Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News On KOFY 7PM 20170601 : compar

Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News On KOFY 7PM 20170601

>> san francisco has more homeless people on its streets than just about any other city. last check the number of people sleeping on san froon streeanci streets second to new york. >> staggering number. the new police chief has an idea how to handle it and help the community. >> abc 7 news reporter vick lee and a story you will see only on abc 7. vick. >> ama, to give you an idea how much the homeless problem has grown. here at mission station they get 1,000 homeless calls a month. now, chief scott's vision is to have a dedicated team of officers who can help conct these homeless people to city services. and in other words, more outreach, less enforcement. >> you have a place you can do laundry and get a shower. >> reporter: officer jared harris responding to a complaint. that a homeless camp was blocking the sidewalk on fulsom and 1th street. he and his part next, officer yasser shaw convinced them to clear the sidewalk and offered tent dwellers help in getting city services. >> get your shower and laundry services okay. address, phone number, everything. >> the new officer unit soles purpose is to concentrate on issues involving the homeless. to use more outreach, than enforcement. commander david lazar head the unit. >> get someone help. get them housing, get them treatment. that's way more successful than enforcement. enforcement is still a tool. but not the priority. >> the unit will work collaboratively with city agencies foremost department of homelessness which welcomes their partnership. >> they have all been trained in, in, responding to, to critical incidents in working with people who are suffering from perhaps mental illness or other challenges. >> at this encampment, the officers tacked to desiree, on the streets for ate month. they'll get social workers to visit her tomorrow. she is appreciative. >> i thought it was -- very good. you know. politely. >> small, significant victory for the unit. a victory, they can build on. vick lee, abc 7 news. >> new, east bay freeway connector shut down because of a big rig crash. isn't expected to reopen until 9:00 tonight. the big rig overturned on a connector ramp between 880 and 238 in san leandro. traffic on northbound 880 delayed all day. two lanes on the western span were blocked for several hours. after a distraught man climbed up on an anchorage. >> you mentioned if anybody climbed up there he would jump off the bridge. so, we gave him, gave him little bit of room. talked to him. he did give a cell phone number. able to call him and begin the process of talking him back down. >> the man was taken for a psych evaluation and could face charges. traffic at the bay bridge toll plaza cleared a bit. still looks pretty bad out there. this is a live look at people trying to head into san francisco. >> following breaking news out of the east bay. crash closed down one of the tunnels. the board closed eastbound commute direction. this will impact the commute. there is no information on injuries or when the board will reopen. fire fighters on scene. updates on air and on line as available. >> developing news where police identified the man killed in an officer involved shooting early monday morning. officers say they tried to pull over 20-year-old joseph godinez, driving a stolen car. after a brief chase, officers were able to perform what they call a pursuit intervention technique. and stop that car. they stay, godinez drove into a police car, sending it down an embankment, police say officers opened fire after godinez drove into a police car. investigators discovered he was wanted for probation violation. he was also want ford questioning in connection with an armed carjacking, kidnapping, and robbery in san francisco. >> a candlelight vigil held tonight at the scene of the accident that killed two high school students. the vigil its organized by the family of 17-year-old brianna ortega riding in a pickup truck. speeding, hit a minivan, and slid into a light pole. five people hurt. vigil at lincoln avenue/park street. >> san jose state student who faked kidnapping will not face charges in san jose. according to a media partners at bay area news group. the 22-year-old said she was abducted at knifepoint and forced to drive to oregon. later recant herd story. motivation behind the false report remains unclear. >> oakland city council approved a settlement of $1 million. after a police sex scandal involving several former officers and a teenager. she identified herself as the an underaged prostitute, who went by the name, celeste guap. today asked that we refer to her as jazmine. abc 7 news reporter, laura anthony at oakland city hall with what else jazmine has to say. >> the settlement reached by oakland is one of many that could be in the works. other cities, san francisco, livermore, richmond, could all be facing similar claims. as for jazmine, she told us today, she is relieved that one hurdle is behind her. i feel happy that i can close this chapter and, and move on with my life. >> now, 19, jazmine was just 17 when sunny claimed sunny was having serks wix with more than dozen police officers from six agencies. now one city oakland settled with jazmine for $989,000. about a third of that will go to attorney's fees. >> the message is pretty clear. police officers held to the standard of obeying the law. if they're not above the law. can't engage in illegal or immoral conduct. >> best interest of constituenty to settle the matter quickly and fairly. we need to focus attention on rebuilding the public trust so damaged by this incident. five of the oakland officers allegedly involved with jazmine are facing criminal charges. the original claim against city of oakland filed by a prierl attorney. for $66 million. >> i never came up with the numbers. the large numbers. never came up with those. >> she obviously -- has been at the center of attention for a while. not the kind of thing sunny wants and likes to occur. hopefully a page in a personal history that will be turned. >> jazmine says she has had great support from her family. plans to return to school, and hopes to pursue a career working with animals. laura anthony, ax 7 news. >> new developments in the story of the goats that escaped a grass fire last week. sadly, one baby goat badly burned has died. sky seven captured dramatic images of the snaul hemall herd goats trapped thursday. most managed to escape with burns. one kid's injuries were significant. she died last night. another goat was transported to uc davis remains in critical condition. all of the other goats are doing well. and have been taken in by farm sanctuaries or private citizens. the original owner, surrendered them. if you want to share your support, find a link on our website, awe. >> tonight, cal osha reviewed slides to find slides similar to the emerald plunge. two slides at raging waters, closely resell bum the slide in dublin. a 10-year-old flew off the slide, the opening weekend, that slide and two others in dublin remain closed indefinitely during the investigation. >> a new campaign is under way in san jose to require contractors to hire locals and to pay them prevailing wages. the union led effort aims to put such a measure on the november ballot next year. looks at potential impact and why the unions believe there is public support already. they're not on strike. created a line to show their resolve. they want to got a measure on the ballot next year to require contractors at major residential and commercial products to hire local and pay market rate wages. i know how expensive it is to live here. and, we think that normal people, have an opportunity not only working on the projects in their community, but hopefully build, even make some living. >> survey of the commission says 76% of voters would approve such a mandate. >> regardless of whether or not the union households, nonunion household, we see strong support for workers in the community. and making sure people get paid a living wage. >> however support drops to 50% when people are told it might raise the cost of condominiums. a concern for opponents including at associatated builders and contractors. a group that lobbies for fairness and competition. it points out a construction boom is created a need for more trades people and the labor pool has the not returned a prerecession levels. for 18 year union electrician san jose native will smith the issue is giving workers a chance to buy a home and to work near job sites and provide for their fmilies. is it owe ska for american dream to be achiefable here in san jose. why is it that so many people that i know and that we all know, work here, find themselves moving away. having to commute in. >> in san jose, david louie, ax 7 news. >> the nba finals at long last under way tomorrow right here on abc 7. it was media day atk or to day. >> where players from both teams got peppered with question buys reporters from across the world. in fact, young andld. >> best taste in music. >> right back there. i mean, you take the bus in here. over the bridge today. you see the finals logo. it's special. warriors were asked how they plan to move past the devastating loss to the cavs. i've don't know if it has been in our locker room one time this year. all it not something that, when you are chasing greatness, that's the expectation. you don't need something to motivate you to reach that. >> well said. this is the first time the same two teams have melt in the nba finals three years in a row. the nba is staying local for tomorrow's national anthem performance. pat monihan lead singer of train will sing star spangled banner. showing donation pride too. and matt keller took the video at the airport showing international terminal you can see bathed in blue and gold. >> espn coverage of game one of nba finals starts tomorrow at 5:30 here on abc 7. right before game one. join abc 7s for the ws on 7 pregame show. brought to you by jeep. and mary and meek live ike live he finals begin. >> stay with us. president trump is about ready to deliver on a campaign promise. it has the california environmentalists scrambling to keep theirs. >> we'll look at both big picture and local picture. climate change and the global commitment the u.s. could leave. >> spencer christian. we have a nice warm-up around the bay area. don't expect the trend to carry us into the weekend. the accuweather forecast coming up. >> spencer, thanks. single payer health insurance scud be more affordable than we thing. depend on whose numbers you read. >> hope is a beautiful thing. >> she is hopeful. and she needs your help. next, meet the mid peninsula teacher who is one step away from end stage renal failure. new, lawsuit against the state of california claiming there aren't enough lawmakers in the capital. the suit was filed by people who support the movement to split off the far northern portion of california into a new state called, jefferson. today they rallied at the state capital. supporters say the northern part has 6 legislators. the rest has 114. >> we have no say in how tax money is spent weecht can't affect events for simplest things in our lives. >> they want to force an expantion and overhaul of representation across the state. organizers say if they can't get equal representation they would rather form their own government in jefferson. >> teacher in san mateo in need of a kidney transplant learning an unexpected lesson in faith, and perseverance from her own students. abc 7 news reporter, chris winn has the story. >> prototyping. >> at the nueva school in san mateo. >> loving. passionate. exciting. >> many words to describe engineer turned educator. >> mother. believer. advocate. >> kim sax teaching here 26 years. students will fell you she had a profound impact on their lives. >> kim made school the place i want to be, makes me excited to walk in. >> last week, sax had tough news of her own to share. >> that letter was the hardest thing i ever had to do mine life. >> in message to nueva campus, sax, opened up about her battle with end stage renal failure. her life declined and she needs a transplant to survive. her kidney function is at 10%. >> right after the shock and sadness, how do i be there for her? how do i help her in a time where she needs me. she has been there really, for me. >> the outpouring of support has been encouraging. so far, dozens of people have stepped up to see if their kidneys could be a match. >> i felt an obligation. an obligation to do something that was really, not that difficult for me. and, yet utterly critical for kim. >> many of them doing their best to spread the word. >> there are people around you struggling every day with major diseases. you might not see it. might not be visible. might not pub li size until the end. >> teacher learning a lesson about love from those around her. >> it made me realize there are so many great people in the world. thank you. like, for all that you have taught me. and -- >> you are welcome. providing strength and comfort when she needs it most. >> hope, hope is a beautiful thing. >> on the peninsula, chris winn, abc 7 news. >> pulling for kim. if you would like more information about becoming a living kidney donor or helping out kim, we have posted links on the website. abc 7 >> new survey offers more optimistic picture of how california could afford a single payer health in sure ans system. last week, a senate reportest mated the plan would cost $400 billion annually. more than the entire state budget. a new report by the university of massachusetts put the price at $330 billion. the numbers also very widely when it comes to calculating how much tax revenue would be needed to pay for it. new survey commissioned by the bill's lead sponsor. >> when the legislature passes, healthy california act, we will actually spend less than we do on health care. the fundamental issue we have to, concern ourselves with, what will be the quality of health care for californians and what will be the cost? >> the bill is up for a volt in the senate this week. >> a meeting is set to get under way in just a few minutes now to explore the possibility of putting a hotel in san francisco's waterfront. the study by port of san francisco, looks at building a 200 room hotel on pier 35 right next to pier 39. now, building a hotel there is not a slam dunk. voters banned hotels from the edge of the waterfront. the port says there are no plans to try to change that. but the commission did pay for a study to look attic nomic impact of building a two-story hotel inside pier 35. >> we are starting to see a little more blue sky today. >> nice isn't it. spencer christian is tracking the weather. >> lot more blue sky. next couple days. right now tell you about the ws on seven tomorrow evening. s you may know, warriors, cavaliers are playing game one of, kicking off game one nba finals tomorrow evening in oakland at arena. third consecutive year the two teams met in the finals. weather is lovely. though, game is going to be indoors of course. if you are going to the game. traveling through sunny conditions tomorrow evening. with mild weather. temperatures in the 60s. and, maybe the, the cavs can shuttle down, the, the cavs, the ws can shuttle down the cavs as sun goes down. trying to say. live doppler 7. sunny skies across the bay area now. check out the 24-hour temperature change. it is five to 8 degrees warmer in most bay area locations this hour yesterday, 11 degrees warmer right now in antioch than this time yesterday. view from the rooftop. looking out over the bay. unr mostly blue sky. 59 degrees in san francisco right now. 65, oakland. 70, mountain view. san jose. gilroy. 57. half moon bay. well, we are going to say this is the view. there is not much view right now. from emoryville, looking west yard. see bits of the coastal fog. moving down the coast, obviously. out over the bay. currently, 74 in santa rosa. 70, napa. 75 at fairfield. concord. 69, livermore. this is how it looks at golden gate. foggier, foggierment coastal fog no longer at the coast. fog near the bay, coast. sunny skies. mild in most areas two days. little cooler this weekend. and, we will have a warm-up next week. ernight, as the the fog stretches out, to our inland areas, much as the it has been doing all week long. low temperatures in the early morning hours, mainly in the mid to upper 50s. then tomorrow, fog will pull back to the coastline. much look today was. a little cooler at the coast. than, anywhere else. a low 60s there. some locations may, may reach only to the upper 50s. coast tomorrow. but around the bay, we will see highs in the upper 60s, low 70s. and inland see mainly upper 70s to 80 in a few locations. and, here is a, three day outlook for friday, saturday, sunday. showing you the little cooldown. that will go through the weekend. with highs inland in the 70s around the weekend. in the bay, upper 60s. sunny, dry. here is the accuweather. seven day forecast. see it will warm-up. next week. so, for tomorrow, friday, mai y ly sunny. mild although breezy tomorrow. cooler, over the weekend. but mainly sunny, dry. then much warmer monday. and tuesday. with high temperatures reaching about 90 degrees inland next tuesday. >> warm enough. >> thank you, spencer. >> home security keeps getting smarter. new feature added to nest is next. >> w nation, want to see your pride, check out some of the photos post on social media by warriors fans. use the hash tag, ws on seven. post photos. may show them here on abc 7 look closely this man isn't sta po supposed to be here, suspected burglar inside a home. the sheriff's office posted on line hoping some one will recognize him. and call them. obviously the camera got a very good look at this guy. >> on that subject. home security camera able to recognize faces on its own. leads tonight's bay area business watch. the nest cam iq zoom feature activates when a person walks by following them to capture a clear shot. this is video from nest. the indoor camera will then send an alert to a phone with a picture of the person's face. nest started seven years ago in a garage was bought by google in 2014. >> moon time, google announced expanding paid carpool service statewide. ways lets commuters pick up passengers going in the same direction. passengers get a small fee. drivers earn small amount of money as well. while waze could rival uber and lyft. ride sharing isn't mostly use ford commuting to work. >> less than six hours remain to weigh in on what some osprey chicks should be called. take a live look at rosie riveter national park in richmond. the chicks were born about two weeks ago. see mom, dad there. names have been narrowed to 10 finalists including victory and oaky for the nearby victory ship rivet, brooks, angel. cast your vote through midnight. a link on our website. abc 7 yeah, there they are. >> all pretty good name. >> president trump could make a landmark decision soon. withdraw the u.s. from the paris climate agreement. >> yeah, look at what is driving his decision and how environmentalists plan to stick to their priorities. >> plus the president's string of seven letters that kept the whole internet guessing. >> group of young actors from skyline high school are set to perform on the international stage. with a little help from the golden (vo) want to be happy with your next vehicle purchase? at enterprise, we guarantee it. head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... change your thinking about buying your next one. from abc 7, live breaking news. >> breaking news. sky 7 over shooting scene right next to highway 4. this all happened around 5:45. chp tells us two shooting victims found on l street north of the freeway. no word yet on their conditions. the boulevard off ramp is closed while police investigate. >> update on breaking news from earlier in the newscast. eastbound part of the caldecott open, in contra costa county. closed an hour ago after a crash. traffic, backed up along 24. to the intersection with 580. the tunnel again is open. >> president trump says, tomorrow at noon, he will announce his decision on the paris accord. >> white house officials indicate the president will pull out of the landmark climate agreement keeping one of the promises he made during his presidential campaign. >> here in california, environmentalists are vowing to stay on course. regardless. >> and our reporter was in oakland where a new initiative was launched to deal with climate change. >> reporter: the recent meetings with top european officials did nothing to persuade president trump to continue honoring the paris climate accord. instead the president seems to be taking his cues from 22 republican senators calling the pair ace agreement a risk. to reducing the regulatory burden our businesses face in order to create jobs and grope the economy. jason clark, the chairman of the republican party in san francisco, says, the creation of jobs will drive his decision. >> one of the big problems with greet energy jobs and obama administration gramled with this was for every one green energy job you create, six oldener gee jobs are lost. >> bay area environmentalists say withdrawing from the agreement would unravel president obama's climate legacy. >> rising seas. severe droughts. >> today in oakland a number of organizations announced a partnership that would create design teams to address the impact climate change isaving in the bay area. a lot of it is -- this uncertainty we are facing. we don't know exactly how high the sea levels are going to rise. but we know they are rising already. >> last week at a conference on climate change, governor jerry brown said california will continue to lead the nation in reducing green house gases despite the president's refusal. >> in terms of forest fires, diseases, extreme weather events. it is not going to get better it is going to get worse. >> with that said, california will probably rely less on federal funds and more on dollars coming from the state. and from the private sector. in oakland, leeann melendez, abc 7. >> latest on the investigation into ties between president trump's add viers and russia. former fbi chief james comey could testify as early as next week. before a senate intelligence committee. there are also more questions about senior adviser jared kushner and his dealings with the russian bank. known to the fbi as a base for russian spies. >> this was an actual trained operative, spy operation in new york. >> president trump took to twitter to call the investigation a witch-hunt. trump and vladamir putin said the investigation was an excuse by democrats for losing the election. >> a string of letters tweeted by the president overnight continues to baffle and amuse people. abc 7 news anchor kristin zee has more on the president's word or nonword that has had so many people talking. the tweet that started it all, president trump on twirlt, admit night, sending out this phrase, despite the constant negative press, covfefe, covfefe, take your pick. the tweet went viral. getting 120,000 retweets and 150,000 likes in six hours. reporters asked white house press secretary, sean pieser, what does it mean? >> the president and a small group of people know what he meant. right. like -- >> the president deleted the original tweet. send out the new one. who can figure out the true meaning of covfefe? enjoy. enjoy they did. jimmy kimmel tweeted. what makes me sad is that i know i'll never write anything funnier than covfefe. hillary clinton speaking at the recode, code conference, i thought covfefe was a message to the russians. >> air france, breaking, ow newest destination is sunny covfefe. some one registered it and started selling t-shirts. make america covfefe again. an some zahn, many items sporting the word, books, music to a covfefe mug. >> lebron james in bay area. police report some one spray painted a racial slur at his home in southern california. by the time police arrived, property management painted over it. looking at security footage. james addressed the incident at media day at oracle arena. >> no matter how famous you are, how many people admire you, you know, being, being black in america is -- it's tough. and -- and we got a long way to go. >> the cavs star admit heed was not his normal energetic self. this is proof african-americans have a long way to go before feeling equal. >> new at 6:00. young actors could get a chance to spread their message against bullying to an international audience. as abc 7 news reporter, jonathan bloom explains, a far off dream that might come true with a little help from the golden state warriors. >> do you -- >> from takes on classic shakespeare. >> to tough scenes about the present day. >> what are you saying? >> i'm saying -- >> skyline high school drama class helps students find ape piece of themselves. >> i like that i get to be somebody else. like is i like being myself. i get to step out into another character and feel their struggles. >> struggles some times are suffered in silence. >> what is happening to the people in high school what they're going through. >> that's the subject of prospect high. a play co-written with teens from new york. >> you need to sit down and talk with somebody. >> i am sitting down. >> inspired by the dark parts of teenage life. like being bullied. a topic this class tackled before. last year they entered the golden state warriors program to fight bullying. >> not in our school. not in our town. definitely not on our ground. they won the grand prize. and have since performed prospect high all over the bay area. but now, a new opportunity. >> we got invited to perform at american high school theater festival in scotland. >> mind blowing. i was just like, wow, going to scotland. >> there was one problem. money. students had to raise enough for an expensive trip. do it more quickly than ever imagined. >> we need to raise $28,000 by june 12. >> seemed impossible goal. then came a call from old friends. >> the warriors wanted to support our effort. and that they wanted to offer some items for, for auction. >> items like tickets to nba finals. and a basketball signed by the team. >> i was over the moon. this is a phenomenal thing that they're doing. it is like -- not only helping the community and helping their hometown also helping the arts too. >> helping some of the students take their first trip outside the united states. to spread their message. ♪ ♪ >> to the nation and the world. in oakland, jonathan bloom, ax 7 news. >> steph curry met one-on-one with abc news in an exclusive interview. talked about a conversation with former president obama. >> he was talking about, like the challenges before he was in office. not comparing what i do to what he does. he, he dropped a line. he said, before he got into office he didn't value his anonymity. as he was going through life. >> curry says lack of anonymity the biggest struggle as a celebrity. catch his interview tomorrow on "good morning america" right here on abc 7. beginning at 7:00 a.m. >> now, espn coverage of game one of the nba final starts tomorrow at 5:30 right here on abc 7. and you can join us on abc 7 for an all warriors pregame show at 5:00 p.m. the cavs will be here atk or al reena as yaso -- arena. before game one. join larry beal and the ws on 7 pregame show. larry and mike live at oracle tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. as the three-pete finals begin. >> well, one bay area county willing to pay people to try car pooling. >> find out where $2 can make a difference in the kmu. ♪ ♪ >> couple loses the phone number they had for 40 years. coming up, how 7 o happening now, caltrans what people think about designating a lane on highway 101 to reduce traffic. could be a carpool lane or express lane. which drivers would pay to use. the target area runs from the intersection with 380 near sfo down the peninsula into santa clara county where there are express lanes. another meeting will be held next week in redwood city. >> contra costa teaming up with an app scoop to encourage car pooling. the app connects commuters. costs $5 a ride. the county will pay $2 each ride. each direction. even though it doesn't sound like much, county says, it is enough. >> we were thinking about more. scoop said start with $2. they have done similar things in bay area communities. feel like $2 made a difference. >> the money will come from measure j, half cent sales tax for transportation. scoop was founded two years ago in san francisco. >> warmer weather today. skies turn bright and sunny. we are looking live now from a camera atop the mountain. >> will this be our pattern for the first every day, you're thankful for the ones you love. and every day you promise to protect them. off! is here to help with proven protection against mosquitoes. trust our family to protect yours. sc johnson, a family company when you you act, boo. so do we. raid kills roaches seven times faster than the next leading ant and roach spray. seven times faster? (gasps) raid! get raid and get tough on roaches fast. more breaking news from sky seven. see police with their guns drawn. this was just minutes ago. right now, an area of lemon tree way is taped off. very close to the shooting and crash near highway 4 that we fold you about not too long ago. police haven't said if the two scenes are connected. >> we'll stay on top of that story. move on for the moment. when you get a new phone, do you fry try to keep your phone number. >> the phone was disconnected they couldn't get their number back. >> a helpless feeling. they got help. >> this couple had been giving the same number since carter was president. long, long time. they were told they couldn't use the number anymore. they say it was like losing their connection to the world. >> christina and yusef have had the same phone number for 40 years. >> have the number. safeway has the number. >> all my family. abroad, all over. have the number. >> they were upset when they lost phone service and their long time phone number went with it. >> a big problem. you cannot reach us on the land line. >> the problem started when yusef saw this ad from at & t offering tv, internetd and phone for, less than he was paying comcast. >> i just want to talk to at & t. >> he says he contacted at & t, just to inquire. t after all. however, he says, at & t had already begun transferring service. in the confusion, the phone stopped working. >> nobody can call us. when they call, they say, phone is, no longer exist. >> comcast offered to restore service with the new number, but the couple wanted their old number back. >> that phone number been the same since '76. and it was very, very inconvenient to change the phone number. >> finally, i thought of 7 on your side. >> we contacted at & t. within days a familiar sound. >> ringing. >> their old phone number was back. at & t tells us, we have worked with the customer to resolve his issue and apologize for inconvenience this may have caused. >> we are thankful. >> i keep watching. i love my it. >> yusef and christina say a two month period when no one could call the land line, and took all that time to find the lost phone number. no one else claimed the number so. we have a happy ending. want to hear from you. help you with the happy ending. hot line, monday through friday. 10:00 to 2:00. you can also reach me through facebook and >> great work. not easy to pull off. nice couple they love you too. understandable. thank you, michael. >> time to check on the forecast. >> spencer christian, warming forecast, spencer. >> true, couple days. look at live doppler 7. sunny, mild conditions across the bay area. fog returned to the coast. pushing locally beyond the coast right now. it will push, even, farther inland. during the overnight hours, with low temperatures in the low to mid or mid to upper 50s. tomorrow, the fog will retreat to the coast again. sunny skies over the bay. and inland. we'll well have highs ranging from 60s at the kes to low 70s around the bay. to almost 80 in the warmest inland locations. and, graduation day for, free mont high school, sunnyvale. 5:00. starting 4:00 p.m. skies sunny through the early evening hours. with temperatures in the low 70s. and here is the accuweather seven-day forecast. well, little cooldown over the weekend. not by much. skies remain sunny. no rain in sight. then, starts to turn warmer again early next weekend. by next tuesday. be looking at sizzling temperatures inland. >> hmm. good weather off to sizzle those cavaliers right on out of here. >> we are getting close. >> yeah. >> getting really close. >> just can't wait for this to start. >> previewing this for a week and a half already here. warriors they wanted cleveland in the finals. now they got them. for green, redemption is four who are these people? the energy conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. manait's a series of is nsmart choices. and when you replace one meal or snack a day with glucerna made with carbsteady to help minimize blood sugar spikes you can really feel it. glucerna. everyday progress. now abc 7 sportsd evening. waiting a year for warriors and cavs and they meet in the nba finals tomorrow night. imagine how long it must have felt for green, suspended game five of the final is a year ago. dray mo draymond, lost his cool. paid the price. had not been suspended. beat the cavs. sitting back to back nba champs. green emotional engine of the warriors. needs to run hot. but also stay cool. i carried the lessons that i learned with me. but, the actual -- the incident, it's -- it's, i mean i put that behind me a long time ago. the things that it taught me. you know, it's put me in position where i am today. i feel -- better than i have ever felt emotionally. you know, all things that happened bad aren't, that bad. you know, when you, when you stake a step back and look at them. that's something that i learned from. and, will stick with me for the rest of my life. >> the warriors wanted kevin durant for exactly this tie it of series. whether kd likes oirlt not. really anything short of a title will be perceived as failure for the season. lot of people focus on the match up with lebron james. talking two superstars. at the height of their powers. they figure to be guarding each other for much of the series. lebron will also klay thompson a bit. how much pressure is durant feeling now? >> just be the best me i can be. only pressure i worry about. dent play to my standard. that's what, when i will get upset. i have bad games. but just a matter of me. approach basketball like i have. with love and -- care. and -- hard work. and -- you know, we will see what happens. you know, a team game. can't go out there and do everything on my own. >> you know we got a pregame show at 5:00. abc, 5:30. warriors and cavs tipping off at 6:00 p.m. here on abc 7. after the game. all the highlights. post game interviews live fromk or al reena. well, fundamental thing. in baseball. put the ball in play. it is become a big deal for the ams. struck out 19 times against cleveland yesterday. now they struck out 12 times in four of five games. not good. the q, cavs arena right next door. top of the first. chad pinder. a as first, first inning run in a week. not a good stat. pinder, first ever, two run game. going for his third straight victory. gave up just one run, seven innings. struck out nine. as struck out 11 times today. only, i say, that's way too high. still won the game 3-1. snap a four game slide. good site for giants. back throwing a baseball again. he was suppose to start soft tossing friday. but felt so good that managed to start early. giants hosting the nats tonight. word is giants want to see him re-evaluate him in a month. as he comes back from that shoulder injury. french open, serena watching older sister venus in her 20th year at the french open. 37-year-old never won the french open. closest she came was runner-up in 2002. took care of her opponent in straight sets. 6-3, 6-1 to reach the third round. in a meeting with the press, may have let it slip that serena is having a girl. >> oh. >> so. interesting. >> yeah, that's, the speculation. >> we'll see. >> thank you, larry. >> join us at 9:00 on kofy, 20, the new robo calls prevent you from hanging up. in fact don't know you are getting a call. your phone never rings. 9:00. >> friend/family getting ready to pay tribute to the high school student killed in a rollover accident. on abc 7 news, we'll take-up to the vigil about to get under way in the next hour. >> coming up tonight an abc 7 at 8:00 -- the dra mma picks up whe romeo and juliet ended. >> 11. 3567 jim carrey and bachelorette, rachel lindsay. >> good night of television. guess we have to work. >> all right, that's this edition of abc 7 news. look for breaking news on twitter. abc7newsbayarea. >> for the entire abc 7 news team, thank you for joining us. >> see you at 9:00 and 11:00. "last man standing" is recorded in front of a live studio audience. hey. oh, hey, kids. hi, mama. is boyd ready? uh, no, no, no. they're not back yet from the ice show. so, big, bad mike baxter likes to watch himself some ice dancing. not exactly. see, aladdin lost a thumb one year, so mike keeps hoping for a repeat. well, i just hope boyd's able to sit still for him. he keeps getting into trouble at school. last friday, miss snyder sent him to the school counselor. oh, honey, i wouldn't worry. boyd's a pretty high-spirited kid. the counselor wants us to take him to a child psychiatrist. well, see that? if they were really worried, they'd want him to see an adult. mom, t-this is no joke, okay? the other day, boyd threw a stick. of dynamite? it might as well have been, the way his teacher overreacted. yeah. miss snyder is sending us e-mails every day. all caps, bold, exclamation points. oh. i swear, if she had this much passion in the classroom,

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Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News On KOFY 7PM 20170601 :

Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News On KOFY 7PM 20170601

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>> san francisco has more homeless people on its streets than just about any other city. last check the number of people sleeping on san froon streeanci streets second to new york. >> staggering number. the new police chief has an idea how to handle it and help the community. >> abc 7 news reporter vick lee and a story you will see only on abc 7. vick. >> ama, to give you an idea how much the homeless problem has grown. here at mission station they get 1,000 homeless calls a month. now, chief scott's vision is to have a dedicated team of officers who can help conct these homeless people to city services. and in other words, more outreach, less enforcement. >> you have a place you can do laundry and get a shower. >> reporter: officer jared harris responding to a complaint. that a homeless camp was blocking the sidewalk on fulsom and 1th street. he and his part next, officer yasser shaw convinced them to clear the sidewalk and offered tent dwellers help in getting city services. >> get your shower and laundry services okay. address, phone number, everything. >> the new officer unit soles purpose is to concentrate on issues involving the homeless. to use more outreach, than enforcement. commander david lazar head the unit. >> get someone help. get them housing, get them treatment. that's way more successful than enforcement. enforcement is still a tool. but not the priority. >> the unit will work collaboratively with city agencies foremost department of homelessness which welcomes their partnership. >> they have all been trained in, in, responding to, to critical incidents in working with people who are suffering from perhaps mental illness or other challenges. >> at this encampment, the officers tacked to desiree, on the streets for ate month. they'll get social workers to visit her tomorrow. she is appreciative. >> i thought it was -- very good. you know. politely. >> small, significant victory for the unit. a victory, they can build on. vick lee, abc 7 news. >> new, east bay freeway connector shut down because of a big rig crash. isn't expected to reopen until 9:00 tonight. the big rig overturned on a connector ramp between 880 and 238 in san leandro. traffic on northbound 880 delayed all day. two lanes on the western span were blocked for several hours. after a distraught man climbed up on an anchorage. >> you mentioned if anybody climbed up there he would jump off the bridge. so, we gave him, gave him little bit of room. talked to him. he did give a cell phone number. able to call him and begin the process of talking him back down. >> the man was taken for a psych evaluation and could face charges. traffic at the bay bridge toll plaza cleared a bit. still looks pretty bad out there. this is a live look at people trying to head into san francisco. >> following breaking news out of the east bay. crash closed down one of the tunnels. the board closed eastbound commute direction. this will impact the commute. there is no information on injuries or when the board will reopen. fire fighters on scene. updates on air and on line as available. >> developing news where police identified the man killed in an officer involved shooting early monday morning. officers say they tried to pull over 20-year-old joseph godinez, driving a stolen car. after a brief chase, officers were able to perform what they call a pursuit intervention technique. and stop that car. they stay, godinez drove into a police car, sending it down an embankment, police say officers opened fire after godinez drove into a police car. investigators discovered he was wanted for probation violation. he was also want ford questioning in connection with an armed carjacking, kidnapping, and robbery in san francisco. >> a candlelight vigil held tonight at the scene of the accident that killed two high school students. the vigil its organized by the family of 17-year-old brianna ortega riding in a pickup truck. speeding, hit a minivan, and slid into a light pole. five people hurt. vigil at lincoln avenue/park street. >> san jose state student who faked kidnapping will not face charges in san jose. according to a media partners at bay area news group. the 22-year-old said she was abducted at knifepoint and forced to drive to oregon. later recant herd story. motivation behind the false report remains unclear. >> oakland city council approved a settlement of $1 million. after a police sex scandal involving several former officers and a teenager. she identified herself as the an underaged prostitute, who went by the name, celeste guap. today asked that we refer to her as jazmine. abc 7 news reporter, laura anthony at oakland city hall with what else jazmine has to say. >> the settlement reached by oakland is one of many that could be in the works. other cities, san francisco, livermore, richmond, could all be facing similar claims. as for jazmine, she told us today, she is relieved that one hurdle is behind her. i feel happy that i can close this chapter and, and move on with my life. >> now, 19, jazmine was just 17 when sunny claimed sunny was having serks wix with more than dozen police officers from six agencies. now one city oakland settled with jazmine for $989,000. about a third of that will go to attorney's fees. >> the message is pretty clear. police officers held to the standard of obeying the law. if they're not above the law. can't engage in illegal or immoral conduct. >> best interest of constituenty to settle the matter quickly and fairly. we need to focus attention on rebuilding the public trust so damaged by this incident. five of the oakland officers allegedly involved with jazmine are facing criminal charges. the original claim against city of oakland filed by a prierl attorney. for $66 million. >> i never came up with the numbers. the large numbers. never came up with those. >> she obviously -- has been at the center of attention for a while. not the kind of thing sunny wants and likes to occur. hopefully a page in a personal history that will be turned. >> jazmine says she has had great support from her family. plans to return to school, and hopes to pursue a career working with animals. laura anthony, ax 7 news. >> new developments in the story of the goats that escaped a grass fire last week. sadly, one baby goat badly burned has died. sky seven captured dramatic images of the snaul hemall herd goats trapped thursday. most managed to escape with burns. one kid's injuries were significant. she died last night. another goat was transported to uc davis remains in critical condition. all of the other goats are doing well. and have been taken in by farm sanctuaries or private citizens. the original owner, surrendered them. if you want to share your support, find a link on our website, awe. >> tonight, cal osha reviewed slides to find slides similar to the emerald plunge. two slides at raging waters, closely resell bum the slide in dublin. a 10-year-old flew off the slide, the opening weekend, that slide and two others in dublin remain closed indefinitely during the investigation. >> a new campaign is under way in san jose to require contractors to hire locals and to pay them prevailing wages. the union led effort aims to put such a measure on the november ballot next year. looks at potential impact and why the unions believe there is public support already. they're not on strike. created a line to show their resolve. they want to got a measure on the ballot next year to require contractors at major residential and commercial products to hire local and pay market rate wages. i know how expensive it is to live here. and, we think that normal people, have an opportunity not only working on the projects in their community, but hopefully build, even make some living. >> survey of the commission says 76% of voters would approve such a mandate. >> regardless of whether or not the union households, nonunion household, we see strong support for workers in the community. and making sure people get paid a living wage. >> however support drops to 50% when people are told it might raise the cost of condominiums. a concern for opponents including at associatated builders and contractors. a group that lobbies for fairness and competition. it points out a construction boom is created a need for more trades people and the labor pool has the not returned a prerecession levels. for 18 year union electrician san jose native will smith the issue is giving workers a chance to buy a home and to work near job sites and provide for their fmilies. is it owe ska for american dream to be achiefable here in san jose. why is it that so many people that i know and that we all know, work here, find themselves moving away. having to commute in. >> in san jose, david louie, ax 7 news. >> the nba finals at long last under way tomorrow right here on abc 7. it was media day atk or to day. >> where players from both teams got peppered with question buys reporters from across the world. in fact, young andld. >> best taste in music. >> right back there. i mean, you take the bus in here. over the bridge today. you see the finals logo. it's special. warriors were asked how they plan to move past the devastating loss to the cavs. i've don't know if it has been in our locker room one time this year. all it not something that, when you are chasing greatness, that's the expectation. you don't need something to motivate you to reach that. >> well said. this is the first time the same two teams have melt in the nba finals three years in a row. the nba is staying local for tomorrow's national anthem performance. pat monihan lead singer of train will sing star spangled banner. showing donation pride too. and matt keller took the video at the airport showing international terminal you can see bathed in blue and gold. >> espn coverage of game one of nba finals starts tomorrow at 5:30 here on abc 7. right before game one. join abc 7s for the ws on 7 pregame show. brought to you by jeep. and mary and meek live ike live he finals begin. >> stay with us. president trump is about ready to deliver on a campaign promise. it has the california environmentalists scrambling to keep theirs. >> we'll look at both big picture and local picture. climate change and the global commitment the u.s. could leave. >> spencer christian. we have a nice warm-up around the bay area. don't expect the trend to carry us into the weekend. the accuweather forecast coming up. >> spencer, thanks. single payer health insurance scud be more affordable than we thing. depend on whose numbers you read. >> hope is a beautiful thing. >> she is hopeful. and she needs your help. next, meet the mid peninsula teacher who is one step away from end stage renal failure. new, lawsuit against the state of california claiming there aren't enough lawmakers in the capital. the suit was filed by people who support the movement to split off the far northern portion of california into a new state called, jefferson. today they rallied at the state capital. supporters say the northern part has 6 legislators. the rest has 114. >> we have no say in how tax money is spent weecht can't affect events for simplest things in our lives. >> they want to force an expantion and overhaul of representation across the state. organizers say if they can't get equal representation they would rather form their own government in jefferson. >> teacher in san mateo in need of a kidney transplant learning an unexpected lesson in faith, and perseverance from her own students. abc 7 news reporter, chris winn has the story. >> prototyping. >> at the nueva school in san mateo. >> loving. passionate. exciting. >> many words to describe engineer turned educator. >> mother. believer. advocate. >> kim sax teaching here 26 years. students will fell you she had a profound impact on their lives. >> kim made school the place i want to be, makes me excited to walk in. >> last week, sax had tough news of her own to share. >> that letter was the hardest thing i ever had to do mine life. >> in message to nueva campus, sax, opened up about her battle with end stage renal failure. her life declined and she needs a transplant to survive. her kidney function is at 10%. >> right after the shock and sadness, how do i be there for her? how do i help her in a time where she needs me. she has been there really, for me. >> the outpouring of support has been encouraging. so far, dozens of people have stepped up to see if their kidneys could be a match. >> i felt an obligation. an obligation to do something that was really, not that difficult for me. and, yet utterly critical for kim. >> many of them doing their best to spread the word. >> there are people around you struggling every day with major diseases. you might not see it. might not be visible. might not pub li size until the end. >> teacher learning a lesson about love from those around her. >> it made me realize there are so many great people in the world. thank you. like, for all that you have taught me. and -- >> you are welcome. providing strength and comfort when she needs it most. >> hope, hope is a beautiful thing. >> on the peninsula, chris winn, abc 7 news. >> pulling for kim. if you would like more information about becoming a living kidney donor or helping out kim, we have posted links on the website. abc 7 >> new survey offers more optimistic picture of how california could afford a single payer health in sure ans system. last week, a senate reportest mated the plan would cost $400 billion annually. more than the entire state budget. a new report by the university of massachusetts put the price at $330 billion. the numbers also very widely when it comes to calculating how much tax revenue would be needed to pay for it. new survey commissioned by the bill's lead sponsor. >> when the legislature passes, healthy california act, we will actually spend less than we do on health care. the fundamental issue we have to, concern ourselves with, what will be the quality of health care for californians and what will be the cost? >> the bill is up for a volt in the senate this week. >> a meeting is set to get under way in just a few minutes now to explore the possibility of putting a hotel in san francisco's waterfront. the study by port of san francisco, looks at building a 200 room hotel on pier 35 right next to pier 39. now, building a hotel there is not a slam dunk. voters banned hotels from the edge of the waterfront. the port says there are no plans to try to change that. but the commission did pay for a study to look attic nomic impact of building a two-story hotel inside pier 35. >> we are starting to see a little more blue sky today. >> nice isn't it. spencer christian is tracking the weather. >> lot more blue sky. next couple days. right now tell you about the ws on seven tomorrow evening. s you may know, warriors, cavaliers are playing game one of, kicking off game one nba finals tomorrow evening in oakland at arena. third consecutive year the two teams met in the finals. weather is lovely. though, game is going to be indoors of course. if you are going to the game. traveling through sunny conditions tomorrow evening. with mild weather. temperatures in the 60s. and, maybe the, the cavs can shuttle down, the, the cavs, the ws can shuttle down the cavs as sun goes down. trying to say. live doppler 7. sunny skies across the bay area now. check out the 24-hour temperature change. it is five to 8 degrees warmer in most bay area locations this hour yesterday, 11 degrees warmer right now in antioch than this time yesterday. view from the rooftop. looking out over the bay. unr mostly blue sky. 59 degrees in san francisco right now. 65, oakland. 70, mountain view. san jose. gilroy. 57. half moon bay. well, we are going to say this is the view. there is not much view right now. from emoryville, looking west yard. see bits of the coastal fog. moving down the coast, obviously. out over the bay. currently, 74 in santa rosa. 70, napa. 75 at fairfield. concord. 69, livermore. this is how it looks at golden gate. foggier, foggierment coastal fog no longer at the coast. fog near the bay, coast. sunny skies. mild in most areas two days. little cooler this weekend. and, we will have a warm-up next week. ernight, as the the fog stretches out, to our inland areas, much as the it has been doing all week long. low temperatures in the early morning hours, mainly in the mid to upper 50s. then tomorrow, fog will pull back to the coastline. much look today was. a little cooler at the coast. than, anywhere else. a low 60s there. some locations may, may reach only to the upper 50s. coast tomorrow. but around the bay, we will see highs in the upper 60s, low 70s. and inland see mainly upper 70s to 80 in a few locations. and, here is a, three day outlook for friday, saturday, sunday. showing you the little cooldown. that will go through the weekend. with highs inland in the 70s around the weekend. in the bay, upper 60s. sunny, dry. here is the accuweather. seven day forecast. see it will warm-up. next week. so, for tomorrow, friday, mai y ly sunny. mild although breezy tomorrow. cooler, over the weekend. but mainly sunny, dry. then much warmer monday. and tuesday. with high temperatures reaching about 90 degrees inland next tuesday. >> warm enough. >> thank you, spencer. >> home security keeps getting smarter. new feature added to nest is next. >> w nation, want to see your pride, check out some of the photos post on social media by warriors fans. use the hash tag, ws on seven. post photos. may show them here on abc 7 look closely this man isn't sta po supposed to be here, suspected burglar inside a home. the sheriff's office posted on line hoping some one will recognize him. and call them. obviously the camera got a very good look at this guy. >> on that subject. home security camera able to recognize faces on its own. leads tonight's bay area business watch. the nest cam iq zoom feature activates when a person walks by following them to capture a clear shot. this is video from nest. the indoor camera will then send an alert to a phone with a picture of the person's face. nest started seven years ago in a garage was bought by google in 2014. >> moon time, google announced expanding paid carpool service statewide. ways lets commuters pick up passengers going in the same direction. passengers get a small fee. drivers earn small amount of money as well. while waze could rival uber and lyft. ride sharing isn't mostly use ford commuting to work. >> less than six hours remain to weigh in on what some osprey chicks should be called. take a live look at rosie riveter national park in richmond. the chicks were born about two weeks ago. see mom, dad there. names have been narrowed to 10 finalists including victory and oaky for the nearby victory ship rivet, brooks, angel. cast your vote through midnight. a link on our website. abc 7 yeah, there they are. >> all pretty good name. >> president trump could make a landmark decision soon. withdraw the u.s. from the paris climate agreement. >> yeah, look at what is driving his decision and how environmentalists plan to stick to their priorities. >> plus the president's string of seven letters that kept the whole internet guessing. >> group of young actors from skyline high school are set to perform on the international stage. with a little help from the golden (vo) want to be happy with your next vehicle purchase? at enterprise, we guarantee it. head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... change your thinking about buying your next one. from abc 7, live breaking news. >> breaking news. sky 7 over shooting scene right next to highway 4. this all happened around 5:45. chp tells us two shooting victims found on l street north of the freeway. no word yet on their conditions. the boulevard off ramp is closed while police investigate. >> update on breaking news from earlier in the newscast. eastbound part of the caldecott open, in contra costa county. closed an hour ago after a crash. traffic, backed up along 24. to the intersection with 580. the tunnel again is open. >> president trump says, tomorrow at noon, he will announce his decision on the paris accord. >> white house officials indicate the president will pull out of the landmark climate agreement keeping one of the promises he made during his presidential campaign. >> here in california, environmentalists are vowing to stay on course. regardless. >> and our reporter was in oakland where a new initiative was launched to deal with climate change. >> reporter: the recent meetings with top european officials did nothing to persuade president trump to continue honoring the paris climate accord. instead the president seems to be taking his cues from 22 republican senators calling the pair ace agreement a risk. to reducing the regulatory burden our businesses face in order to create jobs and grope the economy. jason clark, the chairman of the republican party in san francisco, says, the creation of jobs will drive his decision. >> one of the big problems with greet energy jobs and obama administration gramled with this was for every one green energy job you create, six oldener gee jobs are lost. >> bay area environmentalists say withdrawing from the agreement would unravel president obama's climate legacy. >> rising seas. severe droughts. >> today in oakland a number of organizations announced a partnership that would create design teams to address the impact climate change isaving in the bay area. a lot of it is -- this uncertainty we are facing. we don't know exactly how high the sea levels are going to rise. but we know they are rising already. >> last week at a conference on climate change, governor jerry brown said california will continue to lead the nation in reducing green house gases despite the president's refusal. >> in terms of forest fires, diseases, extreme weather events. it is not going to get better it is going to get worse. >> with that said, california will probably rely less on federal funds and more on dollars coming from the state. and from the private sector. in oakland, leeann melendez, abc 7. >> latest on the investigation into ties between president trump's add viers and russia. former fbi chief james comey could testify as early as next week. before a senate intelligence committee. there are also more questions about senior adviser jared kushner and his dealings with the russian bank. known to the fbi as a base for russian spies. >> this was an actual trained operative, spy operation in new york. >> president trump took to twitter to call the investigation a witch-hunt. trump and vladamir putin said the investigation was an excuse by democrats for losing the election. >> a string of letters tweeted by the president overnight continues to baffle and amuse people. abc 7 news anchor kristin zee has more on the president's word or nonword that has had so many people talking. the tweet that started it all, president trump on twirlt, admit night, sending out this phrase, despite the constant negative press, covfefe, covfefe, take your pick. the tweet went viral. getting 120,000 retweets and 150,000 likes in six hours. reporters asked white house press secretary, sean pieser, what does it mean? >> the president and a small group of people know what he meant. right. like -- >> the president deleted the original tweet. send out the new one. who can figure out the true meaning of covfefe? enjoy. enjoy they did. jimmy kimmel tweeted. what makes me sad is that i know i'll never write anything funnier than covfefe. hillary clinton speaking at the recode, code conference, i thought covfefe was a message to the russians. >> air france, breaking, ow newest destination is sunny covfefe. some one registered it and started selling t-shirts. make america covfefe again. an some zahn, many items sporting the word, books, music to a covfefe mug. >> lebron james in bay area. police report some one spray painted a racial slur at his home in southern california. by the time police arrived, property management painted over it. looking at security footage. james addressed the incident at media day at oracle arena. >> no matter how famous you are, how many people admire you, you know, being, being black in america is -- it's tough. and -- and we got a long way to go. >> the cavs star admit heed was not his normal energetic self. this is proof african-americans have a long way to go before feeling equal. >> new at 6:00. young actors could get a chance to spread their message against bullying to an international audience. as abc 7 news reporter, jonathan bloom explains, a far off dream that might come true with a little help from the golden state warriors. >> do you -- >> from takes on classic shakespeare. >> to tough scenes about the present day. >> what are you saying? >> i'm saying -- >> skyline high school drama class helps students find ape piece of themselves. >> i like that i get to be somebody else. like is i like being myself. i get to step out into another character and feel their struggles. >> struggles some times are suffered in silence. >> what is happening to the people in high school what they're going through. >> that's the subject of prospect high. a play co-written with teens from new york. >> you need to sit down and talk with somebody. >> i am sitting down. >> inspired by the dark parts of teenage life. like being bullied. a topic this class tackled before. last year they entered the golden state warriors program to fight bullying. >> not in our school. not in our town. definitely not on our ground. they won the grand prize. and have since performed prospect high all over the bay area. but now, a new opportunity. >> we got invited to perform at american high school theater festival in scotland. >> mind blowing. i was just like, wow, going to scotland. >> there was one problem. money. students had to raise enough for an expensive trip. do it more quickly than ever imagined. >> we need to raise $28,000 by june 12. >> seemed impossible goal. then came a call from old friends. >> the warriors wanted to support our effort. and that they wanted to offer some items for, for auction. >> items like tickets to nba finals. and a basketball signed by the team. >> i was over the moon. this is a phenomenal thing that they're doing. it is like -- not only helping the community and helping their hometown also helping the arts too. >> helping some of the students take their first trip outside the united states. to spread their message. ♪ ♪ >> to the nation and the world. in oakland, jonathan bloom, ax 7 news. >> steph curry met one-on-one with abc news in an exclusive interview. talked about a conversation with former president obama. >> he was talking about, like the challenges before he was in office. not comparing what i do to what he does. he, he dropped a line. he said, before he got into office he didn't value his anonymity. as he was going through life. >> curry says lack of anonymity the biggest struggle as a celebrity. catch his interview tomorrow on "good morning america" right here on abc 7. beginning at 7:00 a.m. >> now, espn coverage of game one of the nba final starts tomorrow at 5:30 right here on abc 7. and you can join us on abc 7 for an all warriors pregame show at 5:00 p.m. the cavs will be here atk or al reena as yaso -- arena. before game one. join larry beal and the ws on 7 pregame show. larry and mike live at oracle tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. as the three-pete finals begin. >> well, one bay area county willing to pay people to try car pooling. >> find out where $2 can make a difference in the kmu. ♪ ♪ >> couple loses the phone number they had for 40 years. coming up, how 7 o happening now, caltrans what people think about designating a lane on highway 101 to reduce traffic. could be a carpool lane or express lane. which drivers would pay to use. the target area runs from the intersection with 380 near sfo down the peninsula into santa clara county where there are express lanes. another meeting will be held next week in redwood city. >> contra costa teaming up with an app scoop to encourage car pooling. the app connects commuters. costs $5 a ride. the county will pay $2 each ride. each direction. even though it doesn't sound like much, county says, it is enough. >> we were thinking about more. scoop said start with $2. they have done similar things in bay area communities. feel like $2 made a difference. >> the money will come from measure j, half cent sales tax for transportation. scoop was founded two years ago in san francisco. >> warmer weather today. skies turn bright and sunny. we are looking live now from a camera atop the mountain. >> will this be our pattern for the first every day, you're thankful for the ones you love. and every day you promise to protect them. off! is here to help with proven protection against mosquitoes. trust our family to protect yours. sc johnson, a family company when you you act, boo. so do we. raid kills roaches seven times faster than the next leading ant and roach spray. seven times faster? (gasps) raid! get raid and get tough on roaches fast. more breaking news from sky seven. see police with their guns drawn. this was just minutes ago. right now, an area of lemon tree way is taped off. very close to the shooting and crash near highway 4 that we fold you about not too long ago. police haven't said if the two scenes are connected. >> we'll stay on top of that story. move on for the moment. when you get a new phone, do you fry try to keep your phone number. >> the phone was disconnected they couldn't get their number back. >> a helpless feeling. they got help. >> this couple had been giving the same number since carter was president. long, long time. they were told they couldn't use the number anymore. they say it was like losing their connection to the world. >> christina and yusef have had the same phone number for 40 years. >> have the number. safeway has the number. >> all my family. abroad, all over. have the number. >> they were upset when they lost phone service and their long time phone number went with it. >> a big problem. you cannot reach us on the land line. >> the problem started when yusef saw this ad from at & t offering tv, internetd and phone for, less than he was paying comcast. >> i just want to talk to at & t. >> he says he contacted at & t, just to inquire. t after all. however, he says, at & t had already begun transferring service. in the confusion, the phone stopped working. >> nobody can call us. when they call, they say, phone is, no longer exist. >> comcast offered to restore service with the new number, but the couple wanted their old number back. >> that phone number been the same since '76. and it was very, very inconvenient to change the phone number. >> finally, i thought of 7 on your side. >> we contacted at & t. within days a familiar sound. >> ringing. >> their old phone number was back. at & t tells us, we have worked with the customer to resolve his issue and apologize for inconvenience this may have caused. >> we are thankful. >> i keep watching. i love my it. >> yusef and christina say a two month period when no one could call the land line, and took all that time to find the lost phone number. no one else claimed the number so. we have a happy ending. want to hear from you. help you with the happy ending. hot line, monday through friday. 10:00 to 2:00. you can also reach me through facebook and >> great work. not easy to pull off. nice couple they love you too. understandable. thank you, michael. >> time to check on the forecast. >> spencer christian, warming forecast, spencer. >> true, couple days. look at live doppler 7. sunny, mild conditions across the bay area. fog returned to the coast. pushing locally beyond the coast right now. it will push, even, farther inland. during the overnight hours, with low temperatures in the low to mid or mid to upper 50s. tomorrow, the fog will retreat to the coast again. sunny skies over the bay. and inland. we'll well have highs ranging from 60s at the kes to low 70s around the bay. to almost 80 in the warmest inland locations. and, graduation day for, free mont high school, sunnyvale. 5:00. starting 4:00 p.m. skies sunny through the early evening hours. with temperatures in the low 70s. and here is the accuweather seven-day forecast. well, little cooldown over the weekend. not by much. skies remain sunny. no rain in sight. then, starts to turn warmer again early next weekend. by next tuesday. be looking at sizzling temperatures inland. >> hmm. good weather off to sizzle those cavaliers right on out of here. >> we are getting close. >> yeah. >> getting really close. >> just can't wait for this to start. >> previewing this for a week and a half already here. warriors they wanted cleveland in the finals. now they got them. for green, redemption is four who are these people? the energy conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. manait's a series of is nsmart choices. and when you replace one meal or snack a day with glucerna made with carbsteady to help minimize blood sugar spikes you can really feel it. glucerna. everyday progress. now abc 7 sportsd evening. waiting a year for warriors and cavs and they meet in the nba finals tomorrow night. imagine how long it must have felt for green, suspended game five of the final is a year ago. dray mo draymond, lost his cool. paid the price. had not been suspended. beat the cavs. sitting back to back nba champs. green emotional engine of the warriors. needs to run hot. but also stay cool. i carried the lessons that i learned with me. but, the actual -- the incident, it's -- it's, i mean i put that behind me a long time ago. the things that it taught me. you know, it's put me in position where i am today. i feel -- better than i have ever felt emotionally. you know, all things that happened bad aren't, that bad. you know, when you, when you stake a step back and look at them. that's something that i learned from. and, will stick with me for the rest of my life. >> the warriors wanted kevin durant for exactly this tie it of series. whether kd likes oirlt not. really anything short of a title will be perceived as failure for the season. lot of people focus on the match up with lebron james. talking two superstars. at the height of their powers. they figure to be guarding each other for much of the series. lebron will also klay thompson a bit. how much pressure is durant feeling now? >> just be the best me i can be. only pressure i worry about. dent play to my standard. that's what, when i will get upset. i have bad games. but just a matter of me. approach basketball like i have. with love and -- care. and -- hard work. and -- you know, we will see what happens. you know, a team game. can't go out there and do everything on my own. >> you know we got a pregame show at 5:00. abc, 5:30. warriors and cavs tipping off at 6:00 p.m. here on abc 7. after the game. all the highlights. post game interviews live fromk or al reena. well, fundamental thing. in baseball. put the ball in play. it is become a big deal for the ams. struck out 19 times against cleveland yesterday. now they struck out 12 times in four of five games. not good. the q, cavs arena right next door. top of the first. chad pinder. a as first, first inning run in a week. not a good stat. pinder, first ever, two run game. going for his third straight victory. gave up just one run, seven innings. struck out nine. as struck out 11 times today. only, i say, that's way too high. still won the game 3-1. snap a four game slide. good site for giants. back throwing a baseball again. he was suppose to start soft tossing friday. but felt so good that managed to start early. giants hosting the nats tonight. word is giants want to see him re-evaluate him in a month. as he comes back from that shoulder injury. french open, serena watching older sister venus in her 20th year at the french open. 37-year-old never won the french open. closest she came was runner-up in 2002. took care of her opponent in straight sets. 6-3, 6-1 to reach the third round. in a meeting with the press, may have let it slip that serena is having a girl. >> oh. >> so. interesting. >> yeah, that's, the speculation. >> we'll see. >> thank you, larry. >> join us at 9:00 on kofy, 20, the new robo calls prevent you from hanging up. in fact don't know you are getting a call. your phone never rings. 9:00. >> friend/family getting ready to pay tribute to the high school student killed in a rollover accident. on abc 7 news, we'll take-up to the vigil about to get under way in the next hour. >> coming up tonight an abc 7 at 8:00 -- the dra mma picks up whe romeo and juliet ended. >> 11. 3567 jim carrey and bachelorette, rachel lindsay. >> good night of television. guess we have to work. >> all right, that's this edition of abc 7 news. look for breaking news on twitter. abc7newsbayarea. >> for the entire abc 7 news team, thank you for joining us. >> see you at 9:00 and 11:00. "last man standing" is recorded in front of a live studio audience. hey. oh, hey, kids. hi, mama. is boyd ready? uh, no, no, no. they're not back yet from the ice show. so, big, bad mike baxter likes to watch himself some ice dancing. not exactly. see, aladdin lost a thumb one year, so mike keeps hoping for a repeat. well, i just hope boyd's able to sit still for him. he keeps getting into trouble at school. last friday, miss snyder sent him to the school counselor. oh, honey, i wouldn't worry. boyd's a pretty high-spirited kid. the counselor wants us to take him to a child psychiatrist. well, see that? if they were really worried, they'd want him to see an adult. mom, t-this is no joke, okay? the other day, boyd threw a stick. of dynamite? it might as well have been, the way his teacher overreacted. yeah. miss snyder is sending us e-mails every day. all caps, bold, exclamation points. oh. i swear, if she had this much passion in the classroom,

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