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Spencer we have been waiting for this kind of weekend. We have indeed dan. We have what we bargain for perhaps more. Raining across the bay area and rain steady heavy throughout the weekend. Lets go to live doppler 7hd. This is how things look. See all the green on the screen there. We have a couple pockets of fairly heavy downpour writ now especially in the north bay up around the beach and parts of pa written county. Heavy downpour eastward toward vallejo. Wide area of moderate heavy rain fall and look south ward down into the south bay and parts of the Santa Cruz Mountains. Wide year of steady rain fall and of course its snowing in the sierra chain requirements on the highway there. Lets get back to the bay area here. Look at our rainfall total impressive and growing. Nearly inch and a half at santa rose. Over inch and a half so far last 24 hours at napa. 2 and twothirds, 2 and 2 third inch at mount tam. 1 and onethird inch at Mount Saint Helena antitotals are just going to continue to grow rapidly overnight into tomorrow. Look at the satellite image showing the long moisture moving in our direction thats why we get the continuous stream of rainfall. Waves of rain. Storm risk Analysis Shows a medium chance of urban flooding meaning ponding and pooling on roadways and small creek and streams may flood. Could be some mud slide slight chance of wind damage as well because we have a wind advisory in effect from the straits and delta so wind gus gusting to grave Miles Per Hour between now and 11 00 oclock tomorrow morning. Theres potential for tree daniel and power outages. More to report and more to the storm which i will show you in just a few minutes in my accuweather 7 day forecast. Excellent spencer thanks very much. You can track the rain in the bay area using live doppler 7hd on the 7 news weather app. Weather app makes it easy to share photo of how you are welcoming the rain which we need so desperately. You can down load it on our web site listed here. Rain means a lot of snow coming to the sierra a. Chains required on all vehicle on interstate 80 and highway 50 except 4 wheel drive with snow tires. This is near baxter with heavy traffic. Where people are putting on the chains getting ready to make the trip up. All of the snow certainly good news for skiers headed up to the sierra this weekend. If thats you. Im sure you are glad about it. Lillian has more from sugar bowl with a look at all this new snow. Skiers and snowboarders were wondering when the snow would come. Some had even given up hope. We had given up. Starting to good camping. Made plans to good camping got rained out snowed out good thing. We are up hereen steady. Reporter many play hooky to take advantage of the snow will here. Took a day off work. Kids out of school. Dont tell anyone. Reporter snow is expected to fall through the weekend. Dumping as much as four feet around lake tahoe. As a result sugar bowl ski resort will open 20 more runs from 25 to 45. Locals eager to work parttime have been called in. As for the snow itself, sugar bowl is perfectly happy with the sierra cement variety. We wouldnt want something really light to blow await a minute we something increase the coverage. Pack down the base and then get lighter after this. So thinks actually perfect. Reporter everyone is welcoming the submit to has the share of usual headache. Chp dealt with spend out and accidents on interstate 80. Then there were the issue of chains. Always a question whether i can get to it stay on. It fell off a couple times already. Kind of a pain. Reporter chain installer are eager to do the job like everyone else in the sierra they haveed little work all society. Its been busy but nice we havent been busy all year. Reporter just down the street donner ski ranch closed early this season due to the lack of snow but does plan to reopen for the weekend. At sugar bowl ski resort, abc 7 news. Well the storm sent this tree branch crashing down in San Francisco lower haight ne fell on parked pickup truck and blocked the sidewalk. Happened on haight and steiner street. We are glad to say nobody was hurt. City workers trying to stay one step ahead of the storm. Today public work crew busy cleaning out drains. Thats so they dont clog obviously with the rain and flood nearby buildings. Many businesses are not taking any chances however as you can see exploratorium store already piled sand bags along its front doors just in case exploratorium is giving away sand bag at d p w warehouse at chavez and kansas street. North bay that is expected to get a lot of rain with this system. Along the Russian River they really need it but they always watch the river very closely, of course. Lee ann is in healdsburg. Reporter despite the rain tyler davis was out fishing in the Russian River this morning. He expects to do more before the ban goes into effect later this month. After this rain it will take a few days for the water to get real muddy and fishing will be tough but get a good break, you know few days after the storm it should be good. Should clear up. A lot of guys will be fishing their heart out. Reporter because the river levels so low spawning fish like the steel head and coho salmon find it impossible to go upstream to find place to lay their egg. The volume of water coming into this system will give them the signal to move up m there and start the move so they can actually spawn and get migration started. Reporter the creek where spawning take place are dry. Robin johnson lived in the guerneville area for 17 years she was excited to see the rain. This is going to possibly be enough over the weekend to open up those creeks and allow the fish to get free because they have just been hanging out. Reporter ban will affect some local businesses. King sport tackle is one of them but the Russian River camber of commerce says other businesses understand how important it is to protect these fish. We love our resources. We love our wild life and we are here to pro direct them and here for future generation. If that means time pose a ban then i guess thats for the community at large to do. Reporter ban will be in effect until april 30. It may have to be extended. Lee ann, abc 7 news. Let me show you a couple of new images we received from nasa today that say a lot about the drought. This is from january of last year. Sierra covered in white. The bay area green with foliage. Well this one was taken last month. Look at the difference. Showing california bare landscape. Most strikg difference of course is the lack of snow in the sierra. What a remarkable image demonstrate exactly what we are dealing with this year. Men time late word tonight from the white house. President obama is coming to california next friday we can from today to assess the effects of the drouchlt we understand hes going to good to fresno where he will hear from farmers in the Central Valley who are very concerned about the lack of rain. More on e Weather Forecast a little later on but for the moment lets move on. Oakland Police Investigating the death of william in connection with what they describe as a Home Invasion robbery. Happened early today on 34th avenue at foothill boulevard. Police received a call to conduct a welfare check at an apartment. When they arrived police found a woman in her 70s dead on the floor. Man in his 40s was found still conscious in the house. Relationship is not known. Police say neither person had signs of visible injury but no signs of forced entry to the house either. Police are offering a 10,000 dollar reward in the case. State Workplace Safety officials investigate the death of 2 men who were crushed to death while unloading slabs of granite. This accident happened this morning at galaxy granite in San Francisco Portrero Hill area. Witnesses say the men were preparing to unload a truck when the slab slipped. They have a process i dont know exactly what the process is of moving the big slab like that. And it seems that the slabs shifted moving it out and 2 people were caught underneath it. Reporter the slab were so heavy in fact rescue crew had to break them into smaller pieces sky to us move them. Representative from galaxy granite is deeply sad by the tragedy but wouldnt comment further on what happened. Cal osha said the company didnt have previous worker safety violations. Then another tragedy to talk b. Football player at uc berkeley collapsed did this morning while training with his team. Defensive endted goo was beloved member of the team and death obviously hitting the Cal Community very hard. Nick smith is on that story. Our players loved him dearl dearly. He was a big part of our family. Reporter cal football coach at one point had to choke become tears as he talked about 21yearold ted agoo. This is something that is very hard on all of us. Certainly teds family. His football family. Entire Cal Community. Reporter cal 6 foot 1, 2 40 pound defensive end collapsed during what the team doctor describe as routine conditioning work out. Hes never had any problems with any work out or practice. Reporter no. 35 seep in the video was admired for his hard hit and great tackle. Good enough to earn his way on to the team as walk on. School officials wouldnt give details about his medical history or any known risk factors but did say they noticed the athlete was having trouble this morning after training ruchbility one of the assistant stopped him. He was alert and communicating at first then things took a turn for the worst. By the time the team got him inside, agoo was unresponsive. Ambulance came and started cpr until transported to the Medical Center where he eventually died. There is no gritter tragedy than for us to lose one of our incredibly bright and passionate young people far too soon. Reporter agoo well known for warm smile and friendly personality. Captured in this social immediate c video where he sound off about his love for butter finger candy bar. Just had a passion and energy for life that was contagious. Eword of the Football Player death spread quickly. Its always sad to lose a fellow cal bear. Especially on social media people were sending out condolence. Reporter agoo was Public Health major and member of a from a tevrnlt at uc berkeley 7 news. More to bring enthusiastic friday night. New trouble for the makers of these walk in bath tub you have seen them advertised. Just ahead you will hear from a bay area customer who is certainly less than saturday fichltd also the new cost estimate for california high speed rail system. And spencer is up next. Live doppler 7 hd and the rainy weekend forecast. 7 news at 9 00 continues here in just a 9 00 continues here in just a moment. Wkun . . Ec [poof ] [beep] [clicks mouse] nice office. How you doing . Good. Automatic discounts the moment you sign up. It was business as usual today at Richmond Company rated by state and local agent but now customers are coming forward to say the way the walk intub operation did business, does not sit well with them. Laura broke the story yesterday about the raid at safe guard tubs. Today she has new details from a woman who may have paid too much for too little. She purchased her safe guard tub in december but now it sits outside her oakland home. In a back yard shed. 75yearold woman paid nearly 17,000 dollars for her tub. She financed nearly 14 thousands of that over 8 years at 9. 9 percent interest. Just too tight. Too tight. Reporter but three days after the tub was installed walker found it wasnt as advertised. I called them on about the 9th. Told them this tub is not working for me. And i feel closed in. I had a panic attack trying to take a bath. Experience the magic of water. Reporter safe guard is best known for the commercials often featuring celebrity that market the walk in tub largely to seniors. We have a search warrant for this business today. Reporter on thursday shown in the cell phone video several agencies served a search warrant on safe guard richmond call center. Officers hauled off dots he says of boxes and computers. Normal day. Grit day today. Reporter today that call center was back in business. But unclear for how long. The investigation includes allegations of false advertising, failure to get permit and over charging customers. Many of them elderly. Account or state listening board provided us with the video spokesman of rick lopes. We have the District Attorney office involved because there is a chance at some point determination could be made there could be criminal charges. He doesnt want to speak to me tonight. Reporter worker at Company Owner roger house told us he was in the available. So while the investigation into safe guard continues, walker tub sit here in the shed. Tells us all effort to return it or get her money back have fail. In oakland, Laura Anthony abc 7 news. The cost to build a high speed rail lane between San Francisco and los angeles has dropped. Less than 1 so slight but it did drop. Latest estimate to get the license open by 2028 is now 67. 6 billion dollars by comparison to 2012 Business Plan with 68. 4 billion dollars. Not exactly overwhelming difference but something. Cost is still more than double however what was original nationally predicted in 2008 when voters approved bond measure to partially fund this controversial project. All right. Lets talk about the Weather Forecast. Series of storms coming through. Spencer live on the roof of the be tonight. Watching it all roll in. Spencer. No rain just pick up just before you talked to me up her here. Bad hair night and getting windy so now my hair is blowing to and from. Heres look at live doppler 7hd rain spread across much of the bay area right now and someplaces it is coming down with intensity. Just east of vallejo. North of concord look at the area of downpour and all across the north bay and down to the down to the golden gate quite wet and soggy over the Santa Cruz Mountain and south bay at well and all going to get even something yr. Live view from the emeryville camera. Wet over there. Temperature readings generally in the mid 50s. Temperatures gone up a couple degrees in many spots around the bay area in the last 3 hours. Redwood city san Jose Los Gatos and a half moon bay. Live view at sfo quite wet right now. Temperature readings in the low mid 50s in santa rosa, napa, petaluma, fairfield concord livermore and live view from the rav top camera looking along a damp embarcadero these are the forecast feature rain continue to intensify overnight and through the weekend. Wave of soaking rain pound us both saturday sunday. Partial clearing monday tuesday. Satellite image with the long trail of moisture reaching all the way back to hawaii and this is all moving in our direction. Thats why the rain is going to be sort of a steady and continuous rain through the weekend. Waves of rainfall starting our forecast animation at 10 00 oclock tonight. We see rain wide spread across the bay area. Check out this activity through the weekend. Just its not moving. It should but its just not moving right now. We have a little technical issue. Anyhow the rain will continue to push through the bay area during overnight hours and through tomorrow, sunday, tapering off late sunday night at which point we expect there we go wave after wave of rain and by late sunday night into early monday morning we see rainfall total approaching 8 inches in the wettest parts of the bay area and thats mainly in the Higher Elevation and mainly north bay. We see up to three inches thats a good sewinging of rain fall that will certainly help, through rainfall deficit a little bit. We also expect one to 2 feet of snow in the sierra. Elevation around 6000 feet above 7000 feet 2 to to four feet of snow. So rainfall here, beneficial rain here and snow in the sierra. Here we are moving to the sierra right now. Winter storm warning thats in effect until 4 00 oclock tomorrow afternoon. Now see if i can get our system to bring us back to the bay area overnight tonight. Rainy. Low pressure mainly in the low 50s. And then tomorrow we have very, very rainy day soggy soaking rainfall with High Pressure only in the upper 50s to around 60 and heres the accuweather 7 day forecast. We have this rainy pattern tomorrow and sunday. Then we have a little bit of partial clearing early monday. Try day on tuesday but partly cloudy. Then later in the week next week there are more chances of light rain later in the week thats how things shape up for now. Ill be back with a recap of the weather a little bit later. Dan. Okay spencer thanks so much. Now abc 7 news has another great weather resource for you. Follow twitter latest bay area weather condition. Rain or shine. Its quite handy. So many of us have been hoping for rain and we want to see your public pick. Post them open our Facebook Page or share them with us on twitter or instagram at abc 7 news bay area. Please stay with me more to bring you still to come on 7 news at 9 00. Clint eastwood adds a little more loer to his leg situation. The actor just saved his life. Literally welcome to the farm of jack. Theres a curly fry tree. And a chopper out back. Theres a barn full of buns. And a thing you gotta try. A critter that makes burgers with bacon inside. Boooorrrk its beef and pork get bacon in your burger. Jacks new bacon insider has a juicy beef patty with bacon mixed right into it, plus bacon strips and bacon mayo on a new gourmet brioche bun. Boooorrrk its beef and pork get bacon in your burger. Moooiiink. Phone your account is already paid in full. Oh, well in that case, back to vacation mode. Boots and pants and boots and pants and boots and pants and boots and pants and boots and pants. Voiceenabled bill pay. Just a tap away on the geico app. Huh, 15 minutes could save you 15 or more on car insurance. Yup, Everybody Knows that. Well, did you know that some owls arent that wise. Dont forget about im having brunch with meagan tomorrow. Who . Seriously, you met her like three times. Who . Geico. One of the best things about is that millions of people will qualify for Financial Assistance. For example, if youre a Single Person making less than 46,000 a year, or a family of four, earning up to 94,200, you may be eligible for premium assistance. The lower your annual income, the greater Financial Assistance you will receive. Get answers, and get covered. Find out if youre eligible and enroll today. At coveredca. Com. All right lick your chop. If you love Girl Scout Cookies this wean the chance to get some starting sunday girl scouts will be setting up outside businesses and making their way door to door. New this year customers who buy 5 or more boxes can enter a drawing for chance to win 5 cases of cookies. Now you may have heard the girl scouts are offering gluten free cookies in some parts of the country but those are not available in northern california. Sales run through march 16. As we reported the other day this year they are 1 dollar a beings box more in the bay area. Hollywood legend clint eastd with is called a hero today by the man he saved from choking. 83yearold eastwood was take takening a party for the at T Pebble Beach National pro am wednesday night. Thats when he noticed 50yearold steve john choking on a piece of cheese. Eastwood quickly perform the heimlich maneuver. Then i was eating appetizer and Drinking Water and i had threw a piece of cheese in that wouldnt work the same pipe as the water and it i just choked. Was choking clint could see i was choking and he uses grabbed my arm turned me around and perform the heimlich on me and saved my life. Reporter how about that. Dirty harry real life action hero. Steve john the tournament director second time somebody perform the im electric on him. Good that clint was there. Another half hour of 7 news at 9 00 moments away. Coming up next. Airline hijacking attempt on the opening day of the olympics. We show you how it ended today. New details on the attack on pg e sub station in san jose and urgent call for security at all u. S. Power plants. And heres look at live doppler 7hd. Rain still falling tonight. Expected to intensify this wean. Another check with bulldog bulldog whats this . Mattress discounters president s day sale ending . But mattress discounters has the Largest Selection of memory Foam Mattresses under one roof comforpedic, icomfort, optimum. Even a queensize sealy gel memory Foam Mattress for just 497. And wow four years interestfree financing on the entire tempurpedic cloud collection. [yawns] the president s day sale is ending soon. Mattress discounters this is 7 news. As much of the world was watching the Opening Ceremony of the winter olympic, authorities stopped an attempted hijacking on a plane. Hijacker wanted the plane to fly to sochi where the games are being held. Good evening again we begin the half hour. Lack at scare unfolding today on board a passenger plane. The timing raising new questions about security. Man claimed to have a bomb and tonight the plane sits on the tarmac in turkey. The man in custody. Brian ross tells you what happened. The drama unfolded as the plane landed in istanbul after pilots signal there was a man with a bomb and hijacking was under way. Turkish police subdued 45yearold ukraine man after he was fooled into thinking the plane had actually landed in sochi as he demanded. He was later described as a holligan who was under the influence of something and no explosives found. Pegasus Airline Passenger jet flying from the ukraine over the black sea to turkey. 350 miles from sochi. Opening ceremony had been under way for about an hour when the news broke. Helicopters patrolled the air space around the olympic stadium. And there are missile battery space in the mountains above sochi just in case. Totally plausible to think somebody might be giving the order to fire to take down a commercial plane. Incident under score the concern by will you enforcement officials about what they told news today is ongoing plot to blow up airplanes during the sochi olympic. Effort to put a bomb on an airplane in and around sochi is an ongoing concern writ now that Russian Intelligence Agency looking very closely at. People briefed on the intelligence said involves not only smuggling explosive on to plane in toothpaste tube banned earlier this week but also Officials Say there is intelligence that the plot vessels tiny detonator taken from weapon being used by islamic fighters in sir y. New Homeland Security secretary said today the u. S. Is working closely with the russians on the olympic terror threat. We monitor world events real time and take action when necessary to confront and respond to these threats. Brian ross reporting. Today hijacking largely seen as fluke not terror accident but remind they are terror comes from almost anywhere over the next two weeks of the games. On this subject stay with us for the latest olympic results for team usa and the teams you are following. Heres how we handle keeping you informed without ruining it 4. On air we announce a spoiler alert so if you dont want to know you have plenty of time to turn away. Save the sprichlts on our social media platform we will post results but heres the key. You have to click on a link to see them so you wont accidentally find out the results. Not just going to pop up without warning. You can find us at facebook at this site. And follow us on twitter at this site. Always on line at this site. And dont for get you can watch 7 news at 11 00 oclock streaming every night on our web site or on our mobile app as well. You are watching the olympics right but still want to know what is happening in the bay area at 11 00 oclock, use ipad or smart phone to watch us. Carolyn johnson and i have the news 11 00 oclock each night. Down load the abc 7 news app from your iphone ipad or android. Go to our site for more fovrment we will keep you informed even as you watch the olympics. Well some u. S. Senator calling for new rules to protect American Power plants. This follows the attack on pg e met calf substation south of san jose. In letter to regulator Senate Majority leader reid said the incident came uncomfortably close to causing a shut down of critical sub station that could have resulted in a massive blackout in california and elsewhere in the the rest. Senator Reid Feinstein and others calling therefore on regulators to review security at electrical utility and consider i hope posing new rules. This happened april 16 of last year. Someone dropped into underground vault and cut phone cables interrupting service to gilroy and snipers opened fire on the sub station itself shooting it up for 19 minutes. Captured on security video. Shooters knocked out 17 transformers that supplied power to silicon valley. When Police Arrived they were gone and it took pg e almost a month to bring the sub station back to full operation. More fall out tonight over that 4 letter word heard round the world. American diplomat said it while talking about our key ally. Shes now explaining herself. Jonathan karl has more. More fall out on the f bomb dropped by the top u. S. Diplomat for europe. Today germ app chancellor leader of the European Union fired back calling the salty disrespectful language totally unacceptable. Closer to home more diplomatic embarrassment for president obama. His choice to be u. S. Ambassador to argentina revealed hes never even set foot in the country. Sz of have you been. Senator i havent had the opportunity yet to be there. Main qualification it seems erased more than 500,000 dollars for obama reelection campaign. This after another big dollar donor was tapped to be ambassador to norway. So unfamiliar with the country he didnt know what form of government it has. Why on earth did nominate mebody who didnt knowow norwa norway. Erased nearly 850,000 for the president reelection campaign. Oh. Then miss bell soap opera producer named ambassador to hand georgia ri. What are our strategic interest in hand georgia ri. In terms of what our key priorities. Had a hard time answering most basic question about hand georgia ri but did raise 800,000 dollars for the obama campaign. How much does it cost to become ambassador named ambassador in the obama administration. There have been many, Many Political ambassador. People who have come from a range of history and background very successful and worked very respectfully in the role. Jonathan karl reporting in washington. More than half of the noncareer ambassador appointed by president obama gave at least 500,000 dollars to the president reelection campaign. Now very important to point out that all president award big donor and support percent ambassadorship. Tonight on abc 7. Consequences of california drouchlt already taking its toll on the water of San Francisco basement i have that story for you as 7 news at 9 [ male announcer ] start engine. Accelerate. Shift. Shift. And shift again. Through all eight speeds of a transmission connected to more standard horsepower than its german competitors. And that is the moment that driving the lexus gs will shift your perception. This is the pursuit of perfection. One of the best things about is that millions of people will qualify for Financial Assistance. For example, if youre a Single Person making less than 46,000 a year, or a family of four, earning up to 94,200, you may be eligible for premium assistance. The lower your annual income, the greater Financial Assistance you will receive. Get answers, and get covered. Find out if youre eligible and enroll now. At coveredca. Com. Government scientist says the kawrnt drought is the latest reminder of critical changes happening to San Francisco bay. Some of those changes are lakely to have a big impact on the future. And tonight assignment 7 report ride along with biologist trying to make sure that we are ready. Just after sunrise at the port of redwood city, a crew of scientist head out on San Francisco bay. Picture perfect cruise. With a purpose. Regularly taking the pue of the bay. Is. Oneer this is the of the oldest working federal boats on the water. This is all the original glass. Reporter this 97 foot boat was luxury yacht when built in 1927. Now its elegant wood trim lounge are laboratories. Operated by the u. S. Geological survey. Senior scientist jim karne used the ship to study bay water since 1976. This is about 48 meters all the way to the bottom. Reporter San Francisco bay is constantly changing. Writ now the drought has cut the flow of fresh water so parts of the bay are unusually salty. We see the highest salt recorded in the 40 years. Reporter this Research Team goes out about 20 times a year sampling water in specific spots over a 90 mile route. Its a carefully choreographed routine. With elaborate high tech instruments done factually the same way every time. You have to move quickly. Collect a lot of sample at each station and not a lot of time between each stationment some sample are late sensitive so we have to get them processed and preserved as quickly as possible. Some changes to bay water are natural. Some are caused by humans. An its not always obvious what is good and what is bad. Take the water running into the sink. The water is actually coming from the basement its very clear. But thats a relately recent change. For years it was merchandise murky mainly because of gold mining sediment that washed down river into the bay. Something like 1 billion with a b yards of sediment deposited in the bay in the 18 60s, 70s and 80s eall the decades later the sediment finally disappearing. Good news. But it has a flip side. Now that the water is clearer sunlight penetrates deeper. In the last decade 3 fold increase in the clear phil in the summer month. Reporter that could lead to serious algae bloom with dire consequence. Worst Case Scenario would be recurrent fish bird kill an Public Health problems. Reporter usgs now part of regional effort to make sure the worst Case Scenario doesnt happen. That cone mean longterm changes in sewage treatmen to keep the nutrient that fuel algae growth out of the water. But a change like that would cost billions so for now jim focus is to get local officials to commit to just monitoring the water. To develop a Knowledge Base to anticipate changes in the future. Reporter heres the good news. Really no question San Francisco bay is much healter than it was in the 50s and 60s. Thanks to the clone water act. Scientist say new threats to Water Quality turning up all the time and every change in climate is like a new experiment with bay wate water. Coming up here next on 7 news at 9 00. Talki about claim at. Spencer christian claim at. Spencer christian and live doppler 7hd yeah. I heard about progressives name your price tool . I guess you can te them how much you want to pay and it gives you a range of options to choose from. Huh . Im looking at it right now. Oh, yeah . Yeah. Whats the. Guest room situation . The name your price tool, making the world a little more progressive. Theres a curly fry tree. Jack. And a chopper out back. Theres a barn full of buns. And a thing you gotta try. A critter that makes burgers with bacon inside. Boooorrrk its beef and pork get bacon in your burger. Jacks new bacon insider has a juicy beef patty with bacon mixed right into it, plus bacon strips and bacon mayo on a new gourmet brioche bun. Boooorrrk its beef and pork get bacon in your burger. Moooiiink. Spencer back from the roof of the building to update the forecast. Much koes cozy year in here but still messy outside as you can see on live doppler 7hd we have rainfall covering good portion of the bay area and moisture offshore that is poised to move overland very shortly. Now the north bay is probably wettest region in the bay area right now. Getting nice little soaking. All 3 north bay counties as a matter of fact but the Santa Cruz Mountains getting quite a bit of rainfall right now all the way down to monterey bay area into the south bay and then over in the sierra it is snowing not very heavily but chains are required on the highway into and out of the tahoe area this weekend is a lot of snow accumulateing in the sierra. Tomorrow state wide look for rainy messy day over the northern 3 quarters of the statement all the way from up north of eureka a down to about fresno and below and then eastward over to sierra winter storm warning in effect for the sierra until 11 00 oclock tomorrow morning. We expect 2 to four feet of snow above 7000 1 to 2 feet of snow between 6 and 7000 feet. Thats a lot of muchneeded snow. Beneficial snow in the sierra and we get our heavy dose of rain fall intensifying periods of rain of night and sort of steady rain tomorrow heavy at times. Could produce local flooding. Low lying roadway and could be clogged doctrine pip that sort of thing so its just going to be almost a nonstop event through tomorrow and sunday before it finally releths. Heres accuweather 7 day forecast. Soaking drenching rain. Saturday sunday. 3 to 5 inches of rain in some of the lower elevation. 6 to 8 inches some of the Higher Elevation just from this weekend storm. Showers will licensing near monday morning in parts of monday afternoon. Partly cloudy to partly sunny on tuesday then chance of rain again wednesday thursday and friday so we are certainly in an active more winter like weather pattern rate now and we have needed this for a listening time. Yes. We were in critical stage and despite the series of storms we are still in a critical drought situation. Wont change anything. No. After the storm will steel be severe rainfall deficit but this is the start of beginning to make up the deficit just a little bit. Thanks very much. Weather Team Following the forecast all weekend closely. You can join morning news tomorrow at 5 in the morning for the latest on this welcome winter weather. Also track the rain any time by adding live doppler 7hd to your twitter feed. Be sure to do that. All right. Well spencer got the short straw tonight. We were hoping that already ri larry would go up on the roof of the building. Tomorrow night you will be up there. Im off tomorrow. Otherwise i would be you up there. But spencer is great wherever he is. What i like seeing. I almost could feel at home the wind in my face and the water in my hair and i just say he belongs up there. Hes a natural really. 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The nbc sports live extra app gives you unprecedented access to every moment of nbc universals coverage of the sochi olympics, now on your tv. The x1 entertainment operating system, only from xfinity. The x1 entertainment operating system, one of the best things is that millions of peopleia will qualify for Financial Assistance. Its important to remember that the lower you annual income, the greater Financial Assistance you will receive. Enroll today at coveredca. Com. A. Coming up tonight at 11 00. We are tracking the storm. Heavy rain as spencer told you expected soon. Live Team Coverage on the wet weather plus what you can expect this weekend. And fortyniner fan surrounded by seahawks fan during seattle superbowl parad parade. That picture went rarely. But wait until you hear this teenagers story. Those stories and more come up at 11 00 over on channel 7. Join us then but sports director is here now to talk sports. The as tonight. He is getting ready for the start of spring training. We hear from cocoa crisp and derek norris who looks hilarious. Shark playing columbus final game before the olympic break. Milestone for head coach mclellan now the all time lead intermost games as shark head coach. 4 35 and counting. Lets start with this. Father son taking in the game. That is priceless right there. First period john just called up from the minor. Deflecting the shot. 1 nothing san jose. 5 minutes later. Save by him and marl owe going to the olympic there for the rebound. 2 nothing sharks. Blue jacket ryan with wrister that beats him and right now they are in the third period and it is 31 sharks. Spencer talking about it i dont know how they get through pebble this weekend and might be done by sunday i dont know. Weather is a big factor. AT Pebble Beach National pro am. Round 2 today. Wednesday gusting at times up to 27 miles an hour. Randy off and on and more of the same is coming. Rain or sunshine monterey peninsula from above. Peyton manning within a fat and a half and lack at the strong breeze that may have gone right in. Mickelson on 14 at pebble. Lefty had up and down daiing day. 1 over 73. 5 back. Jordan speed 4 under 67 at monterey peninsula rolling in the birdie on 12. Tied with the lead with walker would mid spy glass and so close for birdie here. No bogey for walker first 2 round as we said tied for the lead at minus 9. Now to the baseball. Cocoa crisp is the man who make the as offense like the engine in the car and the car just got nice fill up. Contract extension 2 years, 22 point 75 million. Now cocoa will make 7. 5 million this season under his existing contract. This new deal runs through 2016 with option for 2017. As lead off man hit 261, 22 double, 3 triple and muscled up for career high 22 homeers last year. 66 rbi. 21 stolen bases. Does it all. 34yearold crisp played in 131 games last year for the 2 time al west champ. Comfort of being here l being here the past few years and me knowing the city and this division i think thats always nice. Again especially with this transaction that are being made, pull it off again saying about the character and players we have here. As holding fan fest tomorrow if 10 00 a. M. To 4 00 p. M. 2 locations. 1 the coliseum then across at oracle arena. Dont worry about the rain. Its in doors. Also all sold ou. Now today the team met media. Discuss more serious baseball issues Going Forward but now the beard mullet and over all appearance of catcher norris. Look crafted by his hair stylist girlfriend. Im going to go beyond i think its epic mullet or maybe stared maybe a little touchy subject writ now. I dont know maybe we have to work on that. Ill get with my guys and get a new name for it. Mountain of man fabio. Picture that in your head thats what derek norris looks like right now. Interesting appearance. Surprise from rodriguez educates. Dropped the legal fight against major looel League Baseball and will sepsis pension keep him out the entire 2014 season. He was suspended for violation of baseball drug agreement an labor contract in connection with biogenesis the company this supplied performance enhancing drug to numerous after lets. Its believed rodriguez didnt want to spend 10 Million Dollars in legal fees to continue pursuit of this case. Remember this welcome back on top of the 25 Million Dollar salary that he was destined to lose for this upcoming season. College hoops stanford in the Washington State game. Coming in at 55 and o versus was you. 37 points. 17 rae bound. Budser there. At the break. Actually trailed late in the game. Down 2 but taylor help stanford pull away late. Final here and they won 21 games in a row. 7 sports brought to you by toyot toyota. Staichbility all right thanks very much. Its really going to be rough on the golfers at pebble this weekend. Whole thing is a washout. I dont see how they get 72 holes in by sunday. They can extend to it monday. Well see hopefully the weather holds but just have to hope for the best. Should have played it last week. Yes. Thats this he tiltion of abc 7 news. All of us here. Thanks for watching. We appreciate your time. Well see you in 1 hour over on the see you in 1 hour over on the big 7. Goodbye for now n the guy sasekeeper make sure shes dead. Stop me if youve heard this. Wouldve been nice 27 minutes ago. The housekeeper says, we dont have a pool. And the guy says peltogood morning, greendale. Just a reminder, our debate team will bring home the championship tomorrow versus city college. Go, human beings

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