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Thank you for joining us. Im dan ashley. Ama daetz has this evening off. The cessna 310 was on its way from riverside to san jose and came down about a half mile from the riverside municipal airport. Search teams are looking for three, maybe five victims on board the plane was a husband and a wife and three teenagers. San gentlemjose group had been a cheerleading competition and heading back when the plane went down. Two homes were destroyed and 30 people were evacuated from nearby houses. Riverside fire chief Michael Moore and plains how the teenagerimpact, the plane split apart and luckily, she was ejected and very minor injuries, even though were treating her at a critical patient. She had very minor injuries. Truly amazing. The plane was broken into hundreds of pieces, just shattered. The propeller sitting on the roof of a nearby house and the fire burning with jet fuel was ablaze several hours after the crash. Terrible scene. The San Franciscos Market Street was shut down because of a bomb threat. Police tell us someone phoned in a threat to the Northern California offices on market betwe between grant. Officers went door to door evacuating nearby businesses. A service was stopped. The evacuation was lifted after police swept the area and did not find any device. Bomb threats have been made at Jewish Community centers and institutions across the country today including ones in palo alto and san rafael. Well have an update on abc 7 news at 11 00 on channel 7. So please tune in for that. 73 million, that is the initial estimated damage from last weeks flooding in san jose. The city says its begun the process of applying for state and federal aid. 50 million of the damage is private property keep in mind. The other 23 million is public. Inspectors are making progress and cleared residents to return to more than 850 homes in the past 24 hours. However, nearly 500 are still yellow tagged allowing people only to retrieve their belongings. They cant stay there. The city says affected residents can expected to be involve in a more thorough Damage Assessment in the near future. The estimate that weve done right now is really based on formulas and not inspection work. The inspection work that we have been doing is more related to getting them back in the unit, not related to doing this estimate. Tomorrow the city counsel is expected to set a hearing to discuss the evacuation process. So far donations has reached more than 900,000. Well, in the meantime another day of cleaning up for residents in rock springs. The water is gone now replaced by mud and just an enormous mess left behind. Abc 7 Wayne Freedman was there last week and went back today to check on the progress. Reporter the seventh day in flooded rock springs and not one day of rest. The mess too wicked, the task too daunting. How has this last week been for you . Awful. Crazy. Reporter for calvin and his wife annie, questions not only of where to begin, more important, where will they finish . The amount of stuff he could save just a tiny percentage of what they threw into a dumpster out their back window. Everything, my kid toys and the kitchen in the living room, everywhere like all my stuff. Reporter having lost so much she feels grateful to salvage photos from a family album. This was then. Look at now. Weve been working hard, saving and now its all destroy in minutes. Reporter they are one struggling family in a neighborhood filled with them. They had plenty of help from volunteers. The mayor returned for yet another shift. It happen in my city so im responsible one way or another. We know there has been a failure and thats why residents didnt get time to clear out. Reporter they face a cleanup likely to last months and financial recoveries that may take years. In the rock springs section of san jose, Wayne Freedman, nbc 7 news. Ten days ago we watched that fire truck watch fall off the inch of a freeway washed away in heavy storms down it went. Tonight we are hearing from the firefighters, the truck was on interstate 15 near the pass in Southern California. No one was in the truck when it fell and now were finding out what those firefighters heard and saw just before it happened. My first instinct, i thought are back tire blew and fish tailing off the road. Just violent scraping, grinds and hit the other end, pretty violent jolt. I looked out the window and saw the Rushing Water a good 30 feet below us and said there is no road, its gone. I remember the sound of the boulders and the water was rolling these boulders in the water and the sound of the Rushing Water below was when i figured, you know, were going in the water and this is not going to be good. Again, all of the firefighters got out of the truck before it went over the edge into the hole and again, no one was hurt. At Lake Oroville today, look at the emergency spillway. Authorities stopped releasing water from the spillway. It will stay dry for up to a week as workers release the debris that stopped the plant from working. Potential failure of the emergency spillway prompted authorities to evacuate nearly 200,000 people early they are month. It is the start of a new era in oakland after eight months in limbo, the city swore in a new police chief today and kirkpatrick. Former chief sean went left last june amid a Sexual Misconduct scandal. Mayor libby shaft named three acting chiefs in a nineday period. Remember that . Each stepped down within days. All very strange. For months it was over seen by a city administrator and acting assistant chief. In january kirkpatrick was named as the new chief. Abc 7 Laura Anthony has more. When a city is safe, it is truly prosperous. Reporter she may be an outsider but new police chief is firmly committed to building on oaklands success in redcing crime and abandoning a recent past. It is my vision that the Oakland Police department be the model agency for policing in america and every way. We chose you for your chakt a character leading by example and being afraid to hold others accountable for the most ethical conduct. Reporter the mayor called kirkpatrick the one to pull out of a dark period for a sex scandal. Alameda County District attorney is looking forward to working with the new chief. Keeping oakland safe, i love that one mission. And its safe in a way that really embraces and lifts up people that live here. I think shes inheriting the hardest working Police Officers in america. And if that requires reform, i dont know. I think what they need to do is continue to go out there and fight crime. I told her that you have a very difficult and a very challenging job, and i hope that you will hang in there and see us to the end and she said she would. Reporter the Oakland Department was closed emerging from 14 years of federal oversight before last summers sex scandal. Im not a quitter, okay . There isnt going to be a quit in may when there are challenges. Laura anthony, abc 7 news. Stay here, searching for a stabbing suspect in san jose, the beloved victim of this crime and why hundreds of kids are feeling that loss right now. Also, do heavy rain and snow put stress on californias earthquake faults . Scientists are starting to get some answers about that. In the meantime, meteorologist drew tuma is here with the forecast. Dan, a nice dry evening on the way to set the stage for a nice pattern change across the region. Details ahead in the accuweather forecast. Thanks, drew. We sent spacecraft to the moon and San Jose Police have not identified or apprehended any suspects in the death of a wellloved High School Baseball coach stabbed outside the cantina on 2nd street this weekend. Melanie woodro is on the story. Reporter friends and family say Frank Navarro was a beloved High School Baseball coach. There is a growing memorial for navarro outside the bar where he was working as a security manager. San jose police say someone stabbed navarro after midnight sunday. He later died at the hospital. Police have not released a motive but people who know him say he may have turned away someone with a fake i. D. It was a real shock. The principal says navarro worked nights so his days would be free to coach. So willing to give to the community and helped students and wanted the best for them and saw athletics as a way to achieve in school. Reporter he graduated from over felt high school. His uncle who is the Athletic Director says he helped bring him back to over felt as a baseball coach. He also helped out with the football team. I spoke to a few of the kids on campus, little somber and just try to keep my composure and stuff because i dont want to lose it. Reporter navarro was president of east ridge little league. Family and friends are calling his murder senseless. They held a vigil last night. Just hope they catch whoever did it because its not right. Reporter San Jose Police say their investigation is on going and have no new information. I have faith in the San Jose Police department. They will find the people who did this. Reporter the high school had counselors available to speak with students today. Melanie woodro, abc 7 news. All right. You got to see this. A man was caught on camera stealing an atm in the north bay in an outrageous crime. San jose police shared thist be morning you see a man wearing a tan headed sweatshirt pull a robe or cable into the building and watch, the atm being dragged and ripped out of the building by a lexus suv. Look at the damage. A ramp and staircase were ripped off the foundation. Police found it about 11 00 this morning. Flooding is an immediate and obvious danger from our winter storms, we were also looking at the potential for a different kind of danger as a result of what happened, talking about earthquakes. This rain and snow is sitting on our fault lines and heavy and its more than weve had actually in years, pretty much every bay area city has far exceeded the normal amount of rain for the season, which started in october. Gauges at the Sonoma County airport have recorded nearly double the usual amount of rainfall. Even san jose is at 137 of normal. As of today, our sierra snow pack is at 188 of normal. Scientists have long wondered whether there is a connection between weather and earthquakes and now they started to get some answers about that. Here is leslie brinkley. We get more during the summer months when there is an unloading of the crust. Reporter seismologist says its not necessarily heavy rainfall but our seasonal fluctuations that they are finding is linked to increased earthquake activity. We dont think there is an impact for bigger faults. Weve been focussing on smaller earthquakes, magnitudes twos and threes. Reporter the water and heavy snow in the sierra presses down on the earths crust. When things dry out, the crust rises by five to 10 millimeters triggers quakes near the surface. Scientists at the usgs say the run off from the heavy rainfall can take months or even years to get down to major fault lines like the san andres that are two to three feet deep. As you get deeper and deeper, the permbility for the water to seep down dip minuiminishes. Reporter they have in evidence that rain or drought contribute to major earthquakes. At uc berkeley, im leslie brinkley. A petition drive to split 56 schools from the mt. Diablo School District took the next step towards success. How big an area the unified School District covers. Parents say the district is too big to serve the needs of their children. The district is firmly opposed to the secession. The signatures still have to be verified. With the approval, it would go to the state this spring and could end up on the ballot in 2018. Well, it is a mayimazing wh forgiving late fees could do. Nearly 700,000 books were turned into the San Francisco Public Library during its sixweek amnesty period. Nearly 700,000. Most books had been reshelved but abc 7 news caught a glimpse made a display of the stories they could tell to one book was returned 100 years past due, another 80 years over due. Several more were 30, maybe 40 years late. We have a c. S. Lewis book, childrens book, history books, i think a few books that adults checked out when they were students in high school. This book atlus shrugged was turned in worth over 5,000. San francisco forgave 300,000 in fines. I bet both me and drew could find an over due book somewhere if we searched the house. Nice dry spell here. Were loving this. Tons of sunshine and get used to the dry pattern. We got a lot of days ahead that do not feature rain. On top of the job tracking the rain in february. Tonight, nice and quiet. So outside we go. Well show you the live picture from the tower. Great visibility. Oakland in the background, San Francisco in the foreground, just Crystal Clear skies out there but we are almost ending a month that featured only six completely dry days this month. Its been very wet this month. Those dry days had a nice little stretch mid month four days linked together. Last week two days and looks like the last day tomorrow, last day of february will feature no rain. Make it seven dry days. Out there now, clear and cool across the board from the coast to the bay and holding in the 40s. 48 San Francisco, 49 oakland, 48 san jose, 47 that number there in antioch and napa 46. Here is the call. Overnight tonight, clear skies, plenty of stars, another chilly night away from the waters. A lot of spots dropping into the 30s. Typical chilly spots napa or slightly below the freezing mark along the coast in the low 40s tomorrow morning. Tuesday planner as we go hour by hour, maybe a little patchy frost first thing in our sheltered valleys, otherwise, tons of sunshine and bright days and by noon and a few clouds by 4 00 but nice comfortable temperatures around the bay and inland going into the low 60s. Leave the umbrellas at home. Take a look at the next seven days. San jose for example well stay in the 60s, up by thursday. A little drop but even early next week, temperatures going right back up near 70 degrees and that will feel mild compared to the cold 50s weve had for much of february. Chances of rain were dry tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, so you dont need the umbrella but rain chances do increase and by saturday, thats going to be after sunset and sunday looks to be the day that does feature more wide spread rain that could try and linger into monday as well. Future weather hour by hour into next weekend, 10 00 on saturday. Most spots are dry. Just north of santa rosa, light rain. As we go through sunday morning into the weekend by 8 00, 9 00, this is really light rain over spreading the region. May try and linger over the bay and by 5 00 sunday evening, its sinking to the south and it may try and hold on for monday but a nice stretch of no rain headed our way. The accuweather sevenday forecast, were try tomorrow, bright and sunny out there. A mild pattern hits us midweek, almost feeling like spring out there on thursday and another day of sunshine and mild temperatures friday. There is that chance late at night on saturday but looks lake the rain returns on sunday and then were just partly cloudy. Blend of sun and clouds and temperatures holding in the 60s. Very nice. Thanks very much. This does not look good. Well agree the driver of this car goes around a Railroad Crossing arm and you can gus what happens next. Dont do this at home. There is at least a happy outcome. Stay with us. The driver of this car is lucky to be alive. Security video captured the incident on friday. The car crosses the track and appears to have made it to the other side before that train just hits it there. Incredibly the driver survived. Dont know how but apparently they did. The footage was posted on the polish state Rail Networks website to warn drivers about safety at Railroad Crossings, we should never take chances. Nasa has sights set on the sun. Today the space agency announced it will launch whats called the Solar Probe Plus Mission to the sun in july of next year. Scientists say the probe will get close enough to the blazing star to answer some important questions including why the suns surface isnt as hot as its atmosphere. If all goes as planned, solar proplus will be the closest a man made object has been to the sun. Keep in mind that is still 4 million miles away. The new robot from boston dynamics is putting on quite a show as you can see in this video released by the company, this robot known as handle is really quite nimble. Look at this thing. Thats not all. Watch as it handles the stairs, as well as steep terrain and the snow. Youll see that in a moment. The robot can travel nine miles an hour and manage four foot vertical jumps. All right. Stay here with me. It is a surprise ending that no one saw coming. We break down the oscar oops that brought the wrong winner to the stage and show you what went wrong. Meet the theater professor that trained one of last nights biggest winners in the bay area and is it reality its beautiful. Was it a hard place to get to . laughs it wasnt too bad. With the chase mobile app, jimmy chin can master depositing his hard earned checks in a snap. Easy to use Chase Technology for whatever youre trying to master. Ive heard it all. Eat more fiber. Flax seeds. Yogurt. Get moving. Keep moving. I know try laxatives. Been there, done that. My chronic constipation keeps coming back. I know. Tell me something i dont know. Vo linzess works differently from laxatives. Linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation or chronic constipation. It can help relieve your belly pain, and lets you have more frequent and complete bowel movements that are easier to pass. Do not give linzess to children under six and it should not be given to children six to seventeen. It may harm them. Dont take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. Get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. The most common side effect is diarrhea sometimes severe. If its severe stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. Other side effects include gas, stomacharea pain and swelling. Talk to your doctor about managing your symptoms proactively with linzess. Good evening once again. Well begin this half hour with that epic oscar fiasco, the wrong movie announced for the highest honor best picture and tonight the company that counts the ballots took full responsibility for the mistake saying Price Waterhouse partner mistakenly handed the backup envelope for best actress to presenters. It was all so awkward. Abc News Reporter tom has the story. The academy award. Reporter tens of millions around the world watching Warren Beatty. Stepping in to name the biggest prize of the night. La la land. Ryan gosling and emma stone with the films producers taking the stage. Thank you to my parents reporter but three minutes later after a few speeches, suddenly, behaind them you see the commotion. La la land producer taking the mic and revealing this. There is a mistake. Moonlight, you guys won best picture. This is not a joke. Moonlight best picture. Reporter moonlight the actual winner. The films team confused, stunned but erupting in cheers. The director thrilled. Very clearly even in my dreams this could not be true but to hell with dreams, im done with it because this is true. My goodness. Reporter but the one big clue was on stage the entire time. Look closely at the envelope in beattys hand, actress in a leading role. Explaining to the audience. I opened the envelope and it said emma stone, la la land thats why i took such a long look at fay and at you, i wasnt trying to be funny. Reporter so how did this happen . For more than 80 years, Accounting Firm pwc tallied ballots, two accountants bringing two sets in matching briefcases to the ceremony. Each stationed on either side of the stage. But at the end of the show, accountant brian somehow handing beatty the second copy of emma stones pwc putting out this statement overnight, we sincerely apologize to moonlight, la la land, Warren Beatty and os cue viewers made during the announcement for best picture. The presenters had mistakenly been given the wrong category envelope and when discovered, was immediately corrected. Its not the first time. In 1964 sammy davis junior was handed the wrong envelope. They gave me the wrong envelope. Wait until the naacp hears about this. Reporter if this year, em b ma stone saying moonlights victory was welldeserved. Im beyond excited. Its one of the greatest films of all times. Reporter seen here back stage with ryan gosling praising the crew from la la land for graciously handling the makeup. I needed to hear it multiple times. I absolutely love all of those folks. Some are speculating this a tweet might be behind last nights big goof. This one to be exact. Brian cullen, one of the two Price Waterhouse partners responsible for handling the envelopes tweeted this picture of emma stone three minutes before the wrong best picture winner was announced. The tweet has been deleted. The question is was he distracted . Moonlight star didnt want to go up there and take anything away from the la la land cast and feels fortunate that the film won and that he won for best supporting actor. Ali is one of several bay area film makers to take home an oscar. Sergio chas more. Reporter they say last nights ceremony was unreal. We were as stunned as everyone at home and what an emotional roller coaster. This says moonlight on it. Thats right. Mark is of course, joking about the oscar mixup in the best picture category. The animated short film piper was inspired by directors morning jogs along the bay. There are all these shore birds that fly in and run back and forth. Reporter the short film took three years to complete and the win adds to a growing list of other awardwinning films. Last nights sceremony was huge for ali as a graduate of st. Marys college, a theater professor is hoping the win will help current students in their pursuit. There is nothing like success to persuade you or should i say to persuade parents . Reporter ali left a big impression on theater students here. We saw him at the commencement awhile ago i worked there and just seeing his presence and him winning an oscar last night was crazy. Reporter students and the rest of us will likely be seeing a whole lot more of ali following the calvin kline campaign pea tofeaturing the ca moonlight. Ali will be the guest on Jimmy Kimmel Live tonight at 11 35 after abc 7 news at 11 00 over on channel 7. And you can find all the best oscar moments on abc7news. Com and on our abc 7 news app. When you have a moment. President trump is preparing to make massive changes in federal spending and to obamacare. He met with executives from Health Insurance companies and with the nations governors. Marry bruce is on capitol hill. Reporter as 20 million americans wait to hear about the future of their health care, President Trump promises his plan is comg soon. We have a plan that will be fantastic. It will be released fairly soon but something special. Reporter candidate trump promised a quick fix. Youre going to have such Great Health Care at a tiny fraction of the cost and its going to be so easy. Reporter today from President Trump a reality check. Its an unbelievably complex subject. Nobody knew health care could be so complicated. Reporter republicans are facing the backlash. I could tell you three members of my family including me that would be homeless if it was not for aca. [ cheers ] reporter anger and anxiety over the move to repeal and replace obamacare pouring out at congressional town halls across the country. What comes next . A big question as Republican Leaders met behind closed doors with the president at the white house. Can you promise and assure americans covered by obamacare they will not lose their coverage and when will we see the plan . Were going to be rolling out the plan soon. This is a rescue mission. We have to step in and prevent obamacare from getting worse and collapsing and replace it with a law thats better and more durable and lowers cost. Republicans are looking at a plan to eliminate the mandate, cut federal medicaid spending, expand Health Savings accounts and provide tax credits to help buy insurance. With Health Care Still in flux, administrations other priorities coming in a budget outline sent to congress today. The president proposing mayjor 10 increase in military spending. Some 54 billion. A message to the world and these dangerous times of american strength, security and resolve. Mary bruce, abc news, washington. While the president wants to increase military spending, there is a budget cut in the works tonight. The Trump Administration is planning to cut one quarter of the Environmental Protection budget. Thats 2 billion. It would mean laying off 20 of the agencies staff. President trumps first address to congress is tomorrow night. Well bring it to you live tomorrow at 6 00 p. M. On abc 7. A growing number of democrats are bringing young undocumented immigrants to see the president s address tomorrow. A half dozen house and Senate Democrats are hosting immigrants who came to the United States as children. Former Kentucky Governor steve will deliver the response and well carry it for you. Next, hidden help. A look at the growing effort to jack most other combos come with a wimpy, kidsized burger. Jack at my place, you get the double jack combo with one jack of the biggest burgers on my menu. Double the beef, double jack the cheese, plus hot and salty fries and a refreshing drink for jack just 4. 99. Yup, i took the combo and made it a bigger jack deal. Like how ben franklin made flying kites a bigger deal. Jack or how astronauts made a sunday drive a bigger deal. Jack or how egyptians made triangles a bigger deal. Sfx backup warning beep jack so, if you want to go big, you know where to go. Jack nice ride. Jack my 4. 99 double jack combo. Jack only at jack in the box. There are thousands of undocumented ill granmmigrants bay area and churches are joining to provide sanctuary. Abc 7 News Reporter Caroline Tyler has the story. This is something thats deeply connected to our faith commitments. Reverend ben daniels says his church mount claire presbyterian supported an objective during the vietnam war, Central American ref pew gugees in the and will help immigrants threatened with deportation. That can be hiding them someplace physically or providing legal assistance. Since President Trumps election and worries about immigration raids, some sanctuaries are literally becoming sanctuaries. The University Lutheran chapel created a small apartment. In los angeles a church is building a safe house, part of an under Ground Network under an obama policy, federal agents did not enter houses of worship without approval, a fear of what may coal with President Trump has congregations coming with the enter Faith Movement which is training churches to respond quickl quickly. Its important that congregations collaboration. There are critics but reverend daniel is not worried about legal implications. We need to help people. And we need to help people even if it means breaking unjust laws. The National Sanctuary movement say there are some 800 churches involved nationwide. In the east bay, Caroline Tyler, abc 7 news. Stay here with us, meteorologist drew too uma is up its okay to cry, right . No more we dont want anymore [crying] ahhhhhhhhhh everyday price and no extra monthly fees, unlike cable. Speeds up to 45 megs, for 30 a month. Look at this picture, lightning strikes the space needle in seattle and a lightning bolt hit this afternoon. Seattle was hit with hail, snow and thunder. Elon musk says his company spacex will fly two people to the moon next year. He revealed today that two people have paid what he calls a significant deposit to go on this flight. Here is jonathan novak. Reporter the ship will be strapped to spacexs new rocket which you can see here on this fwraf if i can on the website. Its called the falcon heavy, which the company says has more than twice the power of the next biggest launch vehicle out there. On a conference call, elon musk said he couldnt name the private citizens but they put down a substantial deposit on the mission and said they will go through expensive Training Like any astronaut before they are ready to lift off on the 3 to 400,000 mile trip. A weeklong mission and goes further into space and loop back. Musk says the crew will be on the draggen 2 spacecraft that will have a couple trial runs over the next year. Most of the funding for the ship actually came from nasa, which has to give the green light on private missions like this. If nasa decides to have the first mission, of course, nasa would take priority. With the ultimate pay off the big red planet. The critical step is getting to understand what its like to have people in deep space. Thats johnson novak. Nasa said we commend partners for reaching higher and will work closely with spacex. Lets work closely with meteorologist drew tuma. Well have a nice stretch of not only sunshine but also warmer temperatures headed our way. Live doppler 7 tracking rain tonight and giving us the all clear and tonight with clear skies once again it does get chilly. 30s in many of the inland valleys, 30 santa rosa and 38 vallejo and 37 san jose. It is a chilly start in spots but as you get into the afternoon, a lot of sunshine a few clouds bubble up but 61 san jose and 58 richmond and 60 oakland and future tracker temperature shows you into thursday, especial ly, it is mid and dry. That finish the week on a warm note. Tomorrow afternoon clouds and by thursday just feels down right like spring. Lots of sunshine and bubble up saturday and some rain moving through late on sunday. Nice change. Yeah. Need a break from the rain. Certainly. Thanks very much. Youtube says viewers consume 1 billion hours of videos every single day. The wall street journal says the company could surpass the number of hours spend watching tv. Its also far more than its online competitors like facebook and netflix but television is the number one place to watch video. Americans watch 1. 25 million hours of live and recorded television every day. And we always hope some of it is abc 7 news so were grateful to you. It will stay that way. What do what are they watching on youtube the whole day . Its fun. T. You probably animals . Giraffe watch. Good waiting. Good news of my time. [ laughter ] like you got a lot of yeah, right. I got steph curry going on thats better than a giraffe. To m it is. But he had one of the worst shooting nights of his career. Maybe i should have watched the giraffe. The giraffe made as many shots from three as steph did. He didnt make avo this holiday. Get the president ial treatment. With a special tradein offer. February sixteenth through the twentyeighth. And let enterprise car sales. Flip your thinking about buying your next vehicle. Im going to start now. [ laughter ] steve kerr has been connected to the nba in one form or another for 30 years. He says the trip the warriors are on now is the most insane thing hes seen in the league. Five east coast games have to play across country to come home for one game and go back to minnesota and san antonio. Tonight in philly and kevin heart is ringing the bell. Warriors could not ring the bell from three. Steph curry with an air ball there. 0 for 11 from deep. Warriors 1 of 16 on threes in the first half and led by three in the third, Draymond Green to kevin durant and the warriors are up ten. Zaza 16 points and a sweep past. Tremendous finish but the shot of the night belongs to durant here getting shoved out of bounds on the baseline flips it up over the backboard and hits. K. D. With 27 points. I gus hess his hand is okay. Kevin heart wishing he could do that. Dre monday to clay. Klay thompson. Warriors hit 6 of 29 threes. That was one of them and steph with a lefty to dre monday with a nice game. Pedestrian 119108 victory. They are now 509 tomorrow in washington. Two nights after scoring a career high 31, seth was 5 of 7 from downtown. Scored 29 points, helping dallas beat miami 9689. Seth started the past month and a half. You can see his confidence growing and its a family thing. Two games out of the eighth seed in the west taking on harrison barns, that would be an interesting matchup for the warriors and so might this. Were one step closer to seeing boguts return as the enemy. Bogut agreed to terms of a buyout with philly. Hes a free agent. The cavaliers want him, the rockets want him, the celtics want him. Its believed bogs wants to go to cleveland so the worryiers might see him in the finals. Jose calder is bought out of the deal. Hes 35 years old and would be the third string point guard. Personally i thought that was a mistake because weber was a defender but the dubs trust cale his experience more. Sunny gray was supposed to start today against the giants in preparation for the world baseball classic but team usas insurance carrier denied gray because he only pitched one inning after coming off the disabled list. He will not make his first spring start until wednesday. Weather in the desert worse than weve had here with the rain and here is proof. Because its raining there. In arizona. How do i put a poncho on . Im in arizona. I dont know. Im used it to being 100. Jeff samardzijas first start. Went one inning and gave up a homer to matt joyce. Hes gone deep twice on in two games. Hes never hit 20 homers in a single season. Kendall graveman replaced gray on the hill for the as. Denard span, look outcoming back at you and snared by marcus. The as reliever zach neal but the first win of the spring 54. The slugger joyce would like to bottle his nice quick start. Man, i wish it was regular season. I wish we started the regular season that way. I felt like i was working last season and trying to come in as ready and prepared as possible and i feel great right now. Yeah, man, no complaints. Felt better than usually for the first run of the year. Been doing great work the offseason and were in shape, so yeah, cross off the boxes. All right. Abc 7 sports brought to you by toyota. Thanks. Almost. Thanks. Coming up tonight an a brks krrc 7 news at 11 00 a plane falls from the sky into a Southern California neighborhood. A family was on board. Well show you the just released Surveillance Video showing the crash. Plus, the real life crisis chronicled in the abc mini series when we rise and the three mavericks front and center in the fightment those stories and a lot more coming up on abc 7 news at 11 00 on channel 7. That is our report from drew tuma, ama daetz and all of us. Appreciate your time. Have a great rest of the evening and well see you giraffes. For drew. Is this from youtube . This is ybe video that our director kirt called up. Kirt is amazing. Instantaneously. Would you rather watch this than steph curry . Depends how he plays. If hes 0 for 11, give me a giraffe. Announcer this program contains material that may be disturbing to some audience members. Viewer discretion is advised. Coming up, a young ph. D. Student vanishes while conducting research in her Yale University campus laboratory. Cavalluzzi they know she is somewhere in that lab. Announcer after an exhaustive search, the bridetobes

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