, explain. Reporter thats right, amy. Nominees for best new artist are james bay, meghann trainor, sam hunt. Winning any kind of grammy is an honor. But winning this award doesnt always guarantee fame and fortune. Land down under you may still remember the baby reporter but chances are, everyday people reporter thats because the best new artist of the grammy category hasnt always been the most reliable predictable of musical longevity. I dont want to wait for our lives to be over in 2011 jazz singer she beat out a 17yearold upstart. Baby, baby, baby who better belieb became a monster star what do you mean you light up my Life Reporter debbie moon may have lit up our lives in 1978 but foreigner the little band she beat i want to know where love is reporter wound up selling 80 cold as ice reporter and of course, theres one infamous winner who didnt sing their own songs. Thank you very much. Thank you. Reporter perhaps the star vocal band summed it best. Afternoon delight reporter four years after Winning Best New artist award, they broke up. Saying winning the grammy was the kiss of death. But theres some good news for this years nominees. There also have some incredible winners in recent years. Like, john legend, mariah carey, alicia keys, Amy Winehouse and adele. Its not like the winner has to quit their day job. I think most artists will take it. Just back it up exactly, more pressure with the next big hits. Milli vanilli had a string of i thought they were going to be awesome. I will admit that. I predicted a big thing there. More from jesse when we come back. N we come back. Me. See meme dont stare at me. See me. See me. See me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. Im not contagious. See me to know that i wont stop. Until i find what works. Discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75 skin clearance at 3 months. While the majority saw 90 clearance. Do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. Before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. Such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. If you have crohns disease, tell your doctor as symptoms can worsen. See me. See me. See me on my way. Find clear skin and a clearer path forward. For a different kind of medicine, ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. Its not a quick fix. Its my decision to make beauty last. Roc retinol started visibly reducing my fine lines and wrinkles in one week. And the longer i use it the better it works. Retinol correxion from roc. Chobani simply 100. Its the only light greek yogurt with zero preservatives. Welcome back to Good Morning America president president s weekend. Lot of pile in colorado. A fresh foot of fresh to enjoy there. Meanwhile out west, further west, were looking at rain, 6,000 feet. Some flooding potentially across parts of washington and the rains will get down to san francisco, meanwhile, it will be this weather brought to you by hilton. Next. Good morning america is brought to you by weather tech. The ultimate American Made vehicle protection. Im amanda sanchez. Im dave lawrence. Its 7 56. Sparks police are looking for answers in a deadly shooting. They tell us around 11 oclock friday night they found a man down at the 7eleven on pyramid near victorian avenue. The man was pronounced dead at the hospital. Where it was also discovered the man had been shot. No information about the victim is being released at this time. If you have any information call the Sparks Police department or secret witness at 3224900. A pilot and passenger suffered only minor injuries in a Helicopter Crash over the weekend near the runway at the sheriff ken furlong says the chopper crashed during take off right after its engine apparently failed. The pilot and a passenger were taken to renown with minor injuries. The airport was shut down for about an hour. The faa is investigating. An oregon man remains in the hospital after getting stranded for a week on a gravel highway outside gerlach. 69year old Philip Besanson was driving from arizona back to eugene, oregon when he says he got lost in the desert and his pickup truck broke down. The Washoe County Sheriffs Office says he drank melted snow and rationed a small supply of canned food for 7 days. He was rescued after two deputies checking Road Conditions spotted besansons truck. Joining me now is Lindsey Matherly with a look at the forecast. High pressure near the west coast will keep above average temperatures and generally light winds into tuesday. A fast moving storm will bring a return of wintry conditions wednesday and thursday with mountain snow. Short term. Few changes made to through tuesday as the ridge remains near the west coast. Temperatures will remain well above seasonal averages and winds overall will be fairly light aside from some gusty northeast ridge winds this evening. The main focus turns to wednesday and thursday for the next i was walking home. Just picked us up two breakfast croissants for four bucks, when this bear attacked. With one swipe, it devoured one of theroissants. Then jack showed up and took care of the beast, so i could escape. And thats what happened to your breakfast croissant. And yours . It survived. Share it with yourself. Freshlycracked egg with ham and bacon,or sausage, good morning, america. Good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. And we have a severe winter storm warning. Millions of americans hit with snow, sleet and rain after a weekend of recordbreaking arctic cold. An exclusive interview with sue klebold. Diane sawyer asked the mom of one of the columbine shooters about the serious signs she might have missed. Would you ransack his room now . What every parent should consider. And Sports Illustrated breaking barriers, Ashley Graham and Rhonda Rousey rocking the cover. How theyre changing the game go big or go home oneonone with nba superstar stephen curry. Fresh off his off star weekend as we say good morning, america. And happy president s day to everyone outside. Look whats there thats the batmobile right here in the heart of gotham. Youre going to see it in batman versus superman its coming out first. We have a special announcement coming up. All right, looking forward to that. Also this morning were kicking off a very special edition of our girl power series. All about teens, making a huge difference in the world right now. This morning, well meet an inspiring teen whos breaking down stereotypes of muslim women and girls. She asks nonmuslims to wear the head scarf for one day. Hopefully, enlightening. Yeah, absolutely. Also as we count down to the oscars, we have all of the big moments from last nights bafta awards in london. Give you some clues about who will get the oscars. The stars got into the valentines day spirit, though, with a kiss cam there. Thats leo dicaprio, right . I think so. And the lucky girl. Ryan smith with the morning rundown. Good morning, guys. We begin with major travel delays as a winter storm moves from the midwest into the midatlantic, snow is mixing with sleet and freezing rain from ohio to the east coast after some of the coldest weather in decades. Abcs gio benitez is in new hampshire. Gio, good morning. Reporter ryan, good morning to you. This is the kind of dangerous cold that could cause frostbite. Were talking about subzero temperatures. The good news is, a storm is on the way, which will make this area warmer. 32 degrees instead of the subzero temps. Lets take a look at some video now, because this is the same area where 48 skiers and sightseers were stuck on a tram. It took a few hours, but this morning. The coming storm impacting the midwest and midatlantic. Hundreds of flights, nearly 600 have already been canceled from chicago to north carolina, to d. C. , today. And in indiana, alone, hundreds of crashes on the highways because of snow. In philly, the bitter cold, freezing water needed to fight this fire, leaving a neighborhood frozen. You can see that car right there. But some relief is ahead. Ryan. Thank you, gio. And turning now to the fierce political battle triggered by the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. His body arrived in virginia this morning two days after he died in his sleep at a texas ranch. The absence of the staunch conservative could tilt the balance of the high court. President obama says that he intends to nominate a replacement soon. But Senate Republicans insists that decision should be up to the next president. Theyre vowing to block any nominee from president obama. A new poll finds donald trump leading in South Carolina with a commanding 42 of the trumps closest rival ted cruz has less half that. And far behind with only 6 is jeb bush. Whose brother former president george w. Bush will campaign with him today. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton was supposed to be in florida today, instead shes staying in nevada to campaign against a surging Bernie Sanders. Clinton and sander attended the same church on sunday reaching out to minority voters. And overseas this morning, Doctors Without Borders says one of its hospitals has been bombed in an russian air strike in syria. Group says the attack appears to be deliberate. At least ten people were killed. A record drug bust this morning. Authorities in australia seized 1 billion in liquid meth that was hidden inside gel bra inserts. Four people are under arrest. Sobering news about a close friend of this program. Bestselling author pat conroy. He wrote the prince of tides and ten other books. Hes been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. With the same courage that served him so well in his writing career. Our best wishes to him. Finally, we have an update on the man who didnt show up to work for six years and still got paid. I want that job. The man worked here in spain overseeing a waste treatment facility. Now, no one noticed he hadnt shown up, until he tried to give him an award for his service. He had been fined 30,000 but hes fighting the fine saying there was no work to do. The bottom line in all of this is that he has denied the allegations that hes at this job, he didnt show up. He says, yeah, i didnt show up, there wasnt any work to do. Thats the bottom line. I didnt have anything to do. Hes the head of the Waste Management facility. Why should i come . Theres nothing to do here. Apparently, no one noticed. Exactly. He did a good job. No problems. Well see how that goes. Lets go over to lara. Thank you, george. Heres whats coming up on good exclusive interview with one of the columbine shooters mothers. Missed and consider. Another big headline. Sports illustrateds cover making history this morning and scoring big for body diversity. Plus, the batmobile is with us. It could be you. And a special announcement coming up live right here on here in times square. Good morning americas morning menu is brought to you by advil. Fast, powerful and proven relief that makes pain a distant memory. Let the moment stop you. Not the miles. The Jeep Grand Cherokee with a 730mile range. So my kids dont have to forage, got two jobs to pay a mortgage, and ive also got a brain. Lifes short, talk is cheap. Ill be working while you sleep. Still dont think ive got a brain . You think a resumes enough . Wholl step up when things get tough . Dont you want that kind of brain . A degree is a degree. But only if you have a brain. Announcement this storm promises to be the biggest of the decade. With total accumulation of up to three feet. Roads will be shut down indefinitely. And schools are closed. Campbells soups go great with a cold and a nice red. Made for real, real life. Enamel is your teeths first line of defense. But daily eating and drinking can make it weak. Try colgate enamel health. It replenishes weak spots with natural calcium to strengthen enamel four times better. Colgate enamel health. Stronger, healthy enamel. Make delicious recipes that are lighter in calories and added sugar when you use splenda no calorie sweetener. Think sugar, with my moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, the possibility of a flare was almost always on my mind. Thinking about what to avoid, where to go. And how to deal with my uc. To me, that was normal. Until i talked to my doctor. She told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications havent worked well enough. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Raise your expectations. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, control is possible. Im there for bessie. Im there for ray. Ted loved baseball. Dr. Phil likes to watch football. Renne, who wants sloppy joe on the menu every day. Rosies my best friend. Evelyn likes to dance. Harriett wants her fried shrimp as well. Alice anne likes Vanilla Ice Cream with chocolate syrup and rainbow sprinkles. They give me so much back. I cant even imagine how i could possibly give them what they give me. Welcome back to Good Morning America. Now to more of Diane Sawyers exclusive interview with sue klebold, the mother of dylan massacre. Now 17 years later sue is sharing her story in the new memoir and speaking out about the serious signs she may have missed. Sometimes he would seem distant or quiet and i remember asking him, are you okay . Are you sure youre okay . He seemed so tired. He would stand up and say, ive got a lot of home work. I need to go to bed. And id let it go. Id let it go. Thats the difference. I would dig, if it were me today, i would dig and dig and dig. Were you distracted . Well, of course, because were human. I mean, we all have things that distract us. You cant say i was too busy to notice that my son was falling apart. Could you have prevented what what happened at columbine . If i had recognized that dylan was experiencing some real mental distress, he would not have been there. He would have gotten help. I dont mean to imply that im not conscious of the fact that because i am. A year and a half before the columbine massacre, her son is a junior. A series of troubling events. He hacked into the schools Computer System with some friends. Theyre all suspended for three days. He scratches an epitaph of the locker of a kid he thinks is taunting him. Then the big shock, he and other kid break into a van, steal electronic equipment and police make an arrest. This is a felony. Two felonies. It was terrible. I know, absolutely. It was awful. At the time i thought that was the worst thing i could possibly experience. The Court Sentenced the boys with leniency. A year of counseling and community service. A mother worries about her withdrawn son but allows herself to be reassured when hes released early from community service. With a glowing assessment of his bright future. Hes a good kid, you dont need to worry about dylan. Reporter she looked through his room during his junior year. But by his senior year, she decided to respect his privacy with distance and regret. Decision was. Would you ransack his room now . I would, i would do as if his very life was depending on it. And i would do it with love. We want to know while preparing this report, abc news did Extensive Research and consulted various Law Enforcement experts and reached out to victims to hear more from them. Joining us now is director of the Forensic Science department at george mason university, mary ellen otoole. We now know some red flags were raised. There were some parents that alerted police about erics website. Today, can we Better Connect those dots . We can Better Connect them today, certainly, but back then, we didnt know what those individual puzzle pieces meant. But today, we can pull them all together and give them a lot i know that, looking back at dylans journal it was pretty clear after the fact that he was suicidal, but how does one go from suicidal to homicidal . What are the warning signs . Its important to understand what leakage is, its forecasting what someone wants to do. And in this case, he was suicidal. He saw suicide as a way to get out of his hopelessness. Homicide is a way to get revenge towards people that you blame for your life. And he was considering both. Theyre both along the same dimensional scale. Its not that much of a transition for him. After the fact, looking at those journals there were so many warnings signs, journals that we just heard from dylans mother, she did not read because she wanted to respect her sons privacy. What is your recommendation to parents who may have concerns . Is it okay as we heard her saying now she would ran sack his room with love . The family has to understand what their culture is. Rules the roost, whos in charge of that family . Despite who pays the mortgage, families want to be aware of not just the privacy but does it slide into secrecy, and is it supported by Behavioral Changes . Not talking to the family, becoming very distant. Showing physical changes. Not caring about their hygiene. So, you look at it, is it secret and what the behaviors that support the fact that this person has not i know mary ellen, you wrote the manual on how to prevent School Shootings like we saw in columbine. At least 79 attacks have been thwarted since that day. What are the most important things Everyone Needs to know . They just need to know what theyre looking for. We are asking people dont vet these signs. If you see something you need to call a professional and dont try to interpret yourself and i will also say this, its a gutwrenching experience to pick up the phone and have to call life and the lives of many other people. It has to be done. Yeah. Parents, friends, teachers, community members. Cafeteria people. Bus droifrs. Roommates. These warning signs arent limited to one group of people. This is lifesaving information. Mary ellen, thank you so much for joining us. We appreciate your time this morning. Youre welcome. And if youre concerned about a child in your life, you can go to our website on yahoo for a full Mental Health resource for you. Lara, over to you. Thank you, amy. Now to those Sports Illustrated covers. Reflecting a shift in how we define beauty. This years swimsuit issue is breaking stereotypes featuring size 16 model Ashley Graham on its cover. Rebecca jarvis has the details. We can know reveal the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue 2016 cover. Not two, but three cover models. Im so im shaking. Im so honored. Reporter thats right. Sports illustrated revealing ufc fighter ronda rousey, Ashley Graham and model hailey lawson. As part of their 2016 revealed tv special. In a letter assistant managing editor posted on si. Com writes, what defines beauty today . The truth is, times have changed and one size does not fit all. Our position on beauty is wellknown healthy, curvy vivacious and bold. Its not al a size. The three cover models demonstrate that. Africanamerican model tyra banks breaking barriers gracing Sports Illustrated covers in 1996 and 1997. The cover stars taking to instagram to share the news. Ronda rousey writing such an honor to share the cover types. And Ashley Graham, making history as the first size 16 model to be featured, writing, truly speechless. This cover is for every woman who felt like she wasnt beautiful enough because of her size. You can do and achieve anything you put your mind to. Beautybeyondsize. Three different types of women representing every woman out there. Reporter for Good Morning America, rebecca jarvis, abc news, new york. They are indeed rocking it. Joining me now is supermodel emme, who broke the ground. As a plussize model and now an advocate for positive body image. I would say we have it here in a big way. Its so exciting. It really is a moment in history. We have seen plussize models in the pages, but to put ashley on the cover, what does that say to little girls, to everybody . Its a very, very big stake point in history that were going to roll forward in a more positive, more inclusive way of how we see women. Images of beauty. I think its going on reverberate across the industry whether its fashion, toys, magazines. Its really wonderful. Its not a trend. Please tell me its not a trend. I mean, were seeing also, playboy is perceiving women in a very different way. Sports illustrated has done it. Were talking about it in a huge way. Ashley, i dont think she gets a day off, shes working so much. Yes, yes. Theres a whole line of beautiful young ladies right behind ashley not going to make this a trend. Theyre all going to be a part of this beautiful momentum rolling forward for women and girls and quite frankly the men that love them. Yes. Men love all different kinds of women. Beauty comes in all kind of packages. Yes, its great. Its a wonderful time in time. You were one of the first speaking out about this. Do you see more barriers that need to be broken . What would you like to see happen next . Id like to see the toy industry continue to roll forwararlike mattel has done with its new fashionista line. Curvy dolls within their barbie line. Which is awesome. I would like to see that cross all different it starts there, it starts very young where we imprint our kids with what yes, i think it starts very young, and i think it starts within the families, the mothers feeling better about themselves. And i think that the conversations around the kitchen tables are really, really important for girls to not hear that only one ideal of beauty is the one thats accepted. So, going forward, it would be nice to see a little bit more on the age, having models in different age brackets. To break that barrier down. Right now, were happy with having the diversity of body shapes and beauty out there. Its really quite lovely. We want to say and all of the girls. Congratulations, you guys, you did a great job. And thank you for getting up early for us today. My pleasure, lara. Now outside to rob. Lara, what a great crowd out here on this president s day. Louisiana, they came across the river from jersey. Arkansas, and georgia. How can i forget . Bundled up, it is chilly. Severe weather across the south, because this energy is going to go across louisiana, biloxi and through mobile and panama city. The threat for Severe Weather does exist. Freezing rain near the appalachian states. Changing to rain on the eastern shore. Angeles. I think you were i think i was, too. Youre on now. Lara, back to you. We begin with couples, singles all fell in love with the same person this valentines day. That would be Ryan Reynolds, the true sweetheart of the box office over the weekend. Starring in the rrated superhero flick deadpool. The antihero comedy shattering multiple records, scoring the biggest february opening ever. Bringing in 135 million. The movie also the biggest rrated opening of alltime. Obsessed with saving his girlfriend. Exacting revenge on those who left him disfigured after a medical treatment. The blockbuster already has a sequel in the works, Ryan Reynolds a dead certainty to be back with more cheeky mayhem. And he fought very, very hard for years to keep this movie as it was. He said that it needed to stay rrated. Its not about curse words, but its about the character. And it was a bet that paid off. And a low budget movie. 58 million is low budget. Making tons of their money back. Nowadays. Also in pop news this morning, whether close talker or double dipper, we have the perfect gift to give any super seinfeld fan. Jerry selling his 18 of his classic porsches for 18 million, you can buy them in a big lump or individually. A speedster or a 73 spider. That one is expected to fetch 7 million alone. Jerry said hes never bought a porsche as an investment. Adding quote, i still love these cars but its time to send some of them back in the world for someone to enjoy. Dont worry, jerrys not going to be biking it. He owns a dozen more of those. If youre interested in one, they go on the clock, auction on march 8th. You could be driving one soon. How big is his garage . Im just curious. Doesnt he own a building . Why isnt he selling those cars . Makes you wonder, does he know something that you dont. You think theyre lemons . Im just sayin, jerry, theres something going on. Lara, you would look spectacular in one of them. Thank you. You guys know ali played her on seinfeld. Now valentines day was yesterday. Ali also in pop news, this is a strange one. The next time you go to Grocery Store to grab eggs and milk, why not grab a tattoo, too . Whole foods is considering installing Tattoo Parlors. The new 365 stores, the Grocery Store is considering partnering with freestanding businesses that will sell records, body care services, its part of a plan to attract the younger buyers. The millennials if you will. What is this you speak of . No final decision has been made on the Tattoo Parlor within the hallowed halls of organic produce. The first 365 store opens up in may in silver lake, los angeles. Seems like a great place to try it. Random. I dont know if i want a tattoo yeah, exactly. Fresh organic produce section beautiful monday. Thank you. Youre welcome. Lot of food for thought right there. Whats coming up . Lets see whats coming up. The biggest moments of the bafta take a look at the kiss cam. Good morning. Im amanda sanchez. Im dave lawrence. Its 8 27. Democratic president ial candidate Hillary Clinton wraps up her visit to the silver state with three appearances today in northern nevada. Her first stop is at Adobe Middle School in elko at 10 oclock. She then heads to reno for a Womens Health meeting at unr at 12 15. The other rally will be at tmcc from 230 to 4. For clintons events today just go to kolo tv dot com. It is a big week here in nevada for the 2016 president ial race as candidates prepare for the upcoming caucuses. The Democratic Candidates though seem to be facing an uphill battle when trying to contact voters in the silver state. Part of the problem. A lot of the critical voter data is out of date. Mainly due to the fact that nevada was one of the hardest hit states during the recession. Leading to lots of foreclosed homes. Lindsey matherly with a look at the forecast. High pressure near the west coast will keep above average temperatures and generally light winds into tuesday. A fast moving storm will bring a return of wintry conditions wednesday and thursday with gusty winds. Rain. And mountain snow. Short term. Through tuesday as the ridge remains near the west coast. Temperatures will first, we dared to take you into the fire. Oh, my gosh. You can see it. Then, into the ice. Now, amy journeys across the planet taking you into africas garden of eden, for the first time ever, a 360degree Virtual Reality camera, live on safari putting you face to face with inches the most fierce, exotic animals on earth. Right in the midst of the great migration. Next tuesday, Good Morning America on safari live. Presented by samsung. Thats right. Welcome back to Good Morning America. Her khaki vest. Shes all packed. This is amazing. Were about to go on safari. The cool thing is, were taking you with us and not just because its beautiful but also to highlight the danger of so many amazing animals, were talking elephants, rhinos and giraffes, theyre all facing an unprecedented risk of poaching. Very important story were sharing with you. Im so glad youre doing that. Thats a cause thats near and dear to so many peoples hearts. Youre going to show us the incredible beauty there. This is called africas garden of eden. Amy, do you have any idea of what we can expect . We know were going to this massive crate. Its a very special stop on the great migration, thats the annual migration where more than 2 million animals are on the move in pursuit of water and were going to take you there with us. And a pretty good resort, too. Yes. We have to stay somewhere. Lets migrate there. You heard it live. Now, amy, drink with a little the microphone is in your other hand. When you can combine work and play, its a winwin. Fresh off the trip of your trip to iceland with drones. The you new technology. It doesnt look that hightech. Well explain this. Well have network tvs firstever live 360degree Virtual Reality camera with us. Take your own look on your smartphone and computer. When you one of these things, its made of cardboard. You put your smartphone right here. When your smartphone moves, the camera moves with it. Youll be able to see live where you want to look and youll be there with us. Im so excited. So, you have control of what you see as a viewer. Exactly. Just go to our website goodmorningamerica. Com. Well send you one of these. Join us on tuesday. Its really cool. First time this has ever happened. Did you get all of your shots . I got my shots and malaria pills. From there you go to the oscars. Yes. So you wont be tired at all. Switching gears to that, last night was one of first steps in the journey, the baftas, the stars were all there. The last big awards show before the big one, the oscars in two weeks. Leonardo dicaprio and maggie smith caught kissing. I love that there was a kiss cam. Not the only highlight of the night, lama hasan has the details. Reporter here we are at the baftas. The red carpet is ready. The fans are in place. Its going to be a big night. And the bafta goes to the revenant. And the bafta for leading actor goes to leonardo reporter the revenant winning three majors awards. Best actor, best director and best picture. Leo even getting praise from his fellow actors. I think hes a genius. Reporter edging out matt damon, making leo the favorite to win his first oscar after six nominations. Thank you, bafta, im absolutely humbled and im absolutely honored by this award tonight. I didnt grow up in a life of privilege, i grew up in a very rough neighborhood in East Los Angeles and this woman drove me three hours a day to different school, mom, happy birthday. I love you very much. Reporter kate winslet contender in a neck and neck race for best supporting actress. Im just happy to be here. Reporter youre tipped to win . Am i really . Yes. Dont tell me that. Reporter but tonight was kates night. And the bafta goes to thank you, bafta, so much. My wonderful husband ned who gave his seat to my mom. Reporter brie larson unable to attend winning for best actress in room, making her an almost shooin for the oscar. Hollywood coming to the last oscars. This is my first bafta. It feels really good. I was unable to come. Its amazing. Its incredible. So sweet. Reporter for Good Morning America, lama hasan, abc news, london. There you go. Touching speeches. Really beautiful. Im just so excited about the oscars. What you see there is a big indicator. I dont know, i think leo . Yes. Its his year. Its his year. What about best movie . I love spotlight. I loved the revenant. I dont know if it will go. Lots of great movies out there. Well move now on to steph curry, dominated at the allstar game this weekend. Hes become a dubsmashing star. Were going to show him there with his wife and even Michelle Obama did a little bit of a cameo. Funny. There she is right there. Jesse palmer you had time for a little oneonone time. Yes. Steph curry, despite his popularity, hes surprisingly a normal guy, a loving husband and a devoted father. Steph curry, dominating the nba Allstar Court sunday night. The sharpshooting point guard bringing home the victory for team west. Do you think youre the best player in the west . Yes. Thats my mentality, my focus. Reporter now with curry at the helm the Golden State Warriors are on track to break the nba record for regularseason wins. 956 record set by michael i dont know how many times youre going to be able to be in position to chase an historic record like that and be a Team Everybody remembers. Well go after it. Reporter but the 27yearold is not the only one making headlines. His daughter riley, an overnight internet sensation, stealing her dads thunder in his Postgame Press conferences. Whats she like when you guys are at home . Shes exactly that. She has so much personality. Shes full of energy. Reporter what is it going to be like the first time a boy comes to the curry household . I dont know if im ready for that yet. Well do the background checks and the stern presence. Reporter while his wife is the one with culinary chops and food blog, they dont call him chef curry for nothing. I only have one meal. Five ingredients, 15 minutes, i keep it simple. Knock it out. Then, youll have that tomorrow, the next day, the next day, the next day. Reporter off the court, youll find them rubbing shoulders with the obamas. The first lady posting this wildly viral dubsmash with the couple on friday. Curry even playing a round of golf with the president. Curry admits one thing that throws him off his game. A little intimidating was the secret service. We lost the match. I blamed it on the secret service. Hes used to that environment. And im not. We need a rematch and call it square. Fans love steph curry and hes may be the most relatable superstar in the nba. Because hes not the tallest player in the game, cant jump the highest, hes a great shooter. Thats something everyone around the world can do. Hes extremely down to earth, guys. Hes not relatable at all. No one can play no, you can try and shoot like steph curry. Youre not going to drop them like steph curry can. He does inspire you to try. Sure does. Yeah, he sure seems it. And a popcorn connoisseur. He ranks the popcorn at every arena around the country. Wow, theres a story. Theres a pop news investigation. Lets go outside to rob. Butter, salt. No salt. Got a new movie coming out batman versus superman. All right, look, today im going to be a batman fan. Were getting into this bad boy a little bit. Its also president s day. Lets break out the president s forecast. Theres d. C. , snow happening. Your president s cities across the country. Theres washington, of course, 33 degrees with snow changing to some snow rolling in h this feels good. This Weather Report is brought to you by Jeep Grand Cherokee. Were in the batmobile. Weve been showing you this bad boy all morning long. In honor of the upcoming movie, were looking for a superhero of our own. Yeah, if theres someone in your life that inspires you, impresses you, considered a reallife superhero, we want to hear about them. Its called Good Morning Americas reallife superhero contest. Submit it on our website and you and your hero could receive a of batman versus superman dawn of justice on march 20th. Entries must be received by march 2nd. All right, george, come on out and lets ride this guy. We want to hear about your heroes. I feel kind of left out. Shes going to africa. Hes in the batmobile. Were all hanging out in here. Youre hanging out with steph curry. Okay. Lets go to commercial, george. Okay, we are. Girls. Were back now with Good Morning Americas girl power series, and our first installment with our friends at seventeen magazine this week. Were introducing you to the founder of hijab project. Shes just an 18yearold freshman at Brown University. But amara majeed is already making history. Only student at Brown University wearing a head scarf. Reporter born in the u. S. To sri lankan immigrants. American fighting to break down the stigma surrounding the head scarf with the hijab project. Why did you start it. I wanted to encourage women and girls to try on the head scarf for a day. And share experiences on my site. What has surprised me the most is the wide range of women have tried it and how far its taken off. Is the biggest misconception of women who wear the head scarf . Probably that we lack intellect. They see me as this wasnt my choice. That my parents forced it on me. Reporter and it was at 14 years old that she chose to wear the hijab, but never expecting it would change the way shes perceived. I get a lot of hate. People telling me youre a terrorist. Reporter do you feel safe walking down an american street with your head scarf . No. Walking in the streets at night. If im wearing a jacket, i just put the hood on to cover up the hijab. Reporter and thats her mission, to eradicate the stereotypes of muslim women and girls. And fight against islamophobia. She even penned an open letter to donald trump that went viral over his controversial comments. Calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states. Reporter why did you write the letter . In this Political Climate i felt like i needed a way to express kind of what i was feeling as a Muslim American and to tell donald trump that his comments are harmful to the muslim community. Reporter because of that passion to change the world, she earned a spot on seventeen magazines teen power list. But beneath all her accomplishments shes still a im a huge swifty. I love taylor swift and im a huge gossip girl fan. Xoxo. Yes, gossip girl. What do the words girl power mean to you . I think that girl power is essentially showing the world that we females can be powerful not despite but because of our gender. Shes so special. We got to talk to some of her friends who got to wear the hijab. They said its eyeopening. Seventeen magazine is on newsstands now. Coming up with oneonone star how to be single star but first we have a unique at marvel. Maybe we created him. All of us. Theres no connection. We never stopped to think that dare devils could open the door for men like this. Why are you doing this . Because youre one bad day away from being me. Away from being me. Back now with the romantic comedy so many enjoyed this valentines day weekend, its called how to be single. And star alison brie plays a woman whos looking for love in all of the wrong places. Abcs sara haines got to go oneonone with her. Reporter she may be best known to audiences as trudy from mad men. Were done, peter. This is over. Reporter and annie from community. Reporter but in the new romantic comedy how to be single, brie plays a new york city woman whos dating with the sole focus of finding a husband and fast. Im on ten different dating websites to increase my odds. Reporter your character is very organized and driven. Yes. Reporter and i have read that many of your characters have been inspired by your older sister . Yes, my older and only sister inspires a lot of characters. Shes type a, she really gets stuff done. Im like the flighty actress sister. Shes been a great inspiration to me. Definitely for this movie. Reporter now speaking of mad men, were all sad thats its over. In the finale you and peter jet off as a jetsetting family, do you think they live happily ever after . Absolutely. Good, i needed to hear that. In the movie the bartender is kind of your wingman. Yes. Life would be your ideal real reallife wingman . Rebel. Shes great. I feel like, you know, shes like shes so funny, she really keeps the party going. She knows when to cut out of there and leave you alone with the guy. Let me teach you how to be single. Go get us some drinks. No, you dont buy the drinks, boys buy the drinks. Well, thank you so much for taking the time to sit down with us. Absolutely. I love the movie. Im going to see it again. Yes, everybody should see it twice. Thats telling you. Its a quotable one. I love watching romcoms over and over again. Reporter for Good Morning America, sara haines, abc news, new york. That was fun, thanks, sara. Theaters right now. Good morning america is brought to you by brookdale, bringing new life to senior living. And before we go, we have an states adventure. Consider responsibility erica enjoyed her second date with tom on valentines day getting to go behind the scenes of aladdin on broadway. Nothing says second date like that looks smooth. We do want to thank adventures by disney. It was fun to join along. Learn more about adventures by disney at our website. We wish erica and tom lots of love. Have a great day, everyone. Have a great day, everyone. Good morning. Im amanda sanchez. Im dave lawrence. Its 8 57. Get your singing voice ready. The reno rodeos rodeo idol contest kicks off today. Singers will compete to sing the National Anthem at this years rodeo. To enter. You need to post a video of yourself singing the National Anthem to the reno rodeos facebook page. The top contestants will then compete at gilleys inside the nugget on april 27th where 6 singers will be selected to sing. Submissions will be accpeted through march 15th. The reno rodeo is from june 16th through the 25th. Wedding bells were ringing on valentines day for 16 couples. The venue a little unusual. The ferris wheel at scheels in sparks. The couples were selected based on their stories. A lot of them had never had a real wedding. So they were finally given an opportunity. For five of the chosen first time saying i do. Joining me now is Lindsey Matherly with a look at the forecast. High pressure near the west coast will keep above average temperatures and generally light winds into tuesday. A fast moving storm will bring a return of wintry conditions wednesday and thursday with gusty winds. Rain. And mountain snow. Short term. Few changes made to through tuesday as the ridge remains near the west coast. Its live with kelly today, from the series, girls, allison williams. And one of the stars of the drama, the walking dead, danai gurira. Plus, performing his latest hit, let me in, rick springfield. All next on live. [captioning made possible by disneyabc domestic television] and now, here are your Emmy Awardwinning cohosts, kelly ripa and Michael Strahan [cheers and applause] kelly ah, thank you. Hi yep. Michael hello. Kelly welcome to the show, everybodien it is monday, february 15, 2016. It is president s day. [applause] michael yep, yep. President s day

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