Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News On KOFY 7PM 20170927 : compar

Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News On KOFY 7PM 20170927

highway 101 and into a parking lot where it hit a number of people. i'm dan ashley. >> and i'm kristin in for ama daetz. one of those hit was a pregnant woman. >> this all happened in a parking lot in an in and out in kneel valley just off 101. >> abc 7 news reporter wayne freedmon live on the scene. >> reporter: we have an update, i just spoke with andrew barkley, the california highway patrol he's not sure if it's six, seven or eight people. six of the people involved if this accident were in this car. this is a rental car, not all the people were in it but this is the first one that was hit in the accident. let's show you some pictures from what had happened earlier in the day. it happened 2:20 this afternoon. a large pickup truck crashed through the fence, a bus hour where later kids could have been standing. it kept going and hit that one car and ricochetted off others. the first car hit was that mini van driven by bret jeff who had a family of six with him. >> i have in the back getting some clothes and i heard a screech, i looked over and seen a puff of smoke. and then he just -- it was -- and he was on top of us. >> best estimate from freeway speed he came off the freeway at full speed. >> through the fence? >> across the frontage road up over the sidewalk through the shrubs into into the parking lot. >> did he hit any people? >> from what i know right now, no. >> today's my birthday and i think i'm pretty damn lucky today. rorp it's his 45th birthday on a day he feels he has been born again. not only is it 45th birthday he's here from canada and to oh pushuate a wedding. this is the path the car took on the way through the in and out burke burger. there are no skid marks on that street back there, no indication the driver tried to stop. they believe he had some sort of medical emergency. they're telling us right now he's in the hospital and is okay. as for the rest of victims, they're being spoken to one at a time trying to determine what happened. bottom line is it could have been worse, there could have been school kids waiting for a bus right there when that car came through. we're fortunate this story is not sadder than it already is. live, abc 7 news. new details on a breaking story we first brought you at 4:30. a san francisco police officer in good condition after being stabbed at sfo. the officer is responding to a call of a suspicious man at the delta at the baggage area. as the officer went to arrest the guy the suspect pulled out a knife and stabbed the officer in his face aleg and cut his face. the 23 veteran of the force expected to be okay. a train admitted a person on the tracks near ripple avenue. it's a few blocks away from the station. slow in the area right now. the incident happened about one hour ago. the person who was hit has passed away. the latest on the free speech show down in berkeley. four people were arrested as a prominent free speech advocate kept his promise. >> abc 7's laura anthony live on the scene right now. >> reporter: two dozen supporters were able to have a peaceful rally here, but when it started it looked like things were going in a completely different direction. [chanting] >> reporter: it was contentious from the starting patriot prayer leader joey gibson walked through at uc berkeley. police officers and a ten set up in front of the campus. there gibson took on his critics face to face. >> i don't care about the color of your skin, i car about what's on the inside. >> reporter: protesters say he's a white supremacist, an alt-right by gibson claims he's not. >> i'm in the middle i'm a moderate. i'm trying to bring them together. so we get rid of the nazi, antifa so the moderates can come together and reasoning move this country forward. >> reporter: after a brief scuffle on campus -- counter protest leader evette and several others were arrested. gibson finally stopped at people's park for a rally with his supporters. >> the crowds with the torches and such, some of those people from charlottesville are right here in this rally with those people. some of the same white supremacist that were marching with torches are right here. >> reporter: though the free speech rally was cancelled -- in berkeley, laurie ♪ ♪, abc # news. jeff sessions stepped in on the free speech today, sessions -- the protest saying freedom of thought and speech are under attack. >> the american university was the center of academic freedom, a place of robust debate, a competition of ideas. it has formed to a chamber of political correctness, a shelter for fragile egos. >> sessions later told student he doesn't see a con diction between his defendant's speech and president's criticism held for athletes. flames burn dangerously close to homes in oakland hills today. sky 7 was overhead and abc 7 was live bringing you the latest there afternoon. people had to evacuate homes off campus driver. abc 7 news reporter katy euless. >> reporter: dozens of firefighters are still on scene mopping up hot spots. if you take a look of the steep steep hillside behind me, you can see a helicopter crew drop firefighters off midway up the hill, they hiked up and you can see the flame retardant ridgeline. some of the firefighters will be posted overnight and into the coming days. 22 acres burned. firefighters say it has the potential to be double the size. >> it's getting close, right over here. >> reporter: you're looking at video taken by a return shortly afternoon when this fire started. 100 homes evacuated. two to three dozen homes threatened by fire. the fire moved quickly up the hill towards campus drive and 320 people responded from fire and police agencies. >> this was a well-koort nated effort among many individuals and many agencies and we had excellent incident command that helps us mitigate this incident in a quick manner. >> upon our last update, fire is 60% contained, the cause is under investigation. there is a building under construction at this development and crews evacuated as the fire broke out. some homes on campus drive are still evacuating tonight. there is no time line for when those homeowners might be back in. majority of those vac wees have been bought back in. zero injuries on scene and zero structures lost. the fire department will have another update at 6:30 we plan to stream that for you live on and my colleague cornell bernard will be picking up the story. >> katy thanks very much. this fire could have been much worse because of weather condition. anchor christian shows you what makes today perfect fire weather. >> you're right. we had fire conditions warm and breezy. and those factors, chance of here's a look at live doppler 7, winds gusty right now but it's been breezy all day and the winds have been coming from the north. an offshore of winds flows down the hill it becomesdrier. you'll see the temperature change indicates it's to 16 degrees warmer in most locations. all those combined to elevate the risk of fire. we have a red flag warning in effect until 5:00 tomorrow afternoon. that's mainly for the north bay and east bay hills. look for gusty wind tomorrow and warm conditions. warm right now as we look out over the bay. 80 degrees here in san francisco, 80 oakland, 88 san jose, 98 and 81 at half moon bay. looking at a clear golden gate. 92 degrees at santa rosa, 87 in napa. 90 nevada. 91 in concord. looks like this war is going to hold on for a couple more days. seven-day forecast in a few minutes. sky 7 was over that fire for hours this afternoon and we were live on the air bringing you updates. we also set out push alerts through the abc news app to find out what'sappening where you live download the app. it's free and works on both apple and android devices. this year the officials were worried when the president ordered travel restrictions. new numbers may offer them so relief. plus -- >> the bay area family stranded in a foreign country with no where to stay. i'm michael fen any with 7 on your side at an air bnb nightmare. diggi deep to see having talks over the lehigh stadium curfew. the state authorities regularly has meeting but ed they are ran cancelled his show because of a 10:00 p.m., weeknight curfew. it's a $10,000 for breaking the curfew. residence are losing out on millions of dollars. a lawsuit filed against equifax for failing to protect the data of californians. abc 7 news reporter melanie wood row has the story. >> reporter: equifax's massive data breach impacted 143 million americans. >> impacted 15 million californians alone. >> reporter: which is why san francisco attorney dennis herrera filed a lawsuit against equifax this morning. it says the company fails to implement security procedures and also timely notice of data breach until six weeks it learned its system had been compromised. when equifax did provide notice it failed to private complete, plain and clear information to consumers. >> i think this was a cascades of wrongs and it would be -- their incompetent would be comical if the impact was so serious. >> reporter: on the same day the lawsuit was filed, equifax's ceo richard smith stepped down. herrera is the first city attorney in the country to sue equifax over the breach. >> the numbers we're talking about are in many many millions of dollars. >> reporter: it's not clear what portion will go to consumers. >> the most important thing is to take steps to ensure california consumers are protected. >> reporter: in an-mail a spokes person for equifax writing we cannot excellent on litigation but want to ensure kplurs we are remaining focus to navigate the situation. despite worries the president's travel restrictions will hurt san francisco tourists this year the numbers are up from last year. in 201620.the million people visited the city. they spent $8.9 billion. after the president instituted a travel ban san francisco counters with a tour called always welcome. they were more than -- there were more than this year than last year as well. california has been addressing public pension shortfalls in the state, now the legislature is taking a closer look at the unfunded liability of health benefits that school districts are facing. in the area of san francisco -- if nothing is done we're all going to end up paying for it. >> reporter: spending on retiree health benefits for school district employees in california has doubled over the past 13 years. these are the benefits that employees are entitled to from the time they decide to retire to when they actually reach 65 and/or eligible for medicaid. according the legislative analyst office, some california school districts has a sizable unfunded liability when it comes to their retiring health before the. so, what does that mean? let's say i have $1,000 in future payments obligations but up to now i've only saved $800. this means i have a shortfall of $200. across all districts the unfuned liability is 24 billion. on the top of the list is los angeles unified with expected short fall of 13 billion. if the bay area, san francisco unified as an unfunded lbility of 604 million. what it cost to unify 332 million. >> this kind of glooms over us so we take into account what this is going to mean for our district. >> reporter: the legislative analyst offer that districts begin reducing their future cost while setting aside more money. >> we are not walking away from that responsibility at all. we need to be able to do both. >> reporter: wen these shortfalls occur californians are on the hook to cover them, which means less money for other state programs. in san francisco, lee an melendez, abc 7 news. >> it was much warmer today. >> yeah it was. >> we're going to take a look at the high temperature trend over the next seven days in oakland. the temperatures will be well above average, oakland which has an average high of 74 this year. much of the bay area are l see a shore drop in temperatures on friday. the temperatures bounce back up throughout the average range. live doppler 7 you can see we have mainly sunny skies across the bay area right now. this is a live view from amory vil. these are our forecast futures, autumn warmth, our post-summer warmth continues tomorrow. a high fire danger alert. we'll see muc cooler weath beginning on friday, and that's the good news. a live view from east bay hills camera looking through the golden gate. the poorest air quality tomorrow will be in the east bay and air quality will be moderate at best in other regions of the bay area. over night lows clear by middle, low temperatures in the upper 50s. cooler in the valleys where lows will drop into the low in mid-50st. tomorrow expect another day much like today, it'll be warm from coast to inland. high of 80 in half moon bay. 88 in san francisco, oakland and san matteo. fremont, 90. north in santa rosa in the eastbound and low to the 90s. not too much change on thursday, it will be almost as warm tomorrow, maybe two degrees cool ner some location and a few degrees cooler than that on coastal areas of thursday. all areas cool down on friday, that continues into the weekend. the accu-weather-even dseven-da forecast. around the bay we'll see highs in the upper 80 to 90s. notice the big cool down on friday, new clouds in the area, it'll be breezy, cooler and the fire danger will diminish and that pattern will continue into the middle of next week. >> nice. not everyone loves the tab. not everyone loves the tab. coming up next why the cost of at at&t, we believe in access. not everyone loves the tab. coming up next why the cost of the opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world. connecting with the things that matter most. and because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet, we've created access from at&t. california households with at least one resident who receives snap or ssi benefits may qualify for home internet at a discounted rate of $10 a month. no commitment, deposit, or installation fee. visit to learn more. the fourth chapter in uber's 180 days of change leads tonight's bay area business watch. the changest effect uber pool to help streamline the shared ride process. since june uber has been on a mission to improve for drivers. more ways for drivers to customize their trips. a new test for twitter, the character limit doubled for some. a select group can chose 200 characters now. twitter says this is to address language differences, some languages, especially english use more characters than others. today twitter stock dipped slightly. the dow also dropped. the nasdaq wen up. the warriors owe the city of oakland more than $1 million for two championship parades. back in june the team's co-owner says it will pick up the tab for the city. according to our media partner the bay area use group the city reduced some charges, lower the bill by $25,000 the tal is almost $780,000. the city is asking the warriors to reimburse $244,000 for the cost for the 2015 parade. some east bay homeowners got a huge surprise. uncovered what's buried underneath their homes. next. and find out why today is betting people to the polls. >> we haven't given up on changing the american healthcare system. this >> not given up but not getting it done. >> announcer: live where you live, this is abc 7 news. the fact they've been aware of this for 7 years and it's obviously now coming to light through investigate journalism is a problem for them i think. >> buyers of new homes in fremont did not know the ground had unearthed skeletal indians there. now that project is opting to take traffic actions. >> dan nori has the story. >> reporter: dan gale home of california is finishing off 14 hopes in el began fremont with floor plans, priced at $1.2 million. the team is now confirming with the native american heritage commission that construction crews first found indian remains at that site more than 2 years ago. >> throughout this area we found a good number of bodies. >> reporter: and unearthed 32 skeletons. >> it looked like a very old skeleton. >> van dale followed state rules to ensure the remains are handled properly. >> i'd really like to know what's going on. >> we'd like to know how you found out. come on mother. >> reporter: ramona didn't want to talk even though the builder referred me to her. >> i'm happy to address your questions. thank you very much. >> what they found was 32 skeletons? >> i'm happy to allow ramona address my question. >> okay you you said you were happy to answer my question and now you won't answer. >> that's how i like to allow her to address your questions. >> why would the journalism be so turned about keeping this quiet? >> sales. you don't want vandalism during construction nor appropriates there. >> protesters? >> protesters say what a horrible thing this developer is destroying our ancestors by digging them up. >> it was very hush hush on finding a body at all. and i asked are the owners of these houses being told about it. and they said well, it will probably be a small line at the bottom of a contract. >> reporter: several buyers told me the disclosure form listed art facts found at the site. most thought it meant pottery or arrow heads not skeletons. that's news to you hew? >> i never heard. >> reporter: breaking news of the indian skeletons, value daele sent this letter says artifacts and human bones found underneath the community. the remains will be stored in this storage of a big white box, just outside the lumbers iving f two home. the builder offered should you wish to terminate the policy of your home, the company will be required to return all of your properties. golden gate university law professor mark greenberg says the disclosure is better now than never. the buyers had a right to know about this from the start. >> for example let's say you bought the property wanted to put a swimming pool in the back and doing so might disrupt a grave. you need to know that in advance. >> that was dan nori reporting. the company refused to be interviewed as did many of the buyers. they told the team they are consulting with attorneys and weighing their option. happening now, judge roy moore just won the alabama gop run off. polls closed 5 minutes ago. moore rode a horse to his election today. he was backed by president trump, moore is now the republican nominee for the senate seat that once belonged to attorney general jeff sessions. moore will face democrat doug jones in another election in december. a day long campa underway to register new voters. here in the bay area the effort is happening at malls and lie libraries. >> reporter: it was difficult at times to get people to stop. the two staff members in the county register voters office weren't selling anything. they're here to register voters. it's part of a national voter registration day. last year 3.75% of the voters were signed up. >> i think it's incredibly important. i think we can make a real impact in all of the elections and should have our opinions count. >> reporter: while malls and libraries are often used some people are going into targeted communities. the baker at san jose is hosting an even table. bakery manager believes it's an opportunity that should not be missed. >> to make sure that in the future we have a better united states, something that all of us, i mean all of our immigrants and all of the minorities came to the u.s. for -- this is going to be very critical to make sure we get our voice across and be heard. >> reporter: she believes targeting minority groups and doing outreach in malls will result in higher turn outs at the poll. >> of course i think the difference -- so diverse california, the different place people have accessibilio these thing. more people committed to vote in the next election. >> reporter: registration can be done online and don't forget to reregister if you change names, addresses and party affiliation. developing news in washington where senate rirns are seeding defeat. they acknowledge they don't have the votes to pass healthcare reform so they're moving on to tax reform. >> we're coming back to this after taxes. we're going to have time to explain our concept, have a better process and take this show on the road. >> the bill was doomed after three republican senators said they would vote no. senator lindsay gram says it's not a matter of if but when healthcare reform is achieved. president trump says he'll visit puerto rico next month. >> it's the most difficult job because it's on the island in the middle of an ocean. it's out in the ocean. you can't just drive your trucks there from other states. >> more than 3 million people in puerto rico are without electricity tonight and short of food and water. the president says the u.s. has shipped massive amount of food and supplies. new at 6:00, the arrest of cat burglars. saturday evening two suspects broke into a home, pepper sprayed the people inside and stole a cat. later a plan and woman arrested, police have not said what happened to the cat. oakland mayor shaft is pushing what she says to move the homeless from the sidewalks. it will help people move from encampments into temporary shelters as they await permanent housing. the site to possibly three in oakland will provide several people with potenal living structures and access to wrap around social services. coming up, calculated worth in something other than -- how it's being measured by impact on society. society. spencer food. water. internet. we need to live. but what we don't need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. i see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. you got me, mark. we just want fast internet for one, simple rate. for all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all... for the this. internet for one everyday simple pre and no extra monthly fees. happening tonight the city is decided weather to give the golden bridge permission to demolish and replace the stock. the city of the district agreed on a plan for a new dock earlier this month. the work on the proposed dock will cost more than $11 million. the city counsel meets at 7:00 p.m. an event that's happening tonight, abc 7's reporter jonathan bloom has a look inside an an. >> i lost my life time partner to police violence during a traffic stop. >> reporter: this was that incident that led brandon to start a chat box with raheem. >> raheem means passion. >> a valley start up. >> invest money, mentoring, resources and earl stage entrepreneurs, but our entrepreneurs are starting nonprofits. >> reporter: nonprofits tackling big problems. >> help student from low-income communities graduate from college. >> reporter: then there's sex ed. >> i grew up in texas where i saw most of my peers become teen parents before we graduated high school. reaching teens where they are on their phones. >> reporter: they're billing apps that break down walls. >> 100% have personal experience with the problem they set out to solve. >> reporter: fast forward finishes with a deknow day but instead of pitching catalysts -- >> we're so foreign to have partners from silicon valley backing this idea. >> google, block, and at&t could give big bucks -- >> this is the dream act. >> it breaks down a single bill to a single question. >> it helps people become informed voters and donors. >> i was stocked threatened and ek torted online. at the time there was no way to get help. >> reporter: liz lee cofounded an s o s app. fast forward aims to help with both. >> how to scale products and fine consumers. >> reporter: in san francisco, jonathan boom, abc 7 news. >> coming up next, michael f this is the new comfort food. grown right here in california, with absolutely no antibiotics ever. a better way to grow, in california, a better way to eat. and itrts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. the energy conscious whopeople among usle? say small actions can add up something... humongs. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. right on time, today the main run way at oakland international airport reopened after repainting project shut it down for two weeks. it cost $67 million to resurface the 80 foot long run way. the video showing this construction and the first flight there using the run way. talking about travel, the london terror attack at the start of summer season may have given some people a pause about going to that destination. >> yeah, abc 7 ease michael fenny reporting. >> that part of the trip went very well, they followed up after that, the week after the attack in london killed eight, injured almost 50. one family experienced all the firsthand.hat came with it danny yamamoto, his wife mai and her mother arrived days after the attack. >> people were still in mourning, security every where was on more high alert. >> despite that the yamamotos still managed to enjoy their stay in london. three days later they boarded a train to paris. >> the check-ins was a much longer process. >> the yamamoto's say the extra security delayed them 45 minutes. they would not arrive to their air bnb on what they thought was an approved check-in time, 5:00 p.m. >> we were late so they were cancelling all reservations. >> the host revoked their entire four-day stay. >> we were upset and lived. >> reporter: the yamamoto's thought the host agreed to a check-in time of 6:00 p.m. even in the cancellation message the host wrote you are requesting a late check in with aforehand's notice. they had to find another place to stay which they found nearly impossible in the busy summer season. >> we were stranded in a foreign country. >> it wasn't easy by bobby found a hotel through travel lossty. air bnb refunded the cost of three nights but not the first. theamily thought that wasn't fair and reached out to 7 on your said. air b in b told us our original handling on this incident fell below the high standards we had for ourselves. the first night refunded for the air bnb and also the additional nights at the hotel. >> we were completely stunned. they went above and beyond. >> air bnb sent he a list of tips for resolving disputes on this platform. check it out an click on on your side. you can call my hot line we're open monday through friday, 10:00 to 2:00. you can also reach me through facebook. >> ethithanks michael. let's talk more about the weather and the heat. >> what's going on? >> a couple more days but it is going to break. if you're expecting cool and marine weather tonight it's not going to develop. clear skies over night, not a hint of coastal fog. overnight lows will be in the 50s to around 60s. warm of 80 at the bay. many coastal areas will have a high of 70. when you look at the seven-day forecast for san jose you'll see it's going to cool down sharply on friday and that will continue that pattern into the weekend and that's what most of us with see tomorrow and thursday. we'll get a bit of a breeze friday. the air will be more comfortable and cleaner. live's just going to be great. >> optimistic world view. >> this is really. >> come back from vacation new spring in your step. >> yeah you need to take off more often. >> that's what i've been trying to tell everybody. >> management agrees. > i'm afraid so. things got more interesting for the warriors, look who lebron james just picked up, his old good evening the warriors have been taking slack about being an unfair super team since they signed kevin durant. last week the thunder rat in car melo anthony and the clevelands just came to term with all-star dwyane wade flash. shack agreed to a buy out with the bulls. 35-year-old wade averaged 18 points last year in chicago. the warriors reached out to him as well. cavs are going to have to wait to see wade and the all-star thomas on the floor at the same time. thomas's recovery from a hip surgery but they're worried about isaiah thomas being healthy for the play offs. ut will host arizona state this week. chris left and took a hard hit to the head. kj took the reins, mark shumann with more on richard freshman. >> reporter: david shall did not commit to a quarterback this week against arizona state but he was impressed with kj costello's play. >> touch down cardinals. >> it was impressive. the first day wasn't perfect, wasn't completely on, correction on a couple thing by the kid's got fire to him. he can throw a football well. >> he just commanded the huddle. he was telling everybody the play and what he expected out of the play. extra things here. like hey thornton go get this for us. those are the things you wanted to hear especially from a quarterback, the confidence that he has in everybody else in the huddle is nodding with him and saying yeah, we're going to make this play. >> doesn't matter who plays quarterback as long as you have one certain player behind you. >> brice love. >> -- there's a lack of surprise on our football team because we've been watching it. >> reporting at stand ford mike shumann, abc 7 sports. under the table payments going on in college sports for years, now the fbi is involved and file charges against coaches at arizona, auburn, oklahoma state and usc. the fbi probe could lead to more arrests. targeted coaches being paid to funnel high school athletes thwart agents, financial advisers and apparel companies. in some companies high ranking a adid adidas pushing for athletes. the protest, steph curry- became the first basketball players to take the knee. a lot of people are taking the issue with nfl roger goodell being on the cover and who is not on the cover. colin kaepernick, how do you not put the guy who started the whole thing on there. the raiders did not lead a bad game as they flew home. a visit to children's hospital in oakland. they made slime, played cards and hung out with the patients and the staff. gre great to see the staff and the kids. some good through a rough week. join us tonight at 9:00 on coffee t.v. channel 13, shooting drones out of the sky. video of the military's laser blaster, at 9:00. then at abc 7 news on 11:00. police officers stabbed at sfo, new details about what happened. at 8:00, celebrity family feud followed by dancing with the stars at 9:00. then abc 7 news at 11:00. that's do it for this edition of abc 7 news. i'm chris sin sze. >> i'm dan ashley. see you again at 11:00. oh. hey, look, mandy. huh? what a surprise. the parking citation people are reaching out to us again. okay, but, mama, it totally wasn't my fault. let me guess. was the meter maid jealous of your leather coat again? no. my tall boots. look, you've been very irresponsible with this car. one more strike, and you lose it.

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