Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News At 900PM On KOFY 20140328 : c

Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News At 900PM On KOFY 20140328

unfold in the federal corruption case against him. we have team coverage beginning with abc 7 news reporter carolyn tyler. >> the case against mr. yee is astounding in the depth of the cushion in the federal complaint. while much of the public focus is on the 65-year-old state senator, law enforcement initial target was raymond shrimp boy ciao he's notorious china town gangster with a criminal history that includes racketeering and drug crimes. former fbi agent rick smith believes the agency undercover operation was astericky as infiltrating the mafia. >> they got somebody in the gachblingt my understanding is that might have been some sort of induction ceremony. to do that here in china town takes a tremendous effort. take as lot of hard work and takes some real expertise on the part of the undercover agent. >> criminal complaint states after undercover agent gained ciao confidence by laundering money they expanded into drugs and then gun running. that's when agents say ciao introduced him to keith jackson. a former san francisco school board president who brought in leland yee exploratorium mayor says he has looked at the 137 page complaint. >> they are like reading it from some kind of a mystery novel somebody had written. it was this strange to kind of see these allegations but they were verified. >> complaint states during a meeting at san francisco restaurant earlier this year senator yee told them undercover agents that the arms dealer has things that you guys want. senator yee caution that dog business with people like the arms dealer was not easy and told him, one agent, this was not a business for the faint of heart. the senator san francisco home and sacramento office were searched yesterday. his long political career is now in ruins. his attorney announced his november run for secretary of state is off. >> it's a very personal choice and so that's the choice he has made if without any, political implication. personal thing he wanted to do. >>reporter: others want him out of politics all together. in san francisco carolyn tyler abc 7 news. >> for his part leland yee has pretty much gone in hiding since release from federal custody last night and looking at probably losing his job as early as tomorw in the state senate. lee ann spent the day outside yee sunset district home. >> some in sacramento say state setor yee deserves his day in court but others like senator leno calling for his resignation. >> if he does not the president pro tem of the senate already announced that we will be voting on the floor torrow to suspend him so yee will not be on the floor of the senate ever again. >>reporter: 2 other state senator suspended. ron and rod wright. both face felony charges and are on paid leave. that means each of them 7 salary of more than 95,000 dollars a year. if yee goes on paid leave the total amount picked up by taxpayers for the 3 senator cing charges isis 28 285,000 plus dollars. since his arrest the issue of how special interest groups influence lawmakers in sacramento has resurfaced. seems yee noise different from other politicians. a web site that collects and reports data on campaign contributions. most of yee heavy donor are union. >> solution is not just kicking out the people who actually broke the law. the solution is for all the current law make investigators get behind money and politic reform. >>reporter: political consultant hear worked in the state senate with george 40 years achlingt he talks about how l.a. lawmakers tempted to take money from special interest group because many are left owing a lot of money following a campaign race. >> well it's like a mortgage open your house. you have to pay the bill. and i think public officials like other people are tempted to cross the line they shouldn't cross. >> yee had a 70,000 dollar campaign debt from when he ran for the san francisco mayor's race in san francisco, abc 7 news. >> california 2 senators in washington issued statements today of senator yee arrest. senator feinstein called the allegations shocking and says for the good of constituent he should step down. senator boxer called the allegations beyond outrageous and said there's absolutely no place in public life for criminals who violate the public trust. our reporting continues on twitter. follow us at this web site on this story and we have posted the entire criminal complaint against senator yee at 7 new under see it on tv. mate find it very interesting reading. >> moving on. livermore police lacking for man who held up a woman at atm armed with baseball bat. security camera at the bank of america on first street capture the terrifyingen counter last night. robber described as man in his 30's approach a woman at the atm and demanded money. she complied and the robber also took her cell phone. he was last seen driving away in a red sedan. >> emeryville man accused of killing a fremont marine driving drunk appeared in alameda county courtroom today. 23-year-old yawn waived the formal reading of the criminal charges against him. prosecutors charging him with murder. >> hope the guy gets, get the justice he deserves. >>reporter: young was initially arrested for suspicion of dui tuesday after police say he struck and killed 23-year-old silva at the intersection of fremont boulevard and dakota a road. silva who was on a motorcycle was part of marine reserve unit based in san jose. members of silva family stood vigil at the memorial since tuesday. >> we have a lot of mom coming out. a lot of former marine. we have a lot of vietnam veteran. people showing up for a lot of spovrment it's really great. >>reporter: corporal silva was back in the bay area for less than a month after returning from an assignment in afghanistan. then was killed on the streets here. fremont back has established memorial fund for silva. there is a link if you would like to help 7 >> fast moving fire swept through livermore apartment building this morning as firefighters pounded on doors waking people up. >> everybody out of here. the now. >> fire broke out on murietta boulevard before 1:00 a.m. everybody was asleep. cell phone video shows intense flames bursting from 2 upstairs units as you can see. one man had to be air-lifted to burn center. he has serious injuries. he hid for awhile after the fire before telling firefighters that he was hurt. >> he had been drinking and so perhaps what had occurred is that something happened in the unit that caused the fire to begin and perhaps he was burned trying to put the fire out but probably got scared and ran. >> 8 apartments damaged and 11 people displaced. investigators say the fire appears to be an accident. >> woman arrested number of times for trying to sneak on to airplane has been arrested again. sat san francisco international airport. 62-year-old marilyn hartman arrested yesterday at the terminal 3 baggage claim. last year airport food court. she has restraining order against being anywhere at sfo. tsa says she lives the san francisco homeless shelter and says she has cancer and wants to go to hawaii where it is warm. apparently trying to get there. >> just getting started tonight on 7 news at 9:00 this thursday. up next. will there be criminal charges in the san brown 0pipeline explosion. fine whut pg&e forced to tell the government today. >> also. would you know what to do in the event of tsunami alert. tonight some historical perspective on what not to do if one is headed our way. >> spencer here with the weather. >> accu-weather forecast center looking at approaching storm that is going to bring us a lot of rain. i'll show you when and where it will start raining first in my accu-weather first in my accu-weather forecast coming up next. you. >> and that is the sound of 45 million dollars. get your hands on it. 7 news at 9:00 continues right after this. continues right after this. i'll be wireleare awesome. they let us use our phones to do amazing things. but why sign a 2-year phone contract just to use them? at net10 wireless, you can use the phone you already have and keep your network and number, too. but for half the cost. the bring your own phone plan. that's wireless your way. unlimited* talk, text, and data on the best 4g lte networks starts at just $40 a month. net10 wireless. you. >> pg&e likely face criminal federal criminal charges in connection to the deadly san bruno pipeline blast. in a document filed today with the security exchange commission pg&e reported that they expect charges related to the federal pipeline safety act to be filed soon. 2010 blast killed 8 people and destroyed 38 homes. san bruno mayor today said the charges quote will hopefully help bring closure and hold pg&e accountable and responsible for this devastating tragedy created by the gross negligence of pg&e. in a statement the ceo tony early said we have learned the tragic lesson of san bruno that safety must always come first. we have more work to do and we intend to do it right. but pg&e plan to remove trees to protect its pipeline. meeting with opposition in the east bay. utility company says tree block access to nearly 7000 miles of natural gas line from bakersfield to eureka a.walnut creek leading the local fight where city leaders question about whether safety or convenience. 7 news reporter laura anthony. >> like many bay area cities walnut creek downtown is enriched by the tree line street. which is why the mayor and residents here fought so hard to keep it from turning in this. this is what pg&e left in its wake in the duck pond park early this month. part of the pipeline path way program designed to the remove obstruction from 6700 miles of pipeline in northern californi california. >> concord has been a tree city usa for 33 consecutive yishltion when city leaders in places like lon cord and walnut creek learned what pg&e had in manipulated for the town they had serious issues. >> there's a difference between the matter of safety and matter of convenience and pg&e has not been able to show yet that there is a matter of safety but more a matter of convenience. >>reporter: now pg&e says they will pause the path way program at least for now. >> nice to see that pg&e responded to the public t.hopefully they will listen and there can be some good constructive dialogue. >>reporter: walnut creek mayor led the effort by creating this petition collected more than 2300 signatures in just a few daisy. in deciding to stop for now pg&e spokesman felix told 7 news quote we have paused the program. we are not removing any trees until we reach a solution. pg&e will meet with city leaders from various other community in the east guy address the concerns before remanufacturing any tre trees. in walnut creek, abc 7 news. >> sf 50 years ago today alaska was rocked by the largest earth dwhaibing has ever hit the united states. it's called the 1964 great alaska earthquake. 9.2 magnitude monster that shack for 3, maybe as much as 4 minutes. here you see some of the daniel it caused way back then. 131 people were killed as a result of the quake. most of them died in the tsunami that it triggered including one that wiped out the town of crescent city on the california north coast. so are you ready for tsunami? wayne attended tsunami dmril marin county today. >>reporter: by tsunami standard this was a little one. march 11, 2011 boat tossed like stick ins santa cruz harbor. final act of the japan earthquake hitting the home frobility. a dozen california harbor suffered 100 million dollars in damage. that just one historical back drop for the the act in muir beach. assistant fire chief allen talking radio and the need for more repeater. the residents were to take part in today evacuation drill. >> those who want to parts pit. >>reporter: most did not and for them today's date march 27th may also have drawn a blank. the does the name crescent city come to mind? 50 years ago 9.2 quake in alaska generated tsunami that hit all along the california coast. crescent city got the worst of it. 21 foot wave killed 11 people and destroyed half the waterfront business district. in the bay area even flooded san francisco bay. these are scenes from san rafael. nobody knew what to expect here in san francisco local didn't heed evacuation wavrjts instead they crowded the ocean beach area hoping for a view of the wave as it passed by knowing little of the danger exploratorium emergency operation center today they knew the story. >> i understand why people might want to do that but we want them to do the opposite thing. we want them to go to high ground. want them to tune into the radio. to the news. and get more information you about what they should do. >>reporter: worst case of tsunami like this. remember japan in 2011? wall of water lay in waeingt wake. 19,000 people died. if you assume we are immune look at the map of where we live. where it glows red there we are vulnerable. sobering? it should be. even in asleepy little town like muir beach. >> and that is what anniversary are for. they remind us of where we have been and in this case how history repeats. in the news loom, abc 7 news. >> let's hope it doesn't repeat any time soon. what we are hoping will rapete is some more written and spencer is tracking the forecast wh live doppler 7hd. >> on that you can count. we are going to get more rain in a big way. here's live doppler 7hd and we have dry conditions right now. in fact hard to even spot cloud at the moment but they are going to be gathering overnight and rain will arrive certainly by this time tomorrow. here's live view from the roof top camera along the embarcadero all calm quiet at the moment. temperatures of 56 degrees at san francisco. 59 oakland. up 50's and mid 50's here and a half moon bay. lovely view from the exploring camera showing cloud in the sky over downtown san francisco. and we have temperature readings right now at 53 at santa rosa and napa 55 in novato. 54 fairfield and 57 at concord and livermore. one view from em reallyville back across the ba bay. outline of cloud in the sky there but don't look threatening yet. forecast feature there's a chance of showers over night. mainly widely scattered isolated showers. tomorrow afternoon rain arrives in the north bay and spread south and eastward to all parts of the bay area later in the day and evening. heavy rain arrives early saturday and it's quite a drencher on saturday morning. satellite image shows approaching frontal system and storm door if you will rae maynes open other storms developing moving in our direction. let's deal with the one closest to us now. next storm that will arrive tomorrow evening and into saturday morning. here's the timing on that. starting our forecast animation 5:00 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. rain already across much of northern sonoma county. points north of santa rosa and up to mendocino county it's sweeping south ward in the afternoon and evening hours then by 6:00 o'clock saturday morning we have wide spread rainfall and some quite heavy. we have heavy downpour ahead of the frontal system saturday morning wind sweep through with 80's of showers written through saturday evening. tapering off on sunday morning then into another bit of a lull like today. so by 9:00 o'clock sunday morning rainfall total in the bay area of one and a half to about three inches in north bay mountains. quarter inch to 3 quarters in the lower elevation and 3 quarters of an inch to inch and a half in the south bay mountain. in the sierra we have a winter storm watch in effect from tomorrow night friday night into saturday night expecting 6 to 12 inches of new snow above 5 5500 feet. 1 to 3 feet of snow in the highest peek but way up high and chain control travel delay likely. back to the bay area we go. overnight cloud beginning to thicken especially in the north basement low pressure upper 40's to low 50's over tonight then tomorrow in the afternoon although it's raining early up in the north bay much of the remainder of the bay area not until later in the evening. high pressure to 70 degree ins some location inland and interthe bay tomorrow. here's accu-weather 7 day forecast. very wet day on sachlts mainly dry day on sunday. another rainstorm comes in on monday. that is pretty good one as well. few april showers on tuesday which is april first. partly cloudy and dry wednesday and chance of more rain on thursday. quite active weather pattern looking more like winter but fell good. >> we have been waiting for this for three months. >> we are glad it's here. >> that's very much. 5 69 feet that's how tall san francisco embarcadero hyatt is. now imagine dangling from the side of it. spencer dreams of this opportunity. coming up next. we explain why lucille was ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ told ya you could do it. (dad vo) i want her to be safe. so, i taught her what i could and got her a subaru. (girl) piece of cake. ♪ (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. >> it's a bird. it's a plane. no. it is giants mascot lucille dangling today. tl she joins several city officials and athletes as they repel downtown hyatt and embarcadero hotel. part of outward bound california first city sky line challenge. fund raiser to get low income students throughout the state involved in out door learning activities such as repelling. >> what is nearly 300 years old extremely rare and sounds like extremely rare and sounds like more than 45 million dollars the ♪ the those are the sounds of a 17 19 violin. one of only 10 complete known to exist and now going on the market. they are offering it for private sale here and expected price is more than 45 million dollars. now this one is called mcdonald one of only 2 made by antonio that are still in private hands. potential buyers can submit sealed bids until the sale ends some time in june. nothing sounds at all quite one. >> coming. another half hour of news at 9:00 moments away. controversial report on the new jersey bridge scandal. abc news anchor diane sawyer interview the governor about the findings of the report. >> new lead in the search for flight 370. why they are moving this search to spot hundreds of miles away. >> and historic meeting at the vatican. one of the longest meetings ever between a pope and american president. so what did they talk about? stay with me another half hour stay with me another half hour of 7 news at 9:00 >> make or break moment for popular new jersey republican governor cristie. state funded investigation of the bridge lane closure scandal today publish the reports and the findings could impact his national influence and potential run for the presidency in 2016. here's devon dwyer. >> governor under fire got a much-needed boost. what we found was that governor cristie had no involvement in the sdoytion close the lanes and no prior knowledge of it. >> the attorney they hired to investigate the lane closure on the nation busiest bridge. >> it's totally grid lock. >> said they were orchestrated by 2 christie ally. investigators said both had unknown ulterior motive but no evidence of political retribution. right or wrong. >> it was wrong. and the they were fared. >> in an exclusive interview christie called the scandal the toughest time in professional life but never considered resignation and denied climbs by one official who says he told the governor about the bridge crisis as it was happening. >> i don't have any recollection him saying anything but i tell you this. tell you what he didn't say. he didn't say governor i'm closing down some lanes on the washington bridge to stick it to the mayor is that okay. that i would remember. >>reporter: critic say the million dollar report is biased since none of the key figure in the scandal were interviewed. >> this was a very expensive the dog really did eat my homework report. >> state legislature federal prosecutors separate investigation that are ongoing. >> governor cristie told us he takes seriously the recommendation of the internal review and report an ethic sta star. run for the white house christie says he will decide next year. this is abc news new york. >> the search for missing malaysian airlines flight 370 has shifted to different part of the indian ocean now after new analysis of radar data has generated a new and credible lead. authorities now believe the air plane flying much faster than they thought. less than an hour ago the safety bureau spoke to the media. >> this continues analysis in the case the plane was traveling faster than was previously estimated resulting in increased fuel usage and reducing the possible distance traveled south into the indian ocean. >> australian authorities say 4 planes have reached new search areas for the missing airlines jet. 6 transcripts on the way. at the bree no debris spotted so far in this new search area. rescuers say they have counted 25 people dead in this this weekend massive mud slide in washington stop state but they add that the number is examine topped go up dramatically. first 16 victims recovered and formally listed among the dead. another 90 still missing. in addition authorities say 35 more people may have been in the area when the mud slide hit and their status still unknown. rescuers say they are still in rescue mode however with the entire community helping in the search for survivors. >> important deadline quickly preaching for millions of californians yet to seen up for obama care. perhaps you. you have until 11:59 monday night to begin applying for this. hey start an application by the dead lane will have some extra time until april 15. tax deadline. to fish it. more than 1 million people bought insurance through the state exchange n.concord today the executive director of the program called on uninsuffered californians to look for coverage now or risk tax penalty. >> if you don't sign up now the may subject to penalty. irs will levee penalty on the adults insured one percent of the income or 95 dollars sow make 50,000 dollars 500 dollar pwenl penalty. >> obama administration says more than 6 million americans signed up for coverage through this web site in. roam today historic meeting between pope francis and president obama. the president personally delivered a message straight from the american people. come visit us. so what did they discuss and what was in the gifts that they exchange? jonathan karl has more. >> arrival had all the transportation would you expect of presidential visit to the vatican. but thinks a different kind of pope. and 2 spoke for 52 minutes one of the longest private meetings between a pope and american president. visibly energize by the encounter the president gave the pope seeds from the white house garden. pope gave the president a copy of his mission statement about poverty and the president said he is in the oval when from us straitd. >> is. >> while the 2 men don't see eye to eye on social issues like abortion and gay marriage they formed a bond in other areas especially fighting poverty as morale responsibility. >> i was grateful to have the opportunity to speak with him about the responsibility that we all share to care for the least of these, the poor, the l political alliance with the pope. >> his job is a little more elevated we are down on the ground to dealing with the often fame and he's dealing with higher powers. >>reporter: traveling with the president at the vatican, abc news. >> coming up next. mack world conference in san francisco. office on your i-pad. shot gun office on your i-pad. shot gun wedding >> while the search for the missing malaysian airlines plane continues, british airway ad calling on travelers to escape to the indian ocean. video ad caught london train commuters by surprise today as sea of blue was shown on screens with the phrase escape the commute and discover the indian ocean. british air waves spokesperson says we are very sorry for any offense caused. e mailed statement she said the advertising campaign featured in the uk is being withdrawn. this campaign planned some most ago and we recognize that its appearance at this time is inappropriate. >> back on the first full day of the mack world convention in san francisco, big announcement from the very big company and we are not talking about apple. as jonathan explains, something apple users have been waiting for for a long time. the in the depth of the fish tank is an i-phone. happily recording video of reporter you mate recognize. >> slid it n.match tonight place less than 2 seconds waterproof. >>reporter: one of the eye gadget packing the floor on the first full day of mack world. 25,000 people expected to aattend even those years one took the stage during the conference. one took the statement mick soft technically wasn't at the conference but his announcement few block away was all about amy. >> beautiful settle of application. >>reporter: application that until now have been missing. >> if i only had the real office for i-pad i could get more done. well, it turns out as of today, you do. >>reporter: word excel for i-pad free to down load but if you want to create documents it's 99 years. this east a real deal. >> wrap text around it and move it a little bit. the move it in the place i need it. >> power on window tablet. >> they realize the ship has sailed a little bit for them on tablet. i-pad such a huge market share. bull for them not to be on the i-pad in a big way. >> office just one major example of new more powerful generation. there's whole app garden on the convention floor. about get the kid to do chore. >> they do the chore and complete it. >> to analyze restaurant menu for the healthy stuff. >> rate it red yellow green. >>reporter: even after at the conference for selling your app at a conference. >> capture the information right off that. like ultimate net working tool. >> exactly. stars of the show with apple gone. >> i don't think we will see an apple official present any third party event ever since. before built in plug. >> accessory you might want to keep away from the fish tank. keep away from the fish tank. john then abc 7 news. >> we have the story of 6-year-old boy who has been become an enter station now he become an enter station now he 0. >> south bay boy who suffered traumatic brain injury in freeway accident inspiring other family facing similar situation. now the hope is he represents what he is doing is representing what he has been able to accomplish going globa global. new foundation being named for him to help others over seas not just here. david continue introduces you to remarkably resilient young man named abdul. >>reporter: that smile on 6-year-old abdul reflects the positive spirit and determination. he sustained traumatic brain injury when only 4 months old after he was ejected from a vehicle. accident that claimed his mother's life. doctors didn't expect him to live. he did. however portional paralysis made it do i cruel and he didn't walk until he was 4 and a half. this is video shot by his physical therapist. abdul father where he gets strong self determination. >> i can do this for myself, i can do 0this. doesn't mother how long it take him. if it's there. >>reporter: what is your favorite thing in the whole world. >> playing with my friends. >>reporter: you like your friends. lieutenants of friends. >> i have one. i have 21 friends. >>reporter: abdul now inspire his family friends who stab foundation for from crime with several kbs. the original foyx is here where years of civil war left score of victim without limb and cost of the medical care is prohibitive. >> other kids in africa, in europe and all around the world that are going through the same thing like abdul did. and don't have the kind of opportunity' abdul had. >> his physical therapist don't believe physical limitation will ever keep him from his goals. do you weren't to be a channel 7 news report. >> yes. >> abc 7. >> excellent. we think some day he could even become president of the u.s. >> talk all you want. in san jose abc 7 news. >> highway do i do, psychotic. david tweeted out this picture. volunteer for miracle disabled children foundation go to our web site. what a terrific kid. >> denmark proud an ad in the hope of improving the birth rate called do it for denmark anden kurnls peoples to have babies. campaign offers couples an opportunities to put vox with open las vegas accident and those that proof they conceived on hollywood. 3 year worth of baby supply. denmark lowest birth rate justin perfect $1,000 restaurants. 1 in 5 are childless. >> do it for denmark one last check on the weather information. checking my hand. we had spots of moisture offshore so rain is closing in on the bay area and now tomorrow state wide is going to be sunny dray for the most part southern part of the state. high of 71 degrees even up in the central value. 76 but monterey bay region northward through the bay area our bay area north wand rainy and we get rain starting lit tomorrow continuing into the weekend. high pressure before the rain arrives the entire bay area we reach up to 70 inland and around the bay and tomorrow evening at the park here giants take on the a's game 2 of the bay bridge exhibition series. game tied few sprinkle around. temperatures mid 50's. here's accu-weather something i rainy dion saturday. dry sunday. more rain on monday and pattern through next week. >> not the first time someone has suggested that berkeley clairemont resort might be haunted but now item coming from 2 professional basketball players. spurs players jeff and tim cap dan blood last year chronicle heard the sound of child coming from his work. hotel offered new cue then another room. l it was the creepiest thing and teammate duncan says he heard the baby too. spurs beat the warriors 99-90. evidently the ghost scare p.d. not scare them from a victory. >> could have been a kid. >> could have been. the shark back in the tank hosting winnipeg. try to keep the winds post season. stick ♪ they lived. ♪ they lived. ♪ they lived. ♪ (dad) we lived... thanks to our subaru. ♪ (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. >> coming up tonight at 11:00. pg&e preparing for criminal charges in connection with the deadly san bruno pipeline blast. tonight you hear from people who live in the neighborhood and the neighborhood still being rebuilt. here's later. >> break through in the battle against autism. why local stoop activist believe that common vitamin could hold a key to extending the story and more to extending the story and more on channel >> mike is here with all the sports. stanford. >> not good news though. it was as i understand directly a and cardinals were a confident bunch but much more game tonight. if they look horns and fliers live up to the name. launches and hits a few. state with great ball movement. finishing it up with a corner 3. shot 3 percent in the first half but close fought sec. if muscles in for them. they are loving it. tvlt powell had 17 points travis bringing stanford to win 4 2 team leading 18. stanford goes down 82-72. season is over. >> definitely motivating. it just means we have to work so much harder to advance and go further next year. looking forward to the it and i'm excited. >>reporter: all right. pack 12 cools on with florida. if the second push back bruins 7 79-68 and number 1 seed wildcat all they can handle from san diego statement arizona play wisconsin in the lead 8 and into the west. twooch of the con sin son rolled if and pays them with 6 blocks. >> back to bark in capped though face another contained opponent. jets pops up raider to go at the tank. trump it in to dan boil. 1 nothing june tool. andrew, the police up the buck. game tied at one. later in the first. joe brent burn. back handier finds the necessary. 2 run shark. case to the base lane beats the tough angle. ties it up at 2. one timer puts win beg up 3-2. if lo cure fast ick 20 of year he plays that would be your store life. complete hi highlights. this similar in full effect today at the college. 2012 heismann prove win l former u.s. president there. george hw bush and his wife barbara on hand. johnny football wore helmet and pad unusual for pro day. he noticed they wear them on saturday a little bit bigger impression just a shade over 6 feet. great day for only 65 percent. 2 casts hit the ground. are you calling them on to the field and personally thanking them to come out and watch them. football the sports was good. sfvl. >> thinks on me and another thought it was really good, my, free agent jones grew tv in oakland this week. should travel drew sign. former de la looip saw. loss of jennings to the new york giants. fragile nature of running back mcfadde mcfadden. runs for 803 scar turn 29 had week. this week sports report brought to you by toyota. josh has 2 rbi and reddick 2 run homer. a's lead in the 9th. complete highlights coming up. >> stanford couldn't get it going. >> no they just the fliers kind of the team flown under the radar very athletic team physical and officer couldn't get off washing by 4. great season for the arsinals. if another rbi big al he was on the right site. 7 news of 20 she said so much. thanks for watching. appreciate your time as always. 7 news continues now on line on twitter facebook and all the mobile did he vase and all the mobile did he vase was our new 7 news over on the big 7. fat neil: no! [fat neil screaming] man: stay calm, everybody! fat neil: no, no, no! mike: you can't outrun me. i see you, fat-ass! fat neil: no, don't shoot me! [laughing] guys, please. okay, i don't even have a gun. isn't this against the rules? there's only one rule, fat neil.

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Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News At 900PM On KOFY 20140328 :

Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News At 900PM On KOFY 20140328

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unfold in the federal corruption case against him. we have team coverage beginning with abc 7 news reporter carolyn tyler. >> the case against mr. yee is astounding in the depth of the cushion in the federal complaint. while much of the public focus is on the 65-year-old state senator, law enforcement initial target was raymond shrimp boy ciao he's notorious china town gangster with a criminal history that includes racketeering and drug crimes. former fbi agent rick smith believes the agency undercover operation was astericky as infiltrating the mafia. >> they got somebody in the gachblingt my understanding is that might have been some sort of induction ceremony. to do that here in china town takes a tremendous effort. take as lot of hard work and takes some real expertise on the part of the undercover agent. >> criminal complaint states after undercover agent gained ciao confidence by laundering money they expanded into drugs and then gun running. that's when agents say ciao introduced him to keith jackson. a former san francisco school board president who brought in leland yee exploratorium mayor says he has looked at the 137 page complaint. >> they are like reading it from some kind of a mystery novel somebody had written. it was this strange to kind of see these allegations but they were verified. >> complaint states during a meeting at san francisco restaurant earlier this year senator yee told them undercover agents that the arms dealer has things that you guys want. senator yee caution that dog business with people like the arms dealer was not easy and told him, one agent, this was not a business for the faint of heart. the senator san francisco home and sacramento office were searched yesterday. his long political career is now in ruins. his attorney announced his november run for secretary of state is off. >> it's a very personal choice and so that's the choice he has made if without any, political implication. personal thing he wanted to do. >>reporter: others want him out of politics all together. in san francisco carolyn tyler abc 7 news. >> for his part leland yee has pretty much gone in hiding since release from federal custody last night and looking at probably losing his job as early as tomorw in the state senate. lee ann spent the day outside yee sunset district home. >> some in sacramento say state setor yee deserves his day in court but others like senator leno calling for his resignation. >> if he does not the president pro tem of the senate already announced that we will be voting on the floor torrow to suspend him so yee will not be on the floor of the senate ever again. >>reporter: 2 other state senator suspended. ron and rod wright. both face felony charges and are on paid leave. that means each of them 7 salary of more than 95,000 dollars a year. if yee goes on paid leave the total amount picked up by taxpayers for the 3 senator cing charges isis 28 285,000 plus dollars. since his arrest the issue of how special interest groups influence lawmakers in sacramento has resurfaced. seems yee noise different from other politicians. a web site that collects and reports data on campaign contributions. most of yee heavy donor are union. >> solution is not just kicking out the people who actually broke the law. the solution is for all the current law make investigators get behind money and politic reform. >>reporter: political consultant hear worked in the state senate with george 40 years achlingt he talks about how l.a. lawmakers tempted to take money from special interest group because many are left owing a lot of money following a campaign race. >> well it's like a mortgage open your house. you have to pay the bill. and i think public officials like other people are tempted to cross the line they shouldn't cross. >> yee had a 70,000 dollar campaign debt from when he ran for the san francisco mayor's race in san francisco, abc 7 news. >> california 2 senators in washington issued statements today of senator yee arrest. senator feinstein called the allegations shocking and says for the good of constituent he should step down. senator boxer called the allegations beyond outrageous and said there's absolutely no place in public life for criminals who violate the public trust. our reporting continues on twitter. follow us at this web site on this story and we have posted the entire criminal complaint against senator yee at 7 new under see it on tv. mate find it very interesting reading. >> moving on. livermore police lacking for man who held up a woman at atm armed with baseball bat. security camera at the bank of america on first street capture the terrifyingen counter last night. robber described as man in his 30's approach a woman at the atm and demanded money. she complied and the robber also took her cell phone. he was last seen driving away in a red sedan. >> emeryville man accused of killing a fremont marine driving drunk appeared in alameda county courtroom today. 23-year-old yawn waived the formal reading of the criminal charges against him. prosecutors charging him with murder. >> hope the guy gets, get the justice he deserves. >>reporter: young was initially arrested for suspicion of dui tuesday after police say he struck and killed 23-year-old silva at the intersection of fremont boulevard and dakota a road. silva who was on a motorcycle was part of marine reserve unit based in san jose. members of silva family stood vigil at the memorial since tuesday. >> we have a lot of mom coming out. a lot of former marine. we have a lot of vietnam veteran. people showing up for a lot of spovrment it's really great. >>reporter: corporal silva was back in the bay area for less than a month after returning from an assignment in afghanistan. then was killed on the streets here. fremont back has established memorial fund for silva. there is a link if you would like to help 7 >> fast moving fire swept through livermore apartment building this morning as firefighters pounded on doors waking people up. >> everybody out of here. the now. >> fire broke out on murietta boulevard before 1:00 a.m. everybody was asleep. cell phone video shows intense flames bursting from 2 upstairs units as you can see. one man had to be air-lifted to burn center. he has serious injuries. he hid for awhile after the fire before telling firefighters that he was hurt. >> he had been drinking and so perhaps what had occurred is that something happened in the unit that caused the fire to begin and perhaps he was burned trying to put the fire out but probably got scared and ran. >> 8 apartments damaged and 11 people displaced. investigators say the fire appears to be an accident. >> woman arrested number of times for trying to sneak on to airplane has been arrested again. sat san francisco international airport. 62-year-old marilyn hartman arrested yesterday at the terminal 3 baggage claim. last year airport food court. she has restraining order against being anywhere at sfo. tsa says she lives the san francisco homeless shelter and says she has cancer and wants to go to hawaii where it is warm. apparently trying to get there. >> just getting started tonight on 7 news at 9:00 this thursday. up next. will there be criminal charges in the san brown 0pipeline explosion. fine whut pg&e forced to tell the government today. >> also. would you know what to do in the event of tsunami alert. tonight some historical perspective on what not to do if one is headed our way. >> spencer here with the weather. >> accu-weather forecast center looking at approaching storm that is going to bring us a lot of rain. i'll show you when and where it will start raining first in my accu-weather first in my accu-weather forecast coming up next. you. >> and that is the sound of 45 million dollars. get your hands on it. 7 news at 9:00 continues right after this. continues right after this. i'll be wireleare awesome. they let us use our phones to do amazing things. but why sign a 2-year phone contract just to use them? at net10 wireless, you can use the phone you already have and keep your network and number, too. but for half the cost. the bring your own phone plan. that's wireless your way. unlimited* talk, text, and data on the best 4g lte networks starts at just $40 a month. net10 wireless. you. >> pg&e likely face criminal federal criminal charges in connection to the deadly san bruno pipeline blast. in a document filed today with the security exchange commission pg&e reported that they expect charges related to the federal pipeline safety act to be filed soon. 2010 blast killed 8 people and destroyed 38 homes. san bruno mayor today said the charges quote will hopefully help bring closure and hold pg&e accountable and responsible for this devastating tragedy created by the gross negligence of pg&e. in a statement the ceo tony early said we have learned the tragic lesson of san bruno that safety must always come first. we have more work to do and we intend to do it right. but pg&e plan to remove trees to protect its pipeline. meeting with opposition in the east bay. utility company says tree block access to nearly 7000 miles of natural gas line from bakersfield to eureka a.walnut creek leading the local fight where city leaders question about whether safety or convenience. 7 news reporter laura anthony. >> like many bay area cities walnut creek downtown is enriched by the tree line street. which is why the mayor and residents here fought so hard to keep it from turning in this. this is what pg&e left in its wake in the duck pond park early this month. part of the pipeline path way program designed to the remove obstruction from 6700 miles of pipeline in northern californi california. >> concord has been a tree city usa for 33 consecutive yishltion when city leaders in places like lon cord and walnut creek learned what pg&e had in manipulated for the town they had serious issues. >> there's a difference between the matter of safety and matter of convenience and pg&e has not been able to show yet that there is a matter of safety but more a matter of convenience. >>reporter: now pg&e says they will pause the path way program at least for now. >> nice to see that pg&e responded to the public t.hopefully they will listen and there can be some good constructive dialogue. >>reporter: walnut creek mayor led the effort by creating this petition collected more than 2300 signatures in just a few daisy. in deciding to stop for now pg&e spokesman felix told 7 news quote we have paused the program. we are not removing any trees until we reach a solution. pg&e will meet with city leaders from various other community in the east guy address the concerns before remanufacturing any tre trees. in walnut creek, abc 7 news. >> sf 50 years ago today alaska was rocked by the largest earth dwhaibing has ever hit the united states. it's called the 1964 great alaska earthquake. 9.2 magnitude monster that shack for 3, maybe as much as 4 minutes. here you see some of the daniel it caused way back then. 131 people were killed as a result of the quake. most of them died in the tsunami that it triggered including one that wiped out the town of crescent city on the california north coast. so are you ready for tsunami? wayne attended tsunami dmril marin county today. >>reporter: by tsunami standard this was a little one. march 11, 2011 boat tossed like stick ins santa cruz harbor. final act of the japan earthquake hitting the home frobility. a dozen california harbor suffered 100 million dollars in damage. that just one historical back drop for the the act in muir beach. assistant fire chief allen talking radio and the need for more repeater. the residents were to take part in today evacuation drill. >> those who want to parts pit. >>reporter: most did not and for them today's date march 27th may also have drawn a blank. the does the name crescent city come to mind? 50 years ago 9.2 quake in alaska generated tsunami that hit all along the california coast. crescent city got the worst of it. 21 foot wave killed 11 people and destroyed half the waterfront business district. in the bay area even flooded san francisco bay. these are scenes from san rafael. nobody knew what to expect here in san francisco local didn't heed evacuation wavrjts instead they crowded the ocean beach area hoping for a view of the wave as it passed by knowing little of the danger exploratorium emergency operation center today they knew the story. >> i understand why people might want to do that but we want them to do the opposite thing. we want them to go to high ground. want them to tune into the radio. to the news. and get more information you about what they should do. >>reporter: worst case of tsunami like this. remember japan in 2011? wall of water lay in waeingt wake. 19,000 people died. if you assume we are immune look at the map of where we live. where it glows red there we are vulnerable. sobering? it should be. even in asleepy little town like muir beach. >> and that is what anniversary are for. they remind us of where we have been and in this case how history repeats. in the news loom, abc 7 news. >> let's hope it doesn't repeat any time soon. what we are hoping will rapete is some more written and spencer is tracking the forecast wh live doppler 7hd. >> on that you can count. we are going to get more rain in a big way. here's live doppler 7hd and we have dry conditions right now. in fact hard to even spot cloud at the moment but they are going to be gathering overnight and rain will arrive certainly by this time tomorrow. here's live view from the roof top camera along the embarcadero all calm quiet at the moment. temperatures of 56 degrees at san francisco. 59 oakland. up 50's and mid 50's here and a half moon bay. lovely view from the exploring camera showing cloud in the sky over downtown san francisco. and we have temperature readings right now at 53 at santa rosa and napa 55 in novato. 54 fairfield and 57 at concord and livermore. one view from em reallyville back across the ba bay. outline of cloud in the sky there but don't look threatening yet. forecast feature there's a chance of showers over night. mainly widely scattered isolated showers. tomorrow afternoon rain arrives in the north bay and spread south and eastward to all parts of the bay area later in the day and evening. heavy rain arrives early saturday and it's quite a drencher on saturday morning. satellite image shows approaching frontal system and storm door if you will rae maynes open other storms developing moving in our direction. let's deal with the one closest to us now. next storm that will arrive tomorrow evening and into saturday morning. here's the timing on that. starting our forecast animation 5:00 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. rain already across much of northern sonoma county. points north of santa rosa and up to mendocino county it's sweeping south ward in the afternoon and evening hours then by 6:00 o'clock saturday morning we have wide spread rainfall and some quite heavy. we have heavy downpour ahead of the frontal system saturday morning wind sweep through with 80's of showers written through saturday evening. tapering off on sunday morning then into another bit of a lull like today. so by 9:00 o'clock sunday morning rainfall total in the bay area of one and a half to about three inches in north bay mountains. quarter inch to 3 quarters in the lower elevation and 3 quarters of an inch to inch and a half in the south bay mountain. in the sierra we have a winter storm watch in effect from tomorrow night friday night into saturday night expecting 6 to 12 inches of new snow above 5 5500 feet. 1 to 3 feet of snow in the highest peek but way up high and chain control travel delay likely. back to the bay area we go. overnight cloud beginning to thicken especially in the north basement low pressure upper 40's to low 50's over tonight then tomorrow in the afternoon although it's raining early up in the north bay much of the remainder of the bay area not until later in the evening. high pressure to 70 degree ins some location inland and interthe bay tomorrow. here's accu-weather 7 day forecast. very wet day on sachlts mainly dry day on sunday. another rainstorm comes in on monday. that is pretty good one as well. few april showers on tuesday which is april first. partly cloudy and dry wednesday and chance of more rain on thursday. quite active weather pattern looking more like winter but fell good. >> we have been waiting for this for three months. >> we are glad it's here. >> that's very much. 5 69 feet that's how tall san francisco embarcadero hyatt is. now imagine dangling from the side of it. spencer dreams of this opportunity. coming up next. we explain why lucille was ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ told ya you could do it. (dad vo) i want her to be safe. so, i taught her what i could and got her a subaru. (girl) piece of cake. ♪ (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. >> it's a bird. it's a plane. no. it is giants mascot lucille dangling today. tl she joins several city officials and athletes as they repel downtown hyatt and embarcadero hotel. part of outward bound california first city sky line challenge. fund raiser to get low income students throughout the state involved in out door learning activities such as repelling. >> what is nearly 300 years old extremely rare and sounds like extremely rare and sounds like more than 45 million dollars the ♪ the those are the sounds of a 17 19 violin. one of only 10 complete known to exist and now going on the market. they are offering it for private sale here and expected price is more than 45 million dollars. now this one is called mcdonald one of only 2 made by antonio that are still in private hands. potential buyers can submit sealed bids until the sale ends some time in june. nothing sounds at all quite one. >> coming. another half hour of news at 9:00 moments away. controversial report on the new jersey bridge scandal. abc news anchor diane sawyer interview the governor about the findings of the report. >> new lead in the search for flight 370. why they are moving this search to spot hundreds of miles away. >> and historic meeting at the vatican. one of the longest meetings ever between a pope and american president. so what did they talk about? stay with me another half hour stay with me another half hour of 7 news at 9:00 >> make or break moment for popular new jersey republican governor cristie. state funded investigation of the bridge lane closure scandal today publish the reports and the findings could impact his national influence and potential run for the presidency in 2016. here's devon dwyer. >> governor under fire got a much-needed boost. what we found was that governor cristie had no involvement in the sdoytion close the lanes and no prior knowledge of it. >> the attorney they hired to investigate the lane closure on the nation busiest bridge. >> it's totally grid lock. >> said they were orchestrated by 2 christie ally. investigators said both had unknown ulterior motive but no evidence of political retribution. right or wrong. >> it was wrong. and the they were fared. >> in an exclusive interview christie called the scandal the toughest time in professional life but never considered resignation and denied climbs by one official who says he told the governor about the bridge crisis as it was happening. >> i don't have any recollection him saying anything but i tell you this. tell you what he didn't say. he didn't say governor i'm closing down some lanes on the washington bridge to stick it to the mayor is that okay. that i would remember. >>reporter: critic say the million dollar report is biased since none of the key figure in the scandal were interviewed. >> this was a very expensive the dog really did eat my homework report. >> state legislature federal prosecutors separate investigation that are ongoing. >> governor cristie told us he takes seriously the recommendation of the internal review and report an ethic sta star. run for the white house christie says he will decide next year. this is abc news new york. >> the search for missing malaysian airlines flight 370 has shifted to different part of the indian ocean now after new analysis of radar data has generated a new and credible lead. authorities now believe the air plane flying much faster than they thought. less than an hour ago the safety bureau spoke to the media. >> this continues analysis in the case the plane was traveling faster than was previously estimated resulting in increased fuel usage and reducing the possible distance traveled south into the indian ocean. >> australian authorities say 4 planes have reached new search areas for the missing airlines jet. 6 transcripts on the way. at the bree no debris spotted so far in this new search area. rescuers say they have counted 25 people dead in this this weekend massive mud slide in washington stop state but they add that the number is examine topped go up dramatically. first 16 victims recovered and formally listed among the dead. another 90 still missing. in addition authorities say 35 more people may have been in the area when the mud slide hit and their status still unknown. rescuers say they are still in rescue mode however with the entire community helping in the search for survivors. >> important deadline quickly preaching for millions of californians yet to seen up for obama care. perhaps you. you have until 11:59 monday night to begin applying for this. hey start an application by the dead lane will have some extra time until april 15. tax deadline. to fish it. more than 1 million people bought insurance through the state exchange n.concord today the executive director of the program called on uninsuffered californians to look for coverage now or risk tax penalty. >> if you don't sign up now the may subject to penalty. irs will levee penalty on the adults insured one percent of the income or 95 dollars sow make 50,000 dollars 500 dollar pwenl penalty. >> obama administration says more than 6 million americans signed up for coverage through this web site in. roam today historic meeting between pope francis and president obama. the president personally delivered a message straight from the american people. come visit us. so what did they discuss and what was in the gifts that they exchange? jonathan karl has more. >> arrival had all the transportation would you expect of presidential visit to the vatican. but thinks a different kind of pope. and 2 spoke for 52 minutes one of the longest private meetings between a pope and american president. visibly energize by the encounter the president gave the pope seeds from the white house garden. pope gave the president a copy of his mission statement about poverty and the president said he is in the oval when from us straitd. >> is. >> while the 2 men don't see eye to eye on social issues like abortion and gay marriage they formed a bond in other areas especially fighting poverty as morale responsibility. >> i was grateful to have the opportunity to speak with him about the responsibility that we all share to care for the least of these, the poor, the l political alliance with the pope. >> his job is a little more elevated we are down on the ground to dealing with the often fame and he's dealing with higher powers. >>reporter: traveling with the president at the vatican, abc news. >> coming up next. mack world conference in san francisco. office on your i-pad. shot gun office on your i-pad. shot gun wedding >> while the search for the missing malaysian airlines plane continues, british airway ad calling on travelers to escape to the indian ocean. video ad caught london train commuters by surprise today as sea of blue was shown on screens with the phrase escape the commute and discover the indian ocean. british air waves spokesperson says we are very sorry for any offense caused. e mailed statement she said the advertising campaign featured in the uk is being withdrawn. this campaign planned some most ago and we recognize that its appearance at this time is inappropriate. >> back on the first full day of the mack world convention in san francisco, big announcement from the very big company and we are not talking about apple. as jonathan explains, something apple users have been waiting for for a long time. the in the depth of the fish tank is an i-phone. happily recording video of reporter you mate recognize. >> slid it n.match tonight place less than 2 seconds waterproof. >>reporter: one of the eye gadget packing the floor on the first full day of mack world. 25,000 people expected to aattend even those years one took the stage during the conference. one took the statement mick soft technically wasn't at the conference but his announcement few block away was all about amy. >> beautiful settle of application. >>reporter: application that until now have been missing. >> if i only had the real office for i-pad i could get more done. well, it turns out as of today, you do. >>reporter: word excel for i-pad free to down load but if you want to create documents it's 99 years. this east a real deal. >> wrap text around it and move it a little bit. the move it in the place i need it. >> power on window tablet. >> they realize the ship has sailed a little bit for them on tablet. i-pad such a huge market share. bull for them not to be on the i-pad in a big way. >> office just one major example of new more powerful generation. there's whole app garden on the convention floor. about get the kid to do chore. >> they do the chore and complete it. >> to analyze restaurant menu for the healthy stuff. >> rate it red yellow green. >>reporter: even after at the conference for selling your app at a conference. >> capture the information right off that. like ultimate net working tool. >> exactly. stars of the show with apple gone. >> i don't think we will see an apple official present any third party event ever since. before built in plug. >> accessory you might want to keep away from the fish tank. keep away from the fish tank. john then abc 7 news. >> we have the story of 6-year-old boy who has been become an enter station now he become an enter station now he 0. >> south bay boy who suffered traumatic brain injury in freeway accident inspiring other family facing similar situation. now the hope is he represents what he is doing is representing what he has been able to accomplish going globa global. new foundation being named for him to help others over seas not just here. david continue introduces you to remarkably resilient young man named abdul. >>reporter: that smile on 6-year-old abdul reflects the positive spirit and determination. he sustained traumatic brain injury when only 4 months old after he was ejected from a vehicle. accident that claimed his mother's life. doctors didn't expect him to live. he did. however portional paralysis made it do i cruel and he didn't walk until he was 4 and a half. this is video shot by his physical therapist. abdul father where he gets strong self determination. >> i can do this for myself, i can do 0this. doesn't mother how long it take him. if it's there. >>reporter: what is your favorite thing in the whole world. >> playing with my friends. >>reporter: you like your friends. lieutenants of friends. >> i have one. i have 21 friends. >>reporter: abdul now inspire his family friends who stab foundation for from crime with several kbs. the original foyx is here where years of civil war left score of victim without limb and cost of the medical care is prohibitive. >> other kids in africa, in europe and all around the world that are going through the same thing like abdul did. and don't have the kind of opportunity' abdul had. >> his physical therapist don't believe physical limitation will ever keep him from his goals. do you weren't to be a channel 7 news report. >> yes. >> abc 7. >> excellent. we think some day he could even become president of the u.s. >> talk all you want. in san jose abc 7 news. >> highway do i do, psychotic. david tweeted out this picture. volunteer for miracle disabled children foundation go to our web site. what a terrific kid. >> denmark proud an ad in the hope of improving the birth rate called do it for denmark anden kurnls peoples to have babies. campaign offers couples an opportunities to put vox with open las vegas accident and those that proof they conceived on hollywood. 3 year worth of baby supply. denmark lowest birth rate justin perfect $1,000 restaurants. 1 in 5 are childless. >> do it for denmark one last check on the weather information. checking my hand. we had spots of moisture offshore so rain is closing in on the bay area and now tomorrow state wide is going to be sunny dray for the most part southern part of the state. high of 71 degrees even up in the central value. 76 but monterey bay region northward through the bay area our bay area north wand rainy and we get rain starting lit tomorrow continuing into the weekend. high pressure before the rain arrives the entire bay area we reach up to 70 inland and around the bay and tomorrow evening at the park here giants take on the a's game 2 of the bay bridge exhibition series. game tied few sprinkle around. temperatures mid 50's. here's accu-weather something i rainy dion saturday. dry sunday. more rain on monday and pattern through next week. >> not the first time someone has suggested that berkeley clairemont resort might be haunted but now item coming from 2 professional basketball players. spurs players jeff and tim cap dan blood last year chronicle heard the sound of child coming from his work. hotel offered new cue then another room. l it was the creepiest thing and teammate duncan says he heard the baby too. spurs beat the warriors 99-90. evidently the ghost scare p.d. not scare them from a victory. >> could have been a kid. >> could have been. the shark back in the tank hosting winnipeg. try to keep the winds post season. stick ♪ they lived. ♪ they lived. ♪ they lived. ♪ (dad) we lived... thanks to our subaru. ♪ (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. >> coming up tonight at 11:00. pg&e preparing for criminal charges in connection with the deadly san bruno pipeline blast. tonight you hear from people who live in the neighborhood and the neighborhood still being rebuilt. here's later. >> break through in the battle against autism. why local stoop activist believe that common vitamin could hold a key to extending the story and more to extending the story and more on channel >> mike is here with all the sports. stanford. >> not good news though. it was as i understand directly a and cardinals were a confident bunch but much more game tonight. if they look horns and fliers live up to the name. launches and hits a few. state with great ball movement. finishing it up with a corner 3. shot 3 percent in the first half but close fought sec. if muscles in for them. they are loving it. tvlt powell had 17 points travis bringing stanford to win 4 2 team leading 18. stanford goes down 82-72. season is over. >> definitely motivating. it just means we have to work so much harder to advance and go further next year. looking forward to the it and i'm excited. >>reporter: all right. pack 12 cools on with florida. if the second push back bruins 7 79-68 and number 1 seed wildcat all they can handle from san diego statement arizona play wisconsin in the lead 8 and into the west. twooch of the con sin son rolled if and pays them with 6 blocks. >> back to bark in capped though face another contained opponent. jets pops up raider to go at the tank. trump it in to dan boil. 1 nothing june tool. andrew, the police up the buck. game tied at one. later in the first. joe brent burn. back handier finds the necessary. 2 run shark. case to the base lane beats the tough angle. ties it up at 2. one timer puts win beg up 3-2. if lo cure fast ick 20 of year he plays that would be your store life. complete hi highlights. this similar in full effect today at the college. 2012 heismann prove win l former u.s. president there. george hw bush and his wife barbara on hand. johnny football wore helmet and pad unusual for pro day. he noticed they wear them on saturday a little bit bigger impression just a shade over 6 feet. great day for only 65 percent. 2 casts hit the ground. are you calling them on to the field and personally thanking them to come out and watch them. football the sports was good. sfvl. >> thinks on me and another thought it was really good, my, free agent jones grew tv in oakland this week. should travel drew sign. former de la looip saw. loss of jennings to the new york giants. fragile nature of running back mcfadde mcfadden. runs for 803 scar turn 29 had week. this week sports report brought to you by toyota. josh has 2 rbi and reddick 2 run homer. a's lead in the 9th. complete highlights coming up. >> stanford couldn't get it going. >> no they just the fliers kind of the team flown under the radar very athletic team physical and officer couldn't get off washing by 4. great season for the arsinals. if another rbi big al he was on the right site. 7 news of 20 she said so much. thanks for watching. appreciate your time as always. 7 news continues now on line on twitter facebook and all the mobile did he vase and all the mobile did he vase was our new 7 news over on the big 7. fat neil: no! [fat neil screaming] man: stay calm, everybody! fat neil: no, no, no! mike: you can't outrun me. i see you, fat-ass! fat neil: no, don't shoot me! [laughing] guys, please. okay, i don't even have a gun. isn't this against the rules? there's only one rule, fat neil.

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